« The Adam Carolla Show

Part 2: Rotten Tomatoes Game + News (ACS Dec 6)

2021-12-06 | 🔗
The gang plays a leftovers-themed round of The Rotten Tomatoes Game. Adam also talks about a local horse show. Gina reports on today’s news including: The death of Bob Dole, CNN firing Chris Cuomo, and the Michigan school shooter’s parents getting arrested for involuntary manslaughter. Thanks for supporting today’s sponsors: TommyJohn.com/ADAM Con-Cret.com/PODCAST IndoChino.com enter ADAM JoinFightCamp.com/ADAM Lifelock.com enter ADAM Geico.com
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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He too had over the girl. I drank to be the first to get your tickets to the girl, a family barbecue this year headline by the pain you taken includes booze barbecue bands and, of course, time to hang out with a girl, a family, all the lackeys in some, your favorite friends and comedians on the show, don't wait to buy tickets to this event because it will sell out wine case club numbers automatically guarantee tickets and, if you're, in the mood to make a weekend out of it, joined the net and all your favorite lackeys for the mandatory, a bar crossing is worse than other border barbecue altogether and information can be found on line Corolla drinks, dot com- it's been just over a week since, thanks giving and even though its a bit later than normal, it's been our tradition, the last couple of years to play a leftovers themed round the run tomatoes game more. You enjoy your left overs because believe it or not. We write an extra tie break around for every single rotten tomatoes game we play, but since no.
four ties. No one ever gets to hear them until now, nice, and may. During the week of the Kentucky Derby, we decided to do a round of movies featuring horses I say this, I watch as much as I could watch of the four part of the bead allow us to. It should just be called you watch the Beatles smoke in a room with no furniture. Yet like like a lesson, I am along form a guy. I like it organic I've been watching a shit out a lot of music theme. I watch D. I watch d Queen dog, who were they got item Lambert in there, have been up all up in the musical docks I was having trouble. hang on when nothing out was literally. I get it's very interesting and their geniuses you to be a fly in the walls of the process, but just seeing Ringgold just
not riser spent the entire time. Ok ways, and none of this helps ring goes argument at all because of the road the ring go. Ringo had a kind of an inn resting thread. His life so started officer, Ringle, being the joke in contributing he's not even the best reverend the beetle, where what we do is we beat him up for a while and then at some point we do what we always use like he's, really good drummer people, those undertaken and that are one went the other eyes like alleys, a great driver, rated. It went from back, drummer and doing nothing to a a drummer and you ve been enjoying that for the last several years, but this isn't health everyone else's like in a huddle yeah and he just smoking's and unwanted Ingram care just started. Looking going, you guys arrive at some sort of song. Let me know how to do it may now, and then I can do the flam tap here totally right about that, but you know who they get absent
we a hundred percent accurate, oh go yeah she takes her. Chair puts it in a set of the Roman, is like looking at papers and eating pastries and an annoying everybody. The up, It's rough to watch that man. It's it's. I said it's interesting, but I mean I mean it's just me, but it it seems. Like the could attain it up a little, but yet they there is nothing on that cutting room floor at you are supposed to be like a fly on the wall in a full day. Supposing we look to our theatrical, featuring Excel birds, eleven. It allowed our it's our go ahead. So our time rigour film from that horses and Ringo can't go. They cut out the part rival Spitfire contributing in throne my two sense, because they cut nothing. How so Can I wrote let it be a start to Venice right the film was originally adapted to be estate, show
figuring out what I now, sir I'll tell you very during a life sized wooden horse like a puppet directors, in Spielberg was so moved by the lie performance. He immediately decided that it had to be his next. Film, though, are replaced. but with an actual horse big world war. One film features they mostly british Cason, including Emily Watson, David Foolish and Tom Huddleston from two thousand eleven war course. I now to stage show at the Dorothy Chandler, I want to say the ombudsman, and that was spectacular. Did people responded the movie, though one of the few spillover ruse I've nothing now me, neither neither but we're gonna horses this time a year that were supposed to see all those billboards and commercials for like the arabian horse. They can. I read Joe outside the Clyde sales at some
