« The Babylon Bee

Trump Tweets The Bee/Jordan Peterson Returns/Facebook Kills Comedy News Show 10.23.2020

2020-10-23 | 🔗

This is The Babylon Bee Weekly News Show for the week of 10/23/2020.

In this episode of The Babylon Bee Podcast, Kyle and Ethan talk about the week’s top stories like President Trump tweeting out a Babylon Bee story, Jordan Peterson returning with the 12 Rules For Life on stone tablets, and how Facebook is murdering comedy. The Babylon Bee also has some updated and more realistic travel posters to America’s big cities. Tune in for more weird news, cool stories, a trip to the mailbag and, of course, glorious hate mail.

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This episode is brought to you by Small Group The Movie.


Kyle and Ethan joke about our recent spat with Mark Zuckerberg and dive into the weekly news.

Stuff That’s Good

Kyle likes the 2018 video game Celeste

Ethan likes I survived...

Weird News

Space Station air leak repaired with help from floating tea leaves

  • There was a slow air leak in a transfer chamber on the space station that suddenly got worse
  • Astronauts broke open a tea bag to watch the leaves float toward where the leak was so they could use tape to seal it.

'Breathable Bacon' face mask gives wearers the aroma of bacon

  •  A U.S. company is offering fans of breakfast meats the chance to enjoy the scent of sizzling pork anytime they want with a bacon-scented face mask.
  • Hormel said the Black Label Breathable Bacon mask uses the "the latest in bacon-smell technology" to give the wearer the experience of smelling bacon anytime they don the protection accessory.
  • Do they make a soy version?

Naked teen taken into custody after damaging business, covering himself in ranch dressing and crashing car. 

  • Sheriffs responded to a call at 3:30am and found a naked 17 year old man who was under the influence of a substance 
  • The man had covered himself in ranch dressing and damaged property inside the business
  • He ran outside and drove off. Didn’t get far and crashed into a pillar. 
  • He must do penance by covering himself in CFA sauce

Tennessee teenager's homemade fusion reactor lands Guinness record

  • the world's youngest person to achieve nuclear fusion after officials verified that he built his own nuclear fusion reactor at his family's home and successfully used it in his final hours of being 12 years old.
  • Tony Stark?

Blindfolded man smashes 50 coconuts around another man's body

  •  An Indian martial artist showed off his strength and precision when he donned a blindfold and smashed 50 coconuts that were arranged around the body of another man.
  • They were given a Guinness World Record
  • The men, Rakesh B and Prabhakar Reddy P, were awarded the Guinness record for most coconuts smashed around a person blindfolded in 1 minute.
  • Kyle would like to protest these absolutely ridiculous records
  • What’s next? Most toothpicks covered in Crisco fit into a microwave?

Story 1

Check Out These Eight Beautiful Travel Posters For America's Democrat-Controlled Cities

Summary: U.S.—With people leaving Democrat cities in droves, mayors and city councils are hoping to fill them back up again -- with tourists! 

Maybe it's time to give these cities a second chance. Check out these beautiful tourism posters from Democrat-controlled cities around the country! 

  • Read the posters and the punchline, keep it tight, video version will display the posters

Story 2

Trump Shares Babylon Bee Article, Thousands Accept Jesus Into Their Hearts

Summary: WASHINGTON, D.C.—Thousands around the world are forsaking their sins and receiving Christ this week after Trump shared an article from The Babylon Bee.

The Babylon Bee is widely known as the most Christian website ever created. In fact, it is so insanely Christian that a single share on social media has the power to instantly save hundreds of souls. According to sources, Trump was ignorant of this fact before sharing the article.



  • The knowingly fake story came from Babylon Bee, a satire site with a conservative bent, and claimed, in jest, that Twitter was shutting down its platform to prevent the spread of negative news about Democratic nominee Joe Biden.
  • "Wow, this has never been done in history. This includes his really bad interview last night. Why is Twitter doing this," Trump tweeted.
  • Also mentioned: Video of Trump being normal guy at church in Las Vegas.

Story 3

Jordan Peterson Returns To Find Americans Worshiping Golden Statue Of Karl Marx, Breaks 12 Rules For Life In Anger

Summary: After a year-long excursion into the belly of the beast, Dr. Jordan Peterson emerged this week and was dismayed to find millions of Americans worshipping at the altar of a golden Karl Marx statue. Overtaken with righteous anger, he smashed his stone tablets containing 12 Rules for Life into tiny pieces. 

  • Jordan Peterson seems to be back posting to his YouTube channel a video entitled Return Home.
  • He had been out of the public eye for a very long time with a severe reaction he had to a anti-anxiety medication he had been taking as prescribed but became chemically dependent upon when he tried to cease taking it
  • He ended his video by saying, “"With God's grace and mercy, I'll be able to start generating original material once again and pick up where I left off."
  • We are interviewing Mikhaila soon so stay tuned for that!

Topic of the Week: Facebookgate and the challenges of writing comedy for the internet

  • Facebook took down  this facebook post Senator Hirono Demands ACB Be Weighed Against A Duck To See If She Is A Witch
  • 'It's literally a regurgitated joke from a Monty Python movie!" the Bee's CEO exclaimed.
  • Facebook completely deactivated any monetizing tools for us on their site.
  • Kyle’s tweet thread about this.
  • What makes writing comedy for the internet difficult? How the articles are seen, shared, received, etc.
  • It’s like a comedy show where you can’t talk to the audience directly. Instead, you must tell your jokes to Mark Zuckerberg. Then, he edits your joke and walks out to your audience and tells them the ones he finds appropriate. You’re never sure if a “bomb” is your fault or Mark’s.
  • Check out Kyle’s op-ed in Thursday’s edition of the WSJ
  • Kyle mentioned this Vulture article on how Facebook is killing comedy
  • Funny or Die was thriving, then Facebook came along. They fired a bunch of their writers ‘cause it was impossible to write for Facebook’s algorithm. Every post throttled, etc.

Hate Mail

We get some very fiery Scottish rendition of this week’s hate mail.

