« The Cardone Zone

414: Problems are Opportunities

2018-11-07 | 🔗
Embrace your problems as opportunities. Listen in for three steps to tackle your challenges and create something positive from them.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Being married, so an entrepreneur is hard work, but it's why they went at once. You get your hands full everyday. Like I do you got kids, you got up. You know a marriage is trying to work to real business if you're trying to make work and fun time for the kids keeping a spontaneous. Nobody teaches you how to manage a business or manager, relationship or marriage. Everybody's. Just China do the best they can. The purpose of this is to give you some tools on how to make the marriage and the business world. We don't have a perfect, but we're figure
welcome to the Genie. Thank you. So much for Jonah Zog had dug negative talk about. I do I love fans. Okay, this one is from jail Donovan. She owns our own company, call rustic cough and she sent this to me. I mean check this out. It says a lane awe and the really cool really cool one is at my house. it's gold, scripted Alina, but look at these I mean in the best, but what tonight it's her name is Jill DOT. Then you can find your letter has got twenty five thousand borrowers already Joe Biden, rustic, cuff rustic cup. I mean look at the insured because you didn't see me and will again really
it's amazing I'm. So I lie more welcome to the Genie show. Every week we come to your Wednesday's. We picked this Wednesday day because you know you flip the doubly on Wednesday. I was I down. It's me days for members were all about me. We're all about, can stay bound to pay. You now ass. He threw you made a commitment. We all into the commitment thing. And look. We really really appreciate everybody this watching this show both at whatever takes network or you listen to it on Itunes or Audible, really really appreciate your comments. Last week We believe a comments. Last week we show last week about on what your parents torch and how could be holding back and
of so many of you wrote so many unbelievable things. We really appreciate those comments, and today we wanted a kind of picked up from from there to hear if you didn't see that she I'll check it out. Ok, I just call what your parents didn't teach you. Any kind of origin teach you that maybe doesn't apply anymore, and maybe you should just disregard regarded and door. How do you find that out and we want the questions in the comments- was what how do I find out the stuff that my parents taught me? That's hold a meal and my answer was just look away your home, recurring problems wherever you're having a recurring problem. I assure you, there's a piece of data, your operating with the probably done work for you anymore, and so I have a recurring problem here. What is well me the more closely related night, oh yeah, voluntary right when you re to go to sleep. I owe you
sad before the show: no sexual. Anyone though there was no one in the year, it was too what way when you said. Turning them want to see a beautiful face anyway. The why occurring on that we have had pre marriage post marriage is the driving factor thrives like a man Many are you Anna terrifies me. So what do I need to do? Do I need to just be more correct to hear from you the what problem or you haven't your life alarmingly show you I'm to show you something!
How many someone I don't have bacon and housing at the times when you lie like you line right now. I want you to call him with a recurring problem or going to help you solve this because part of problem solving is confronting the problem for what it is three or five, eight, six, five, eight six six say three or five: eight six bath, a six six eight to look hot today did. Thank you. Thank you. I was with Charles Complement. Yesterday Alina Realitas, Gaza, freakin mega mega play oh yeah, and on having lunch with them, and unlike Charles I have this recurring problem on here myself say it's a recurring problem damages
not by Germany to me, because you got this recurring problem solved that in the freak in all the universe, is gonna launch it's gonna puke success on you solve this problem by Charles Man. What what about thinking and Larry the got undid the problem like with one questionable maisie. He asked you a question and you just we're like, unlike while what was I thinking It is actually the advice. I give you guys every week and I haven't been taken Mon advice, so we went wrong. I'm just going to keep us little. Mr Cot, a hook has called a hot gotta hook in radio. You want Oh you got this. consolidating a calm? You hey look what problems! You have a guarantee that the same problems- everybody else's heaven in your neighborhood every by union, namely money time unification, don't have enough time. In fact, I wrote a bunch of these off. I was gonna plenum there on the planet can now got gram formula Catholic. I think I am right here
