« The Cardone Zone

GET STARTED WITH 10X | Cardone Zone Ep. 187

2023-10-03 | 🔗

In today's explosive episode of the Cardone Zone, Grant Cardone takes his audience back to the fundamentals of the 10X principle and shares personal anecdotes to illustrate how it has transformed his life.

Get ready for an unfiltered and eye-opening experience as we venture into the Cardone Zone. Don't forget to connect with us on all our social media platforms @grantcardone and visit grantcardoneTV.com for more mind-bending content.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Today's show is brought to you by g c t v, dot com go there now and hit the subscribe, but don't miss a thing. It's real it's wrong, and it's right. Now. The welcome to the cartoon zone, my newest podcast, where every week I'll bring to you a new celebrity artist, at least some of the top people in their fields, ceos from around the world running the world to give you their insights, their knowledge and their breakthroughs. Look. These people came from nothing just like ideas, so get ready with uncle gee you're in for the ride of your life or we're going to tenax everything. You thinks the way you work the way you act in the way you roll every single day make sure you subscribe and comment, love to see what you're talking about and get ready for. Today's show getting started with ten x. So where do you even It started with all this text x, stuff. What The challenges are you gonna run into? How do you make ten x?
true persistent discipline in your life. When do you start all? Remember, there's only two times it exists for successful people You want to focus to some degree on now, but keep most of your attention on the future. The future. You want to create you and all your attention on now or in the future, most of it on the future, but I gotta take action now you should We cannot start yesterday. You can't you didn't start yesterday, so you can start. And if you wait until the more you won't be successful, because you it's violator, an important tenet of the successful act now and then keep thing with the knowledge that enough actions taken now will create a future, a good future ones. as for people become lazy, they had time to their decisions. At that point there probably this successful are probably more concerned with protecting what they have done creating new levels of success and conservation
end success or what to do with it once you get. It is not what this books about this books about, creating ten ex levels of success. I wrote this book at fifty two years of age and, if currently credit enough success for myself only too an appetite for more of it. I truly believe that I have yet to entirely fulfil my capabilities or my abilities one more success for the game of it or even for the money mostly, What more success, because I really do considered to be an ethical obligation to you, as my true full potential whatever or who drives. You look, go, get it now and quit being reasonable with yourself I'm undertaking a major, personal and professional expansion is our right. This programme, all I'll expanding my family. At the same time, expanding my business, an expanding my philanthropic, hours every one of my organization and most of my clients will tell you even people. They don't do,
we may not even like me, will tell you one thing, when cardon goes, he goes now and he goes with an honored double belief and is willing to do whatever is necessary to his targets, I'm not an organised or I'll. Tell you right now, I'm not a guy a planner at all We're tell anybody, emigrate, manager, airy and I know for myself to taking action now right now. What adding tamar meetings or over analyzing is bad. Both an asset for me, and just understand. I know that is also a deficiency. People who know me would probably also tell you that, when I embark on a project, whether it's writing a new book creating a seminar programme developing a new product starting a new workout program, buying a piece of real estate, working on my marriage spending time with my daughter. I go out at all the way to completely all in obsessed.
Fully committed like a hungry dog on the back of a meat truck hadn't eaten in a week. I know myself fairly well and I spock, you know who you are when I get involved some did army and completely unreasonable with all the actions I'd take just full force until I get the results I want. I know a lot of people to go a step full force and stop they stopped just prior to getting what they want men. You want to get this thing cranked action to annex actions now and then pursue them with follow up and to you yet what you want. I don't make excuses for myself, nor do I let other people make excuses for myself and I dont pat myself on the back for my efforts. So when you start you, no one now means now means now not a minute from not thirty seconds for mammies now start with first things make your initial list, the gulls. I'm telling you how to start this thing right now.
