« The Cardone Zone

349: YH "Idea to Monetization Flow Chart."

2018-07-05 | 🔗
My business cycle is illustrated by an “idea to Monetization Flow Chart”. It’s a detailed chart with nine steps that your business should move through to be successful. Each one of these nine steps represent a cycle with its own processes and outcomes to be achieved in order to move onto the next step. In the most simplest of terms, get attention, generate sales, invest your income and always REPEAT!
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It's not about your age, it's about how young your hustlers strange new way of wine and involving a game of all about true freedom on the night of succeeding in the twenty first century on a technical level with Jared Glad Grant Charter welcome. Welcome it's Thursday. I know it's Thursday that joy laugh Rang jeeringly young millionaire, multi millionaire thanks this guy and his astute information.
Cardoso right here. Every day we can view Thursday's is all about the young. I saw how to get your hustle young infraction in dead matter, how you are worthy of twenty five or fifty five. We want to show you how to keep this thing bright and right guest on the show. Today's Germans. Third, I. Oh, my god, and in by the way this is black and white. I chose black and white ears, black and white, but we coming color to okay. First thing you got to do The reason so many people are unsuccessful today is because they have one of the four things on the board out out out I set out. Did I say it? I think it could be more than one of the things I think it can be all of those things wealth, certainly, but I think even people that successful yeah like what I know. to people born social media given attention, they never get any money. There is never any money involved to invest. I know sales, gas and a good sales
every nobody. Doke is a blow at all because they never get to the invest cycle. Right and then I know a lot of people due attention, sales and invest, and then they don't repeat it yet we over here this company and a lot of people are at the very beginning, ol man. I know any of it. Yet none of it, wherever you are by the way where were you are I have a hundred and four people that work here. They don't understand the cycle hundred to Bulgaria to people to do so. So what brings back so we're always working on this cycle? I just showed you a simple version in San Francisco pop up again is going to show you what I call my eye. to monitor cessation flowcharts, that's bullshit. I am have seen this in the Irish Sea
Mama, ok, the! I am see its arguments now. Ok, not not now, if you don't know what that I am c is- I am FC goes like this is an that's our hashtag today. M F C is in charge, How do you get debate the guy in charge, the image in charge How do you get to do that all you gotta do made a simple by the cycle. Everything we do it. My company is simple: give action, in fact, even when one, when we feel like things are. where they should be here instead of adding something new, we typically remove something we try to make it simpler, always removed. Some call us three or five, eight, six, five, eight, six, six, eight! I want your question if you're
question is not about one of these four things than I am FC prisoner, but I am Fc Alma, hang up on you, so fast you can call back? I'm a hang up on you. You can go back, but what I want to talk about today is this. Is this is simple guys get attention. that's one way to get under attention. You could also sub categorize engaged in by the way on July. Afford you better do something to get a lot of attention because you can beat, would fireworks barbecues, wieners burgers, ok, beer, all kind of stuff. You got, you got everybody trying the flag thing everybody drawn the flag thing than then you're like do I do a flag to yeah? You could but he's gonna get lost same thing with Christmas. Yeah everybody compete with Santa
I am FC. Do you know what I mean is charged three hundred and five eight hundred and sixty five, eight hundred and sixty six? Eight hundred and thirty, five thousand eight hundred and sixty five eight thousand six hundred and sixty eight they're calling in what do you know about attention? We're going to spend three days? What July twenty twenty three twenty six was today today, fifty days, the fifth fifteen days from now, ok, two hundred fifty business entrepreneurs are going together. We have fourteen seats left, fourteen or fifteen seats left at the vip level. Everything else is sold out in the upper level. There ten k today, two tickets by the way, their tickets, twenty grand. Ok, we have fifteen these left with rooms. You come and bring a charm, but our share in a room Queen Bass, Queen better we had occasioned by the repeated go hungry
