« The Cardone Zone

160: No Business is Stupid Business

2015-03-27 | 🔗

Grant Cardone shares insights to help the middle class escape the myth and secure wealth.

Grant begins the show referring to New York Magazine article where tech columnist Kevin Roose interviews Netscape creator and power-tweeter Marc Andreessen and their conversation veers into how the middle class is a myth. Grant advises people to quit passing up opportunity and explains how the biggest cities in America all share one common thing. The rich get richer and the middle and poor are pushed down. To drive the point home Grant lists movie roles popular actors passed on such as Bill Murray passing on Forrest Gump, Christian Bale passing on being James Bond and Michelle Pfeiffer passing on Basic Instinct and Pretty Woman. Passing up opportunity is not a good thing for business. Grant also discusses Peyton Manning and his incredible work ethic and 100% all in dedication. Grant offers callers excellent advice and shares these business tips.

Grant’s Business Tips: 1. Never be “Out of Office.” 2. Never Say NO to opportunity. 3. Live where you can earn. 4. Say hello to everyone you see.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Raise episode was rocked by John Hammond and associate each one of us can build wealth, replay scarcity with abundance, replace average with greatness, replace uncertainty with conviction. Success is there for the taken small business owners, entrepreneurs start ups and the ambitious grandcourt I'll tell you. What you have to do to prosper in this new economy will inform you in everything. Business financed and career related, get ready.
Find the knowledge for your success. It's all here, right now in the cartoons. A welcome to the garden zone. Grant car down here is always good to see you always good to see you to hear from you talk with you to talk at you, my name's grant car
down on Twitter on that grant car down. If you want to tweak me they're just hashtag today, the hashtag is whatever it takes. What ever it takes, don't be stupid. Is the hashtag today I know it's a long. Aztec he's gonna take a lot of characters, but it is that to remember folks, if you want to get free, if you want a life of freedom as well. People talk about in America all the time, freedom and the nation. in the rest of your life, doing everything they can to be a slave man. I just keep a real here I know I tell you, stop sometimes a bit like a kick in the teeth feel like I'm being mean ugly and hard I'm not man, I love people I want to. I want to give people the
formation necessary to get out of the middle class and that's why we're taken this network, whatever it takes network whatever it takes network in its becoming a network of whatever it takes people? Ok, I got Jeff git him come on baby. I got Larry Freakin wing. I got it least going. I got Henry right. And heart. What I got so many people come into you man, I gotta come into ya, got Rachel man. I mean I've got people coming, I might have I have o Reilly come in it have? What's his name Hannity come on we'll get these people on the show baby. I'm a call a mountain say: why are you misleading the everyday person Anderson, Cooper Why are you misleading people, man? You came from a Vanderbilt. Why aren't you telling people to truth? you don't have choices in most the group it cities in America. People don't even have choices today
in this show in this network. The cartoons own and whatever takes network is about giving you the truth. So you can get yourself your family, your business, where it needs to be clearly people or deluded. Ok. I just give you one fact this just one little fact and I pulled up this morning- I'm a bit of mass immigration today. Did I say it got it outlined the first three minutes. Ok, do you know there was a two thousand fourteen brook brooking study done. I was having this. Are you moved my wife this weekend, the biggest cities in America? What would you think up? Would you guys think of- and I said, a big Cities- New York, Washington DC, allay San Francisco, Boston, Chicago
I am probably not, but you could throw Miami in a bunch because it made the list. The the most dense cities all have something in common high taxes, excluding Miami highs, taxes, Boston Chicago, San Francisco, Ally, New York DC. ICE taxes highest concentration of Democrats, whatever. That means I mean just take it for what it is higher taxes in the high as income disparity in the country or those far cities where people there it's a big as the biggest drop between them. Wealthy and the ports or in cities. It is what it is where they vote for higher taxes, they try to penalties As the rich people in the rich people just get richer and the people at the end in the middle and the bottom just keep getting pushed by them further down. I'm just give me the truth.
