« The Cardone Zone

263: Saving For Retirement

2017-05-19 | 🔗
Saving For Retirement...Your mom told you to save for a rainy day and that a penny saved is a penny earned. If you’ve never been taught to make money, being taught to save money is kind of stupid. You’ve been taught that you must start saving early, but what are you even saving for? Should you send your money to people you don’t know to diversify? People that actually make it put a big bet on one thing. Finances are about playing offense. Who’s got your money? You need to make so much money that you can’t spend it all. When I make money I get rid of it as fast as I can because money gets bored. Don’t stick your money in an IRA, concentrate on investing in yourself so that you can begin to increase your income.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I'm saving Burma for a garment welcome welcome grant our in the car zone every Friday, twelve p M eastern standard time from Grant Cardona Studios, Davy, studios robber, Sis lives on the computer and on the MIKE I Robin Jesus.
You love it Robins on the phone. I found your already loaded. I want to talk to you about retirement. Today, every Friday we come to talk about business, career body, and you can see the number right here we take these. This important programme will drop it on Youtube. Later we also drop in on Instagram if you're not bomb. I instagram folks, ok, my instagram ages below and just like Facebook, but DES bade. We do some different stuff on the instant grandpa. check out, grant Cardone Instagram and you going to see little one minute pieces throughout the day that you can get notified of, where I'll, just going to give you a little one minute. Wake up call during the day turn your notifications on when you get to the profile page grant Cardone on Instagram, and I want to talk to you about savings and retirement before I came into this call today, somebody reached out to me: so, do you know Dave Ramsey know? I don't. Would you like to sure
I know what he teaches people. Would you like to work with him? I would love that. Can you imagine me and Dave Ramsey in the same environment it will be freaking awesome and it could be the few in a of financial history. Ok, see, gaze gonna, tell you guys, need I say, or retirement will get prepared, but the day for the day of reckoning as your mama used to tell you, A penny saved is earned. Is a penny earned say for Jim Jim. You help me out for what. Arrange a day? Is gonna rain one day when it rains, you don't go anywhere. You ll notice that should have said save for when the Jews create another bigger another all possess. When you spend our money man, you guys ever noticed that you spend money you spend money when you have time off. See what your mom and dad he should instead is save for the time when you have time off. Ok, but the real
the as they should have inverted, though thing they told you about the bottom, have a financial statement, not the top half your mom and dad didn't teach anything about making money. So look if you ve, never Tubman taught how to make money being taught how to save it kind of stupid. And that's why most people never have any money until their dead I'll give you a stand: ok, the average American between the age of fifty five and sixty four. As one hundred and four thousand dollars in retirement count sounds like a lot done, uninformed ran the translation of three hundred bucks a month they can spend average. You feel right now go to hold foods, get three bags you're broke again. You have four hours left over now. You guys did have been taught guys in gaol my friends here
you ve been taught you need to start early the earlier. You start. Let me to see us all somethin last night about distort real early retirement age and start early may start when you're like twelve I'm in a safe. I say my money before: what? What are you saving for? To do what I mean when what best and invest in your twelve years, all you're twenty years. So you don't know. What's investing in, I know people fifty years. I don't know what to invest in ok, so so here's the problem right, I'm saving for what not now they do. This Because you don't know you should take the money that yes saved and send it to people. You don't know and they do it for you and oh by the way, we're going to do a thing called the Dutch the what they're going to do, what the diversify.
