« The Bugle

Bugle 197 – Singing in the Reign

A reviewbilee of the Queen's festivities. Plus, in other news; killer terrorist furniture causes chaos and Euro 2012 begins to a chorus of jeers and pessimism.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This is a podcast from the bugle podcast dot com. The Bugle Audio Newspaper, a visual world, hello and welcome to issue one hundred and ninety, seven, all of the bugle for the week, beginning Monday, the 11th of June, two thousand and twelve with me and he's open in the city of London, where, if you breathe deeply, you can probably still just about taste some of the carbon dioxide exhaled by her majesty. Has she floated or he's just like down the Thames lost weekends or the temperature, showing the Elizabeth. God rest his soul. When eventually does decides arrest and join me from New York City, the man who fled disk,
Three, rather than see these simple timeless joy of constitutional subservience on its peoples places forever more than twenty percent. Freeze, all Cromwell job, girl, well allow they allow buglers and the last week I went to a benefit for an organization to help young people we'll get involved in service projects on a monologue meeting was as meeting some of the amazing kids. It we're getting a wars for foundations that set up the kind of eleven year old that make. You feel justifiably terrible about yourself because, actually to demonstrate
a greater emotional maturity and responsibility than you yourself are probably ever going to be capable of. Anyway, I was talking to one eight year old boy called MAX. It would set up a food bank programme with his friends in Texas to feel hungry children, and he said my dad thinks you're shows hilarious. I said to him: oh that's, nice max, but you can't watch the daily show yet because there are too many bad words in me said: oh, I know lots of bad words on oh shit on of work are now and at this point his mother shoved her hand across his mouth ass. I started Convulse again laughter. Looking back. Andy are really want to know what was about to come out of this place, because he was escalating pretty fast. With this work,
Can you shit? He knew what was about to come out of that eight year old mouth. Is it possible that MAX to go along with the list of other improbable achievements company so far too short life is impossible, they invented another swear, whopping or the shows John. Is that clearly, there must be a correlation based on a sample of one child between kind of go getting kids. That's the world needs to curious many ills, and teaching your children to swear so totally growled encourage all bugle parents to swear repaid. Lee and loudly in front of your children from birth or lease boy them a kind of Berlin swearing guides and there can be taught by women with it more just get them a little yo. What wonder baby dangle above their call a little mobile with the letters, see you and say just let it sleeping
and by the age of ten they will be either though we multi, millionaire philanthropist, essentially also on the other. We dump pretty well inventing words in our time doing the bugle, I think off eulogy has justifiably stuck his flag in the english language knows how long we're gonna be able to keep doing these pockets for, but I would like to formally recognise too sensational words that you have coined over the last two weeks a credible, a boost and swear aerobics. You are, I might add, Would the english language can be in the future to pull this shit centuries ago? You probably birds as it were. His bugle allow one hundred ninety seven many there are now more bugles than the number
different words? The Beatles tried before plumping on paper back to go with writer, Greece included hard back. Will employment contract, pornographic short story, disturbingly right wing academic faces shares and, of course, cucumber there is little joke for union food finds out there, and that is that we really want the eleventh of June two thousand and twelve many as fifty years John, since the only successful escaped from these celebrity prison. Alcatraz three and my apparently chisel. Their way out things pretty unlikely to me and in fact sir papers of just come to light, really embarrassing truth for the prison was that they just caught the God of duty. By saying, can we just pop out now you can't? I got his francs birthday still, no ah our argument you about Modernism Europe and is always a secular vehicle, is going strain. The been when fax number of sanctions is weak, firstly, and involve
who are you Denzil Washington, guide us open one of a new week by week, constructed agenda joke series this week the words- and so I said to him next week will give you part one of the set up and also a free jubilee commemoration sound effect this week as sir accorded exclusively in the bugles exclusive coverage of the jubilee the sound of the queen, having how Jubilee breakfast treat of toast, with peanut butter, strawberry, German, told the source wasted a food processors. So she could drink it from her special american style sports drinks at German, a tedious boat parade, all that's in the Bin, some story has worked long. Over diamond you worry addition Andy. It was a four day binge of patriotism that my well