spouse you want to bring you want to bring your you're you're you're VP, you mommy, spooning, need so close. I was just thinking about two two tickets: to seek vip access to every event: Twentieth twenty first, twenty second lunch would make exclusive wants all three days and all we're gonna be target amount. Pop up on the board, I'm showing you the breakdown to Cajun model id a modern month, cessation float Georgia. I am FC pay attention and interest generated contact qualified the contact presented, all four make comparable As a negotiating close back see, I am a mother, Fucker Inshore, let us say it be beat beat, beat me: ok, ok, three or five, eight, six, five, eight six eggs, a jerk going, it's gonna, be there Martinez, gonna beat up. How do you build a culture? How do you keep us implement? How do you mean sure you make money right. Most of you don't have any money. I know guys that are making
eight hundred grand a year running companies and they never make it that a step, but what you should be at this thing you guys it'll make an eight hundred random. We had to you and you don't have any money. You should be made. more money from your investments. Then you, from your Joey actually put together a financial assessment charge that will be going over and the boot camp, where you actually can map out your current financial situation and then compare it to kind of the eye? deal. Minimum like there is actually a level you get to. That is the minimum income required for you to actually be able to put enough money away and invest creating positive cash flow in income savings. You guys got this thing figured out. You'll get this thing figured out so good you broke. Ok assets. Are investments in liabilities. Okay, so you you! You should know that there are certain places where you have. To be honest, I don't need this to be zero. I mean
Don't need that to be a bunch of money I wanted actually busy. I don't really want any money and savings when I is that this number way up here: liabilities no big deal if they paper himself, but I'd really like to have those zero. If they don't pay for themselves right in income, What that thing as low as possible. What I want is this: I want my income low. I want my assets okay, we're going to go to a quick break, don't go anyplace if you're on Youtube. Ian Itunes, you in the Facebook stay right there, I'm going to show you the cycles of easy money sitting in the
marketing. Your word about it or worse. You have money sitting at the bank earning less than half a percent monies grandcourt on the foundered Sea of Khartoum capital dot com. For the past thirty years, I've been investing my money in my family's money in income producing properties. These are real assets, real properties with real addresses that produce real cash flow accord on capital. We provide qualified investors who love real estate with a turnkey solution and want to put their money to work in real estate, but cant find deals. Don't have the time to get the funding for the deals in a lasting. Most productive people want to do is managed real estate. I find the deals are funded deals and then I manage the tenants. The termites in the properties pardon would be a card on capital, dotcom, that's card own capital, dot, com, gotta, cardon, capital, dot com. If you love real estate, your qualified investors
you like the idea, passive income and believe that income producing properties will appreciate overtime, go to court on capital, Dotcom, that's card own capital, dotcom back the young hussars in the car down Zone Cardoso every day, Thursday, Israel. Yes hustlers day, but every day we in a card not Cardona Zone. If you're, not Are you tubes or stature subscribe? We do in twitter, I gotta twitching make girl. You get married Folks, do this! Do this, I don't care how broke you are right now how well well off you do and everybody can improve this. We try to improve it all the time. How simple can you make your business cycle attention linked in Google plus you to Twitter, snapper chatter outflow? It's the grammar!