man. I'm kind of freaked out now move a little behind the flow. Today you tell I want my girls Para problems. Kid Brahms like for India, how to raise kids, that's a big problem. I do have a problem with my driving. I essentially go so from now on nominal blindfold. You and put you in the trunk Nilghai so wrong, or can it just lay down and backs issuance good, a problem that I'm having right now, scarlet my youngest daughter, ok, my youngest daughter, she she's. She loves Mama area,
She plays a game with me. She knows how to jerk me around big time and soon. I would anyone else that she, just you, haven't, figured out your groove. Like you, you might be a little harsh. You know why we have heard the groove out cause. I haven't figured the groove problems are opportunities when I shifted my thing that, unlike the problem, the scarlet is delivering to me as an opportunity. So the first thing I had to do was asked or say: hey problems or opportunities are challenges. Operative comedy want it's an opportunity for me to hook him with her and create another relationship. Number two I've seen you make more of an effort toward her last week, right, yeah and even today, like you, know, she's little such care
expresses up at you made the juice, and yet he likes to do the juice with you. I made the juice amateur, not so I'm so sorry I shall just so and what hardly raises embrace all problems as opportunities number to confront and decide to conquer that problem as an opportunity and number three trade that problem in first some bigger problems, We gonna come back and I like big problems. Then I cannot lie. We do a wood money, how you do in relationships, how you do what time, how you do with family? How you do it would haters how you do it with obscurity, how you do it in business? Welcome back welcome back your what gender Jan Asia, on whatever it takes, no problems, Prob LY opportunities problems have to be confronted. Guard three or five, eight, six, five, eight six, six, eight. I want to hear your problem trade. You all.
RO problems for some new and would have us believe, but I do know new ones penguin. Why tell me some haven't a problem, a daughter, ok, scarlet, two places game with me. Getting she doesn't like she gives me the party she plays hard to get with me. Just like you She just like a man, so, unlike the other literary guys, my daughter's three years I've been having this problem for three years: ok, not for three weeks three years and last week I decided you know what you must confront. This is an opportunity. Okay, this is every time she does her little hard to play. Think that now is not a problem and not pistol for upset about any more. Like does an opportunity for me to can't connect one little chick number. Two then say I'm going to confront this not make her responsible ominous cockerill not make her responsible and its
will be in charge and she induce c in the last couple awaiting with its just been amazing. He turned to me now. She wants me to hold or more too much of what you always on top a year comes to me for cholera and to make food together. So I'm looking for every time she does party face with me hard to get thing. Does her little deal? Never every every parents tell me the kids are different ones. Very affectionate the next month, not okay. So I'm using this these three steps. First, none. One you note steps or near what embrace the problem an opportunity not as a challenge, not as a difficulty, not as a make wrong is an opportunity number to confront
and conquer now have to decide what was it you gotta money Bob I do this when I was twenty five unbroke there's an opportunity on my. How can this be an opportunity? I mean it's hard right. How can this be an opportune? Maybe you draw up fifteen minutes words, not the opportunity you're looking for like if your husband or your wife, you found out there just cheating on yeah yeah. They just cheated on you It doesn't feel like an opportunity. It feels like a very big problem for the Azores Bartleby little optimistic like this is an opportunity. Maybe it is because in the long run it is allowed to come to the car we move on up in life and I lost a job when I was twenty. Nine years old went to the owner and said: hey the guy who runs this place of steel.