thing out of Egypt Middle EAST, like that, whatever horses, the most spectacular way Newton, says it's a nice entertained, he's ever bad. I believe that guy's, but they didn't prison, is just me other cable news than its. Now. It's it's it's. It comes comes on billboards, I've seen it it's like a comes around Christmas time. It's I don't know Raby in horses stage show or worse show its like a living Scottsdale, that's what's it called Scottsdale arabian horse now this is like a really wide necessary. They made it sort of like when they would advertise it like Snoopy on. I went for four billion
I would love horse and I don't think that's allowed. His law is a localised your neighborhood eleven of the questionnaire. That's true love. I I've seen the billboards around. I don't know how he would horse billboard is relevant here. I have ever heard of it. It's out, it's it's a thing. I don't think. That's really like. I know it's a thing, because I think I'm definitely not go into that man. If I have a thought I've one of two thoughts and make me remember, shit either go or out, but you know how like we don't do animals in the circus anymore. Maybe this is like a thing. A bygone era. Now it's the it may not be attached to business, but it seems like it comes around the holidays and it's definitely a billboard ends. Definitely has a sort of middle eastern arabian nights, he kind of theme to aid and, as with horses, it's a show and I don't know where they do it and I don't care
when its powers that subjects its action by the Lord of a horse or its out you'll find it and then I'll be governed. We write got worse warlords wherever the radio campaign for this war or horse. I doubt they will not work against the Red hats, exactly that no english accents good actors, world war, one of our horror, Spielberg's Connemara, feels like those floor, unity, Leucadia happy at how can it be below fifty five, it's some AIDS world has got all the elements. Oh yeah right now is celebrated what year some two thousand eleven makes me second gas myself, I'm going. To say, barely fresh six, one rule hired. Seventy one. Seventy five, more horses certified fresh at seventy four
right and the people at seventy four. Earlier this year, when Janni Trail returned the pod gas replaited game with movies that featured that iconic actor in the typewriter film, though we never got to occur driven magazine. Editor is separated from her boyfriend when a powerful storm forces are plain to make an emergency landing. Was it I'll get along with our cantankerous pilot at first, they learn to set aside their differences in order to find a way home. An age Harrison Ford, David Schwimmer and Danny Trail STAR in DE ninety eight six days. Seven night talked about this with her the bat forest who someone famous directive, the steady boil or some british term Guy Writ Reggie. I don't know we can look into it not a good movie. This is how we
I raised even right meant the characteristic and also thank sure, comedy ear. By ever says it was a romantic comedy adventure releasing the stone yeah thing jeweller than that I mean it's, the truth as all this time. She she would never go for this guy, ruggedly handsome pilot arrive by sea. I call India is probably shitty script. Private got Harrison forward because you got to be a pilot and he probably just is attracted to that came right. I can't good. This is the right man on the way down for Canada done with Raymond in Haiti was served on the way up here
thing I'm going to say they didn't like it at thirty nine right there with your forty one, fifty one, six days. Seven nights is rotten and thirty so far too painful thirty, six sucker now, during a ward season, we featured movies that won the Oscar for best megabits hairstyling, the film we didn't get to brought them double ward into the future, implementing incredible digital technology to create the effect of a man who mysteriously ages backwards. I love this Brad Pitt hours and David vintner directs the two thousand eight film The curious case of Benjamin I do what I do. You hate this I thought it. Although there are people who I thought it was long, boring and then soul, crushingly, sad and I hate both feeling both of those emotional suit US elephant, theater and their movement ears are both our faces.
