« The Babylon Bee

Starfield, Diarrhea Flight, and “Liberty” Safes

2023-09-07 | 🔗

Kyle, Adam, and Travis talk about the latest news like Mitch McConnell continuing to freeze up, a Delta Airlines flight that had to turn around due to “diarrhea all through the airplane”, and how Liberty Safes has your access codes and would apparently just hand them over to the FBI. Also Bethesda’s new game Starfield came out and some people got really angry about pronouns.

The Bee also talks to ADF lawyer Jeremy Tedesco about why companies care about their ESG score when they really should be worried about VDS.

Help ADF by going to: http://ADFLegal.Org

Check out VDS: http://viewpointdiversityscore.org

This episode is brought to you by Issues, Etc. Go Lutherans! http://issuesetc.org


This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey guys, kyle! Here recently I spoke to over five hundred lutherans at the issues etc, making the case conference at concordia university chicago I had a great experience. You wouldn't think that an entire roomful of lutherans would be any fun, but trust me. They were approved We had a blast talking about everything from serious theological topics to lighter issues like joe in what god has done for us by giving us humor all kinds of fun stuff. we got to do and they were just an absolute blast. Well, centre, it cetera is a podcast and syndicated radio talk, show and covers all kinds of topics from culture and world view. The theology apologetically ethics philosophy. Law and culture issues, etc, has been educating, equipping and edifying christians for almost thirty years, and they have my highest recommendation. Listen it issues e t, see dot org or at your favorite podcast provider. That's issues. e t, c dot org to start listening today. Go lutherans.
Vote Babylon They are very welcome to the Babylon bee occasional I'm com, a heavy editor in chief of hanging out here without any answer and travis woodside. Do, I feel, like an ever say your last name on the show. I think anyone does have now got you now they can do that etc. Are? Can you it's
fake name, it is look like a challenge would no doubt, but that I please do not dying to break this offers lie want to live ox the that already writer and we always do subscriber challenges our dares. Yeah we're gonna their them now affects, took it up. We want a swat team at Travis s house then coming in here to yell at us. We will be doing is fixing a gamer he's like I'll Travis doesn't look beautiful enough. I have the full recent nanos pours. There's a button for there was a poor button yet that hit the travis balance surrounds frank, that baby.
Thank you dan, you didn't say, you're welcome. No, he didn't. He just says he gave me a knowing audit. He didn't ask for advice. I never know if Dan's in a good mood or not yet I just you're right I've. Never! I would never in all the time I've known him be able to tell So there is no I've just started asking him. Are you ok it is usually is usually ok good, but the problem is that he goes yeah good ago. I don't know what to think about that. He's been playing that videogame about the roman soldiers of rome, total war. Like send your you can you can move battalions and then you can send war elephants. Oh that sounds like a dan game. Oh wow, it is a major dan game when I played it years ago before I knew Dan. I went on such deck
somewhere out their hand. You know what this is perfect for. Revered is kicked in both doorknob and maybe it doesn't matter and let's talk more about their second hand, I feel that I just as only a renowned then it has air conditioning, sometimes not a daily devotional, just an occasional devotional and it's off, which is what most daily devotionals become, or you get good at daily devotional. Do you mean like actually having one? those from a book store and follow, knight rider that are sitting down are actually or a lot like a dedicated. This is my fifteen minutes in the morning where I read something out of the bible and ivory. I go in streaks, yet I'm like I'm very streaky is doing it, I'm doing it and then I feel like fall off by turns into pride and gods, like I don't be too proud,
We're not going to read them, I that is very good at playing daily, but reading the bible for years. I was on a streak where I had read a chapter every night for for multiple years in a row, but then over the last like two years, I would say it's much less consistent, yeah Let's all real by we're right now, let's turn that frail upside down. While today we're gonna talk with eighty a lawyer, for me to disco about how eighty f is combating. Is that how you said that word? Combating the corporate e s g score system with their very own viewpoint, diversity score. er that sounds interesting, where'd you that we're going to talk about some cool stuff, so here we go what's in the news this week so Mitch, Mcconnell he's an old king of cool stuff Mitch Mcconnell keeps freezing up. You stepped on my joke mitch, Mcconnell
How old is he not those guys? Please try to exonerate a freeze on liquid egg. I needed instead, it along by ms mckenna continues to sir sir, senator. Did you hear the question for free I've never actually wants to do this footage. Does he freeze and then take right back in or to see look I was a mile stare for several seconds. Thirty seconds in somebody asks SAM. What are your plans for reelection like you're, going to run again and he just gives the blank stare but he's still standing there at the podium and then an aide comes in and goes sir. Sir, do you hear the question he keeps staring and then she goes are going to need a minute and then another aide comes in and they talk to him a little and then he kind of comes back to and brie.
