« The Babylon Bee

CPAC Drag Queens, The January 6 Scam, Christian Music Showdown

2023-03-10 | 🔗

Adam Yenser returns to delight Kyle Mann and Jarret LeMaster with outrageous stories about the greatest European country on earth: Finland! Then Adam has to come to grips with America’s ridiculous news cycle. Did you know that drag queens are all about CPAC now and that Tucker Carlson has been exposing the January 6 insurrection isn’t quite what the media has described it to be?


But enough about dumb news. We’ve got to talk about the Christian Music Bracket! WHO’S GOING TO WIN? (Answer: DC Talk)


The Weakly News with Adam Yenser makes its triumphant return and we also dig into the mailbag. Subscribers are in luck for an extended mailbag segment as well as always loveable subscriber headlines.


Oh, and Jarret is doing a thing! Go see him at his Easter event in Covina, CA: https://luminate.church/iwfc2023


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The january six tapes are coming out and looks like the protesters were mostly peaceful. See pack went down this way. and what happens at sea pack. We talk about on the pod gas. Are you ve done? with the d c talk christian, music march. Madness listen. More moron Babylon americans are discovering that if we want to change the nation, we have to change the way the marketplace works and that change starts with you, with your local communities and with your wallet, be deliberate with your dollars and reject corporations. Imagine a world in which every single dollar you spin would go towards companies that share your values for life, liberty and patriotism. Now, with the public square ass, you can public ask you or public square is an app and website that connects freedom, loving americans to the community in companies that share their values.
engage in a nation wide platform with the largest directory of patriotic businesses and consumers, will accessing exclusive savings at businesses that see the world the way you do, the marketplace: it's free to join for consumers and business owners alike to get started and shop. Your values download the public square app from the app store or google play, or click on the link. In the video description, everyone, I'm kind of energy for the Babylon bee hanging out with Jarrett le master, aghast and adam answer. Who s to say hello in finnish, and you know what I did Learn? How do you didn't say actually you say anything actually! No! I did I hear people it's funny. They just go: hey, hey! Okay, I don't know if that's an actual finnish word or it's just what they say. How did they said whether it'd be like hey you walk in a store, can counter use passing sony hey? How are you, nuts,
it's the and intonation and everything yeah heh heh heh, but it was great. Finland was awesome, serious or they very series of their nodded. I wouldn't say their superheroes, I did stand up, showed and it was awesome bunch of fans came out. There was ten, eggs on the line up? I think three performed an english, including me You obviously don't speak finnish. The host did half english and half finnish, because some people from the tour group that I was traveling with came to the show. So there's a lot of only english speakers in the audience and the most of the people in helsinki speak both finnish and english and several their languages, and but I I was interviewed by these two guys. They were great, auto and johan S. I don't know if they're watching, but they work for a finnish lutheran magazine online. The energy me about my faith and comedy and babylon be, and we want to take a picture and they told me in Finland we don't smile for pictures
I reserve just it's just- is just it just there and stand there and look at the camera cyclist pensioner meeting hundreds or they had to stand there for hours and just had tat had the look just slow. still not still for this shot. Finland is awesome when snowmobile eying, dog, sled ANG got to see them northern lights reindeer meet. Eight bear me his quaint experience, and you said those are both very tasty mists. Yes, I enjoyed both of prepare the the rain. Do they have it? I sauteed reindeer. They serve it over kind of cut up like chip steak and served over mashed potatoes with lingonberries and pickles. It was very good yeah yeah and they call it something. Really. actually like what is it reindeer over sought? Adrian, yes, as others again, that's the ashworth it s not about, this is such a render here. Yet yeah we were up near the arctic circle for a lot of times is everything
when I was eight degrees in our minds, beautiful, we did see the nor I echo what it's great to have you back. They were green. They got more and more brilliant. As the night went on, we went out around nine and they drive you up. North of the arctic circle is frozen lake and you walk out there and its about eleven degrees to begin with, and then there's just this arctic window I don't like freezing rain blowing in your face all the time, but you wade out there and at first it just looks kind of hazy white clouds in the sky and they fade and they come and go and you think oh maybe that's it. Maybe that's all we're going to see the night. eleven o clock, it gets brilliant green and they caught a curtain shimmers and waves. Guys actually kolya circle. It's called at the universe, evolved and random manner, but after that beautiful aclands, so is did you feel like you're on a planet? I was, it did, feel other
worldly. It felt like I'm on a planet right now. Sometimes that occurs you you know. I live on a planet somewhere yeah, yeah, awesome or a flat earth depending on yeah. Yes, that's right, a disc, it's still a planet, it's just all at once. Yeah do the flat earth are still call it, when it, I guess that's it. I guess they call it a you're like a shell, a disk patterson, it's the shell of a turtle, as happened at the start of a very large turtle, Yes, it's turtles, although it all the way to its turtles. Oliver down pact is Jared yeah. You have something to promote. Oh yes, so I'm gonna be playing Jesus in an easter play. Coming up the weak right before you or so it's that weak upon sunday and I've done this show a long time they took about five years or so he's doing it for twelve years, I played a lot of different characters. I play the devil once I played. I think I play da
young john one time and then I start plain Jesus and I was point used for about eleven. You know something like that alone is now ten years. The mouth and I get a math, but then vyvyan just john when he was young. Yes, so there's an old john and the data is like James. The lesser thought there was a bible carrying their little john from your little did. I have staff there. Is this offer google young man that is going to be able to play. So you get more wide wide range of the middle ages, While in this this shows him say, there's like lasers, there's donkeys, you know, there's me In a loincloth there's a That is not the story of visas and the lasers achieve. This is another hearing. We rules and manage any hopkins played Hannibal? also puts his louis yeah. That's a pretty gun, but I still think sing. Jesus is a little bit more like the furthest points on the arrondissement linear heightened is
