« The Babylon Bee

The Bee Weekly: Ultra-MAGA Siaka and the Libertarian Zoomer

2022-05-13 | 🔗

Kyle Mann is joined by The Babylon Bee’s own MJ and special guest Siaka Massaquoi. The trio discuss laaaaaame Democrats, the FBI confiscating MAGA hats, Gen Z being a weird generation, and more!


New editions of Bee Radio and Weakly News are here… and MJ answers questions from her Twitter followers. They all seem to like her but the rest of us have to deal with hate mail. Why do we keep getting these? You’re hurting our feelings, you guys. FROWNY FACE.


Siaka Massaquoi is also running for California office as representative of District 43! If you’re in that area try legally voting for him. He seems cool. And he’s black. Also, check out his What The Fact channel on Rumble and on Instagram.


This episode is brought to you by Alliance Defending Freedom! Support the ones defending your freedom and receive a free American flag as a thank you!


This episode is also brought to you by Faithful Counseling! Get the help that you need today from counselors who share your faith and your values and get 10% off!


This episode is also brought to you by our friends at PublicSq who are connecting freedom-loving Americans with their local communities, reliable information, and the businesses that share their values. Now available on the App Store, Google Play, Windows, and Mac.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This episode is brought to you by the Pennsylvania lottery folks across Pennsylvania are scratching their way to all kinds of fun. Thanks to Pennsylvania, lottery, scratch offs people are intimidating Supreme Court justices outside their homes, just as the founding fathers intended. What game you play so get your ticket to fun today, with the Pennsylvania lottery scratch off, is busy living his truth. Must be eighteen or older, To get women don't exist anymore, I'll take it breastfeed. The ipod is doing this. I didn't blames inflation on altar of America, policies that would hurt families but hey at least it's not. and I have been all the and moron Here we are Nobody, the Babylon Bee podcast today, I'm joined by Morgan, our social media manager, go by Morgan, R, M J M J S, orders joined by Morgan and see our
ago yet Donegal vice Dr Mj and the alchemist our next time I come back. Should I try to pronounce your last name We give it. You can mean most people, don't usually this model. They see us avoid the guy. I know you got it you, are right, for state assembly industry. Forty three here in California s area, Sir us that's crazy, blue lay county, but hey we're gonna. Take a shadow Man has also said I do it it's? U, while thank you yeah and earlier lives the gods ears. I like the sad none you for five minutes and I got a appeared Where does he has heard it here? First folks, on the Babylon Bee Pike assets in the bag? Dasso of it's been. Then call an interesting to were. Put my name in a hat. You know I've been kind of active anyway for the last two years and I feel like this has been a natural progression to you, know, rallies and speaking there and and and joining different organizations.
So, let's uh, let's see what we can do to take the state back in the writer and turn it back to the right direction. That's awesome and you also do some acting and producing, and yes, business owning at what he here. However, when I can, when they allow you to stay open now, I want my trade, you I'm an actor, I tried this is what I came out to do. You know back in two thousand and four I came here from Chicago and acting was the one thing I found that I enjoyed the preparation just as much as the end result, and so I was living my dream and toy nineteen
yeah. I actually had a play that I was gonna that was going to open up the week that they shut down and that play was for me to like re, invigorate myself with the love of acting because it was getting very businesslike, an audition. You read like eight scripts gift, predator digital. You know you do your thing and his play was that play and it was getting me back in love with the arts and then Nope shut down right there, but I think it opened up and pushed me in a direction and pushed me and some friends too. We make our own sketch comedy. You know which are groups now that we've established one of the founding members of Hollywood for freedom, dot com where we're organizing with other production companies around southern California. You are now way out to some in Tennessee and in New York and we're building infrastructure for like minded individuals who
just want to tell good stories and doesn't want any. They don't want to be inundated with agenda or even seen like our our greatest ips going to crap because of this right. So we've started this and I think, even as bad as twenty twenty was for a lot of reasons. I think it propelled us to hack it back to that space that we really are, which are creators and get back to that creative space. So we created that we'd be creating sketch comedy with what the fact that tv for the last year and a half, and yet I want to continue to make movies and and make films and even shoot music videos. So it's kind of thing where it's we have to create this because they're not doing it for us and what they are giving us is telling everyone who feel bad about what they believe in their heart and soul and I'm over awesome. While this has been the Babylon BP affect a place for joy, Are those easy hurry? You know you have given us more substance in content,
usually follow up on our Emily added this podcast you're. Just given us, what a great material yeah! Well, let's do it maybe split it up and we'll make it like four different apps. Now we should get smart people more often are like people that have something to say in the movies, the key that can bring in some new listeners that are like I'm here for the intellectual and we can get funny too it just we are not there. Yet. We are pretty good that you guys are great at that. Yes, you guys are great county and so great that you as get banned on twitter. I think that can we I want to applaud that. Can I apply that shirt, then I'll, do it. I think they're done they clapped enough about it. It was it's Travis started to decline
and then nobody else did and he got intimidated and scared. Hey I'll lead the way. Hey, that's interesting! Oh there, it is there. It is trust me, I've been I've been out there on my own, getting yelled at for the last two years, I'm good. So we can think that, because I'm the social media manager, people think that I'm the one that got to be banned because they're like oh, you, MR posted, the tweet and I get to be like no, it actually was, me. It was our other editor yeah. So no hold that against me. It was not me but Does the other editor still work here? He does his spend tasked I'll get here, as tends to get us in troubled the Maoist. So we believe pinned things annual, we'll have elapsed. Coming back some respect, I was going to open the door yeah true or maybe, if you get a seat on the assembly, I mean you put in the bill yeah once I got to there's a lot of stuff growth have lower counting on you or Canada.