if Lee says something and then they kind of take them away he's just like I'm fine, okay, I think that's what he says and tries to go. She she says after that weird incident. She goes. Are there any other questions and you need to speak. yeah as I know that when I don't hear anything I just stare at people yeah, I have they say the the person asking the question needs just yeah yeah. He should have yeah. If you, if you spoke louder, he wouldn't freeze, but then they said that physician checked him out and it wasn't a stroke or a seizure. They said he had a concussion. Oh that's right. He fell a few months ago, but I don't think that's typical of a concussion. Is that typical of a concussion drums, sir? You need decided here. The question of its typical too, like have problems like searching for words, finding your words and so it all. You can see my you're free
up but like a normal person, I think I, like I'll, freeze up cause. I can't think of a word and then I'll just go while just say something else. Then you know I will abandon that line of thought abandons all right, so. this is at least the second time. That's happened publicly. The first time was it seemed like a more broad thing, because the aids and come up runaway, they were just Allow me in a word now, they're, just like we need a minute, is on the fritz again you're sorry hitting smack of willis it isn't a euro african baby one. We have lots of lots of all politicians, its partially nervous laughter, because I feel bad for him, but also its like men.
I would hate to be so obsessed with work like that that I just will not retire with all of these people. It's not that you know you lack compassion for the fact that they're going through these health issues same with, like John fetterman he's a democrat like I don't agree with him on one hand, it feels bad to make fun of these disabilities, but with all these politicians, each side wants their votes so badly. They just they'll just wheel. These people out there that are like stiff as a board and just hey. It's still somebody on our side. There is everyone's playing the game: yeah yeah, the game of thrones yeah, hey? Did you hear about this dealt a flight from atlanta to spain? Tell us well, basically, a guy had a bathroom problem and let us go to the bathroom dutch paying no like diarrhoea, Al Qaeda change normal. He just I guess what they said was they headed? turn around because he started
in the halls, like the aisles for some reason why they- and I quote, he said all the way through the airplane. a diary to all the way through the years. That quote from is that from him, or is that I think it's from like the pilot talking about how they needed to turn wrapped the the the news article was very much like oh it and that he had a serious health condition. It was called area all the way through the plane, obvious bio, hasn't situation. I get that they should have next to a seat belt of cigarette, a little pupil modulate that being you can take it as read that this diary all over the planet. So did this turn around like before the gun The? U s, I dont know how far that far. Ok, I would almost
one of the main, were less ever come in for a lab beggar. The mega diary magnesite ladder up up up up up men, I think, is probably an issue due to the bermuda triangle which, as you know, causes your compasses to go wild and you too have like trouble diarrhoea. I don't think flight would go through the but bermuda triangle. It would if it goes, and they say if they ve got the wrong might be Charles really fascinated with the bermuda triangle array. That was one of those things that would get books on check them out as a little acid is so interest. I like titanic. I liked the bermuda triangle. It's one of those things like quicksand like as a kid. You thought it was a much Bigger issue than it really is. A at big that cooks and I always have to
