« The Babylon Bee

The Babylon Bee Is Back On Twitter

2022-12-02 | 🔗

The Babylon Bee is back on Twitter and editor-in-chief Kyle Mann wanted to talk about it with Jarret Lemaster and Producer Dan Coats. Jarret also talks to Brandon Showalter about the battle over transgender ideology in America today. This week’s hate mail is a lengthy masterclass on comedy from a comedy expert.


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In the full-length, ad-free podcast, the guys read Gizmodo’s article mentioning the Bee, the best subscriber-submitted headlines, and Producer Dan answers the Second Ten Questions.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Babylon on is back on twitter. Let that sink in the chair. These are putting people in the camps, but it's ok. They just want to eliminate covered. We talk to a journalist about the battle over transgender ideology in what he found out for shock you all this and neurotic our sponsorship.
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bit of friction. Whirlwind man we had thanksgiving week, which a lot of us we're in or we were jumping in and out of things was crazy. We had a holiday off and we didn't even record a podcast last week while cause. We did we therefore doubled up and down than some of us worn end, but I have ass far here. Working on Iraq, ass, I was in the valleys hearts I was up in the mountains. Jared always seems to be in the mountains, yes or the intercourse. I'm either in the mountains or on the edge of the individual. It happens when you're in a crisis well becoming one that's going to be so there's still talk about that. Yet or no you know yeah. I can I dunno when it's coming out, but I think they're doing they're just kind of putting together that torch for forbidding
So I didn't know that was a bit angel yeah, so they're trying to do an angel torch, and I dunno gods is that a terminology that I should know putting a torch for people yeah. You don't need to making a tour or a trailer or a short film or something to inspire interest so that people will want to invest in the film. So is that an angel studios, specific term? Okay? It is, they were all sitting around a whiteboard and they were like how do we make the term trailer more interesting and then, like Jordan, harman was like a torch. I know they have a whole story and they're all like wow. They have a story with a cow. I think it's like this, the cow it isn't it the statue of liberty. It's the it's: the statue of lives, the cow there was a The other story was okay. I dunno what I dunno threads, where he was, but they gave I watched the angel studios guys I did do you think that there's a difference between christianity and mormonism and are you asking me what the difference is? if they ve brainwashed. You
I have like they got down with jane, could have yeah they're more minaj's that guy, what's going on, I was going to ask of torques, and the sari is is torture. Mormon thing I know, is an angel studios thing. It's literally the statue of liberty thing like they built the tour supposedly they built that the the dude built a torch and then got everybody to crowd fund the there was that you raised investors, because recycling this torch nominate, build a whole woman. Give me money yeah so he's likely. What you need to do is like show or oh I remember that now, yeah, okay or with a woman part, oh dvr, that oh he met the angels. Did they mormons you don't I did joker them. There. I jumped to them a lot. I asked them. If season seven was going to take place here in the united states operate and yeah it's funny. We actually had a really funny conversation about somehow deep faking jonathan roomy like saying how to a bus you watch the chosen. I did what the fuck
two two seasons. Now is it three just came out. I think three premiered in the theaters or saturate. So I have watched the first two seasons of them. Did you like it? I liked it alot, yeah, okay. I actually thought it was really good and there wasn't. There was no Joseph smith or mormon stuff in there. Okay, so no Joseph smith, so he's not in there. I don't know, I didn't see you young didn't, make it clearer. Wasn't there he wasn't there man now living, I would win wives or anything. You say when you are visiting them, that you had like a really good, theological conversation where they re. While we talk about you bring wash them, I did. I was hoping that right now, so my wife and their wives were talking in and they got along famously because my wife does home school cirrhosis being Often they all home school now have a kids peace, and it's just you know it's typical kind of mormon thing, but we What about substitutionary atonement and
a really great conversation. I mean there asked a lot of questions, because it kind of came up and find of cross averse right, like I mean they obviously believe. Jesus was crucified and they'll. Talk about that. I think that's sufficient when I feel like they emphasize the resurrection compared with the cross a lot of times they don't have crosses on their steeples. They Don'T- and I think the sufficiency of the cross is a problem for mormons from right or theological, but in terms of an emphasis they always talk about the resurrection which obviously we are a huge part of of redemption. Well, I would say the resurrections really important to us too, but no, I just kind of it it. We have a different story about how that played out afterwards, but yeah yeah, he uh and then
appears in the united states and preach the gas womb. I like how none of this was landau he's hurt him mormons was great. Does I love well loved? This I'll, tell you what the white I want. I started I clicked on a page on facebook. There was doubtless Jenkins exposed and they were like really like hammer name on different stuff, like obviously like, if he say and stuff, that's nina. We disagree with and fight, but that there hammer and am on its obvious, carry their just trying to get well. The thing is, doubtless is entered, unique situation because he's in this working with more relations with these millennium done these moment these moments we got the up there. We had a feeling that all we have a hate mail where someone got mad at us and he was he was actually. He respectfully asked me a question about mormons being the same thing as christians and I said well, we disagree on a lot of important theological issues. and I never use the word mormon. I said members of the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints so that it won't offend him and he replied like mormons is a slur
and he got really mad in his eye mormons- is a slur that was invented this to slander. Allow lonely had it in his pocket and, as I never said, more or lay that's like your letters. I was technically not true, nobody's nature. There was like they or a word to each other, as mormons until or at very late hour, at very least it like five to ten years ago. They switched it and said no mormonism. Third, maybe it did originate in that way. I dont know but tat. The church officially did callings hath mormons until recently. I think it's funny that it took him that long to gonna go were offended by stuff like has declared their like with their the most marked group of people or not. I am sorry that we're just heroin that are such thick skin. They have the us their skin and there like. Let's choose this to be offended about. Now that we have alienated portion of our audi, we love them. I love the more every single person and you just turned off the podcast end as currently typing us very ploy hate mail. I guess we should record this absurd, so today, we're gonna talk about the babylon being back on twitter. We're gonna run through the news, as
well. He probably gets on the internet that covers the news and we're going to talk about the chinese citizens who are protesting, brutal lockdowns, which is pretty crazy, cool and yeah. There's a different set of stingers there we didn't use. I think I I did writing stingers in the interests extra. Oh, that's what it was oops right wing science, news that I thought it was a pretty good chinese one we didn't yeah. Let's say: let's say again: chinese citizens are protesting. The brutal lockdowns and zero covered policy bunch of right wing signed deniers. I tell you what like Charlton Heston. That was, you think, there's a bunch of us believe also that we're trying to deny us this episode is chock full of new segments. We have the below.