You can do whatever you want with it. The cardon zone is about getting you in a freakin zone dog you and your wife, your husband, whoever, however, you marry whatever you do in your kids in getting them free because life, It's not fair, three or four abate six hundred and fifty eight six hundred and sixty eight three hundred and five eight hundred and sixty five, eight thousand six hundred and sixty eight, The call- and I want you to ask me a question about what you have to do- to get out of the Middle class Kevin route. You, guys know their name Netscape creator In dollar, guy billion dollar player, Dar Big Democrat, Very liberal. Ok he's a power twitter, Kevin Russa, not the billionaire. By the way I'm so Miss spoke there more Anderson is: the founder of Netscape Kevin Roost, the guy that wrote an article and interviewed him recently and Marquette and started talking about the middle class and admire my ears pricked up, Firstly, the billionaire- and the second thing is to talk about the topic on most passionate about
to them. The american Middle Class is a myth and then I kept reading. Anderson thinks. The american middle classes at mid twentieth century is an accident. I've never heard this, but I completely agree with it. It's an accident of history. Created because of the industrialized world bombed out. Of existence during World war to what are you saying is America? If you look back to more or too it's the only in just realized country that was given freaking carpet bombed every day. That's would turn this. This America from building cars that we stop building Carson America think we built four hundred cars do work or one or two, you know, and then all us and all this money got poured into weapons. He does the one major industrial country that wasn't bomb was the United States and the United States became the monopoly producer of industrial last goods, but that's not going on today. Folks, it's gonna,
you and your family in your business, in your ability to grow your business in your family, and I want to help you money go the car down. This is the car down a give me a call three or five, eight, six, five, eight, six, six, eight when get you out almost show. You wanted a dumbest freakin things any. is this, man or woman can do in business. When I get right back, a walk back rank. down in the car down zone every week. I come to you talk about your business, your money of finance. Did he give you some freedom, some freedom that has shown up less and less in America the times at me ass, my computer, talking to me, hey, look our folks. If you ve got this message, if ever got the message. Did they were out of the office? You send an email, the somebody request, something maybe a business proposal like I did just this morning
in the gas sends me back automated. Spot, I'm out of the office. I looked at that I am actually reaching this got to do some business with write. He comes in from Porter Rico, this we can eat flies in meet me. We have a business meeting on Sunday would indicate them cereal or serious. It depends if you tony the tiger than you cereal to grant. Cardone you should be serious. and check it out this cat? I cinnamon emails. Three things. I want to look at this product number two. I want to look at porter rican taxes he's from Porter Rico. I want to talk to your mirror Lynch Guy in the fourth thing, was. I need a proposal on this, this other business that he's hooked up in I too am a business for him into a business for his colleagues. He sends me an out of the office
you can't be stupider than she can't be dumber than this, and you can be more deluded than this. If you ve ever sit anybody and automated response and the higher you go up in the food chain, the more corporate you are, the more you do this. This is the freak in one of the dumbest things. I've ever seen a business. Do you think Peyton Manning who broke The NFL record this weekend for most touchdowns ever in the history. Do you think He would tell somebody when he retired, I'm out of the office. Did you we're out of the office baby. You, need to tell me what I am not receiving money today. Ok, I Not please do not bother me I'll, be back next week. Do you never do that? You never tells him by opening argument. Is this even said this office today? If you ever since embody an automated response saying that you're out of the office, then you are out of the office for ever
we will not be temporary, is just stupid harm. I gotta use the s work. It's stupid man. What do you do in telling people it's a Russia. I was in paris- and I was in mexico- did any Body no, I was out of the office. people calling can I talk to grant he's he's not available right now. I'll call you right back not our office. Do you don't know what I'm doing in Paris Twitter, I'm on Facebook, I'm in the air at thirty seven thousand feet dude in. Unlike do we have wifi as I'm connected why? Why do only become EC communication? And you want to stay in communication with people you don't want to right. Communication lines received the communication. Somebody called your cell phone. You look at me like. I don't talk to him right now that is freakin stupid. It's costing you money, just like some of the decisions you're making a where to live, how to vote and in the M M from
