« The Adam Carolla Show

Part 2: Wayne Federman, plus Dawson’s News (ACS Mar 18)

2021-03-18 | 🔗
Adam welcomes Wayne Federman to the podcast next, and the guys do a deep dive into the world of standup. They begin by discussing the difficulty in comparing great standups due to subjectivity, and also talk about taking and teaching comedy classes. The guys then discuss the life of Mark Twain, and other notable figures in the early days of comedy that lead to modern day standup. Since Gina is out, Dawson enters the studio to read news stories about recalling Gavin Newsom, a guy who got kicked off a plane after peeing in his seat, Deshaun Watson’s allegations of sexual misconduct, a woman who claims to have had children with a rollercoaster, and the passing of Marvelous Marvin Hagler. Please support today’s sponsors: LiquidIV.com enter ADAM KFC.com ReliefBand.com enter ADAM Lifelock.com enter ADAM Geico.com PlutoTV
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Thanks for listening to the garage show on podcast one, you put everything into making your podcast perfect. You love it. Your fans, love it, but you're getting bigger. more and more people are listening every day and now you're worried about losing some of the magic. That makes your show well and row you. So how do you keep creative control patriotic on patriotic people power? Your pipe not networks are advertisers. So you turned down those crappy ideals that you know your listeners or just skipping over we say no to networks that care more about putting money in their own pockets than getting you paid. Your biggest fans get access to exclusive shows ad free episodes in bonus content, and in return you get a steady, predictable paycheck from the people who love what you're doing sound good, build and grow your podcast your way-
with your listeners start your patron today, patriarch dot com. That's Phd Oreo in dot com, You promise your child, they can grow up to become who they want to be. We know colleges expensive, but you promised come let you save extra money for your child's future. By doing the everyday things you ve already do safer When shopping online or even on your weekly grocery store runs, may get a college explained with a free. You promise account for worry, free college savings deposited each month. today, you promised outcome for thirty dollar. Welcome bonus start now. You promised stock com Wayne. Feder man is on to talk all things comedy and we'll get you caught up on, Will Rogers and Mark TWAIN and all the great interesting story, interesting history, stuff and
Dawson common in doing the news, kickin ass, taken eight. Adam Drawers, I'm your emotional support, animal, navigating our all woke, no joke culture has over. thousand five STAR reviews on Amazon. Here's one Indeed some LAO are, you know that I no longer a wildly hypersensitive war, you are, said pick up on your emotional support: animal, navigating our all woke, no joke culture and leave your five star review on Amazon, get all the links and Adam Corolla DOT com Wayne, fishermen,
is joined, ass he's been in movies such as knocked up forty year old virgin step brothers. Funny people legally blonde and tv shows, like curb your enthusiasm. My favorite crashing second favoured Larry Sander, show that's in their Silicon Valley, community, all the good stuff as well, and has got a book out the history of stand up for Mark TWAIN to Dave Chapelle available now on Amazon the chronicles devolution of stand, a pre vaudeville days to today good see away any unnecessary yeah. Let's talk about stand up, we're layers, a question for a guy- who teaches stand up and studies would end up. I was gonna like in, things. Do the heavy weight boxing division here? Are you had that for men and early days, Joe Frazier, and all these great days? And then you had these weird days with guys like Rinaldo, nice send Michael Spain,
and you know, sums names that were really legendary name some kind of a low time for heavyweight boxer Then a kind of went up again with the clear goes in Lennox Louis, where withstand upward. How would you if you charting think about the aid he's in the nine now I names the problem with that question? I'm already attacking the question. It, sir, is dead in Box There is a clear winner, like somebody winds, he there are points or they knocked the other birds. Now where's stand up, it's come lately, subject alone, who is funny who isn't funny and what I say in the book, unfortunately, is it. they up does not age? Well, it's very much a generational thing, so it's even heart, compare like I mean, there's a few. The transcend obviously your prior and Carling, or a couple examples of that, but it's just hard it's hard to even camp
you're era era and even who is the best that air so bright? So I try not to get into it and I think it into the. I think we I agree that everything that you want me to agree with you when you talk to some of these guys and ago, like I, don't know a buyer now and our somebody and I'll go. I when I was at the comedy store when I got there, there's, J, Leno and David, the latter man and Seinfeld, are whomever you know. That's like a huge who of sort of royalty, of comedy and now it's. I don't know how histories gonna view it, but it doesn't feel is House now it's got me and Marty Mariner back there, you now and it s lap and cares. I dont look you might be right. You may be right, but I do feel a lot of. It is like the first time you these stand ups when you're a younger
then it is sort of like this huge. About items like a magic trick, they're doing you're just like amazed by the whole thing and then when you're around it for a few years is harder to impress you with that That's a good answer, an utter. Let's not talk about teaching the server teachings the worst. I think I notice I took a stand up class. I I re I ever hawk about it. When I was like nineteen, I as a hum professor, you see allay had some sort of thing at night or something and only you feel extension per happy I'll yeah wasn't I wasn't progress here and allowed on camp was on campus. Thou was alive in an extension thing, and this guy was teaching sent. I dont know what you can teach a nineteen year old about about. Ok, and can I got this is something I have said before, that you can't teach summoned to be funny. Obviously, that's a given right. Yes,
