« The Babylon Bee

Pray for Nashville & May God Save Our Broken Culture

2023-03-31 | 🔗

Tragedy struck in Nashville and The Babylon Bee Podcast talks about the horrible event and the horrible media coverage of it. You also need to tune in to get everything else that happened this week in the news, plus the Babylon Bee Bible Verse of the Week, a very special Sizzler Fact to cap off one full year of Sizzler Facts, and The Abolition Of Kyle Mann where he reminds you that beauty is not in the eye of the beholder.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
A world praying for the victims of the shooting in nashville. Meanwhile, the media is apologizing for miss gendering. The refute. This is our fifty second week as these are facts represent almost an entire year of choices Mark hamill is lending his voice to a ukrainian air raid alert, but luke lives in a galaxy far far away. That has never heard of her powell. George Lucas explain this apparent difficulty in the star wars. Mythos besides, jedi are keepers of the peace, not soldiers. Are they getting involved in a war? What would mace windu think all this? more. On but a laundry everybody welcome to the Babylon bee podcast be weeklies, though it is going to be weekly, look cook a risk of visa. Any speech, as I shall give reacting it known remember, but so this week the why portions of chromosomes are out numbered buddy ex chromosomes. I think
oh right, because when you started that sentence, I took the letter. Why, as the word, why I didn't understand, it is an area he's outnumbered? Well, if it's all men than its equal, because have we strive your equality on this package by always having usurious exit law. Wait. I assume I chromosomes m assuming dilemma here. is our is ira photoshop, an actress if that petrol and she's a biological female, so we thought it would be have you, and for that reason, and that reason alone, we ve been selected for your biological femininity as I strive for linked, ignore all my talent d. I depends that we have to bring his tenants alma accomplishments.
it is nothing I want to be represented for my gender do well, you're doing a good job of it. Thank you. I try to appear female you're, a good representative of your gender. I think most women would disagree, but why would most disagree because I only I'm typical and the like. I don't hate all men, so that's like strike. Why one on womanhood and hate on one man yeah. Well, I think there is a strong think it's more of a fringe thing personally, but. No, I am, and I dont want, remains volatile area this is gripping television yeah curious
if you're gonna move on and the women representative for the week world. So we have obviously the really sad tragic story this week of the shooting at covenant school in nashville. So we'll talk about that a little bit as we go in but pray for the victims. Obviously, there's a lot of news coming out and and they're still nailing down all the details of of what exactly happened, but it's a horrible thing, and so please send your prayers as we were looking for some kind of donation link to you know whether that's for the police officers or the victims, but we haven't found one yet. So if we manage to find whatever the official, then you have. The avenues are for that: willa we'll put a link in the podcast description and but you know, there's also some some good stuff that came out of that and as from other news the week that we'll talk about here so sorry for the somber stuff,
Into the podcast, but it's always rough when that happens, I always feel weird that we're a site that writes comedy and then something like that happens yeah. What am I you can either do a joke about it, and even if you're trying to make a good calif callous to sue it's always too soon or you can like to well. Let's just do it church joke and then you sound, like you're, just ignoring the topic, so not to mention it but yeah. Well, we want you to if you liked with the babylon bee is doing, wants you to help support and if you enjoy the podcast one way you can support the Babylon bee's be cut by becoming a subscriber to the Babylon bee. So we've created a promo code podcast. If you go to Babylon bee dot com, slash plans and put plug in that podcast code, you're gonna get twenty percent off in annual premium subscription, so you'll get the full episode of this podcast ad free and every podcast going forward. All the back catalogue of ad free, full length, podcast and
one little way that you can show your support for the Babylon bee, so do that. Otherwise, if you're not a subscriber, we still love having you on board hit like subscribe, hit the little bell to keep up with all the podcasts on youtube and follow our babylon bee podcast page on instagram, twitter and facebook. Well, that's enough for me shilling for our subscription service. Let's go to. News. What's in the news this week, yeah we do have this sad story about the mass shooting at covenant. Presbyterian church covenant school in tennessee. There is three nine year olds, including the daughter of the pastor, the school headmaster, a substitute teacher and the custodian that were killed, and it was a twenty eight year old female
this. They said it is a former student or not. I read, then they didn't confirming confirmed, dance, read that they confirmed it, but possibly former student. It was, I mean it's twenty year old, so to elementary school, ray you're, so former student from a decade ago, but had had a legally attained obtain weapon. So She had a whole bunch of guns at her home. I reviewed regularly upturn legally we're. So, even though she was under some sort of mental health, they don't categorize like Under this warrior as a mental health condition with which they should but but there's lot over later other things going on rare yeah Who was a transgender person that was the shooter and, of course the media has just been falling all over themselves to get the gender pronouns correct, knows the murderer, support story, but what it was insane ones. I saw cnn who jumped at the chance any
time, there's a white shooter or any time there's a shooter that matches their narrative. They jump to make about the agenda they jumped to make it about the motive they jumped to make it about. Whatever story they can push, and here they ve avoided in almost every story. Mentioning that as a transgender person, then they start mentioning a little blurb at the bottom and one of the most ridiculous thing they've done in quotes from the police, where the police chief nashville filling them in an information about this tragedy, said she and her to revert to the shooter and cnn in their quotes, edits out all the pronouns and puts the shutters last name hale in parentheses, because they're going out of their way to be sensitive to this murder that killed children. It is ass. You do that insane you who cares about your murder, pronounce a panther these people in this insane way? It's crazy! Like you kill people, I don't. I don't care to respect you in any way, person is female. We all know that these persons female we need to stop playing this stupid.
under the new york times initially ran this article about how it so rare for a vast shooters to be female. And then, when it came out of this person identified as a man, they were attracted the store and said: oh no. We we didn't have all the information as if it wasn't a female shooter you with me billy bizarre? Should they be publishing about how white males are most so? The shooters, like I haven't seen anything about that if they don't want to say that, as soon as I heard it was like oats, we think it's a female shooter. I was like something weird is going on: something's up it's all its never did is very worrying ever know shooters, like I can't even think of the last one. That was a female, I think the last On that, I remember, I dont think the person successfully pull of mass shooting, but a few years ago there is at a Google headquarters in san francisco or summer, was empted to shoot him in the. I think they were stopped or something but I think that person was was a woman, but that's the last remember that was a biological fees
the woman on testosterone near impossible. I dunno yet owner of this person got the airline treatments or what was going on area were still waiting for a lot of the facts. the guy I hardly shooters now in recent memory that have been transgender. They never want to make that part of I don't think they're gonna release any of that information and they also wiped socially hurry. All her social media accounts and its. Really weird before they release the name. They raided her home, so there their play, somewhere game here, they're covering something up: they're, not gonna, release like the manifest set manifesto that she wrote to. So they want to just control in arid. of maybe this person is angry at this christian school will The media narrative very quickly shifted after the shooting. The usually start pushing gun, control right away and this time they immediately shifted to. There is anti trans rhetoric in NASH. Phil or at the school that led to this Oriana shooters.