Similar facts. We're gonna have a segment of dan splaining brand new sanguine really excited, or that we all need a spreading and we have sports paul update, which, with whom we ve done like one time, but there's a new segment cuts worthwhile update that we will bring to periodically. So here we go. Let's dive in this action packed up at first, we want to tell you guys to go to Babylon, be live dot com and you can buy it's to come see us in fort worth taxes on February twenty fourth of next year we are, that is so cool, they were india. Pike, ass, recording their life are causing harm other stuff. Like some announcement, some reveal announcements, seth speech or panel panel some of us you're gonna, get to hang out with the babylon big eyes. I think other I p tickets are sold out at this point, the others been a lot of sales. Let us go on. I know there are some talk of figure now if we could expand that are or not, if not just a general,
and ticket will still get you access to hang out with us and we're still going to be mingling. The entire place and hanging out with the vip tickets. Give you access to like a board game with kyle. I like housework. My goal is going to be to slip away into a corner and play word names during the vip segment and my go be to meet every single person that shows up in vienna will and jerry will accomplish single, whether you want to leave him. I don't know you, but I, like you, hear it likes everything that should be a new. That's our next segment is jarrett likes every sitting there to talk about something that you love. It's very true. I hate a few people- and I have very few things- that's true. I, like everything, our second willoughby,
I don't know it makes me feel like an idiot, sometimes around all you guys, and we got some stuff right. We got merch. We have some years to promote, also follow the Babylon bee podcast we have. Our separate battle will be podcast account on youtube, instagram, twitter and facebook to go. Follow babble on the podcast and all those platforms subscribe. Whatever the different platforms call us now dear Once the size emerge, we got stuff. So now is the time when you're buying gifts for people for christmas. Go to shop our babylon vidocq calm. We have stuff. If you need stuff, we have stuff, we have john calvin mugs, calvinist santa
god Babylon bee ornaments, which you know what is the calvinist thing to say on this this one on one, the back, it says everyone is on the naughty list called Santa it's great and stuff. So if you liked this, if you like the art, you can usually get it on a mug. I think we can assure you you can get an ornament of it. I think we have like four or five different ornaments if you want to put some babylon bee stuff on your tree. Awesome. The new trucker hats are amazing, too. I know they're they're kind of fairly old but the really cool. Everyone keeps asking me about mine. We have the new fake news, you can trust shirts and I've got to get that hoodie and I keep meaning to go on there and order that hoodie, I'm going to do that. We got the Babylon bee book bundle if you want the Babylon bee, got to witness and the Babylon bee guide to democracy. Great little stocking stuffer women, that one for some reason to do so, if you haven't, if you haven't, bought your wife, a really nice christmas present, yet might I recommend the Babylon bee book bundle I've? You know I've got we've gotten some criticism about some of our merch, like not being as female friendly. So I think maybe they are.
Looks like we're. That's where I read they do read more than where the men that's true watson is this week once knew this week. So Elon says. Apple has mostly stopped advertising twitter. Do they hate free speech in america? Companies, like apple, don't seem to care about twitter. A couple of years ago, when, like back in two thousand and fifteen, they had like a state of public policy. This is before trump, I guess, but their policy their policy was like have one was doing something illegal call the cops but as we're not taking down people's posts just because you don't like them. That was like. Basically, their policy was like. It was apple's policy. Oh yeah, like they had the oh yeah. Twitter is abusive, behavior policy, basically like posts, you people are posting what they want. It's free speech If you see something illegal or abusive contact the police that those kind of like their their main loves, broken conduct, please other than that.
the only real restriction was you can't directly threatened someone with violence yeah? So it was the same laws that apply to free speech in like normal other areas. Alright, I am going to stab you right now. That's like that's! Not! Let's an immediate threat on your life, while it is, if I, but I could say pierre, it is worthy of stabbing like in here because it's a great or his ideas are worthy of that. Someone like Jarrett should be stab at some point at some point because of his thoughts, I'm not saying you should stab Jarrett pink and so they were. They were basically saying that they someone's broken the law rather than we will take down their posts, but if, until then it's like just take care of is just be adults. Basically, while it's the bandwagon thing, I think apples getting on the bandwagon. All these other companies there's like a bunch of companies. Yellow companies have started chevalier. Yes, we like,
top one hundred advertisers on twitter. They, like half of them half of his top advertisers, stop buying ads. I guess so. What are they afraid of? What what are they think's going to happen? People are going to say things like guess, think the nazis were come. It's all just public perception. It's all just this idea that he has created a space for right wing extremism, because just it only been in the last few years that even been expected that a social media plus It would be some kind of arbiter of like what's acceptable speech and that's all that's. A very recent idea like like we were saying like the the policy and twenty fifteen was very much a free speech platform. So it's just crazy that in the last few years that's become the norm and it's just this overton window that has shifted. I guess, did you guys, listen to the red pill to america on twitter, I dunno what that is so red pill to america as a podcast that is really close to your actually there they are living kyle's on it, and the Babylon bee was featured in the twitter conversation. They did the hysteria
with twitter. Never never heard of it yeah. So anyway, if you guys are, are interested in the history of twitter and how the free speech thing has happened and how they started. Shutting things down. That is a really really great podcast to listen to it's about. I think it's force for says for one hour episodes and it's kind of one of those like cereal podcast like yet it's very well produce that is they do a job on it tat in their most recent controversy. With this whole censorship thing was that they said no longer. You gonna do the covert nineteen misinformation labels. Oh good, but she's. What selling a matter of musk announced? Oh yeah, you something, and you have vaccine in there I didn't know. You were me all that actually works. Yeah, she's and I've scenes and tweets where people were listing will hear seven things that the carbon nineteen misinformation used to say was misinformation and they're all true.
It's like. So it's good thing to get rid of this policy right. Well, they do the community notes. Now I, like, I, love those. Those are great cause like people. People are fact checking the white house. People are fact checked and Alyssa milano yeah. It's like they'll pull something crazy and it's like did you know that some users are saying this and it's like. Oh that's, really helpful context. A little context. Yeah and it's not seeing like deaf- what this person said and misinformation, it's like here's. Another perspective like this is getting shared crazy viral bud that actually how the government works for these reasons, and then you can like look the tweet and go in you know it's not reducing the reach of their tweeted. All of them say what they want to say right. So I I kind of like that idea. Did you see that the white house deleted that tweet we got checked? You were bragging about how like the the cost of living increase for senior citizens or social status? I guess it's gone up more than any other president ends. I was because it's tied to inflation yeah that yeah, that's because inflation has series and the thing with Alyssa Milano if we haven't talked about that already, is pretty amazing too.