has rained out here in my range- is much larger than now it so crazy. We are you know, there's there's crazy stuff happens in the show too it's a lot of fun. You just never know. What's going to happen, it's always read the bible. We know what's going to happen, I know, but I sometimes once I'm crazy one time I was in all these roman soldiers there I'll beat me up and stuff, they throw me on the cross and I'm on top of this. This set which is probably already about fifteen feet up and they there's this in the music, we're all gonna like those giant giant John John G and Jesus cross gets like slammed into the ground, and it looks like he's like in a four dramatic events. And- and so anyway, one time you say blah, I'm like I'm like that, exactly like bait, whether it be religious to portray Jesus is going to do so anyway,
at these guys forgot to put the so the pin on the right hand, side is holding onto these two pens. Obviously they don't really crucify me, but I don't do the philippines thing that really nail you up or that once that one movie with Kristen anyways so, but they they kind of catapulted me they didn't put the pin, on this side, so they they just threw it out. These big cops like it, usually all the roman soldiers or cops really strong guys, and they just like threw me up, and I like, flew off of the cross like like. I was already like twenty hours like twenty five feet in the air. Just flew off the crowds at everyone was like. I was like flying through the air and my loincloth and my wigan, like I'm just like whoa in atlanta, on the ground- and I did this like. I did this like ninja raw, so stupid but I like landed enrolled you now. I got to break my far Zena. Do ended. I can't live like a surfer, surprise,
the price they back grown as evidence of the crowd? Gasped literally they were all our lives. Yeah was through that he just supposed to go. Blair up the scripture says blah the cast. Okay. None of that none of the people in the castle are extras, but they're, not actors, so they don't know what to do. Let me know if you're an actor if you know what to do if Jesus get catapulted but like, but we land on and I get in everyone's just silent, like the entire places, just looking at me staring- and I I'm staring at every one else do is. I was very surprised by the holy spirit and soil. I look out at that Our decision- and I was like I'm ok, I'm ok and I turned to correct that
click, climbed back up on the yeah, nobody climbed back up to new york, yeah, just like threw my arm around yeah was like one side once I didn't know and then I couldn't hold my older up for that long. So, just like, oh- and this was alive- the performers seriously. This wasn't a yes, no live performance. I had an audience on tape somewhere. I you know what there might be a tape of it. We've got I guess it was one of the time. Ok, there's this massive, like six foot, sit on that their role away so like nino, and it's made out of styrofoam. It's not like super lie but it's you know its letter, so we're walking. there's a healing scenes on walking through an I'm healing everybody in there's this guy, that sitting right in front of the idea of the stone and he like he's from sri lanka, he's like an immigrant he moved here. Is nice guys really cool, not an actor and he's just like going ons for the blind ones. For the blind, like a marketo
Two in one of the roman soldiers accidentally hits the top of this thing right, and so it like falls is he's like ours, with a black over the figures like donated blood and is like, in the whole, this big rock. This big, like it's like a six and a half. What rock like lands on this poor again nobody's an actor in there and the only one. So I walk over and unlike lifted up the rock up Jesus, you knows If it is like look at me like it out, because lifting the indiana jones rock he just uses a guy. I could see yeah. He literally didn't know what to do, and it was awesome- and I was just like his blessing, my child, no man, of course, screwed into the ceiling.
Like there's out loud. I grasped that animals are like mozilla, really, don't know what happened to the level of died once the donkey died like tonight. video die or really eyes. They don't know the yet right before the end, so her name was maggie and she, I was you know, I'd get honored I'd been writing this donkey for like nine years, you know supposed to be a call that no I've never been ridden. She was like six years old. It sounds like wasn't biblically accurate, so I get on this and you know the night before she kicks the bucket. We get a brand new donkey the next day and like it was like the biggest donkey I've ever seen, and so I jumped on this donkey to ride in for the great triumphal entry and like there's all these, like little kids with tambourines and stuff running around the donkey, got confused and started like bucking and then ran out like ran out wow. I like jumped off the donkey, ran past the.
These little kids and I'm just like Jesus, you know like everyone's like Jesus. What do we do and I'm like I'm just an actor yeah? I don't know I have no control, and so anyway, so you should come see. The shop in a great hurry to go. I was planning on it, but now I'm gonna be there. Now that the others, the other side of it, is you know it's so there's there's all It's like ccm, music from the nineties. It's it's like totally nostalgic, like you know, it's like a lot of you know, Steven Curtis, chapman and stuff, but it's weird because I have this. You know. Jesus God uses the cheesy things of the world to shame the cool sometimes and like a thousand people come to Christ every year, and so people are just like. I want one of all christ on the folk right. So if you guys get a chance, it's act gets called illuminate church. They changed the name of the church for years ago anyway, so it's called illuminate church. It's in Covina. The show is called, I will follow. Christ come check it out. My friend plays the devil. It's we have a great time,
so it's a lot of fun and you never know what you're going to see. That sounds. Awesome might have great. You never know. That's wonderful! Yeah arya will have links to all that in the show notes, so go check it out, hey if you want to support the Babylon bee, you can do that by becoming a subscriber. We rely on our subscribers to keep the Babylon bee. Satire flowing, go to Babylon bee dot com, slash plans, you get extra content access to the forms where you can pitch headlines and interact with other subscribers, and you get the full ad free, podcast, Babylon beach. The council, s plans go there right now, we're gonna get out of the show. A sea pack happen. We're gonna talk christian music. We are going to look at the weirdest website. You've ever seen and we're gonna talk to Paul Cox from rough tunes. Let's hit it, babies are both man. What's in the mail bag, I know we have a really special lum email, and this is some for adam gray. How does he know about this? don't think so, unless he or I I didn't know that was happening on this one, we got an email like this before right. Yes,
If someone m t Martin no three and said so, you read my question on the podcast I'm here to update you on this amazing girl for Adam. She fits nearly all your conditions, like my condition, except that you a five hour drive north view, santa cruz, but we can take care of that they're gonna. Give me a car care that here's, the rundown she's in her early thirties may be thirty, three or thirty? Four, they don't know they haven't asked, never been married. That's good that when these conditions, as well as better so thirty three list of its fitting my list of demands so far, thirty three thirty four check never been married check. She's very recently, reformed still reforming pentecostal got it and TAT S, not lutheran, though she started attending our church during covert, because she was impressed with how courageous calvinists can be, and she was not.
