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Civil War, Socialism, And The Simpsons: The Dinesh D'Souza Interview

2020-06-23 | 🔗

Kyle and Ethan talk to Dinesh D’Souza. He has been called a far right provocateur and is a filmmaker and the author of several books, most recently United States of Socialism. They talk about socialism, identity politics, and whether or not it’s okay to laugh at Apu.

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Topics Discussed

  • Dinesh gives a rundown on the new socialists

  • What’s the difference between identity socialism and classic socialism?

  • Socialists abandoning the working class

  • The decline of Christianity in the culture and the rise of a new religion in the Left

  • Virtue signalling versus actual virtue

  • Debating libs vs debating atheists

  • Dinesh’s new book and what it’s all about

  • Is it okay to laugh at Apu?

  • Defending morphing Abraham Lincoln’s face into Donald Trump’s

  • Dating Ann Coulter

Paid-subscriber portion

  • The Ten Questions

To watch or listen to the full length podcast, become a paid subscriber at https://babylonbee.com/plans

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Real people, real interviews. I just have to say that I attacked strenuously tee a hard hitting questions. What do you think about them and as you like it, taking you to the cutting edge of terms? Will last year is one of the worst movies ever made, and it was very clear that Brian Johnson doesn't like Storm Kyle Poles, no punches ask how how you're evil to sleep tonight he's brings own shattering common sense from the top robe. If I may double dear you, this is the Babylon Bee Interview show.
Go for hay here. We are, we heard here in our studio, with dash dash to Sousa on Skype. The nest Sousa is according to Wikipedia a far right wing. Provocateur Almah The Nazi, like very close far, you you're far IBM far far away so far right. How far right? Are you, Mr Sousa, and welcome, gee, I'm gonna, get to me on the show guys. You know you might find that during the podcast. I can't leave to the right and that's that's an doesn't ideological move in case you haven't you gonna, take it that one out that flag is unwilling about bodily, remember, Willie methodically and the old firing line. Instead, it is literally at a forty five degree angle of migrant. If you want to see him straight you to sit in a forty five degree angle on the couch bid for some interesting kind of group, viewing I saw the old firing line. Digging up the
where, where little young friend, I recite the I've seen you two clips. Tiles, really young male, using the know how to know what you're talking about You know who, with him up Buckley is I've heard the name. Like an old president, guys value in the business side. Tire I think you're you're excused, because you know we're talking about political time. The tree air, water, political commentator is, and you never art and I should be slow like on him, ass to him never heard of games or Adam Smith, you'd be a lot like ale. See. Remember she goes to those milled. I get this straight ideas, a Milton games, you there's Milton Friedman and there's Acousticon Maynard Keynes, leaks and created a murder and by the way they want opposite. Angela aspect can Frankenstein inside. When we started like talking about Turkey, Adam Smith and Karl Marx and say you have an agreed, are even this guy had a marks the other day, less ailing
cancel each other out. It is be some guy, exactly exactly I appreciate you go in two minutes into the interview before making firm, Elsie, you should learn ass usual in areas that are now she is, I think, well I mean think about when we just don't. We have a real under representation in bartender is a high levels in politics, so she is contributing to the diversity of our discourse. It sounds like she just triggers you, or maybe you have a secret crush on her. No, it doesn't hear me actually in the one I find more intriguing. I mean look as a socialist camp, and so let's do a click run down. If we can Bernie might take on him is ISA is basically a rich man windows using the guy who fell asleep for thirty years. He wanted
you know you saw like Goober Army and be seen us palms. He has a day's look of a guy. You can't believe it saw that's Bernie now. I think the Democrats realized we can go with this guy. I mean brazing bread lines. Honeymooning, and so it is a bit too much you woke up and all of a sudden, there were like thirty varieties of deodorant at the store, and it is this last what is the back in my day, guy, exactly the head out or as bad as it? That's does not essential items that people invest doing sexually no much nobler pursuits by like eating organic food, and then this then there's Elsie, about whom the last said the better ill Hano Mars, the one they sort of intrigues me because, in my view,
