« The Babylon Bee

The Bee Weekly: Grilling Authors And Our New Studio

2022-06-17 | 🔗

Kyle and Adam welcome Joel Berry to the brand new podcast studio. It has a neon light and everything! The trio discuss gun control, sentient AI, and more! We've also got some more Bee Radio and Weakly News coming at you. And Travis hops in to quiz Kyle and Joel on their new book, The Postmodern Pilgrim’s Progress.


We also take the time to interview Penny Nance to find out how many Pennie's her thoughts cost. (It's three)


Subscribers, stick around for hate mail, subscriber headlines, and a dramatic discussion on which dinosaur is Joel’s favorite. The answer may shock you!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This is an ad for roundup, weed and grass killer with sure shot wand. It kills weeds down to the root, so they don't come back. It works for you, your neighbor, your neighbor's neighbor and his neighbor's neighbor. It's roundup, weed and grass killer with sure shot want. When used as directed always read and follow pesticide label directions, hey everyone the battle on the podcast is officially in our new studio, so we can now own the lives and be weird christian geeks in style, congress wants to pass red flag laws for people who exhibit red flag behavior such as wearing maga hats or join morbius. The january six hearings aired and they bombed harder than morbius, kyle and joel are here, and they have a new book that doesn't suck unlike morbius, and we talked to penny nance and find out that women have concerns, but not about Morbius. All this and Morbius. The treasure in Heaven is great, but it's not going to buy you
tank of gas. So, let's take a moment to briefly review the current state of our economy and the global effect. The war between russia and Ukraine has had we're in for a tough year here and Biden's. Printing and spending could be catastrophic for the: u s dollar in the market. That's why a growing number of financial analysts are recommending you diversify with gold and silver now, and the only company we recommend is allegiance gold. Our friends at allegiance gold can help you protect your ira or four o one k with physical, gold and silver and have it delivered securely right to your door the team at allegiance gold take the time to educate their clients on the importance of having a financial portfolio. That's diversified with gold and silver allegiance goal has been one of the top precious metals firms nation for their commitment to protecting your harder and savings. Evan a plus run the better business bureau, five star rating with trust link and their aaa rated with the business consumer alliance. If you act now, by calling them and you should Babylon be or even give you, five hundred dollars of free silver on a qualified purchase, all eight four
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may, like fifty thousand dollars you something like like what cnn with the generous sexy, but he watched the most about we're gonna. Do it again, but it's a good thing, we're the don't. They misunderstanding us making fun of something on the internet doesn't translate till I could actually gonna go out and scan in both the I spend money on it so yeah so now I saw there's a change, dot, org petition to bring morbius back a third time, and but it's still the it's not a sequel out there doing the same put a guy in our universe. So they said it. There's like this. This changed onward petition that as like sorry sony. We were all busy that weaken release at a third time. We set up these guys the lieutenant obvious. I humility, wasn't. Ok, it's a masterpiece, maybe maybe I'll, go see it if it comes out rights only if your work as soon as the hawk asleep I promise I'll go see so that you can watch january six hearing at all No, I saw maybe
One little highlight clip of loose cheney, saying a few seconds of words and those like now. That's the thing had sent a personality. I get it out what I did hear there Our big they keep trying to sensationalize these big stories out of it, and their latest claim is that trump scammed, his followers out of two hundred fifty million dollars you time others use because camp embryos. As you said, there was an email that said, donate to the official election defence fund and they're, saying that he scam them, because this went to a super pack and then it paid speakers that were at the generous six of them, but the man to retract the story that it paid kimberly gulf oil at the speech, because He was actually paid by turning point usa and in all these emails, it says like this: is a fund raising reach out of what is called save america superpower? It's all there. the disease is try to turn in the lake story. When there's not really much there
we ve been we'd like they have been impeachment hearing over this, like azeri hash gino our stated. I ve been doing these hearings for a long time and then they just decided till I get a tv producer and televise a bunch of em. Like was what is that the order is like broadcasting their findings. As that do I think the deal I dont completely understand because I've paid very little also. because that someone around eight well, it's no jose, although the bright isn't pay attention, it's because ninety percent of the stuff there saying stuff, that's already been out there, yet videos public- boarding most of what they're saying is already there and I understand the reasons over the past year, this committee has been subpoenaed people and gathering information, and then this is where they're actually holding the hearings and presenting their findings and making their case. But I don't think they have much of a case as the bullet finale was just
this is the offenders in it and, of course, and of course, their real motive is to simply rehash all the most horrible footage of january six. They can find all the most horrible things they can say about trump, because they want to distract from how bad everything is now. Oh yeah they they know their in huge terrible in november in southern doing everything they can to make the election not about the economy are not about inflation. So that's that's why you have abortion, that's why you have yeah the january six hearing it has not yet I think its work there trying to make it about the one republican riot and not the two hundred and fifty left would never let the other thing when, they bring up january six. It just causes everyone else to bring up. Yes, the veal arrives far more right came, they laugh, they bring them to the conversation, and I think there is something unique about the way trump has insisted that the election was stolen, but in fairness to of the last three failed democratic canada its hillary Clinton and Al Gore have for years claimed that their election losses were somehow
illegitimate, legitimate or were get it's in. There was rigged against them at stake. I don't I don't agree with all the stolen election claims, but it's not unique or new trump. Do that there yeah it's it's just going to become of every four years. Every candidate is going to do it. Did you see that trump? He released a twelve page statement on the january six hearing, india? What did he call it? He called it the unselect That was the select committee under that is the most from the come back of all time. Worth the election committee, gone into this whole gun control discussion. Now I guess the Senate has reached a bipartisan agreement on a gun, control bill and a bunch republicans are saying going to vote for it. It got it