Let's do it, I'm slash and advice in the laws and bills, and I go upstairs and went to me last year feel like that I'd like to none other criteria, and I feel like that, every day, every day returning to my cabinet and we're have alright I'll think of my cabinet position and see there. You go let's, let's do the version be able you people you work, would not necessarily can result in that sector it. and now I get a secretary of my defence- They lack the arrow. I guess that soared over there he's gonna kill girls can occur to reorder discusses. Well, this week the Babylon B we had a beggar, the weak say that alone be listeners Kyle here asking you to be a flag bearer for freedom,
right now. Eighty s looking for flag bears to help lead the fight against the Biden, administrations, policies and the Anti freedom attacks, targeting our kids churches, schools, women, sports and first amendment rights, your monthly give two aligns defending freedom, helps protect parents and children, a female athletes, churches and everyday Americans trying to freely live out their faith. Please support. Eighty of today, by going to eighty of legal dot, Org slash, be that's eighty of legal dot. Org Slash BP, and thanks for you, continued support of eighty. If you will receive a three by five foot american flag with this flagship, your support for the greatest country of all time and your willingness to step up our freedoms are under attack. Claim your gift, help defend religious liberty and free speech today. By going The eighty of legal dot org slash, beat that's aid
if legal dot org slash, B e Sanger the check on our banger of the weakest zirk top performing article, but a hat wearing Elizabeth Warren leads insurrection against the Supreme Court. Of course we had. We actually did have Elizabeth worn out their shouting things that would have gotten Trump banned from Twitter back in the day I mean we all saw the video. Yet while she didn't actually we're Buffalo, who I nine, which is great, then we saw hurrah like Rollin everybody of what was the tourism tears. members how they talked about the six and everyone else, whereas other nuthin she's fine. Yes, yeah, okay, she's well, she's native, so I get it. They don't want to then business people here you want to leave them alone, a crazier one way.
The trail of tears with her. Now it's very sad. It's about zero point: zero, zero, zero, zero, eight two zero zero, eight two percent sensitive for her. I guess that's true, that's true, sad, not good, not good. But the crazy highlights the lorry Lightfoot tweet that I o o uniting the notes, but I saw that the other she said Benito, when they take a bargaining? Aren't they keep that can be interpreted as the good I like it. I like a call to arms, like how does this work and who said good you're on your own outside of Chicago West Side of Chicago, but had police officers on her block on either side to protect her house and says why you go get my hair done. I think the shooting statistics in Chicago is just a very interesting choice of words. I mean it's. It is
It would be if it was a movie, we would laugh at it, but it's like real lives. You know like to to see and I'm from Chicago so I've watched since two thousand and ten and then turn it up and turn it into a war It wasn't that where I grew up in the other bad parts and head, they were completely green high rises, but when you're here your governor or your mayor is saying that you know telling Congress you know councilman that want to help their community that are afraid and being shot at a lot of them. She shot and killed. Oh ladies, that stores burned down. It's like She stolen in the ship owners the glory Lightfoot straight up my sweet paralysis, yeah. Oh, my goodness! I'm sorry, but I do want to make money by appearances, but I'm so scared of she of she looks like beetle juice you'd. It's fine! Here's! What she is! The old like hag sitting,
and my bad when I wake up. Do you just are saying the lords for a right right when it happens that really, I'm not catholic but I'm doing hey it's the works or her children in Vienna comes in your room to settle lords prayer. Give yellow. Did she added? I absolutely do you guys know that three they got from ban from twitter its such so she goes and she says that the take up arms its define now his tree was seventy five million great american patriots who voted for me American for America. First to make Amerika great again we'll have a giant voice long to the future. They will not be disrespectful, treated unfairly in any way, shape or form those who have asked me not to go into the inauguration on January. Twenty that got him banned from day, that's glorifying violence, honest, They like it, was such a big deal, but I was literally a matter any part of the three that they certainly civil. We have to interpret this more broadly in the context of the election but take up. Arms may take up. Arms is fine
I'll give you a protest and year? Oh, my love that ass men. We we need everyone to get out and vote, get out and vote in here in California, sort search, but it's like. We ve seen this get out and vote and you can't be sorry, independence and independent voters. You got half the pic aside, because if you don't pick aside, then you you truly don't have anyone pick in the general because the primary right now this is when you have to get out there and vote registers, republican, nerd or dem. I don't care, but this way you get to vote in the primaries guys like this. if so share Babylon Bee articles on Twitter will be gone to trigger a lib. Yes, there you go, but sadly somebody on the articles didn't get shared that much like our bomb of the week. The weak demon,
of hell, unanimously agree about value of gender, affirming care for children, sector let me this work of use of it. I just didn't get that many share. We look at the sheer counts and then one day get vermin a shared. It can be like pretty based by its why don't you know you don't want to share a tier, great yeah yeah, I was like humans. You got gender from your children, that's like you guys, hey, I'm all about comedy. I can see how that'd be hard. I also don't think a lot of people know what gender affirming care as it is. The soft words to try to disguise acts as we want to turn it. They just go in a little hard. We had the making house in the train, gender. Is that, like all other matters, that the bomb was noble, work knows where it prevents this doesn't this need doing anyway?
