« The Adam Carolla Show

Part 2: Siobhan Fallon Hogan, plus The News (ACS Aug 24)

2021-08-24 | 🔗
Siobhan Fallon Hogan joins the pod at the top of Part 2. She talks about her acting career across film, TV, and stage, starting as an extra, joining Saturday Night Live, and eventually working with legendary filmmakers like Lars Von Trier. They go on to talk about Siobhan’s new film, casting her kids as well as Phil Rosenthal’s kids, and Siobhan’s upbringing. Later, Gina reads a news story about Andrew Cuomo’s farewell address, which leads to Siobhan explaining how her daughter helped first break that story. As the show wraps up, the guys talk about FDA approval of the Pfizer vaccine, and ESPN’s airing of Corgi Racing. Please support today’s sponsors: TommyJohn.com/ADAM SlumberCloud.com enter CAROLLA10 KregTool.com SoloStove.com enter ADAM Geico.com Check out The Jordan Harbinger Show
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Temperature regulating banning products from a sheets. The mattress pads can be found at slumber cloud dotcom, save ten percent on your purchase with our exclusive code, Corolla ten slumber cloud dot com save ten percent with Parole LE ten and now a totally innocuous word that sounds dirty when MIKE Dawson says it soaking, let's get back to the atom. Corolla shall provide round her joy. She s movie out of Russia's velvet theatres as well streaming on ample Amazon com and upon Friday, road produce, and stars in the film so work. Congratulations! Chauvelin! Thanks Adam! thanks me. I really really appreciate it. Disclosure! I just watch the trailer, which is very well very well,
done in riveting I've not seeing the homo, I think Gina site has and Brian as well. So we can. They can speak to it better than I do, but I Oh, what a monumental undertaking riding and starring in and produce a movie all my eyes. It's it's! It's! It's! The law, was percentage thing you ever try in life, including you know, walking on a tightrope across Niagara, falls seriously and I'd better Niagara falls. My sister said to me: she promises much where I've Rob states. They really thick access like shit It's like having a baby. I got married like everyone top wouldn't I had no idea what I'm getting at and we gotta get the Finnish on Friday, but now it's been a great experience, but while it's a lot of work, yeah. So how does this start? Let's go through the process and then we'll get to us in our other endeavours. So you was. Is you I've been an actress forever? Five and fifty five thousand years and I done one woman show's over the years about three years. I said
do not one moment shall, but no doing, let me show you go out afterwards. Yo you not like it's Alec family, like oh, wasn't fun. We did, seemed just you so I thought I've been in this business long enough I'll. Let me see if I could write a movie, so I write this movie, and then I just basically all in all the troops of all the people, I've known from over the years robber, Patrick, plays my huh then you know robber from the terminator and I call on my Perry, Gilpin from Frazier Jake Weary, whose totally taken off an animal king. Now he pews but tv and as a eyes. I wrote this moving, so I said to her like weren't so, but I had done three films, with large volunteer over in Denmark, and so I said I just Ben too, on the can film festival with met deal, and I did the house a jackal, anyway, so sudden over to the producers over there and they think they call me negotiation? We want to produce, as my colleague rap. Maybe this is good so anyway, so there
just, went all my friends who were high rollers nose like how'd, you like to invest moving so and then I put like like, I don't really know how to face. Bulgaria had stopped at the time, and I was like hey we will be in town element New Jersey now and I said Does anybody want to rent rooms for the crew? Well, literally, people stepped up their like boot. We'll take three. You know a film cruiser like it looks like it all the circus and there the best people ever but they're, not like people from where I live either by the way, so Anyway, so it was like it takes a village and we this movie will be too ago September, twenty seventh and then thank you. I'd, be sold and now Cole wid. You know They are so now vertical. By now, the dog and pony shall helping like burglar attainment awesome, but not bought but in addition, I said to them. Hey. Can I get this in the end?
it's so I'm literally on the phones calling round to people like getting into indefensible country, as well as the major markets a vertical. chauvelin too many former US stars to going through lars- want rear phones, jobs are hunters. Are data structure is very heavy. That's very high level. You always know that people are kind of sophisticated if they know Lars bunch. Here I mean by the way, I'm not in any way this together, so I don't know how I ever work that, but yes, so I mean, isn't it actually, eighty Kaufman who's, the cash drawn this? She took a shot on me years ago, because I was pegged. the only you know, I don't s analogy, even even like class. I did Shakespeare the park, but I was plain phoebean actual like itself. She she call she said John there's this role. I think you could do it and large was directing stance from the dark nanda when the can film Festival of Beer and now you'll be Org yeah,
at home. So I was up all night with my daughter, Bernadette, whose twenty six issues terrible baby and shit you're infection. So I was able to Ryan Command the next day- and I also russian sorry spoke just now falling on the casting a friend of the show, Phil rose and all his daughters in this movie she's, very good, she's someone you knew and reach out to urge you just got come of recasting now. Ok, so Monica rose entire best friends for ever and we were lifted. We are at this law firm that we work with it no skills. I was receptionist. I got all my friends on board to be at this high flute law, firm back and just right, out of school. Elmira New York, New York, zero, like two cents and so I would get all my friends jobs, so I got Monica we met an improv class growlings was in New York about two seconds Adam. So I knew modern for she method I don't know she no filled him with their. They started dating before their married, so little
I've known since she was a baby and better. Wasn't dolls in it too. So I said, he's got. The lily would be good to play. My daughter, I need like a girl, was caught him and colleagues like a teenage. It was kind of, like you know, really cool, and then bends frat boy. So yes, my sons in it, my sons of rap by my daughter's snotty, sorority girl, you know so I knew they deserve. It I gotta say just right out of the gate of the movie I was so I I mean to say it took me out of the world at all. It was just worth. noting in commenting the that one of the first scenes where the phone in its early in the morning and that whole set up of talk about a slice of life. I mean this has happened to everyone, but it seemed Irene felt. I was a fly on the wall in somebody's actual house, and your writing is so, and I mean this with the utmost.