why? Why would we diverse about? Because we don't know what we're doing and neither do they so what they're going to do? Is they gonna put it in income bonds, aggressive growth, some caps, large caps by international bonds, Hong Kong, China, we're going to diversify all the way around the world. So we avoid what losing money mistakes again. easy. They lunch for me today notice. It's not diversified, because I know what I want to eat ass. It go on a MAC We want those now if, if Katy didn't know what I wanted, she would have gotten what fish stake. Vague in tofu chicken soup did, I would have so much it would be a frequent buffeted. This is Thanksgiving grants. Ok, but I know what I mean. A man give some tacos mass and we get wouldn't like three things that she rotates. I swear
all I want some protein. Why so I go makes them money, not save money. I don't want to save money for retirement, most people that are fifty four than ever, hundred grand two hundred gram put in retirement, and now they are too old, even enjoy money. Ok, then, the other than you guys do exist by our house by ass by the way most of the money in these people's retirement accounts. What they have saved and put away is probably counting equity. They have in their house now they're stuck in the same. as for thirty years tell you got we're not taught how to one do. One thing make money make money How do I make money so there's so much money left over that you gotta start bigger now place, to get rid of it is like the drug dealers down in Bogota their problem wouldn't get drugs into America. Their problem was get rented a cash. Ok, that's the way you need to think about return. Make so much break in money that the spillage we'll take care of you in return?
my name's grant cardon. You are in the car down zone where we straighten out the programme and the Miss wiring. Ok, the held down seven, you know what I came from a gay and that we want to help you get clear and where you go, and so you can make that real money, look at dead at real people, whatever dark a average age, America? Eighty four years old on average retirement desired retirement? Sixty two average retirement account for somebody, fifty five to sixty five years old, one hundred and four thousand dollars Imagine you sixty two years old, you just retired, you been working your whole life. You have a hundred one thousand dollars put away average person meeting savings in a retirement again. One hundred.
four thousand dollars: they have twenty two years left to live on. One hundred and four grant that's three hundred and ninety three dollars a month. Let's say they were lucky enough to get social security, average social security check, one thousand three hundred and forty one dollars. So this person now has seventeen hundred and they did a good job on the way there in the top ten percent, one thousand, seven hundred and thirty four dollars to spend every month by the way, the average expenses of a person. This age is three thousand three hundred and fifty a month, so they're in the hole. Sixteen hundred bucks every month in the richest country in the world- and this is all because your mama told you to save your daddy told you to say they told you about-
Penny saved is a penny, earned start early diversified, listen to what they told you. This is why you're in the situation you're in no person, we've done what twenty five thirty interviews, what your parents taught you about money, not one person is said to me daddy, told me to make a shit load a money, my daddy Mama, That is the only thing you know about money. Money must sunny. The only thing you need to know about money. Sunny is you need to make truckloads of it, makes so much freak in money. You don't know where. To put it. Ok, what was the drug Lord down to Colombia, but was the do five below? that money like pop blow. Pablo money, wasn't cocaine. Pablo money was where to put the cash they had stored all over south, Erika Man Houses underground day. The point is what don't sell drugs. That point is what Mega lotta day on a money, man make a lot of. Ah a guy. Now
When I make a lot of money to first thing I do is I get rid of it as fast as I can, because I know money, don't sleep and I know another money gets bored, ok, money gets bored hours play my jewish friends for this. You know why. My board money and up in your hands because we do holidays because you guys are so stupid ya, go forward every time, ok, Santa Easter, Bunny! Many! he's your bony many Easter Bunny had the Easter Bunny get involved in that whole deal right. So so, what what am I doing out there increase in my chalk? Chocolate intake eat marshmallows on we can reduce the Easter or that done. Ok, so so that we got six calls on the line. I want to know when, when I asked you a question, Romulus take the first when I want to know what you were taught about: two things: saving money. want to know what you are talking about, how to make money activity
come on Man Octavio. What does that word even mean Octavio? This name is going to be a child. I am the first one. Child actually helps, but my question is going and how should we integrate the boy eight from the road to fail into our personal sales pocket? I know it's not. You know that retirement, but I've gotta get this question answered because untidy up our field pastor Now- and I do not understand how the point eight, which is the appraisal, and though, what kind of go hand in hand into our own resources? Oh yeah, well, during a cordial should now now, I'm actually and personal development
