« The Babylon Bee

This Could Be Six Minutes Or Six Hours

2023-08-24 | 🔗

In this episode of The Babylon Bee Podcast, The Bee guys and girl talk about the new projects The Babylon Bee is working on like the new Babylon Bee Guide to Gender. Adam went to Africa, Kyle went to New York, and Hurricane Hilary has DESTROYED Southern California.

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Pre-order The Babylon Bee Guide To Gender: https://shop.babylonbee.com/products/the-babylon-bee-guide-to-gender


This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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make the world a better place to undertake dot com. That's U n D, e r t a c dot com offer code b, twenty vote Babylon? We have one welcome to the Babylon bee, not weekly. What are we even doing here is. What is this? I have went around the office and said: hey. Do you guys want to record a vod yesterday and Adam said sure? I guess I could do that here. As that's my level of enthusiasm,
and Emma said me really yeah and then Adam walked in here and said: oh no, Emma and Travis are on and Travis has been in here the whole time. So let me turn the lights off he's just in here and I kept pitching podcasts and colleges kept going. No, not that we'll do one, that's funnier, and so what's new with you guys, do it? Well, that's one of the topic targets, but we'll do that after not to get ahead of ourselves. We're way ahead of yourself yeah, so we're trying out some new formats differ. The podcast, as you all know, and today we're just gonna talk about. What's going on with the b, what's going on in the news? What's going on with us and that'll? Be it so I dunno how long this is going to take. It could be. Six minutes can be six hours
We could be in this chair for quite a hurry could find the sweet spot in between those extremes somewhere in the area. Well, what's going on at the Babylon bee, we've been working on our top secret bee project, and hopefully we can tell you guys more about, which is why we haven't been on the weekly the whole reason for not doing the podcast as in babylon be guide to gender book bent and comes out in a month. I think Travis and I are the ones in here who worked the most unless you do anything on the book, and now she gave me her opinions. I said disease looked funny she was that's it for travellers and economic sense. The azure Travis would give bettina. Has it in, and then I would either take aside, and so you you would continue down she'd get a friend among others, talked her directly. She goes tell bettina bitter. How can you tell bettina no eye contact? You are in the book them.
as a stick figure, I'm a model which is fun because bettina would look It means be like put your hand like this and then draw it for a character that weird, when somebody's like hey, do you wanna be a model and you're like? Oh, thank you and then like it's for a book about weird gender. any thing I can get. Ok, you gotta start somewhere, really a foot in the door feel like I was model for a stick figure for a guy, an agenda or books, or we can all be drawn. Like french girls yeah. That's true draw me, like one of your french thumbs, just different them. Well, yeah the book's all about gender and it's got fun, stick figures and graphic drawings and everything you might want out of a book like that. So please go preorder it I bought amazon, it's available on our store and check it out. So we'll links and stuff raleigh's pre order it now, but it's a lot of fun. It's our third book and our
guide series. We already have wherever they want the guy to woke this in the battle and we get to democracy, both of which were a blast to write both being attacked by the xenomorph and they're, both being attacked by a xenomorph on our shelf there. When do we get the xenomorph? I just put it in here when he was at yours, yeah, oh yeah, that like did you have that says irrigate or something guess really I did. Did you grow up sheltered like Were you a burrito allowed to have stuff like I was allowed to have sphere like that yeah? Well, I I'm pretty sure I've set it on a podcast before maybe, but I was allowed the watch things I should never have. Why did I do recall you, like? I do things like exorcise when I was ten years old and then those made up all night with my both staff cuts sing it against demons, and my dad just was like go to sleep. Sorry my little traumatized by the exorcist are scariest.
They watch like alien and aliens when you're yes, well, because of my mom would put it it's. Ok, those of the bad guys dying, outskirt philosophy, It's kind of william. The meanest are really the case. An aliens there's like I think, I've I was allowed to watch that, but I didn't really seek out watching aliens and has at least a little bit older cause. I think. As a kid I thought it looked scary, just the clips of the alien yeah. I think I did probably get into that when I was a little older. I do remember my family used to take trips. of two monterrey like day trips and as one of those trips, so we would kind of you know, go around town and do window shopping or whatever, but we would always get to go to a comic bookstore and my brother got this sweet robocop vs terminator car book, and you know, as parents go there just like as a comic book. Okay, they bought it
and then he opened it up later at home and just like naked women, and so does the first nude woman ass was it about rubber carbon terminator was a just naked women. It was about. The carbon tower, but a woman from the future had to take off all her close to go to the past because that's verified the sheets were her time machine that we're, because you can only put organic matter like the idea of a comic book. Arthur is like the first Given the time machine, you have two obviously take up all your class That's why arnold was naked, be sure to watch our upcoming interview with gabe l tiev on the podcast channel. That sounds like an idea would come up. What are you talking about? It has to be beautiful. Women with vague. They hire accentuated the cleavage on, although women they wanted him to stop. Flake draw
and women with large bresse on four cartoons and colleague books, and he thought that was. You know against the whole comic book nature, drawing up women so but the amendments along much. We then he made it worse or make the mad. Oh you mean like bigger. Here are worse. There were something bigger there. That's what I want you here of the way you know, when it comes to those bigger, I think it's like the difference. Being six minutes or six hours, there's there's a happy medium toward me. Back but I thought you might like, he's got a nice or every hour to the excess. I give you overcrowded, and then there was just no breasts at all now cave beckoned me, that's word, latvian genseric comes up. That fight does put christians. That funny spark. Is it so I get in
I welcome the sooner we must be rigorous base, but I'm a kind of ok if they're more modest there. There there's a van diagram as kemal harris would say, between feminism and. christianity were somewhere there. You just want more modest women onward. That's how gave starts drawing them with a vandyke others how to draw art looks it's edge of events. I grew so you have to start somewhere. I wouldn't want to watch a lot growing up. Like I went to. I went to the movies a lot with my dad, where he'd have to, like you know, give permission for bringing the the kid to the movie that you're not supposed to watch you guys, but you guys didn't, really watch anything bad. I saw some Ariz of an honour. What exactly like animals
I saw him I didn't want to close old. We saw that is kids because we thought it was an. It was a kid movie I read about it knows it wasn't a house that sounds wacky worries me and my rather loved hours do bring it on parts of it. There are inappropriate severe, deafening our I remember I saw, is ventura in theatres and I was a kid now and then, years and years later fast forward. I have a child like always, inter that's funny, I put on netflix into my returns. well right now. I do think, though, when I was a kid my dad was right. There was parts that were inappropriate, but I was young enough that I was laughing at the parts I got and the parts that were inappropriate and even understood what they were referencing. I didn't really watch. I mean the first pg thirteen movie I saw was twister and I was eleven years old. Oh man, that's a great man. It was at the moment, it was like we think, you're old enough to watch your tornado. What is that isn't that one on the netflix or something where it says that the rating it's like p g, thirteen? Four?