ACT nor mall and relate of all well. I really thank you for that. First of all, ok, so I have three kids and you dont so Adam you haven't seen it yet, but so you man, making the sandwiches and nearly all of them every mother thinks since my time in the morning to myself then of course grab at last tenants asleep in Europe. After for the rest the day, because you like shit, get up there, You gonna make you sandwiches, and so she say in the road, when she's, like you, don't mean she's like drops the F bomb than she like so, like literally the wireless mile dysfunctional weird life, we lived, we live. This is so embarrassing, two and a half blocks from school. I would take my daughter she ate. Who was who plays the happy in place? Jake we're girlfriend. She was kind of OCD, so she'd have to get to school early and then it would circle back to get my son Peter. Who plays the bad wife required to take image, seven, forty four, the Bilbao interact,
you lay, but he could work the system how do I get in and get downstairs through window? Basically, that's the way I leave my. Let me tell you that that little Minister five minutes in the car Will you slam your kids? I make him, unlike you better start brand or go to hell. You idiots. I love. Why loves you drop the tsars? Esther They are about save put your skirts geography. Look like hookers watch because, like my will always George Catholic School, and I was looking for a hooker shut up out of the car anyway. Something happened that didn't exist when I was a kid witches. We started listening to kids and and respecting their wishes. If not more I got the same thing like my daughter wants to be driven to school, and my son walks the school with its this difference whether there's two kids in the car was and what I cast him and yell Adam. I gotta get up and drive now when I was a kid of just me like now go war
or do whatever you want, but we're not doing this, like you just say, no people disco. Now we the generation that our parent least I was my parents were like I, I was the worst athlete you ever met, but I did somehow get on the jail in this. You know you're, really bad. After when you're senior Yon Jamie Softball Angelo play my pet, my mother came to one game. She found kids, I saw her shoes big reader and she was repeating, and then she said to me after she might do. I have to do that again and people like my kid is great athlete. Unlike look, you know, that's good athletes. Second, you just like you can see the vast ones and I shall say: hey, listen, just forget it. You know the earthly, but somehow we ve created these monsters where you don't like. What are you of this another thing in my school with the parents dropping off lunches from the local restaurant. Ah whores I mean I got peanut burn jelly
I swear it only Bible every single day and an archway oatmeal cookie, ten years Pierre buttered not allowed on school. I I got. I got half of Nay Wittenberg Subpoena programme jelly because I didn't have my own. I got my. sprang Judy ten it. She was the youngest of seven. Her mother got to the point where she gave up I'll just eat our search sold him and he made this thing called Congo Bowers through a chocolate chip bars so should always make to, but not just to three, because I'd think was Bunny T both of you kids know the the age old technique of bombing things. We would palm feared we're more pigeons and we were students sit around. There were the kids, parents love them who were responsible, who made them a decent lunch and then just sit next to them, hoping like a pigeon like they throw a scrap out. We grab it, you would know,
staring down and make it so difficult to enjoy it or you steal some. I remember I had a friend Joyce and she got up to go to the bathroom I'd like eat, something of hers, liquor chips are something should cabinda about what you said. You might chips, and I know that so weird, why would eat your chest say when my sister Sheila with you? We had some form of potatoes. Every single night of my life. In my house there was my mother always bird, the boil, potatoes and you'd here the that you'd here, like you, do like tat, tat bends, water boil down to the pan and burn the potatoes but I love we all love the potatoes skins of baked potato. Oh yeah, I'd always make an emission for my sister she'll issues, the middle. She was the third child. She was kind of fat, but now she's slim and I get fat and she looked nap sea because you mocked me for so long. We in fact now you're fat soap, so I would take her potato skins she'd like, but she
which I could psychologically smarter and she just start crying to. Sometimes she would remember she ate their ability to take it. I remember once Favorite dish was mashed potatoes, but my mom was never make them because it took twenty minutes, so one day I got my ash potatoes for dinner by. I also got no trouble and got grounded, and I remember just taking the pot of mashed potatoes to my room and just pudding between my legs with the wooden spoon just eating the mash per day, all right, I'll pay. You are Oliver Duenna Virginia S very Oliver. One time my father, I hated spinach. So much and he's like you'll stay at this table until you use finished. I just sat there. Three hour so that there is no way that I mean the spanish and we have this up. green shag rod- and I would just
slowly just drop the rocks, which is like next month. Delay Adam I gotta- tell you- I gotta tell you something too I read that your big boxer, yeah, true european of, was thrown yes, so guess who my great uncle my mother, my mother change, was the best she just pass was ninety six. Her uncle was packing Macfarlane Digital pack. The great Welsh await lightweight nor what years a lot Gmail line in eighteen, thirty six cell, but he should have children those gay nineties, New York City, I went to bed is by Ninetys as the two thousand and three the upgrading of TAT Day then do so now. bills, gave no news actually caused, but there is all the boxers pictures rise up and Packing Macfarlane Picture their died at age. Forty, seven, yes, swellings irish
young. A final as Irish, slightly irish anyway, There's nothing better than all boxing picture. Yeah, Yet let alone I now we're looking at him. That's a packing foreign looking at him now Was he was he a champion? Did he say he? They said he one more fun. than anyone and never was a world champion, but he had some. You know incredible record. He was a tiny little guy. You know yeah. I mean really kind of talk about lot irish fighters and a lot of italian fighters lotta jewish riders. However, one fought back than ever, start afresh to this country, fought here's something dated he died of strap a strap infection. The obvious
we were kids. My mother was was like that, for any of you have got, Strap rang out. All wrapped take my pills. After three days and she'd, like Schwann you'd act, you can't derives directly packing How did you get from this up? Bring to ask are now well. My father was literally hilarious, Bill Fallon, and he was one of eleven from Syracuse, and you know, like me, families really emphasise being smart and so like. I was not going to school at all, but that was just really interested in making other kids laugh I really didn't pay attention. I'm sure I had some diagnosis of some sort and so on. You know, like I remember one time it had a d in college in astronomy and devastate Shawnee like deal at sixty five percent level to aspire to pollution is too big pieces of sixty five percent level.
