« The Adam Carolla Show

Part 2: Phil Robertson, plus Gina’s News (ACS Mar 31)

2021-03-31 | 🔗
Part 2 opens with Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty on the line. Adam asks him about his rugged upbringing, as well as his experiences in college and learning how to sound like different types of birds. They also discuss the importance of hard work, why he shifted his life toward God, and thoughts on Coronavirus and the vaccine. Later, Adam asks Phil about choosing hunting over professional football, and Phil teaches Adam about training your dog to help duck hunt. In the last part of the show, Gina reads news stories about charges against Ghislaine Maxwell, more accusations against Andrew Cuomo, Sharon Osbourne leaving The View, more on the Lil Nas X Satan Shoes, and a Flaming Hot Cheeto sold on E-bay for $10,000. Please support today’s sponsors: Candace Owens Podcast: Full show is available to Daily Wire members only. Use code ADAM and get 25% off your Daily Wire membership now Liquid Death, available at 7-Eleven's nationwide Edmunds.com SimpliSafe.com/ADAM Geico.com
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Thanks for listening to the atom. Corolla show on talk, one Dave's kill. Brad now arm of a certain age and was born to a certain mom who was interested in getting the bread, but she didn't want to get the white stuff. She went to get the stuff. That was good for you, but the problem is stuff. That was good for your tastes like crap, while that David Killer bread Now we ve come a long way: baby killer, taste, killer, texture, Killer nutrition, its bread provide America's number one: organic bread for reason. It tastes so darn, good, no toppings even necessary me. With the highest quality, organic and non GMO ingredients, power packed with whole grain fibre, an protein and you can visit him? Go online, gotTA, Dave's, killer, bread dad
and learn more, and you can look for Dave's killer bread in the at Isle of your local grocery store asked for it by Name Dave's, killer, Brad this is your apartment. I need some favours from you, your cat key, rubbing against the kitchen island, and I can't return the favour. Can you give her extra that's for me. After that. Your bundle, your renters in car insurance with psycho we could save money and It's easy to do online. One lasting! Could you leave it TV on during the day. I need to catch up on my soaps, gargoyle for bundling movies. You gotta Jacko Dotcom today, doctor These feel Robertson is on interesting guy a lot more there than you guys. He hides behind that beard, but very fascinating got news come up as well.
Our presence definitely on the line: Plymouth, England after it attempted this deal part of his meal, but Mcdonald's customer was arrested by the Japanese. We fail raw. Britain from Duck dynasty and, of course, the pot, gas and ashamed with fill in Chase Robertson, available on ample pot, gas and spot a fine, also internet, show in the woods, with fills available on blaze, tv good, see again fail! gotta be your item. I am
Look in India story. It's a very interesting story went to get into your sports background, but the first up being born in some pretty rugged conditions, no electricity, toilet bathtub have how you grow up. Where I, as my Mama mom, who built this place where eleven and his cabin and she said your curves and Douglas Waters built that animal with across I saw an ax one- may had built a stunt I was born and raised in fact Place and one in view undertake lake eaters shutters. You know just open the shutters and technically, if you're a mail, so pretty handy so well at them Canada, milk care they may the care, get your butter would kill a couple a year
we ain't a lot of fish lot of ducks so saw went naked until he started the school. My brother Mama told him said you got start wearing clothes. Now you go on uptown school he's dead, where no clothes so she had, but about Tony but to get him mind out, but he found he chose to wear clothes. It was one of those things Adam where your poor, but never heard anyone say man we're power. While we had a rate was hickory nuts with column hacker nets. Here can that's we'd gather from the trees and the sex and Marwood can deal pickles kept potatoes at you. please kept them about housewares coup. So a trade was
Potatoes opened a fireplace two or three M deal pickles and were cracked those nets and there we didn't have like we Didn'T- have Coca COLA, those in other stuff. Well, there's an interesting subject: because, historically in this country and everywhere else, when you poor have anything that that kind of became a full time job. Vietnam cows and slaughter hogs and collect firewood, potatoes into different rooms and crack nuts with day your shoe heel- and it was like it was, it was, engage King, you know I mean I want everyone worked. Adam Everyone worked right. When you're stuck on an island, you don't Poor on island you're like collecting, would in trying to start a fire like everything's and engaging activity. It's like work. Yes,
