« The Cardone Zone

224: The Federal Reserve

2016-07-08 | 🔗
Today on the Cardone Zone Grant Cardone talks about the Federal Reserve. Money is only as valuable as the confidence people have in it. Raise your awareness. Where do banks get their money from? Money is anything that is excepted for value. The dollar is not backed by gold. The country is $20 trillion in debt. What are you doing to protect your money? What is the validity of the Federal Reserve? Grant is beginning to do a little homework on the Federal Reserve. When he doesn’t know what’s true and what’s not, he does tests. He went to the bank and told them he needed a million dollars—cash. They asked for a reason, and Grant replied that they didn’t ask him for a reason when he put it in. He wanted to test to see if he could even get his money. If you go to the bank and ask for even 100K you won’t get it that day. The US has been for 200 years a country that has been built into greatness, but there is big problems —because it is a pure credit nation now. Everyone in the middle class is going to get disrupted. The money you have is digits in a bank, but Grant’s advice is to get as much of it as you can because if things go bad, you’ll still need it.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Each one of us can build wealth, replace scarcity with abundance, replace average with greatness, replace uncertainty with conviction. Success is there for the taking small business owners. Entrepreneurs start ups and the ambitious Grandcourt own tells you what you have to do to prosper in this new economy will inform you in everything, business financed and career related, yet ready find the knowledge for your success. It's all here. Right now in the cartoons
Friday, I bring you show called the cartoons owned about Barney answers about Bidden is its your career, it's about your money, folks, by the way, speaking a money, I'm giving a thousand dollars away, John John, a vision and you ought to pitch I'm in ten of these three four five, six, seven, eight nine ten I'm given ten of these away was what's that
you can stay open with me too. There are open its great cartoon tv dot com board, Slash pitch, grant, cardon tv dot com, I'm given away ten of these for the best water pits gay Kennedys for the best water pitch. If you haven't said your kitchen, today's the deadline right today is the deadline. It's over go we're gonna pick by Monday will pick twenty five people will make. The top you need to get votes. Votes are going to help you. If you pitched sucks, get a lot of votes. if you get the most about you're gonna make the top twenty five. Ok, you got between now and Monday to get your show in to get your video in today to get your video in Monday to get all the votes. Monday will announce the top. Twenty five are meant to give one thousand dollars a fee out. Money is made, and what is this? you know what gets me. Look, here's! What we're out tonight we're talking about the Federal Reserve. People ask me every day, do delight. Go! Do you like silver? Do you like cash? What are you doing? What you money
awesome of you know I bought a plane. I bought a plane. Last year I bought the plane. I didn't rent it. I didn't get that a charter. I paid cash for it. Okay, lot of people listening to you, a lot of people falling you grant grant. How good is your money, What money you don't know how much money you got grant as they will? Actually I don't have money at saves money, but I know: is its numbers digits need a bank? see it anymore, so I don't I don't. I don't live in fantasy. Ok, I know that what I have is not money would I have his digits, but it got me curious. Could I get it could actually get it now? My twin brother, whose very birth successful. He is extremely paranoid right now and I've been Simum boy mom. gone paranoia, ok and then maybe I need to do some research. Maybe he's paranoia is paranoia to me because I'm ignorant we ve all been there ignorant ass, a guide,
so I look at some stuff online started checking into hey. What is the Federal reserve? What is gold? Would I, by gold it golden make any sense to me. Should I buy four men. Do I just need gun and food. I don't know robber, you ever think about this stuff. I do actually okay so I did some research in it. watch all this stuff and I'm like okay- maybe this is just a bunch of hype. God wants me to buy the book bob Lot, but what I did was I went and did a practical person observation of noses of how liquid and valid is. The Federal Reserve three We should go. I called one bank I need one million dollars in cash in cash. I'm not a cashiers jagged? Did I don't want to check on a one money on target Juan May you now. and they're like what men they freak out. I just want to see the response when they started freaking out. Like a guys look,
Why is the bank that I put my money and not their started? Do more investigation, here's the deal I put a million dollars into a bank. You know they have the right to Lynne that out nine times, Every dollar gets lit out to my understanding, I'm not an expert on this. I'm just telling you from personal motor included I put a million dollars in they can alone nine million dollars out next day I going I'm like. I want my million dollars. How could they possibly give me a million dollars. There is now a million dollars on the street right now that she has carried out some. My only and I got money in a safe deposit box in here. But what? If? What? If? What? If then went stupid on a weekend? I can't get Mama because the banks not open, so it's not my money would involve the or Tuesday. What if it's Martin Luther King Gay and I need some cash, and I need a bunch of cash, not ten dollars, but but any list any too oh good. The atm machine, but what happened
nobody's run on the atm machine. Did I don't wanna be rich? and not have something the guys. I need my money. Okay, I mean concern any more money. Then I called another bank and as the Gaza need a million dollars the first banks it I'll, get it tee, but by Tuesday next week. The second make said: hey man, hey, look whilst get your cashiers check. but if you want a million die said, I want a million dollars in cash. I want to come to your bank. I want to get why why? Don't ask me why when every can put the money in the bank John, they didn't say why you put the money in debate now. Yes me, why? Ok, you took it right there right there. You can create an account for me, but you took my money, no questions now this would happen. first bank, I got a million dollars scary. Do they said you need to meet one hour's person? Arrests said only winners, unclear small, damn money. Do tell me what the add on s shit. I get to talk to him every year. Number two you need.
