« The Babylon Bee

The Dust Settles On Bee Live And Dilbert

2023-03-03 | 🔗

Kyle Mann, Jarret LeMaster, Brandon Toy, and Chandler Juliet reunite on the other side of Bee Live for some deep reflection. What went right? Everything. What went wrong? Nothing, it was perfect.

We also dig into some news and cry over hate mail (it’s so sad). And could it be a special Sizzler Facts? Tune in to find out! 

Scott Adams of Dilbert fame got canceled this week and Lori Lightfoot was last seen under the Misty Mountains looking for a gold ring.

In the subscriber-only portion we discuss some firsthand accounts of the Bee Live experience before digging into some classic subscriber headlines.

This episode is brought to by Allegiance Gold where Bee listeners can get $500 in free silver: https://allegiancegold.com/bee/

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Covert. Nineteen came from a lab just like conspiracy theories, said three years ago lightfoot is no longer mayor of Chicago. last seen under the misty mountains. Looking for gold ring dealer I've happened and boy or by arms, tired dillon albania is now selling lenders to women work. Lady stands. Women belong in the kitchen, alessandra moron, vote Babylon. Why did that that all at us we weren't zaragoza gather knows, but I didn't for different rods. Hey everyone work into the back. On be pod. Astronomy like a pause, goes unnoticed because we're We are used to now the applause of a thousand people through and I'm going. I we're going about this oil broughton. You be live going to talk about, but the most of what we have an announcement to make. It is our
Birthday yay have you, hey day, to be buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz or that to be mad about baptizing the Babylon bee In the same way, I've been in his birthday, we have like eight mahars, germany, it was beautiful, marijuana evenness was I want you to start doing like these. like whitney houston like hey? Why does she need to do it when you just? Did it so beautifully that point I like to take, but not going to be as funny, because she can actually do it yeah like that? Oh goodness, no, but that put boat but like this like there's, even if you don't know enough notes
two new all the music video we did, we might as you know, but it's a doesn't match at all, well, have you ever imagined as well, doesn't even match the up and downs that are gonna, move your hand or annulment yeah? Well guys we are, we might look a little tired, that's because we just got back from a weekend in texas we did Babylon be live our very first ever live event and while a friggin bull, No, we saw a lot of you guys out there and it was insane and also when we got some will have some more reactions later on we'll we'll kind of breakdown. What went down and actually coming soon you'll actually be able to see the podcast portion cause upon cast episode. So once we get the files, all edited and stuff you'll get to see, be live on stage at least a portion of it. They are downloading as we speak, yes and they are very large file very large. I was like, oh maybe I can click on this and see some of the video
no I'm not gonna die only a hundred gigabytes, it's all tax related isles stuff. I can't wait to see I can't wait to relive at all our again, I'm seeing the pictures and it just so much from having withdrawals Now we ve got a lot of time and effort into that event like any theatre production like you feel like sad when it over as a man that was all over one night. I hope we do multiple days in the future. Is that when I suppose virus of pins, I might add music. I actually have, though, when I had not married. You know that's what I did do birds but, as we know the I felt like so tired the next day I My wife is never led down either. She always goes she's fine, because when we came back home after the whole event, she she's like. I actually feel this lake emotional, let down from the weakened, because it was so much beyond like
I don't think I've ever had them it's fun yet alive at all on the rails, which is what it through their true artists to even the next day as they arise. It's like scheme going on. There is nothing like I wouldn't maggie level of random company meeting the next morning, and then, when we left that. We wouldn't got a cigar. Am I correct, and it will have fun and there- and I was like halfway through my cigar and act like eyes. I'm going back to the hotel It goes, and I just correct, should that I was there. I was there just kind of sleeping on the table my wife and destiny were kind of talk. Is that little I went out with a couple of be employees, we met up with some subscribers at at a local hunky tank. I learned what a hunk it on. What is an ugly to guinea is like it's like a bar slash. arcades lashed little pull tables you now. I think the definition of only two and dancing, therefore alive southern muse. Yeah, I didn't hear any live southern music, but it was not zella get someone it was kind of, like is kind of like in our case except our house, and the upstairs
I went to the hunt anti, I was gonna, that, and I got so tired of we work. We were still tired. has also just trudging round the stockyards very slowly like an old man like it all out. I felt like butter scraped over too much bread, nothing of the sort of strasser. really good way to describe it, but will talk a little more about beleive later in the show, but we also got news of the week says: are facts, hate, mail and more so guys? Thank you so much reporting subscribing to the Babylon bee. You guys have kept us going for the last seven years. The last four years, the subscription service only launched the seventh birthday. It is today that adheres yeah seven dog year, unlike the on stage you sid six years and while I was in my script, was or do you now read anything you put it that way, today, so he wasn't wrong. You know when we wrote descriptors months ago and it was fixed youth. I didn't realize or be button right eleven months, but if you like,
hey, I'm twelve and a half. You know. Beware! When you're six and when you're a kid and like the day before your birth someone asked you hold, you aren't you like, around here and what we can actually I'm sick and well. Everyone weeks time for subscriber dear If his subscriber will do anything for money just about the Babylon bee lives because of subscribers, and we will do anything to get your subscription, so we have a subscriber, dare I have a subscriber dirt is in two parts. Firstly, I want to hear dan or kyle's reaction to this calvinist me to have dan. Do it? Calvinists talking about destiny, and it's is that drake drake is putting his hand up like Nona, and then it says calvinists talking about predestination he's like yeah. I don't really get it to be honest with you, that's my reason: they're saying that destiny and predestination are the same thing yeah, but I don't like
