« The Cardone Zone

357: Networking as a Couple

2018-07-18 | 🔗
Listen to Grant and Elena Cardone’s insights into networking as a couple. Learn the truth about why it’s so important and the best ways to get more contacts.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
None of your business family granting a late hour here does show you didn't ask me: she starts Janni every one day we bring it to the business of Mary Robert Erhard LAN Card Ricardo, known today for the do you have any any questions comments you call any time throughout the show three or five, eight, six, five, eight six, six, eight and sixty eight from you to day, husbands. Why, only runs boyfriends Mary
on man, girl alone girl. Your day. Little now do look. This is the business the marriage UK in an insane together being together being happy. Probably the most important relationship in your life- and I know I can I can be- is the most important relationship in your life, because, if you're out creating all day long and your business and you come home, I need tearing apart where they partner, which a guy you gotta with high nothin, and that's what I was going to say like I spent I've spent. I know I'm guilty of spending more time. You know going to get customers and repairing customer relations than I have in many cases, work no mon relations. So just ask yourself how many of you out their work harder at grabbing, acquiring a customer right custom
by customers who can pay you. Then you do acquiring the right person in your lawyer maintaining and key or create or me I was gonna get into the maintain I'd seen. But when we show today gives us a called three or five, eight six by made six April, can talk about networking proud. I have some stuff for you today. One thing I want to do. I want to offer everybody anybody. We have a boot camp coming to Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Ok, anybody that makes a last minute decision. What are you? Miami Orlando Florida are the rest of the country of the world, anybody that makes a decision today or tomorrow. No less is due for tonight to get a visa to get an executive level ticket at the book camp of the appeal. Natalie. Remember this in the abbey or a premium see in our boot camp. Whatever see you get, I will give you the identical, see
At the 10x growth conference, which will be announced in a bit okay, so if you get a fifteen thousand dollars seat at the boot camp, I'll give you a fifteen thousand dollar seated Luke. In the text that we are at a matter, dollop you'd get an executive levelled at our bouquet of which are five grand there's a three days. All me the entire three days only about three hundred people in the room, so it's very intimate very exclusive. If you give ten thousand dollars e I'll, give you ten thousand dollar seat at our next,
It covers. It is no be sick, weighty all the way out here to talk to me about networking of couples. Wives important, what's important EU analysed during the second signal about how to do it, wasn't part of that won't. Why is important because you have to grow your empire, you can't stay the same and you're gonna have to expand and get more clients and meet more people and create have more allies. Plus it puts on the same pages a team in and gives you a goal of working towards something, so what we always do as we always combined outings. When we go out to dinner, it's always dinner, getting to be with you having fun, but we also like to combine it with networking jack. We don't like to waste the time without saying waited. Why? What a shame we will you re getting how we are little tricks? Why do you think is important for the people that are listening, that steady home to go to move, together go restaurants? Watch Netflix, hang on always interrupted. She accused.
May have been a runner up. Do you did great open? So why is it important for jacking heal? Are our common yea? What's your name can kill me? Why is it important for them to get out and network with new people will because to grow your family young lawyer empire. This is what I was trying to tell you the beginning. You know if you stay the same, you you mine, it might give you the perception that you're just saying the same but in actual eighty in real life you can never stay the same. It's an illusion and you're actually shrinking. It's a very dangerous place to be playing the shapes, the language Raymond, just being your normal self, is extremely dangerous because normal can't hold up and tough situation has a tough and indeed that's why? I think every time you taught me out of the house and but what she's gotta taught me out of the house like most of them is that come on. Let's do this, dude is going on
so we're off raise out when I get there on the way home? What do I say that we need to do this more often than we don't go out, and what do we do this, the Johnny Johnny when you're out? What is right? What are we also met while we need re Johnny? What is more places he's like dating why you gotta do that. As you know, it's like every time he came home from a casino. He would be like tat I wish, however, to one because I would have I would about you. A diamond or a new pair of shoes, or something like don't tell me about it like when the money Johnny's We feel the same way. Don't tell me you gotta, bring me bring me. Ok, look if you're on the phone with, as I don't know why it is important for me, you know what I need to hear news stories. I get tired if you're anything like me, you get the same group of people and you go out with the same with people. We want inspiration, you want well interesting well nigh what new almost the Irish. No,