Meet with our people. We want to have a financial. training with you to explain, you what you do as it did. I know what you're financial education, your bank, on the guy with the money. Ok,. Number three grant. We're gonna try to talk you out of it I said how long is this can take all day will you need to have a security guard with you trust me. I will have security with me when I leave the bank with one million dollars. Okay and I'll have a. I had a policeman. The last time follow me with the million off duty. Okay, so, let's stay with me. I want to hear you call of want to hear your opinion what you guys to share this story, people need to know where we're at right now, folks, just cause, you have money domain, you got money and you work too hard not to pay in my name's grant car down. Day here. Stay now,. or down zone Grandcourt down your every Friday. I bring you a Odin
Call him a show is a show, is called entertainment, education inference from infant. What to call Robert to show Rubber, what are you get out of the cartoons? Learn how to like get my money right MA career. Fine, as do the talking you gotta, tell you the truth. I have agenda on this show, except to tell you the truth. Ok, I knew the first half of the equation. The first half of the equation is go make it. I had to say, Ok, if you like to say, and throw it up on twitter or posting comments Grandcourt on tv, it's easier to get rich wants. The industry broke for your whole life dude it's easier. Your mommy and daddy didn't teach you that this is What this shows about it is easier to get rich one time, then it To stay broke your whole life or, in my case, just get bought for your whole life. Cassettes broke too. But once you get rich, The problem is whose Gama money- man, you know, though teachers are printed up
who's got my money. Now, Two meetings to who's got my money whose I'm a new money and who's got my own money. So recently I went to the bank and said I do. I know I'm a bank balances. I gave you a lot of money I know it's sitting in that one back I had to go, get another account. You know the problem would have money. Is you got to you got to start thinking about a lot of different accounts. I went to the one bank and as it did, you get this much money. I want that much of it give me one million dollars and it was a problem I went to the second day. Can now called him by the way. Can you call that second bank? I want to get him on the phone right now. I called the second bank. Do they still hadn't give me the money we'll give you a cashier's check? Will transfer digits in the second bank? Hadn't got my money. They keep trying to talk me out.
money man is scary. Manzi does need to do some research. If you guys know what's going on here cause, I don't understand it man. I thought it was my money now my brother said: Annie Gold, unlike what am I gonna do with you or anyone talk to her. I went out to them You know my brother's eye, you need by Goal grant what am I gonna do with older and will be a big chunks ago, the world comes to anyone on big friggin lugging go go if you ve been about goal. Folks gets and coins. Ok, what do you need? Ten thousand, you may ten thousand dollars for the gold coins. Will you can get it being a bald someplace? Ok, you gotta get your hands on it. That's why I like living in a condo cuz. I can keep a little do it my play. You can't get the third third floor, my place. Okay, you got to go to a lot of people to get to my floor you gotta have a finger bread to open the door to my join my place. Is more secure than a house year?
