« The Adam Carolla Show

Part 2: Michael Cohen, plus The News (ACS Feb 5)

2021-02-05 | 🔗
Michael Cohen will be on shortly, but first, Adam, Bryan and Gina discuss the day’s news. Stories include updates on Marilyn Manson, San Francisco changing a school name because of an acronym, and a woman who stabbed her husband for an affair he wasn’t having. Michael Cohen then joins the podcast, and Adam asks him about his upbringing, as well as his relationship with Donald Trump. As the show wraps up, the guys discuss where Trump went wrong, and what we don’t know about the Stormy Daniels story. Please support today’s sponsors: Lifelock.com enter ADAM SimpliSafe.com/ADAM Stamps.com enter ADAM Geico.com
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Thanks for listening to the garage sale show on podcast one region. about my friends at home chef busy people like me. We make lots of decisions every day. The last thing we want to do is choose what they have for dinner, say good, bye to last minute growth, runs meal planning and recipe stress sign up for home chef. They got a wide. election of delicious males arrive right? Your doorstep as fresh we portioned ingredients with easy to follow recipe cards as well. Twenty unique and flavour chef curated meal options available each week, including fifteen minute recipes micro. Meals and oven, ready options. Save time, save effort. Your time is important. People You got what you wanted to want to spend it doing better things and
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We're just parties by Jean Dhunacrag here, I've been saying a lot and didn't expected it. Let's check in with Maryland Manson Real Quebec, though LAPD cops warmed, his Hollywood, home over concerns of his safety Wednesday night as at least eleven women have now come forward and accused him of abuse for police cruisers and an l, a p d helicopter were despatched to his home on six to perform a welfare check on the fifty two year old. The hell. Did he get three. Fifty two after concern friend couldn't get in touch with them. Accordingly,
DMZ police, told the daily mail. They were able to make contact with someone. Then the house they found no evidence of trouble at the property, and this took place the same day that Manson's Ex wife, deed of antique- and you know how I hate when people break their silence, but this might qualify, she came out, insisting she was never abused by him during their seven, your relationship. But then again we have almost doesn't women now who who had begged her to do. We need the dispatched, a helicopter to gotta Marilyn Manson's house, you know. Is it in carrying out. Ok, dad, it's a highly get right. Don't I fear that we need a bird in the air for for that that things gotta costs ten grand an hour to stay airborne. I just feel like there's gotta, be policed: Jason Pomona somewhere. What could be used word for I'm gonna take off on foot the purpose on foot he's in he's in there eight inch to lead us and he's climbing up the side of the hill going into how right he's ginger,
the climate. Yes, I do but also it wonder like Marylin Manson, there's that sort of. I want to say flash in the pan, but I will say right place right time. China, music, captures. Everything, does does everything right, but this this I'd show act, can't can't can't work. Assist a camp persist, I was so its kind alike. the reason sequel The movies like jaws don't work that, whilst because we already saw jaws you now and then they go well more jobs, but that's the thing about Maryland. Manson versus the food there's is, if so, much shove year active. Gonna be an act and it's gonna, visual and it's gonna be all based on this thing. So much of it it's just shock value, just certain new, like lad. I've never seen this before. I don't know what this is
Do you know what this is now we don't care about, that, sport of this. We need the music to come king, thorough and I'm not sure if he was a fine musician. Well, you know it's interesting People like Lady Gaga, no, which we talked run, the show we got the meat dress, thriving in an egg, all the craziness, and then you strip away and there's this incredible talent, appealing singer, you know, and it's it's all there do. We know when it comes to merely Manson, what's what's underneath it after all this time the proof of the pudding yeah, I'm gonna guess not a lotta raw musical talent because you think somebody else in that genre, like Trent, Reasoner, who's, gonna, to what? worse, arranged, moving away. Thank you. He he's really stuck out, for it sets a good example.
