« The Babylon Bee

Life, Liberty, and Tuttle Twins

2023-06-06 | 🔗

The Creator and the Executive Producer of The Tuttle Twins TV Show are at The Babylon Bee: Connor Boyack and Daniel Harmon! They discuss Season 2 of The Tuttle Twins coming out now, including an episode where Jarret LeMaster plays George Washington, and the new Tuttle Twins textbook on American History! Connor and Daniel take a quiz on American History and talk about shows like Transformers that are actively trying to brainwash your kids about pronouns. Sad! But, the Tuttle Twins are here to save America! 

Watch the Tuttle Twins including the new episodes from Season 2 coming out now: https://www.angel.com/watch/tuttle-twins

Check out The New Tuttle Twins Textbook on American History from 1776-1791: https://tuttletwins.com/history


This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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as kyle and Jarod sit down with tuttle twins creator, Connor, boyer and executive producer of the tuttle twins tv show Daniel hardman to talk about the next exciting season of the tuttle twins, thanks guys for coming in next ravenous areas, so titled twins season two is this going to be like? Is this going to be as good of a jump in quality as parks and records she sees and wandered off at the time of the dramatic death or I'm trying to think of which was a show that had a bad season, two way like who jumped the shark. Well, I guess I realized, I think, is now starting to go, but that was like season three. Two thousand and four was the drop off. The last was last lanes. Isn t I like last got better Jericho did he has received share out here. They only the finnish, these and ok. So jericho and homestead kind of a summer concept you guys are coming out with another. It's an angel studios is trying to scare
or homestay or not, you guys are not personally no but yeah, but that you will take your money. Yeah here, take my so getting back to the original question of the drop I'm getting by going where last season two they brought in that annoying chick in last season, which one was issue is the remember what what's. Your name was michel rocard, Is there a russian boys, the same character and sufferings she's, always like super so yeah? Yet when we take you down down, I'm from a year ago. That's it that's! Those actually line from town the same character, but that works right. It's almost like it's like a trying to isn't michel in dungeons and dragons. She is here zack aeroplanes figured it out, like still, I gotta do not wrinkles now, but it's not like he's like super urban. You look so she put on some muscle the hard edge
and with a heart of go our diagnosis, but it was I haven't seen. I was so surprised because I saw anti indy in theatres and then I saw mario in theatres and it's like no wilderness, no weird stuff. Am I to movies in a row? Is something what's happening? They got a messenger enabling well an unclear path. Whereas getting like one present rotten tonight, you now reviews, and so mainly the message is starting to sink in may at the other end The children's entertainment in earlier transformers just came out with an episode were apparently robot. Computers have
pronouns, and there no longer by an area, and if you look at all the kid, I call it an ass rand's farmers for nothing. My guide, I just see a lot of it and of the whole package on origin. Just feels like there's a lot of activism. You know that type, a media in supporting cringing. It is because it comes off like a bad diversity. Training, video, where the like, actually my pronouns or they them I apologize. I didn't realize that, like us, literally the dialogue on us at every turn, it so bad. I will try to do better. really, but my apologies, my rattling wife, you are innocent. I feel I get our christian movies used to be like emphasis that is very like a learning at you legs. Do you acceptances hath asked, and I m glad I think it's way more on the other side, but we're getting better idea of what they are getting worse season to return children's children's entertain, yeah yeah
is it s like pushing anything at all? I mean they suffer freedom, but because, but was that's right, but no yeah season, two we're hoping that the quality is increasing, and that is what we're going for, and early indicators are that people are really resonating with the content, especially, we just did an episode on bitcoin and rent, read, went really well, yeah blew up all over. You know twitter and and tiktok, and instagram So if you have a lot of morality with it and one of our favorite comments as a guys like I've been trying to explain this thing to my wife for like seven thousand hours, and you guys do
add in twenty minutes, but I couldn't do in seven thousand. I need to watch this to understand why that is hard in the writers room, to figure that one out everyone's heart is one way to say: yeah the most complex episode we've ever done and the director and I saw Tyler the director and I when we were fit when we were finishing the episode or the animatic, which is what you deliver to the animation house for them to do the animation. So it's the collection of storyboards and everything that's put together and like here you go, go and animate this when we were putting the finishing it is on that we were literally. Like I don't know anybody can understand a word. Hopefully the hopefully the parents get it. At least you know and maybe get some discussion going, but we are just like me, and our kids can understand this, but we have been hearing that, like kids, are really understanding and asking their parents for like to be paid in big call.