look out word flow. Oh, I got communication. Let people garners attention that people who are your social media or your tv or your interview or your pod gas, is not making new money you or knowing it wrong. Do you know any new gonna standing down unless you guys fix it, then we move to the sale cycle once jeered hits my facebook page, hey man, I hate you or I like you, or that was cool. I dug that article are used and how are you gonna engage with, I gotta turn him or her into a sale, and if you don't make a sale, what you can do to file what we're gonna do the father so really like. If you look at these three, these three topics here attention sales, invest like within those. You have to imagine that there are
cycles in there, there's is a process that you go through within each of those. So there's an attention cycle, there's a sale cycle and then there's an investment cycle so like we can't cover that all in a thirty minute show or whatever. But these are the things that you need to think with right and then you need to figure out like okay. What is my plan for attention? What is my plan for sales? What is my plan for investing because, like we said this is simplified approach to what we do on a daily basis, but you got to actually figure out what that means, for you like attention, sales and vest, it is simplest. Yes, but attention means what all the social channels, Ganz Emil's T personal views. It means the aim of those letters mean Facebook. You guys you like. I do in social media, yes, so what I called guy got forty people back you're, making phone calls to people that only interested I got Natalie. I got Natalie number to want to what is five one. Five
thirty seven. Seventy two ok here right now go watch up ass. She response, you guess, can do this by so you don't have any money. Money proves to me that your cycles broke it. Read. I have all these experts in the world talking all over the place at all these experts and all over the place to all. I can do this nope where's your money because it. they, whatever you're doing. If I'm pushing on the back of a truck and it doesn't move Somethin's block in Europe, how can it? I know a lot of people. They can't do this. That's why we do this boot boot can't we do this business book can to put people in the room that are like do keep doing the same thing, because it's like we did that event the other day when it was over how'd you like it. I say what I like it, but it's one day and I am concerned that all the people that leave you're going to go back to their their little gold there there will bow yeah it didn't you all budget, say, repeat, repeat: repeat: repeat: you need to get around people theirs. I do due to more new it a hundred times what they stopped. Archaeology,
we're, gonna do this by the way Grandcourt own dot com for such BNP. Recording dotcom foresight be happy. We have thirteen, now seats, left, lunches, included exclusive want yet, with only the visa fees and the premier I take care you wholesale night. Take care, you hotel. I give you a card on university for free is a forty. One thousand dollar offer the you. Yet for ninety nine. Ninety seven card on university, including three free nights, included the boot camp included for two not oh bring somebody with you, you're, not paying for the second person, even if they're dead beat bring em Who knows, maybe we wake him up? Maybe you got somebody like just life, this If I see baby, if you ain't got jam, fuzzy Montgomery, Manette Book, an app
This is a good question. Do I'm lying Michael? What have you been evident? Wasting Michael chill well. I got a few things actually and I wonder reader or not, will not leave off, and thank you for everything that she does and Steve's very often to Cyprus, shaded, stop it I'm so really what's going on with me is, is I'm definitely taken everything I've called in a few times and talk to you- and you know it I'd taken myself increase them over a million dollars from where I was out just last year alone. Congratulations! I'd! Yeah! Thank you might, but what is really important to me is my actual income has increased by about twenty five thousand dollars with half of my order shit,
ok, you're, not a means will have my orders nor income like bigger margins, yeah yeah, bigger deals so somewhere, where what I'm struggling with in work is on becoming more interested in and investing in and multi family homes and using my income to increase my sales increase, more revenue in and all that, I'm getting some blow back from the spouse because she says I'm getting too obsessed with you guys and I'm I'm getting too concerned with not having the level of success that you guys have had on which I agree with you, but I'm not on on the level of all I dont driver rolls Royce earning. I got up and you're not gonna buy jet for awhile either. So I don't know like media, and I don't want you right now yet was taken. Shall I will ever united with your whole doubts about the dinner right, don't be a liar and a known as come on,
look look. I mean it all comes to stages right now, you you, maybe you shouldn't be looking for multi family. Were you. I would not be out looking for multi family right now. If you got a business, is finally doing billion dollars a year and you're starting to make more money. Don't spend energy right on things that you're not proven at right now for three years. This is what I did. I got attention I sold stuff and I took the money in a pushed it aside. I was investing all my time and energy, not my money. I was saving money storing money. I didn't call a saving of storing money. Now Jared came in, he came into a thing that was already work. and jeered popped in here. You got attention from me. First and then, as do those men who know me below cost