Let me show you an upside. I brought these because our module listeners to Canada with the question you ass my background. You say what it was one of the things that come out of that background. I had the ability to sound like birds, you lack well. Is that something to be bragged about well, I've decided went to college are, in fact the who but went to college some border another and all of a merger degrees exe. sire, he stayed in the army for twenty five years, but all the rest time we went to college. We got that agrees. We heard what the professors I do say so We all came out of it football scholarship, but that the education process. I look, One day- and I said I never needed that- I never used it
I just have it now. I masters degree detail peoples in its garrison. I just use it as a scare tack, but here's what came out of that and live in America. Someone said so so you ve got these devices. What are they watch? This is a wonder. what I learned had a sound like I would. You say had that ever been done before in the story of man can know. Sir the first one on the market will fail. guy. Ninety five at yours too, Why didn't Harlan Williams condemned to be fair there of human beings on the planet
It's it's a long start by weight. Could you do that minus the duck? Call it could you when a young boy? Could you do that just with your mouth and your throat, so living in the woods you learn what animals and birds sound like you learn the difference between our word duck a matter dark and a dove and a quail soda bringing when you wanted to sound like amidst it's like playing piano by ear? I had sound in my head, when I hear employer by, I would get back to home. Our work on these devices that sounded like this plan around So all these, like here, Mallard here's a Jaguar, that from a be fifty two. So let's GAD what what
GAD Wall, that a kind of dog wall is called a great, but he raises up in the canadian prairies and though the while the worthwhile canadian provinces up there, the grasslands they migrate down every year and all these dot com, I'm just showing you simply how you could have routes that were very ah rudimentary at the best. But if you could say- birds it made me I'm a millionaire is currently story locked out trusted in God. I trusted in capitalism have to have it. And I worked hard, I didn't sign any papers with the government almost out of business on eighty go check with the local authorities, the state authorities. I just now on the board up on check out, thereby my house and it said dot- Mandarin Woebegone call it
worldwide. So therefore that's the beginning, a that's. My route well sir, getting back to their roots in your hand, probably literally had routes in the in the basement. and the seller by the ads Literal read so it strikes me today, so I didn't grow up like Phil, but I grow poor and we didn't dwell that much on being poor. They had to do stuff, you know if you spend if you wanted to go see a movie had to go, collect bottles and turn a man I mean this is an urban version of your life, but I mean if it was Saturday we I'd go, knocking on doors to have any bottles, any Pepsi paddles there, five cents for the big ones you known and people, this guy a couple of bottles and drag him off to roll? since liquor store up at
I wasn't sitting being miserable because Ives, what washing cars trying to make some money to go, see a movie or go get some candy or something like that. It's strikes me that today poor people not only a kind of sedentary like real poor. You hang especially if you're getting money from the government or something are subsidized housing or free housing or such like that you're spending a fair bit of time. In that world I mean, theoretically, you can have Job are, you do have a job at years allotted downtime, an you're looking at a phone and a tv show which is showing you imagery of all the people at all the stuff. You know you're, watching the card Ashton's tv show, while your poor, so Phil didn't We was poor because Phil was engaged and he wasn't watching the card Ashton's. Therefore,.
You say what are you down to now appoint paper Dejesus for one reason: When someone pointed out to me when I was twenty eight, I said, let me get this right. Why I'm counting giant by its two thousand twenty one years since Jesus showed up, I'm like what would it take for the world account time by you, I told Dan who works for me to boy hook. This thing up, I said damn. I should call that who's, the smartest woman on the computer. What's your name, he said I've, never. And on a computer I don't have a cell phone as I once at warm his name. He said Alexa I said: ask Alexa what year is it in China? He said lecture what years it in China. She said two thousand and twenty one. I said what about Red North Korea, two thousand and twenty one, though we in Russia? What about Russia? Russia? Two thousand, twenty one!