so, but added that class. At least. Do you go like our? Unlike the funniest guy this class at least didn't get? Did you get any kind of like? Oh, please, I'm on the track somewhere, a safe environment where I can kind of just as opposed to just thrown of into an open. My did that happen. later on, when I was with the groundlings, was making groundlings classes. I was like oh I am subjectively funnier than most of these people. no idea what I'm doing, but I am, I think, I'm near than a lot of these be right and you can get a sense of that. You can get a sense of someone who just cannot- and I have believe me each them they just have no for not even close they're, not even close to poor well. Is it can full in their like walking in the other direction. They can't even see
Is this a safe statement? Then there's people it teach like self defense classes, emails and they're, not gonna Turn the spindle e middle age, woman into a cage fighter, but she'll be back. If someone attacks are on the streets than before, she took the class sad affair statement. Yes, she'll have like a couple counter moves confidence to grab the guy's balder whenever right in assuming she's been attacked by guy the wrong so yeah, So what is your gender present among the worst water? What so, let's let's say you get presumptive? Lay you got sent over here. Engineer dos and docility gonna be doing some stand up with me and that's gonna be jam in the Van speak, Easy March, twenty fifth of plug out there and I love it. She's gonna be opening do in a few minutes. For me,
some you now he's these down. A little bed is pretty good. Honest feed Scots amount time, but not a lot. A stand up time. What is what are some tips for like a young comedian, it's gotta get his first five minutes together. Well, this is what I always say. I said: there's nothing There's, no, nothing! I can teach you that's better than stage time right, there's no doubt futterman magic trick where all of a sudden like I'm a Ganum raving John Mulvaney jugs. This is incredible right, so I tell them that firstly, that the most important thing is to get on stage as much as possible, and then I just teach him like that. basic radiant things like three. The things that I go over and over and over again is just clarity, brevity and specificity like his nose, your three things: aching, and a rap their heads around when their writing a bit there like is this is brief and is clear as specific as possible.
and I think, for the most part, there's exceptions and most were most great stand up, falls into that Lotta loose language around it, you ve been doing it. So it's just like that's that's coming here. fifty eight thousand dollars a year ago there so well worth the lottery dips What ways alluding to you? I assume the court morale utility. You see. I went to the USA out of love the class like yours, bioenergy. When I was there talk about, I won't know. First, how did you pick the class to them, or did they to you and also how do you great? What what what is there one is a determining factor in the great well here did all great questions. First of all, can I ask you: why would you take that class? It sounds fine sounds like if I'm doing elective, I assume isn't like them. I can imagine that one of the core correctly can be there too. There is like a comedy niner. There is a comedy miner, the ardor of Galileo.
As an active, it sounds like a lot of fine area. Would probably I took our improv class WS user Improvin Theatre gain stop by like a professional clown I added clowning, so it was a lot more movement that it was improved as we know it, but it was still fun when their hats and round we all know how does a lot of movement allowed? Us did not just accurately burning Wilfred, answer the question. It's ok, Michael. The answer to your question is: how do I grade them? how does one going today and accommodate us we'll get you just show up to the class and participate coca, here's the insane part of it. Unlike writing, where there is some subjectivity to it. I was told right off. The bat like you cannot judge
you gonna great on talent really have greater effort and parts of spare by being air, and yes, let that sink in people. Let us think in I'm trying to think of how much of a great stand up or just a stand like is a certain agenda, sick qua certain just we'd like this person, they seem comfortable. their own skin, maybe nay got seed. You know him he's on everyday nights. He has increased, he's coming, undermine tomorrow. Yeah, that's that's! An editor plug for the show? Precisely because our God I had no idea, I know I do know- you're scared yeah. He has a kind of a car as a comfort in. I think I think who Dave ship. Has a comfort. I mean all the great guys should have have eight a comfort is why a confidence to it?
Yeah, I mean unless you gonna, go kind of a Gilbert Godfrey, wretched, Louis own thing, but I mean you know. Much of it seems you just be about a kind of humanistic quality. Almost like like out I'll make this statement my fear gray, and I think, if you seem uncomfortable, If you got a real hard time, landing, gray jokes, if you seem uncomfortable it on Conversely, if you seem very comfortable less urgent, swell land. Absolutely I I tell them the whole and that's why look goes back to what I said earlier is that you can only kind of get that comfortable this with age time. In my a very few days, a few Eddie Murphy, there's a few that, like added a gate, have this next level quite confidence about him but usually something you're like this.