with her pentecostal, buddies marches cr, you see pretty similar to lutheran church misery sinon, except that were crazy enough tittle to let everybody whose baptize take communion is that different from The lutheran church, Missouri synod is very strict about. They read the confession of what we believe about communion prior to communion every week and you're only invited forward, if you confess, also that Christ is truly present in the and the brenner wine. Now the elsie yea is more like this, where they'll, let everyone whose about possibly her come up, got two songs. You were the rainbow pin you can take to deliver the brow. The I'll see you in the last two and a half years She, a single handedly started a weekly homeless outreach which are hold churches, become involved in and volunteered to disciple or junior high girls, who often she's amazing. That's great is the more condition
Check enough, that's my other demand. Is junior high girls have to approve a cow. Did a junior high girls, We think she's, amazing too, and if you think this is all just to cover up the fact that she's not attractive, you would be she she's super cute fit gorgeous, which is about the best description. I can give you as it forty something pastors wife has been married for twenty years, got it and if that whole description doesn't do it for you, her name is christian wow were made You have my email and here's my number. We will arrange an all expenses paid trip for setup date if you're interested troy really offer me in all expenses paid river at santa cruz. I've always wanted to go to santa Cruz. All this a rom com. You don't have to answer right now, but I think about it. You know you ve got the eternal They had on my list of de mello gaily how Paul wrote letters to all the church
reason mediterranean. I sent a list of my romantic demanded instead of research and telephone, whatever lutherans. If this is those words the cr ac or something oh right, right, VR ec series. You know- and I would love to see this as I wish we could document this experience. I think it would be, even if I decided to do it, we would definitely have we need a doctor in it yeah. I would love to see the rom com version of this yeah like what you are looking for, what I'm what I'm curious about in all this they ve, I dont, think they've mentioned in either email. Whether they've told this girl about this. I was wondering the same thing cause that should be one of the questions that she knows that your cum yeah. I I shop there by all expenses paid trip and there she is surprise or tyler. What I did good time to protect, that's good! That's wonderful! Writer, oblique! Maybe I don't fit her list of demands. She might have conditionality some are right. Well, thanks for that offer him and workable
persons that, are you telling all consider? I think we should get the picture first. Yes, I want to say that I do not say that gives an army mean because I'm sure they're telling the truth, but it's always a little suspicious. when they say she's gorgeous and beautiful no attachment about what's up oh and I'm a I'm a forty year old wife of a pastor, yeah, I'm sure I'm sure yeah, maybe we'll get the picture in the militia, so the other bad thing is that if they said the picture the next week or just like now, we're not doing We will never bring up Ok, well, hey Babylon! Be fans join me at the twenty twenty three issues, etc, making the key this conference Friday june, sixteenth and saturday june, seventeenth, concrete university chicago I'll, be made the case against cancel culture? about comedy and arts and how
genes can use these tools to fight against cancer culture time for us stand up for our beliefs and the public square, and the Babylon b is just one small part of that fight for free speech is going to be. time will be joined by journalists mark and molly hemingway, lutheran church, missouri synod. President Matt Harrison san francisco, archbishop salvatore cordially own and others. Attendance is limited to five hundred on campus dorm options are available. Early bird registration is one hundred and forty dollars and includes three meals: learn more issues, e t, c dot, org, that's issues, e t, c dot, org, making the case june sixteenth and seventeenth in chicago issues, e t c dot, org I'll see you there what's in the news this week, speaking of christian I was watching the news this week and this is my favorite news stories, not really new story, but who is the best
artist in christian music there's a twitter account named, whose name the guy that runs like twitter account is Eric Maclean, a hand, and he has it. Doing it painstakingly research, twitter bracket of christian music, of a christian music tournament like the marked madness, a basketball tournament or twitter. users are voting for the best artist in how it currently on round to think this is gonna go all month, depending on how long the voting rules and yeah. Let's go let's way in here. Let's look at the will put the bracket upon the screen, though there is there, but what sixty four teams, or was it fifth year in and each and each division he's divided this by pioneers and crossovers rock alternate in metal, youth group, music and c c m radio. I we know there are different grounds or because what are those difficult is already in the second second round in the woods, the first one pioneers and cross you ve switch foot and pierre de against.
Other- and I feel that there too, that made through the biggest mainstream having made big, mainstream blacks you them against each other. That early and know you know it's a weird, I mean you got Amy grant versus six pack on the same guy. I didn't realize sixpence on the richer was a christian banned. The erika that's borderline always is run The fence, yeah yeah, the super tones vs dc talk, that's not even a that's, not even a thing I mean I have this. I do want to predict who you think is going to be the best one so I really wants, which would to get at least into the semi final. I dont know if gonna beat Amy. Granting immigrant has a lotta of name, recognition that she's number one seat and that at all, I could I really? I really will pull for switch there. Also, you get Keith green, who a lot of people that follow christian music are going to vote, and this next round might be Keith green, vs, Larry norman, and there are the two like grandfathers they weren't married to each other, not like gay grandpa,
but they were like the two grandfathers of christian music and a lot of ways. Yeah and I get striper. I have a tendency to think on the right side. You're going to get a jars of clay, vs DC talk, matchup, and I think you know I feel like DC talk will definitely go far. I'm hoping get to the semi finals, because I really liked them there's some pretty big early via competition there, since there's some big for it's around eliminations. If you look some of the ones like delirious, they were a big worship ban in the late nineties. They got knocked out by the super tones and round. One is in the news boys, knocked down receded six, when a major upset yeah, they went up against we friends are interesting, fiber and friends. He knocked out newsboys because I feel like the newsboys have had a much longer run yeah. They have well friends. He did in five are friends of your communist now but aren't, but they re tweeted. They kept five hundred friends who kept retreating.