oh yeah and personal development? Okay. So so how would you integrate those sale step? So I'd probably short, not up, for you just say I would if, if you're doing personal, coaching seven, she said yeah yeah so far, more belike. How am I going to walk the appraisal. We you a yet was so the appraisal, the appraisal in the service walk going to be first about the service. what, for you, is gonna, be it's gonna, be more. like, showing them, how you service and by like when we have a product here, you'll see me move from the product to what the services by the way we offer you a mastermind that happens every Wednesday. The one our session laugh for every person is forty eight hundred hours. We give it to you for free. Let me show you what we do in that. That's my service walk for similar product that year. offered. His coaching second part of your question is why, when I'm talking about the appraisal, have you ever had coach
The appraisal is always about to pass, not about somebody driving a car or having a having a house if you're in real estate hate. Tell me about your last house. If you're in cars tell me about the car you bought, if you're in plumbing tell me about when you had a plumber here before you had a plumber right, I never had a plumber good, can charge him anything. You want. Ok, if they ve never had a coach. What have you ever had a coach know what you mean? You never had a coach, no, really route. You didn't go to school yeah. Did you p yeah we're gonna the football team yeah you advocates. Ok, tell me about that. Coaching inexperience! Did you pay anything for right, so
I want to do is go back and find out when they had a mentor when they had a coach what they paid for that we never paid any thing for sure you did everything cost something! That's my a appraisal process, ok, not having a coach by the way cost something. If you would. I had a coach if grant cardon coach you, since you were nineteen years old to the age of thirty three, do you think he'd be further it? If you could get time with him once a quarter? talk about money, finances, personal finances, financial statement, how to grow your business. Do you think you'd be further it? Oh yeah, how much further head shit? Millions, ok, good good, but you ve already paid for personal cochin.
maybe millions of dollars overtook nineteen years or would it be millions of dollars per year, guy monies grandcourt down you're in the car down, so we talk about making money today are labelled. This retirement Octavius means the eighth child. By the way I knew it meant something about Octopus us I knew it has something to do with eight monies grandcourt down stay where we don't go no place, I want a Magna Carta dominates, great car down every Friday, twelve p M eastern standard time from Miami Beach Ray you on the beach win, the beach going debate, and we don't bitch again
and every Friday I come to you, talk about business, career finance, we're done about retirement savings today, we're done that were I'm talking to you about saving money. I'm telling you this whole thing for lack of better word. This is peace. Writer is a scam, it is a scam. Okay, it is about when you hear your parents talking about save money, save money, save money, you're talking to people that are basically financially illiterate, they're, financially illiterate, okay, there's a middle class illiterate there, probably white five thousand eight hundred and fifty nine educated.
Baby, mice and save you money sign saving money sensor taking money, we got to save money, don't play with money, don't play with money, save that money say that money they're going to they're going to end up, probably a couple hundred grand three hundred Grand House to be paid for: okay, they're, going to plateau for about thirty years or so much better off than other people. They say it all. The time Oh, my god, you think we got a bad. Ok cluttering coupons, three hundred grand in the bank for on a grandfather hundred bought a new car big deal. We pay cash. We we took a vacation
and pay, we don't use credit cards, no, no, no nasty nasty and by the way we got free, we got free free, buffet, yeah every night to free breakfasts is at our holiday. In the inn I use points. We have one million voice with visa and we're using the men. You guys you guys gonna, then this is not what you're goin forget. This is. This is the person that has been basically settled out for the bottom half in the financial statement. Just had a couple in here we're time at their financial statement. I'm going through in my look just worry about this, the top two inches, nothing else. If you get the top two inches to be fat enough, big enough surpluses enough.
massive enough. Look! Here's the facts! Sixty five percent of all Americans in the richest countries on the planet rely on social security for retirement. Okay, now the people that have it made supposedly average a hundred and four thousand dollars into retirement account that they can't get do before their sixty two without being penalised penalized for getting your money penal. You took it. You took some penal, ok, forget Your money, what if you needed that money earlier you were never in control of it. You were never in charge of it. They diversified abundant, put in a bunch of places and that's why I never grew because people that actually make it or the people that make big bets on one thing, not seven, team. Thanks guys, once you get a lot of money, then you can diversify to get money, though you to go online on something figure, something out. That's. Why do the real estate game? I got my business here.