twenty, eight with a cup degrees, automobile, I'm getting drunk, get high, get laid, and I start reading about this He just some guy parliament. Let's see we count time by. We are surely sinful because only in that makes and I'm gonna die. That's Fact Jesus answered all of the problems. Sobbed amend three days, God on across sin problem, gown three days later: resurrection grave problem gown, I'm like what's gonna, cost me the gas it free of charge. Oh that's right! Let me, as you go, find me page, you have to pay for an answer. therefore funerals around. I said that that border the equation. You said the man is just fine, oh Jesus, he hates no one. cancel guards comes along and there
I'm selling me for this, that in the other and I'm thinkin, but it doing the same things I'm doing the same sinful behavior I came out of. Why am I so surprised you described? Fierce independence is what was going on with the poor and the downtrodden and the people of the nineteen bodies and fifty's fierce in bandits we lived by and that still isn't my psyche, their corona. While I got, I have many thoughts and I don't like to discuss with you, fill and also want to circle back to some you're playing days, because I love football and I have some questions about that. So I have a thought, I'm not a religious man. I always said oh, I wish I was It's not me, I kind of grew up in an ape
yes, the environment. I grew up in a very non spiritual, religious time in it. None spiritual religious world, but I've. intellectually been honest and one I wish I was. I wish if some try to do well. Maybe we can convert me. I have some tragic happened to a love one. I would like to believe there are in a better place or fires in an airplane, and we hit turbulence I'd like to believe that that I would hope, Corona Canal by so here's an interesting concept for Phil any speak of vat, cancel culture and I'll circle. Back to that, I always use a vander, wholly field who, at least as he said, very religious guy now he's got a few, out of wedlock, but he's a very religious guy. According to him, when he
went into fight MIKE Tyson, the bad ass man on the planet. He didn't seem scared at all. He seemed I ever anywhere out one of the things, I always marvel that when wholly field was going to fight, Thyssen is wholly field, didn't seem bothered by it at all those perfect, that's how he fought him and that's how he beat him. He actually but MIKE Tyson, wherever one else was running from MIKE Tyson, which eventually gonna get you knocked out, Hope feel just one in and traded hawks, whether we just walk right and centre ring and you how to see him walking into the ring either totally compose. You see the other fighters who had to fight Thyssen in their prime. They look really nervous in the corner came out of the corner. They, they came out nervous, holy wasn't that way, and then I started thinking about cancel culture, the people I know who are standing up to cancel culture and don't seem to be worried about. It are the deeply religious people they they. They feel like
Either God is protecting me, or this is more important than whatever is going on in Gaza. On twitter, so resources this Is that feeling you have as it were? and your religion and lets? Say: council, culture? What's up and he is I'm trying to. Invite the cancer ground. Here's an interesting little textile rather Jesus, said this there's one lawgiver and judge the one who can save and dry. Who are you judge your neighbor other words, that's text open, J Jack, one, Given judge. I don't the rules that allows don't judge people I'm a mere man with plenty of sand. I had a daughter walk out of my past here last year.
she checked or dna, and she says I think, that gas, my dad and I'm thinkin. I know that, but about this woman I I've seen this girl ever forty five years. She stepped Serbs, Thus our dna, I have man, run its a match. I'm like honey, you about the bed. saying that ever came out my past? I said I didn't know you were a man for forty five years. She said, I didn't know you were man for the same like the time. How did tat season I finally found my dad. So even our citizens and the things that happen because of it even that she lives next door to me now but I said come on down. she moves am. I gave her the house, so lives, our her and her husband he's an artist and now wave bonded, my daughter, I never knew, I add, is part of the family
We learn to forgive the council culture. Doesn't even know what it means. I you just forgive your neighbour The greatest commands in the bible and people, Look at it like a barrister, love God. love your neighbor Corolla What in the world is the downside to that kind of man, which I have in my hand. You say you're not mad at these people. Now shaking my head saying your limit about the lab joy, peace, patient, Can this goodness faithfulness self control every event? energy man there are, what's at all, I don't know all about Jesus in Ghana. I'm trying to win over, but Pooh good luck, yeah, it's a tough job. It's in its in the run up to it. It's it's panic
trusting it's a theory but it's one I've been kickin around for a while. I do notice guys like Dennis Prager. They they have very religious! and they don't seem to be scared of the cancel culture because they feel like. Their religion is, is more important than that look like the pandemic did corona. The pandemic comes, listen, You say: did you ever where I ask when, of course not a rare mask someone's as well You watch your distancing, I'm baptizing people and I told him I said- listen the Law says I can't touch. You have to stay six feet away from me, but I don't know talking last, so you will have the rope and told you under the water. I think I'm going to have to have your hand to baptize you. I said I tell you what, let's just trust in God and go fart I never caught.