The rhythm- and this is my thing button to tell the truth. Honestly, I do feel like what you said it is right on spot. On that humanity behind. The comic is just as important as this specific jokes. yeah and also, I think what would ends happening is at the beginning part of your career. Even before it's a courageous. You get upon stage it's kind of interesting. It's kind of like a first day, like all the things that you should, Do your compelled to do on the first day, but there are all the wrong things today, like you get all nervous, they start talking too much, and then you start talking about yourself too much, and then you start trying to build yourself up it's it's always. The best is sit back. Ask her a question Let her go now sabbatical like even take something you take something like dry, mouth or sweating like
all the things you don't want to do on stage. Get a dry mouth, sweat. forehead starch beating up. It's all what happens when you get pushed into this situation and I think a lot of people when their beginning feel pressured and when they pressure they speeded up, like they start talking, faster and and then if you're, not getting laughs, you'll speeded up even more trying to like push out more jokes thinking it, I'm gonna, make up for the rally, as is right really slow it down the audience or just stay with you? There there actually get more engage when he slow it down. Here I don't I mean Ryan, I don't know if you do, you do stand up his well. I'd have very brief and specific Stanhope career in twenty nineteen. I've never done stand up, but I was hosting a job, a big benefit,
young, adult cancer, and so on I, over the course of a year. I took a stand up class. I learn stand up. I did I did open MIKE's. I hosted a capacity all things and I performed a Twelveth minutes said that I had worked on for about a year, so I, but the answer you looking for- and I don't know I just got- averages curious about it because I dont know if you, all were Adam. I've had that's exactly describing where things going well and then you raised to these points I think, is tat. If I could just get to that's punchline garage, If I get this thing back on track and they can smell, they just can smell I feel like audiences are just like they don't thereon comfortable for your uncomfortable nation. And they just unravels in the worst possible way. That's been my experience. The dripping in a race is like a tartar, recover its value, it easier when you're raising but yeah
you have gone, full Zola, bud there is a deep tramps reference gotta be specific, let's go gas you learn one or the three development around three resign Call the raccoon gauss if she heard as all abide by that, is it likely it's a real, deep caught way, so in the bar Let's get to the book. Sorry has now I'd like talking about how ridiculous is at ridiculous. It is but we'll say that a lot of times they bringing comics to the class to speak to them and their like? Oh yeah, I took a comedy class. I took a stand up placed one started. Margaret show did that give rise. To that end, I was like as like. I was really surprised how many people just like this is a way a way to get into again to the pool is a guy. Well, you know, as I think about it,
love automobile raising? And everyone who raises cars most many of them started off like a high performance driving school or something they were they one school Ford. You know you you think of it. Is your dad ran moonshine any handed the keys to the mercury or something, but a lot of people went traditional routes in why is it? You know Poverty is a lot of soul and sort of invisible. starve and pixie dos and stop, but it's also a lot a technique and there's does I've learned, I learned I'm doing scheme aimed oppositional, humor There are rules for improving. Shall humor? When you go? the groundlings. They teach you the rules. Many radio people and other people have had to deal with over the years could have benefited greatly from you yes, and not only that, but guy knows.
A duty could learn Cynthia Jerry way back in the day, but again Fishermen, three and using olympic technique, there's a. I call it the spaghetti for by now, but but there is a base I mean you can go off and vamp and be funny and do our characters you want, but it is good to get that base. Underneath you first, yes or no, that by your alluding to there are plenty. In fact, people to the show the majority of people, Lee, improvisational comedians. You know and listen to still take classes after they become sort of known entities, actors still dig acting classes after they become working actors like just it's like a workout individual place to go into too heavy comedic heavy back. While it's here I mean obviously I'm kind of jet trying to justify this job. I haven't you, that was the right thing. There is some value
I don't know it's a relatively well buck anyway, the history or stand up, and it says from Mark TWAIN now most people get think of him is like a humorist. I guess you think I'm a razor stand up. Well, it's I define stand up somebody standing alone on stage getting laughs without like music, gonna without a partner that ventriloquist dummy and what Thailand, what what? What kind of venues would mark TWAIN do what Well, it will visit the thing. I even go back. Pre, there's a guy he saw a deuce when they were called comedy Here's at that time there was He saw that inspired him to do this tour, and it was mainly theatres, was mainly theatres and like back. but halls, and it was all over the world. It was hungry.
Was. Actually it was England. There was France, it was it was incurred, about what he was able to do before There was never any air travel or anything, and he made it. on a money? That's why he did it to tell the truth, because he has been famous from these books and then he lost your money in a start up and then he was broke and those like. Oh, I can do it artemus, dude, Artemus Ward, who has taken about. I knew that is in charge of buck a person and that's how he got rich again and did he is like? Would he do? He would do stories anecdotes like when be like us. Tight sat like we did wouldn't like it tight set, but the guy he watched here was his technic. This is artemus ward, the guy that Mark TWAIN sounds like up. This is how we can do it. He would take
It was something called the lyceum movement which was was like I, adult education and theatres, like people would pontificate about New York. or the American Revolution, or that is how to talks of their daily S, it? Was it like an hour TED talk and people would pay. They go see this because there wasn't. You know big public education at the time, so So this guy ordinary Wayne what year would this be like Greece, This is around the MID eighteen, hundreds but before the civil war, like their sort of a growing middle class, United States, and so he so this is lyceum, huge movement, so this guy are sward, is already got a reputation, Rina funny dude for these funny newspaper articles, they wrote, and so he was like. Oh, I beg you to put this on stage, so we had, as his thing was called stories of the baby or something like that.
and he went on stage that the whole time the hour in twenty minutes. That's what he did never mentioned stories of the baby. I guess whole thing was like I'm gonna get to it a thing I hears a tangent tears and did it in a very deadpan style. Like I don't know You people are laughing at me, I'm going to get to that. So that was his technique. TWAIN sees them is like and writes about me like this guy Artemus genius and that's how a kind of that's that was one of the what I call the forefathers of stand up so Those two guys definitely and no amplify. Sound that no acoustics ran right and in then Why would he do do? We have Tran I'll ramps? his staff. For all. Why not only transcripts? We don't have any idea, recording There are none of artemus none of TWAIN and there's only very little footage.
