« The Babylon Bee

The Bee Weekly: God Save The Queen and Mike Lindell

2022-09-16 | 🔗

Adam and Jarret are joined by Thor Ramsey this week to talk about the news of the week like the Queen dying, Mike Lindell having his cell phone confiscated by the FBI at a Hardee’s drive thru, and a valedictorian in Mexico possibly losing his license to practice psychology because he quoted G.K. Chesterton at his graduation ceremony! Thor also talks to the guys about deconversions and the deconstructing faith movement. 

Jarret and Kyle talk to Eric Metaxas about his new Letter to an American Church.

Thor Ramsey’s new book is The End Times Comedy Show, a satire novel of the evangelical landscape.

Banger, Bomb, Sizzler Fact, Weakly News, and Hate Mail are all here in all their glory. Subscribers to The Babylon Bee also get bonus hate mail, subscriber headlines, and the second set of ten questions for Thor Ramsey.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The queen has died. Long live the king if you're into that sort of thing go ramses in the house, and he wants to talk about the deconstructing faith movement. Twitter shareholders voted to go through with the forty four billion dollar sale of twitter. If elon musk is still into that sort of, we talked to Eric Metaxas again, and he has some words for the american church. All this and morons the
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his returning again. You ve been here before great christian comedian, yeah. What you been up to, and co host on, co hosting the Babylon beat a day ass. Aren't you were my shorts casino. Does the whole pants co host pants? never wear shorts on stage when you do stand up, that's the thing. Have your yeah! Well, I I did last friday and I couldn't get the five minutes. I wanted five minutes because I gotta set coming up somewhere so, but it was apparently it was a big night with a. he's my from oh from oh, yes in the house, he's mo was so sorkin on us set. What was that? It was a one, neither in canyon lake he's Mola cola his whole. Or he is I I fortunately have never heard of him, but he's so good so and was I can see what he's working on special when we were talking before we started rolling about my conan days. When I was working new york, I was the producer's assistant who, like book, the stand up and
I saw it is most somewhere out at a club in new york, or somebody had sent a clip and has trying for like months to get him book didn't get button. York. When we moved out to l a tried again on the I think it was on the night show I don't have a tonight show or tbs, but eventually they booked him and he just killed so funny, yeah yeah. He did Conan yeah yup yup, so cool really. So, though, you're also an actor, you do a lot of acting and don't do. that's. What you are, I am an actor hearing. I should say I do a lot of act there. I'm selective about my role, slimming that way I only take roles if I've written the script. Oh, so that's. Why limits my that does limit your work as it because nobody'll hire you or is it is now you know it's an intimate. I intimidate directors is what I find, and you know they just there hard. Maybe that's? Maybe that's my problem: how to handle yeah, I'm sure. That's, that's really what it is not easy to work with. God method actor
what's new with Adam you answer man. Where have you been on for so long that I don't mean I forgot your name. I've been traveling for a couple of weeks. Yeah I was doing shows in florida. I did mccurdy is in sarasota off the hook, recruit in naples, and the week before that I was in chattanooga tennessee at the comedy catch all they were all awesome shows their fantastic, the ones at the comedy catch rate, a few be fans that came out of school years, very cool, When I was in Sarasota, I was at a restaurant there. I forgot the name of their China is named after a year like seventeen, ninety six per some like that, but the waiter
difficult years I don t know I dont know if that was the year. I know there was a seventh and eighth of wine that year good stay. I dont my I forget the name. I am proud getting the name of the restaurant wrong. It was just some year, but the waiter there is an email address, three eighty eight that might have been more than one hundred, but the waiter there's name was Andy and he recognized me from the Babylon ba when he set down my men, you he said all this and more on of. Oh, that's really got guts out at any. I that's great. If he's watching all the shows in florida, great and then the final night was one of the weirdest worst crowds of her had my entire yeah. They care they're like they were just makes it a bad one. It makes it back so I I hesitate to blame the audience. Cause, I think a comedian should be able to handle most audiences, like ninety eight percent of the time. I think you should not blame the audience will feel his steelers every now and then you get an audience where I'm like. I have to blame the audience because I was on with mo mandel who's. Also experienced comic, like fifteen plus years done. Conan.
in chelsea. Lately this audience tethers about. Forty of them and I have been at the same club the night before audiences. Fine, you would get like a child, we're out of them every like third or fourth joke other. That is that like they were listening to a lecture, didn't like clean jokes, didn't like dirty joked in like political, jokes, didn't like crowd, worked, and just nothing now, if I show ah now, seven, p, m kind of show leash. No, It's like tiring, interesting crash dictatorships. Can I dare to like you start to lead worship. and sometimes the cartoons really an intense or not- and you don't know the difference I gotta know why, like you know what I'm telling you and around you can blame the crowd in that sense, he's very early, not words of irrigation, zebulon decried, you can't blame god knows has. As I know this, isn't shots fired, you're, just not singers,
some congregation summits, but if you go for smaller congregations, they're, just like the prayer think a lot of times we often service. If it's not their culture right knows gonna come up to go. If you get a prayer card filling out. Well, that's too, and so sometimes there just more of a quiet thing. You do want to judge too harshly some of its, not necessarily that they're not worshippers. They write that they write the worship lyrics down as your seeing. Maybe there actually worship than say, worship you they re debts, be they do a journal to God. Our work I'll, tell myself, that's the crowd was doing they like, let us say like they were quietly writing. The miracle has rallied around them.
