« The Babylon Bee

Our Chat With Gad Saad | The Happy Honey Badger

2023-08-15 | 🔗

Dr. Gad Saad is at The Babylon Bee to talk about being a happy honey badger and his evolutionary psychology takes on consumer behavior, infectious ideas that are killing common sense, and his new book The Saad Truth About Happiness. Gad recently got in trouble for saying certain languages are violently ugly, so The Babylon Bee wanted to find out what other languages are ugly. Also, since Neil Degrasse Tyson says you can feel 80% female some days and it doesn’t matter what your chromosomes say, everyone decided to change their gender. Neat! Also, what do women want?

Check out The Saad Truth About Happiness: https://www.amazon.com/Saad-Truth-about-Happiness-Secrets/dp/1684512603

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
it's safe to say that a great days work starts with a great night sleep so no matter what kind of job you have then rapturous has the right back just for you so shocked the labour day sale today because the more you by the more you saved save a hundred bucks on every thousand you spend two nine hundred dollars on purple adjustable mattress that's an score three hundred our gift for check out the summit firm now only to ninety nine ninety nine plus four years no interest and free shipping denver matters the easiest thing i feel this is going to with now it's time for another interview babylon bee podcast hey guys welcome to the enemy show thank you so much for doing it my dear the master us with me is same greer very nice to have you and our special yesterday is gad sat has said if you're saying that an american eyes that will be if it were the middle east and we'll be god go outside
it has to be an utter align side very good eye and yeah i sounds was niggers solid than the job the sad this i should say there is that war is not offensive knows no bounds our i will god said you are a canadian evolutionary psychologist i'm fascinated this is going to be very interesting your public interest to allah jordan pearson and your friends your pearson conference very good friends like you text air we usually send little love nor siege of gaza and what are you wearing jordan my lobster suit of course i am thinking about your joy i was just thinking about you got when i was on your role gun some quite like i was hey guys kyle here recently both to over five hundred lutherans at the issues etc making the case conference it can cause meta university chicago i had again
experience you wouldn't think that an entire roomful of losers would be any fun but trust me they were approved we had a blast talking about everything from serious theological topics to lighter issues like jokes and what god has done for us by giving us humor all kinds of fun stuff that we got to do and they were just an absolute blast while issues etc is a podcast and syndicated radio talk show and it covers all kinds of topics from culture and worldview to theology apologetics ethics philosophy law and culture issues etc has been educating equipping and edifying christians for almost thirty years and they have my highest recommendation listen it is use ie tc dot org or at your favorite podcast provider that's issue with btc dot org to start listening today go lutherans you are yeah your area of specialities marketing and
europe your renaissance man that two analysts just to add to what you just said that i apply evolutionary psychology to the study of consumer behavior so that that's how it is marketing because once people hear marketing they they they might something about different i'm i basically mary biology psychology to understand are consuming instinct that's the fundamental area by i guess well okay so this is your i know i'll probably get into this a little bit but what's a good example of that okay so let's take for exam apple how hormones affect people's behaviors in the shopping contexts i'll do both men and women
so i did a study with one of my former doctoral students where we looked at how the menstrual cycle affects women's beautification practices and not surprisingly from an evolution perspective when women are obviating meaning when they are maximally fertile that's when they are most likely to beautify themselves because just like all kinds of other of our animal cousins we engage in sexual signalling and this case women are using products wearing high heels letting their hair down putting make up being more scantily clad at exactly the point when the hour maximally furthest so that would be example of studying hormones as relates to consume consumer behaviour but for women for men on the other hand than another study with another one of my graduate where we looked at how conspicuous consumption short showy consumption affects many the sauce from there was so what we did is we brought men into the lab we actually rented the porch and actual try to imagine
china gets scientific granting agency to give you money to rent or to order as far as i am reciters i and so they re they drove a porch and beaten up also dance or low status car both an aid downtown montreal area where everybody can see me and in a somewhat deserted highway so there's not much of an audience and after each of those driving conditions we took salah very asses so that we could then measure that their social levels the idea being we notice from the animal kingdom if you and i are competitors and we fight the winner of the fight has a rise in the sun rise desertion of the loser has a drop into starts ones or what i wanted to show in the study with myself my students is that we use products and this this case a conspicuous borrowed like a porch as a form of bee cocking and i'm going to demonstrate that you by showing you that that the stasi level of young men when they enter a port basically explodes those would be
two examples in one case female one case male where we using physiological mechanisms biological mechanisms the study consumer behaviour so where the testosterone levels of a person who drives say a two thousand and fifteen silverado that they are castrated yeah what about a person who wears a backwards cap that that's a man or a room that's you you're about overflowing emphasise what about somebody who drives a like two thousand eight hundred cr ve let that you mean the one that i was picked up and he s my testosterone levels went down simply by being in that our answer what is the testosterone level of i mean speaking of your friend jordan petersen recently defeated lobster what what an indifferent
was invited you really think that's death the entire first chapter jordan peters now he was five others for life right here i m level yes all always said how i had something happened recently to jordan where you know that's what i thought what you know it's funny because none allotted the detractors of jordan we'll say whatever ridiculous thing it is to generalise something to humans using lobsters but that's ridiculous concern because there is a whole field and psychology called comparative psychology comparative psychology the comparative part means your computer bring some human phenomenon to our animal cousins or for example i have a whole and in one of the chapters in one of my previous but the basic mine when i talk about sex specific toy preferences the fact that boys professions and toys and girls prefer certain toys and that that's a universal while i use comparative psychology just like jordan did with the lobsters to demonstrate that verve monkeys racist
he's an chimpanzees have the exact same sex specific toy preferences that human infants do so it can't be socialization it can't be your sexist patriarchal parents that are imposing this on you if you have our animal cousins exhibiting the exact same sex specificity so there is not there nothing fundamentally flawed when jordan are used because these animals do it then it makes them that we also do it when you guys shake hands in real life do you guys like your lobster clamp off and you try to assert dominance over each other well lycett who when he's the isa he's a lobster guy and the honey badger and there is no time no longer ass it come on the honey badger badgering every time badgered defeats six adult lions i want you that's a lot of certain but i thought himself test astronauts are done but that's a lot
just ask that has a lot of anniversary till you're mixing up your hormones with your nor transmitters men might get out of that very vigilant just get out of a sea our view he got out of some kind of unanimity about seventy badger but seriously at the top in the previous book in the lash out back up about activate your inner unimagined as a cry in either call to arms and what i'm doing there the reason why use the honey badgers because it has been actually ranked as the most ferocious the fiercest animal it you the size of a small dog and yet it can literally withstand an approach of and the region six about lies is because is a famous you took clip where you see this honey badger being badgered my six about lies and they're kind of by in a way because it is insanely ferocious now what i tell people of course is not to be physically violent or ferocious but that to be
the ferocious and defending your principles if you have ways by which you can offer evidence to support your position be a honeymoon well how is it that i mean a good way to defend your principles might be to use the tool of satire yeah so what i said earlier that hand out a dialogue is a guess every legitimately we care very much about free speech you know we are obviously a bunch of youngsters bet but we also really like free speech you really like freedom of conscience we love all those others principles that were signing up for and so we do it by saying often the corner and laughing it is that this has what is that but about our testosterone i don't know if it has any about testosterone level but what it does