Subscriber Lounge

  • A more structured Subscriber Portion!
  • Book updates and office updates 
  • Mailbag
  • Mega Bonus Hate Mail
  • Headline Forum
  • Exclusive cool Ethan and Kyle stories
  • Email your cool stories for subscriber exclusive reading to [email protected]
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
In a world of fake news. We bring you up to the minute, factual, inaccuracy and heavy dose of moral truth with your house. Kyle Man and even the call this the Babylon Bee Fake news. You can trust Welcome everybody to the Babylon Bee Podcast Kyle, either in this is the point guess that incites the most violence of all podcast on the internet. It incites a lot of words and words of violence. This is true because we talk a lot yeah, which is weird because we don't talk a lot until we do a podcast. We just quietly sit and think and judge people. We just been the builds up speak for yourself, man. I don't judge anymore. I think I'll comedians judge people as I get the comedy I
to have a grumpy old man and tell you it's a Seinfeld quote. He said every cleaning has like a little grumpy old man in them. It's just judging everything. Yeah you release that pressure. Everybody wants to voice, and they go yeah. I've done that's what I think too. I guess I see more is just a general countrary anism or like always trying to find that third angle, so you just dress it up with fancy words, but it's just being a grumpy man is being grown in a group. The So we're gonna talk a little bit of this episode about how we did get accused of inciting violence, and that's true and we'll see if you agree with yeah Mark Zuckerberg himself knocked on our door how's. He talk. I do believe you've been sighted violence. That's how I assume he would assume hey guys, hey guys. I just sold this post that you put up where there's Mico
there's this duck and suggesting that they want to burn her and the duck just. I just wanted to say that you guys are just probably inciting violence, some yeah, so yeah your ability to make money we're just going to get rid of that we're just going to turn that off yeah. So just a little alright see ya thanks! You guys got Nissan the person who is your bathroom equipped and then what it's like really lame. Like see you later that he thinks that all the cool kids say he's like alright guys or he goes in to the dignan. Kindly ok, earnestly on turns and he walks into the closet, and I are the wrong door exits. Never, or it is hangs there in thinking like maybe we'll watch a movie or some you didn't get the leg
that gets done. We're done here done, go yeah guys want to hang up. Mark Zuckerberg out, give greater this entire markets are covered. We know nothing about a mother who is Facebook. I know this for a while he drove like the hand of civic hatch back even after he was a billionaire still like a little too Bedroom House Indra around in this large bank? Now only the big thing about him. Is he never like got the big car and stuff I bit by? now. It's probably went by nice gastronomy. Want to know yeah you're that you got that much money. That's your haircut! That's always weird to me! Yeah! That's so weird! I assume you can be working and have a personal person that sit there. Waiting to your hair is grown exactly the way should be in then they walk up and just do it and then
back and sit down, and then they wait. You could probably just get like perma hair installed at that point. That's true, like yeah, just a pet, you know cheap yeah, no, the Erika again now that will grow to keep up with each word association. Sometimes speaking of weird mobility, some stuff, that's good. We asked up it's good But now this week's edition of Stuff- that's good. Speaking of speaking of my four year old now has discovered the phrase speaking of, but he has no idea how to use it. So he just goes like oh dad. Speaking of couches, I want a cookie, You look out man. I love that all right, so my stuff, that's good! This week, I'm going to decide right now. I put two things on here I mean I recommend Celeste, which is asked that a person, a video game
Ok, let's say it: one of those indeed side, scrolling games, pixel art so looks like something. It looks like a really higher ticket pretty prettier version of something you would have played on the Super Nintendo and it's got great music kind of that eight bit sound. Although it's not technically eight bit, I know nerds, I know, but it's it's it's kind of like super meat boy. If you ever played super meat boy where you just have these screens like a particular screen, is really hard to get through like a mega man screen except you always get to respond at the start of the screen. So it's like I try to do. I try. I try to do it. You get infinite, lied to just try over and over until you get to the next, I just picture like a woman who works at the DMV. When I hear the name. Celeste, hey guys, Celeste here something like that and you said than done, assuming you have, she may have account crimped blonde hair that glasses and she was.
kind of just is kind of nice. She drives like a baron and there's just her name's Celeste. She likes her lates. How can I help you today? She has to have a more Is your picture I'm trying to connect with yours, alas, I don't know hi hi guys. How are you doing now? Are you really dv? Your soul is dead, so she wouldn't hardly talk next registration registration, please anyway. Spherical had spoken. I, like a coin about soundtrack and cool so this show is not for everybody would have to show that I got I'm hooked on in the in the embarrassing part of it. Is that it's on the lifetime channel? Now it wasn't when I started watching this on Amazon, but it's now on the life I found that new episodes or this since I watched it. So if you issue You meet somebody and they went through a crazy experience where they almost died. Like someone was, them or tried to or some crazy, like that, the show called I survived: dot dot, dot the lips, I survived, ellipse
They decided an lips, the title it's weird, but they went for it and it's just people it's usually like three stories and they kind of go between them and a lot of or is it like pretty the graphic they don't? But there's no image is two percent telling it a kind of brake too there are many reenactments, it's very kind of em. It's almost like podcast plus I like it and you didn't know interviewer you can hear but they're just their story of how, like this cycle, tried to kill them or they got stuck in the mountains or something that like the very intense stories a fascination with those stories because they made it out so like they're, telling this from other side of the thing that everybody wonders. What would I do in that situation? It's a good show. I pulled a vending machine on top of myself when, but I survived, I'm just trying to
kind of thing: no, a lot of them are pretty horrible. I got like a tax choose like a teen agent. You got attacked by this, basically like a psycho, he here head with a sledge hammer and then cut her arms. Hatchet cut her arms off with a hatchet and he thought she's dead, but she crawled out in like survived and like the got they got the guy and that she has missing arm So, like I said it's more of the warning, the true story- sensation So no vending machine learning this young training The good news is no. It's like. I said it is pretty dark. As people go, these pretty bad stuff, if you play the video games for less and you're feeling happy cause. It's so peppy and such a great cartoon art, and you want to feel more down yeah watch. I
that's a weird I feel like I wanted to, but ass. There is shows like that. I'm not shows like that. It's because, if you show like that sounds pretty good cause, it's pretty soon. It's just not they'll have the stupid narrator, Carol thought the night was going to be normal. Then she had a do With disaster, everyone thought Mister, Jones was just an ordinary husband. What they didn't know as you like, he wasn't just bringing back the groceries. He was bringing back two bags of murder. Bags of murder of the episode. That's beautiful, okay, let's do some weird news
this has been stuff. That's good! This news is weird space station leak, repaired repaired with help from floating tea leaves. There's air leaks. don't leaking air in a space station. This is correct. Why? Well because, then you run out of air when you die. Could you have air that you may oxygen. You'd sits fake air with real answer. I think it's recirculated and then it goes out a whole want that hole there. That's correct like we have a hole in your pool. You kids, you plan and also the poles are deflate. Crap, where the hole nobody's confined these holes. next time you get a hold on your pool. Take some tea leaves them in there and then it will start to float towards the hole. That's the the outside its hard part with pools, but with space station you rip you rip open an air hole. Is that an airhole okay yeah because
