« The Cardone Zone

181: Why Your Financial Plan Sucks

2015-08-28 | 🔗

Grant Cardone offers insights and advice to help the middle-class breakout and achieve true freedom in business, career and finance. Each week NY Times best-selling author, self-made multimillionaire entrepreneur and international sales expert Grant Cardone focuses on matters affecting the middle class.

Whether it’s jobs and careers, finance, entrepreneurship, Grant’s real, raw in-your-face delivery serves as a wake up call for anyone ok with just being comfortable. The Cardone Zone is like no other business show presently on air. After watching one episode, you’ll be inspired to make success your duty, responsibility and obligation as you break free of the middle class and break into true freedom.

Every Friday at 12 PM Eastern Standard Time, Grant is delivering Cardone Zone to you. Where he talks about success, money, finance, and career—to get you to financial freedom.

You need to get your money right. Even the Bureau of Labor Statistics has an unrealistic financial budget for the US. Why are you even going to work? If you have a money problem, it’s yours.


Your budget isn’t the problem, your income is. If you’ve given up on it by playing games with budgets then you’re going to go broke. If you want to stay in the middle class and you need to keep watching the news, following the politicians and depending on the president to fix your money.

Can you attach yourself to new revenue? Only those people can make sales and increase their numbers to a livable wage. You need to know how to sell.

Stop blaming others. Money disappears. Your budget keeps going up.

Put 60% on the side. Make it sacred. Do not touch it, even if your mom is sick. If you want to put money aside for her, put it on top of that 60%.

Whatever you need to do to increase your income. That’s what you need to do.

Listen to the full episode or podcast to hear all of the tips on why your financial plan sucks.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Each one of us can build wealth, replay scarcity with abundance, replace average with greatness, replace uncertainty with conviction. Success is there for the taking small business owners, entrepreneurs start ups and the ambitious grandcourt on tells you. What you have to do to prosper in this new economy will inform you in everything, business financing, career related, yet ready fight the knowledge for your success. It's all here right now,
in the cartoons being got hurricanes, common man Donald prompts in the new seventy one dead refugees just bound the truck on Austria's highway.
Junior gunmen kills two people to two people sheets, a third person in Virginia what else we got. Oh mister bombers gone back to revisit Katrina. Ten years later, Trop Kostroma might or might not hit my enemy look. What's this all about to do with you almost nothing sad to say, almost nothing. While America's budgets run out of control, we got eight teen trillion dollars word that debt in the United States and then I go online to check out how people are spending their money, and I see the dumbest thing. I've ever seen him a whole. Damn life look, I know care what trumps Doone. I don't care what happens Katrina ten years ago, I live down there. I was one of the first people that went into Katrina the help out ten years. What are we doing right now right here?
the move forward, so bad things happen and good people every day. That's not what we report on here. What we report on is not Donald Trump AIR peace are not err, peace, not what he saying is Saint Luke, the guys in Poland. I mean he's leading the poles at twenty eight percent. He can not. He cannot, while I, like the guy alike, I like. I like the way he's in your face, I'd vote for him, but I got to tell you there's no way he fixed your problem, no way in the world that Donald Trump fixes your problem. The average American makes fifty two thousand dollars a year. That's what I want to fix them. This show in the Cardone zone. My name is grant Cardone every week. I kind of you talk about your business, your money, your finances, folks, wake up Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Boo, boo, bear none of these people can help you. They haven't, helped you for the last twenty five years.