a body because I don't have any money. So he directed his attention then to the marketplace. Made sales got money and said he stored for a while. He did what I said: don't buy anything don't blow you money do just keep repeating the activity. He didn't start multi family. He just dump the money into my deals so that he can what so you could repeat what was workin for so Uncle John. Let me ask you this. So right right now, my wife and I we before we found you guys it with a lot of day Ramsay, get out a dead. All that gets up here and she's very a big believer in not, and so all the extra money that I'm getting. I want you in an and save it and not see that they feel the bank it too over the one day, investment right yeah. He wants to take all that extra income and just get rid of Oliver Debt and on trying to explain that can make more money by not
What an agreement on this says. Look if you study success by naturally super successful people without would I could daybreak ASEAN that now, how today make his money got attention made money from books, programmes on how to get out of debt, but days going to tell you man the best way to get out a dentist increase income. Going to tell you that it's not the pay, your debt, oh yeah, you don't want bad debt. Nobody wants bad that I don't have any bad debt right so, but what am I going to get invested in? I guarantee you Dave Ramsey was said to definitely invest your money in homes that provide income
We ve got to get you in the wife on the same pay, so you you're perfect person. They should take advantage of grant cartoon dot com foie gras reality. You should take advantage that bring your wife. Let me convince your wife, so you don't have to you, should just have sex with your life, and let me do to have you always wanted to invest in real estate, but didn't have the time did know where to find the deal's couldn't get the funding and didn't want. And its calling you own, a company called court on capital. We currently have eight hundred million dollars of assets under management. For thirty five years, I've been by income producing properties in great locations that provide us with consistent passive income, while we as qualified investors, wait for appreciation in future and take advantage of the tax laws while we're waiting, Checkout Khartoum capital dot com. If you like, the idea of investing in real estate, if you like the idea
ass, an income partner with May a card on capital, dotcom, that's cardon, capital, dot, com or back? This is young hustlers on the car downs, every Thursday Nunez Cassandra time same place to get your sales game in your money and we're going to spend three days July. Twenty twenty four twenty second we're gonna go over can show the diagram Francisco over the business cycle, the business cycle. No, not that not the offer the business cycle attention generate interests make contact ok by the way I could take that contact and spend three hours in the contact. Interested not interested slightly miley interested interested, but in the future those are all contacts right and by the way, no interests is what year is interesting is. Is it how do I qualify how to opposition how to make a proposal had around negotiate? How do I closed? How do I repeat the cycle? That's how you make money folks, you do not need to go back to call. You do not need to get another degree you
Don't need another idea. Would you need to learn how to do is tone your ideas in a money without going to the manufacture liquid Amazon did I got an idea? They call him a small man in the world is simple man. I got an idea: I'm a cut out there metal may lead great car, don't put something on my site. I get a little piece of cheese. Those limits to plea, careless doktor, our collars, by the way if you're not come into the boat cap, where you gonna be Cordoba com foresight hey, I'm a call! You lose the to your face and they ll Carnegie one idea, because that's not how to win friends and influence family, but it is whatever those areas. What a good uncle would tell you. The truth I deal Carnegie thing now is all about manipulation, as why was it till we owe nice jacket, jeered, ousting insisting that well to nice, forehead.
Good, so regular announcing it was even though the matching boots- or you put your here- and there are four million you did. You hear like that, I'm with you by your manner or you don't negotiate. As I see it modeling modeling modeling going you do some autism. Do you feel better about? Unlike man, I'm feelin really is too with uranium hundreds origin with. I might just pull some money out of my pocket. I appreciate the fact hey. How would you
How do you propose less so slimy? No wonder people don't wanna be sales. No wonder people abandoned the sale cycle because they got I gotta model are gonna, be like you. Do I'm having trouble being like me very true, every time I try to be made there like. You can say that you just do you I'm a do me. Ok, let's go to the doktor our her. raw, do you have a good question? Nor am I going to hang up on her get a fantastically fantastic worsen. Maria say I've been living things they killed him for years. I jumped out of college from a cylinder degree, a Mirage laces and my biggest my biggest problem is driving enough attention to to break the barrier because I'm lose a client yeah, pretty allusion to I'm losing them too.