except that I haven't heard they get your mind juices, yet lowing wicked, regular Turks and cake goes for about a few days and inhuman invites a people that I've never done trips with before, because I want to take the risk of a new relationship, new networks, new connections, new possibilities, folks, if you ve been out with the same group of people over and over nothing came out of it. Maybe it's time to network worrisome noon, I'm prejudice and prejudice, you don't like. I was a, I think. Prejudice against all this word anymore. Ok, let's talk to one about our people, our people on the phone, the Genie showed refugee by the court, only we're we'll talk to us. We will we will, in my view, for like two here. I want to talk to one burying dog, but my people,
noble how you doing what your question my friend was Uncle jack me in an anti airliner I got through common. One was then why you one important, albeit with the breeders following one did. I was never my car coming it. I want to thank you. I was a guy who did you even me? A hundred million your bookmarks from people not often ember killed, argued grand Cardon real deal out of the papers in our pay for the shipping, nothing at all what now bobby anything you get all of you who really free yet I thank you man. My comment is maybe a little short video that ok, I'm interposed the summer lowly absolutely had begun. The web we grant was asking who, if he had to pick one Lena, are great who's gonna, be how can I,
minor all day. I gotta give a layman her. We don't go, we see all built, my guy he live, but ever in the emperor's I can get Jerry. I can get TAT happened, Captain Lionel Real estate grants replaceable. Now but nobody no power of the permitted in force or how maintain well, nothing. Hillary Clinton was up, We currently have the Elaine a court all common up in the world, a paint up on that day, whether any showed this is the car down. So every Wednesday at me in Alina we'll be right back, give money sitting in the stock market. In your word about it or worse, you have money sitting at the bank earning less than half a percent manage Grandcourt on the foundered sea of court on capital, dot com for the past. Thirty,
years, I've been investing my money in my family's money in income producing properties. These are real assets, real properties with real addresses that produce real cashflow accord on capital. We provide qualified investors who love real estate with a turnkey solution and want to put their money to work in real estate, but cant find deals. Don't have the time to get the funding for the deals and the last thing most. doktor people want to do is managed real estate. I find the deals are fund the deals and then I'm managed the tenants. The termites in the properties partner would be a card capital, Dotcom, that's card own capital, dot com go to court on capital, dot com. If you love real estate, your qualified investor, you liked the idea, passive income and believed that income producing properties will appreciate overtime. Go to our own capital dotcom, that's cardon capital, dot com. They welcome regular Cardoza. Today's the Genie show everywhere the twelve p M eastern standard, then the beautiful II for excellence away
kind of comes to you and she dragged me into the room. Is this grand new year things work tat? I wish we could get that peace in the brain. May we get it for that for the institute and posts I think so later. How do I want how where what do our hand? Where do I go how to work with salmon introvert them not to comfortable? How do you get your husband out? How does the wife get the husband out has begun to wipe out? Where do we go? First of all, you have to make a decision that this is. What are we gonna? Do you make a plan working? network once you ve done all that all that, then you maybe you write a list of whom matters. You have to have a cargo like every time we go to a party we figure out and scanned the Romans. Eight who's, the most important person here and look like get off your high horse, like whatever concerns you have about, that that might be wrong or what not here China build. Your empire is not going to build itself. You need to get around people that can help you. They can influence you. They can give you a hand up. You know mutually
now so to be. Do you like, nonetheless, to find out where they go and what how you can do it and divide and conquer? You know I gotta go online, you might have to go talk to a husband have so, and so I might have to go. We hear and work the Ladys and getting out of the kitchen where word we're making the dreams them. You know and clear. by the way different people different targets, ok for lack of better word or maybe the most appropriate word- have different. Some responded. Women. Some on respondents- Amene Alina actually say he did that that guy over there that woman, that woman is not a geiger got a guy approach. I cannot, but you can approach her in the same case, maybe the God and I'm talkin to needs a female touch. We do this wrangling organs. We heard an investor parties, we do, it will be doing it this week in a bouquet pay alive
you're better off approaching him than I am, or maybe a leaner, its attacks again I'd use hard, and then I come up ended up in the follow up like let let let let them see the other side's to you yet in this is what change do you guys? Teams go home and watch net lakes weekend after week in upper weekend? That's funny. At the weekend, but you haven't who's gonna weakened of doing a ruse? S ran in the empire right, it's like you, have to have your plan and divide and conquer and start working as a team, we're we're so groove denizen team. Now we don't have to say you go do that we don't have to call the shots. We just know what to do so much so that when sometimes onward and environment- and I don't do what you think I should have done- because you expecting me-