For me, the owner says mind your own business that was brought from tee. My ego was hurt, just my ego, I'm on the has producer in the place my ego was crushed. Am I went back to my bit. Went back to my desk and sat down on my ok. Do does an opportunity, a pact that must stuff- and I left now- I'm out of work no money coming it. I had trouble getting along with owners. Trouble now, oh years along recurring problem for time and then What embrace it okay, you know what I'm going to do with his. This is an opportunity there's an opportunity for me to go. Do something new number two I had to decide. I'm going to confront and conquer the beast, I was scared of did have been haunted me four year. I have a great example me and, lastly, a trade in my old problem for some new ones. So, like you know what
I'm not gonna, be worried about, while guy anymore, the best example of all to go here. Ok and it s a little plug for the network. Oh good, have out when we did turn around king for that or door spite tv eight has numerous pilots and we one grand for this network and now in our way we shoot this pilot. He shoots out pilot, there's one that one and none of us, picked up a me where's, reallocating selling allay the Joan Rivers Deal Joan, saying you need to go blob light. we buy and Morgan the are irregular anyway. We you finally we're like I'm done with this reoccurring problem. What do you do? I'm gonna just create my own digital now. Take heed. That's it painted on duty. Now is a big problem. Now, how do I have servers? They can hold all these be. How do I get all these content? How can I do this, but you know what now you have the freedom to have your own thing. You can say whatever you want, you're not playing by somebody else is ruled out like that that retraining it in for
bigger prairie parts. Three points number one embrace all problems, opportunities number to confront and conquer make a decision You're gonna handle this number three trade you're. All little No problem, you want big problems, folks see most of us. Would we talked about this last week. You know your parents taught you not to you not to avoid problems, not have problems. Don't don't do that. What about don't make way Nope Mitya, make ways to do to veto. Make waves you but hot, don't start the PA. The only way you know Big ways you know move in the boat somebody gotta makes make some ways. That's the only reason I want to be in about ok, spend your money. Why and why have money? There's no reason to have again now, don't each a cake don't make you turn the lights out taken, aided tooth? That's that's how I hate the most because I love K sees us. I'm gonna have cake, but can't needed to solve the problems that are here before I hid away. My husband draws raise your hand if you had these. I hate the way my husband drugs,
We have no time together. No time to get the kids are an interesting in us anymore. Internet I think, that's gonna, community donor. Oh my god, you need to get ready. Maybe fifteen dummylike bye bye to you. You don't tell that me. I don't want you drive to work with my drive to work too long. How many of you here of a drive to work is too long? We should be trying to get it to move closer to a new man. You confront it every day you drive into work and is too long drive right. One chief freakin confront the beast: save the gas You know about more and it could be an opportunity to quit, shall beat it a year after the I'm in a move. Yeah like like four for two years that I've been here was one and a half blocks from office pollio. How closer you two blocks! He walks as not a problem for a guy play. This is totally assign note my boss, I am not. I know we do
look at another office space- he doesn't want to ever. Let anyone know that and I swear to God. He said no. We can't move Europe as well as too far away from Why does it I've heard when there's a grocery store, the public's across the street? He'll be fine, the halo, not police, or how many of you have these problems, not enough income things cost too much. You go to dinner, oh my god. Their costs too much. That's an operative why you gotta, danger mine? You have changed my way, there's an opportunity. You can't keep saying it costs too much, because your basically you you're having the wave hitches rather than wait a minute doesn't get on his happiness. When an ominous greeting, I combine at least an animal trade in my old problem for some new problems like man, the bill. When I pay for fifteen people who at hurt who did that a better problem, then I can't even pay from mouth or I worry about every time I do I'm bored with my life. I'm out of shape how about I'm out of shape. You look in the mirror and you're like damn man. I soft dog opportunity baby opportunity.
