« The Adam Carolla Show

Part 2: More Greg Fitzsimmons, plus Gina’s News (ACS Mar 25)

2021-03-25 | 🔗
Greg Fitzsimmons is still hanging with the gang at the top of Part 2. The guys take a couple fan phone calls, and then discuss ball-busting fans, as well as Dawson’s love life. Later, Gina reads news stories about a possible death penalty for the Boston Marathon bomber, an NHL ref controversy, and Twitter’s first Tweet selling for the equivalent of $3 million. As the show wraps up, the guys react to the Tyson-Holyfield fight coming later in May. Please support today’s sponsors: GetSuperLeaf.com/ADAM Lifelock.com enter ADAM SimpliSafe.com/ADAM Download The Jordan Harbinger Show and go to JordanHarbinger.com/subscribe Geico.com PlutoTV
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Thanks for listening to the garage sale on podcast, one rock. dad come. Why spend thirty to fifty percent? Even a hundred percent more for the same parts that had changed. or dealership might have we spend so much. There were I go to rock auto dot com, so family business serving parts customers online for twenty years, gotta rocker, I've come to shop for ATO and body parts from hundreds of manufacturers. Everything from engine can modules to breaks the motor oil even new carpet, whether it for your classic car, or your daily driver, get everything you need in a few clicks, delivered direct to your door. Go to otto dot com, see all the parts available for your car or your truck right.
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In about a week and customs systems gonna be set up and ready to go. under our simply save tat, calm, Slash Adam. It's time for nicaraguan name that movie with Adams Oswald no see you can guess which movie? This famous line is wrong lack of the threat of war is good if you said Wall Street Greed, for lack of a better word is Would you back to the shell rightly J, forty from New York, J. We know today guys high guy, I now
It's not really sure we're hours colony and express my appreciation to Adam A comedian watch me since I was a kid and that you will show the same dream said, wanted to express his appreciation for both at home and fits dogs humor. So he doesn't know who fits dog is. He likes legs. What is our first, so I just got a neuron hall. Greener line for might be drunk be drunk yes. I'm server, I was hoping Adam. He might some recommendation for me, I'd like to calling to her nice outcasts and talk to some funny comedians. Is there anybody in your rolodex? You could help me up with say this is what happens You are, if you were now, here's your schoeffer J. Yes, Sir Khazars, there
such a. Phenomenon is if you drink early, often in long enough, then, when you it sober. You still sound like a drunken asshole. Easy fits doggone fits dogs, drink in the tender age of nineteen so he doesn't sound haggard beleaguered and gravel throated, but J. You must have had some pride I'm drinking years before you finally gave it up and I'm guessing. That was less your ideas, more. The idea of the court system and Europe, He gave up longer than six hours ago Actually I'm really ensure drugs in the health. Innocent exercise their own ass suppose Adam. You have a predisposition for alcohol and sounds like you like drugs. Is that why you're relationship with that you dissolved, and
I will I will. I will broach that's it later on today, when I talk to Doktor drew on my home, as I do on a nightly basis. Ask anyone talk to you when you to act when your best friend, I can say this guy for somebody like I grew up in New York and people have a face, and I can't imagine you're the guy this bands of the subway platform and doesn't quite make the tree you're, the guy that can't figure out how to get into the revolving door. You're, the guy that slows people down on Fifth avenue cause you don't know how to work as a pedestrian, get the fuck out of New York and go down south three belong Actually, sir, I'm colonel, like the guy on the train. You close the door on it just before you get in the guy who a brand new owner when you're in the bay Why were you shouldn't be when just trying to save the earth here in any event, Anima. When I get out there,
for me? I'm gonna be doing to show at the time MR help, if you did so graciously except my imitation I'd love their earlier labelling of various other place out a sell out. They see Rome. Revenge been closed for a limit months there to drink, but he's got a date bears and now Maybe I was trying to get into the calamity. Store pre covered the last seven years and now that they have closed down. I got a call from the backers saying we do have an open at my people get in touch with you thanks years, I'm guys and real needs appreciate your show. You guys are funny every day. Everyone thanks J Hank, there's an interesting there? its examined. This thing because fits You go on the road I go on the road. We run
the deeds. These dudes, I we ve not really talked about this dude, the dude and I like I went to high school the couple these dudes, like it's a real dude trade. they show up. Do some weird ball busting, but it's that really good natured are funny. It's just more ball, minus the kind of not a Jeff Rossi kind of love, a format? Don Rickles kind of young ball, basing its a sort of crude uneducated, collar ball boss think they'll do that for a while and then at the end of go now, seriously mad, I dig Yoshida. Can we get a picture, any larger, gimme your? Why? Why don't we went out whenever they have to say I M just just joke good man, man, you're good guy, you're you're, describing ten percent of my twitter followers dry.