TWAIN so worm gas, so they're just but the they re China got everywhere. He won all over the habit in the book, like is tore dates in December. Eighteen, sixty nine like what he did in December that month, like all the theatres he played and results like black as it was every night and we take a day off, I'm just like a comic store. This kind of weird, as I think about it, yeah that we had photographs, and movies. Seventy five years before we had audio recording right now. now that would be weird. Would be wary were hurried over an audio track. Two like two like motion picture that took a while you, Tom, synchronize, sound to me I mean just slowly like like they shall act. Records of the unknown eighteen hundreds fighter, but we had like we.
Add very sorry, video. We had motion whatever video of me, TWAIN, but we do have any audio come here. I mean it wasn't re readily about. You could go to one of his events in like fail man, but you couldn't recorded Our two: how come there's no audio, then of a well Marty. Validity of TWAIN is like from the early nineteen hundreds and it's just him in his house, and I think it is time We are very worried about people exploiting him so there what I think he was very careful about not doing any work we could of. There was recordings No, no live recordings when their words can be and at the time in the late eighteen hundreds there's, a famous guy named Uncle Josh, who did you know Uncle George Orwell Overall garage? He had a bunch of records that he sold and they were but he did it in a studio any we just do it like you
referred to. Them is humorists like humours stories about New England, gonna. Think, Sir TWAIN, what there will be doing our our now twenty minutes in an end like it, was people went and all over the world like work, went nuts for this guy and he was once in a while. He got to the point We would like in the middle, the Shelly might do something sad lying here. Hannah Gatsby style and then and then go back to where you know we can t wanted prove that he had like a little bit of a rage Do some melancholy stuff. Somebody read from the book and then a little story and it then people went nuts for TWAIN. You should check out the good documentary on em well think about those other documentaries can burn yes, Kingbirds! Thank you. Thank you can burnt as a really good about those tours in how incredible there
But again no one was colleague stand up and I want to make it seem. Like the other, like he's don't stand up, he's doing an open MIKE and now he's doing this day. There was a whole different, but he was that's what what he was doing when we stand codified as window. When did a sort of warnings. Nineteen forty, seven, the term stand up, came to me The UK and elsewhere is somewhere else. more able parts partly of the cat skills, but it was more a meanness. a number of ideas where came from, but I think they are. Arching mine. It was a short hand for Booker's to book. A certain kind of act that didn't made muse accused didn't need lighting use is neither microphone they get thrown out there. They would just do jokes, stand up. That's it. I even bob
could like I'll. Do it I'll do it with this girl and I'll do a comedy bit with Jerry Colonna and then I'll do ten minutes to stand up like it was a specific kind thing you could do: taboos I say it. I don't know, I'm going down the Mark TWAIN Rabbit hole. Now, let's get going, they are allowing. When did he die, howled that I just picture sort of old Margo yeah yeah yeah? I early Nineteen hundreds I'd, I dont know the exact. It is this nineteen in the air, nineteen ten as grass at a word, as Will Rogers in a word that we live in the book. I have four forefathers there our artemus ward, that guy you just heard about. He's the one and inspires TWAIN whose become so more famous than Artemus ward Furthermore, it is still the comedy store on whom I think of you, hi Angus. Is they yet the highway well,
That's yeah, yeah, that's my point. There was a guy name. Williams, who came out of Did a little mint came out of the minstrel show is african american dude and then we'll Rogers is the fourth. So we'll Rogers is huge, huge because he was the first one to do trade on political, topical cereal. It was a lot more urgent old than it is now or you can have at this rate the person but Joe anyone. Does politics onstage jets, Carson? That's Bob hope. That's me saw that any the USA now we're weakened Gate Bill MAR the Marge could be met. John Biennale so get all of those guys. You know it's weird about Will Rogers now me I was
driving through Hell, the guy who wrote the book. I will tell you this because this more to do with real estate, but I was driving the canyon yesterday and I saw Will Rogers State are up and Santa Monica will Rogers beat down there, and I and I thought what disconnect in to Santa Monica like where you mustn't the so called guy I'd added a why the name that stretch a beach in our role as you had owned all that land you all in outline the act as an EU head into Malibu. If you're driving from Santa Monica down pc aging malibu, you would cross, will Rogers Stamp Beach There's a will right when I was God. Twenty two I had a motorcycle. I went on a date remember going up there. You go son said before it spells out the pc age in turn up the driveway in its Will Rogers State Park up there so. He had all that land yeah any donated.