scary weather conditions such as scribe, exactly what it is, but it has now kyle. This describes you ve only been violently with its has suddenly been long lines. Extreme weather starch arrogance, really great disclaimer cause just as sex fear yeah. There are certainly relationships and star trek, but I wouldn't qualified, as just sags cosette just sounds like a porno and unfair. is really vague. Maybe starch like five sex and feared, might do very things always combined those team together here. Speaking of
fear check out our new gun video. We examined some more scary facts about guns and it's on a youtube channel. Let's uh, let's take a watch for you. May we can't take a watch cause. I think it will democratize us but go check it out. Go! Take a watch on the actual video, not here. Let's take a watch, the megabit when you're done watch this first script just finish this and then make a little note after this is over and then come back to this time code, so we can continue the conversation we also obtained in the of clip from the new snow white movie, and I don't off it's gonna, be out by the tennis bunker. for less than you think you could get it and then come back to this dome still, if you don't get a hope that was a good bit, I hope they give it. You can look at this moment and tariffs. And we also have some new headline merged. You, like some funny babylon, be headlines about husbands, wives, coffee.
go by a headline in making sure by lag here. Go by a headline merged. We have mugs, we got shirts, that's it go check them out. We got four or five of our have fun headlines that you know talking about coffee or shirts. Can we print a mug that just says headline merch on it? We could. We can do whatever we want, but Wilby, I don't think so, Well good check that stuff writing collins below saying you demand a mug that says headline march verbatim and you can use code podcast to get all of this kind. I think do them on the thing it does exist. Go there's benefits to watch his origin, the sure, yeah or learn it out. sketches. I haven't come out yet motion those merged with fear I we got the test mugs, I like them. I liked the monks we could have
shown them here are smart. If we were at that- and you know what else you can use the code podcast for subscribing to and supporting the Babylon bee, if you want to jump in and join the community in the fun, you can join with code podcast for twenty percent off today. That's a damn laundry dot com, slash plants, and then you get to pitch subscriber headlines, yes, which we're not going to read today, but we will have maybe still benefit this yeah yeah kyle polls personally from the subscriber headlines to hire people. Sometimes it's true. Some people have been hired from the headline channel, not me, but he won a very small chance of being hired subscribe to the bathroom Lumby. I mean it's like three people at three or four people. Now yeah yeah, that's more than a small good, it's good, but from a percentage perspective, it's probably not like. I wouldn't quit your job and say I'm. This is what I'm going to do and that's what I tell people if I'm out in public-
I try to pitch me headlines or ask how I become a writer there so that they stop talking to me. I go you just have to pay and become a subscriber and maybe it'll have yeah. That's that's why we created. I had someone kept messaging me asking. Is this in the voice of the v? Is this in the voice of the bee and I kept saying like go subscribe to subscribe and they're like okay, fine, whatever I just want to know if this is close to the voice of the bee, so I finally responded no yeah, no dummy a friend that just a surprising number of people that try to pitch your ideas are like are trying to become a writer and not in the forum, just people that email you and they just don't. They don't want to take that know or like that. That friendly, like oh thanks for submitting, maybe try again in the future and then they'll like, and they just never get the no interest in and then at some point, they're just begging you to say no, I'm sorry man, you know, so they want to get hurt. I guess
We re hurts sexting. So that's, what's gonna be hey? What's going on in the news, the new this week, hurricane hilary- well, what's in it was a bit of a year. There was there we think dating happen to any your neighborhood see reigned very lightly. Wait, wait a little love flooding at the intersection, north hollywood and there's a car stranded there for a little while, but ass, exciting nea, nothing, nothing much will how big of flooding are we talking about like now, deep down its there's one intersection there a mirror universal, my anger sham that always floods and we get rain, but it may be like one or two feet deep and there is a lot of cars making it through, but then
it's one car that was all there a little low and got stuck halfway through, but they were, they got a tow truck, come get them out, they couldn't have pushed it. I don't think people wanted to help push, because it was still raining and there's. It was deep there. It's probably I dunno if they could push it in the water and really hard to push water. I don't I don't know why? Don't you? Let me I'll get stuck in the snow all the time and I would just have some push it. Would you do that either Pushing out of snow, as you put it, is another car narrowed. You mean pushy with you, I mean like humans. yeah, but then you you put a little water, salt or gravel down in front of the tires and then push. I think it's easier to push out of snow than it is because the waters all around water area, pushing interests. you can put on the snow to get stuck now. You you're stuck in this. And you can get out, but you're, not you not pushing through two feet of snow was gay. You have to dig it out, o o about you're, getting it back onto the road or ongoing so slow though the one
one time I got stuck and I just kept. I got stuck a bunch times. Canadian, and the reason I m is in the army- is because she is the ability to push a vehicle out of any situation activity- water, a guy- I just leave you ban in your car there and I think, that's what Centralisation was still in the car. Ok waiting for the tow truck, they would never abandon their car Will you make it sound like daily lives, their car and they're gonna come back later for with the tow truck, and yet I am this is all on this is all recorded. Did I ever say they abandoned their daddy's gives them an organization. There was a man in the street in he left his car. You weren't across the country. Had there we're going back. in other areas by your neighborhoods was threatening did about except going in.