is that really the mouse tool is the trends tenders, suppliers tunnel that will help us later, Vietnam, sitting next to Kyle values posting that gap doing the voice all day in this whole area. I forgot. I did that in Florida, so awesome. But that of saying, I think, you s, answer satirical on at the top so one thing that has not bombed at the Babylon Bee. Those sizzler facts weeks ago we debated a new feature to the podcast called sizzler facts, and it has been met with overwhelmingly positive feedback. Here's an interesting sizzler fact out of Stockton, California, Captain Crab boiling see food in bar recently took over a vacant strong and Elk Grove formerly occupied by you guessed it sizzler, I wanna do offer Louisiana style, cage and seafood. One thing they don't offer its choices. This has been. dont say let s look at, but
I'm for be radio with us didn't Robertson. The actual uriens more lingerer. This is money alone, be radio, our top story The agents have confronted the mob surrounding justice, Kevin Asshole, wanting to steer clear of the house next door as a local school board member lives there. The We. I had initially declined to investigate security risks to the Supreme Court justices, as agents were busy planning how to kidnap another moderately attractive democrat governor, however, after being alerted of the mob's proximity to a school board member, the FBI. I immediately surrounded the area with snipers and dispatch several swag units by publishing to the F B. I said it would remain all hands on deck to protect the school board from dangerous parents who try to read disturbing, assigned elementary curriculum at board meetings. The FBI.
It has also requested the calls from those annoying female gymnast be sent a voice mail. The! U S, house of Representatives is scheduled. A vote on a healthcare bill that give passed, will legalised Clinton, assisted suicide in all fifty states. The bold new which experts are calling a major win for civil rights, will war the Clinton family a veritable licence to kill. They will be legally certified to terminate the elderly, disabled, comatose and politically inconvenient at their own discretion. Speaker people are so many people don't want to be alive. We can't force people to live Firstly, those who are close to exposing government secret being a whistle, blower or independent journalist is an obvious cry for help. literally saying, please kill us and who are we?
to tell them that they can't shoot themselves twice in the back of the head. If the bill goes to the Senate, it will likely pass only with the help of a tie. Breaking vote by v become a law Harris. The VP has already voiced approval for the bill and is described suicide as a time when people kill themselves in that time, as everyday republican leaders have decried the bill as the legalization of murder and a dangerous blow in the heart of democracy stomach. I have warned Republicans just stop the partisan rhetoric or they might end up committing suicide. During a press conference aimed at praising the commander in chief flawless track record, breast Secretary General Saki begrudgingly took requested from some gloom and doomed journalist describing parent struggles in finding baby formula Saki guffaws. Parents are unable to obtain baby formula should just be their babies, are margarita and put them into kickboxing class after the Prescott.
And progressive parents who voted for Biden, obediently, followed, Saki advice allay breaking up day to this story? President binders announced a new plan to address the former. The crisis asking each illegal immigrant to please bring one can a formula to drop off when they cross the border. The border patrol has been directed to set up donation boxes at popular crossing points. Button promises that any emigrant who drops off again before entry will not be thrown into one of his cages as an added incentive. Those who bring a can of the high dollar similar pro will receive a guarantee to not be shipped to New York. Or do you see a new film in the popular James bond franchise is reportedly been ruined by the casting of a female in the role of agent of low seven because she keeps stopping and asking for directions in the middle of carcases. In addition, to disrupt of CHE sequences. The female bond will be unable to use Q gadgets and will become a motionlessly attach due everyone she sleeps with causing or to hand over state secrets and acts apprised when they betrayer, just like Daniel Craigs James Bond Amazon which now comes. The bond franchised said in his statement. Vote
have every right to take this series and make it completely unrecognizable too long time fans besides, if you hated that just means you hate women, producer, say Amazon's borders require the new film to also feature of female villain, a handicap female q and a Trans am despite not be expected for release until November the newborn film is already being nominated for best picture at the Oscars forecasts: diversity, Orthodox Van celebrated STAR Wars day this week on May eleven. They view the more Popular May, the fourth as a valid holiday on a heretical day? For that star Wars day is celebrated similarly to its May, the fourth twin, but all the decorations have made the eleventh be with you printed on them for that bans also do not recognise the frequent over sequel trilogies and consider the expanded universe collection of novels under the legends brand as part of the STAR Wars, Canada, as one orthodox, Explained quite simple, typical skyward fans you're on your gregorian calendar instituted by the catholic church on the galactic standard calendar actual calendar.
the STAR Wars, Galaxy show their holiday occasionally lags behind the schismatic fans. Show you see Our time line is correct. Maybe a leverage, Will you when reach for comment? Lucas film, Kathleen Kennedy said even if Orthodox Orthodox sends a valid claim, it doesn't matter because she is star wars to accommodate people who prefer sprinkling doughnuts with coffee instead of fully immersing their donating coffee Duncan it's, as announced plans to open new Dona jobs and communities with a large number of practicing Presbyterians publishing too, on the executive team at sprinkling, doughnuts golden emergency meeting to re, evaluate the entire plan after being informed that the greek word back teeth so literally means to immerse. Now you up to date on the only news that matters by more they use you can trust at Babylon, Vive Dotcom until next stop. This is often Robertson, the voice of the Babylon Bee, so long while Austin what a great You were aid ago, and now you guys have noticed enemy answer is not on the podcast right.