When did he was extremely successful, and now it's it's good. people kind of know about him, but his story is phenomenal he was Cherokee. Even half Cherokee rail ends Bore in what became Oklahoma. Then known is indian territory learned at a rope is a kid and that's how he got into show business as something remember I met the lyceum circuit, lengthy lyceum thing that the TWAIN and Artemus did he got in something to score wild Hush shows which were unravelling, shows there like a circus and they would like in a rope and ended cowboy boots, indian reenactments and Bronco things in shooting and actually heard of any oakley. She was part of that horror. They yeah. So that's how he got started before he talks before he ever talk nonsense. Wayne Flattering Lee Korea, State Beach
funny was Leah. The next Radiohead ITALY around I didn't know you Don T Zuma was was incredibly mime. Zuma mime chosen Rogers Mile, whenever LEO Korea and when our so good He must have bought then some of them expensive, real estate on the planet. He must have bought that for pennies and acre I mean we talk about the twenties one week when the trophy room, I think he got he bought that land in the twenties, because he was a big movie star. He was a big radio star. He had eaten. The most important thing was here. This newspaper column that he rode every day with like stuff, so he was that had books tours toward the world, even like a machine
we know where we would have me too. The shit out of his eyes if they're alive hecklers will Rogers in Korea market led me running for their fucking lives. There there publicist would be delivering prepared statements, they being semi seclusion. They probably I'll have to move to France raised point. When did Rogers Pass there may well will Rogers Eighteen, guided by those eighteen, thirty, nine thirty five minutes. Now he died in a horrific plane crash in that's right in Alaska. With this other guy wily poster with this sort of crazy canal, the aviator you created the space suit like do so anyway, he dies, and it is all the flag federal property? Half mass, while the day of his funeral NBC, CBS Radio, no television yet obviously stops broadcasting. For, like ten minutes,
as they stop all the movies stop for two minutes, twelve hundred movie theatre to gross again it is its devastating. I can't believe Be like I don't even know the answer while national treasure. Yes, it was a national dress. It was a big thing when he died so I was like an end. The horrific knew of it just like, because that's one black people were just thinking. Is this air However, this is gonna, be a thing or wind like an arrow yeah. Probably though it was, it was terrific entered user. and can I also say something this very interesting about, will Rogers to me, probably not to you, but he was the first media to host the academy awards about that doesnt to interview How long did how long the category Wardsman going they started.
twenty nine. He did it and thirty three. So we did maybe the fourth one day, the air, a downtown LOS Angeles, and then more this year when now they can't get any flexibility. The hope is that we have to have a twitter account and be so yet, but that started the tradition of Bob Hope and all of those guys right after Billy Crystal and the generous how how old was well when he died, he Rimmer Voice in Europe. Fifty so I'm gonna get fifty five. That's off. The top of my head is out of the log law, again probably older, than fifty younger than sixty at an hour. This loan ever I'm an odd numbers. Man sounded rather only monogamy, fifty five, the double next to nothing
right. Well, all very interesting stuff Wayne. One hang out do news with us. I'd love to you, I'd love to Wayne veterans. Gonna hang with Us Dawsons, going to fill in with gene and will do the news right after this didn't spirit of Moreau. Jennings Cronkite, here's another great moments getting low. Some people in the cried Mary of mobile sake, leper cod. residents to their neighborhood electrical Missy. For these Brian Johnson S boy, curiosity leads to large crowds in mobility cried and community. Many of you
in binoculars? Can quarters even camera funds to take pictures of me and the lack of any kind to me, I do little planetary, glass eye witnesses say the leprechaun only comes out at night. If you shine a light in its direction, it suddenly disappears. That's a great moment now, back to the item, quarrel with shell, well docile steadily filling inferred Gina ground, the end Wayne veterans hanging in and so is bound so taken away Dawson. My daughter with the news, eggs, wow, So it's really here broadcasters in LOS Angeles area, but really nationwide or morning, the loss of legendary sports, CASTOR, Steve, Grad, passed away on March, sixteenth fellow abroad,
Jack Salvatore, who worked with Mr Grab for many years, that hell of a ride through the roller coaster of life, for the sweetest kindest, most compassionate, loyal, friendliest and most dedicated the family most profession. Smartest strongest, most adventurous funniest and downright person, I've ever known on bless that you put up with me through all the for all these years Wayne fatter and that's Gina, Grads father yes, that pal. I sought out why she's not here yes, famous sports gas, Steve we're dial, Jack's, ten. Seventy doing sport reports from ninety three to two twenty. Sixteen eighty was also one Katy allay. Also worked. Kay want to one in San Francisco offer appeared in the eighties and then and the city, San Antonio and Portland, and he will be missed in the radio community are the final day for collecting signatures to recall, Governor California, Governor Gavin, Newsome,
today. As we record this. It is over the recall. People say that they have enough signatures for them recall to go through, but there are still several hurdles. First, signatures need to be verified, there's also a thing where they allow people through these days to withdraw their signature, so the recall people do expect that a damn, credit campaign is going to come out in the next few days, urging but rather to remove their signatures above above those two million still quite a few hoops to go through. They say the earliest recall election could happen would be in October. Possibly November, but it's going to be all at the whim of bureaucratic process MAX Ipad. Do we have this commercial somewhere? The am he was now new sums, nuisance, havin, a sort of get up burn. Some calories now is fighting for job idea,
This whole notion that, well what have we get somebody worse than Newsome. Well, who's. Worse than news item number one number care on your tongue and we could we could get the plastic out. That's on top see food restaurants to keep the seagulls from shooting on the sign, and that would be a step towards the light and turns placing Gavin Newsome, but new summer will play the play, the commercial we have the one of serve the queue and on one in there. Yes, it is a whole new campaign launched on Monday, so love will take God current on Everybody