Is that, where she traded in her tesla, it's the best yeah she trades in her to be associated with a car company that is so closely tied to white supremacy. That's I sold my tesla. I am much. I got a vw match, which was founder and anti racist named bob volkswagen know back in the nineteen thirties. That's right! It was running germany in the nineteen thirties. That's right, adolphe somebody there's this great picture of hitler like talking to like the VW people and there's like a car model in front of him. I'm like. Why would you not do like five seconds of research? That's incredible! It's just incredible! It's so great that you'll just getting she could have picked any evie and she picked a vw. That makes it so wonder, controversial founders, but here's something encouraging chinese citizens are protesting in their nation over this zero vid lockdown policy. In the wake of a deadly apartment, fire were coven. Nineteen protocols prevented emergency services from reaching those trapped in the fire, resist the one where they welded shut, all the doors and or I don't know
this particular place had the elder doors, but I know that they have been doing that. They basically tell people like okay, that your area is in a lockdown. No one can leave and so like they just have to stay in their apartment. They don't they can't go to work, they can't buy groceries, they can go get medicine. It's like. The brutal in these places- and I didn't. I didn't hear about welded doors with this story, but there were things were like the firefighters. It took him three hours to put out the fire because it was on a multi level apartment building. They couldn't get to him because of the locker. Now, just crazy screws nannies cure codes with their covert passports. Whenever you try to enter a business or whatever you have to scam that your cue our code and it gets more covert detected. If you have a red, fast power that certain that's so does still be in it's crazy them. Are we really are in two years and are we going this round here? Is this going to happen? Yeah you'd have to get the thing in europe. On euro the palm of your hand,
that's when war had addressed comes in and I'm sure your movie comers stance and talks about out of it is that other intercourse talks at yes, It was at the voice. Now. Can you do the ETA christ? Boys? Is norway? You just a mere now actually reserve a british voice, her sorry, sir most the time I was I was british and then and then some of the time of the americans. We. Why would they antichrist change national, because when the devil takes? Oh he's he's married british he's american. We totally know it. Then I visited the devils american. Obviously, obviously the devil is swedish yeah. I am the devil. Now, that's what it sounded like a different accent. Do these crazy worried the rear like? Why is that? Do you like reading the script? Why is the getting nervous yeah? That's where you see the giant city of these quarantine camps that they're building it's pretty crazy,
I should like to distance, I saw numbers like two hundred dollar. Ninety thousand two hundred thousand, I'm sure they don't know the exact number of these apartment, though these compartments in one camp, that's it's crazy. It's like district nine. It really is like some of the some of what I was yeah. Some of what I was reading was like the yeah, the protesters that are out there and they're they're, obviously protesting. Some of them are even calling for regime paying to step down and they're they're protesting the law. down policies but there, but that some I saw some reporting that these protesters are having their cure codes. Flag read even though they're not oh yeah it when you can do with that system, rail, you're, you're, all your all locked down, you will have to go to quarantine. Now, it's like crazy
well like once the government can control your whole life. It's sad, you think it's past the point of no return for china, like even if these people, even if these people revolted or something like that, because they can't get food, they can't get access to things. You don't mess with the communist right, they're going to roll in with tanks like they're, not gonna, put up with it, so that it wouldn't roll up in a tank against a private citizen, because they were never students or something
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popular is straps black leather straps and Yeah doesn't look like a happy bear well on. They wonder why we use the term rumour and yeah, that's nuts, and there was a couple other ads that Valencia could put out with this, and I just don't there's a couple different layers that process I'm assuming like some one has to like produce it. Someone has to approve it. Someone has to line it up on the marketing and be like okay. This ad goes out here. This ad goes out there. How do they claim lake? We had, nothing to do with this? We have no right and that we have no idea who produce this we'll. Why would someone make this with our label on a lay, a kind of that's exactly what they claim to? Did you see their say men? It was the considering legal action against this photographer for doing this like we did. We don't know how this happened. I'm like there's no way that an ad that's where that accompany that's worth, I'm assuming hundreds of millions of dollars, at least isn't like, doesn't give go to a photographer and say here's the ark direction for the shewed, and then they get their footing
but agreed back in its like. No, we don't like this. We want you know this, and that is no way they don't have a rap on site like I dont want, or is there also at their known for doing this kind of stuff like their known for being kind of you now salacious, sir, you are pushing the edge in so doing this is definitely within the character of the company like if we gotta. If we asked a graphic designer and also a graphic designer to make us our calvin. santa mug. Margaret came back with a kid holding a teddy bear in bondage gear. We wouldn't then put it out and go home. You know that Where did the photographer would do that were so man so bad about this very upside did not zero combat so insane- and I am you know- I'm a keyword, unbeliever, no peace, a gate, kuna and I'm on board with all that at work. At this point, Conspiracy, theorist! If you don't think that they're all satanic pedophile there there are a bunch of satanic but well here's the one. I mean. I think it's interesting too, that they're trying to push back on the term groomer, because that is
word that is being like people that are trying to expose children. This stuff they are rumor. And then they are saying that that is it somehow not true, or this is like somehow, Islam against the eligibility community. It's like no, their people that are trying to expose kids to the stuff and those who does Actually rumours like watery. The battle is all over language is only ever less like nineteen eighty four and they can control the language they can control the debate and so we have the perfect word to describe. What's going on grimmer and then, like always at its ban on social media, you can't say it and what is not a blanket statement for the entire elsie beating you. You know community this not a blanket statement. This is about the people that are particularly exposing children. I would have our disagreements over theology boutique you with gay people, whatever our disagreements are with with people like that. It's like you know when it would have her. We disapprove of the lifestyle. Uniform vehicle standpoint knew you'd There is a sizeable chunk of the a community that is like, while we
May this decision in our adulthood or people who want to drag queen. So why would you take this it's not it's not what its fortunate for children. You know and I think you're getting mounted that's a good thing. At least some released the separation that the separation that you know, at least you can use the g word on twitter. Now. Did you just say I remember you said it was good thing and I want to make sure, don't say: grow you're, talking well. We also had obama the week of the week. So this was the bottom of the week. Man hits fitness goal of only gaining nine pounds over thanksgiving weekend. I liked that one look at that guy's face because it's like there's this autobiographical of anybody. I know I don't I dunno but the other member who pitch that's one bright. I agree like this is this is definitely I gained. I think five pounds, that's a pretty good guess