Where they were going to do in the whole storm watch thing which we always do in southern california, when there's a heap of weather- and they said I was in the path of the hurricane and there like you- could go up to it. an inches is of rain, more rain than you get all your usually like great, and I think if the end of the day was one inch, the sovereign strings got hit ten hardly things they do the romans in an outward. Their idea, we'll do you son There were some stuff that these are drainage systems like there's no drainage in the desert or by the beach. So it's a it's a lot easier to flood here. That's the problem like the whole hurricane or tropical storm yesterday was a typical amount of rain that we would get in pennsylvania growing up yeah. I don't. I don't even know if that really counts as a tropical storm, because it wasn't windy and it didn't have I dunno yeah, It identifies a tropical storms did as a hurricane and then they boo like an automated button weakened put down your wish list when given for this is your first hurricane the same one.
First. There is the outgoing in like that me that's going around. That's like I'm supposed to know how to do everything, but my second road, you, it's not a lot of road he is. An egg is never a voice of the baby say my browser again. it. I guess it is my first hurricane, but it wasn't even a it was litter There was flooding in their wisdom that happen, obviously, but it wasn't more, then you would see in a normal, like average rainstorm that would hit los angeles and at time of the year, was just the normal stuff that have. I think it's even ending retinue now noted earlier by this morning, I had ever seen maybe Sunday monday, and it was it was fun. You know I I even thought ahead of time it just crossed my head. Vermont was like what, if there's an earthquake tomorrow too, then we ve got it. We got the earth gathering the heard there was so much fun. I felt like it out. I didn't,
as really they are not really excited. When I felt tat, I, like others, an earthquake during the hearse clap, did you can get the earthquake alert on your phone? I did. I did not have. That was really fun like this in two minutes after it out, like by the way there there was an earthquake thanks. I got off a flash flood warning on my phone again to flash floods in an earthquake. I get the flash, but also if we were playing cards you would have won the freedom when we return, It's a hundred quick yeah beat that so even in spite of a hurricane did you know a movie called blue beetle came out in theaters. I actually did. and until I saw the headline I think most rb at the box, I think most people did not know that boobie. Well, that's only because of the hurricane, they would have seen it otherwise. Oh that's true. I didn't think about that. They couldn't get to the theaters, the rain cause of all yeah, all the rain rain. One of the biggest problems with California is that
because it doesn't rain as much as pennsylvania the moment it starts to rain a little bit. Everyone forgets how to drive The recent very well is how to drive just like what is this. What is this wire falling from the sky? Then? I will write. Really. Yesterday, through the thickest part of the storm and the second five o clock, ottomans us the hardest, and was just normal rain like you normally see, and there was like for cars sitting in the middle name with their hazards on going like forty miles an hour And I'm just in there like causing people to like we're on a slam on their brakes and go around and I'm like what are you guys doing? You're not like that, doesn't help, but barbie made a million dollars a billion dollars. That's a lot of money. Did anyone say it I didn't know. I was going to record it. I liked barbie, just like I went to see it. Yeah I've heard mixed, but it does have you know there. is the sort of anti patriarchy element to it, but
there's also, the message in the end is like KEN, doesn't want to be overshadowed by barbie, it's both to like the guy character and the girl character. It's like be yourself that I wouldn't say it's like free of any woke messaging, but I didn't think it was overdone. It's free balance and there are some really funny stuff in it. I thought it was, is good movie. Overall, stand Michael noses lighting of her best pictures here. Vizier, really, probably he really likes hiv No, I I thought it was great. I I would I would recommend it. We do like age, demographic is it for, I would say it slake, it's definitely not a kids movie. It's for lake, like twenty to thirty forty easily. Maybe even older people. It grew up with larvae, I think, cause it
it's made by mattel, but it also there's a lot of like self deprecating jokes about mattel in it and yeah it's it's definitely not a kids movie. I'd say is for like adults and young adults I would see it. I think I'll, probably wait till it hits the air. I wouldn't say it's like a must see in theaters, but it's a good movie and I did not know what blue beetle. I just I'm still not sure what is bluebeat, it's a dc, comics character and have a beer see to your dc. Hero now know about like invest a lot of money to make this the big launch of the new dc universe and nobody saw its lead barbie at the box office, but only because bb has been in the theaters for a while bluebells, just a weird thing, but dc comic book movies in general are just a mess right. What is the one sentence? Description of blue beetle? The character is like a blue beetle raise a man who lives in a beale costume and it's blue know. I saw the I think I saw the trailers for accurate.