whose behind a partisan recall of governor, gave a new some saving a black, seen q and on extremely violent white supremacist title six and the same right wing republican politicians who supported Donald Trump attempt to overturn the election of course paid for by the Republic in National Committee. Instead of helping fight the pandemic, national Republicans are come to fight telephone tat, your name to help stop the Republican weaken its power grab. Yeah well, is it power grab like taking a retarded nine year old out of the driver's seat of a pickup truck. Is a power grab yet, as that would be a power grab? That's true: hey Timmy know now then I'll. Give me the keys. You gonna hurt somebody. Yes, that's a power grab like taking a pistol away from a former severely disabled three or that that would be if it. If that's the power grab we're talking about, then so be it. I love the fact that we,
blame q and on everything now exists as a kill and I'm good spirits? It is curious things. The greatest fuckin thing that ever happened is everything that that you don't like. You discover its Kyoto conspiracy, white supremacist everything is raise. Canopy that you're just stay feckless flocked up, cannot breathe. And your fucking running this state into the ground. Could it be that that listen? You must if I'm running the campaign against sk avenues and I use go who's this March man on the planet on must: where do you still live. California. Where do you live now? Ok, so now the violent left. That's all I need to know. those are definitely on a full media bless. He appeared on the view, four days ago. Let's play you a small little clip from nuisance appearance there, it begins with Joy Bay, are asking a question and he
Doesn't expert piece of politicking to tell you once again who is behind this recall so environment has directed states to make all adults are eligible for the vaccine by May first, but I know Paul found gaily half of term supporters. Forty seven percent won't take it. Ok, California, has a long established, anti vaccine movement, the vaccine the key to getting back to normal. How will you convince anti vaccines to get the shot your mandate, it also I know it's the right question about the way: it's the anti maskers, an anti vaccines just the mega trump donors and the new Gingrich's and my cock a basin Devon Nunez, is in addition, the conspiracy, terrorism militia members that are behind this because now, what people want to send a fucking kids back to school, one what militia are they, in my part of key, went on do. They reside in fucking discards,
so he's a sociopath prick, fuckin horrible I've interview them both so who are still a long way from this recall, actually happening, but we can all keep our fingers draws now on our finger spur us on to some black out news. A man is facing twenty years in prison for urinating on this plain seat I peed all over my shirt at an tabby urinal. Now software neighbour, arriving lock into sir I'll. Do what I want. Do it a radio interview and I was doing as donor radio. You guys before judge tell me what you would do. Ok Paradise, I'm doing a radio interview this morning with the arms and Gary horror, plugging the Reno shows coming up.
And I like to either domain my car or I'll just go out. can a walk outside around the block. Where I know I have good reception and no one's gonna come up and ask me questions that I got appointed my phone or whatever. So I was doing, Our view out and about certain out an open on sidewalk, but I realise how to take a leak pretty pretty badly and I thought what do I take a leak, and I thought Well, it is my warehouse and it is my parking lot, but still there some for traffic here so all slide inside the warehouse. I really have to pee badly this point, so I thought how am I gonna keep interview going and then take a big time. Piss in a toilet. Does they're gonna hear this the acoustics or bad in the bathroom decide all just lean over the sink and silent, wishes into the sank: ass
continuing my radio interview, which I dutifully did but about half way into the ways. I notice that didn't seem, like anything was going into the bank and its eye where the gym shorts and the shirt had Paul Thou gone over the penis and Julius, paying into my own shirt, which is directing it back into my own shorts. I was stealthy, I gotta say in terms of silent: you did a limited. Yes, it was like paying and do a field of cotton. It was silent, the peat of our relatives paying all over myself and then I couldn't really reactor and I'm trying to adjust and continue with the interview, and I ask what what you're, set up for the interview with just regular had the year by year bites. I guess he had both hands free. I did while I think I was holding the phone- and I you're right- I should have, I should have said-
the phone down no good place to start a phone down in a bathroom, the top of the toilet, so little Laura Amber yet sinks that quite right there's a lot of slipping slide and going on there. But if I am, you did the right move. Just do your name, my shirt right That's all right! I'll be home and nine hours, Then you ve got the the choice. Re Africa to shake hands with the devil witches do. I know douse my shorts, ensure with water, thus creating huge wet spot in my shorts, ensure for them continuation of the day or do I let the last surmount of with dry out Now the I wrote it out there who made the right decision.
Well, the FBI arrested twenty four year old, linen guerriere after he wrote it out. On March, nine, according to an affidavit, was asked by a female flight attendant eight to ten times, but a face covering on buddy. He refused and include, began to push and swat her hand away, as she tried to gently tab his shoulder to get his attention. He said frequently stuck her arm two to three times in an attempt to aggressively dismiss her and then later in the flight to fly the tenants recorded to reported to a call button passengers ordered to flight attendant, a that passenger Greer? urinating in his seat. some doing so, asked him to sit down Why did the design is peanuts was out of his pants? I didn't think you that's the mistake. I may I didn't for satellite pregnant She put his penis back into his pants. His response was, I have to pee
several of the passengers around reseated and then the flight was to where it was gonna. Go that the German said that be fifty. Told investigators that he had had a several beers and a couple of shots before bored boarding the flight. He fell asleep on the plane and then awoke to being yelled out by the flight attendants who told him he was paying. He had no recollection of here the flight attendant. Well, no, it was paying here's an interesting conundrum and the unintended consequences file. Now that Dave cut back and the booze, or got rid of booze altogether on flights lineup Eyes are nervous flyers other guys just enjoy a pop on a flight. I think maybe like tale aiding where they don't serve alcohol in the stadium or something right. People tend to get their fill out in the parking lot. Like
for border, can rights, like a lot of guys that are used to ordering a couple cocktails and a flight are now just camel and away the booze at the bar before they get on the fly like trying to get the buzz, the last them the four and a half hours or whatever it is, and the maybe some over compensate. losing maybe no booze on the plane. Gets you less overall buzzed people, but more black out thrive be able in a way. Would you admit that even in black out drunk, he was able to get his penis out of his pants and successfully nay without hitting. I was stone, cold Zeller, ten thirty in the morning, and I still could not negotiate giving my dick out o my shortens and ended into the Saint doktor drew, cracks we're because he had a roommate in college. You woke up black out drunk god.