I'm NBC news tweeted this linked to a story, fear pervades tendencies: trans community amid focus unnatural shooters, gender identity. We were already fearing for our lives, and now it's even worse just disgusting, because there are places like NBC in CNN that make the focus about identity in these shootings any time it benefits their story anytime, any at the time they will be the ones that obsess over the identity of the shooter and the motives, and now it doesn't fit it. They want to just drum up sympathy for the trans community. After a trans person kills kids, I think they are still talking about can control cause. I know that you will definitely single showed so they're gonna, that's gonna, be less part of the narrative, As far as the areas there you're talking about and ass, all weapons ban like, but no one can define what aw weapon means like isn't any gun an assault weapon. They just use those terms like what for we have all these moniker that they use
they had all writers to tweeted. Former christian school student kills three children, three staff in nashville shooting. Then it's a bizarre when you look at that framing compared with what they would do if it was a the white man who killed the black me, I went off zoo but I'll be in the interest of the races in classes, and all of that is now saying that its christian school, students, they want to identify the shooter as christian, because it was a former christian school student. Rather than identifying a person is transgender new york, post, tweeted, shooter audrey Hale's parents couldn't accept their daughter's trans identity. I haven't seen this kind of like lie: innovation, shooter in my lifetime insane there's a daily mail. U s: exclusive national mass school shooter was rejected by her christian parents. Trans outcast so they rejecting her. Now that she's a school shooter too, like how are they trying to frame her as a victim? What are they accomplish that
What are they accomplishing making that this trans shooter is the victim? And did you see the club? You saw the club of job I'd and loudly about it when they ask the rapporteur asked him. Do you think this shooter targeted christians because senator, I think was John link so and Biden laughs and goes well. Then I probably I agree, and then he gets high. No I'm kidding I'm kidding like it's a joke that was after job the two when he was going to address the school shooting he did the the chocolate ice cream for five minutes. That was so bizarre. I thought that was fake. b, a conservative, fake news thing to try to make it sighed and zoom insane, and I I went on a b c to see o hara they, and the same video. He knows he's told beforehand that he's gonna talk about the school shooter any goes up there and says I am president Biden, I'm doctor
Joe Biden, husband and I like ice cream. I heard those ice cream down here. You're here to talk about your desires group were just incinerator. Well, the heroes here, though, were the nashville police department's going to say the upside of the silver line? Is they were they stop this tragedy from becoming even worse, very quickly. It took fourteen minutes for first responders from the police department to run towards the gunfire and take her out. You compare that to like the broward county and some of the
the recent one levers highland park. One letter you ve all these all day was the other one where they were kind of troubles in around four hours, and I would like to say that there was a recent m schools shooting scare near me. There is a high school, that's right down the street for me that had a lockdown cause. I thought there is inactive fewer turn out to be a false like a hoax skull, but from the moment they called there was like thirty cops. You know just completely surrounded the school completely lockdown helicopters cops busting in like they. They really have started to up their response on this thing: agony departments, so I was really impressed with that and I'm glad that nothing actually happened there. I know, I think, in l, a county. The response time is like under a minute for police showing up for mass shooter mass shooting, but it's like they know that this fourteen minutes is way too long. they know that it takes minutes like the forty shooting was like five minutes. You need to go into them
as soon as possible, and I have no respect for those cops that we're just waiting outside for orders. Here you gotta do something similar to was the the volume were parents were running in because then the counter keyser s an idea like aim as well, where we had as a culture. What's happening, that's making on these mass shootings happen. I mean you know the left wants to say it's just the guns: here's a wall street journal, pull that shows the percentage of people who say these vowed, tat, rob patriotism and religion are very important values to them, and the number of has just plummeted from even the late nineties. Until today you have just about a third of the population that says that patriotism is important. Religion is important. Having children just thirty percent, now community, valmont, twenty seven percent, but silver lining of health for half the amount of people say money about money. Now is an important value for money
should be higher than that. I think it's definitely higher than that of people were being honest percentage eddie. I I just like all of those things like religions up for me, patriotism up for me and my man what they say you serve both god and I don't really wrong kiddo. I would, even know where to begin with community involvement. I can't even think of an example like being involved in my community. I'd have to my neighbour neighbours. I mean, I think, that's at its basic level. That's researcher dinner, to be more clubs in community things. At an I grew up in the country. We have community I dunno. If this is what they're talking about, but I know around l a they have. You know food banks and volunteer efforts, and even you know, like churches, can help out with local charities and events and stuff. Like that, that's
That's what I think of negative rules being hang on the community. Turkey and church counts. I think I think it's part of community law here to Charles as a percentage of u s, undergraduates, who have been diagnosed with a mental illness over the last fifteen years or so, and anxiety has at a hundred and thirty four percent increases twenty ten depression. A similar increase eighty hd slowly on the rise, and then these other ones are similar percentage increases. Ah, schizophrenia is a huge increase for nia substance abuse or addiction. Anorexia bipolar, ism ism is out, let's go by polarity yeah I mean I do think we were dealing with a mental health crisis and you know and transgender community that sir, I mean all the effect of the re island. I mean I'm not saying all them have all of these, but I give you think it the gender just forty already is indicative of something going on. They need to classify them as a mental. Under pressure
it's not helping them to their army. Ourselves are harming others because of this mental. Or else I don't understand you, because I know what you're talking about when there is a lot of this was few, but we don't know exactly what the shooter is here, but a lot of the kind of violent rhetoric of the trends community's food is fuelled by their kind of talking points that the in communities under a genocide and the trains day of vengeance. In that I don't know what the even me like, because there's high rates of suicide among so I I don't know all the details about it. I don't know where the trans day of vengeance comes from, but one of the things that I actually looked into recently, that's very interesting. So there's there's a website called the human rights campaign and they keep a list
where they every year. They do this thing where they say: there's an epidemic of violence against trans people. So this year they say there was thirty, eight transgender people that were the victims of fatal violence and they have a list of all the victims, and they present this under the context that this is because of discrimination against trans people, that they are they put out this fake idea, you'll hear rhetoric where they say a trans person can't walk down the street without feeling safe and they wonder make it sound. Like people are just attacking trans people for being trans, if you
actually research each of the victims on this list of thirty eight trans people who died, not tragic, that they all died and anyone who murdered trans person deserves to be brought to justice. Out of those thirty eight only one was a biased incident where someone attacked a trans person because of their trans identity, all the others. They stem from domestic disputes between the person, their partner, which domestic violence accounts for lots of murders and violence in this country is not unique to trans people, there's also ones where they were killed by other trans people or by other people in the the bt community, there's ones or they are killed during robberies. Things like that doesn't mean that any of the deaths aren't tragic, but when they use this rhetoric of theirs at genocide of trans people, they're trying to take incidents like that,
the same way? A lot of other groups, late lake they'll say any time a person of this identity. Politics group is subject crime, it's because of discrimination. They assume it was a hate crime, but that's not, but the facts say yeah soon to something like that, and I am glad that you actually had the facts yeah. I know they always say that, like a transit, women would go on a date with a man. and the man doesn't know that it's a biological man and then they become violent when they find out. I don't know, I think that has happened. I don't know how off let us now much tell like men get tricks all the time that that does not get yeah. I would get your he could get back there. It does. I won't be majority memory, men, roomy, Cheltenham, majority of trends, women, don't roy! Look like women like I know, that's the and ass. You can almost always tell ya like you or at most heavily at the little. I don't know