Can I have someone I'm gonna have to draw on the book, because I'm in the book tour United States of Socialist holding up we're after years of fighting. That ill Hon Omar is is the most intriguing I think, of the binding, because she represents this equality, identity, socialism, because it's it's a hybrid between classic socialism, which focused on class and and and and identity politics. Which is raised gender, so ill Hano like going to check all the boxes. First of all, she's black, second him all she is muslim. Third, she is a woman and then she from the desert. So this part of one gives a kind of a global appeal that even a elsie doesn't have. If someone saw Yossi from from another country they wouldn't. They would just see this as an example of the vulgar americanism by dawn. Ill Hano MAR is someone who has appealed
Certainly in the islamic Community worldwide sounds like another crush that you have been in. There's a lot of women on the cover. Right back three out of four and the other one. This is a single Elizabeth WAR, and now Elizabeth Lloyd technically denies that she's, a socialist Michael Michael, more says that she denies it for strategic reasons that she is, but she did pretends not to be, but that's basically who she is she's all about pretence. You know I love the old. You know she's surprised, to see her husband and her own house fancy seeing you year thanks for showing up. That's really nice of you so, but I think that you can see how powerful this identity politics is becoming. The democratic party is that war is a woman. You didn't, I mean our final woman, that's my drawn card.
I gotta go in for me, but no. She wants to be what they call it too. For due for amuse, you are a minority on two fronts: you're a woman, but you also Orson of color, and she doesn't have that. This is Why the fake items streak aim in really handy and this is why it is so important for our to pretend to be an american Indian has classic you could try to be an asian indian, but I don't know what I've gotten our genuine spotted harboured don't count on. Maybe can see the real Indians do, because whether real Indians, Columbus Gonna got it wrong saw the American Indians are actually the ones who I may. I guess they method. Indians are a kind of fake news and their own way, and then it was the one is a fake other fake gear, to play the indian card. The indian car lot of that does me
Now it doesn't help at all. In fact, your european service is being a minority. Far from being a blessing, becomes a sort of an added course now now entirely. I think it would be if our black conservative, I would get far more heat because, as you know, there are these nasty, your uncle Tom you're, this your dad now asian Indians are insufficiently settle in this country. To do that so that, even if you have a sort of left wing indian- and they see me on Fox News- a something they go tell him, can you believe that their having you know just Sousa and among those hey, there's an Indian on tv? They really excited to stop this always so that helps to give me a little bit of a little bit of protection and but no briny points for it no way Often, being among conservatives, do you ever do? Have people confuse you for one of them Arabs
well, I think, ever since I stopped wearing the Durban that was a little bit of a problem in the old days and I think also when I first came to this country actually had this sort of thing song, indian accent. I also didn't I'm hungry. I can't do it anymore. It's like, I can't do it, but there is a kind of classic indian. I call the indian ahead. Wobble
so wobbled it that is in between a yes or no. And it's really difficult to say what the Indian is saying, because if you ask me something you know and is the level, and so I had all these things, which I think would probably have helped me if I'd get them hung onto them so to speak. And then you know, because I would then be able to do a lot of ethnic affirmation and when people start criticising me, I could kind of do a massive indian rant on them and it would be more intimidating if it came with us or of unadulterated, indian accent. On one side your time. What they had wobble here noticed Seinfeld. When he's on Seinfeld sit come his head doesn't wobble, but when you just talking a normal life, his head, wobbles, a bunch, so he very largely head I wonder if he's kind of a want of the Indian, he really doing. I wonder if you try to do the Elizabeth one thing this little wobble.
Very interesting. I had not noticed that maybe he's going to convert to Indian ISM for the jokes well, the guy was a full convert. Trudeau, I'm here, Is it a student Trudeau got out of office in his bollywood moves on their social media? They get, it may mean they're. My national level can only take about so much of it, but evidently it didn't prevent him from getting reelected. So apparently, the Canadians on this kind of mean a beta male kowtowing, which, by the way we see in this country, you see all these rituals of worship. You see the young couple young white couple kissing these black lives matter guy shoes and that all these kind of called, like Jim Jones style, kind of group instructions and virtue, You know how I feel
