« The Babylon Bee

Disney Claims Real Snow White Photos Are Fake

2023-07-21 | 🔗

Travis, Emma, and Brandon lead the show this time. This week, Trump thinks he might be arrested for January 6 (again). Disney claims photos from the set of Snow White were fake, but psych! They’re very real and ridiculous. The trio also discuss what they’ve been consuming this past week with some game, TV show, and book recommendations.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Trump thinks that he might be arrested again for his role in January six groundhog day, trump. Addition barber how awful vaubois disney claims the loose snow white set for europe. What are they really No in and out, implementing a mask policy for employs their policy. No more masks. You know it's great maple syrup, all this and more on bob red hot, on the heels of the second largest bank failure in: u S, history and the eighth interest rate height within a twelve month period hundred and eighty six more banks are at risk of collapsing. Your bank could be next unless the fed
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in purchase when you visit, protect with b dot com. Today, that's protect with b e dot com or give them a call at a four four: seven: nine, zero, nine one, nine one hi everybody welcome to the Babylon bee podcast welcome kyle. Now my name is Travis cows, on assignment in the peruvian jungles spelunking, underneath machu picchu looking for buried gold by joining me today is emma yes and Brandon. I'm chinese emma! Are you chinese know how sad I am just wait. Whoops, okay, well actress, like a classic white person. Welcome to the Babylon p podcast, the only podcast that gives you the news and today will be bringing you. The news will also be bringing you a consumer segment where we talk about what we're consuming like good christians focused on
materialistic things will also drag Adam yetzer into the studio to do weekly news. Oh nice, then we have a bible verse of the week. Oh only one per week, I see only one or is written, so let it be written. So let it be done, we also have hate mail and subscriber for subscribers. Only we are asked answering your questions about Babylon bee video productions forward. If I wanted to answer those questions, if you wanted to answer those questions, you would have had to become a subscriber Travis, and by that I mean ask because they will not be answering the question. Okay got it. In that case It's not my words, but speaking of things. It get mixed up. Here's a shirt. We have a new t, shirt. It's the experts, verses conspiracy, theorists scorecard t shirt
and it shows beautifully rate rendered. Experts are not in the lead compared to the conspiracy theorists when it comes to certain things like where the covert virus came from. Where I, who funded this said research and many many many other things all those answers to those questions is faulty and all of those answers are embedded into will fine lines of the sure. If you look really closely with a microscope macro fibre micro fibre technology implemented technology implemented by nato, robots, netteke dull, created with currently existing technology, but working we find this Travis. We can find it on the internet in finest this beautiful,
Sure at shop, dat, dot, shop, dot, shocked at Babylon. Do the you can find this shirt at shop, dot, Babylon babylon dot com, and we did not edit this down to remove all the floods. I said that perfectly the first your time, but before we get into the news, we have obviously this loan news going on like every week, but first, let's take a moment and really get down to the word and discuss the bible verse of the week. Now it's time for the bubble on these bible verse of the weak author
I see kings language of course. Yes, so you are woman, so you what I know dream I give you permission to read, so I won't be preaching this, but all read it and the pre shall burn them upon the altar. It is the food of the offering made by fire for a sweet savour all the fat is the lord's leviticus. Three. Sixteen this verse really speaks me because I have. Several months ago I went on my own weight loss journey and as I'm losing the weight, I'm reminding myself that it belongs to the lord and I'm giving that up from my body unto the lord. That's how that's how I am taking. That's how you're doing and yeah hm, but there are people at work-
for god, have you seen where they leg work out and they do it to reduce accretion music, and then there like we're going to dedicate this worship to Jesus? I like, as were showed they advertise with gospel music absolutely, but is that what you're doing yes like this lie is lords? No, no! No! He and work out for me, not anymore. You have like not after or on your on your weights. I haven't viable on my weights. In every time I lifted, I can read another actually a way act a long time ago. We we designed some all the fat belongs to the lord Leviticus three. Sixteen t shirts and we were
only going to sell them in X, x, X, l or larger, but yeah never went through the pipeline for some reason, so they offer them in smaller sizes know we we'd never even put them up for an. I thought I saw them while it never went through the pipeline cause. You can't fit a shirt through a pipe and the clogs there he stood track with the fox that so what's in the news this week knew this week. Trump has been told by special council that he's the criminal target in the january sixth probe special council jack smith, sent trump target letter informing him that he's the target of a january six investigation trump says indictment is likely to follow sad, wouldn't and does he posted on truth, social in all, caps which hand crooked Zyobite?