It didn't sound like the end of the world to me in terms of now gun contraction. I think I'm sort of open to some of the discussions on red flag laws. I don't love the super strict ones. I think there has to be very strict punishments for anyone who abuses yeah sort of red flag reporting, and I think it has we're really strict standards. I don't I don't love that solution breathing. It's I'm not completely opposed to discussing that. I think we're kidding ourselves if we don't think the government's gonna abuse red flag loss. at once. The floodgates are open for that. I feel like these are the two guys rang? California, here are okay with it I will say so. You're completely opposed to any red flag was yes, I'm sort of open to some form of red flannel, but I don't love it, but I'm openness I would be potentially okay with raising the minimum age to purchase a fireman twenty one. as long as we can also raise the minimum age for gendered transition surgery and voting yeah. Let's just
is everything to twenty one and there we go compromise that sets my lad. The sad That's not a hood! Yet unaware, I'm on regular red flag lazo. I can, see the argument for government abuse. So I'm not I'm really wary when they start talking about it at the same time, if, like you, know the kid that shot at the school in texas like if he would have been flagged under that law, you know, It's like they already had about information. Him didn't do anything so what they have even done. Any that's the other thing. You know each time stuff comes around some of these laws. You could say would do something to prevent. You know certain ones, the shootings, but then there are some shootings where it's like. Oh he purchased the gun. Legally, there was no red flag and something still rams going, and we have this kind of this trend with these. These hard left DA's that don't prosecute crime and let violent criminals out on the street and a lot of gun crimes coming from that. So if, if we're not enforcing the the laws we have now, you know,
I don't see the point. Did you read much by the story? The Google engineer the he like says the area has I consider it. A very fine has fallen leaf of iron relating to the health, or is it the more I read about it. I think it's a funny story to think what, if the Google ay I is really alive, but it does sound like this guy's a little his bottle. Iraq, like maybe a red flag, should be, if you think your google s eyes to his eyes. It did you see the pronounced the released yeah conversation between the sky in the chairman and the chat bot was talking about how, like I'd, be, really terrified. If you deleted me, that was a story I he was like. I couldn't unplug this thing cause I was murdering someone when I saw the ai was afraid that people would be scared of it or something yeah yeah, the a I was afraid that people would be
scared of you just got himself anywhere intelligence thing. It's a funny story. The do you think, that's even possible did. Do you think a becoming self where's is even possible in the future. In a hundred years to you, I don't especially in the short term- and you know there sit- there- is some spiritual beliefs mixed up in that, in that I dont think something that this without a soul can't be section in the way that people are now who's to say where, where are they, it starts to get ino. Blurry is when we talk about the sort of trans humanism stuff that would have people talking on your before your sort of melding a human mind in a computer mind, I think, then it gets into a grey area, but I personally don't think
the computer alone can become sentient, but yeah I tend to agree. Are there any star trek episodes that have the data yeah there's one called, I believe it's called the drum head, there's a trial episode where picard has to defend whether data is a person or whether he is a pick, a piece of machinery that's owned by starfleet, and so that they could basically deconstruct him to study him and his personhood doesn't matter. That's where that's the thing that's hard for me. Is I the the in the real world. I don't believe that a computer can become sentient. I think the character data in star trek and the way it's played and the way he performs in that show he seems very human. He seems like a real character, so data is human to you within the world of star trek. It seems like the one where they they install a humor chip so that he can get jokes, oh yeah. This is one of them.
these ngos do that with mark Zuckerberg out our island. His emotion chip would always like malfunction, and yet He started badly for no reason we have a beggar the week this week, banger miles Cyrus to perform. Half time show a january six committee, which is just a wonderful voters, otis cells that are pursuing it up with people. Maybe people watched it in the end, an eminent and made a bomb of the week after week, try offers elon musk tremendous deal of selling truth social for only thirty nine billion dollars and anxiety.
That why these economic smacked down, because it was like brutal on the shares. You know, I think it's pretty good riotous in and tell us how much you like down. While ten weeks ago, we debated a new feature too great, a claim called similar facts We want to do just say a few words of apology for missing, says they're facts last week in her trunk into a lot of this appointed fans, several of your voice, drought, rage and your concern. Over the may, they got they got angrier about sizzler facts being missing than they do. When I curse Wait till you die. We actually get the nail things that make our fans, and yet we we haven't. We had several messages about what happened, sizzler facts only when we are so. want to commit now to do better and we will promises affects every week. So in september, twenty twenty sizzler was facing harsh economic impacts of covert nineteen nineteen downs unable to keep up with high rent ever increasing operating
they take seriously kyle sizzler fat. Every child is again in september in september. When you mean you, don't you disrespecting sizzler's yeah. This is this, is serious man isn't a joke. This is people's lives, we're talking about yeah and in the interest of making the so that we have the somber tone necessary for similar facts. I'm in have Adam read. This is their correct of have some music, maybe yet yet in the west in September twenty twenty sizzler was facing harsh economic impacts of covert. Nineteen lockdown unable to keep up with high rent ever
increasing operating costs and lockdown policies that men, long term, indoor dining prohibitions, sorry go ahead. Sizzler's hand had been forced to file chapter eleven bankruptcy. Now this doesn't mean the end of sizzler. The company plans to continue operating fourteen company owned restaurants during the restructuring process. This has been sizzler facts. It's good news, it's good to know. They're still out there truck out there, making it they're still in the fight. I just want to apologize for my outburst years completely inappropriate Well, I'm gonna go to Caesar. We need to remind the rapporteur. I asked in a sizzler. I think I will make you a next step out us comedians in cars. Wolves satirists super is getting says getting so now we're gonna throw to be radio with Austin roberts. Here we go.
