« The Babylon Bee

Pro-Trump Manatees, Arminian Riots, and Big Tech Censorship

2021-01-15 | 🔗

This is the Babylon Bee Weekly News Podcast for the week of 1/15/2021.

In this episode of The Babylon Bee Podcast, Kyle and Ethan talk about the week’s biggest stories like how Arminians are storming the gates of Heaven to protest election, wild manatees are suddenly coming out in a strong show of support for Donald Trump, and censorship is hitting anyone to the right of Stalin thanks to “Big T.” Kyle’s favorite bird to pronounce eats an alligator, samosas fly into space, and the squirrels are up to something! It’s another The Babylon Bee news show!

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Kyle celebrates his birthday with the California Highway Patrol.

Stuff That’s Good

Kyle likes Pete Vik’s Hope and Light & Darkness.

Ethan likes Gran Torino… again. And The Outlaw Josey Wales. Okay, Clint Eastwood stuff n general.

Weird News

Game warden uses marksmanship to rescue deer with locked antlers

Fulfilled prophecy? Mysterious NYC squirrel attacks rise in Queens neighborhood: Report

Website seeks 'professional binge watcher' to watch Netflix, eat pizza

Samosa sent to 'space' by British eatery crash-lands in France

Scientists Report First Instances of Dwarf Giraffes

Florida manatee has 'TRUMP' etched into its side; officials seek information

Florida bird caught on video swallowing whole alligator

Kyle gets three Guinness World Records since it is his birthday!

Man chops through apples while juggling knives for Guinness record


Siblings Set World Record for the Highest Combined Age, 1042 Years

Athlete does 64 hand-release pushups in one minute for new record

Stories of the Week

Story 1 Arminians Storm God's Throne Room To Protest Election

Summary:A gang of rogue Arminians has broken into God's throne room in order to protest the doctrine of election, sources confirmed Thursday. Hordes of the anti-Calvinist protesters stormed the gates of heaven before angels were forced to fall back and barricade the throne room.


"Down with the predestined, sovereign election of God!" cried one man from Florida as he burst into the throne room wearing a buffalo hat. "This whole thing is rigged! Divine interference!"

Arminians were seen scaling the walls of heaven. One managed to hang a "Who is able to resist His will?" banner on the gates of the place, while others busted in and started roaming the streets of gold looking for the Lord's throne room. A few made it in but were instantly killed by being in the presence of the Almighty God, sparking further protests.

There was very little looting, though a few Chick-fil-A sandwiches were taken.

At publishing time, Arminians had suggested the protesters were actually Calvinists disguised as Arminians to make them look bad. Calvinists say there is no proof of this as most of the protesters had neither beards nor smug looks on their faces.


The Real Story: Oh wait, the capitol building got stormed too? The capitol building was stormed, presumably by pro-Trump fanatics who think the 2020 election was rigged. 

-A man in a buffalo hat was there and another man walked off with a podium. One man ransacked Nancy Pelosi’s office. 

-Also, in related news, The Babylon Bee slack channel simply titled #Theology because #ArguingAboutCalvinism was too long, has kicked off with many fiery screeds about free will, election, predestination, and the love of God.

-Imagine if Trump had won, none of this would have happened. this is Antifa at the capitol:

-Antifa leader “Brothers, fret we may, but a fair election has ended and we must accept the results, though they were not in our favor. Lay down your bricks. Remove the vodka soaked rags from your molotov cocktails and drink with me as we accept these results like men. We shall leave the Capitol unmolested, we will don no buffalo garments, for we are not like those savages. Yes, we have a line we will not cross, and this is it.”  Then they sing an ancient Antifa war song about honor, tragedy, and losing with dignity.. 

Sad part of the story, in addition to the erosion of our norms and culture, was that a woman Ashli Babbitt was shot dead by the police, several other rioters died from medical emergencies, and a capitol police officer, Brian Sicknick, was killed in the riot at the Capitol.


See also: Our NEW animation about Who Was Really Behind The Attack On The Capitol

Story 2 After Being Kicked Off Social Media, Trump Forced To Go Door To Door And Shout 'RIGGED ELECTION!'


Summary:  After being permanently banned from social media, President Trump has been forced to knock on doors across the country, one door at a time. If anyone opens the door, he will shout one of his classic lines such as "RIGGED ELECTION!" or "Hillary is a loser! SAD!" at them before moving on to the next house.


Real Story:  Big Tech is going nuts on the censorship front.Donald Trump got suspended from Twitter and Facebook for “inciting a riot” 

Twitter’s statement said, “After close review of recent Tweets from the @realDonaldTrump account and the context around them — specifically how they are being received and interpreted on and off Twitter — we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence.” 

Amazon, Apple, and Google got Parler got taken down.

Ron Paul has been blocked from Facebook.

Conservatives, libertarians and otherwise non-woke people seem to be shedding followers on Twitter and also 70,000 Q accounts are being booted en masse.

Conservatives have been quick to point out the double standards and hypocrisy of social media companies letting leftist incitements to violence stay and slamming the hammer down on conservatives.


Revealing CNN article: Defiant Trump denounces violence but takes no responsibility for inciting deadly riot 


Twitter blog about Trump tweets


Story 3 Biden Unveils Skin Color Chart To Determine Who Gets Federal Aid


Summary: President-elect Joe Biden gave a press briefing from the basement of his Wilmington mansion announcing that his incoming administration will be utilizing an innovative skin color chart to determine who is the priority in receiving their share of the $900 billion federal coronavirus aid package recently passed by Congress. 