injustice department want to date and arrest. His presume political opponent me. Who is leading him in the polls in the upcoming presidential election of twenty twenty four. Such a thing has never happened in our if you, before and in the middle of a campaign triple question marks election interference and press a contrario, miss conduct? So what do you think of this? Do you think trump should be indicted? You think I think you need to read it first I think you can comment on it until you read that in his voice and nature has trump himself yes thoughts. He gonna do. Oh, I I you know I never when, and why that video where he were. Everyone said it sounded like he was telling them to go inside the capital, but then I don't I just one
should be over. I want something new and crazy to happen, so we can stop talking about. I would I would love for justice to come to fruition and I do not believe this is real justice in the sense that he very clearly stated pre peacefully protest, bring bring your make your voice heard peacefully. The most violent rhetoric he probably used was something about fight for our country yeah, and that's very common vernacular for for politicians to use that the terminology fight. So I don't think that that quite stands up to the test of of of incitement. However, I dunno, if they have more evidence, let's hear it, but also you know, let's be fair. Let's, let's combat corruption on all sides. This obviously is very targeted, so
let justice be served and ledges justice be served equally. Damn it wasn't nancy place. He told that are asked to increase. Yes intention at the white. Hasn't she during a down correct. He pulled a clan, Benghazi situation yet and I down, but no one died, but at this point, what difference does it make? Why thank if more, if we're old iron cannibal, I mean that's what hilary and then, and now I dont, and then I dont know what she would actually be accountable for in it just raises questions, and it's just it just seems clear that that the justice system is not acting equally towards towards any potential sold incitement. Would you definitely go on the record of saying this is election interference? I would go on the record.
That's it that's what I was trying to examine container. Well speaking, a product cherry old misconduct, snow white movies building induce new, hey guys kyle here we want you not to be limited by restrictive networks when it comes to choosing the health care providers and treatments that are right for you. There is another way. Samaritan ministries connects hundreds of thousands of christians across the nation who help pay one another's medical bills paul without the use of insurance. Consider this a medical emergency arises. You dont have to check and see what hospitals in your network or be concerned about the emergency room, doktor being and never to own up. You go to the hospital you choose and don't give a second thought as to what's in network and what's not because
with samaritan ministries, your control of your health care. After receiving care, you send your medical bills to samaritan ministries and they notify fellow members to pray for you and sin. money directly to you to help you pay those bills and when another member has a medical me, you'll do the same for them. That's what biblical healthcare sharing looks like check it out today. Its american ministries, dot, org, slash the Babylon bee, that's a merit ministries, dot, org, slash the Babylon b and they don't have seven doors at snow white gotta die, they have one little person cast it, and then I think peter dink lodge went on a rampage and criticise the whole thing about. How you can have seven doors living in a cave, its of its a fairytale. It's not who snow one! A saint peter english go live in a cave, more lie wise. But how can you hear me for different reasons? I think one of the three reports by the story is these photos leaked disney immediately with the
here. They were like these photos are fake, do not pay attention to these photos behind the curtain and in me really had to backtrack and say, wound me: they were real. but you know they weren't official set photos, but we are trying to do We have the impression that they were entirely fake, and that makes me wonder. Are they going to take this and immediately backtrack and try to wipe this and redo all the costumes and potentially reduce some casting, or are they just going to keep rolling with it and and trust that they will have enough of an audience to throw their money at them willingly? Is it too far into production to recast all six regular height people to recast, maybe, but maybe it to change the costumes I dunno, where they are and products it's not enough to change the costumes. It's so ridiculous thinking, It does. It is way too bright, costumes, okay, cause it's matches the cartoon version yeah. I additionally like that when disney first came out and said it was fake. I looked at it and I was like oh yeah. That is clearly
overly cartoonish ay. I this is a there's no way this is it could be this bad and it was. It was in the dwarf in the very back. The tallest orf he's got this height headscarf. He looks like a grandma Yeah bearded grandma, I'm not saying they're doing about it of its sound. It almost looks like they're gonna, be like how he's a female dwarf. They already have a female wangwana. They need another one. Well that that one. it training. How does she work in the coal mines to like that's bad women? Don't work in the coal mines is another job a they will they mine, gems, joke? Yes yeah! This is not a women job which dwarf is your favorite, which non dwarf? Is your favorite o of this picture? Probably the dwarf, he looks the happiest. He looks like he's having the best time. Name is happy. The guy right, happy, the duly guy right behind him looks like the most pleasant guy to hang out with, though north.
are they aren't health related in their original story? There all related subjects, well. Why are they all named? So oddly, the one in the middle looks like a he looks like he's murdered someone. He looks for it, yeah the pirate pirate priority yeah. Well, I'm I'm glad you didn't single out the black door, for that probably wasn't even thinking about her three black towards no law, and there are some singling out the murderer dwarf and that's that on one of them very anyways? It's it's! It's certainly a travesty! How that they're, taking away jobs from la persons of diminutive stature, but imagine how good that wonderful, if he made it in their yeah, he's the best one. A dwarf he's he's the best of us all the dwarfs
will you go see this movie? I will most likely not see this. Will you go on the record right now saying that this movie is a source of terrorism? I will go on the record in other tooth in and out employees in five us states will no longer be allowed to wear masks as part of the company's new company guidelines that emphasize the importance of customer service, most notably showing their smiles. But that's insane. There's a virus out there. There is a virus out there are. I was I was in the doctor's office, one time and they required you to wear masks in the doctor's office, and I probably too loudly for my own sake and for the sake of my wife's embarrassment, I said a little too loudly. Oh, I guess
doctor's office doesn't believe in science? I said it loud enough for other people to hear, but surely being like sorry the doctor's not available right now you have to go yeah I had to. I had to reschedule to see doctor voucher another day. So how do you feel about this masking? Not masking I'm not a fan of masks, but I still wouldn't smile so that I'm less of a fan of smile. I would I suppose I liked weighing them ass. I dont have smart people, you know when you get it you ever tell like. Did you ever tell people that you're smiling like visual descriptors of the expressions on your face because it and yet, when people can tell, I am smiling right now can eat this map. Believe you me, You told a lie, I programming is much more sophisticated, and so I know not to do that, cause. That's what the internet says about social norms, very human c mere.