I'm going out in Libya, but I gotta traces of the decline of Christianity and our cultural, because because created, a need for new forms of liturgy. New types of sacraments types of expressions of virtue, new types of seeking of absolution, not for anything that you did right by China for the sins of society. People are taking on taking on the burden of what people did in sixteen nineteen, it is. The temptation of the left is a pretty serious question towards things like that. It's I fill those if it's not religious, its militaristic, it's like gab. They want these symbols, they want they like to chant the law they like to chant the same words I find very creeping weird, but their very turned on by it.
The very turned on me now, Edmund Burke, we're talking about the french Revolution, said something I think my profound. He was observing the revolutionaries and send lacking decent habits of ordinary behaviour. State prefer moral opinions instead and what he meant was that these people are actually disgusting human beings. They don't actually practice any of the normal virtues, including simple virtues, like courtesy, civility cordiality. Now that there are complete jerks
they redeem themselves by attaching themselves in these higher causes and a mouth that rhetoric effortlessly and with great pomposity and the american equivalent. This is someone I bills and unease in absolute sex predator, a complete pervert, but he he's it. When you talk about the equal rights amendment, he's there with a long speech and he's got all these an unbelievably is great locations that he is able to put out there and the feminist go home, and not only are they impressed when they become all they all become part of the color up team. For his sexual predation because they want him on their side on the kind of larger collective issues the same here, you got all these people, they wouldn't dream of helping their neighbour day and they couldn't given ordinary thought to anyone else, but by stepping into a rally getting into this ritualistic chand inside out taking on the kind of man in family looking in the glazed eyes and all they feel better about themselves and they feel like their their sins of mineral deem because they are part of this expression of collective virtue. I stopped
to train individual virtue do wrapped about politics when you're like Thanksgiving dinner parties he's a guy, knowing mourner design hurried, a windy they are buying and when one, when I invite people also Thanksgiving, this is what they haven't got to expect and Ngos just on just like their entire lives near Deleon anecdotes, as I just write it a reading. The work by the french right airflow bear one of these early works before he didn T, Madame Bovary hours, the temptation insane and us our saints and asking, I guess the wise. He has seen a beautiful painting and he wrote a full novel about this painting, and then he called to his friends well known writers by the way might induce is chateau for the weekend and he told them I'm going to be reading you this novel from start to finish and went to begin on Friday and end on Sunday, and during my reading you're not allowed to speak, you have to sit in complete silence and you can
at the end. Give me your honest opinion of the work, and so this, things lebaron the novel. It took him two and a half days when it was finished. She sat down and he turned to the two guys. One guy was just literary speechless and the other guy SAM. You should take this novel and committed to the flames and never speak of it again in a goods because her bad speechless. I think it was intended. I think it was a bad speechless, almost speechless such as I'm too polite to say what I really think, but the Good NEWS is that Slovenia actually did then shift gears and take up a completely different approach to writing and then produced a masterpiece. Wish we re to this day speaking a masterpieces. You ve done some movies and books, and we had some ideas for more movies. That UK Do I currently have Obama's America, another rage of Obama, the rage of route Obama's rage, so here is also his rap core album we're thinking like a snake.
If you do, like Obama strikes back oh yeah, you mean the item you Monday, about the Obama national address on on healing. Yes,
interesting yeah they had. Some when I was thinking to me, is the equivalent of Al Capone, doing a in national symposium on the on the serious crime problem and what to do about it. I say this: the guy's Obama comes out of the Olympics School and in keeping with the linsky, was some linsky. Frustration was that UK socialism in America he thought because the working class is not a happy so marxist predictions among the working class being so you know Miss arrayed, impoverished, exploit in giving rise up and overthrow the system. Most working class guys want. Do not raise and they want a lot of vacation and they want to join the system not thrown overthrow itself. Linsky was really mad. He thoughtless agreements in the future is does not exist. At least doesn't exist in a political sense. It has to be stopped, it has to be manufactured and those Obama's game. That's that's the meaning of being a community organizer. Your job is into pardon my landlord to flower, laugh and get them flower bed so that they, then the rage can be than harnessed politically stated that George Floyd thing no one disputes from the very beginning. This is an injustice, but the protesters point is now it's not an injustice is not episodic is typical. This is the way the cops I dizzily America is. This is the way America's bins in seventeen. Seventy six or maybe sixteen nineteen. So he sat larger narrative dad I'm contesting and that we know my books and movies are aimed at contesting the bogus large. Our narrative rides hitchhike. You might say on a particular episode in.