you don't want to get my money, be its get ready. commonly called the bank right, no sleep! I get my money. How long it would take me to get moving. The advisor does call may be recorded for producing a core accurately purposes. I'm record you do. I just got commissioner, regardless see I can do that. I'm gonna Bank mining company birth sign! How could I make you ll see how you doing today, Hurry good good, he kills. I'm wondering I have quite a bit of money with the bank and wondering if you could tell me if I wanted a million dollars in cash, Friday, how long would it take for you got to get their money? You have their range that with me a branch that you're going to pick it up that which branch rethinking of going well I'm in Miami Beach were unaware branches nearest. I never do anything. I never go to the branch what's going on here
three three three three one for one lemmings collect the closest yeah and then and then and then, how long do you think that normally takes like cajole? it is for me the same day. It will be up to the branch I'm up in Chicago. I wouldn t be able to tell you how quick they could get it. Let me I get one of the representatives from that branch on the line and they can give you more. Accurate information would be different from branch, the moon. So yes, what was just because they have to move the money, and I wouldn't be able to tell you. They have available, we were they move in the money from the that's gonna. What I don't understand from another branch passively. There's a branch it has more money than another branch, possibly yeah. I would be able to tell you exactly at a conference
goin up. Ok. So once you put me to that branch may ask them. One moment Then they get all they get all weird when you do this to like they start acting like your criminal. Then they can ask me: what do you want the money for do? I know I'm gonna go to America? Is I thought it was my money. I thought this was my money. I thought for a while. It was my mother tonight I mean I'm was somebody else's money, and then I got it. I thought it was mine for a second Well army, like I would now like to my whole building sets out. Look, I just need something, because what happens is one? An emergency happens when something terrible happens. It's going to subside it's how long the last cycle was the last cycle. It was twelve months a horror right, you didn't. Castro There is good service right here, Oh yeah, I love this document fill in the law. This bank has been in business two hundred years. They tell you good day, ardor solid? How solid did she sound, she's, a solid, solid
I don't know I don't know where it comes from whose guide trick as they go, get this money from the Federal Reserve The point of this is where's your money. Man, who's got your money, you guys even paying attention. You don't have money. You got digits, okay, in fact, by the way this right here is dead. It's not money, that's dead, no difference, no different, because what are they doing with it? they do with every dollar. Ok, what are they doing with every dollar? They take every dollar and they Turning into nine dollars, so dollar comes in nine dollars goes out. They can't get me my money if everybody went to the bank today and are giving more money busted, you need to come up with plant, here's the partly plan, you need way more money than you think because I say I have to say I have just number, I'm just twenty milk, cash and one by those who say that, and I can get one I can't get one of twenty. I don't need it all. what am I gonna do. Spend twenty. I'm not spend twenty two possible. Ok,
I need the chat by the way shared be great for me to see it. I want to take a collar, Dakota, Dakota, New York North Dakota. What do you know about this? Whole federal reserve cash gold? They thing that I don't know and lay in everybody ringing com. So, first of all, you gotta understand money. It's out what is money, the death. Do not define money, money enough money, if anything, except for value anything scented front. Our guy, I appear Grech sold something its leverage. They leverage something up to ten times. What is worth usually dirty injures, usually do security interests. You have to understand that anybody can create money. Money is not it's just a figment of your imagination. It used to be backed by going back a nineteen before nineteen, thirty, three. Ah, what happened the gold double confiscated?
and now there is nothing that back the dollar and also therefore went back to the dollar dollar the dead. Now you call anybody, I see I just talking you ask me yesterday: on hold on a second Dakota held on one? Second, ok, you watch. The car down zone, would talk about the Federal Reserve, gold money, silver CAS. What are you gonna do when they come for you. welcome welcome back. Well welcome. Back to the car down zone. Grandcourt down here we're talkin about the banks were talking about the Federal Reserve, gold silver CAS. What are you gonna do when you find out we're broke? twenty trillion and dead man, two hundred trees, billion dollars and obligations in America, or system bridge is sewers water lines. There broke
We cannot keep the water out of the streets in Miami. You can't keep you can't get. You know you, you can't even move around in LOS Angeles, the major city- hey, hey there, hey how you don't you hey? Can you do me a favor monies grant in and I have quite a bit of money in the bank you this the brick branch right? Can you I can barely here either. I can oh yeah. What I wanted to ask you was, I want to come here. I want to get a million dollars from the bank. I have, I have more than that in my account, and I want to get some kind of idea of how long that would take for Yalta. Get that for me. Could I get it? Is it possible that money today in Asia manager share my However, I don't know- I don't know who my relationship manager is pulled out of here. I don't know, I don't know that.