They were smart crowd. Yes, smart people, just don't laugh adjusts now, let's turn and jerry airs full time than I am and full time at the b I work at the Babylon bee. You guys you finally got a job. I fight find on average, as I thought, your full time already already yeah. Oh that's true! It is a fine line between line between full time. I was out for awhile before I was actually employed and the hours do tend to creep like overtime, you're overtime, you'll go Gaza for years now and I see this note it was the nine eleven twenty first diana anniversary three this week it says up there, have we forgotten it. Well, I've We were talking about it before this seemed like a really quiet weekend. It wasn't like everyone was talking about it. You know I saw I dunno if they do this every year it was a very cool like poignant, nine, eleven memorial they have out at pepperdine university. Have you ever driven past that one they have that hill, like overlooking the pacific ocean,
They have like whatever is close to three thousand flags from all nationalities that loss people in the september eleven the tax just across the fields, was the american flag and the other nations like dod. There's people walking around its beautiful it's on illegal, immoral. They had very up. That's good, did not forget. They didn't forget, idea and media pluralism, tone down know our community is really where I live in. I live in canyon lake, which is a gated community. It's your tour buses, hacksaw donkey, hey, send me cards and letters and I'll send you a free book, but you gotta write a review. That's there, but not they get. So it's ten thousand people, but the real big around puts out blue. They change their near what he called a lad outside europe
or hear large. Allied outside words. I mean let's light, but everyone puts in blue porch lights, that's cool and then there's always a big event at the lodge, and now that's good, It gets going on there and the media. I I didn't. I didn't watch a whole lot of the coverage that day, but I did see there's a lot of Democrats that were trying to tie it to january. Sixth, I don't know what you're crazy raised so I'd say is so true that such an insult, it is people who lost their lives to their family, and I wasn't
it's like a january. Six is like it's like it's like a frat. They keep. They keep trying to make january sixth happen like it was a terrible riot like I do. I have no problem condemning the riot but sure it was to try to make this like significant cultural rivals. Nine and the other part is they are they're, ignoring the violence on their side, which I that's. The other thing we're talking about is the hypocrisy is. If somebody would just say you know what we have a violence problem. Yes, also you, we should probably not storm the capital. If you want a versa, it's right. If one person would say that it would be like oh I'll, listen to that guy yeah that sounds interesting. They just ignore it. So you got thor's address to get book to also check out the battle on bees. New book, the guide to democracy, to democracy, yachts, lots of fun stuff to doing here. Yes, lots of. really really true facts about good information, as until the end of the day really funny already have some motor fraud stuff, it's good,
I believe we have an add for the democracy book so check that jacket
Babylon bee friends, we have some big news for you. If you read the babylon, the guy woke ness last year, and you said: hey, there's only one book in this series that sucks do we have the book for you, the second book in the series, the Babylon bee guide to democracy. This comes out september, sixth, and it is absolutely jam packed full of awesome, drawings, illustrations, comics, stick figures punching each other everything that a good book would have. I never read war and peace in highschool because it didn't have sticks this book. Does this book will teach you how to rig elections, how to bribe politicians how to win a political argument online and why democracy? Actually a constitutional republic, is friggin awesome. It talked about all the branches of government, legislative, executive, judicial and corporate. So you know all about the government now and you can shut down opposing arguments. People who don't think america is also the Babylon bee guide to democracy, go check it out. Today you can go to amazon, you can go to any bookstore in the whole world, avalon beach, Stuart, shocked at Babylon bee dot com and they will habit what a great ad man best one. The best one I've ever that was yeah yeah
I said I'd make sure you have subscribe to the podcast channel here on youtube and make sure you get our new merged. We still got this conservative tears tumblr that is complicated to explain cause. It's got fine print about roby weighed in yeah, it's a whole. Thank you get here out of his joy and yet conservative tears of joy because of ruddy wet now, not as a substitute for justice on got that is thomas at its clarence Tom parent. Honest highlights another ass. If, from my family, they cut off his head right here that the two was yet it's ok, Yeah, that's that's clarence, thomas, to be sure to go to b, dot com and order all of our merchandise. We also had a we had a greasy sketch this week. Isn't so good, there's a! I think it may be one of our best ones. Ever it's actually taken off. It's been a total banger yeah. It's awesome, yeah we're super excited about it. It's the one where californians moved to texas. Yes, yes, I'm very proud of our awesome
cast and team and yeah you guys did a great job so far, so good, it's doing well on nightline make sure you check that out and it's been getting great reviews. Here's one from a swag who wrote it's just a matter of time before Chandler winds herself, an oscar. The ads are actress who is the liberal woman moving from California three eggs wants a really nice one fly. This is from road via a right. The actors in this skit worth fan. Testing and fantastic, his own capitals, I emphasise in reality the occasion was get right here now I say I was an insolent. What's up, I was on this one,
do I owe you were not I produced and that's why there's one those good it did not have either of us that's about was the great summits is great, but it's a little, and so we don't we not sorry you're not in this are not enough. Lab is one of the few hundred. Madam. I just wish. I was there, but I was so just a guy also said the gather got supply its action was a phenomenal actor. You the funny thing about him too. He was so easily size, good buddy monies names, Dave Atkinson and he was actually on yellowstone. This last year, so he's one of those guys that is legitimate. Cowboy german. I like he's the real deal and he's been in everything, but he was me like I'm like. Ok, you too, I know, that's like our southern southern guided could come and play a technology now He was so good right. I know yeah, that's right. I love that guy he's so good art that we'll get to the
news this week to, of course, to be a story queen Elizabeth died, god save the queen and now long live king, charles, the third shooting draw serving the monarch in british history. She lived from nineteen twenty six to twenty twenty two and served as queen since nineteen. Fifty two israeli, I'm not lay I see a lot of people online that have strong feelings about the royal family went out there, they hate them or they love them, as I don't have strong feelings about, like I'm kind of indifferent to it, but it is like she was like this is just one of those people. Who's like been around forever I this is the end of an attack. This is the end of an era like for generations, for all world leaders and world events that she was there so yeah. It seemed like she was kind of like holding back the tide in some ways I loved her netflix show. I saw that too. I loved it when those great both the actors. That player were amazing. I just think you know I wouldn't. disappointed they switched stream on me, though I don't like when they change actors yeah,
to it, but I do my I initially now. I agree. I understand that so a couple like weird facts: the lower the rings came out in nineteen, fifty four or fifty five, depending on which country urine, and he presided over the greatest modern works of live. Let the greatest modern work of literature ever met. Northern bore the battle on me guide to democracy as our thoughts newberg. What's in every book again, this year timescale initiative, the andirons gandhi show by thor thoracic. as though a ramsey work of fiction life, that's good, all the novel ass. She was like total She was a solid stalwart, none of person. So, but what have a net all due respect to the queen. Here we have the top reasons. The american republic is totally better than the stupid british monarchy. I'm reading this for the first time
yeah alright I'll kick. I dont know what I am about to say number one. We are not subject to unaccountable institutions that can completely locked down our lives for two years over a simple virus them. I right we do of unaccountable law enforcement institutions that enforced justice differently. Depending on your political party. Right, we get a vote for people represent us, unlike in Britain, where they vote for people who represent them where they can be re before we don't have to waste we don't have the waste our lives following every tidd bit of news about the royal family. We just hang on every word that comes from our hollywood celebrities instead, so much better in seventeen. Seventy,
I've the colonists had no income tax, new corporate taxes and no payroll taxes so naturally wants we got rid of the monarchy. We made sure to keep it that way right. We ve come. symbolic power and sovereignty into the head executive, political figure. So now we have an imperial president. This is kind of like a modern day caesar who can invade the country he once with some. Word in a foreign language, good mare, mare, Omer, yeah, the foreign languages other than trump. I just awesome and that's all there is anything they had a they had an apostrophe in the a right, and I was trying to. I thought that was I I was I say, yeah eight or like didn't even say that I don't kids that are probably know in their thirties. Yeah. That's true! That's true. lit numbers out, we had a real and what we ve still got guns. We decide guns, something we
No, I mean asked button bright, buttered, Billy clubs, and this was that we do this. torres just breaking. As I came in the stirring weird, the f b, I tracked down MIKE Lindau, while he was coming back from a hunting trip and confiscated his cell phone her evidence in a hurry. These parking lot. That's right yeah, it was. It was Hardee's parking lot. They, but behind him and like close them in and when let him leave and then took his self spouts setting it up, the girl said that thirty five senior members of mega, which are enough, there's like an actual mega likes irony yeah I bet, he said that those does maggie term supporters I'll got raids. Thirty five of those members yet is creating what Wait. What are they getting like? What I dunno I I heard it had something to do with a hold on it says it down. Here they were interested in his ties with tina, peters, the colorado county clerk.