That's good great, but we were really like. It was really emphasise to be funny so and that's that's what that's what the whole an egg tonnes a cousin like you know what we were small family fight so is always like being funny was like to think so. I went to New York to Catholic University doubt of Washington DC for my masters, enacting, which is like. Paying money learn how to breathe and pretend you're someone else for two years and and so What did you are? I know skills and ah I was going to quit the business and my five thousand where'd. You get the whole old law school at night and started dinner theater and I was like, but then this friend of mine who I gave it. I got a job with the law from us. about she said there is an improper comedy grew wider audition suggest was really about quitters, really come down the dance Adam, so my files You never down the dumps. Yoda unearned effervescence I love that
so why this one guy that directed one woman show I did, and I dont know what am I talking about. I'm jumping ahead of myself at the Improv colleague said: why don't you write one woman shop, so I did and then I pretended I was my publicist and I went around to critics with up here. the balloon and run Halloween and a candy of a pumpkin was shy, companies like time. She won't bounds, publishers, you should Congress Shop and then I went I had my friends Wouldn T Katy s hand out these cards commercial. So anywhere viewers came a Geiger view. Then I brought about to allay and run out this little tiny theatre. Seven thousand dollars to my name in Ireland and I ran out this theatre. teaching English. As second language to jeopardize japanese kids in wartime which favour the driver was, it was called of shoes on Santa Monica seated. It was at member. These they have those. Ninety nine students are left.
hey waiver, the was, I can remember the name that some some only asking, because when I was at the groundlings in between taking classes at the groundlings they'd have all these satellites classes. There are like Coronet theater and all these little theatres ever to spread out all lies. Timing, rightly at our. He was in she's, a camera I want to state was like Santa Monica western something around like there. and anyway, my entire audiences, japanese, those teach what atavistic but review came, I gotta go to you and then and then Saturday night LIVE came and they said you have an audition, and so felt came when I got outsiders are telling us that came to your one. Woman show yes last. Why
how was the nerves? That night, like I mean, did you know in advance as an l and our and or Seinfeld was common? I I did. I did know PAN Thomas from whom she was a casting person from essential came, and I knew she was coming. You know I. that's really lucky. I never really got that nervous. I was no matter what I was really nervous: saturnine lime, audition really nervous, but I wasn't interested in the audience if I can kinda like hide behind a character, I'm not that nurse like. I never did stand up and that's a whole different. You know that it's like like. I could never stand up till jokes, but if I can hide behind a carrot then I'm I'm ok. What was these ass? An l audition like so they thought was familiar with respect in other girls in the audience. What's the cast is no data,
Are we in my wireless and Adam Sandler, Chris Barley and all NBC, but you didn't care about the suits. I didn't really work. You cared about the cask, and so you know he had like three minutes. Do all these different characters like a wig and you know like your bag tricks, so it is really well and afterwards we all went out. I became great friends Chris Farley, you know we're bit basically exact same background same humor I may I would never. Sam is Funniest Crispin Seigneur. We got we totally related and Adam Sandler great guy. We still keep in touch and Chris Rock they were the new guy she knelt and village entrepreneurial. I think it's, u ethic issue and as our colleague rap, so they they. Let us do everything nocturnal there so earlier in the morning they told us an arm. I called home. I call my mother and I said, put down the varnish, the spawning laughing and so anyway separate life. So I called at the golf course and Casanova really from this little town outside Syracuse. An ass
is my father. I know I know Schweizer seven Paul you gotta go get em, it's an emergency, so any coms is huge. You look what he looked like Tonia, I won't storage, worry I'll, tell him Instead of that, life is a sorry, Sweden or these guys were dark. Gonna be out, sounded like dynamite. We don't I gotta go back, I gotta get better things. Up the as I stolen my audience. I think we can half ago I was hang around with Jim Farley, which is Chris Farley's cousin I get he's the sea on the President of Ford Motor Company. He looks just like Chris Farley there's a resemble and all its Chris Farley if Chris Farley raced cars and ran forward versus state up with hookers all night, but they look at
actually say above all the same. The same energy and everything will see if we can get you a picture that all my gosh. Yes, he looks like him in the face and like he's a Farley except for he's the President, a Ford Motor Company, that's amazing signal I gotta tell you Chris Farley. He was the great guy, and you know when is memorial. You would expect some like celebrity to get and talk about him. but this guy was a shot increase used to visit the shotguns and bring food to them. He was like a was a goal saint with a terrible addiction problem. You know- and I credit crisper- listen I was a little too much for guys. You know I talked too much as you can tell a pebble again stopped dogging. So I like this guy, Peter holding my husband now who lived a black for me so weak.