You can. The truth. May male may lie what was done with the particular facts that episode. What's your favorite Nick for Obama, like all people, said o bummer, but I feel like that was pretty weak. Bomb have anything you Obama do anything better we are now I gotta think nicknames are Obama Swell I meet the thing about. Obama was united in I admire him from a distance because he represented, in contrast, Obama would say, Bernie Sanders now Bernie Sanders represents explicit socialism. Obama represents to me creeping socialism, but Obama was in down enough to say things like you know. Bread lines are a good thing. You know that's Bernie, so it's really nice to see the Venezuelans don't have any water. What's wrong with that, guy's is worried about your Bernie impression in some work.
Ok guys. Listen. If I wasn't satire business be openly that critique but I'm not even trying to do much of an impression. In fact, I gotta tell you in my movie. I think it was Hillary's America. I won a he now. Rise, easier, weren't, you get for being the worst actor and I was up against Robert Deniro actually has been placed on the major role solves Canada's where to be going up against him, but I did it. I mean when I got the best and worst actor award, but I can't I can get a worse actor warned because off after all, who is I've laying a sling myself? Now, I'm obviously like the world is expert. Not be me so clearly, my performance was was a masterpiece, because no one can blade NASH like the mass murder I agree and probably not do it in plain Bernie Larry David, the
You get it up and burning yeah. I wanted cereal method actor do it might get into his head and maybe go live in the USSR. For a while, but yeah. You know I like the idea of the residence. I think it's a cool idea like let's honour the worst movies, but it always turns into a state are they to slam on the easiest? that's the problem. Is that the reason I know me. I slept there as easily end the election year, but the reason was that it was not new to me. I don't get credit. The credit goes to drop, they wanted to slam round, but they were basically all in this kind of lino or orgy of anti from mania, and I was the closest sort of drop guide and they can get their hands on so they're like you now go bludgeon that guy, let's get him twenty arouses. Yes, you can go
of an award winning filmmaker, though I do have to offer a criticism I just have. I have to ask. I saw the poster where it shows Abraham Lincoln Face in trumps, face morphed into one face, key defend that So I am a tough time comparing the two men, like maybe really do, Laval everywhere, journalists, My view is my reason for thinking that I admit that it was only was intended provocatively to get people to think, but not so much to think of trunk and Lincoln inside. I say in the movie in Ireland and the book to travelling link in a very different matter
and we may Lincoln was sort of melancholy. You know Israel, plunderers, I'd fall into these bouts of depression and drunk, on the other hand, is brash confident you know he, so their styles are completely different. Lincoln was a brutal reader, and so I dont commit personalities at all, but their situations, your lease similar, think about it. You have a gangster eyes democratic Party in the eighteen. Fifty is you have the emergence of street violence intact, reaching the point where a demo
The congressmen goes to republican Senator Charles Sumner is off, is indeed some of the game, and the Democrats applaud when that's announced. Lincoln, realise Lincoln was a moderate man, but he was in an immortal with situation, and you realize I've got to get really tough with these guys, otherwise, the whole countries gonna break down and chaos. So you know it's kind of funny. Recently I guess was Andrew Cuomo who tweeted out he goes when was the last time in: U S, history, that the? U S military, was used and deployed against american citizens, unlike ever heard of eighteen sixty one eighteen, sixty five, when a group of Democrats try to break up the country and the republican present called in the? U S, military desiring ring a bell its. It has happened before and then, while we're not in the civil war, we are kind of in a cold civil war and it is on