Poland getting their fans to vote for it. So there was a little bit of of the interaction. Hale song is like what probably the most popular cushion worship group now helstone. united and they got knocked out and run one hillside. Worship also got knocked out in round one on bethel. Music would be the other one c bankers chapman like bethany as yet order my christian bends, yeah, there's so for king in country or like versus jeremy camp. Unlike whatever do, let me guess entry for If I'm gonna make a prediction I'll say: Michael w smith is gonna, win this division Did you talk of easy talk? Is getting this division, I mean to say Switchfoot, but that's probably my hopefully that grant near that's. My hopeful I know whatever like no skillets on there to still is like national royalty. Let's go in expiate for this division. I think
in Gary yeah you're. Probably right, that's that's wishful thinking on my part, but then the final round, I think, DC talk is definitely going to be crowned lord of the day. I agree him. And the bank of the tennessee river, so this guy has had has some interaction, a demon hunter re, tweeted, his tournament, Derek Webb, re tweeted, it who's Derek whip, he's somebody who had came kidman's call okay, admits he's. Also, I think, a progressive christian yeah. He he wrote a bunch of like it actually really thoughtful music back and actually gets right over the end of a member of reliant K voted against him. His own bat allow, if it by france in this one reese roper of fibre, infringes help five are to become the champions in this meaningless pole. So lots and lots of cool interaction. Jars of clay says that day man, an inquiry into the way the tournament is being run, the as they didn't make. It passed the first strand I've aren't as sharing it on neither did the other five
Sharing the relentlessly fits I'm going to check that they really validated fire up their fan base, saint just real, was upset that they weren't even included in the tournament Oh, so that's what I I don't know all the christian rock bands, bans as well, but are there any major? Was that were left off that you do? I know he treated like a list of I'm the guy left off? I think there are some major ones and left out, but I mean you're, you gotta pick sixty four. You know, I think he probably bit pick the right one to have the term Cutlass Scott eliminated in round one by third day, and they responded with eyeball emerges. Is this as a serious and mean this is a particular period of time right is not now has maverick city would probably when now, since, Classic cecy am army of some of those are modern. Bans are killing. You know this is just all time grates, I think
well, I dunno, I think, maverick city's moving into that category, but I dunno Steven Curtis chapman he's got the eyeballs here. Yeah he's like what's going on with me, guess because he did not, he is actually he wrote the lord of the dance and he's not going to win the lord of the dance. Yeah is johnny cash ever concert. Did these things for all. There are not even maisie these made it a lot of so this would so that more modern kind for a christian others like yeah. This would be the modern did every he was not even really a christian artist yang until later but he'd never been. The man comes around yeah and in the early two thousands before his death, he released a lot of christian yeah yeah. He did he did. He was just classic country is not considered as christian music because he's good, I say, yeah alright, so that was great best of luck to all the artists yeah. It was great and farmer friends that please stop being communist you're, my favorite band. I know gosh
and derek web. Please come back to the lord. I didn't ok, this weekend drag queen news, We need a graphic and amusing nemseh that this weekend drag queen new play this as regards babylon, and this will be the last time that ever do your hair, slides george. This conservatism, the art and see announced the pride coalition. Ok, this is a recent thing, a partnership with log cabin republicans I had of the mid term, said: marilla. Guess the aren chairwoman Rona mickey annual said are in c, is committed to working with the country's largest group representing you can see, lives analyze. It was all. Applicants really is a result. I think you better. Delete. This is all about c pack: dimensions. I did say that was that z pat, was that twenty three august conservative drag queen showed up at sea. Ports can serve yes,
you're gonna be showing up so the log cabin republicans or the gay like the gay republic, a gay repugnant How do we do we feel about? How do you guys feel about yeah? That's a great kind of an inch in question. Does it's like you can maybe see if some people I can share certain values I being able to I personally, think generally that it's a good thing politically and for the country, but I think there's a big divide between peoples. Motive. it's for conservatism in their own political beliefs, because I think a big portion of evangelicals see faith and religious values as a huge part of their political views? Now I think it's it's valid to have those debates in terms of theology and your religious beliefs, but as first politics and the future of the country goes. I know this will be controversial, some of our viewers, but I do think I I meet gay people. Even a few transgender people,
Who are very pro free speech? Don't like the way woke, mrs being forced and culture, and I think, in terms of having allies supporting liberal in general in the constitution. I think it's good to have those allies, but You think many be wary of not letting that cultural impact influence. Religious belief and I guess I worry a little bit about the slippery slope like a log cabin republicans today. Is it like drag cut cabin republicans and fifty. You know that right. The question to me is like we bring this into the center of of kind of the conservative movement and then it normalizes it even more odd. Then you know. Does it? Does it then become normal in our public schools even more from the, yeah size it just the liberals, pushing this agenda yeah or are they really pushing an agenda like my eye?
I have a tendency to agree with you adam that that player pluralism is a good thing. I think a variety of people having opinions that are conservative and free speech advocates is a really good thing. I think, having those voices in and having a conversation with folks in a political sense, really a great thing, but I also think you know, religiously, you know forcing people to believe certain things or shaming people for believing that these things are good or not, and I mean like I'm always gonna- think it's perverse again made. Even if I like the people yet- and I am always- I have a hard time with what they do, because it's just not you know it's not yeah. Anyway. Probably I think we have to be wary of what their motives are in promoting this at a political as a trojan horse. Oh yeah, the question: is it a trojan horse woman? while meant walls had uninteresting twitter comment. He said absolute embarrassment, you're, not a conservative. If you're fighting conserve perversion that should need
explain so I'll be sharing this picture of a drag queen entering see pack a drag queen, whose call calls himself lady maga, lady maga. I guess this person this drag queen person has been seen at multiple conservative events like it's kind of a thing: and how do we know how lady maga feels about things like drag queen? story: hours right should kids be exposed to it, or has it ain't? No, to your point, I think, as a christian, I am certainly you know confident in my religious faith, calling certain behaviors perverse that doesn't fit my values in terms of liberty for the country you know until they started pushing drag queen store, as in its on kids, I am even if I disagree with that. Morally, if they would have a drag queen being night at a bar or something like that for adults. I've don't necessarily think there. Government should be started at origin out. It's ok,
something I disagree with or I have moral objections to, but in the sense of a free society they were right to do that right. yeah and yeah? It's it's a challenge in ten years time at this I dont know. If lady imago has ever read books to children in libraries, Now that's a good question. I honestly that is, the question is like. Are we trying to tell kids that it's ok, hungary, you trying to tell kids? It's ok, verses! You know some person dressing. Like a lady yeah, you know I don't like what you you just like. Would you but see back. He'll get egg is ever been to see, pay now I'm nervous mostly get worse, was here this year at someone we were supposed to go to. Let it see lady, I got here, we actually were invited at one point, but I don't know what happened we get busy. I always see those big political events has just been giant circuses and morally yeah just in the I don't mind, go in there and meaningful people like lady mega. I want to be part of the dragon
bingo night, in other news. Tucker karlsson, got january six tapes from house majority, leader, Kevin Mccarthy and he's playing them for his audience. The question is: do they tell a different story than what the january six committee was telling us january? Sixth? Was Kevin Mccarthy defended releasing the tapes Tucker karlsson after media said, Tucker used the tapes to whitewash what happened made. It seem most sleep, peaceful and downplayed officer brian sickness and death, who has seen walking around on the footage. Sir. bingley. Ok after he was attacked by attacked and pepper, spread by magda supporters. Tucker said the J six committee added audio too silent cc tv, forage, inserting screens and other out mayhem sounds to make it. Seymour ominous, and I read that error I'd see, that's the thing I don't know. If that's true, that's I feel it that's. A big scandal