also. Is that ever really an excuse like I'm just giving you a hard time well time hard enough. I could die without a harder time like honestly fibrous walking with a bag groceries in you pull them out of my hands and he just room on the ground that would be giving me a hard time, but it's not like. I would appreciate it if the end or like when you Poligized having. Why should in in it I'm that's hard already. Why do we need the I'm just giving you our job near when you're at Euro level Adam in show business, which is some on the latter you're on the ladder right am, I feel, like I'm holding the latter for others to get ahead of people at to their gaiety, but they're, giving my is re off the roof, so in a sense the winner here,
it's your holding a ladder and you're the guy that if they do that, you, Sir you have to be nice, what otherwise it's I would have to. Issues with its two kids, there again ice cream, and I wanted itself in the guy was a total deck and what you did was you said, thank you, but I'm with my kids right now. I don't want to take a picture. That's all you did well. I know it's dark always has a story chambered about a drunken fan and a situation. I was just thinking about this when I was talking to Albert Brock's during a gorilla classics, we played a couple of weeks ago, Kazaa such I'm such a fan Albert Brooks, but he was talking about tat. I think he called the copy salt. Is everything our blissful to yeah, but he call the comp you sought for some reason so, like a council assault, but I have always heard you refer to it as a pump. You salt, that's what here
thereby a wicked Wigan. Listen, don't either added when a slow down the conversation, but he shed his conversations start good, and then they devolve into an insult. So they it start swift, I really loved lost in America and then some they go mother, not your best work. You know it starts to go down that road. I am I an I told story where I was standing in front of the El Capitan Theater. I was walking from Jimmy Camels office to like this star box on the corner, and a couple of women came up to me. Giddy there were like tourists walking but down. You know the Hollywood way. There are not Hollywood way, but ball. How it would walk of stars and the man show guides. The man show guys it's a man show guy. Oh, he called accomplice, salts yeah, I guess,
let me hear him say that a wide it bother me by so they came up to me. and they said, can we get a picture and I said absent. And they said, dab. Our huh then, Sir Hugh strands of the man show, and I said well fantastic. Let's take a picture, they paused and we're not really. A fans. Obviously the man show and I like o and had they said it also seem to think similar degrading to women. So obviously we would we then enjoy it, but our husbands dead like ok and then they got too about the third, ART, where they really didn't. Like my work- and I just said, dab no picture leaving and they were there were God snack by the ruling. Why what what's going on, but we would have. No, I have no contacts right now, you're walking away what what is it this is. An attack is like you, you gave
three verbal attacks like you, these were through he put down in a row and my policies. I don't wait for the fourth and I I just left. I had this guy, as in the airport, Agnes husky nerdy look and do comes run up to me and it goes there. You are queer exits lives and I go What do you mean there? I am because I knew you were mere by because I was looking for wifi on my phone and under personal hot spots. It said Red Fitzsimons. I saw you you around here somewhere, I looked all over, you are, and I was like get the fuck away from Wow I burn the phone I buried. We have our after failed mission, but we have our brook says and complex salt reward for them.
I have a word for that. It's called complex salts. Yes, it is complex accomplice all day, but the Super funny did our it. Let's see, let's try another call Chris from Kansas City Gina Grant grace fifty eight cancer, Adam and You'Re- the show you ain't first, let me give you a quick shouted Gina so saw you lost your dad Gina. He was a fine sports anchored. Kansas City we enjoyed in air and and I know the end of his life was angry and I'm just so sorry. Alas, the mind and though he meant a lot to you and you for handling Kansas City or taken about your guy. That's thank you. I can't tell you means he did have a great career and in case in- and I really appreciate that. Thank you a minute of your showy you're coming here that the second week in september- and I
and I want to get your fired up her that I think it's gonna be a great week in Kansas City when you're here, I that should be enough, but a week in a new here, the Friday of Inner fell opening week in anticipating she's having a home game that weaken it somehow met weekend that the town in dna- Ben you you're right downtown and that the town will just be pack, so you could not. The better, weaken the complicated to Sydney smack about or weaken them better weekend. We'd be April, twenty nine through make that the sitting here which which venue are you Is he gonna be out in in the fall gonna be gonna, be it at the it's got. A corporate navy genial noted the million data the metal? It? Oh fancy look at you. I told you guess northern Fancy fair to middle ETA, so he paid the medal and point out our vast
bank theatre once the corporation took it over, and I was I had this thought fits dog I'll I'll be transparent. Here I play clubs all over the country with the occasional theatre, sprinkle then Fit dogs also playing Kansas City, and I thought I don't want to be. The one were playing the theater and he's playing the club. I don't like that. I don't like that kind of privilege. Sires gonna, give fits dog, blog for his Casey date and applying the arrest bank theatre. He is playing a play. in Kansas City, Missouri called the comedy club, so I'm not going to be really dance around right right. It's and their pick me up at the airport in the car,
staying at a place called the hotel. I think it's a very simple town clean out unwanted down behind down now highfalutin now it like a manual Mcdonald's. It's just the Berger Kiang Europe like yours playing over the last week in April at the number four with fries, Sir though I was I was gonna eat. I was hoping it was. Helium are hilarity, certain of that could put a title, but an illiterate call. Many club and a minor has downward theater and it's a sorry fits dog. I was trying to navigate this, but I couldn't thread the needle had a better marketing department at your organization, the mild and so collar Chris aren't you go see fits dog on the twenty ninth through through May first and then you can come out and see me Now, look into that. I've never been to his ears comedy club, but that doesn't mean it