it's getting a little bit hotter and end the parallels with the eighteen sixties. I mean I don't think we have had a level of division. You have to go all the way back to find something like that. I just don't see some of the Democrats. Governors being able to lead like a cavalry charge, though I cannot see Governor Newsome Gather, govern. Governor. That's pretty good governor, given new governor Newsome, jumping on a horse and like charging in, I dont see again, Actually I'm every few minutes and make his hair mixtures hairs. You bring his hair diapers person with him
Oh no, I mean that's not to see that this is the reason that this all the socialist left knows this and mean they anti for, for example, is like a really good. When their taken on some female you, no single mother, who runs a shop or taken on some little old lady, you know they're, really tat man, but you bringing the eighty second airborne and suddenly- and these guys are nowhere to be found. Suddenly there you know milkshakes and cement blocks in the hollow in costumer like all disappear, and so the way to meet them with a little bit of the earliest ness, and this is why they resort to all these underhanded tactics, and in this way they love the deep state they love. The idea seeking the ass, the iron use at EL. Do surveillance on your they'll, send the IRS your weight on. If you fell ass ten years, this is their game or the orderly know. Some guy Buzzfeed will write a twitter hey, throw this guy off of Twitter, because these easy, he saying hateful things that are making me feel bad about myself. So this is, you know this is a kind of weeny militarism been out. It's like a rise in the toy soldiers eyes. Tat was a kid. I can walk into the wall and keep going. Those not soldiers are gonna win any battles, but they win battles. This way by rigging the rules by by using censorship. Bob are going out on the street and by my it also, I would call a moral extortion
so they make a decent people and they say things like you know if you care about the country, take her to me right now. If you care about country is my feet and peep other people and Jean, I know I think, if avoids any conflict, and it's gonna make you feel better. Ok, maybe I'll do it, but they don't realize the ritual Celso basement. That is being that is involved here. Oral was right, he's an ultimately. What socialism wants to do is turn us into into a worm into somebody who just conforms to what the socialist regime makes you do that by the way like people did all those nazi salutes and sawing off the swastika flag hanging in the balcony and Hitler wasn't there, and so you asked me while I M doing it, and the real message is someone doing a thing: listen, I'm an alarm, I'm an immediate serving a national socialism I'll do what untold I'm not gonna make trouble. That's the real message that these people are sending their sending the message that they are conformists. They have no real dignity and they can be reduced to being the warm hood. Why? What is the? What sexy about becoming a worm where people drawn to that
There being convinced by a propaganda machine that warm hood is in fact an almost ass. Now it takes a lot of work to convince a person with any self respect that that is the case. So you need mass and propaganda machines to do it, and the left has three. They're are called academia, Hollywood and the media and collectively never powerful, because they reinforce each other in active one woods out a big lie it,
Gosh chaise across academia extend echoed in the media suddenly appears on Wikipedia it's on the history channel and that's not people come to me with their facts. They go. Oh fascism is obviously right wing. Go really. Have you read the Nazi Platform State Control of Bank State control in education, state control of Healthcare is a sound, is ass. I like Trump or thy son, more like say, Elizabeth, worn, Abarnis Andrews and they go well. It's not that you know I was in binds noble, and I saw a book said. Fascism is right, wing and I saw the non Andy are, and then I saw it on Wikipedia so is like the same. Progressive propaganda bullet is ricocheting our five different walls and this Borg. I think that this provides independent corroboration that fascism is obviously right wing, even though, prior to nineteen forty five, no one thought it was right wing, not the fascist, not the anti fascist everybody recognising was on the left ass. The argued was on the left. You said so so this is how propaganda and eggs itself in our culture and then, when you congested people, think you're being hateful have ever been milkshakes.
I a milk, shakedown gonna good stories from people hating you things there I bet I bet broadcasters screaming and shouting, but we're living in the age where these protests as love, screaming absurdities and me from a college canvas was cell, seeing themselves that exactly the same time. So this was a combination of protest and, and you know, theater and the other thing is anti for showing up on one of my immense in Portland. But we knew about it because they were man realising the venue beforehand, and so we had some guys with some mill guns really go off and stuff. Well, a kind of waiting to see what would happen and sure enough. Antivirus showed up. You know Begin to slink around and then one guy pulls I'd like a trumpet and starts playing so on we brought out did we bought at a better angles of their nature? Let's put it that way remarking around seven times, Diana and following the walls follow two. What's with you, take on a poor