An election deny who has been accused of illegally allowing unauthorized people to access voting machines and mace academy as part of a plot to prove the twain. Twenty election was stolen. It just seems like their overreaching, with just trying to investigate any one who is trumps porter. Unlike Whole election deny it. Is it so interesting? They keep calling all these people election deniers every time, but they don't say that with every single Democrat that supported russian collusion and every I know you know Hillary Clinton and Al Gore and all these people who is stacey abrams all these people that write the neither or action which I've read yet yeah the election deniers and again it's like what I talked about earlier. We have a violence You know like yeah, let's figure this out again, if you just admit when other people do the same thing than we could probably have a better conversation about it.
But I wouldn't del though I wonder when you think, like yes, political influencer's, we are mogul and do I feel like I have to turn down the volume on the phone before they left. He has waistband Michael dell. portal out a letter into trying to prove border fraud in this less and less I think he hired a team of like one hundred and twenty or a hundred and fifty people on his own dime yeah investigating. So I don't know if he has a lot of still. He has any has a lot of times. Maybe that's why they're trying to squelch his employees just one of his hair down anyone associated trump and their wanted is as areas despite that I like it, I like to think when they go through his phone like every voice. Mail in every text. Message will start with. I might glinda the creator of the inventor of the advantage of blind girl a science of concern because he p he funded church people and I had jeopardizes with mike so now as I it are you coming,
I think as yvonne, he goes on planned as well. Have you ever texted or old, like linda? We got his number. You can cutlets right now they have is from rome. Gotta. Who is this MIKE Mike can have a life. still go, not stealing voting machines right all the gum anywhere crazy. crazy story. The democrat senate candidate in ohio represent tim ryan than this, This is new answer your nature, but he called for americans to kill and confront the mega move. And on an MSNBC appearance. So is the guy who blamed like maghreb, for the shooting paso into doesn't eighteen, they will always use the same sort of violence. Reckon troops and its airlines that are even worse and then they will want use like again. This is a problem.
like he's coming in any saint killing confront these are words that yeah Italy is not only about killing confront people yeah right, he sank, Helen confirm movement, but many swords like that. It's yellin, confront the movement specially we're going to say that what is the movement vow alignment of iran is, I mean that's here's. This quotas, as I believe that the president is most certainly creating environment here with our nose. Sorry, this this his quote about el paso yeah. I believe the president is most certainly creating environment here where people like this no passer, dr ten hours to go, kill mexicans, kill people of color than he sang killing, confront the mega movement. But they are not the way the every bad guys are doing. They never have a problem. You alone right hill, in confronting the good way, not in a bad way for good for good, therefore gaily and sent for the gas. I really think this is part of an intelligent. Even if I don't know what you thought
what fraud are, but I really think there's a mentality where they felt like its justified to save its almost We ve got to steal the election to save democracy, and I really feel like that's kind of their mentalities It's a it's! An obsessive compulsive need to control, because the system itself, like any leftism, sort, lends itself the return is meant to tarzan is, and so is that, and so justify any kind of action for that for the end of the utopia, their turn to create? Where the day you know have rights and privileges it's and they do see it as immoral like they see it. As the end justifies the means like I'm, not I'm not, I, I don't support all the sort of voter fraud and, like dominion, voting machine claims, but it's when you hear way these people on the left talk. They This moral conviction do we have to stop trump at all costs where it is not inconceivable to think that they see it as a greater good like we can break the rules just yet
so obvious they're trying to stop him at all costs, yeah yeah when they say they raid my glendale yeah, because he's having a beef and chan that they are just inventing more and more things to investigate him for every single one fails and then the next week it's another investigating for that will actually yeah it's crazy. No is true. It seems like yeah we're dealing with that kind of mentality measure. It's like a superhero into what always starts with a big news is the big news is, and we keep waiting for their pay off and it just never comes, but I always big news and I just kind of faye: they all see themselves as kind of vigilantes fighting justice. it's that resist ya'll, steward and their ingest eyes. We just have to resist that all its creating revolution, evolution revolution so anyway, there's other stores, here S, another story, university student in mexico could lose licence to practice. Psychology for graduation speech- I don't know this starts as the autonomous universe
city of baja california has initiated proceedings against a recent graduate christian cortez Perez after endeavour those took offence to his graduation speech, the university account, though, is considering a petition to withhold his degree and professional licence violating christians fundamental right to freedom of speech. Here it is in his speech. MR called for the rejection of the redefinition of the family and radical gender, Ideology so, apparently, even in countries now they're getting woke, and you can't question this idea, what's interesting, I've been noticing that there's a huge there's. This denominational split. That is annabelle right now in the energy bt q movement that, gb is not really
really pushing back on the tear, not all on board with the tear, not only boys annexes I and its anti fac yeah ignores biology and no one really knows the clue. Eccentric users can, but there are both so that the cue I hope we will really now, but but the tea is being now. That is the news right now. There's a lot of attention in the community, yeah sure and tease for tension. heads algae, bt, algeria, detention, well, they'll is moving to have tea, redefined as turf in a positive sense, turf. Oh, never heard the turf yeah yeah yeah explain it. What it is transparently canary, radical, very, very good, very good, soda turf is going to be included in gender in elsie boutique. You know is the teaser match supposed to be show, because it's trying to show feminists used to like feminists were sort of ideologically on the same side as the rest of the left. Right now,