But after the shop credit really like a basic demands, arouse bow and we'd go, be Buzz, deposited Pierre wake up you fat bastard! rugby and plead near grubbing, sorted, Crook, Christmas, Big Rugby plays. I can where's diverse grown so inevitably lead a thin and if it wasn't for Chris, I Neruda Peter. Haven't we will be able to really like to make some kind. I gotta force my way and through Chris that's interesting: they put people together, gene which g, Kimmel has energy he's like you should meet this sparse and I'm gonna put you guys guess: what does he like balls. People like all the human lego land or something, but it's actually it's really
kindest thing you can do it? Is you you hear about somebody you go, you need to talk to this person. You guys would love each other, I'm goin, to facilitate that. I do that. I totally match make people. I think it would be really blondie like what you guys should be. You guys would get married. You can't just like me, like you might like each other like just get right to it yeah and circling back to being a student may be thinking you had some sort of disability that would have been diagnosed by today's standards but think about. I was the same horrible student but think about we what you're asking people to do you're taking care heads with a sense of humor, not all of them, but some had a sense of humour and you're. Take thirteen year old and fourteen year old Hall, I wanna do- is be running around getting someone in a head lock, jumping off often go swimming pool, ride, Num Dirt, biker Sunday.
putting them in your classroom with no air conditioning and you're saying shit there, silently. While this today three year old, loser pontificates about the civil war. How could you not that reaction. Listen, I told you. I have three kids. My son is whole areas I swear to God. The discipline guy had my number on speed up every Friday, shroud its Mr Sorrels, really nice guy Peter arm. Today there is a girls. Very upset Peter didn't learn wanting exploits in school, but he did learn what upon it. Square was, which is, I guess it is. If you have enough of a mere hair, color, become something and call she had a boyfriend that was a ginger in a red hair music. She told Peter too
the girl that, if you mean if she marries the boy she's gonna have ginger kids I'd like you know, Karma Harris, it was so ridiculous. You couldn't do anything funny and of course I thought everything responding that that my son did, which was not good. I remember they called me and junior year and there, like, I had to meet like it was like a firing squad like everybody was there there, like there's three weeks to go in Paita, has a twenty floor average in math. Now, if p, that doesn't bring it up, he's gonna have to go to summer school and about over my dead body. My driver listen kid summer. School was even close by and so I say, constructs me really funny, I'm like because the more serious they thought it was the funny. I thought it was. Ok. Ok, so understand that, and that is good
it was not only the head of the mass shoes, math and science to talk about now relate right road, but she's like no Kmart NASA. Is there any way he could maybe do some extra credit and she's like like? What do you think this? Three weeks ago, the twenty four average ministers discussed Scrooge. So adult system like what I said like I was thinking if he could do like a poster of a decimal figure. Slavic, no wonder the kids, a jerk, the mother's, a jerk
No, I don't. I'm gonna kick with modern art, adjusted Doc, really, like maybe teach the younger kids in a decimal. I swear to God. I just started like padding his brain disease. One are you gonna do with her view of more well, there was going back to so this. My movie rushed with the four kids in it. The mother is a helicopter mother, and we have this bizarre things with with, but the cell phones, where we have contact these kids conflict and the mother get in the car is a call your brother in the catholic mom, it's weird and but she's harasses the cared about this fraternity pledge and patches too. Weird thing to that. You like able to get a hold your kid in college and be like. Are you there? You learn the pledge, be walk. What are you doing a safe? You know it's like this bizarre culture that were at war and there's no and that's why it was so realistic because it's not setting
Europe as a two dimensional. I got she's the worst she's a nagging. Oh, she so sweet she's, both she's trying. help them. She knows this is important him. She tells him what words to punch she Here is what she's she's driving I'm insane yeah. Well, I think that I mean I think the movie really works for getting the like lotta good reviews, everything which I'm so insanely grateful for be cause when funny people have really sad. Things happened to them when this kid's and this fraternity, the phasing in sent it. So sad too, funny. People be crushed, you know, and how do they handle it and and in the movie you know she praises career and off, but where's, while she's doing it and when the tape, turn that will get your through your humor, an interface, you don't mean not to be Ikey, but but that's that
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The world needs a lot knowledge on you. We enjoy the show, and I think you well to search for the Jordan. And your show that is a r b as in boy I am as in Nancy. She are on Apple pie, gas, Spotify or every illicit apart gas they saw by Junior grab your post reports that disgraced Governor Andrew Cuomo has gone down. Fighting using his farewell address to defiantly declare his treatment as unfair slammed many generals report alleging sexually harassed staffers as an orchestrated political fire cry,
it was a super long speech. I'm gonna spare you ninety nine or known nine percent of it here is the first ninety seconds of Cuomo. Farewell speech to fears. thoughts with you that I've been thinking about over the past few days there will be, the time to talk about the truth and ethics of the recent situation involving mate but let me say now that one government, politicizing allegations and the headlines condemn without facts. Undermine the justice system. doesn't serve women and serve men or society of cod, Everyone has a right to come forward and we Plod, their bravery and courage in doing so, but Allegations must still be scrutinised and verified, whether made by a woman or a man that is Basic justice system- I understand
that there are moments of intense political pressure, and media frenzy? cause a rush to judgment but that is not right. It's not fair or so. Sustainable facts still matter. A firecracker can start a stampede, but at one point: everyone looks around and says: why are we want the truth? mid. I have a couple thought. One is a mom fascinated with the american sign people that are in the corner and I'm wondering do they have sign interpreters, can sign language. People for some