I would be fine calling destiny liquid. What does your destiny like? Yeah? Destiny is in the word predestinated literally, what s a frog leans created in egypt are predestined or destination. I don't you just can't call a destiny as calvinists. I guess I guess if they're saying that people that are kind of more spiritual, no religion or like I just feel like it's, my destiny, you know kyle is very protest. I am protest in the end it is I found I was married to another man. I found my destiny. I've been with my destiny for the past. He's married to another man. It was his destiny, it straight with a threat. out of it a better and to that end is definite miami area. May I just never sixteen years and as a secondary cobblers dobler, whatever history he knows, of the man family, their origins, entry into the nobility contribution to the creation and the feudal system we have-
chequered passed and then he needs to give an elaborate school a queen, the epidemic of the man clan, thus deliverance from gideon Lee man. Also, his last name is meant as well sensing a combination of our two last names, lemen Lee master. I see what you say manchester, yet humor detached a regal aim. I dont know much about the man, families, history, to be honest with you, my dad is for Michigan. His grandpa had a farm there in the ear he so he can and grew up working on the farm. My mom is from southern california. The thing to her I had been here for awhile, I think, should they got some roots in pennsylvania or something a couple of generations back, and I know we have some relative that was like on the mayflower or something did you guys move to the united states at a particular time? Do you know and may from where, like the mayflower and so that on the mayflower, that's who he came out, can you are yeah? So
some from from england, that I know that we have some irish, some german and some some like english little bit of this little bit of that now, so I dont know thou, that's that's I know, and I dont what is a soliloquy. Is that, like a poem now that it's like a monologue that it now to be or not to be, as a suitable cooing nod, I think a soliloquy definitely come ass a model. I didn't look a lot among monologues when you're alone, on stage I went to correctly, we just identify way just set as soliloquy, and I think that we have heard is wrong. Well, it knows you're telling us turn to the other. the mat to be a man or not to be a man. That is the question to come from england and ireland and have so many bits of different people in your soul. The mayflower power, this very our michigan farm
no harm. I'm not sure if this is the soul of our very slow freestyle, just got lost, I get lost at an own, have behaved as just a really cigars railway. You guys came from your family's iron. Ramona, ireland do know how long you ve been here in the city where we are prior. I think I think on my dad side, I think, like four four generations are three generations to shuffle off. This is its top return here because it is cold in here thus in the story of the man family. I will die and freeze to death in this room. That was beautiful. That is the soliloquy. Are you called why'd you take after That is our challenge as I wore the hoodie on yesterday's show, and I didn't want people, I think you're, an outfit repeater bow! I wore the sure yesterday to more than I wore this. Yes we're the interviews accepted. They get lit legally get spaced out now knows when we record now. I know, but I announced that I worked in my city, where my hoodie all the time, because it's been so cold last few months and I feel like I just don't want always have to say
yeah it snowed last week in southern california. We, MR stuck it document, ass. There was like two inches flow kind of sad that we mister miss the snow. We were the one we were in texas. There is like the crazy of their two's, it clinking leg. Can we control the weather. I mean not we but like kin, people control the world. I got very conspiracy. There is about his leg with a dream. Is there a certain group of noble that can control the weather, light lasers. If we turn honour ovens alot, maybe we can control the let the weather, but wouldn't that make it high We can learn a lot of carbon, yet I would make one that make a warm, though melt this now that would be controlled. The weather yeah, but there's some kind of like a reverse. I think the technology exists. There's like The dances incantations not to be a fire come on now ancestral, though heritage speedy of your answer. When, when did your family media, are we getting too
ones. I just want to know- I mean I think they want to know too. I think I will, I don't think, I'm third generation third generation american yeah. So from like nineteen twenties or something like that. Nineteen thirties, I think forties I mean- depends which side of the family but yeah very interesting. That's cool thirties forties, hey, let's find out. What's in the new knew this week, Scott yeah Adams got cancelled. That's the dilbert gone after calling black people, a hate group and warning white people to get the h dash dash dash away from them. He made the comments on his youtube, show real coffee with Scott Adams. I bet he doesn't take his coffee black
or at least not from black people- and he really is reacting to rasmussen- reports, pole of a thousand people in which only fifty three percent of black said they agreed with the statement. It is ok to be white. Twenty six percent said no, it's not ok to be white and twenty one percent said we're not sure. I think this to me bothers me because does Paul's are not necessarily representative that touch. My reaction gamble easy easy on our way. We don't take that so much so seriously. if people voted additionally and maybe I'll eat my words? I don't really actually believe that Scott Adams is racist. I think he said something incredibly stupid, but I don't think he really believes that I think he I think he was trying to speak hyperbolically and saying if we are going to be treated this way. Maybe it's best to stay away. I don't know he inherently believes and harbors a racial prejudice in his heart as much as cultural observer.