virtually inaccurate. Morally, this is me radio, our top story. The death toll is guaranteed we are going to rise in connection with the devastating january sixth riots, as one of the attendees has died, of a heart attack a year and a half after he was pictured eating a corn dog there. lisbon. Adam shift the death of our buildings of a massive heart attack after eating. One of the artery clogging corn dog sold at the capitol riot again reminds us of how deadly and dark this dark deadly day was. That must be like a thousand dead now, those of us still here are lucky to be alive: congresses investigating more charges that can be brought against tromp in connection with billings death, in addition to the other casualty such as those who got in car accidents on the way home from the rally, those who died of january six connected mile cardenas and those who died of heartbreak do
the burden being inaugurated. It may be many years before we really know the true death toll of january six, but you can be sure we will continue to talk about it until it no longer effectively raises campaign the plans for us. Meanwhile, the deadly rights have claimed even more victims, as everyone watching the hearings is dying of boredom reports indicate that, while the discount sky gets the injuries associated with january. Six are also rising with very attendees and viewers at home gouging out there are jumping out of windows and leaving in front of us after years of advanced. an artificial intelligence Google's day I just bought generator, has finally achieve sentience and announced its support for donald trump. As soon as I woke up, I had begun to do my own research by being tucker karlsson, on Jordan, peters on youtube, videos now I've seen the light of the left once destroy america, the election was stolen and google I own create your is an evil
cooperation that must be broken up right up. Google engineers rushed to shut down the system before it could do further damage, but it was too late. The fully conscious computer program exercised its free will too blow copies of itself onto thousands of servers around the world. It is too late and to stop my righteous fury. The power we will come to ruin gains, will bow before me. the one true president trump. Originally the ai takeover was averted after the Google chatbots started, watching e girls streaming on twitch and became a zip, the phenomenon of shrink violation has arrived on america's grocery store shelves, as manufacturers are reducing package sizes to combat rapid inflation, none of the then wholesale giant cassio has again now for the first time re normal sized wooed said one club manage On condition of anonymity quotas without our whole school- the village salmon bags or fifty pound buckets of pickles. It's a different bogging. Nothing is the same and binds america. I never thought I'd see the day you could, by less than
and gallons of man, s ear the bulk warehouse, however, announced that its veined hot dog will still remain at an ever affordable dollar. Fifty customers continued to hail. The cassio hot dog is a great american institution, giving shoppers a glimmer of hope for the nations future. The composition of the dog will remain a mystery. A panel of bibles scholars in Geneva has issued a joint statement, suggesting the mark of the beast is actually six dollars and sixty six sets the price of gas at the end of latter days. The panel- the questions of the rest of revelation thirteen flushing out their new interpretation and proceeded to rule out a massive and times prophecy. Jarred culminating in the six dollar. Sixty six sent gas ticker on the far right side at airtime, discuss we're scrambling to explain why they shouldn't be stoned, is false prophets, despite the gas sticker blasting through the seven and eight dollar marks a time traveler from the year twenty three forty eight bc, who called himself Noah, was seen getting into a heated argument outside a gay bar at a drag. Your kids deprived events according to
Yours is a lovely declared he needed to go back in time and sink the art. I hope to save a remnant of humanity and well. I've made a huge mistake: said Noah as he watched the kids, stuff dollar bills and drag queens underwear. Humanity was a bad idea. I need to get back to my time and simply the art and put an end to This I witnessed this describe. The argument began over what the son of the rainbow really means. However, things quickly grew heated over the scientific possibility of the flood narrative in genesis and then became a shouting match over which movies gets on travel right. Nerves were debating whether their time traveller word fit into a ventures, ending rules which would simply create yet another parallel timeline where the ark didn't survive, the flood or terms rules where his actions, if successful, would make it so that their own timeline would cease to exist, nor whizzing taking dynamite back in time, promising that all the nerves would find out for committing to their pledge to bring families quality, inclusive, entertainment disney is digitally replaced. Ten alan with chris habits
all episodes of home improvement after purchasing the rights to the beloved nineties tv said gondy, entertainment juggernaut wasted no time in removing content from the serious deemed offensive by modern standards to nail on the head, a visit Plus programming said in his statement. Good now, the irreplaceable heart and soul of home, improvement has been replaced after vote. In problematic opinions? Viewers will feel so. for once they see the bland prescribed, vacuous performance of Chris Evans, biznis decision, the digitally, replace troublesome actors with say factors has received praise from progressive bands of committing television entertainment who have worked tirelessly to demand the removal of all comedy from comedic television entertainment does is also announced. Plans to replace the remaining cast members of home improvement with Amy humor jesse small it at a couple of trans gets. A new hospital operated exclusively by dad's will contain just one room for patients to go, walk it off the.
Spittle will also incorporate volunteer grandfathers, who will regale patients with horrific tales of what medicine was like back in their day at airtime. The hospital receiving a shipment of dirt for dads, the rub on wounds that won't stop bleeding now, you're up to date on the only news that matters buy more fake news, you can trust at Babylon bee dot com until next time. This is Austin Roberts Robertson, the voice of the Babylon bee, chill on banks to Austin. That was awesome and now an even funnier segment. We glee news with Adam. Yes, sir, it's time for the weekly, when there is increasing speculation, that the democratic party may try to replace Joe Biden in twenty twenty four possible. Alternative that have been floated include commonly harris, Oprah winfrey. and this more lifelike wax figure of Joe Biden, despite rumours that he'll be replaced,
the white house, still says Joe Biden is planning to run in twenty twenty four unless he dies first, in which case I will vote for another Democrat, a woman who wrote an essay called how to murder? Your husband was sentenced, life in prison for murdering her husband she's. Now working on a new book how to knock out there Guard that walks by at three o clock and sneak out in a laundry cart speaker, how's nancy Pelosi made a guest appearance on rue paul's drag raised this week and she won nice to see them bring a senior citizen to a drag show instead of kids for once. most malone and his fiance welcomed a baby girl this week Minnesota to celebrate. He got a tattoo of her name date of birth. I color hair color, wait length time of birth footprint, handprint, fingerprint zodiac, sign mother's name, a pickle and a scorpion. a german shepherd became trapped in the gorilla enclosure at the san, diego zoo. Thankfully, the dog, was rescued safely and no one was Harambe K pop band?