but but can can you just answer the? Can you tell me what kind of like like about long. It would take the boy, malaria, man, ok, so so Sattler whose money as brain out came on the scene And my money came a touch music I'll, be right back if you could get anyone taking. Ok, ok, we want second did take this line for medium, the money Ok, let's go back to decode. I want to see what he's ok go ahead, to go to a Yankee, desirable dude and keep a tight. I don't have all day. I were so check it out. The main thing you want to do. Is it what it when it comes to bank? If you want to help people want help people to look at Marty. Didn't you don't mean that I was your bank almost up Tom, you look at the morgue and how to look at what is called a mortgage because there's no such thing,
anymore, add mortgages. They can't beat of trust. I tell the look and see who signed the note to my awaited. The federal reserve networks of all banks are mandated by are settled while banking in United States codes ok. Banks are not actually allowed alone anybody money. Banks are not allowed to loan anybody money. So you're saying they are always Ceylon Tainer on somebody Else- is actually lonely money at slowly. So what they do, it is called the football so called the fifty airline. What happened? Did you sign and take? The note? you, you meet a beggar at the fifty airline and held on one. Second account go head mammoth, but once again name's grant cardon look at all I'm not trying to get the money. The second, it's not like, I'm just trying to find out. How long would it take for me to go to your the answer to that you would have to speak to the relationship furniture in order for me to know who that is, then I would have to look up your account or I would have to charge me a client service
They can look it up for you and take bundles here how long you work them here for a while hello, three year, three years You know I'm just trying to get an estimate. Can you think I can get money today. What what's? What is my relationship manager have to do with this? I mean, if I didn't, have a relationship manager. And I just wanted my money. This is what I'm trying to find out who can go had to go to well I'll. Tell you that you want a full disclosure under Gatt LAW of the entire cow full disclosure under Gatt, la full disclosure. under Gatt LAW, and that you are the authorized representative of the account is a gas law j.
gas g, eighteen Mammy there. You have no idea. What taught me. Ok, go ahead. Dakota tell me tell me the deal that I saw are arguing with you you're email outside anymore, stop. well you're mine, then you ve got no. I want you to explain this to the audience. Do not worry. Later I got me handled were slow. The fifth yard lighted, the bank goes in meat. You meet the bank banker, ok you're supposed to be the banker you spoke to me. You know the bank s at the fifty airline and fulfil you. Then they then head side a piece of paper, they then take to put on hold onto coated. Yes ma. Am I hey how you doing it? How you good good, which and I This is why a lorry monies grant cardon lorry. We we put a recur.
In for some money on a couple weeks ago to find out and then not left town. I'm trying to find out. If I want a million dollars, I am more than that. In my account now How long will it take for me to get a million dollars in cash from the bank about a week? Why why would it take so long? I do understand that we have to order the money and there's only specific days that we can order the money about what were made didn't take L a week to take it that's true, worked in on me. I walked in a million dollars I put in the account there boom goes like Yeah, I could You talk to and where you are in the money from right now we got from the limits from who bloomiest, whose common salary her notice
Do not do you like what is it would do, and you know what a full disclosure Gatt lawyers gap, not all much congratulate your drink you like. Yeah na car com are represented and fund, I'm trying to get some data I'm basically look, though, what I'm doing is on trying to test the liquidity and validity of the Federal Reserve right. Do you do you think? Do you think the Federal Reserve is liquid down on my own have an opinion on that note. Do you think, do you think the bank, is a place for my money. Of course, but I can't even get it you don't have to. I don't know Do you know if you go to maybe a commercial bank, they might have it, but the smaller banks. We are. We all the money we won't. You got a mountaineer because it will never go out is to be hoped that what we have to order,
in some cases, if you're getting even more than a hundred thousand and we have thought or do also yeah, we know because then we run our regular supply of our regular customers that come in and cash margin yeah! So me, getting ten million in cash is out of the question of how long that take the same amount of time. We have to order it. Ok, ok, all right! Hey thanks a lot! Thank you. You October. We got order money Ah, I want to buy a car we in order it ok, go ahead. Dakota Gimme the bottom line. On this day, I check it out. The main question main concern is not: when can you get the money, the main concern is where is the money now so gap law is the full disclosure in on it? all banks are mandated under title, while any financial institution. What they do is no law. These up, your federal debt knows: I will quickly run down and get no.