make an initial list, the gulls than a list of actions that will start to propel you in the direction of those goals, then without over thinking. It figuring adding do not just want you start taking actions you get it I want to become a millionaire. Ok, three things that I can do that Very start moving me in that direction. Today, great you write those three. I could call Warren Buffett today who gave good you know what pick up the phone you're not going to go down to call you knock and organise you're not going to get you. a timer out as all bs man. That's all stuff is making you one acts, not ten ex take action. As the only way you gonna take your car because you called not cause you planned without over thinkin start taking actions here's a few things to keep a manager start doing this again, because its freakin you're in fear land now jack, ok, number one do. Reduce your goals as you write them, so You'll go is I'm a writer write, a blockbuster hit movie? Okay,
one all of a sudden say you know what I'm a change that to I'm going to do an independent movie on a low budget, I'm going to do seventy five thousand dollar movie and it The first thing they came to your head is ongoing, blockbuster big, massive right. It don't reduce your goal, number one number two do not get lost in details of how to them at this point does age or mistake would go setting people go to write a goal and then they get lost in details game don't get lost in details I had accomplish. I want two thousand apartments. Do nah try to figure out how to do it right now, because you gonna get derailed in details. Number three while, like that derailed and details, three ask yourself what actions cannot take right now today to move toward my goals. I want this girl. What action cannot take right now to go? Get this girl now
or take whatever action that come up on your list. Regardless of your feelings, your discomfort. Take the action. Number five do not prematurely value the outcome of your actions, you see what I'm doing. I don't want to You must surely value what the outcome. Yes, and when you say, and he won't take your collar, she won't take the call or I came back the partners, because I don't have any money, your prematurely, valuing the outcome and other sex go back each day and review the list salami gimme, the list again. Ok, here's what you're gonna do do not number one do not There's your goals. Is you write them right? The gold down to do not get in the details of how to accomplish them at this point? Number three. to show what actions cannot take right this second right now to move towards the goal for take ever actions. You come up with just take the action start having feelings: ok, you're, not a psychiatrist, psychoanalyst counselor, ok,
feelings, are overrated baby of a key people from doing stuff number fat? Do not prematurely value the outcome of your actions, so don't trying to think about what's gonna happen, another six go back each day and review the list. Now you get star on this path, a tin x you going to fill well overwhelm right, you mighty. There is a tendency to start talking yourself out of getting started, and then you you used. taking any actions. In fact, you never started taking actions, don't be tempted to wait You know it doesn't work to delay right. You know it doesn't work for you. Think of yourself, like being ex cop are stuck in the mud. You now eat enough traction rounded move just an inch. You'd only move it all the way up. You just need to get enough. Traction right now. Ok, maybe I throw aboard under there, but the whole time and you still needed to be present accelerator. Then you get out its attraction is. The action is the acceleration and get you out of the mud, the stuckness, nothing else. No thinking can get that car out of the mud it. Maybe
Are you get dirty, probably will require you get dirty, ok, but it sir. better than me in stock? Right now is our first You want to be aware of friends and family particular when you start doing this to next trip to Would you be aware of your surroundings, your friends, your family, those people who offer supposed advice because they love and care about you. Many suggestions? They don't want you to be unrealistic and then disappointed. I am disappointed now stuck began, need more advice. Like tat, the vote, Abby Larry, a man set of average people, even though you love is Always the same, be careful play it safe, dont, be impractical. Successes in everything be satisfied with what you have life is to be lived money. Or make you happy dont want so much take easy man. You don't have experience you.
can't do that yet you're too young or too old on and on and on this is the opinions. This is the input. This is the help the advice your friends and family are given. Yet I'm not telling you get your friends and family completely, but I'm tellin, you man, dump their advice. You don't need it. You need ten annex go crazy, massive action, big goal setting yeah. That's what you need to be surrounded with right now When you hear what average people say and think thank them for their advice. Oh thank you so much apple shit that and then remind them that what you want from them is their support in you going forward and let them know that you'd commit to your dreams and goals and be disappointed. The never commit and be disappointed, let your friends and family? No look I'm on this quest right now. Guy any advice Give me right now any import, any love. Any support needs to be rock and roll go for it did ok, no more ants and danes total the car. That's what you want to hear
from your mom, your dad, your brother, your cousin, otherwise keep it to yourself. Let me give you a real life example of using Tenax that took place for me. As I was writing this. Okay, am I going to tell you I'm on a ten x quest right now, you'll see as you listen to this falling scenario. How was able to employ many, the habits and traits of the successful to actually reach the goals I had set for myself and then even go yeah. What I initially imagined, but you gotta Where are these things? First, you want to take action when now start writing. Your goals start taking the action and you need to get the people around you to support you, okay or just tell 'em, knock it off now tell you this story here. Sometimes before. I wrote my last book if you're not first you're. Ok, that was the third of four books under twenty two months and gay, so I wrote this book, Do not first, your last, and I realise that, although I had habitually been taking ass of action in my life. I had yet to really think in ten ex magnitudes. Okay,
I was right in his book I became aware. I have been thinking big enough. So I decided to test out this ten ex concept. Is I wrote this new book? The text as I reset my targets to match x. Thinking again again, I'm fifty two years old at the time. I start sending my targets at ten ex thinking. I realise the one of my goals has become the name synonymous with sails training. That's one of our businesses as sales train for years ago. Some like did Ivan skills, training, I've made lots of money and filtering I've been very successful sales train that one another I wanna be synonymous with sails training. I want you to look at the dictionary and see my face? Ok, that's ten ex! That's author! rails tunics, I want to become the person that people think of earth when they consider sales training all around the world sales innovation, sale strategy. Any thing to do is selling. I wanted to equal, my name that was by new target. This is it
concept of domination that I had a man is a road if you're, not first, your lass had this new considerably giant gold in place and no clue how to accomplish it. Zero, you get it! That's what I'm telling you. I don't know, Mamma. Do that. I know, however, that had I stopped in try to figure out of that point how I was gonna do it before I can. men to making it my goal. I never gotten started ah, but would have decided a there was impossible and then I go to my office staff and say I want everybody on planet earth six point eight billion people when they think sales. training? I want to think mayor invited going to my sister or my brother. They ve been. I knew what you talking you crazy man. We are already doing well seed, serum saint, I'm trying to give you an example of. What's can happen for you once I clarified right, says target for me, the tin ex target and avoid. overwhelming myself were technicalities and how minutiae? How am I gonna? Do it I then allow myself the target in the room to deter.