You're not going to pick the right one. Unless it's me, I would tell you the anointed one could help you, because I would basically tell you this we're not spending any more colleges. If you're not going to go to sales school, we won't pay for it. It won't be any more zero percent interest colleges in America, you'll have to pay people back. That's why I would never get elected. You take a loan. You have to pay people back from day. One As always, I do we like off. I gotta pay back, I'm not going to college, but We will put you in a school that actually would cause America to grow, so we need jobs here you gotta have manufactured here. You gotta have a
You can just say what you came bill: cars in Mexico, Donal gave you tell Mexico, they can build cars or for they cable cars. There. You know. What's gonna happen, Ford Motor Company of Oda they'll get killed, not tens of thousands of jobs, not the ten thousand jobs that that pipeline could create you're talkin about hundreds of thousands of jobs. There would be destroyed if we couldn't build cars in China in Mexico, just not real. If that residents So if you know what we need to fix is this year freakin money! Last night I will look at what is the basic family budget in Amerika? I pull up the most authoritarian report that I can find that says this is from a combination of of the yacht from the label, Labour Bureau statistics and they say that to parents in three kids can live on nine hundred and sixty five dollars.
What for housing! This is the median around America, not just in Miami. I don't want that. Would Mercosur to grant them they're off by fifty percent just on housing? This is what they have: housing: food taxes, health care, childcare, transportation and others. tell me how real these numbers are in your marketplace, and I want you to call in and tell me where ever you live right now what you're listening online you listening right here, you're on Twitter or Facebook, or a stream nine hundred and sixty five for monthly housing, seven hundred and seventy six for monthly food. Don't ever invite me to go to dinner with you, there's no way you eat for seven hundred and seventy
dollars that seven bags and whole foods to lash the whole months impossible for lady two dollars in lovely taxes. Nobody even knows what they pay a monthly taxes. That's your withholding! You don't get to see it for thirty, one in monthly healthcare doubted for a family, a five, no waits impossible, monthly childcare. Thirteen! Fifty three you got three kids going to charge getting childcare. It is impossible to only spent thirteen hundred thousand more than three kids sixty four for transportation. That would mean only one of your browser car. Ok, that means you have no teenagers driving and not counting insurers or fuel or the drawing up or the flag fought. The flag. Tat was so called a flat tire ding wheels. Ok, scratch, they didn't want to cover the insurance and in them the other necessities is four hundred and eighteen dollars. Can you live on that? That's forty, eight hundred bucks, not that's your in lecture total spanned every month. I want you to call me.
Three hundred and five eight hundred and sixty five, eight thousand six hundred and sixty eight three hundred and five eight hundred and sixty five, eight thousand six hundred and sixty eight. That's why Donald Trump is wrong. You can build a wall, one thousand seven hundred miles three thousand miles. You can build a wall. Canada, all the way around Florida, New York. You can go to wall all the way around California to Oregon. If you want to do, I need some, Donald. I need some money like you got money brother. You know what you're not telling people is this. You started with a spoon in your ass. Ok, you started with millions of dollars in your first big score was funded by the state of New York. Who gave you a deal? You made hundreds of millions of dollars. You bank brought three companies and use the bank roughly a bankruptcy laws. To basically stick a bunch of bank investors. I don't blame you. Did I gotta tell you. I did the same thing if I could pull it off. I would love to have had a daddy put a spoon up my ass, but he did and most people that are watch and right now, git came from nothing, no start, no help, no connections. No education are
worse than that, an education that didn't help you look. You need to get your money right. There's only one number you need to get right, that's your income, I not might seem impossible. I know it is impossible for me at twenty five years, always make a three thousand dollars a month. It's been every penny every month k, unlike waken up a Monday's. Why may even going to work and make three grant spend three grand? Why am I even go into work and then somebody said to me: Look there! If you gotta money problem, it's yours cause! There's money on this planet. I want to show you today what you need to do. What financial budget you need to come up with differ. In this one that has all the pretty colours. In the little paragraph that everybody wants to use a college to figure out what the budget is. your budgeted and a problem here. Income is the problem, your ability to produce new revenue go from fifty eight thousand year, two hundred and eight thousand a year, and if you ve given up on it, if you ve given up goodbye play in these little games before people running.