a great place and now this Party count both either like it yeah. I like Casey. I've been there quite a few times so odd. Threats and I dont augur well check the schedule see if the chiefs her home. I dont then I'll make the schedule that put it up that far in advance. Let's see someone has a dating bit suggestion darling now somewhat here. What's your status single Let's explore that a little bit. Europe alone, your sick. For man, that's that's! How come home homeowner, but yeah, but you know how far I If you're more than an arms, we didn't get it. I know you, but I feel like I could craft version of your life. That would be quite enticing. Oh my rockstar
yeah. I mean there's a lot there there's a lot to light for Ladys. especially in other guys out there that are bricklayers and drive, fork, laughs and they're gonna blow I now so well. there have been before twelve yeah yeah. Can you see me now I can't see amity arrangements to sell his hand out from under the council under the current also are set out in your not fat. you're, not ugly. Thank you, you're, not poor. I'm gonna relies on things. You're not gonna, run out of gas on the past. Not gay So what's up Y Y know, lady friend standards are too high while the other fucked up we're, probably lead you go in the vast. Maybe I should go home on them, how can you readjust? I mean: can you recalibrate began it? That's all
then all about a recalibration. But the thing you know you know when you get a forty seven years old in your: u not gonna, be nobody else! Now! Now, I'm not talking about you changing, I'm talking about you changing your expectations of like Dating LISA Lobe, for instance, verses out chick that works over Theo Walgreens Anna, yeah. Look I mean I I don't know, maybe you cry, gonna kill me. No, no! No! No! That's great! I know I know you are I'm just you mean, I don't know, here's nine and when I get married when I get married, it will be the end. That's that's it. I will get I when I get married, but once its forever it's done. and I'm gonna
make sure that the woman who that is exactly who I want to sleep with the rest of my life lebanese bigger, doesn't you he's he's a romantic. He he writes, love, songs and ease of performers physician, hee hee I know you got raspberries you're, not you're, no notice, not as Renate he's got about bent over divorces plagues without back in the hosty, yet I bought you bought court set up that he made in his back yard, accuses about it you're renaissance manner item is but a romantic. I agree and I'll take the baton from you and say that ITALY's almost Danny he's as super easy on the eyes, dots in a very handsome fella and very very sweet. I don't wanna be blowing your cover, but, like very like cares about his friends right, like a solid, loyal guy there. What's not to love ya, know
Here's the end, a let's. Let's kind of break this down cause I use, do I used to have some sir algorithm forward on when I used to love line a million years ago. You know you have to kind of fear. Out your number in your number is an aesthetic meets. How much is annual pay jack meets in what kind of Cardy DR meets our. How good a sense of humor DIA have me it's you know what you look like and swim trunks you now. There's there's a bunch, and numbers that half the candidate and a bunch of different evaluations. The need to kind of go on. Go India, overall number, so you take guy just EL bunching Ngos, L launching is spectacular. Looking in her bikini Anne. She makes the three million dollars a year so these high on this. This me
in autumn aim or like us for like Clooney, good, looking charming sense of humour, rich, perfect, perfect eggs, ample so now you have them so she's to date and Anna NFL Player, but she's not going to do. tony Saragossa example sample whose like diaper commercials or something no she's gotta, you ve gotta, be with Tom Brady, because Tom Brady's number he's tall got seven Superbowl rings. You know he makes an annual paycheck of thirty million bucks year, so we had to very high numbered people together and then you take Clooney Collooney does does swam in the celebrity pon. He goes over to the professional pool ride get some more she's, beautiful and she's a real she's, a human right, lawyer, you now and she put together but she's it, but you should admire her way,
them in her with as much as our luck in our culture recall, so he then goes and draws from the professional pool. But you could say there all kind of hovering around the same number. I mean who's where's higher Brady or Gazelle bunches? Like I don't know, it's a draw. No fucking idea there, both both numbers, a ten ride. So you have to draw from the pool, that's commensurate with your number. If you think about it, every once in a while, we'll see a non numbers matching situation like Tom, Green or drew Barrymore something by never. I love it lie. Love agenda. Do actually rob it can. Last I want that relationship you, because then you can't relax. You can't be yourself because you gotta be on your a game all got to wake up maker breakfast give her a foot raw You don't gotta, you gotta, listen!
Now I hear now that today or somebody that you're better than an edge is kick back and watch a muscle Lillian in how this example does say. Google brine Creasy situated in the sun was always workin. Let us listening so slow death. I agree with its. Not so here's what you want, you want whatever your number is. You would like to notched up little bit from your number, but you don't want a leap up from your number because she or he is gonna- have a lot of options and then, once you start in with your shit like you what you better throw watching STAR Scheme Hutch all day than theirs to be a situation right, so we don't want that. So you need to do. Is you need a figure? what you're number is real the delay. Then you need to go draw from the pool if you're a seven go to this governments have pool throw your line and that water. Don't,
the nine pool you pull something out. You may be Oda Gaffer on deck but its neck. It's not gonna! Let ok and, conversely, real sickly assess yourself like if you're seven don't go down to the fore pool you can do you can do a seven, seven, seven point: seven, seven eight! So you gotta get that number down and what get that number down. Then you know the poor. Now Dawson doesn't comes in a respectable number by seven night but he's going up to the nine and ten pool he's waiting, he's waiting around the nine and ten pool? Now ladders warm there, but the power problem is, is theirs awaiting by then in ten poor way, ding way way? Do you want I weighed into the three and four pool you can do that tonight that, That's how they work.