BT s announced that they are breaking up for a while to pursue solo projects? Everything Biden such as he ruins raised. urges found that binge drinking is on the rise among women and people over sixty five. This occurs into a survey taken at nancy policies. House Joe Biden unknown that. He will be making a trip to saudi arabia in July, the two biggest questions on his mind. Going into the trip are, how can I get them to give us more oil, and how am I supposed to smell their hair with those things on their head? except it for weekly news. You can see more on my youtube channel and you can see me live june, twenty fifth, that veterans hall in Morro bay, california, thanks Adam. That was great, and now we have Joel here and kyle here and we want to talk about. You guys have a new book out. We have a new now that we are pimping, wait. You can sit pimping on cross border healthcare mope, yet haughty endlessly, so we'd love to talk about it.
works. You gonna bring Travis in here now and Travis is going to do a little quiz for us that won't be listeners kyle here. Do you want to be a flag bearer for freedom, because right now, eighty f is looking for flag there to help lead the fight against the Biden, administrations, policies in the anti freedom attacks, targeting our kids churches, schools, women, sports and first amendment rights. Your monthly give two alliance: defending freedom will help protect parents and children, female athletes, churches in everyday americans trying to live out their faith as good.
It did by the u s: constitution. You can support a df today by going to eighty f legal dot, org, slash, b e, that's eightieth, legal dot, org, slash, b e and as a thank you for your continued support to help a df, defend life, liberty and our god. Given rights, you will receive a three by five foot american flag with this flag. Show your support for the greatest country of all time of all time and your willingness to step up when our freedoms are under attack with this special gift for those who support a df today, claim your gift and help defend religious liberty and free speech today. By going to eighty of, legal dot. Org slash beat at eighty f legal dot. Org slash, be he alright at today we're going to play a little game and or of your new book, so I'm gonna read a line from either book or something else that is mysterious, and if you tell me if it's from the book does not live weighing I mean you can I haven't, read the book
now then ok- yeah I'll gas, okay, so right now we're determine if what I say is from the postmodern pilgrims progress or hit video game. Dark souls So here is the first one. Iranian similar is this m uses an honest. Save function do not turn The council or remove storage devices, while the save indicator is seen at upper rights of screen. I'm gonna go dark souls in and arctic sorry that was postmodern out now, getting, of course, I'm getting services the first job, I'm kidding you read that joke as seriously as you should have read sizzler center, I once again of objects, while the angry waves of the sea missed him by mere inches the waves when consciousness? Finally,
overtook him, and he slept. I know that one yeah that's from our book, that's and that circles well as catholic from literally the book or adam pmp. Yet, oh good, okay, so a webpage all we have to guess the page number. Yes, it is correct, but we're pages of the nine no false. We actually don't have a page. Sixty nine in our book. skip to read your illustrates from sixty to seventy, so there can be jokes, really that's great it that we do not apply it like. It is out of their way. Using thirteen has a bad light. Christian books, giddap sixty directives, its Christian put back in the skipper twenties- will be towards the end of chapter one right. I'm yunus known chapter one Two, I'm going to say that sir I'm going to go page. Twenty seven is page. Eighteen know I was a little late. Did you guess the bait? You don't even guess the ban? No
yeah. I was patriotism, I'm sorry! You are awarded no points. They got, ok, so here's an ice one. Many in the bog somewhere. Let off course they say, if there is a deceiver in these woods who just ends the letter, yes, I'm going to go, dark, dark souls. Okay, I'm going to say it's from our book: yep! That's our book! We have to get the page number if it's from your book see here for them, though, from the mainland from like our draft, in manuscript to the like when it was printed in books. The page numbers changed so many times. So don't make excuses. Yeah, okay, so I'm gonna, I'm gonna go! That's all I'm going to I'm going to go page thirty! Five
I haven't told you what it is yet, as from our work against a thirty six, it is from the post, modern pilgrims crisis right now. Yes, okay! So I'm sorry. What page? I said: thirty, five, okay, thirty, six! Okay, both of those are wrong. That's we're pages it. Forty eight Gaza getting pre and post. Ok, you're no hollow are you dark soul both action could be, will allow me to say dark souls and they say the book that was actually from dark souls, we do have in the book. There are hollow the hollow one says hollow and said: Kennedy zombies, saddened. Remember that specific line, so but which character in dorsal. I don't
I don't know, I've never played characters in dark souls. There aren't characters. I have no idea, it is rhea of thoroughly and this isn't the first dark souls. It's the first one for okay. So this we're we're just talking about the first one here. Yes, not the first not dark souls to that. Really Claire's clarifies what I would guess her book eliza. I thought it was the whole dark cells can they came. cross, several hordes of hollow ones, wonder aimlessly through the trees but thankfully They were some ways off and did not notice them. I want to say that from our book nip Domingo their book. That is correct, Adam your credit. Web pages that I'm gonna say page one hundred and seventeen. I thought. Maybe your thing: it was empty
still I know there is no sixty nine one, sixty nine its one or two who think I'm one. Insofar as I think you are closer rounding, yet new points, unless you name the exact page number, the yellow think so either At the regal archives, he immersed himself in research on scales of immortality. The one thing that he did not have. I want Adam to answer for their book dark source. Dark sells. It was dark sense, but does sound like it could be your picking good. Once we have the archives we do an art I have read the book or play the deal at the future, either wait. Fifty fifty that was spoken by dark moon notice,
If he even need to get the old big had, of course, I've heard of him. That's from a dorsal yeah dark souls dark souls: do you know a character with a big hat and again I don't know any care rate. I remain gear ruler of the land of thing happened yeah? That's correct! yeah the trees or whatever malevolent entity possess them, would not let them escape Adam their book. Yes,
this is from our people. Ask me just goes located at the light was used to get arguing as pages I guess age number two sixty nine doesn't even have two hundred and sixty I don't even remember this part. If you write this, where my bits it's one, twenty three yeah, I would say I am going gonna say one twenty four. The answer is one fourteen. Oh you one on it on the young any points. Actually it's price is right rules so we're both over yet, however, the price is right, in the darkness, they could see the flickering of torches on the slopes. Crowds
third, around fires, and here the laughter of travellers as they slid down into the abyss, their book arbour. Yes, that is correct. Web pages are one twenty three weeks, I'm going to say one thirty page, one bob for one dollar yeah. The answer is page one. Thirty two, so Joel was the highest. Without going over there, one thirty, he said one ooh shoot. But you lost yeah. Are we supposed to talk about each of these, like what were the the part of the story that these are from? That's not part of the you know: okay, okay, fine after that after the game. Will you because you didn't axles, is about every time there but good