I'm not Miami right now by water. What for a hurricane? It won't even happened that one in the budget. When in the budget, thirty dollars, where the water and about forty dollars when the candles they just looking for reasons by candles in they governed by a bunch of vanilla candles for the bathroom, that's an art could even use as we can stick with me. You watch into cartoons on grant car down right here right now, one p m. None are no twelve peel till one p M Eastern states down hurricane time right here, Miami Florida, Beach floored. I want you to come see us in our offices, Yearbooks Grandcourt, on tv dot, com, the people Record on tv that God gave me a show, called the cartoons out again I'm here with you that I want you to call me. I dare you, dare you to call me up right now, three hundred and five, eight hundred and sixty five, eight thousand six hundred and sixty eight imma do something real quick here
budgets? I want to look at your budget and your income and I'm going to give you a little makeover right now. I can try to catch this and throw in it the screen for me. Okay, call in call in and put the number in there. I look at this thing. Credit loan, ok, credit loan, real answers, real solutions in their info graphics. This is what people do online when they have money browser like all. Let me go see what we're supposed to be spent. This is the whole problem with America. You guys trust Hillary Clinton. Morocco Bomber, whatever his name, is not your trust. These politicians, the butcher s, young and all excited about the next said. You'd I grant run for president dude. I can help you got anything I can help you with is kitchen freak in money, Right, there's no politician: politicians can't even get their money right; they steal, they don't have to produce anything,
they work, deals and angles. They go across overseas. They they make the Kindle the ambassadors, so they can steal freakin nations. Ok, the deal's! Those guys are making over their incredible look at what we, still, we just did a deal and I ran we're. Gonna give them a hundred and fifty billion dollars. Tat ran, you don't know, and I don't know what that deal includes. It's crazy man. These people are worried about your budget. They can't picture deal you're talking to you about minimum wage and people round about minimum wage minimum wages? The problem in this country average wage is the problem. Fifty two thousand dollars a year in this country- is the problem you not understanding the basic definition of economy. Is the problem economy how to manage household call me three hundred and five, eight hundred and sixty five. Eight thousand six hundred and sixty eight I'll show you if you manage in your household or if your treasonous going to give you a rating, treasonous? Urine treason are you're freaking you're here,
a rock star. Guy call me three or five: eight, six, five, eight six excite down a word about his hair. You worried about what he called Anchor Babies- Ward, while these gonna build Hispanics our word about all my god? Did he tell you what you gotta get? Who cares you gotta get in dark around jerked around so many different ways: you not paying attention to young freakin programme, your own politics and the political message I want to give you You do not live on a political planet. You live on an economic planet. Ok, you live on an economic, planet, where they use politics to get you. Forget about your economics. You understand you're being jacked with the politics, so you get about your economic sense of reality, and you got breakin two hundred million people in America. Starvin fifty million people on foodstuffs That's! Ok! That's what we hear about we're about all the minimum wage people there's only two million minimum wage jobs in America. Only to milk!
really do baby work and having doubts at an inn I'm away, jobs! There's nobody in my office, it gets paid minimal, might check out. People are average wage years. Probably twenty dollars an hour. I still have people starving here. You know why the cost of living in this town is horrendous. Voter Tampa, they're gonna say the same thing go to soup. As our they're gonna, be like Manfred, damn blueberries getting expensive man, Bananas, the House care the shit that costs money that you gotta by the mill, the water, the bread, it costs money. Folks, start charging you for bags at the grocery store, there's inflation, when you're money doesn't money at the bank. You saved eighty Grandison at the bank, earning zip your you're dead. Ok this is what they don't tell you still look. I go online, I'm just going to go online right now, I'm going to put another when we get some callers right. Let me talk to somebody John John John. Tell me you deal did how much money you may appear. How much money do you mean?