The feminist movement is pushing back specifically gives the transgender stuff, because they recognise that women are biologically differently Now you ve gotta, get exert well like with you how to run. You have no same sex. If, if, if sex is not by an airy, then you lose the whole idea of same sex attraction. You can have lesbians and gays without same sex attract you've got one. So, if the gender ism as what part of the push back is ok, if, if europe, and that we get it, five of everything, but if you're a man who is fronting pretending nerd identifying as a woman, and you want to date a woman whose lesbian. You can't because she's a lesbian she's not attracted manning you're, still a man,
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gender women, like men, who think their women are claimed to be women, is we're accusing women and lesbians of being transgender. For instance, Holbeck wouldn't date a transgender person, while as they were accusing men of the same thing, because ninety eight percent of men would not date a transgender woman and so they're saying you guys are just transphobic. You need to get over your transphobia and it's like. Well, maybe it could be about the yes, and then there is the idea of men. Who are I don't of idle? I I can't keep up with the terms, but the men who are identifying is in a highly sums. Lesbians, yes, is a problem. When I don't you personally is not I think all men are lesbians somebody out there, the agriculture technical! Railways be there's another, so this university student mexico who might lose his license for psychology, quoted g k, Chesterton g K, Chesterton, there's probably in his speech on the destruction of the family,
because that's the other thing they're against the nuclear family. Now the left two hundred percent, he said people do not know what they are doing, because they do not know what they are undoing. As those chesters can quote. He further noted that too life and the family is too self destruct is an attack on civilization itself colonies, peers too, solidarity with one another saying you have to love, no one seeks the good of the other. If he does not love him, a great speech, and so, of course the left is have a proper happened, It sounds figures really good sounds like I called their lives. Defending freedom is supporting his case, so good luck, told them yeah. There was in. I read this isn't in there, but there was a d o J employee that called the alliance defending freedom, a hate group this week too, not not the d o j themselves, although I'm sure they all think this.
as the leftists argument. Every everything they disagree with is either hate. Well, it is everything they are emotionally. It's fascism, hate or a phobia right, you're tagging emotionally, and that's why hollywood's been so good at producing after agenda in civilization. culture because they win the emotions, may when there is exactly right, exactly we got a banger of the week here are the banger of the week was stacey abrams announces that with a heavy heart she will succeed. Elizabeth, the second queen yeah. I know that old election denier dang. You know what a what a nice person yeah I've got, the stacey abrams app. Do you guys have that she annoyed? I will say that she didn't want me like when I was at elon. You know I was very openly conservative and stuff and I would always like try to get the producers and people like. I was like book people from both sides. You know and there's always he's a big. No, no. We want to stay out of politics. They bring people like her on,
She would come on and I remember I'm she goes right now. It's a mirror, its america, since the republicans. It's like they use these slake now over the top leg, divisive red now this january, Sarah conversers give another form in hollywood. Is it's ridiculous? That is not how we want to stay out of politics. This is not a little. it's just true. Are we have on the way to the weak man, spain, it's eight hundred hours and three thousand dollars to beat the free mobile game that is kind of funny joke. I think that was funny. I liked the station but I like, but I liked the mobile game when it's good time for one of the well are probably best segment of the week. The most popular haven't, sizzler, fax. Everyone always looks forward to twenty weeks ago we debuted a new feature to the podcast called sizzler facts this week.
This fact is a sad one whose past sunday, in Logan utah right on the border of the s deasey, that's it that's the sizzler dead zone. Oh that's right! The sutherland adrian from our says the fact. A few weeks ago the local sizzler wait staff reported to work as usual and were informed of a mandatory meeting later in the evening after hours hard sizzler work. They were told that the meeting that their sizzler branch would be closing and that they had just completed their final since it is timely to offer a sizzler prayer for the former employees and we hope they land on their feet and find other work soon, hopefully at another sizzler. Maybe if there's one as I the sdc disease, by the way. When did this happen? It says
saw this past sunday is windows fastened. It actually knows raise enough. I am this is in Logan outta I passed by the sizzler in Provo, which is a great sizzler great and didn't go in, but it looked good. After them. Alright. Actually, you know what I am to be honest. Let's pray, lord. I pray that you give those people jobs. They need him in Jesus' name, amen, amen. So this is Actually I thought your sizzler facts just manly hot facts of the matter there's no dietary back. The boughs is literally a restaurant yeah, yes, is a right that is hilarious where I'd. Never I wasn't familiar with. This is the fact now it's time for, though
clean ears with Adam. He answer it's time for the weak links with the biggest story this week is that last thursday, after seventy years on the throne, queen Elizabeth, the second quiet quit according to buckingham sources, the queen passed away peacefully, surrounded by family and spend her final hours being disappointed and prince andrew queens. Thirty courtiers will now go to live with prince andrew and his x Y Sarah at windsor estate, Sarah tricked Andrew no adopting the dogs by telling him she was bringing home some fourteen year old, closed circle. On Saturday Elizabeth eldest son, king charles, took his formal oath as key
thus completing all his duties as king, some customers or angered by virginia restaurants. Nine eleven memorial menu, which featured items like freedom, flounder, pentagon pie and the remember teeny in response to the outrage. Just like the owner of tower seven, the restaurant decided to pull it. speech this week, Joe Biden reiterated his moon shot goal of finding a cure for cancer during his presidency. So far, he's only succeeded in bringing back monkey pox polio in three new covert variants. Argue well just in borneo, found evidence that humans successfully amputated a girl's leg. Thirty thousand years ago, proving they were much more medically advanced than previously thought and they didn't give her irreversible gender surgery, proving they were more advanced than boston children's hospital.