On a virus. I've never had it, but why do you think that you think? That's because of God, I'm just telling you the facts. So someone said: what did you do now when the vaccine came up? I said Miss Kate go, get her back, say we ve never had again, but who knows? Let's don't test God, let's get the bag see now that I've been vaccine there still saying where the mask and stay six foot away now wait a minute. I never had it I'm vaccinated against it. I can give it to you. you can give it to me I still arguing about a mask well We got into this yesterday with the Canadian Russell Peters. His mom has been vaccinated and I think, had it and was tested Ford instead,
ass, to be quarantine. The answer to that is there in love with the rules now and there are going with them. That's why schools are shut down here in California. here lies, I am there. They shot him down. Did all the science the sign says: it's completely fine, but their drunk. Now with power, and there like tat, people. What to do. That's why you become a politician or many attention. Many politicians get that job to regulate too. tell people what to do and thereby they ve enjoyed it and its work nicely for them. So they're going and and that's why you have to wear mask after you get vaccinated they're going to all about different strains, but it's point. We live in this country because we, like freedom, fell out. Talk about your playing days- I saw here that your recruited to play quarterback for the Washington Redskins but chose
to pursue hunting. Instead, that's while it worked out again but it seems like a weird decision to make at the time that a true story, true story actually the guy who left Louisiana Tech by Bruno played running back for the Washington Redskins. He came to me personally, he said come on up and he said: look you got this guy that that he's no match for you and what's the guy that broke his leg, Joe Thighs right yeah? He said you got here, but you you blow by on. He said it's open job. If you want it and I thought about a little bit about. See large vile man head but made as before. That was against the rules and stop me until the dirt. I can do that or I can chase ducks,
I said I think I'll chase ducks, but how much? How much reminding people who make sound I mean Isn T hucks back then its started slow. the first year sales were eight thousand, but we stayed the course guerrilla. The second year was about thirteen bad. I said Miss Kay We are on a role. She said we're gonna starve to death as it now we are right, we good so thirty thousand the third year forty eight thousand eighty thousand over a hundred thousand finally get the million mark where every cell in May dollars a year when the the tv but showed up. Watch one of our little dvds, I said without fair, to shoot ducks. I think there is a market for that. They didn't have those thank the dead time, so we start vehement ourselves, you dogs, any last.
And less New York solve some of those standing. So my said, why don't we favour a functional family that might work now if we find one that is this group radio looks like they functional, meaning that horror your godly people, so somebody said on a dire: let's do it Are they come down once that started their sales went ballistic ban? t shirt? I mean every kind of hunting close, so it just pal I came out of their low. Saddle I ever ever black labrador. Cigana Swimming Pool, but if I could train them to get a dock, is that is a laboratory best duck dog. I love him I'm in the south. They take the weather goods hot down in here, but we have great dogs. Blue are just
retired one, but I got another and replace DM two day. So we have great hunting dogs. There go, get you back, bring him back to you know we beg ducks. We ball ducks we fry backs. We grew. dogs every way now and a man to eat a duck. Wait we ve with. We have it now. How do you train? I thought I had at a guy live down the street. For me he was a hunter. He had a dog was a hunting dogs and I think it's some point the kid I was about eleven. I didn't my face. in Hungary. Have guns will convene with nature, do anything but courage in this guy's name was brine in his dad, had guns and would refilled shotgun shells and stuff in the garage- and he had a dogma of it- was daisy but either way he said they would put our wire in a sack and train the dog.
to go, get it so that the dog wooden bite down the sack and get punctured with the barbed wire, I never knew gingerly making it up her or what, but they provided that they probably did. That probably did that but our dogs? They love the heart, that's another, and I believe in all Maddy these dogs, some of em, like Labrador, Retriever, it's in their blood than their dna to retrieve birds are, you would think, I'm like what Department in SALT water gave those dogs ability to retreat my backs. So it's amazing. We become mob, as they say, very close with our animals, because they do such a great job. save us a lot of time and effort. Imagine Burma. Member Baboom there's eight ducks on the water. and your Labrador Retriever is swim in it breaks spade
out across shallow water running down, bring him back and they exist. Goin, just gather him up in a matter of a few minutes. Are you direct any ban and the dog to sit there ready to go ready for the next, but so I need to take you there I wrote I've never been hunting a day in my life. I know what a guest I grew up in a place where rude there is just asphalt everywhere and nobody knows there, hunting wasn't nothin. Nobody in the culture, the there was no hunting culture whatsoever I would always loved to do and I've gone usher. few guns and and done that kind of stuff. But I didn't,
as rather there used to be a liquor store that I used to pass when I lived in Santa Monica and it was called the duck blind- and I thought I did know what that meant I've. I thought it was like a type or something the duck blind. I didn't know that there are certain buyers was theirs, their cunning and the great state of california- Yes, because I was conceived in the forties, already five in California Mother cared me around on the California saw- and I thank my mark me at swag little weird, sometime but I will say that California, I think they have more duck than any statement nine states. There are re liner. Ah, there are some great, the cunning and California came out. There are spoken, lacquer Modesto wherever you, oh yeah, yeah yeah, we want