for like moving along, allow and says that brainwashing the children with the bitcoin misled. It so happened it while the fed its intercity guess, that's the tunnels, which is really good at this, like they take these high concepts. I love the tunnels, wins my kids watch it multiple times, estonia as before they take these massive concepts of government federal, reserve that kind of stuff and they make it into really understandable, like episodes sought to bear, and you do really have an understanding. Was it the one aide to the federal our lead, the federal the monster february, inflation monster inflation monster, and it's you guys made a book of that. You may like a graphic novel. I have that my kids have that too, and it was like the o g man. That's so good that was oh gee that was like for these one of to earth and something like back in the day?
asia, islander yeah only fifteen or something a bit of a hipster. I liked it before was yet after I had arrived in urging the fascinating for me is site. I started all this before tuttle twins running a thinking and non profit train. The lake educate voters about why we should limit governmental butter and it was also differ, because adult serve very set in their ways. It's very hard to change your get erasmus world. you or any of our world views, and so what we ve done, when we started in the telephones years later is it was such a creative and impact for way to reach the adults, many of whom would tell us the parents, like hague, facebook for my kids, but I'm learning stuff, that I'd never learn before in school and I'm having these are harmonious. Since I started to realize back and twenty fourteen fifteen. Sixteen like this is such an helpful way too
even reach the adults yeah. We want to teach killed children both through books and through the cartoon, but were finding that, like entire families are starting to warm up to these ideas in a free society because were doing in it like a super, simplify level of all that I mean that if the parents ammunition and when he said it helps them, articulate something that maybe they believed in all along, but now they can finally explained it to their kids, and I actually have a kind of critical thinking conversation. under the table with it so spindle I mean right, helps to do stuff like this in school, are always boring like who remembers their economic class fondly, unlike I'm, so glad all the things that I learn their it. But when you do it retelling and humor and everything else like these lessons sink in the kids are getting it. I had a dad write me recently. He was at the grocery store, with his nine year old daughter, their walk and down
the ship aisle and suddenly he turns to his side and she's. Not there. She stopped back at the potato chips and her mouth is just open and she's staring at these potato chips. Dad's, like what are you doing is she's. Like I get it now, I get spontaneous order, and this is an economic principle. One of our books, where you dont have a potato chips, president are or important, something out is dominating hours or she was hungry. But the dowager just amazed that, like this daughter who read a story, now seize inaction in the grocery store that there's a big julian types of potato chips, and this is spontaneous order. There's no central planning, there's no quotas and the issues abundance through the free market the database environment of potato shit, you're going to do it. You don't get by many ideas. It s very, would fix things up real good, ethically lacking the potential differ.
