« The Babylon Bee

Why Atheism is Dead | A Bee Interview with Eric Metaxas

2021-11-09 | 🔗

On The Babylon Interview Show, Eric Metaxas talks to Adam and Ethan about why Atheism is now dead, becoming a comedy writer, and Dave Chappelle's latest controversy. Eric's latest book 'Is Atheism Dead?' responds to the "Is God Dead?" question by revealing new evidence that supports Christianity more than Atheism. Eric first gained fame for being the keynote speaker at the National prayer breakfast. He has written many biographies including his most famous, Bonhoeffer. Eric currently hosts the nationally syndicated radio program the 'Eric Metaxas Radio Show.'

Adam and Ethan find out Eric’s journey into becoming a national bestselling author. They find out about the Ex-Lax commercial that started Eric’s career. Ethan and Eric connect on both having worked on VeggieTales. Adam finds out how the Yale Humor magazine helped shape Eric. Eric shares how the media narrative of him going from an intellectual to a Trump supporter is wrong and what he thinks about the whole situation. Adam and Ethan find out the story behind Eric’s Trump children’s books. 

In the Subscriber Portion, Adam and Ethan play a game with Eric to see if he can say good things about some of the worst people in our current society. Eric talks about his new book ‘Is Atheism Dead’ and how he stumbled into an extraordinary topic. Adam and Ethan ask Eric the ever great 10 questions and get one of the best punching stories.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Real people, real interviews, I have to say that I attacked strenuously tier yes hard, hitting questions. What do you think about eminence, like taking you to the cutting edge of terms? Will last year is one of the worst movies ever made, and it was very clear that Ryan Johnson doesn't like Storm Kyle Poles, no punches ass count. How you're evil to sleep at night he's brings own shattering common sense from the top row defining double dear you. This is the Babylon Bee Interview show a bit. You bet itching and wondering about becoming subscriber to the bad Mombi podcast mean we're always prodding poking you to do it. Well, here's another poke ten percent how's that sound just enter the code.
podcast next time you that that be dot com, backslash plans page. Airbags life plans, you put in p, o d c r s t ten percent off a whole year of Babylon be Bliss, see their allow hello there. We have quite a guest today and add because, because the guest was so crazy, we Kyle can handle it. So I m here today is my first time sitting in a guest in advance and sentiments interview with Eric Metaxas. Now he no Eric Metaxas demand. is a brilliant biography writer radio host. He can. Gee sing pretty good recently, I'm a trump extremist and though talked about that today. and he's got a new book out called. Is atheists I'm dead right? I've asked my question, which obviously it's been dead and started,
if you're not devalue, familiar with them, so we started out as as a christian other Euro biographies, Wilberforce Biography of Martin Luther Bon hovers is now an answer and then yeah he's sort of became very outspoken and prominent transporters. Though he sort of speaks at church, just about these- biographies- is written in the illogical issues and then he also tells you that the election was stolen. You have my trunk buddies. Generally known or a boy started out. You got none for like this prayer breakfasting, like talked about abortion and prayed about her and from the president. Obama time did he dresses a clown as he talked about abortion know, thou especially strong thing. I guess and then he I guess he punch Diana Bike. He talks about that yeah. I don't know what I'm saying you can watch the video make your own decision of him. Did he personally, I did he not plenty
he's a very funny guy and whose actually, surprisingly less funny than I expected, not anybody that before I like come, what is more, they even we watch this interview, he's not the fact that he was funny but like we try to set him up for a joke and I go supercilious yeah, but but there are other times are we have some serious questions? Yeah yeah, I didn't mean anything now he's funny, but when I expected he doesn't like to do you expected now so excited conjuring his iron, like no one without further do we get into a lot with airport taxes. It was really fun conversation, I'm a fan of Agro AIR, Metaxas, think he's brilliant in hilarious and after this internal never be welcome on the interview show again. Actually so here it is, Harry Arthur Babylon mean if we show- and we have a very special guest Sahara Attack in person, at the Babylon B, not literally in person, but yeah. Not little have even
what it is literally impersonal. Well, I guess technically. That would be true after goods, you oughta, be irregular about the were literally here they have. You noticed people like you know, I'm english major writer so went when people miss speak in, say literally neurotic of you. You know you we literally blew up. He knows I know that's the whole point. He didn't literally blow up. You blew up the numbers, blue but that's not literally no, I actually in confess I literally here a thing of literally blowing up, transit, shivery books, Marley Elder Dietrich Bond offer William Wilberforce, and you also wrote a commercial for ex lax us about that commercial. I write it acts. Actually. This is not insignificant in a way it is totally true that I, during the worst periods of of my life I had to take
the job as a copy writer for gray advertising. So if you think advertising school, like anybody in the advertising business who thinks it's kind of cool, they they think yes. But if you sell out you gotta grey, advertising like they do the stuff that no one else will do like ex lax. So I was working with an ad director who was so evil seeming to me that I asked if I could be switched as a yell us, we have serious to March. What could he does? You know pharmaceutical, but he was a really cool guy and my first assignment was Ex lacks any ex lacks thing. It's so weird because some commercials like it so they can right themselves, like they tell you what they want and need someone physically too be there to say a like okay, I wrote this, but so they have this whole thing in some become some of the groceries groceries aim. Mom, you see get your ex lacks. You know Bob blah, so I wrote that the point is
Why do they asked their parents say? I see you got your silence was sorry, no one always sit like a slave, a member as is love cases, so you got its act, but here's here's the key to the whole thing The key to the whole thing is that at that time, Tax lacks was I to being sued or something because- it was. Such a powerful laxative, let me say that again, Jim devastatingly powerful laxative that is sometimes gay people, unbelievable cramps, and- and this in that, so they were moving over to an herbal formula which of where's couldn't be nearly as effective right. So so the commercial than I did for Ex Lacks was the last. Actual ex lacks commercial. After that they say stu and it became you know ex lax in court. It's. How has the brain so for ninety years they had this formula soil. I wrote some last ex lacks commercial, well alone, Or it God