So on the same page with you that, unlike our, why didn't I think, and I fell down there? Ok, let me let me recalculate how I'll do that in the next situation say: okay, so like we're, can you go to do the ogoni depends on what space you're right, I'm in the rules they space, so I need to go to real state borders an end in here's. The follow up to that is like when you, when you have your less, do a little research on these people. What are their interests generated by another find out their interests? What's the hook button I mean like, like I mean I M so easy that give here. If you can at me with with guns or weapons or martial arts or military chances, are you're gonna you're gonna get me to bite. You D, Ancona, I'm gonna Moraine, are, on my rate, are still going to be our goal and is this person for reality just trying to help me and by the chances? Are you going to get my attention? Could you know my interests and you know what I'm buying on find out what they buy it on and be interesting and find ways to engage
you know, like you, you didn't know my german or a year and a half, then you do you. You became intriguing to me. We called and said here the gun range of a limited. Liner brings up a good point. These parties are banned or a conference or conventional wherever you go on one ask yourself: what are we going, therefore, this? What we do here? What are we going, therefore? Who who do we? want to me. As I look I who do, we want a imports. Who do we want to have? Remember us, because it's not just who you know who you know who knows you who's talking about you at the end of that party would affect me. You want to create some when their driving up. I was a really nice couple. You know those people remember those short dude and in his beauty, Wife, remember those guys, you what's your name Youtube and now I say: love real estate, yetive or whatever right now. You meant to check that likes the guns and everything in the redneck here keys with it in
then it's gonna be who's going to do the following order: flowers goin out Monday is there. Thank you cord gonna Monday. Alain is terrible by the way the follow up so
so you gotta know what you're good at what you're bad as unemployed added, either on that greater organization, but I'm good at bringing sometimes that hastened this person x and the sooner you can do that the better I was just on the phone. Yes, they were signatories, the deed he does the deed on CNBC. Haiti monitor the ground by the way is to Graham and Facebook or giant networks linked in is a giant network. Ok, but how can you make an impression following me in Sydney had been come back and forth to three or four times Natalie help me with it and then yes, the epic typified the called, so you gotta still do follow it, don't just they could. You went to the party the charity a bit advert because you send a holiday car and twice a year holiday. Never think, aren't you just right. You have to have to be clever and creative and find a way to be interesting. You may in that's where the word I was going to say she may she used
were interesting twice. I know a lot of you. Ve been this tale Carnegie Course in and said, hey don't be interesting, be interested. Let me tell you something: you want to build a network. You must be interesting first, so that you can take an interest in others, said: there's a fine balance between being interesting and interested, otherwise bore the spectacle Captain LEO. What's goin on buddy thanks for, What's going on, grant me a good doctor, anybody, hey man, the question for Alina: go ahead, can you get a lane. I was gonna. Ask you how
what or why did you say yes to Grandpa down after thirteen months of stocking? Well, like I said, the first thing he did was became sure thing to me when I found out my interests is a love of guns and he rented the gun range. It's the only thing they got me to call him back. I was out, The only thing guys go mad as these guys. I only way at I pointed out in the first and only thing I ever did it when the work it was thirteen months of making investments and then again raise ok, just now, and I know what you mean, but Jimmy you just have to do tat. I did that myself were twelve months modified but yeah, of course, so so you found your interest and but he doesn't actions that are still was an interested in him in that time. I totally in my mind, just planned on using him for the gun range and then bailing out it's where that's how I was largely at the time I didn't know about you nodded. He just needed an entrance. I was
We need answering it always like? Ok, he wanted my dear, you know, gonna play big shot of I'll get my guns, you know for the day, but we would got me really hot. Is that once we became friends and started hanging out, he was very like no other I had ever met. He was the first one who got through all my houdini moves figured about just brick and call me out on all of them and still remain solid. While I tried to do on my flight escape I go and your apartment Houdini speaking today, together heating costs on the bed lie then that it is a lie that isn't she began a cage, haven't. You heard your thoughts about the thirteen months in an end, and you know you were persuaded yen and and and- and
the thing that I I wanted to do too. To mention Grant was that I suggest, I wonder you beg the thing, was one of the old Betty, reflecting about motivated on the things that you went to everything I send you an email through our help at Grand Cardona com, I think a guy. So so so I mean You know where different levels in everything and I'm not about to tell my circuses can be boring, but I think you know that you know people are indifferent levels, but life is life. You know life just kind of continues, this kind of similar to everyone. Try, and I can only really man, because you know where you are like that. I know that I know that there were when I was coming out of a tree. The centre to where I was stored in a storm offers, businesses that have an authority business to the problems and I'm having this morning was in business. Deals that I'm in life is like you got, confront it most time you buy yourself even when you were somebody on.