There are still present and I will have potential ships and environmental humour that there's something Bernie sanders wanted the department of deodorant. Do you remember that he was he was upset because, if like saying that, with a straight face, I well, I really little evidence he said some tweet, where he was ranting about how this way too many varieties of deodorant at the store like, we don't need eighteen varieties of deodorant costume. The only guarantee rightly like we need to send him. Some total twins at the surviving looks You, gotta get an article on that years ago, where Bernie was like. Stop sending me all these economic books. He had anything of the sort of baby as thomas souls book and then- and there was a paragraph about another- keep sending male these children's book,
What's funny is in a couple of months we're actually launching a campaign designed to send a telethon spoke to your least favorite congressman, because these are written for kids, age, five to ten and members of congress who needs this information that pictures and pictures you don't even have to read it. There is even a congressmen, europe's great about tell us wednesday, those like, obviously the india informations great, but you as a really funny like this is a mean- and we know funny but like this- is funny like you guys, its it's on with the phineas and verbs of the world. We were saying earlier, my kids love it because it's funny I mean it's no bluey, it's no. limits nobler, aimed at assisting those amazing that worries me
did you guys watch a lot of children's cartoons. Is that is that how you get your hair done that to him yeah I mean for for us as writers, and when I say us as writers I mean the primary writers are all have experience in either stand up or sketch writing or in an improv or since sometimes all three and so their bream that comedic background to to the table. They had the comedic timing and are very experienced in that way and were drawing from inspirations like you know the simpsons and phineas. Some furbish gravity falls and blooey and reckon morty, that's less my cup of before more than any other writers, but
morning for the home school he had his high glamour is ahead proceed with caution. Half by a centrally yeah, we ve been inspired by really great cartoons and kind of its. The the vision for the show has its turn out to be a little bit kind of like what george Lucas did with star wars, where he was kind of pulling from all these different artistic sources, like the flash, gordon series in the samurai films in the western and all these things and can a putting it together in this one. You know new new thing that we now know a star wars, its essentially upon reflection. That's a little bit of what we dump tunnel twins were point a little bit like the magic school bus in a little bit from schoolhouse rock and all of it from the symptoms and simpsons and phineas verb in all these favorites of arson and kind of making. This show this family friendly that the kids can enjoy with their parents and hopefully a lot of the humor
we hits for the adults cause we're writing it for us as much as we are, you know for the kids, and so that's been really fun to kind of see. The parents are like this. This is more clever and funny than it has any right to be heard. Those kinds of things in terms of quality is it more phantom menace or original trilogy, well aware: yosemite settled, village correct. There is only one affordable lie in the fact of phantom many studies. All the time is when we get something to work in an eta. Am I it's working just as little georgi I'll, try spinning that's a good trick. That's a good one b and, and now this is pod, raising yeah Well, that's I do now. This is odd because he's any better than the one I quoted when padma is in the senate or whatever, as it's being transformed the the first galactic empire and everyone's like yeah, and she says so. This is how
ready dies with thunderous applause, democracy dies but yeah gotta yeah january. It was january. Sixth, on that day, democracy does but how is it? Democracy goes, but here directly thunderous applause, I like how clumsy lucas was as it as a screenwriter. You know he's the original trilogy. He had a lot to help you in writing and then later on, he didn't take advice, and so, when you write that line it's a powerful moment in the movie and then he has to say it like I'm like you, don't have to say it, but we can see that this is what's happening like she looks at the camera, so this is democracy yeah we got it and we got our continent is uneven. These I believe these know like are these oscar actors and they're in there in there just awful, because the dialogue so bad, it so funny hard for the north or hate, and you know that there are good actors in tunnels twins. I hear there are there's one in our press,
Since I hear the ass one could enter, we not ask who is your favorite character, and why has it George was not enough for the mare x ray. I voiced some characters to due care Use your ask your window. Jerry african puts up one guy. I play my play, George Washington, in an upcoming episode, which is coming out of tune, and we hear you are right, and I think I did it like this exactly sir. I do very within that nato homer they are selling cut connive at the order was a career. I am George Washington's various thorkel yeah. It's almost like a child and Heston. Ask
canada. Little better than a vibe must salah, let might even better it's got a lot of voices and yet with really really cool too. Can a programme in there too, to george wash in its it's an important episode t because that one's on tribalism right, and so it's all about how we should be seeking after truth and not after what our team is into or our tribe, and so it's a little bit of a commentary on you know the political parties and critical thinking- and I mean George watched him- was a great example that obviously, because his farewell speech, he really warned about the dangers of you- know: people fallen into tribes and had cabinet members write and stuff that were kind of getting into that group family kind of thing that tribalism and Hayes and that he was kind of he saw way into our future.
