« The Babylon Bee

Fighting Fake News with Alex Marlow | A Bee Interview

2022-04-15 | 🔗

Alex Marlow is the Editor-in-Chief of Breitbart News and hosts the Breitbart News Daily Podcast. Marlow faces Adam Yenser’s Real or Fake Headlines challenge and reminisces about Joe Biden’s most memorable speeches. Marlow recently published a book called Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption, which is available now.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
There is no normal, be weekly, Pont guess for this week, please enjoy this interview with Alex Marlowe editor in chief of bright Bart NEWS. Welcome everyone to the Babylon Bee. Podcast today cast today going to have a stand alone. Interview for you. Usually we pack these into the weekly part guess, but this moment so interesting and in it took up a good check at times or discuss been enough to its own show we talk to ex Marlowe, who is the editor in chief of bright bar and the host of the bright Bart. Today bright Bart NEWS Daily Podcast, now and he wrote a whole book about the sort of media is narratives and how they its exposing the establishment, media's hidden deals and secret corruption. So you can check out is it's called breaking the news and you can check them out, of course, on Breitbart and where wherever you get your far right, misinformation and we're gonna talk to Morrow. Now is a fascinating conversation. There he's really fun to talk to and less let's dive in here we go
the what the heck man how's. one. It's gone really well, really appreciate! Being here, it's a you guys are so clandestine and where you're located near clandestine, a Breitbart, meaning that are just scatter of one Oliver country and I let them go, go into an office ever, but he does not even have an office. We May your man you're not at liberty to say who is to decide, but this is certainly, as with the addresses in your winketh.
absolutely I'll I'll. Do the side nose, Tap Kneller earn eight in it. They are just guests, the trust, slowly yeah. So can you can go backwards and eventually figure it out? No, but if the thing is, you can track anyone's phone and find people anyway, but I still appreciate the effort you make an effort to be out here. I got a weird package from a fan once to my house I think you can just google my day this has caused me. A lot of personal strife because I tried not to put my name on my house- is indeed does publish it eva! Did that what did they really on Facebook? as I was living just outside the sa at the time, and actually law enforcement was aware of it before I was, which was the time. Maybe the only time I was impressed with the federal armed enforcement. They got a scoop, you did for one that absolutely did that address seven, eight, I did absolutely had a, but I don't live there. Did you experience any backlash or anyting after they published it or no I lived in Virginia and that's a high where no one has any idea. How many guns you have so
it could be, the narrative it doesn't have a big presence in Virginia. I don't think now and I'm don't live near any strip malls or any limits that are good to loot. Afterwards, when they're dead harassing your home If I do, then they are long gone, I'd actually boycott of Nike just flat out everything was. It was the only company. I think I actually went to my closet and threw stuff out. Oh really, these are italian. These are nice just trying to call you out on it right away his check. These are authentic. I think Nike was that there's a lot of companies I try not to buy from, but hockey was one where I definitely went into my closet took the nikes and put them in the garbage. Can are some others that you try not to buy I do I go on Instagram, I'm going to buy from a new company, and I see if they put up the box square during
I buy from them. I say if they put the Black Square yeah. I was double my order exactly no, no then I then I noticed Mark Zuckerberg's platform to find out which companies you should boy. That's exactly why it's been show useful, and this is what you guys do and again you guys have the hardest job in all media now like trying to satirize the in lateral, daily wires, making razors, that's probably pretty difficult. That's a woman by Harry's razor. I was unaware of this until this morning, but I think everyone was, I think, everyone all of a sudden wants to be in the razor bis. All of a sudden, I think I have four other people pitching me razors yeah, but today it just that's going to be the new remember the hard won Havisham pillow interest. Could he doesn't know that's right and then it very organics me a similar didn't work out out, but you know faith Would you pass it on to like his business partner friend and he's still trying to do it and he's still tweeting about it? The other guy David Hogg's partner, but he bailed Don't try to make hogs pillows backfire on him, though I think politically people thought he was exploiting his leg. He was
standing on the graves of dead people dead children and pillows. Now, no one takes him seriously like how they take Michael indulge seriously threatened as seriously as well hey Betty but back he's. Cotton can't beat you care either, so just there's an icebreaker got listen things, and we want you to say one positive thing about each of them: okay, CNN, the the Was it a thing about CNN now, as I guess Jeff suckers gone, he was the cancer and a man absolutely, and that is something that It was a running joke in the Breitbart NEWS room that it's so hard russian and cause there's only one story. We only wrote once every over and over again about CNN and now they'll be a new one and not in time soon. But that's the big area does and suckers these guys, who just failed his way up through the entertainment industry actually live just he has severe, really does like he mismanages. Everything is ever done to be dissipated, setting higher position. This is the key to life and one of my key word