How much money we rose income every my brother is how much she read too. How is it ok? Would you spend last month? What are you already live forest law? John later you living alone? Ok, you're treason, urine treason to your family. Yeah, I understand that first there's a lot of growth. That is not all that bullshit. It increases your first job you still living, don't himself to see people getting confronted me out and situation and a guy called me I gotta give jaundiced. Did you call me? Ok, but you gotta stay with me. You want a fixture can financial situation. Let me tell you how painful it's gonna be. It's gonna be painful man, it's ugly, the first. The first step is to confront the issue. You got an alcohol problem. The first step is what
committed, I had a problem. Ok, now you think you're spending is the problem. Spending ain't, the problem baby, you guys needed in calm problem, you gotta in com, a disability, that's what got now should even say that, because big formula trotted Breakin medicate peoples that John John didn't come back your treasonous little bitch to you, your dreams in your family. Man call me back right now. Dare you ok so look check it out. nine hundred sixty five dollars on third forty five hundred apartments around the United States about to go to ten thousand apartments. Our average rent it. Those apartments is not sixty. Five dollars there's no way the average median house all three kids, because three kids and too much mommy and daddy are not living in her to bed room nine hundred square for the barber s not realise that real guys go with me. You're talking to me, MIKE Open. We don't show here what my children,
what the hell's Goin on man, was not here. We lose idea months ago. Are so there's a symbol you cannot live in Miami what's up with the rent cost are what your record one thousand five hundred one thousand five hundred poly just now I did all the other you'll live in the same damn place, we don't lie to me. Man two thousand four hundred in New York. How much one thousand five hundred is that before the vip trash, do they do the trash? Do they charge for water electricity? So what are you at one thousand, nine hundred. Twenty one on Workers- She'S- oh that's, for the housing here. How many kids want? So Look, you don't look at it this. What happens if you like? Ok, wanted to one single mother working Grandcourt on? How do we pay you year? She don't know people good looking at it
They like the people, are so light arms. I'm so freakin done. I can't even confront the situation is so fuckin bad. Did I'm fuckin done. I don't even want to look. I don't want to know how much money you take from me now much money I make. I don't know how much money I spent that's happened evokes I'm telling you that when I was This situation at twenty five years old, I didn't know what I was spent. I didn't know what I was making. I didn't know what the government was taken. I didn't know how to get out, because I wouldn't confronting the situation. Instead, I was blaming the government to govern. Now. The problem you know their thieves look once you you got a friend is a thief and you invite that feed back to your house for the party don't be surprised when you watch is missing: yeah? If you got a boyfriend, your boyfriend, Cheat Sonya, hey, don't be surprised. If he cheats on you again is grandcourt on you. The cartoons them stay with me.
but you need to kill the middle classes. What if I was run a bird workforce for president? If I was, for the President of the United States of America. You know nor be Abbe I'd be like My whole campaign would last Monday we need to kill the middle class before the middle class. Kills itself a guy. because the middle classes, killing itself gave the gather called up it makes to grandma he's considered in the middle class. You guys understand that he's making twenty five thousand dollars a year, his mommy's, going to give him a pass. It's your first job, so you're doing so good little buddy! Here you go. Let me stroke you a little bit and you everything's going to,
do the guy single he's, gonna stay singly, he's gonna, take a girl outright and can take a girl in Atlanta and and it was Integrity that I hope it's in the he's gonna come the bills, can be eight dollars, a split it dude. I been there. If you want to stay there, keep watching the news came. Having a heel worries, and the jobs and Ruby owes to discuss. Don't know anything about money. Man. These guys raise money on your backs. They don't know how to do anything. They don't they don't create jobs, okay and in look even if they could create jobs. I'm gonna get you the job. You want the money you need to take care of your family. You want to get me some of those stats. None sixty five dollars a month. That's the average cost of living on a federal budget check it out