The bermuda triangle, and now I think I've been unlike a flights. I've been on flights and cruiser have gone through there and its ago. That was the bermuda triangle is like no big, no big deal, I didn't and disappear. Anything lame will vouch. She is concerned, about scanner, while his these concern the glad to see him back. It is this that always get a second. You said he is concerned that people won't mask up again as covert cases. Hospitalizations and deaths continued to rise. In the? U s, all through the airport I wanted to? I wanted the gonna get you guys opinion on that, because I'm hearing this like at least from the right other brain back masks again the doing all this, and I haven't really heard of that- haven't seen it other than lines gate set your life as good as the one I know, of in hollywood, that that reinstated the mandate and then I've heard of productions, and so I met their studio in order to go to lions get studio. Now you have to wear a mask there, and then I've heard
individual schools randstad in various places, but I personally have not encountered anywhere where they're trying to make me mask up again man. I don't think they're going to really push it. I think you'll you'll see the seasonally for now. I, like you, just see when it hits whenever there is going to be some play. It says they are going to start enforcing masks and that that'll just go on forever problem. I have heard of friends getting it again in the last couple of weeks. I know, but getting masks again. They they've come down with masks that one of the variants- I don't have any friends but emma- did get in a mask or covert covert. Oh okay, I have a friend who had a friend get all the new covets I may come to collect them. We gotta get. How long do you think think I will ever get to the point where cnn put back on the old tracker yellow. Will they continue from were loaded
over started. I think you know not because they don't like that there was more covert deaths under Biden, then trumped, so they didn't wanna, that's wrong. They still want to draw attention to the masking in the social distancing and it'll, be it, but they don't want to draw attention. Yeah it'll be a counter. Not so much for people dying, it'll be a counter for how many people are wearing masks. Yeah. No ten people wearing masks right now, and hey you hear this story: liberty, safe america's top gun, safe manufacturer, tells customers. They provided f b. I the access code for January sixers, gun safe, also proud boys members are being sentenced to multi decade, prison stints as other leader. What's his name barrio or something his name is mister, proud, boy, mister, proud boy, proud, J, boys, proud boy. The J stands for justice
my favorite simpsons jokes were his middle additional jason ziyadi, whether that quest to find his middle days, o homer jason. It was a yeah. He get the leader got since the twenty two years and he wasn't even and he will generic kapital. He wasn't there. I git, you know if he was actually planning, so I'm off or the people getting charge if they actually assaulted, cops or to rope windows, all those people, but you know the whole thing where they're going after, especially with these multi decade, sentences caesar villains. At the same time, if you break a window and I'm not saying that shouldn't be punished, but, like sounds like
We broke up. Well, I mean it's vandalism, it's not. I mean, but they're charging them for, like high treason, essentially yeah. It's like for breaking a window. I dunno yeah, like absent, absent trump. Let's say it's two thousand and five and for no reason what whatsoever? Then you go to the capitol and you're just like yeah. What do you think you'd get charged with like I dunno fine an area I mean you get charging vandalism maria a year before when there has been a lamb riots and honour tendency for two nights they burned the presents church they so rowdy. I mean trumped denies it, but they reports were that they were so close to bring in the white house in a vague, took the first family, the secure location yeah. They do faced the lincoln memorial and there is secret service that were injured in theirs cops that were injured. I've never heard of nobody getting more. I think that the issue is a double standard is like: why are they so hard on the january. Sixteen, when.