Our priority will be black, Latino, Asian, and Native American-owned small businesses, women-owned businesses (real quote),” Biden informed the nation. “We are sending out a new color chart to all agencies involved to make sure there is no malarkey…”

Experts praised the administration’s new color chart as being very unambiguous, black-and-white even, on who the government was going to help and not help.


Real Story: From Joe Biden’s website To address the racial wealth gap, the opportunity gap, and the jobs gap for Black and Brown people, Biden will launch a historic effort to empower small business creation and expansion in economically disadvantaged areas – and particularly for Black-, Latino-, AAPI-, and Native American-owned businesses.”

Joe Biden Website

Washington Post Article On Joe Biden Small Business Plan


Joe Biden’s reported nominee for head of DOJ, Kristen Clarke said back in her Harvard days, “Melanin endows Blacks with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities — something which cannot be measured based on Eurocentric standards.”


Topic of the Week: 


Big Tech Censorship, what is the role of social media?

-Libertarian private property trumps all so a private company can just do what it wants? 

-Federal Section 230 protections protect social media companies as being considered platforms instead of publishers- is that cool? 

-Jack was gloating about Parler being taken down

-Are we heading to a place where conservatives have to make their own phones, own networks, own web providers, own banks?

They made their own, Parler, and it got taken down by Amazon, Google, and Apple. 

GoDaddy took away the domain registration for a gun forum AR-15.com

Big megacorporations like AMEX, AMAZON, Marriot, Commerce Bank,  Dow, Hallmark, Blue Cross, Charles Shwab, their PACs are cutting off donations to 147 Republicans who supported efforts against certifying the election results.


At least three banks are cutting off ties from Trump. (Signature, Deutsche, and Profession banks) 


What are the implications for The Babylon Bee? What threats do we have and why do we need subscribers to support us.


The hypocrisy of Big Tech of what they allow to remain up.


Hate Mail


Will says we are making Christianity look bad again.


Subscriber Portion

Behind the Scenes Update

When this comes out Kyle will be at Winter Bee Con in Michigan.


Jackson Baker sent us a video about how the proposal went and answers some of Ethan’s questions like if Kelsey got bored reading the list of tips from the Bee.

Bonus Hate Mail

Doug incites violence we think and maybe thinks we created social media?

Headline Forums

Got Any Cool Stories? 

Story Time With Ethan Nicolle

Email us your cool stories!