occasions that they have the victorious one did not have the lamb or he's he's proclaiming victory over covert and has a new book out of concern, for song lacks clarity as it is content to. I was just going to tell you, I guess: can you find the of us and yet should be the bad news sign Garrison and the Euro. Is the person? Has the right? Look, the right tone, Facial Lee S, note moving in a way that there's a celebration, it's just when they show the pictures of the person like accused of Mullah molestation. They have that they're not smiling, but have the devil many friends. I am sure how another rule that I would go forward, tell me if you guys would go for this rule. Cuomo puts Do you know everything's loaded into the teleprompter these days right tell me if you would like this rule for any politician or anybody who has Do the farewell
speech, variation on any speech of any kind, either can loaded into the teleprompter, and you can this dick to the scrap and go verbatim. You have to do three. Shots of Yeager O are gone no shots, but you gotta wing it There are many like intricate debates now in just kind of stick with the people were not going to have this whole thing rolling in front of you. Do the three Archer Yeager and are going to have it scripted or You can be schoeffer and speak for my love. good ideas, yeah, really good? I would watch. I won, I like the idea of them having to do it on the fly that yeah three shots Yeager. That would be good to the three shots agar with a make it a tough to get through the prompt. Would there be a lot of sidebar that, like many women, have a kind of gather like Alison that bitch like touch her off, crash touch a family member anyway. They go
active scratch were now good, bye, his guy here that we ve seen his SL guy. Does he not look a lot like Tom Tom Cruise TED Crews, with a beard put it back, has even look at how much like ten crews it's as hard, because its postage stamp and sorrow at helps. So small, by the way New York posed. Also, reports of hired private movers to you how trucks to card his personal belongings to his sister did. It was sisters married to So she's Maria Cuomo call she's married. fashion designer mogul Kenneth claw all his deaths get shipped over there? We must monitor to aren't. You are ass. I gotta tell you something. My daughter is Burma. That Hogan, who is all just, was made all bureau chiefs in your twenty
She broke the nursing homes story. She wrote that you whole story has she thought she had three covers the weak Cuomo stepped down, while she's too said she's little people now allowing our you know- and you know, during Colvin when he d like burned at shoes, Look joy. Five too should be great in the front and um yes Sheikh sheep she lived up to and she interview those people from a nursing homes or whose pair stuck in there and she broke that story, and then she just about a little irish fighter like hacking, its Marlon, so so stay just made. Her all be bureau achieve a twenty. While there is the usual stories hers his humbly, so Cuomo hates her eye. What listen? I don't know about their. Let's just say I dont think he'll be coming to her bureau chiefs celebration, Perry. Oh my god, you got any one sex. Imagine that now
Sheikh she got out American College and on she went to New York City and she work for nothing. She interned for New York, one should like New York because she horseback rider and she'd like the outdoors. She made me move from New York City, which was seventy wiring living in New York City. Unlike swift measures as a why we living in New Jersey So anyway, we later, I literally sacrifice my entire life and straightened, get then just ass. She got. She like yours goes up to Albany and she like was Udall reporting on fires and stuff like that, and then from your policies. Twenty three years old. They wanted this guy that she was working with. Who is like a big deal at forty five years on tv music? No, but there's this kid burn at home and I think that she's she's something so she never had a book out of her hand, she's. Nothing like me, like she's, she's, well, read and my aunt that fail
for the Daily NEWS, which is weird to a general call for years, long assured it she goes on with his big editor and peace pricing. What the heck is this kitten here so she's he says and burn that. Could you tell us why you think that you should be given a job in your pulse? Well now my husband's families from the village in New York beyond the wider savagely, while my dad is on his family on the white horse: tavern they ran it and my mom is from upstate me move New Jersey, so I think I really resonate the tri state. Frank: they brought it all the other editors and you got the job. She was nervous wreck and I said to her Mr Byrne. Let me tell you something: you sooner was the first man whose life was somebody just go for like a little one inch Wantage article has acknowledged the screw that I got. I got sediment, I live and I felt lucky to be there, as I don't think you're lucky to be that you deserve to be there. I said you go for it. I said: stop thinking about it. Like everybody,
thousands and thousands people recycles pretended tie school? I know you're, a great writer nigh school, a great writer college, just go for it. One week later she had a cover, While there was at the icing home situation, there's another store up. No, you are not the first Coverlids yeah de Palacio, making the grocery stores have plastic bags Are the plastic bags story, nationals worry now and then and then sheep you know she worked harder than then covered. You know she was in the right place at the right time. Then this is Crick. She's always had caught a good luck. She was supposed to go down to New York, seeks no one knew the commerce can expect set stepped out, so the attorney general she did not leak, that in any way, Burnett was honorary down and you have to do a door knock and you guys, probably know being you know in the business. That's like tat of a scary thing for a kid in open advantages. Kid you ve toward the door and say: can I get a call an you know they could be like in us New York. You could get
get killed. So I'm like really work and they said get too long island which he she's gonna break this so there she was frightened centre and then she had three covers that weak on gap and she's she's? unlike Amis, like all shows all tv shows and you just have to see or because she's like I do in imitation of weather Berlin. So on. Can you tell us about in oak like did he ever harass you when she's like right. So I'm a journalist and my job it is to achieve she will not seeking, but she always start with right and he just that play politics, you just tells a story and that's it wow. That's something here. That's your knees order, my daughter, oh Jesus, sorry forgot the two names little the last named to below the last. It's the hyphenated.