if a deterrent, claiming that the net strike I put the, why haven't they rang? I haven't somebody jump through the wood, I haven't wants to. In this, but I get visited the shopman was being let around by the police. I did see some of tucker carlson's footage of it. It does show the sharm and being led through the interior of the capital, building with two police officers, at least who are walking besides him, who talk they met point to open a door for him at one point when he is in the house. Chamber the end he praise for the he gives this public prayer where he praised for them for letting him inside and see. and he seems like sort of a weird guy, regardless of whether you think that or cultic reindeer is always hard for me with this. Is it because of how politicized this has become? It's so hard to just speak about the january six thing with nuance: yeah. I think it
it's terrible that it devolved into a riot. I think the violence that did happen was bad and I don't ever want to hesitate from condemning that. I do think there were a few isolated groups there that had nefarious plans, these militias and stuff that showed up, but I do agree that the vast majority of people came there. They were peaceful, the activities that took place when they in the capital did not seem particularly violent, and it was not this narrative that the Jay six committee of the Democrats made up where it was a violent insurrection planned by president trump and his followers and so yeah. I I think it's. I think it's a good idea to release All the footage, there's through the debate over whether you know news outlets get all forty thousand hours and it should be made available publicly. I think it's good to let people see what happened for themselves. According to this pull over eighty percent, Seventy eight percent of Democrats, eighty six percent, a republican say that all the video should be released, yet they re brunette
but he wanted to see what would happen and what suspicious about it is. It does seem now it's as seventy percent of Democrats publicly want it to be released her. It does like democratic politicians and media figures are the ones who are most opposed to. You know not releasing it I thought you cnn has already run articles trying to debunk and downplay what tucker karlsson is saying, but it's right there on tape. You can deny what you're saying debunk the actual fully bond It's saying: don't don't believe this don't accept what you're, seeing with your own eyes, sen, chuck Schumer stated tuesday that fox news should prevent tucker carlson from airing more january. Six video footage of law is like footage. Reply
I have heard what I had actually happened. There just footage nuts and the brine signet thing. It's so sad that that officer died, but his is death has been politicized in a weird way, because the official medical examiner report said that he died of natural cause of medical conditions that it was exasperated by the events that took place. That day, but what I think is always weird about. If you look up the wikipedia article on January sex, they always referred to in the media, on the left as the deadly insurrection? I say there these valuable that died. If you lay the foreseeable that died, it was brian signet who died a day later accord in the medical examiner of natural causes. There was someone who, reduced on drugs near the riot, and then there s two other people. I think that that died of natural causes, either during or after There is no other tragedy or riot. They were they were they count casualties as people who died of natural causes nearby or after it took place. That's right,
in its it's ridiculous thing really tried out on a street. She was to states away for the council one mcdonald's tweet on January six, twenty twenty one, let's say norm from beyond the grave okay, I loved, when the violent terrorists made sure to respect the velvet ropes in statuary yeah with a great picture there is just picturing he's, got a way of seeing things. I dunno why that tickles me so much, but he gets me. trump had things tat chance responses, congratulations to Tucker karlsson on one of the biggest scoops. As a rapporteur in u s history, the new surveillance footage all cap of the january six events, capital sheds and entirely different light on what actually happened: the unsolaced committee was a giant scam, now unequivocally been stamped as criminal fabricated of this most important day. Pelosi and Mcconnell failed on security
The police story a sad and difficult to watch trump and most others are totally innocent. Let them go free now, but the research rumpus he sang to let trump go for it. I feel, like trumps, nickname game has really gun down who, in recent years, like the un's left committee was his parity, facile. Let's run the sanctimonious was wrong to say that I think you'll get it back again. He's guess gear, not for campaign mode hill hildy. Without the the hits a cap into this area, I got one more message. I guess this is a truth, social! True. How can you put something untruth? It's called through social. It's called a true and when you share it, it's called they reach a richer and it says deposed post,
I am even at that, doesn't make sense, and it's all cat this. What is every single word is all capital. Let the january six prisoners go, they were convicted or our awaiting trial based on a giant lie a radical left cod job. Thank you to talk or carlsson and speaker of the house, Kevin MC others, one lowercase letter mick yes, he did gathering to bother to lower case that card the ever what you both I've done. New video footage is irrefutable, summation, murder, extermination works at nice and those at four a m for a fourth or twenty eight, these just wakes up, he was still awake. I have to say this right now: they do not sleep, they don't sleep alright. Well now it is time for sizzler facts say to their faq. Sixty five weeks ago we started sizzler facts. Here's the
for this week in two thousand and eleven sizzler introduced a food truck concept called Zizi truck not to be confused with Zz top, I'm sure was a take on a play on words. Then you included items such as sliders, one dollar, cheese, toast red velvet, cream sandwiches and their signature sandwich the meta, terry and a veritable pile of tried to pull pork hella pino bacon and jack cheese slathered with suppose they saw small stacked, unceremoniously between two slices of cheese, toaster them. That looks too It makes me hungry yeah that looks just saying that looks really good yeah, I feel like I would die of natural causes exacerbated by the underground with agenda two thousand the Zizi truck is based around the santa Anna California area. If you'd like to visit the Zizi truck, you cannot, they have been on operational. For about a decade. This has been sizzler facts and I will have a sizzler review now
and now a review of sizzler. Ah this is, on the avenue. Sixty five, the infantry, a kilometer, five point: four carolinas ears are night: five port, the rico sizzler escort your location and rene Rivera wrote the review that he posted of a er. She had enough rene and rene man and of the sizzler went for lounge and relevant and really surprised with a z to enter a rare restaurant totally different days to also present this to all sizzles. It looked out and organized different. Will the food tasted good, but this is slow tables to beer, each other and kind of noisy. It has free parking, but our rather not visit this one again makes you feel like I'm.
in sizzle yeah. I have nothing to say that I want to look that up on maps if it's actually a sizzler, if it's just a different restaurant with a similar yeah. Actually, this is noticeable what did you see? It was a burger king. speaking of sizzling content? Now it is time the first time in a few weeks, weekly news with let sir answer yet anxiety in your life and you find it hard to find time to meditate on the scriptures. I knew I'd look me. I'm a mess. Abide is the number one christian meditation out of itas is cool apps. You look, I've got it on my phone right here. It's got to scripture readings for the day it has meditations for various different problems you might be facing, such as anxiety and stress. It even has a whole thing for sleep, sleep storms, you can kind of just those are as peacefully meditate on goods were. Everything's really well produced with different sound effects like battling bruce. What
So why don't you download divide up today and you can find peace immensely, right now we have a special offer. We subscribe twenty five percent of your first year within sight of premiums script, but only if you ex our promo code babylon to two to four three: three: don't we download abide sleep and premeditation today, text our promo code, Babylon, two to four three three today to get twenty five sent off it's time for the weak link in a new interview this week, prince Harry, said that psychedelic are now a fundamental part of his life and help him deal with trauma specific he said mushrooms have helped him alleviating society except his own self worth and realise the rest of the royal family, are inter dimensional lizard people a fatal. In china, raised what they thought was a massive puppy for two years before discovering it.