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
In a world of fake news, we bring you up to the minute, factual, inaccuracy and a heavy dose of moral truth with your hosts, Kyle Man and even call this is the Babylon Bee Fake news. You can trust Hey everyone! Welcome to the Babylon Bee podcast on command the editor in chief of the Babylon Bee here with my buddy Ethan, Nicole who's, the creative director of the Babylon Bee. That's me, I'm a creative director I drink creative stuff yeah. You made up your own title to you just told me, pretty pretentious like I'm, the creative guy law came. I got a job and you like come up with whatever tile you want. I just let alone the editor in Chief whenever that a young could wear thing. So I looked on next one down render crater editor in chief was credible and just google it
the other main magnets. I am he looked at me. Look down. You know this is the next guy down. Ok, I have a seat that's what I did to some said said: Europe come an ample time. What title do you want you and I we're doing some really dumb silly, like Supreme Chancellor of Bananas, are useless like if you actually taken another job as human editor in chief crater. Tell you that our creator and chief and we made of director and be like, Oh yes, this year, you have experiences creative director will I may live cartoons and for shops of Donald Trump. Wearing disguises The grand poobah of creativity, Ethan CALL, so I turned thirty four yesterday
I got your sapling such a young, and I still feel like I'm positive there, even forty. So that's good your how I guess I I guess I am, but I feel it to Yanina failure. We feel for doing. He turned forty. like if a young, you still feel nor our of anyone who feels it now is we're gonna, give in the California highway patrol yesterday. My birthday present that, first time I've ever been pull over and Godspeed inured your black car. You fancy black, yet the estimate there's a birthday discount. He was an amused, Your first speech at every year- life. Yes, there any form The third thing has you don't speak louder because you get away with it. I don't. nay. I guess I get away with it. But I didn't like another guy is like revenue. Next, someone during a recent eminent will no more on you know: there's a lot of noise,
knock has now that I'm driving Camaro people out there, I'm not that you know I was thinking, because I know I've got off ass to make him arrow. I was listening the small town dicks, the pike ass. He recommended undismayed as before, and, as is space looking around that's it somewhere, you don't think I'm gonna do Isabel on these dear, like among you, Simon, that broad blue eyes matter, didn't wasn't amuse us didn't work, but on the other for so long, very fundamental age, to turn yet doesn't thirty five feels a milestone, wish Fortier Tourism, yeah
good job. Thank you how they did a very good job of staying alive. Let's see what we want is to hear how to do it by now. This week's edition of Stuff- that's good. So I used to be faster and my co pasture, his name's PETE Vic. It is p deck he's, not dead, he's alive and he hasn't changed. I haven't used them. As far as I know, isn't trains trams now occupied, Be the transgender girl, looking like the eighty first dead name dismayed when people transition due date, the hum is aimed at now Vicki PETE. Did they always picketing? That sounds like lay his patrician, they can do whatever the Y know they can do whatever, but I'm wondering what the. Because I can you not always seem to do that, like they pixelate similar right yeah a lot of times like they may they make the name that, like a person jokingly, would be viewed girl, your name be PETE. It yeah that kind of thing
so his name would be yeah Patricia, Patricia and another to growers, anyway Jaso, so he wrote a fantasy novel called hope and I read before even Madame actually and then I ended up hiring of us. The capacity of Richard Listener get kind of Cs Louis. Ask talking us very classic fancy and I too, because we like two hundred fifty pages- very simple plot line where guy chickens. Girl is gonna get around she's. The only hope you know I really. I try to weed fantasy novels nowadays, no seven hundred pages and starts out like magic, weaving and you have to begin this whole world building up these go crazy and it's like a guys-
it feels like Junior hires, who, like rode all these crazy ideas down and then try to stuff. I'm onto this book is about appreciate about this, as it was not that I'm such a fan of like classic Fantasy Robert. He Howard Classic just pop fiction and its more in that vein. It's more unjust. The traditional there's good, there's, evil, genius, moral, greenness and then everybody dies. Greedy. So I appreciate that and he just add a new sequel come out. I haven't ready yet, but it's called lightened darkness, the sequel to they're both available on Amazon in Tibet format or Kindle Cisco hope, enlightened darkness, by be thick, and I highly recommend the series. I think it's a trojan energy may not overcome another simple go command So I'm just gonna recommends I ran of ideas, but There is a movie that I owe I realize. I ask all the time I've seen this movie ever. I know what you're thinking. And two Reno Clint Eastwood when it was before on already, do it hang it
I thought. Maybe you did cause. I was ok. I've seen this one and then I'm like wait a minute. We talked about this because I talked about Dan lent me his copy and I never got I forgot about. I thought I didn't out a guy. What about have you seen the mule. you haven't seen you in can I myself that's go about how thou Juicy Wales is a great Clint, Eastwood Western watch that about the good? Then it's good Thou Jesse Wales is on the first westerns I watched and I got really into it so it may not be. Where the best westerns, but it was in the moment. I want dress western one of those almost EL sixes I will admit that I watched the entire Mandela in Series O nice.
And I did going to buy like the last couple- episodes Guph I didn't hated- I like I liked it, but I was never like. I ask that the proposals that around towards the end like the last couple of a lot of, was definitely deserves owners. Galvez, that's an assassin right. We know what those I don't know yet so you didn't, I haven't seen very many Clint Eastwood movies though, and are you talking about? I have seen good, then the ugly I did see them. You wanted to see grant arena you recommended the richer jewel, one that he D, whereas it now I'm Cnet. I never saw thirty Harry Harry Harry Classic Classic we're watching and I never saw you didn't. He was like our series or trilogy with them at the man with a name like go for a few dollars is dollar gather all their worth, watching. Can I see I would you like a westerns binging yeas and I walked a bunch of Cameroon. Echo has also been doing like Chris
our films and stuff like I can remember which, when they didn't didn't see they all kind of blended together, so bad at retaining information from of it. is recommending Clint Eastwood Clint Eastwood generally felt that this has been stuff. That's good. This news is weird game. Warden uses marksmanship to rescue dear with locked antlers Europe suiting Kansas Game were rescued, two bucks to their antlers, locked together by shooting in antler off without injuring either animal. wait: did the potential damage the entire Laura? How is it not injuring without injuring, so they go back on is this. This is like of two people were accidently, entangled like their arms or something in the council. Shooting their arms. I get an interim gotta