but maybe I'm wrong, maybe as racist. I can't really say I know, said johnny on racist. I actually think it's as liberal cause he's a liberal. I think. He might have been just saying: we need to leave the black community alone. Don't you you were saying that her was algeria's, like waivers like making the point that you shouldn't like drive through black neighborhoods august haliae sport some people have lived rather we live near them hurt. I think it sounds like he's succumb to the division. That is being stoked not exactly. I think, like poll is one that is trying to divide people like. Why would you, even when you have this, fall and put out this positive policy? Have the white people don't want you to exist? That's like that's literally trying to divide us and he fell for it. I agree with you yeah hammer sad thanks and yet so it, sir anyway, he lost his. He lost his comics indication in his book. Publisher dropped him, and how can I were they? Actually I cancel they were very few or they were that very bad comments.
we're not against cancel culture in the sense that if you say something remarkably stupid, there are consequences too, that I think our problem with council culture as it be, is that we say incredibly innocuous things like men cannot become women and that creates up uproar. Yet this was this was a very good thing for him to say very varied. I'm stupid things. Well we don't have to pretend dilbert is funny anymore yeah. I dunno my dad just a loved one as a child. I don't know why. But I used to take the sunday paper and I would read through every single comic, including doonesbury, like I never understood it, but I read and including kathy eke cabinet. Did you read non sequitur? I read yes, I read I worry that when I read everything- and I I have a lighter- and I don't understand why people think it's funny- I used to love it. I think I did, but I mean it was like
First, I think these are no nothing devours. I was like the farther and bizarre slowing down our side and I think he was occasionally funny and occasionally was moderately non sequitur. I asylum are good ones as it gets. I, let's all agree calvin and hobbes cabinets by far number one far here If you read the unease, Chandler you're either you look, you haven't blank. Look I'm sorry! I was looking at. Had and I will go out- and I think that all your staring at me I do like. I- should not have taken a sip of liquid before what look in the massage. Remember that thing about that was that weird thing that went around a couple of years ago, that was telling me liberals ain't no telling the kids to commit suicide. What was that weird structure? oh mamma, Mamma mamma wasn't mama wise. Yes, he looks like mama, yes the centre of the other, A hoax thing happened upon videos. Now it's like telling kids resent. I dont want
Look at the screen anymore, I was gonna. Ask you guys if you thought that that, because I, when I saw like the reveal of the nose job, I was like of sad because insipid know you still don't look like a girl, and I was like I'm upset because, like he looks a lot more feminine now and I had no idea, Just one notes, nobody, nobody out, and we still it's like I got here I mean the combination of lighting beauty filters and other other colleague, professor airy, careful there very careful. The way that the photograph things I guess they wanted to anyone here, like one killing Caitlin jenner, was on the cover of that vulgar. Whatever like there's a. There is a particular reason than his hands were behind his back, because they can't make male hands look feminine. They just looking man threatens looking at I'm sorry, I'm trying to hide the gravy and, besides, I would say, allotted to him we'll get some women like get too much six surgery, and then they end up. Looking like a trans person- and I'm not like madam, like Madonna, looks like too much too much work and el when, as they are at their the really
movie. I know we're gonna skipping ahead, like that persons is a well funded influence or religion. It is never any story now. Allegories and access has anyone seen the the mat walsh rant on dylan moving from from a week or two ago now I think I saw its fate. Still you desire. He tears into him. A lot of people are criticising was too harsh driver. I think it's. You know just It is about the right amount of our story. Is the dome of any is selling five hundred dollar kitchen aid mixers now stick your face and you can look like him and there are others. There is a social media picture of the other. Brazil is answering him now and it's is offered you need. or of the years hibiscus and its inspiring me to conquer my fruit phobia, I don't think you ve got fruit that What fruit do you guys know I liable for all your bold pops of color and hibiscus lets me bring that vibrancy into my kitchen and he has internal fruit phobia. So that's the way. I thought that was good
never having three thanks for reading that I'm looking anywhere became. So let's go to the next story, which is that fbi director Christopher re says that the covert nineteen pandemic was likely caused by the family farm data were in February. Twenty twenty senator Khatami cot was the first high profile politician to say that maybe it came from the lab and on wall heights. In a march, twenty two and a group of scientists signed an open letter condemning these conspiracy theories that suggested that coven nineteen does not have a natural origin, vouch. He refuted trump in April twenty. Twenty, who said lots of people are looking into the possibility that the china virus china, china via china, chattering hyena. That's it. China large came from the lab Then, in February twenty twenty one, the world health organisation seminal applicant, Johan, was extremely unlike likely and Zena fell back within it. Twenty one, the fbi said, the lovely theory was probably true with moderate confidence for next year,
I want to? I want to throw the wall street journal and near times for the department of energy has included with low confidence that cover nineteen originate in the laboratory and if the outer edge of christopher re says it's likely so that remain We have a hilarious babylon, be article that's something along the lines of to catch up on no news today, man, conspiracy, blog from three years, exactly it's true like you can get the same information for the new york times today that you could have gotten from a conspiracy, blog, with a little illuminati symbol at the top like this three years ago, three years ago, who wrote that that one dark heresy? No, no! No, who wrote that headline. I just want to give credit. I did, did you? Was it really? Okay, know, then you were just trying to I didn't know I didn't I didn't. I thought you wrote that again, who wrote that again that my client takes credit for that one. So well, that's nice!