the end is the end is violently sad and the rest. The movies boring I haven't seen it for these. This exact reason get him with people going. You gotta see it all. Now we'll go, you have you shouldn't sea had it did somehow it didn't attract me. The theme didn't pull me and I thought it was interesting. I think it was. Well received. Have they haven't probably had. Good noticing it, I'm not shitting on even like the special effects or anything you know, things are where they are. That's fine, but the story is just its. It wasn't for me, it was it does we start old and young yes, sort of that old baby like he lives a life where he dies veto after eighty years, but he's an old baby with wrinkles in making a long dead, but every dies. He is a baby. but Brian, don't you agree with me that the ending was torn Oh yeah, oh it was crushing torture. I found a beautiful Well, why? Wouldn't? He started an old man,
I'm really little. Oh baby born out of a woman's vagina, so he's like you, know, eight pounds but he's a wrinkled. He looks at me and then, by the end of his life, he looks like a toddler and it cannot even say any Martha crime. let s find those horses, real boards way horses, the curious case, our hobby horse them, maybe its commercial IDA. I don't know it's when you pot, where you type in an hour. Horse commercial billboards Events LOS Angeles bill like everything. Maybe it's not arabian horses, it's a different kind. Of course. Maybe that's it EL. I this is a situation where usually it's like. I love a movie, that's bad! We can't decide, I thought every love this movie and I fucking hate it. So I dont know what to think now. I don't know what to think either. It was nominated ripe for thirty one, the Oscar for best make up and the hair style. That's not. This is not the same,
I don't even know what to do. I don't sell. I say people live it. Seventy nine novel! for I believe will ask Europe including bus picture. That would help. Let us know not on my finger radiator hose, but that's not the game realised. That said, there were people who didn't like this sum, this eighty six yeah, I went against my personal feeling and said I remember people lost their shit over it. I said eighty eight, the curious case. Benjamin button is certified fresh, Seventy one percent answers stand the people at eighty way you can be certified at seventy one. I never heard of that. Have we Before we vote like when its fresh or certified fragile referred, is the number of then I am sure of. I always thought it was a heavy above eighty or something not just that you got in a number of fresh Al Qaeda once you get above sixty in above fifth at an hour,
the hammer certified fresh in our memories, held the fifty maybe activity where they do not ass. Our six percent. Right and then acts amount or review like girls artifice somewhat vindicated by the score, but who could yet atoms trip to Alaska. You guys remember, was it francs alone. Who is back there back the shap? I was looking at the certified fresh. They give you at some point everything became loose? I you know everything you say: bronze known, recycle, lucite, you win hops and raise out it's a piece of cut out lucite better. I was it alone is back barony. He looked at the certified for ash of the hammer, any I think he's kind of because he thought it was like a Ramsay. Now here everybody we have had a few others now, that's good! That's it goes about. It is strictly
to have that better, you dislike, walk away, prevent, never felt more depleted. My life on earth so certified fresh is you have to have at least eighty reviews, eighty reviews and you have to have seventy five percent or better. Why light after you earn that stuff? It will stay certified until you drop below seven there. We go around your weight and through the back door Benjamin, but that I love this well. Who could forget atoms trip to Alaska back then we featured movies set in Alaska, but never got to discuss this film, which double to LOS Angeles detectives travelling to Alaska. During a time of such daylight, to solve a recent murder between them films, memento and Batman begins. Christopher Nolan made this psychological cat and mouse thriller. Without GINO Hilary Swank unusual move cast Robin Williams as the villain
from two thousand to insomnia user like Ruby, LAS Vegas words like that's a good movie. I never ever want to see her again. Yes it this is, well made across Nolan, but my concern is that a dreary slog with your eyes to ours twilight I had to watch a movie called slept in three terms: should just get it out of my sister. I thought I will we watched every Christopher Nolan Movie over the summer. We didn't get to this. I got it I am with brine, like it's good, but you never want to see it again. Although nobody does tyre like Al Patina because weary he just see it was perfect, like he looks dire. I it's it's I've. I've got a little simple plan, not moving to it, which is its a good movie. The small move, a liar choice, a rubber Williams, is the serial killer. Other suspected. You know whenever I dont think these are not picked up, the critics could beat