your Wilberforce book. You talk about how he felt called by God. Disorder become politician and end the slave trade did, you feel, called by God, to write this x like commercial ones, interesting, because the answer is no, you know is a horrible year. I I was. I mean it's like: I have to go back in time to explain that where I was, you know My parents are, you, know, european immigrants, so came near the working class european immigrants or to get to go to a place like Yale, and to be an english major and want to be a writer like sorted out and make sense right and so is very difficult for me. It was wasn't really working out. I wrote a lot of comedy. I was the end of the year Humor magazine and at twenty five. I had this unbelievable born again experience and- I don't want to go into the details, but I was in a cave with some suske squashes for like two weeks and time stopped
but that's the only point, that's not true. So I had a amazing experience than I knew. I still want to be a writer, but ice What kind of flouted this or that wrote a book for veggie tells them work for our calls do this. I did that, but just as I was getting married, I realized lake. I needed job job and somehow freakish Lee. I got a job as a copywriter at gray, advertising and it it was absolutely awful and I knew that I don't want to be there very long, and after that I went to work for truck Colson and stuff, but the idea, I spent a year in New York advertising It was, it was no fun and if you ve ever wanted to know, if you weren't called to do something, you do something like that. You discover this is this is agony, I don't I don't even care, I don't want to be successful in this. Let me out so the Lord, let me out, I had it, some feeling, whereas running the details. What
you, as their own veggie tails, to funding the right for Ex lacks yeah exactly ass. He went from. God knows the excellent I mean I mean. I know you didn't know you decide written, but how can we Chinese altogether? We can't know era which sells for three years and now the only thing I did episode. We are new every week. The total certain point. I work for veggie tales for two years and they were so poorly man. Where did they didn't use me at all? like I wrote it honest stuff, they never produce they. Never I would it was. It was really its contents why they went in the tank because paying MILAN well to do nothing, so I only ended up writing half of while a kindly Viking. The only thing to do is the hamlet, omelette parity and in making a rocky a k Larry the cucumber, let me be the voice of the narrator on the Esther video and I wrote some books and stuff for them, but we ve got to move on,
But you see I wrote for their yell humor magazine. I was the editor of the ill humor manganese boil record yeah Michael Gruber, you mentioned followed me years later, and I I thought I'd be a comedy red army when I was a kid growing up. I'd watch tv, worse, the dean Martin rose and I I had an affinity for huge affinity, but I never thought I would go right this because I didn't live in a world where people you know even think about something like that, and so when I got to Yale I happened. I think I got there really early because I transfer data. I got there like the first day. You could get there and was almost no one there in the people. I was hanging out with we're like here We run the Euro magazine. I said what I want to honour. I want to do that so I sort of learned how to write comedy because everybody thinks they can write comedy because they laugh at jokes. but it's not like everything cigarette kids book, but it's not so easy. So that's where I got
I began my you know why I started writing comedy and then eventually I wrote. I wrote a bunch of peace that the New York Times magazine boy I sold the humor piece to the new Yorker like an old five years ago. When I you know, I've always wanted to write the pieces that Woody Allen and before him ass, J Perlman, and you know that than they used to call them casualties or benchley. You know the stuff it. Nobody does anymore really accept. Sometimes you guys do its it, but yeah writing. Kommeni was really. something I always did. I wanted to be a serious novelist. You know like Thomas Pension or John cheaper were drawn up, take or something- and I also I wanted to be a writer of goofy comedy and normally those things don't go together, but you know what normally greek stone. Mary germans- and you know I I am when you were a year was the was there like the political kind of
for all my aunt was already. Is that already a year, a marxist training camp? When I was there in the treaties, it really was. I mean it was I mean if you are, if you're in the humanity you know if you're like a jack, Warren Econ major you, you could have avoided that. But if you're like an english major, you know, dairy cow was on campus. I actually walked dairy die I wrote a poem about about walking Derrida across Calhoun COM, squad. It's now been named, Rupaul Clyde or Caitlin General Clodagh, something, but It was you know: was deconstruction uncritical theory and all that heritage there and base Sickly was extremely politically correct and coming from working class. Normal background, you know, go the church on Sunday would arouse like. What's this, I guess this is how the elites thanks. So I can. I drank the Kool aid
and I never became like seriously, liberal or whatever but out. But I was, you know, it will certainly was any kind of a conservative Christian. I was just kind of drifting along, but it was very much because they are in my memoir that I came out earlier this year coefficient of water. I write about that about a few instances of where you realize that this is this is the way you're supposed to think now and how it was kind of siena- was an interesting moment Tipp to suddenly be that young kid realizing like. Oh we think this way at home. But I guess we're supposed to think this way now and of course, wonderfully now. The entire countries that way thank goodness it all worked out. We'll have to ask you. He said that your friends are Larry David. At one point: yes, dinner, is apartment. What, when I was writing the humor pieces, the Atlantic monthly published a couple of Em- and
there was a huge Marines was like nineteen eighty seven and somebody got me to do a hewn humor reading with Russia chests husband aroused chest: the New Yorker cartoonists, whatever her husband but did some stuff, and there was somebody I care a member, but I was one of these two or three people who, in its summit, like in a basement in New York, did a comedy reading in this friend of mine that I met at one of these writers. Colony says you gotta meet my friend Larry. He will love you. I love you and he so funny so uneasy before he became famous like right before, so he came and he loved what I did like might the humor pieces. I think this Europe is on my website here from Texas outcome. It protects that come into existence, com but the humor pieces are still there, and I I I so anyway, so we became friends any really loved. What I was doing in here acted me with his manager, whom he eventually married and she was only taking like she had him. She had Chris Elliot. You know, Really I was like I've made it now and