But we are gonna, bring him in for weekly news here we go it's time for the weekly win. weird low water levels in Nevada's Lake Mead have been exposing the remains of murder, victims that were missing for years. We have to fix this drought. Crisis now demanded Hillary Clinton Crosby because she kills people because she has been pro. Abortion activists have been protesting outside the private homes of conservative Supreme Court justices, including John Roberts, home in Maryland and brat cabinets home, the Delta Kappa Epsilon, frat house.
Cause he drinks a lot of beer Taipei's Christ. Joe Biden made an unannounced trip to Kiev this week to meet with the first lady of Ukraine, Ukraine's first lady begged Joe Biden, to provide resources for refugees and to please get bono to leave. That's a really good joke. Thank you wrote it myself. I mean Adam, I'm Adam Rich strike the horse with the longest odds at the Kentucky Derby came in first, place, winning one point eight million so now is owner, can afford gas and doesn't have to write a horse anymore. Fred sovereign aside from the review of the wonder years due to accusations of onset misconduct when he has called and human resources to discuss, accusation savage responded. You growth, we have to read the kissing parts through your bedroom. I don't understand
you're a little too young if he was a kid, but I did write the jokes as part of its effort to contact aliens. Nasa wants to send nude pictures into space they up somewhere. Some advanced civilization will see the naked pictures and finally help us define what a woman is actor in Peter activists, James, Cromwell glued his hand to Starbucks Counter to protest. The high prices of weakened milk Cromwell was horrified to learn the glue he used was made from horses that loss to rich strike. Apple announced that is discontinuing the ipod touch its last remaining ipod model. The only thing sadder than stoning, an ipod touch would be still owning a zune I do on Zune, that's not funny. What is the zoo use it? It's an mp3 player
What's an MP man? Are you celebrity chef, Mario Batali, was acquitted on charges that he groped a woman as Boston Restaurant and he didn't even after use the Andrew Cuomo, I'm italian. How could I not grope defence? I'm a daily, I'm a good ally, and how could I not throw up? I must agree. because my always, though I was thinking more than the yoke at thy and I'll get Mario from our IRAN, I gotta go Mario Brothers. that's it for the weekly news. If you miss adam- and you didn't think I delivered these jokes well, you can go see. Him live this weekend at the Looney Bin in Oklahoma. That he as a Christian. You know that God is always there for you, but sometimes things in this life can get overwhelming it's crazy time, especially with the pandemic and all that stuff. It's important. they took counsel, but you definitely want to talk to one shares your face and values online counselling from fear
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six percent. Homelessness is up by twenty percent, and that's because we're not spending enough on those issues. Am I right, the zinc dust is why I'm good at this? There you go yeah, we've got the highest gas prices and the highest taxes, and you had some crazy stories like your home was raided by the F B. I oh yeah, oh yeah. Why was that? What did you do? What did I do? I thought nothing, but apparently they thought by just going to DC on January. Sixth, anyone who you were at you were out. The I was at the I was at the new nine eleven as they like to call it where we had a bunch of old. Ladys and kids, and parents and uncles and dancing in the national anthem? For most part, you do you re faced pay now another I kept it had a top hat where's the FBI. Animal had now when normal. I went normal like most of us had like the skull capital scarf. If you kill
regarding animal hat way. Animal happy picked for that one. Honestly, probably a lion? Ok, So why a man like tat? Do you own any legal models of the capital building not anymore, Magna now taken their play today The ETA came to the house. Have I been like, I always have haven't been charged with anything. That's happened June tenth of last year, okay have been charged with anything. They still have my stuff. I even posted the day of all the footage that I took on Instagram, which got takedown. I got ticked down, especially and as well as that they got ticked down and but yeah I'm. Currently. They came in there. They took my computers, my laptop or my computer, or my laptop sorry, my phone's, some usb drives, which has a bunch of which I I think it's kind of funny cause. I have a bunch of old acting photos where my all
different bad headshot. From from like the seventeen years of it out here, they still have that's not that she took two of my mega hats, and I said why are you taken that no like that's what we saw you wearing a video and might even like most people there may at all. Anyway, Are you out of your magic Germany, Manga had to do while on those two okay said to have like you had to have twenty eight, no, I had to because one of them I got at the first rally ever. I went Trump rally wanted to in August of two thousand and twenty, and I was like I was like okay I'll finally put one on. I hadn't put one on. You know all the whole time, so I was like okay, let's do the other one. I got the first time I went to DC for the blacks it back the blue event. That happened. I want to say that was probably October or September. right after Trump was sick, so I wanna say it was September or something like that. So I remembered that day will yeah dark day in history. When Trump was what he was sick,
and then, and then we had an I'm currently right, now doing a class action against the F b I and agents that came into my home illegally in red pill based and Rep. You know if we gotta do something you gotta do something because we've watched them just push people around. So I have to ask did they knock walls and no knocked melded, not they banned on the door. So I'd like a KGB, by it was close enough. When you look at how the country supposed to work, I asked flight of them tonight. They banged on the door, my best friend was he. He was staying in a front room with my godson five and seven at the time. So he sees that he goes out and they're all ready, locked and loaded with a rs, and he opens the door like with his hands out. They grab him put him against the wall. His sons can look out the window and see this and where my room is is located in the back of the house. So I kind of I kind of more come out of it right. I'm like
sleep in and I hear have p I f b I might like what's going on and I'm still thinking and I'm like you've gotta, be kidding me and open up the door. I'm just like. Did you see that that that call of duties like silhouette right of the the flash and the gun in my hands and air always I was like you know, don't shoot my dog cause. Ginger was kind of like what's going on and did they shoot your da na That's the atm that shoots. Eighty of sheets, a lot of dogs, the atm know it was just f b I, and so they came grabbed me and luckily I decided to wear pants go to sleep that night. They seriously because they wouldn't. Let me usually not well yeah, I like I like live free. You know, like I'd. Take this freedom thing Firstly, all the way here, so so they they need.