Terms like this is going to be bad yeah. It was in his farewell letter that he said he warned of the spirit of party because he was seeing when his own cabinet, where you'd have that divisiveness, just degrading things any re that. In retrospect, in here, like oh, my gosh, this is like to a tea was acting candidate. Luckily we listen to him in I know what a message that employment he didn't have. The voice, like you, you know that I have raised is very suspended because just Nobody ever literally, I'm george Washington yeah, we'll jump into some questions second here, but that it says for the first season, was a big hit. Fifteen million views after it was crowd, funded and produced almost five million sold of the title, twinsburg yeah, that's one cetera and there's new titled textbook coming out. I got this one on my shelf, my kids flip through it woohoo. This is the this volume two going to which I don't have that
and you're going to give them to me. This is your gave rise of me on runner. Gotta get my complete set here, but these are what these are more junior high. These are like eighty six to twelve, sometimes that there still like storybook level, just like the main books. By the reason we started doing our first one last year and now the second one was. I bought a whole bunch of social studies, textbooks that are used in the schools trying to see how are they teaching about like the constitution and the bill of rights and the revolution, and as you might, recall from your own schooling experience. All these books were insanely boring. It was all like memorize, these factoid of when these battles happened and who marched from where and what you do firms they wore in the cannonballs in the muskets and first this manoeuvre, but on the back of the book, you'll see Cairo at the quote? You ve all heard it those who don't learn from the past or condemned repeated, and we all know that,
and yet we are not teaching kids about history to learn from it were simply teaching them to learn about it, and that's it that's a difference with it. It ain't just memorize, it you'll want it later. We don't know why it'll be an interesting to know these days, it'll be on the test and You guys probably saw this this, a news blip that came out a few weeks ago that the nation's report card came out and said that only thirteen percent of eighth graders are proficient when it comes to american history. One one three, thirteen percent, and so my contents and as that's because the textbooks they're using a horrible, though the way there being taught histories horrible, it's all just yet of its memorize. This crap for the test, there's no there's no contacts, there's no focus on ideas and why stuff that happen to him fifty years ago? She, you know matters to us today and the schools can answer that question. It's just were required to teach us so memorize it we're gonna testy on it. So the idea of the idea of the you storytelling to teach the ideas of the past that yes, I have
bend and an motivated these people hundreds of years ago to do their dead, but the same ideas are relevant today, and so, if we can give kids and opportunity to learn through story about those ideas in the context of tuna fishing, years ago, at the end of every chapter, where, like ok, hey, we just talked about this. Let's say: division. You now between people know combativeness, let's say about a modern exam: well that and then they can start to see like. Oh that thing that happened has no relevance to our world today, so that we can hopefully help these kids to start learning from history, so that you- and I- and everyone else- does not keep repeating the mistakes of the past. As these kids robbing seduced by the the sirens. Song of socialism. If you don't get to be socialists, pre order settle textbook. They think that's true! For most of us I would say that or listening good parents, Maybe your parents are gonna, get a lot of it. We ve got a quiz right up. We'll get quizzes saw some causes great. this is what the american history was jack, don't get our drivers
yeah honour now. Actually just got done right about that. This is our duty to do it, Daniel you're, going to answer first. Then daughters get ads, or this is awesome. Yeah number one who was the first president of the united states in congress, assembled george Washington, James madison, John hancock or John Hanson. Listen to me in congress assembled a spur to the questions later right. Guy I'm like is not a qualified. This was to throw me off. Say, george Washington, is the first presentation. I write aids but yeah yeah george washington. First president, the answers John on enhanced actually, with continental congress was that congress assembled progressive, tagara, curveball continental it so funny I had an african swallows criticizes the african union.