and then I became a born again Christian and through it all in the garbage, I burned all that with my yellow. Albums and all that satanic stuff figures. Humours of No, I never. I never really overtly turned away from it. I just gonna drifted away, but I so Larry and I became friends. I remember he dinner party in his apartment and, like the actual Kramer, came in a boat boat, at the time I didn't realize he was the act. Kramer did. You know he was racist That's a real funny question! That's appointing motion! I would kill to meet Michael Richards. I I just love that man so much but I yes also, I think, when I became like a conservative Jesus freak Larry Dave probably had problems with that which you, which is a pity because of course, I'm right but its interest, thing how I tried to write for Seinfeld and he loved what we wrote
the french call Tita men who had originally written for Letterman end. We wrote some stuff that I know that if they had produced it, it would be like It was that it was really that good and I can show you some time but You know they didn't really need more writing a book, but Larry David was very, very complimentary of of what we did. So I didn't end up writing. four Seinfeld and I never was elected president. That'd states, but People want to say that I was that's for its fine with me. It's cool because you know you we can be in America. be whoever you gonna to be. There's nothing to stop you! No one. Can Willingly relies on whether you were elected or maybe not or whatever you did. God bless America if you can keep it. If you gave it is playing. You're making love your books. Thank you very much. So ok, I want to try out your brow, noticing that
Dr Hardware, this topic and it's kind of the hour That elephant in the room, but I want to talk about it from a perspective somebody I feel like I'm in the same, you're gonna love. My answer go ahead. You ask me great so. You know the narrative about Eric Metaxas is that he's gone from this intellectual christian guy and now he's this right wing spoke Mouthpiece right. I saw them yeah all loud? I needed bred man and I sold out. So I love to hear the Earth Metaxas side of that story and also but also because we now humor, the Babylon B. We also make things online and it feels like in the climate there weren't here, must force into
everything will acquire yeah and that's kind of that. We fight that or is it a fight worth giving up Erlich I want to get into that guy. I know the look. I live this every day and I hate you for bringing it up, but seriously No, no, I'm not getting look. First, most of what people perceive we know is idiocy liking. You know people Eric was the intellectual Christian. Who did it did they didn't know anything about me? What do they do? They watched Socrates and the city and they read my Bonham for book, and so you think you know me because of that you know as as What woman said I am large, I can t multitudes, I mean, complicated, strange guy I've written tons of humor I've written thirty children's books, I've written biographies- I mean I'm eclectic. were scattered or whatever you want to call it.
I went to Yale. I live in Manhattan, but I was raised by working class european immigrants, whom I love and treasure, and I grew up the working class people, so I didn't become a Globalists, yell educated elite is like Barack Obama or, like all those people, but I know how they think, and you know if If I'm given an opportunity to be friends with somebody on the other side of an issue. I treasure that, but what's hat in this country in the last, like five or so years. Is that their people saying? No? Unless you agree with me, I'm going to cancel you and that probably started with the gay thing when people say like I identify as this, and I don't care. If you love me, you have to tell me what I'm doing is good and you be like. Listen I'm a Christian. I believe with the Bible says I can love you. I don't have to agree with you. I can't affirm what I think is wrong right.
so so, if someone says I'm sleeping with my girlfriend, I can't say: like cats awesome, I'm going to say if it comes up I wish you wouldn't do that. That's not gonna be good for you or for her and went away, but the princess I identify as a foreigner cater identify as whatever that. Suddenly you have been cancelled, you have to shut up and go away so that idea Conakry. Into the culture, I don't know how, but it got to the point where, if you showed sympathy, for the other side when when went when Jimmy Foulon, Org me Kimmel, I guess both of them had kind of moments with tromp. While he was running for president, it was as if they had said Heil Hitler kill the Jew a black, so any thought wait a minute they were just being polite they never said they agreed with them, where they would vote for him. That's what we ve done an American the beginning of time like we did. We never play this game. So suddenly
something happened, and so I was naive because, first of all I was a radio host and you know I'm trying to say to everybody to liberals can serve as whatever. So I it's some kind of public figures as a result of the radio programme. I would have say that I'm you know pro republican stuff like I believe in life. I believe in this I believe- and I would have so to me the idea Trump comes in Germany and you go like ok. You know whether I love and we're not I'm for him, but people like there was some magical third choice that I refuse to accept like not voting so that Hillary Clinton could come in and usher in the times and I said I don't I don't get that trouble is for this he's, for this will all see how good he is, but, like I can't even imagine, but the most buzz our thing happened in it it's interesting sitting here talking you all that revolves around comedy writing when Trump
was running and I didn't know where I stood really, but he said some stuff, I watched him on the stump a couple times and I began to have almost like a slight affection for him, because some of this stuff was so funny. I never seen anybody in this dump me this funny that sometimes intentionally sometimes not. He was an interview with somebody. Remarried made some mistakes, but from the Bible, and so some, I think, see in an interview, where's lakes, in down with him as like. So we know MR trumped up so you know. You said you read the Bible and weeds funny that there really serious about. Like other things, he reads the Bible right, the vessel say over the Bible and he says so which Wichita cement. Do you prefer How could anybody dream of a stupid question? Like is the world's stupidest question? Yes, it rigour which, which assessment you find yourself, preferring tromp with a level of genius that we ve never seen in public life, says I think I'd prefer
say you know about even- and I said I don't know we're not came up at the end of it. That is frickin genius. I'd say about even light. You says it's about eyes like because you can you can impact that the illogically, a thousand wakens just of anything but anyhow It was around that time that I The idea of rainy humor piece of does he was tweeting out of of Trump Bible versus right, so Bible, verses there? He gets wrong in a kind of champion way right. So you know a good woman who can find. I found three. tagged. Dropped by or or of a man you know will will will leave his parents and cleave to his wife for a season. A plastic trumpet viable birds, and so I came up with with a ton of these, because I'm conversion in the scripture and in the kind of queer Grubbin Queens New York, so the kind of trompe way of thinking and stuff, but also as a comedy writer I could kind of into.