a very fine like? Maybe he finds it things like a gadget? We find something that, like he, presses and put them in the soup pursued or something- and I think, No, I saw the trailer and anti. I don't go events in eternal I read about it in the comics, but it's been so long. I don't remember, I don't see like beetle and think. Oh my gosh, that really awesome superhero. You know unless he was wearing like a skin suit made out of John Lennon right yeah that I would see it as like. A documentary horror, the beetle it just turns into joan, and his weakness is getting shot by a fan there's nobody but yeah bluebeard out. The weird thing is like marvel: marvel can take these like Silas heroes and turn them into big successful movie. they did with ant man, but I think they do it in a really smart way where they like build ant man into a couple of the other movies, and then they launched the ant man movie,
I need a big star like Paul rudd as ant man. I liked the first movie. Okay, I didn't really like the other, the other, the second one I haven't, seen it or thought it was a fun character, but yeah. It's like one of the things that ant man shouldn't make. Whatever it made: seven hundred million dollars or a billion dollars. It shouldn't be that much money because they feel like man is what caitlyn jenner's nieces and nephews would Well, I wouldn't press boo on that, one that was pretty. That was pretty solid and, in my opinion, aunt may I just don't get it. who is the ant man? His aunt? A? U n t may happen, cause he's america clapping, but I turn now to quicker just the jug explained the whole one. Eighty eight germs been indicted again along with the rest of the world, a classic, drowsily oddy and those monies publicists journalist was, An early I didn't arise, Dana noted,
Rudy giuliani got indicted yeah, but these are the facts. I'm watching I started watching the sopranos and they haven't giuliani reference in the first episode autism in the back when people liked him like cargo, It sounds like he clean or at least neutral. It's just like yeah. You know giuliani in here blah blah blah again refuse your offer and walk in here the soprano with yeah, but don't watch the sopranos without vid angel, but yeah. They indicted a bunch of people and some of the counts were so ridiculous. It was like trump told people to watch one american news network. Really that's one of the count as one of the charges having got those in their ninety, while those living on this house would have us he's facing ninety one charges now. That's a lot is crazy, but I can't believe the net that the wide method they cast a people ever just like working for trumpets
like you did graphic design for trump's newsletter when he was denying the elect it's just so absurd and withstand with this one, especially I mean it's. It's been talked about to death already, but you know between stacey abrams denying the election results and Hillary Clinton saying the election was stolen, eleven and AL gore having a recount there are so many. I don't agree with everything trump said after the election, but it's kind of par for the course for politicians that lose elections. He didn't do anything. That's like out of the ordinary from hell lots of but that was elections, behave afterward yeah there setting it up like they want to have a nuremberg trials, set up, for example, just following orders. I worked for his campaigns like ass, not excuse anymore, to the goulash, and I do think is that your group, that, I think, is what is wrong on some cat, like on some of the things he claimed. I think he genuinely believed he won and genuinely believe that these were the legal recourse he had the chance, and I don't think that was pursuing legal recourse running all yeah he wasn't like was at that
I mean you know you can make an argument on January six or whatever, but he wasn't like actually trying to insert the government on a point that even at january six, I don't think he was trying. I don't think so either they keep calling it this insurrection, but I don't think any of these things were even close, is. This is crazy that this is all happening. The same time, there were learning more hundred bite in bavaria and just so like. Why are we indicting trump over saying? We know, go watch this news network but were not saying anything about bite in you know, that's crazy. At one point, one of the charges again like everything leads donegal, actually- and he told them to turn on this hearing that was going on at the georgia court and he was like everyone go watch the hearing and they put that as one of the counts against her. Had he told
well to watch it like an ongoing court hearing, read all the counts. No, I just saw some of the ones I have were clipping out like now. I kind of do want to go time and go read them all, just to see how ridiculous that we should just have a video where we just list out all the chart, and you can wear like a judge's wig and like read them all. While I wasn't saying I would do it, but no you just Ok, you got yourself depicted on everyone. I hit the gaubert when he was told people to watch one american, our phone, that's illegal, because it's a terrible network not because it is a legal hunter, still a criminal classic hunter and his father, where this whole thing with the alias, That is what you were going to say. Oh, I forgot the name. It was like robert heaters, Robert g peters and robert l peters. I think it was Robert l, pepper, do not peddle pete,
although maybe there yeah, Sorry, this is for the audio listeners under shrugging. Travis is looking at amre, close cabernet, says drugs loudly and we need to austin just say he is shrugging loudly at his is wild. He was like using an alias any told hunter do like make sure to use this here. When you're talking to your business partner, it's it's like! So obvious, what's happening, it's so obvious that they were all getting money through the scheme. I remember habitually, but I like that, then I'm going to be headlined that ran the the like. When was it like the they say that they won't believe, even though there's eye witness testimony and blah blah blah. What, with all the hunters stuff all along there, so much just obvious blatant evident. Its literally, like my dad is sitting here, send us here, be sorry, if re don't send us the muddy
that's the guy we don't know was actually only bribe waiting for you. What was that? It we did on the bag mania for your call with my farm with much like it could be more clear, I've, milk for the big guy and then he he text. What is his daughter or someone saying wireless? I won't make. I love make you. If all your money to me, like I, with my father, I will pay all your bills, like I'm paying for Joe Biden all these text. Messages like that would do to me to where he's like, insulting his dad and and arguing with his daughter and there's another one where he calls jill the c word, and he says all this horrible stuff and then Joe Biden always has to get out there.