all right, so we wanted to do in the next door. Lorry lightfoot lost a real action for chicago mayor, failing to get enough votes to, into the run off election saccharine bones where, where shows the first black and openly gay mayor and chicago in, were still being murdered. Office hours ass, our ass, I don't know much about her leadership, but when I saw like the name of like the help leaders of like the united states, they all just look like scary characters and brutal jews? They are like. Ok, I don't want to take any advice for is usually this deserted. The l, a county director of health she's, like she looks like she's a hundred and fifty eight or winter, just got like what here like a placid she's like this area in your homes, to stay healthy as ever see the rachel asean. Ok
but did you guys ever see the all that lorry lightfoot centers staff- yes, I shared it in general generally, our they are better. She she was mad. as they weren't giving her enough on her staffers we're not giving her enough time in office. As she rightly has an answer: jonesy rights in capital, letters and she's. Like I need office time, I need off his time. I need office. I'd like theirs is met It was you that if you re a daily lightfoot easy veritable not so like absolution in this she's she's not like Did you see that video, where she paused as a superhero and said she was gonna, kill covet like, and she thought this would like improve its image it. Also. She was one of the ones along with Nancy Pelosi that was caught in the early covert times going to do her hair and she needed to because she's a public figure and would improve her image hate to break the tours. You had a bunch of weird, not much. That would start with your under eye circles and then move. No. It wasn't gonna go there, but I was just going to call her chandler went there,
she loves the dylan or leaning types does sound like and like, and like this surprised, look all the time. Doesn't she yeah she had a surprised, look just trying to like I woke up and telling us that it has its own restart the catches out. How long till she blames her failed reelection on racism, oh yeah, I'm afraid you ve, probably heard of you guys, haven't read that that email that you need to read it for us. It is absolutely the creed I mean at what point will we get along its democratic tag, videos to their pretty? Why? and what time all democratically so we're women were, laboratories and public officials have take toxic, there's the cringes thing ever like Why are we will fall for that? Like they're like pointing like now, we're gun, violence, weird brand or no it's just at what point will politicians ice initially set democrats, but republicans do just take responsibility that if you're
add, lie to your bad leader and not blame it on some aren't eatable characteristic, as if oh people are treating you this way, because you're black or because you are lesbian. How about? Just because you were absolutely terrible at your job. People don't become public officials to be good leaders, though they do it to be like that right there, like cool, probably set for life, it's not going to a few jobs that you can fail up at. Like you look at come, Garris is a complete failure and everything she's ever tried and she's the vice president. She got two percent of the vote. She was pulling the two percent of the vote because she's a black woman, yet just because of interest only it has and it was er pete, pete buddha judge, who was a complete failure of a mayor now like being in charge of all the tutus. It's just like what why like because he's gay, but I would say that on both sides like there's, a lot of officials that are just like mediocre. I beg pardon there's no, like our system is too, we fail us and the people are really in charge. You can't go in or out.
May I dont want to lean into that is. As Republicans I mean, I don't even like us at whose really and charged him like I've previously set on. Forget it. I like having a care about republicans. I have no idea who care about conservative governance, but even like on Nicky hayley ticket were her campaign video? She said something about I'll, kick back and citizens I'm wearing heels. It hurts even more or something like that. it's like okay does not lean into the identity. Politics, that's what the left is a woman. Exactly that's that's what the left does. How about? Let's see, maybe she was eleven without going into companies. What competence Yeah said I I can't wear heels. wiki here. Yes, yes, George, washington, war, heels and wouldn t sodas bruno mars, you say and wouldn t and wooden
oh and he wouldn't he. He also. He also stepped down from leadership and completely for actual people who cut down a cherry tree and said I cannot tell a lie: that's completely, factual, those two things in his stovepipe hat of course. So two weeks ago we debuted a new feature to the podcast called sizzler. We go and says the we'd go and says the two weeks ago, two men was a timely two weeks. Time flies was us, was really eighty ladys and so long, but it's only meant to weeks is that it's been very popular? Did you know that certain effective neighbourhood on march second, two thousand nine blogger, mormon heretic described scenario he experienced with his brother around the year of ninety nine for great air for births. The mormons heretic, but I read myself, had his back to another booth, but what his brother witnessed will shock you, the brother side, dining couple happily partaking of the freedom of choice is offered by both the sizzler, salad bar and all.