But with and we lost, I think we lost him. So look, look, you know, we say: hey, there's only two reasons: a business fails. Jared knows what they are yet one another year. Number one because you don't sell products fast enough. Well, but we want it is high enough because we don't sell products because a what obscurity of security second reason is outside went by definition from Iraq. The second reason is obscure, These are two different definitions that one I don't know you too I forgot about. I know Look. I had an uncle. I had an uncle the bought a car from somebody else and he knew I was a car salesman and a guy forgot. I had another uncle wooden back from because he did know me is like it
I know you listen to this. If I know you will have to pay extra, so I want to go buy from somebody I don't know so I can freaking hammer them to death right social security. I don't know you or hey. I knew you. I know you, I don't like you may be forgettable or your forgettable. Hello I'd rather I'd rather I'd. Rather, you hate my guts least, no mere basic first impressions, most important, no do last impressions is born more important person
ambrosch how people feel about you. This is the one we have to work on after so when somebody like pop you in the face. So there are like I'm sorry. So my best friend is at the last, and some of my best friends are people that we fall. First, I give you can take a good pop into faced man. What are you doing see? It goes back to their sale cycle. Can you put it the business cycle, the business cycle most? Have you get stuck in one either the business cycle, the sale cycle you know actually understand these? Are SEC separate cycles right. So some of you this in the attention cycle using instagram, which, by the way, is a completely broken model guy. This outrage, John John Grey, became the the the
Mr Graham model. These social media model, the I am going to be a celebrity on Facebook or Instagram or Twitter completely broken model. I don't need any more time to prove this out. I can show you ten broken people financially for every. Then people their own social media. You know yes in Bonn, do in these spinning tremendous the amount of energy and none of it make it into the bank yeah? If your social media pages not paying you directly paying you cause, your business model is broken, so there is no proof that social media somehow making entrepreneurs it, isn't it well and it can. The problem is the debt that the deficit in the social media model is people use. That is the only
source yeah. So you know you have the company that markets a product online on the internet, but they don't have a staff. It's making phone calls did we were going through a test with something. This is a thing we did and we send out a big marketing message may making an offer to people like thousands of people and instead of us just hitting the people who didn't open the email or open the email and but didn't click or who, like we went through, and we took a list of thousands of people and we gave him the sales team and they make phone calls to those young people. So soon. This goes back to what injures making a good point here. You're gonna need all these pieces. There's no one piece like I'm. Looking for the magic peel, this magic peel here man, it's work, wrote this article four CNBC this morning, you wanna be a Multi Munich, a millionaire yet have the dreams of the concepts of multi million. You wanna be successful. You gotta go for super success, not partial success. Then you gotta get around other people that are saying. I repeat it either.
Peter repeated, don't stop this! What people don't do they not repeat all the professionals, though the bronze repeat activity right I get attention from our brand. I sell tickets to the stadium, I get a ring and sell more tickets. I go somewhere else where I can sell tickets and by the way I keep making decisions. My money, so I can and Bess so one that can be an owner of a team, not just a player on the team- and I repeat that over and over and over again so so again shown the business model. I am Fc Baby Die M, F, C, I know how to go for money idea to money is fast. Is anybody on it? being told out there right now, you're being told right now. You have idea and don't monitors, how can you possibly think your family expand your comp?
any yea, your bills by the building go on a trip eat, take care, your kids parent pay rent. If you came on it as its is completely Are we work office space? I'm gonna go get ginger and not mother. Does we want we? What we're going to show you how to get attention you make it?