I'm almost always all I've only been tricked three times, I'm wondering they show where they lay down by your name, while they catfish each other in the show, and the men are always always tricked by men, pretend to be women. And they shouted I'm saying like the ear- I guess I'm saying if you go meet someone for a date, you're gonna be of tell most of the time, but you should just disclose it If you're the transit, you should disclose it or disclose it? That's not what I meant to say this is a stumble like someone wants to the eu and doesn't care that you're trans, but not everybody, can that's not their fault, but I think like I would I'm guessing here, but I would suppose you met it for a date and you would be like. Oh yeah, sorry man like never mind. I mean you know. Ivy league jordan, has an anecdote about this from someone rosalie Does that got checked in that sense, I believe a year
I think someone is banning outward for awhile. I really think them men on it. We are not here. Can be tracked. I won't name names. I I had a friend who was out at a bar, and there was he was very drunk, and this trans person was there. It was very drunk and we could all tell and we're kind of suspicious, but he made out with his personal drunk. Then the next day found out that it was a trans person. Now here's what I think is always complicated. Those situations is. I don't believe that the gay panic, fence is a justification for violence. I don't think you should be a free gun, injure the person or murder them, but there is something very real way. That seems like sexual harassment or sexual assault. If this person, whose biologically mail is falsely representing themselves as female in order some sort of romantic encounter with with a man who would not have agreed to that. Had he known, I don't know if that's a saw or harassment, but it's nice
Also, it's consensual that a man would not consent to that sort of touch. You're not disclose. If he was drunk is the trans person drunk too in this equation? Are they both strike? I think that's a debate over whether how a knee abrasion effects it I'm saying there is something that seems like a violation for a trans person to you know present themselves to a man who would not consent to early should otherwise and then reveal later. Oh I'm biological mail. I mean, I think, You're. Probably assuming that you can tell in your on board, I think you can tell I have apparently their I feel like. I would love to test this out. I bet you'd be traded, great progress we'll go to, Thailand will go to see all the lady by thailand minority or go right to the difficulty level. I think there is a difficulty
ten. But it seems to me that you're gonna be trig. My lord, why we're gonna go bars? I woke up, I dont think redirect. But I do think thailand is difficulty level tat. That's it! You can always go I'm just after accurate yeah. You can reject this horrible. That's life! Trans! You push its talk about. It is near anyone, thoughts and prayers to the yeah to the victims of the shooting and their families, and will be looking for ways to help them in coming weeks here and now, pray for our culture? It's a societal decay. Is real thing. Americans are discovering that if we want to change the nation, we have to change the way the marketplace works and that change charged with you with your local communities and with your wallet, be deliberate with your dollars and reject
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yo bob eiger, as announced that they are laying off seven thousand employees spoken out a good indicator for the economy of the now hung on his knees had last month at a plan to cut five point: five billion in costs, including three billion dollars in content, spend so that means making more seasons of the mental orient or something disney shares are up eight percent this year after plummeting forty four percent last year, yeah you guess to have does disney plus urging all yours do. I use a friend's account and I still fall man delorean, but I don't watch anything what she's in korean no I haven't yet. I had it for malaria and I don't really care about star wars. I just rural area. Here I do they have any hits busboy his mantle or am, I think, andover was doing well. That was one of the ira. There goes, but are they all star wars stuff like such our waters of thing else, a couple of the marble shows did pretty well, try dont, like only in the marble, shares too much marvel now, there's too much star.
Where's too. I like mandalorians, there's just too much flooded. I I didn't know what to talk about jeremy renner in a second, but I did enjoy the hawkeye show, despite it being kind of cheesy, I tried the low key one. I didn't watch that did not like it. He loki did not like the I love I high key Well, here's a good news, updating, jeremy runner, the hawkeye back on a specialised treadmill after being crushed by snowplow, so he's a big. I saw this described in the news as an anti gravity treadmill well, look at that and others is their water, energy or something. I guess. It's now help him physically recover committed I think a trailer it hold you up. So you can work out your muscles without putting too much pressure scaling athletes user mark. Babies are in that thing that balances her like that up. Yeah germans are going to really care little toys that it can play with it.
we did an interview that will be on disney, plus or renew your subscription. It seems like he's much better and there he is wearing shorts. For the interview sports. Yeah thirty excited on the shore. I didn't see the interview didn't didn't, watch it, you don't have disney plus and if you don't have disney plus you know what you could spend that money on a Babylon bee subscription babylon bee dot com, slash plans, use code, podcast go to it. and if a fifty people don't do that they're going to cancel the podcast says Jeremy Renner says he'd throw himself in front of a snowplow again. So what is that? Why is it's probably cut off before to save more data looks rather than what was golly too. somewhat link with depression is like you know, it was a blast I'd. Do it again, Jeremy, if you're watching this we're praying for you too
I'm on the partner, so CNN is warning you about digital black face. So basically, if you use a if you're, why any use a chief, so here's a army name of a black person to a moat something than you are wearing digital backface. So if you say like why and then you, Google and you have a black eye, popping up saying what that's blackface and that's racism. I had seen or think a huffington post article. Maybe it was the same guy and they just republished in our bed or something, but he had a few years ago. Did this argument that you can't use a gif of a black person, because it's saying that black people have you know over the top emotions for this or that and you're mocking them, and you know like you're, you're appropriating black or black sadness. If you use a gif of a bumpers into that, I give the stanley eye roll emoji. I can't do it like stamp.
System rogue, if I so what does it mean if you give the black thumbs up? I, like I mean why are you relax and as my mom exclusively desire, my heart is a bitter mom. Nobody hold it down. My mom is way too, and you have to hold it down the change the color, but she would you can see what you can see that as your default skin too, I told her that people use it based on their like bear skin color, and she says, oh, I just she's, my favorite, a real hope for ok. So what is that and I'm sure I'm not. The first person asked this question, but in these articles I read the one on cnn. I hadn't seen the one in hunting post. Did they ever address KEN black people use white people memes? Does it? Is it that no when you all have to use only memes. That, I'm sure, are you, I'm sure in their mind it only goes one way, but it's that thing where the ain't ain't. Nobody got time for that, lady! That's whose picture they used with this one. Is that a white
writer from and then it is fun everyone in the reactions of course, when seen and pushes twitter just posted black reaction, jack do in the finger guns. I am sure they have. This. Did that kid. Looking around the corner with the question marks over his head, yeah yeah, they redefined this one they redefine raises I'm so why people can't be racist, caused them already isn't supposed to be. Isn't races we need to their new definition her, so people, can use all here's a white guy, never skates in his underwear think and he's roland by, like they don't care. Here's a comment from the hans to insist,
it'd be the best Babylon bee article y'all have roads it's funny. If this picture of the young captain of gondor absolutely ripping a here, he gets more likes than your article sucks and there's there's a foreign mirror smoking a cigarette, and then we've got and ain't. Nobody got time for that shares funds so, and I saw at least one person who commented on this- is Antoine Dodson, the hide your kids hide, your wife or, and he said he likes it because he's gotten with when those gifts and those clips go around. Sometimes you get some back in residual if they're used in certain contexts, and I think he owns the rights that one. Oh, that's great, also gets you a lotta, it gets you a lot of attention and I think it'd be pretty cool to see somebody you meet like. Oh, I dunno, but
If you, if you could prohibit one race from using a gif of that yeah, I'm not going to say italians in chick fillet news. Do is chick full effects? Yeah a fond! Farewell springs, here and we are taking the opportunity to refresh our menu one of the changes as a farewell to our side, salad, beginning April? Third, so decides how it is being discontinued at cheerfully. You have to order fried chicken now you can't get a south healthy.