ass. They ve got. Maybe it's because my father and my husband, like I said he was real your occurred, the family of the warriors Tavern, it anything. You know when these kids a little my poor mother. She never had a chance to read a book. Those too many of us, the poor woman ever had a glass so we think it's so he would literally read my daughter Shakespeare. I believe all for gods put the Shakespeare away: she's two or three eight. This then he made me take it a french class in New York City, which, when we reach the point New York, that was like all cops environment. I used to drive her two french class near as I oh, my god and I'm, embarrassed because it worked up. He would previously We know that much Part museum hour I would literally like. Can we please leave it so hot em, so hungry clinging to bagel? And if you like, now kid This is run while the here and if you want from rush drugs, but if you do it so she she.
orbed everything like sponge and and and now she's, you know whistling Dixie at the post. Unbelievable mind you have I ever tangential question, because you really think about what you said that she start every sentence with right: inadmissible doc river arise during every sentence. Would, of course like Myers is not so loser. You know impersonation overlord Michael's, why Did you recognise that when you saw they might manage to do that in the officer, I always YO positively everyone's little Lord Michael's, you know that always did you learn Michael's? I have to say it all people are always kind of. hard and more. Like mock embryos like what the hell this guy gave us a huge opening. And it was so great for, like my career, you know I mean I was there- I didn't do much at all Chris Raw Chris Rock used to call me judge you watching However, there is a judge. Lecture on, haven't, judge, costume bits,
one and then goes sorority girl. I don't really did that much, but you know the guy I mean let's face. It shows been around forever his genius and open up so many doors, the people I loved market, which is funded Ella. I love you, could Markham Investment And maybe I'm jealous because I never could you imitations? I could you Catherine happen. That was it. On a personal note, I started watching us and Ellen eighteen. Ninety I was eleven or twelve with a year. It was. he is only one of the most important things in my life. I mean it's. Ninety ninety one I putting vs tapes and programming vcr to record as now watching you the next morning, the twelve years old and you were a baby Do you know I didn't do much more than craft rockers Rob was not very well use and that first, even so, you now cereals, we were very part of cast a no listen. I like I said there stand up and then there's actors- and I
It was my dream to get on that show, and was you know it's every week it's different, so you you'd be. Not thinking am I gonna get out of my going on so, but in an open, so many doors me and was so so lucky I do not want them with the movie with rushed people. I've had always interviews night so interesting. How you're sorority run Let have a high regard for talk about that. As I wish. I was deepened. Connected with the recent. Do we figure out of almost got this There's happy interpreters and morose interpreters and vanity thing it at, and I think there should be rudely interrupted, but now I to my knowledge they they just the one speed Lang. Remember when was it it was or now you're tired. I envy the staff
You can pull back clip those amazing by the edge of Europe. The person who stole the show at every like covert press release, fur for our state for new summon garcetti. It was this fabulous black woman really stole the show and everybody loved her? She had so much personality way, he's here to watch the new. Some could serve told you and your certain a certain kind of stardom I but were down my three shots, a IRA that or off scrap into the state the union for the absolutely wasn't, news with FDA approval. Pfizer has been FDA approved for the covert nineteen vaccine. an hour and a vaccine got an emergency use authorization December. Of course, we know the full approval was expect officials who It will alleviate some concerns from hesitant people, because a pole said that thirty percent of the people you haven't been vaccinated would be much more likely to get it if it got approval where we have it and though it doesn't actually change,
Legally many businesses were weight for it, so they could say so they can basically mandate employees does it. You got. At this rate can't work here. I don't die, they get. Gonna be like yeah. So can you pick me up and they are poor that guy, which occur, but my backs out and You see if you sent a chiropractor to those people's homes and adjusted go back, and then you call it with an Ex Dana girl. How about that right? They ve got well my fronts out now, like I think people who don't get vaccinated were using the whole Avonlea ay. Whatever most, these people are people that have probably bought like boot light.