The jam every know you got a problem uses ammo confronting conquer that thing. I'm gonna adds entitlement to get up early in the morning when a walk, piano and handled this thing, I'm a term my new problem. I all problem my flat. Into Breakin, APEC, like Cardone Wagon, when I turn my flab industry ups. Why kid? my brain, I'm overlooked in the marketplace. I can't find the right partner of a cat. You have women, you took so how many women, because at one o clock Darnay did I did I do it? is a genie, show a phone number three hundred and five eight hundred and sixty five, eight thousand six hundred and sixty eight three hundred and five eight hundred and sixty five, eight thousand six hundred and sixty eight. We know we have kids watching this show now, I'm doing to kids books right now. We just started running today to kids book, okay, kids book for 10X. kids book for selling and that their books gonna be no Carson. Your little son of a bitch stigmatized
The Genie show how this is, how I mean Billina egg laying a car down. ITALY in a car down. I got my southern, oh man. I got my southern on social talking about problems today. Do you have a recurring problem in your life you? So I want you to take and write down the three afraid to what is it you're driving? How? How do I turn that into an opportunity? Do you need to get it and when you stop whatever goes on in your head. It's me: it's ok, psychotic. There are times when it was a little unnecessary but its higher everybody. I know that drives. The EU has a fear data, so I know its not just me alike. Super sensitive, although our supersize yoga or does it I'm Lama Green set out. So you gonna wait for my driving to change her you're gonna confront. You will use your meaning, DR everywhere we go. I've tried to confront my demon
so there are living shot and then the next thing you know about, and then you go back, eleven years in eleven years. If I ever, if I've forgotten in Iraq, where you backed into a corner and oral guy and would ask- and I remember I found it- you did- you do now as then. That's all I can remember that's why they're mirror a scientist. That's right, you did. She got to closing. Ok, you think I'm moving over a move in a bitch bail What the hell you move over did you handle that twice in eleven years of communist travel wreck right every eight, he months, scrape something. Ok, let's talk to orient oh right around and around you the around belt. gone. I had other line, we gotta go
You dont know right, good man, how you do it hey? My tell me tell me a recurring problem you have in your life are required. This problem for the last ten years you? Always you always and I'm a fix it for you right now. Cap reform is one of the problems that keeping a job well, and I am always motivated. I'm always like I'm writing a girl. I'm ready to go, and I didn't you can't get lonely girl. to be a party you're. Never fifteen o stab an organization called upon attitude and philistine using at once ass. What I'm doing I'll show you, Mr Gardiner, I had the man, so it is not working for. You now appears that he wants to be the problem. Is you don't work for me right now, our economic growth? Ok, did you send a video? I think you about five six videos. Last week I got the reply. I got the release form and hurry.
Let me ask you some questions and answers to questions. I sense against moving forward you gotta when's. The last time you smoked, weighed one lovely An amateurism. You will be expunged, you'll be expelled, for your sins, And you will never be forgiven if you lie, I am really is growing. Have you ever had sex with an animal have you ever stolen from an employ employers? I never saw a boy, an employer gave you ever lied to an employer. Why why? Why do you think you can you care lies? I do not discriminate now I am requesting earlier. Have you ever stolen from an employer, employer You said no
have you don't waste any time you work for somebody. Did you give him one hundred percent one hundred percent of the dawn right. You got out you. Thank you, ok, ok, you or somebody we would consider for whatever it takes to have a criminal record. My eye, Do the danger tat when you're perfect for our guy what are called alleging? All right am I I don't know you're gonna get a glance just wait, just like the edge jeeringly decent until March twenty six, when we start shooting the show we're gonna set you up for that weak Did you see your video today, but I ll come out next week will be to you be two weeks before we start shooting talk he's talking about whatever it takes three don't tell me what is recurring problem is, but we will find out on the show clearly that Probably him he's probably friggin disguise of rigid, crazy right. He's crazy, loving, he's rice he's absurd,
fast in Abidjan, moderated abysses round about people. The unity she'll, take it easy, take it easy now, but she his whole life since he was born. People have been telling, yeah. What not to be, rather than any day he progress and proud he got so. Mina. They always try to put a label on Euro yet to label baby label. May my whole life well, the first was a lincoln, be right, and I somebody worthy to be beat up in high school every day. And then, unlike you, no warning of binding on beat me aliens, ivory or what's happening is observed, and I am not sure whether all those guys you're going now privilege, Irish, yea and Billy and mark a gay and Bobby you I'll beat me up. Can you now? Whatever takes us guns now yeah, Sidonia Lazy. What I did I said, look I'm embraces is opportune. Emma make these bitches hate my