our dear how to make ten million dollars year through sales and how to have enough of it fall to the bottom line, where you can start investing either backing you're. So he had a guy company or other thing. We and I repeat this cycle, we had a guide. The last Boop Camp had a business and he operated exclusively online and he learned to things from the event he started. Making phone calls to people any change, the way that he was asking them questions, because we went through this exercise where we actually model the call. The questions like we map the whole thing out. He implemented this back in and in less than thirty days he had done Johnny with the guy. Now the canadian guy that made the phone calls we watch the video fifty times. The testimony of video
yeah. What was the elbows the number two hundred and seventy thousand dollars in encroaching clients in thirty days, because he learn how to qualify and ask me: I soon grew he's too. He is his return on the investment with twenty seven times less thirty days all of you out there. Like. I don't know it's not going to work for me. It's not going to work for you because you never do it The use of you don't ever show up for not as there's only four hundred people gotta be at this hour, fit these less people. It isn't that right, out of the whole world aid young people, man
like many of you, have a network marketing income they're, making millions of dollars a year. The husband and wife looked at me on that on after the first day says: oh, my god, I'm so glad I'm here, I'm like washes like we're not do. In any case, we were only in the attention they ones attention Day, Tucson sales in day. Three is: how do I keep making this cycle work? So it's not me doing all the work this doctor, another cholera, I love that jeered. That example, you just stay at whatever you're. What's going on and turn your phone, I turn your thing off. There was an eight year old and in tat Cabin imaginating, ammonia let me hear what you gotta me here. Would you got the from warrior leadership, I'm trying to get your attention on social media put in order
he's not in our brow. Would you do with it? Ok, I just you know I want to call my organise these struggling and yet managed want them, I did hang up on that boat? No, when you get a danger man, you got set a hook. You got to set it up. You call me back need good. I know to hurt Mobile Junior more than three hundred g umbrage. A bogeyman, yet there you guys got to figure out. How do I get attention? What do I say to get a book and keep attention? I hung upon into showman example: how'd you get someone the digital you blow- and let me ask, let me just add something: TAT is please don't ask big questions. Yeah, like hey, we Would you recommend that I start if I want to become rich kind of a broad question I mean you got you got to,
for me to answer for you, my daughter. We were to bed last night fourth of July, then it was five hundred people. I said I asked the did this run into the US and who is the most important person here other than myself and he's like that. Do right over there s a good Sabrina go over there. It yourself, you walk up and you say hello, my name Sabrina. I heard you are a very important person new stopped. Everything was doing everything. disciple who are, who are you? What are you gonna, be? I wanna be a singer ban on propaganda. What to my my company? Maybe I'll, do both in his eye like Ariana. What's chicks named the singer, our area, Randy, yeah, he's like Marianna grandes, come into our facilities thing. Would you like a mere attention get a hook? You got a set of what
a guy. You guys don't know what to set. The hook means calm to the boot camp. Ok, we have a VIP companion package offer right now. You only have fourteen days, but they get only a thirteen of these seats. We sold to already ok eleven. These seats left now. Ok, Grandcourt own dot com foresight be happy. If you want to be a very important person, rank or donor conference logically be. If you think you deserve to be a very important person, but you're not can I need the eye. Are I know what is a very rich? Very. You ought to be, as they are, our Bee Bee, W B, very well person. I wanna be a v c p. I want to be a big jp. I wanna be a there are
the what kind of e p d you want. Ok, let's talk to our colleagues know guys, don't confuse us havin fun here with us. Do business! Dear trust me. I go from fun to freak and furious like without red needed me from tempers. I don't like it. Because each time what I wanna like like I wanna liking, but I can't make because psychedelic secular reminded anger for our work. We sent out like we're gate on when the EU is and he's gonna make me better. Knowing I make you better, but actually man, you know my daughter's complaints, but I've gotta mosquito boy knew her sober cynisca. You ever reaction to cause the freaking mosquito bitches cause you're freaking out over cause. It Dog go to. You got a good question. Am I going to hang up on you