Taiwan, all with coding or something from a guide on that I I say there were saying that, and I dont see I don't think we're gonna get a spider universality, and I do not think that you're, a hundred percent writer reminds me of when you made that grinned observation decades ago about the morning after pill and how well you know that, though the religious people rely wait only oh, no abortion, zoo nobody, but no one, but birth control, whatever well the morning after pill works differently. This use of all of our products are now we're still against it. Look! Ok. What do you really against the area that so that's how they are well? Hobby lobby makes a damn fine craft, but I'm wondering how it's going to work because they were one of the stores. That said, you know it against our religious beliefs, we're not including birth control and are employees and our and I am curious, what their vaccinations dances
now be interested me ever signed an alley. Lobby could tell your one giants: Fabrics Michael's, but when you're doing all your home wedding centrepieces, I have been to every one of them, the other inflatable centrepieces now that out in society will be by like a child, of eighty and just relatum what the compressor and has put him right. There really are sprinkle little baby sprat, there's something on their age locks. This big guy, you gonna eighty of hate him with the tank abortion. Their at the end of the night, throw to put a candle autumn, put him in the pool of liking. Fyodor up, that's wrong! Maybe it's not classy, but because there be a class the affair I'm hot my Bialik NEWS to piggy back on what retirement yesterday she will be. The first guess, toast of jeopardy, we're doing the guests again? Thank you MIKE Richards. Now that he's step down
That's, according to Hollywood reporter she scheduled to take three weeks. That's fifteen episodes when production on the syndicated daytime show resumes net this week edition guess who are expected to be announced now that MIKE is out, so we gonna do again there is what like eleven or twelve. Guess, house and now we're gonna go through the of the road I began. My thing with all this stuff was All you gotta do is whether the storm for three news days or by the way, our or depending on the timing. If there's God knows what goes down and Afghanistan of someone's shooting or something there Tori is so yesterday's news if he just to suck for one day or two day yeah. I don't know why everyone's upon
jiving and stepping down all the time same, what the bachelor hose in all its guises. You write it out for three days and we're done. Something's gonna happen in that time, Peter right, and if anyone should know that it would be executive producer of jeopardy MIKE richer than like did tell himself to do it, the only I don't understand, is it's: like he's a household name, we had Aaron Rodgers one job, my I'm Bialik, Laval Burton all these people that we love and up and coincidentally, the e p, suddenly nay, himself to most it is Aaron, Rodgers, legitimately interested and now the oars he just went to come, get a first class fly down the Harlem Glasses and invest Hoddan. but a little better than I can who, once the job of our burden proudly, are taken that gig I don't know why it's gets it's a forever you're going to get Parrot, give ferret out your back and you're, not him! That's that's going to be the first decade of that job. But
gig and those shows you have people wanna know schedules is some schedules. For then others, like I asked analysis rather. Schedule, though, shows you gang table for shows on a Friday, like the game. Show that so yeah How do you think you get Alec Baldwin to host she gave it always guys that, because a back the fuckin bring struck up to the house and they became tape and like a can, you work you can't walk away from now. Can you weren't nine Fridays a year force thirteen point, seven million dollars you. I think I can tell that off. You're. Absolutely right. I don't know of that that sign language thing, but we? U you guys, can move from Google it when you started, maybe figure though it was. You certainly always big approach, work, which is true, you're gonna, be upheld and stared of Alex Iraq kind
come in a new cast on personnel whom, as are the new cars, not because the last one which may well be right here, will be even better right, sorry, Gina Hour, I am something delightful happened on yes began. Well, that's my opinion. I don't have the two EU sports fans are going to find. It is delightful as much. Of America, but ESPN surprised viewers over the weekend with all unexpected treat airing Emma less soccer in the afternoon, ESPN switched and started airing Corky racing on their main channel here is the race. Was a re run of the Corky races at emerald, downs, racecourse and Auburn in Washington. It will not people know yeah first broken in July. Espn viewers will have baffled by turning this on and seeing it ultimately overjoyed. This is the final heat, the big winner. Let's watch the final heed of the cork erases coroner like
right, came flying off Lamar, nor the horror of and chance anchors and angles as done again courteously. Said the queen from twenty nine teenage found a second when Thank you Angus. Thank you. Yes must have been a very slow sports day. Who are? The all that and do so much with their dogs. My dog means lays their farts and then rolls over. He doesn't move. I couldn't service to. No one dog is now the only thing he will Ramses Eyes is the word tree right. You can yell s name thirty. Five times you just looks at you, fail fell for are you really mean by that fell on serious out this looks at year, then somebody you have to go tree, no no start moping into that into the house, but he's Paul there showing their dogs are raising the greatest.
The competition dog were their jumping off of their lawyer, wanting to feed they launched himself off the end. I mean that should be an olympic? Are they run or on the job in their lives like frozen the air? They they run down a peer, and usually labs? I guess, and then they just launched themselves off appear that's about three feet above the water- and I don't know the wreck. It is twenty one, twenty three feet like they sale, I mean that's a fuckin guy. just take a look at you. I love it because it's not like circus animals without a bull whip in a chair. These dogs are having fun yes, but but who are the people that have this much time to invest in the door? Don't know: do you ever Does anyone have the person in the neighborhood who super responsible dog
walking their own dog. You know they have. A noise are truly little. They have a little fanny packed with some jubilant senator something in like stop. Ray curb intersection and that the dog starts walking the yank than Jane Back a who may just kind of dominion over Pat take the dog out is shit. The dog you pick up the shit. You go back of the house, you watch tv relationship is always to be fulfilled. I forgot, I know somebody who's mom is a champion. Frisbee, like dogs show sure which operates three hours, are of videos and their down and there will be a world class performers me. I don't know where you find the time for that kind of thing. The ultimate use of the dog is the phrase
A guy who launches the frisbee and then gets down and prone position on a job of his balance is himself off. You uses a gotta PAMELA our three, not anxious himself for the phrase, but that is awesome night. My dog I quit luscious shouldn t treat you gotta get a load of she so ugly, she's, pretty renown the funny thing with the dogs when you start spelling things out yet our luggage. There are all these lakes she'll only conduct so she totally relates way get about like a husky for no one called him a hundred literally. Ok, that's so funny! You know you said it So when we got her from the pound, people call rescue dog and I was like it's my aunt em just that my neighbour got they. They said. What are you she is so well. They told me they think she's. skin to our new Jersey. Many because among I want to think about the fact that both I gotta have further Chihuahua, I'm such a Brad's,
that my shot I'll go like fail or be sitting in the same room and ago. Here Should we give Phil T R, eighty, nobody, I rhymes rat hours, or I knew that? Let me get my phone call monsieur slow down. Do that one again Should I figured it out the funniest thing for a dog? I know find it will find a good programme. is, it is fill a cheese thing well, my August Trudy he's not like, like a jewish women from floor to live in the Congo yeah yeah yeah guy, exactly So I never have any will come up to you not to say I tell you definitively are constantly what your dog is actually about. Saying ass object that we like there we told us it was a doktor s, a toxin.