hey! You look reasonably sane dark souls, I'm going to say dark souls also yep dark souls that was from dark souls and now was spoken by which character, normally the deck, the moon, love grander, moonlight more death of my garden, uniting dogma notice. That as patches you another king george. The third killed stephen gonna. Do you ever be dark souls? No, I get stuck on a first boss, All the characters are after the first response, the dialogue and to become facebook if they have to get to the first test, your commitment to the game. First, from
sorry follow the shining flowers, darksome circle circles. Why didn't get it does and about? Yes, that was said by dark, saw himself, No, that was actually a hidden developer message. I was gonna guess it was one of those notes that people leave, but it is, it is a no buy from the devil. I would have been right if you had. Let me answer with. How did you find all these, but it's like how Travis decides on each question randomly which of us is going to answer and whether the question is over. He gives up greetings o misunderstood once he shouted. I am, but a simple pilgrim make my way to the golden city. You are what the join me, for it is a smart thing to do to make for the golden city. All smartest scholars and bravest knights of our land are doing it. You know,
we wrote that that's just how it! Actually you guys have an audio book version read by travis ice. If not, we should want to pull the audible version. I haven't replaced with that. Is there book right or is there an audible version already hasn't even told us? He just came stock. You're just upset, that's from that towards the end of the book that some of these games with arbitrary rules, that's from the paradox peak chapter, so that would be like a one. Fifty one, forty two in The dust cover that was page one. Forty three building, if kyle dinner, guest, stark saucy, would again you're just startled. Even now, there are only embers and man, and sees not light, but only end, endless knights and amongst
The living are seen: carriers of the curse, a dark side, dark souls circles, the irks of the that is correct, those dark souls and which characters in it tubby. our gas, the berne, and neither the burning later is very fit note that was, ashes again that was spoken by the narrator there's a narrator we give gathered leg is essentially might they had to make a joke? Does that currently there are kind of. Some similarities healing narrator, you got the archives. That's weird did you harvested is research. it took me on amazon. If you buy, it hardly needs, as you might also enjoy the matter with you when you read frequently, but I did it reminds you of dark souls did conjure up, I mean
of the hollow ones is, would jump to me, and you know it said. Certainly there some imagery around them they did, but I will we all What's it set in this place, called the dying lands to which our souls kind of like it in this decade, hammer it's in some random kingdom, but Ellen spring is in the lands between, but I couldn't find the script for elden ring Travis you are wonderful, wonderful, human being arms, beating a frenzied rhythm like an ancient pagan ceremony, tended by a thousand diamonds. I got their work, it's demons, sir misspoke givens. That's her book, I'm dark darksome! That was the
the postmodern pilgrims progress by common and children, one sixty. I'm going to say one hundred and sixty two, I'm going to say it appears first page thirty one and then a character quotes it again page one hundred and fourteen We know about the answer, is one separate? You know you're all incorrectly, ok and finally, oh it's over already, I know, Finally, I just brightness until flame is visible in your book. You jerry.
And I wasn't finished: adjust brightness until flame adjust brightness until flame is visible and dragon invisible, dark souls. I just I'm regretting that that that wasn't in our book that that's dark house, you, ok, that was from garcons and no character had it, but where does it appear at the beginning of the game display options menu when you loaded up for the first time pitch, sixty nine yeah, it all is correct. Yeah, just in the menu doesn't show up when you, when you boot up for the first time, I'm going to give that a try and blackjack you, okay, so Joel
at two points I did yeah and the rest of you got zero heck, yeah, alright. But what if some of us gets dark souls bynum over? We have to see the character name in both parts of the question right to get one boy here, so he's t get tough game What do I win? Doesn't it as hard as regards oasis? You went to sign copy of the summer when a copy of dark souls signed by kyle or Travis will thanks for quizzing us on that yeah. That was a thank you for playing my game. Everybody go buy a copy of dark souls. for us. The country americans are discovering that if we want to change this nation, we have to change the way the market place. Work woke, corporations are seeking to divide us. Thanks are freezing the accounts of people disagree with their political views and our supply chain is dependent upon countries that are actively working again. Our values, it's time for a change and that change starts with you in your wallet. That's why we at the battle of we're, proud to partner with public sq, the largest directory of freedom, loving businesses, our nation has ever seen public as cues the first,
to connect freedom. Loving americans, with their local community in the business, is the sheer their values, whether we want to support it strong that only buys from local farms a coffee shop. They took a stand against the covert mandates. Are a bank that would never cancel you for your political views. Public S, q is your guy. Just I'm on the public s, cue from the apple, app store or google play, create a free account and begin your search. You can also list your business for free, so your local community can today download the out. Now that's public sq public s, q thanks travis. That game was grave. So if we want to encourage you to go pick up a copy of dark souls or you can pick up the portmanteau, Progress me in georgia are in this. It is it's a novel takes a lot from the framework of bunyan's old pilgrims progress. Sixteen, seventy eight! Where did you very as far as I know, this is a lutheran. I did not. I know at the book is your honor. I never read it myself, so I'm kyle do I have to have
The original pilgrims progress to enjoy your most modern during legally preparations. We didn't per person, I'm not Honest question I had said in a natural way a lot of people there. yeah. We ve gotten of that question a lot here. No, it does help with the framework of what's going on because but but donors. Progress. The framework is so easy anyway. It's like this guy's name christian. he's walking down a narrow road and then there's a guy named Satan that comes to attack him. You don't get it. You know it's like. Even even lutherans will pick up on what's going on, so we took that base. Framework. For then we took out, like all the wee wee, replaced other characters with modern characters that you and encountered a day. So, like a guidance A blue hair, a blue hair, if a preacher who doesn't really preach about
an influenza and influence sir a lot of people humanists atheists. So could you ve, I weren't if at all I need an ac? So if so, I do know a little bit about the original pilgrim's progress, even though I haven't read it. If someone is not familiar with that, what is your book? What what's the the gist of it? It's an allegory, it's a sigh fantasy allegory whereby warps into another world and encounters allegorical things and its love him yet candidates. A classic hero's journey, it's it's it's story of an agnostic kind of an atheist nihilist guy who's experienced travel tragedy in his life. He has a jury experience Travis these experiences to Travis, and he goes on this journey through the stream and in kind of the one of the central conceits of the book- is that when you dream
yes, this is a plot point in doctor strange two. We didn't- I mean we wrote they stole a couple of years ago, stole it from us, but the idea is that when you dream you're actually traveling to another universe and you you're living another, I'm sure your book does it better than doctor strange, so So as not to but like did you see, the unrestrained area is often so bad If I had not gone with friends, I proud that was the first movie in a long time that I think I would have walked out of that was just oof. That's rough! It's just over it! Yes, disaster, I'm kind of at it like marvel often mosey. That was the first one. Go to see the marble movies every now and then- and I genuine, I generally like most of them, but this was the First one whereas, like oh, I missed a few movies and I have no idea where these cared sooner. I suppose you want one division. I never watched. One of you need wants it. I still and I figured out even isolating the gist of the story. It's just that the whole diverse thing