it definitely say is that you guys are doing the right thing in terms of trying to convince people but some of these positions i i have a whole not forgive me as not to to plug the book but in my previous book i have a whole section called the thick of the sexual salad the power of higher because as you may know i use satire and sarcasm and hyperbolic united as part of my arsenal of weapons when trying to convince someone precisely because satire is so i call it the its second to having the surgeons a scalpel got through warm butter right because satires so punch she had so that's why dictators when they go after there the tractors they don't go after the guys with the big muscles they go after the guys but the sharp tongues satirist we gotta get rid of these guys first because they are a danger to my thrown now you said that we did not just happen it just happened some in the middle east where where was it they just out
satire in a country in some countries middle eastern countries are you being so you guys areas because looked up know just how they may be held up a place yap jimmy yeah that's just having just that's as happened yesterday dan dance doing the researcher nicer our research am i looking what do you want it so i mean on related topic but i heard of a study years ago where yeah same thing they spit to talk austrian levels but it was like you're you're sitting here posture if you're like in a low posture position you'll spitten petri dish undertook testosterone below but if you're sitting way back stop throwing the sky high rate her posture right now in terms of testosterone of we wish philip starstruck you guys i've the legs open a bit so you're looking an answer staring at me squarely you're a bit slouching
its loud she saw was largely me i'm i'm starting to push it or towards the estrogen and what about this process this is like this is called the true to the true though just in trillo i'm so man even and i have such thick soccer legs notwithstanding my svelte physique that i can't even do that literally cannot do that i can only do one direction so that proper jihadi has actually to drive it away and its rigour is very very letter is in any way but we will go into those regions are now but yeah so set out just clampdown on in jordan elixir jordan the out who'd the none of the middle east was just banned in jordan i have a new law to curb online criticism also not good not good not good that's like the first place where they go and we've we've had this you know the government the kind of you know autocrats to south koreans in our government have come after us too and in the tech big tech and stuff like that
i know they come after us cause we're just making fun of him all day and it's like the facebook and twitter executives for the longest time had their dns open to the f b i and more and of course now different with twitter we're still pretty shadow banned on facebook and instagram yes speaking of energy are you aware of the bee like what's your experience would be so i became aware of it through twitter and some are machines that i don't know some of your other contacts which are i'll make sure to going all your skits and so on apparently there there hilarious i'll make sure to catch up but i i you definitely come up on my twitter feed it we ve often been linked together precisely because you are sitting echo group i u satire lots of sometimes you guys will post something and then they will say all this is god sad level sat sat the pyramids sad tire or the tea
why are you i mean i don't know if you have now surpass me maybe the the student has surpassed dare i say it goodness yeah i hate that so that's your experience and and you've been and you've been you never been criticized for your fears satires well i have a show that it's so we will talk about that but before i do that the teach your earlier question about how powerful satire is some of the most common times when people come up to me at sound the street there can me it'll be about some satirical clip that i do so i won't be hey professor i loved your paper about right right it'll be all your under the desk you know my under the desk aren't you ok the under that's actually megan kelly that not the name drop but make kelly her favor sketch of why should she apparently her husband constantly fight as to which of my
funniest her favorite is where i go under the desk and i hide in full and marking the hysterical fear that you know the work people have for cancer you might say donald trump is about to be inaugurated here i go hiding behind us i'm a change is gonna kill us and twelve minutes hiding and so there is a whole series of goods from hiding that i've got another set of cliffs where i actually self logically it because i'm saw you not like they do like that and i some someone asked how is it that professor sad has that particular sex toy it's not a very funny spicy story it's actually i used to use my belt to sell flagellate and then very nice fan decided to send me that's whip as a gift that the only thing missing receive other so i've received a a knife called the honey badger
i've receive also i had one soldier send to myself on all sorts of his memorabilia when he served and if so the funds are unbelievable there so lovely it so cool but we could talk about some of the criticisms short i always like to your record is so i have received a lot of you don't blow back from people none of which has stronger this wasn't a satirical thing that i said it was something that i said in jest where i joked about different accents that i find unpleasant this was on the most recent episode of joe rogan i said that portuguese was uniquely unattractive and that came from the fact that we just returned from portugal my family and i and you hated everybody there i know nothing about only the accent not the people love the people love and then i said all while hebrew which is one of the largest week is on violently ugly
nice at all but when it comes to french gene or that's an affront to human dignity but as i was telling sam earlier in the car right that's a running gag free that i've used for years whenever i'm trying to hyperbolic we say that something is unattractive or crazy so up people who love the beatles are an affront to human dignity how does it feel to be so wrong about that yeah you're a beatles fan i do like reveals yeah you're an affront to you know i'm offended offended by it so anyways c c to to any french canadians watching this that's how you should be reacting to a joke but apparently it caused such a stir up in quebec because you know people got very offended that i was being critical of the language and so there were a whole bunch of tv shows that were released or that tons of media hundreds if not thousands of
hate mail many calls to have me fired from a university a thirty year professor chaired professor fight because i said jokingly that the french can actions unattractive is it i mean does this come back to the government really in charge the media there is this kind of like the government like over inflating some of the offences or is this the people just being really relocation i mean it if there is a reflex in canada to have the big nanny state take care of you right you know you're you're you're part of the the the great unwashed you're the rubes you're the plebs put put your trust in us and we'll take care of your right and so for example the monitoring of online content always comes under the guise of we're not doing that because we're autocratic it's because you don't want hate speech around right
we can't have the first amendment the way the americans do because there are some things that should not be said because they're going to hurt someone don't criticize this religion because that that would marginalize those folks right and so there's it's always kind of cloaked under the the guise of some noble cause right they don't say we're doing this because we want to be autocratic and take over ray and the counterpoint to that as a free speech absolutist i think you guys would appreciate that jewish i escaped the lebanese civil war so i've face some very difficult times and there is nothing more offensive that anyone could ever other than to deny the holocaust and yet i support the right of people to be
all across the nice because in a free society were allowed to be wrong we're out to be idiots imbeciles spread falsehoods that's the price you pay to live in a free society and so when it comes to that issue sort it to get professorial on you here i this is called the intelligible position meaning there is an absolute moral statement there is no i believe in free speech but once you say but that means you're entering consequential list ethics the concept since decide whether you're allowed to say whatever you want to say or not if it hurt someone's feels don't say it now define free speech as anything up to them point where you inside violence is awfully i'll get banned but the wrecked incitement of honest direct right so because otherwise any may i say if if i say you know this particular religion has certain ten it's that are not congruity would western values that could be construed as i'm in