walked over. You got a picture. The old style record player with a flip lead. I walked up to it, flipped it up like it was that oil at sea and then just started pissing all over the stereo. That's perfect right perfect one of my friends back in Santa Barbara, our big party Hades. I woke up to him about to take a piss in the oven, our. I love the seat. What worked the other way, though, I was in Santa Barbara was some in one of em. Lincoln do much and got up and you're needed all over the bed. The gown was sleeping. I found it motive erotic, its own way. in other penis news, A lawsuit filed and Harris County against NFL Star Dijon Watson alleges that in toxins, quarterback assaulted, a massage therapist at her home. By touching her with his penis the
Jade incident occurred last year at this time march. Thirty, twenty twenty glossy claim Watson, repeatedly told the massage therapists to focus on his quote growing area in the world began, feeling incredibly uncomfortable after roughly twenty five minutes. Do lessons, comments and behaviour. The merit massaged. Airbus believed that he wanted a massage for only one reason: sex allegedly tried to direct the woman to his penis several times and purposely exposed the tip from the town. He brought, according to law suit, which also says Watson would reposition himself said he could purposely touch Plaintiffs hand with the Tipp of his erect penis. Well, if you ve got a big hunger, you're looking for groin work, and you start We come arouse. This is a inevitability right. You know I've how we get around this kind of literally yeah. It's going to be difficult to navigate,
I bet he would hit the sick like inhabitant minefield, though he just pushing his penis into her hand This is all this going to be hard to prove in a court of law, because he's gonna go had a growing Paul. I wonder folks the groin and it I'm just as God made me now. I can't help that my dad was well endowed in our yeah. The blood the circulating in India was pumping and it may mention of lit the Senate scented candle. But I do not. I called inaudible in spreading check down the woman who filed the suit does did testify that directly after the incident to Sean and said to her quote, I know have a career and reputation and I know you would hate for someone to mess with yours. Just like
I don't want anyone messing with mine. This woman took that as a threat and possible position of guilt there. Judge of Rwanda, a piece of music news, Wolf, Vana Halen, has called out the Grammy's for their paltry tribute, to Eddie Van Ale in all year. Personally, I did not see it, but it was about fifteen seconds of with a ring. Or did rendition of the Eddie Van Hail and guitar solo irruption wallet tastefully laid at Evanna Guitar was on the stage. However, beef has, was an already the quote. The Grammy's asked me to play eruption for the end Memoriam section and I decline. I dont think anyway could have lived up to what my father did for music but himself, It is my understanding that there would be an inn, Memoriam section where bit of songs were performed for legendary artist. That had passed. Didn't realize they would only show pop his dad for fifty.
seconds in the middle for food performances of the others we had lost, but the most was that he and even mentioned when they talked about artists we lost in the beginning of the show it was. sadly omitted from that. I know right. Isn't the most popular genre right now and the academy does seem a bit out of touch, but I think it's impossible. To ignore the legacy my father left on the instrument, the world of rock and me in general. There will now Be another innovator like him. I feel that way My dad is trumpet it's gonna put a fool: the horn out there then we're just gonna back and arrogant. Ass, her up into the mouth patient electorate. I why They have his name in the in Memoriam. Thing is there no name but the top shelf Dawson. I asked who was at the top of the show where they mentioned Can you Rogers, I say
out of the question I guess is: who is who wore the people whom he had before? the longer virginal or they fall perform says over there, like thirty seconds well I've onwards. Ordinarily, I strove the internet to try to find this. I can't find any piece of the Grammy's on the internet that is the actual broadcast, so I can't see anymore and I did not watch it, but he alludes to four full performances, and this article here says that those perform there were new duties is our buys and time can that sixteen detour minutes a little little Richard. Can you Rogers John Prime and Jerry Marcy, Jerry Martin is but dad got done it, but I bet they. Weren't fall performances problem a thing, but and he play irruption cause. You met her. Yes, you are now a rapture and if you can nail or option that's concealing a shitty ran
I understand what you say he didn't need and want to He doesn't think that anyone could represent what his father could have done it. stage- and it is true that The Van Helen did more for buddy guitar players in rock and roll we than anyone else I mean even more than Hendricks Jimmy page, Van Halen, especially through the door, MTV others erasure hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of guitar players would said that their for playing the guitar, was Eddie, then alien yeah. He was kind of like what top gun was Fern Naval flyer recruitment. He was for Qatar players. MTV, probably open up yeah, like Jimi Hendrix, was good and so crazy. He didn't spire anyone ever just watched him and when she had occurred and yeah
an interesting twist on Germany or Florida. The woman wrongful are a more I'm from Flanders, the iron It's a man ringer knowing now that a woman says she found true love and has had children with, roller coaster, that Coaster is either in Germany or Florida. I'm gonna go germinated feels like Germany to me bright other weird outside the line? Sexual stuff? I always go german, I'm gonna go german as well, although I hope to God it's Florida, temporary, scale NGO claims that she has been long been sexually attracted. The inanimate objects but she says she didn't know true passion hell. She fell for a german roller coaster, She says you could say that I'm sexually drawn to rollercoaster hers, but soon
I met the sky scream rollercoaster. I understood what love was a frenchwoman says about her attraction to live in German, no budget the german right she spent every moment dreaming of corn, all and fusion all relationship with it she's three years old said she has been sexually attracted objects and she was aged twelve she's. three serious romantic human relationships, but has found them all to be Tramell. Itself, not like a toaster Yahoo, so she does is to sell dating a roller. Coaster does have its drawbacks. Rick couple are unable to have any sexual physical relationship and meat up is difficult, but she said It made me understand that sex was not a priority in my relationship specially following the difficulties in trials we encountered in being able to not see each other
up should be easy. Always no word is never gonna be anywhere else. A long time might be about one or two. You know my. Maybe Wayne fishermen could get this show off the ground called what happened here. It is in I go to the home deep. I interviewed eighty one year olds or walk in the plumbing I'll who are working there for eleven dollars an hour, and I just go. What happened here and then we interview like her parents in twenty seven year old, otters bang rollercoaster what happened here so I got kids. I want to steer clear of this What you guys do? What didn't you do, I'm all ears, doesnt gonna tell you can give me where you think you went wrong here Let me now say: go down that path. You much nurturing was in rail tunnels too much did you.