it's not like it, but when you weigh it immediately after like them, you know big eating weekend or whatever a lot of that is simply waterway. That's gonna go out. I expect you do low carb it'll come back down yet is lacking some water retention, so yeah there's a lot of reasons why people gain weight in its every variety of help to gain five pounds and like today's, it's not five pounds. A fat is impossible to gain rightful and yet it s ass, it impossible this one's it yeah. I think I do the few pounds that I gained a couple of pairs like two or three. I did a lot, though it was good. I had loved thanksgiving made out a great holiday what a great holiday. I think it might be. My favorite I like christmas too, but I really like thanksgiving all right. Well, speaking of lot of food, indeed, it is time for sizzler facts. Twenty weeks ago we did, viewed a new feature to the park. Ass called sizzler facts today. Sizzler fact is that the sizzler stake house in sparks nevada, unexpectedly close after the years in business. On november. Fourteen to twenty twenty two
According to the reno gazette journal, sizzler, a national state ass, jane with nearly one The restaurant restaurants has unexpectedly shuddered its sparks location, shuddered, a sign on the door. A fifteenth fifteen east prater way store and sparks announced to dismayed. Diners These sizzler had permanently closed. There's a picture right there. We are permanently closed about bullets. Let's pause for a minute on this picture outcome. Go back where I said less positive picture in this attitude. The notes immediately skirl that way from whatever I say, just they just do. The abbe Joel starts owner like this. This picture those two so beautiful life. We have these two box frames that are just cut of not quite aligned correctly and that we this kind of a basic aerial font and then that we are permanently closed, is in a non, bold, pink
by times new roman style, fought with random capitalization. We read to announce we are permanently closed. We are extremely. Grateful for all of our guests and crew. Members support for over forty years, you're in sparks. We enjoyed serving each and every one of our guests we will miss, I love you and wish you the very best, joel star owner. Maybe we could get Joel star on the podcast yeah. We can find him star, as it just seems, like a sort of an afterthought, and this was like we gotta shut down and it just suddenly. It seemed like put this together real quick to put on the door and just printed it out. It's very sad, so, very, very sad. While this has been sizzler that fact it was time for a new, admit called dan splaining. This is where do
gets to talk about something it's on his mind for a minute or two, and we can may pick his brain. So damn once took away the first forever segment of what I ve been thinking about an hour I explained so some having thing about recently is that if you gotta dennys nannies is the all american diner you can. don't go there and get a full breakfast for five. Ninety nine! It's a great deal, it's a value. You get pancakes eggs and your choice of either bacon or sausage in estonia, five ninety eyes and it could have has around there- are no hash browns successor, that's that's the deal with their value. What would it which one is this? The ets extra herbs the everyday value, slammer devalue slam cal, it's not it's the murmur where it was like three. Ninety nine are you out of your mind. Remember that commercial yeah, so that might have been three ninety nine like twenty years ago, but it's still five. Ninety nine, which I think is still pretty amazing. It's still a pretty good deal as good deal. So that's what's been on my mind. said, you know there are places out there that are still putting a value. So how long has it been? Five? Ninety nine for that's a good question,
The measures which the inflation, like what kind of a deal were dead they have to be losing money on the five. Ninety nine deal deal in the last two years. The inflation is gonna. Sixteen percent rise a week incorporate that in and then before that inflation was was probably increasing. At a much lower rate by three percent a year- there is, I think denny's is a great like any time I'll do it. Will do it for launch I hopped over there for launch a couple of days ago and I'm like everyday lamb that really rub it in op's face today, but I went over there and I had launch, I tipped the guy, a nice tip and I'm like hey, I'm still out, for you know what was it like? Eight bucks or whatever like this is cool. Last time I was there cause it was a bunch of goth kids and as long It is cheaper than like mcdonald's and I got underway
that's stupid, I'm going to be dies in getting a twelve dollars. Combo rikers, their combo meals, are all excellent, eleven elderslie drink, but still sure crazy. Now, one thing I did find out doing a little quick research. My wife killed me onto this- is that Dennys when they had this five ninety nine deal, they promoted it by selling a hundred and fifty tee shirts that are dennys, tee shirts with a cure code. And if you are able to get one he's a hundred and fifty tee shirts. You can go into dennys, they scan your cue, our code and I give you in everyday value slam for free forever. It's like, like the whole years on it that so you can go, and I once a day for an entire year and get breakfast for free manners, awesome degree other thou school. I was one of those. Now then is it of potential value. Is any breakfast or you always get the of it? I think it's that everyday values slam it on the you can just go in and get order like a hundred dollars was six dollars times three hundred and sixty five. What
I just wanted some dollars so that sure it's worth twenty one grand so do you think someone's selling it on Ebay right now for twenty thousand dollars like yeah cause, someone might pay ten grand for it or five grand, because you know you never it's rare that you would get the full value out of it right to be. There would also have to really plan to be close to a denny's. You'd have to be planning to be there every day. You know they didn't know they do. Those sometime promotions: occasional promotions, where dog do the I think, it's the everyday valley slam will do for free. there's that one day of the year which, like free grand slant, free all matters, slams who should all go so when we were routing trailing. You are running trucks in the warehouse there, whose we riding delivery. Is we routing delivery trucks relevant? That's before you're? At the b we were running too the choice for living hand. There was like some pot morning delivery and, unlike If the trucks are showing up and I'm like what the heck is going on and I'm like radioing the drivers mahwah, so I go pull up the gps map.
And like oliver drivers are at denny's waiting for the free grand slam me on them that you guys have a friggin construction drop off at you know. So that's my story. They're like we'll get to it. we'll get you out? This has been re and suddenly the dance I see my man, so I got a man of man's. Have you used that just before known on six may? Well now man, your nose already desert so modest ready to, and so it is true what has been the first. In the dance splitting, I thought that was fascinating. I loved that that was against, but we'll get some more to give us your feedback on dan splitting and let us know any other topics: you'd like Dan to dance blend art. Now it's time for another semi new segment called sports ball update or it's over today, sports ball update. The world cup is happening. We wanted to gimme guzzler information and how docker works. I had no idea. Did you not know that now didn't know you being now it's true. I related now tell me more about this.