Major league baseball, announced several new rules on friday, including a fifteen second pitch clock and larger bases. The Houston ashtrays have bowed to find a way to break the new rules as soon as possible, Steve ban and was formally charged with money laundering for allegedly stealing one million dollars from a group that was raising money to build a border wall. Although his attorney has argued if Steve ban and had a million dollars, why would he look in dress this way ban and has vowed to defend himself with the best legal team border, while donations can buy? Lapd officers delivered a baby at a very nice gas station this week, according to witnesses, the baby came out, saw california gas prices then went back in donald trump. Lawyers submitted their nominees for special master to review the morrow logo investigation. They include newly registered lawyers, Stephanie Bannon pollyanna man afford and ruby giuliani. Some vans are complaining that disney's new live action. Little mermaid has gone woke because they made aerial black, at least not as woke as their upcoming body, positive sequel, the big burma on tuesday, Joe Biden, celebrated the impact of his
nation reduction act, even as inflation remains sky high. Although the bite an administration has stopped the inflation of? U S, life expectancy and math test scores, that's it for weekly news be sure to check out the full, be weekly podcast on the new babylon, be podcast channel. Those amazing does you are so funny, you're, so bank on ends and some of those drugs or where you think about atoms comedy its grey right. He should do florida work for an answer, We have comedy we got thor ramsey here with your new book that we mentioned once before the end times comedy show and tell us a little bit about the book. Well, so the book basically What's it certainly late nineties, because that's when I started writing it and so on, comic living in l, a comes from the most prominent evangel the family in the country and is trying to de convert but as he tried did he converting groups have in these? The further tries to get away from us his fate
the more supernatural experiences it keeps having men's until it up to the point. Where is it this completely fictional, or is it completely functionary and well, I'm real exceed your right, which you know so, but yeah it's. I don't. You know this is if you, if, if you in relation to the writers, but basically they have still not steal from your life and not tell you sell your a story with them like that's really great, then they put it in a book and you read it one day. That's my story, but it's like there was a twilight zone episode, work cut out. Did you see this where the comic starts to? is throw all of his friends under the bus like that's what he does and then that person will disappear. It's a twilight zone, so I I've never seen little and for their who for their comedic like value, then they will disappear from his life and he's like we're. I don't think I've seen that when I saw the one where the granary was an actor who came into the studio and that was as real life and then he was denying Otherwise you bet I like that. Yeah, that's what I feel like romania,
yeah, so god gives them twenty four hours to live in a dream and now he's trying to basically find a way to reverse that proclamation of that prophecy and that's kind of the it's assists. It's a satire satire. It's funny. But enough about the twilight zone. If someone, if you want to sell your book in thirty seconds, tell us why someone should read your book down seconds. Well, here's why you should read my book, because, if you're going, I don't really read fiction that has hey that's steeped in the evangelical subculture ago. This is, unlike any christian novel you've ever read. I would say that the congo- I don't know that- was the goal that's a pitch border. Pitched avoided nominal, read it you know, so I ll leave. It gets copies for people, I saw the guys- and you know, let's uh, let's let's use here, can I have one of those you can have one last pop, that's going to say: oh Rita, we're going to sit here and read chapter one. All the people in the story are fictitious,
I shall read. That is a chapter titles, the chapter titles themselves. I should so you talk about. You talk a little bit about deconstruction in this. Don't you Well, then, I tried to lose his faith, so I put the deed. section in kind of his is a steering wheel thing since that he's trying to deacon vert. So I don't go the whole construction route, but that's really what deconstruction is scattered around to d convert? Is there a difference between those two things, one I think the conversion leads to deconstruction. I would say that, or the desire to d convert leads to to your deconstructing, your We can all I got here. I would say this again: is it really thinking and right now I did not vote in favour will mean that it is something that is somewhat from my perspective in because I guess I fell away for a decade. So there's a little in why I've had my experience with falling away from the faith and not calling myself christian anymore, and yet is us.
I started comedy. So it's a really odd state of mind. I haven't reached that point and I'm going to lose my faith next year and then come back to it your planet later, but it's an odd state of mind because I still believed everything it's just. I believed I was going to Hell. which they reminded you comedy and that's what I'm going to hell anyway? I'm Oswald had early hour longer, that's interesting. So, during the fears relief, when you no longer identified as a cushion youth, you busy so believed it was really an aspect that idea and help, but I came from really bad theology. Charles many o snap at It was my theological mentor through Keith green, listen, I go there, but- and I love Keith you- I love his heart and his music and stuff. Still to this day, but he was twenty. Seven wasn't a great theologian, but so I
I'm a perspective where I thought you could lose you salvation manifest with Finney everytime? You send. You lost your so vast right since to defer the b, but anyway, I know they're like lock of hair, and I regret it, but I'd rather unhappy about this than all the other stuff. So I started stand up so I see, but because I thought I lost my salvation doubting com. I suffer kristen anymore. Now am thankful that, because at least I didn't dragged than image Jesus through the mud incite lead times, your backs lies, I'm a christian is like well, ok, you know so, Oh, it was this kind about our state of mind to being, and some really big
theology now, because theology ended up bringing back saving my life dude, now we're from our sponsor better, how you know it's important to take care of your mind, how would you take care of your car to keep the same one, your entire life? That's our brains where you only get one. They haven't perfected, the technology recruited into jargon. There are plenty of ways to support a healthy brain like learning a new language or taking a nice power nap. That's my favorite there's also better help online there. I personally have used therapy bible councillors talking to a trusted, pastor adviser a church to get through hard times in my life, and I highly recommend opening up to someone else when you're going through difficult times. Better help is online therapy that offers video phone and even live chat only therapy sessions. So you don't have to see anyone on camera. If you have zoom meetings and it's much more affordable than in person therapy and you can be matched with a therapist in under forty eight hours, our listeners get ten percent off their first month at better health dot com, slash battle on me: that's better h, e lp, dot com, slash Babylon, once you know, I grew up in a holiness background as well, and that's many men who yes, yeah, he's the father of holiness wesleyan big time yeah. So I remember the day that I realized what grace was, and it was a big day for me. I was I was driving home from my orthodontist like and like it was like sixteen or seventeen.