I mean other than broken windows, which obviously not great, but people just walked around the place. Sounds like you're defending the broken windows again travis. Are you planning an insurrection, please don't docks me. I do not own liberty safe, so that is interesting. Liberty save to. I don't know if that's necessarily relate to the proud boy when I start- Reading this laurie, I thought it was an ad read at first there was the british cigarettes. Like liberals, eighty urges top gun instead of manufacture, Hell's customers, they provide in FB. Oh no, this isn't a commercial, so Do you feel about say manufacture being like. Oh here's their code. you can get in. I don't know what the legality of letters I guess they can do it if they want You know, I mean the f b I had an hour and search the save. I feel it give its it's hard because I would feel like in most situations if they
if the warrant like, if they're investigating a murder, suspect and they think the weapon is in that gun, safe yeah? I guess I support law enforcement getting that it's just the whole circus around january. Six that goes overboard and overkill, especially like he didn't, have a gun. If he had didn't the gun at like. Why? Then, the navy have no idea, we know, didn't shoot anybody with seven on This news, autism, brought you by liberty, safe america's top gun, safe manufacture and proud ally of the fbi, I got your guns a day, speaking of being locked in the closet, Tucker's promo code insurrection for her up, my beautiful secular, was ruined. Victoria Tucker talked to a man who has claimed over the years that he did drugs and had six per hectare bump in fact, do know that it has
damn is Larry Sinclair whoa, don't dox. Larry Sinclair was already an unnamed man. Larry can we just say Larry yeah, just Larry, as you can just watch, Tucker sure yeah. I guess he was named that'd be on there yeah. I don't know really what to think of it. It is weird to me like the wherein all these important national conversations about like are we losing our nation, involve on Tucker's like hey, here's, Ghana? There said he had sex with mama ninety nine in itself, one of their stories. There have been these rumours through I end, and it is weird that excerpt from obama's letter where he said he fantasized about are highly, had made love to men in his imagination, There is all this like weird innuendo, and it would be funny if this is true, but I and watch the whole interview, but I saw clips of it. He seems like a questionably credible guy yeah. It is It's a little it's one of those things where, like I, I certainly support tucker doing his show on actually the everything, and I certainly support him investing every way.
who says they had gay sex. Absolutely we gotta got enough. One of my corporates I feel like he's going in this, is like a tabloid report like who cares. he's not even present right now he's not leader. The free world talking How I'd you know this virtuous man. How long is the interview? Is it irregularly, our long one? Oh, I probably I don't know like his andrew tat. I was a relaxing, our men, who did describes. What else could you do like eating two minutes of that and you got the you got the gist of it. I wonder what kind of like liability you have to bring someone on like what, if that turns out, not to be true, does obama have any standing to,
well after tucker or something would it be against that? I'm not I'm just asking him questions yeah or would it be against Larry S while he could obviously sue him if it's if it's false, but I'd like for tucker bringing someone on like that? Does that open you up to any kind of like maybe has to keep saying, allegedly or just throw allegedly? So you know that's a thing. I guess through its cool lots of fun news. This was speaking of gay sex, but they still put The new game, star field and people are upset about pronouns in the, and so I started playing this game. This is the people who made fall out and smile was, guy, ran and marlon sky remain in the good skier and which was called marlon. I had the coming out with a work, fall out called, come out, that's it
at the end of the podcast, we just sit and just credit a circle wipe out by fast data data that so they put out this game, and there was a lot of people freaking out because they were like. Oh, they shoved pronouns in this game and I and so I started up the game and I was like I've been excited for this game and you get through the character creation screen and, like I thought I missed it, cause I'm like the next major problems. This is our milk as well. This is based, but it does after you fit more. First of all, you can't pick male or female in the game. You pick body type, one which looks suspiciously close them, but he type to which looks suspiciously close to female and then based on one of those that you pick at the very end, a carriage recreation. If you picked the male body type, it says