All my money. I create a bunch of money out of this business, a second business, the third business and take all the money from those three businesses that are all similar. They all kind of run together, and then I take all that free money and I dumped it into real estate. It's gone now I got to about ten years, fifteen years, twenty years, thirty years, all that property be paid for it. Just gonna good show me like Pablo it in I just: did they start Rayner how's it? So you naughty and published, like I gotta house here, I gotta house here I gotta play there, go there and get their money right, there's money everywhere. She That's where you want to be a retirement manners money everywhere, not I'm gonna bet a live, barely on so security and thirteen hundred bucks him on inverted thing. Ok, hope this makes sense to Yama. Take a bunch collars now. Inverted thing worry about making money, not even we're about making it gave you got ten grand right now, you don't have any money, just a minute. You're broke, you have thirty grand admit. You're broke. U s
granting your bank for your business. Again, you're broke, admit it quit. Acting like that's money, I'm gonna hold! I'm gonna keep this again! I'm going to do. We can have this It's gonna be something one day: no its not spend them their money. Man spin that little Wala, so little Gwawl becomes big, Waller, ok, Patrick! What's our body What did your parents did? You about? Saving money has gone about which there? What do I know, save money and would actually sepia? So I know a lot about saving money and I see a lot of examples of exactly what you're talking about on a day to day basis. Do not love that it was very good May I say something now decide by everybody understands receive sepia? Yes, Sir public accounting that major historian will judge.
Sorry by yours do indeed I Neer historian boy, you know if you workin, when alive investors in a lot of small business owners, taking a proactive approach to their finances. You work with them when a year round base; ok, ok, so that that's a financial blind or more than its EPA. But when you view, if your hybrid of that cps, typically just so everybody, this listening is something collect: data from a business owner and or family, and so this is where your taxes are gonna be now Pollyanna spitted entered attack software. They sped back here at her now Patrick, is doing something different, ok, Patrick's, helping people plan out so Patrick. What what we first of Petrograd says, get, listen, find out how credible your? How much money do you do it? How much money do you have saved and which might do I feel I say about fifty or sixty grand myself on twenty eight year old millennial? Sepia, that's awesome! Now! Now, if you now known, would you know who,
you go to for advice on saving. Ah, no really looking for advice on saving grand. I usually look to you from my financial advice, because I follow your strategy yeah. I know I have baby money now and I'm looking to make a big play in future years as on building up my company and my credibility, yet my network. As the same, if I said I give to my eyes what exactly did you you got you guys? We learn how to save some freakin amines and big jack. You gotta talk to people. They have big big money, not people. Actually, I had an uncle. Ok, my uncle John D really will and everybody my family everything's, Patrick everybody. My family, TAT, John Uncle John, was the frequent do. Man, ok leg like Uncle John was a God did well. He sold stock and accompany his company, went public and made him some money to get money by section
I need housing, everybody thought this guy was the guy okay and he is he was he was based on everybody else's position. You understand! That's the problem. Okay, so you got to decide where you going to get your advice. If you want a couple hundred grand in a retirement account and you're not willing to do the math on the couple hundred Rand don't understand it when you get to sixty four you're going to be sweating, it everyday cuz we like to do. I have enough to have enough. Do I have enough? That's not retirementfocus freaking fear for twenty two years ago, unless, unless you go on longer that that mentions
That that's just by the way, the general have any tragedies, none, not the bad habits. I was listening, Patrick Red David, the other guys, like you, know somebody blaster best of happened to him every five or ten years. Some people have five things happen to him every year. You know. Look if, if you only have one thing happened to you every five or ten years, you're good on a couple hundred grand, maybe but even then, two hundred grand you got two two hundred ran in a freak and we get a bad luck? One bad lawsuit, ok, live in any these member states. Somebody could see you for anything, we're soon. You guess what would I do you parked in front of the house? Two hundred thousand dollar lawsuit at Starbucks two took as I had coffee there this morning.