They bear. They realized. It was a bare because it quote. Tasted two gave me chicago mayor, lorry Lightfoot lost her bid for re election last week and she was so sad. Her face just sank. What's that on your mind. It was like that already chris rock performed a live netflix comedy special, where he addressed. Will smith meg markel outrage culture and why he supports abortion, after which a newborn crawled on stage and slapped him I go more, has called re nationwide boycott of walgreens because it stopped selling abortion pill at some stores. Michael, this makes no sense, you're, not pregnant. The only thing that's gonna get, if that bump is diet and exercise florida, governor ron de santis traveled to California this week, where he criticized rival, Gavin newsom, who liked to santas, is also expected to lose to trump in two thousand and twenty or upon returning to florida from California. Dissent is checked. His shoe to make sure he wasn't tracking any poor bed
to illegal immigrants from honduras or charged in nebraska for hunting in killing a ball, the eagle in order to eat it. They were given have define and banned from the zoo for two weeks. Walmart is closing its life, remaining stores in portland Oregon due to record breaking thefts and crime disrupt. when need customers fatal now have to start robbing at target while driving back from a date in beverly hills, PETE David's crashed his mercedes into a home and just like his stand up, he failed to bring the house down. It was a real this week that many chuckie cheese, restaurants still use it. Floppy disk to program there dancing characters. A spokesperson explained that chuckie cheese has an updated their computer system since the last time they cleaned the ball pet. That's it for weekly news to see. worst subscribe to my youtube channel and come see, me live I'll, be at the comedy chateau in north hollywood, on ST patrick's day and on April, seventh and eighth I'll be at the funny farm
ohio near where that train exploded. Others grit in every. We now have a breath of fresh air every week, except not some weeks, The most insane website of all is this: the more insane website of all time. We found a website. It looks like it was sign the same year as the king, James bible. In sixteen eleven we See here if the king, James only folks, are all right. So this is a hard core. Oh yeah king James only website- you might have seen this before this was kind of this- makes the rounds now there, but it's Jesus dash is dash savior dot com and we I kind wanted to peruse are able to zoom this in an old, then you know it's funny are producer dan found this web stumbled across. Website and the same week that he brought this up. I had stumbled across. Oh it's one of the links it's very hard to navigate this website.
but as looking up something regarding Billy graham and there is a link to it was just called why billy graham is in hell, and it was the whips. It was one of the links on this website. So we we first got a comment on the star yield background the kind of nebula and it's like very tesselated thinking, the same image kind of tesselated in the background there and then the great word tesselated who say tell anyone know now tat. We re great word up a tesselated, The object is like when trot in any object, thickened interlock in tatters, like triangles contest, laid hex against contested squares and does it has her act, academic, etc. Penalties. Not I think this sounds like information. You would have gotten by doing a lot of boardgame while they taxing on us. Wait. That's why boardgame maps are squares or are executed escalating because they teddy's word board gamers use. So here we gotta Louise. Don't look like a ninety screen. Saver time back yard. You would just kind member that story.
build that would in my bed was idea. Just watch it because there is nothing else to do by had each such up your computer, those like triangular shapes that would like bounce around on when you try to watch of it hit the coroner. the legacies, their logo. That would just bounce did you ever have the want the pipes, oh yeah types and where they would run, was really cool, entertained, a dream. Then there is one that it looked almost like. You were walking down hallways in the original wolfensohn, but you know like down: I'm lazy, no orphans and I was yeah who groundbreaking this so much information, so bright, yellow, link us and way too many just haphazard Lee all over the kind of under its like different categories that one person came up with its like six six six, you now level study to not by the city, one fired churches, pharma, gettin, hale, mary hale Satan is you're all categories and pages the yes
all winning. I like this search bar that just kind of flashed on and off this issue. What about bohemian groove around next alcohol kills is family, another area, shovel, murder, that's what I've I've hell vision I'm gonna television, I'm going to read through the links that he saw fit to kind of put along here and just rather good. Transgenic soya divorce in DC affairs monsters, g, a dvd abortion murder, you S, bankruptcy, illuminati, witchcraft, homosexuality, Donald trump position, it's homeless, yeah like what, if you want, I wouldn't know anything yeah, you don't want to get involved. Click here. I'd like he's got this image. This might be from a chick tracts, but we have oh yeah, the pope, probably in Alex
billy. Graham, if something actually say like that, I thought. Maybe it was an anti jew. I would imagine I'm sure if you look, there's anti justify. It just seems like that kind of website could a it's either that or yeah, and it says we hope you, like our bible and they're holding at the inn ivy here s, new international others, of course, leg. Nine eleven was inside job up. What surely happened on nine eleven period, the solid evelyn, It's against some of our highest leaders. Very discreet, disturbing wake up america because we are all losing our nation in freedoms. Liberty, isn't free watch nine one, one, video, nine one! One was an inside job and then we've got the inside job. Now on our comms, However, that is always there a picture of the guys taking. alien gonzales out of the closet from the evil now Is there and then a rainbow blog things, his blog, while it's funny xenophobia, is how these small, all of this small fond and then you ve got this massive biology belong
my longing yards blog when it's all these different colors very strange, an ant evolution link with a picture of a monkey graphic I feel like I stepped into somebody's brain. That is we are very well organised. I feel like I'm inside his brain. It's like it's theirs, it's very stream of what is there does he did. Did he start out with like five or six links, and then he kept thinking? Oh, I got this and then he kept me going. This is an amateur looks like him. He doesn't sleep much now, there's a lot of writing it superior. united states is in deep, do do isn't one links, and also the crime and roman catholic celebrate priesthood is full of hormone growers, and then I like right
middle? For some reason it says: wig up america. You need to listen to Alex Jones. The fact that there is a link to Alex joneses show somewhere here tell your priest, the most personal impure thoughts. You have his eager to hear them all with its anti christ slideshow, while its I don't think he understands the oh and we haven't even unwrought dad, I'm looking at the navigation bar for about five percent role. They are less than a quarter of the wet It's crazy! I'm! U earth! Literally thousands of links on here- and this is a little strange says- clicking drag my websites, fave icon from the address window onto your links bar. You should see a heart because I love you and there's nothing. You can do about it. While at scary, that's a little. I don't want you, love dont. Send your kids to church lays down. Oh Jesus, never changes protest,