like I'm proud of my son and he acts like well. We have still loving family but their whole family and all these text messages I mean even with like hunter like dating beau's widow, and everything like it just seems like a weird messed up: dysfunctional family except that they're all in this money making together to be great, like satirical drama, something that they could you can write. If you could write, this is about divides, would be a great show, soap, opera, a soap opera harper by it being the kramer character. you should read the sketch boobies gets, is happening in that country. Song took off and went viral ye ha where countries are what are called rich men north of richmond by oliver anthem, drowned saga. What was the Adam had thought? I it's I get the saw it started off
good. When I finally listen to a good voice and getting the line where he rhymes, he says, if your five foot, three headway, three hundred pounds, the governments and by your foot, exert heart. There is always some on the knows. No nuance: no sub text. I really Like the lyric, the rich men north of rich men, it is it's a very little when a kind of lyric I like it, and then it there's some. Lines being on the rest of the day, is like miners on an island that was waiting for it to be like a let's go: brandon rhyme yeah, you know and yeah. The guy is a good voice.
It's one of the saga right now. New and current customers can get any phone for free at. U s cellular, so you can connect with all your family members, this holiday season. You could even call your aunt, who always makes you talk to your cousin who's. A dog or you know, maybe just send her a festive text get the gift of connection at. U s, cellular get any phone free. Today? U s cellular built for us terms, apply as a? U us cellular dot com for details, we value human. connection with you were distractions. U s cellular built for us visit your! U s! Cellular authorized agent located in eighteen, fifty two decorator pike in athens. I you actually when they then they say, oh check out this hot new conservative song. It's anti government and I listen I'm like I turn it off. I liked that one I listened to it all. The way through I did feel like some of the lyrics were on the notes like what was the one that just got popular the:
try that in a small town, oh yeah, that one it just felt like he was narrating what was happening. The news footage like word for word, that wasn't as big a fan I dunno it was going to go so good for him. I guess he's on top of all the charts on itunes, all of the oliver and even the pop chart, the oliver anthony yeah, it's like they always have two first names. That's such a thing in the museum too. I think okay and some other real name luke, philip phillip ryan. Is that a contract is wrongly it rain Adams spread. After what happened, I was watching and kevin costing will be weakened, called the guardian and which is basically propaganda for the use. Coastguard but it is a pretty good movie. Actually, the coastguard need propaganda. What has dwelt or new per, whose join the coastguard. Its argument Why is it asked him your name because I'm
a mistake. I just don't think people are generally opposed to the coastguard were the need proper like vat. Only their mission is that the coastguard can push your car out of water by hand we want a basic training, that's your trial to finally benighted having a neighbour of the causes and wandered in less than a third of water as a floating hand. Me the hard. I think it's it's over the like the bumper lip, The and the mass of the cars pushing into the water that's gonna be difficult, have ever carried one, that's alarmist. I carry water team all the time Sometimes I retain water. depends where he was that we could not do the math and see how much extra weight it would be. After putting that extra? We? It is literally extra more resistance? Literally, I guess it depends like where you know the stream what're, you guys are beating heart, is surrounded by a broader, no matter which direction whether you have to push it twenty feet or fifty feet if it's in a depression
all that water is adding weight of resistance to whichever direction you're trying to put out if she pretends it's her child, yes, and she gets the two people who can push that out as drenching and lifted up with a single hair. My gosh emma your child is in that car and then she pushes the car fifty feet out of the water before she realizes she doesn't have a child It goes way as if you hurt me now, and then she puts the car back in order not to lose by anyway, my point was as watching this kind, costume of a writer, and it turned out The end incurred sign was just brain items. I think that's what he did for robin hood and pardon me just really thought there was like a back scenes lag behind us.
his story somewhere was like I'm not doing this movie. Unless Brent Adams is doing it cause I'll just make a huge, probably didn't work, but it was a good movie. They probably do like there's, probably actors that just bring people in their coattails. You know this is my policy. you've got to sign him on. Some of call will not do this without ryan is yeah did Brian. sing for water world. I don't. I never saw water rooms that's why I bought we're living a lot around us. Is that the coastguard? my waterway essential. If the world is the premises that the entire earth is covered in water and all the cars are stuck. You're so hung up on a lot of weight because,
It is highly valued flouted and let her heart for not pushing you wanta alone water and is aimed at their in search of this mythical island, where the cars rip off one hundred these set other cars made it through and I didn't want car can cause, is a terrible car. I I do think its values and many cooper reversal still has the water worldwide show after one may think. So I think that, as of a few years ago, is still going, it's of all the obscure movies that they can also do not that they were kind of bash. They have the water world, I will now it's like it's it's an institution that, yes like. Oh, I want to see a logical extension there's a little fire affect like a fireball. It goes off during it and from the balcony of my apartment. I can see that every night I see the labelling, while the little water work can you your body while they sudanese editing the air. What rules should scoping it's like watching for the deceivers, a new pope, but it's like
climate changes avid coffee, coffee still stuck in waterworld, and now he is on fire. That is not a very sad. It sounds like they're saying, like. Maybe thirteen hundred people are missing right now, it's a lot that they they're just missing. They don't know where they are. Obviously a lot of them are going to they're gonna find up bodies or whatever it's terrible. So a lot of children, probably yeah. The videos are crazy when you see the destruction and families that had to escape into the water. It's very easy weight in the water for hours, and it has been like a thriller movie or something in the modern world. Don't laugh at that. They were saving