seven, seventy six for food! I spent seven hundred and eighty dollars on food on the one they did the shopping yesterday on food at public yesterday, Public's, not votes. I was eight under what an alibi for two kids and me and my wife what what it was I spend more money on you don't want to spend. The money has been. I need this any dad and need that I'm not going to go back on what about the stuff. I wanna bought a bunch of stuff. I don't need same thing. You do! Ok, I don't have the financial problem you got. I got the income prob. Ok, I'm not worried about you. Go there. Tell me you're, not gonna, pick up the double stuffed Orioles when you're weak, ok, you're, gonna,
Come up in there not on your budget. Do not on this budget either. May I saw some little prong things that are new online. I gotta get a man I snuck come before. Sabrina could say I'm telling my kids, not the basque, definitely give me that go into my pocket to go about it in the supper register, so my kids wouldn't freak for thirty one. For for health care at what what do I pay in healthcare? Syria? Personally, I want a lane us I'm smart enough to be among my wife's cause. She's an actress in she uses the the sad, bullshit, ok, monthly, childcare, monetary, what we pay in childcare! We sent him to its called school. It's called a high school, it's called a monastery in order is its Breakin child care. It's I go over there, so we can have the day off from you. Little freeloading freakin ran bunches too. That's thirteen hundred fifty three dollars a month in this country for sixty four transportation. Mr abide in jobs, he's, gonna come and say we need arise. The minimum wage in then away
in the problem average wage is the problem you're stuck at an average wage and you refused to go get a job where you can be properly compensated because you need to be called a tech guy, a cat gal, a pr person. A graphics person, a website develop or social media expert, a lawyer, a baker. What you need to do is be called the revenue guy. Can you at yourself to new revenue, because only the but they can create. New revenue can actually live on. These numbers is ridiculous numbers that people are talking about That means you got to go, make a failed car sales. The only thing my dad told my mom tell those boys he knew he was dying. Tell those boys that those boys can control their income if they learn how to sell something all right, but then call her
we got pager from Chicago was out Chicago Chicago Chicago man, you're killing each other over their black on black time. Scientists is this: is this wrong? What's up. Would you make your man? Would you make him? Are you you didn't hear me? We know Harry Jocker, rather you and treason. turn off the damn computer. Let me go the next person. Can they had set on a dream? So you can get where you will. You call me from felt they don't brother the actual border able what we're in Florida bride here that damage actual war on point. Do your daughter the college, I figured out, they won't be up late. I'm doing failed about to make ten thousand dollars is more than a sales rep corny life insurance-
Maria is about nine hundred. All the money doesn't matter make, though, I'm already to be unduly dogma. Million Ozma has been rent, Where is everybody so you're making hundreds you gonna make this Mohammed? You make last Madeleine's talk about what you did last month now because I M about and they gave me last month, wouldn't you entreaty The amateur number may come down on the spot and you know everybody the participant of my funny evidence. You guys all talk about what you gonna make this month. You got two days left in a month and you can maintain k this month now another partner, but then you see you treason You need to sign yourself the condition of treason, I'm trees, This to my family, I'm treason to my friends, I'm treason to myself. I am treasonous and in fix it right and then, if it you're an enemy to yourself. Basically,. You you guys don't make enough money could blame nobody. Nobody knew anything! You man, ok,
I got a guy. My wife goes out week and she goes out with these people. Man just happened a while back right. The guy does a couple goofy thinks I'm like. I don't want to be around goofy, I'm not bring a goofy back into miles. Okay, we goofy goes places If the goofy should habits. Ok, goofy step is not good for me. I don't want goofy with me. I'm not gonna be entries in just a moment more. Why are you so hard. You so hard yeah, that's right, I'm so hard. You know why, because I used to be fucking goofy. and we're goofy when I cause trouble everywhere. Twenty three. Twenty four. Twenty five years old, my mom told my friends. When I was nineteen years old, you should stay away from my boy. That's how much trouble I was here, look. Anybody can turn around, but it takes a while before you like wait a man where am: oh, my God, man, I'm wrecked the politics,