well, you're in there yeah what were George Washington's false teeth made out of brock's would be hippopotamus ivory and cow's teeth or marshmallows. So wood was one of the things that they were potentially made out of. I guess there's other things but bo yeah. I would but my recollection is that it's where ivory, so I feel like it's b and c: okay, ah wow, hippopotamus, ivory and cast is by deciphering cow's teeth that were attached with springs. Yes like you reside here as issues zactly, because it s amazing, the technology hasn't changed, I'm just like I did. We mention the shoes on the palm castors. it can be. All that is going to be aware of things. So they were. This were they're wearing the same shoulders. Their shoes have sprouts that will get us despite the episode galleria. Let's call them up: let's do it yeah, alright, canary, that's not here we are number three. What was the first
That's why you know it has. I haven't got when I woke up yet what was of verse battle of the american war for independence in seventeen? Seventy five, a the battle of the chains, ear, which my other characters name is mere jenkins. Just one point out: love with b the battle of bunker hill, see lexington concord d, the battle of corned beef wallace. I think it's lexington concord, ok, lesson that sea confirmed correct. Yes, Chicago is correct. I was there last week I got rely on some videos for book launch. Well, that's one theory! That's very amazing! It was cool place. There is battle, four jenkins here, but there is a war of Jenkins ear, which are one of the most interesting things, and it's really my favour war. What we really briefly. What It was. It was an english gotta use argument. There's an english guy. There was an english guy got kidnapped by spanish
navies or whatever, and they cut his ear off and sent it to the king o as like a sign or whatever. So they started a war over this since the war of Jenkins ear. What was the so? It was like er like early seventies, seventies or something was in there. She interesting and I could be wrong literally your favorite and that is the hottest water yeah you want to take this one or who is the best American president, ever abraham lincoln, be Barack obama foresee Joe Biden come on man. No one ever got any one million votes perform. Cause. He the only one I'm going to I'm going to create a de santa libertarian. Don't tell me what to do. The above answer is Barack Obama. Of course, ok and the actual chat g p t create this quiz yeah. The actual answer is wrong: call them out yeah. I would have accepted
That is why, as dynamics of you would have been better to have point of your health care, I due to an oversight which date was not officially admitted to the union as a state in some nineteen, fifty three a alaska, be Y, see organ ohio e south carolina f Detroit and we can keep going. but it's more like somebody in colorado due to an oversight. That's a weird yeah! Don't lunacy, see this as seventeen seventy six to set out? How do I get my hands on my historical knowledge cuts off so far? If I would guess so, nineteen fifty I mean that's kind of hawaii became a state, so I'll say who I guess why it makes sense the oversight things there is some didn't turn in the paper rodya. Now it's it's actually all higher.
the bigger setback like this over that's crazy, overseer sent in their hanging out. So people its isn't euro up and ohio in the early age have been declaring war on a while the average routers since there were not a constitution, wasn't officially recognised by the federal government until Dwight eisenhower imposed stated their statehood, backdating thrall posting and he does I was coming to stay behind us data posted, avoiding war. I didn't, I didn't know that I, like art, what year did America fake the mainland at nineteen? Fifty five nineteen sixty three nineteen, sixty nine or eighteen twelve honour all that good curveball. This is a nineteen. Sixty nine didn't he say by the end of the decade we would put a man on the moon on, say, sixty nine. I really am and agree with maya, sixty nine for cancer care work. Same here is as woodstock faked indonesia,
It was a related on the mercosur june, twenty something sixteen and that's good It is this question is worth forty six points and the title ok so name all the president's in chronological order with commentary withdrawn, tearing go I am reminded of like that anna maniacs thing, where you raised the staff- and I wasn't in John Adams, Thomas jefferson, James madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, Andrew jackson, martin weir and william Harrison John tyler, James, cape horn, Zachary, taylor, mill, Millard, Filmore, franklin, pierce, James, be canada for him, lincoln andrew jackson, give us assess, grant or the ford behaves
As regards mrs green eyed, there's no commentaries, I'm failure, none! I thought I know I want to tell her all I know a guy. Now I got thrown off now. There's a song. The gossip is gonna, get to link in the ground for the port behaviour. James Garfield, just re, arthur, grover cleveland, Benjamin harrison cleveland once again, William Harrison franklin roles. Well now I don't plan that I am a lawyer and I still can't do the hard ones and they give her eyes. But now, I think, the last hundred years ago, because the person from here, as well as of beyond yeah scarcer for terrorist like woodrow wilson, and after that everybody knows most haven't foolish herbert who
for. I yeah calvin, coolidge herbert hoover, franklin D, roosevelt and and was determined as truman, Dwight D, eisenhower and he's looking at the item I'm sorry, I'm getting a little louder. I had it will give you full credit. Oh that's! Either you got forty six points for sure, amateur any good smith. Mingled fibres. Having danger has like the neural link in a brain in rats autonomy acts as it says, this is coming from a homesick osaka s, words as what I can remember of it home school kids boom, stealing signs he was like glancing at at at at at at at echo.