So what I'm? What I'm saying is once you get your number down well, Will this saved for argument sake will say it's a seven dollars need to move laterally over the seven pool and not to the nine pool, because that's where this is that's, where these long delays are coming from, according to your quotient, could I suggest this theorem is if he wants to end up at a seven point: seven brought fine it's, that are nine side. Maybe a girl! That's got a beautiful face, good rack. She earns six figures No God reaction and oral fixation. That's right all that, but one of her legs is shorter than the other way guy rob us right, yeah basic! Does it matter to you and grab it in exchange for Ireland has undermined the distressed property, thereby burn with what, if it's dog ass, what fits dog saying. Is you got five hundred bucks a span?
on a dishwasher, you could at this year's whirlpool one in prestige, condition or the fish like hell, one which is thirteen hundred box, but there's a dent side of em, all about Yadda box unit of the floor model, yeah yeah, exactly We talk about appliances now maturing, dig images Roger Thus, in you can find and what you want. A fine is that dinged dishwasher, that's floating around in the seven and eight poor man, the other. Do I mean you have put up with? What can you put up with a flat she asked? Can you put up with a bad laugh there can be. A girl looks great on paper. Great on tendering is swipe. Laugh you take her out the first joke you, cracked, laughs Jack. Do you can't you can't have that you can't do that wages. what guy
something you absolutely can't abide by lay on what is your thing? I'm opened anything. You know, I'm ease I'm really uneasy guys, but now the covered and everything and I've recently grown a mustache that I've personally fallen in love with it. I'm never going back they might have to just your hand. I think I think I'm gonna think that turns you know the dude love I value the categories stash bro because they know they got a better chance of getting laid than I do now by here. Oh yeah, trying to put it in your fish guy, but let me say the problem with the mustache on Dawson. Is you smoke a lot? So that's always gonna have the ashtrays there, so you gonna have that may be a deal breaker or or I wash my face like I do all right so area that smoking. You must
with a t shirt, the dose it has the calls Hillary Clinton current dividends, generals away. Yeah that sure it is it's a riddle is the I love country Oh yeah, I have acted as a classic I'd, so Dawson We ve been guilty of hanging around the nine and ten pool. But I've had much luck in that poor right, but not long lasting success. The nine in the ten pool. You can hang out you can you can get some fish on the line there? But it's not you don't! You know you don't mounted above your phone. place you eat it on the dark age on its fishing line is not strong enough to actually holiday We can all get, but it's gonna come off the our way of life.
I got your you're saying that about fish in the three and four pool, because I got a lot of fatty so now there's also good There is also an age thing to that see that their numbers work differently. For me, in four women that were women, It's more a static like, for instance, have your breaking the whole thing down you take it take something like a sense of humor, a woman, having a sense of humor applause, but for a guy It could be made major points because that's it our society, just sort of values and then there's an aesthetic that is more favours. The women and less less for the manner could be vice versa, depending on what you, like in your underpants, but once you get number down? You gotta then find the commensurate pool, and so that's what I need you to do. Dawson, ok, can I suggest Adam,
standing your brand, as you have so well over the years that you come up with an app where's. Somebody can input, maybe fifty different traits and come up with a number. That's great out. My guy eighth point and for every check that and when they, when the girls enter their thing, it just shows might Dawson now read out reasons and burnt out one. I think there's some and GEO can find? I used to do on love, Lyonnaise Devil, long conversations with Jimmy about this when we be like sitting on flights that were six hours unknown I'd, say you don't we'd, be going like We points is height, good for, like you'd, take height, verses, sense of humour, so hi guys want high women one height so that
the thing fires, women's height, goes the kind of neither here nor there for most guys if they want they like cute, like tall, though there like whatever, but it's not a big factor, but then sense of humour that favours a guy. The guy's got the sense of humour. We don't factor it in its. If height in sense of humour are almost equivalent to one another. Just going the opposite direction so once you in figure that out, then we can assign a number to it and the head. And I was having it. I was having a hard time selling these static to Jimmy that you and I thought I was coming in about an eight because he's like well, you look like pizza impressed with down syndrome. So how could that the hospitable I was in my third each back than us all, but a shade about fits an invention. I came up with then you'll like it just because you like jokes she's, talking about it yesterday speaking of apps, because I would like this app and talk.
About Dawson being a little but all there and in getting out and the dating pool how bout my dating foreseen years, and we call it carbon dating phase. I'd like to get. There would be a money maker, yeah I did out you don't swipe rider laughed at just senses the trembling finger on Ryan, that's right, you're TAT S. What what what it does is. hook you up with like minded seniors, who have no fucking idea how to work the app So there is nothing you have to do. We just fine other people that are confounded by what the fuck, where the buttons rightly the apple. We jitterbugs compatible and I still appear whenever it lay because they would always thinking it was the first date
Dawson, good news jam in the Van speak easy night. Is you hear this and Dawsons Gonna be doing stand up there? So, if you're in hey. You know a single young lady and like me angry and we'd any like the act. how many styling of Might Dawson show up and where some nice right now plan, I make you laugh, at the guarantee, be Dawson, Adam Rail, be their max paths. Man locks, he's gonna, be playing you're either laugh with me or admin either way you're gonna be laughing all right. Let's take serves a break, come back and will do the news with China Grand
We are currently faced by Gigi Dhunacrag, everybody got what you're doing buddy who put that picture out MAX pattern dear me: what are you going to lies? I think I think Eight or nine is, I think, a bit slow for those beggars picture. read. Him could well, easy from the fit my whole life. I had three things go in. I was a boxing instructor was a carpenter and I've is flat out poor.