there I did it. I did a show on what island was that prime trying to think We did a show out on that for that yacht club isn't stock. Is that run on Thursday, my final ray. I wasn't. There is a lot of you. I know I just thought you knew the area or somethin we talked about it, there's a lot of bright river in March. I marshes I had no idea well, fails you come out the California? If they let you out off the plane. I don't know, but if you come to California wanna. Take me doc, cunning, hence the islanders. That's that's right! Perfunctorily! I will I'll be more than happy to go out and try out dead duck cunning. I don't know what the protocols are for drinking when you're doing down having but I'll bring my own. So I don't wanna burden you within the pod cast called the unashamed with fail in jail, Robertson and the bail bond apple pie, gases modifies well
and the internet show in the woods with fail is available on blaze, TV, Daphne Phil, always a pleasure talk, India, the great Phil Robertson. All right, we will take ourselves a quick break and then we'll come back and do some news right after this
we are currently faced by Jean Energy with Dhunacrag Longtime, Jeffrey Epstein associate. Glean Maxwell was charged Monday with sex trafficking, a minor. That's. What federal prosecutor see that she groomed a fourteen year old girl to engage in sex acts with F Epstein and later paid her according to a
federal indictment that was filed in Manhattan. The girl gave up see new massages at his estate and Palm Beach Florida, where he'd also engage in sex acts with her. This occurred multiple times between two thousand when two thousand for an earlier indictment clay, Maxwell, recruited and groom girls for sex with Epstein. But this is the first time sex. Trafficking, allegations or added maxims been in jail. Since this went down last year's and she was arrested. Her trial is scheduled for July. She pleaded not guilty to the original chart. as was there. I like this in assumption that she knows a lot that you may have some info on some people. We ve heard a sound ass. The convention pillars them yeah and was also There were some controversy about how she was caught cause. She was asserted hiding in plain sight, so that my internet, again or whatever that'll, be an interesting story, and then what would your life be like if you knew that she had goods on you,
Let's just say you were a notable person politician whomever public person. And you knew that you'd had interactions with her and that you been on the island are on the Lovely Express and she provided a friend or whatever it is. You know you're married your life's girl, you people You know you're living that life, but you gotta know the clock is ticking right. You're also think of it. Like a normal person, there, like, I feel, like the people that would engage with her. This kind of activity are sociopath criminals rights or are they predisposed justifying at some later themselves, well. Well, they may justify you know you may never we're talking about may justify to themselves, all day long, but that's not going to work in the courtroom. I ran away, they could lead or that or that their sphere of public opinion. I gotta you, you could you
could be a serial killer and think you're carrying out the Lord's work, but if they catch you you're still grown in the hall. In its it's very cause. as skin and wine Steen ask you know they thought they were. You know above the law, but it turns out they weren't. You got a wonder, is: are they taking special precautions to keep her safe? So she doesn't. Accidently could kill her yeah. The way I would I wouldn't Jim. I would imagine they are bad, but we're thinking I mean how big you wanna go you just that you, like some random businessmen, rethinking Bill Clinton, Donald Trump I mean the hour. Who knows is on that last I mean there could be. A lot of people are more luck by anything surprise you at this point now nothing. What surprised me anymore and you're not, gonna find any my friends dad's on that list from junior high because they were just poor unwashed masses like by now
each year by virtue of the FAO that you're being invited to go to the island and fly on the private, whatever you're somebody, probably somebody that people wanted that party with out some a notable something so right for you It's always weird I will say this, but that the people never kill themselves, if, if she had all the goods on me- and I was seventy four years old and now I knew there were coming for me and not end up in the scandalous long- I just eat cyanide tablet at a certain point, like, as the marshals were coming up, the driveway after her after she nailed made during the thing I've just to state that tablet. I feel like that's how we know you just pay, the sociopath test. You're, not one right, that's right by killing myself! Well,
speaking of which a ninth woman has come forward to accuse embattled new governor Andrew Cuomo of sexual misconduct of so this, nobody wants to be embattled, then nobody, I am a battle and not disgraced or beleaguered oh, yes and nobody wants to write an alimony check for a hundred grand a year, but I would still argue that if your embattled or in an alimony check for more than most Americans make a year. You still pretty well in your life, you have to get my there's. No a cheap to certain stat yeah. Well, he's a sanitation worker from our leader, whose in you don't battled. When you make forty seven thousand dollars, you have to have a station yeah or or as Wednesday had always been described in the past year and a half or two years they now described yeah. I saw me ass right, that's a good one to so. This is fifty.