I have- then Biden was asked to comment on it and he says no comment, no comment. Oh, but it's important. I I heard this this week. He at first you know they're, saying don't come to maui cause they're using the hotels for for survivors and people. They have said now they want people to come to Maui they need the tourism back like la hyena is, is destroyed, but there's parts of the either still open, and you know they need tourism, money and tourism dollars. It's like. Don't don't cancel your plans to go to had you been, have you been to lahaina, I've never been to Maui I've been to a Y, HU and the big island. I went to Lahaina twice and They had a great plan. Hollywood, oh really, they closed down before the fire. Ok, so then it s my big memory of it to be less lose like the boots that brittany spears war on tournelle, thankfully not in a fire noted them
I have heard that real estate agents happen, train approach where wages are the buildings policy, your. I wonder how true, though I am sure you buy into them. I'm not a dedicated conspiracy theory, but you are, though, now they are the other users. Almost the vocal, the other Yet chandler is there's really into other concerns issues into the adrenaline chrome specific. Without that would strengthen you. I thought about you, All I couldn't let alone instead no one and I have still alive emma's, very big on he's a lot still living environment live beyond the war. Yes, but that's not even a very that's! That's That's not even a theory says that real conspiracy theories that he done in the one that is okay, okay, maybe maybe I
Even some countries very well, he might still be alive. If he's like a mac suit, you could be a robot yeah, but in a jar to that, some of it far fetched. So that's my fellow bernard gonna lie. Another very passionate rose hitler survival. where do you live in south america, yeah, yeah, argentina or yet? I have a word association near my head to remember everybody's dames around the earth, and I was nine of us. I always had conspiracy, theory emma and some sorry if I was wrong with them, I mean that's great. If you're ring I mean I wouldn't be surprised. If people are like hey, I mean do they have home insurance policies that cover the fire, and in that case I could see people trying to poach their land. I dunno I'm sure, there's people that were going to come, exploit and took advantage cause. Everybody always there's always people that do that in a in a crisis, but I don't know
if it was unintentionally set in order to make that happen, though, that's all I know, is soon tat poached. I always assume, like I felt the same way about the bit pandemic. I dont know that it was like plan. The salami or molly ass pandemic all over the world, but I do think blight them one. I do think that screening lab in the name of Withered accidently got out or whatever and then get out of here. Whenever the world like. Oh, we can take it in two thousand. We capital as yes incident exam on the same theory, the rule, then I'm actually floating around water on our conspiracy boat. How do you think about the difficulty of being a satire website and covering things in the news like the maoist? Staff obviously means like you always want the point or the laughter to outweigh any of the like backlash, and you know because its if it's like people don't even get what you were trying to do you know than that. Whatever point you were trying to make a right it, whatever laughs, you were trying to get his just gonna, get buried,
not really worth it, and I was you dont, like there's people, people on Molly, you read the battle on me and you make a funny joke silly joke about it or whatever, and it's like. Ok, well screw you guys, you saw it. but they were really mad about the tv but sire god. Road works. A lot of hay comments which you know in hindsight. It's like, I think also when we public and we we published a headline about the tgv god. What did it say? I don't know I saw that said, like every man still certain, No, it wasn't my headline. I wrote the copy for oh everyone who put it was, something like that. France will ever be. I just didn't know it's like the like MAO. He asks whoever stole the toyota. Please return. It immediately return the tiki fire gods day. At the time I dunno. If I was early enough that the extent of the loss of life- and that's where that's, where you step on it, when you
throw the joke out there too early and then you're like oh shoot. This is actually really bad and then tragedies like that when you do know that, though it's you know, I feel like as a comedy writer. You still want to find someone to say, but you know what one thing has always if, if there are people that you know made mistakes that contributed to it as long as the humor is targeting the people, that's a good example. We did the tiki one disable got mad about Brady bunch reference. I don't I don't it. I didn't write it as that, so I don't know if it was pitched as that. Originally I was checked out of the headlines that week and then someone's asked her. Is it ok to run this headline and- and I said it ocher and a half tiki guy cause? I just I thought it was funny as just good natured humour of like please return the deal. We have fire, but it's like we get fires and covering all the time and people are dying yeah that severity side and really think it was like that and then we, but that because then we publish no online that ukraine one we had in one of the. U plain that's going to ukraine and flies over mary, ok and then we did them about the hawaii official judge, it gets here about this
The reserve, for the sake of equity, didn't want to release the water, lay out a release for six hours. Reacting raise swedish over him. That's the thing are you can target the response in how ridiculous people are being on the back end of it without making fun of the tragedy and don't they have like alarms, systems in hawaii about you know like like nuclear attacks, and things like that and volcanoes. I think they will urge for so they could use them even use the emergency system. That's just crazy to me and that like, if you do have to jump off the island, I mean you re next, all those rights, walks, and you can't just flow in. How long can you flow and see for before? You can come back, like that's just a crazy way to to survive, but I mean it worked for some people but yeah. It's that the idea that the fire moved so fast tat the only way to go with where these houses made over wicker like what is this one of those like wooden knowledge. No, it was a normal town like the city like china,
because the recital in dealing with the which is not nearly as there is no access to water took them are not enough to extinguish the flames and it was something with the wind storm in the way the wind is blowing it. Just. I forget how fast it was at all unsaleable number, but that the fire travel across the island so fast discouraged, and it's not like You know here where there's a bunch of different roads to go to. You know like I've been why but I've been seeing johns and it's like there's three. erodes across island. one? Allow me you can't go the any of this. Three roads. Yes, it's crazy. It's like Canada is only one road follow. Alright, well, that's what's been going on in the news of prayers for maui, oh and also popped in my head. When you said that tiki somebody thought it was a reference to the Brady bunch and that that happened with some frequency on our videos. I've noticed. Sometimes we do no, no, not