Angle, lopped off eliminating at in harm her on his arm. He saved him he's got his arms. I just severed a whole chunk of them with a high calibre caliber bullet Gower, murmur central fulfilling prophecy. Here, most serious New York City, squirrels attacks, Allow me start over Maiden mysterious New York city squirrel attacks rise, Queens neighbourhood report. Twice the unprovoked attacks and giving any provoke a squirrel attack conscript Taketh nuts, these are unprovoked broke out, he's running provoked tax. They didn't. randomly attack me like the jump on the people out of trees on their head This was our Babylonia article, the report, the squirrels, are up to something he uses the fulfil prophecy. This is their plans, but all the time does is unprovoked attacks. They ve been plodding mail even plodding. They ve, probably applauding on Parlour
probably worth, and on my own yeah check. Dorsey was hip to this, although Ethan as you always say, it's the it's. The flies that are really plodding there is plotting. You can see how there is partly to blame. So U S website is offering five hundred dollars for an unusual short term job Professional binge watcher willing to watch Netflix and eat pizza, four five hundred bucks says components. Hinder restart what everything, so they want alike analyze him are like scientists can analyze the guy or something, and he was right. This kind of pizza goes good, with the show I don't care what his job as yet I recommend the meat lovers while watching Ozark so it's as if the candidate will be required to review each series based on story and plot lines,
acting quality in choosing the satisfaction of episode Series endings, and then they all right, the pizzas, this ample cheese going this quality flavour, The article I value article, one from cure, one year what the point is. I would love to know what they're like no, they be bring people into interview for this position and how do they qualify themselves? I haven't works Encino I was like whatever, and I just I lay on the couch a lot and watch a lot of Netflix. I love pizza. Do you have any previous experience absolutely I mean every year I order pizza I'll a thing. A pizza. You push your button, it disappears your doorstep and after many social interaction, that's more Afflux Harry and so I mean this is a walk in the park for me I am, I was made for this job. How long did it take you to binge breaking bad Netflix, sir? I will, binge did multiple times so and I actually created a while watching Rick,
how to create a thing I called Taco Pizza, which is, I just buy a whole pizza at uncut, hold it, and then I eat it like this. So I watch breaking bad, but I feel sour cream has a lot of initiative and we really appreciate that is what we're looking for in a candy What do you see? What would you say your grace weaknesses when it comes to us that in the long as we're not gonna, it's only that I look. I care too much. I love pizza too much so Moses. The space by british enery crash lands in France. Smoking is a food indian foods like a little breaded peace.
do you have potatoes, and so a restaurant in Britain attempted to use whether balloons descended space. Why an internet crashing in France sell something space does not like supposes rejected. Aliens are like what is this crap should essentially in council, and we do not like it in food, said pizza, sad Scientists have reported the first instances of dwarf drafts. Dwarfed. You round is a dwarf giraffe. They found to individual dress spot in the wild. They still have the classic long, necks classic but really short stubby leg was caught by the clamorous classic, as it is a classic example of elastic period being like a monkey that lives alarm among giraffe these seas are the giraffe classic classics ethical drafts that their long necks
and like when the drafts a short next aren't classic. When are they like the modern, so they have dwarfism, but a Higgins's. The other have dwarfism subsided. This story makes it sound, like always found a new draft new species as not just messed up your outages directive, just a birth defect giraffe, but to get your ass had something like you. ex than they be. Finally, we have to deal with the stuff, because, usually think of that, like a miniature thing like the whole thing, it's trunk down They still have the long neck Julia tiny feet. That's so like a docks and with old super long. It's not like that Exert slightly shorter kind, looks more like a baby drafts. Now that exciting you, but I was wondering could make a necklace draft as they made seamless watermelon. So please? I can be done and then they
If our doors, this programme federal grant like someone's working on that right and yet fifty million was probably in the stimulus Adele, fifty million dollars necklace draw- you know the head can be down here or it could just be floating. Either. Well, I gave her the neck. They are looking to the picture. They dont even look that we're yeah. They don't like leave my grandma David you're floor manatee has Trump edged into its side. Official, seek information with Hitler, yeah. I like them headline, there's an investigation. I embrace it open. After menu Remember how the word trump, This man to use swimming around in a trumpet anonymous official set on Monday, the who s patient wildlife servers, wants to know who to face the animal in the headwaters
almost ass, our river in citrus county- and I say that right, homo saucer, hooliganism, editorializing there you say defaced I say improve, yet it didn't. You appear to be heard. They said because it seemed that the war was etched into algae and algae and its modest. They discovered and algae Catholic and since the devaluing oh yeah yeah, that's all I was wondering if it Michael Andella, came into my pillow gas back. You see what he likes. yeah he's real big trump ban. Any movement asked into the water, but some clemming drug cardiology handcuffed, he's got a thing. There's mouth he's like try something trample fine, no help and rescue their friends. That's one point: nobody could also be miraculously cannot. Jesus appears on toast trumpets, turned up everyone. Just his name appears to let him already know that he is chosen yet do we know The person on man didn't deserve. I mean you? Don't you nobody phenomenon right right could be natural phenomena
Could you not evolution? Manatee is, above all, to have the word trump honour to survive Ok, Florida bird caught on videos swallowing whole Alligator Yokota Bertie was what was it that wasn't: gonna great blue IRAN, IRAN well So this is how does the hair on swollen entire alligator? He doesn't have a big like the beak like a Pelikan yeah. yeah during the ten of people who listen to that episode childcare. As Several of the inherent your hair on a product era for
I wanna keep thinking of animals in the week. I would say them. Ok, so for my birthday, you guys have got me a present yeah, you got me. Three different presence There is a baby alligator rather way. Also does my fingers and try to get. This is probably not that weird. I problems onto twitter. It was caught on video yeah, which is co location. It's my birthday presence. Thank you guys. I really appreciate man shops there. Apples while juggling knives forgiveness record siblings, that world record for the highest combined age, one thousand and forty two years that's a very impressive or not, depending on how many siblings are and then actually does sixty four hand release push us in one minute for new record. They did nothing. They just lived the symbol. Sesar that in doing so the athlete sixty for her release. Pushups, like that's kind of cool, like I think I ve got em physical feats of strength high enough. I accept that is Guinness rigour but the siblings