and a little bit thing in the corner of your character. Shaded says he him and then, if you picked the female, not female, it says she her and then there's a button. You can pay somewhere along the bottom of the thing that says change, pronouns of that's where all this is coming. Did you change your pronounce? I did not get you look at the option. It's like, can you change it to like? I didn't even go into the screen, but yeah I dunno. I assume you can do like them and stuff, but I don't. As far as I know you, nobody actually refers to you by your presence here today. So it's just like it is virtually sides in areas like. So it's also the things were, even when they try to be woke. Livid defaults too, for the mailbox. and he had indeed faults the female for she her. If they were really woke, it would randomize everyday. I know at aerial matter went out and I do think it could be one of the other. I guess it could happen, but I just because I clicked on. I met a girl character as I do in our policies, and then it's like she heard me young
he him it's like they're, looking at your character and they're like we're going to guess she her. This is weird if they never use the pronouns. It is just like your you in the on your own satisfaction of your own mind like how nobody knows I'm a trans person escape. I mean the starfield sounds like a kind of suffers from this. Aim amount of confusion that, like sky ram and followed, have where you have so much character, customization as if you're gonna be in a multiplier, Weldon interact with others, and then you just don't. So I think what would you make your you build so much attention like designing your face in sky room? No one sees it as a first became pretty much so there you can go third person. I know people like till I got their person and look at their character new, like the photo go and look at night, a cruel black cat person. Yes, the thought I think cyber punk was the one that had massive character customization and you could give your woman a week
stuff, your woman character, you could do all that, but there there I wasn't even a. They're like wasn't even a mere in game like there. Literate it was continually first person sit your like have made this cool character into literally. Nobody ever sees you, that's just that's really funny, which is just awesome, but I wanted to talk briefly just for a couple minutes before we go to our radio interview will at what, because I found myself doing this more and more when I turn on a netflix show, and it's like what is the threshold for when you would just either stop playing a game or stop watching a show or movie cause you're like you know what I've had enough for me. It's when you d shows up and games well, but for woke stuff, oh for me, it's when gain you to shut up.
We are also a health staff. If I think just if its super in your face, because, like I mean I played the spiderman game someplace station, there's like pride flags in new york No, I don't really care about that. I said but millions of me a lot because it's like like even this pronoun thing. You know it's like. Why is this here? Why did you have to put this and I I hate that it's like normalizing, it yeah like the next game mode, will have it again and then the next game will have it. You know- and it's just like going to become a normal thing and I think that's somewhat subjective for me. It's if there is a sort of grain of how heavy hand if it gets, if it's one thing you kind of roll your eyes and you're like oh they're, they're trying to go along with this stuff, you know and then also as far as shows and movies go. For me, a big part of it is whether it feels like its purely for the agenda sake
yeah, not like there's a movie like everything ever all at once. Part of the storyline is that the character has a lesbian daughter, but it feels organic to the story. It's like. I don't necessarily agree with that, morally or politically agree, but it it doesn't feel like it's shoehorned in there for some dumb reason. It feels like that's the story. They wanted to tell so I I definitely don't like it when it feels like it's a story that doesn't need that and they're just pushing it in there, and you know or like I said, depending on how heavy handed and pervasive it is yeah. That's an interesting example, because I saw everything everywhere all at once in the theaters and it it felt it did not feel forced it felt, organic and then, I went and watched the multiverse of madness doctor. The doctor strange two one and the the girl has the prior is very forest in, like yeah yeah. The cameras constantly like right on this pride like. Why did she have this? It's random and then it's like? Oh she's got two moms on this other planet and she grew up on another planet and the pride flag happened to be designed exactly the same way in this other universe, because she's from the
progressive university right exactly so that bug me the one on our universe aspires to be as her perfect progress. I can put my finger on why that feels very forest and then the everything, if I guess it's better storms, yeah part of it is like in everything everywhere all at once, and this the story is kind of about that. Her, the mother, having a difficult time accepting this about her daughter, that's kind of a crux of the story and arizona did, but it also didn't feel like an lgbtq film. No, no or it's like. Oh I'm not accepted and that's the whole point yeah well yeah yeah, but it is a source of tension between it's like a catalyst that leads to some of the stuff and condemn in doktor strange it's just kind of like there and it serves no purpose at all. Is no tension built around, there's nothing. It's literally just oh. By the way I have two moms guys. Look in my two moms guys, these my two models over their cause, they're gay, that's kind of what it felt like it.