What, but I hate. When I worked in retail and I hate when people say you need smile more, you know it. like okay? Is that because you are an employer because you're a woman, probably because of the woman's little bit about yeah. I got that when I worked in retail though- and I am not a witch yeah- the people go, you need to smile more and I was like that's how women that's just the state of brothers' crap. There wasn't the only bad, but it's like a socially as cash yearly, you're already checking out you're, not gonna, buy more. If I smile yeah, your checking them out and you checking out mentally. I, however, let down. If they have a friendly experience throughout the entire store, experience are more likely to come back. Can I be free lay and not smile. Yes, no, it's impossible. It is possible, do not listen to fight scratch my? I only heard members even help with the tarmac unbiased. I would,
like to see. I would like to see you as a cashier like extremely polite, but staring at the customer dead. I dont think I think I dont think I was extremely play second hiking also much more complex. Thank you for so much for coming. He, oh men of these, these bees cabbages, that's a great deal today. Yeah. I think I'll go get some of those two. You know I do but expressionless I differently. Brung a czech stand at state arose ass before and I never once we're like our cameras, his great deal and cabbages lettuces yeah. I did with lettuce if that I'd be so depressed to be. Like oh cabbages yea. I can't even fake that you know. That's, usually the small talk I make with cashiers cause, I'm like man, great price, on these ribs huh, it's like! Oh, I gotta pick up, picks them up myself. That's, I guess, that's my move too, so that I don't have to stand there and silence. I usually just stand there and their working. They don't care, they do
care I'm. I didn't care, I don't care. If you go on their phone, I don't care my shoes, you ask about ribs so well. I guess we really enthusiastic about it yeah I had people telling me like you know, there's a lot of sexist women. Who would tell me like you need to get married or like you need to leave or you need to go back to college. I don't think that's so rude, I'm in college full time and I'm working a job. Did you get married, though not at the grocery store, was it because either hunting. He had when she said, like you know what she's right I'm seventeen years old, but I need to get married and you didn't we. and I did it. It was illegal at the time. But when you overlooked at one of the weirdest check stand experiences is everything check. Stand ash here check your answers. I've ever had it was in a grocery stores college texting of it. It was a grocery store,
so I was buying a bottle of cough syrup and the cashier checked for my iD and then she said you know kids used to smoke drugs. Right as I go, my wife's, sick and she's like hm, don't do drugs. You have so much to lose for all that call. Your mother, tell you look. You love her all this from me by a bottle of khartoum. So well you only about the costs, our bread, I well. I did bison methamphetamine as well. So how was I probably where it came from every time I get seat of head and it I like? The line is taking forever I'm like ugh. I just need to make drugs like sudafed as they slowly put it behind me. My weirdest text and story isn't really out at check. Stand because there's at the pharmacy, with you,
as it was at delivery, so yeah alright, but I was at at the pharmacy and I was trying to get some medicine for my wife. Yes, for I forget her headaches or something, and it was one of those things where, even though it was not, it was over the counter. You still have to show your id for it I did and then they looked at and went and no- and I said well that that's me- the problem was that I was like thirty five and the picture was from when I was seventeen, because it's from when I first got my license and I had changed over like, however many years that throw up a picture of Travis as a teenager on here yeah I had the live side by side. Oh you still haven't. I still have As a seventeen year old, you never had a retake the show, get up and show it to the camera. If it'll focus, I dunno, if it will, while, if not, we can, we can add it in.
Not sure my social. Now I wouldn't show your license a hazard. I wouldn't show your licentious nugget, whether or not it up. Apparently I don't have it never mind that just me as family will show it post every sharing cashier stories. One hour the cashier I had someone by some chicken feed an in their checking out. They asked me they're like so I have a three legged chicken at home and I'm buying a two legged chicken does a two legged chicken need less food than the three lead, a good chicken and there are so serious about it, and I like look them in the eye, and I didn't. I didn't laugh and I was like. No, legged chicken, it's the same amount as a three legged chicken. You don't need a tragedy if they dont need as much nutrients everything but only to feed the nutrients,
I guess you didn't didn't make it. So I don't know if I give them run all aid needed, which I think is unrelated in its extra food to compensate for the missing final. final cashier story, just to wrap this up in a neat bow, but just the other week I was at a pharmacy and I noticed that the plexiglass shields had finally come down. Oh yes, I made a comment about that to the to the pharmacist. I said oh you're, out of the birdcage her and she expressed that she'd, like just she felt psychologically like trapped in there couldn't hear the customers a lot of customers were upset because they were like having to shout through the the plexiglass and they couldn't hear each other. So it's like this uh this. This a burden is, is coming to an end, and people are now free to fly away. Pharmacists can now fly freely.