this was a character. This is why we have. This uptake highlights very imposing its important for those of us who have no idea about what's going on in the world cup sounding it's a big tournament thing that happens in soccer well at the world cup is oh unexplained. This is our sports both out. It's a big tournament thing that happens zaga once every so many years. The teams fight against each other Who is the best thirteen that scores the most goals, each game winds, and maybe one detail about soccer, we can talk about decision. An interesting sports ball fact to be off sides. Is this rule, so you see the cough side sometimes and that's a rule where, if you pass it to the player you pass of someone who is not in the right areas: women like the guy. It applies in hockey to pass, I never understood, then your team gets in trouble and they probably do somethin. You, like you, probably get a dollars? I know all sides in football yet
is an american america. Moroccan football is different in inner soccer yeah. Ok, all this has been sports ball did, we hope this was a days was helpful. Did you know that in the rest of the world, they call soccer football. Oh that's cool! I would have been a good fact. I would have been good their weird. That would have been good for our spiritual level. Yeah. I really like football. That's just really weird I will now we're gonna talk about the recent saga where the Babylon begot restored to twitter glory They were a little late on this, but that's because we prerecorded or thanksgiving up certain that it all happened so fast and we didn't have time didn t That's it happens asset. It was a thanksgiving miracle was what we just want to take a moment for a little bit of a victory lap, it's pretty crazy to get restored to twitter, and it seems like it was, part of the reason that are all this even happened. You know so pretty crazy of this
low breakdown of what happened in march. We reposted joke granting rachel, levine or coveted man of the euro ward, that's nice with an honest and ice honour, now little known fact, we had posted this joke to twitter a couple of times because we usually repose jokes on the weekend. So I think we had done an original post which didn't get flagged as hate speech. Then we re posted it on saturday, that post got flagged as hate speech, so we had a couple of tweets floating around and I think the one the original when we posted stayed up. They never fly like it was still on twitter. So did this whole thing of suspending us and hiding the tweet and all this, but you could still see the joke on twitter because it was still. It was still on our timeline from earlier weren't, so interests, that is an issue we learned that needs. You know that I didn't know it now. I dont know that that was still up, so we this march, we first we were suspended from twitter. We were never actually banned from twitter. We could have gotten back on at any time if we only
would bow down to the lgbt flag while the music played yeah. We would laugh again and they would like not let you post and it will have a pop up be like. Would you like to you know, delete your offensive, tweet yeah, and we decided not accompany our leadership of our company south and kyle, and dan and Adam. They, like you, know what we're not do that, and that was you know. That was a stand that they took and they decided. You know what whatever traffic we're getting from twitter under a website is not worth us having to like apologize for a joke. We told that we thought we told a joke, so We kind of drew a line in the sand. It was a little bit of a of a moment. You know as if he has ever seen the three amigos with steve, martin and chevy chase. Oh yeah, I'm drawing a line minimise, so it is right now, men or mice, the work and inadequate steve Martin grubs is sir
The strategy is more of an pulls up. Their holsters accidently shoot. We haven't. We, water pressure and even from people that area with us really well. Why don't you just delete the tweet? What's the big deal just delete it and get back on we who cares, I would be kind of a that they do the line with that. I think they do the line, and then we said, while we gotta drew the listing the line, they drew a line and then we walked to decided. Draw and we were like no we're not our line- is over to worry. What is the line of your life is the question. The question is: are you willing to sacrifice who you are, but I think I'm drawing a line in the sand means this is worth taking a stand. So I think I think we draw the line. On the other, the sand, twitters, the science zay and where the line of the sandbox they are the sandbox and we drew the line in the sunday times. The other people draw the line and you cannot ass onto their side,
so maybe they drew a line and we said we're not playing cause hand and said we won't let this stack well. I think it was just the element of like we're not going about it. I think it was the element to making us delete the tweet if they deleted the tweet and flint flagged us and said: hey, don't do that? That's one thing you just say whatever you're going to do, that they make you click the button that says, I admit I was a hateful bigot and I didn't r o Nebuchadnezzar exactly like that that that that's part of it, for me words like if we, if we had done that, that would have been like sacrificing a part of us to be like. Oh, we did draw being on being on twitter is more important than admitting you're admitting hey, I'm, not racist, hey, I'm not a bigot, hey, I don't hate trans people like like. I I'm not going to say I'm I'm a big it. If I'm not, I don't agree with your categories right. I don't agree with the larger using labels. Are you on?
started talking about buying twitter, leading to a month long drama and threatening lawsuits in all kinds of stuff which left her account in limbo. He were kind, and there is a view There we were like did we make them decision cause- I don't know, what's going to happen here and but finally, late october must finalized the deal. you're still in the dark as to what was happening over there. We didn't really know like his art account, gonna get restored or what and finally, on pretend we were freed with our no iconic tweet, we're back let that sink in now. This was super interest to me, the washington post recently ran the story. They reported that musk's first priority was to free the battle envy. This is crazy that you have like the richest guy in the world, walking into this social media site. He has phase iii who banned the Babylon bee. Let's get him back on so here's what the washington post were reported hours after elon musk took control of twitter in late october, the trust and safety team responsible for adding hate speech on the site received an urgent directive brings.
the babylon. She s some twitter employs the order is troubling. The self described christian satirical side had been banned since march for refusing to delete a tweet naming bite in health official right, Levine, its man of the year. Levine is brains, gender, woman and a tweet highlighted it many a teen rule prohibiting twitter users, retargeting transgender people by referring to them by the name or gender they used before transitioning too much the suspension, was emblematic of the kind of liberal overreach has vowed to purge from the platform. Any small kitchen. On the second floor of the company san francisco headquarters, huddle with his lawyer, Alex trust in safety, led your roth another tudor employing tesla employed to discuss the suspension while the babylon. he's tweet was not cool, musk told them. It also wasn't sticks and stones, violent threats that Are you should be the new standard for who gets booted? I kind of thing others couple things begin. First, that tweet was really cool. So I disagree. The line
and its? I wonder to how much of that reporting got. You know cause he's like hey look. If the tweet What if you say something about like to target someone like that? Maybe that's not cool, but at the same time You're not threatening them with violence that shouldn't be banipal, so I think even next jokers hilarious he's gone back to the twain. Fifteen role here, I would even say things knows anything. You can be a jack arguing road. You just can't say like. Therefore we should go target this person with the abuses of right back to the law, the actual law, the learned. he's ilan says I am the law like a signature, maybe he was mormonite? Well, that's really cool. It's just a really cool story of, I think, standing up for something that we believed in and maybe having made some kind of societal change because of it. That's when we changed, we changed the world. We are all I'm trying to I'm not saying that we're heroes, what yeah,
I do think it's interesting that his first pray What are you going in like he? He walks in on day one with a giant sank and he's like he puts the sink down. That's all right who fired the beer, got them suspended years? What's your name? What's your name? Who did it Davis? Did you? Do it bring me steam? Bring me this steve, bring me steve's head and put on a platter and the other part of it too. It's interesting to me, as it took him a while to get us back on a twitter. It wasn't immediate. It took him about a month right, so you gotta imagine like the the the infested nest of vipers that he stepped into a twitter like he didn't really. I don't know if he realized like. Should I show up and it's just going to be me- it did maybe yeah, but I mean they ended up fight like that. That guy that we just mentioned yoel roth he's gone a lot of all of the head. People are gone: half the company right like three thousand employees or something I think for elon, though he was being politic. He was trying to be a good dad trying to be