then I'm right. Every problem down, I wrote him all down a cinema have I'm. I have more than these all twelve at ease, Gaza of accumulate and frequency twelve lifetime and will make up hate my guts. What that was an immature me now, more spiritual, a more mature! I love everybody when helper by from this it was a good man. Are you doing here a good one for my question? Is there at the time of my right now, I'm a part time jobs work, you ve been away, and I shall now better. How do I increase my ankle of my business to replaced and color? ok, beautiful great question, the great question right, yeah, so number one I want to ask: is this a recurring problem a long time problem in astronomy grown up? I got off a little while yet Diego ok, so so what we know is an
you agree that there's plenty of money on this planet right should really be a problem for anybody. Yet So number one we just want to shift is from a problem to an opportunity you ve already done some of that. I got. I want you to start thinking every time you have the money, Brown hey man is an opportunity, so opportune, ok! How do I change the game here and confront and conquer it So what are you doing? What are you doing in step to here to confront and conquer like what is What is causing the problem is that a lack of money come in or or too much money going out a lack of money coming yeah good. So it's not debt in its, not spending. I'll get you you agree with that, your group, so so Look. I want you to quit. Labeling the spending in the debt as a problem possess, not the problem. I had again. Australia came to me like Manna
too much money aboard all this money. I gave this money I help with charities and on board too much money, and my did that's not your private. Is that your problem really? Is it really a problem he's like we had My drama board too much money and I have too many debts now am. I know I don't think so. Let's look at the opportunity was the opportunity he's like well could think about the prom. What's the opportunities, I meant, I need to make more money back. That's the problem. Bro you gotta confront and conquer. which yourself in a position we say so now, you're, you, you have to businesses right now. You got one that that you're trying to start right and I'm gonna. Yeah, good. Ok, what businesses that marking and business and learn a global is like a London ok. Ok, that's not going too well nigh going pretty well
is going to become what you ve done. Don't you get from then, the last thirty days in February, probably underground about a hundred dollars a month. Ok, good! So now that the party at the other business, these the minimum wage business? What is a pain? You pay me a cane an hour an hour about promising and twenty hours we and I'm making a ride around on earth to one of the Bilbao. Ok, see you mega after tax. As you may see, you make it five bucks a month, So did here's the deal. Guy like like you gotta, go you gotta say, wait a minute. Ok, you cannot catch big fish in an aquarium. So what does that mean? That's a nice led him up
Does that mean you know them and yet will occupy original Jager Peniston? Lots of places like what? What what did you gotta go fish in some other place? Bro, you you you! like what social media more money when their pan eight hundred fifteen an hour. Okay, and only work twenty hours a week and unless Marketing business is going to pay you a hundred dollars an hour. You need to find out some of the pond efficient. Ok, you can't find fish in the side of the road, a meanness crawfish there whose bugs some so I need you to shit, you're thinking and do not be committed to anything right now, except solving this problem confronting conquer the problem I am, we need to make money period, that sling and a hammer digging a ditch. Look you! I could make can make a hundred dollars in the next thirty minutes on a street corner in anywhere in America. That's a show right there
Megan Landry Corner in America. Impact dominance algae or you up for the challenge branded. I want you to shift your thinking right now. I want you to go to the store. corner you, the closest to you sometimes in the next one in four hours, and I want you to stand on a street corner and beg for. dollars until you get a hundred bucks. And I want you to know that fifteen minutes do that's a hundred dollars. That's that that means that meets overnight. You would be go. You'd, go from being paid a thousand fifty cents an hour to being paid four hundred dollars an hour. If you just raise one hundred hours and fifty anybody can do this, but you gotta be willing to trade in your honeymoon prowlers than fifteen. No, no! What's hard, as the bullshit he's doing now, workin for eight hours and fifty cents, an hour,