under pacifically, but someone we do really put in reference. Yes, two things and then somehow seaboard comment did anyone catch the reference to this? moment the moment, I'm like only I don't what that yeah there was. No reference has already been said, I just went to this. It's like daughter, though I've never seen that I didn't talk to, or I haven't watched the Brady bunch. That's all like your guys, this generation, so Why, in the seventies that elderly and technically is none of our general, the movie, the Brady, but mood It was very brady. Bunch was the thing that was always on reruns and syndication when I was home, sick from school or whatever, but that seems. something you're allowed to watch growing up I? Why would I was allowed to watch the very bunch You say there was an airing new episodes over the new episode. Look at how the actors at that level
I, like you, don't know the reference, though, I'm now going to watch all the brady bunch in slip very obscure references to the brady bunch in all of our videos and see who catches in for the movie, because the movie is actually pretty good and I, like those- and I like the move, because it was kind of self deprecating deprecating advocating the answer Joe Biden, just like the real, my pray, let us, but you might medium club media. That's all I go for just a nice medium so that's all. That's happened in the gas this week. What have you been up to
Adam whatever yeah I was in africa for two weeks. I went there with a there's. A charity called children's hope chest that I do fundraiser shows for here, and they they set up care points in africa where they provide the resources, the kids need to go to school, and then they help their families set up small businesses and they set up a little like savings and loan programs. So people in the community can eventually just start a self sustaining this community. There is always the trick on like africa, charity and tat its early rate instil like how to be self sustaining exactly
so some of these places will need like a water key asked to get water into that area. So hope just will help set up at them, though, leave a local family in charge of that water, kiosk and each family in the area will get say two months and turned the key ask where they get the money that the revenue that it brings in a really great up, because it doesn't create dependency. It's not just you know a hand out and it's giving the people they need to. Eventually, these care points will become self sustaining locations independent of the charity, but it we met a lot of maize and people there we on went on a two day safari we were in ethiopia. uganda down. We did a two day in uganda, which is really awesome, is an amazing trip. You see. Any animals that we may associate saw lions saw hip
saw elephants and drafts lots of beautiful birds not to die like when they call them heart. Beasts like like gazelle and out alone, a kind of creatures eisen they ve cape buffalo, they're gonna meaner than so. It's interesting are on our safari guide. His name was saviour and he Savior save er. Yes, it's a good name for your guide, yeah and- and you know he carried a big rifle with them the whole time, and while we are alive, your savior, a cool, and when we stopped for lunch, I asked him if he ever had to use it. He said he's been a safari guide for twelve years and he said four years ago they had stopped for lunch. The couple that he was taking on a safari and a cape buffalo that they didn't realize was there at first came out from behind the brush and started charging them and he had to shoot in the leg yeah he was the savior. There was people there. Well, there's this guy he's got a cool instagram to where he he posts pics.
If of his safari trips, how like backwoods, woodsy or tribal, did you get like? Did you see? It was pretty so in the in the city's eye in entebbe, uganda, where we flew into is pretty pretty modern city and then the further you get out from that it becomes. You know you see a lot more poverty as the male route from there, and then there are regions where it's mud huts and dirt roads, and we were in a lot of those regions as well and then same with ethiopia in addis Ababa is a city, but then you know it. It becomes more rural, very quickly as safe as that area and like more lords, so uganda right now is pretty safe, except for there's there's areas in the western border with the democratic republic of congo, which is very unstable and there's border areas there that are unsafe. Am the area that we were in. Northern uganda is actually
the areas where Joseph kony, his army, used to operate, and so some of the people that we worked with there that are now involved with chuck hope chest started in that area. Rescuing boys that had been kidnapped by by Joseph kony, his army and now that area. If you go north of there, there's a tribe called the caramel Zhang that are still very primitive and they they have some incidents where they'll come in and raid the towns and stuff, but it it's mostly stable right now and Ethiopia's a lot less stable. When you're in addis Ababa, it's okay and then there there's certain regions that are safe, but their northern border with Sudan just had that, like a rebellion uprising, there's there's some fighting there and then there are lots of regions, especially the border areas of ethiopia, where it's
We were a lot more restricted where we could travel there, but I one of the things I got to is really cool is. I did stand up in the bush for one of the eugen villagers, and so I went when I had agreed to do this asked if they speak english and the tour organizers he said yeah, they speak. I said as long as they speak, english I'll I'll do stand up, but I said I only wanna do like ten or fifteen minutes cause. I dunno what'll work when I got there the day before I found out, they don't speak english, but we had talked about ahead of time getting a local comedian to perform with me. So there's a ugandan comedian named Della pico and I spent the day hang out with him and his friends and then we did this show together and he brought me on stage and kind of translated for me and it went fine, but then I mean he kind of went into his bit. While I was still on stage and then was trying to get me to dance and sing, teach me ugandan and the crowd loved it yeah. I was up there for about a half an hour and only understand about twenty percent of what happened, but it was fun. So,
turned into labor watch watch this american. Yeah, I'd dazedly. Why tat is they set about my men java and that's why I now daggers that kind of thing they may be brought out ass. They brought about, let's see if you can, but nor does it is really awesome, We ask any foreign continents. No, I didn't. I went two weeks is a foreign council I am did. How is it knows? It's there There are actually were, sadly, I when I landed was an hour after the riot, where Brian, the ps by the ps riot in union square, which was like ten black south of where we were so you get when you didn't get.