have left a trail of devastation in its wake, because, after the ninety six hour, orgy of ostentatious nationalism, the british public now has to prepare for the painful come down on Wednesday morning. British people across the country woke up groggy with a headache. An empty wallet, a tangible sense of shame. Looking around at a bedroom confused at the bottom hanging down from the ceiling fan and assaulted, NOME strewn across the floor thinking what the did Just do then. It was just a case of trying to piece together, memories from photographs and a footage, holy shit those on some kind of festooned barge in the rain? For some reason, then I was at an outdoor concept, scream profound disease it. Surely, by saying that I was like you didn't founding that it looks like. Lot of stolen Kogi. Then up holy
I think a lot of you, dear Jack's, absolute or not vice place. I this is likewise bags. What if I just write off some of the british media coverage, I think Union Jack Facial tattoos could actually become compulsory by the time of the queen's Seventieth jubilee. I think of anything that is more likely than not likely to happen. The tyrant, jubilee Celebrations Angelo, had everything in the truest sense and that there was genuinely something for everyone. If you're monarchist you got to see the pomp and ceremony of a Would I long Royal parade and, if you're an anti monarchist, you gotta see the queen being measure We forced to download a shiver, the Rhine for hours and hours, that was the beauty of the diamond jubilee, both celebrated and tortured the queen try, whether you thought it was Jubilee arguable. Britain certainly
did. I claim the glorious apathy Otis of the acceptable wrinkled face of mediaeval feudalism, and nothing was our instinct of enjoyment so showed spitten. So alternately celebrating wildly and complaining vociferously to itself, and I think some questions have arisen really needs redressed. Firstly, could Queen Elizabeth actually be the Messiah Because pay me the same that why, about two days in law, that was the only rational explanation, because she met at the queen was basically Lady Jesus. She, she managed to turn millions of traditionally grumpy nightly complaint, active and historically anti social british people and to a nation of flag waving currently chairing Street party biscuit swapping can rivulets, which is frankly, I of a lot more impressive than pitching up someone's wedding. In saying that worry is that by going this applause, let you down tell you what a cry of plug in the back of a donkey got. You can have no problem.
Guys with preferably on this all right. Yet, John Boy, you can get creative on this one. If you want mats, Morocco, LUCA lay off, I don't come across as to propose Kepler Don't you guys work on May, given that Ici skin due to media Graham right, not one but whose report did you see the coins face during the jubilee COS? Andy. That was not the face of a woman enjoying the expert, his long wait when the band madness played on the roof of Buckingham Palace. Her expression was not, while these incredible it, who are those ghastly man and tell them to put their guitars down, get off the top of my I was. The council also frigid performances from artists, including Stevie, wondering supple Mccartney and culminated in appearance onstage by the queen herself. Now the queen had any lady bulls Andy she would have walked down to that stage. Grabbed the microphone and launch
into a high velocity performance of guns and roses. Welcome to the jungle. Welcome too, we thought it was pretty. Well knows the jungle screaming clean out drumming the microphone and we'll be back in the bodies. Shouting up of madness life What yeah. I guess your constitution. She just ass, to be that little bit too neutral to pull that got something out of our way. Out of love, to see a thing one sexy and BBC knows it. That's a lot of shit, unquestionably MAGIC John, had have proof of this, as you know, non monarchist as my tattoo, what was left of Charles the first on my back,
if I but she is unquestionably, I guess on our roads, my earthy bugles Huffington posts, blogger. I wrote that my attitude towards the real farmers- I guess like her, you are certainly does not football there are two toward watching them in a major football till night. Just basically ignore it, don't really care about. It only understand all the fuss about probably only chewed in if it goes to penalties and whether all family, the last I went to penalties, will sixteen forty nine on the execution of Joseph US, but some she's my wide proof of how much the queen is over the jubilee we can cause. I was failing hungry. There are eight a sandwich, and literally within minutes, I was feeling fine again and here s my miracle cure must have been because that sandwich contained a molecule that was once part of the coin, maybe neural skin that she sloughs off every spring before good some Islamic,
maybe maybe who knows from a loose hair- that's once maybe blow out from under her crown, sir changing color, who knows but sir, we cut. We also cannot ignore. This John Life expectancy in Britain has risen was the queen has been parking. Her perfect posterior on the throne from around twenty nine. At the start of our rain that Middle EAST, judging only by the life of the country, Legend Hank Williams, who died at twenty nine, refers to general nineteen. Fifty let me turn to the queen's random ITALY. He wasn't british, but still he could have been an I've written from twenty nine to more than eighty today, and the reason clearly John, is that since the queen, thanks to the throne there, having sparking this nations tap water with her breast milk, you have to wonder why she kept from having children John, because this nation of vaccination needed to keep pumping out.