And what actions would be most consistent with this as of target. It seemed ass, though a big enough go would automatically move me in the right direction and it will a little trick. I It was to ask myself quality questions like what do I have to do to become de name people think of when it comes to the topic, a sales and then start writing the answers down. You need to get six point six billion people to know you bet you need to get it we shall see you need a radio show every day you need to get your books in every story day it's a box in every story, every library in a whirl guy. He again on me. For talk, shows a new shows. Ok, f, make that last book funeral First, last, under your york, best seller g make a major She's in social media have people around the world become acquainted with my name, see what I'm doing. What's my target again. I didn't know how to doing this. That point now.
did. I want to figure out during these steps, how to do it. I know I would only become derailed by the how two's in the cannot in the impossible and oh my gosh, the mechanics. You don't want to focus on that. You just want to focus on what you can do, as I consider goal of becoming synonymous with selling. I knew setting a target big enough number one big enough to keep me interested I immediately became inspired man I was like jack super jack and alive. Well that I had not been for years in my career. I was inspired to do anything consistent with the answers that we develop to our quality. questions now. Every single action my company I take is, giving my name out there with things like the tv show, the bookstores, the libraries you get it didn't have any connections to tv, I'd written to published books, I don't even have a publishing company man cell, published books, don't make new york times best sellers,
They don't even make it into bookstores. So how am I going to do this and no clue, but My goal is at this time hadn't done tv. I hadn't done news. I haven't any mediator views, I don't even have a facebook page or twitter page. So how and it gets socially connected to the whole world when I know how these things, but all these goals that I have listed. I firmly believed that that they would get me where I want to get a guy. I firmly leave the getting a tv show, what have the biggest bang of all of them but I know I want em all okay, so but then all the actions I took were somehow connected and all we're going to be very vital to me becoming synonymous with sails. Trang saw what I'm telling you years a story about how I use this tunics amelia, my wife and informed look. I got these seventy things that I gotta get a handle: okay and they're, big, their giant, wonder these things I want. Is a tv show romany demonstrate to the world that I can enter any company in
we're in a whirl and sell any product they have in any economy and I'm an increase for company sales? I want this tv show right. I knew that this would help me boy. My potential obscurity among sales organisations worldwide getting a tv show permitted I'd, be out there everywhere right without reservation. She responded to me. This is a true partner this. Body on the same page, with an equal. She looked at me. She says that would make an incredible tv show you be great added. Let's do it. can, I hope I was extremely excited, but I did everything I could not to share my new idea with anyone who might tell me it was impossible. I don't want to hear that are real, this was big and it was exciting enough challenge to get all our resources behind it. Also new wooden table it's over night now my first move was informed my team and emphasise the any project they moved us in the direction of grants and arms sales training get it done. I may clear that I didn't want to hear. I can't we can
it's too hard. It can't be done. We started making ten ex moves by making calls to anyone. We knew who could put me in touch with someone, bob and media television and books, ok This was somewhat of a painful step. People who work in a book and television trees have seen more than their share of failures and have therefore come to view all projects like this fairly pessimistically they didn't hesitate to. Let me know by the way, multiple times by the way, how long, something like this would take and how almost impossible it might be. An otherwise they would say, hey. Don't such speculation to our thanks for the advice pal, I was hammered by the average kind of thinking ingrained in these people, the very kind it keeps them from accomplishing what they. What our appeal we receive comments like three hundred shows or pitch for every single show that ever gets picked up the networks, then, in money, a sale show is not a topic that the average american wants to watch.