with his voice and so I began almost writing these in his voice. Like the way you write for Jackie Mason were for Bob Hope or whatever you gonna get their voice there waiting. So I wrote all this stuff as I was, writing these ostensibly making fun of him. I found myself developing a strange affection for his humour and for his way of speaking and I sold that peace to them. worker magazine and as well to that. I kind of changed from just saying I'm in a vote for him the same. I really like this guy and I've and people can look up the Trump Bible, stuff, arrogant taxes that come here, Jack stuck up and down did, I mention my website ex stuck up, but but the point is As I wrote that is I've funds available and I realized it comes from my working class background goes. This is a guy. I grew
among these people they are not racists, they are not and they are not. They are good people, but they don't talk like the people who went to Yale with me and when cultural and lead the cognisant d start saying that unless you talk this way, you're a race, store you're their senior that I just want to say to them. Shame on you! That's disgusting! That's an american! These people are the salt of the earth. I know I love them. I would die for them. These are my friends and my relatives and for you vilify them and say that if they like Trump, they are big it so there this or that were they don't like brown people like this stupid stuff, I I react, did to that it really. It made me angry in the same way that when I was writing Wilberforce, I was angry against the slave traders. Injustice makes me angry and I saw this injustice of being done in the country and in the fighting is I mean I wrote a six hour page biography of Dietrich blown off, which is all about you know.
trying to giving your life for the Jews of Europe right. Somebody who had been a friend a journalist wrote a piece effectively that my support for Trump made me out to be an anti semite, a secret anti semite, and I thought the world gone crazy. can have a meaningful conversation anymore. I mean I don't care what you think of Trump He picked three Supreme Court justices who actually value the constitution. That's a pretty good accomplishment and Imagine if Hillary Clinton pick three Supreme Court justices we want. We would all be. You know in the american gulag. Probably today so I will never understand this, and people have tried to miss characterize me. Think of almost leaned into it. I've said, like I, don't care if you be that way if you wanna be that shallow and that can easily that's an ugly word, but just coined it, but I am disappointed if you want to be. I can't sleep.
Know what to do, and so I think, half the time I'll, even tweet stuff, just to guess led to troll people, because you can't you he ain't even crack a joke. I mean many times. I've said stuff giving beaches are wherever clearly as a joke. Some pious journalist has quoted it as though I said it seriously, so we we ve gone through the looking glass its madness and if You know, I think anybody reads what I write em in the new book that I feel that I have called is atheists him dead. And the book the just came out in February, which is a literary memoir of my life. by coming to faith and working people. Are these books arrogance? there come let me mention by the way, if your mind, let me mention my website to access to come and but I just thought to myself what I thought to myself we're living in such weird times, but the more
boy who would lean toward Trump were attacked the more upset I got because I said look I I know I'm again racism, and I am against whatever you would accuse me of the soul. you can accuse me those things for the fact that you're, accusing like the unwashed people who created this country and saying that their this new that it this feels really dark to me and and and I'm not gonna stand for it, and sometimes I felt myself becoming like a little bit of a voice for those people, and I lit we thought listen have borne offer can give his life forty believes and I can give up my career or the though the well wishes of some woke expand jellicoe in wheaten or something like that. I mean. I just believe that I I met a point in life. Why? I really have to worry about what God thinks of what I do and what I say: that's all!
in care about and they're gonna be people who are going to get what I'm trying to do and the people who won't and all I can say is you know that I stand before God, and I know that I care what he thinks. It's you I am convinced that I can help you, but I I know that those when people really know me know that so so we are living through through bizarre times, and I am, I think, yeah he's what you're just saying like you trot you want to you want to have friends on both sides, but can we do that? I think there are good people with whom you can still be friends and disagree, and I go out of my way to be friends with them, but there are other people that unless you say what they want to say, and God bless Dave Chapelle I'll bring allowing them to think they can pay up a rope. Thickened he's not going to do it yeah yeah really
that they felt like data pals like the last comedian and he's right now I mean I mean you make a big chapelle. Now he's a. He was beloved bio noise. Then it's also the conservative embraces things it fills. Are there so many things he says it? You think they not be so crazy about. But see this is the beauty of it and then, to tell you it's kind of Solomon and the baby. If you want to know who's who's, the good one who's, the real mother you'll find out. This is the one that says: no, no, no don't get the baby and have you take the baby that role? the heart of the mother. I really believe it This point you see who is saying and who was insane you see who is sold their. I was Would they ve Chapelle I've? I will stand with Naomi Wolf shoes in my class at Yale and my My my whole show
cancel from Youtube because I had her on. She is a lifelong liberal, Democrat Super Feminist, but She understands the horror of like vaccine passports and stuff, so she spoke speaking, but I had her on my programme couple times because of that. was cancelled, but I would gladly go to the death camps with those people. Rather then you know, survive I've like those who in Germany said you know, I don't want to lose my job. So if a few Jews disappear, I want to keep my mouth shut. Everything will be fine, and books about people who do the opposite of that. So I have to live it anymore. look weird, but you know I'm not responsible for what everybody thinks. As a Christian, you know gods always there for you, but sometimes things in this life can feel downright overwhelming, and you just need to talk to someone trade so the online councillors, faithful accounting dot com, are there for you, connect with perfect.