is is that this is the the method now is to just be willing to fail publicly at a colossal level and are guaranteed to get a new job and it's across industries but media for sure as the one that's most clearly on display. So I'm not trying to cancel during this interview at someone ice as I know that our be seen a big raise coming up there and you gave woke I what if you're trying to get cancelled, so we just got kicked out of tune, there are suspended because we wrote a satire headline honouring Rachel Levine Ass Man of the air, sharp. Now you as illegitimate news platform, could you just write a new story, Rachel of Venus, a man and presented a news headline as a fact, and would you get suspend for them This will not shock you, but we had to discuss your. Of course we covered your your the story, yet we did discuss it from a news perspective because we of course put up. Rachel Levine headlines all the time who is a man we refer to Rachel Levine as a man
it is a I liked, the unleashing, the admiral who had that joke. Last time. I did that on the podcast Rachel, if he'd learned about the honor from the newspaper they place above the urinal say so, the the this is where a we have a real decision, because twitter will, kick us off. Eventually, it seems like it seems, like they've decided that they're going to draw the line in the sand on this issue, they're using it to fight a cultural war, of course, and Charlie Kirk are kicked off and just you know, since I was driving in and it just seems like they're deciding. This is going to be a we're going to use this we're going to run with it. You guys are first and think what do you supposed to do? We we've been in this position in the past and just your a war of attrition with us and they ride it out until we acknowledge we're kind of playing on their turf and we have to delete the tweet and we all feel
little bit weaker and a little bit sadder and well, but sorry or in the country, and a little bit less free, and then they laugh all the way the bank has their business model. It twitter is not keeping folks like us happy. Obviously there This model is keeping their welcome. Please happy, and this does it. So it's real guess issue, because we will slip up in this regard. There is no way to be perfect, terms of calling that dude a girl going to happen every time, we're out of once, but its aid for most people. They showed it to make a mistake. Yeah Andrew Cuomo, Ok, so nice about Andrew Cuomo or virus from Europe came from Europe is one of the greatest lines of all time, only surpassed by the fact that he pleaded tell him when he was under fire. That was a talk about. How do you senator satirizes, that my home?
family on my wife side is italian predominate of italian native Italian? She was the number one italian student at a major university in the state we're currently in right. Now she, as you darling culture it ate my kids, Vitaly Names Master and master. We will for now. That's actually it s. Not. and so that's that's how I refer to them publicly, but that he blamed that he plead that he was an italian person How you need to kiss and Hog RO fondle and complement the brass in order to relate to them. This is absolutely absurd. I know a billion Italians there, my family, none of them, do any of those thing. That's out of our electorate at every family, together with your browser, but nobody, but this new year box. It lay what is this it that was so unbelievably great, and I am grateful for years- are killed, those people which was back. That's right, you're, just saying it's weird, because
it's weird because when he did have to leave office, it was like good, but it wasn't the reason he should have been kicked out of us for the way he handled the whole nursing home thing and all the people that died from that yeah. It's the so he's a he's, a gift to you, I mean you guys must have had a blast with him. Satirizing Cuomo condemns America's history of prejudice. italian grandma killing is true. The country is really hostile to Italians that execute a bunch of the elderly like a genocide against the elderly, italian, and you do that you'd, better watch out. You might not keep your job too much longer. Here's my favorite subject say something positive about Don lemon all either. playing with his name. It's so fine talk, I them don lemon and I refer to him as Don Mon on and just nodded all. That is name is lemon, even if it were all confuse now
I know this because I interviewed Victor Davis Hanson recently, one of the most thoughtful and scholarly Americans period forget someone who shares our politics, I mean he's just one of the deepest thinkers walking the face of the earth at the moment, and here for it was done them on. I don't think he knows. That's not really is that, though it worked when we don't know what is name is anymore and he's another one, just at this nibbling with the juicy simple. Yet this page my bills. This pays for my life style is enabled a bright barred by Nike shoes are not making shoes. I can afford to buy italian, where the virus came from the sex, predator shoe what about Joe Biden? Well, something laws about Joe Biden I'll, give a serious one. The serious one as we are not in war right now, we have to be grain, which I think is positive and border of Ukraine, I'm a hater Putin and I think that I'm a big admirer