yellow eyes. Look only their thinking. Siblings is the dumbest one. It is done because they, but It will be very impressive if it was just to simply as it, I don't know it's a sibling, set world record for gas soon enough to be five hundred years. Each so either that there's a lot of siblings. Twelve, twelve of them well anymore. No, Indian maybe akin to assume The current the decree is free, and so maybe the sounds more obvious. the latter necks pakistani, the crews that past specks thing. Ok, So the combination here that made this possible is a lot of kids and they all very very old, now count in there ages and called Guinness Book of Records Age Siena. so good and they lived a long time could show guys.
Thanks guys are really bring about people. Just tag means what are all the time no record you deserve. Our thanks are never say that you dont like something out. Others do some stories the weak, every week stories. These are some of them. A gang of Rogue Armenians, has broken into gods throne room in order to protest. The doctrine of election source of confirmed hordes of the anti communist protesters stormed the gates of Heaven before angels were forced to fall back and barricade the throne room. While harmony, and so there are many and there really known for how they stand up that Corrigan eyes. Yet they have these our meaning the armenian community, see I feel Armenians. I don't I don't meet very many passionate Armenians, or are you met one ever Seth?
but he identifies as an Armenian. I don't even know if my red, Armenia's, like the dickens yet or even if you don't think it's like Charles Dickens. I don't know I really love. You would hire them right because calvinists generally, they read some Calvin. Yes right, yes, but Armenian just means not colonists yeah, but lots based on Jacob. Jacobus Sermon, AEGIS, had I did a Jacob Jacobus Summary Armenia's their Armenian. So people follow you these are caught. They ve been clients occurrence met, Armenians maintenance. Like you man at nights. You made that comment about about how God created man and then he said, Throw it all out except the ribbon, then he made Yemen. Only thing I got right is a subtle rib. If, like that started a theme logical faction, each other's Napoleon theology.
or the rib the reality, red, ribbon, rabbinic yeah teachings of in a wholly and scholars, but while gods throne, room didn't get stormed, the capital building actually was stormed either either by Trump supporters or antifraud disguised as transporters or supporters disguised as intifada disguised as transfer and then maybe undercover cops, disguised ever actually white supremacist and then under thousands of the cake, ok, maybe jugglers and then under them. maybe, like her name, relax guy MAX. master blaster you're. The little rascals piled up three of them step. Two younger we're just referencing accordingly made this Europe with our cartoon, hit it
The workshop with red tape is no violence. You must not really be a proud boy. You must be oh yeah. Well, you're black lives matter right now. Let's peacefully protest accept peaceful. You must be well you're, not Antigua, you're, a white supremacist. You think you're real, clever Dante, actual Nazi, at least I'm not in the K K K but as being written Cross caddy where the same bro. We are the same row the building,
stormed by programme finance when we know all this guy buffalo guided by him eagerly, I got into Nancy Policies office, but there when a big thing the Babylon Beyond- and I mean this really inspired by us read over their meaning eating yeah yeah yeah, it's like the rifts, are beginning to open up because is like It's a lot of communists in Babylon. Believe you are realised that allow the guys who are colonists, passionate colonists and said his passionately non carbon right And he does Engi likes getting. It has going now below my area that I feel, like Sir unity relaxes in his mansion. Yeah give here. He paused myself, like single malt when it was good single malt scotch surfing. For themselves, a single malt scotch, maybe another one and then he's like Alice Royal
the Calvinists, because I didn't think it s like political messages at ten p m area. Now my duties when I am it's like one, a m over there and he's just like. Oh, I think it's like when you decide to play grand theft. Auto though you know it's a moral and you sit down and you decide since you know you doing from the wrong way to go all out. You start cabin civilians everywhere, murdering everybody. I can you have that movie, you steal blossom steam. I think that's! The mode citizen is like. Do this gene White Go Bilbo Dropsy Cavendish, attaching bombs, deceptive Brenda people applying from their cars whenever you can think of push this guy office building here A game like you play like red redemption like carry the guy all the way up to legally, they white Supremacist guy off the top of a bridge stratum of dynamite, and they just drop mile fridges, havin fun people do. I do I seen videos on Youtube I from
and follow all the traffic laws and regulations and grant them down. My white actually does that. It is a good idea to set up at night when you speedily Jesus behind Digital or not. I was thinking as if that the capital building but what, if trumpet one in his eye? anti for their how the without of gum the anti fairly well said, the ancillary staff and before the other end for guys, he walked kind of like brave heart brothers fret we may but a fair election has ended. We must act results, though they were not in our favour. Lay down your bricks, remove the vocs
so dragged from your molotov cocktails and drink with me as they accept the results like men. We shall leave the capital unmolested, we'll do no buffalo garment down no Buffalo garments, we're not like those savages and the rats. Yes, we have a line. We will not cross, and this is it then they say in ancient interval war song about honour tragedy and with dignity having our guarantee. We gave the badge we lose with dignity for that is. Are we tromp one fair and square fair? as there is fair, as MRS Beautiful those in idea. Work are too, but I know I never do it so, just like the aid
You like that the budget interact and like they would not do it If it had been around it I don't know what I'm the capital be burned to the ground and I know it. But what will happen in this case? It would have broken out, he's a break it Personally, I am wondering extort. After being permanently banned from social media. President Trump has been forced to knock on doors across the country, one at a time If anyone opens the door, he will shout one of his classic lines, such as regular said or the loser sad at them before moving on to the next house, others visual. You're sitting at home, but the two thirty a m. God marks your phone like the ring camera now using your phone go in the right direction.
I love you lucky ringing, you see. Donald Trump jesting is tighter. Agnes thing, it has just clean drinking water Looking at the males long term trouble regular medical marks, the Knesset charges the next to be. That really is go nuts. On the censorship front, the overdue called censorship is at the correct thing, and people are debating this, but I mean to me: if you like, your friends very much like censorship is knocking people left and right, he's got suspended from Twitter and Facebook for dessert quotes for audio. Isn't it citing a riot incited it now we do. Are we are talking about big tech censorship in our main topic cooker, so when Kennedy light here, but it is interesting if you read what twit. statement on what Trump actually said that I'm kicked off.