All those things led to a good looking physique, because you're doing all day is you're on your feet. You teach and boxing swing in a hammer, and you have no fuckin money for food now I just sit around and blow vague, no microphone all the time and go or of why, when the norm struck, show up where that's norms, truck they're, gonna and people this, what's you would you be Come me people this, give you food all the time that his hand you we went to Reno. We had cabbage weird stuff can Marriage and that'll beg you pineapple upside down, although she Courvoisier the food just like just good they. Now now I sit around all day and complain and people hand me food. So there's a little departure in the physician relies on me. I just gotta Bab. Sorry, I got to remind myself tomorrow or I could do that national day. Maybe my friend eat in that runs.
his tongue Gary and then a bunch of food over for me, and I have goulash and corn dumplings lobbying I'll shoot those of Bert either today or tomorrow, and I do want to thank norms because norms to bring their truck over and make everyone breakfast this morning in the parking lot So I can't even get in a building without running into hash, Browns serve as low departure, real hash browns, not home fry are cottage fries rounds, young ass buddy I used to it. So I went from all that to going in doing radio and thence it, and when you do radio, all you do is think about where you gonna lunch. You know like that's all. That's Jimmy. I would extra like where it's, what time is it this nine feet? in our. I will that's Moran lunch right where you want to go through How to Bob's big boy like that?
maybe gotta be the worse for food right. A hundred per cent riding on a tv show also of sitting around a table and you comfort, he the annex and out for food for you and they keep off. The candy balls will fall on the table because they want you jacked up. Seal right, more Oh then, you and when you're writing it's kind of a week thing you sit in a room with a bunch other guys and all you news get up and walk around, so you go. I'm gonna kick in India you gonna make some tea, but you really gonna get a handful of peanut Amman AMS and and a soda, and then you come back again and then you sit around for forty five minutes. Any guy a stretch, my legs in there just kitchens field filled with food. There's always the big bang platter! That's there in the morning and is also every time some
then goes well like you, gifts of good ratings. Are you finish? The season that network or the studio sends a basket of muffins, there's railway, hidden basket of muffins and there the best ito cooking. or more friends in Ali. What, if you're anywhere near the valley when this is happening? When I used to work in a casting studio every time, somebody would book the job there it's than smokey cookies and like a bucket of ice cold milk, its Hollywood's interesting, because this really the two things are: ok, your careers, you getting fat or turning into a drunk plight every good day- aid is rewarded with either booze are muffins. It's either a wicker basket, filled with carbohydrates or a bottle of Johnny Walker black level. So it's a weird mess to send to the to the folks, but our eye Gina go ahead, sir! Well this tiresome pretty big news, the Supreme Court announced Monday. Its considering whether to reinstate the death penalty for thee, sir,
of brother, he was one of two responsible for the Boston Marathon Bombing Fox NEWS reports that he, the the brother, was killed. They killed or injured. Two hundred sixty four people at the marathon joke are, is the brothers still lie was ultimately convicted after his brother was given a shoot out with police four days later in July, twenty twenty, the first? U S, Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston, found that perspective jurors had not been properly vetted and overturn the death penalty sentence handed We now, if the twenty fifteen, but in August of twenty twenty d, o J under former President Trump brought the case of this for non modern day. They agreed to hear the case in the fall of this dear. I think that if you're gonna give the death penalty for a crime penalties should be a reflection of what they did wrong. Though, if you stab somebody that you should be stopped, today so near my fry further year, this guy
you'd have to run twenty six miles and then we Oh him off at the forefront within Russia. I led a crackpot we put all bearing. I see it as an odd. I know I mean put it the fuckin started the race Jesus Christ. I mean the hour, you know it or don't do it at all. But we also accept the output that out there we get attack. Twitter, but if, in fact you are hell bent on doing this, don't do it at our due at the end of a half, my due at the end of a ten Kay how end the word, and also it strikes me that his brother do. I'd in a shoot out in a boat right, yes in like backyard, but they're, not C Mon was in someone's backyard yeah, which is not nearly as romantic as you know, naval shooter, you know denial of poets, yeah, yeah that that's no
astern commander there. That's why trash guys back yard, where the bass Bout, I think he was like hiding the grass in the about there. I was in Boston at the time doing shows, and it happened like on a Friday Thursday Friday and I said in lockdown, downtown Boston, the streets were dead empty but because the guy was on the run, and so It's the only thing open was Duncan down. That's a three the day I was get those horrid books. I get eggs sandwiches and it was this cops on the street and me that was it so also do we factor in your age when we start thinkin about putting you to death like do we go well, he young he was a guy was like on the cover of rolling stone. Ride was that the kid was oh yeah, the refinery party like there was like some weird glamorous
So there was a there was a controversy because they put kind of ad tiger be picture cover rolling stone and shit. Were swollen how earnings and either as it could have been. Cravats. Now I remember this like. How can I get this boy returned to their something? The now, like God, look at that yeah. I know a guy looks like Iraq's so yeah, yeah following an under one you're right under the bus with Willie Nelson, like that that he doesn't like you, must be rockstar the out. It would be confusing like a distant relative, who'd didn't have Cable tv like wander Indo, seven eleven a month later and go my boy. I see the mayonnaise our rapporteur known as the bomber. Yes,