in the oven and took me outside of that number sweatpants, and I didn't see anyone else that I knew, except for I saw one lady holding my five year old or my ten four year old godson in her arm. You know taking them into the car and it's What's going on, you know and asked for the warrant they're like well, we gotta clear the house then I'm like. I want to call my lawyer and they're like wait. One second and I started repeating those two you know requests over and over by the time they cleared the house, and they they're like let's get him a copy of the warrant and they come out with a sheet of paper, a sheet of paper that just had like, basically, the top of whatever this warrant was or whatever it said, which that's illegal in itself. You have to see what they're in there for which they didn't have they have one pdf download a specific thing or another, so they just sat there and had this. They had a piece of paper. On my end, I'm looking at it not that I'm looking at all my stuff sitting on my
but my dining room table and anomaly. What's goin like what the tie me, you had a scrap of paper that said warrant yeah, I mean honestly, it might as well have said it. You know, and I'm like this is crazy. What are you? What do you? Why are you taking this? Why are you taking that they knew they were? to the garage and pulled out the Skull catholic church skullcaps and scars and took pictures of it like they there near China really are you don't have any warning? You could have destroyed you're like a sign and now said they would be step, and then I wouldn't out a home alone them out the other cans of paint ready to come round of rolling born, and I have ever pretty soon in the door because we, when they took me outside, I saw there a battering ram thing and I was kind of like oh no, I asked him I was like: did you guys, try that to the door to like now We not first, because I wanted to see the pretty full idea like fashion. This is not an arrest. You know the guy what they wanted. A rescue like no less than a restaurant street just have a bad
in rear battering ram and twelve or fourteen agents. With a hours pointed at you and around you're round your problem this month, after the Jew, Judith inside you haven't done anything in that period. So like there was some us- belated threatening Owen around like ours continue into and when the times, and the daily mail gardener actor concern. if have actor rated by F B. I because that's what it was for us to sully the name so that people would I've heard from friends in industry like this as well. You know they want to work with you, but they're afraid the f b I blah blah blah blah blah. So that's what it was truly for more than anything else right, because I didn't do anything, there's nothing done then, just walking around recording what I saw and trying to report on it like everyone else, and you know they they just had like in the papers when you go past the art, the headline of Acta, rated all is said, and there was like he's best known for
his speeches at rat trump rallies and telling telling people to run for local office, just which are best known for its own best known for outside, of like the act they're saying so like I'm, I'm so dangerous that our telling people to do is run for local. This at least say say like Adam, is a fight back, literally violent. The letter later, that the ideal fell it now. It was. It was while to read these articles in and then he started I didn't like some of the lies that had financial lives. Like the first article said I had like MOTO like I had like two million dollars, then the the the second one said I kept it kept going up said I had like six and in the last one had. Fourteen and all of them saying that I made that money doing one seen on a show years ago and residuals build it up for it
forty million dollars flower bed. I gotta talk to my agent cause you way more than that yeah! No! No! You know I'm like that. Sags been taken a lot, but it's just the lies that just came and dropped outta. It was just it was wild, so people if people want to vote for you, they can check you out CR, before assembly, dot com? Let me just kind of finish up. I ask in life why the hacker is still in California, and you know I know, there's a lot of people that are moving out of state and they're like we're going to get out of this place. What what can conservatives do to fight back? What's the case for staying here and fighting all the cases, the fact that most people homes they've been here for decades and generations, is why it's it's the most beautiful state in a union and this whole country? What this the apples there, how this country's established is that
we we have to stand and we have to protect ours, our area we have to and right now a lot of a lot of conservatives. We've been asleep at the wheel here in California and across the country. So now you have to, like I said earlier, make sure people are registered to vote, get out there for this primary, because it is a top two here in California we can't just sit back and it's not the top Republican Democrat anymore. It's the top two vote. Getters and people are upset right now. So, if you're not doing your part, whether you're walking the streets for a candidate, you're, donating money or you're, registering people to vote, then we will lose the state. But people are here still fighting for a reason, because it's the most beautiful state in the union, if California goes the rest of the country goes. This is the fifth largest economy in on the planet. So we need to fight for this. For not only for ourselves in California but for the rest of the nation, evil doesn't stop.