what Lansky is doing, but we do not have. credibility as a as as a culture and as a society at the moment to go to war on behalf of the Ukraine, Russia Border, it is on the move. Any kept us out of it. You know there are warmonger cock. A carcass is that are through at Washington, left right now the media loves war. The military industrial complex is very real During my time, Washington, that became very clear to me. They all want to see war he's kept us out so far I'll, get my positive vote on that and then, of course the write a sound bite of all time. The corn pop video was a bad. And he ran a bunch of bad boars and I did Jerry back your nose days shot things change. I will thank him in, firstly, for that have you have you heard my butts been wiped out? Oh there's one that may compete with corn part, that's probably my favorite bite and allow diameter one preserved, and it still I was thinking about this drive in. I was thinking we still
I know for sure. If he crap is pants and from the pump. Yes, you don't know for sure that that is one of the great and over him and are not just the fact that they have you known ass. Something tat is glad. It became a story. Should analyze this club and tell me where I think Joe Biden is saying: right, What's to find the original original, it's what it makes me laugh pretty clear here. As I sit there, I mean, but everything is always an additive. For the good right, I will say, though, that the corn pop clip is still superior because, with the corn pop clearer clip, you pick out more nuances, like returning your favorite cup of coffee or a glass of high end. You know, like a you pick up more the more you have
you, there were tasting notes when, when you think about how the implication is, his dad counselled him. In the video that the two guys making out with the public pool unwilling will in in the sixties the they love, other his dad was still progressive. He was explained little Joey that this is great behavior. In fact, he should go graduate them an offer to marry them and so remember this part of the oh yeah it it's it's along. Like fourteen minute, video goes on and on he goes on and on and just the the jokes about the rain barrel. Reading hide the knife in the rain barrel and there's that those days used to remember the straight ratio. Bang Amanda on the curb getting rusty, put them in a rain barrel. Get a rusty
I gotta rewatch that I don't remember. I don't want to. I don't remember all these dismiss me. The Snyder cut. I've only see one of my favorite Joe Biden hits I've watched my a lot and I've watched cockroaches and the hairy legs. A lotta got a lotta. I got hairy legs and the kids used to come up reaching the pole and rub my I, the hairy legs, one, the fact that people created this pop- around a fine it just it. a billion memes and video memes of people cartooning Joe Biden, the kids rubbing down his legs as like standing up the the term blonde and the sun. It's just and he's he's suggestion to the public that if you eat ice cream Can you wear aviators? You are cool just what a bulb. I mean that is real style in society where we've all lost our style keys? That is hardcore right there, aviators that's going to be my wife, I'm going to roll with it.
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tell them shall and we'll get mentioned or will see a website solve exposed to be right by the background. Or they'll be a you know, start up media outlet that there's a plot lying around it and that's right. That stuff makes me is, proud as any of our big scoops, because I think he Andrew would have loved that and a few guys do you guys, aren't just tracking the culture you your culture, you our culture and is not enough just for us to fight the culture war by claiming about lips like that we should combat, of course, but that's not enough and we saw that- and I think was the first guy taking using the media to really dive in going to do this. We're going to have our Counterculture that will impose its will on the establishment, and as it is a guy, he was so hilarious. You guys would around such kick out of him because His main goal in life wasn't to fight the left, after you make it one laugh. It was a closer confine. The left there close at he hated the laughed, but he was equal part. Jocularity and just indignation, and that was just
so charismatic, and it was something that I got on board with right away because he had this a plus world class news knows but he also had this sense of how to fight the next iteration the culture war, and so I met a man. I was in college I started on right away. I not have a glamorous job. I was running errands or just that I was the souci had editor, but I added like five minutes a day and the rest was, you know, taken care of things around the office, but I was able to learn so much from him because he he was really a giant and now he's so so so missed. Can you give us like a list, so your your top five or bottom five parent? However, you wanna look at it five worst purveyors of fake news you're, my only limited to CNN, or can I go do yeah, I would say like five different stations or webs yeah yeah. I know it's interesting because I was just going through and the I was just going through the Hunter Biden Laptop story because