Of life itself in that fleeting ninety. Ninety four moment, the male half of the couple chose the opportune moment to make a proposal of marriage well to his female companion. Dig act words he spoke are unclear, but the very well may have been as follows. Shelly we ve been going steady now for at least two days and much like the steak. I ordered, I think it's going well. It's time, take our courtship to the next level, the sizzler level. When I look at you, I think of salad and the infinite possibilities provided by scissors bountiful choices. You are like four wives in one. How can pass it up? I can't your love is pierced me like a secure through the shrimp of my heart,
I love you, we go together. I cheese and bread toasted. Even leader perfection. I can think of no one better to rule myspace planet with after death. Then you, my sweet sizzler queen. Italian fingers. Will you marry me? You can be my first and possibly last wife they said, probably because he propose that sizzler, I'm I'm always a little like weirded out. When you see people like actually turned down a proposal, but I've seen that I've seen it before. Really it was awkward yeah like this guy. Did it in front of an auditorium full of people, but I wonder if, like if you get to that point, you shouldn't know it was like during an altar call. I think I think my mind
made my dad wait for something like three days, though like so she can. I say: let me piled on it. I knew it. I need to go, prohibit without thought. That's. Why am I dead asked my mom on April fool's day, not realizing it was April, and so she said I will give you an answer to my that's fair to make sure you're not siskiyou. This is their made it so We very much like the steak. I ordered, I think it's going well should have a medium medium. Well is also needed. They done this appeal hearing awhile. He ordered well, if you don't mind, Well, like a guy that orders here that proposes that sizzler orders a wealth of she probably. Is it that's what we want. now, that's why she turned what you guys the bullet. You can do well done a stimulus, medium, rare or nothing at all. We assuming going or mechanism, because the mormons to get a long answer. I leads
you're, just gonna run with it. Ok, but like other, but it was a utah's hazards probably want to discourage honestly sizzle come in we'll do high Babylon b, I want to share my own sizzler childhood story. As a first generation immigrant family, going to sizzler was a special treat that we enjoyed going on it's a first generation going on a select sundays. church dad made a minimum wage, is a janitor in dressing. Was nice like morphing firm, has I think two italians are on. I watched puss in boots over the weekend and mom was just mom, was a stay at home mom, so we couldn't afford to eat out often, but when we did, the choices were clear and we alternated between jacobs, and sizzler sizzler, my parents loved the endless salad bar and I loved the endless southern shrimp. My earliest, We at sizzler was spilling my sprite at the table, while my
IRAN's were decided bar, I freaked out and left the table. Looking for my parents, king, no one would ever find out who spilled this bride. I was six years old when I came back Whither rattled me out rather me out Nancy offered the mean this bill and bring me a new soda I'll and a valuable lesson that day to always be honest and that they sizzler staff, is there for me now the father and I'm looking forward taking my son to the same sizzle. My barons used to take me to in burbank, remind my son that if he spills his bride, this is staff is there to assist us even in our clumsiest moments, sincerely at midtown you, We have learned that it sounds like a sizzler staff to me gas, so I Something else is their spirit. I dont over the burbank one is, but there. One in los angeles, which is very close to burbank at a discourse los release, or that one could be closed down and I'll never get to show some real lesson. I have like as areas where one up in burbank.
yes, a little sick. What are we actually have, as we should have a party like about mombi party? This is, I think I spent during the christmas party there. I don't think so. Let us get everyone, let us, dare I fixed it all antonio, also wrote in pursuit of their comments it. This is the sad best outside of the clothes sizzler in lakewood and access That is all. There is one of a rather well in los angeles, and we should go therefore, don't while researching since their facts, lots of times we search sizzle in the new tab and google- and I would say nine times out of ten the news stories that unease as long close, it's always that closed or a car drove through the front tested the to store because we're in the end times that's why settlers are closing. I was driving to work one day and I saw in one of those digital billboards a similar opening. I saw that, on that, like a city that I will mount as ngos yeah for you
I saw that and I tried to get my you know that you're gonna get learning driving a grand opening and you'll have a cigarette in car, and then you can t we should go to the green opening and cut the ribbon. I love you too vague. We might have something to do with the resurrection sizzler if it happens, I'm not saying it's, I'm not saying you are musk did it for us. You have exploited factually since we started sizzler facts for now. I think approximately fifteen since the restaurants of classes are slowly the tat one has opened slowly, the data is billion, everyday are now. It is time to move on. To our babylon be lie. Recap the dollar just hit a seven months blow. Why would you trust your harder and savings with onstage we'll governments, printing, more money while on the brink of default protector. financial future with something real gold and silver from my friends legions goal a leader, gold can help. You protect your I re or forum kay with physic.