They're not going to stop because, like all right, we got California good luck with it in Tennessee or in Texas or Florida. It's like now we got California. What can we get? So it's really up to us. He can run the day, but you're going to be running again tomorrow, like it I wanted. Can we get the american flag behind him at Eagles, the building amusing, the that's really what I need to do for the day. Yeah. You can check out his campaign slogan for assembly dot com and now we're going to try. to an actual wizard Every day we witness yet another woke corporation weapon, rising their progressive values against Americans. in a world where you can completely unsubscribe from work, corporatism
imagine world in which every single dollar you spend could go towards companies that share your values of life liberty, patriotism? Now, with the public square ass, you can pull as Q. Public Square is an app and website that connects freedom. Loving Americans to the community in companies share their values they've just recently launched and are already the largest network of patriotic businesses rumours in the nation to get stuck id and shop, your values visit public S, Q, dot com; today, that's public S, Q, Dotcom, MJ, I am, is a woman. No, no, it's true, but who knows now without the name? It's US justice energy is a wizard segment with the woman, a woman with woman who was in our second second most popular sketch of all time and my first sketch ever
with any and one that we rode in oil and filmed it in an hour later to our that was the end of the day. We're just like. Let's just get this out really quick in That's what I'd ask me. Let's watch the sketch here we go. A twitter employ undergrowth, goes therapy over Elon Musk, take over doktor poem. I mutual Oh hey many privacy. What can I do for you? It's too Well, I can't even I have literally lost my ability to even well what's Congo, but was some sort of tragic loss debt in the family look, no one is generally did they know it's even worse. Elon musk wants to buy our company Alright, just tell me: what is it about Elon buying Twitter that actually bothers you and remember
this is a safe space. There's no judgment here. He buys our free speech platform. People will be able to have speak on our platform, watch stupid our let's get to the bottom of this. Let's go a little bit deeper. What exactly bothers you about somebody having free speech on our free speech platform, We don't have the unilateral power to ban ideas. We don't like we'd, actually have to discuss in depth. Bend aright He is based on their own merits. What's the problem of that? It's just, everyone who disagrees with me if a Nazi salute them imperative that change their mind with force and violence very interesting which
Let's try something else. I mean all of them shapes, and I want you to tell me exactly what you see nazis, not faith, not thief, and what can it looks like a whit nazi if not thief it off it nazis. I know that one. It's the hindu symbol for peace, Namaste, Nazis, Nazis, Donald Trump, no way it's still nazis fascinating. I ask you a question. I want you to answer honestly is evil in the room with us right now cast I see him at work. I see him a whole foods. I see him when I get into my luck.
what a nice you dog? What why do you have these fish, my mom perfect, I M J, you yourself back the other day and really storm store. The show absolutely that last line was his killers. what about nodded alright, so we have so. You are GEN Z, right, you're squarely engines. Ie I am like. Are you like the first year of GEN C, so you're, older and older engines? Are you ok? So I went to Google and I typed in. Why does GEN Z and I
Otto Phil occur not very already low grade. Zack sciatica won't take two. You have the notes of easy. I'm gonna take turns asking you questions about Jimsie, so One wonders Jimsie suck go, Tik Tok takes, argues, arise in Verona brainwashing. Why does Genji not want to work on the journey? The answer is that we are tired of this capitalist system. We we we live to work, then we die and I don't know my my answer is because making internet money is really easy nowadays. So why would anyone want upper beyond? office forty hours a week, that's more like the disease, Sudan as perfect Why does Jimsie have so much anxiety? Probably author, tick!
I mean they really answered all these when they grew up with Instagram, since they were like ten bad for your mental health yeah, absolutely I would have so much anxiety if I had Instagram when I was like ten and eleven the joke trying to look cool yeah, it's just like so bad for your self confidence and body image. I think little girls, especially, but that's very true- and I think it's also kind of trendy to have anxiety right now, but I digress mental health. Alright, well we'll get to that in a second we're going to do shit about that. Oh come on! Why does GEN Z, hate skinny, Jean
see I'm like I'm. I always like skinny genes, because I was old enough to like where them, but nothing like mom genes, and I do not think there flattering on any body like some of em are ok, but I don't know I'm gonna keep away. My skinny genes toy dies. So why does Jimsie look old? I think we have like sixteen year old, stranger contour their face like a car dash in and it's really just age. in them? You know, I don't know. Why does Genji look weird? I don't know. Let's ass the audience, why does Jimsie love Shreck, his whole she's low. I only recognise Shreck one interact too, is cannon. Anything after shock to me I can end up, but Shreck too has
bubble, gum flower bed, soundtrack. What is generally, so much. How dare I say that word because it reminds me of the sand. I love the sand. Luck on up narrowly slight bubble gum yeah there really crossword. I wouldn't say it on her podcast but yeah. I don't it's not the same as the other way that you would use the word. Half Shrek is love, though I should get it. Why does GEN Z, fake disorders
fake disorders I dunno I mean. I think mental health is like obviously very real and very important, but I haven't hardly met anyone nowadays, I'm like oh, I have depression and anxiety and like it's not diagnosed or we just they like to self diagnose, and I think I think, if you don't have something wrong with you, it's like. So what's what my anti President, are you say: Shreck is my answer to prefer yeah. All you need to do is watch track to cure, but not shirk. Three. That's not can and others are not. why does GEN not use capital letters Morgan so in that video and later this came up on Google. Really you cited make his her. I thought you totally made.
I didn't I dont use it for because I think it looks aesthetic and cute and does so weird answer by and I'm going tell you, I really Q s a story about MJ gave I gave her. I gave her a video deposed to twitter and I gave her the title copy. Those and pasted in twitter entreated out she went through an uncapitalized every letter of the title and took out the punctuation and then to eat it. I'm make you put in, so much effort to look like you're, not putting in effort aesthetic for the spin. Oh, my goodness, I can't have like my feed with like no capitals and then suddenly, like boom boom boom capital letter and the proper puncture nation, I'll, throw people off till now. I don't write, you know how to read, bundling sue. You prefer fair and while I did not know that. Thank you for asking the only word that they capitalize Shreck.