solid watching was, it is. Does I think you his eyes, but, like you, can't replace your fries with a solid and if you take fillet and you're getting a salad? What's point of ghana, chiefly war, the fraser so good when their hot, but sometimes it's like. I just Don'T- want that: five hundred cow the reason for billion carbs fries. So it's like I'll get the sites out instead and eat the phrase. So when we order cheerfully here and they get the mass order, I always in a pick and at the france I try not to area, they just sit there and it's like when the price of their uranium. What does your gazette chick fillet order? The deluxe fry chicken sandwich spurious over gizmos any e. Actually, I'm not gonna waste my happiness by eating a salad. You are usually do been doing the grilled nuggets and lately to cut the carbs, but if something I actually really want I'll, probably get like the chicken strips you know, the actual fried chicken strips fries and like frozen lemonade,
over the sauce now lies here, and this is Adam. Have you accepted now when were here and we order it. I get the spicy children was an whether I'm not a fan of cheerful at a router. I was raised on care. If see I like that since then I, like, I like popeye's, I like keynes, chick fillies way down. There really really saw us is so guy I do it I do like clockwork values, I think take place very over it. I used to do a joke in l, a cause I like antagonizing. We crowds when, when traditionally was in that controversy, I did I forget what tunnel but won't, but I said I check plays overrated? I said I would I'm probably the only person in l a who likes chick fil, a's politics, but doesn't saying you're like I I, like the whole. the phobia, but I like that they believe in traditional marriage, but I don't even pickled or so strict. If you work for chick fil a you have to cover your tattoos, you have to wear black socks, they're very strict. Oh, you know where I did go. I went to a
in an airport recently- and I was disappointed I forget, which airport it wasn't my mind is the one in the philadelphia airport. Maybe but it was in the morning and I dont see with philip if airport, because I don't wanna, get someone. I don't want to say the wrong thing about the wrong person, but their attitude was much more an airport employee than a chick They were very really saying, you're! Well, god save. What's the thing I say my pleasure know they had had airport employee. I say it: alot, not shake the lamplight attitude. Well, more camel is lending his luke skywalker voice to an app that warns ukrainians of potential in coming to attacks The alert is over. Hamel closes the alert with may the force be with you If this was a babylon, be article out of, I would have said like this. Is this is too cringing? eliza. He may make sense, it's exactly I wouldn't. That article lay there literally at war, and you have the time to get luke skywalker too, and if they wanted to get a star wars,
How can you not go for admiral lack bar trap right trap, the missile the misery comes. That's that's! What you wanted here. This is gonna, be the like how how narcissistic you have to be to lend your voice for this, like I want my voice to be the last thing that they hear before they die of an air raid. That's crazy! How thinks he's doing his duty to help you know defend? How are you hoping I dunno but good for him? I would have preferred a jar jar binks or I would be I'd, be worried, that river in doing hired? We worry that people would take it seriously. If I heard that people be like. Is that a serious you know it was luke skywalker there's no way that serious, not isn't real the well it's time for our bangor of the weak doctors. Reports
certainly rise in testicular injuries among women athletes happening more and more cheaply. One of my favorite parts of this kind of babylon be article, is the scientists that all where their lab code, Instead, a meeting to didn't learning, learn, coats, lab and the girl I lay on the chart with no access labels, but it's just an hour ago I gotta come, have gone up, they went down, a minute? I really I ever, though, without delay of american big don't even like it's not even at the zero line. I guess it's that is: zero yeah over here you're, so smart, a bomb of the weak, the weak truth, social developers, feverishly working to fix bug that makes trumps posts appear in all. Caps is funny how types in code, it's all caps and then his tweets. They always have weird time stamp, thought them
I read the crazy thing. He wrote that it's like four thirty, eight yeah just weeks of I got a hammer this. What does it show you his time or you're like as your time I dunno, I honestly, don't know, probably wartime now it's time for the Babylon bee's bible, verse of the week man. This is from a proverbs. Thirty eighteenth or nineteenth. Three things are too wonderful for me, for I do not understand the way of an eagle in the sky, the way of a serpent on a rock the way of a ship on the high seas and the way of a man with a virgin. First, very wonderful. Last one don't understand. Alright, If anybody is a hebrew scholar and wants us wants to, let us know what those mean. So don't you come across those in the in the old testament and like there's a hebrew metaphor
that are idiom. I don't understand. I do prefer the bible translations that don't try to. Trans liberated india, a lottery with anger, so I just wanna meet him, be like what I don't understand that me, I'm gonna get the I gotta get the way of an eagle in the sky thing where we don't understand creation by how does the bird fly you know most serpent was. I exotic, allow grow daily to hang on son on an idea about when you go hiking passed here then turn kill you. Ok, won't that's of ours that we give. You know hebrew please Let us know what that means. Maybe this guy just didn't know where babies come from, doesn't understand what happens with a man and avert what goes on there. What's even more solomon wrote this Nicky news way around virgin is true. Alright, at its tumblr, similar vein Three hundred fifty seven days ago, we debated a new feature on the pod, has called sizzler facts. What almost been a full year. Here's our sizzler fact for this week
on the second episode of season, one of Anthony ordains parts are known. His guest david chloe took anthony to a local sizzler restaurant, in LOS angeles, in the episode David showed up dressed in his self described, sizzler outfit and already to peace sends suit with matching shirt and tie then he observed in aid be mused fashion, as kofi unceremoniously crammed several meatballs into a taco shell displaying the bevy of choices, the sizzler salad bar offers its patrons anthony, described the cheese toast as delicious, and you could see his eyes light up when he realized it was complimentary. This has been sizzler facts right, huts, interesting, I've seen that
now it's time for a sizzler comments. Sizzler com is the this is from Preston Michael, my reaction when they didn't do a sizzler fact on the live. Podcast. Cargo, san, oh yeah, there's a fun video or give me going super saying that emma made now it's time for weekly new. without any answer. It's time for the weak link in an interview with new his max donald trump said he is considering rival round the Santer says a twenty twenty four running mate and said it would be a very unlikely alliance. Unlike the Democrats, who are running candidates who hate each other, the world's oldest, drag queen dorsal died this week at the age of ninety two
while the world's youngest drag queen is still being groomed at your local library, cnn published an article claiming that when white, bull use black means its equivalent to digital black face, leaving americans wondering ha and really CNN is still trying to do herman, whether Michael Jackson means counters black or white. Two men fleeing from Cuba flew to key west florida together in a motorized, hang lighter and lucky for them. No one in Florida can say that's gay, an australian startup company, announced that they made a meatball out of lab grown woolly, mammoth meat said an excited Joe Biden, I haven't had one of those since I was a kid but congrats to this company for successfully bringing the extinct woolly mammoth back to dead. A new york animal shelter announced that after a six week, training programme a destructive bull dog named ralphie. The demon dog has been adopted for the fourth time right
He has described as mean violent and still safer for your kids than a pitiable, the manhattan grand jury investigating down tromp is taking a one month, break delaying any further action on an indictment. But democrats have promised to come up with a few new trump investigations you can watch. In the meantime, a shop, after in Oregon was sentenced to seventeen months in prison for biting off Nord stream security guards ear. Luckily, nor its drums was able to cover the it medical bills by selling, t shirt during a texas, Adam based our game, a streak earn a star wars, mask ran on field and pulled down his pants as fans realized. That's no space and that's a mood. This week, Tom Brady bought a w n b a team and is now part owner of the las vegas. is officially making him the most recognisable athlete in the w nba. That's it for we, We need to see more check out my youtube channel and come see. Me live, albeit the funny farm in Ohio April, seventh and eighth, and at the comedy chateau
in north hollywood on April fourteenth and now it's time for the abolition of kyle man. I like, when I barely catch up on these segment ideas right before the podcast yeah we kind of find out about them as we read the title to them. So I've been reading a ton of cs lewis and abolition of man is one of my favorite cs, lewis' works and he posits the idea that beauty is objective and the the plate platonic ideal of beauty. This kind of goes back to plato and and what are the platonic ideals, and I posed this question on twitter, a poll which is the greater error
beauty is subjective or men can become women, and ninety percent of people said men can become. Women is the greater error, a guy over beauty being subject, but I suggest that beauty beings objective is the greater error in the sense that a leads to be in the sense that our culture had to swallowed the lie that everything is subjective. Truth beauty, in goodness before we would swallow the lie that men can become women, and I think this indicates that so few people voted for that one. I think it indicates that we have swallowed the idea that when I say the word beauty
I think subjective you think. Well, what do I find beautiful? Not what is objectively beautiful in the world and my job is to align my soul to those things that are external to me. The cs lewis equate beauty with good eye. Yes, I I would think so so that- and I think that's part of the point cause you might say well, because beauty as it is defined, a little yeah I think that's part of the problem is that we have defined beauty in this way. This beauty not all subjective. So it's intuitive, because I think the idea, the concept of beauty in the platonic sense, is objective. There is we all kind of agree when you think about the concept of beauty itself. I think we're all thinking about the same thing, but we might each find different things beautiful. I find beautiful and you guys find women, yes, but I think there's a difference between attraction and preference and objective beauty right.