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the question of the EU. Even in my life, I started off as a comic artists, making animation that was beloved by so many people. I had friends on Nick from ended the voice comedians of our time loved me, I got reached out to all these people and and I get the same criticism they see Babylon, be they go? Oh, what's become of Ethan, they think that have gone through this transformation like no that's that's been me the whole time to think how industry, to put it right, what's become of you literally nothing. You are exactly who you were the questions, what's become of them, that they judge you by one thing or the dreary and have the internationally can't handle this right to write it, and I think it's amazing what I found you know working in Hollywood lick whenever that Alan Conan, stuff and personal friends. It's even more so it as much as cancel cultures, a problem where it really lake hurts and
difficult to comprehend is when its people, you know personally people that new you and it's, like you, say legally you're, saying. If somebody you know cause you racist or says you know you don't like brown people, it's like they, they could have known you for years, know that you will work with black and brown people, young people and gay people. They will know that you can get along with these people. I know your sense of humor, they know your heart, but then you say one political thing that they disagree with and that changes They throw out everything else. They know about you and it's now you're a race as though they are your whole. There's two things first to say. I think that I want to say that this number one economy shows that its spiritual issue, something weird, is going on because it makes no logical sense. Number one number two, isn't this precisely what happened in Germany under the Nazis you had people they knew each other forever. If you dared to criticise it pure fear they
throw yet they are throwing you under the bus, Boston, throwing you out of this led to the wolves to. Gave themselves what is, we're horrifying than that that day, will not stand with you. They will not defend you, so those who do come my heroes and best friends, and that's why anybody who's out there? I want to stand with them and by the way, Frances Chan I was. I did a thing with him like the goal and Francis Jane I at we're at I hop in Kansas City and you know we differ on a number of things, but but he said stand with you, and I know that I'm an inherit all your enemies and where that's what it's all about it, people are done that in Germany in the thirties none of that would have ever happened, but people made these foolish selfish decisions, and one by one, they were picked off and the Nazis took power, that's how he will works and it's happening in our time and
this is why than going everywhere stated to the church in particular. Wake up now because Baja for was saying, wake up now and they said yeah, maybe tomorrow, maybe tomorrow, by the time they woke up. They had no power we have a lot of freedom in America and again this is not about you know. Comparing ourselves to Bonn operates the principle you ve never seen it illustrated more clearly than in Germany in the thirties that they had a measure of freedom and power, not just the church but all kinds of people, but they outmaneuvered into saying take him. Take him. Take him so the famous Martinique Molly poem right know when they came for the whatever the socialists I didn't speak up, because I was not a socialist when they came for the communism, it we ve. stand together, it's an American valued, certainly a christian value that we stand together. We're sinners were broken, but we support each other. We stand together, even if, in our disagreements, that's what a mess
has been all about it. That's the beauty of this nation. So the fact that I ironically liberals have become marxist soldiers and have pulled an event jellicoe somebody Vendela goals and and and some rhinos and people all across the spectrum on in Hollywood like it's it's an amazing moment. We are living through. So when you see somebody like Dave David or anybody stand up you thinking like, while I know that guy's made of I didn't want to know what all these other people were made of. I thought they were. My friends, but so it's a clarifying its clarifying moment, but I bet the Lord stands with us as we stand with him and for truth and whatever and at the end of the day the older you get, the more you realize. That's all I can care about and I'm a fool to care about anything else. So, let's just say these are interesting times,
I think another greatly by what gave chapels doing is it takes a stand? What you said before it kind of progressive to that that horrible point in culture, but it also shows that power that these people are gaining it they don't like. When you see someone like Dave Chapelle stand up like that think everyone knows that this is probably a very small but powerful and loud community of people that are tearing everyone down and when you do, actually stand up to them. It exposes that their power is an do. You know indestructible by the way that the members of your Robertson, induct dynasty and remember that, like he, made some statement wherever like and they just came after him like you know, and I thought to myself what what did you do? He has a biblical view of sexuality, so we need to be cancelled. Well, The Lord, the duck dynasty by that point, was making enough money for somebody They weren't able to take it down and I really believe that's the deal between America
Patsy Germany's. We still have a few pockets that mean we're not going down freedom, it still enough freedom, we're gonna be loud. I mean we're basically I've, maybe Charlie Kircher somebody quick going to term anti fragile, like the more you who become them you attack us the more. We go whoa whoa whoa, what you gone way too far, I think this morning I was unable Rubens Papa, like ass, to show wherever- and I said this is like you know when, when Merrick Garland comes after parents, it's like this is like: the Stamp ACT of one thousand, seven hundred and sixty five. Now you picked us off now, King George you're, going to get it now you're going to get a revolution. You went too far. You went to force a lot of these politicians. All these folks are just going a little too far and it's like now. You made everybody angry and we're not going to put up with it. So I think ultimately, in our favour and ultimately, its gods plan to wake up because we have been sleep walking and we
need to be shaken and to understand. What's at stake, America doesn't keep itself too my book is making it available our common, also at my store that my stored outcome use the code Eric. Thank you, One thing I thought I think about you: Wilberforce Book was but he was seen as Canada a loony religious Schuyler, these part of religious sector seems Kevin, nutty, yeah Picasso, types. I guess and me Let me think like does it take somebody who is okay being seen that way, yes to make real change to fight fashions, but the flip side of that is how you do- that without actually becoming a crazy person who actually is, part of some loony movement. That's cool IRAN rather finalized itself. What funny? Because I think that that is the point is you have to be careful not to be
totally react and I think, sometimes I've been reactive and yet you you don't- want to really be reactive, but I mean look reacting as part of the reality of how these things happen. But I do think what it's only like, Wilberforce, Wilberforce, this is again gets back to Solomon and the baby will before the act. We cared about the african slaves. so he's thinking like you know that recipes people can go to Hell. I'm gonna stand for the african slaves got a point, Made to stand up for the african slaves, and if you, throw me out or you wanna me. I mean he would have been prime minister if he hadn't taken somebody thats my himself like I don't care. I oh god once and I really that this is just the story of every human life we get to choose Will I do the right thing or will I go with the flow we see,