for this, but, as Brian always says, nobody's ever told me, you ve gotta, watch and grow it see: oh right idea: HOLLAND, I got seventy four. Seventy six. Seventy three insomnia certified fresh, but ninety two percent yet well made into checks on the box. It's my master filmmaker, but my God is enough. One people have it at seventy seven and we all went low, but it didn't They change any of our outcomes because we're on the same closer. Finally, on Superbowl weekend, we talked about movies that feature past or current nfl players. and if we had made it to the Tiber egg around, we would have had the chance to talk about the most polarizing man. In the end I fell, love, em or hate him Tom Break. Appears ass himself opposite mark. Why
bird and a foul mouth stuff to animal who thou fifteen's fifteen yeah, I do two Towns drank his eighty issue. Percentage lock- and I do this well I will I went- saw their original TED with the second Ireland via may give gonna like a little screening. A little cannot notes. Screening like get people that right can people that are creative and you know sometimes people workshop, a little like on what you want to do. What you think that's gonna, find what, before was totally animated. Actually or is that something tat? You want to see the tennis ball with that idea, walking around or whatever, but have made it fine seem like you're you're on the inside Now, now so here's the thing movies, there's no, it was it was incredible. Movie am is funny man
your money Bob? I now have to come out with Part who, because of the success of a part, one problem is its really: are about the newness gathered it's not over, yet another gotta Barograph when they get to kind of like John to that we have seen it and now we're in trouble, because so much of it is that the innovative novelty anyhow whatever an hour going on, and it's tough and I think critics do when a court we, even though I am sure that when we had a bunch of laughs in it by we're off permitted with prodigy very except get over it, and then you also get accused of certain cashing in now look. This is a fairly tight game, The answer is enough. I wasn't distracted looking for rabies horses at rather be dominating right now, but still do. I It's pretty tight
very up this is a movie that they could go prick low, but well bergs, always grades and far less funding is not going to write a conquer gonna not be funny, but How much are they gonna get punished for making a sequel? Yes, yes, and yes, and for that reason say forty four percent lower. I think the critics killed this thirty four forty nine. We have a five pointed out. Tat. Do is rotten at forty for that kind. The deal I'm angry, Tiber,
for the time no Tiber Agar today, crystalline looking for them, horses distracted, focus By grad, congratulations your score of fifty five, which firmly on the podium anchor. Ball, Brian common aim with forty seven leaving us Adam Corolla with your score. You are second, to know why you win with thirty five. Why? What love for you that area upon regularly upon victory? Bali is cover. I have seen that I find have stated that they would everyone. I think this is a search, the other
greatest show. I've ever seen: Larry King from CNN. Now. What did I say was called Cavil working hours up later right, a name. You says like an arabian whore loud I shed at some point. I shall out a what it what it could be called, there's something some sound like a cologne from eighty something this is one of the founders of circuits called Cavallo. Yet we ve seen this billboard a billion time. Those weird I never voted together. This is a black. She thought it was like a battle for some people This is not only a horse, a great show of ever seeing says, there's a dead Larry King down. tone Burbank here too far from now. Keep looking into their. So it is a random tent, just so horse. Now I don't know if it's a holiday was its number. It says it says: what's the date is it its label is an equestrian ballet. I told trail
You guys are all seeing these there's no way and you haven't windshield near car cover its out. There rightful thrilling and poignant is it a holiday thing, then we're gonna. Why sweet orisons zoo as you like horses or running love horses, majestic people, swinging people, fancy arousing horses running, not shitting, there must be step, has to be factored in going out what they do. Others guy got. The sharing of airline Bang video like a dazzling world of lights during holiday is yes.