Like I like. I think my wife is the hottest woman in the world right, but I could look at another woman and say like while, objectively there's beauty, there, god created this person, but I don't have to be attracted to that woman. You know in the same way, so I think there's also there's also preferential eating for yourself. You know, maybe you prefer a sunrise to a sunset or something like that, but I think there is still an objective beauty there and you couldn't say: sunsets are ugly and the standard that with people whether you find men, beautiful and men find girls beautiful the things that year, the attributes that are contributing to the idea of beauty. It might be, you know, goodness, in their personnel what he or an aesthetically pleasing look right, so you might have different tastes when it comes to that stuff. But the standard of beauty itself is is an objective standard. Think there's some parts of sub like some of it is subjective. So yes, objective as like. Oh this waterfall is beautiful cause, I think that's an example, but if you're comparing two waterfalls, it's going to be subjective or which
once more beautiful. So to me, I think I'm gonna vote with them. Men can become woman as a greater air says versus right now in why I want, as its also he would agree on that thing than we can get to. We can go back, If the platonic say the first thing before you get to the second, you can't fix the second thing until we fix the first you're not even going to get to it, we're all going to be dead by then it's probably in the platonic sense. Each of those waterfalls is rough. Action of the ideal of beauty there's. No. There is an old one percent water. No one person like this waterfall one person like this waterfall you're, both wrecking
rising in that the reflection of true beauty, and it where it becomes corrupted, though, is if you start pursuing the beautiful in the world. If you start pursuing the object and beautiful things rather than beauty itself may be, a beauty is a platonic standard that is outside of our reality, and things are beautiful only in so far as they reflect that truth and they're, not beautiful in their ugly, insofar as they distort that truth is the thinking. So, yes, yes, lose wrote, abolition a man basically completely in response to a textbook where it tried to teach kids like the statement this waterfall, this beautiful is. It is an opinion and it doesn't really matter if you think it's beautiful or not, and he was he.
Really mad at the school textbook for kids, that he wrote them as if a book and an eight hundred page book in response to it, do you think that's interesting. I haven't. I haven't read abolition of man. I'd check that one out during that has to do with. Do you believe in god, or not cause, if you believe in god, I think that's easier to say. Beauty is objective, if you don't believe in god it doesn't matter, but definitely being a theist yeah. You know, there's like a lot of the greek philosophers were, and I did a follow up poll. A sunset is beautiful fact, your opinion. Eighty percent of people said fact twenty percents that opinion so interesting. While we were still reading the same textbooks you know well, but this this is. This is the correct polaris of so are interesting. Let us know what you guys think about that vampires hate, sunrises, travis type, that somebody just take
that really my guess his travis, but I don't know who that so is it objective for a vampire to say that it was still beauty you need a vampire may have a perverse idea of beauty, revamp fires or like possessed by a demon or whatever right. So their souls are not in line with the tao is what Cs Louis would say he used the term times he hears tat. He appropriates like all the different he's as all religions point to this true interesting that that's an should. I've heard that argument before that. That's an interesting one, especially in town, is em cause it's away there. If there's passages in the doubt, itching that talk about in the way that are that are very similar way very similar to christianity yeah. But it's a very. I don't support that. I'm not endorsing that, but it's interesting that there are. I don't think lewis subscribe, yeah, but he was pointing out a universal truth that all these religions- and I think, that's what I found a lot in recently reading through plato and Aristotle and stuff there, not christian, but when you ponder these things in the most lodge
the whole rational way. They do point to a certain point, oh, I know the the allegory of the cave, etc. I'm like it's like a picture of salvation and they didn't. They didn't quite see it. Yes, yes, do you know the allegory of the game? No, no! I stopped listening. You stopped listening Yet in any art I went talking on about you zoned out at santa anyway, we talk to landon starbuck and how they are coming after your kids, since she has a whole campaign against it, so take a watch. I have two questions for you: how are you paying for your care. Has that we're gonna forget its working perfectly great go grab a snack. If not then listen closely, because I have a solution for you a biblical solution, samaritan ministries, samaritan ministries is a community of christians, paying one another's medical bills, its biblical, affordable health care sharing, but no network frustrations. Here's how
when a medical need arouses, you choose the health care provider, that's right for you and have a say: the treatment you receive, even if it's a natural approach and alternative medical treatment, your medical bills are shared with fellow members and your need covered in prayer, healthcare share with samaritan? Ministries may also be more affordable than what you're paying now and if it's the right fit. You can join any time even today, check it out its american ministries, dot org, slash the Babylon bee that samaritan mini trees, dot org, slash the Babylon b, and now it's time for another interview, both Babylon be aroused everybody. Thank you much for joining us is the interview show on the Babylon bee podcast. We're were really blessed ab land. Starbuck where this today this is gonna, be someone's, but you are a mom, a former high would start turn advocate, wants to empower parents to fight back and protect children from abuse, trafficking and exploitation in all forms like even like gender for
in care sappho were really really happy to have you on land in. Thank you so much for joining us, today, with me, today is also Dan coats and he's also the producer of our podcast. So it's kind of a big deal active, dank that's what I do yeah he's kind of a big deal well, thanks for having me thank you Jared and thank you dan. I am a big fan of the Babylon bee and so happy to be here. Alright. So this name is starbuck, were you on battle start galactica now. So much been Robbie starbuck, that's that's how that happen is I mean it has. Thus, my last name became starbuck. Is that a real ass neighbour? Did he make that up? Who so ok? I know the real story. Yours I drew his he's been using hit. His last name is role. Last name is starbuck. His sisters and him all were given these very interesting names,
it'll name, so there is like starshine sunlight, you others, all these kind of hippy type names, I'm, and so it was robbie, starbuck, He is always gone by that he's, never gone by the family. Last name, I'm! So that's what everybody says always known him as since he was fifteen years old, so yeah that's his real name in that's, that's our name use or you're the founder of the nonprofit freedom forever. Can you tell us a little bit about that? What's what's that gun on? What's going on there, sir, sure yeah. So we combat child exploitation and all forms, whether that be off again or on medical exploitation of what we're seeing with this. You know gender confusion on the institutional ino medical exploitation of children is happening with the chemical castration, surgeries and all that, so we are very involved in combating that I am here.