And that's the moral of the story was that the inspiration for the movie bird box was it was sick. It was gonna. Take this next story. Emma, yes, were we so Biden signed an order to to have three thousand reserve troops ordered to active duty and four hundred and fifty from the ira, so I'm in the army reserve I've been in for eight years and I've ever seen an order where they pulled irish soldiers or or service members. So I as the individual ready reserve and specifically every contract or every initial contract has our time where Basically like this limbo, this purgatory of where europe really doing anything for the army, but if they have to draft you for a war, they pull those people before they pull civilians.
Yeah so they're doing that because of operation atlantic resolve that was created in two thousand and fourteen about russia and the issues with ukraine and russia, so they're taking those reserve navy and coastguard people in there and deploying them for that operation. But I was a little bit freaked out when I saw this because I was like oh my gosh: are they going to make army reserve peoples go act duty not losing you to ukraine I am not going to ukraine. Is I'm not in the navy on gay with three generations and lazy. Remember my four but three things and his kind of significant. Because I'll I looked up there's only about sixty three
in navy reserve sailors and there's only eight thousand coastguard reserve. So three thousand of those people is kind of significance to me. Ah, yes, oh you would say this is unprecedented war, its technically press dented, but I would say I haven't seen this. I don't know if it has happened there there was a period of time. In my life, where I was considering coastguard reserve, because I was like together, the for his hack, the last one should be caught or the the the scarred, is an under the duty, it's under homeland operations or something so it's like it. So it does.
If the president to pull you because duty can't just do what they want with you do but yeah I would never coastguard. I just I don't recommend joining smaller branches like the marines or coast guard or space force. I think larger branches have better benefits and opportunity, but space force. You may eventually one day go to space. I would love to go to space wars, but I would never want to go to space yeah. Then why would you love to go to space cause? I would I would love to tell people that I'm in space for it, I don't think space for should exist either. I don't think marines should exist. I think it should be absorbed into the navy or army and I don't think that's resource with force shred of like been created, should have stayed under this argument, a space battalion for like a hundred years ago. No one knew brand, not me were inconsistent approach, so spacesaving space army, air space air force
not even space for space operations with the eye with the air force yeah? But I did I kept looking at what space was first came out or like was first created by trump. I would look up like every single day if they had chapel assistance or public affairs, because those are my two jobs, and so I was like. Oh, I could change to space force but they don't have a reserve. Oh well, we're glad we're not losing you yet, but if we do lose, you it'll be the space force. It'll have to create a space force, a all right. We have one more new story and this one is not depressing. It's nice, There is good in this world, Mr Frodo, and it's worth fighting for food it's something we all take for granted. It's gone. Ass. Tensions continued escalate are fragile. Food supply chain will break again, One news headlines, spreads panic like wildfire, and growth restores a strip bear within hours. Do you have a proper,
I have merchants food on hand. If not, now is the time to get some while things are still relative. become the company most americans choose is my patriot supply through the name. the largest preparedness company with millions of satisfied self reliant customers go to prepare with be dot com, for your one week, emergency food supply all comes in a nifty out. Ok, that's loaded with delicious meals, you'll love, there's no scam, with these meals, offering two thousand calories per day. Don't get this rule thirty dollars savings available this week. Only on the one week, emergency food supply go to prepare with be dot com and prepare for what's coming, prepare with me, dot com, yea travis. You want to take it! Well, I have some good news for you all the carnegie hero medal awards. Civilians, who put their lives in danger in an attempt to save others, was recently awarded to one mickey.
Wilson, good ol, mickey wilson, mickey will that's what I always say, one, and only in two thousand and seventeen a man slipped from a ski lift and was rendered unconscious hanging from a backpack around his neck. That's terrifying! But oh mickey Wilson, despite having a broken hand, climbed a scale of tower and walk thirty feet across the cable to cut away the backpack that was strangling the unconscious man. Wilson, an experienced slack liner was able to cross the cable as if it were a pasadena, suburban street. the widest of also urban streets, exiting that so lucky that, as a slack manner, is just happens to be there. If you believe in luck, why are you why used skiing within my own luck answer who go skiing? With the broken hand, either you always have you any idea does nedda he was skiing. He would you just happened to be there and why He broke his hand, while skiing yeah. What if he just broken
and decide how does he know it's broken because he is, it was falling off. That's a little more than a play on organic. This ok yeah Obviously it's a guy look at this picture that, but that's it that's so cool and and and a sign of god's providence, thirty per very experienced slack liner was able to cross thirty feet of what would otherwise be dangerous territory for most people here and great advertising. For that backpack I mean the strap didn't break. Now I will hunt what I do is fantastic, so did you ever see a movie called frozen, not the disney own. There was one before or call frozen, and it is about people stuck in a ski lift. Now I did its horror movie yeah yeah.
but it wasn't a ski lift. Hmm, I don't know it sounds familiar where they're just stuck there and yeah, and then one of the guys dies while they like all day, but one of them like definitely jumps and like snaps his leg, because there are sound familiar, he didn't try climbing up. One of them did and didn't make it. Let me tell you didn't: workout said: okay, if I like, if I was stuck there, why wouldn't you climb it? You know with your your you can hook your fee over each other. He was uncovered and have no I mean for the people in the movie. Oh god I was actually start. We don't care about mickey wilson, Sarah very fictitious figures. Well, that's it for good news. There is no more good news in the world are less. You have something to add tat. No, but hey good news. Yes, oh it! Actually, goodness we have a bank or of a week now. This has never happened.