a job. It's not true, though right. I heard that there are those directly glues relish true now, oh it wasn't. I also remember the yeah yeah after November twenty pies becomes drew the Egyptian because As for me, are I'll probably give fairly obvious answers after this, but it was interesting to look back on the one hundred buying laptop store, which we just did at Breitbart, because Emma Joe Morris, who broke all the stories at the New York Post she's. Now our political editor at Breitbart, and as she was called a russian asset, she's, a Canadian who moved America is very nice person and just reports on things of these applicant doesn't like and was working for Newscorp at the time. Not exactly you know a not household name. the irony of those little nesting dolls after you see. This is where we've never been in the same room together because of the virtual newsroom got a whole array behind her. That was just all Russia stuff when you get there
It is. A t did have this really kind of funny wool hat. For that. That was the debt of some are very odd hearing, so the but she said by far the worst outlet was empty. Are is one where it will ever enact republican resident day. One you have to define an pr, you have to define PBS and I How did they get so much of their money from donations of like that, but make the statement make this statement? We're not gonna government fun, fake news like or some sort of third world country? That's the fact that they were the worst on that it is very telling, but my answers are fairly round worse than on the left. I should wish its bumper sticker. That's it from the PBS, the the burden of the Hague, but the, but that's how the media frame the frame it s. Really. I gave a lot like. I think I will it's ruined by The CNN application of Elmo Elmo's, dad like when on CNN, explained gayness to them
I think I think our remember that are really up you. Modem is really I'd say, but you wouldn't You live our vote, vaccinate meal wow. How many got cause it's debated me Elmo no, he doesn't like Ivermectin it's good to shaking as lives. What part of the world? Where there's not a lot of lot of risk of worms, so he's he's, got cars here, yeah they sleep out here. So but you will make today a was the worst at the at the left. for what they were. The most clearly stating this is russian decent, alarmist off to sing too If we look at the latest vague here, but the in terms of who had the worse purveyors of fake news. I I think that what's happening right now, is there sort of two subjects there is the China Subset, which is companies that are part multinational conglomerates is one of the biggest revelations in the in the in the book that we shall not name a sitting right here talk about your first one, the news we want,
It is an end in the book I go through how China specifically has its hands in american media via these multinational conglomerates take Disney, is Disney just Disney or Disney part of a we see Disney with this would, with a b c news, she would ABC News has a company that has theme parks and resort in China. So do you think I know which give permission for all these theme parks to exist going to be very kind to a ABC Abcs really investigate. the origin of the pandemic. Of course, not how about NBC News? We should get NBC Comcast Universal must not just theme parks, but it's Also there you know they do the distribution of the jail bond and fast and furious movies. So if they want to the fast and furious movies, China, then Embassy newsroom, is Zack when go in and figuring out, what's going on, with which Egypt paying pandemic. So that's them
doctor if you like, you need a bolt and bore with some yarn connecting, and I should also point out that one I live and work in feeling the city it would back. Our and somewhere across my mind that the global the most dominant force in financial news globally? Is Bloomberg bloom has the most access almost a monopoly and Michael Bloomberg owns like eighty percent of Bloomberg LLP and they have an send access to China. No one has any close when research in the book. There were the most willing to go to China here's the ring of the literal Ministry of propaganda. They go about every two years and they get their contracts renewed. So they can continue to get financial news, China and then being the ram for president as a Democrat in it he dreaded by the left in the field but if he one that we literally of a guy who makes billions of dollars from China and you been trying to China policy. So
I've kind. The main doktor fake news is the corporate media establishment that has vested interests that, in fact, almost every topic they cover at this point was cause everything's, political and All back by Democrats, they often Democrats and their mostly pro China and that's very scary, and the other factor vector of courses is big tech. Which, if the reader in China they wanted, in China, or now with Tik Tok. They are China, which I'm a hundred percent convinced convention chinese. Mind control is just I'm with you there. I can't wait for Tiktok to go away. It's eating people's brains, but it's so addictive. It is the people who are are younger than us, or are they taking off that they literally cannot play it's strange and how many books are good, are not going to be written or read, or how many great ideas are not going to happen to reduce like fumbling, here's a six second video with heart emerges. Oh there's the bar from Oji, that's funny like ITALY. How much do we have to do that? A billion