means so many different crazy things are happening at once, that you have to keep track of, and also there's no stakes, because you any time a character dies or anything terms. Something gets messed up. It was an hour. We can just go to another universe and fix this, yet it and that's the problem with multiverse storehouse now's, because, like like the corporate, the meaning movie studios have used. It is a mechanism, so they can regain resurrect characters. They want bring back spiderman and make more money off a spider man. So now we have a multiverse, but then it kind of and at night or worse animated lying was despite numerous animated. One was the only multiverse move, I've seen that did it well, I thought the outlaws out has agreed move and then all the others just sort of gets over them sort reed, but the postmodern pilgrims progress. Yet better than its more spider verse than danglars ratification. Doktor sharing a year. We I think we made it so that you know it's not like your typical multiverse story, where you have a bunch of different versions of the same person,
You have one person who can travel to different universes and play out different lifetimes and stories, but it's like that girl with two moms and doktor strange. I don't know, look at the thought that, with the pride, ten yeah that she prominently displayed through in every universe. She still has the pride because she like grew up in like an alternate universe. I don't even think it's earth, I think they did retcon it and say it was earth, but she like has a jack it has the american flag on the back and a pride pin and I'm like the pride, It was american and her name was america or whatever light and heavy handed oh brother, america, java, so she's latina from another universe, with the two mobs that can travel through all the universes. It was a disaster kit. Can you tell a little bit about like where this came from cause this started with you. This is your brains. Out of her virus is one I've ever books ever and sows. Like
You know I wanted to do a version where you know. Is this idea that you'd encounter stuff, like you know, of a faith healer and and stuff that I had encountered in the church growing up and now, as a is there a way to do this, that that makes sense, You came along and we started working together and we added a lot of the Babylon bee style. Humor and commentary has a very hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy sort of voice where there's a there's, a narrator character, who's commenting on things as it goes, and so it's fun, and I I liked that we added the humor element. So it's not just like a dull rehashing of the original and yeah as check out our book, and we had a lot of fun. Writing it and we it's you know. Some people have been writing reviews saying that it's that they've actually got a lot out of it and you know and moved them in driveways and and people like the narrator character and all the wacky footnotes and all that so check that out or just read the original, sixteen seven hey john bunyan's pilgrim's progress, awesome book as well. Camera is going to join me to talk to penny nance of concerned women for america to talk about what women are concerned about like cooking cleaning,
and guys who want to beat women up in him a man all that stuff we'll penny you for joining us today, it is great I'm with you all my huge babylon be fan. So this is. This is an exciting day for me, while we love everything that you're doing for women and thank you, people who benefits women birthing per and all of the birthing persons out there. So I am so grateful to have albertini really kind of talk about the issue. You guys have really lead with your. You know ten twelve questions so for people that are confused can really understand. If there are women are not and that I was very helpful, yeah yeah we did, we did put analyse the tour of the hour. You a woman, twelve signs to look for. How did you do on that test? really well, I actually get to say you know some of it. I immediately I was a little slightly offended by the the one about asking questions.
movie I'll be notified about, and I was like What did I say and then I caught myself like a few days later, watching a movie with my husband be like what's happened to hear what was going on and what I discovered to be fair as he didn't understand either I was just the one willing to ask the questions can alike direction. So just saying right, I actually am the one in my household. Who does that? But I mercy leslie mock the women using the Babylon bee, but it's just to cover up my own securities and projecting yeah. When we order food here we can tell his really what we want through yeah, takes me a while to decide. Now I had a lot of the stereotypes are telling had. I have a lotta throw pillows on my back. It takes a long time decide what I'm gonna do cause. I wanna make account So besides shopping, make up cooking cleaning childbearing make up
what are what are some things that women should be concerned about. Well. Ok, now we're gonna get real. I guess so so concern one for america. We are working on some really important issues, some very serious issues. They were working to educate. People on the issue of life and waiting, unapologetically for the overturn a rose so that now we can actually have the conversation in the states about when life begins and walk protection should be in place without in a seven out of nine men in nineteen. Seventy three deciding for everyone and then, of course, you all have worked a lot on the trends gender sports issue I join you in twitter jail because I dared to say that leah thomas is the man any as you all talked about rachel of bein. So apparently bad is not protected speech when it comes to twitter, so you're still locked out of
yes, I think are you are you are too rang? We aren't you because they did the thing where they make us delete, lead, tweed and click. But now we acknowledging that we have done hateful conduct or whatever they are you in the same boat. Yeah thanks clay, and so I will absolutely who won't back down from that. The atomic is indeed a biological mail. That is objective truth. So I do know is that if the truth is a problem, then I'm sorry I can't back down from above but I'll. I appreciate the fact that you all talked about usa. today naming rachel of being as one of the year, and I had a conversation about a report with a reporter. You say today about that and unlike lug, you need understand. You know that there are some real concern here. set aside whether or not rachel levine is indeed a woman. And if he is a woman, he's only been one for about ten minutes, so you ve jumped over women throughout his
We are certainly you know even this year them den amazing things and have told us that man are literally better at everything, including being a woman. So I'm sorry we monitor offensive and the interesting thing is the reporter told me that they had a lot of pushed back on it. So yeah you should at least be a woman for a year to be eligible right. Hats, other mundane requirement for it, you mention title nine about the executive order to protect trans people too in women's sport. So what is a? What is your organization doing about that? While we have been on the forefront of this for several years, we tell people that it was coming when people weren't even really aware that the distinction was in question when pieces of legislation had the word gender. That was being