Before in the history of his past, thanks I'm Adam. You answer the Babylon bees resident lutheran and on one The good ones Missouri Senate are you looking for a new path cast, maybe one created by lutherans or here's a podcast, I recommend issue et cetera issues etc? pod cast in syndicated radio talk, show featuring solid, serious, substantive interviews with experts in theology apologetically s philosophy, law and culture is etc. Has been educating, equipping an edifying christians for almost three Many years, listen issues, etc, dot, org or your favorite podcast provider go to issue
it cetera dot org today, but we want to talk about an article did very well for the Babylon bee. That article headline is authorities on hunt for arsonists who just burned down three presidential campaigns and look at this picture. Checker karlsson, a gloating giant face of tucker. He does he look repentant no, after just murdering three, residential canada is a brand that what inspired this article so that I did not write this. So there was a a g o p candidate debate, moderated by or forum moderated by Tucker carlson, and he took a lot of the candidates to task with the subject matter in which maybe they're not approaching, with as much of a strong viewpoint as as Tucker carlson. my viewpoint on this I would be a little bit more charitable to some of the candidates. I do agree that we
to hold all their feet to the fire. However, the primary, A story that everyone took out of this, I believe, is strong. we misrepresented, which was obviously the mike pen saying that quote: he didn't care about issues relating to america when it was very clear if in full context of the cliff that he was referring to its not his concern about the text being sent to ukraine. So I think I think that was very uncharitable. Read its poorly were laid on his car salute we couldn't was right after absolutely, Tucker ends like Tucker go on for a while, and then he ends it with so american. Not your concern, but he started with you're not concerned with you our concern with tanks going to ukraine yeah. It's not worried a well and then penzance, like not my concern, I think in pence's defense the way he said to MR a man I don't know what I think a little defence when you're asked a question, your formulating the thought in your head azured as you're going and so Tucker was saying
Why are you so concerned about the tanks being sent to ukraine? Why are you so concerned about the tanks being sent to ukraine and pence was forming in his head? I am going to answer this with that's. Not my concern illustrated very clearly that I am not concerned with and thanks to ukraine and it just unfortunately, Tucker ended it with the american citys being burned to the ground. I don't even get that that like ok, what does he mean by he's not concerned with sending tanks to ukraine? Does I mean he wants to continue doing does that mean he doesn't mind that it's happening. I learned at the end. He's like we can fix. Are our problems here and we can be the world police and it's like? I don't agree with that. I think Our focus needs to be ninety percent on america and ten percent on everything else, or I agree that our focus should be in america. I don't think we I'm not as fully a non interventionist as as others have some other conservatives. I believe there are certain factors worldwide
Issues that will affect the entire world. I think it is an america's best interest for russia not to invade another country, but simultaneously. We have to recognise that there is significant corruption problems in ukraine as well and that our money is not being put to good use. Are we spending too much money in ukraine absolutely? Does that mean we should have absolutely nothing to do with world affairs? I don't, and I dont believe it to be the case. Some libertarians might disagree for ukraine just there not really like focusing on the end goal, like ok, and for you now are you gonna start up analyzing, your your christian churches? There are you gonna, have them join nato. Are you going to have them stopping her up like what is the end goal, because ok, ukraine, when the war and russia is weak, ok awesome like what oh, what do we do with that with russia being weak, but that? How does that serve us and then with ukraine being independent again. Are they gonna go back to being like a terrible country? Probably
a don't I nomads lighting a large part is the energy dependence on on russia with moat many other european countries relying on russia, so reducing that depend thence. Additionally, russia, we know, are very bad actors on the world stage. As far as you know been involved in a military conflict. There is something to do. There is something to say for having military strength so that they do not aggressively attack other countries and in the future, because that really doesn't help anyone, but the the powerful dictators in russia, so dictators plural. Correct here is not just one dictator in russian whirlwind: one dictator falls than another will take us there. I'd like hydra. Yes, exactly
I think. That's that's where country, if you get, if you kill Putin, then to more take his place at the same time, to more put many who more half size proved to be effective, it is like a funding I gathered on each other shoulders and a transcript yeah. I don't know I just worry about her end goal and I yeah. I hope russia doesn't do something dumb. You know like attack somewhere else during this process, cause they keep accidentally hitting poland or like the border edges of poland when they're shooting into ukraine, and it's like how do you accidentally miss aim a missile that too, but I mean they'll, have computer systems and stuff on them yeah, but at the same time, Ukraine has also accidentally had poland, so yeah and said. Ah, russians didn't look at their just trying to start more staff while holding a debt. So there is
there's a lot of blame going around so and I yeah I kind of just want this behind us at the end of the day. I I do believe strongly in holding republican candidates feet to the fire and getting clear answers, especially the ones where they've been historically more wishy washy and I saw tucker- did do a service in holding everyone's feet to the fire, including Nikki haley, about the Nord stream pipeline about ASA hutchinson about the coven of covered vaccines. Asa Hutchinson quickly responded in a very witty fashioned. Will how many? How many covered shots? Did you get tucker tucker, to which Tucker responded? None, no interesting, and so I think Tucker definitely serves an important role in pulling people's feet to the fire, but maybe also he shouldn't be giving much airtime to
pornographers like Andrew tate. That's my two cents yeah I started watching it. I think I got shrek started watching his pornography. Is not pornography been there done that? No just kidding just kidding. I started watching the interview. I did really know the controversy with interstate. I didn't know he was a pornographer god it was the whole. Oh, he teaches men to be men, weird thing, and I was trying to find out like what kind of cause in the interview he doesn't say. Anything but