Guy and not even like in your uniform, did I used to do that. I was working and Donald I put on my low uniform a little hat. Man accept sixteen years old, freakin aided in it was disgusting dummy and then one day, I'm like I hate this problem or opportunity opportunity I'm getting out of here. I quit his job and I'm going to make some money. I'm gonna put myself at risk in the marketplace. I'm not going to wear their little uniform and I can smoke smell like french fries, but I was trading in one set of problems for a new set of problems. Okay, so I'm not going to be able to flip french fries. Now I'm going to go, sell furniture, and I'm with a bunch of women. Now I didn't like it, but I liked it a hell of a lot better than Freaking Mcdonald's. I got to tell you so you got to trade you at some point. You have to make the transition of a trade my old prom funds for some for some new problems? Brandon gaining on a street corner. Ok, first Y know you can do it again, in a ten year, allow last week and said: look I'll! Give you freakin five days to raise a hundred I'll, do what I can do you're, not gonna door. Can you
new that ten, you pick up some lame. Can you walk up to some? I need some money. Ok, look anybody can do so Brenda you have for the challenge of Europe for the job Just what I do. Did you go out on this? right corner, you raise a hundred and fifteen minutes. Just be honest with me: I'll match the hundred So now you may two hundred dollars in fifteen minutes, which is more money than you may last week, twenty hours. Ok, I dare dude? I dare you and then did then I want you to do these three things number one I want you to imagine These problems, as. A burden and confront and conquer number three. I want you to tread your little bitch problems, low boy problems, the weeny peony problems for some big John. Juice massive action ass, her iron maintain, ok, Joe from oh, my God Mr Carnero? Come oh man,
so am I right she's going to really be offended. If, yes, I think you know what they never say. Hi to me, are you don't? Thank you, John. What's goin on brother, I am, I was gonna bring one pointed ironic that promote Jeffrey GonNA, Meyer, copper. She did, and it was one gas prices were super high. Asia is quite why and about the gas prices, go sell more, yet it Instead of your own gas prices on a problem, I can't get to work, show more exactly six hissing and give him git. Him was one of those guys, Vienne confessions of an entrepreneur mean get him or wherever car, more role, Miami Rome talking about being autoimmune, air. get. Em is one of those guys there really he's he's got that same attitude, Larry Wing. It's got that attitudes Charles Compliment that I was with yesterday brace problems as opportunity. Brought an ongoing trade. You oh problem with it.
time show that you ve traded and all problem man for something new, and you see in big and giant. I started my company yet so you want from organic products only about the problem you have before the company. While I was for a guy that there was a doing business right, an honest and ethical and he was lying in the company down to two bankruptcy. Invented it closed to aid after I left would use quota doors. I well. I was my problem. My problem was: oh, my goodness here I put my heart and soul into two working hard for my colleague. an error that, although the company has put it into the ground down that's ice, an imminent, you didn't write it down set of problems. I thought I had just get a motorcycle at the time. I told him about had that money and I said I'm starving while I'm gone for your home, is right on my own towered was How hard was that it was scary?
oh yeah me- and I can only imagine how scary was from my wife here. My wife is at all with a two month old son and she's: won't you, How are we gonna pay? The bills did the next time you wanna get scared sinner down to Miami I'll. Take around Miami. My car, ok and you're on shit out of me, I will give a set of drought and I won't be a new set of problems. Will all I also noted in the drop with Alina my backyard she's banner trooper, I mean he's taken that has been brought forward. The years has been ten years only ten years and may young. I started a company, and and and and now we ve had our about a year on away with now she's, like you know what I know, we can do it right and even she she like. I know I know you can do it, you got it manages yields. What do you do with your business? Consulting hearkening involving o nice.
I work with companies helping to find the right solutions from the marketing data- parent milder sacrosanct. Yes, so now, when the Cuban who in the garden owns the companies, you know making mistakes, it's you write me yeah. I and I, I almost mistake: you still have problems. I much alone a success, see new problems. Leubronn she'll, thanks colony, and asked me to say what you know you have used to a problem right, never their fun. There has been observed in problems on ok, don't kid yourself there just probably having problems happy. Now I got I really needed problems are not happy a gale. What's he talking about what would happen to describe Mr Santer really intelligent, beginning to call
No he's going down that no one is not because they know why alternately he's working for himself and his family is not working for somebody on how it all under the boss, you and Joe Cinema there's something jolt ice. Recalling it you Joe, should get together because who talk about problem being happy. I am, I happy were brought rugged day, you're happy what problems I don't like him not. I know, there's something I have never. Fifty seven years I've been on this planet when I was five years old, fifteen years or twenty five years old or fifty five years, oh by the way, I'm having a birthday dismount and now you do you buy me. What now Ok, no matter what man I have had problems all along the way there just different levels of problems, and I wouldn't trade. My fifty five euro problems for my five euro problems. I remember losing a quarter and lose in Mamma mouse five years, all lost a quarter. I can remember like yesterday,