So, under any words there ah come on foot start. We don't come off those so the question then is like do we factor in age like you go well? Is you gonna write books from prison Is he gonna get married as it gonna sire, kids? You know my thing, I'm safe just to clarify because most people, they say there, during an age, it's because, oh you know they have a chance to turn it around. That's not what you're saying you want him to get the benefits of all those extra years right I I don't know my thing is I subscribe to a sort of Timothy Mcveigh kind of approach of this, which is, if you do something horrific like We do something that involves in mass death or even attempt at mass death. It was just fine, yap, Killilea and Sandia. Send it to my friends Neptune society. Then we don't have to hear about timocrates. You know trying to
an appeal. We don't get it. We don't hear stories about him, he's creating he's, painting clowns and their selling for eighteen thousand dollars on Ebay if they're just gone Magee blow. Federal building and also you I'm kind of an atheist. You know people people, I like die the time people good people die, bad people die you you blow, you want to do something you want to you. they take out. A large group of people then we'll take out I'll, be fine and will move on one side and a half bankers. Massachusetts is like California, as far as this politics, through the far left is the far right is never any compromise, so the death penalty saying they can never agree. I like why can't that there be a compromise. Would about lake solar, powered electric chair. He ass, that's wrong. Guy sit in a failed strapped in this. It is a battle over his head, said: NED Alike,
when I cloud Rosa you're a dead man. The yeah I mean like it's like Charles Manson, The death penalty, and then we change the law. I would say he was grandfather Dan, but they change the law, and then we had another. Fifty years of Chuck Man's in the family. Of sharing paid, having to go see em at every one of them is doing interviews and they just traps the arts and crafts, the family, members haven't, it show up at die, hearings and stuff like that, is that we wouldn't be talking about what I'll see ya, champ, well, ESPN report, That referee, TIM Peel will not work and other their game. In the end, I gel after getting caught saying he wanted to give the national predator I'm so the national predators, a penalty in there and over the Detroit Redwings on Tuesday night, we a hot audio. So, with fifty minutes of four seconds left in the second period, predators forward, Victor Arvid son was called for
being redwings defence measures on Merrill in the offensive zone. Even though replace No, that Merrill embellish the for all the help draw the call deal. May the penalty call from round centre ice hears than the rest response to that call on a hot MIKE sorry, I didn't I didn't receive out for this debate. We really had it that's why? I got it right here. Ok, sorry about! That's item apologize. It says it wasn't much, but I wanted to get a fuckin penalty against national early. While he's kind of crafting this national one to Nothin appeals fifty three he was due to retire. the season the he's been an age of office, I on ice official since October, ninety nine he's refereed. Thirteen hundred thirty four games and- can have a little early retirement party. You gotta figure that
their only human. They have to have teams they like teams, they don't like coaches, they like fans, they like and don't like. I mean, there's gotta, be there's a human element here. This is a fact I read. I read this was a make up, call I mean, like rise over. That's covered all school thing. You know as a mere gall fry ice the ice. The rough Aki gap is my job in college. One of them was I reft hockey games and I want to be so. There was like ninety seven hockey team. So every night I read like bread for games and if there was I echo fraternity, there was one for turreted I fuck and ate it. Call them on everything and they know it. They knew I hated them and then then there is the it was a fight one time and I was trying to break it. Once they went down, you know with argue fights of your ref you. Let them go well
long as they're on their feet, you let them fight and you wait till they fall that so these two guys are fighting and they fell down. I went to break them up and one guy punch me in the face by accident trying to punch the other guy. So I started, that guy, the other reft dragged me out- and I got suspended for like three weeks, fits though you must be a hell of a skater if you're gonna RAF Hockey Games causes Hockey Redskins gate. Yet I grew up on a late. So I skated all went back baby for global warming to the lake used the phrase from like Thanksgiving until Easter We were out there like eight hours a day, just skating. Whenever we too in school, does the hot he rafts are the most impressive rafts. I mean if you think about the speed,
they have to really almost play the game to be out there. It's dam and press. If I'm I'm guessing hockey, rafts must have all played hockey. Oh yeah, absolutely I play I played high school in college. I play in a club team. And I still play I I planted- don't leave still, let's I'll give you this hockey, starvation, that I came up with them adena two years ago, which is from I he she ate hockey, I'm not a big hockey, fair grow up and North Hollywood. It wasn't it wasn't a thing we didn't: have access the lakes or ice or states or pads or anything but is looking at the Pittsburgh Penguin Logo and I notice that there in the Pits- Penguin logo. The penguin is where an ice gates and oh other logos, have their character
wearing ice gates. It's only the Pittsburgh penguins, but penguins live on ice. So I know that don't need they could get around. They would be much more adapted to moving around on ice. Then, let's say a buffalo word or Bailey The kings right. or whatever, and if you look at all of the end, a logos and look at all the different animals and all the all the different mass on the logos, the Only one with skates is the penguin yeah confounding, give the give the ducks give them some goddamn skates the flap and ran out that yeah greater say that these are the kind of observations you bring among the first date right. The Hobbes. They love kind homespun stuff, oh yeah, yeah, I'm a warm and the pants right now.