I want him to only Canon Shrek is spelled without the vowels out of Respect Shr dash K. Sorry, you guys are crazy or boy. Alright, white drivers. Why does Jen Z not like side parts? I have aside part they like the middle part, and they say everyone looks better with the middle part, but I tried it and I looked like like on like a young lad who exploit this increase, is she likes awful? I kind of like look like law it is art. Do any of the women here have a middle part ran out parts of religions? Here I don't think, there's any women younger than me, but she's like do not put this on me. Now. I try to elect a real bad yeah. Alright, why does Jonesy not drink anyway? I don't drink.
fact. I don't. I don't know why they don't drink. I guess I was you that drink less than millennium. Probably I mean I guess I guess weed is more legal in other states, so I I, if I had to guess we just have more options and a lot of people don't like drinking like I don't really care for drinking cause. It just makes you feel awful the next day. So I was going to say there are popping pills, pills instance, pill popping baby, so yeah. No, we have diverse options? He says: oh yeah, I forgot about the pills, yeah, the shoes, oh yeah, yeah, yeah! That's right! That's true! Yeah! It's like I dunno! Why we don't drake pills. That's it! That's funny! all right I'll. Why? Why does Jens Z not like the law, having a multi like the normal crying laughing yeah. Well, we like the skull emerging and I always had a liar.
It's like dad. You know sometimes so dead. One hour killed me yeah early, melted, the flesh, I have just discovered light. I remember my has got a hold of a laughing emerging you no one ever whenever the older generations like catch on instead of doing like you know, big, Ella well or whatever the site. What we gotta find a new thing, Soil Kyle started using the skull emerges, I gotta figure out. What's the next two years he's your lightness tells you can't use aim of oh Jesus cars, we once he gets it and gives caught with its use your certain plan to begin a link with the same place, I found something it's out of hearing. I did you, here of high ipods. Have you turn on those things maser out. This is the first time I've ever learned of is, as you know it you will listen, they're, so hipster
No one is ghz, love loved the nineties. We the nineties his leg. I guess our eighties. If you think about it, I don't want to think about them. I know like alright it's it's strange because it's like some of the same fashion trends now so maybe that's where that is just come back mom genes and all that comes in I don't. We know we lived through the nineties to make the mistakes that you guys wouldn't make those, you have your governing, like we had enough technology that you're not dying of referendums. Uh. You know it's like we're medically advance, not but its before everyone start getting offended about things when everyone got weird, I just didn't like it was a happy period run on your phone out. I'm too that in the Gatt nobody, really your bothering! You too, I do think there was the perfect mix of we got the internet, but we late enough in our development that we didn't need it
yeah rely on it S. Just like all I'll check. My email has a cool saying that we didn't have it with us all when get on my bike and go to Josh's house and then just hang out all day with your friends outside, I would love to get on like a I am well. I guess I was early two thousands and go home and talk to my friends instead of being like. I have to be available. People think you're available. Twenty four, all the time I gotta you have to have the ability to contact me in twenty four seven does not mean I'm available. So tough are we, one more question, lousy on why Is GEN Z, say Sheesh? First of all, that's not you say it's more like Sheesh, and then you gotta do this arm thing. You gotta be like Sheesh how can you demonstrate for us? I just want to make sure you got away. Can we do that again and then, and then just cut the ice reaction by the curb your enthusiasm not likely to give this woman
What is what is going on? We are going to learn. They are to do it again. No or you re so Gimme a tone again one another town. Gotta like ice now. What does this mean? Ok, so ready. Soon it was how the kids do it. You hang out with a dense a lot. Let's all do at the same time, time away from the my three again and again, man. I'd never want to do that again. Now that thoroughly hate ourselves. We got a few questions from M J from her twitter followers dogs, cats from highly die Natalie. Do you get it?
push back for having a bad word in your twitter header, MR from vintage mom, so my twitter had her as a screen grab of Tyre Kay, that Liberty hidden got here besides, I'm sure as hell, I protection so technically flower bed, the feds, my by the way, did just by entire. Can you don't have to follow up with? carrying out how the Tiger King someone who knows the guarantee each year which Tiger which the libertarian libertarian it wasn't like the tiger king. There is like a libertarian campaign manager not only does the tiger right out of their funding austrian, but I've had like two people common time, but it's so based in funding that I say mind your business and don't look at it for me when you didn't you to refer to it
Yet in the kitchen, I'm age, I am, I am a going. You will take this one c yeah. What's the first thing If you're going to do when you get back in Babylon Bee Twitter account. I was like yeah honestly it's going to be southern tile. That probably does the first thing. So the first thing I'm gonna do is my post, what we tell my job, you're uncapitalized everything capital, I'm going to rebrand new aesthetic for the b is uncapitalized, oh my! So if you guys can't understand it, she's back okay, how how? How did you start working for the Babylon Bee? This is from Matt, Montgomery and well. I met Seth through Twitter actually and the pandemic started and he's just kind of like. Would you like a job here and I'm like yeah, I edit some videos, so it worked out cause. I just got laid off
from my student job on campus, because schools shut down so yeah? I worked part time here for like almost a full year and then I came on full time and been living in a docker. Since that's awesome, yeah they say ask him: what does that mean? Ok, asked ask him what they think about aliens first time I'll be listening to Babylon. Bees podcast to two allowed only occur so happy to have you, am a big alien believer. I love alien documentaries, I've seen probably like all of them on Netflix and Amazon, I'm an alien truther. I dunno how these guys feel about it, but I mean I speak for the Babylon Bee personally endorse alien person actually capitalized aliens are they talking about. The genes can have seen that that's bears better than Shrek no I'll get only watch and not a flu, so you're gonna get. We now have to question
There are similar. These are from Gavin. Do Little John Douglas Nelson, basically asking how well they're not quite the same question businesses that how can you be a libertarian in a christian heated gavel? Do you don't have to answer? Gavin do little says with the Babylon Bee being conservative? How does that mixed with your personal libertarian and kept politics I don't know- I mean I'm pretty: I don't think that we using the means like as hard core like Trump, unlike Republican, its people, think I know some road jokes may become across that way, but every one hears like super chill you very open to a kind of differing ideas in London Calvinism then get out ways. I have a question and yet what about Libertarian been? Rotarian is anti christian, or most people honestly are gonna. Be like will. Libertarians are pro choice by I mean libertarians are honestly pretty fifty fifty programme.