It of ways on, but we also addressing trafficking through our border. All the issues that some of the larger, more well funded, more well known, organizations that claim to be helping children will not do es or talk about, and so that's really. Why started this non profit is to cover those gaps because we're fear. us about what the truth is and what the needs are and what we have to do to combat it effectively has unfortunately as much as we all want to rescue children that doesn't solve the problem there. Still. This is grooming, that's happening this never ending demand and supply of children and so until we address those issues. We're not going to see this problem reduce in america. Well, seems like a really big task that you ve taken on. It seems like you would need a really strong and powerful partners to do that with do you? Do you have those? I could you partner with it
this yeah, so we partner with allotted from people. So when we organised at the march the border two years ago, we partner Turning point- and we had that was the largest coalition response to the border crisis on anyone has done up to date, and so we we find ways to parliament other value, based organisations fighting with the same strategy so part one submitting a problem. If you can't recognizes a border crisis that trafficking shoulder, It is wrong, then, were probably not gonna align with these other organizations and, sadly, Many of them are enabling. So we try to find minded individuals and organisations to partner was swinging. Amplifier messaging now are non, profit is volunteer, run, I don't take a salary and nobody else does so. It's me and other credible humans lending their expertise and skill set on whatever that may be, so we can begin, there and we find ways I'm so we have like a project, berytus style, investigative journalism, armed that we ve exposed the the trains gender pdf,
clinic in national, and now we have legislation that is banning mutilation in our state. So we did a lot really amazing things, just because average people the care. While this issue come to the table Can we find out how we can work together? That's how you got on my radar was. I saw your speech at the rally to end child mutilation. In tennessee your promoting that damn so that finally got pass through the house there up and signed into law. Yet are the you guys still waiting to see what happened in the past? house and sent we're just waiting for our governor to sign it. We believe he will. We ve been, hold he well, so we're just waiting for that to happen by. We anticipate it. Well we're living in two realities that they're like half of a mess because looking at this is a problem of gender affirming for children and transgender surgery verb kids of all ages. Of amerika looks at that ngos are ya, mean just affirming what what they, what they identify
as our work were were helping them by by giving them these these treatments and the other half america just horrified at it. How do you bridge that gap, because that did just two different realities is to do from worlds almost well, I mean look at what happened to academia. I mean this is how we ve been prime to accept these theories, which her I mean. Crackpot theories completely, not even back by fake science. We met anyone even have the fake science to substantiate their crackpot varies. So what has been and the children is medical. Expiring intention and exploitation? We're talking about drugs are being used off label with no long term ice. If these studies whatsoever and the the lion they use the emotional manipulation of EDA. Would you rather have a dead sign or a alive daughter is just an
stipulation their statistics. Don't back it up! It's it's used with a technique called convenient sampling, so they're sampling, a small populations. They get the results that they want, so they can perpetuate these lies and narratives and then trickled out of the classroom, and then parents, just you, know leave this this system, because this is the education system- may sell these ideas under inclusive indian education, and that is why we're here, the edges nation system, I think, is even more of a problem as far as how this At this point, the medical you know system. Was just there, a capitalized on it by the priming grooming has been happening in our education spaces, and that's why we have an entire classroom. I think it was in his eyes, Chicago that was at tree or wood missouri having those related to a bell dead, I'm holly was working on an entire classroom wanted to transition. I mean where work where all the dead boy if this is a natural, you know occurrence we're
he's dead bodies of children before their there wasn't even a google search for this twelve years ago. Now how whose Obviously somebody is benefiting from this. You know something like this: a moving culture where their exporting kids like whose whose benefiting like at the end of the day, who do you think is behind, this, you know is a classroom. I think there's a lot of lot of nefarious interested if it, because who benefits it's from a demoralized destabilize society were children, don't even among their complete their identities, are dismantled and are disconnected from their families. I mean communist benefit I globalists benefit activists tee cheers ideologues. They all benefit because all the same thing as authoritarian authoritarianism and wood For you know they individually benefit, but whether it's their ideological eda push for progressive ism them. This
went to me doesn't even matter it matters that we stop the hemorrhaging. So that's that's. What I try to focus on is like: how do we get people average people to say I care about this issue. I want to protect kids to under stand that when they send your children back into these environments eight hours a day, it doesn't matter what you teach at home. You know you're, you're, teaching, your kid to be part the lie in narrative. That undermines everything that we stand for well, so good and get the kids out of the public. Schools is what you say if, if you're in areas where you can't it. I think that I think these battles are worth fighting where we can make a difference, but I think we are to be real, that some areas are just completely dominated by these corrupts people and until we take those those areas, black we're not gonna, see that trickled down happen effect in the classroom. So, basically,
but what I say is where there's grooming exploitation is not far behind, so whether their grooming sexually with that pornographic sexual, explicit books in schools, or whether there if I were doing the the grooming, the gender grooming, you know and and height keeping secrets from parents. That's when that's happening. We pull our kids out, we cannot negotiate with these people and for children's safety and so that I think the big turning point waiting for apparently revolution, where parents really wake, and realise that our kids are not worth that price. To pay too to fight a system that is hell bent and well funded on. Turning this because this is not an end here. This is this is part of a trench. you? Listen! She prick trans humanistic move men where Now the education system, the future of it in the dollars have already been invested, are going to basically put our. Kids are dependent on on a high and on these systems were education. Were there
digitally knowledge where their behaviors digitally nudged. So, looking at the future, I mean we can play whack a mole and say: oh, we got this pornographic book out or we we at you know we stopped the gender. You know ideology. We've got rid of critical race theory, but these people when ever going to stop as long as they control the institutions so where we can fight to control the top level great, but until that huh bins, children are suffering and I don't think the prices worth it for them. is to lose their children and families are being destroyed by ideology? Absolutely you know it's interesting his wherein wherein the home school movement, might my wife and I are in the homes moment she runs a big homes go programme that has twelve hundred students in it and we love. We love this idea, pulling people after the public's closed and where we are obviously in california, and you know the doctrine, genes definitely happening here, but most people you, don't you talk to them like a buyer, about to sit down with a christian couple like for my church and
say look. This is what's goin on a lot of people. Don't still don't believe me and it's just a crazy it to me convincing p that this is going on is part of the goal and it's a difficult thing to do sometimes, but I think we need to get in and do it, and then there sometimes words really subversive where you can't tell like this is see, what's happening there being indoctrinated. Obviously there they're trying to show this this august alphabetically I stepped down pupils throats. What you do with that, like the kind of soft or the middle of the road like that, because I think it's happening everywhere, but, like what you do and how do you educate people and and tell them? You know how to do right. Where do they go? Well, that's yeah, that's a big piece of it: freedom forever dot. U s is, are non profit website, but also ito. Following me, land start book on instagram every single day. I'm exposing you know that the crazy as the happening its undeniable. The evidence is here. We have
the abundance of it and so on responsible for what other people do. You know, and I think that we can lead them to the truth and an lovingly presented to them, but at the end of the day there still this resistance and- and I think that we have to bear responsibility for our- are our choices As I think a lot of especially people in the conservative movement. They dont really realise their power and the choices that they do have, and so they won't even make a plan, and that's it. I tell people like you know. I understand, there's these scenario is where there you know, maybe a divorced couple and the dad wants to keep them in the in the public school and the mom wants to take them out, but she can't she's working two jobs. I understand that and but there there can be a plan right there where they look into the code. look into the other options to fight for our kids until we adopt his warrior mindset. We we will not, able to do what needs to be done to protect this next generation of children and an and and it goes to,