I guess something wow that's great now. That's that will give you points for commentary. If you guys can give us your five best presidents, the best I mean I'm going to have to go with washington is obviously one of them and I'm going to go as far as like. Actually knowing the accomplishments of the I mean John Adams, I think too, I'm going to have to go with calvin. Coolidge is one of the best. but I dont have a high regard for a lot of presidents. I'm helping seem, I got treat immediately after the other day, ok yeah, ousting he wisely Among other reasons, he shot down operation northwards, which was an attempt by the joint chiefs of staff to militarily attack to bomb
african cities and shoot americans and kill them and blame it on the cubans as a false flag to incite the american public to go to war in cuba at the time the the polling did not show that the americans wanted to invade cuba, despite all the contention that was happening so literally, the joint chiefs of staff came up with a plan where they would kill americans. Blame it on cuba, try and get people to to support going to war and then invade cuba jfk shot of them. I liked the standards for being a good president is like not mariner that gas, don't start, don't start and worked on preventing or military over murdering people well, which is that I cannot leave you to believe that may be. This happened multiple times in our history, like the president's of were actually What the flag thing are working on a book right now that will have out later this year for teenagers. We have a whole like guidebook series of books for teens, and this one is going to be called the tuttle twins guide to true conspiracies and every chapter's going to be something like operation. Northwoods
Well, you know the moon. Landing did not make the cut that that might be an actual volume to right now. These are all like. Like operation northwoods, for example, there's declassified memos. You can read exactly what they were proposing and so to your exact point like you look at stuff. Oh yeah, they only did that back in the sixth like now, who could be so deluded think about just a when we're recording this they had the what's the guy's name. The memo come out after the for your investigation of the intelligence community train a cradle, a link between trump and russia right, and so we had all these intelligence operatives conspiring to train weapon eyes, the f b, I m d, o j, and so I think, tons of stuff like that still happens and we'd be naive to think that it doesn't so and it is, of course on my list. I assume, mostly in there. I met this place down my life, where I assume most of the things I hear in the news are something like this sagessa
through very that gives you often not adversely now that recently seen of how quickly you know things that were told now can't be true, don't believe it but kind of thing in all summits like now. It's definitely who, by a kind of and it's it's like two weeks now. I windows closing tour. It's like my history, the babylon bee prophecies and when I know what's going on in denver, seems crazy, but give it a few weeks and then it will be real guessing the simpsons right, if you have once ones good good how many times has various getting the simpsons used to write a joke and in twenty years later would come true gap. A dead at famous walmart was like disney owns fox on and then came through like out of ten or twenty years later, and now it's like room, we run out of time. I am we a week later, z s gives your former presidents fit, has obviously tromp. So we don't yeah. That's what I'm saying it goes without saying you clearly drain the swamp, so has any plans for an episode where the tuttle twins meet ron, Paul ooh, we spy ron Paul.