it presents giddy, and then this is a picture of rudolf giuliani. I think, can draw yeah right rear rude actually was he really and drag is addressing drag fur some comedy sketch some years ago. Fred is at the blue, said I've never dressed in drag in a comedy, say I come back and haunt me later. I've only done that once shame but she did flowers at all either on this website. It uncertain rather thousands or millions of links. So, I dunno, if there's anything else, that we really need to look at here, but I'm not sure any of this funny. There is with so many links and you keep scrolling past and then eventually the same things start coming up again. There's another nine eleven truth are like: oh there's, the dead churches owner. If it, I wonder if you clicked the link at the top- and it brings you down here- I maybe that's interesting dead churches. I think he has all these subs
ages like, if you click we know, is this one person that runs a site or is it a church on average hello, other evil thing that links to a bunch of other pages? So on his my facebook page, it links to somebody named David, Stuart simonov, that's the guy who runs this. I feel like this lit. This feels like a manifesto from a person who would send bombs through the male. Yes does. Does It's like a ransom and accusing him doing now, but he's late. It's like ransom, but it is that kind of
is when they carry the suspect away and they say something like this. You also ran a website and you, like, I love cipher ball communist cipher boycott and then they show some of us the highlights from the most egregious stuff. Oh yes, that illustrate top was not a chick tracked because he does not like chick tracks, o his aunt. I t wear of czech tracks the additive also when gospel tracks kill. Oh so he's gone, sportsmen's surrender letter he thinks that they are not just essays in essence of what a few rights all of these or, if their like other vessels, that he find her boy. Whoever this, however, is the past her for this guy. If he began to somebody's church that that past or knows all about this, you know it as well. I, and the premise of all this for the website is that the king James version is the only version of the bible. You can trust he. I think he he so he is a king James. Only guy he has like antagonize be listened to.
the alex jones show there is a picture of Alex Jones and there's is terri shaver, yeah, there's a lot of terry schreiber or wow unshackled the end of the world books wow. He just keeps It just goes on, because I will I get about street preaching their street. Preaching resources says his marriage groom first fat, Timothy, that's not him! Is it I don't think, that's him. That's just that. He supports that. That's one of the first pictures I've seen that he seems to be in favour, as I like, this guy is doing. Wake up america. Listen to Alex his affairs. Do you like re comfort, the font choices, pretty interesting to wee wee transition into comic sales. Less sense, then, out some italics. I didn't comic
said bible is the only one you can show us the fact that this is don't click on this, so I'm gonna click on it and it says you just like adam and eve he gave them because I was commanded not to an idea of any of our various pretty clever idealize, clever, I'm not seeing papers in here. Nor does it mean with too many words to exert nazis. The our land, here, we gotta finishes with this meme. So we have it. The titanic sinking in its labelled ship of fools, and the it's also labelled harvest baptist. Church ongoing glass, and it's also labelled bob jones university as one of the steam stacks out there, and it says we struck an iceberg of lorries, salvation. I warn you not to use those modern bible versions, desperate. What's what is Lord salvation, that's crazy! It's like lord! No, its people to say like you
like you have to repent and believe and there's that argue. Like our you save just by the initial intellectual assent, or do you have to repent in christ, must be lord of your life or is there a world in which your saved, but Christ isn't really but you know you you're sitting in your off, but you you did pray the prayers, that you are saved, yokels a simplified version, but we're all set our right. What we ve made it to the bottom has made it so we made it all right create, would check out Jesus able to come up with some good information there. Alright and there's well well now It is time to talk to someone who knows how to design a good website and good books, Paul cox of rough tunes. He has a new illustrated MR catechism man, a lot of other good cartoons book stickers, all kinds of good stuff. You get so, let's tucked up all the guy just hit a seven months blow. Why would you trust your harder and savings with on stable governments, printing, more money, while on the brink of default protectorate
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now it's time for another interview, the Babylon bee podcast as everybody we are talking to pat Cox, who is the man behind right tunes haven't seen these online go check them out, especially, if you are into christian theology and what not there's lots of great illustrations and an early on, I know you are kind of just illustrating quotes from you know the old did white guy and the f. I know you ve moved into more longer form stuff like the book that will talk about, but that's cool? How has ref tunes grown and changed in the last few years, since I ve been doing it well yet start out mainly just drawing the old dead guys the old dead like ice as used as he said, but yeah I mean out, I just get quotes from from these- are all dead, guys and found more. or more things in the
the domain, lad, catechisms and confessions. and even children's books like pilgrims. Progress illustrated that as well and I'm just its is grown in that, like a kind of expanding the different types of things that I share them, trying to draw then illustrate, because I see these is helpful resources for the church, and why not at illustrations too phenomenal artist, man, what what What are some of your influences from an artistic perspective? I would definitely bill waterson from calvin and hobbes he's. He was like huge inspiration for me. I would just dropped his reading. of the cabinet knobs books and when it was in, Actually, in the newspaper I remember sitting at my grandparents house reading through their sunday papers and see the bigger
colored cavern and how its methods and I haven't read that's funny! Isn't so along. I felt like they were actually funny when I was a kid at an oath. It's just that. I change I don't know they still do funny but era. I don't know of monies, it wasn't funny said they become more serious and there. They were definitely more funny. When I was younger, no of my taste in humour was good. The time, though, because I was I thought: Garfield was the funniest thing in the world and I go back and I read eminem leg. Ok, maybe wasn't the funniest thing in the world, but I dont know the old man and there is still something fun about just the standard tropes that you go to you when you have a long running strip like guard. hey it's mom days, I don't know, there's something kind of comforting in the familiar about it. So yeah, you know maybe there's too much criticism of of garfield right well, when you run that long as long as garfield deaden, does it mean