and I was like I'm not gonna, I'm not going to happen. I kept simeon and and I just remember, the holy spirit is kinda like whispered music. So he's like dice he's. I do. I stopped loving you and I'm like now, Do I forgive you and I'm like yes, and I was going to a calvinist school at the time, so I had to kind of go through all the kind of reformed theology was like. Do you think that I do think DR yeah, so anyway. So he accept him in and I started to realize what grace was he's like I've. Given you grace he's like, why did I die on the cross? If not for this? You know where what school did you go to? So I went to denver christian high school so in in christian denver yeah, and it was a reform reform school. That's what saved me like when I came in I'm, not I'm not I'm through my cage stage but yeah. When I came into reformed theology, it was like it was like a conversion yeah cause. It was like. I never had security in my walk with Christ ever yep, and so that was a big deal, but going back to d
urgent thing, yeah. In one sense, I did. I did deacon variable just unsuccessful in this kind of where the idea came from, but I really think de converge. Begins emotionally. I think people I mean. I don't know. He said that somebody smart said this that, but what the heart, once it would justify so meaning that is woody and woody allen's and woody Allen system good stuff, actually I read his bar or his autobiography jolly said the hearts. He was the guy that famously said, the heart wants what the heart wants, but yeah, but that's any way to go. But man, if you haven't, read his autobiography it's it's really. That was really good and it really changed my whole mind on the whole. You know, is it changed my perspective, a woody again, that's cool. So anyway, I'm back
why would he fan again? And so so I highly recommend his autobiography. I gotta give a plug, but so the deacon version thing. So the idea that, though, if the heart wants something like a lotta, think I think a lot of times people grow up and- and I think this is more like- if a person grew up in a christian home. If their background is, you know seeped in christian culture or subculture, and they grew up with all that. You know only group of bananas or whatever it happens to be, but they grew up with all the different you know. Christian subculture things and they went all the christian camps and they made their decision for Christ's multiple times what it was and but is, but they had so. I think they think they're christians. They really believe that their christians, but what they also find is that they don't really like the they don't really like kristen reality? I think, as it amounts to the kind of like Jesus and they like this ray of Jesus and they liked idea
forgiveness and grace but they don't really like the morality that comes with the gospel itself. Jaso inside they start, feeling that and so what the heart once it'll just le justifying idle. They have to start looking for ways to either in nicosia and different stages, some never completely de convert, but they try to hold on to their fate to to it to an agreed. So they start justifying the different viewpoints. They have, which tend to be right in line with everything that the well. If you look at culture today, everything's moral, If you look at the left and they talk about how we should feel about same sex, marriage or how we should feel about the transgender movement. They speak not just from a moral standpoint but from a deep we self righteous moral standpoint, their religion at its their rear, chilling earlier religion and they might deny its a religion, but they their zealous.
Speak religiously. Here, I think an absolute they want to evangelize at other, be they evangelize you that he now unwise they stain people, they disagree. This is the whole evangelism anything and everything we see a netflix, an amazon for the most part. It's it's ridiculous. Almost to the point now, if like did you say the form where you're gonna put in the I watched, I think it was called. The series or series was called. The devil comes to ohio, which was like six parter as a dunno? Why anyone, even the devil, would go to why? Why would anyone go to ohio when you can go to shine when he already lives but yeah, but six part in series and but there was this one little plot well with due care, but little plan. Literally, had nothing to do with the story and get to it literally. You know fast for those two minutes, but they had to put de the same sex relationship they to put in something from the agenda to vigorously to eat obligatory its
torrent right, I was a ridiculous degree, but all that to say I think the conversion is emotional and not really intellectual. They look for intellectual reasons to justify why what your heart once one, I think when you're speaking with somebody's de converting, it's really good to remember this, our assembly's deacons it's really good to remember that most the time. This is an emotional response to something that happened, or to what you're saying like I actually, my bless desperately wants to do this or sleep, but this already this, and so then they changed the theology to meet it and in didn't get as huxley famously said, that is they TIM Keller wrote it in his book. This huxley was like well, I wanted to sleep with whoever unwanted too so I changed my theology so. That's kind of what outlet, let's be, let's be fair to you, not every single person who d converts or is trying to d convert is in that category sure I would say it's a huge percentage. Now there are some who truly struggle with intellectual issues. One I write in alive
think link there truly structuring. Truly, I think the rare, because I think it's I think, I think that greece, innovators, is more intellectually robust, anything else out there, but it's so one of those aegis always have the kind of use a lot of discernment like we're talking to jerry yesterday about evangelism. It's just one of the eu to use a lot of discernment to kind of listen and now Kenilworth coming from is is an emotional thing. Let's, let's you know like when they give you permission to talk about those things you talk about it, MR spurgeon famously said he, but another famous spurgeon quote about evangelism. I've actually say more people by listening. You know it was weird does jerry kind of that was what jerry was talking about yesterday. Basically listening yeah yeah, especially when he's sort of opening the conversation with people about it, you gotta sort of mining them and yeah. Instead of
just you no kind of asserting all these the victoria action would ever given of yea yeah. She tells a story that this is from years ago. She was, I forget, what it was for, but she was on some sort of event with couple other famous christian of angeles and so they buy. They don't really know her, but right away instead are actually having conversation with her and getting to know her they launch into their pitch and they basically pitcher the gospel and here she is already a belief that it was is, but you got almost an example of the worst type of- evangelism and you don't, you don't even get to know the person or hear anything with worthy coming from and and and so yet, as we can generalise about de converting and people who already converting The case is going to be different and sir you'd want to get to know why that person's, actually going through with it well yeah absolutely and a lotta respect to the people were doing evangelism to kiss
the deal moody said so to guess. Somebody came up in time. I like the way I do it, but in the way, you're not unite that. So not do not better be careful, yeah so anywhere that greater dig instructions are really big problem in our culture. I now and I always loved talking to people that that that are dealing with it or like have thought about it. And how do we do this It's! The children's is really good. Mike winger deals with a lot and she's done some great stuff, her podcast app rate. Isn't it great she's great we're we're big fans over here That's awesome, more excited voice with her euro region when she was in there. I figure group now cm What was it she was in the zone, eurozone girl, so girls, just just girl. I think we're singular- was a girl in the three of us a brand new. I was brand new to them, I think, but and this we did so showcase a national there ask letting it talked on them, but that's cool.