When it is so powerful that doesn't need a law, it doesn't really still using some of the reserves from from the Prince Edward Dice Bombing. That just shows what this I mean, I think I think she should be overload of all humanity and and king of wonder. How will you not hired, as I BBC commentator from one of the dice, you know other such if that kind of unique patriotic inside the BBC with even more of what they got Jimmy color instead, ask me: budget I'd rather watch home. Tell it because, when you re hungry to see only see the music as well and a massive Cheryl Colfer Massive, the queen, was introduced to the jubilee the states boy Prince Charles who referred to in his speeches, he's Mummy and
who should immediately have had the crowds take his lunch money froman, I'm being hung up on the gates of Buckingham Palace boys? Why? Because he said thirty three years old, Andy who says Mummy at sixty three he supposed to be king. How can you pay a king if you ve masculinity of imposing your entire nation, like that. The only time you Can we king, if you use the word mummy, is if you four years old you're in the bath and you your Crowley's might have sulk sides. That's the only time and also technically, if we go by rule protocol, he should have Coulter your royal, majestic Mummy. That was in fact lieutenant system that body That is true, but no one cares about tradition anymore. I'm because this is a problem. The quaint the queen then pressed. I stole into appalled igniting a beacon
the more what let down that must pay for the crowd cadets. I have got a science fiction, basic build up on the crystal too hot pot when the Green put it in there. That crowd must have hoped that a spaceship was going to come out of the ground in front of Buckingham Palace in the coincide There's something I've been working on for the last sixty years. What else did you think doing in there or over the star gate, or maybe a portal to hell or instantly try to the sixty four hologram of paper, metal, tat, sweet, sixty four ground What is really interesting, Johnny sit. This was not just popular in Britain with popular in other countries. What was it was? I love coverage in America too. There was an absolutely inexplicable amount of coverage here to Morrow Granby hours. I for striking a raft of coverage, we less Mackay. Really. The pangs of regret has now been held hell for about two.
Thirty five years, but it's also another country that once had British Britain does it. Sir supply of monarchs from they had a twenty five percent audience share of the tv Orange and France watching they Jubilee Celebration, They don't even really care about sixty red grave row about anymore. I think, essentially, british, alongside low voter turnout and general political apathy, This is a single people are now prepared to just ditch democracy as a nice idea, but, frankly, too much hassle for a busy world and after thirteen billion years of drawing the universe, is finally fluke on the eye. They'll head of state is not a rabble. Rousing demagogue, it's not a benevolent dictators. The amount of people or a woman of the what people it's even a heroic resistance fighters like Mandela, wrong, Sangsue, she and or muscular icon like Henry the Eighth Ganges, carnal Vladimir Putin, isnt somebody rules are decisive authority or com, legislative control or who can work a camera or a crowd. It's an oxygen.