I there's one with the bar for Mojo yeah, so I didn't see that one pregnant man about yeah pregnant it is funny. Then he barks from the morning sickness. My wife can like look at her phone, and respond everything is going on in the house and she always hears it all. But when she's on Tik Tok, she doesn't hear anything I'm saying, and so she actually installed it, because she was like issues. I am on there and I have no idea what's going on. This is where the bar from Oji kicks in part of the package that would have fled operatives like that, protein new mentioned. Well, you asked first if they had to be other than CNN, I always think of CNN S kind of the main purveyor of like this sort of left. Now now you mentioned just now. Chris interesting, I feel
examined was always somewhat left leaning, but I feel like MSNBC, used to be worse like ten or fifteen years ago, and then there's a point. We're see an unjust became all narrative it well and on the other, and that's Jeff Soccer, Linda Hoss specifically gives our I have. I would theory the Jeff darker was trying to make CNN like Bright Bart homage, bright bar is worth truth. First, It is shocking. We're open about narrative I'll, tell you all the narrative, yes we're where but weak. We don't get stuff wrong because, first of all its wrong to try to get stuff wrong Second of all, we'd be out of business, because every time we get something wrong it becomes. Story on whatever media Soros funded website. That is trying to throw us all off the internet and then they go to advertisers and say, look you're funding, fake news, which is you wouldn't be alive, yeah, hey that way How to say we would anyway, but they have a reversed. word narrative first and hopefully they can come up with some facts. That would you know, sir, Their narrative so often backfired? russian collusion hoax obsession
it's insane, how long and how? How long that went on and how big that became and how many people still are convinced after it's been disproven, so many tiny little less than a third of the country I'd be idea that still doesn't believe that all the asphalt and I think, aligns up one hundred percent with Jeff Soccer Wasn't really that good for ratings. The only thing that helped them with ratings was Donald Trump she attended the New York Times are really. If you want to isolate to there their they're, the worst I mean one thousand six hundred and nineteen project in and of itself is still unbelievable. It still coming up today, the lady who is offering us a court justice position. Kentucky Brown Jackson is a supporter of sixty nine product she's supposed to go into. Then the constitution from the Supreme Court for the rest of her life, and she digs this document that cakes a deuce on top of our founding principles and documents, and she backs that Jimmy and the Supreme Court forever and that's a big cultural thing and you can't underestimated.
And it was forced with willpower by CNN and then your York Times and the Future Board, and all these establishment media outlets does do the fact checking websites quote on quote Lake fact and Snopes go after your ghosts. Stuff often constantly in the worst is one called news guard which okay? Have you guys come up? I dunno if we check that one Snopes is the one that they'll call out our satire articles like this absurd bizarre things actually happen. Thank you Snopes. If you're watching for that, because of great Breitbart content censor your satire article yeah, it's the data, that's perfect for August Snopes, a lot in the new. The new kid on the block is USA today, because they're Facebook's fact checking partner now. So I get a lot of bizarre fact: checks from USA today, yeah songs where you can't step out of line at all or any on climate and a coronavirus. We but not we have Devlin carved our own course in terms of our krona virus coverage
I'm very lucky to have a lot of sources in the medical world. So I I felt like we were incredibly sharp on the truth about the virus itself. I think we were the first american outlet to report a what was a mystery pneumonia coming out of China very early into the twenty in take it seriously and then also take the overreaction seriously and to try to track what's working. Where the vaccine was that live they weren't effective and withered locked out the master work, and the masks were never working and and stuff like that. The but anything that's the least bit off narrative fact. Checkers are on us and anything on climate change fact checkers are on but I do think that everyone should know about news guard which is funded by the entire washing establishment, but also Microsoft. some in what they do a few. They bread entire website or they brand. Entire news outlets, either fake news or Eurylochus, so the New York it will always be real news. Show eight totally false about hundred binds laptop will.
The green checkmark, because the New York Times it at Breitbart, we always get a red checkmark, even if we got that completely right, because they d must fake news show as accurately stories like Barton. these Red Jack inaccurate, near Tommy, Green it doesn't matter, and they have when their bore guys, like Michael Hayden, who the CIA and an essay guy under. I think it was Bush and Obama who pushed the russian Pp Dossier Hoax more than anyone who push the hunter. My laptop is russian dish info he's on the advisory board of this fact checking organization and they're perfectly cool with it. The best example, though We shoulda the Associated Press. We put up an associated press headline, we get a red check, New York Times, USA, today push up the exact same article verbatim green Jack, that If that's not peak big news, check that tire. I haven't you, you can come up with something so idiotic and it's got corporate support, even the ones where Snopes is just fact checking a particular.