For example, I'm not better, but someone who's endured for years to giving that thing is all the Osborne you still like. You know tell you today that, like us have recently told you and they know that the death in the black and up the theme during the burglar but off the oswalds slush blocks out of a thousand classic songs. You know what I mean all still hung them today, apparently, on the rate yeah, I know I feel like Marilyn's best days- are behind him, and I dont know we'll see- will see how this one ends up but you know first RON, Jeremy, now Maryland man, I mean Jesus Christ, be careful, You are you look up to these people. Of your hair us and I think your eyes and other their homer there hadn further the pokey now so San Francisco public School arts Department, that's bored decided to rename forty four schools that honoured people like AIR Abraham
hidden George Washington. They have a new target, its acronyms according to the new posts, so the director of the Districts ART Department, says that a decision has been made to change the name of their department. Vampa VIP witches short for a visual and performing arts. The new name will be s f. You SD arts department. Why Well, the writer and something in Spanish now two way more, sir RO, given that the writer team of Oak Coon claims the characteristics that are damaging because they are you does nor so acronyms are damaging. Has their uses, norms and standards without being pro actively named or chosen by the group, and it promotes white supremacy thinking acronym I'm still yap exclusive that lose out.
we were man, that's being rhubarb. While we got rid of Ferber dear, we gotta get rid of about that's right, that's right! Now! our way straight, Miss acronym over there This says stuff. Can all roads led back to white supremacy thing that were reading into everything now others, environmental white supremacy, there's something white supremacy? Oh you guys don't know about environmental you'd lemme see. Oh, the it impacts, pay. The environment impacts people of color, the higher rate that, as my true yeah, but
lesson. But here is a labour costs us if your poor everything is worse when your poor, that's the whole, that's the whole plan. It's not really what color you are, but if you're there's more poor people of a certain color than an impact them more but whatever it is, we are talking about economic supremacy. Really everything is economic. We do everything by the color, your skin, it's really by you're classes. is really about your income, think we ve seen many many many in many instances of people who are black and brown or whatever. Who were exceedingly luck? We just talk to one whereas black she's, not impacted by by I buy economic environment, environmental, whatever so that doesn't just pray on black. We will pay a price on poor people. Everything praise on poor people, that's that's kind of how it works that something about,
Flint Michigan? I dont know the diversity of the make up, I'm sure it's it's both but yeah. I don't. I remember that being a racial issue, so much as an economic issue and just basically screwing over your constituents. Well we're doing that. We're going already right so this thing words like if more of this access certain raised. Then it must be a racist virus are right, this water ran like of bed its poor, its poor people, stuff poor people are impacted, but poor people, DR old cars that don't have airbags and their impact is more in front. End collisions than ever battles are impacted, their little impact it. I think I think, in that Oh, you got explain me one more time. My acronyms need to be wrong. But I also think on that list of the lincolns in the Washington's. In the we must get rid of school name. Think Diane Feinstein has a school.
in her name- and I want to get rid of that- one has clearly yes, yes, yes, and I forgot why why? What tell me it's One thing when Diane Feinstein was Mare of San Francisco. I think they'd somebody burned, a confederate flag that was like in front of a court house or something on you know, some sort of southern pride weak or something else he had the floor returned or restored, or some version of that's a somebody. Desecrated its flag and then she is mare, one get a new flag and put it back and for the court house and for that and buy them probably nineteen, eighty one you now, but for that own eighty, four so she's
she's getting her school. Her name pulled off the school to but, as I said, whether schools are linking our Washington or acronyms how many times I tell you, it's upward Ass, if movement it moves progressively, never stops. You can get rid of all that you get rid of all the school names that had legitimate. You know, you know war generals that committed atrocities are whenever can do all that, but it doesn't stop it just scorn and who would have ever thought. We'd start drifting, into Lincoln in Washington and Diana Feinstein and acronyms. That's all point, so here's the whole deal these paul- have shown themselves to be fools and what need to do with a fool is contained. The fool not agree with who also airlines is gonna, goes ok, I guess you're right now. What what do you want us to do? Hey fool! What shall I do next? Shall I
answer the retarded piper. What do you got what's next? Where people need to step up and go? That's insane we're not going to do that. I get you ignore it gets you with Horrible, our southern general fine will pull, will pull his name off the hospital, but we're we're not going to die in Feinstein and Lincoln in Washington, say inference. This girl scrapped forty four school names. Yet we have a weapon. How much does it cost the change of name of a school. I can't be cheap times. before. You know it. You gotta changed signage. You gotta getting Java sweatshirts in the joint letter up all uniforms exactly right, I'll reckoning with racism and who wants it and getting back to my previous message, hey kid You got all those schools guess what now you can feel the you can feel like you're under the brood of racism, because you gotTa Lincoln Junior High we all want to junior highs. We all want icicles nary, a thought.