They were the cause of it right, but you see Starbucks the people that don't have the money, the attention, the payroll, the income they can't handle. They can't handle the freaking heat and it's going to it's going to legal fees, I'll kill you. So what am I year make GAD Money make up put all your attention should be the ninety five five rule. I talk about the millionaire booklet, talk about an playbook two millions. By the way you can get this three hundred for three earn. Twenty pages. Three hundred twenty page booklet free today go to what play book Grandcourt on playbook dot com. This book is the exact the exact step by step of what I did to get my money right. Gate picked up. The next college is free by the way, when you get Grandcourt on Playbook Bogart com brand from Toledo, who told you about money, Mama or mom mom and dad do dodgy about money dead. Now,
They teach you man, what was the core message that make as much again, but the one thing they left out, an oak or method is how to make it whoops Well, here's the deal. What do you do for a living right now? Right now I worked with the family. business. We aerial advertising signs, yeah. And what your job there? My job is. Sales! Ok, and how much you make a year there about. Fifty thousand So I'm until everybody out there, this got a job, making fifty grand the average income in America's about fifty fifty two thousand dollars a year. The only way to go from fifty to two hundred right now is to sail the only what it is there is no other way. There is nothing right now, I'm not saying you can go back to school in two or three years. The only way to go from fifty grand to a hundred grand right now, because nobody, nobody is going to be. Become so valuable tomorrow. Ok, they're they're gonna be worth a hundred
If they're paying you fifty grand right now there either the ribbon you off or are you just not worth a hundred grant anybody I'm gonna go hard to people for a hundred. I'm not going to give you a bonus tomorrow. The only waited from fifty to one hundred in a year is through sales. You got to sell something. I don't know what you got to sell, but you got to sell something something online, something with affiliates work with a guy like me, something on the side network, marketing. Okay, go, go go back in the afternoon. Do I want to make more money good when's? The last time you freakin Panhandle on a street corner. I've never done that dude. I would never do that. You too said you want to make more money again and then you guys driver to the gathers panhandling? You like get a job on us all video the other day that this guy needs to get a job duties got a job that is his job. He drives his hand a civic over to the shopping center walks to the street corner and all day long stands out there. We is dirty close, oh by the way he took it,
clean clothes output is dirty closed, Robson Shit on his face. Okay, I probably put Black out on one of his teeth. We any blacker like I got to say since it put on his bed jacket. I'm a dead man. He bought that it. The freak, uncertain, a store and he's out that king I can you vet. Can you help a bigger out a better a better? you have a big man. Can I use the b word again?
Here's the deal! Man! You got to get good at your sales game. Bro! You got to keep pipeline full, never! Never! Never never allow one of anything. Ever you go one place you make that six places you go to one address. You see everybody! You got to make this part of your freaking, like like your moral code. I go one place. I fly to LOS Angeles to do a gig. We see six people while I'm there. Okay, two of them, will worth more than the thing I went there for okay, two of them paid me nothing and pay me everything you get it. The guy that paid for my tree the other five freaking, just like a rain day? Three of them didn't pay two of them. No, never rely on one customer. One opportunity. One prospect keep your attention focused on what I'm not doing paperwork here. I never do any paperwork I got. Somebody else gets me to paperwork. I ain't. Do I look like a paperwork got? I went to account accounting man. I got a degree in accounting
This is what I learned: I'm hired an account. It ok, ok, I heard the teacher. They taught me they're class. They gave me the sea right. Ok, oh by the way I funded part of the college I went to after I left their right. You understand the teacher, their work, their gotta salary. From the place. I gave the college money you get it he worked for me. He did my taxes. man. What do you guys do and you gonna play off into defence? Jim? Would you gonna? Do men often baby, I'm off its I'm, not a spectator, and I'm not only events on play an offence in finding answers when you're blind, off the answer to your focused on what Who's got my money.