we have a water is coming cheap. We don't have water, we don't have a real pool like you, MR well Mine's above ground, I an mighty okay set. Is it settled down star picture? Look it's really big in like okay, but it's above ground. Okay, like the biggest above you can get for your life like we're wondering why the previous owners didn't just go with the bull graph because you're like oh there, it was already there. Is it like they. Whole deck around? Is it made of like plastic or it was like middle? It's like permanent is a legitimate, legit profit pool, but then it's like one in June, just white trash. My family is like we went to visit and the kids like playing a pool, so they bought a giant like a horse trough and they played in that it makes a good pool heat pool yeah. Why not yeah, but anyway the space station, so they took out some dealey like they ripped open a bag of tea. follow the leaves and issue, and then they used some captain tape. What's captain to K a patio, maybe they called upon captain tape.
O k like it's a tape space it something in their Norton, was ignoring it. Yeah captain difficult cap into soviet Russia, or whatever I guess breathable bacon face mask, gives where is the aroma of bacon he was on educating their first, so indeed if you like, breathing bacon. This man is the mask for you, a US company companies offering fans, breakfast meets specifically Bacon and don't have a sausage mask chance to enjoy the scent of sizzling pork any time they want with a bacon scented face mask so breakfast me Because that's just bacon, I mean they don't have country fried stake, mask. yeah gets in gravy mask yeah, so grits mask.
No! No! I I didn't! I didn't know what goods were ordered. Some I never got they their certain things that people eat out there in the kind of south area. I do understand the appeal relics, oatmeal, with less taste yeah than what us at scrapple. I have no idea what that like a weird layer of fat that got left over from cooking and eat it like it's a it's like Jello, but made from an or no, I guess, gel is kind of made for animals is it. I don't know where it comes from aliens as bill cost. Oh yeah, he would know. Maybe no like eight seven, we layer of like bucolic, yeah, we're fatty stuff for some animal. because of this mask uses the latest in bacon smell technology. So anytime, you, where you can smuggling or time wondering if they make a kosher version I like, there's the latest and bacon small technology. There is a lab somewhere with guys who have a phd in
in smell, we're on a cutting edge, cutting edge, is the latest. watching as the guy tries it they're like, Sir, what you are about to experience involves decades of research. What does this smell like? I guess it smells like bacon. That's right! that's what we do. Why we're here? I wonder if you we weren't long enough, wouldn't you just like when it wear off. Do they just I want to know, do they just take base masks, rub bacon on them and then sell. Wouldn't that be better in terms of bacon, smelling technology nothing's better than the real thing yeah, like double line, your mask with bacon, you could just put bacon or a mask just made from bacon bacon, cut out the gnome egotist eat bacon, and our mask will that's nice thing about now, generally society accepts if you're eating you can take your mask off. So just slowly eat bacon all day yeah. So they should just forget the mask and just give you bacon. Did you have Bacon jerky? Have you ever had the bacon jerky yeah, it's just kind of like bacon, taste,
like raw bacon or like cook, it's not wrong, I think it's like yeah. There got to be some crunch to the bacon. I feel like the crunch is there, but you could just slowly carry around that and It all day naked ten taken into custody after damage. a business. Okay, that's kind of weird. Covering himself in ranch dressing in crushing car. That's the funding per ranch! dressing is the wild card. Everything else boosted, pretty normal, damaging business yeah he could than any protester This is just a normal. He could have been standing up for black lives matter until the ranch dressing came in yeah and then you, oh okay, wait a minute. This is off. He was an aching seventeen year old man, under the influence of you man at seventeen ma'am. This is man Again, if either commit a crime. Your man right, if emerge somebody, so we can
the crime of ranch, eighteen, indecent, ranch, overexposure them governance of RAM, Otobu, cheese guy. I ranch ran outside and drove off, didn't get far and crash into a pillar pillar, a pillar of the community like there's an old guys. I'm the pillar of this community, of the kind that it was our pillar the community interest in the area, Ranchman rounds. I do, but did Okay was he driving and it was pouring ranch on himself that caused The crass already craft Greece, like rats, but always you running out of the restaurant was in a restaurant, seem music, because he had rent dressing or where you get the ranch you can we The stories are damaging business. What is the business he damaged? He covered himself
and stressing damage property, and if it was a Delhi, it looks like a governess around shutting damage. Pro the business, ran outside drove off and then ran into the pillar. So we cover sell a ranch first yeah, so the order was ranch. Okay, so he's sitting in the restaurant. And he's just pouring ran is maybe at the salad bar and he keeps grabbing ladle and dumping it on himself and he's not breaking I because he doesn't have the bottle because he's at the the restaurant, a dilly or do they give him the little cup of ranch and he keeps asking for depth a little bit of himself he's like more. Please may I have some more ranch, we're cutting you off and then he got matching get out of here. Covered ranch. Tennessee teenagers homemade fusion reactor lands Guinness record, I'm on the right it is being opposed Guinness records, but I
This is our granted ogresses mark granted exemption for this either user. In this regard is hard. I don't know anything about fusion reactor think I always think about. If, if Stalin technology in everything like restart like an Islander somethin like me, I wouldn't be able to recur. And I able to make a hammer. You know used to tie a stick to a rock or just like yeah. They are all things I couldn't do. I wouldn't do it and hold together, but I would not be able to recreate society. You know you be able to recreate the portion you created now it just one I can create a cruise. No, I can't even do it website, because I don't even know how it works. Oh yeah and you can do a podcast. I help. I can't do anything, that's what I say you had no technology but you'd be fun to be around because you're, a funny guy.
And they were all sitting on the island and ask my arm the leader of the island and those kinds of I just made a nuclear reactor. Their fusion shut up, tony Stark. Does that mean he can create like the noble but good version? So that's my reference point. What is the good version noble like like work? Doesn't nobody dies? A nobody dies. A nuclear reactor, yeah doesn't explode, would be does exist, yet I was doing I just don't- know the names of them like all of them, except like two. Isn't that a sad the one nuclear plant we know about is the one that exploded, I address Fukushima water. What you're welcome them focus something You know the one in Japan and Korea. I say it like this doubly and was there an HBO special about it? Look qualified one, I don't know about it and then you know remember the earthquake. It's running. Because the ocean water cool I've heard about it. Yeah I'm
yeah, I'm american, I don't hear about stuff and folded man smashes fifty cocoanuts. around another man's body By this I mean that other guesswork record yeah altogether missing, but this headline- and quite do justice. So there's a mayor lying on the ground there's another and holding a big sledge hammer, and he swinging the hour. Like bashing cocoanuts bud, but flower in his eyes, and then they put a big black thing over his head so like to prove that he couldn't see out Yacu open his eyes. You get a bunch of like dust in yes, it's like white flour, salt or something it's like packed in it's like white powder, yeah cocaine. Maybe that's the official Ganis Records message yeah for one someone, yeah, there's a guy: it's yeah! You get your team watch. This video just swings and I was like if you could see it's dangerous.