I'll get the reason that the americas- and that is because every time you pay some somebody like anytime, you pay a government like thing with a debt no or like, like most of a more even accept them but like. If you do every time you pay for something in cash, you're, actually adding to the federal debt and the rest That is because you can't pay a debt, would adapt just simple Matt Beyond than the paper yours you're supposed to have before you is called a remedy for certain things, but that holds the story of the bank itself. Ok, it's very it's very easy debate what an old Jappy where's your body now we'll do the money, the money. I did what you tell me as the money's in the Federal Reserve. So as this money printed as I needed a pattern, somebody somebody probably overseas, had your money, ok and is using it for a different reason. That's what the Gatt law odor! That's my bank.
getting in Trouble Dakota Dakota Dakota. Do me a favor when you get done with this Google, my name and the Federal Reserve everybody listening. If you would google, my name in the Federal Reserve, I'm doing a little experiment, okay, and and did leave your number would Robin cause. I want to get in contact with you in the same areas from Florida. Fixes, Scary, I gotta tell ya, got one gassing on here is like yeah you're money saved, but we can get it. Do you like what a joke like that Did I'm fifty eight years old and I don't know how this works, what a joke. here. I am fifty eight years our work, my ass off my whole freakin life and I dont know how money works. I'm an educated, intelligent responsible to kids, a wife I've companies, man, I got three
three hundred million dollars with a debt on a bunch of real estate, all around the United States, and I dont know how it works. What a shame! That's why I'm feelin right now like stupid, ignorant, irresponsible, ok, Darius from Florida. I grant you hear me your buddy, how you doing I'm doing it. I don't want it better and preserves, if possible, for the great depression yeah? What is it? What do you say that and in everything we ve done, power there back than let it they basically Only the dollar and part of the market with money, then they created, the room on the bag and enabled the biggest. Thank you. the bipolar consolidate market in the other, the whole book on them oh, I wouldn't fifty one centres on pretty people. I little with her in the into law
the bare minimum monastery. Okay, so do tell me tell me this: ok, don't tell me the history on it. Tell me what what do people? What are people supposed to do about? It was, resting a guy. Like me, what a bunch of dough can do about. It runs around for office That's really can do you can become a legislator in bad luck, but the reason why can't get your million dollars is good night. Seven were only three percent of money is difficult. The occurrence desertion scarce Ninety, seven percent of our money is distorting the computer, so if money is actually not scares as we ve been All that is that its focal cat, ass. So this is my question. Is this? What are tells me? Cash is gonna be worthless, unlike did think so I give my cache up. They were gone up to twenty six hundred bucks a few years back down. The problem does not do that.
Iraq in silver has it that. But what about his brow? What about is why? Wouldn't? U S dollars be valuable if I can get him wouldn't that be valuable yeah You know anybody. You know anybody with three ran in their pocket right now, you, you and Johnny me. Ok, you know anybody with a million dollars to house, so there say that thing hold the whole thing rose over. Nobody can get their money in their there's a handful of people. They got money. Cash and work with the good can be worth money at the point where the food towards money. But do you talkin about you Talkin about epic depression? Ok, at that point goals, not worth a gold forks, not worth more than the food. I just want to chicken. I'm hungry, ok, bull, It's in guns are worth more than freaking gold, because then I can Rebecca. Grandma say one thing: they let you sugar and this year in thanking beyond all next year. I won't be working for you. Do do me a favor. Let's get lost,
dude, less, could hope and on it, which I'm crying about. Let's make it out. Ok, because I did God's got his hands for gay. Let's not leave it up to him, so check it out you, I don't want you to. Google my name grant cardon in the Federal Reserve, I'm doing a project, and I can tell you about right now, but I want you Google, my name in the Federal Reserve, you gonna help me bring awareness to this story is gonna. Be awesome, ok is it might might from North Carolina. Mikey Mikey. What should I do wish it? I do my key players in the making. Like I did it start yourself, a non profit help out. People in the irish kit touch your lucky day, such your salary that you make offer that non profit would do this in good, going out and help, and yet this is a good question about me. This is a good point he makes here. Ok, because I think this is what makes