today I am all by Myself- Again- call it and every year we have a stay, would the Genie show every Wednesday don't go any place. We got collars knots dollars. Have you we wanted to invest in real estate, but didn't have the time did know where to find the deal's couldn't get the funny and didn't want tenets, calling you own a company. a card on capital. We currently have eight hundred million dollars of assets under management. For thirty five years, I've been by income producing properties in great locations that provide us with consistent past income. While we Is qualified investors, wait for appreciation of the future and take advantage of the tax laws while we're waiting check out caught him actual dot com. If you like the idea of investing in real estate, if you like the idea passive income partner with a card on capital, dotcom, that's court on capital dot com. Play welcome back to the Genie show Elena Cardone Grant Cardone you can follow. Elena and Elena Cardone are number three hundred and five eight hundred and sixty five, eight thousand six hundred and sixty eight
made in all your audience. Anybody the boss, boot Camp ticket Premier, VIP or exact get it. I will match it with the same, seeing at our upcoming tin ex growth conference, which will be the largest single entrepreneurs than ever healed ever held on plenary me an epoch, omit and on target about just for you guys to know what we have calls out. Two major major major towns which often about Brok just in Timber Lake Eminem Guy. I got the list out. Ok, I think J calls already said he can't be there and it is a big list of entertainment. After we do a whole day of entrepreneurs, business expansion.
show me thirty. Five thousand people at this event will be the single biggest entrepreneur event. Three days can't give you the date can't give me the location you don't even have to buy a ticket from you can get a seat for free. You need to see for free right now at one thousand and ten growth, Khan dot com. Skin ex talk about working up until now. Community virulence grudge does need to be able to go to. You need a place more. Like minded people giving one network marketing is a great place to go. Ok, Ferrari events great place to go, but you're gonna be a spectator. You got about three hundred thousand on a car. Did you know I just a picture, fodder Oddy and our Garonne seven million dollar console show. How do you get me how to
do you guys want to go meet people go join a country club we just joined a country called sixty. Five thousand bucks is twenty, six hundred bucks Emma are condemnable, can freely and fifty people it this bouquet starting Friday, Saturday and Sunday, three hundred fifty business owners from around worth a great network do not get the money I get in there, and you got to many excuses. You guys got a network is a couple bring your spouse. Manna kick him away from this debate is same. You guys, don't do anything don't do together, except watch freaking movies that sought I agree card. Let's go Sleep do what are you going to? Do you got to get energized energized go out, go to events, okay. So how can you do that? Go get involved in the charity. Go get ten or fifteen or twenty thousand dollars to a charity. You'll get push right to the front of the room, Oh my god, but I don't have the money grant. You guys got a risk money. You must end
as time is money or you will always complaining about time and money. Come to a boot camp three days, Condor boot Camp and then come back to our 10x growth conference. Murfree I'll. Do that deal you can always text Natalie for a deal: We want to find out what three seven seven to best this special backbone for that Oh geez, liar collars talk to what's up Harry Harry, you come into my book here, Hammy move you're right, you're, thirty, four minute over my head. Thirty four minutes from the big camp is hey me. Coming hammer you got it Yeah, what happened to him as soon as I asked him he's right now. I know I'm calling in I ain't coming in go ahead. What's up.