action in the garbage you collect everyday. I wanna talk to Jane from Brooklyn cause. He sober there he's over NEO liberal land, where their overtaxed no habit Josh in Akron could change from. Brooklyn quitter was up Josh What's up is the real Ohio the real Ohio, Josh Delbert doing your own middle class, America, the mainstream of the United States, baby farm Country, Ohio, Sir liar which question brother, the colony and wanted to. You gave your time up business blunders, and you know I think I successfully businesspeople, though we ve gone through other, Did you do? Do you do the ATA office if you ever done and out of office now I heard you talking about that. Ever done? And I am glad I was kind of stupid. I was gonna. Tell you stupid. If you did, I like amongst outmoded
back, I'm an ash! Another question: ok, are you ready? If you were offered to do forest Gump, would you take to deal now? You wouldn't were than you? stupid deal Murray past worry, basque, ok, You know he said he said he said he said the reason he passes the rolled in interest him I returned. Let me, as it is dude if you were asked to do James Bond, would you pass. James Bond. Now I think again yeah, christian bail, pass cause. He stupid. yes, Sir, he said he didn't wanna play a serial killer. Why not do It is money, twenty million Frickin Dumdum Oak. Not if you are asked to play
monster ball and be the prostitute monster ball. and dress up like a black woman. Would you do it, the ball is, I must have all that was it that it made it made. Halley bury like Haileybury won an academy award for master. Did I don't watch movies, my guys man? Where are you, I requested brow was not used to call him talk about that. hundred dude, I appreciated now. What do you do for work? Lapo big businesses grow up. The nurse I didn't do you see you see Josh people making dumb mistakes everyday business now, every day think people are hungry enough out there. I normally they were hungry and has the opportunity they get on Kosovo. Yet again, in coasts Mode man had Prejudge colony brother. How can we follow you dollar, Josh, Twitter,
Nay and Fair Albert Josh, good to talk to your brother good, to talk to you, a man, a commentary sentiment if you get a chance to do force, Gambro, what's forest got known for just gimme that one line, life is like a lack of life is like a box. It jack. You didn't go to the movies and you know the line right. yeah? You re out their privilege, colony, Ambrose check this out. Nicholas Cage passed on green goblin, Spiderman Michel Pfeiffer, passed in basic in today? Could she didn't want open her legs? For twenty me crown up there. and ass? She passed for pretty woman dude who did pretty woman. What movies twenty five years old and everybody knows who did it right- could check this out Jack Nicholson He could bear somewhat everyone's pass on man, a guy's rican People have the ability to pass. He passed on Michael Corleone in the godfather. He was
when the shot to do Michael Corleone. Now the reason bringing this up as man? Why are you pass on opportunities? Why would you tell somebody you're out of the office. Why would you not receive a freak and email a phone call Why would you not say yes to people say yes to every buddy. I challenge for the next seven days. Go on the car down clans. You say yes to every body figure out. Another way to do. It was profitable for where works, for you were here and control of it, but don't say no furs and definitely don't sell. out of office reply I'm out of the office this week. We ain't work, wake up wake. Hustle baby come. Oh man is America just because you were born here doesn't mean you going to be free, you got to work for it, you got to hustle, for you got to hold on to it the car down you you made here today, cuz you want to break out bus loose and go to another level. Stay with me. Grant car down. You can hit me a twitter for your father
six Bobby eight six excite right back and three. the car down grand car down here today talking about business blunders, stupidity, freedom, the middle class? Do the middle classes the myth? I'm telling you don't be stupid on this, like some of the things we ve, what people are doing every day you listening to people's they save money? No, no, don't say money make money. You need to increase your income first see this is the damn thing's, there's only a couple ways to make money. You measuring com? You save more money or you invest correctly you gonna, save or invest. If you don't make any. This is stupid. Like the out of office reply. It's a stupid enough. do tell me one reason why you would send an email. Tell him somebody you're out of office for the weekend or for a week and Catalonia on vacation. Why Did you tell somebody that? I'm? U braggin. Will you please? Fifth.