I am sure I am really would love to do and apis owed with with that we can and we ve done a little bit of reaching out and am haven't hurt. Think back the idea yeah, so I totally would be open to it if he if he was down, I would that'd be great. I dunno. If he would get it like the jokes and humor I dunno. We could give him a small role. I think rand, Paul George Washington's adoption. We tried to enter he's very funny. We did interviewer an interview, it is like dream in my life, entertainment ball and it was great, but he doesn't get the jokes We were asking and where he varies as gold, he was just like I dunno a little too serious. Well, I didn't know that I don't have any gold. You know it's interesting. We we interviewed rand Paul directly after interviewing you guys at freedom. Fest
this year. He was a good interview. Wasn't he yeah? He was great. He says right with us. He was sharper yeah yeah, his wife's, a lady around yeah. He does get the humor yeah, that's yeah. We were messing with him and he was wrong. he's got it wrong that ever lived out of hearing again you guys yeah. That's your ivy like yours, now yeah! Let's do it! We can all achieve greatness of fish or big set of actions to fill accusations, accusing you don't go to tie on beef and trained personnel, as this does not actually the one one. The total twins evan absurd, where they learn about the right to have a nuclear powered generator in their garage too. Are there marijuana grow operation and defend their fifteenth yeah? That's a lie. Spot on sb spying on our writing room. I know what was talking with Travis. We have jokes all the time in the writers' room about when we're going to do our second amendment episode, maybe we'll just a table at one for we'll see if the
cotter configured, obviously, but it will be a metaphor, liard line to walk, to try and like push up principle or an idea that you think might not be totally. Your audience may not be totally receptive to, but you want them to be in on. So how do you, like figure out the adjacent idea to wear them comfort zone is and then pushed them a little bit, but have them receive it well in it end you, your teachings and corporate civil was right, like you, no liberty and the right to your property in and that that it does follow that you'd have the right to defend your property mess. You get get people on board with that stuff than secondary Women can't afford that your body is your own property. So if you want to injustice, a certain plant then who's the government to stop you, but we're not going to save the tuttle twins and the pot shop yeah, there's a way to those things. It's just a question of like how much do we do in a kids show right, as opposed to like the the the critical thinking exercise of the arguments for and against, are all you know great fun. It's just like how our
with the battles we want to fight in a kid. So there's also this idea where I can get away with a little bit more in the books than we can in the cartoon be for sure the books. We can go deeper into ideas, whereas the cartoon we have to simplify and say what are like the two or three concepts that we're trying to teach and then build up. While the humor and you know story around it, and so it's lighter on pushing ideas in the cartoon than it is in the books. Yeah. We kind of have one main principle that we're trying to get across per episode and then everything else in there is a support to both the story, as was the you know, sort of other bullet points within that that we're hitting but the yet the books are much much more of a deep dive in the education and youth. Or do you just come over the concept or you have? You have a principle that you're trying to teach and then you, then you get your car indians in a room- and you just gonna say how do we do this? Is that is that yeah sort starts? It starts with conor, so he's an executive power.
is her on the show as well, and we sit down- and we say: okay, here's some of the subjects that we want to hit in this season and we go through and identify the different principles and then Connor helps kind of flush out the different ways that we can teach that, like different historical figures that we could visit and the things that he knows from a writing history, books and other books about like the ways that we could go about approaching the subject. And then, when we get when we get that kind of all concrete and down to like a bullet points, then we go into the writers room with out the storytellers comedians and we say if, if they forget everything else, what is the one thing we want them to take away and can start from that point. and then the story needs to flow out of that meeting. The historical figure that we or to the ito, imaginary, world or dimension, that they fly off due to a kind of apply the principle or be problem that they that the tunnel twinning
counter in their own world needs to all. Can it be born out of that one teaching that we're trying to get across and we use to try to distil it down to a principle that we can capture in a bumper sticker. Something like an inflation hurts a nation. You know was one example in its something that we can work eat several times throughout the episode, so some other ones are disagreed, doesn't mean enemy. You know we have an episode. That's on We disagree with someone that doesn't mean all of a sudden you're on team bad, and I maintain good as read and understand It's the george washington share at the george, whilst in others the right and then on the bitcoin one that we just did. It was when monies easy, too easy to create the society when when when, yet when money is easy to create society begins break. and it is right as well. Well, I know- and I too I think I did it wrong comedian heads, but by theirs I mean