Ridiculous. The way they can just twist something you have to get a sauce people are trying to find some little detail. The whole thing's I saw. I think it was polit effect. They had one where it was during the run of the Jacob. thing where they said he was unarmed at first and then turned out. He was holding a knife near. There was an go, and it said he brand the knife and they fact checked it, as Well, because brandishing means you go like he was just holding yeah. That's still. The narrative was that he was unarmed and he did have a knife, and these are the technicalities that you know news guard reached out, because we wrote up that Michael Hayden item. I just mentioned you're in it said. He was on their board and your guard was upset because they thought we were imply. He was on his corporate board on there, but he was merely on the Advisory board yeah. So they wanted us to amend the story to know that it was an advisory board as if him advising on fake news
and pp dossier holster as if that's a better letter than they'd be on their corporate board, which I'm happy to do, because I want to be accurate. That's where their head is at and they're there to police my new shut, the folks I gots get wrong yeah, not on the biggest narrative issues of the day. and I think that's also diabolical. If the fact checking organizations do is there. Certainly in journalism is more facts. Come out. There's groups on both sides that may get some details wrong. They choose to fact check. Conserved if sites and conservative sources in any story that supports a conservative narrative way more than anything that supports a left wing that, like millions of eight election they'll, be fake articles from the left and they want rule on one where thou there they'll just ignore it and then put all these facts checks of right leanings. There's a word for what you're describing in its call for ass meant, and we were in April vocabulary about harassment,
if they're here, to make our lives difficult, they're, not here, to actually bring integrity to the american news landscape. They start with the premise find a way to borders rock fine away to the now Mombi can be? Have your day, a brick thrown to your window, so that you waste your time. That's terrible. If they cared. Fake news, they would have got at least one the stories about covering the buck from Cavanaugh. she's more yea, too the Covington KIDS every major story of the day, ignored and botched by the establishment press without a except Babylon Bee fans. Today's episode is sponsored by private internet access. America's. Number one virtual private network or vpn if her short, obviously log and if you use incognito mode, your internet service provider, restoring your browsing data and many times selling that information private, internet, access or p. I for sure, as those are the first three letters of private internet access, can help.
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so the juvenile recorded that faith either the fact that he with his career- and he literally, would scoop soup and shoot kitchens to volunteer when he wasn't coach, girls, basketball and being a brilliant judge was he was yet added go and give that speech reared to say I like beer as like it unbelievable that he was forced to go through that they'll. Never happen anyone on the left, it was such a meltdown and but I gotta look at the devil's triangle details, because that one is not ringing a bell, at all, but I can say something nice about Christine Blasey Ford I'll. It was that the word it was booth and they tried to say it was some like sex. Like shady secularism notes, as in the lonely demonstrate, oh, but I will. I will say that that story in terms of vacant is we'll be indelible in the hippocampus forever.
its anti. Another effort now is for the appropriate laughter like on the show, no worries laughter. Was he the most borked nominee of all time overture and I dont, don't know if they be able to run that playbook book again soon. They'll try to but that was just so unbelievable. There does make him throwing stuff out there. That was just so Dick you aren't, even even with the SEC Amy Coney Barrett, it was a little less. I mean I know she's a woman, but it was a little less intense. Even then, even then yeah and I I agree, but this is where the media gets a mind of its own in you who will be you will stick out of your national Bushmen, Terry and in the media, are to go against the narrative that he was in some sort of a sex past, even though you know, as far as we know you there's zero avenues to die? Not now he was any of those things will use. It gives, and Christine Blasey Ford do remember the fly. This is the one the greatest
I wouldn't get on an airplane, oh yeah she wouldn't get on and if she needed to get up the gumption thanks to friends, to fly across the country to give a def deposition to take out the guy. Who, was the rapist who ruined her life in May, did her go to go to thirty years of therapy or whatever, but she flies to french Polynesia and Costa Rica to surf. This is the no one in the media went okay is this? Is over it's it's a joke. It's a hoax, we're getting hoax. Can we stop please? No, they keep going because why it with ratings- and there is no punishment for being right. if you're wrong with the right narrative, if you're wrong with the correct narrative, no punishment for you there's a promotion and maybe a p, if you're wrong, if you're cool That's with the wrong narrative, then The driver ties with work on it, but what I think are always to me, the most, I think, is most damaging about a lot of these hoaxes that the left has like latched onto, and media is even when Truth eventually comes out with it sooner or later it