What does somebody was sending you? A million dollars we want to send you a million dollars? Would you sent back I'm out of the office Make any says men, you never tell anybody, know you never tell him you're out of the office, you never ever block a collar and you never don't receive a phone call. I responded. People constantly twitter, Facebook, messengers, people tweet me they find out my phone number and I did you gotta go through sherry, but I'm talking to. At least I talked to a man. Come talk to me in You'll want to coming out with me. You want direct access to me for three days ten ex seminar, dot com I'll, be there. My wife is going to be there and shared gland robber silos, gonna, be there sizzler. How does it I refuse to say right? every damn I as they say it,
Robert Gonna be down there. He does all our video, ok, Jerry Glance, superhuman Jared gland with the great hair. It's not him. Real yachting know that do you shit implanted my wife at a lane or car down is gonna, be there and yours truly at grant. Cardona will be in Cancun for three days to mastermind how to ten acts. Your shit, you're, life, your dreams, your freedom, not happen. If the most people vote Ok, look at Washington DC the most powerful richest cities in America. Ok, if you don't more of an argument in this. If this, if you need more information than is Washington DC, LOS Angeles California, in New York SAM, Just go. You say that Chicago Boston, strongest Bob cities in the country. In fact The biggest multi family owners in the world will only invest in those six Citys is called the magical six. What do they have in common huge income disparities and
Lord concentrations of people that are talking about income disparity, some believable, an ass taxes in the has concentration of democratic boaters, not being politically I'm just telling you the reality, the situation and stay away from those markets. I want best, my money in democratic societies these. Why? Because they date they oppose, can a building lots of regulations? It becomes more more expensive to build anything there. It protects my investment, but that's not where I want to live. I want my investments there. You understand, not being political on being cardon in the president of the United States, okay, I'm the president, my family of vote, move. I have the up in and based on. What's going on and a political, I don't care, I'm for me and my family in my business. You know paid Manning Look at eight Manning did because Britain superstar brought you need do your business the way he runs. His business check this out here. Some.
the information about Pate man he's a middle class guy? He should wish it talking about pate manic? Ok, here's a insanely competitive everybody says man, the guy's, a freakin super frequent competition. Even a day off from practice to rest, his ankle he's got right. Ankle problems he still where's his helmet. Do you have that he wears his hair to listen to play cause in which which is a game them? In the ice, while he's looking at his pet playbook, dear you, to one time during the game where Peyton Manning sit on the sidelines, not look in his playbook corner. What's he doing duties completely committed completely immerse, dedicated he's in the gay babies all incompletely committed, he passes on nothing. If he's not read anonymous, playbook he's bits slap in one of his brick and players into submission because they ran a wrong play. A mule hammer, people and satellites. Why Because he's a winner baby he's trying to take care of himself his family,
future his legacy, James from Brooklyn, Do you live there, but God why you lived near me? Why do you live there? May and you think you rocky or something what I'm asking almond enacted by going was up on the sidewalk you a couple questions. I rose they better I'd. Try my drugs drug czar drag me. I will bring you back to discuss in the water ass Bob I don't know where thirty eight units San Diego, California, Vista California actually was called cedarwoods? I woods anew at the moment I drove up on my combine this page three point: eight million dollars I put no paid. I made one point: nine million dollars. I put four four hundred fifty thousand dollars down, and I saw that for like Antonov four million dollars now. What do you think about college out paid him come paid him hey,
paid him hey. I love and I hate him. I hate him because I'm I'm scared about the college bust, but stay out. All its doubts as they like that. I was looking at the end of the corridor. the Copenhagen, but sooner or later, Brown too many I asked at all they got. That is ridiculous. Then you'll get product. Ok, I mean you know when the free credit goes up goes away. Schools are going away, they can't keep up with it. I can't keep building rock walls for people to go to college Now, where do you need to be financially before you? Do your personal harassment, investment? What portion money should be outlawed, put our money, and I mean I had for fifteen idea boom gone down in that's what I'm looking on looking at it, that's my about how much you got him. Would you got out how much you guys that our seventy five, a change? Yeah, ok, were you there? Do you