there's other ones like the only rights we're entitled to are the ones that don't force others to work for you, and so that's what we're trying to get to is that at the end of the minus yeah No, I'm. Ok, I'm just gonna, that's it! That's it! That's a joy! Ass! We go down the list. Kyle me anyway, inflation was yeah, that's fine in yards and nation. Am I right in disagree, doesn't mean enemy, I didn't like that of educated, because you just dysentery create very but as an urgency debate. As I understand it. yeah, it all starts with what we're gonna teach and then from there. The rest. The concepts for the episode flow out about how many people in your editor it's usually for us, so it starts and technically five because we start with the education side of it with connor and then there's myself in them yeah, the writers and three all come in after they've done like a first draft and I'll review, how they can synthesize the the concept like. Oh hey, we gotta explain a little bit differently or you didn't quite capture it here and then you know all the poop jokes, a kind of laugh at
I we're going to see of these some of these yeah yeah, and so it's kind of an iterative process process on my side, just to make sure that we're teaching the principles the right way because they can make a funny show it's comedians and just have a blast, but the core proposition here is we're trying to teach the the principles of a free society. So we have kind of a few touch points along the way with each episode where we can make sure that is that the concepts or landing the right way and and then go from there yeah connor is a master at that. He'll actually go through it kind of assembled the story and got the lesson in there and everything and then we'll go okay. Okay, Connor did we do it right and he'll be like well? This isn't actually portrait what it needs to hear, and this needs to be adjusted, and it's just so so fast and so so smart. The way he approaches that so counters kind of, like kyle, so like. While they were all right, a sketch and car will go through and the like, the others doesn't land. This doesn't discussion,
It's a closed, comes you know and so on, but I found the education site about a hundred percent conquerors and I'm more down kyle on more like bananas that you're around these well, and I also have the I. Basically it's not working for me. Easy doesn't get through, but there are times when I see. clearly working for everybody else and all can I let it side through eyes was an objection to the temple. I hope you're right or tv writers team is comedians other from like. Do you see they from these like regard Yeah. That area in the world who are yeah, drive our common humanity ass dry, ass, again they ve written. I mean we have arrived at this helped out onto lasso. We ve got writers that are you know just like a settler. Let us get coming to stand up and of diamonds. Kellners since one of our writers neat, honours out elk in the athletes.
Eric t right yeah, so do I Alex is more just a voice. Okay, so we haven't had him in the writers room yet, but yeah we've actually kind of flirted with that idea. A little bit submitted. If you keep learning with Alex, we like yeah he's very funny and seattle Alex is extremely funny. He was in a sketch with us where we were all in drag. It was one of the He was my reason like there's a sketches drag, can I be it and it's my last words casual? You may have networks, peoples and wearing a dress. I hate it, at the same cape here Does private refined with petroleum, like the devil, are women? I will not so much yeah alex is amazing as a voice actor like he's always so much rain. She can do so many different characters. I think he's already been at least probably six different characters in the show and then he's also really good. When we're in the recording session about in providence, RI and a good blessing, her jokes, you know yeah, that's great
grow by its awesome levelling is ongoing, work but tell us when everybody go check it out. So, what's the current status, so they can fund season to now is that our wits, when it gonna on season three funds in three yeah yeah where's the ability within the angel app to pay it forward on, which is great and if I may, by any of the merged like bad graphic, novels, tee shirts, plushy toys that helps go towards funding us he's in three and yeah. Just like spread the word, because usually people that are Listening to this think, they know their people that want something like the tenth announced, the angel model, sometimes I'm not sure where it all lives does so can people watch season to now are winning when it comes out. Yes aware, releasing an episode a month right now and it comes out on the angel half in ireland and it comes out on the angel out. We have tabled tuesdays, which is the first tuesday of each month. We live stream. It so then live cern in idaho. Funding for the kids to watch
Apple, all for free all season, one is fillable for free and then the first episode three episodes are available for free right now and the angel elbert. Okay. How awesome that is vendrick will check it out. If you don't want your kids to become commies Ninety three goes joining up next along these subscribers. My first job that I have a recollection of was hoeing beats, you're not gonna, be like these out, like a hip, hop ethic beats jobs destroyed the harm and brothers child labour. I love that song and I use it for karaoke, because, if I'm waitin line I want to have the longest time and a million yeah, I guess so I was I was in a scar ban, there has been another reduction of the Babylon bee by gas from a dedicated team of certified fake news journalists. You can trust here at the Babylon bee, reminding you that wrong Paul was right.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-07.