Well, gold and silver or, if you prefer, haven't delivered securely right to your front door, legions gold has the highest ratings in the industry. Five stars with trust link. a triple a rating with business, consumer alliance and an a plus with better business bureau, get up to five hundred dollars and free silver with a qualifying purchase when you visit allegiance gold, dot com, slash b or give them a call at eight four seven, nine, zero, nine one, nine one! We may. be able to control the policies of the vine administration, but we can prepare for the consequences. protect your future with legions go visit allegiance gold, dotcom, slash, be or call eight for four Seven, nine, zero, nine one! the Babylon bee. Why so about a year ago,
had the crazy idea to do alive live event, and it took a long time to kind of get the date in stone, but it happened. We ended up doing it in february last week and it will as a blast. We didn't really know what alive babylon be event. Would look like so we had to build this from scratch and I had this vision like years ago to do Babylon be like a babylon, be con, you know we could conflict, calm the fan, pecan yeah. That was an early name of the kanya of the event, but it sounded too much like beacon. It sounded too much like big con and long con. That's what we're doing well ed mancha and akon is already a thing. It's like eight here is cut, get together and discuss bs. I'm sorry. I said oh you're, a player, the that's what they call that, so we would have a lot of fused people with bees say that again, what is the name of evil? How about the american hans seeds? They say one were to appear: ok, abs, why don't? We call it battle con,
the devil gonna be good. To have only sounds like you would be sorted like a really bad party to go to come to babble. Babble compatible, can't be storing gave alone, but we is, we entered kind of hammering out at first time, kind of a one evening event more. We did a much a stage comedy. We didn't live podcast. We did some panels and we had some prerecorded segments in some life science and it was a blast. It was so cool to see the looks on people's faces and just the laughter here, the laughter from the three guys who were learning but now jerry I place, was allowed to areas like a special. We were just talking about before the pike asked how we practise this show in front of an empty room for months and there was like no laughter if you and your it'd be like how was that guys seeing it? How was that guys who were like that was good was good.
just like there was no lack of any you know, heard its exams in only wrote that oaks and all that you like I had conference. They would do well, but we had seen it actually happen, but when you get to allow Show the energy your feeding off from the audience and just bouncing back before them. It was a blast and were already talking about. Maybe what we might do next year for four be love and how we can expand that into more of a week. It experience for everybody to hang. It was so keen to see the community of people absolutely amount that have been affected by the bee and the people that were coming up to us and thanking us saying I had a really dark time during the pendant. I found you or you know it's just died. I lost all hope and then you guys were given. Laughter and you like, while angriness random jokes about life, labs living under part, was just being able to see the faces of the people and being able to put faces, who usernames here I mean two plus two chicken was their stinky. Stankievitch was theirs like engineer, was their little jet. I was their cargo cargo was there but she doesn't count as justice near subscribe.
anymore. I heard her she's she's he's just descended into her own space or run until we are cool man early and sorry for anyone that I must. I and others might react. Homemaker, tired mamma, a billion people were those that guy the red glasses he and I are gonna which, when we met cocaine, bear. I think that was my favorite. Well, it's just sort of meeting all of the meeting. All the people that we ve heard about, I think pudding faces two names and then being able to see how it really is actually affecting people's lives. My favorite story was this: in the intermission there was a guy. It came up to me, who was an f eighteen fire by low, annie this cowboy had on did. He was like the real deal and he came up to me and he was like look
I came back from the war. I had nothing means like this he's like the country that I had gone to fight for was gone. I civil war, the civil yeah, then he he just said he said when I discovered you guys you kind of brought me back from the brink and I was like he had to be kidding me. I tell that to Joe Barry. He was like really touched by that too. It's just. He has a passion bird soldiers as well people that have come back from the war. It was so cool, though, and there are multiple stories like that- I also met brandon's. What is inline is there who is your brother in law or your cousin, cousin, your cousin, my wife's small s cousin and he loved brain. He absolutely love I was branded like did he have a teacher with all of brandon's face, know that he would like your ted cruz sure he loved you so much like he was what a what a great
granted, I work on a family. We actually got to stay with, while his his his parents. We we got there to texas a little early and they just rolled out the the hospitality carpet and made us me. was it but to what a great family- and we got to spend some time with them and got to play some board games with him to play DA ryan lau cats above and below for the first time, which is I liked it all? I think the event was extremely healing and it was healing for me and my mom, that's a common and be a part of this community, and I really want to rent a car. Doesn't look so pretty and such a light like she was such a core person by them I did not think you did meter. I met a thousand people lang. She got me in the room with like minded people and an does everyone getting too like reunite. after so much isolation over the past two years, I think that people really grateful. I was really great
All that was like I've never done anything like that, but I've done shows like big shows before. In this case it was just so healing to be in a community of people that is there so much love in that room. I really really was very hewing church too. was miraculous. I honestly, I have a broken. Tell I broke it like a week ago by a healer end went no. It hurts like a more afraid of you, probably think, but when we did the show zero pain at all eyes, I'm just gonna live all adrenaline ears. Regional and I'm just gonna tell em just in case you, I think was the lord. He like I was able to just walk really no problem and then you know like that scene in the princess bride. When he's all paralyzed and he stands up like, I actually have the strength to stand and then he in the room and he collapses. I was limping tie him up, when he caused literally limping until that first moment when I walked down. I said what can a battle and be live, and then you know it just all went away like he was so cool and I think adrenalin helped yeah yeah the address.