go on in Brooklyn. You could probably by you, want you, you need to buy your neighborhood, so you understand it form part of book on you get out. Well, ok, brought about her. I even the one family are there, no you're right. So well, here's the deal. Here's the deal when you don't have a when you don't it. We do not have enough to invest in your own neighborhood. Usually put your money and with somebody s, debts that does that's, got more money and a deal than you are. The problem. Would go into neighborhood outside your reach, knock about about a manager. Didn't people gonna steal from you, so you need in the first deals. You'd semaphores deal was a big deal with thirty eight units So I waited because I just kept saving money until I had enough money to do a deal where I could. I could afford to pay somebody enough money where they wouldn't steal from me. Why? Because of it, three or four units, they're gonna steal from me. You know if you got a manager inside they don't produce enough money. You understand what I'm saying
four units at one thousand dollars. That's four thousand dollars a month in the plumbing break, so somebody's going to come in and overcharge you for the plumbing because they could go to a fourteen unit deal and get the plumbing money from there or your manager is going to rip you off. If you be there every day what you'd probably can't, because you're making a living doing something else. Hopefully young Leslie yeah, cool man prejudge gone and hope that helps d from Wisconsin, stables up. Welcome to the card on Brown, what welcome to disown baby? You made it. Thank you! Thank you did you go take seventy challenge. You bet America in it. Anybody that calls you anybody. You respond to him right away problem situations stuff you dont want to deal with. Also I want to put this add this to the challenge. Every person you pass every single person you pass, even if you hate air guts what you say hello to keep you can indication lines wide, open everything I am in the office ready.
I see. People are dead, we're going home, we're going home. You going home, I'm coming here. I'm coming years spent some money baby, oh no, we close it now. Will you stupid? You got it Coloma adopting the alcohol is why I thank you for everything in your language armada. Around pressure, but I have a question for you would have been even have had. I do your life and I wouldn't do I didn't do anything should I know you can call it that right, Albania, we having middle class now I have been working without fourteen years old. I came across her showing you to render it really open up. Inspired me to get up and rise above this noise man, I'm making the life decision to go ahead and Who may become an entrepreneur and for my own thing, man entire working for the man yet What are you gonna be working for the man? you beat him. I have you been
Ask around the slave yeah there's no way to get out of work and for the man do you can hardly be pleasing somebody all the time so gonna get over that deal here I mean that's what I was talking about the movies. Why these guys passed on movies must ask probably sinner say why why'd you bring up that do will make. We will Smith passed on NEO in Matrix now, why that's stupid, dude our bee, I mean I don't care how much money we'll makes will Psmith makes he's still than we think pay. My lost two million do in NEO brow. You know Keanu Rees used to be my neighbour another thing tell you story: I walked into a sushi joint on Sunset Strip, count really Rees lived, literary, maybe ten houses from where I let the past this house every day and they got took three. years to decide on the color painted put on his house. So he's eaten sushi one day I walked up to him like a bro, I'm neighbor, I'm tin houses from you pick up fucking collar, ok, parent
Any color will do right now go with black. Could you did the matrix calorific black painters? You gotta quest him aunt em out looking for someone. Basically Germany and vice versa, Why not asked nor man. Do you got it? You gotta, just freakin, immerse yourself, bro, immerse yourself in in the office, not out of the office be in the office break in two hundred and forty four hours a week, There's a hundred sixty eight hours every week. Be in the office, one forty four and see if you to figure out how to live on twenty hours asleep a week. You gonna name street mainstream, I'm talking about rican town, both yawns brow and freakin, just just GIS, junkie out on business. Fine, no time for anything else, and you know why I think no finally paid this house black cause