ok, you don't hang up on the road. I was here with your uncle Geezer. Thank you guys will start by we're all eager browser download on for a long time now pay it off handsomely Cyprus, good stuff, man, love that which question so I am currently in the process of capturing attention. So My question to you is this: an area is that of trying to reach our grab the attention of someone to do business with perhaps a potentially annoying dart. Now what I'm struggling weapons? All I need is have minutes with his person
time to sell them on the fact that what do you want a first, they you gotta. Do you listen to me? I am the man. You gotta, learn how to get to what that, whatever the hell you talkin about robot was closer sharply with you I would have already abandon your ass for Mcdonalds take long to get that a product. What is the pitch bureau hey? Look I'm trying to get ten minutes with a guide, a pitcher and multi million dollar idea, that's very busy! That's all you had to say. If you were me, how would you reach out here? That's all you had to say was that your question no more, Watson is certainly a shepherd you're, quite a shipping, and why I knew I question. That's all I need permanent your time to prove that I can make use billinger. Take you even richer than you are now hope. You grow your business ceremony
terrible yummy times a day. I get that how many times a day. Somebody on instant message tells me they got a billion idea. You're gonna make me richer than I mean. My first question is: whenever people see annex I end up getting a lot of those. Yet how many the people in Vienna with yeah yeah? Did I tell you what I would do you gonna call rich? Do you wanna call me say what can I do for you, man? to be a Miami. I need one minute, I wanted to know, charities really important. I want to show you how I can help you make your charity more successful. I take a load off. Do something for the doo doo, awaiting a rich man, do something else for me. I don't want to do I'm going to get rich already. You talkin to a rich guy about getting rich he's like dude, I'm getting ready, I'm going to get rich without you you're, not even in men have only one of us. It's red thread now yeah easier, nausea,
well you're gonna work in order to do to be under team leader worth. Did Jack you're talking to me about me? Why? Now it was lobby that was sloppy. Shit do callback next week. I will give you seven days to figure it out. There's another step, a meal, about day, eggs, hey question: you got your enemy s, it. Of course. There are you come into the booty thing that comes to boot, can put up a card on you in person order books. And thirdly, you guys are stupid. Ok with you. My brown brotherly, I'm just gonna forget his name right now. You know why I gave you a fucking chance to come spent three days with me for five thousand dollars. You guys you so domains, unbelievable, ok, I know there's not daring to to its creation Louis House were not areas. Aesthetic guy, you guys are stupid
By the way, I can only say you guys are stupid because I was stupid for twenty five years from the age of twenty to forty. Five years old? I did not understand. I thought money in debt because I was listening to day dumb ass Ramsay. I thought, oh, my god out why? What us go into debt to spend time with successful people? Will you would you would go into debt Johnny to spend time with this successful people guy? We have proof in my office thither closer. The more people spend time when we, even in the studio, watching, shows that more chances they have of of of changing their financial lots. Why cause you're getting attention? Johnny goes out at night, and so what he called. Then I think you do hurry languages. He makes a sale, he hose everybody does. Then it takes.
money, any any stores the money. How much of what you say, but right Francisco in Europe. I think that for this conditionality, money when he came here couldn't even speaking English now now least he understands and sign language has a video grant. Ok, I think again for you, you got you guys, gonna tears, I'm going you some! You guys should borrow money to spend time with players. You get a chance. You should be studying no more than two people. Yes, that's true and they should be multimillionaires every one of you need to study people have a lot of money, because a lot of money suggest what he didn't screw up, like the ability for somebody to go on right. A cheque for apply.