yeah and one of the old classic movies? I think like when I was growing up. I liked that it was as good as it gets with a jack Nicholson. Greg kinnear plays a gay guy who's like a victim of hate crime, but it feels like it just feels like a good movie. Yet it's just part of the story, but then you know it's like when we have guy Gabriel tape here, and he was talking about superman. It's just we're going to make superman bisexual dns like why it's just to push an agenda. It's not you're not coming up with good original story. Yeah! It's not organic to the story. It's just shoehorned in for politics and, inter was like the heavy handedness of it and stuff. It's drawing that line. I don't think you can really just draw, is kind of like what people say about pornography. You know it when you see it and it's kind of the same thing you you know it when they're doing that. It's like, oh, I get it you're just trying to send a message, and I agree who aren't well. There is no attention in this conversation. The issue has been solved settled now. It is time to talk to jerry.
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Yeah appreciate that huge, fanned the b and works to be awesome. Ok, first question I have for you? Are you italian or you, german, alto I'll, say both my actually. My name in italian tabasco means german. So I'm I'm I'm It's a little bit odd, but yeah, I'm I'm italian yeah! That's what I was. You know, that's what I was saying like. Are you italian, that's funny, so his name means german in italian. The money, not many people, know that, but man, you're, you're well informed well, well. That was honestly. I can't take the credit for that. That was one of our guys here when we're pretty certain he's is like wait. His name means german and italian so anyway, to bring it up. Yes, sir, oh you are you ve come out against yes, jeez or answer you a little bit about that today. Isn't that is not the stuff they put in chinese? food, or did they micro does that new can outside depressed and what is it you, maybe that's skyward started, but
I guess I kind of I went into somehow into the kind of business shareholder space and its causes This browser corporations yeah. What is he history? It what's the term as j means, environmental, social and governance. That is really got better. Dad, I am essentially what it is. It is the progressive agenda packaged for corporate amerika and they pressure corporations to adopt. Yes, she threw a lot of different methods, shareholder pressure. The is that the left, really controls, progresses, really control of the huge asset managers in and the proxy advisory services, which essentially advise investment advisers and mother by just how to vote shares, and so they have control over a lot of these kind of pressure, points out, corporations, regulators to in their demanding yes, g, adoption by corporations and when they adopt that with-
basically adopting is the political agenda of the left on environmental, social issues that most american. care a lot about and don't want see? What is he corporations taking positions on yeah? That's really interesting! I mean in the last year we've seen a lot of this in public, so that we've seen some really big explosions from some of these places, like anheuser Busch, a for instance, you know taken on dilemma of any losing fifteen point, seven billion dollars and then continuing to kind of double, dare devil down. In spite of like massive losses, I don't understand it. So is this: what is it? Why can't somebody just wake up and be like guys? Let's stop hemorrhaging money. and let's just stop doing all this weird stuff, what's happening with that yeah, it's it. So I think you know the pressure is equaling out some to. First of all, let me answer your question about. Why is anheuser, busch or target doing these he's telling them out of the blue yeah Think about the blue. It's really been happening for years has been growing in its part of it is
the way the progressive left works? What they do is they always move the goalposts on these corporations here they score them on different tools. They use are indexes. They used to determine whether you are doing what they want you to do on energy. And then each year you might get a hundred per cent ana index that scores you on the ask the social but the next year they come back like hey, we added three things in those three things are all is your more radical than last year's. So perfect, example of this is a human rights campaign and their quality and x, which has been around for twenty years and tons of the corporations the fortune. One thousand take this survey was to them, get very close to or if not a hundred on it, and nature see, as it is kind of a radical algae bt activist organization, but they really have you no control over a lot of
these corporations what they do and algae bt issues? Will this year this coming here to get a hundred per cent on ages? H, our seas, equality and ex these companies have to provide puberty blockers to minors in there with programmes shirts, that's like one of the most contentious issues in the country in that particular part of that issue. Puberty blockers for youth. Is with the most contentious issue of all, if you look at the pulling out it yet whether you lookin at republicans I'm a grass or independence people are diametrically opposed to that. Yet H, our sea wants to drive these corporations as deep as they can into that in india, contentious issue, so I mean this is the way that the kind of sausages made They say you gotta get high. If you score, they have all these corp these these kind of nonprofits, another organizations, rate organizations, and then you can. I just drive a mess.