citing violence against members of that religion no i'm not i'm attacking the ideology so direct incitement would be hey let's go to the synagogue at the corner a fourth and seventh street at one sabbath and tonight and let's beat up some jews that would be an example of the wreck incitement saw the bar has to be really set for me to say that something is not within the confines of free speech defamation wouldn't be allowed of course the screaming fire in a theater so short of those anything and the good government is saying this this profession is committing linguistic genocide there making fun of our could back well we're sorry cause you so much stress two key well at quebec french and portuguese and hebrews being unpleasant the year we wanted to you in trouble with some more languages
to give you a list of languages you tell us hot or not or not at or not go dutiful or not you go first french a fresh from france a beautiful as long as it's not parisian french wishes unbearably snobby we gotta trouble with wonder loomis goes through josie exactly so i like many other international french international friend it would be the french that would be spoken by the swiss or the belgian or iron so it's and and you know lebanese french we know we speak and international french go alright let's go what about italian gorgeous what about elvish what is that elvis what is elfish from lord of the rings oh i'd never see sorry i think i just my went down and stock in your eyes i remember i was ones unwritten report and he asked me are you our track or a storm of ours i answered neither cause i hate all that stuff and so
apologies by all his soccer player testosterone means he can't watch nerd stuff woe feel like this space was a drink too much space was not into the science fiction the real stories reapplied so i knew we were going to continue onto these i want to memphis though i wouldn't mind this because i feel like what is it about science fiction and fantasy that bothers you i just don't have the the interest and having aiding that's real world i want real sort you so if you ask me what my favorite movies it's twelve angry man the original gaza goes on its brain still needs good fellows it's more structural right surprise you i'm not a huge fan of share but great movie nineteen eighty seven i'm into fashion redemption real powerful movies of course godfather saw those i'd rather into the story to prevent ray i do love brave heart
ass we can be how beautiful is a brave heart scottish accent and not as nice as the irish accent ah roared what about mexican the language so so spanish as spoken by the next seconds yes i think that's what i mean excuse me sir i am not sure if i can differentiate between the different spanish accents peers i could say to definitive statement argentinian a spanish is beautiful and so now get ready for some death threats coming my way i despise the lisp in some regions i guess you're right softly ass you know ray i thought i'd go faster that none of you get get rid of the f and i shall get ahold could i little practical emotional off
i want my favorite soccer player metal soccer player mathematical love met messy my view mr solana goodness so so and actually there is there is in arabic you mentioned earlier jordan had some thing about satire was picked up by a over driver san francisco before coming here we started speaking in arabic and aren t in lebanese arabic becomes a fur and jordanian and so that reminded me of the list in spanish can't stand that for sound you don't like a fitter i dont like them i said i'd get rid of the other one of these isn't oh by the way watch how we're joking and now i won't get a single death threat from anybody but the french canadians don't mess with our actions with the french canadians and we talk about messy did you know that is a huge fan of rinaldo and that that is that is an salute life i can't
andrew s put that huge fan of messy who is he and i am a jewel gigantic fan of messi i actually i was selling some earlier before we went on that at one of the clips that is really now going crazy for my recent joe rogan episode is when i explained why it was cosmic justice for lino messy to win the world cup and what how sports can cause us become saw vested in the result of this guy who's never met us who doesn't know we're alive and yet what we sat there is then the entire family watching that world cup final we i mean my son at one point said i'm gonna go upstairs i'm not watching him where i'm going have a heart attack as so invested and you're thinking but that's the power of sports make us band would someone in this case this gorgeous player
who also carries himself so beautifully so humble and so yeah i'm a huge messy it's weird i was talking with my niece this morning about the but how much do you have that same effect for me as i am from it yeah i couldn't believe that i was going to talk to you today actually have been slightly nervous because i just am very excited to talk to you so i'm thinking you're very kind but we have them and so we are time they went to taylor swift last night oh yes there jailers way entire anti human my entire instagram i agree with that taylor swift concert yesterday i'm not a big fan but you know what's interesting they went there and people were dying to be there they were so excited and just worshipped taylor swift how you know which is such a weird thing the human heart has a tendency to worship which is i think it s side and and also sports events the need for like a sacrifice the need for a public display as they go it was talking about that was at jordan i'm not sure if it was during peterson i think it was maybe it was her
came out the glad at oriole nature sports in the nest assessing culture enduring covet how we lot we lost stature and so people say the rioting in the streets because you know we don't have that human sacrifice anymore but you don't yeah if i could just build on what you just said no so you can have someone like leonel messi play a game where half of humanity's watching that match yet if you were to ask him to do public speaking in the it's basic way it would be the most terrifying thing ever which shows you that we we put these guys on this kind of godly pedestal read and in some sense they're deserving of it they're going into battle they're gladiators they do it and yet probably what most people want are probably actually the rf studies that have looked at what's the thing people are most afraid of and overwhelmingly people say public speaking so the fish that i do which is public speak and so on in a messy might look at that and say i could go on a soccer feel and play in front of half the world and
think about it but ask me my opinion about different accents and i would shut down so you know we all have different strengths that you already have likes very true jared jared mentioned there's an innate desire to worship built into people it's one of my favorite features of intelligent design god said would agree i wouldn't let me ask you this i'm you mentioned on your most recent rogan appearance you couldn't at this time in your career debate a creation is too far outside the pale what you do if you ran into to ask peters and called them fundamentalist christian frat boys that sojourn petersen calls us the highest praise me how willing friends would know how would you convince us to invite science indoor heart so the reason why by the way on non recalled that the reason why i said that i wouldn't debate it it just to be clear it it's not that it's it's beneath me to debate a creation is or you know i'm an accident make elite is it's because i know up
worry that there is no amount of evidence that i could ever offer with any sense of certitude where where that person would say you know what i'm now convinced of your position so we're we're going to absolutely walk in his statutes is that true for you as well do you think if somebody offered you enough evidence you might change your mind about religion in general just about creation or whatever is there can be no yeah you carbon that space yeah would you ever debate a guy like you know he rawson season astrophysicist really giving who's this key ross now i don't think i'm not i don't i always guys and attitude is yes smart as neil digress thyssen who said that there is on spectrum i would say he's a bit smarter than no luck as some of the latest physicists i've been seeing they may i might need to revisit what kind of education that you know you you i think you might be right over yonder some words have grown i can't tell you why i said generalizing into multiple physician shy
carroll who i don't you know that is either i think you until recently was a caltech professor in physics public intellectual said some insane things about the other gender ideology stuff and then the other grass thyssen recently said some incredible things an eye satirizes recently on my and i'm not sure that because often people hold physicists in great esteem because there's something almost impenetrable and almost metaphysical about some the things that they say right there studying the big bang in astrophysics unsupposable logical issues while the must be really smart some of these guys are as as stomach thornton is about iraq well that is your third big satirical bit you ve got the under the day ask you know you're old brett cavanaugh was just appointed the supreme court i'm hiding under this you ve got the self regulation i think be time would you be willing to on our show chain