these slamming these coconuts right by this guy's body with a giant sledgehammer rapid fire. And see the guy twitching underground Emily places like really intensely matrix musical cartridge internal structure to tumble down so Rockish B and pro black car p were awarded the Guinness record for most coconut smashed around a person blindfolded in one minute. I am on the record against UNIS records however this one does not count in my book. Doesn't count. We just made something it ever. It ever been done before this. I'm saying we did the most we did. The most coconut smashed a guy and I thought the genes didn't allow things to put people in danger. It seems, like seems: they can put somebody in pretty bad danger. Well, a lot of goodness records. Put people in danger right, like if you're swimming across the english channel or something I mean
yeah, maybe that I've murders that guy, like there's this guy, who tried to beat the Guinness World records furred, not for the longest fast Asia's FAT guy, who did it Amazon. Special himself for echo is a document is an emblem He did the whole movie, he got to the end where he beat out and got got to like over ninety days or something or some crazy amount of time and whole who is to lose weight to he actually didn't lose. That much weight, like is body, was like all right. Well, you got this at well his hold on to this, so you can survive and then he got to the end and found out that the Guinness Burke World Records doesn't accept that one, because we put people in danger, so they canceled that one that I sold have looked that up. First surrounding a harms anyone, so they wouldn't give you like. Most people shot like if you any more
like they were worst rapist. You got a reference. Rape like in the last three. Yes just be weird to reference to reward that I think that would be kind of productive can do any of those in the individual the great now we are doing the longest podcast ever recorded. Yes in this office with a picture of Kevin survey on the desk does is probably. We've. Probably I you now how many people well. Nobody has that specific picture of Kevin widow inscription, long spunk has never court and weakens but real recognition at home. But I'm going to say the word fruit after that anybody most times if anybody, the World Yanukovych, do with intimate. We have no reason to eat stories of the week
every week. There are stories. These are some of them. The battle on be has created some beautiful travel posters. We wanted to show you run, audio we'll described them to you in loving detail. Loving tender detainees are travel posters for some America's biggest cities. cities, which also happen to be run by most Democrats. This is true, coincidentally, and. He's gonna be on our story someday Sunday once Ethan finishes footing among so basically try to do this a long time ago in and Ethan got busy drawing cartoons It is the other services posters to do like eight posters- and I just can't like I can't have you can't have donkey than I can taking this stuff. I can kind of have, but they made
these posters, but I made them too. They made too small a lower resolution. They would imprints looking at least half donkey, but at the right resolution I didn't even think of now. I have to completely recreate all, I didn't even think about selling them and I got to make them better. So as soon we put them up all the replies, I work on my videos. What kind of is we're going to buy these I've learned no on the internet. Peo people say that and yeah. I think that's like fifteen people, I'm going for this, these ones. Okay, you believe in it. I believe it. Okay, here's the first one Portland I walked me. Do you is like a traveller experience? Portland yeah, like you, can Meyer, the pedestal or statues used to be so yeah there's just a pedestal empty there's, nothing there because they knocked out might be some broken the specific area people going to Portland Billy, hey we're gonna, go check out the statue of the famous settle. Good cabin at and they go like
They go look at this stage, this historic statute and is gone, but it should be he should be tours not, but here are the ones that are left. The few left standing you would use those that'd be for Antiva. This is the last remaining statue in Portland, get them boys what get them Chicago You can start on your very own murder, mystery Usually in a murder mystery. Are you the murdered guy? I think you, I guess in those like murder, mystery games? You know murder, mystery party that people I've never done. One have you done. This is like a train can get on the train to be part of a murder mystery, a train, they probably the actor. I just wanted to try from an actor at the community, theater actors thing yeah in Chicago. It's way more realistic, yeah, because you just
it's just they have their own, they didn't have to hire and they do it for free, just murder and they probably have a Guinness record from them like yeah, probably some Guinness record holders. most stabbings in a dark alley, goes to stab and Steve or stab me Steve. Lucky stabbing knife is the one for Seattle, tore beautiful Seattle, where you can experience the ancient Ruins arms are where you going, splore. The ancient ruins of chance join us on Safari. You think they'll do this like robot areas. Again I hears Did you write in like a like a tram and there's a little screen? Jimmy Kimmel comes up for somebody else. I go hey guys, hey guys, Jimmy Kimmel here. What's the joke? I don't know the joke is over here:
you can find where they once bustling, thriving community chance. This is the very best where they made their riot ribs the riot rims. I remember the bags of sprite and here are the bags of sprite it's the bags of sprite. Now this this is just a recreation. Real ones are long gone yeah. So what was the bags of sprite deal and shit. I just like somebody. I guess they decided because they wanted to share it and they didn't have cups, so they just put a bunch of springs. In the blog bags and its money, scientists bags spray. as part of their utopia. They created they had free bags of picture people like what do you like, puncture it and just show it like a cow utter or something like how do you drink a bag of sprite? Oh my gosh, I totally forgot
so much as a UK emeralds honours the garden stick at the colored. Only guards believer indigenous by park or whatever by park, is only for buyback and they had like all these car words in this, like sprinkled, dared Oliver. So it's like look. It's like touring, Jim Crow south these like signs at first. He only people of color can do this. Look at this sign here. Wow look at these are the old days. Sorry then I lost it. There's a couple of probably a couple of chalk out lines, because we know that Chad kind of ended in seeing a a deaf there's, probably some of those so more record holders and yeah
Oh, my head hurts right now you left heart of that. I just pictured the bags there's something funny about the sign is so authoritative, that's a normal thing to put on a table, take a bag and leave a bag of spice my head. It hurts, I think it's your drip. Is it oh yeah San Francisco, Beautiful San Francisco climb the majestic mountains of poop. I'm still thinking about the pug. The joke is that there's poop there's lots of poop in San Francisco explore Baltimore. find rodents of unusual size? Is that referring to any written thing real? I guess, like infested with rats, remember when Trump was going back and forth. With that senator, I think he ended up dying in er congressman that I think died. Recently.
He's going back and forth with them about rats and he's like oh yeah. These full rights rats are you talking about. Humans are animals. I think he was talking about human I think a lot of Americans you mentioned Baltimore. They think that you're talking about somewhere in Europe or something it just doesn't sound american, but it doesn't sound like a real place. Baltimore Balti more coming about them are, is that of Baltimore an accent, but the failure was that trumpeted trump likes at others. in crime there and then all the liberals were forced to like say actually Baltimore is a utopia is clearly not the trump does something way too crazy on the other side just get. It goes as crazy. On the other side, yeah was like the China it well the China irish things. You can't say it's also they're out in Like Chinatown in New York, like the food's good they're eating in front of a camera like China town. I the yeah. I love it. I like the streets
Look a bundle of urine perfectly clean bag, Vegas Bright, Vegas, brighter half open. I trust it. Did you read that one New York relaxing New York stand, steam nursing homes? That's a space of empty space yards vacancy. Did you Governor Cuomo released a book already about his defeat of the corona. I defeated them. He stand there like Clark, can amount to take off his glasses and sure what what a hero is, and when do they start this. You must have started writing it like in the middle of it. This is gonna, be guys. We got to write a book. He got the ghost writer on it. You know he didn't run a word of it. Of course, Mary is called. American crisis leadership, lessons from the nineteen pandemic,