It then that you, you gotta, do this to get a hundred to get a college. So, like my big question, my big question about this is, though, so it's that what is called the sea I this is, you see I score, and it comes from all these, like radical left his group's. Why does it matter like who who cares like who cares what they think I mean in the end. It matters because of this because of what I said the beginning, the the the progressives have really have control over key people who put pressure on corporations, so they have an incredibly powerful and active cheryl, older activism movement. The files of tons of shareholder resolutions and puts tons of pressure to shareholders, they have the big asset managers, black rock state street, and vanguard who, somewhere between ten to thirty percent of the shares of every one of the big companies becomes the voting time you have these the shareholders putting it. Yes,
The proposals in the big asset managers voting thirty percent of the shares, so the corpse we should just say well we're doing what the shareholders want, but the reality is. This whole thing has kind of raked in, in that whole power structure that the that the left has need to sneeze to be on wild it. It is being I mean that, though the thing I want to make sure you understand is things have changed a lot, there's a lot of counterweights now to the east g demands, and I think we're corporations works sing about. We are kind of experiences we watched them engage of the last several decades. Is they keep getting more progressive than adopting were left wing stuff? That's because it was really the only game in town the only people showing up there have conversations with them was the left, totally changed public and state treasures are really pushing back on this republican attorney general are really pushing back on this. We have formed the group of align shareholders that are pushing back on this, the shareholder space, and I do think that on the swinging back now, where the corporations
and up and all this who knows, but their hearing both sides of the conversation now and their understanding that their employees or customers their shareholders, regulators, sometimes states- are coming to them, is setting you know. You're gonna pay a price if you go down this path, and so I mean the end, these are businesses and I think they're going to listen to those people yeah, you gotta hope, so you gotta hope so and there's been advocates on the on the right to kind of create this separate economy of you. I mean obviously like the daily wire talks about this alot, where they want to create a whole separate economy. You know if you want to buy razors by Jeremy's razors, you know what I mean instead of going back into the system and maybe changing a little bit so that we can make the pendulum swing in the overall culture, and so would you add, but obviously I think you advocate for that model versus like let's just be separate and create our own america. Already want to do both
simultaneously. What do you think? I think it's important to do both, because I think that there is a lot of entrenched censorship, mentality and de platform and even be backing mentality. That is, to be hard to root out immediately. So I think we do need you spore. This idea of it alternative alternate economies, but in the end, yeah. I really. I believe we need to reform that the existing institutions, the existing economy. We have to be able to participate. to the maximum ability that we can in the economy, that everybody else does and when that is a mark of the beast, isn't that what their mark and the mark of the c e I beast, which is probably very similar to the eventual mark of the beast, I'm just going to set set her up there. You also launched this really interesting thing and it's kind of a counter to the c. I r score the rating and it's the alliance, if any
Freedom's viewpoint, diversity score. Can you explain that a little bit yeah the viewpoint, diversity score as where we, how that's a websites, viewpoint, diversity, score, dot, org? We house a business index there and basically, what is the first comprehensive measurement of corporate respect for free speech and religious freedom So we we measure these corporations based on forty to perform its factors that we think it score well on they're gonna have a tolerant culture, both internally and externally. When it comes to free speech, religious freedom when it comes to respecting the devil. the views of their customers, their employees, their shareholders and others in the car, broader provider, public square and so on. Real concern in what we focused on with the index in the first two years we done too to erase ever so far. Are those corporations in those industries that have qana, gate keeper function over essential business over central services and products so that