the Smith was black and passed on the matrix, we'll Psmith, probably still black, when ya think Scott Dallas was may welcome to the cartoons out whatever takes network, I don't good broad. How you do it. I can't find it. dude. Let me, as requested a hundred, hours. If you can tell me what Movie Tom Select passed on council, You may be damn selling was right. There must be an empty, do Magnum Thea. I'm talking about a movie so big. If he d done this movie, we will be talking about a completely different actor right now, when I say his name, I'm gonna throw this out they also in an Jones unity and Jones Tom Selling, passed on that movie. What am I telling? You therefore don't pass on anything say yes to everything you ve done work out later back out of the deal but say yes to start with who who's
such a big star, who is so freakin big? You got it so made that you say note anything much less. Some bull shit out of office reply just stupid at every level happening at each time killed the over. I time kills deals brother. You gotta get out there and in and figure out the details. Later say yes to it all say: yes, man! I love that a love that run that you got in a year in Dallas right endowed with outdated at a ball of thing. I'm gonna go is gone. It s gone, they ship those people out. There, Europe and our eye or someplace. Now, man, yeah, yeah, probably Kosinski, Jospin, sound, accounted agony, what is just got. Judges got all those vitamins frigate than any of his business can help by now real quick primal. What I'm alive for again? So that's why they're ship and people to two, oh hi or because the primal, why for again x, is gonna fighting bowler?
ok, go ahead now, which requested you. No great though I was. I was wondering if I read TAT Act, any talk about you know maximizing. everything, TAT acts I own a financial firms and we're not able to utilise testimonial than our right right. I know that all the way to maximize on a tax level, the where my client thereby stoner by our great I am when I can't wait around I'd man dear what what what this is, what I would do. Ok, I gotta get the perfect answer for you, man, because I think I do it right. That will be here. So this is what I would do men. I would become an expert blogger about everything, financial and forget about the referrals. Ok, don't about abrupt a become the guy when us, when I search anything financial, your name pops up your at every conference, every conference, every speaking gay guy, I found you
entrepreneurs upon you and a financial blogs upon you everywhere. That means you gotta start writing blogs and taken a position on investments. things to do not to do the void. All the mistakes p. Oh may coming start writing, store, getting interviews, stored, doing anything and everything you can't build a following as the expert on everything financial, even though it might not be the products that you still ok, ok, now that beautiful good luck with Alameda how works out I write about right for a month oh Chicago men, I got Chicago Sacramento in Brooklyn, called today all heavily taxed cities in the way you live there. Why you live in, do they kill more black people in Chicago every year than they kill? And I hunters black people to live in Chicago. Unlike did you just gonna die there. Young kids being brought up in Chicago.
You know, Congo, doubts about a right three. but the people died in in in in in Iraq, like four hundred died in Chicago same weekend, but that right, Aren't rank are now is right right, the guided this black re blot without as mommy Now I was, I was what I re was that I'm the Mexicans you re a Mexican. Cargo Illinois today, gonna kill you you max again drama shooting them. I don't kill that the Mexican I try to be funded, whereby the black delight the Koreans. But Greensborough. Yet No, no! You don't lie to commitments don't worry you know like. Oh, I don't know, I don't think I've met Korean, but then one can see what I mean is seen as you were born. You came out of my careers as little Yoda River anyways. I had a question of watching are to be found.
Yesterday, the Jimmy Jimmy did, do you know the Mean Jimmy reference. I didn't know that. Asked land centimes cooler. Now, in my eyes, hooker any without looking The party- and he didn't mention you- may not be, as you said, yes, we're gonna go like onto or whatever you like Happy Medium Yeah. I was waiting for him to imagine you cause you stupid man like that. I don't know why you shouldn't might need a humble and with man anyway, at another he's going to make a lot of money domain. You can't do done things I share. I think you just bought his wife or goes to the right. I've got my these rich outside Europe and family feuds now now he's great man and one that funny as many men one a funny people I've ever met is Steve. Harvey He asked me ass a steep. What would you do with four hundred million dollars? Ok, twenty minutes answered a question.