There's over seven hundred and fifty thousand books written every year grant grants and have a well no name getting a tv show is gonna, be almost impossible. I heard over and over all this ok now This might be about the time when many people consider giving up. I didn't, and you can't give up at this point we, Lastly, you just hearing from the masses realise that everyone who is trying to get their break is going through the same thing. So I had to Can we disregard the naysayers and refocused my goals? I would look again at what I had to do to accomplish. So I just go back to my goals. What I'm gonna do too. I'm synonymous being bang bang. Bang. Okay, now will reinvigorate me. So, regardless of whether I was scared uncomfortable, it was impossible. Remember, successful people embrace fear and discomfort. I dont know if it was because of what we were doing or because we kept our focus on what we wanted, but I think it has to be a company. Jeanne above first thing idea was when I heard a pr firm and even was a complete disappointment. I didn't give up because-
knew it was important to have a pr firm when the second pillar, A firm, didn't work that I heard a hard a third when we were take a lot of projects. You know at the same time they all took time. They all took energy, they all took money. They took creativity, the economy was suckin, bad, ok was terrifying and whether it is going to work or not was definitely a question, and it's gonna be probably in question for you, additionally, I was doing this at a time when the economy was, I mean it was horrendous. Everyone it's contracting, my company and the economy at large was experiencing the greatest economic reduction that I'd seen in my lifetime, and people were reporting that this was the worst recession in one hundred years. My clients were reducing employees by up to forty per cent. My best competitor cut his staff A fifty percent and countless others were shunning their doors. Entire companies were collapsing. Even in our industries were at risk some shutting down every one
scared, but I kept one important point in mind that the most successful people expand while others contract They take risk, while others conserve sir red and cut my staff are cut our expansion, what I did was I eliminated my own salary. I took that salary and diverted it back into these projects so that continue to use it to fund these ten, ex goals, even as I was challenged like never before in every front imaginable, added everything I could just to keep the target in focus and it wasn't easy and there was no guaranteed outcome just like there won't be for you, but I did everything Could there my myself that we could make it happen? but dad trying not try the more committed became. The more challenges are faced almost felt as though the universe was trying to see a strong. I wasn't how committed I was and whether I get stick through it really
developing now that I look back was my discipline. My pr farms would get me one measly interview in three months and ninety days, and they thought that was a boy. deal the banks were asking for more money down to my real estate. My income had been cut off by me, of course, but is still hurt again. The only thing I had gone for me at that time was my marriage, man and my new baby. There was coming into the world and my fears believe my fears, ten ex believe in my capacity, my persistence and my work ethic I was, love with this text skull This too next thing wasn't just good for me. Look. It was what the whirl needed to know in order to actually start succeeding again to me, it was just an issue, a personal success. It was just a man of my life. What's the purpose of my life, entire world was suffering economically. I felt that my goal was substantial enough to move the are in such a big way, not just for me, but for the world. I felt that the risk of expansion,
it's worth more than the money that I was saving or protecting, are the energy that I was expanding at the time. You're goal has to be more valuable than the risk your taking are used the term the wrong target in this, a man I was all in. I continue with my commitment dealt with my fear became a fanatic about it and continue to increase actions in other areas, I didn't control the pr the television, it works out of control for sure, don't control the publishing companies, so I to work on the things I could control everywhere. You get my message out idea and I finally started getting results, and this happened very quickly. We started because to do radio shows and even tv interviews. One morning I gotta often cnn radio, to do an interview on a topic of fanny may bustin. They said. Can you cover this out?
Absolutely I agreed commit first figured out later right. The next morning I was asked to do a show at three thirty in the morning for a studio in an interview on foreclosure problem. Can you do it? No problem? I'm your boy! Okay, three! Thirty! In the morning my popping up, studying everything I can on foreclosure, and then I show up at the studio to deliver. I remember They are from the pr people asking hey. Can you talk about braun james though abroad, contract and handled bag, basketball. What's my answer on their man? Yes, absolutely and headed off the embassy studios without delay, to me before I arrive there, I receive a phone call. german formed hey by the way the topics not lebron james anymore, you're gonna be talking about the relationship between Levi Johnson and Sarah Palin. Look, I don't know anything about leiva johnson, ok, barely new the guy was, but I still showed up for the interview. The topic did manage
I just one of these media sources to know they could count on me. They could depend on me that I'll show up and baby. I will deliver, I remind ourselves that my goal: ok, when their thinking We do, though, Sir cerebellum thing I remain self, that the goal not to do an interview. Cnbc are to talk about leiva, but to get the world's attention so that the people there I got tension from would start to think of me when it came to sales training. Siena then that none of the coverage that was getting the foreclosures the fact He may that leave us, Johnson now then we're making money. For me, none of them were the align with sails training, but it was get me exposure. It was making me known so then we started pushing our social media because I can control social media to some degree. I can create a facebook. Twitter are linked in ok when we start national social media in a huge way. We push so hard tat. I had customers, friends.
and employs even my employs complain that I was in and out too much They came to me. Grandma, we're getting complaints were getting answers. Perhaps people are saying we're sending out too much. What did I do? then sending out less. I increase the amount of e mails, the posts until the complaint. Turned into admiration. Remember the formula attention criticism, maybe even some hate, some hate, poor until you get admiration. I went from being disappointed with my pr to being overbooked That was just one way because of our social media. That was one way of taking me such action and creating new problems I kept making efforts, What's the tv show as well, I tried to meet with the ethical agents. Managers, big agencies, little agencies, anybody really, but even they would meet with
ok, I talked to friends in hollywood who had already had shows on tv who had been unsuccessful, pitching in the last two or three years their own tv show. Yet, even as as venturing into this new space. I continued to add would to all the other things that I had gone on. So I want you to be careful when you take on a new project: don't drop the other once the speaking engagements, the club because the emails or social media writing articles, my regular for business activities, I continued to work on and every time I get disappointed or experience a setback. I would go back and write down my gun was I go back into one of the goals again was the target was the actions I need to take. This forced me to remain focus on the destination. Instead of the difficulties always kept demanded, the successful keep their on their targets, regardless of the challenges than one. Out of the blue. I get a phone call, ok from a casting agent with a group in new york who inform me how we ran across one.