What the fuck a name was in front of the school right. a grand when I wish I knew a central met. You know what, I don't know if my middle school change their name or not, I'm curious. It was It was indian woods, our railways, I could see that being out a favour by schools under pressure to bear to change their name. A one point that, firstly, there are the Catholic high school psychiatrists looked everywhere. the fuck you but Sarah Hudibras Sarah was became, came to light that he was not so kind to some of the native Americans on his walk up and down the state. There are some pressure to change the name there for still called inwards and also when, once she tell him the fuck off, they just go away. Do well. It's Traitor Jos, like a well. We wanted you to change the name of the Mama me a frozen pizza brand because its offensive to the town they go fuck off go away, so stop stop here. Sulphur
you got. The whole thing went away really really quickly. Threaded stop appeasing people who will never be appeased. If you it's, ok, to appease the one who actually has an end game, You know if you have a neighbor who goes hey man you're playing the really loud music on weak nights after one I am. Could you turn it down fine, but it same guy comes around the next day I came in. I could hear your coffee grinder. I could The theme grinder on Tuesday morning at nine a m. Could you just go ahead and hold off in making coffee until after one o clock or once a guy comes back three times, with three more insane request, tumblr fuck off because they're not gonna, stop I mean the fat on your part,
we cannot just the fact that word acronyms now means- and I still want to hear that definition, because I like close my eyes and really it's now, it's out intuitive and I will tell you that there are no longer or no longer the indian Woods rebels now. What's the woods wolves, so here's the quote from the writer now, I'm never read it slow because like it, it's not, it doesn't make a lessons: clay, ok, the Ryder CUP. Seems the characteristics are quote damaging because they are used as norms and standards. Without being proactively named or chosen by the group and promote white supremacy thinking they now expanded white supremacy thinking to half the shit. People just said maybe maybe seven eight, that's all white supremacy thinking
Jesus Christ. To what end is a great deal of damage check would say- and I think you guys have learned something- I've been screaming out loud for ten years. There is no end. There is no end, it just keeps going so people The adults in the Roma are gonna. Have this are going to have to start telling the panty, bunched lunatic stuff fuck themselves. That's about all! We got at this point news? Is it's easy now, because their initial request. Third, but made some sense, the sky and oppressed indigenous people. You want to name a library after long ago, but now I think we safely. Tell all these Louise, the fuck off. I just haven't thought for the first time. So as brain say, it's happened
didn't pleased but way and either way. I just thought about safe spaces on college campuses. Is it possible that in the last year since, basically, let's just say, no schools have been on campus that when they go back, it will almost like a reset button, or at least the opportunity for a reset button to shift the thinking another way or to get away from that? Because that ball has rolling for a year to it's its interesting having given? It may thought I? I guess I hope so. I think there's way it's funny, so I've been also telling you guys be wary be be aware of the victim mentality You know me, like everyone is out there just talking about how they were fear of everything and they were being attacked in. This is all the opposite of what this there used to be men and women are doing that. If everything
a personal attack and everything is offensive. Any find everything problematic. I think we ve learned that there's nothing. Some group can't find be problematic in today's modern culture elevator because it pays is taken as a challenge. Anyone everything is problematic. You could go through life, finding everything to be problematic and to think of it is an attack and be fearful. I don't, I don't think there's any end to that road. I d, I dont think it helps. I dont think anyone wishes it upon their kids, it it's not productive and so many p. palm fall into it and it's so tempting everyday? Lay there is something about the human condition. Luck. We all that thing where everyone urban everyone wants to feel persecuted right, like everyone, everyone.