Amber and November area, gouts thou, our shout Skype Javert China, gas I'd. Rather we will rest and shall I tell myself eleven people not only that it didn't you made you made me question. I shall this by the way. I'm now it this is just the fees for the eyes monitor the Rockets thing on horses Spirit while the command them, the majestic Arthur jumping than beautiful women, people are dead. That guy with a hoop and a horse now down with a horse in the more prosperous when this going off at local, loud errands. I've been these guys are fourteen minutes, commercial chaperone replenish. I can't get a couple of green thickets and I've been
balcony. You know I don't need to be in the pit, but I don't need to sweep, but I need a couple of seats for this thing, we will laugh. I dont I don't have the spot grass, whatever respond, Calles. What's the bringing our run in Reno India as more majestic than I, remember. How have you saw that commercial kid? Your head would explode, twenty think righteous saw the billboards or some commercials. I definitely billboard for me. I think that they may have had different bilbil. so, while MAX back and they may be closed, difficult issue, you can go to the extraordinary VIP outing union we take as about Indo. China now ended the years a great time to look your best and take a look in the closet figure out. What's workin, what's not working in dutch get your closet where you wanted to be before the new year or you can give day
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Breaking news. Is we record this? I'm sure everybody we all over it when, when you hear this former centre, Bob Dull died on Sunday age of ninety eight, that was, according to the Elizabeth Dull Foundation, the former prison presidential candidate said earlier this year that he had been diagnosed with stage for lung cancer. His gun, I'm at service, began in nineteen seventy one when he was there. Look a national chairman culminated in ninety ninety six as the GNP presidential nominee in the election that bill Britain one door, holds the right. good as the Senate's longest serving republican leader opposed help for nearly eleven years well started. public service in the Navy, probably Airforce. I think thinking
our north right yeah. That governments have a look at that its servants garments, service E. I can actually arrest me. I've got shot down or a crash. I added ditch now that story now and I'm from Kansas, I saw no more. I there's a George Bush thing. I'm a mixing up here, but I thought doll was a pilot too. We can see if he was. You know who always did a great bobbed, all our nor yeah, yeah yeah, I can't remember free, was I think it was a pilot I think it was, I think, as a world war, two connection, but well we'll see ninety eight yeah man can as Dr Thurman territory. What has that I seen you know you got a bit. Everyone wants to live a long time, but do you want to live in interesting time to end? maybe I mean, maybe being about this, but it just kind of strikes me that if you happen to be born in oh, he was
he was born in nineteen and twenty twenty three twenty three. If you born in fifteen twenty three new hang out until six six, twenty off I don't know but you see there's a lot of duff involving smelting yeah me like my prayer out weight since you ve been born. We figured out a way to melt three other low is private. Just seemed like a lot of breakthroughs had to do with like smelt thing in tanning now leather and getting up, I can add, him nicer nineteen, twenty three I mean he proudly grew up in a house on the phone, and I, of course, if probably looking at it, I found nothing about the day before he died on talking to his great grandkids or whatever I mean God, damn. What was but what was commenced air travel like a nineteen? Twenty three: what went on exist? Wright brothers had fallen off a hill, yes Shatner, going into space. In out I mean that that's that's a chill.
A time where a lot of shit went down and by again. I'm a shame not to know this. again as Wikipedia, He enrolled at the University of Kansas, the following five after graduate dole had been a star Highschool athlete and Russell Kansas and Kansas basketball coach log. Alan travelled to rustled to recruit him to play for the J Hucks while He was the current only army, he was shot by Nazi Machine Gun fire supper back at age. Twenty one was unexpected alive. So what, on the ground. I guess he was so. I had the arm now. I'm sorry, you have any open his hand, yeah yeah, Now, let's, let's pivot a little bit too quick com so we heard a couple days ago that he was suspended indefinitely. Now he's terminated effective immediately from CNN now there there's a, is another little sliver of information that we may have gotten about this. So they know
Came after an outside law. Firm was retained, review information about exactly how Cuomo aided Andrew Cuomo that, of course, the then governor. of sexual harassment, among other things, a few hours after scenes announcement. The New York Times reported that a lawyer hold CNN of an allegation of sexual misconduct made against Chris Cuomo by a client of hers. According to the time The client is a former junior colleague of quality miles at another network as CNN folks person said to statement based on the report we receive regarding Chris S, conduct with his brothers defense. He had cause to me. cause determinate. When new allegations came to us this week, we them seriously and saw no reason to delay taking immediate action and he is going to be replaced. It looks like by gossamer Cornish who's gonna. Do we'll prime time I assume rename it yeah, don't think smirk comb wishes is likeable. Como had
lotta magnetism into him, gray, hair and I'm not sure I mean first off the the allegations of the inappropriate in a workplace? Whatever I mean who knows, for Now- is now making. I mean we're just talked about the fragile, commented, that the person lost a lot away. Who knows what this could be by its between that and everything else? It's enough for see an end to want to back away real quail yeah. That's that's how it works. again. I always think of the mom. Two sons were now right riding so incredibly high a year ago I made of his in insanely high and then also she's, like a nine year old woman. Sarah, like what but Andrew and having a crash he's gotta go up His hand, how do I explained they got on it? Andrew got an elevator. Then he put his hand on this.