genders and then change back into a male absolutely rightly right now and i'll write our right now i'm at a hundred per cent epitome of manhood and if you want i could show you how i can transition your kind of an apex mail i may there when you came in here and it was like when you felt like i was it was there was a i smite my testosterone levels went way down yeah i guess so where would you like me to wear it right away you're absolute right now we're rolling let's do it and the rest of the interviewer idea of these week i hope i can think this wig was we used in a zombie we did we did awoke zombie sketch right where instead of when they get bit they turn into zombies they get bit and they turn into i feel this is going to go viral i feel this is again i feel that this might be
yeah how do you feel really good color for you i'd definitely say i feel more feminine so i feel that there is definitely a neil degrasse tyson enter transition there's an energy there's an mcm yeah i'm feeling that you guys also are transitioning away from being male and i know that that's true because physicist neil degrasse tyson and i don't know if you saw the clip how he spoke with such bombastic arrogance to the guy must be right he goes i don't understand what's so difficult to to not get about the gender spectrum and when he speaks to me in such a hottie patronizing i know he's right yeah i've always felt like when people can t understand yet they re always makes me feel better about they're saying well when you go after people on twitter when you're a honey badger on twitter guesser and does it give you well let me ask a big picture question does twitter overall give you a
net increase in happiness speaking of the sad truth about happiness can we move on to your book i need for social we d transition together the essence as is said let's go i can only say a woman for so long a very short and i can i put my womanhood here please but put your womanhood anywhere so in all seriousness we had a headline about the the result of twitter on one's happiness it was local man narrowly escaped peace of mind with well timed twitter visit so does contribute dear how to solve its it like most things there are two sides to the coin there is an element of connection that comes from twitter whereby by world has intersected with other peoples will babylon alone be that otherwise i would have had the incredible pleasure of meeting you guys that would not have come if we were both on social media
now the fact that i am exposed to endless imbecilic these tsunami of stupidity on twitter can sometimes get me upset like a bunch of beatles fans exactly a bunch of beetles ronaldo aldo fan i mean real real of france due to neil degrasse tyson and soul that can sometimes trigger me even when i'm being punchy and spicy people who know me know that i'm doing it with it winkle my eye so even i'm coming after you and even using words like listen on throttle sought and my favorite salt discuss throttle what does it mean castrato like this item is like some lisbon castrate astrid like the castro the greatest strategy singers exactly very that i dont know them and i know that so yes will actually as a matter of fact and in certain opera traditions if
the boy had a beautiful voice and you didn't want him to lose that angelic voice when he is those very high knows that high register they would be castrated said they could retain their angelic voice it's not a sad or should i say sad at his side so that cosette hardware actually sopranos what they were they called it there was a different register but you didn't come sopranos look at you you're anthropologists well impressive assault anyway so tat you just to close the thing on your question there are times when i can get upset on twitter but largely speaking i have greatly benefited from being able to connect with so many people subscribed you in your book you talk about i regret it sir and due to action regret due to inaction
is there something that you regret in particular said something that when you look back that yeah you it makes you feel thank you for that very good ragged look so you're right that the psychology of regret this differentiates between these two types of regret and by the way the gentlemen who develop that tax on me was my former professor in psychology at cornhill as they must comical of it so what he demonstrated in several papers is that over the long run if you ask people what is your biggest looming regrets what are your biggest to me it's the regrets due to inaction that that that haunt us it's not i i cheated on my wife and that resulted in divorce is rather i didn't take that road i was always i always had hoped to be an artist but i became a pediatrician because my dad and his that or pediatrician
and now that i'm seventy five i hate the fight that i never instantiated my love for the arts so to answer your question on our present i discussed this in the book migrant that is one really that was imposed on me so i was i always knew that and we discuss this briefly in the car there were two things that i was interested soccer and academia and so i'd always thought that i would be a professional soccer player and i mean i was a very serious competitive player heading to europe at a time when very few players in north america would ever have gone to europe i was you know he can he championships and so on and then i had a a very very severe injury in the east cain championships not to bore you but there was at once called the scissors tackle which is illegal as inner circles when you slide and use you you do a scissors
surely there is a wide so dangerous because if he connects at both points of your leg it breaks relate and so so i have that injury were the surgeon said oh you probably will always walk with limp luckily that didn't happen but it did you know and my career later after my career and that i had a second injury a complete rupture they really stand then so things were not offer me that's eventful yon i took me about fourteen months too for we have a huge just that you were playing soccer snapping sockets not incidentally by the way when that happens you think that someone hit you because i was playing a tournaments and after i came back from the surgery i asked my teammates who was the player that attack that that tackle whom you will they there was nobody around you you just dropped you feel as though someone jack hammered you crying because the way pox so my boy
this regret and life is that i wasn't able to instantiated my full soccer potential i always would have known tat would have been gone into academia after my soccer career i suggest you didn't leave it all the way through not at all yeah that's frustrating now when you say like did the eggs but the chief early was a man that decides to china's wife and then ends in divorce what would it be approved to say maybe that he is a path he didn't take like i wish i would have actually i regret not being faithful to my wife instead of late summer ice regret or is it more light but then you can all those only just linguistic re framing of yeah that's what you committed on an action shade in salt right but here i mean so it's it's you i regret the fact that i was never loving enough for my children versus the end actions are usually the road not travelled gotta that you're right so
and that's why i always use those examples i want to be an artist by your mike school counselor said that accounting is a really hot field you can get a secure job yeah just study that but i've always wanted to be an architect but i became an accountant and then i wake up at fifty five and i and it perfectly sets me up for a midlife crisis because i'm not living as one of the other things i talk about in the book i'm not living in existentially antique lights yeah that's a crisis of meaning right isn't it yeah that's one of the reasons why i'm happy is because i think that the profession that i've pursued makes me wake up every morning you know and rub my hands in glee today i'm going to speak to the babylon bee yesterday i was doing a commonwealth club event in in in san francisco tomorrow i might start thinking about my next
book idea i'm always in the creative impulse i'm always without will creating content on a podcast whether i'm writing a book or a paper or preparing new material for class i'm always creative and that gives me great purpose a meaning so one of the things i talk about in the book as if you can find a profession that gives you access to that creative impulse you're well on your way to being professionally happy i definitely feel that creativity is kind of the spark of happiness if we're talking about i i feel that we've found a place here where creativity is very much i mean every day is different every day i'm going to get to meet someone new all the time we're creating something that's funny or something that's profound it is it may be the best thing ever and i honestly and honestly everyone i'm not saying this just to frivolously compliment you as when i came in i felt there was happiness and
everybody was smiley and maybe it's just because they're being gracious and there's a lot of them for like the first part yeah he met sam the enthusiast and then you met me the second so maybe that's it he smiled though yeah that's their notice girl smiled that's good but you know i have in the in the last almost the end of the book of the happiness book i have a quote from victor davis hanson do you guys now that is yes fictive hasn't z classicist now guide yeah sideways he's a wonderful guy who can kind of link ancient greek themes to contemporary political issues i love that right but he's very austere almost never smiles and say it come on my show and at the end of the show he said you know very rare to see academics smiled away that you do adversary you know i should smile more like you or something that item over these equal at life i was touched by that