Then he lit the nieces, and you got me thinking man This is really. What would you do with four million at thirty seconds, and to the same question. He took twenty minutes to talk about. Ok, go here, brother, which question a question: Why had begun to be good in Illinois running for like it for governor Pack, Winona proves something Billina The ultimate billion announced that I want to call. It is asked for European way What do you need a louder louder. Just take. Every politician is in Illinois, take em out out back in just shoot, em all but grew stronger. The self made me When can I see you tomorrow? Do they all these? They all these? So I should him oh yeah. You should, though I should should vote yes, Atta Chicago, but how did Chicago do what are you doing over there? The highest income disparity in the country is in Chicago and Boston, New York, San Francisco and LOS Angeles. I got to stay here.
for a man, so you can bitch once you go somewhere where you got a shot bre or is it you. Actually New Yorker, some comes come come movie with me, man come neighbour up with G ever, allow not forget the dough at the creaking guts. I had a daughter, I don't really get the guts I gotta get. You got guts yandah, Can I get a protein leslie? What you didn't get didn't, didn't freakin hall Yeahs down here. You got to get you ever heard to say, and it takes money to make money. It takes money, make money yea. when, as bullshit takes guts tomatoes lab? Ok, it takes money. Had it takes, gets to make money right? How do you man, I'm told here, the time the bona boy blown up turn the bone upside cash? You daddy still is your daddy Stella I will do it, I'm until you daddy, I'm your daddy. Now. I'm a daddy Eddie Mack is damaged like unanimous adoption. Burma be a better daddy than your own, daddy. Ok,
snap ray bona dog bone up is termed a bone up man up and do what ever it takes whatever it takes. Us not three words: whatever It takes, is what you led by every day to make sure you can have a life that your dad could not have come diameter. Come on, tell him and tell him I had you dare on tv, tv, radio, Digital where, where the hell, I am hurrah, got Robert man thanks right, robber from Sacramento is right at that we did Robert already what Robert Going grant our come home, I appreciate colony and brother how you doing today fabulous Who do you think I was too hard low right near never to grab that they cannot my wife would say differently. my wife say. Oh yet, it is times when is like a man without Love United State breakers. What
will make the absolute that's. What I try to tell her makes us stronger that's what I'd try to defer the great Rachel. Thank you, brother. There's a couple of things that I was just thinking about your lap. I was walking a lot of you, your path, this theory that had the pleasure of you don't look at your topic today sets out the discussion on a couple of things. Upbraid, I chimera wake up what I do want to say that one one of the major adjust
I have personally may have been falling. You now grant for about ten years, something out you don't be email, MAC them had a career in the automotive industry person pies maids decision many years ago. The entrepreneur out do my own thing, but one of the major changes that thought I hear you say that sort of indirectly that people need a catch on, do it is when you change your when you change your thinking, you change your activity, you change your life and everything around you. The important part that major decision, which I don't think a lot of people, are commenting on or really grasp that have met you yet or following is the fact that fine sphere of influence like yourselves yeah, I like the jeered, though the world has been, but we ve been meant for it being mentioned by you yeah. I remember that appointed a spine people a thousand times more successful than you are an openly your part like them walk like them act. I didn't think like. Maybe if you want you you'll be like them, and everything out. Thinking that you do. You know you
Guy, for example, on the show who kept saying phrases like I want yeah yeah yeah right lot right there. It should tell you automatically here Do you never gonna? Have it when you want something, you're subconscious, mind mice, you don't already. Have it anymore, we'll get in. There are talking about a success, but let me just say this look. What I got three men towards around me: they meant for me. I want to pick up my phone. Nepal, unilateral found to phone. You didn't miss out now I gotta be import and here's the thing had consented time is money and time is viable. All never was a mess up. My mentor bright brought an end, you earn it, but you can lose. yeah. I saw the fact of the matter is that we don't believe in Ottawa spot there's. No, we believe in things like man, think of your phone it all,