moments shouldered then Chris was trying to help him My third point is well fired. Demands gone about we're back in their old room. I was gonna, say where's the sick common as they move home. They gotta move, they didn't didn't Andrew move in temporarily, with his sister. Wasn't that what cause she's famous. I suppose she married to designer. I gotta go up sounds familiar better either way. Now I think crisis oh god, as serious exam job. I don't think he got shit, and you having arranged. He just made an announcement on that about how barrister was another wonderfully I end up somewhere. I also wonder if uh. you know it's been a while I'm in Matt Lauer spin on the bench for awhile earlier when or fees magna come back, but again, Matt Lowery, not really a crater he's a kind of facilitator still as a kind of
and await you know it. You have to be careful of by the way it is happening in France, the camera and behind the camera. There used to be tones of people that were non riding producers, a safe commerce, and there was this feed from the trough Ryan Automatic. I would literally stand on stage in means may be going few cards and rehearsing the man show, and I could see these people eating literally in the budget half service work a bit of Niagara case. It is a bit like eating into the thick ice. Getting paid. Morn me he had nothing to do with Chopin. Have they ve all been there all kiss stand right, and so the lad. Fat in the business. The lot of folk suit Matt Lauer didn't really create content, they just reported it only facilitated it or their whenever it.
We're going lean and mean there were found in the hurt a lot there's, not those non riding producers, the four mention Seth Macfarlane, he's a great and he's always gonna get pay off hand, stop him from getting paid, but the folks at this kind of red, the Panther weaken again, Mccormick economists, in a difference between say the mellow gibsons or the world who may have been perpetrated. Whatever, but they are created like as a genius is a great directors, are right or whatever and like most of us, Lauer and Chris Harrison round. Us I want is the one: is the ultimate differences just conscious their wholehearted cop out now this now this now Europe has now come. Just Moreau and in whatever the mouth now allow problem worse. no sale. I know now slowly potentially an offensive. I can remember our term. I think
It's gonna be more. The mat Lauer thing, there's not much meat on that boat, as we think he has a sort of side to it. Didn't seem pretty plausible, but they have met Lauer yeah this area, he's got while you gotta to sit next to Garriga cost who takes a guy's I'd but you can look it up, press, I guess or, and so there there is, there is it's, not all that cutting dry with Matt Lauer there with the button and the death gives them or there's more to welcome that the number one check it was gone after M was also stocking like one up at his house, sexting em, and all that I again like there's an incident where your of of rape or inappropriate or whenever it is that's pretty damn but then, if there's a bunch of shit after that incident, you sex
the person or coming to our house and when I the waters will never lying its shed on a crack and looked so. Did you find Something like a parsons faster, EL. I warn ores yes, so there maybe an hour, but not Brien's right. You can't just be. Traffic cop, you have to build car right, it's a drug right. Therefore, What I heard is that you are a ab the anti Semite and as the first I'm hearing of it with your defence of milk or other we have removed. Colleagues, I shouted me a Pharaoh revealed that one of our is alleged victims
rock nanny affair, not Ronan Erentz arson around in one of his alleged victims, a Brook novels said: Lauer Emily raped her in his tell room, while the tour in Sochi covering the Olympic. That's why we in fact Pharaoh also rights that Brook had additional sexual encounters with flour after the initial incident, but she characterized those, as quote transactional, and consented only out of fear that Lauer had over her career, but I think she followed him around a little. I think there's something about her stockings. Bad, but afterwards there anything hey, there's my rapist, that's the story. I got an airline. Well, this this it is school shooting. I just want to prevent the guys go for anal, but there are those in our eyes I shall never have my mission.