because it is true that many academics almost think that it is part of their professional you not less we facade who always beat your eye if i pontificate seriously while looking up into the sky i must be saying something profound but if you're joking but you're joker that that belittles your professorial starts nor does it i'm a multi faceted person i could be a buffoon one minute and i can give a lecture at stanford the next it's okay it's both can live with you can wear a pink wig with the babylon bee one minute and then i can hit you with other hopefully profound stuff that i thought you're going to just hit us with they had you with my fluctuation belts that somebody gave me in the first shot the book you said the foundation that human action can bring happiness you say that hey i'm following cynical aristotle condom following the ancients in saying you can make choices it'll lead to happiness what do you make of it
corruption to that and for example will be like if someone has a conversion experience and gets a sunny disposition from a choice things like that bogus would you say would you say people should go the slow but steady route of following wisdom reading a book and becoming happy or for those experience a pivot what do you make of that there many trajectories that we can take in china summit mouth happiness so there is in a unique one what i can tell you though to kind of conceptualize your question about fifty percent of individual differences happiness scores comes from our genes so you may start off with a sneer disposition than me right but irrespective of where you and i start off on the continuum there are certain things that we can do to improve our lot unhappiness by because that that is fifty percent and fifty percent as do the genes that's the least fifty percent up for grabs the choices that i made the conversion that i go through
spouse that i end up with the mindsets that i adopt all of these things can move me towards climbing my happiness would purchasing and reading the book the sad truth about happiness bunny a move forward towards happiness it it would mean i know you're being cited is used but it would because so i try to do in the book is a combination of three things number one personal anecdotes because personal anecdote where story time telling animal we love to learn through vivid stories so i incorporate my life experiences in describing why i am happy person so on cup as you mentioned earlier in your question ancient wisdom here comes epictetus here comes aristotle you know he saw and seneca and then back up contemporary size put those three together i if i've done a good job you get really fun book butchery where does authenticity fit into all this because we recently published an article
the headline was this report record now of people following their hearts and in our world view there's a lot of sin baked into your heart and i mean in the the headline really when you see the image and the image is a bunch of miss behaviors and also and men primarily adolf hitler yeah as always so where's authenticity that entire our people has if they're just following their hearts should they submit themselves to a higher moral standard then authenticity how do those things balance at all i i talk about two different types of authenticity in the book there is of personal authenticity meaning realness right so you meet somebody at a party and there either right there there focused on you they're not playing the room to see who else is there was more important than you they're fake their poseurs so there is there is that individual level of authenticity but then
it is one that i allude to earlier when i called existential offences city if i was always meant to be an artist an architect but i became a forensic accountant i haven't lived an authentic life in that sense and so i don't know if i can catch it in a religious narrative i think your question was kind of alluding to that all i can say is you'd you want to forestall being eighty years old and succumbing to regret for the road not traveled one of the ways you do that is by and other delphic max him from the ancient greeks north myself if i know myself really well then hopefully i can be authentic to what my saw what my passions so i do very early soccer academia and i've then very authentic to those interests i became an academic otto very quick story the store i considered the parasitic mind where i'm talking about different cultural expectations that one might have caused comparing the victim ology victimology ethos vs america
craddock ethos and so on and so i tell the story where i'd side either i'm not is to talk about my cv it's relevant to the story i then undergrad in mathematics and computer science at a top university that i did an mba at that same year the city and then i was heading straight to god for my phd because i knew i was gonna go into academia well one of my brothers who had the time was living in southern california who was a very successful computer guy very wealthy had was trying to convince me to take a break from my academic pursuits and put on the proverbial soon because i just finished i'm ba why you to some experience hang out with may get some experience and the reason why had had come now to southern california to visit him is because i'd been accepted at several box programmes one of which was you see irvine coming to visit you c irvine to decide if ireland enrolled there for my phd and during that time
my brother was saying hey why don't you put a stop to your studies can work with a few years when i went back to montreal and my mother had caught wind of the fact that my brother was trying to convince me too maybe take a break from education this speaks to the sure value that juice place on education she takes ends others and she takes me to a side room and i'm thinking what what is she going as she was aunt want to talk to you can you come to the room and think or what's going on because while i heard that your brother is trying to convince you to take a break from your studies do you want people to think of you as someone who dropped out of school do you want to bring shame too so think about that i have an undergraduate degree in mathematics computer size i've an mba degree but if i stop after that that's going to bring shame because people remember me as someone who dropped out of school so that gives you a sense of what cultural
speculation or family expectations can now of course at an presume these cause our strong to please my mom but i lived by open life i thought about my brother do i want to work with him i'm sure that i would have made tons of money with him that wouldn't have been me i wouldn't the guys from the babylon bee had i not re public sector which is the peak of the which is the beak and uses the climax somebody tat starts to our own as i think i've made there and i have nothing to regret well that's amazing so your mother mother to miss you now this is a shame culture is not a gilt cut what a shame called you mean the middle east we're talking about i would say the hour dummy that given a jewish cultures yeah yeah yeah i'm communal shame and honour honours i'm russia nodding her family and yet in the middle east there is a huge calculus of so you know if you
i go if you were lebanese say and you and i go out to dinner there would be this huge jousting at the end of the meal to decide who is going to pay now because it would be this honourable for me to lose if i am your friend i so i shall talk this is my first book ever two thousand have a book why talk about cross cultural differences in norms answer came from the culture where i have to always win the right to pay for everybody but i realized that the canadians that in share in those values so after i wouldn't three or four times pay everybody as a young guy quickly realized i'm going to go broke and only us is going to try to beat me nobody's gonna guy i'm the only dominate the able or letting me pay over an old sadly and that i realized i just by cultural compass points
so in the eighth squirreled year two years of it at at the atheistic worldview yes sir where we're all just here by accident and there's no there's nothing nobody universes marked by pitiless indifference and and one day around the sun will expand and it will explain the sun would span and swallow us all up and everything will be destroyed what is the matter that were happier the is definitely not a leading question look i actually addressed this and the happiness book when i'm talking about the links between religiosity unhappiness and it might please you too here that the research shows that there is a moderate positive correlation between religiosity unhappiness religious people are on average a bit more happier than people are not religious
but they are very earthly reasons for those for those very happy builds greater commonality greater cohesion within the in group greater likelihood of engaging in reciprocal arrangements within in group members and so those are very early reasons why just by which god designed as to which you would you like desires allowed those thinks there enough that is why i don't get that debate on those issues by but the media actually after i finish that section not because our to be diplomatic but i wanted to also make the people who are not religious walk away thinking that they are not doomed you're not going to be happy simply because they not religious and the way i did that is by our that there are many ways by which i can be experienced an einstein during spiritual moment or a divine moment that is very early and not couched in a supernatural the common