videos on youtube. I posted two hundred nanny videos on youtube. At this time we got a hold of one of your videos on youtube, we're looking for a person to do it. if we show- and we thank you- be perfect for We ve been looking for someone like you, but I haven't been able to find the right person. What was my response? I am the right person. And the person who can do this. What took you so long to call me a and in gas starts laugh and on the other animals like seriously now what took you so long enough, not the name of the guy in charge of the project. I want to talk to him. So what did I do? I called the guy that was ahead of the project. I didn't wait for them to call me to follow up me. The guy said we're interested you're, the guy we're lookin for The phone call goin glenn up in new york, Glenn grant car hey understand you got. ranch to me during a tv show with you, I'm perfect for the deal and the only guy that can do the deal. Okay and hey I'm going to be in new york next weekend
he's like what I said, I'm coming to new york, thirsty. Ok, why you are now trying to establish a commitment to the project. By the way I didn't have a triplane in new york. I didn't tell him why would it tell in a glint I'm coming to new york anyway? Okay, so I did have a mamma and what did I want your tv show. I know a tv shows important. That was my goal right. So would you stop what you're doing right this. Second, to make your goals a reality. Absolutely Santo, Glenn told Glen dude, I'm coming new york. This we can anyway, the producer I mean he'd love to meet with me. He actually took that as a sign. You know one of this, sir and deputies things. Oh my god, you come in anyway. This is meant to be. I committed, I said, look I'll be there thursday. I told him I'd be there. At the end of the week, I got off the phone and hung up. I called my assistant, a where am I at thursday said What did I do your? I immediately showed the producer, my willingness and hunger to make things go right and then I was the commit without having all the information. She that's what I'm doing. I don't even know november.
elbow. You remember. Successful people commit first figure the rest out later. Some people I claim that it was entirely impetuous for me to jump a chance and claim that I'd be in new york anyway, some people are going to say menu laden that guy you eat and have plans on being in new york? No, no. I got plans in my mind that you don't know about just because it's none of my coward means nothing to me. Okay, I'm ready to go to new york and because I'm coming, it completely to my success as a duty addison, The new york trip was on my calendar. As I talked to go in, I don't need it. personal assistant. Tell me: what's on my calendar, am I I'm gonna, be there thirsty, see a commit, give yourself every advantage and give the person The other in every opportunity to move forward with you see what I'm doing donated time. Don't aunt has patient, don't add doubt and be hungry Get everyone in your life reading from that same playbook, don't wait until
Something good happens in and then add time by checking with everybody else's calendar. Do this is average thinking this? What average people do this slows your momentum down be constantly per day If we successfully grabbed the opportunity, you can wrap your hands around and gravel freakin life out of it. So I get off the phone with a producer. I call gin my personal. Distance agenda? I gotta be in new york. Thirsty she informed me, look you're! got another commend. Your got got new that that eugenics committed to okay and there is no way you can get out of it. You cannot reschedule thirsty new problem- baby, yes, send daddy, weighty, a gay I'm moving in the right direction. Problems not little a boring ass problems, so I merely pick up the phone, the do it now strategy and don't sit. Figure figure. What am I gonna do? What am I gonna tell Glenn? I pick up the phone. I used the problem.
to actually allow me more communication with the new opportunity you get it. Customer acquisition, not customer satisfaction? So I pick up the phone call. Glenn tell began to Europe I can't make it thirty. Did I well I committing to eugene already had some o. My counter united tells me man, that's perfect man, because we don't have all the people in your anyway that I want you to meet my man. That's greater worked out for both of us see. Ten x is miracle maker, interesting, the new ten that meaningful and worked out turned out to be better than when I committed to the following week, I flew out york alma down by the way commit no clue what I was doing so what I get there. I found out the company owners, tied up in another meeting, because I asked for that beforehand and said: hey am I going to meet the owner? Oh yeah, yeah yeah. Then I find out when I get out there that he's in another meeting I told
let us do come all brow? I stood in the land at the airport and through security. Longer than I'm asking me what this guy. You got away in there and tell him to meet with me, I persuaded and to ask the owner to give me the ten minutes of facetime be unreasonable. I don't need to be nicer. I need to get in front of the guy face time. I pleaded with the gatekeepers guys come on. The guy owes me hand come on. Let me at least explain my vision join donor. Luckily, made time for me and when, in five minutes I could delhi was thrilled, but the concept he spent an hour with me not five minutes by the way said to me. Look anybody that believes in this project. The way you do any by the has the belief in the clarity that you have about this project I'll get banya. The group then decided star pitching my tv to the networks. Not long after that I receive another phone call: does unbelievable
I receive another phone call from another group connected back and allay well, if that is connected with a tv producer, mart barnett They asked me to be a guest on the joan rivers show. How did you get so rich, which is ridiculous? To me, I mean almost ridiculous, because I don't consider myself rich but of course, what do I say? No, let me see, do I want to be on Jones show dude commit commit. I need the attention you need. The attention so I commit to being on the show. Just before the joan rivers, people came out to shoot the episode that the group in new york static. to interview meet for the material we're gonna use with the networks for the it's on the show in new york, when it was over, I come new bodies in new york and give them the feedback? Did the interview we just did there's no way, faddle sell the show there like what the universe, never done tv? There is no way that interview will sell this show the studio heads will either need to meet me.