and the Simpsons ever that movie came out the problem with a poor, there's, indian guy, the same ruinous life cause a pool of abuse. Here from from your mouth, if world, if we can laugh at approve or not, I'm I'm a little bit d, I'm a little country last year- and this happens to me from time to time- they'll be a cultural reference that not just like the liner sands vaguely familiar, but I'm a little unplugged from it. I guess it's the way most Americans are about politics, and I got to realise that there are about Molly. Would not
the I'm in day. They listened to politics very dim. Leaving this to me is the only rational explanation for how Biden can be leading tromp, because mine is so evidently not even fully there that the idea of turning over a great country to a man who probably doesn't remember, is on middle name is frightening and I don't think America's gonna do it by the reason that people ritual desire answer by MS, they might have some anxiety about drama, they don't know anything about what's going on, but they will they'll pay attention come around September and I think will see the debate take on a quite different cast them. I really appreciate being able to turn a question about the Simpsons. I'm gonna buy it? They like the mastery like the master, wordsmith and we're just speechless here.
Many years ago I learned that when somebody does, this is a very good rule by the way for when you are on a tv show, and- and somebody asked you a question, any aid ear. The question is so down that you are. You have no intention of answering at one out. You don't want to convey that The key phrase to remember is the real issue. Is so you ignore the question completely and you say well, John, and the real issue is like I'm talking to a non gmo cost and language in you know. The real issue is and I made an intelligent statement that has nothing to do with what he asked, because biggest trying to actually engage with them would simply lower my argue, I'm her dad man is just a question of at the Simpsons man. Stevie I'd I'd I'd. If I did, I have to concede so do enable downers movement
Vietnam. I still another life, I'm really curious, but that's all that so he's he's a character that has some indian stereotypes like he owns seven or oven type establishment, and so was all right cancelled for being a man. Is a white guy? Do his voice rang, guided the voice, so that was offence oh we address. I mean you look this now.
People can take their stock different ways, and I guess one could say that if these kinds of stereotypes are deployed against blacks because of the unique history of african Americans in the country and so on, we are going to be a little more sensitive about him. But, quite frankly, I think, when it comes to other groups should be fair game. Humor relies on stereotypes and the reason stereotypes about our full. By the way is that usually contain a grain of truth hysteria, tax or flatly wrong. They were the opposite of the truth. For example, they wouldn't care, they wouldn't have any power. No one intact would believe them. So the point is that a humour to put this in a little more with serious lightly, the writer enforcer one spoke about what he calls flat and round characters and what he meant was. When you write a novel, you can't have thirty five complex characterised are going to have real for complex characters and the rest of the characters are gonna, be somewhat stereotypical, the butler the pompous Butler who walks in place that kind of a role, and so a writer is focusing on the main characters and everybody else is a sort of cardboard character, and this cardboard element of looking at things is the signal and simplistic even, but it can also be funny. I think, inherently it's not wrong as long as we are aware of what we're doing so bottom line if it is to bring on the indian jokes and perfectly fine with them. I think that the fact that we have sort of Gaul gone so sensitive on ethnic jokes is kind of a big mistake. So there
on be wrote, a joke when trumpet India that he saw the I would call the red down on the indian woman's head here and he thought that someone was trying shooter trying to sniper heed in a way around gotcha. Is that offensive or notions. No, I mean look, you guys are like you know. You guys are the big thing on the web. As far as I'm concerned your them best satirical site,
because you guys normally score, I would say, and eight or nine to give that went about a six per se is bad. It's just not a niece lap. I see. No future report is a little more around a burly. Martin do is hard to get somebody to really go off and I've seen a lot is attempted satirical Estonia once in a while, I gotta do a green or a mile juggle, but try to make you laugh, but you guys are that capacity. So I know my congratulations to you and by down, but you know The early can hit it can hit the park everytime sites, I give them focus a kind of a single photoshop. The voters voted for have you you ve a little bit so so you debated it. Yes and stuff. Would you rather own atheists? Our own lives like, what's more, what's more rewarding Oh, I mean