we should be aware that he is gone so many browning points for her a disaster. We should write some. funny Amazon reviews of it. I think, of him, brother is just being like nostrils and teeth, so I see nationals and teeth with like a little bit of eyes. Through the Amazon or users, but one stir a heartfelt in carrying look at how it feels to murder people through bureaucratic and etc. Is that real, a five stars? It seems to be a good book. I can't wait to read this. What purchased in Canada, wow so canadian canadian theology there. But what are we doing? Posters next, one c, the swamps of Washington DC. You can meet new people like this. Guy has
shouting at you, while you're trying to eat with ut you're, not eating with me he's shouting you with megaphone trying to eat yeah- is that referring to like Nick Sandman whereas in other stuff, no activism event. I know it was the year that was where people are marginal. more people were dining there DC. I mean that lady was sitting there on the bench and they all went around and like say the words say. The words are what's wrong with you. Ruby drink this price. to prove your one of us drink this on a strike, the old bag of spring. So I'm stuck on the old sprite sack the picture in the everyday surprise, no one back net now in the block spread in Zip Larcom teamed up to bring you know, can Canada exactly
LOS Angeles escaped to LOS Angeles, just a big black square. It's just it's just dark. It's just dark! There's, no electricity! No, that's the joke! That's the joke! I like how well he's come off an audio when you have to explain so there's this, the black poster get it. I like some of the commenters were like yeah. You made me feel smart. I had to read and think about that one. This one says LOS Angeles is blank like they think there was a typo just so. You guys know you uploaded a bike poster by the way. If you want to comment on articles in the Babylon B become a subscriber, you can comment in our community. I reply, Ethan doesn't, but I do it. Sometimes you do I'm seen very rarely. need to do a subscriber. I always check them when there's like a bazillion first and I'm like half forget it yeah, you get a badge if you're the first to comment, which is a terrible terrible,
First, Washington DC thousands around the world are forsaking their sins and receiving Christ. This week after Trump, certain article from the Babylon do we need to say this? The Babylon Bee as widely known nurse christian website ever created. I almost wrote this article as Trump accepts Jesus knows, are in there proof of his salvation. Then we went the other way and then Trump was seen in Vegas. Do you see that video? Where he's in Vegas at the church? I fell the babble on me joke about it and he pulls like twenties out of his pocket and he sits there and he's like waiting for the Bering playing these oh drops in and he's like doing this he's like closing his eyes and raises so almost a problem. I see a field, but I went the wrong direction with the Joe SAD, that's the beautiful video. By the way, if you want to go, look up the video trump in the Vegas Jump in the worship he's just sitting there
like any normal person in church he's like looking around and then like. They announce they're, doing the offering, and he say it's going like feeling for his wallet and he pulls out the water cash and he's like counting it like, and these I holding it. While he was for the bucket to come, I would hate it at a camera on camera on me. Then, during that it's bad test and you get out the money, it's so awkward. You like the guy with the bug, comes and Trump slick, and then he's like looking like do. I need to do anything else when you sign anything and they're like you're good, I got a receipt and he's like just fantastic. So anyway, look up that video. shared article from the ban will be writing. This is a big because he's here to couple now, there's really. We had some yes raisins and retreated certainly in a comment on right. I think, this is the first one is actually publicly like a quote: tweet yeah, so you do what you did in the quote. His were really okay, so I wake up Friday morning. Let me paint a picture for you.
on Friday morning, I always check my phone kind of look at how the sites doing what the views are doing. We have three to four times our usual views. Yeah, it's like six, a m. This is a lot and I'm like the heck like: oh, no, something bad, it's usually there something horrible happened or like some article with crazy viral, or somebody thought something that was was really ah yeah. So I'm looking at kind of maybe what happened so I'm like! Oh no tons of text, a text from my brother text from my family. I've got a bunch of slack messages from her. I was on a huge animation deadline that day and I kept seeing a pop up and I'm just like. I can't so you're just staring at Did you even know that it happened? I got glimpses of the edited. I could see the first thing in the morning I saw I think I actually saw his tweet cuz. It said you get notifications when approved account, organelle stream counts, or I saw people responding to him or something
just like moving on my phone phone was just getting notifications. Getting notifications didn't have a chance to chance. Yeah rest was crazy, so Trump tweeted. This story shuts down entire network to slow spread of negative bite and news. We put that up right after twitter came back because went down for a couple hours right when they were trying to shut down the whole Hunter Biden story. right and they were literally blocking it like I try. I tried in the area that you can. I never what a shared at noon, trying our postal onto other well sensing, and so we did his joke that, while they They try to shut down the Biden story. I've only sharing it. He just shut twitter down for a couple of hours. They shut down the whole network, we posted it trump here's a says via the Babylon Bee. Well, This has never been done in history. This includes wait. I got like. I can't do a Trump voice yeah. I don't know how to do that. Wow. This is ever been done in history. This includes is really bad interview last night. Why is twitter doing this? Bringing more
tension to sleepy Joe and big t is big. T hose is big. I think that big tech, no that's, no big tech- must be big tech. It is that what we're thinking or is that a rapper big tea? It sounds sleepy joe and big tea live at the glass sounds. I don't know Joe big tea big tea time. I'm gonna search, Google for sleepy chow on Big T hat sounds like a tv show. Big t sleep on big tee the adventures? So then he clung you. He clarified it later amendments. I guess you can clarify this centre and clarified intelligent car Oh really, I didn't see that one. He just like shared it again and just had more comments about. Oh really yeah. I missed that completely like a lot of people talking, this as I suspected that he just like. Because we know that he knows or the Babylon Bee he shared it before we've talked to people that work with him and they've told us he likes it.
Your assumption is that he he just was army. I think that he thinks in this, like stream of consciousness way there when he's. Ok, Look at this story about the general topic at what happened on Twitter. He shares ages talking about what happened on Twitter. That's that's my sense of it, but maybe he really thinks they did. I'm I'm I wouldn't be surprised and not trying to jump to his defense yeah. There was the two responses where Trump was Trump was a master troll when he was trolling the left. By sharing the set, It sounds like you're, totally fooled. Yeah you're practical the reality. Is that he's just eyes and article and then. Maybe even if you realize it was satire after he posted or whatever like. I don't think you he oh I'm an idiot. This is way, and he thought is that tired talking about a general thing which was pretty insane the whole Hunter Biden, new story near posting I was really weird mean that was shocking to me and to be fear, the article might be true right.
Quite possible that you imagine the opposite. like imagine a new story comes out from some news company about one of trumps kids And it's like saying all they did crack and then in this and there they had some something. That's gonna ruin Trump like to block it for that social media to actually block the link. That's insane right thing of another, makes it sound like wasn't like is like police state insanity, but we accept it because it's like a more just the left. That's what made them then that's what they do insane insane. They are so afraid of repeating the twenty sixteen election. They say all this russian propaganda was spread across our platform. They always see the end of hilarious campaign as when they did the whole email. The Wikileaks email thing. I think that was in October too, when all the email stuff came out about her, and so I think there