yes years and years ago, musicians. Don't get that deep in us. She went deep anyway and it's time for kyle and Jarrett, spoke to Eric Metaxas again. This week's did great conversation for that, another interview you weekly or they become Eric it's good to have you on the ban on the pod guest again, to be back. Thank you letter to the american church. If you had to, in this letter to a thirty second postcard. Now what would it say, try to make the cases soberly and seriously. I can that it is the role of the church to be the conscience of the state. My I only know that, because I wrote a book about did your offer and he tried to me a case to the german church, he was
profit really trying to make that case, and they did not heed those words which are where's were gods, words to them through him, and it is a an absolutely horrifying thing to think. What happened to germany as a result of the silence of the german church, and we need to understand that, we are being similarly silent. Theirs I hyperbole- that's exactly where we are, and if we continue, what befell germany will befall this country and it seems to me that is already happening, and I am just begging. My fell, believers to consider what I think god is trying to say: do you think at the recent speech by Biden was- was any indication of the direction we're going as a country. Do you think that that was
like foreshadowing, urge you think it was just kind of a mistake by the pr people they are at war with. Fundamental american values, biblical values and they there's no way out of it for them, except to win and you win by demonizing your opponents or trying to demonize your opponents and debate. We pull out all the stops and say that we will stop at absolutely nothing to win, It means calling half the country, fascist, insurrectionists christian national. Whenever we have to do to silence those people, the demonize, those people we will do, but I mean, let's be clear: its because The church has been silent. They weave allow things to get where we are now and it is because the church was silent in germany that the nazis rebel take over. It's very easy for us all these decades. I think it was inevitable. Of course had happened. There is
nothing inevitable about what happened in germany was because of the silence of the church. It was because the church misunderstood the scriptures They they weren't all coward. cowardice comes into it, but some of them had these pious, legalistic reasons for their silence and I'm try make the case in my book letter to the american church that the parallel are astonishing? The silence of the american church today for many of the same reasons, the results are going to be similar results and we bought the same lies that many people in the german church bought in the nineteen thirty's now so occur, The early today, alas, we just came out with this article down trying to discourage christians from engaged.
the culture war they're calling now so like the culture war, it is exactly what I'm talking about it's exactly the subject of my book letter to the american church. Exactly what you just said. It's is the shortest book I've ever written by far because I thought this This is a point that needs to be made and understood. This is not you know along. You don't need to spend a week reading this, but its very dense, it's very sobering, it's very, very serious. While I was writing this book, Christine today published something I guess was around east your time. that Russell more, whose now the editor of christianity today wrote in it and he wrote article increased, today at easter time, in a in very high pollutant language, basically, demonizing every one who would dare to be politically engaged as merely wanting to win as merely wanting to be culture warriors, and I thought to myself. He is doing what,
I did more explicitly just the other day. The this is just name calling. They don't have an argument and It's because of miss leaders like that that we are where we are today. It's the job of the church to speak up on all issues of truth. Bonn offer famously said that unless you see For the jews you you have no right to sing gregorian chance in others. You can go to church and worship god unless bravely speak up for those who are being persecuted, who are being german demonized who are suffering unless you do that. God has not trusted in your phony worship and usually folks in this camp theologically. They they say we're only interested in court, unquote preaching the gospel. Well, that's what the german christian thought that they were going to do, that they thought we're going to shut up. We want oppose hitler. We want for the Jews, but they will give us the opportunity to quoting quote preach the gospel. While the
The matter is, you are at that point preaching the most thin pathetic pseudo gospel imaginable, you're, not preaching the gospel. If you ve been silenced on issues of truth and when it comes to you name it human sexuality, transgender it would. we want to talk about issues of truth or god's issues? God cares about truth and he's deputized his church to speak the truth and when we these to do that? We participate with the devil, we're not participating with god's purposes. We fool ourselves if we think so, but you know the church has often fooled itself before and has been silenced, but the case the german church is a dramatic parallel to where we are today, and there was the line political engagement for churches and pastors like probably some people listening who hear you say, the church needs to be politically active and they think that we need a big vote trump banner.
but listen, there's imagine being alive at a time when you have a candidate who is for slavery, and then you have again. many deaths against slavery, okay and use Well, you know what slavery chattel slavery is one of the most wicked things on the surface of the earth. I'm gonna vote for Abraham lincoln and I'm going to tell everyone. I know oh, they need to vote for lincoln, because this is an abomination before god and as a christian, I have no choice but to do everything I can then to to get the man elected who claims that he sees what I see he's imperfect, he's a sinner but this is really important, because millions of lives depend on it. Millions of of of africans suffering the the horrors of the damned. And, if I keep silent on this, because people say why don't be political, I protested, in that evil and so were were
Are we to be silent on those kinds of issues? People told bond offer for sure shut up, dont speak hence the nazis, you're, just being political. How dare you do that romans? Thirteen is clear. We're supposed to you know about before the governor governing authorities in Bonn offices know that is a misreading of scripture, scripture says that I want to be a voice for the voiceless. So there are people who simply do not want some people to believe to be politically active and they immediately make it sound. Like all you care about, you worship, your lord and save your donald trump, Europe's christian ass, another's the throwing words and- and terms around because they don't even arguments. Scripturally there there there there lee mistaken and if we think about people suffer how people suffered, because the german church was silent, How can you be silent today? That's interesting. I feel, like I'm
very frustrated by the church leaders that are doing exactly what you're talking about it's, not the world that I'm worried about is what the church is doing and we see it all the time the church is is accusing As of now of not being about the people that we're trying to reach europe saying like they're trying to say that were being bad witnesses because we're engaging politically or were engaging the culture where we're talking about issues that are dear to us like abortion and things like tat and especially like abortion that only one issue. Let led right, let's, let's just say that that is just one issue, but in the I write about, I mean gosh, I look. What was the name of the book? We in the name of the book is letter to the americans. Yours thank you for letting me get that out her letter to the american church by air metaxas, but I mean again writing. With a title like that I had to, it's a really sobering thing, an humbling? Thank as you say, I believe this is what god wants to say. I think we have to make the case could
lee that were commanded by the lord to take his truth into. Every sphere of life to the school board meetings Wherever we go, would it take his truth? Why? Because it will bless people. This is not true enforced theocracy. This is to bless people by bringing god's truth to bear on all these situations, and so all these passes and there's another irony too, is that if you're interested in evangelism. There are tons of blood there who don't go to church when past you start talking about some of this stuff, they are suddenly trusted in maybe go into that church, because most churches won't go near that people are hungry for the truth, especially with the whole world falling apart. The hunger the truth is huge, and so when christians have the courage of our convictions and speak these things, there are two