History, lotta people just well. Most people go with the flow God forbid, where one of those people. well. I'd like to read some of these Trump Bible verses that I got him on the screen. I don't know if I can. Can you are you in a given year of its own Bulgaria? I only want to do the the ones that I considers still funny. Ok, and Jesus went out into the desert, but he should have invested in hotels. There I mean I'm killing in Vegas a lot of money, see that's not money. Demeaning, more somebody's are some of these. Some of these events topical from the time he rebuke the wind and said to the sea. Silence be still but Jorge Ramos kept talking and talking now you don't remember. He was saying you see, that's not funny more! That data that love covers multitude of sins sure, but you,
no it's not to get a pin up. I mean you know, out of these and afterward Joshua son of Non died at the age of a hundred ten full of years and with a prostate, the size of Schekem and Gilgad come, but put a lot of these you know were referring to stuff. That was funny like right now, Nagoya butts is some some of these. Some of these are not anyway. What her report is that it rejects our common objectives. Are cup yeah? So it's it's. It is funny, though, that here I am, writing humor peace for the new Yorker, which they loved, because I guess it criticised trumpet it was in Writing- that I found him somehow charming the character and You know since met him and
think you really does love America, and you can understand, I mean you guys understand, is somewhat gives you worked in the show business, but it places Yale Manhattan. Loving America is something that tacky people do loving America or or were loving God, whoever it like, that's tacky middle madness that they sneer at it and so people who are educated enough to go places like ale women and whatever they did. They aspire to that love of elite sneering and so the front outdo each other in a who hates Trump more whatever, and I think you know just the fact that he- interacts with working class people. I mean it again, as the great irony is that there was a time when liberals were the champions of of the working class.
Ok when, when you know Montgomery Burns was oppressing the miners. You know that's Simpsons reference, you know what went all the captains of industry had no virtue and we're crushing the poor workers, thank God we had unions and in that kind of stuff, come up, but it's a hundred years later and Now the p who talk about caring for the poorer for blacks in reality. Don't they care about. what their friends think of them. Because, if you actually cared about the urban poor, you would reach against socialist policies and big government, till the day you died so we were living in weird times, but I I see trumpets somebody who just kind of his problems we want to solve them and the idea that oh he so day class say we're gonna sneer. Add him we're going to use. Are you know?
pro bono fee dazed to make anyone who associates with them feel like scum. That itself is so on American and is so so yes, liberals have become the party the elites and those Republicans, who aren't rhinos and is just a handful of them, have become champions of the working class, and so I really believe that if we fight America has a few sure, but we really have to fight, and we have to understand that it's gonna, you have to pay a price, but we ve we paid prices and you realize you cannot give whatever you give he's gonna give you more so. while you were so inspired trumpet. You made some children's books that Trump ACT now here's the funny thing, the three children's books available at my stored, our common home Erik the three cheers
its books didn't start out as children's books, because I've done so much comedy writing. I have a really really good friend. His name is TIM Ragland lives in Kansas and TIM Raglan, and I have done all these children's books together and he was there. that originally, when I was still sneering at Trump said, none and watch him on the stump. I think he's the real deal, whatever ok So when I decided you know, I'm going to a compromise up, I said to my friend TIM: we need to write a children's book, but really an adult comedy book. the shape of a children's book in the form, and so we came up with Don
drains the swamp, a cave man named Donald who sees a problem, there's a swamp, any figures out how to drain and need drains and all the people cheer, because they are connected back with. You know that the king was in the middle of this island in the middle, the swamp and only talk to the swamp creatures. What are you know says that this parable, but it was really intended for adults now. I know about this because I ve been thirty children's books and operate a lotta humour, but my most popular children's book is called it's time to sleep. My love illustrated by Nancy Tillman, like million seller, where huge children cheat she's, really famous illustrator, so I wrote this poem, Lullaby called it's time to sleep. My love- and she illustrated at three numbering this up- is that somebody pair Rita parity did and I know you probably know the parity it's called. Go the after to sleep, and that is a direct ready of my children's book. It's time to sleep, my love right, so
I just thought: there's this genre out there were people doing children's books that are clearly intended at adults, especially if you got political, humor and stuff kids aren't gonna get you know who were the swamp creatures? Why does one swamp creature look like Brennan and the other one item which moved the turtle looks like Mitch Mcconnell, although to be perfectly honest to be fair call turtles. Look like Mitch Mcconnell. So it's not it's not it's not any kind of great that trick, but but the bottom line is I intended it. We intended it as a humor book and but so many people when we do the second one, Donald and the fake sorry at dollar bills. The wall bore reporting on it, like it's a children's book or whatever, but also so many p Blue bought it loved it. for their kids. They said I read it to my kids, it's his favourite victims and I thought you know what it does work on both levels because it is a very. These are three simple parables of base
common sense, stuff, that working class people get and intellectuals don't and light. Like borders. You know it's. So it's sort of funny that now You know somebody says he's our children's books, I always have to say yeah bud, but at the same time I am, I realise how they can be seen as children's books, because so many people buying them associates but weak, but we regionally did not intend them the actual children's books. There's something really met about that. That's hurting my head! So may we should move on. well, instead of moving on what we'd like to do. Is there the first. My days at you, try too cumbersome more children book ideas for some other political figures. I think we can do that, and can you got this yeah? Let's see the next the hammer, after fancies beagle. You noticed something it's like a laugh at almost anything, but the gruesome this of that and the evil ouch like it. He really
stop me. It really freaked me out, because we are. I have talked I think it was on Rubens part guess this morning I was saying like you know: we're living in weird times? We're not parallels, unfortunately, are real like if, if you talk about, we made a vaccine and we children that were murdered. in several religious objection and summits. Well, you can't. We don't want to hear your lives objection. Children were murdered and we use this and we're gonna force you to get this. We're lose your job. I said well, ok what if it was murdered juice from Auschwitz, and we get this great new drug. Will you take it easy? I have a moral problem with that Ask me when I tell you there, people that would say: look the person's already dead get over it. then there are other weird people who still have moral qualm. So when I see I don't mean to get,
figured. I think I love that illegal experiments. It's ok, we better move on men, call poky little puppies moving I see a good book for here see by the way the man who should be the next mayor of New York? Curiously, where have you followed him he's like a living cartoon character? He makes Trump look like Walter Mondeo. and he would be the greatest mayor. This is curiously, while he would be the great mayor and whenever, since these New Europe or whenever you first of all, a sea calls all out crazy, and I thought that's about it. Like you kid there's nothing. I can never be witty about about her cause, she'd, actually she's featured in the Donald, the Caveman books. as an angry little girl. Is that too, on the nose?