just desperate and then I had a huge strides. In effect I never woulda heard, but I don't know if I would hear about the story. I never would have thought about trying to post it. No, but I was just curious. I'm like I lived. really want to put share a link, and I can't- and I want to share it and said that this link is found be it may sound like it was like you're gonna get hacked if you share something. Yet this is dangerous for the dangerous link since Andy stolen last autumn put any info That shows that it is like the others know. I've never have, I, namely says, is proving its false. Not even sure, then I'm ready money then going to it would never do that for it from story. We live They ve taken the most outlandish, even cabinet, with just the craziest stories. Oh yeah sure there's never been this where it's like. Oh that's, that's it! I'm voting for It is literally that kind of stuff that makes me want to vote for Trump. Just that's what I'm saying is he's gonna. Do that screw you vote for Trump, just because that's messed up
next story. You are radicalizing guys like me. They just want to slam down Ethan we're going on to the next store story. Three trump. No sorry yeah! a year long excursion into the belly of the beast. Doktor Jordan Petersen emerge this week. dismay define millions of Americans worshipping at the altar of a golden. Karl Marx statue overtaken righteous anger. He his Don't tablets containing twelve rules for life into tiny pieces either All I can do is wait either buckle. Warned the Doktor Petersen said you're not gonna, do more to the current a great sin, and I don't find any of these behaviors to be particularly useful. Didn't you you even make your bed this morning. you simply not worthy to receive my twelve rules for life. It's not good for
is grave. Sin. Lord knows it's a bloody catastrophe issue. All bitter waters. This is important negative feedback to help you void the self destructive behaviour and grown competence right now, you're, nor bloody you standing. One and nobody wants that rigour, Seamus machine, no shame is guilty, but if we have any day people, a video So I you know you guys. I didn't know you had this one in my feet. It's one of I am shared Shardon nice that makes me happy to which was snobbish in the article you're kind of a grumpy old man. Sometimes when I don't want you to share off you had too many people for me. That's true. You still try to get work in Hollywood. Yeah! That's the thing, so Peterson seems to be bad he posted a new video too, as you to channel untitled return home back, not I'm back return home, so yeah,
Sir addiction issue with medication. He was taking a guess. It's very dignified and became king dependent on it. But They say the point that he realized. He was kind looking dependent on. He tried to break himself up and that's what cause all the issues it was like. Apparently he break off of it is. What really is insane- and there is apparently, is very hard. Anyway, arenas story, he care and well out of us, the care he ended. His video by saying with gods, agrees mercy of be able to start generating original material material once again and pick up where I left off? What's that a God, that's a whole can work as a whole can become. Worms depends on what you mean by, it depends on what you mean by believe wearing it being Mikhail assume. Actually, as do our Mikhail African, the next month. Amos vellum need only diet, one who came cheating come up,
I don't know if she came out with it er yeah, but she's kind of got to be popular before, but she's popularized have done it. So this is like extreme Keto yeah like meat, only nothing else pure meat, do you take a vitamin supplement? If you want to drink anything, you have to drink meat juice, drink, really, no got excited ring out. The meat in you have to wear. Bake face mask Only approved at the where meat outfits like Lady Gaga, what was the meat out the thing that should meet dress, meet dressed up, workplace, China, privacy trying to prove. Animals are hurt or something else. Those are heard dress. This is an animal yes now be like yeah. Hormone like being anti abortion and say thanks for nuts
lady Gaga warrant infamous address made of raw beef coming referred to this issue. The media is the meat dress, but why does it say why Wikipedia page, I'm just a meat dress. I kind of respect if she's just doing it just because address condemned by animal rights. Groups and named by time, is the top fashion statement of two thousand and ten, and this is old news. Is it a Guinness record for the biggest dress made out of feet? Probably it was a long time ago. It's a foam. Meat draft is a real or fake. It's not real. It's not real meat, yeah, not real. That's really disappointing genes record were sended. Sitting in the back at the Rock and Roll Hall of fame- oh, oh, no, she did have he pre specular originality of meat, dress, idea of comparisons made to similar images found a contemporary art in popular culture. As with other dresses, it was archived but went on display at the rocker Hall of Fame after being preserved by
taxidermy as a type of jerky tones jerky dress. Now things have been organisers. Kenya get off at its worst Jordan, Peterson right now. She said: oh yeah, the meat, a protest against the militaries. Don't ask, don't tell policy really. How do you connect those dots? I'm four gay rights in the military meat dress meat dress to completely. I want to do that. I am Against abortion, that's why I'm wearing twinkies, Winky astronaut suit, I'm for communism, bag of sprite? yeah. I'm excited to talk to Mikayla. It's gonna be interesting to talk to her, because all I want- and I just want to ask about Her- dad the whole time. Okay, so you've got this meat. I think cool. So tell me how you
Peterson is doing how it deals with that. A lot that's connected to a famous person yeah, but you know that'd be weird of a famous dad. That's what I ask her. That's! What's it like coming in get daddy, went viral and famous like we got to get to behind the scenes, JP stores. Remember we asked Dave Ruben. Some of those questions part stories give us all the arts. What does it? Jordan, Peterson say a three parts? Oh man, but that's not good. That's so right topic of the let's do it. Okay, guys spot guess. We talk a lot about christian creatives, trying to write comedy and trying to reach culture and doing the fun stuff yeah mention. A new movie called small group. The movie we talked to match estine.
Greater progress in a little while ago, but when he's doing how he's trying to create movies that make not just Christians, I've but other people, ass, smooth and best picture the international Christian Film Festival was recommended to us by our friend Keri Davis, who we all love. We got to have her back. We got to have a space back, she said of the film small group? Isn't what I've come to expect from christian movies? It's not cheesy. It is really well written, acted and beautifully shot. I laughed out lot of but then there were moments that I actually cried. Tim Bryan described it as one hundred proof unfiltered form theology demands to hit you in the heart without getting you over the head. So small group in a movie It's now available on dvd or Blu ray at small group movie, dot com or for dinner streaming on Amazon on Amazon. So you can just watch watching on Amazon boom.
And now the battle one of the week, all right, I don't know how this topic of the week is gonna go, but let's give it a shot. So this week we had a post senator Hirono demands a Cbb wait against a duck to see if she's a witch later on, we got a message from facebook. True, right later on, we got a message from Facebook saying Facebook violated our community standards and I'm figure out why it didn't tell us they tell you what posted just hey by the way you file for me to send hey current say, that's kind of like when you walk, and you see somebody you you talk to all week in and they like. You really offended men last week, what its wits, like being with your wife right yeah, and she's, like you. Finally, I walk in and she's matter union. You know why. she knows know, and I know tat. You know you know what you know. It suffers the mark Zuckerberg like our we will have one wife
not that weird of a religious cult. Justin is so much it's so funny, so got So I got a message and later on. Our social media guy met he's like eight because knows that has been taken down like one, so we go back completely deleted. I go and I d go through there access to like appeal, that what is this Hamas? We had nothing back, so we go to social media We start like brazen, mainly knowingly alarm. Ok, that's good! That's that's really good at in his eye if they're killing the conservatives are shooting us in the face or jobs yeah and it's kind of true yeah. So that's true for demo.