so I can sell it myself are. We need to go shoot a peace one actually in a company in showing them on camera? How can increase sales and we capture that I received monster they normally don't do this course. till they get some level of interest from the network. Of course, however, I went on to explain The interview was to solve the want. The new york sent to do with me in my home was to saw they were committed to this. We re We need to create a short piece, a teaser, a video real. There will show them networks. Did this is a show that everyone in america wanna watch demonstrating exactly what people much do right now to great success in any business in any city, during any account let me selling any products now to keep fuelling the fire. I continue to sin both groups, new information. I got a guy in new york. I got people in l, a I'm work in both groups now cause now. I've met the mark. Burnett people with the joan rivers show I happen to be
vegas. At that time doing a convention taken care of my core business right still doing the things work, the proven tried things or six well- and I noticed the camera crew shooting this piece. I walked up to him and Gaza. Look I'm trying to get a tv show right now, I'm pitching a group in new york and another an ally, and I want to see my associates three minute peace. Would you shoot an ad lib peace for me? Give me that p. I'm convincing in that. Actually do some work for me right for me right, I ask no record an impromptu video where many get the attention of this convention space, I told them that if it where they would know that they helped make money if ye shall reality. They look at me, I said a less help. The guy get a tv show again recorded a three minutes video. There are labelled, you can handle the truth and you can find it on youtube. It's crazy videos in your face,
It's a the crew was kind enough to cut me a copy. We send the both groups and both groups loved it. What am I doing here manning would do the farm not waiting for them to stay, excited or get excited or take action am adding the wood this kept them. Thinking about me constantly, ok in furthering my cause, keeping the fire burning It's video even cause the group in new york to broaden those networks. They were planning to pitch to they loved it. The guys like hey man, I love this is going to open me up to a couple of other networks. Now my commitment to move the ball forward was starting to stoke their commitment susie Adam is well, I was adding, would to my own far and certainly moving beyond the socially agreed upon norms of the tv world for sure. Just so you know, also, for the most part, had no idea what I was doing most the time. The courage is they did through actions the The thing I knew was that I was take. Inaction there would accomplish a bigger goal. I was scared. I was about money. I was
but the money I was investing. I feared rejection just like most people along the way I knew I was going to be turned down, but I knew that I was creating an entirely new set of problems which, of course, Was the signal that I was making the right moves? The next major event occurred When John rivers came out to my house, we shall now episode with her. Of course, I share with joan my ideas about a show and she gave me the name of a couple of guys who were producing showed that I was on and said you definitely need to talk to these people. I employed the method of reaching up, not sideways and not down, okay, so joan rivers is above I reach up John. Can you help me? Who can you connect me with? Can you pitch me with these people right? Many people will be like. I don't want to ask joan rivers. Favor. Why not interview? If you don't do it now, you're not going to get a chance to do it later? Okay, is it uncomfortable? Absolutely? Could I be rejected for sure didn't happen? She was happy to help me, so I employ
method are reaching up. I called the guys in a way I request a meeting. number. I gotta group in new york already interested my project. Why am I doing this? Adding? Would I want to pitch pitches idea a tv show, just in case the guy, The new york maybe lose interest in our project. Remember never quit adding would record taking action regardless without people are doing when you give one the lottery ticket. Ok, bassa, more tickets! The group nl I like the idea. They love the idea. They got excited about daddy, it also didn't hurt that the producers of this show had already seen what I did for the Joan river show by this time. I'd gone. from one single idea with minimal support to having not one but two companies, sharing the possibility of a show, even both companies or interested Besides thing excited in getting his side now, You gotta know I was incomplete self doubt when I went to this paramount studios to meet with this group in l, a just so you know what really goes on for people like me and you when there
moving into their range of success. Ok, I'm driving two paramount studios in early on. They over there. I call my wife, unlike do not enough, are to go over, I'm in total self. Doubt again,. I just I'm telling you that to tell you that, be a common response, I'm thinking of us of these as we just see make as they feel obligated? Why am I go in there? There's? No, where they want to do this, so don't think for a moment that you can be confidence. Every step of the way. That's why I'm telling you that I literally almost cancelled this trip to paramount on my way over thinking. It was a waste of time when since a duty kicked in when some of those thirty, two characterises of successful people. Kick didn't show up, do don't worry about it, don't talk yourself out of it. Just keep moving forward you. I was scared. I really dont, know what I was gonna talk about, didn't know what I was going to do, but I did it anyway, commitment discipline and to remember that emotions or overrated and booking as job is to keep me down again. Pay attention,
Does the successful strategies keep him in front of you that I've illustrated because they got you and decisions in your actions, now a meet with the guy's, a pyramid, upon meeting the members of the group, I was shocked to find out the dead already spent time coming, but their own version of a show with me all my fears about there inventors, like most fears, were completely unfounded when both of these groups reach me, they both committed it's interesting both of these groups. That research me both commented dude. It's like your everywhere omni press dense, although I clearly wanted to shout from the rooftops at this point, I knew I couldn't too excited or stop to celebrate or pat myself on the back, but I had to keep pushing suffer more actions and more responsibility in order to keep moving things forward, read them for one of the two companies to offer me a deal. I started calling retail companies to see. Back in line up organizations, there would be interested in being on the show, I'm basically taken on there
the producer. The show and setting up companies that are sant I'd, be interested in being on your show, by the way, to show that I will have you at all. This would normally be completely somebody else's job number one there's no deal or company to do this yet number. Two eight waiting number three I want to move things forward to a point where no one can walk away. Lastly, I'm not leaving this up anybody else without being too aggressive, acting social the unacceptable ways breaking the agreed upon rules. You bet I was body. Could this offence somewhat absolutely hope it does at least get their attend look if either these groups say no to me, none of What I am doing will matter anyway right if they both bail out where they are think about that ten years later, no way.