We have the audio, if, if you want to see what happened, Mama Morgan, There was a month, but I want to get the Fuckin Phil earlier, who is why? Oh did you shudders MIKE off. I do. How does that were pod, MIKE situation? Why read? But why why they might dump? like your guts, because other he's committed These are the other score. Keep the other referee on behind the other official, I should say behind the bench oh yeah football. You know when they stop in a dry entity. There they had been making a selected are right, but hockey. Is it like football where they stop everything and talk to the crowd? I didn't think there was isn't watchin of hockey
no actually they don't. They usually skate over to the scoring table, and then they give the penalty there. I think that's captured for tv exchanged as well, website. Well again, the tv engineer has a mixing council in front of them? If somebody is speaking, who should not be speaking on the broadcast? The first thing: You do is go to mute but nowadays everyone wants that hot MIKE moment. Oh shit dude. He does Oh he's live on, leaving this up there, a disgusting to me. The weird part is not so much the hot MIKE and I don't know what this situation is, but you don't like it's it's not the part where somebody did it. It's the part where someone can you're said and then puts it out on the internet. That's the weird part of life. I dig up the old tweet and then I or it's not even a tweet. Its attacks, there's something a personal backward. Then I get it and then I put it out for all the sea,
that sort of separate from this case, but it does make me think that is wearing a weird time with that shit. free, should, instead to the engineer what powder Brion to cover his asked. If you fuck me, you did, I We and we talk so because you are on it. You had a little cameo, but I watch that kid. Ninety most to that kid. Ninety Are you gonna do about silly Moon fry in you because she has so much footage of Lake John. DAB, Leonardo, everyone there I'll a kid actors together and they are and Stephen Door like everybody and that everyone You know nobody had a camera. Nobody was worried like now. If you see a flash you freak out like when I just say when I just do, but that there is so much footage of these like Allister's as kids, because that wasn't in them it wasn't it and Zeit guys to worry about that stuff. Well, she got the gene Gran. Well, speak it a design, guys Twitter, CEO.
Jack Dorothys, first tweet offered for sale as a non functional fungible and I will explain what that means. Token was so on Monday, for the equivalent of about three million dollars, which is what it translates to from crypto currency. The tweet would just as we have it. It's as just setting up my twitter, not even spelled right, was published on March twenty first, two thousand and six it was listed on March six of this year. By March, ninth the highest offer was approved. Siena. Stapi, that's a ceo of Bridge Oracle. Is that one? The auction, though, is bid was worth two and a half million when it was place, so what it that I have had to do, a fairly deep, dynamiting non fungible token is because this is what this is needed.
How do you buy a tweet? What does that mean? So it means you can't exchange it for another thing of equal value. Your purchasing a kind of bar code, almost a certificate of authenticity that serves as proof that a certain version of something is uniquely yours, you're buying the property rights to the picture. So that's how you can sell a tweet yeah, so weird world were living in between there like the non fungible and the Bitcoin and Q, and, like I don't know, do we are even alive. Success now idea, so they were indeed emulation. Am I read me I'm poor, like I have no idea. What's going on anymore, and then also like our J Llanos Garage, you go GOSH. Rich he's got it. Loaded dues and birch hit out at me like that. Guy's got shit now, our when just as these guys are gonna have digital shit Gatwick.
Gonna, be showing you shit on their phone and explain to you how much it's worth, but you and sit in it. You can't started up. You can live in a decade. Eat off on a law can hang out here. It's very hard wrap my head around this being purchased, but that that's how that works. I boy in bankruptcy, yeah I think he's already. This whole thing tat used to be just by a fuckin Rembrandt at an auction, ended by ten million box, and I you die and leave it to your kids in every way. Thirty million box, like that's half shit, used to work you gotta leave. When you leave your cell phone to your kids like yeah it'll help footprint you're out there, there's a wholesome nerdy, because the whole thing in the travel community about God willing year on year, forgive liar miles. I have a great
so Brian, I'm sure you ve seen it. I think you have talked about on that issue when my dad goes, It shall not be an argument. I have with me he walked around the block three times and then call that a life there's not could be a lot going back and forth there. they're, not even well worn shoes held out to you that I had some things out. Ground, as I was doing this paperwork. So these are the kind of movies that I had on, but a major look, the documentary about fake art and how it get saw dollars and it's all so funny because look God bless Godspeed, you're, an amazing artists, and you sell your work for millions, but it is so like diamonds like it so fabricated. You know we can say diamonds are expensive, so they are. On the other note, there's a great documented recalled banks do those New York and it's about his. Here too, there is a thirty day resident see in New York where he did St Art and unveiled it every day. For thirty days, all
New York. No one knew I was gonna, be there knew what it was until he revealed that and as one because it each area being takes on a life of its own way. Why did we not re part of town and some of the law it was decided to arm chair start charging admission prevailed, walk up and look at it like stars like five bucks. If you want to look at the street art, I remember other, whereas they cover it with a pizza by other color covered it with legs spectrum somebody you could take a peak Yeah like somebody outside of the seven about modern art and you'll get these people. You should by a piece of modern art from this, the guy he's an up and coming guy stuffs gonna be worth times as much as ten years from now, and they are look the painting- and you know it looks like someone drank. Ain't did an animal a canvas. I'm always sure to like what why is worth thirteen