nation that we're having here maybe you might think i'm using the word and the trivial way but two it's a very spiritual experience i just connected with two guys that either didn't know two hours ago maybe will become great friends i can meet a random stranger who approaches me and we have this incredible what for forty five minutes that is completely serendipitous deputies go to the natural landscape and look at the yes yes it's got who the natural landscapes and work but but but you know in other words i can be filled with reverence for all of these in inspiring magisterial experiences while being completely the void of a supernatural cars so whether you get to it through a religious narrative or through a spiritual down religious narrative i think it's available to all of us and i would say that god created a saw the capacity understand beauty because he's beauty amos hands beauty but i bet that's that's an i mean anything anything observation to the fact of weak
have a conversation like this and it can be a spiritual experience and we can develop a soul connection because human beings have a capacity for that is where i think because we are eternal beings and were designed to but that's yeah that but that's awesome in an interesting interesting take on taken and you know it's funny because a lot in the past people thought that i was caustic against the religious and that's complete until you don't seem to be cast not at all i mean no no i could be punchy on social media on somebody pisses me off but as in terms of my disposition you know very apt both warm friendly we usually what i've criticized religion it's it's when released it has tried to enter the sphere of science proposing alternate exe nations for scientific explanations and here i will give an example the evolution
illusion as a you mean humans are christian saying that evolution is is not sure because the earth is younger something myself get the young age creation as it could be while there is an alternate mechanism by which species evolved its it used to be called creationism today it's called intelligent design it's a bit of a report i think that are very very clear reasons why people i religious as am i right even as an evolutionist i think that the default value of humans is to be religious in other words it is it is can't it is an outlier for you to be a non believers i understand the functional need for people to be religious but that does mean that i should tolerate an alternate explanation from religion in the scientific sphere right i see tolerate i don't i don't mean it in such a way if you entered domain that i'm going
to come after you because it's my job to try to protect those scientific realities but i have no ill will too people who say hey this is my world view i've got a well structured belief system i go i get it i completely get it and it's totally fine as a matter of fact that's more natural than the atheists so that he's honey badger for science it honey badger funding for science exactly if you're like i prayed he's like you mean hypothesis and peer reviewed study then you're like oh sorry i see are you one of those people that think that science and religion are by nature at odds with each other because ever since ever since to think that they are not i think that they're very much not at odds with each other only at odds with each other when they offer countries that three positions are certain things that we can do all sorts of mental gymnastics where we say all by
you know the seven days at seven stages of evolution i mean you really get into olympic level mental gymnastics to ignite word yom yeah as i'm sure you ever get yet look spoke to my rabbi once did the robber that i mentioned earlier from corner where saying well rabbi hot how is it that you could explain if if the earth at this time how do we how can we get a rock that looks like it's dated before their time or or the reason for that is because at time ten zero god put iraq that looks as though its two hundred million years old how can i read but that what can i say to them so that's where i then if if you say i wanted the bay chew in areas unsound as i said well maybe not if you tell me i get my more compass uniquely from scripture i say i got that i get it your boy
the consuming instinct sir is a thorough i mean for me it was a thorough and beyond stimulating thought experiment with using evolution as what one of my old professor is doctor grant horner at the university the masters university he he would call a total rising explanatory system where it's a full blown worldview and in that book you bleed no stone unturned you explain how our predilection for fatty foods rather than broccoli is from evolution you take like which movies do busters at the box office in the which ones don't and new boil it down evolution so you ve done your due diligence in turning it into a full fledged worldview i'm but to ask why have you found in your life that's that's put power drawn that have you found anything that you thought that doesn't quite fit in anything like spiritual or mystical or non materialistic non naturalistic i to disappoint you not really the at
he's in being that out it if few are ass i dont see subscriber because i really think that there is no other game in town aramean contract religion i mean in explaining human behavior scientifically the only framework that makes sense as the evolutionary framework big because the only other way it will be something else is if you think that the human mind came from somewhere other than evolution biggest hide religion here's what others office scientists would say we're boys cub moreover we are born with empty minds with it with no biological imperatives down upon us from evolution only socialization that causes me to prefer the mcdonald's but it's only socialization that teaches me too like the beyond her body type so that the two competing that's interesting to know can we write that down refers at the outset
the two competing frameworks and this certainly in the social sciences those who try to explain you in behavior there's one group called evolutionists evolution psychologists evolution be scientists and then there's what's called social constructivist social constructive are the ones who view everything being due to a social construction but that is it profoundly the inadequate explanation because even if something were due to socialization the question that to be asked is why is socialization of that form if women our top taught to prefer taller guys through hollywood images but why the hollywood images shore the leading men as hat being tall guys right so there must be an explanation for why socialization happens that form and that donation is ultimately darwinian mechanisms so to your point out that the part the the power of evolution psychology is that allows me to look at anything involving human beings from them
movies that we love to the foods that we prefer to the sexy clause that we were and view within a complete did you like it and it allows me to have a really parsimonious coherent explanation for so long it's not through but is it their quotas yes this it's not by its through it through evolution you see everything else it exerts the way we see the way i see christ it's not that it's not that i look and i see i look what does it have to go i want to say it correctly i believe in god not not i i see him but because through him i see every year is like you it's able even illusion not because i see it but because through it i see everything else is exactly and by the way you have me what's a bit religious except if i'm
and yeah science is epistemologically humble meaning that we operate in provisional truths that which we thought was true three hundred years ago we have auto corrected in light of new evidence and said oh that's no longer true and therefore something that was a spouse does absolute scientific truth is now known to have been falsified so if tomorrow you showed me evidence to your earlier question if you showed me unequivocal unassailable evidence brings down the darwinian edifice than i would have to the epidemiological humility to say oh it's back to the drawing board back to the drawing board think because you're a non nuclear legitimate scientist you're legitimate researcher and thank her salary cuts at that why by the way guys like not to get political guys like fouch in the rest of those guys we're not legitimate scientists because there was nothing that would ever cause them to it express some humility a thing you know i said a button of some of the government
factories i think i was wrong there they were never wrong and they'll go to their grace without ever being wrong now here i'm gonna hit you with some theological thanks of the seven deadly sins what's the suppressant pride boom that's why you guys know your religion per sarah it's the apex think so in front by the way that there is a distinction between two types of pride i'm gonna say them in french and now translate fifty means the positive connotation of pride so if i say i am proud of my work that's positive around the building i am proud to be an american or at least i know i'm free gay is negative it's it's when there is nothing that you can do that would cause me to a base myself to apologize to you that would be negative pride right and so so i think scientists if they are legit scientists really are