Lenin painkiller has very kindly warfare weekend, We weren't even allowed to drink until, like the second half, so it wasn't the alcohol thing we weren't allowed yeah, but also gm kyle matt go ahead. Brin dunno. I already said what I had to say. Did you say jews? I said she was saying adrenaline help, but also also jeez. You Jesus Jesus Jesus. Also, ok got it. You know,
It was ass, though, that I cannot wait for the next one at all as such wrong. I was sad it when it was over and what's your favorite part of the programme itself, not not meeting people, not only in greece, not the outside of that, but the programme itself. I I mean it's hard for me to say being part of a lot of em, but it was like it was so called the seed the stuff that we wrote in the comedy that we wrote get such a massive reaction from the crowd, and I kind of warn people right before us like. I know that we can practise practising this to an empty room, but remember to leave a pause for laughter because you're gonna get it he could own like we hadn't people on
then ready for that way to comes, even though I think probably my therapist be life, be radio love which was just so fond and it was fun to do it in my country. Have it affirmed that, like Europe, that was a brilliant idea very and we did it in the end it was so fine, and I I told Austin and he's a little hard of hearing. I think one of his ears is: is jeremy bottom up some hearing loss and I was like say a joke and then wait because you're gonna get any. Doesn't you must stay performance. You know he was great and it was so gratifying for him in austin doesn't do stated performances so for him to do lady alive, which is baby the bee radio broadcasts and to do the job I an impression here, as part of as part of the prices rising sketch, so not ever what'll, so even when we really somebody's assets online not have ones can be able to see. But after the the Joe Biden sketch, where Austin brilliantly portrays Joe Biden for the rest of the night, austin is just wandering around in character as Joe Biden looking lost
through the audience, and it's not captured on cameras, because the cameras are pointing towards the stage, but he was just wanting to the audience it was. It was now did you miserable love that indonesia and the very end of the night he came back on stage knows is still here. It's supposed to during the b awards diddy. I can't remember, if you know oh yeah, the yeah. I don't think he did, but the other thing that I wanted to say in terms of how what what made the show special, not a particular segment, but the fact that so many different people were involved. Yeah, like the thing I love about the Babylon bee, is that it's not a person. It's not a come out to see this one man show or this guy's really funny cause. You see those you know. Christian comedians are comedians. Go like one night only this guy, you know, but it's like just that. The Babylon bee is bigger than any. Give us a team. Such a cool rotation of people on there were people that are, you know, behind the scenes, photoshop brasilia, bettina down and then and down that we got to go on stage and have their moment of doing something, and I just love that, and I was on stage the whole for actual everyone. Every one got to do a little bit, but mostly I wanted
said I had one thing that I really enjoyed about. The programme was just getting that room. Under that. Every single person onstage like shines, own way and got to get like. Oh a specific laugh from the audience, and I do everybody's miami. Everyone Furthermore, those already everyone here so funny right, like a dime like like a dog, I just I just love the same. It's so special and really really beautiful. They get to see every one have not. I didn't play so far. I didn't feel like it was ego were like soup. Someone is trying to do in the show or, like you know, I didn't feel like you were like. Oh, I gotta bmc cause. I want to be on stage this time. It's like everybody was just offering whatever gifts that they had. You know which we all put a ton of work into it, and I think it was like it was in credit. And an idea. You know my fear, I think go back. I think my favorite part was silly when you for me, I was sick as I experienced. If it is, when you slapped me, does my fur
are the show. It was that and when I m J hit me and broke my microphone fazenda to think she likes to be I do. It was a lot of fun like my right to smaller, but we want we're going give context. So now you will still be surprised at what was your hair pirate? That's a good question, I don't know, I think it over all the award show like just the cohesive elements all put together with the jordan, all the memorial video thou so funny? I wasn't expecting that that was a rare occasion are not yet a combination of jurists, life performance with all the video assets combined with some of the disappeared eyes, interactions. We had an there and then in memoriam and kyle, and I we got our phones and started. We know that that said it I'm always able to at least three other people to exercise our people. Do the lighter than other use awesome. I feel like. I wish we would have thought that through because those
those screens or a little bit less well, I leave we kid yassum logistical, but it was really fund or either way was found to have people stand up for their water and that's another to say that I really pursued by the show it felt interactive from the beginning even though there wasn't like a ton of audience interaction, but right from the beginning, we had the pod asked and Travis came out wielding. Ok should be. I know what my Real favour part. Is that it's this, but I'm do we want to spoil it. My favorite part of every ramesses is anything the Travis isn't here is my favorite was a part that felt on scripted. Travis comes out, and this roman and he just are shouting things and everybody in the crowd is walking around like what is happening and it just felt like their part was like it was like. It was like a murder, mystery, theater, you're, part of the show and you're interacting with and then from like having everybody, stand up and put their hands on the hearts for the in memoriam and doing the q and a just everything felt so interactive
and that's what I wanted the community? It's all about the subscriber the audience they just are so loving like they were it. You know some audiences in comedy they're, just like yeah right me and there they were like. So was already there. Where to watch to show its we're all here to be part of this united as social and they even In the current and the panel discussion, we had people that were shouting at us like the whole time. So no matter when Whenever we were onstage, people were alike shouting they were in her. Oh my gosh dirty, agree with was foot of mere would during this does not in any event the you know how we like step on each other, yeah. Hey people, don't say how do you all the time it or people don't say ye all the time they could go yet
Well, we do yeah, we do know, I can't roll your own or skip morris, but now he wrote this joke so know it was really funny and then we just went oh well. We got more to learn and- and we actually had issues because they cheered so loud for so long that it it it messed up. We couldn't hear the the cues of the maybe I should go. There's no you're right! Now it s your interacting with the screen, but it was hard to to do that because you the lines on the screen that you were supposed to respond to in person? Maybe we shouldn't even share this cause, they didn't notice and we it just felt like so I didn't know there was anything wrong. I'm like okay great, it worked yeah anything that got leftover like You were watching the divine, an alien sketch which we ve merit. Premier, therein, the california flint there were laughing over punch lines. That adds because the crowd was left yeah yeah and there there was always, but there was always another punchline right after it was it. Didn't it didn't matter that they missed certain things yeah. Unfortunately, that's what that's why you have to go to live theatre multiple times just because you miss the miss it just watch it.