It was interesting to me that when we called the companies to let them know about our show, not only were people interested in being on the show. They also started asking more questions about me about how they can help me. about who I was and what I was doing. When we landed multiple new accounts by just making calls about the show action then inform the new york. that I've been lining up. Organizations that want to be involved in this show the producers it did. Low down, to which I replied I can tell you I will, but I won't I'll. Tell you I will Glen, but it ain't gonna happen. Bro, it's just not Emmy he's like yours exactly why we need to shoot a show man, you're amazing. What did come out of this cause The group in new york now agreed to shoot at. for peace, on the show with that weird, I need to go shoot a harley dealership that would make for great visual and fantastic story. Okay, after a dozen phone calls, we found a company willing to do this. But I still didn't have a commitment from new york, yet once
I them that had a deal ready place to go. Look they couldn't say no to me. They agreed to send accrue to shoot me for two days understand when you keep pushing forward. Something will result illegal, end up further down the street right, a family, I have no experience, shooting a show, a wind of four lauderdale. Now no experience shooting a tv show. No script, no notes! No preparation, no, I what I'm actually going to do, but was on my way to shoot two days in a large is hardly store in the world, with a camera, crew commit first figure the rest. I later I'm working with a group of people have never worked with. Frankly, I was scared to death, so don't think That's a problem again. The only thing I knew for sure was: I was going to go into this company and I could increase or sales I knew I could do that. I kept one thing in my fear is an indicator that you're moving in the right direction: grant so to put myself at ease. focused my attention on the future and remind myself on my goals on the way over to four.
They'll, I remind myself repeatedly there. handle my fears, and I was going to have to do something like this sooner or later in my life. Otherwise people would never come to know me. They never know about my abilities and I would never be able to fulfil what I believe is my destiny and obligation. member you're. Only real problem is obscurity. Remember that its you're only I want people, don't know you're, so I'd keep giving myself pep talks. Grant obscurity jolly I'm just show up be all in trust. They creativity follows commitment and pitchy mom book to myself. Look at the number of successful traits it. I'm employing as I do. This can do. Attitude bleed that I'll be successful, show up commit first figure. the rest out later. Do it now not later go win. Go in all the way, you know be courageous. Do what you fear stay focus Don't your target be willing to be uncomfortable, even if I failed, to my mind, set in my actions when the right place. Now I may regret map
form its once. I show up at least I won't regret, not taken a shot, so start. Shooting a teaser three hours entered the producer, says: grant look, man scrape what you're doing, but we need something really really shows what you do beyond words beyond explanations. We need to see what you teach actually happens on cam. Not an explanation? I need to see you jump off the cliff now, the camera man said turn it on and follow me took over. This hardly show room floor by going from customer to customer engaging each of them. I had clients getting on. Bikes. I was moving them around taking photos with them taxing photos to their spouses at home, with message like I'm, going to sell your husband, a motorcycle right now it was fun. It was easy. It was powerful. It was fast, I was interacting with customers handling objections, handling their resistance handling there.
Albums selling motorcycles are gay and recording all of it on camera. At the same time, at the end of the first day, the producer looked at me and said. Can you do this with any company anywhere Do you know my answer by now, but just in case, though I can do this in any company anyway, air endless times in Anyone selling anything had increase or sales in the eu the economy, I don't care what the product is or how bad there people are. He said, after what I saw today. I believe you and the truth is, I believed in you before I even saw this, but now america has to see this tv show. I asked him for one favor. Once you get an agreement to meet with a network,
with this teaser allow me to pitch it with you. I knew I could sell the show better than anyone else. I knew I was in the best position to sell it, because my commitment to my mission is deeper than anybody else. It's not about talent at this point or intelligence. It's about commitment to my mission. He agreed grant. When I get a shot to pitch it I'll call you you fly in and you can pitcher with me. They went back to new york and started at the in the piece he called me the following week and told me I he was, but that the summer season was going to delay the project. He explained to me probably another four weeks before we could pitch the real, but he assured me that everyone will love it. I hadn't heard from him for about three weeks so I started calling him. I knew I wouldn't get anywhere with this project without persistence when we spoke, he confirmed that you know the group, you'll all them we're still all your mandate has been four weeks ban. I reminded him of his commitment to me to invite me in the pitch,
when he finally got a meaning set up. He call me back a week later, six forty five in the morning told me the following grant. I was at the grocery store when my daughter, my mom. Ritual, he's a grand. I got bad news. The network's don't want you to come pitches show they just want to start shoot. it right away. The first thing I thought was the guy who had told me forever: each show that gets picked up, there's three hundred to get pitched. I'm like dude, that's the first thing I thought of The second thing I thought about was that person who told me that no one see a show and sales stay focused on your future folks be unreasonable about your future continue to add, would to make your future reality and don't focus on what People say has been done before you're, not trying to create a past you're trying to create a future, don't focus on what they say can be done or what's possible.