who's got my money. Man who's got the money he's got to choose for the kids, whose guy who's got education for the kids. I just get twenty five thousand dollars to my kids about my kids school soon, as I gave it. Who's got there. Twenty about ran and twenty about grand. Ok, I'm a look like I. He wrote to the school and I'm gonna go replant. Somebody's gonna get punished me given at money away. Ok, I've been I've had like ten people, gimme that twenty five grand back and by the way, that's how we came up with the Saint Bostra. You guys don't even notice. I got twenty five thousand dollars to the country Day school for my kids May I ask what people normally gives a man like five thousand B Alot unit thou be good. You know we need this innocent. We ever what we may feel good weren't, you five or ten thousand sat our twenty five grand make. You feel I'd I'd, be really good good,
two thousand five hundred and twenty five grand. I might do that. I might do you know more than that at the end of the year. Let me just see how things go and then next question after I wrote the check who's got the damn money. Who's got their money, man. Who's got a guy who's got it. Did you get this? Can you make sure you get this? I mean all the way you can get their finger all the way up. Ok,. And any anyone daddy, what did I do? What I do you? Let me see that I say what product can we create? There would be charity based for kids. and we create the same bars trip who's got. My money is my battleground regretted, the Saint boards Europe is too, I guess, guess how much the same. Bots tributes.
twenty five thousand dollars five days coming out me, I'm a family for five days, will be there and we're going to mastermind Imma, buy lunch and dinner everyday. You take care of your hotel, your airfare get down there. If you even make it you got to fly into St Martin, you get off and save more Same boards are so small you can't land on it. Ok, you're, gonna, think about over school man. Ok, I mean it's one of the cruellest places you'll ever go to in the world, maybe top three. It most exclusive little island stops you'll ever making your life and we're gonna spend five days together. Mapping out how do we blow this thing, so you can give money to churches, schools community? Could you may it's so much money you just gotta, give it away name Grant Cardone! Thank you for joining us today on the Cardone zone, got a couple specials today play booked millions grant Cardone Playbook Dotcom, Grandcourt playbook dot com. I want to give you this. Ok, if you never
this! Ok, if you, if you live in a city where you can carry a gun, they carried as with the guy that way some if the bag ass start shooting you, you can use this to protect You see. How do we need to take this outside homage? I'm gonna go plus one into this thing do slow motion on I'm a see if it makes it through this three hundred and twenty pages. I want to give it to you today when you get my playbook grant, Cardone Playbook, I'm going to send you that for free we shipped out of that we charging for shipping okay,. Gimme the programme for this five hundred hours and give it to you today. That's all, Special, a guy Robert Rob, would you learn to day my alone advances making more money? That's all the focus in history to make make make make me think make that deserve that they, don't you guys out there
like you know you guys out there the key hold onto your money. You gotta spending problem. You don't even have one! Ok, you don't have a spending from you, don't make a number you gonna make a gay man went bottle, Lamborghini Manasses! I got some money, you didn't make any money, son you're, not making money faster than you can blow, Have you any making money? I don't care what you did when I was in the market this making made a million dollars your number out. Now I spend it all No, you didn't make enough son. You need to make so much money. You can spend it all. That's how much money I got. I cannot spend all my money. and none of his. How about that it was. It was somebody else's bunny about us, my money, I never ever overspent. What have I got a tune? Cars like I drove up every day. It would matter right. I can have a bigger jet than I have it would man, I don't overspent
read that Romano, some people do have a problem. Ok, I got a problem with this. I make it. May then I give it away. I give more money way than I ever spent. So wouldn't you like to be in that place. I want to help you get there. You can give more money. Ok, like like you, you actually at the press yourself to give enough. Then it would hurt. Ok, you're, like TAT S, it I get that money we feel good about. I was not everybody should be in that position. I want to help you get there anything I can do to help you get there anything I can do to help you get there. Were you have enough money, you're, making enough money from three or four five or six? Are six hundred sources come? And actually you can do this whether you are educated, not white, black female young? Oh whatever your deal, whenever your disability is ok, I promise you we can go from where you or I will help you get there.
A close to me. I will help you get to where you can help more people cause. I know that's what you want to do with it anyway. Help yourself help your family and then you can help by the people thanks for watching Our own zone is also available for Download on Itunes and stature, see the link in the description below
Transcript generated on 2020-12-15.