Several more times on youtube and continue the algorithm please or just come to the next one, yeah totally different, and now I guess we if we want to transition to talking about next year, like that, is you know we we, I think, we're probably going to do it again. yeah. That's kind of the that's kind of the field that the lord willing in the correct genre- and I think my main feedback would be like. I want it to be a longer thing. I want to do excellently. I want to do a full day event with multiple panels in different rooms. People can go to and and what hangouts the night before and I didn't get a chance to meet so many people, because I was getting led around to yeah to you know different things. You gotta come here and sign this. You got to go here and do that you know- and it's like. I didn't get a chance to sit and just talk to people and dedicated board game time. Dedicated board games, so that's kind of what we want. I would love for this to grow into a big convention event that people look forward to all year and it's like either one big hang out with people thing. You know adeline con,
that's that's, that's call it be kind. Take it I'm alone, I do think we went to a couple of different cities in my work too, and I I know I want to work. I wanted to do like we might. We might do an informal pole to see you. I got what places might be most popular we're going to do it in a different sit, we loved fort worth forward awesome and I was such a great place to do our first event. It was fun or walk around and we did the piano bar later on and you felt some of the sum of unity it out of debt and we hug, we got to go to a cigar lounge and I was it was it was a cool place. I really enjoyed fort worth me too, but yeah we'll do it. I don't think we're going to take the show on the road, but we are going to go into another another city next year, so we can get. Some people may be from a different area, yeah fruit port. Again you ve heard of europe. If we do want spoil anything, can be announcement, been claremont caliph,
So if you were, if you came to be live leave, it leave us a note in the comments. Let us know which you enjoyed about it the most and what you hated about it. Maybe the subscribe proportion. We can talk about some of some lessons learned things that will do differently next year. Bam right. Let's go onto hate mail, you used to be good and poor at him for that and for really miss adam forward. This is hate mail, france, guy driver. And this is on our california flee in which is a parody of the beach boys version of california dreaming and the sky to ever says, the lyrics were really forced in weren't, very creative, etc. Them like they wrote a first draft of ideas and headed straight to the recording
Brandon, it's fairly accurate, that is pretty yeah. We pounded it out in the morning and started recording it. So sky driver then said it's no amish Paradise! Weird our rights genius lyrics! This was subpar to be honest, while, if you're, comparing us to the greatest parody song, writer and full time, what's alright, weird, okay yeah, it's kind of an honor to be in the same sentence: yeah yeah, yeah I'll, be compared to Brian Conner wrote the song you're parenting is by the mamas and the papas not the beach, we burn punctuation, we pen also yours belt, while guaranteeing the sami Bertha tit into existence. In writing? This is a parity married you, but that was probably biggest baby he was using voice attacks. That was president his criticism. The regard, though, is that we keep getting this moment in the papers. Yes, let's beat through the area, so we parity the beach boys version of the song, which has kind of an act,
video and was just recently used on stranger things by their that they don't know that version of it, but it also has like different in instrumentation when I think that- and the beach boys version was like super popular in the eighties side and understand what people like what beach voiced, but land behold it I'm not add we gave it all, just that and we give no we get. I knew that was going to come in, and I put the mama's on the problems in the description of this is originally by those in power. Wait. You will no one read people didn't read it, so I just never heard or read through these. I thought I'd go, oh wow. dark going around our lines? I want you to hear it. Take the first. Ok, yeah, mom and pop was folks not beats boys, but love it anyway. Mobs and Bob is not be. Each boys not beat boys. Allow each boys, you need a parity of california driven by the moment and the papas the beach was recruited version this on, but it is one of the moment the papas read more etc, not as in the papers here for oh sorry area those two here for the algorithms spike there,
Looking for now that we go there, we go ahead and say the wrong band name and people. I know next time we're going to do it, we're going to do a taylor, swift cover and we're going to say, miley cyrus cover player decided just to engage with them like they already have. Miley cyrus's shake it off twenty two two by miley cyrus, alright, everyone. It is time for the subscriber thanks for joining us. If we saw you be live, it was great to meet you. If you didn't come come then, where wasn't to me It really does go to the subscriber lounge. Here we go see you guys next week. Okay, coming up next about along these subscribers. You beard look like someone shaved, a black cat included, spur tier yeah. Babylon is baby line. Planned of babies. Argue surgery this. What what what appreciate it. If you do,
in mock. Other christian denominations check. There was a guy cause, then we do that as a hate mail, one that thinks like he would message and say it has been eight days and I still haven't- you got a faggot. This has been another reduction of the Babylon bee by gas from a dedicated team of certified fake news journalists. You can trust here at the babylon we reminding you do go forth and punch signy right in the face.
Transcript generated on 2023-05-15.