Did you see the actual quote? Yes, I thought it was to be in this article. Eight is clicked on by. I think it's in the notes. After closer view of recent tweets from the Donald Trump Account, in the context around them specific quickly, how they are being received and interpreted on and off twitter. We have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement to violence, but it was too tweets one was about I don't have a thousand you re here Y know the king they banned his videos where he gave the video message after the capital riots or when they were running down. And that's when he said everybody go home, stay peaceful and they deleted those. Yeah, one of whom was familiar My then there was the one where he said he wasn't gonna be at the idea. That was one and they said, while he did its dog whistle it's a coded message. Them you can hire the inauguration, hey guys, I'm not gonna, be there just stay and just San so yeah, don't
I don't know I saw this is actually up. I see article from CNN defiant Trump denounces violence, but takes no responsibility for inciting deadly riot I have seen us. It was one of the things that, within like twenty four hours, just became the accepted line been Cited- violence and I still haven't, found anything where he inciting violence. I get that it probably is the best political strategy knows proudly pretty short sighted to be like the election was stone. you're two months and in unit of losing the Senate, because nobody bothered about vote yeah and yeah. Maybe that can lead to some people, go crazy and gone to the capital on going way too far there, but it He was very specifically to be peaceful. I think there's some addresses beforehand. We say we're gonna peacefully protest. This thing, yeah and if you compare it to the all the language and that we want to left her in the riots when there are telling people like we will not be silent, they shouldn't stop. You know these are like democratic, leaner, saying on a very clear contrast between how tromp was acting error. They rested,
Double standards and same m is another example of a time where, like Donald Trump The other thing I would not defend within the left took our response to it so far. Right now, I'm defending and every time everything my time on stop making me different trop here and then what really scary and what is more, the main topic is just how quickly everybody just lockstep band everything like trumps been banned from Pinterest and, yes, let go to start run. You gotta do on Pincher interests I would like to find out how we never know Etsy Board trumps Etsy be like it'll never now some little stitch like a lock of his hair, but markers single stitched mega pillars. What kind of stuff I lost? Twenty five hundred, followers on Twitter. The Babylon Bee lost sixty eight, Thousand, followers on twitter account. So lot analyses follow? U turn I don't know, I don't
with the current year is a ban, a bunch of people they ban like Sidney Power got knocked armed and banking, we know are anonymous demagogy. Nobody knows you yeah, Michael Flynn. I think I saw crazy. They kicked much people go here. If they like didn't want to do this new fact, we thought tat. This is the moment to her manner. while organs are more about Texans ship in our Stuart, our topic, the weak there, let's go under worse is next week. President Elect Joe Biden gave the press briefing from the basement of his Wilmington mansion, announcing that is incoming administration will be utilizing an innovative skin color chart. To determine. Who is the priority in receiving their share of the nine hundred billion or federal corona virus aid package? Skin color chart just checks it and you walk up and say, is hold it up to them is like a hawk.
the skin colors noticed me. I tell MAX's so you come up, then you go like pleases aerial, please, sir. My business has been shut down for your last year. My family starving may have more stimulus. Please you owe me ten thousand, yeah, but by actually said our priority will be black latino, asian and native american own small businesses and women on businesses were sitting. Oh, that's, not real. they say when I was looking up. None of that is real, but then it goes on to say our secure its eye on that we are sending out a new colored chart doll agencies involved to make sure there's no malarkey here, no malarkey, no malarkey. So yeah he said to address the racial was gap. The opportunity gap in the jobs gap for black and brown people buying will launch a historic effort to empower small business creation and expansion and economical
disadvantaged areas, particularly for black latino API. That agent, American Pacific, Island, or well and native American owned businesses that was on his website. That is honest. That is there so wonderful. Yeah. I read that the well there's a bunch of stuff is got in there. And it sir this is it. Tal part of his was a car big, better backer, Biller, better backer, though back better bill. back very backbone, of better baby bill about the person gathers, Like these expanding ways that I like small business owners and other there were certain protections for small business owners that couldn't get sued for just infinite amount of money, If I had a certain amount likely yelling one employee to employ you like a guy, the hired one assistant you gonna get,
save more than like three grandma they ve taken. Allow these back boundaries away. They just make a leg: litigations like open season on small business, employ owners all the way down to the smallest. That's why in it it could be this the slightest accusation of I'm getting me like accusation for somebody who wasn't the person they were needed there were offended whoever someone else in saying that full court case It gives lawyers no full incentive just litigating because that lorries make money either way whether they want to listen and it most of these situations. These businesses don't make any money. Are they they come out poor if they win they come out still losing it. I'm just fighting and loss in Korea, s huge drain on resources, but luckily we that binds administration is not gonna. Have any racism, not there's no anti racist there, but at least be Rachel harmony across the line right, because here
Fourteen Omni for Head of Department of Justice Christian Clark wants it back in her harbor days, melanin in Dallas, blacks, with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities, something which cannot be measured based on your eccentric standards This is gonna, go well very excited for the future of our nations cell melanin. Unlike vile, like essential oils, income is melanin. Beer you can get a business owners in a line about satanic salons Taylor Scale, oh, but driver to try to get out of it our racial equality like racial harmony world. It involves like everybody doing great, except for poor white people down there. There is little grey that there's poor white men have any money for really do exist, I'm from a very poor white area. That's I grew up around and others They really are poor white people believe it or not
it's so who isn't races to think that only black people poor is not the raises. Reading the races racism injection always betrays, like a certain raises belief in the brain, is being the objection. We're gonna help the poor, helpless idiots out. There can get a job Jamie black people, while I dont my that's my impression of I understand, but that's not gonna, get cut all over the internet are let's community to advocate a week, big tech, censorship on these texts. Censorship events should hold you in different directions. I set a very excited about it: texts, executive, authorship, everybody, let's go like others like Can you imagine the voice over guy? You know and like big Farm and then is a big oil. The never like the Tec, emotion,