So we're like wait and wait and eventually turn out that, because the posts said she's a which we must burn her you're inciting violence. You that's from five hundred, that is from line to judge how you like assets and that for the funds no matter money, python or whatever. It's like we're, quoting this character, who's saying we We have to burn her for being a witch after weighing her against the duck if you're going to take that one line seriously to take the whole thing seriously and the fact that we're quoting a character that we, like so resend it to her owner, really say this, and we're making fun of her like her whole demeanor and her whole. She, the one who are making fun of that like we're, making fun of this idea that she's like because she's the one who asked her f ouch ever committed sexual yeah. So it's like hilarious, so we're
situation as a base would it sounded like was whirled over what they claim is. The aim algorithm comes along and goes it says we must burn her inciting violence detected, and they just tomorrow and leading auto deleted, but there is, but then we were told we the old it we reviewed it were standing firm. you have to take. You have. Your page continues to be dinged and suppressed and be monetized, which is that makes it different. It's not the algorithm. Now, there's person citizen person sitting there going now really does like. I could see somebody reading that and then just getting at it, but knife and running out of the room, and God knows what happens next. We have two whole which try
Amalon B said so you gotta go burn. Somebody burns and people at this day get the kerosene. So I did actually just before this podcast I talked to Seth and he said that he got a call from Facebook and they said they were gonna. Martin Zuckerberg on the phone mark, Zuckerberg not really, and he said they're gonna reverse it so, but they were like man hang in. There goes our persecution and they said Why don't you guys just call us man Like these, exactly what you said. Yeah man gives you text me. You could have just called us luck Are you and what you see? No man- and I know what you want to do. I gotta pee Wee Herman movie, because one was the driver was what the movie that that, like us, One of those kinds of people would want to watch bio dome. That's the worst
Probably or maybe he was very inspired by. I don't know that is the worst movie. I've ever seen my life- I don't know if I ever made it throughout. Do we had a guy at our church. She was like a very kind guy, very gentle and always like, and take care of us bring us free pizza and all the stuff we were. As back to the pride- and he goes have you guys ever seen- Bio Dill, so we rented it. My parents were rented. It for us- and we all sat down- we like what in the world where's movie, I ever seen. What are we talking about CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Mark Zuckerberg, so just so they took so back a obviously were re monetize. We know we don't really moments ago. If we don't really monetize to Facebook right yet, but we knew tat, we do you. Some of the tools were well tat, a sponsor and all that stuff. You can't do that and then pursue because you have this yellow flag on your page. Your posts are going to be more like, monitor and and suspect. Nobody knows the inner workings of the alarm. So that's
More of what I wanted to talk about more broadly as this, idea of writing comedy on internet running company in the social media age. Could it's it's different than it used to be twenty years ago. So, twenty years ago you know, I would go on home, star runner com in the morning yeah. You know, like I had these sites that I I thought you had like your list yeah we had bookmarks and you would go open all these bookmarks. I want to see what home star runner has to say: member stumble upon yeah yeah, where they would just bring up like when you What's it about nine, your browser and his colleague media find a whole new website to go to and all these different yeah this kind of this wild west of what comedy and content creation were you, families, Corky websites, and you would? I would the community's. You know like there was like this one had a forum and you'd go talk with like minded people who, like this also in ITALY, for little communities with form and comment sections sections you get to know people and it a different time. You know now you have the right for the algorithm
thing I were every headline we run on. The ban will be, I have to go, houses can perform on Facebook. He is eating My in my memory, this could be, I see everything through the through the prism of my life, but when cop went viral it didn't seem like It seemed like no matter what I posted that at that time, and it could be just because that cap was so popular at the time, but I remember a shifting. Very blatantly one day every post, got a certain amount of views and likes and responses. It was big and then suddenly one day it was really small I looked into it and they just change the policy that, like you, have basic to pay to reach your audience and the only way work around. That is if people naturally organically share your hosts, and I don't even know how you measure that, like exactly how does the I don't know how that, There are certain amount of suppression that happens every day, get shared it suppresses some of it. I don't know how it works, but
Then then I learned in my bear stuff there from my bare book bears want to kill you ve Eeyore yeah ice, I realize that there are certain if I made certain meme type stuff, it would break through that and I could get all these thousands and hundreds of thousands of shares without paying which it costs a lot of money, get the of exposure. Yes, you're not making necessarily and your memes. This is the people that have already liked your page and want your content right. So your memes, your bare memes, are hilarious and people love them and they get stolen. All the time and share you were people have gotten way more shares on them than I ever did so maybe it was good in a way that it forced you into this other form of comedy. You didn't want to write, but at the same time it wasn't the comedy you set out to write you didn't set out to write like bear me right. But it turned into bears, want to kill you sad because, like I make, you know, I'm a comical Burma given is of labor of love It's never going to do well on the internet because it long form its long for,
not every panel is in that and means are the other. Far jokes, basically, is the simple dumb people see that format and Nancy S quick, easy to easy thing, and yet so the internet doesn't cater to quality content. Equators three get caters to the quick. gut reaction to somebody wanting to click, which is why outrage is so big. I think about. I use this metaphor of like if you were a comedian and you are trying to reach your audience and then all of a sudden mark sucker we're comes along and closes the curtain and you're soon mining learn any Gus I love, or I just bought the cedar so yeah, actually by the way one second and he goes hey you're, just gonna tell me or jokes and then I'll decide which ones your audience can see and then I'll just walk out there and
and tell them so he does ND, then you're, sitting behind the curtain and, like you, hear them laughing to this joke and not laughing at that joke and laughing at this one and you're. Like I don't know, I don't know which ones did well yeah. I don't know I posted you well or don't you will write it. There's like this level of disconnect from your audience sucks. If you go look at the onion when they were a paper physical printed paper. There's somebody dumb jokes if he would tell I mean that in the kindest way possible like they could do a little classified and little little picked up this thing, and you were just passively like flipping through this paper, but now every joke. We tell it feels like you're always trying to hit a home run. You know like because that's how social media works be a home run and doesn't necessarily have to be a home run as far as like a golden joke, it has to be something that right people will share people. So even it's just like man aren't democrat
dumb yeah killer boom, thousands, ten thousand chicks. I think it's. What do you call it a clapper that laughter yeah, yeah. I think people see a social media share not as like check out the hilarious joke, but it's like they identify with that this is something I want to share, because I want to say something or young, I really you're, putting it on your wall, so you're right. So, like your facebook page, is your wall yeah, so you're not gonna meme? Is you think you would hang on your digital house wall? So this is me right it to some extent he Right, you remind myself. I think you. you. Imagine the representing on your page, just as like, when decorate your house, you think like this is all stuff of people. This is the impression want to make on people. So yes, it's. It's different than people people want to represent themselves with the things they share and that's different than