Instead, I want to add something else to the irish leader I wanna heads of them do that you make sure that they have money and make sure they ve been doing what they're doing for a period of time, because I felt football player can go, get a twenty million dollar contract after everything's. Left he's got seven million, he goes spends three million bucks. A year looks like he's, live in the big life in the two years later he's broke. The same thing can happen in these people that you're following on Instagram, they go out there by a ferrari. They got a twenty two hundred dollars a month. Payment a thousand bucks a month to live in a place. That's three grand a month. That's not a lot of money because Dj Gala say it say it on tv. He's he's rich and he knows money cause he's been houses all over the country. Do guys only been playing the game for for five years, the money you even play the deed J Game for longer. He has improved and that he can keep as money. We all know the athletes, the actors, the NBA players, the lottery guy. They made a bunch of money, balloon
We also know Lahti, your parents, it had tremendous opportunities, create wealth and they did we know about the millionaire next door. Didn't up, would afford truck and be an old and in an ancient track home. and never had a damn cappuccino in his life because he's late hour. I should call me and on a dial up, ok,
I know Guisando millionaires is still lie. Coach travel on Mary! I point: that's not Richie units they weren't, since, if you guys need to fund their, you can't find more than to people. You want to spend time with an u need to study and if you get a chance to go to a conference in sit too rose, like literary sitting there spit for two days or three days, do pay ten Greek fifteen Grand Twenty Grand GO put money on your credit card. Do what ever you have to do to spend time with? We had a conversation about this. Actually we're talking money on, must memo you're playing off yet and we were in a grand actually said he gave out a number. He said: do you know I don't want to be a friend, but you know I'd pay this number just to just to have a conversation with them to spend time with yeah. If I could spend more than an hour with it, I don't want an autograph from you know. I want to spend time with them. I want to
I don't like, and I don't really need to do- that I need to study. Is life. I don't need de LA must stop what he's doing, because building rockets may even gonna get him from me. I've got a million dollars are giving a million dollars for four for a day. With these gloomy, like I'm, going to get for billions, others. I got Tesla, I got a solar panels and I got Fuckin rocket I don't need your million dollars, then I'm trying to go into debt would for billions. Will you Listen do Ilan, but gave rams see that's why you're gonna decide who you are, who you gonna? Listen to me, ok and in whatever it takes to get attention. You gonna get my attention on Facebook instead in the instant messenger, but you'd have our full attention for three days
at an event, I'm doing by the way you are supporting the things I'm doing that point. If I wanted e lawns attention, a young man, I'd like to give a million dollars to your charity. Ok now get your attention. Is the family yeah yeah, maybe Pertinax on Iraq it we're color them. They all fell off because there were light. All my god he's he's on a role that we saw drastic park. I want some good reporting it loaded located on pollution, I think I'd suggest you're gonna be ok, I'm gonna, be I'm gonna, be there Johnny the camera, guys gonna, be there robber, sizzler, Francisco Natalie Martine Dave System is going to be. There ran Seko Sanofi, that's worth stay on. It the entire daytime culture, we're gonna, be role.
What do we do that at the book camp? Did we go over everything that has to do with this entire entire cycle here, so the attention how to get it, how to keep it had a bad it had had to make a bigger impact. The sale cycle? What to do with the interest with the attention once its generated how to move it back out through the sale psycho, whether with the sale cycle goes from interest rate generated to the contact of qualified to the president to make both negotiate closed and follow up. Two thirds of that is else like yet I would also say that getting attention is assail cycle problem is most of you are stuck in. A sale cycle can never become a been this. Why do I say that? Because it happened to me- and it happened to me- unjust- share with you my our mistakes that we laid here. So we got a business back here. Does forty million dollars a year?
commerce and we get off track all the YAP. Everything's knew that were learning any man. What we're gonna bring to you in this mood camp is what we are learning this working where there is on the phone in the follow up getting attention taken a new idea. We have a go into them.
place. I want to apologize to everybody that didn't get to on the phone. I will not apologise to those of you on the greatest gift I can give you did is upon you today call back next week. Men get it right. I still love. Most customers are just going to forget about our long I'll, be your next week. Conversion persist, work out, you pitch may, and I supported a repeat of guide year. What have we got? What s going on? I one four hundred from Jerry this weekend cause he's a hustler, slimy, golfer unnoticed landing way want to say that, because you, why do you say to cheat, you can't double bogey every hole and then par the last three holes here has he's a hustler he's a hustler
double buggy every now and then last three rest unimpressed slimy. We love you gadget, gatekeeper, also younger ducas, up on a hustle who says: don't husbands were the only ones who condemned the hustle are the ones who by giving us. This is some money. Thank you for listening to your hustlers, subscribe to this project. We will review and check our grip on your favorite social
Transcript generated on 2020-12-14.