Pro choice. So Adela returns is like you do what you only MIA, that's basically how that, but if, even if they believe in protecting personal liberties and depends, if you believe that that's a human or so how do things human and civil rights needs to be primarily. I just think we can spread in Christianity and be good people without needing the state her for not everybody out of self, while rigour they'll be bombs, they painted it is libertarians all don't gotta have that it's definitely a loaded question, yeah sure or we we could then post right. We just know that we don't do that. No, let's let let's let Jon Nelson know that I have no qualms with libertarianism meshing with Christianity? Do you end the FED or a war, the war on drugs? First, the great question:
I feel like where I fed because gotta right everyone, then I want drugs fund data, yeah yeah. We underline the dominoes response, belongs long says: what is better? Bitcoin your guns. Well, I haven't looked at present price bitcoin. Would you like me to tell you, but I will I tell you the value my ammo has not gone down. So ask me again in a year, but right now, I'm honestly going to go with guns. How much ammo do you have and where specifically is stored, my dad would absolutely murder yeah, if someone says one Bitcoin today? What would you do with it from lad costume what the penny on the price of Bitcoin I'd probably be able to get like dollar a new dawn. But I guess I answer the answer. People want two years I would horrible. I would hold of my one Bitcoin
it is an environment old, but total this alone is spelled it might twenty thirteen louder docks all words of Meda. That's nothing really exists, ever got tree of their ago. We would like you to feel that you give feel it an announcement that takes air out. I've been got now. I will. Let's move onto hate mail, hey that alone be listeners Kyle here, asking you to be a flag bearer for freedom, right now. Eighty s looking for flag bears to help lead the fight against the Biden, administrations, policies and the Anti freedom attacks, targeting our kids churches, schools, women, sports and first amendment rights Your monthly give two alliance defending freedom, helps protect parents and children. Female athletes, churches
everyday Americans trying to freely live out their faith. Please support eighty of today by going to eighty F legal dot, Org, Slash B, that's eighty F legal dot, org, Slash, b E. In thanks for your continued support of eighty f, you will receive a three by five foot american flag with this flag, show your support for the greatest country of all time and your willingness to step up our freedoms are under attack. Claim your gift help defend religious liberty and free speech. Today by going the eighty of legal dot. Org slash meet. That's eighty if legal dot org slash, b e, this is from dink. Thirteen I thought the always tattoo that Kyle has was just part of the parity twitter jail. Now we know he is a potter head. Yet it's real
for some reason. I have second hand embarrassment for him Ella. Well, that hate or a kind of like his place. It's bad backhanded likely ashes play faults, but I like that, and now here's one we had a joke, abortionist worried he may have to become one of those doctors that helps people. a comment from someone, Johannes, as a medical student, hurts to say, but the hip Braddock oath is a symbol that descended from the time when morality was discussed by educated philosophers and not by bunch of under educated Jesus worst first with sunburned necks, when a woman doesn't want her feeders to eventually be born in Europe as a child? It is her decision. and me and many other future, doctors don't dare to tell her otherwise gladly swell, sadly, You support baby murder. Let us go Johan, into the subscriber pod subscriber lounge. Now it is a virus
it has a very fancy place and it looks awesome and you can only get access if your bed won't be subscriber we're going to do some bonus, hate mail there, a classic story and a subscriber headlines. The weak and we have ten questions. We have twenty questions, ten questions, revolts, yoga and an J. So here
Go let's dive into the wonderful exclusive luxurious, subscriber lounge. Jumping up next Babylon be subscribers. That is why I just one subscribe, thrilling polite that regards you know they were. They were saying where we have to spend more in order to curb inflation tat. I know that it does not say now now. I can't like that. Take tat, caving, P, gotta, that's agenda ears are concentrated finish them out. At least she didn't add shreck. This concludes this week's addition steeper winter that this has been another additional, be weekly, grumbled dedicated to survive, fake news journalist. You can trust dearer than laundry reminding you fake news of the people by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth.
Hector, impeded activists apple, announced it's discontinuing the ipod touch. It's last remaining ipod model, the only thing sadder than still owning, I'm sorry, so sorry or it would be still owning. This is a zune. Is that how you pronounce? We have to keep it in. The other important thank you oh snake Thank you. Thank you
Transcript generated on 2022-05-16.