many facets. I mean the phone. The technology is a huge peace grooming, our children and were now seeing the results of that? I it's it's so devastating inside, but waking up an entire generation apparent sterilised like our children are not worth, experiment down automatically down ideologically in india, with it with a I. What they're doing were always talking about their like with our group, are talking about the danger of the cell phone connected, urges the internet here's a porn machine. You not I mean, like here, you're, giving these kids this access to unfettered and would like information, it's insane. So what what debates you their land, unlike what? What is it? Why are you so passionate about this personally? Well, I think that you know I've been in this space for a while, and I came into a very naive, so I left hollywood as a billboard charting singer songwriter I was I need in the industry- and I wanted out- I was depressed- I didn't want to participate in the sexual quid pro quo system. It exists, but I am
that leaving thinking that it was just hollywood where child trafficking and exploitation existed The more that I learn and the more that I served in different capacities and whether its board of different organizations and helping trafficking in and is working always different spaces, and I think that you know that was, but my training was just seeing this from so many different angles. I was then able to take a bird's eye view of of this our problem and realise that is the damn. May and that is having this and what drives the demands, the behaviors and examined. our behaviors educating on them and in teaching parents in particular how to take our power back and how to replace these negative behaviors with behaviors that are going to produce more positive outcomes. also an alignment with our values has what is the point of being a christian or saying you have conservative values if our action are diametrically opposed to every single one of them
a question for you landon, obviously we we all would agree here like get the phones away from your kids. If you can have your able get your kids out of the indoctrination that there get them away from all that. But what would you say to a teenager who is going through this now have already had the fallen? Have already had the teacher groom them? They were there there there strolling with all these. What's my identity, maybe maybe it's this- Maybe it's that what what would you say to those kids that are going through this right now, yeah So I will. I speak to a lot of them so devastating, how broken they d? are as a result of this. But I traders, glove and life into them by reminding them that their identity is not in any superficial characteristic, whether be their skin color or oppression group or any of these things, and as long as our ear
Identity is in those things you will not have purpose. You will not have meaning. You will not be able to cultivate a sense of joy because you're so oppressed by that particular. I ideology I try to educate on like what what then ideology is and what is one of the outcomes. Objective reality exists and if the outcome of that jack the reality is that you mutilate yourself or feel like you constantly have to be in this victim mindset. What is that Canada is you're, gonna be miserable, and so I try to to empower them with control over those choices and because we do shoes are our outcomes. Outcomes do do choose what we want to participate in, and so, if we can educate on what what behaviors, what thought processes and what those outcomes are, it puts people and in a position of power to then say, wait a minute! You have control over this. If I know that I spent inordinate amount of time online line that that the content
and and instagram, and I look at these statistics that show these poor outcomes and I I feel depressed and all that I'm going to continue feeling that and go on a downward spiral. But if I am, asked in myself and true identity. How I want to growth. Spiritually, how I want to grow as a as a person, how I want to be of service outside of myself and not in a selfish, you know: love thyself, movement of self worship No there is meaning there there's purpose, but the best way is just to live that and I'm not perfect, but I try to live that and show that two people I have not had an easy life had ovarian cancer. Had my entire teenage who stolen sixteen years old. So it's not. When, in an easy you know, I'm coming from a place of ice. No pain, I know depression. I know what it's like to crawl. My way out of these things- and I also know the though the power of god in all of this an end to not tell people that truth is a disservice. It's the most unloving and compassionate thing we can do is to let them know that that is. You know not not speak that true,
The boy is available to them. If they want it through again, you sound, like a christian I will be a good thing. I like that. I like that about you. we recently came across an article that you had written about this, this group of of trans moms Guess is worth recalling themselves, as the serendipity dude, I guess is, is the name of a group. Can you tell so little bit about that in what what is then what's going on, so that the largest group of trans moms of trans so called trends, Children that exists said the boy thirty six thousand members and these moms all have these behavioral commonalities, where they're looking almost a pseudo religion when you're looking for a sense of purpose and belonging
firming one another and their children, and it was this- was a policy for a month investigative. You know journey that I went on with some other moms that actually you know where the whistleblowers they came forward and said: hey, we were kicked out of this group because of you know our political beliefs or because our kid gay and there behind a trans agenda, so it's on like in some situations, are transferring the gateway? Are these chips? not even have developed idea. These and these mines are trying to. Trains are children as young as too, because their child wears an else address or likes the color, pink or purple, and their fast tracking to the social transitioning their comparing notes on how to get insurance too. cover hormones and even even the surgeries that is really the culmination of all that is the day they post pictures of children on surgery day in these are kids is young, is true we now are getting top surgery in america. Girls are an end
It's when you see this s, any just kind of living is for little bed it that's what really games. The idea of light is this: this Description and lunch hastened by proxies, is a modern form of that because it all the markers seem to be consistent with that, and I know somebody's Mansour just lost in a night coming from a sinister place if I want to destroy my child life, but I think that that narcissism and not that mental component is really do I venus, because they're they're getting something for themselves out of it they're getting that affirmation well, so that that's terrible what it sounds like these women are just collectively kind of you know they have a psychosis that they're all sharing together. It's just awful. What is the best way that we can protect our kids, I quite you're you're, passionate about. Why was the best way that we can protect kids, the best way is it inside out approach. So when, when I started
looking at my own life and taking an inventory of my own life and looking at the mistakes that I've made is apparent. and when I have allowed in my home instead of just blaming you know hollywood or outside forces. I looked at me, it's often said. Well, I allowed hollywood at my home hollywood. come in my home and bus down that or I'll out it I'll. Disney in my home. I allowed in these things that were grew made my children in a certain ideas and coming from industry at any. We know you know some people are aware, but I mean they even have offices were planned parenthood in the industry because they work placements in their shows. They want ideological nudging been for our kids. There's a reason were even in it group that I'm just talking about they. They put it out from nickelodeon seeking tree children, younger trans trolling, into be actors in their shows there. the agenda here and so not Lee, is it looking on the inward out from our homes to the devices to what our kids have access to do, what they spend their time doing, but where there being educated?
were the influential adults in their life. Do we know who their teachers are, what they believe leg, what they believe in what there they think their roles are. What about our doctors? Do they think that they are entitled to a private one on one with our child, when we drop them off, taking an entire inventory of everything that hutches our child and examining? If we want to co sign on that, that is an incredibly power hoping to do. It's scary thing to do, because when you realize how much power you have we we, as we have more power than not to stop the exploitation of all children, because it doesn't just end with with our influence, our kids: it's the environments that we're subjecting themselves than to in science subject in an interview with others as well So that is the biggest thing, because every single survivor I've ever spoken when he was a survivor of sea essay, child sexual abuse or child trafficking. I asked you: did you have a dad in the home most of them did not or their gods were abusing them.