too much praise not about prize. This is a super high shellfish today move, I could argue, while also making our your average uber low self esteem as well. Let's do one more Dawson, you don't yeoman shot by the way. Thank you who in where are we touched on this earlier, but over the weekend, marvellous Marvin hackler passed away his son, death over the weekend. I had nothing to do with the covert nineteen vaccine. That's what the boy Wife is saying ok, hackler, slapped down speculation, that a marvellous Mormon Sixty six died after receiving the vaccine. Should I do not accept that some stupid comment without knowing what really happened. She wrote in a post for sure
Wasn't the vaccine caused causes death? My baby left in peace with his usual, usually smile usual smile must be, and now is the time now is not the time to talk nonsense? Well, following the news of his death, here's what happened his one time rival turned pale. Thomas Hearns field rumours of what caused the boxers death. Did you gotta see this wait on injury, grouse arose and AIDS. Luckily, I had ever seen him in two decades. why said Missus Bow? as a real, true warrior, pray for king and his family he's an icy you fighting the after effects of the vaccine. Just fine, but we could use the pause of energy policy. of energy and pray for his full recovery. He wrote in a sense, delete posed to follow that up with
one saying allow us to have our peace are love and respect Marvin and his family. This is not an anti vaccine campaign, its outrage just to have that in mind. Passing of a king, legend, Father husband, and so more that put was posed was also deleted and first thing that he was saying this is Rages. To have this the time of the passing of a king when he's the one who put it out there in the first place, but where's on websites that he died of natural causes nearer home in New Hampshire, but does not elaborate. It's weird. That's taught us a hitman fatty. Its greatest backing epidemiology he so Hitman Hearns before he's dead, sayings inhospitality at a reaction to the vaccine, which is
I don't know where he got this information, but maybe they know each other. They they ve stayed in touch of their friends or whatever it is. I don't know why he's saying that, but it peculiar and then he dies very shortly thereafter and then Hearns walks. It back. I guess seems crazy, but it's also weird ride. I mean: where did it? Why did he think he was racked into the vaccine before he died and what? got a minute. I see you and then we're not. the hearing anything from the family about why he died, I've had some kind of information or misinformation to make that claim in the first place. comes razor would say he. Maybe you got the vaccine given his age and then he constantly got sick given his age and died. Meanest Tonia that totally
happen, but then, where does Hearns working? This Hearns is just like doing a math. Where he's like he got the vaccine, then he went to the hospital, so he must have had a reaction to the vaccine. Ass possible logos. My thought, may I kid. I'm on events. As you got a shot, you got sick and again the hospital maybe just put two and two together now interesting. Or just to have you got surfing the vaccine, whom I don't know I mean, there's, there's probably a very small percentage of people. That would just very I mean every freaked out but take the fuckin vaccine, but yeah, maybe a one point: five percent of one one hundredth may die of. That could happen. It still doesn't mean you shouldn't get it, but it's curious what what Hearns? What the Hell Hearns now I, let's bring it
Dawson. My darling news is over. We man. yeah me in Reno tomorrow. I guess, is he here this during the brew house over there don't stand up Virginia flow capacity to full capacity, something some version of something ok jam in the Van speak easy. We told you about that's coming up on the twenty fifth Don T show their natural Zionism sure that'll, be that would do it alive Ah, there that's April fourteen that'll be fall and then scam crawled outcome for all the live shows Wayne No man ever won the history of stand up, go there and learn something read that bought for Mark TWAIN. Today, felt available now on Amazon
and showed him a tweet at betterment just like it sounds so until next and great I've dos until next time. Our call for my does anyone veteran involve Rhine, say call the Adam Carolla show on Twitter, I'm pretty sure she'll follow weights on Twitter, Adam Carolla delete the voicemail at eight hundred and sixty four one thousand seven hundred and forty four and pick up any of that.
Transcript generated on 2021-08-15.