s money, the Federal Reserve in our Esther connected because of what he fare well, because if if if, if I gave you money, but the federal, but who gets about money first, who gets it? Who can whose scope It's my dough. Europe are, you know, get whose scrapes farce That always demanded a government. They always get there's right. So always always get there and they continue to get bigger and bigger and ever do anything for me. It's not like. I get a service, they don't provide me. Water, electricity utilities, clean water, nothing. So so what should people do? Did I think they should go out number one? I think you in a year your things. it asks me need to make more money. You need to get out
Are you gonna hustle and if your lead to what I think you should go out and start something like idea, will you can help our family and the IRA than tat your money? You kill two birds with one stone alike. Batches me I mean, of course I think your idea, you're in the business. Well, if you do it, if you do in that thing, then I'll show you gotta make more money, so it doesn't matter how much your second, because you got so much company it yeah, but I have a question. Grant just me with my foundation memory Bout Foundation: it's like I'm, not gonna nail. like another foundation. Will we actually take care of the hotel? Travel expenses? Are the whole family. We deal with cancer bake them in a whole family vacation and get them away from them all the bs adapt to deal with going to hospitals. Forty four stating what would be we're just starting out what your advice on? How do we get,
in the marketplace and hammered out world Facebook. Why didn't you gonna get off you stay on Facebook, but don't depend on a man. You guys you guys about your businesses, with social media yard, stand you're, seeing get a bunch of social media. You know people follow me. We had six million view pressure on Facebook yesterday, that's not how we grow business. So I got forty guys in a phone right now, man, I gotta, I got an internet team, I'm pound them everyday called a man called I got called I got back, Color Grannie emailed is unclear column. Do there's this number right. Their talk to people close deals, shake hands get in front of people. Do shows communicate, man. chat. I must send out a thousand replies on Snapchat a day maybe not a value. If I didn't syn Three or four hundred out yesterday I'd be shocked.
So that's what I'd do do, oh by the way, I'm looking to. Thank you very much for call. The IRS is a private collection agency for the? U S: Federal Reserve. the irish diary. Ass is a price. That collecting collection agency for the? U S, federal, reserve. Ok, I'm looking at a page right here of all the connections between our S and the Federal Reserve, interconnected man who The thief tell me the Irish is not a thief. I've been ordered a bomb four times and gay we want three, the audits and got money back, but I had spend money to get money. If you don't have money, you don't have cash. You know what you're going to do. Let's just settle dude make it go away. I don't have time for this I heard a lawyer, a good lawyer MIKE I'm not going to this. Would Donald Trump says all time: freakin fight man, you guys
how to fight. You got an okay. You got to get money. First, you got to get money, you got to go out and get money. You got to pay it You it and shame on you if you don't keep paying attention to it, and this is what key tone. You guys a story about the middle class, the middle classes, a bunch of dummies. Poor, we know poor. We know the poverty. People are dumb, ok,. no people in poverty or dumb they even admit there dumb don't finish school, they can't count. It can't read on saying that the way it is their dog man, I've been done before. Ok, it's not ugly. You when you're. Damn you dumb, if a cage, and your car, and I got a flat tire. Emma dumb, Four kid add subtract and multiply Emma dumb. Ok, if I don't, if I get married and I don't know how to have a marriage. Emma dumb. Did you dumb dumb is dumb? Ok, so you
we know. We know. People in the lower levels are dumb people without jobs are down people, they can't get work or downright people who can get money, you're done and then there's the middle class considered intelligent, educated, sophisticated civilian, civil, respectful Anders do their freakin done most emerges does include show rich people, I'm done I don't know where my damn money is a guy. You don't know you don't know if you If you don't mind not knowing just walk around I'm dumb, I don't know what the IRS is. I don't know what the Federal Reserve is. I don't know where my money is. I know I made a bunch of money. I don't know what the connection is. I don't know the scam. Look at the bushes. Look at the politically. What's going on right now, The bushes came out and said we will not support Donald Trump. Ok, we hate Donal dude. Barack Obama. Hillary Clinton bash the bushes for freakin, ten years,