This is really no comparison year, because when you are talking about the eighty, is your talking about dark people of a pretty high intellectual caliber you're talking about people like christian religions. It was not sort of a philosopher but with somebody who's incredibly good on his seat, very nimble debater and had the ability to like really arena. Infra boxing terms, the shake you with a rhetorical blow, and so in debating that guy, you take your life in your hands, you he'll say things. You don't expect he'll say things like international. You know I just came back from North Korea. You know what I'm at God, his Miss Kim Jong IL? And you know what he's a tyrant, here's the Good NEWS at some point. He will die and I will die Germany will end but in Heaven the tyranny never ends need bigger
God is a tyrant forever. So all this, this kind of stuff, I can say, is sort of it deliberately run better, but normally because you ve got to figure out what to say now. Liberals and never like that for me to debate even the prime you take never we and our show for a simple reason. Hurt me me to go up against our is like one hand lacking, because because there's nothing that she can say that I haven't already thought of an eye that, but by the time she finishes saying it not only do I have the as somewhat I've anticipated when she's gonna say in response to the answer that- and she knows this so if a solution is never have Dinesh on, because stu, embarrassing saw the bottom line for places like Amazon. We see in the rare times they put on. A conservative is usually kind of a stupid conservative because they they wanna take someone than they can gonna get the matter of. That's their game,
they're not into real discussion debate, because they know that if they put me, I d NASH proved to me that fascism is really left wing and I speak for ninety seconds. At the end of it, she hasn't will have nothing to say yeah. They should just let you devote yourself. If you could argue in and now you're gonna say this and then I'll say this now you're gonna say this and you just get back in and like speedy islanders? After I would, I would probably be able to say better what she believes than she could, and so is sad, because this kind of debate wouldn't be healthy and look I mean, don't get me wrong, Rachel matters and then I think she's unintelligent present undressing she's, not in the calendar of Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett. Those knows these are people who are intellectuals who have weighed and who know things as opposed to somebody was just a kind of a glib personality, so we gotta get turned
questions here, but I really want to ask you this. As I did, I was. I followed. You pray closely back when you are more in the apology, addicts, debate circuit and I read your books and, and I did notice that you'd the shift in Ireland. I wouldn't, I would cut, say you're an incredibly telling guy you know. You're doing, I believe everything you do is calculated and curious agreement, but this new words. I don't send insulting movement. It seems your audience, I wouldn't I wouldn't say you changes anyone. So if you change to your aiming at audience, eyes when you start moving, also like that in a manner and scarce you take on the danish ships that I think a lot of people site from the man himself
well sure there is. There is a shift, but I would say it is a job. It is a reasonable shift, motivated by shifts in our culture. So, for example, I would admit that I have a kind of twitter persona. It's a little more combative than I am and person. I see
The medium myself, for example, my books are a little more scholarly in tone, not a scholarly as they used to be, but as a reason for that too, but they have a lot of references and so on, and the movies are more emotional, their driven more by narrative than they are my argument alive, because that's what a movie is the movie is a story, and even if it's a nonfiction movie, it has to have all the elements of a fiction story. Now the typical sort of political intellectual does understand. As golden as you know, you ve consoled out the we now know him and sold out, and I have adopted indifferent mode of communication and ass to soften that wave. I've got to be true that genre and so for years. I was a kind of conservative intellectuals and I saw my job as persuading intellectuals in the middle or may be slightly left of centre to change