if the people that are not crises, that you say, I'm so glad somebody's somebody has the courage to speak about that in an shouldn't. We have more courage, as we are supposed to believe Jesus defeated death on the cross. We don't fear death we're supposed to live. Billy freely, knowing that that's what god created us to do, and freedom to do and saved us to do so. I actually believe, ironically, churches that are talking about. These things and I'm not talking about being wildly political on, but I'm talking about speaking the truth and not being afraid to be called political. If you have the guts to do that, there are tons of americans who would not call themselves evangelical christians who would be attracted to that renew. Ironically, I think would be drawn to Jesus as a result of that kind of boldness. All it's almost as if the church itself, the regret, like these leader,
these are targeting only the progressives in the culture. They think that that's the only group that we need to be reaching and so their backing off of anything that might offend somebody. That's on the political left, of course, instead of going after everybody and speaking to the rational, populous these people, this gender is general populist. That would actually be open to hearing somebody speak about these things rationally from a world you that makes sense to them. Intuitively, instead of all, is crazy, leftist back words thinking I think I think you might be onto something there. We need to be clear. I like that. That's what he wrote his book. Winner to the american church, when you sit on the sidelines when you say I'm just going to I'm just going to be quiet, I'm not going to stick my neck out, I'm not going to get God condemns us he wants us to be a voice for the voiceless, their people whose lives depend on us. Being out our fate, actually that I was
The title, the book faith without works is dead, because I think that kind of sums it up in a sense that I think a lot of people, this attenuated idea of faith that is is this intellectual thing. I believe this and this, and you realize no fake faith- is- is lived out in how you how you behave? People can see what you believe. God sees what you believe. The devil sees what you believe by how you live and whether you speak fearlessly and if you don't people now and god knows, you dont actually believe what you claimed believe. So, there's a a chilling idea that, if you're not living out your faith boldly and fearlessly, Maybe you don't have faith, maybe you're not saved, and we need to think about that gives us the most important thing: the rift. Let's go to our second set of tin question since metaxas has answered the first. now the second of two. What emerges best describes your personality, I don't believe in emojis or you don't do him at all what
your karaoke song of choice, and can you sing a little bit of it for us readier? I think, he thing like I'm kind of into like seventies tonnage, so to be like an evil song or I don't know, question over three: what does the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? I'm gonna go with sixty. Sixty miles an hour. Have you ever been to a sizzler and how was it I've never been to a sizzler and it was awesome Guph was so good, not going if you were forced to move to another country. What would it be I think it would be greece where my family is and where I have like real routes. I feel like it, sir. No gets home. In some ways I would choose greece look. It is a hot dog. A sandwich. That question doesn't leave any answer. The answer, of course, is no. It's not a sound when you, but thanks for trying, ok,
Who is the greatest heretic of all of them? It's interesting Such is another great question: can you give me multiple choice and joel richard roar, cello steen generally. At any his? Oh, my gosh, I I think come I'm gonna go with Brigham young what's the worst haircut you've ever had, and can you send us a picture my dad gave me hair cut and so one time, my father in our breeze way? I was like a sheep before the circle for the shearers, my father cut my hair and genuinely was so bad. The haircut was was so bad that my aunt, my german, my my country, eleanor when she should have couple days later. She literally said what can t you so there's no questions. That's the worst erika I ever got. You
till you can tell that it still stings to remember it, question number nine. What is love, and why is love love is the guy They love the self sacrificial love of the lord of hosts, and it is something multi dimensional. What bible translation do you prefer? This is our last question sometimes I. I love the king James of the new king James, just because the the beauty of it, but I don't I don't know that I have a favorite bible, translation errors, get answer there, you have it alright eric well thanks for joining us, everybody please check out the book letter to the american church by Eric metallic add a copy. I would hold it up. It's called letters to the american church. It's by Eric Metaxas, it's blue, who wrote the book called letter to the eric and urgent. It's out, I turn recently. I've just beg people get a copy for your pastor. That would be, there would be, thou would kind of help thing.
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now we're razetta wasn't here now he was, he was ass, zoom in so he wouldn't onion yeah It's been in studio before, but he was he was in the week before I was the last time I was here he was in the week before I was in er the day frozen. Oh, that's, yeah! That's why I keep wanting to run one. I ran into him. I know- he's a great men's events together years ago. Yeah he was before he was the Eric Metaxas. He is today I know, and now I can't get up. I can get him on the line. yeah you show. networks the hard to get a hold of I'll write right. I he is actually a great guy and using our him. I've met him times in here. Probably doesn't remember written, but it's great it's. His flint is a greater. We like anyway, now after that, I guess that was before the interview. I guess maybe you would remember me now cause my funnier. I don't have funny or texas story, but so he, in our so we met years ago. During these men's events, when promise he pursued, Kennedy become defunct and they
Somebody else started up some men's events. I think we did like five or six together they'd, like a panel of guys and Eric, and I were on It- and just published his first book, everything you know about, god were afraid, ask and so and then so, and I read some books and then he gives me blurbs for three of my books like he gives me great blurbs like that it can put on the books and then I was hurt Eric metaxas gifts, blurb. He does. He does give them great blurbs. That's the word on the street and that's yeah, and so then, when Stephen Baldwin was on his show and was talking about church people mentions my name. Eric goes. Why do I know that
name, and he didn't remember. Even that is that's right. I forgot stephen Baldwin was in church people. Yeah he's seems like an interesting guy. Is an interesting guy. He's he's he's a he's. A lot he's loud he's a yes. He does there he's out there he's in it he's he's he's a real follower of Christ. He's like the real yeah yeah. He's not a pretender he's, not a pretender, you know, but it's awesome. While cool man, we got hotmail now it's time for a while. Eight mail. A comment on our peaceful protest or insurrection game show video. This is from TIM Johnston really true in his flower, bud is nb. You guys are about to lose more income. So sad love dad. I'm not sure I understand this. I dunno I or treason is treason. That's true!
what he said is true, whose can argue with that. You know louis blue treason. His treason reason is true. Did you hear another on here? Johnston TIM Johnston, I think that's the only hey man, we have our nice. It's a good week, wouldn't get wasn't urea those good. While action may be kind of a bad, we hear how they have a really good afloat iron or, as we always without real hey member, was trying to be sincere. Go there I think that was a lighter as someone who genuinely disagrees with us problem, if you wrote it that way, seems like he was gonna go and after the jugular there very emotional, those an emotional deconstruction was all right thanks for watching you guys stay tuned if you're subscriber go to Babylon, Tom, slash plans there, ain't babylon, beat outcomes less plans and for just five dollars a month. You get access to full link ad free podcast bonus.
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Transcript generated on 2022-12-23.