I guess, but I hadn't been to new york. Since I was fifteen, it was really cool to go. I went to go and got felled, and so it was neat and it was a good time. We I I took my wife and we did. We did a broadway show. We did times square walking around yankees game, mets game, new york pizza. A way like you know, three am new york pizza in new york. Kids is always good. I really enjoyed it Did you eat hotdogs for under yeah we did. I did the euros from a vendor. We vendor renewed a hot dog from a vendor. So at you I was a fan of now. Admittedly, we were like near times square, so it was just a very touristy and just lit up all day all night, so it wasn't like. I don't think we were in any of the spots that people would say that muggings have increased or whatever. So you didn't ride the subway. I didn't read the subway we did. We took the subway to the yankees game. and admits game was actually was of a. I was on get filled, I left got filled and I walked around
building and you know, like the crowd, comes out. Yeah yeah and I didn't realize that's where they were coming out. As people were like: oh yeah, they always they. They see you as you leave villa maria and so shaken hands, and I was I was like ten minutes late to the mets game cause I was gonna, get out and got filled and go to. The mets game and it's all to people where income shirts and they were the mets- were playing the cubs that day and I was like, are you guys going to the cubs or mets game and they're like yeah? We came here from Chicago or big babylon bee fans? Oh my! Oh, do you know how to get Isn't there like, we think we take the subway. Am I up? Can I just come with you, so you went with them to them, yeah, this random random fans from the audience which was cool and they didn't mug near kill me that's good for him, so that was positive thing the Babylon defending destroy. When I was in ethiopia, I was talking to mickey who's, a great guy he's the head of children's hope chest in ethiopia. He told me this there and at dinner the one night he started talking to our director about all the you know: gender nonsense in the: u s the politics here and stuff, and he goes oh. I saw this great comedy video.
What about this us kid had a spelling bee who asked them to define woman, and I I go yeah. You know who wrote that the Babylon bee that's, who we work for and his his jaw dropped. He was you wrote that you read, I just get off and he was over there in ethiopia. He he had been seeing our our spelling bee sketch a circle. I always wonder cause you look at the Google analytics and it's like you know. Ninety us I mean you'll, see like one yeah yeah, you understand or something that is mickey. Did you guys do anything as cool as there is no fresher Emily germany? certainly when I buy house so that also regulations, that's fantastic. I announced before us. I feel like. A loser. I didn't do anything my writing like picking out colours and has the moving in process
going all done. No I'm done for the most part, most part hazarding surprised about. Like I don't know the house, the area the like so nobody move in and then you're like. Oh, I didn't expect this for website address for better Why so I like the town better than I thought I weren't yeah cause I when we got a super. Yes, the ends up unless positives somewhere in southern california, but up drove through to look at another house before and we I guess we drove through it. The most ghetto area of it, and so expect no one more, and I know what you he out and his actually not as bad as I think that part a much later than they built the other per year and all the poor people are people who are allowed to say get. I I think you can describe it I feel as get it. But are you lead to call something again, I'm sure. There's no reasons
can I just say ratchet by you as ratchet area? You know where I'm not allowed to be white and go through those areas alone or making areas. Yeah yeah, I didn't say anything about skin yeah, but I feel for you. I finished a video game. Did you have any units? Oh, it was called man hunter, it's about a shark, oh really, yep! That's it! Do you play as the shark you play as the shark really yeah and you could get the people he gets, eat seals and sea turtles and fisher majority one. We are currently around now authority desert thinking of wake up, you're thinking of the water, now It is a treaty behind the shark. It was moderately fun is someone playing the opposite game. Were there the person a wish?
trying to get away from player, everything that would be cool. I would be cool, it would be cool and it's just impossible to win or you just stay on land and then they can get you yeah yeah it'd be a terrible game and the one thing I really do like about it was, though, is that as you're playing it's just this absurd. You know shark game is that there's a narrator and he's talking like a national geographic personally are the shark as he comes out to people on the beach that it makes the unsuspecting swimmers it's the personality. That games was really action. alright, everyone well thanks for joining us on this Babylon bee, not weekly. There will not be a subscriber portion because we're not going to do that anymore, though now, but we are going to be recording some bonus, episodes that only subscribers get listen to LA yeah be sure to check out our only subscribers. You do it
do we start all of those episodes with saying oh yeah yeah, oh yeah, I drove behind a truck today that had an only fans giant only fan sticker and then like the username or something. But unlike isn't that weird, like I I didn't look, conceive, was a girl or a guy. It was dr biggest non all only fancies bad ray, I didn't use. Is it our posts to be? There are people that there are people who use lake. I know comedians that would put their com What he moses pretty! I think it's sexual content yeah with other weird to like advertise, because I feel like he didn't want people to know like who you actually are other. I dunno, I think so they really want the clinic or from their family and friends. If they're doing that kind of work, but then I think some people, it's like any any publicity- is good publicity. They promote themselves wherever they can. Maybe this was just the best that could you tell
The family dramas. I've never told my family yeah in arkansas. They do and only fam, where it's just naked pictures for their relatives. Thanks everybody and we'll see you guys next time. This moment of calm is brought to you by american national, because life on the farm is stressful and insurance shouldn't be american national, relax, we're here: american national property and casualty company and affiliates springfield Missouri.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-18.