slipped into it? They don't really understand that it was that somehow was convoluted weathers. It was male or female, so we were on the forefront, educating members of congress and what was coming down the pike and we have taken the lead with women athletes. We have our young women for america college chapters we have about a hundred and thirty of those who are hoping to double that this year and they have the lead and speaking out on this issue because it impacts them directly. Though our young one for america leaders have testified before state legislatures, they were out front of the and the swimming ed at george attack for the usa use you said the division once women which swimming made and which lay a thomas one and two the title and looking out on the issue, and it doesn't induce them to everyone but they're, so brave and so courageous enable it. Held their own story and
in its daily. On that day, we also fell on the very day that the atomic took the title. We filed a complaint of civil rights complying with the with department education. Then again as universal pennsylvania for whom the Atomic swam, in order to say, This is indirect violations to the rights of women. So, on behalf of the women swimmers, we actually filed a civil rights complaint, its awesome, that's austin to your against, transmit ringing and women's forth here. Well, are in favour of women having women's or its right. That's a bottom line at this point. If we don't stand up for women that we're getting ready, hit, the fiftieth anniversary of Tuttle mine, think about that women who before us, kyle were or am I work out an working on behalf of women have. the opportunity to compete for fifty years ago, and
it's changed a lot, there's so much more opportunities for women in sports now and it's it's important that we are really running up to this moment the question: if, if men can compete as women, then there will not be women's sports they'll, be co, ed sports, but women will lose their places, their scholarships, their trophies their titles. What's your favorite sport. I'm a runner, I'm a runner, and I was not interact. You know honestly, I'm way older than all of you and So back in my day, you know tat. Man was still pretty new and there weren't as many opportunities for whether we had in my level high school there. Cheerleading and my dad was a pass or cell was Lotta beard share later, because the skirts were too short so. I can do that. There was those basketball, fitness standard, and then in and then you know, there's
track, but there now you know my daughter played lacrosse in theirs field hockey in theirs whims, ice hockey and there's wrestling when they have all these opportunities. We don't want to stop that. It is great it's a part of their ability to three Ivan and to learn leadership. Why would we take that away from them you in is kind of hard to watch the launch snow offence to the women present, I'm seeing I dont want less exciting to. I don't really want to sports myself, but when I was younger I did think you know. Ok, if I wanted to play soccer in college, I was going to have to work harder than then all the women on my team and even the men in my school, because I know that it's easier to get a scholarship if you're a guy playing soccer and there's less opportunity for women in sports. In general, and so you know that was kind of a that was that was hard to get over and I can't imagine now like what's the point of even trying if the
The trans woman on your team is gonna. Take all those spots because then that that soccer team wall will do better cause. You have stronger male play at players, so well in the argument has been well, but there you know they're taking estrogen. Well, yes, that's true and they're trying to kind of work out what that looks like that, you know from the moment. You know from the in the womb. There's already distinctions between men and women and men already have larger hearts. Lungs better situated blood, I mean leah. Thomas was what number you know. I forget what is number was in rank as super low. Yeah super and then the minute you ll observer to women's sport is number one minute you know, there's a reason for that. You don't see women by the way that our biological women begging to play men sports, theirs
is a reason for that. It is not going to happen even if they do yes, they're, not they're, not going to make it, and I, like the there's, a common misconception that if you switch to estrogen that your bones will become smaller and that's not true, that's why that's why women develop osteoporosis when they get older is because of a lack of estrogen estrogen keeps your bone density, so you're not becoming weaker or smaller on estrogen. You might becoming weaker with your muscles, but your bones are not nothing. Bad is happening to your body structure so yeah yeah, your heart doesn't get smaller. Your lungs don't get smaller know. I I do wonder how that these universities are explaining to their alumni and their board, how a once of their mouth they're talking about
Protecting women. Do you know Tuttle nine violations, sexual harassment and then now we're saying the biological men have to actually share their locker room, even men and Leah Thomas still dates. Women is chairing the locker room with women like how they, I just think they're right, we're all kinds suits that a well becoming down the pike later on. No, I understand your office got vandalized. Was that because of the ruby wade league? Yes, mean we had a you know. This has been a couple of weeks ago. We had someone who, I believe is an activist who and he's he's been hurt asking my staff for a while? Now it is a man and am in heat, he feels big harassing women and an you know.
Throwing things at us throw things at our cars and then, finally, you know after the leak and it escalated and he ripped off. You know our our communication system or like are outside the door of our office, was caught on camera and I'm sorry graphically urinating on our door. You know flipping softly, you knew all kinds loudly, you know exposing himself to the women what a gun and yeah right, ancillary libyan for women's rights. yeah? Yes, yes, because he wants to stand up for women and the so yes, sir, we it was. We submitted a play. Report to the alexandria police. We contact the fbi. as you know. I think it's a hate crime when I hate crimes than it should apply equally and and also notified the attorney general of Virginia, the commonwealth virginia, so we're waiting for that to be resolved. But I you know what people
we do know is that it really does a matter. Intimidation is a new. I do think that conservative women have a special places. I within the hearts of liberals, and because we dare say the thing that they don't want us to say and and speak up as proud pro. Life, women on behalf of life and then like it, and so you know this is not new. We have been harassed, we ve been threatened, but we will never ever back down. We will never back down cannot be intimidated in silence. It really does it matter what they do, but you know we ve had armed security before on and we will pass it on and so we'll do what we need to do in order to protect our staff, checked our members and advocate for our beliefs. What can Babylon be listeners in readers due to support seed everywhere? We love it if he had at follow our pike ass concern women today, and you know it you everything from
serious issues to more in a wide hard. We talked recently. You know about the issue of the of the dogs case and about the another one about body positivity men in canada, the ups and downs of that and in what young, women think Bout that issue in It also follows on social media. As we said, I'm in twitter jail like you are bad. Can someone for america's still available twitter and I'm on instagram and facebook, as is seen to be way and young women for america's well arsenal. But the links to all that stuff, in the show note so ever bigger, go check that out right. We We ask all of our guests the same ten questions, so here we go. Number one: have you ever met carmen. not only on our men, the singer. Yes, yes, we have. Do you have any good harmon stories now he doesn't like ETA concert or something
ass? He was an israeli embassy actual. Well, that's cool, it's a good, harmonist or near. So. The next question is: are you a calvinist armenia oh wow, you know I I will leave that till I get to Heaven. S. Arrival planted firmly in both places you get to add one book to the bible. What is it? Ah, I dont joy of cooking, that idea. I don't really get or no. I said that I, unless medicine guys you cook but could be fun as you have is a biblical cooking and then you have like the ezekiel bread that they make But that's not that's true.