their mind and over time. I realized that first of all, for these people had scratching is a lifelong pursuit. They enjoy it, and so, even if you win the argument, ten years later, there still scratching their head is an ultimate eminence, literally self indulgent kind of navel gazing, and I thought to myself why my wasting my life doing just that. There are a whole bunch of people in America and not all of them when the best schools, but they want to be educated. They want to know about american history. They want to know about what the american dream. It means what the constitution actually says and for someone like me is drawn up in a different culture. I have an ability, I think, to communicate, sat with a sort of freshness, so I said, look let me do that. Let me speak to people actually want to learn from what I have to say, instead of doing arm wrestling with some guy from the New republic or the black dropout rate in all, as a result of affirmative action and sure enough for me, I see these guys on C span. You know today and there saying the same thing that they were saying and ninety ninety two.
And so I am glad I got DC. I stop doing that kind of fun, navel gazing thing. I feel much better about myself and these guys. On the other hand, they said they even the same restaurants bitter about their lives. They benefit lordly, miss the boat on Trump and so that they can. They decided to become never tromp gonna, making a virtue, a mere being an idiot in and missing the boat, and so there you are this. Is these are lying? You know these are the people are used to hang out with their is somehow a little bit less appealing to me now did you know tat when you're in the slammer.
Well, I was, I wasn't a consignment centre, which is bad news and good news to it. I mean the bad news is that it's not a white collar prison like other prison you're like hanging out with a countenance ennobling jas, and you know me out some town when vessels and money in your basically a blank Dennis by professor, doesn't mean I was in a facility
yeah, I mean I am being out before gamma diamond, I add a benign white supremacist in Kyoto Ease and drug smugglers and murderers, but the Good NEWS if it can. But it is so as we slept dorm as opposed to sell, because it is in a cell yo on when one guy and your your little vulnerable, because it's a private through a semi private space but in Georgia in a weird way, are protected by the fact that you are in a large group and as not all that they can do to you. And besides most of those guys that serve their sentences, they were just in a transitional confinement centre before being free. So they didn't want to do something dumb. That would get them back in this land over another five years, and so they had a self interest and behaving themselves and that a crude, I think to my protection to know. Tat.
Oh the tax. Now I was thinking about that at the time I was doing a lot of stuff with making galleon she was like. Well, you know, because it cooled and ass you can my show and you start to have, but we know that this was just literally banter. I never seriously considered it sir. I don't I don't look upon. My body is a billboard. This kind of why write books and articles I'd rather expressed my views that way, instead of sticking them on my forehead on my arm, I would take you for a Trump stamp coming back as you're such a big trump Van,
Well, I M actually not got a classic drums during that sense, because one of the classic from stores jumped on board at the moment, tromp declared his candidacy, mostly guys we think, of a strong stores. While I doubt they were loyal to him from day one. I always been more of a kind of mainstream conservative. I make my movies to unify the eco design of conservative republic in camp, and so I don't indorse people in the primary Ireland or strong. I waited until tromp was an army and then and then I kind of got behind trumpet I got behind raw me. I got behind the gain, so in that sense I was acting in the characteristic mode of recognising american politics is sought in teams and ultimately just decide which team your on come on goods team. So we're gonna go to our ten questions now lightning around. You can answer as fast as you want, exactness time you have left here. So do I am I correct,
not the time or more scared of the questions by go for it in your book. This is new book United States of socialism. Is it near book is out? What about you? I just out this week we got a beautiful thing, thanks again next time
coming up next for Babylon, be subscribers first thing you do as President first order you gave us. British politics does drawn the catholic intellectual tradition, but when I discovered coming on to America is the great force, the Angelica notion of a personal relationship, but God and with and with crisis, is bitterly you turn that talk about beer into a discussion on it, and I can see them and we thank you for coming on, where we reiterate regret. I used once rid of Wikipedia article that said David, an altar enjoying this hard hitting interview become of Babylon, be subscriber to hear the rest of this conversation go to Babylon, be dot com, flash plans for full length, freefall, gas, Kyle and Ethan. I would like to thank Seth Dylan for paying bills Adam forward for creating their job, the other writers, sport tirelessly pitching headlines subscribers and list until next time. This is Davy, Andrea, the voice of the Babylon B,
Transcript generated on 2020-06-23.