Erin Grannie, with literally no power, who is basically never set a meaningful word in public who has no authority. Spite come on any political issue and has never been to spell anyone's point or by any one, appoint or put up attacks on anyone's point she's, not charismatic inspirational. The future with a natural humanitarianism. She is basically a fairy smartly dressed Kabul that was a Nazi London had gay and TAT John, is what you I needs and humanity wants, if only we discover ten thousand years ago. Them I've been about ninety five percent fewer wars and there have been Although the queen, she finally brought us to our senses, John, and I'm telling you that should have been displaced, introduced her to the station. I don't know about a guy's though, ladies and gentlemen, I might just be required, as one of the baby say, ditch Dimple Bay from their coverage. The the excitement in France, whose just bizarre they had millions
Our view is watching I three and a half hour live Jubilee Special on Sunday afternoon in France, and a part of this is part of a trend since the royal wedding last year and the success of the film the King speech, the british monarchy have been very, very popular in France, the wedding the ruling was broadcast, live on not just one but three french television channels attracting huge audiences meetings that we ve exported an incredible amount of enthusiasm for the royal family and Britain may now need to be a royal family events based economy? It seems they specially strange that France, we so, if used about their all found, because the last of they had one they decapitated mothers, the maybe going a bit of execution, is remorse all of a sudden. But I will say this to the French. If I ever have any doubts about whether they did the right thing in shopping, their heads off their own rules.
Then they should just taken one day trip visit to verse. I am look around because that is a bit like going to screams out. Someone has to king die, for maybe she was. It was misinterpreted. Motive. Edges thought there might be a pillar hydras that feed chop their heads off. They grow even more royal hedge and envy mortar wave, your player, but maybe that was it there it does. It seems I want boys with the reaction of crowds in Britain and around the world. Are the only person not enjoying the damage? It really was the queen herself and if you wonderingly the queen cards, they look like somebody just slapped across the face with a wet hadn't fatal within festivities. Then consider this. We basically hospitalized her husband. After the terms for killer on Sunday principle, it was rushed to hospital with a platter infection and listen all like Prince Philip as much of the next person. And I don't really like
He is ninety one years old. If you saw anyone for nineteen year, old man does to our boat. I didn't cold standing up? old time in the pouring rain for hours, you would say King Sadistic, also honour, icily sure they got sick at all, and I think he saw the way the first through he's gone realize they will only half way through the celebration and he took her die He took a diver thing, the other members, the royal family, only angry that I didn't think about first apparently princess and try to find a heart attack together of the public picnic. After forty minutes a rolling around on the fourth clutch checkers. She realized the Roma's Corleone Bluff and got em said at all.
I shall go, but I'm not shirking anyone's hands and I'm not going to enjoy it. There's a lot of criticism of the BBC coverage of the boat parade and curious. Both parade in that Europeans expect something pretty quite spectacular and it was just a load of little boats totalling along the Thames It's a million people waving branded flax at them. Nothing! Oh! I went up to the bachelor park where the flotilla started from two: do radio interview buttons or three four hours before it kicked off and notably Q people waiting to get in and, though, being handed Union Jack Flags Free Union Jack flags by representatives of these celebrity gossip magazine hello. So these were union Jack flags with a word halo in massive lettuce across the meadow which just goes to show that a moat moment of national pride and communal celebration can, as all things in Britain, be turned into a grotesque marketing opportunity by an organization of
salute me no worth whatsoever, but there is another side to this job, as you mentioned that the korean principle, it definitely also lets say nearer to death than birth, probably that as a very general wife, you, though they are the elderly people and all of these people wavering flags with hollow in big letters did make it seem like some kind of nursing homes situation there. Are you ok? all those ok magazine is. Are you ok? You? As you say, there were quite a lot of complaints, saying to the BBC about its programming nearly two and a half thousand people complaint and the press a very. We criticise the coverage of Sundays rhythm, pageant, calling it in nine and tedious to be fair to the way we see on the it was a river pageant by its nature.
Ninety nine. Unless the boats are gonna start out of sync each other, it was not going to get excited able The rain definitely did help. They had the time because of now really I never want to see another choir signal national anthem unless they are true. Mr, the scare, shivering and city weeks, hovering from motion sickness or also were where is it escaped? Why when you need it half way said laughing back to interrupt but could have made that project. I would have been so great release, although there are still people or just a shark, just show me, Let's say lives saved the queen really is how did paused cooings lead the country into battle on horseback Andy,
If the car you saw a great white shark in the terms old lover to just put a little too little to pick it up, mouth looked straight down the camera, so we're going to need a bigger barge. Terrorism up right now, there's a there's, a gear shift.