Across all those nada, that's Iraq area. There is a rather so ok thanks, my son and his girlfriend so obsessed with their job that they had the dna done of the dog and three hundred dollars, and he found out was ninety three percent should so that You know what a european Ojo is from the movie. All the Ojo is from all you guys. I saw a dogma, but it's real real thing. Now, the actual real military require our whole, yet not real channel, but is paean to on one weekend every year as an additional year for a proposal I'll take as they did it, and they do all these like fringe sports. They do so spinning cherry pick, spitting marble runs puppet golf arm. Wrestling foods ball, air guitar, they did documentary on foods and another competence, This one caught my eye when I was reading the that the delay for the day it's dodge. juggling
and that's, where wars and on a team throws a dodgeball at five through Club juggler dont like that funny that we're making fun of the french sports, but you said they went from soccer to cork, erase all This is better than site like, ironically, it's all an upgrade from watching people play soccer air guitar Corky raising going for. I would watch it all over suck at the weekend. I have I had post traumatic stress from from the name dodgeball, because I grew up in farm countries to the farm, girls and boys, really strong. I was such weakling and they play dodgeball. Anyone like you'd Libby like hurts. Oh badly, what you got slammed the ball. Oh yeah! That was the point. The dolphins The weekend we started our dark weak, the Ojo carried the grocery bagging shirt it should have been doing collar.
cream corn meal away. First, I don't know about that. Still bacteria of certain economic player who see if you and it's because I have thoughts- I have lots of our brain. European bagger camellias, a bag of Aragon. Yes MA am, Morgiana Grand all right! Well, Adam! You have we'll show your pic moreover, fell there's a guy from tail the hind quarter lying on a queen size banish. Take my entire bed up to tell you seems thrilled, gotta go ahead as bad as this fill a church in a fountain and fill like there's a guy works at the church. It just looks at me: Ngos a we can't have your dog and our found. Unlike I wish I had a choice he gets. It ended found that well,
get him out of the FAO. How do we do that he's enjoying the fountain and will be in the fountain Delhi's done, enjoying your fountain. Are you crazy? You know, there's there's Phil sleeping while workmen dig out a tree stump and literally gets two feet away from their shovel too late. Mirth T sit that closely to people working, evil, little he'll sleep. Next, someone operating a a briggs threatened, powered Wet saw you didn't like killed. Your new model is he finds people who are doing things any lays down? Next to that Paragraph right replied. Yes, he does it here. All the time just bridges blaze out wherever some somebody's working and that some point, though feed him. I want back as first fails greatest moment is doctor drew and myself were doing a podcast in the studio
Phil decided check out what was going on and booth. Any upon his highlight, only put his huge pause upon the, which is by the way or feet above the ground and he said give a look see to see what was going on inside the booth where all the equipment was. So what put it up on Adam, although the current budget year of picture arrived so like what's going on in there where tourism is this one you want to see if there is any extra socks he can chew on sick over Adam. We all know you pave the way for this. Many years ago, pioneer people called you names, people burns, whenever effigy, but now it's cool not to shower. We know is between ashtray
your meal, accoutred donors, we find good looking people to engage in gross behaviour than all the yap when ugly people and fat people go. I don't want a shower and a guy you're fuckin pig you wouldn't, but when asking her churn out more wisdom at the helm of the garment, what design, when you become graphics, are of this blind city? You need a good looking product, Just go on my right, they'll, all your policy and I was like ass soon ass. I get culture. I have the patron saint of bathing, and I think we can all agree that his name is met my kind of Asia evasion, see he's gotta again on the act. He says he doesn't bank, he doesn't where deodorant anyone know any smells like a man
he says he wants to smell. Like a man now is Tropic Thunder caused our Yvette Nicole Brown was asked. What does he really smell like? What does that mean a man? She says he smells like granola good, live in these issues. That's all I can say he has a sweet sent. That is just him. It's not musty or crazy. It's good live in super hot right around you gotta be hard. I gotta we re what I yonder is full, and I want to five four girls, the boy and what you know we're irish. We didn't theirs. Mince words nurse. I love you back and Father said to my brother son. I have something for you and he handed the mediocre niggers. If you stink, no one likes you make me still advice, that was it does I needed now needed right to the point, but Mckenna, hey! Does it it's? Ok, everyone else! but also he kindly think of the how you and
Britain sent love so like if there, a homeless, guy standing next to you and you caught a whiff of em you'd be gross down. But if that exact same so was coming from Mokanna would not be gross thou get big with, so he can call it off. Let's bring it, how you got it, I'm Gina grad and that's the news of jobs, dog was that this round I wanna get solo stove your day or night. A smokeless fire peered from solar strove turns summer moments in the unforgettable moments. This is a very nice piece of stainless steel, quality construction, start a little fire do use the seller, stairway or campaigner. Just hang out your backyard cellarstairs crates. sorry worthy moments without the fumes, stainless steel, construction designed to regulate airflow and burn more efficiently so low, small fear, wonder how come there so much
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Transcript generated on 2021-09-21.