A great Alina. How are you guys were great moment? Thanks, recall, yeah, just a guy, I met you, Fanny, guys, you're audio books like the Phoenix rule, therapies, doggie, Persia and Hitler's hard, though this one of their appreciate them by the point, because one is Do I work full time I own my own business on the side and my wife. She works full time. We have a fabulous fourteen month old son. My question is: is I'm to the point my business to where it's red
play dip. My toes in the pool in like dive in full time, but my wife, you know she is hesitant just because you know the difference as of right now in money that I'm making full time for bike to my business. I full time I make you no effort to seventy to seventy five year and my business part time right now. You know I'm only around thirty, but that's because you know I'm having the baron authorize you're. Then family and social scared scared about the money drop in all right. Why by come on let but buck indeed yeah yeah. That's right! There's a little of what we got to do meant. We got to get you in the wife on the same page, man you're on the accelerator she's on the brake. The car goes no place and by the way,. It's not that the garden go anyplace. It goes no place and yet damage the freak and transmission. The breaks the tires everything gets like slaughtered, the wear and tear,
of somebody, want to go this way in somebody want to go. Another way is unbelievable Bernal, you know so so I would tell you you have to risk. You got a risk timing, you and the wife Needles year fourteen months ago, for two or three days in coming out, us and it is not us. Go hang out with somebody does doing expansion activities, okay, so job going. What everybody wants to have it all the one that wants to have her time and that this and no one wants to be willing to confront? There is sacrificed time in everything that you're trying to build their is sacrificed time. There is no way around that she's going to sacrifice our personal time to get on board to make the big.
Vice today, so you don't have the compromise tomorrow, guy sacrificed today, so you don't have to go. I am. Are you willing to give up in order to have written s totally agree open? I'm fine! I just want what I have. You can't keep what you will shrink. You cannot just hold on what you have? The environmental class of America is trying to hold on to what they have. This morning I was workin out with Anthony. He put me in the plunge, though Ninetys it may just get your knees in right. Do. Why am I gonna get money You know me they're gone all in all a kind of guy. I walk down the steps you like you need to five minutes, sixty degrees. What is fifty to fifty two? I walked in adding complaint bitch right of my shoulder right over the years. Five minutes. Earlier said the man you look like a million dollars, I sit and I'm getting out
You said that I'm gonna go thorough, Macedonia and let me know what I've been doing. I don't like this. The other night I said man what, because we're getting our plane applies being painter right now and I'm so proud like like to see. I remember my broke during I'm in my first car. I couldn't I couldn't paint the car right is a fifteen hundred or use court of First Carlos, I'm getting a plain paint, a brand new planes train it enshrine, namely won the war. You know, and in ass it she's like how proud of you
they did. I made so many sacrifices. Yes, so good, I didn't have the compromise. I never wanted to play again never wanted to play. I didn't think about a plain right. I wouldn't they always like this stooge white she's, not thinking about more or bid is even possible. I would never think about that, but I made so many little sacrifices, but today I am in a position where our family does not have to make compromises. I mean yes, I got about a bigger plain. I guess is a fantastic point, but sacrifice today, folks time, weekends, outings, sack minorities, billows integrity, encourage commitment, honor,
no, the pride and the row wore a taste of victory that we want a ten year put can war if we did that and gather. Maybe it's an eight symbol. Maybe if you make enough sacrifices on the same page, maybe you you can make your compromises to your parents. Here, your family and the kids schools. I go to your, don't go to ok, so the Genie Show Genie show every Wednesday we come to you bring him on every Wednesday. We come to you to talk about what we are learning And by the way this show makes us better makes us more where right for ourselves, by the way you're intro was me, and I will do that every day. Well, you know, I hope that in the second segment ring- and now you know- I can't do it just you know there is a lot of stuff that comes out. You have to be willing to over come yet it and take our take it. Take a guy just
taken? It now heard it Chris was out there. Are you grant money being spent on fifteen and I want to know how I can get it became? What can I do at this stage to allow myself become more successful? you would say sorry saving all of your money now when we open this accredited find in within forty five days. You just push all and on that and let big boy take care of your mother, This is what I would urge you to do. What I want to acknowledge. Correction, gay so so first thing you is you need to start shopping real estate. Even if you don't have any money you need so loud. You need to start walking deals. Looking deals look at the financial statements, you guys you guys they want to invest in real estate stored, look in a real estate! Now right, you want bowling alley start. Looking a bowling alleys, you
start building actually need to learn everything about building act. Grandcourt out this is the beautiful, Lena Cardona who's got a fiscal and we do the Genie show everyone's than just for you. Ok, make sure your friend, though, by the way through on Itunes, you're looking for the cartoons zone, you not looking for the Genie showing you look into the car assembly, where we bring your shower mondays and Tuesday's in Wednesday's Thursday's young hussars enemy tomorrow and on Friday. The cargo? Is we're going to be talking about money, money and get any money moment, Ok, I will see you guys. The next shows probably going to be from Turks and cake owes stay to failure. Go everywhere. Ten exe Thank you for listening to the g Anita subscribe to this project. Leave a review and check out grand on your favorite social media platforms.
Transcript generated on 2020-12-14.