Steam will never been so high that I could to an alone on the first four sash and re like workshop, Now that this cardboard beds, look, maybe you're cop, a glance at some sites move or something bad escalation were yeah. Later lads of fuckin tall one. We are there So we we heard about this kid and by the way you never go anal first, first take but you never going to make, because when your king Anko aim do tell why tale I been married. A woman for fourteen years and she's got pretty good idea, which way the wind is blowing anal. Eight hundred can give you know what I'm saying that this matter has been established at its block. here's the thing about the
Brian, split away. He doesn't like grape does not like if your accused of stealing Great Britain, no one would and if we set a crystal like Israeli, should be like that that, on the other on how to say, but what, Her cares of stealing a u r C Jersey, South Africa's presided over that aren't. We sounds like if man, flowers breakers, why, for anal every Friday night and then look at a great rate grave when young yeah now solid point loses why you always have to eat a ton of policy and you go tell me is many stories as UK about yourself and then think of your Dracula suffering Y know stories about now pussy now not
now the other areas. You go anal the town like. My man is all make incense bout tell her you write so prosecutors in Oakland, County Michigan have charged the parents of the ten year old shooter who killed for students and Oxford higher on Tuesday. I always said this year So let me just give you a little info. I also heard a little more coming in Jennifer Engine crumbly, those are the parents are charged with. what counts of involuntary manslaughter for making the murder weapon available to their son prosecutor. Chemic I'll their actions far beyond negligence g. Currently, the father purchased the gun just four days before the mass shooting I heard here was a Christmas present for the Sun kids unclear exactly how the son A how the son got the gun the is charged with murder, terrorism and other crimes. I was this two I wanna to stay up first, and they said it was
Christmas present to the kid it wasn't locked up there, that's not illegal. In Michigan and alone, like weird shit like the son who, whatever his name, is, I didn't I dont want to include it said like him- drawing these really disturbing pictures and like like bloody. People like a bulletin says, like seven I don't have anything to live for an Thee school notified the parents and they were like uninterested man. the mom at one point even texted hand like Ella well, and it was they were not she said Bella well, just like you, gotta pretend yeah. You got do better. Mariah high near tracks are whenever pretty damning shit. So I who had been saying since nine Teen. Ninety five, love line. Sorry, parents, I want the parents held liable for crime
and I mean I'm like a luck once a kid passes. Eighteen or moves are the house or whatever becomes emancipated so be it. But I look at your kid. Is your ear doth engender basically or Pat forgotten, dog, owned abiding and you leave the gate open and the dog gets down this. Are you bites the toddler? That's on you dad and I would firstly short Verloc no way to prevent zeal. Real way to prevent school shootings are mall shootings, their country western, answered shooting word, there's no way to fully police. You just can t its on preventable. As long as there are people who want to leave their house with a gun and do this now There is so who lives in that house with those people want to live, it say it's home front sort of prevention thing. We can do
crime that involves you know putting up bars and having cops in further jewelry store like that that that kind of certain maybe even like your bank robbery, sort of stuff, maybe a little bit by these kinds of random, indiscriminate, whatever the only way to really prevents after the parents, and we need to deputized, Parents were really what we we need to do is get some skin in the game. With these same because nobody, their son to go to prison button. No wants them to go to prison and if that's out you know when you put that on the parent, like hey man, this little kid goes, and guess what you'll be you have to visit him and present an everyday will be visiting day for you, be the shower. I think you would certainly motivate more apparent. stare like any parent, like you do with a dog when you just when you realize you got a dog that Europe's