And they terrorism uptown, it's only a gear shift. Thanks to be sensible. Precautions were taken here for the security of a good point. Andy good point reports came out this week and Americans are likely to be killed by their own furniture as terrorism. Now, that's a sentence which needs no expert, but let's give it one anyway, but first, let's repeated Americans are likely to be killed by their own furniture as terrorism, a striking sentence Andy, but what does it mean does not show a fall in the cases of terrorism or a rise in the cases of killer furniture. Let's explained these statistics from eighteen thousand eleven reports from the National Counter Terrorism Centre, which is the Eu S, governments best statistical analysis of terrorism, trends throughout its worldwide incidents tracking system. So this report is not a joke. Unfortunately, its conclusion does sound a lot like on because it states that the number of Eu Citizens,
Citizens are these, not people working in the military or for a government groups abroad who died in terrorist attacks, increase by two between two thousand and ten or two thousand eleven. While- and I quote, I comparable number of Americans across to death by their televisions or furniture each year. Are we absolutely sure that this furniture isn't being trained by terrorists to launch those attacks? Andy is Bob's furniture warehouse, anything more than a terrorist training count for radicalized counties I saw the we flew some armchairs, some coffee tables and friends, dresses down to Guantanamo Bay. Andy to get some fucking answers out of them. You won't talk with coffee table well happen or just leave this goal. Of water. On you, without of King Costa Z, short liberals gonna, say that's torture and deeper
America should not be lowering yourself to engaging in that kind of behavior, but these countries, at war and desperate times call for desperate measures if close inject power, furniture shopping and I care what reports the offence of a hundred and seventy six annual fatalities from falling televisions. So just shows that death chemicals by metaphor, as well as physics onto the rape and get you with symbolism as well as embolism, is to actually showing there were fifty thousand murders in America over the last ten years, which means that you ve been six hundred thirty times more likely to be killed by someone without a police to go motive as with a political motive and not just shows how deeply rooted apathy has become John? I think this is a shame, it. We training all murderous to be killing people for a cause. I know also almost too far,
many times more likely to die in a road accident than who has been applying all the oil, the palace, those girls. That's what's the Bin Laden family, the oil magnates from Saudi Arabia and, roughly you are too You are one hundred thousand times more likely as an American to be assassinated your own lifestyle choices as by a terrorist? Only cigarettes and hamburgers had big bids and released occasional directly, threatening videos might take their threats to our way of life and death a little more seriously and it you're, still more likely to be run over and killed by a horse drawn Carte Blanche, terrorist acts as a fact also more likely to be killed, doing over enthusiastic by onset impression near a large domestic freezer or explaining to innovate, inattentive schoolchildren, how Joan of ARC died or getting over competitive and who can put their Taiwan fosters raced race than you are by a terrorist now. Those are facts, John False facts, but facts. Nonetheless, this is,
I'll effect. In the two thousand- and I quote, ignition or melting of knights were caused nine deaths in America and that is even before Elam Affair release them six. This was the statistical report that which, though, perhaps unsurprising we're still, I think, pretty horrifying in case you, because you are cloaked in cases where the religious affiliation of terrorism casualties could be determined Muslim suffered between eighty two and ninety seven percent of terrorism related fatalities. Over the past five years. That is a pretty useful statistic to combat Islamophobia and the next time some bigoted more on these glaring angrily at a mosque somewhere. It might be worth pointing out to him that Muslims are far more likely to be killed by terrorists than actually be terrorists themselves. Perhaps that might provide some com to that empty shaved head besides that big. It might also want to spend a bit less
time, worrying about threatening looking Muslims and Malta worrying about threatening, looking furniture that statistically might be plotting to killing one day, I'm terrorism that says that these fish are one of the least efficient killers. Of american second only to shock attacks, of which there were only twelve fatalities.