they went down one of those drain, yeah a love story. So in Gaza, kit and yesterday I'm having lunch with a gun. I do what would it caused me to bring you on three hundred grand wow? That's it You know that thought about that. Fuckin quarter, no sweat, ok, take away ass, though he had give must take in stages. bound to pay. When you have a problem. Folks, okay, number one embrace. The problem is an number two. fraud and conquered the beast man, David and Goliath, decided down the monster number three trader,
all probable honours new and for new ones, and I just want to leave you with this Jeffrey get him a just and in our view, with male confessions of an oft entrepreneur, and he told me the story about the jewish community: ok, and how ass it did. Teach. How can six or eight million people have such an influence on? Why would so many people hate only eight million people and how did eight million people? Ok, you know this whole
thing in the Middle EAST? How can a million people control music, tv banks, real estate, entertainment industry, that music and around ok music, and they must that's why I was thinking about my answer. I wasn't laramie again. How can how can it be in his eye, the Mattel something when you put this bigger problem on people when you go and literary start getting rid of people on the planet they bond together and they say we're going to do something to the second stage is bound to pay so the jewish people or a perfect example of people. It took a problem and said I wouldn't turn this into opportunities find all the greatness we have. As you have really done now it. May you been you, you know, I found you because I had a problem. You did. You went through a bigger, say, goodbye, word story of all time. hey. We love you guys, watch and to share this a genie show. Every week every Wednesday we come to you, I carried the shell. I know it
But I do know every Wednesday at one p m: whatever takes network dotcom, whatever takes network dot com, if you end subscribes ascribe to the channel. Ok, we'll get you beginning what is called Preludes Introductory internet and only draw be higher. These ailer trailer line. You re, getting content that other people are not going to have access to also we're on podcast. Ok, we itunes teacher audible. We're everywhere. Manner can take. This shows us that go again shows on the goats get us also were shooting. Our second sees in its policies over your Starvin right now we're shooting our second season of whatever it takes. The ultimate job interview. Okay, if you gotta whatever, network dog comforts lashed casting people, Was she on? The chauffeur should have been talk?
It takes network that I've been shut down summit. Is I've been a problem of long duration so now just taken as an opportunity to ponder meditate whatever it takes network dot, TK Ford, Slash casting. Why should people before the show? Because it's totally awesome, I will change their lives forever, ever do wherever yeah I get in the way of fifty five people in the last show caveat unseen shows is called. Whenever takes the ultimate job interview, six different says we're gonna shoot another six you're gonna have fun You gonna learn about things about yourself that you have never ever We have been giving new problems and it If we don't hire you, I guarantee I'm gonna get you recognition for your brand. People will know you. We actually have people call on us today, saying hey: where did that should go where that guy go to jail ever heard them hey? Could I I just had a guy com yesterday I gotta position right now time. Ok, a hundred ran a year. Did you have any body that you didn't pick up, that you would? whatever it takes network, not calm, Ford, Slash casting
worse case out of this and we need a single anyways. I want some more lady reasons too. How are we now regions argued about your bones ebbs big out, my mom thoroughly engines of mine when I was none have my mom took us on a trip when we're Tinto. Why ok and she thought only take him to a wise- can make him feel better, because we were in this frequent mass Grief lock right so we go to Hawaii and there was this waitress there. She could have been older than twenty, but I thought she was like I'm ten man. She was most beautiful woman. I've never seen him. Whole life and we were down in the bar China. Maybe you and my work in under an opportunity, an internal problem into an opportunity in so we're we're Davies, I think it was called Davies, ongoing, storing man, ragged store, remains a good story, and, and and this chick was so hot she's in her tat, my wife district for another thirty men, man, all six were hot reuse,
to now remember hardships. Pollyanna Robert again hey. We love you guys Make sure you push your comments. If you think I went too far, please let me know again: he had no matter and will be doing it again and turn your problems and opportunities challenge yourself, conquer them. Try those all problems, for some new ones will see you next week. tomorrow morning, hustlers and in Friday I do the car down zone be great. We thank you for listening to today's episode, please take the time to review and leave comments on this podcast. We'll see. next week on the journey, show.
Transcript generated on 2020-12-13.