that the male man, it's that, then there's like don't leaving the door open. Dolly the gate, open, look it's a little! Yes, you have. Your heads little bit on a swivel now unfortunately, I will then take this also and steer it into whatever the It was in Chicago who was shot and killed because it was like three in the morning and you just firing guns and firing rounds of the community, and it was like thirteen in the playground or whenever now he was he was it was a shots. Fired Bang, Crispin, look it up. It was its very split second thing where he was running any lifting the gun up, hot shot m is another shot. I that kid start it's Wednesday AIDS for forty five way parent where's the warm words I came to an end, and then you go now that parents would go by the way that the people that one
his parents locked up, probably dont want that parent. I would say: if you got a kid he's out there, the gun and he's havoc in the community, but get on the same page a threat. Now the pair would say I can't control the kid. I can't control probably in the inner city story. I can't control fine then you gotta, go the police and you gotta go. I got son he's got a gun he's right around my right yeah, and that reminds me that Dylan cleave olds, mother member, he was when the Columbine guys she's she's speaking to her for years. She does TED talk, she does tours and I, oh oh, oh yeah, I don't know, I think he s using Cavallo JA afar, where we bring it Arusha around, and I think that there's I would imagine, there's merit to that. I wouldn't John there's something to ETA, mean in I'll bet, you're talking about gun, violence softer and about You know how how I've I've seen litter, a five minute TED talk money. No, she does these and it was.
Really absolving her, but, like you know how We had a normal house, and you never know when you know pay attention to your kids, but I I you know, honey skin that school shooting age where he ain't. These bodies and it's like hamburgers and watch goofy movies like I feel like if he was a dark classes in the hoodie on earth, dress outer Unabomber and was scribbling That's why stickers everywhere with blood and stuff like that, have some fun may I think I've now and they purchase an air of fifteen like I think I would now. We would now I'm really give a recommendation for a really excellent documentary called far from the tree, as in the apple flowers, for all for the truth cover years ago this about, like
kids, all of whom are vastly different from the parent Summum developmental disabilities, somewhere like it towards a primordial dwarves. The remaining once a story about Who proposed offer a horror, a cry wherever murder at his parents are feature. The doktor he's prison. You no enemy for killing this kid parents, or by all means you just normal, cheerful, deep, not cheerfully autonomy normal tightly just next door, neighbours and the point is theirs. the gray may sometimes kids can be just just go off to be well, but so here's there, but do you notice, are not well. Here's alluded to some morning. So there's outlier kind of the problem with kind of how we are as a society now worry. We keep going. You know to parents folk on education and, as I dont black in his dad was Joe gives in prisons. Allah guys at Harvard right. Click, ok get it through their arcs. If it happens, when there's kids that just love, not go on killings raised
in general it certainly we could cut into school shootings in gangs year that we could we could put up. We could take a real bite out a crime here. If this something that sort of universally applied, but more currently MAX banner. You know, and the horses, I think, about horses. The the magazine, the Ferrari, nurse magazine the prancing horse. I think it's called Cavalier like it so Cavallo Koala, Cavallo, yeah whatever it is, it's got something to do with a I figured out under watching ten minutes of horses, but also the camp Chemic. Some connection to the careful lino and the Cavallo that's cavalry
two thousand twenty one, Adam Toledo, thirteen year old Latino, american boy shot and my Chicago pity, body camp here by a body of his three in the morning, aims to give that kind of call the cops firing rounds. City, our team, but probably never at a bar mitzvah work, but I would argue problem when my body Nate Wittenberg turn thirteen here much less man than this young guy. That's firing. Let's bring it home to grant you got it, I'm gonna grab and that's the news any orifices. Whatever was the news with Gina grad? What's the origins of the cap, that must be some horsey you're right, cavalry carefully, no, A lot of Allah is land for horse. Harrowing
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Transcript generated on 2021-12-06.