watching the daily wire, but I think most people left they like big tech right. yes, because now this authoritarianism that they, I think that they cannot have been its near sighted power they want, and that is its like now. It's cool now its popular now have an excuse for, and it's like. Oh all, right, let's go affair, authoritarian state, whoo hoo, it's not Kyle's freedom. Working cow. That's what so crazy about all this like I had to, I had to think through a lot of this and work through a lot of this cuz. It's like a ds. On the one hand, it's private company, that is You can no longer use our product. That is fine, and if we are the people who are saying you know, we don't have to big cake. When the person comes into the shop, then on one hand, There's a consistency. It says, yeah, ok, what the problems are now that government is so tight. with these big tech companies, in all the government has to do is be like hey Jack. You, article J,
he comes out of his little love van that he is living on the streets of San Francisco. Pierre was a man he's totally high like some island in the Pacific, and there was a row, spiritual adviser, don't shrubs our political opponent, which, by banning abroad and as long as they like have this barrier that does not the government doing we're gonna, do anything. That's why you and I don't. I don't think, that's and the monopolies that God ass a thing to happen with parlour. parlors servers on Amazon. The Amazon has like fifty per cent of like few needs. They ip, not servers. Amazon owns, like the largest portions a huge amount, it's hard to get to do it on the agenda. Amazon, also provide servers to twitter. So it's really bizarre that
Amazon that that was with devastating avenue parlour was. It was devastating that Google and apple pull them from their appstore, but even worse, Amazon, took away their ability even have their information on right and Did it with a twenty four hour notice, it basis? but make all these massive changes that a company like Twitter could do with crazy algorithms And made him living that one thing that, like I've, seen stories in parlor didn't comply parlour was trying to comply. I've watched interviews with the lady, whose people run parlour I mean they're, devastated trying to keep up and they don't want to be like Twitter. They dont want to be like Facebook and they really does Philip Twitter he spoke and Apple and Google they're kind of like these giant behemoths. They run everything and they're all talking about the horrible things have happened and on their watching. who is to blame. Then there's like this tiny,
parlor rather know a guy. That's your was blamed parlor like there's. Nobody plodding violence, hissing horrible things on twitter or Facebook. I know the donkey taken down now, tutors I'll, just a lot of positive comments here. All the time I gotta go samples told how many hours It's against. Israel is the same stance. We have always taken Israel's a malignant cancer is tumor in the west asian region that has to be removed and eradicated. This possible happen, not us That's a tweet that is on twitter and we want to see- and I raised a radiance of learning. The eyes are unable. If he's like our ends like head of department of Blast of upper, is how many specially pockets. I was whose, like their self esteem, yeas, like their generosity,
the annexes in others, as argument like well, if you don't like it, you build your own twitter yeah, like ok, fine thing about parlour, MASH, go make your own web servers him. You don't go, make your own email provider go get in Iraq ship and go to your own planet make your own society. I guess that's what it's are coming to hunt some level, thanks are cutting ties from Trump Mega corporations like Emacs, Amazon, Maria Commerzbank Hallmark Charles Schwab, they're all cutting any donations to Republicans who supported efforts against certifying the election results, we're gonna, because Democrats did the same thing back to accepting the voters a movement I think was more states in their actually were in the Republicans. They were trying to fight against, certifying the election results for down drop, as I could There's a dozen boom you're not go down, It took away the domain registration for a gun forum, air fifteen dot com.
How long until you- and I are just yet guys- dahlias wagner- was happening bills like if a second you seen avalanche coming down the mountain, where there is a good right now, it's cool the watch, but it's gonna hit it. They come in. The thing is- Everything about numb great thing about, ending speech you know like is never back, on the other, but never to be used against you yeah, that's a great way to end violence is, did make people feel completely silence and unable to waste. Assuring way is not yet have any kind of all of us were driving, that's wonderful, yet it generally people to go. Can't talk, sought to sit here and play grand theft, auto. You know the gas so twitters constantly full of positive comments like when this guy said, who are Mitch Mcconnell's neighbours under saying, ran, pause neighbour did what a true Kentucky hero should do. It's your turn to step up call the violin do not and
Kelly, Paul ran, Paul's wife says: hey Jack. Remember how for ass three years you have allowed thousands of hateful tweet celebrating my husband's assault and encouraging more violence against him. I do both destroy roasted roasted by Kelly Paul, by the way, I think, a great name for coffee shop would be boom roasted. are we giving that to our listeners for freeze its free? How would I want free coffee? You make it. or I name of coffee, beginning for coffee beans, costly. He knew he had on this show before said, it's amazing. The big tech was able to shut down so many accounts and Van Parlour and a span of ours, but no one could stop porn hub. important proliferating, child porn and rightfully has abused women for years boom. whom roasted of costs to him so. This feels like a brave new world. I don't know this feels like a step.
But this has happened before words like this guy got banning like, while you know they went for our Jones here. Well, it's Alex Jones are there for this guy or that guy mellow or whatever yeah for him now, and then I owe you just and the President of the United States from Twitter and a bunch of people inside care, this is probably like that slippery slope of, but it was not well. You haven't seen a lot of people comparing it to the response to nine eleven. My colleague went Foreign Patriot ACT afterwards, the more out. All this, like everybody wants to lick, overstep dislike, do Joe Biden. How do they are Joe Biden introducing Patriot ACT to even more patriotic? That's coming. So what do we do it? It's like as a person whose passionately Do you just like get off of Amazon and Twitter and Facebook, and you go over and find like some little other website, they're going to crush if they haven't already
I mean, I think you do try to build the infrastructures that we can control. I think and things we can control. We do try to build around try to build around network as be great if we could, but doesn't it become like a divided internet, where there's one half here, one half therein licorice conserved were left with that. that better or worse than having us all beyond what I think. I think, What's say where the internet was five years ago, ten years ago like when Twitter was was kind of growing popularity and had channels open discussion, and there is tweets from Jack reduced, years ago, where he's like this will remain a place for open discussion, because a leftist pushing unlike Bambi, will ban like that's now or about we're about open discussion and I think that was kind of the ideal like, but if you forgotten band we're supposed to do. Just have nothing yeah? No, nothing! So do you think you build up? investors. We can you work within where you can I am hoping that this turns out to be a good thing for parlor its,