humble when well that's why by the way i also seldom get into trouble in my public proclamations other though i am criticising an accent from canada as if you ask me a question that i really think i know the answer to all answer with the swagger of someone who knows what i'm talking about but there an endless number of questions that you can ask me that i know very little about i won't try it phone it it knowing it i say hey that's a great question jerk unfortunately i don't know about this answer and therefore i never get caught so when joe rogan and the inquisitor truth teller jamie goes to hey jimmy check attica i never fail because i know what i know and i know what i dont know put you to the let's put to the test on how does evolutionary science explain
crews if survival of the fittest he's not tall is is thomas in movie stars compensatory can they be so charismatic that beautiful and how does it this is another kind of movie question in the same vein why if evolution is true what's happening to disney right now let me add sneered resolving them at the volcano they are they are they are not going in that direction we should all not go there they're being maladaptive at no so it so cute to your point about tom cruise saw and in the end the happiness but i talk about made choice being compensatory process the idea being that competitive process means i can compensate for one short coming with other great quality it's up it's a bundle that you're looking for in an ideal mate so if a woman were to say this i never date a man who is under six feet tall that would be non compensatory because if i don't
match that six i would say its prideful if i don't mean that stuff there then it doesn't matter that i can be amazing on seventy five other attributes i can never compensate for that shortcoming level it can be exactly like that are you picked up unless you get shot every time we as they are dead but luckily since may choices compensatory i may be tom cruise who is not tall but i'm talented and as you said i think what was it i s knife with a bank foot eighth because and they all his money while sought so i gave you i think that the example in the car on the right here of pablo picasso who was a short guy bald guy unattractive man
yeah now that pointed out by your bother and way this was george george stands a bald this was george cassandra work and so he was by any standard stereotypical archetypal metric not the oldest epitome of manhood yet a very very long line up of very beautiful willing women were willing to go with him because he was pablo picasso he was this great artist so the good news about may choice is that you know most of us can really improve our lot and the mating market by improving on sir and attributes that the the other sex desires but when i write what am i apologize for presuming that there are binding if the we were offended i would always wanting to know where i stand on that seek to seek the help of near the grass thyssen here right
you should check out our birth rate babylon be guide to gender coming sudatta how good you can choose one of europe's four hundred and sixty seven generative you want you can choose help you i had a decision what were you gonna you're going to say something you're going to ask something oh i was going to say something about oh what a women want hm ok so before i answer that an evolution psychology we distinguish between short term mating and long term meeting the idea you're being that for many attributes that are desirable and a short term made are cisely those that are undesirable in along our measurements are what are you asking me about long term you know i think for christian audience long term swelling better than shorts yes so groundwater made the these are called necessity
is that so we usually talk about remaining attributes we bring them up into necessities versus verses luxuries so kind this intelligence are actually necessities both for men and women in other words those are potentially deal breakers to put it in depth if you're a real moron to give you a moron you're you're a nasty person i always tell people and i'm hardly the first to say this when you go out on a date check whether the person that you are on the date with how they treat the server if if they are nasty then run the other around neil digress thyssen so so so certainly the kindness and intelligence are important women will often times what but by the way the number one attribute that women desire and men around the world is rates associated with social status so so it can
literally be that your wealthy but that doesn't have to be that because a lot of women are attracted to the starving artists who doesn't have any money at but what does he have status social know he's got talent and mission all right so a lot of women find the start the starving art is actually quite sexy undesirable because they are being attracted to his unique i went to his assertiveness to his ambition one day we'll be mick jagger whomever no woman has ever uttered these the following words desire a guy who plays video games all day in mom's basement who exhibits zero assertiveness and who's going nowhere i'm really ready to go on i am after that i'm just looking at my own life as you're saying this and now understand why my wife liked me because i never got it forget it i'm like one issue i get no i was starving i was an actor and i was i was out of work and i didn't know but i did
some talent and i was very ambitious and i had a lot of dreams and a lot of goals and and and you do have a disarming smile i meet them you don't even closer and you were virile bald not george stands by zack i was losing my here that i had her at the time but i was losing it thinking about where you trying to do that come over to hang onto that i was driving at it and i told her the second data we went out i was like let them i said look up my lovely christina man i said man i am i'm i'm going baltic yeah there's no hope for this is why you to know before ads you don't get it and she was like she was like that's ok i know i can so funny like the light from the top and you can like a baby chicken up there like a chicken here for matched just so what what do what do now
interested in the short term as well because i think this can be instructive terry's it's like appear from his father things even if you're really if the person you live in the real world when things happen obviously so we can't go la la la at so there are certain physical traits that are a lot more important women in the short term that become a lot less important in the long term so again height would be one a nice beard to utilise soft soap member earlier i talked about the menstrual cycle setting so there is some of your time and obviously not of exactly and so there are some studies although now there's some conflicting results that showed that the type of men that women prefer will depend on where they when you ask them that question apposite
others are recycle meaning when they are maximally fertile they will go for the brawny markers when they are in the non fertile phased exhorts dad versus cab i gotcha okay so cad is in the obviously phase dad and not of any travel who's that is superman superman harry has just and tom acts like those the das danvers is get i don't know the first guy but i will have our brando in street corner desire yes that's is legitimately earnestness but was that's the cat ok yeah sure i do not talk yes cat is shot a greater exact nailed it tom hanks is a perfect example of the debt of death i mean he doesn't exude one one single not the stuff from now on that our farm class we could still be friends like you have read nor by an
i have to say that i don't want to say what i was going to save the promise he's so much like my father like my dad is tom hanks to a toilet suite looks like and acts like a very kind guy very kind like super quiet but also he rose the acne rose the ladder he was a professor he's got a phd is a really good dude in what field leadership study illusion no kidding it's like when organizational behavior in psychology and vehicle yeah very interesting yeah it a good guy and everybody looks just right thought eggs so now that i know tom hanks is like a total do t dad said about outta this verdict well that's very interesting so the short term it's the cad vs yet it looks so like exotic cars or whatever and it's obviously political am i allowed to say whatever you want yeah he's the audience religious we sensor stuff if it gets out a hand talk a bit isn't so there is
strategy called shopping for good genes whereby for example women are much more likely to cheat on their long term partner when they are in the offing phase of their minstrel cycle because what are they doing there they are literally shopping for better genes when they're doing that they are then looking for a person to cheat with who is of a superior phenotype then their regular partner so they are right now with tom hanks but now here comes the greek gardener who's got the the who looks like the olympic male swimmer so if i decide to violate the moral call of the sanctity of my marriage you like how i put that in while can do to you
get me so if i decide to do that then i'm going i'm not going to cheat on my husband with bill gates i'm going to cheat on my long term on my husband with jean like my question as to who would cheat on their own and with bill gates very good very good very very we we have a politics question shifting gears a little bit we're about to plug your third book thoroughly the paris mine mind so we ve now named dropped all free that will not carry just correct you go and others i we're not i've five five five you're right five bucks very sitting and i was it yeah person i was my fourth book which was that book before the sad truth about happiness but go up five bucks three books what so in the parasitic mind to see you