still running ram it does he alone. I wonder if you still draws, if he's gotten ghost writers and stuff now by either, he probably has people work and c mere underlings, and waters, and with so little because you didn't sell out, you know he was like you never merge she was here just so into it and then just gave it up. You know ten years in and he just and he just called it quits because he didn't want to milk. It he didn't want to be under the under the under the gun, all the time with a deadline? Don't wanna graded, this big merchandise empire capitalistic early, which let's talk about your new book. Yeah get the westminster, shorter catechism knows treated, you did the and we had the baptist Didn't you was the baptist yeah illustrate the baptist catechism and then and then I decided, I would illustrate the west stir since that's what the baptist catechism is based off as a
get to just recycle like ninety five percent of it, and then you just change out one question and your good right right the air and the infamous baptism question so much better. convert. Are you duncan your kids now No, we were rain. We want what we put them in raincoats when we visited our presbyterian, that's good brothers. That's gives! It is to cash in to make money off the presbyterians and get them to transfer money to the baptist. That's it that's right and build our empire. So what's next we got the catholic catechism comin up next, Well, you know probably now No, I don't through the catholic. How does it catechism was that done and can knock on the wall to confirm or deny that was done in response to the reformed catechisms right, then he's not three times that means I am correct. That means you're, correct. Ok, I
I'll take his neck where it. What do the funny thing to me is? think of catechism and I think of catholicism because we didn't grow up in like confessional churches? and many of my friends were catholic. They would tell me about catechism. I go that's a weird ritualistic thing for catholics, but it was actually a protestant ready first so right yeah I mean what is the value of catechism, especially these you know card soon bill waters in style, illustrations, illustrated versions of the of the catechism I mean yeah. I I always thought it was catholic growing up as well, because I had friends who would go off to the there was like a separate bus for kids at school who would like go to like their confirmation classes and things like that. I dunno, if that's catholic or or white, but but yeah. I thought it was just a catholic thing until I started digging ended theology insured history, moron,
buddy. I guess that the m, the better that of the catechism. Is that it's? It's takes all the basic doctrines of the bible condenses down into question and answer form and when you, when you go over these with kids kids will soak up so much information and it's it's like. I heard someone say a one time it's like ITALY wearing your eighty seas, but he learned the basic doctrines of the christian faith like like learning the abc. It's like the foundations of of the faith and when the kids get out, get that in their heads, grow, they they grow more and more. With these doctrines and learn, learn them even more. They grow older war. So we
there was miss your short catechism. Everybody check that out what are some other books and and and such that you ve been working and put not recently well the westminster, certainly, and actually cover little announcement. The westminster, I'm I'm actually working with p in our publishing to produce the west illustrated westminster catechism. in modern english, so the one I have is old, english with kgb. In the public domain and self publishing, they're, they're gonna produce it in modern english with the EU s views the kgb, and they intend to release that in august just in time for churches to get their vile programming, sir, but I am also working with them on a four volume, graphic novel and its the graphic novel version of John calvin. This institutes-
the christian religion for I do not know what a graphic novel version of the institute will look like, but I can't wait to see with that will it? How I will it have him executing heretics? Is that well that might come in volume. For I'm sure, ok, I can't wait assets that are here. and people that check out your work and anna and buyers stuff and check out the catechism. Yet really gotta refugees that come as well? That's my shop of god details, prints, books, calendars and also I'm on all the social media is facebook. Instagram twitter ice recently started. You too, and I do not alive drawing on there and that's it all right cause. I'm gonna quit you on three questions from the shorter catechism and see how many you get right now, first one
what is the misery of that estates? Wherein two men fell? Let me repeat: cheating no, I misery what the misery they letting in what it is like. In the middle of the third world, the misery of that state. Wherein two men fell question nineteen christian nineteen mankind fell in to the state of sin and misery, I'm I'm getting I'm getting my catechisms confused with my kids, are: my kids are going through the air, wrongly the correct dollar one, the correct there is all mankind by therefore lost communing with god and are under his wrath and curse and herbs and so made liable to our miseries in this life to death itself and to the pay of hell forever and then are due to more what
offices doth christ execute as our redeemer, the offices of profit, priests and king before and what is the chief in of man to glorify and to enjoy him forever. Will give it to you two out of three, not bad thanks yeah. you're, a throne off by the air by the old english speak. We, and you ve rancor wait. We grant turnover of the star wars like we do not grant the rank of presbyterian, but we, you are you're not on this council at whatever. That would work better. If I prepared, I will thanks for coming on Paul and please everybody go check this out pick up the catechism you can get the baptist or you can get the ninety five percent correct one, the westminster one and please check that out. We're great weight.
I'm starting to do more family devotional with my family, and I may grand one of these two to do with the kids. So that's awesome based ravening. Ah, there was great paul and kyle. You did a great job. Thank you wait interview, now. It is time for everyone's favoured segment. You used to be you pour out, and for that I really miss Adam ford, Adam here's, the first on our top fans, James! Rogers wrote the Babylon bee as a national treasure and robert love stab responded. The baby is a national disgrace I'm sure the b b as a national treasure imprudence communist russia, roads com is Roger me, get six laugh. It emerges that when there's no apostrophe importance, there's always especially something here's. A hate is another one Jerome his californian screaming his name
from Octavio or okello you're about as entertaining as a wet fart in white pants. I find that fairly entertaining and that could be actually kind of funny. Rick crass, alright! Well, we hope that you enjoyed, as this show as much as a wet fart in white, pants and cars. That will you do it or when you see somebody else do it cause. It seems like it's funnier when it's on someone else say: hey of us, if the Babylon bee and get a full length, podcast, become a subscriber bubble and beat our counselors plans and you'll get the rest of the podcasts we're going to go into the subscriber lounge with all the rich people see you later poor, zs, coming up next for battle on the subscribers. I greatly enjoyed that that was a real journalist that has stick by their came. He lived with his mother at the end, it was a great second act twist. There's a lot of fun reveal disgracefully this greatly annoys my mother. You don't want to become the next shadow banning googly twit face, but you don't want to become the whore of Babylon either or think you are
saying that he's going to help me. Yes, This has been another edition of the Babylon bee by gas from a dedicated team of certified fake news journalists. You can trust here of Babylon. We reminding you that fake news of the people by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth.
Transcript generated on 2023-05-15.