and unwise. You're gonna be worth a hundred, and fifty thousand dollars like ten years are now it's like, because it is its and to me You don't really have that. I mean I guess it's. Why, like cars are real estate or something like that the reality is, if you did any of these other things other than cars and real estate, that that the Non fund, double staff are the modern art or the bank's east. Everywhere ass. She had gone up way more than collectible cars or your Your house canna goes up year in year, out than adepts in it goes up a little, but this stuff, just if you bought the right, are modern, stuff where people were still alive stuff. It didn't look like anything. You'd ever grown up appreciating in a museum, you'd be You be richer shit right now, but who the hell knows what get than one not to get, and then
then also, I feel, like I don't know what the artist gets like me to to regos the bill caused by road or something like this, that fuck up the value of York as it didn't have in trend. Galileo is there's nothing. Does it have any it's worth. Fourteen dollars worth of materials, that's funny. Is used to be you bought it because of this day might die earlier, has stopped by be valuable. this woman or whatever and now the opposite issues like I've worked this guy. My kit, like be towed nets, also like out with Bitcoin. You ve got people, they bought a thousand shares when it was worth fifty bucks a share, not even a thousand like five hundred three hundred it and is now worth like a hundred million dollars and that person lost their fuckin word. We ve done that story they're just doin there, but yeah. We talked about that. You have only so many attempts to get it before it, basically implodes people
reaching out around the world being like I'm a crypto. You know crap guy. I can do it, but I get ten percent. You know you, you have to figure out who to trust right today, so crazy, We never found out what happened to that story right now. I don't, and there has been no headline, follow up. That's a very good question time line that, but still one or Gina Gran MA. Here is something that I am sure you can get excited about, and but Then I warn you it's possible. It could change because it just change, so maybe it'll change, back tm, zero engender no precise and holly field. The fight seem to be back on, even though, as we record this twenty four hours ago, it was off fifty four year old MIKE Tyson announce he will. fighting fifty eight year old, Vander, Holly Field on May twenty, nine. That's despite all fields, camp saying negotiations were dead. Of Anders manager had issued a statement that you know the talks have fallen apart, but the Tunis
we're honing in on this. May twenty ninth fight date at Hard Rock in Miami but the disease. Who came down the money wholly fields camps as team Thyssen wanted a huge cut and even turned down Twenty five million dollar guarantee unclear at this point. How this got worked out so quickly or if technically at officially, is and as you guys of Andorra MIKE law. There last night was ninety seven and that's when Thyssen bid a chunk of Anders Ear regard with the Bitcoin, never got it back. He made his peace with it and it was too hundred and forty million dollar now here a good example of my number system. His number would have to be adjusted once we found out that he was sure to honour and forty million dahlia. You know I'm saying we have to work
wish. I never knew what happened that I can't I can't. I can't live with it if he made his bees. I can't make my peace with that of the others. What's all those new again thing, on one hand its these guys fighting whether these as well past their prime. They dont look out fantastic in the short stay look good, but that all a great in there they're, not the speed that don't I've endurance and I'm this I'm trying to think like is a good thing: ores, give way to like. Oh, we Randy, Wes, then Christie Kay and getting together doing a porn film is kind of like the style Jake as much as an ex guy. But I have but each of them in their prime. They say yes maybe your and in which the example you gave it you're absolutely right, but we have seen So many of these fights, where they're just more like a circus act there, let me in the last the Roy Jones Thyssen Fight was like,
I guess it was yet a sort of yeoman like or something you know. It's not really spectacular, they're kind of pass that point where there's gonna be big spectacular. She had gone on so they're kind of moving around in thick. It looks like know what they're doing. But it's I don't know when she rather see two guys in their prime course going at it. Well, there is more chance that sentiments gonna die that raises the euro. That and look there's. There's always it's it's said, excuse to gamble. I mean really, of course, way more even more of an intriguing opportunity then, even when they fought when they were in their prime, like as far as gambling. Now it's like long guys, fifty seven, the Erika is fifty four, the other guys at his prostate, remove this guy. Has that way thing where you have tingling in your feet
I write Iraq or apathy guys got tonight in one of his ears like theirs, Is that what you're factoring if your gambling, your factoring in a lot of different allotted, offering shit, as well as effort. You don't owe me because, back in the day, you're fighting for the we wait championship in the world right now is guaranteed kind of fighting. Not it hurt now write any key turned down Five million Sophie's guaranteed forty million yeah. What what's the motivation right? I think he needs money right now, as any Thyssen. Click is needed, the money for a long time, who did an awesome Broadway one man show- and I hope be recouped- is expenses from that Thou is awesome. Well, if I guys who did business with Don King this guy's have really feathered their NASS than they did. Crews off into retirement tax.
I raise your far one k so he's probably for the sport. I'm not I'm not here to argue with you fit stock, I know guys who work with Don King yeah, maybe Maybe we all own, oh Don King, a debt of gratitude for ripping ever one off so that they can provide. Fights for us later on in life when the make alimony! I let's bring Jeanne aground you gotta, that I'm gonna grab and that's the news Jean Valjean was the news with geographic. Where, last but not least, I want to give a plug your friend, Jordan, Harbinger different kindness sponsor for this episode that your journal,
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Transcript generated on 2021-08-13.