it is laughed at it. It would be nice if he does MIKE everybody and if they laugh out loud in real life, then the algorithm, here's the laugh and that perpetuates it, and then you get like a share a actual lag, What laugh reaction is actual y yeah real left out loud that have not build a hear them too can now get only here, laughs, I've heard em I've heard gee. I guess you could have been in other, be laughed farms, thief pay to get more earlier. You're. The ethic of some south American or for the Philippines, whenever they they hire out. Laugh farms and adjustments learn how you can get your post. Your warehouse, I saw her jerry's. I felt say that Writing on running jokes on twitter would be his hell. This is like. I cannot hear my audience like for him that writing
to life just about until we got Patrick? We couldn't hear anything that makes me feel funnier. I know like well. People laugh at us. Oh wow. I hope that's how you sounded there's an article on vulture, you guess you read is called how Facebook is killing. Comedy cannot be linked in our show knots, and you can look it up call how facebooks can comedy an interview with Matt met man who worked at funny or die so he died. It was and then he didn't tell one of them is funny and teaches immediately died. But he wrote this: he did his interview with vulture after funnier die had to do another round of lay offs. They killed her entire editorial team. Basically because Facebook pivot to video where they told everybody we're going to promote video content. That's what's hot now, video, so everyone fired other writers and hired video guys, like you, were doing video.
Content and then it turned turned out like that. Didn't make any money on Facebook and Facebook was taken. The money wasn't going to the kind of greater than they all fired, the video team and so they gutted the gutted they gutted funny or die. So he wrote on Twitter. Mark Zuckerberg, just walked into funnier, die, die and laid off all my friends, you know there's Simply no money in making comedy online anymore. Facebook is completely destroyed, independent digital comedy and, I really sympathise with everything says, citizens are of what I'm saying about how he's about how we comedy writers. Are, trying to figure out what the algorithm was. I have to write for the algorithm it sucks yeah, I go to headlines and I'm like. Oh that's, a great headline, yeah Facebook's, going to kill that we have to change it. Ultimately, we can write that yoke and in its purest form you know five hundred people are going to read it versus we have to edit it. So fate is already good for Facebook and then fifty thousand people read even though its worst yo. That, too, is the reality is something I have to do. It sucks
you'll excuse it did. Skews everybody further into their corner yuck. As your following one you want? That's a facebook is doing with the algorithm it's going like. What do you want to see making your many more extreme, which is supposed to be, I think, I think, than there altruistic purpose in all these, our than the Sufis too, like avoid fake news, There's something so they say. I don't know what they're really trying to do, but whatever they're trying to do what they are doing is they're, making everybody more extreme in their political views. That's probably true: they're creating ECHO chambers and also incentivizing the most ridiculous, the most outlandish, the most extreme language. And sucks? It's writing comedy trial and error, all comedies trial and error, but we can have a
joke, and then it's like, oh shoot. I guess Facebook doesn't like that word, you know. Usually the trial and error is the audience laughing or not. Now it's the algorithm except the robot going or not, which is weird mark Zuckerberg funny. That's not! I don't get that one. I don't get that joke burn her. What that's really offensive. Have you seen by home not interrupt I think, all moderators that Facebook need to watch Monty Python. That should be required course. Ethan's, never seen him. I've seen somebody I was too young. I got to go back and watch all those. Let's move on everybody his favorite thing in the world. Hate me Miss.
Here at the Babylon Bee. Everybody loves us except a few people who hate us and they send us hate man. Here's the hate mail that we got this week and everybody loves that hate mail this entire, but he's right every part of the park. As I got one comment this week work. I said what are you just put hate mail at the very first thing you in your show, good. I think you'd want to listen to that end and stop. Last year you leave said we have a special, at the end of the show today, but we put it in the middle so that you have to find her. It is and then you have to skip around and then hopefully you get attracted to the rest of the podcast yeah. So this guy says okay, so we that this guy sounds like a scottish angry Scott, an angry stuck angry, even as a scotish accent than I do he's going to read this one. This is: this from a man named Randal and here's what he says to the Babylon Bee. You have to believe me, some red dragon. I have to say that to say that first
flower, but amazing, rob turn up your losers are all the same. You have nothing better to do than focus on. Just titlement is grow tax or your donkey you, I guess the yellow hen our group. Although goo broth, that's beautiful those good, the sewing is better subscribers about Romania, the uncensored merged not really. We don't actually release the incentive, write us an email. If you want the instance and maybe Dan I'll send it to you, he doesn't have enough to do. Scots have good insults. I mean the guy says you measurable blackbirds miserably and it's awkward, that's what we used to say miserable child or father this children, I like it that he says you have nothing better to do than focus on destructive activities yeah. So I was looking up to see. If there's any, do we find Scott here's one in there
yeah so one of the way it away so get lost bowl head, which means I want to boil your head. You've got one like a bag of washing, that's donkey. That's a bottom, like a bag of laundry- and I Five assessment of a woman's attractiveness try to fix your face, We will say donkey, we're not allowed to say say, donkey, donkey, think we, leave him alone. We believed you gotta face. skill donkey. means a face like a slapped rear end. Oh man, we can't say that one. You can't say that Looking at the other one, the area numbed means idiot, but another day your boots.
The window should check gig, which means shut up. Poems are now either like that, when your wall of her. yeah anyway, you don't off. You hide. Why don't you use any of those? I'm gonna say you're off your hide to hide you're, not you to hide. Yes, you haven't irritating person lot for idiot if you recall, suing editors rocket roaster, you have no get lots of different wallpaper if you like the Babylon Bee Reading, hate mail, listen to this podcast every week, because every week reread hate mail and if you're a subscriber subscribe to the battle. Lambie. Now we're gonna read a bonus: hey, hey mail for subscribers. Every episode and we're going to the subscriber portion we'll see you there.
The rest of this podcast is in our super exclusive premium subscriber large. If you're, not a Babylon bees subscriber go to Babylon, be dotcom, slash plans for full length, ad free pod gas access to our headlines for twenty percent of the items in the Babylon Bee Store a gift and more. Please drop us review on Itunes and share the the podcast with a friend feedback and love male go to podcast at Babylon, be Duncan, follow Ethan at acts CUP and Kyle at the Underscore Kyle Underscore Man on Twitter.
Kyle and Ethan would like to thank Seth Dylan for paying the bills Adam forward for creating their job, the other writers for tirelessly pitching headlines, the subscribers and you the listener until next time. This is Dave Deandrea, the voice of the Babylon Bee, reminding you to go forth and disown any relatives who do not align with you politically, hey guys, hey guys. I just saw this post that you put up where there's like a.
through this dark by suggesting that they want to burn her and the duchess. I just wanted to say that it is probably inciting violence. Some yeah. So your ability to make money we're just going to get rid of that we're just going to turn that off yeah. So just a little.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-24.