since gay up down I'll, get all excited about Donwell. You want gone, ok, save you! If you can save you can save the country. Ok, they're, scholar, Edra! What's up, let's go down come, oh my privilege, colony bro. You got guts to do this after the first two dollars. I love it. Congratulations on taking over Nashville. thank you brow. I would you think about the middle of switching over to need another thousand units over there. Can you help me, I'm loving I'll, find you carried out. I love it I love it. Ok, so tell me: do what you're income last month, income for plasma, virility, clear, Randall S? Was the income for last month One eighty three year, you know I'm based on commission, so you may not you you can't you make on an eighty thousand here. You ll find you gotta play. Gotta play. Would you know how much you save the aldermen tell you what he should save a year? He should save. If he did the Grandcourt own programme. He would say
many three thousand two hundred dollars. Did you say seven thousand! Seventy three thousand dollars Lasher! No matter how much you save last year. I have no money. I'm trying to blow up two years ago to forty one K. Last year or two year, two hundred okay last year hundred eighty two begets ass. Unlike blown up, I'm less broke, you gonna parks and money man. You don't make it up the three year you gotta take some of that money. What I want you to do, because money money disappears, gave you I'll ever This man, no matter you, I give you a million dollars, I guarantee it is all going to go away. I noted Can I help you even set it man? I want to pay a million thousand mother. What did you not come? You know you never have any money, you're gonna be broke all the time. You're budgets gonna, keep raising gotcha, we're demonizing you, the country club in awhile. I see you at the bank either down ok ice. What's going on here, say again, but my favorite failure you get back to you, because I am a little bank deposit yesterday there was this big as anything I've done. My whole
what I'm glad on olive oil ground when I'm sick. Ok, thank for cornea broke. Look. I want you to save and you easily be saving six k a month? I dare I dare you to say six thousand a month. If you do it next might save six thousand pushed aside. I don't want you to spend it. I don't want you to invest it. I just want you to park it. I wanted to be safe, untouchable. If your mom calls you says, I'm sick, so mom you got any money. Ok, that's six, sacred if you want to save some money, some emergency money for your mom, it's gotta, be an addition. Is six k next month? I dare you to do. Did you do it? Am I happy on the show next month right? Ok, next dollar Sonia we gotta problem guys with particular calls what was the problem
so now you scared me so look folks do not make it enough money. Bottom line is, I know, you're, like all my God grant great great. You granted me tell me, I'm not making too much money enough money. How do I make more money? Ok, who police profitable? the top and want to do what you did not grant they can do it. I can't I've just come down at dinner, Martin Book, which enable Mr Lewis, Luis Louis I heard my heart, my shoe it back by the way I made one key point: I gotta get. Other buyers can adapt to job, God. I have financed on the ongoing. Only nine grandiose, I'm going over to my ear. David, unrealistic they'll. Do the bottom about eighty yeah, and then in the club is my irrigated iron. Can you make
ten thousand selling cars, You're right now, though, probably now say one twenty five polyantha too high dealership, but the boy You know I've got a whole. I got a whole family in the whole obligation deal. Is the car job make the money month by month, but it takes away. The ILO. The way of my life is becoming too weak. Little stated. I wanna go under on the whole, the mother might look like a little boy scare. Should I quit the job, there was one river shown guy yeah yeah. You don't need to give up on that. First thing did at their first things, paying you do not want Robin I'm, on the seventh day we cut right now, I'm on the weakest economies is on the up and that we can give them the clock at night. Do you she come of work with me one day, I'll show you what killing yourself looks like it had already fallen. So look. Here's at! First of all, I want to knowledge for being a freak in your winner. Did ok, you win