he's like I'm teaching men to go to the gym. The thing is Andrew tate, a lot of what he says is correct. However, a lot of his prescriptions are highly incorrect. Yeah he's a deeply flawed deeply. I would say evil person with his actions, but that doesn't mean he's sometimes has the right thing which he does yeah it's it's confusing, as I think the whole interview is, will the left hates you cause your empowering men, which I disagree with, that he's impairing men and then because that's like the whole, what tart attacker cars
it seems to be getting out of him and then the whole human trafficking charges. He was not really charged with anything and there are no women that came up and said that he did anything and then he was imprisoned for three months in romania and now he's out, and so he made it seem like there might be something about that like the left is trying to take him down and that and that, but I dunno that might be possible. But what's not in doubt is that interesting, Is a disgusting person? That's it's just the bible. I don't think that he's a role model. It's sad that men look up to him and it's like men who look up to andrew t. I don't think are datable, you know, have you looking for energy for advice would not. I delete a man. I hooked up with us
in my dating years, and I found out that he watches Andrew Tate's podcast and was a patriotic. That would be a huge red flag. Absolutely it's like yeah and if he was a pornographer, it's like well double double whammy. You know an entertainer rose him to whitewash all of his behavior. On the interview. I don't know if you saw the interview or the whole interview, but I watched a, portion of it, because it's pretty long, but he he makes it a big thing about like oh well, they they, the women, want to do these things for me and stuff and all that stuff, and some element of that might be true. Some element of it might not be. But regardless he's trying to make it all like it's fine, there's nothing wrong with anything at did. Switches, wrong, agitate is a terrible person and, speaking of terrible years are,
mom of the week the week so truth, social to begin paying content, creators and limited edition trump and have tea trading cards. I can see him doing that. So in light of twitter, now monetizing the platform a little bit more pain creators on twitter and have a little a few pennies here and there of truth, social, the joke is the truth: social repaying their members with extremely valuable one of a kind of another kind trump and if training cards I want one of those. Actually, why don't I don't we have? One is the be? Why didn't we get? One of them they sold out here they are. Actually pretty rare and lucrative because young and he made a second run. I think they also that to whites I dont know: who's boss, the legality of us making our own be branded trump entities because he's a public meeting here like it's, ok, ok, we're making our own.
We will own them personally would want even sell viewing. Seldom just did that makes them more rare. I think headlines at our longer don t you, as well as the shore punchy one yeah, so you're tired by how this was inspired by the twitter content, payments and stuff. So people like taylor, Lorraine, who is also a content creator to an extent she was mad at you and musk for paying right wing people like lives of tik tok towser servant of compound there they monetize their evil. Yes, she also docks lives it
we talk, and that was shortly after she was crying about being docks. Wasn't it absolutely her whole meltdown and then you win and so to lutherans and and inch are we allowed to say your name was told it's. It's public information think it is public, but maybe err on side of Emma. I would like you were going to go through the message I want you to play. The role of taylor ends. Okay and brandy, you can play the role of whatever the blue of tiktok cause. They have had a fraught history. Let's just say that: okay, so she
The chair on twitter- and this is the message hi I'm doing a story and twitters modest monetarism programme for creators. Did you receive eddie pale from twitter? I notice that you haven't posts it about it. Is it because you were invited to participate to which lives of tiktok responded? Please include my full comment. It's none of your business. You brag about monitors, isolation previously and other platforms, were you not included in must group? Has your relationship twitter soured. My relationship with twitter has not soured. In fact it's thriving you and I are actually actually data. Please don't tell anyone because we're keeping quiet. You have a name for and trustworthy and honest. So I know that I can trust you with this information nice. We will know that any tongue in cheek response. You claimed that your relationship with musk
thriving, but you did not respond to a question about whether you are receiving payments under the programme. I'm a story on people who suffer from illinois arrangement syndrome and refuse to pay for blue check and or took a lot and of their content off of twitter. I'm curious if they have any regrets now that their seen creators massive cash payouts. Can you give a comment, as I believe you fit this category now? I will note the u declined to comment that's I like the herd name, is terrible taylor, lorens, dodd sub stack dot, com link! That's where you go where you can support people a year asking lives a tick tock if she's being paid with your whole bio kind of asking people to pay. You are so
port you taylor ends up saying I just don't understand what taylor runs is even thinking continuing to engage with someone. That's brought her down so many pegs in that period, but also the whole story. I mean, I guess I don't know for sure, but I don't think the the monetization sharing is only for conservative twitter's own it. It's based it's based on how It's? U offend and how right wing you are the more all right. You are the more you get paid, ok, what they might some all right enough liking of all right. Let s try something! That's all right! right, hey enemy answer. Tell me what the weekly news is. It's time for the weekly links with the. Abc has cast jerry turner, a seventy one year old grandfather as its first golden bachelor, though they still haven't decided whether the rose ceremony will be open, casket they've also
ass, some of the geriatric old ladys who will compete for his affection. Thirty six Lauren thirty seven year old, tiffany and courtney, whose forty the trial started this week grow florida family, who saw bleak. from an online church as a cure for cove it. The prosecutor will argue that only johnson and johnson dangerous ineffective covert cures. Singer with khalifa said he was stoned f on troops when he threw the opening pitch. Had a pittsburgh pirates game and he must have been because it was actually t ball game in north Dakota, the heat index in southern iraq, reached one hundred and fifty two degrees on sunday, almost breaking erentz previously, record said inside sula monies toy oda. That gets nothing because of the worst I've ever had in my entire life jesse waters. Mom, who is a Democrat called into his news?