are, we believe, are things I shown up early leaving late. I never hear words by the way of these men. For that I got a guy like me: stop right that that gene worth of lack never write you a lot of its mindset, but a lot of it. witnessed the bear the point their new. What's the point man, but the families clues grant, laugh about my man and so really does also? So what do you think about my you know me saying why why do you people live in these cities where most people just do not do well, I mean look, you know you look at San Francisco their gripe in every day about Google and the Google buses in stopping Google buses and how much people make a Google and twitter and Facebook in their life it is terrible. You're driving, height housing prices up is making affordable asked where people are becoming homeless in San Francisco now, because their prices, because a Google, but so so, why do you live there? Then
I don't understand why you stay there? Why don't you move while a great white man was a video the massive yeah that's right at the bottom, times have changed and one of the things I heard a gentleman phase that appear elected. You can't change people, you just gotta change them. There goes with yourself and you look in the mirror. You stay in. All things are changing. You give me all motivated talking like this man. You need like a seminar, something the problem. The problem is eight duly offers I'll do the opposite of the masses and you'll have exactly what is it? You want that's right: they do this. They want them, things get really going to say. Do you do everything appreciate dead man appreciate that you do you do the things that most people are doing the weekends, the Wednesday gripe and the Monday night Monday Started the weaker k away for weekend, what ever, if your tat into that kind of thinking, what what this man San If you're doing that,
wishing, and wanting and praying is good, but praying is a good thing. Man, it's a good activity, but I'm telling you it's not going to change your financial condition until you A place where you can change your financial condition. I can wish for this plan until I'm blue in the face I can want for it ask for it beg for it at the church, three hundred right? There did at sixteen million dollars used when looked at one. This weekend I walked on my oh, my god, I was so freak and motivated so excited it's just out of reach for me until I changed my game, brows gonna be out of REACH August. I just gotta, keep change my game. I got to keep my hustle on. I got to stay in the zone. Three tips on this talk topic, three tips. What am I telling you? What am I telling you three tips free takeaways for the day. What am I telling you that I'm telling you number one you're, never out office, number two, never say no and number three number three: you gotta find a place to live where you got a chance to make,
Ok, you don't look around. You say how the people do in man. People are doing very good here. Then. Why would I want to stay Could you were born air raid. your daddy said you had to do that, Mommy said you need to go to school. Most people are going to college, aren't doing well, they just end up with a bunch of dead. You know sought this morning, Guises They can Lamborghini money. That's why you you never going to have any dude, because you think the first time you make any money you going to go, buy a freaking lambo and that's the between me and other people spend my money first saved it pushed it off work, my ass off and that's all you gotta do you push it off and push it. Often you discipline yourself into you start you, build muscle to in crease incomes and get in that stream, and in one day you look you like a little money. I can waste now. I got no money. I can do some stupid with, but never never put up a damn out of office reply. You get. Nothing else for this show just never ever
hey, I'm out of the office say hello to everyone. You pass today, even if you hate him, even if you prejudice races, say hello to the people, you hate don't even know why you hate those people, say yes to say hello oh Tom and who knows maybe you wake up say like all these people around me keep flows open folks, monies grant down. This is the car down zone Spock you buy what ever it takes network. If you events subscribed yet. in about thirty days you can be call them office may gray. Why didn't you tell me? Why do you? you tell me, so scribe now to whatever it takes network. There's reality shows open boiler, room, mystery shopper, whatever it takes network, whatever takes, the reality shows coming up our players as subscription only exclusive content. If you don't want to I have no problem. You can get all this good content free, but you gonna wish in the future that you subscribe to this network,
would you friends if you gonna comments you like today show you didn't like it you, my guts. I love to talk to my haters man, yeah If you hate me now, you hate me more and more I'm about to bring it like Ricans me, because because we vote be great, because you know what I say: nothin else pay who.
Transcript generated on 2020-12-16.