it's something where you can just issue a correction and say hey. We got this wrong because they all turn out like weeks and months of a narrative where there's you know, opinion pieces being written. This is how Trump caused this. This is how from Administrashn. It's an error of hate. It's an era. Anti Semitism and its arab all this bad stuff happening. It comes out that wasn't true and you can't take back all that narrative what's put in people's heads, It's an admission of failure is, there, they don't like to do this because they never met the wrong. Ironically, were narrower, no admits the wrong everyone's wrong all the time, and you can look up most often right I would yeah, but no one admits they're wrong. Think of it in the context of war. So we got the Ukraine, Russia situation now, Putin, obviously screwed up. He didn't know it was going to this topic. And he probably thing thinking. How do I get out of here and say face his main problem? Is he can't save face you yours leave? But yes, face now. Can you look so bad show, of course, she's thinking what I gotta keep ratcheting it up because in the current situation I am, I want to look
very bad if I leave that is Jeff Zucker in that is deemed the cat of the New York Times. That is whichever leftwing clownish running MSNBC. I think it's joy read by the way I think she's actually running the embassy news. it is they ve never back down, because it is an emission of failure, will never do they just will move on as more of these hoaxes and fake narratives have sort of blown up in their faces. The left seems to be. digging in more and more with their fact checks and with continuing this narrative. Are you hopeful that more of the public is becoming savvy the fact that their doing this, or do you think with how polarize things are, there's a big part of the country. That's just gonna keep believing these media narrative harm. I think that there is its both. But unfortunately there's a third option, which is, I think people are going to punch and they're going to remove themselves from Sodapop. Civic engagement, This is one thing: I'm very about that. I think that people need to be engaged. Even if Only thing you can do is
is to share one of your stories. One of my stories, like just gotta, do something a because We cannot let the old whelming, fake news, quantity of, This is think, I'm just going to focus on other stuff. That's more interesting to me! I'm going to watch television and look at it. Talk because trap and we're gonna lose republic. If we do that, so I do think that the media, the opinion of the media, has never been worse. The opinion the establishment media has never been worse, but they don't need to succeed because, as I previously mentioned, they're back by these multinational conglomerates, that all they need them to do is hold the line. Narrative was, and they will keep funding they can lose all the money that could be a loss leader for so long, businesses are protected in China, the the multinational conglomerate continues to make money overall, there's not going to be a penalty for, people leaving their audience down the wrong road so long as a wrong road is not a threat to the corporate business model. So it's very scary
but luckily there are still some freedom non twitter for their some freedom to create your own stuff. And that's what you know. We both did this and there should be a billion. Others I do not just the circles I run in, but I see a little hope just in with then trying to push this war narrowed. if you know the guy in the war drums- and you see a lot of people on both sides really pushing back and tonight Twenty years ago I with the Iraq war, and that was not the case- I know you're right on this and it would have been we would have been without the well, media, as big as it is, which should be bigger, but with without it we would be in war for sure in Ukraine right now and then places like Florida wouldn't exist where all these people are protesting with their feet. By going to Tennessee in Texas and Florida and a couple other places that are free and it is I'll tell you the content that he gets shared at Breitbart, I mean it's so often the hottest stories are here's. Something
positive in Florida, where taxes were free part of the country. Could people love it they're hot for it? Unfortunately, so many of our metropolitan centers are where so much industry is done, and we still can't fully pull back from that, but there there are a lot of bright spots in the country. At the moment it just the media is, and is just so much bad news upon sort of I gather from well. Should we quiz you, because a quiz, so we wrote up, where's your words she how good you are picking out real and fake news stories, but we're gonna have you and Kyle play. These are some of these are real news stories, they're not many of them are political they're, just sort of absurd yeah. I want you guys both play and we'll see some of them are real stories. Some of them are ones. We made up they're, not Babylon Bee headlines, they're, just fake stories. We made up ok, fine woman in California, was shocked to find that a stranger had listed her home on Airbus, be without her knowledge said, say true. That has to be real that israel-
the tricky ones here, Regis, there's! No, no, there's no trick ones where I just switch like a location or our there's. There's no trick impose. You made up the atlas each year, Saudi Arabia's first gay marriage quote was accidentally notarized due to a clerical error, and now the two men who have never met are seeking a divorce. This doesn't sound real to me. I'm going to go false. Also, that's false, or does the first one I think Both people got correct. It was false. I do the popularity of Volodymyr Zelensky there has been an increase in comedians running for political offices in Europe. that one I'm definitely could be true, is just so fresh. There's more, I'm only going on I'm only going false because if the timetable. I think that will be true at some point. I don't think is true yet so I will go for that. One is false, but yes could become true.