Z, waters mom, who is a Democrat called into his new fox news. Prime time show to congratulate him and warn him not to fall into conspiracy. Theory, rabbit holes tonight, jesse explore whether his moms voice was fake by chinese back day. I a new study, found that dogs evolved earlier than previously thought and may have coexisted with dinosaurs, which would explain All the dinosaur bones got buried. Maybe it satan. After all, scientists. All Oh now believe that dinosaurs went extinct because this pit bull killed their babies as the w gaze. right continues. The actors union sag after it has now also voted to go on strike, which means We would writers and actors are no longer allowed to work, but they can keep their day job at starbucks. A new democrats sponsored bill The house would raise the terms husband and wife from federal law and replace them with the word spouse, feel, hunt omar gets her way sibling this week.
bite and administration band. Further? U s! Funding of the wheel on institute a virology in china, after which doktor found she asked visits. He'll call if I've been modem or send some amazon gift cards, that's it for me We need to see more subscribed to my youtube channel and come see. Me live, albeit the roll call theatre in atlanta august, eleventh and gold country costs. no in orville california, on august thirty, first, oh Adam. As a bit much kaliko, we had two transitions which brings us into our next segments. Oh, what's that this next segment, I will have austin announce time. O asked him
So? What are you guys all consuming? You mean other than the word of god, every two. Yes, it does say anything that spiritually edifying. You would you like to start Travis. I recently started consuming the second. Miss born book, well of assent and, and boy are my arms that I'm burning pewter right now, just to finish reading how far you I am three chapters in. Would you think of the first book, the first book I loved it? I loved it. I loved it so much that I didn't continue the second book until several years later well, you have to buy it it. I have a long problem with ebooks, I'm not going to get into that right now, but I finally started it and I'm really enjoying it, and I highly recommend the first book was fantastic
and what are all the elemental metals every single elemental metal from one to sixteen is are as follows. So the b office is going through a little bit of a a mr bourne renaissance. I believe Joel just finished the first book as well. Oh, I didn't realise it. I believe Kyle just started the first book. I want to do a re read and reread since you're. You want I do a re re re re re, re, re, re, re yeah. We should do like a a b reads, miss point. Maybe that would know not maybe the one of the very first conversations I had ever had with kyle was asking him if he ever read miss born and he said no and he had no interest in it, and so the fact that he is actually he actually do so did we say no, and then he actually went on a record say like, and I have no interest in it for the record when he was. He basically said I dont see a point of reading any fantasy. That's not talking
That is why I am so he's a no to you and then draw recommended it actually of patent has done a reread lately, but peyton is the other Sanderson Sanderson yeah. I wish I could see some value of rewriting. The first book has been so long, but I'm kind of slow reader and I dont want to start over and never gets into saying about pre or post bus.
pre more so post bias. Sure but prey is more like I get distracted and just be like ooh reading. If that's a good one anything else and all I guess yes, I am consuming and call of duty cold war, because it's free on playstation plus right now I didn't even know that was a game. It is an ok game. That's my review of how many genders can you choose? You can choose zero. You can only be the character that they give you how many trans lags. Can you, where none that I'm aware of sounds like a great game? It's okay and it has that traditional call of duty, everything's scripted and you know you're, just the ai is kind of boring cause, they're, all just behind cover and you're shooting, but it mixes up a little bit of stealth. Gameplay in there cause it's cold war. You know, so it gives me a little bit.