I said: did you have a intact family? Was there a loving family? Did you have a hobby? No, none of these things that are pillars of what makes the family strong and united were there, and so, if that's part of the problem of risk actors. Then we need to make sure that the priority to counter that solar noxious, responding to all the negative stuff and crap like disney but were like replacing it with them. Is that what unites us is a family and bring us closer as a family? So those are things that the weak We have the power to do individually, it's not just looking for the signs or the man in the van or looking for the children that are obviously do you know supplying signs of being trafficked you bruises and malnutrition, all those things. And yes, we want to help those people, but it is the response. stability of our own children and it begins with us? Yes, but not all of the parents, jobs that one be apparent be upset.
parents- and you know it and don't give your kids over when they're in their teenage years either, and that's the thing that one of the things that we ve noticed you and our group is people just gonna wanna give the education of their children and the raising of their children, children to other people when they reach a certain age, like all it's just their time to spread their wings. There was a book called and hold onto your kids that we read it's a really powerful book. but it was just about the idea that the teenage years are actually the prime time to lean into your kids to have their relationship have a deep emotional connection with your kids. Do things with your kids, make your family, the prime thing have strong family and that does make healthy people like strong family makes few people, and so we need to make sure that we encourage people to do that. Were big fans of that so alone hundred percent Zounds easier said than done, but when you break it down- and you really look at all those aspects, you know, I think that it's hard to admit
you know? A lot of our families are broken in that aspect. In it we have subcontracted out parenting to the school institution or that too doktor. Whoever is, and yes exactly yes, absolutely not given their youth passed through my kids, toronto trust them. As far as I don't I'm scared. Until I can. I love my up as well: or island in wars has been great. We do ask every guest on the podcast cast the same ten questions. The two questions first question is: have you met carmen now, you a cabinet, stern armenian at a communist, accountable nest or an army mail yeah. I I shall pass on that. One. Yes, ok, that's! Ok! It's just me. do you believe in free. Well, I do believe in predestination or fatalism,
I definitely believe in free welcome. I definitely yes aka next question. You can add one book to the bible. What is it I could be yeah good book, you want everyone to read. I think it very well then add to the buy it now. We will. Then you are I was very large prevent alot of answers to this geez, I mean at anything thomas soul and she's boost dern dude. Yeah. that's hard core. But I, like I've, got a really enjoy book signed. on brain science and trauma on things like god and how we can require our brain. So I like doktor Joe dispenser, a lot like breaking But being yourself was there a really great tool? Yes about thou big down It's very life changing ones for me, so I thought I would add that just the power that god gives us like to use our army to change our entire reality.
Next question: cigars or pipes. Neither hooker selected, who'd? You hang out with any three people living or dead, and you can pick Jesus. Ok, three people will have three kids and husbands about, be you don't let her go have to keep on. Algeria must not make who gets killed. Dublin where three favor I got man yeah. That would be we just dumb, I would mr gosh. That's that's a tough one on yeah my kids in my husband. I can't I can't pick one that's cool while you're gonna have to get it. I like it when people say that all right, so whisky or beer, I'm not really makes drinker, but whisky brochure. I'm tend to see you Gotta, you gotta pick whiskey. If you're going to bourbon then again are I got? What would be the
First thing you do as president man term limit. I guess would be the first thing, maybe later term. I don't know I mean I just how do you get rid of like all of the other, So many things I could go on a laundry less. Definitely. no big packs, big corporation donors and lobbyists are there. So many things it completely deconstruct the way things are running that out of ideology, that by executive order. So it's a tough One could always try our citizens have you ever punch anybody or been punished, and their story there well on nine may, every downer, but I was I was in a visa relationships. I definitely know what that is like, but I have, for had to punch anybody. I've wanted to plunge people. I was co, two punching someone the other day when I was giving testimony that was scrutiny,
not me, so that was that was not find. I that didn't happen that way. I ended up being escorted by the troopers out of the hearing room for my own safety, so that was probably a good thing that had happened. Wow That sounds like a really intense turkey. Actually, oh my god I mean, is that it was the rainbow tolerant, loving crew. You know, that's that's the reality of what happens the print the programme. Yes, that's right, So next question concert, any banned in history. Who do you go see gosh, I feel so boring you guys you're like making me like. All I do is work and hang out my kids and indeed my chickens another? So by what is what is music? I I mean I couldn't. Have you ever heard music before and will start? I mean, will start there I'm a, but why I like I like music arm. But I dont know who my favorite artist is
It feels like so lame saying that, but I dont have a favorite artist. That's ok I really don't have a favorite artists either their religion. Friends on the time of day, so yeah, that's the last question and we asked this of everybody we are occurring, website. Some people are so rise to hear that some too, but we ask what we you do. You accept Jesus as your personal alerted, savior, absolutely absolutely there's no life without Jesus again, I wouldn't even be here at the and I wouldn't want to live without em. I knew your christian It's called the rest of this podcast is just a long con to get to that point. Yeah my guy and in starbuck. Thank you so much for what you do things for being on the podcast. If there is any way we can help you just job to us. Ok,.
Thank you so much. I appreciate you guys, you know being willing to talk about the step. I know its not steeper light hearted in fine, but definitely parents, and I want to get involved in good, our website- freedom, firmer. Not u s and volunteer thou, be amazing. Keep up the good work. seriously. We we know that you guys are on the front lines you're on the front lines something that were very passionate about as well and god's truth is really important needs to go out. People need to know that there is a reality and they got intentionally made us the way he made us and he has a purpose for each of us. So of that all right, I've slowly. They do you both for have me. I have a great deal more civilised. Last year there was an interesting watch ass great thank you landed, starbuck, and now it's time
for hate mail. You used to be good and pour out, and for that I really miss eyre employed. So we sent out our news letter in the lead story was trump to be indicted for removing mattress tag in ninety ninety seven and he was there hate mail from scott mitchell. Go flower bed yourself! You magda, loving nazi mother, fake news, there's no there's period, but getting it should be around here. Yeah. You know you
but yeah I dunno is is prefer one word or hyphenated one word, and then there should be a hyphen here, and this should probably be capitalized but other than that it's actually fairly coherent or grammatically correct I've seen well. We have more hate mail from more haters, but you can only hear it if you're a Babylon bee subscribers who go to batmobile dot com, slash plants enter the code podcast for twenty percent of an annual premium subscription and you'll get the rest of this podcast We also have a very exciting segment. This is gonna, be one of my favorite segments ever Jordan, who you might have seen on the podcast. Last week I wrote some childhood stories as a young buck and we are, he brought them in and they're illustrated I don't even know what they are going to be fantastic, because even the things Jordan says as an adult yet entertaining yeah. Exactly so don't miss out become about Babylon, be a subscriber and join us. For the rest, we also have a classic article article of the week and we have subscriber headlines
So I m very excited about this. Let's go jumping up next that along these subscribers. Well, here's one of my favorite hate males. We ve ever see that alone be presence fighting for your life. I lie you to come over to my three. How so we can talk about very that rarely works it. S got a big oil gas, but this has been another. Reduce universal Babylon be barred from a dedicated team of certified fake news journalists. You can trust here of Babylon, be reminding you that someone out there knows something about garment and we're going to find them
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Transcript generated on 2023-05-15.