Five year old, Sherry Ville of Greece, New York, she's Cuomo visited her house and twenty seventeen to survey damage from a devastating and while he was in the house, she says he grabbed her face, kissed her cheeks and then said: that's what Italians do kiss both cheeks and there's a picture of it. She said I know the difference between an innocent gesture and sexual one. I never felt was uncomfortable. As I did the day Governor Cuomo came to my house. His actions were very overly sexual, highly inappropriate disrespectful. In my family- guess: who's representing her: oh, oh lorry, all red! That's right! That's her internally says they intend to enforce. the New York attorney General's office that villas willing to cooperate with the sexual misconduct investigation said she didn't come we earlier she was afraid of his power and what that could do against her, and she says that Cuomo left her house that day and he invited her to an event with him after
Well so far, and we always talk about this diminishing returns, will you have to have sequels ever is good he's got a bunch of twos and threes that we're trying to add up into a ten another the one case of called to the governors. And chin where he groped or something like that. The I kissed her, the chief grant. This is like kind of certain weird, a little and approach, but I dont know that falls under the heading of sexual assault, the italian double kiss on the cheek and then invite That later, like you're doing a fundraiser come by he's having honor. But yeah I mean that's. Most of these stories sound like he likes the Ladys and is hitting on them, but they don't fit the definition of like sexual assault.
I mean it doesn't feel like there's only on on the bar. Well, a lot of Amr like he grabbed my cheeks and he could allow. I'm no fan of Cuomo, I think he's a pompous ass, an I think his feet should be held to the full. For the whole nursing home situation. A situation involves a lot of people dying in him lying and maybe cooking the books in numbers and stuff like that. For for all that, this is just a large group of people that are saying he's a creepy guy right, but I'm not hearing any enough. This is. This is like alpha in times ten bucks mean times. Tat Einstein's turned on him in principle, but it still that hearing as cereal rapists here. So, but there Again there still one person, I think, who said that went to his house to work on a governess mansion like help him with his phone.
something like that, and there were some groping going on there, but anyway, we'll see what glory has to say We do have a follow up with share and Osborne. She is leaving the talk. She's not going empty, handed she's going with millions of dollars. A source tells page six that the former is walking way with anywhere between five and ten million minimum and was able to spend that it was her decision, leave the shall, though it may have been another insight her says, sharing, is also free to talk when she's ready the source adds. She still wants to give her side of the story. She on that show for eleven years and knows all the secrets CBS announced that sharing quit the talk Friday her exit. As you now came two weeks after her heated debate with co host, Cheryl, Underwood Overpeer, Morgan and his criticism of Mega Markel. Well, Let's see if we can get either TED new I feel Robertson to take her place than that LT. I would then watch that out there
Well, you know, I don't get a sassy women of color. That's that's gonna! Be more the same I need. I need somebody over their thumpin, a Bible, workin ass by in time. We disagree fiddle dressing. A moose fail could have duck collars weatherman. If he disagreed, You re right ride so they'd have they have the person and she'd be giving her take on that George Floyd trial at some point just chimera, their proper all earned in Oak Adam, I swear That is why we are doing now another law suit. You know we title of this gotta be nice for ass. as the eyes while we all support most rock and roll guys marry a group. They crap out a kid. The groupie starts
in our personal trainer and then Suzanne and then moves out and then takes half of the guys network in oh yeah, he's gotta. He earns so does all the rock and roll, and now he gets a little bit older. He starts slowing down covert in touring everything out order, any just kicks her out of the mansion and she comes back with a sack of money. Yeah wrong and rollers when they get older, cannot count on that kind. Rarely come that dual income yeah like You got that woman and now increased it out, sixty plus or whatever now she's gonna, rounded Erna of shit. cash and bring it back. While you hang out watch world war good point- we talked about those say in shoes by low noise and the last thing I report it was You saying we endorse that. We do not have anything to do with it.