A very light gold. I vibes for part of it, which I appreciate it fits your sneaky personality area. While you heard a here first, even those three years old and I started changing. The righteous gemstones on hbo has been its prey on strike now, but it's good. It's not clean, but it's about a mega church and their leaders with a nod and creative things they get into. It's really funny. So it's a fictitious show. Yes, it is a fiction, television series or just been clear for years, because you could say like oh, it's not clean, but it's powerful and dramatic cause. I mean technically, it's not clean, but it is funny.
yeah so and their saw my moments in there? That makes me think that they had a christian on staff, which is cool, like, though, make little comments like than someone in class cut her hair, and so she was like. Ah they samson me like a faker. Ok, you wouldn't know that reference if you didn't go to church. So I like that you find its broad disrespectful of church of culture or is it primarily critiquing the corrupt denizens of corrupt church culture, its more avow, it's really less about the church and more about the family, but it does kind of it doesn't. shadow good light, a mega churches which I'm totally fine with a rude, but also I did random hobbes recently I crochet to be oh. Would you like to show it? I would so there's the picture
I live on at all my followed me crochet to be, and I painted my dresser soiling flip that so I thought it would be cheaper to pay in then to buy a new one, and I think I am incorrect, It was the same amount of money cause. I don't have any painting supplies at all. But now you do so the next one will be better now. Hopefully, the pyramid scheme will continue really yeah and what a great picture of that dresser wow jeez. Did you just chalk paint? No, I don't, and I don't like how I've see I couldn't find a good picture of chalk paint, but I didn't like how it finished all messy. I want it to be clear. It's a specific look for a specific type of person
yeah, like a homeless person, yeah. No, I used regular acrylic paint and I barge jordan sander so shout out to Jordan, who you all know and love seattle, meaning some of you know yeah, so I bought a house recently program I'm consume. In I- giving all my money to the government and poverty tat something? There are more and more your eyes yes, but on yes, I'm painting diet and it's like doing another job said go home and then I drive to it and I paint and then I drink fork of coffee day, o off surviving.
Coffee clock on coffee energy drinks. Whatever has bad chemicals in a ring that country moms went leather, kids near growth, adjust the term crunching sit, so where did it is accurate than does the? French. She is that derived from the grenelle light in which they chew, or from the unwashed hair, the movement of unwashed here, That's not a movement, that's a movement being gross should not be a movement. I mean I understand if it's like. You know, you're one and there's no showers you're lying? Wasn't that a movie with jack back and know the aspects when I was a driver's her, ok, so the year to eighty there's, no showers, I understand if you don't wash your hair everyday yeah. Now we have that blessing.
I mean. Don't you have to wash your here every day, the virtual about her? What I have wifi boy is, can you know I forget your brain, but I dont know where country comes from an eye which I feel it gets not granola cause I've. I feel it crunchy moms would think that grenelle lies. healthy right in what you think she comes neurosis mom's, cheese, Jif, what I've been consuming that is so consumed a large portion of my life was tiers of the kingdom, but ever since I have finished that- and I have been able to put those tears behind me, I read you mean the nightmare painter a few weeks ago. I very much enjoyed it. It's it's. Cyber punk meets fantasy were isn't cyber punk already fantasy cyber punkahs, more cypher,
however, that there are some weird stuff that I don't love in it like the bath, how scenes and there's nothing like super super sexual, but there is like Sanderson awkward. Did he in it, which I dont really love yeah, but overall I thought it was. It was a great book and I also read just finished and wool by hugh Howey I was granted was. It was excellent and I will be continuing tonight, nice in a series, but have you been consuming anything else? Nothing else! No food, no water, just those two books, video game. Are you be richly edifying and is wolf spiritually edifying. If you want to hear about spiritually edifying video games, stay tuned for the subscriber segment upcoming. How interesting? Alright, let's move on to hate mail hate mail like that,
to say, like that. You used to be good and pour out, and for that I haven't really miss eyre employed from an zero eighty, six. Eighty seven sixty three Did they hire some writers? I remember when the bay wasn't funny at all. It was funny how on funny. They were just one thought after another and that was responding to lizard person gives hearing account of being harassed on airline, so it I'm not entirely hate mail has no saying hey. This is a good article, but also like that's the one
It was the one that oh they're doing something neat over originally lizards, my sense of humor, all all lizards, all the time. I love that article though so good. It is okay, that's it for hate mail and that's it for the freeloader portion of the podcast. Thank you so much for watching. If you're a subscriber, we have a very special Travis's game corner incoming, so stay tuned for that, where Travis is going to have to find sermon, illustrations based on video game characters and topics that sounds impossible. It sounds mission impossible for ninety. Ninety seven and in a sixty four. Thank you so much for watching this has been the Babylon bee pot cast goodbye joining up next about along these subscribers. How many snakes are consumed in the making of the videos asked gwen. Forty two first
max it's a big production thing and I don't over anyone. I know he's done so, but are you I've? Never even a single fruits are working for the far right and in which some of us leader, coffee and our friends bags your total a church occasional surveyed him a sermon giver. Always g. Has been another edition of the Babylon bee by gas from a dedicated team of certified fake news journalists. You can trust here at the Babylon bee, reminding you that Jesus is king the with you, a cellular, it's just twenty nine. Ninety nine per line for one two or three lines. So you don't need that robot daughter, you built to get a fourth line for family glamorizing rope, loser, Beth, she's, I can I like that. The road isolated prevail,
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-25.