saying they are the cause of every problem in this country. Not watch follow me out here that this is not political. Fourteen is Barack Obama in the clients have been bash in the bushes, their terrible? They caused our wreck. They too Said there was bombs in a one they ruined the economy, they ruined everything right down tromp says, jam is low energy and the bushes won't support Donald Trump? You know, TAT tells me the bushes and the Clinton's are all the same site. It's scale, man, it's a scam. Why would they should support the other sad because there is no other sad man. This whole thing is all like this: it's all free. in all nasty and you're in the middle of it I mean you, don't know so the first way to get freedom Baby is is to know you gotta know you gotta get knowledge first, and then you got certain about Europe. Knowledge knowledge is not power. Certainty
of the knowledge is power because of you a gun and you don't have to use it. You're, not powerful yearned out so might take the gun away from you. One Roddy class means you won't get jazz b, Do you gonna give me, because you don't know and the other guy knows you don't know, that's why there's black Bildt's the black belt? No. oh man, but even a black belt in a ring is different: their black belt on the street to different fight Gregory from New York. Now come on man, a man you sound bring it. So guys? I'm asking you guys and gals everybody watching to show right now, I'm asking you to do me a favor first of all, the water pitch. You need to get it in today. One thousand dollars for the best water pitch. This money might not be worse. if anything, the way the way are not, I had no inflation get a lot of it. see what I'm gonna do. Is I'm accumulate money faster than it can in flight. So that's one solution.
It's gonna be worthless, then you need to accelerate. Ok. D spanish and collection of the money. Which would mean if you know this money is being printed. Ok,. What do you do you gonna move to some other country due date? They all got the same problem too said. The solution would then be not to give up a fucking money. Hey money is now worth anything now. Another solution would be dent accumulated ten times faster ten times more, ok You thought a million dollars was enough money than you probably need ten. If you thought timmins enough, maybe you need a hundred, because if it its destroyed you go from being worth a hundred million to what the only person is got any money. Ok, because I'm adjacent, if I got enough, it is paper when the day comes, somebody's gonna want it. When you got any and strong Aries, go from kick monies, not gonna, deeply. First strawberries, you're going to inflate
so you're gonna need a bunch of paper to the strawberries right. Did you not going to care about the money given to care about the strawberries? Go ahead, Greg. Yeah, but he was up Do you understand this whole thing? Listen! It's a scam! I'm telling you this right! Now a cover up and I'll. Tell you why day, because, amazingly, though not a wise, it occurred in fifty three nineteen. Fifty two has five years before I was born. Ok now and I'm scared that people buying doubt because it's gonna cosmic panic, ah that's from falling with no exception. experts were committed and only five percent of the girl was touched. It knows that it in over sixty years. No one is allowed to do it.
So you're saying you say you're saying: if I'm not allowed to look You gotta sue, assume. and I did I'm unipolar game of poker in. why is it that the Federal Reserve? not being added it. A normal operations and businesses are not worthy man. My answer to that right. We ve because I also what do I do, though, do? Let's assume it's a cover up? Let's assume, I believe you, let's assume the whole things a scamp. What do I do? What what do? I do? I'm a middle class person I got a hundred twenty thousand dollars into banks, I got another hundred grand in or Archeo what,
You tell me to do other than be freak out, thank breaking out attacking to help the situation, that of what yeah. Ok, you too will have to be in control of what we do and took action Ok, you have even better and you never, you are Then. The hundreds of millions that's by that is that other gentlemen said you can t black with black yeah. That's one hundred percent. You can't carry on gold bars, don't coins, you're, not gonna, start dealing and growth every time the gold this garbage too did do. You think the gold thing is that the youth into gold things a whole scam to honestly that the whole thing, because there are trying to cover up one piece of ground, because the lack of transparency
leading to corruption, yeah, yeah great would use, but here's my question: it is the gold, a scam too I've always thought the gold thing was the scale. Listen. You say that approach is that I will do my best but follow my thinking. You're, ok, Why did they go go from gold, a cash I couldn't very goal around with me. Bro impractical man who are stored. A guy goes to South Africa digs deep to get gold goes in a river diggs it out and then what does he do, he brings it back to America digs another hole and puts a go back in a hole.
Transcript generated on 2020-12-16.