turkey in financial services, and so we're looking right now, like basically seventy five fortune, five hundred companies in attacking financial service. base and, as you would imagine, they score really low at our impacts, because they are and really gotta beholden to progressive e s. G d I all that stuff and so they have a lot of practices that are really bad and they're getting low scores now trying to name and shame them we're trying to show them that they have massive gaps if they want to be known as corporations that respect these things and we have a whole host of other policies and practices guidelines that they can adapt to go? Look at as they're trying to pull things back, again like what we're talking about before there The counter wait now there's counter pressure. Theirs is no longer free pass, just do whatever progress. His wants. You to deal ray and so we're trying to tell them look. This is a pathway, respect every person you eat. You respect all views in you build up a culture of speech in religion which are essential
the ports for every society. You can do in a way that there is a favourable viewpoint over another and in so you know we're hopeful that we can continue to kind of point out a different path of these businesses. They give him an altar. It is not an alternative e g because we're not requiring or asking these companies to be back people. We disagree with a b platform people who say things we don't like or stop funding. you know nonprofits that we disagree with that's not who we are we're about a marketplace, it's open to everybody and doesn't have as part of its programme discrimination against people because of their political or religious views. That's amazing! So, have you I thought about creating something like this for other areas of culture like, for instance, obviously, universities would be a great place to start. You know like I like how how friendly as this university to free speech out you know how you know, maybe even like rate you, professor on that level, even
which is why would say that there are, you know like it seems like there's churches that are like about c e. I so you know yeah seems like hollywood or the guilds or anything like that. You, you could probably apply this this to all that stuff and have you guys he obviously it seems like you you're not here had yet we ve thought about. It was talked about this to some of the ones you wretched. We ve got a lot about. It also thought about a fifty state, religious freedom indexing. You know these take an enormous amount of work and research, but you know Our concern right now and our focus is that if private company start be backing people on whom we know, there are already platform people. But if it really did even goes the de banking people because of their political religious views, then we can have the strongest possible, which we really do. First, amendment rights to speech and religious exercise in relationship to government censorship and the government discrimination.
But when private companies you ever control over the digital public square and our access to essential financial services, like a bank account or payment processing if they can just it was for our religious beliefs, the desk, at the same or more chilling effect on people's willingness to engage in the marketplace: ideas as governments, it, the ship, so we really need to stop those things are happening. First, I think that's kind of our core focus right now and then I think at some point I love the myths of these other areas. That's great, I mean I'd. That's really great! I think we need this in our culture. We need to be able to do something about all of this. This pressure, this corporate pressure for all of us to conform to the his head, is progressive ideology.
And so I love what you guys are doing there. Eighty f, you guys are the heroes right now, you're you're actually on the front lines, and so I always love talking to you, because we're kind of I mean we're on the front lines in a certain way. We just basically we're kind of in the courtyard wherein the king's court, where the gestures on the side and laughing and everybody you guys are in there engaging and say we should change this. You know so I love it that you guys are doing it. So thank you so much for coming out. Thank you for being on the show and those of you who are watching eighty f. If you have any of these kinds of issues, please go to the eighty f. If you are interested in this kind of stuff go to the alliance defending freedom they're, doing such amazing work in culture on the legal side, and they are the people really standing in the gap for us, that stuff affects us every day when we go to the store when we go to church when we go anywhere so they're doing some good work out there. Thank you so much jeremy. I appreciate it. Yeah really appreciate yeah mia
we're coming on Jeremy, there was a great interview, also job german tesco jaguar, where he talked about tabasco sauce check the link to find out how you can support eightieth, and all the import legal work for doing hey will see you guys next time on the battle on the occasional compare power Right now knew and current customers can get any phone for free. You are cellular so, You can connect with all your family members, this holiday season. You could even call your aunt who always makes you talk to your cousin was a dog or you know maybe just send her a festive text, get the gift of connection at. U s, cellular get any phone free. Today? U s cellular built for us terms, apply as a: u s, cellular dot com for details. We value human connection with fewer distractions us cellular built for us. visit: your! U s! Cellular authorized agent located at eighteen. Fifty two decorator pike in athens
Transcript generated on 2023-12-16.