you're the leader and yeah. I saw that he was trying to go slow. You know he wasn't trying to just come in and like be automatic, I saw him post a tweet. Where he was basically saying that he had made a deal with these activists that were threatening to boycott twitter, threatening till I get get all the advertisers to boycott twitter and he's. I hope you will, if I with this council. That's that's all these different viewpoints too together and make these decisions on whose ban and whose non what goes against policy. You think, if I do that debt, will you not because the company, nearly all the activists, go yes, but then they did at any where they they got all these companies to boycott twitter so easily fine. I'm the scope for people like my own mother that, as this
it's so crazy to kind of see a little glimpse into the inner workings of what will happen there soon yup. I will thank you guys for your support, especially our subscribers are paying. Subscribers are really the ones that kept us afloat them and we did sacrifice a ton of traffic and reach by not being on twitter for that long. So, thank you guys. You guys are the reason. We're able to do this and if you wanna, join us, please Babylon bee dot com, slash plans. You can help support us as we as we continue to put out some comedy and maybe slightly change the world chrome will now Jarrett is going to talk with didn't shoe. Walter show walter annealed did he's from the christian posed about his new investigated podcast on the battle we're transgender ideology. The podcast is action, called generational. Our generation indoctrination inside the transgender battle- and it was a great conversation. I got a little impassioned
he was fired up. He was fired up. I was fired up. It was a great conference I haven't heard yet. So I can't wait to hear this yeah it's gonna be good. Americans are discovering that if we want to change the nation, we have to change the way the marketplace works and that change starts with you with your local communities and with your wallet. Be deliberate with your dollars and project woke corporations Imagine a world in which every single dollar you spin would go towards companies that share your values for life, liberty and patriotism. Now, with the public square ass, you can public S, q or public school, there is an app and website that connects freedom, loving americans to the community in companies that share their values. Engage in a nationwide platform with the largest directory of patriotic businesses and consumers all well accessing
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So it's really really hard for us in california So you are you're doing a five per podcast. We want to talk about today generation a inside the transgender battle. This is a very, very important topic and I'm excited that you're doing this. It's a document his style. It's investigative series kind of like red pill. America, if you haven't checked that outright, is it kind of like that is a storytelling podcast a little bit. you re telling podcast menu contributors, audio. Only documentary style of us get a pike s three five installments man. Ok, I want to listen to this. I m very excited about it. My wife and area. Listen to it, so I can't wait. Sir. Thank you so much for coming out Why make a five part investigated podcast about the transgender battle? This is not isolated to just a few people in the margins, as most people have thought. In recent years we started covering these issues in a lot of death.
Several years ago, soon after I started at christian posts in sixteen- and I realize just how this ideology had made an incursion into every sphere of life, this does not a single area culture, where this insanity infects interest brings ruinous corruption. The worst part, I think, is what's happening to children in schools and medical facilities. A lot of parents they get in touch with us. It cp say things too, like we never thought something like this could happen to our family or to our kids, secular parents. People don't agree with the christian post on much their funding those reading our coverage, because we won't gaslight people with wrong pronouns or use the euphemism that the gender activists employed throughout legacy here, the mainstream press, and so we decided you know it's time to really go in depth with a podcast has serious were people haven't been reading, our print coverage taken at least here from people who have been in the trenches finding a good fight for sound biomedical ethics, resist
This ideology, wherever they can, and so we done that we're going to be doing a bonus episode here soon on the prisons issue, the august I know that, but we did decide. Because of how a generation of young people's being indoctrinated it, we were going to specifically look at how this was affecting our children in schools in the medical institutions, and we provided some sort of background history and philosophy and some other sort of supplementary expertise from people very thorough, but the sink. series now, you're, sorry about the trains, are so you're going through all the history of the trans movement, that trans humanistic philosophy? How that's That's entering into schools, the indoctrination factories that schools are becoming essentially or united you know that reality denial like this is crazy, crazy time and a crazy philosophy that were actually blanket teaching our children across the united states across the world, even and so
standing up to this is extremely important. I love you doing in here this new one you're going into the the that three part addendum to what you're doing you're going into the prison system and just the story you're saying the stories are just insane is just great. right now? Yes, I've done three interviews and for for an hour just going to do one bonus, episode or under discussion to do some more on these issues, but I've done three interviews with advocates who are advocating for women who are in prison and because in canada and in the us s gender identity, this false category of person, hood, has been in fact in state laws and regulations with regard to prisons, men now on the basis of their sector, self exploration are allowed to invade in correctional facilities, including rapists and murderers and hardened criminals. The pudding these poor women who are incarcerated, many of whom have a history problems in domestic abuse through an absolute grinding
torture is jack wagon eyed and I was shaking ahead twitter threat, they went viral the other day when I was explaining just what it was like hearing from one of the advocates and how these women are just being put through. so the meat grinder and just the utter a third of what it is in this contributions. In my mind, the bridge, of every boundary and violation of any sort of sane human rights standards under the geneva convention is prohibited to house prisoners together when sort of a war enemy combatant context will, at that apply here than I don't think. Human rights has any meaning anymore, but that's what this ideology guys? It it indoctrinated children into insanity, it forces and unreality answers. apple for one of the worst medical and child abuse scandals. The world has ever seen this is crazy, It's amazing that people are turning a blind eye to the negative effects of all the stuff. That's going on like obvious,
we, the hormones, have a negative effect on people when they take them to early. The purity blockers are essentially castrating. People like this is a crazy, crazy problem, Nobody wants to talk about, and I dont understand it. I dont understand why people aren't you standing up and talking about this. Yeah. I totally agree and what's been harder for moving to deal with even. Aside from the horrors of this I'm so proud of my publication in my enemies who have back me up completely, and my colleagues have also done some really good reporting on these things. But with some noble exceptions. Of course, churches are not speaking out with the kind of prophetic witness that the our demands I mean if the church kin and up to this insane child abuse. What is the church? Even for may. I think Jesus would be passing out millstones left and right these days he has very strong words for people who harm children and what could be more cruel castrating them with drugs in pursuit of a physiological, a possibility lookup,
it being repeal, brought more wrong and cutting off physically healthy body parts. I can show you medical journal peer, reviewed medical journal. Citations were girls as young, as thirteen have had their breasts amputated, voices fifteen have had their generals amputate. These was just discussed this disfiguring surgeries and god bless the determination or who are finally starting to put their heads above. The parapet now been a lot of stories in an increasingly mainstream coverage of them in trying trying to, and so we are starting to see them makes a noise, but this never should have been allowed to happen. This is objective the anti science you Joe carve up the body pursuit of a lie. You you can't. On the opposite sex in this medical association, I don't even like to call it. Medicine is completely experimental and when history it is written, I think Its people are going to be shocked by the scope of the carnage, but we won't be it the christian past. Yes, as will not be neither will we at the Babylon b. We know that this is evil at its core
and we are willing to stand with you and fight against this too. I think it's an awful time, it's an awful thing and if we are not creative good, you know well, he's gonna, stand up of christians can't stand up for real things and for children, then what are we doing we're just messing around and remember when they said it was a slippery slope fallacy to remember this I, you know when a burger fell and all that stuff everyone's like. Oh, it's not going to affect anything. It's just going to stay this This will be where it stops and it's like well, we can't have predicted this, didn't we While the whole revolution is mean this everybody was mocking many christians. You talked about the slippery slope and I sometimes say that the slippery slope is a near verdun. six. She devised. It's been slathered in greece because images go down. I mean as evidence for that. I dont know if you ve, seen in recent days and balance yoga the luxury company just put out that add where, was marketing a toddler carrying holding a teddy bear wearing bondage year and then.