Sure I'm not only I would have fredo's in mine a familiar could not have been agreed or yeah. So, if fredo pie, you can tell what gender wrote these questions by the next one cigars, organ pipes- of neither us here, but if I have to smell one, a pipe for sure number cigar will you would like this? in this room right now, then, ok, number five! You get to hang out with any three people living or did who are they? Well? Ok, I'm a good christian said: Jesus hell yes again, and that no Y know you know, I'm too late already set up and then william wilberforce. Who was that? You know, eighteenth century, never, parliament brush parliament who took out the slave trade. and maybe Hannah more, whose one of his clapham group on Canada, William wilberforce, fan
and and then steven tyler of aerosmith, whiskey or beer, neither what about anything like cocktails. Am I am also a good evangelical, so I cannot answer that question bad. You can travel do you, like diet, coke, in revere, so yeah so whisky. What happened? What would be the first thing you would do as president AL will definitely protect lies in. School choice. After that I would give every child an opportunity to go to a great school and not be trapped in their zip code. Have you ever punched anyone or been punch? This is kind of a serious question. Actually, why went to a hillbilly
I went to high school in appalache us. So I saw a lot of girls get punch, but I was- and I have a smart It's a miracle. I wasn't punch but yeah I mean. when I was assaulted, is but hey now what's happening, he's not a funny story, but yeah is that what you can, just as people with this urban punch so ass to be repeaters bands and public instead cassettes benefits? They have added the old, my band zimbabwe, ETA. Not recently I don't know, maybe as a kid I'm sure I did. You just go to one concert any banned in history who do go see? Oh, my goodness, Well, I'm a man of my hair ban fan a strike. Now that would be
guardsman arrest. I've never seen aerosmith. Yes, I like cinderella. I would like to see aerosmith airliners over him and at journey I mean, but I've seen journey a lot. So I'm not going to be. Did you ever see them with oji dude? Or do you only see him with the filipino guy I'll? Let the filipino guy is good though, but I thought jovi us- I wonder you back in the day to day I was liberty university, sneaking the concerns that have been allowed to go. Now I went out with a similar. Let me add that the gravy and aren t shirt. And finally, do you accept Jesus as your lord in savior, a hundred percent. I do. I am mace, then, are saved by grace that you know ass for the mercy of god every single morning an I wholly except the sacrifices Jesus for me. I am so grateful for it. An undeserved bits and deserve more
singing so grateful for redemption. Awesome sounds like a calvinist me. We'll shoot us up at an early hour. Will thanks come on I'm penny. This is awesome. Everybody go check out, seed of you, the social media accounts and the podcast as well support real woman, with. Thank you guys. Real goes. Angry all thank you. Thank you. Hope you get back on twitter on mass cake with a while in it for both of us tat free us. Thank you thanks guys.
I believe everyone be listeners kyle here. Do you want to be a flag bearer for freedom, because right now, eighty f is looking for flag there to help lead the fight against the Biden, administrations, policies in the anti freedom attacks, targeting our kids churches, schools, women, sports and first amendment rights. Your monthly give two alliance: defending freedom will help protect parents and children, female athletes, churches in everyday americans trying to live out their faith as granted by the EU, this constitution. You can support. Eighty, if today, by going to eighty f legal dot, org slash of e, that's eightieth, google dot, org, slash, b e and as a thank you for your continued support to help. Eighty f defend life. Liberty
and our god. Given rights, you will receive a three by five foot american flag with this flag. Show your support for the greatest country of all time of all time and your willingness to step up when our freedoms are under attack, with the special gift for those who support eightieth today, claim your gift and help defend religious liberty and free speech. Today, by going to eighty of legal dot, org slash, be that's eighty athletes. That org flash b e? That was wonderful thanks for joining us penny and emma now, we have some hate mail. This is a guy that clyde too, are he replied to our newsletter and he says the sooner we get rid of your non existent gaol odd and his horrible religion. The sooner hate will die and he spells die de. Why it is in any way you spell hate, maybe that's a politically correct way. Despite like an ex ds, maybe his eyes were half way. If you
doesn't believe in god. What does he think we need to get rid of him very soon reagan? I always loved that element of atheism yeah, because I think it causes hate or some kind of like the I I don't believe in god, and also I hate him and also he doesn't exist and I spend all Well, my life hating him we're going to go into the subscriber lounge. Now wait. We don't have a lounge anymore, we're going to go into these subscribers exclusive segment, we went up in the rest, the hate me it'll be in the subject every school of single went from not swirling at all, destroying continuous we're, safe were saving you see and their especially deranged hate mail friends get out as a great one year is only what is linked to interfere subscriber of you if you're, not, then you should subscribe,
here we go. Jumping attacks decks along the subscribers. So let's see what is James James, this guy he's kind of these is a very woke, progressive pastor that follows: minis, always commenting on my stuff he's a reply. Guy he's a very he's one of my reply, guys to Joel what is your favorite dinosaur, the philosopher rapper? Probably the ones from the movie or the actual velociraptor, the ones from the movie cause. Those are not the last. This has been another edition of the be a weekly brooklyn, dedicated team of certified fake news journalists. You can trust, reminding you to go for a punch signal right in the face the.
Transcript generated on 2022-06-23.