their name, much bigger than it was before, and I wouldn't figure out their server issue, and also their suing Amazon. I hope they win. Advent asked Us Amazon in their their contract was that they have. If there's a change aims. I want save thirty days to make it a given twenty four hours to make massive impossible changes, I would love to see them went.
I am saying just ask area it is that the push of a button, one phone call there's like a big meeting in every out. Ok, we ban everybody. Now you know- and it is this, that its Gary, how fast it happens and how in sync they are how organised they are. You know you are other sites. I movies like alien or whatever, where there's always there's like three mega corporations that control over their millions, like one medical version, controls everything, and it was always like. Oh these it. This is. This is like a fascist, Juno, NEO, fascist, you're, right wing, yeah company that took over thing. It's like that's where we are the exhibits, the letter lefty, we lend you teen, you Tawny Corporation, run by Jeff Business. I think also seek out. I think a lot of people don't think this way you used to ban you're entertainment in things given tee. you threw giant corporation- like Disney, like that. The internet has made it possible for creators to do things like crowd funding. Seek out people that you want support, find their patriarch page find their crowd funding, thing they're doing or whatever find things
I that are indeed independence. Things like that, and I think that I would tie in the Babylon Bee subscriber the way you can stay connected. Essen Twitter pushes the button you and even notice cuz. I will be right here with her but I am in anybody you like find how to get directly to them, find their website and their way to get to them. Like a lot of us have to use Amazon, I saw my book and Amazon, but I also have my own story. I sell it, you know, sir, now that person's actual site seek out How did the money gets most directly to them? I don't believe it. and strike shut you down by local shop local by directly wherever you can't exactly like even saying, subscribe, monetarily and support the content you like. Maybe that's us, maybe that someone else damaging to make concern of Amazon, whose start in that our aid, But again I gotta museums, only crazy. I know
but I don't I don't know if that's a societal good. I don't know if it is a sign of good, like I agree as it is so convenient, but the aggregate leave, I think I do think its overall bad for sites, probably bedfellows like it. I, like I mean remember back in the day when I wanted some weird board gayer, weird video game. It's like I would go to some. I will go directly to this weird. indeed developers website and go through their seats in check out process in like when I met, you went to some weird game store that to reality do. But if I had my son now because they don't exist, development is at home, but you know you had to go and you you wouldn't like. Yeah I had to go through the checkout process. You put in your weird address your put your address in this weird website and you hope that they don't like murder you or something but it was fun. You know you got this package like I don't know, there's something just so homogenous about Amazon, that's out of its good news. Harrison yeah, Perron, very much. Believe G.
It just removed, despised, Amazon, J K, Chesterton, Yes- and I said his ago- shops, crazy and because Amazon is like the cheese that he's in that everybody gets the same cheese wedge Anita. Used to be the wild West, where you would get all kinds of weird kinds of cheese he might do say, theatre. two, but the idea he had ever known yeah continues to be a good, funding. Ok, we're gonna want some hate mail, miss Ok, here's email from a fan named will. And here's what he set fan know somebody It's really sad that you claim to be a christian company and yet fond of social justice efforts, people trying to get rid of racism and get someone out of office clearly incites violence and hatred towards everyone except white, males,
shame on you, you may Christine They look really bad, Making Christianity look bad, oh yeah at the moment, is the world ever thought crescendo with good without ever having, maybe one. When crochet measures will soften Lincoln but this is that I think is actually side of Agnes can happen if, like the real Christians, are going to come out, ones that aren't really get it cut of crumble, away real Christians who supported Trump there There's going to be exactly seventy five million versions, everybody else will go away. Yeah. I love the idea that you have to like accept completely what social justice claims to be doing like you have to go. You can't oppose it in any way. It's itself again. This funding, angular decisive. You make a lot of people trying to get rid of racism senor,
making fun of how racist those people are ends in their efforts to its knees lifesaving. What comedy is like right, if you're trying to prevent a thing happening actually causing it to happen? That's a commonly if you're hypocrite, you're a great target for common yeah. That's our view trying really hard to do a thing in its clear to the person watching that you will never accomplished, but you are putting all your might into it. That's the definition of what makes common, that's air! That's why they coyote NET he turned the chap seven at the rule. I, like I'm wearing the rules of comedy for five years I personally are running afraid of director from lower down. You talk you could you don't know how to tell you, so we're gonna move onto our subscriber portion now and if you like, hate mail, we have a great bonus, hate mail, commoner, whereas a mail bag or we're not talking about the guy who got propose you sing mail, you, the guy, who got engaged, excuse me the guy who got engaged.
Through her Babylon. Be article he's got a video about it. Some amendments that, over its to an appropriate animal feed. Our best subscriber submitted headline stories and what a headline headlights neutral is currently a bigger or are you hang out Mars, has allowed no ceiling If reloaded and remember support content creators directly men clues about Allenby, you free us, because we, It kicked off the internet tomorrow don't let big tech will cancel, subscribe and saving. Private, don't save it! Sam them!
bye, bye, coming up next for Babylon, be subscribers friends, would let all the bad guys in India turtles like those of a fragment hats who, like the guy, that japanese leader little calamities, mete out of that was like having to scotches sitting down like a baby. I thought he said so, and there was the only one. Ok, well, here's some bonus, eight now, for your part, social media. This inciting violence. The first Babylon AY arranged marriages, wondering what they'll say next. The rest of this project is in our super exclusive premium, subscriber large go to Babylon, be dot com, slash plans for full length, freefall gas, island Ethan. I would like to thank Seth Dylan for paying bills Adam forward for creating their job, the other writers, sport tirelessly pitching headlines subscribers and illicit until next time. This is Davy Andrea, the voice of Babylon B.
The internet censorship, censorship. How are you in different directions? I set a very excited about it: taxation directorship everybody,
Transcript generated on 2021-01-15.