Some documents with the supreme court cases Ashcroft versus free speech coalition, I believe which was a ruling that struck down a child porn regulation or something like that. They just drive. seeing the normalization of pedophilia happening right before our eyes. The interesting thing about the transit issue, as though I absolutely a believer in our faiths, historic teaching on marriage and sexual ethics. I've got gays and lesbians in my inbox all the times, ready to scream with me. They are currently opposed to this transition of of chips. When some of these kids are same sex attracted and I'll, be the first to say that treating things sex attraction with hormones ought to be a prime, but there's a lot of from a broad variety of perspectives are finally waking up what's going on and they're standing up and being counted and saying note about on our watch and the problem is so it's the activists too. So it's not even these people that are going through this is not the people that are struggling with gender dysphoria. It's not the people in the be
he q community, that are that are being taken advantage of and their money is being is going to these organisations. Is these activists? getting in there in the homes of the organizations very top kind of thing. I remember I remember a few years ago I was talking with some gays and lesbians in DC, where I live, and they told me it was this, though, the organizations that they thought they supported all along had told me, betrayed them and then again, and even as I'm again, I believe, very deeply and arthur s teaching on sexual ethics and marriage, like I'm totally willing talk to anybody. Let's, let's have a conversation, because I don't wanna see anybody harmed by this. I really doubt- and I'm gonna extend, and across the island pursued their ends and goodwill on people never thought he quoted in the christian postgraduate look. The truth is true, no matter who says it and sell room you will. We will extend
We will extend the invitation. Stick with us. Yes, they seek medical, shall see to it that it is. I love it. I love that you guys are willing to do that. I think it's important because there are people on the other side, the aisle people that are for us, we're conservatives, you know, but if there's people on the other, side that are classical liberals, there's even progressives that are against this, and so we do need to stand together because it is a terrible human rights violation, you're, absolutely literally yeah, absolutely man. I love that podcast or podcast series spells a lot of that out and interview a broad range of people and have, where the christian posts we are not ashamed of the gospel, but if people this The series they'll see that we try to be a very little even handed me. Got conservative people liberal people, a wide range of experts, pig african venality family doctor, I went a historian of gender. We go deep against the but thorough. That's
wonderful did you have Abigail Abigail schreier in there anywhere did she did Abigail. I have great respect for her. Her book is so important. I didn't interview her for this particular podcast series. I've interviewed her before I wrote her a book wrote a review of her book Personal damning, yes, came out. We didn't review abigail valet, whose an important voice who wrote a book called the genesis of gender christian. Which came out earlier this year, but she really unpack slot the history of where this ideology came from and how its developed now. That's that actually interesting. Question are their resources or books that that our followers should be reading to like well, listen this podcast either. Need to be educated on this. I really do. I think everybody that's listening needs to be educated on this issue waters, really good resources that they can turn to. Well, you mentioned irreversible damage by Abigail schreier. That is really that really highlights how this is a social contagion, its disproportionately impacting teenage girls. Girls are bearing a very cruel granted. This rain anderson,
when carry became sally is with few years before that, and that goes for the paved the way and some important ways I would also recommend a book called unravelling gender by John Grabowski. He is a perfect. if your theology at the catholic university of america in washington d c and that's where I went to graduate school, he's a great guy, I'm not a catholic, but I went there for graduate school. His book is very succinct, thorough as well. He runs phd on sex engender many many years ago, and I thank god, has raised him up for this time. He's got very important things. say, unravelling gender, the battle over sexual differences. That book is called none to navigate folly. The genesis of gender. There are truth, tellers out there. I think gum there's you want to marry. Hassen is another author, Mary hassen entries of foreign it and they ve written a book about how this impact the schools can't get out now, where their basically urging paris to take the kids out a public school
you don't agree with doing that and you want for whatever reason. Maybe your school system isn't as corrupted, but I think if you do allow your kids to go to public school you've, gotta watch it like a hawk and fight back against these gender ideologues who are trying to push this confusion on children, because they're very conservative districts, where you wouldn't expect it I am here in a single valley. I just met with someone who's resisting in her own way, because these policies are happening even in very conservative areas. This is unconscionable yeah, the pub School system is essentially an indoctrination center. We are and you're right. You do have to pay attention. I am not advocating for everybody to pull out, but I agree thank you so much. This is so informative. I'm excited about this. This this podcast I'm definitely need to be listening. My my wife If an irish, every listening to it, Brandon you one of those voices. You said that there's people that are standing up- you are true tellers. You are
those true tellers and- and we want to be standing right next to you, I went when the smoke clears. So thank you so much yeah. I appreciate it and to those of you who are listening to this in your has ten about saying anything about this, maybe you're feeling that kind of internal questioning of should I say something if you silent about this I say to you, your silence will soon be your regret, because this is a man. the scandal, and I do believe that, god, in his infinite wisdom in providential way, he's going at this round this wickedness. He is going to destroy this evil and I think you want to be an aside that you spoke up when you need it to I. I agree with that's awesome. Thank you, brain in so much brandon show welter of the christian post. His podcast is generation indoctrination inside the transgender battle, please check, it out it's extremely important for you guys to know about this. Thank you brandon for being with us today.
So much how it's beautiful, sowers pass it the perch. I'm just glad, I haven't watched it. Why I'll watch it when it comes out when you guys well I'll see when you guys see it all right now, it is time for hate Ok, so we put out on the context we headed article from like April or may or something stephen kings. It reveals he died years ago and his twitter. what is being run by mentally ill glue, sniffing parrot with terror and there's a nice picture of that's. Actually, my parents, that's a penny, my blue! Those mecca. Those are all your stephen king books. Yet I haven't somewhat I love stephen king has borne the got one, my favorite authors and he's standing there next next, We must simply most annie
and what is it? It's? Oh, it's an actual tweet tweet from Stephen king lock him up lock him up, lock him up, because he had this guy he's a brilliant writer who has written, really good stories, amazing, yeah right and then you check his twitter account and it's like just frothing. now. That worries did Giovanni did about the scientists where he's like he should be called Dumb santa or something like that, Bu said like he had set like dude, who said he had some. I don't remember what exactly was, but he had something like that where it's just like war like like something like fifth grader wick yeah, like nailed him yeah, it's just so weird and he's become such a weird lefty and cause his books I never get that sense. You don't get the sense that he can have it his his politics did infiltrate his books later on or on. You had a little bit of politics early on, especially with the dead zone, which was one of the as a politician running in it, you can kind of tell them to read the evil politician was like a republican. You could kind of tell a little bit. There's there's like little
Nicole things inserted, but it's not much and then later on, you read some of his recent books. He had a space epic line about trump in his book, the institute, I think it was like, like randomly thrown in at the end of the chapter, because the orange man bought. You know just tigers like what you do. It's like you just put this. It's sad because he's he's a good writer like it's getting old, so maybe that's it. He's just going siena, it's possible, I think, every ever since his car accident, ninety nine, he hasn't really written a great book of maybe one or two that are close about your favorite character, assassinations, really the shining ok carry misery the dark tower drawing of the three the drawing of the three specifically in the dark, not the dark tower, the first one, one, I'm sorry, I'm sorry gunslinger guns up and then the drawing of the three and then what was the book. Two of that series was a dirt wrong with three or was it a the doors?