we're getting a little more aggressive, there's suing suing the art collective hind those shoes, the loss? It was while Monday Nike accuses M s c h, F, product studio, incorporated of trademark infringement over the designers, six hundred sixty six pairs of mud, I'd Maggie's made in collaboration with, while gnaws all six hundred sixty six perish sold out Friday, like like within an hour in its complaint Nike, asked the court to order M s c h after permanently stop fulfilling orders for the unauthorized shoes. The lawsuit notes that social media users have three. To boycott Nike over the controversial shoes. Are you loud to buy a bunch of when Europe allow to buy bunch of leave I genes and then be dazzle them, and then I shall him for his store. I know somebody tweeted us Adam, and this was really interesting. If it's true tell him, except you know it
those lines around the corner on Fairfax and MEL Rosa those like sneaker had shot you know what our I'm somebody tweet said. A lot of those people are buying in bulk Teresa tomorrow? the lines the lie for the sneakers or like used to be like the lines for the concert. Tickets, they write, have people perfect, in all waiters, essentially line waiters go out by the tickets, and then they put him up on fan, but whatever iron they asylum for whatever, yes, but not just to resell, modify in real sorry to modify Bergmann modifying the reselling, is legal. There's a good question regardless. I wonder if they're gonna get in trouble there, that the issue is used the night you logo on, like their website like in settling the product because dry marked or the reason I was confused, their Gina cause, which
wouldn't modify one of these small batch one off weight in line four ten issues, though, would you I think you so well you know I don't like you did he shot. I don't like to talk about cars, but make an exception our I just this once you can get a car like a core vat or like a compare, our El Camino Bronco or something you and modified. All you want, then sell it to Kevin. Heart, hopefully makes money, but you wouldn't touch like oh like a very limited batch Ferrari are asked and Martin or something those I own time night. So it seems like the weight in line sneaker people, those are the one off salaries. Don't talk right, I and the other ones it my five but anyway. Well,
either way. I think this is only. I would imagines only good news for this art collective embassies Jaffa mean all they did with cell six hundred sixty six pairs of shoes, and now now there and headline NEWS Now we know who they are well, let's see. If we can rank these people, we have the guitar collectors. We have the watch collectors of the shoe collectors and we have the car collectors. Sports, no, really! Sports memorably! I mean there's a lot of it out there like the argument I stall of Alma go like or you're, never gonna, where those shoes yeah near never going to drive that car or where watcher or whatever it is. It's kind of interesting I'm trying to think of the mind of of the person I've on by the way into any one. I hope my kids collect things other than venereal diseases fails and things like that. I think
an interesting mindset. No one in my family did it. I always thickets and I think it's a good wiring in general. With a certain point, it becomes a little dangerous in a little obsessive, but what we hope for our children that they are collectors yeah. I think it gives you a folk s. It's a good Bobby actually Brian. What are they never told? Anyone told you guys this, but I just covered memory, totally forgotten shirt, so my mom's has in high school. I used to collect beetles damps from our all of you and I used to like it really excited about it and I'll. Never forget its eye, God willing it's silly, my dress a drawer at home, but I had these job Lenin stamps from hands in the and therein. This like and I was so excited when they arrived, and it is something kind of fun to do is obvious and those are worth something, maybe gotta, go Envenom sheriff. I reckon as your mom, but I think I saw on pop star selling this thing.
I wouldn't count on them being where was it a wizard, the Lage, woman and achieve goes sweater and, like you know, a lot of bodily jewelry. She was. She was drink, a diet ride. I think our task and then had a snack well hanging over about profit, and I remember TAT, let me out the admirable tansy rules where those where the beetle weird beetle stamp the member lands in Asia that stuck I'm not saying I was urban- could have been doing that raffish, let's wrap it up, but major League baseball sent out a memo. Two teams about current virus rules and things definitely are getting more relaxed players and staff members you ve been vaccinated, can get together without mass and hotel rooms they can carpal together do play cards. Zena hang out on the plane, eat it. Restaurants, among other things, during the upcoming season, though, also not have to wear masks when exercising and dont have to inform compliance officer when leaving the hotel room
that's been very common, so that, if that's what you know testament to weigh the winds blowing, that's good news ones, opening once the opening pinch opens first, usually or what our tomorrow, the next day? What are they do at Dodger Stadium. can allow anyone in there. I know it is when he presented by twenty percent. As I heard that could do, and as is like the Texas Rangers, can be full capacity. That's a sound! our role and boy out I'll. Tell you know the lock down been bad, I'm not much while fan and I'm not not nuts, about going your baseball game. I would love to go to a baseball game. Right now Zella. It sounds good. Nice called beer and dog twenty, sand and social distancing pod