Austria and no american fatalities, a tool which rather takes throw out of her watching jaws ordeal. Impish, open Watson, race or indeed, as you suggested, the quickest jubilee pageant just isn't a risk anymore. They were twenty. Nine unprovoked, shouted action here s into them, which is an interesting sadistic. None of them were fatal, but also that suggest that they are not counting provoke stockings, and nor should they show that the lowest vigour since nineteen nineteen who would provoke a shark attack when I see that, as we know, is going too far to impress a girl if as well, if that's what you ve gotta, do move on, Leslie, lowest, Ferguson's. Ninety ninety eight and it's been blind John on the economic downturn.
Because it turns out that fewer people are now able to afford it. They out at the peach, listened without it, so the global economic catastrophe, how some benefit, let's largely negative, stop looking at the collapse of Europe and GEO Endemic unemployment across the industrialized world. Let's look at the slightly few in number of shock. Attacks in America could also to be fair, be due to shocks, living healthier lifestyles and not eating junk food anymore. We just now Europe, and that we should be thanking those bankers, those unregulated by it. We should be getting all amazing thanking them that we're not shock food yeah, miles now underway memo here from a Benjamin Hodgson, whose titles email China continues its war on bullshit? He says it
Chris Andean John, in order of distance evolved from hot primates ancestors Is that really the news of our latest attempt by the chinese government, to put it and to his life long hours, nemesis, the bugle, an article in the international business Times, says that the chinese version of Twitter see now why bow has recently produced a new writing system for dealing with inappropriate commentary, uses start out with eighty points and they gradually deducted force. Writing falsehoods on a sliding scale lie A hundred other users will cost you two point: twelve spreading an untruth to over a thousand uses result in a reduction of ten points at least fifteen day ban from service. Calvin loses all eighty. These points is close down permanently falsehoods liable to result in the production of points include the following information that is holy, false or come sit sit by details using not conforming or false
which exaggerating events presenting already result. Events is ongoing, giving incomplete an information amidst club together, given that you are guilty of pretty much. All of these offences on a weekly basis. It appears that the system was designed with the express purpose of discrediting the bugle. Nothing seen avoid those new system should be tested, saw another view before an account and see how quickly cats forcibly closed down or, if the a website collapses in on itself in a supermassive black hole of both states In fact, these new cement, the bugle in its position as the one well, this situation standing between China and total world domination over vast Benjamin origin is true Andy. I mean what what what China's service there, how they re? Actually you implying that the queen had been tainting Britain's water supply with
breast milk. What how many points is that one earnest, probably nothing different to what I've been doing in China out? Imagine what will happen in how many children, a chairman MAO have Knife Berman. All I know is it was regularly milk. I guess that's another thirty points there.
A chairman MAO regularly mail with so little red book, and this one on the subject, the fourth of July, from Danny in Vienna Rica, Georgia, who writes the Anti Christian John. I was talking with a friend reason about doing something on the fourth of July, and it came up that he had a british friend to quotes always made sure to wear a black armpits with as little tippit fresh in my mind to wonder how the rest of the british population thought of it. You take up arms and burn the american flag in the streets, monitor lost control of your little colony with fino processions and dirges, or do you do something else entirely I'll, tell you what we do and you gotta say on television over the whole of the last extended will end wasted outbreaks God. Given coin there Youth workers could still have if you hadn't means up
pretty little upstart cinema eighteenth century tools, America come grovelling. Black with news, crews was neatly came tat. You can have a back. Tunnel hover oh now, and euro twenty twelve kicks off in a couple of hours, in fact, as we're according Chris looking quite excited by ass usual and increase for the first game or for those things like pulsing now to Germany, Germany, looking good too soon to address, and Christine quite beautiful beautiful now, but it's just not enough Ex eight eight that I quite confident. Ironically,
Portugal, twenty two one look: I've got that got accustomed tops and I got Cristiano Ronaldo Muslim me up, potentially potent combination, Michel Platter Navy had have you ever has called on the plan to entertain which foremost international football teams. It's like. When the queen to breakdowns basically, what John did earlier initiative is about a likely to happen the queen August this year that there are differences between found one a bit of entered. I'm was a queen, as we saw with the jubilee her crowd is happy with just whirling around on the boats and waving as if she's stroking the job law tonic, like two seamen sample from a sleeping bag you without liking, but further than that finance. What about my avatar pull up? A company cannot deny that. That is what it looks like.