was that one or other doors that withdrawing the three there is one other I freely around. The name is Blinkem you're, a new one right before, like was glass. Those two were awesome. Yes, I like a lot of his early work. I love pet cemetery. I'd probably put pets. If you have to have read in order to really enjoy the dark tower series, you have to have read those early works to see salem yeah. So like the stand, especially you have to have resolved so I'm sure. Actually I like yeah, I don't think it's strictly necessary, but the leader at you as you get in the books, the more so just so you know
the dark tower series Stephen king actually got hit by a car in nineteen. Ninety nine, oh wow, and he writes into the dark tower series that these characters come and save him from the dying in the car accident. Oh wow, so he's in the is in syria toilets in the dark tower. They go from it's very meta. He goes him as the creator of the universe, to universe, to universe, gentler, universe hopping and it's like have all of his universe and all his dreaded. All of this to say is that when you tell a joke or weirdo, when you tell a joke about Stephen king, it's coming from a place of I love stephen king's books. Why is he so crazy on twitter yeah? So that's where you're coming from a place of love right, yeah. So anyway, the the article did really well in face. Like when we posted it right and we've probably repurpose it a couple times it as well. People like it, it's done well on twitter, couple times and we, when we ve shared it from her own accounts and only shared it on our bee account, and it did very well again six or seven thousand retreats thirty or forty thousand likes people, love people up the joke, and then daily beast, editor shared it and woodland
A few hundred thousand followers is like this is terrible, comedy, novel or and then all of his check follower started, trying to ratio in like make fun of it and all this stuff, but it still it never got. Ratio did still didn't we incredibly well compared to the number of amount of hate that was coming at it and then the daily beast wrote a whole article on everybody, hates this unlike many guys are the worst anyway, so that there was this lady, this woman, this girl, rebecca mci. Now, who is it who this is, but she s blue checks as she's, probably important and she shared are our choking. She said a thread about writing funny and why the saint is and then there's a little thread analogy. First of all, before we get to crack hunting up equals, usually okay, putting up its main funnier and smarter than you who can clapping real heart. If he wants equals unwise punching down regarding mental illness and nerve divergence is out of bounds and wasn't even funny in fifth grade next, as many
drag this headline for animal? We look at the headline: I'm not gonna click through its wordy as effort, but we can break that in several ways. First, you generally one into sentence with either the reveal or the funniest part. If you sit funniest thing early- and I know what I am in no way implies. Anything here is funny people hold their after the end of the sentence, and then it's too late to laugh. Second just way too many words, third pillar, your punchline they're, going for like five different things here, and it feels desperate wait, wait that was funny. I got another one week, one more if you think about the rhythm of First, we get that he's dead, and then we get the twitter party. Let me get the two adjectives and then the parrot and then another descriptor. I could not make this worse if I tried there's also the fact that, words are funding than others, and these are not funny words. A lemur would be much funnier. Much funding or animal drunken would be funny or than glue sniffing mentally ill or with two, which are all two words. So open, lemurs already already better. I consider crack all because the essence and the hard see make fun to say say but crack at lemurs too much of a mouthful funding to stick with drunken lemur. Now, let's go back to alright. London,
say: how long is this? Go it's like twenty, eight to thirty tweets. Twenty fourth always has many fathers does on that still goes to see an expert on comedy. I don't think so. It doesn't seem like she has clear. Clearly does not give rimmer. Drunkenly was not funnier, then immensely hope here it appears great. I I really liked that and as well never mind John cleese legs lemurs leaves are funny. I agree that I think they're funny. He was all about lemurs, but not so much monkeys rates are and what did he call the called the ungenerous treaty? Ungenerous, you know lemurs, her parents are resolved only I uh, that's. My parent parents are very funny, like they're, just their little jerks in a funny way, and they think that their more like more important than they are pretty good. I think parents are that seems like it. Parents made good company I will sorry if she didn't I'm thinking it's possible. She's, a woman, so she's, probably not funny introduced, doesn't get humor
so I just want to be sure. I heard like indeed went into detail on this, so I just wanted to explain. Maybe if you didn't get I'll, just provide a little joke explanation, the joke is that stephen kings? revealed that he died years ago and it is twitter this being run by a mentally ill apparent that has to rats and also sniffs good. So I hope that helps names. Didn't get the arab this possible. She has to understand that part of the job. I was glue. Gluesome sniffing not funnier than drinking like listeners wave, I've already explained the Joe aren't, sir. It's waves on air member that seen an airplane When he goes. I pick the wrong there is you have gone. Is I picked around data? Stop drinking. That's funny picked around. It as morgan. That's funny picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue. Let's add that's comic defeat you in that's the bit. You end onto right, that's funny anyway, but I feel like your step. my upon my apology and explanation. I'm sorry
It is that I didn't mean that stephen kings estate that he died years ago, that is twitter, counts, being run by a glue sniffing but what do we say retarded parable was that was eventually lose momentum, ill glue, sniffing paired with threats, so hopefully that helps we're going to go into our subscriber portion where we have some bonus hate mail from another, another liberals site that doesn't like us. We have some of Ever headlines and dim
To answer the second set of ten questions, so let's do it coming up next. Babylon bee subscribers, because Andrew cuomo had to get a vote. Andrew cuomo had to get a kobe test or something, and so he was like an Chris cuomo brought up this Joe. Like oh good, to know, you hit this giant q tip as like a big prop gag and rent, because they're big and it's hard to get up your nose. That's the joke! This guy's, bigger than normal, thinner than a regular figure that normally gets it. This has been another edition of the weekly from the dedicated team of certified fake news journalists. You can trust era to Monday, reminding you that fake news of the people by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth. The.
Transcript generated on 2022-12-16.