oh yeah, Euro game with your family. You didn't group, ok, but they're, not grammar complexity. Now I think it create our own party that yeah still one more Gran. Ok! Well tell you really quickly. I didn't go because I was advised not to watch it right now, which is fine with me, but Andy took the little one to Ryan the last Dragon Animal ere. I have to go. There's a lot of father. Daughter themes are not really. Wind was right now, but you know sitting in it. I would like a really nice chair by Burbank in the candy and stuff, but the thing about it was we kept trying to get tickets? I was trying to get them tickets and every time you try to keep saying like website locked or or screen locked is this is because the only sold like ours, so nothing, it's aerial yeah there was I'm you? Literally? There is maybe six people aloud and each theatre in Burbank so just keep at it. And if you want to go check out a movie frying you gonna? While you haven't got you
get a second shot just a few days and that it will be just a few days together. heard? The first was eighty percent now, which is on the shot I e, the one they gave me. There was about fifty fifty five percent of the first shot but are there more than one manufacture that that are known to shots yeah my journey and Pfizer of our jobs and jobs in settling the act with the one shot at apparently after Senecas getting reaction, not. Here I would about you. So suspicious that they should around up and round down depending on how they want you to ask the gene is so the Covert DAS is rounded up. Andy Fact, amidst the first shot, I'm assuming they ran down because I was there. They'll go like fifty percent and then I'll here some store words like eighty percent after the kind of makes sense. Anyway, I can tell you too: I just got my second shot and they said it. It's a doozy you're going to feel like shit, it's gonna be there
thing ever and for me, my arm was supersonic. Some punched me really hard and I slept last night eleven hours, but the same thing about the flu shot other than that no side effects, and it was very easy- and I had my doubts, the second I'm too, the entire military. So the intake was from the air force, the guy. Ok, my shot, from the army. It's all people in fatigues, it was was quite an adventure God, when the camp at all in the administering the shots, and all that I feel like the National Guard is back man with a vengeance. I'll just stated last story because we're talking about auctions and things like that a flaming hot shadow, that sort of looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger was sold on Ebay for ten thousand dollars and I think we have a picture of the online listing- refers to the snack ed.
Collectors item Ralph about inform the buyer. That the item is not to be eaten and said should be stored. As a collectible item, Chino does kinder, I mean look like a statue of some some sort, but they said it looks like our Schwarzenegger looks like a shrimp tale Where are the rocky statue? Does it looks like racket, Ralph and also, I think, looks like Stretch Armstrong joy all reference, childhood was so lean that first first things first One of our joys would have been grabbing. This game, also man and trying to stretch his legs one direction or another that doesn't sound that entertaining, but I didn't have won my body Chris add one so I had to go to his house. So we could take this thing. We're not run pull on his legs stretch.
Armstrong at last that lasts until the ninety thousand big toy from our railway to yeah. I was there when it when they die. Whenever doing they are indeed man no we're going, but probably sends a dangerous message for you and your friend come across. Someone is sleeping so and one leg, the other guy the other arm in achieving get em apart Frida I don't know they have a stretch, arms or on its sit and span need. Are you just sit ire indian style, which only good Sidney mortgages? Spain yourself around like there's, you sat, you sat crisscross applesauce right, that's right, not any in style and there's just solving entertainment. We had the Imo Buddy Chris at a stretch. Armstrongs see what one us, I did we bring home Gina Gran, we'll do it right now, I'm gonna grab and that's the news with junior grab.
Last but not least, that's not. They got a showman, the box and your the younger you the new Frank that have made more progress so that everything that you haven't seen it before or wake him up. Tell me: seventy Stretch, Armstrong ever younger, gay or one. Oh right, the show in Nashville almost almost sold out so says my car, so few tickets laughed that's alive, live podcast redundancies, that'll be April. Fourteen and you can go to Adam Carolla dot com for all your live shows, and you can check out our PLUTO Tv channel. I got a lot of stuff up there at five hundred and eighty five and you can go to art, Youtube,
and watch all the stand up? I want to thank Phil Robertson Fur. Zooming and there's a wretch I'm sure I still need to see him in the box. That's what I want to say. This is the stretch them Ryan and I grew up with China. and I asked hands or dampen the her his Armstrong. How. I don't think we had our idea,
unashamed with Phil Robertson is the path, and until next time our profile Robinson, GB, Grandma Brian, say my hollow. The atom drollest on Twitter it out and we shall follow- is onto a do not leave us voicemail, Adelaide century Boreman, set before four figures and all of atoms books. All belated, Adam Corolla, downtown
Transcript generated on 2021-08-13.