People are so caught up in their own negativity in their own losses that they give up on creating a future for themselves and spend all their time in the past. others feel the need to criticise other people's ventures as a way to justify their in giving ups never regard the impossible instead stay focused What you can do to make the supposedly impossible possible? It's a good thing. I didn't bother, listen all the naysayers and listened to their advice. So at this point I cannot tell you whether shows that we have shot it yet, but everything is in place to do so and we expect to release this coming year. My hope is, this show will provide viewers with the direction and provide real in our everyday average common people? I mean you, the exact in They need in order to create success in any economy anywhere at any time slowdowns financial problems, challenges and fears, or not as powerful as you and your
dream big and act. Big at ten tax levels, look no economy no matter how bad can hold down a goal that is followed by enough actions, Now I've shared this story with you to show. You have employed many of the concepts discussed in this book in order to achieve the goals of expanding my own footprint, I am just like you no more talented and no more sir, but I am using tax thinking and ten ex actions. isn't just an audio program for you to listen to. This is what you have to do in order to make it in the world today. The world. No longer rewards talk, you, and I must not just talk the talk. We must walk the walk. This should help you realize the tin acts will work for you and everyone, and that was the This is a story. This short story is really about me. It's a god for you of what you have to do you have no idea how many people throughout my life have laughed criticized
and raise your eyebrows, including family members, about the things that I've dreamed of doing in my life, you don't know how many hundreds of thousands of phone calls I've made. It went nowhere you I know about Lurie ten thousands of emails to which no one ever responded to me You have no idea how many people, even supporters, suggests to me that I may be put beyond the limits and putting myself a risk, I spent thirty years preparing and studying making mistakes in taking action, all of which allow me to develop discipline. A discipline that are not always had looked Meaning and learning are absolutely critical to your followed through and the development of courage, persistence, unreasonable thinking and especially discipline. keep reminding myself there when it comes to dreams and goes there is no being reached. a more rational and there's no,
distinguishing between the possible and the impossible. I think you will agree that it is impossible for you to ever do anything exceptional if you continue to live your life with thinking actions that are mediocre, big thinking, massive actions, expansion and risk taking or necessary for your survival and your future growth, staying small being quite or just ways to continue being small and staying quite keep thinking this way, and sometimes in the very near future. No one will be able to see you. They won't bear to hear you It won't be aware that you even exists commit to ten ex thinking and ten exactions. This is the major difference doing this successful and the unsuccessful is and about intelligence, it's not at economics, or even who you know, because without massive action, intelligence exe mix and who you know won't matter. I still have
Many of my long term goals and targets to yet me I haven't made the show yet six billion people don't know me, there's countless things I still want to accomplish. Many. I have even thought of yet I'm sure. However, I do Now that I'm moving in the right direction. I also know, and what you do know again This is not about me being more special having some unique quality it simply about operating with ten thinking and ten exactions make your farce. oh big and so hot that others will have. No choice. sit around in amazement, you will now Have all the answers. Your timing will never be perfect. There will always be obstacles, challenges and difficulties. However, you can always count on one thing: taking massive action, consistently and persistently, and following those up with more fourth degree. Massive actions are the only way The only sure way to ensure yourself of this
first, you deserve an desire, always go all in on massive action. Let the rest of the world operate at the first three degrees of action and watch spend their last fighting over bits and pieces, the scraps and left overs. Look. and you and you will see a world filled with average people average thinking and at best average actions saw race. Any concepts that you might have this success has limits, or this success is limited to some. our only comes in certain amounts. You and I can get as much as we want and we can do it at the same time. The moment you start thinking someone else's gain is your loss. You limit yourself, but thinking in terms of competition and charges. This is the moment: when you must discipline you're thinking to equate any success. Even some
elsa success, with the possibility that you can more success today show is brought to you by g c gb, dot com go there now and hit the subscribe, but don't miss a thing. It's real it's wrong, and it's right now the cartoons where, if every week I'll bring to you a new celebrity artist that leads some of the top people in their fields to give you their insights, their knowledge and their bracers, so get ready with uncle JI. Make sure you subscribe and comment love to see what you're talking about the cartoons zone the
Transcript generated on 2023-12-12.