I do hope attained. Commission is releasing a new perfume that smells like french fries. Also true, if you get your cover troll on true yeah you're doing better at this than any guess I can do it. You know: do you out now Now everyone will know why get paid the medium buck exactly Florida. Man was arrested for stealing across both from a store by stuffing it down his pants that if this is false at having a million times not enough, it is not a true the betrayal blow. But what is true that you miss narrator? You didn't! You know what we missed the Airasia, oh yeah and Airasia, was diverted after passengers spotted a snake on the plane, I'll say I'll, say false. I must say trip first,
We disagree, though it is true. We take all the other thousands of late there's gotta, be one handlers at an animal is another snake story. Handlers of an animal park in Alabama recaptured. Two out of three escaped venomous snakes then called off the search, because the third quote will probably be fine. I mean it's a false. I love you. I love how its frame from the perspective of the snake likely worried about the town worth is make it it'll. Be yeah go budgeting and aggravated about an egg which is can give you or more time handlers. an animal park in Alabama recaptured two out of three escaped venomous. Snakes then called off the search. Poop cuz, the third according the coat will probably be fine. I would almost a true, but because of where I'm sitting it seems like it just sell something you guys would have written. So I'm
false is a hundred per cent of our. I missed one, a giant Noah's Ark Replica is stranded in the UK because british authorities don't believe it see worthy again. another great one for here, because you guys thinking those that's exactly you guys It still see. I'm going to go true. Does he true to me now in its true now kid rock claims that President Trump won once tis at vice on handling ISIS and North Korea. It's true notation! If this, if this one is false, then there's a fact checks being done, because this was reported widely yeah I wanna go through. It is true that, since its is that what he said in that Tucker Carlson yeah, a women's college swimmer, expressed concern that she could get pregnant. Now, though, would you guys not swap out Tony Blinken for kid rock right now for Secretary of state? we have taken, our doesn't think we're missing from the trumpet the entertainment value.
Very was always like previous he's holding meetings with Omar or send Conway West. Today you don't get stuff like that. If you Terry of Homeland Security, Mr Rock, what does your plan to tackle the in creating Well go around one hundred s at this time, a women's college, swimmer exe. was concerned that she could get pregnant from swimming in the same pool as Leah Thomas, I'm going to say. Turns false cummins. You That is a habit if you'd said hot tub. I would have thought about this, a japanese when he is developing a wearable device. That would let you feel real pain in the metaverse. That's that's gotta be true. That is true. Yeah, the world's first human Composting facility has opened in Washington which turns dead people's body.
Into soil for sure, true false true he's still a hundred percent. As you know, my true at Washington, if you had done yum, if you had done a same part of the country, saber, but he gets mad when I just switch that if I just said that that story is all true, but if I said it happened in like you know, Iowa or something to blame yourself or I don't like the little yeah right now, a stripper in St Louis has filed a discrimination lawsuit after being fired for exposing that she is transgender during a striptease live in front of paying customers. Oh this is brilliant. I just try to get into, and that's a problem I'm trying to like wood and I'm trying to figure out which ones are just stories I would like that are real, but I like and which stories are ones I made up, I'm going through and kudos to you, I'm going to go, I'm going to go false imagine this is false.
I read the room without the rat. It's got to happen, though one of those timelines going. I'm such a good headline feels like it's gonna have those like that. It's a prophecy that would be you get over later a bigger story right born recently, which was a kind of we mishandle living cut it my weekend a little bit, but the need that a first draft of the live traffic, but the we found a story of how organ is, has literal documentation on how to talk your male genitals, underneath your body to hide that you're, a man when at school. Why didn't I figure that out on my own yeah, it it thats. All I know is that you seen that scene. Is it and and we I asked we written up and getting listed when when it came out, we dug into it this Twenty twenty link is going a long time is literally coaching children how to talk there
you that's insane or admiral gases. We got two of them the rapper who wrote Mcdonald's, I'm lovin it jingle is mad that they didn't pay him more and has teamed up with Arby, to release a disk, distract about fish sandwiches that its policy is its false. I my pain as well. That is true, really I'll? Tell you Arby's. Does the gorilla marketing pretty pretty good, which was a good? Why could have been could have been there? what did you say one wise out in the news on one day and that story, I'm not sure yeah. I think it's just cause. It's like was that when the Verizon guy like switched over to your team mobile or just bakers, yeah, it's like you used to be the Mcdonald's Jingle Guy now he's writing. Distract were negative or positive about fish images, because Arby's has the meat, yeah I imagine that it's probably negative about Mcdonald's fish sandwich yeah, but I don't know for sure, and finally, as this real or fake Rachel Levine as a man
I'm going to say that is. That is true. if you guys, thrown off of twitter or two ahead. So where am I I'm only one ahead after Rachel B is a man that is true, That is true. It will always be true great mendes- that was the best. I think he only got one or two rowing- that whole thing yeah when we had done Lebanon, he just I feel horrible. That alone be subscribers. We conclude every interview with the same ten questions that I will endeavour to We turn the interview back on you guys. yet the Karmann back you get there. One book to the Bible? What is what is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you. I was just laughing maniacally. This is unbelievable. This is the coolest thing that ever happened. So it was. It's usually humiliating, but go to one concert, any band in history who do you go see? That's it It is not
this has been another edition of the be a weekly run by a dedicated team of certified fake news journalists. You can trust Dara Atop, that laundry reminding you that fake news of the people by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth.
Transcript generated on 2022-04-16.