crying my fancy reeling about Andrew Cuomo being charged groping, a woman is major. You guys needed need to help me come up with these, like you did a very handy had a pillar, this very hands had just do a full on captain underpants, redo, wow site caps, a fee. I don't know, I don't know how Joe Biden in his dementia. How that about Andrew Copperfield Tender kind of deal me that you hope is that I was there will still be here. We yellow snack other, When used that we even Jonah luydens ensure.
Good. This is so dark. I want to go into the fetal position and cracked her from their politics with Willie Brown, listen sleep. In your way to the middle is tried, intrude american tradition, actually, the very idea that commonly Harris was chosen literally because she's Why would I like? We know that? Ok and then you think she's, you know the idea that I think that there are a lot of people who would say like is she really black wages, Indian she married awake? you're cute, like the whole race thing has become so preposterous, that it really is about what you say. Like you say, I'm black identify his black. Doesn't matter what you look, it doesn't matter what you backgrounds. From I mean. Obama was raised by a white mother raised by his white grandparents and is father
you know, was not the children of the great great grandchildren of slaves, but is like an actual african intellectual like marxist intellectual so, like these terms become so in a race, you'll terms, really become racist. Like you saw realizing like you were forcing people to think in categories that you know it takes a real effort. The people that are claiming to fight racism are increasing tribalism by saying that every single plan there be any and rationally and identified by that. How are the January six right? I am, and I tell you, I've had moments of willingness in my life that these are none of order per se, but I mean This is like the the that there are people in jail right now as a result would happen, their ended. The
gas lighting, narrative of the left, like it's gotten so dark, then it's just hard we take in that no I ve always felt like. Yes, I disagree with certain people all this again. With policy. Others disagree with that, but I never thought that they could be really really wicked and they take harm people actively and and put forward, narratives that are that are lies on top of lies, and I mean it really is it's hard for me, take in that that, you're still pushing this It was a joke in there somewhere, if you listen very what you're. But what would the title? The children's books this riot? I got it dog pile on the Babbit yeah. Exactly. Is there anything funny here, worse than nine eleven worse than Ireland
I was a little bit of a light. Lady directors, following Kirsten Cinema, after all, ok, now literally a week ago, the american spectator published an entire humor peace. I wrote about this and its lobbyists, bathroom etiquette, low with jokes, it's at the american spectator, but I can see that if it didn't make its way to you guys it didn't get alot of can get it. play, but I thought it was some really good stuff. It was It's the american spectator, no american greatness, sorry, american greatness published it and it's all about how now that You know. Maxine waters has insisted that we need to get in people's faces in this. Is you know you got to do your patriotic duty and, if you're going to follow them into the bathroom, here's how you need to behave, and so I wish I could remember some of the jokes, but man they're funny today is an island where the woke things are heroin. The purple haired I
or the diary of some wimpy kids I just wish I had if you'd give these to me yesterday, this single market, at least, why you your vision, I enjoy reacting in hard each one is by now on how better ferrets endurable by this afghan with background assailant droll Lord, mercy emerges now. Actually what I keep saying about this is not that, like people just go on and on about how horrible it is in a humiliating is a little bit like what okay. That's for sure, that's true, but I'm still, able to process how even if you are like the most wicked wear them. the competent person on the planet. Why would you have done? What happened there? It makes no sense. Eighty five, billion dollars of equipment, I think the only explanation,
genuinely is that he made a deal with China. Which is so dark so evil, but I can't, none of it makes sense. I mean I've talked to Sony people trying to understand how something this could happen. I mean incompetence, incompetence can achieve the level of horror of of what happened there, but now, let's go to some jokes vines can withdraw. I was thinking out I'm Doctor Susi as other places. If you'll go the other places, you will be forced to stay the places you'll be abandoned? I was going to have a new sum for the last one, and you know it got a lot of other via homelessness, thought of people poop and everywhere in California. We go to Monica robbing a step in some books. Fourteen years ago
no, it's just yeah, it's it's kind of lake. You can't write you camera comedy in real time like this is at least I can't, but the things that are happening you guys have two faces at the Babylon Bee. You must have talked about it. I think that things are so crazy. How do you joke about it? I mean it is five years ago I mean they're basically now telling us that if you don't believe a rooster can lay an egg you're, a big it like in America, like this is, you know like if, if Kim Jong alone was forcing p to believe those things. You say well, yeah, that's what they do. That's what satanic Marxists dictators to, but the idea Erica that that this has happened. I read a piece yesterday, something about you know, pronouns and stuff. I thought if you wanted to know how quickly things could deteriorate, I mean no
when would dream net. None of us could have dreamt that people could be fired for using pronouns like it sounds like a joke which are actually the correct programmes which are the biologically, but what I would like only to always go back to nineteen. Sixty eight and the Columbia University, the Columbia University, Professor, a president, letting the students take overs office. I can look back at that. Like I was the first moment of God. Listen in culture wars, in other words anyone with me spine, would have said to these spoiled ridge. The lead students, if you don't get out of here in a nanosecond you'll, be expelled, arrested There are people who have come here from working class backgrounds who want to get an education. I don't know who you are, but they get out of here before I turn around or your day he's done, but they all flinched they all