identify scary mine parasites how they're they're infectious and you you go with some classics like j w ism on campus for to view censorship as you know a safety measure you say that's a mind parasite and then you say like things like anti semitism our mind parasites what are the mind parasites that you perceive this being the biggest ones either now or in the future uniform so make explain why i actually use the new role i the logical framework member we are talking about how jordan petersen compares humans to lobsters and i've comparative frankly it are not always has not banks that is somewhat it's not box it's not bollocks will have to flowerbed that alex as in the british term yeah the british term oh okay well that was isn't that the famous thing there was that lady on gq when when he brought up she's like well you know that that comparison between lumps
does in people that's who bullocks impression it s an impressive ex now it's not that that's what the research signal of our staff in human yasser arafat let is you but now that's exactly wrong it is of interest payments look don't you think your your fest p and self as getting out of here it always does or loosens art to keep it in i'm sorry i just totally stopped you we go ahead of alex so so the wc so let me give you the background of how i developed that neuro person's logical framework i was looking at the animal kingdom to look for a apt powerful metaphor that can explain how human minds can become completely sam zombified and become completely irrational even navigating through basic common sense of daily life right and so parasitology she is a field of study where you stand the parasites but that can go in different parts of your body saw a tapeworm goes into your intestinal
great a neural parasite are as a parasite that looks to go to the hosts brain altering its behind rural patterns to suit its reproductive interests and so said ah i found my epiphany now i'm going to argue in the book that human he's not only can be parameters by actual physical brain worms which can exist but they can be per if i buy a second class of brain worms called ideological parasites or i call them idea pathogens so to your question what are some of these idea pathogens our first kid you with names and then i'll speak about the the grandaddy of them all postmodernism cultural relativism social concerns activism by your phobia by a phobia is the fear of using biology to explain human affairs so identity politics political correctness each of these radical feminist
each of these is an idea pathogen the group daddy of all if if pride is the supra apex this of the seven cardinal sins posts modernism is the granddaddy of all idea pathogens because it's the one that offers the framework for all the other nonsense to flourish vessel spotted him as if as a philosophical framework that basically argues that there are no absolute truths other than the one absolute truth there absolutely and therefore there is no objective truth speak of everything is shackled by subjectivity there is right everything is relative vista right so boss modernism results and museum putting up an empty canvas as a painting because who are you to judge what is art heart is in the eye the beholder
actually i i had that experience when i visited the carnegie museum in pittsburgh where i saw an empty canvas and i demanded to speak today museum curator as that pissed me off so postmodernism irony it's ours hey look as allowing us to have a conversation so it has a part of the art that's parted i construct what does it mean to you exactly so i tell i tell the story and in the person of mind lucius become now a very popular story all over the internet in two thousand to what am i doctoral students have just defended his phd dissertation so we were going out to celebrate them do you know the story you no doubt i ve gone so and even if we did that they are so
we're going out for sellers are there my wife myself the doctoral stood in question why should we recently wrote to me to congratulate me on my latest book at who himself now is a well known canadian professor and his date now his date he calls me up before we got to dinner to give me the heads up on the fact that she is a graduates and an postmodernism women studies and cultural anthropology to which i answer the holy trinity of yes the truth at sea what is his point was hey let's go out have a good time that's not good you know i said oh god don't worry i'll be on my behavior i cannot wait to see what this girl like this or i get you i got you i'm gonna be my best behaviour which of course was a complete abject lie
about halfway through the dinner i turned to the lady in question i say oh i i hear you're a post modernist she goes yeah i said okay well i'm i'm an evolutionary psychologist so i think that there are some unifying human universals there is a invariant human nature so i do think there are some universals so maybe i can propose what i think is a universal and then you can tell me how i went wrong and she says yeah sure go ahead so this is two thousand and two so this is predating all the transgender stuff prophetically by by decades i said is it not a human universal that within homo sapiens only women bear children is that not a universal so she looks at me scoffs rolls her eyes can believe at my simpleton and facility says no it's natural i said it's not true that only women bear children how is that she goes well there is a japanese
i'm off some japanese island whither where within their mythological full chloric round it is the men that bear children so by you restricting the conversation to them materialistic material in material biological rob that's how you gonna keep us bear for breath and pregnant so then once i recovered from the mini stroke i had listening to such nonsense i said ok well how about i offer you may be a less contentious example because it's simply too dangerous to say only given a bachelor i said ok is it not true that since time
immemorial sailors have relied on the premise that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west is that not a universal so there she used cars you you you use the term deconstruct she used what's called deconstructionism which is the the the the godfather of that is somewhat a french deconstruct the constructive is called jacques derrida and she said what do you mean by east and west and what do you mean by the sun that which you call the sun i might call dancing hyena literally her words i said will find that the dancing hyena rises in the east hers she said i don't play those label games so imagine so why is postmodernism the grandaddy of idea passages big i was sitting next to in front of not as someone who escaped from a psychiatric instead
others indistinguishable our sitting next to a post modern graduate student who wasn't willing to concede that only and bear children and that there is such a thing as east and west and the sun if we can agree on that that's what's called intellectual terrorism that's what then allows me to pray bill gates all those other idea pathogens because what's up what's down what's left what's right what's male what's female everything's up for grabs and so in that but what i do is i discuss all was idea pathogens and then i offer a mind vaccine against those men that's wonderful i loved the you're talking about the the actual reality the reality that we live in brief we believe in it i shall to that that created a reality created math and all these things these things that structure this universe and i think what a one in a me
thing i love being able to have this conversation with you because you also were we're on the same footing right so we're like sewer standing on the same ground i've been struck by the overlap we're not social constructivist either our explanatory system is creationism rather but like there's you've landed with range bedfellows because of just these certain overlaps it's interesting and thank you anne and by the way that speaks to i think you have at night if i can speak of myself and openness of spirit right having that's what makes joe rogan so successful because they won he could speak sir roger penrose was a nobel prize winner visit they too he speak into the comedian friend where every three seconds they dropping the f bomb and the fact that he can go from sir roger penrose too comedian friend seamlessly right is because of that open spirit so we can sit down here we probably on ninety five percent of things we might not only on a few things and that's ok hawking in peril
those are the ones that i believe in the singularity that we think started everything how did that designed behind the designer behind the design anyone anywhere we have talked about that that was a big you so much for coming out we have we're gonna go onto a subscriber portion re now it's just a brief portions but wanting to just ask you a few questions we ask everybody's equal do it kill me next that alone be subscribers question one down have you ever met carmen like our you seriously ask every that question of course it what i dunno you know did you know we're christian website i did not know about it on the field sam hit me with every single scripture in the history of the world your twitter is really just a tory it the checks and balances or i'm an empty your life on emperor member side yet as i should be
this has been another edition of the babylon bee by gas from a dedicated team of certified fake news journalists you can trust here at the babylon we reminding you that free speech isn't so we can talk about the weather the
Transcript generated on 2023-09-18.