She just polishing a very small man's had, but what's all England challenges in this jubilee year, this great year of bread and circuses in which complaints about the Olympic seem to be ratcheting up as a day's get closer and closer from with bread and circuses jobs? If we give the british people, bread and circuses people stop complaining about having a wheat, intolerance and big allergic to sing clowns crammed into a car but Wonderingly
chances in this torment, Sir gentlemen, on magic in America that open little else right now we are non, stop and oversee. The recipe for success is the model cells on Greece who won the year two thousand for Jimmy jobs. Now, no, no, I'm just kill the sport completely kill it from a makes falling on the recipe for success, because that Tom is best known for these still untested olive results. But love double act being the progress it means of a one hundred percent walk out. Another movement began. Three minutes offering them lost on penalties to Portugal, but Greece's recipe for success at years ago is the most likely one for english success in twenty twelve be unremittingly test.
Crushingly negative and unfavourably lucky be Jamnia, then a child's face. A rodeo, donating competition spoke earlier than a maternity ward for frogs and fluke ia than a Georgetown University law student and broaden the dispute with boiled. Shuddering radio shit back rush limbo was suffering from a parasitic flatworm in the liver and eating. I refer to horizontally, flattened divisions of the tail of a well aware, which, ironically, was killed by the Bob of harpoon fight by the american Mystery novel author Joanne, flew coincidentally avatar had been listening to an album rye, a little known british Electronic, a band fluke. I think I made the point. That is what we need. John, that's is what is needed. We need, and also eight years ago, the last iming unqualified for Euro championships, I got in gauged during the tournament so worked through these. This could be pretty exciting times. For me every time you, the last eleven years, the England of played on a european championships, I've got engage at some point during the autumn,
it doing some commentary on Monday, and we are yes so on absolutes, idea on there. Now, tv channel a belief and on their websites. I, alongside Chris and the canadian alum Cochrane Long long long standing girlfriend of John in mind, particularly Tuesday, Tuesday football. The routing Lisbon proud, scottish When will we doing life commentary on the England, France, my sadly John Oliver unavailable for selection having abandoned his country do you mean more details. Only to reveal proof now just go and then listen to us and say that you enjoyed it or didn't that will do on our side on the number of Napoleon references of honest a tremor under. You forget in three most important news as the euros approach, and that is that I one hundred ninety foot Roy Hodgson Clean erected on the Dover Coasts,
it's unbelievable. There are massive statue of England's manager. Roy Hodgson, calling out similar to the Christ sculpture from Brazil. Is currently standing on the cliffs of down on the the cliffs of dogs. The amazing thing about this is that it makes you think, while there might actually be a statue of me somewhere, because if there's a statue of Roy and suddenly the idea of a statue of yourself seems less from More achievable what I'm sayin he's on the. If there's a one hundred and eight foot statue of Roy hard sell anything is possible. Of course, it was built from the wreckage of the one hundred eighty four level Chamberlain statute that will make the main plan for aerial defence in nineteen. Thirty. Nine so just quickly cutting them be a dark horse for this document. Yes, but unfortunately, offers game is against France, who will take what look at that dark horse and think less could cut nausea nobody's garlic.
Of more on the euros next week, including the slightly difficult problem of racism, the themes of attached itself to the torment Oh that's! It sticking your emails coming in to info at the Beagle bought gulf dot com, you can follow the hollow bugles Twitter feeds where you can also read back the life commentary on the jubilee parades from last weekend's and our buildings, football on its as well. I'm not sound cloud page. Sound clouds, dot com The high foreign bugle, that's where it's all going on people and is literally all going on goodbye buglers by God, Cape saving that goddamn cooing, where do the BBC.
Transcript generated on 2020-05-03.