and it's the same dynamic lately the elites, because you to be a liberal elite to buy into this madness. Thought. Well, I'm gonna guilty on the university president. There just poor students trying to be heard, and so there's no thought people actually trying to get an education, and a tiny group of radicals were able to get away with this. So if you're they had corporation and you don't say, and against this, if you're, the head of the NBA or the NFL or whatever None of them seems to have the guts to stand against this stuff they could do it in a second, but they don't have the guts and so when you want to know how do you all those you'll get murdered. This is how leaders with power said I'm gonna, look for five minutes. I want to keep my job. I don't want shopkin to come after me? I don't want anybody to come after me and call me racist. I don't want so I dont so Bay Quickly,
it's the leaders of America's corporations and what we need to do I think it's happening slowly, is wake up and come after them. Basically say. Ok, if you got me that kind of a corporation, I will go, anywhere, but to your store and that that's why I say to people go to my Store down come enough, you want to buy my book my books from. waste that animal can hero we'll get the prophets go to my are coming it by my books and used Eric and you're not helping Amazon, destroy a mirror? You know I don't always Zenza incurred to spit. What's that and send cats interrupting her? Basically, nobody mean it's kind of like we have to find out. I don't mean to single out. Amazon is just that there are so many of these corporations that they are using their money like Facebook, like soccer Burg,. to bring America down, they think they're doing good. We know they think they're doing good, but they're not, and so those of us who think differently have to be practical.
and have to start thinking. Where can I spend my money so that it doesn't hurt America so that the poor aren't destroyed by socialism, My children, don't have to wear masks. I mean when I see you when I see five euros wearing masks on a playground. It just makes me wax murderous cages can't get over that these poor kids they're they're, gonna, have mommy and daddy issues. Believe me when they get older, they can be satire alot of bitter novels, written about having this hey. You do you wanna, be woke I know I do I wake up every morning. Thinking, I really wonder we work, that's fantastic because I have a product that meets that exact. Need that you just articulated right, then it's a new book called the Babylon Baggage Wilderness and it teaches you how to be work my entire life, have ask myself how, kids, these days getting so woke, and I
There's gotta be an instruction book out there, but there isn't there until now. Now there is because this book teach you how to be woke, so you won't get cancelled. Twitter mobs, won't come after you and ruin your life. You get to know how to choose your pronouns, your gender, by this book, so that you won't get can or you can order it today will, I think, was on they eventually that's parts of their relay your time about the leaders of the corporations up that dont have the guts to stand up to these people. What's inches I found this allow working emitted, entertainment industry is that their p, but who are slightly on the left, or maybe moderate on the left, but their fraid of the people further to the left always keep all waves gettin push further and further. That's why they you're right that you know people who are on the centre on the right everyone needs sent up to them and with great about these other platforms, will there's my store or whether you see you know even less. Like dispelling people continuing to just pushed through and how.
their career and maintain their platform. People need to see that you can stand up to them, because I know people and the like producers and and heads of agencies in Hollywood and stuff. There are people who the other generally democratic voters. You know they might believe that, but they don't like the woke crowd. They don't like cancel culture, but there also afraid of it. So they that's exactly. That was why I never thought I'd say this, but thank God for bill. More gives to some extent for Jerry Sign, fill their number of people who have said things and I really believe that America is strong enough there. Enough of us I mean you can almost see the tide beginning to turn with with a few of these folks and how it's it's not over and but we really we really do have to fight. I mean to think that America is at stake, there's not liking Erica waiting in the wings there's chain. waiting in the wings. So I think that you guys I've done such a mind, blowing job using comedy brew,
We ain't comedy, let me say, brilliant amazing coming I really as somebody who has wanted to work at the highest level of comedy and I'm a judge of comedy writing it. I've been in awe of what you guys have pulled off and I've been cheering crazy from the sidelines. If I had money I would invest Even if I dont have money, I will invest anyway. I think because you guys are amazing- and we should do here- we should do- the programme together, you something you ve got something. I think we will get nowhere We are an absorb that and to our egos and we're gonna Gordon our subscriber portion, just a few more questions for air. Concluding that and questions we always ass. And the rest you, I guess you can leave, but are you could
Join us on Youtube or the twenty minutes earlier, debt to understand trite debt, but just like swimming you can subscribe, though, and invest in the Babylon Bee right. You just like you said: invest in Babylon, go to bombard com such plans and join the full way or on Youtube. If you lazy is, could join re there and just get extra videos,
coming up next for Babylon, be subscriber as your question I went and punched and I'd never punched anyone and although I have, but I can explain ever guys, wish that we should not at all. I will tell you no joke. I didn't mean to write this book. I have absolutely never been as excited about never about this coming down the line, and I took up my phone to get us selfie with the President and Joe Biden insisted enjoying this hard hitting interview become a babylonian subscriber to hear the rest of this conversation. Go to Babylon Bead on Tom, Slash plans for full length, free projects, Kyle and either would like to thank, says Dylan for paying bills come forward for creating their job. The other writers tirelessly pitching headlines subscribers list until next time. This is Davy, Andrea, Moistened, the Babylon.
Transcript generated on 2021-11-09.