That doesn't mean the other people to call you not women, everybody This lesson is the winner: you guys you listen. You're Wilma confront the situation like indignant, and here this message, you're already winters, this cat is since this funding is trying to figure out how to make. How do I make that transition? What I would tell you look Luis, not bullies is dude. I wouldn't be the main thing. I wouldn't leave their job, how you a hundred twenty five, we might say I was gonna peg to understand this year. I wouldn't leave that day to move into the real estate game. I'm start figuring out how I can get somebody to help me with that first game spin that plate and do some of this stuff, not that I don't need to go back and just spent a plate to keep it Roland. I might want to figure out Spain, the business. That's why you guys needs money park so that you can actually take that money. Reinvested in the company model. If I did a show Wednesday bandit all was the show today. I'm saying you need to make it all. Put those too
Those together you'll actually understand what I'm telling you you spend it all to make more Whatever you need to do to increase your income and not run off one of these silly government who make these things, who is this the government- the bee? Alas yeah, it could drop the ale, unjust, bs. Ok, the Bureau of Labour statistic: Bureau of Shit: ok, big long shit Chris. Let me talk to you. What a goddamn money you know it does we does it come on man. I want you to greet right so last month I made a hundred years more than five thousand you need a lot more to my wife and I can have a baby, so I'm gonna, I had a hard last week last month and a half on justified, as it would be a little bitch. As you say, cuts were great red. The death in the dictionary
I swear to God. Yes, like I'm a Christian, I really wish you wouldn't use that word. I wish you'd really use dictionary bears means the wire food means the wine or it could be a fairly long. but I don't know I don't remember. I think it so look. Dude here said the old man, you're treason to your family broke you made under the five thousand you go from five hundred dollars in one month. Eight thousand dollars in the next month. So what do we know about this man. He has the potential to earn money and refuses knocked it. That means last month Chris. You made some choices, they didn't take care, your wife and kids man bottom line until you guys hit this point right could tell me why you can't and deliver the money He is in the? U S economy, the money sitting. There Google makes three hundred thousand dollars every minute. A single minute of every day. Three hundred k I
they don't pay taxes on two hundred and twenty thousand of every dollar. They make baby, no taxes, you got are you liberals, love apple as high tech company, then only pay taxes, man, they is wreaking. Yo peas. You can give ok yeah Chris saw a man do come on man, twelve months in a row, Bro twelve It's in a row act like a dad act like I've been bring it home. The monies out. They they need you, you need you. I need you folks, grand tore down zone every Friday. You know the people to listen to me. Like me: ok, the awkward you never had, the daddy. They refuse to talk to you, man, ok, you got drunk as he couldn't confront the budget. You daddy drank cause. He couldn't confront this. Who is going to be all right so much better than my dad was you know you should be happy. You should be happy. You got ten shoes. I had walked
hey man. I don't want one parachutes. Man should Jesus had one pair sandals to some Roma. Ok, I'm just good message, but you need some money. I Look, I want to say how to some of the people comment right now in credit vice from sea, the annex so inhaler? I guess he saw knows. Haters was electric haters. We got aamrapali keep the main thing. The main thing. Thank you girl. Thank you. Thank you, John one hundred and thirty one Janji Janji is a John. You ask me, I'm a the commission the two thousand months, just my base for the first year, not mad at you D show is still gospel, So look! I love that do Johnny! Johnny call me a bonus in your book broke from me slamming you today. That was a little heart. Ok, I should have taken another Josh. Instead, okay, Bronson Digital! He didn't hang up sound like you lost a connection, call back John one hundred and thirty one. You should call back. You wanted to help you yeah. I want to help everybody man. Sometimes health comes
comes out, you know likes keyed, Dixon Powell, Petitions love a middle class for one reason: control, slaves, man, ok, but that the slaves, or not at the bottom of the economic lad. You understand it right there in the middle. You need a bunch of you, don't need a few if you wanna get voted I want to do that. I want to go to the do Joe. What is that today. Braun Gay Rico Rico. That's why they GC when creating casual and not be family? What is the fifty percent rule? Your expenses not exceed fifty percent of your income. If your ninety three percent occupied folks lotta comments here. I look at em. All all comment back to you appreciate right the impression colony in pressure. you being here when manage Grandcourt, honesty and next Friday. Twelve, have a great weekend stones.
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Transcript generated on 2020-12-16.