It was kind of like octave thing visited crass its attractive. It's like it's like one, Listening to a few months back when Michelle Obama was speaking in food, like I took my girls and get the ice cream and this White Lady cut in front of us in the line, because we were black and we were invisible, the her and it's like she just confronting, because people there happens. Everybody knows No look at it that way, no reason doing still that into your girls, and if that is it that is what your looking for. If your head is on a swivel for that, you shall find it everywhere. It's everywhere. It's called a society, that's life, how many people I'd in you know, into the parking space You are already waiting on our or cotton front. In the line I mean how Often it is gonna happens. Gonna happen. All the time attain an interesting approach. I would then do
opposite approach, so I was due to do a podcast with Eric stronger. I was gonna. Do what s on the house couple days ago. and he was slated The show with me after I finished this show they show ended and then Matt trying to get hold of astronomer, and I couldn't get hold astronomer and then I should have sat here and waited for fifty. In twenty minutes- and we never got hold of stronger and then Spend years my hands and then its, point. I just left
and I didn't think what the fuck am. I wasn't offended and I didn't think strummers trying to fuck and pull the high hat on me or five day guy big time in me or we are or wider flank. While I'm not important enough that you can fuckin right some down on this count because we switched it from one day to another day made sense that if you do a show every Tuesday and then you switch to Wednesday, maybe might forget- I had zero. that's about it? I just said the man or pick another day and I laughed and then the other day, talk in a mad and I Did we rescheduled astronomer thing any as YAP his mom had a medical emergency. Any idea like take off to the hospital- and I said fine- I'm glad. I didn't make it about me. I'm glad didn't decide that as a personal friend, there was an attack or disrespected me. This is a slap in the face. I've assumed there is a reason why he didn't make the shell
even a reason why he didn't tell us, and he forgetting, was still find me. I have nothing to do with me, he forgot, not attack the personal and usually, when you scratch a little, you find out something like that. an emergency, something with his elderly mom blah blah. Don't just go through life. That way, don't don't choose to turn everything into personal front if you're shallow bomb on someone cuts in front of you, the Swenson, that's just Karen who wants to get our ice cream before you and probably doesn't know you and doesn't know you're there, not because your black, using no you're there, because you're someone in line and she went to get closer to the counter between everywhere even knows she could have been back a little like how many times how many times stand in the wrong place. Thinking you're in line especially covert day now, my guide
free time? I was at a serious pharmacy, just standing in the wrong. I had no idea that the line was it. I went to the market, the other day I was like walking. so the counters, like there's a huge line. Everyone is spread. You gotta go get like. I don't even know where the fuckin line is anymore anyway, I was grounds on this account. Just like the Swenson Paul had deep Swenson Guy I let's do one Morgiana grown good, but this one I've been now really really hoping to get to a MAC The kin woman is behind bars for stabbing her husband after she found, for. on his phone of him having sex the dinner younger women building. problem. Is she later realised that woman was her from several years ago when she was a thinner, younger man said referendum, so police your domestic disturbance had found the has been identified as one with multiple stab wounds, on his arms and legs. Is why
known as Leonora told the police. She found this explicit photo on her husband stone. She went crazy thinking it with somebody else but after the husband was able to wrestle been dive away firm her. He informed me that it was actually a picture of her when they were first dating Leonora didn't recognize yourself because she was younger better and wearing make up, and she writes wrong. Rivulets upload Roddy, honest further behind that fight, Shiva she's behind bars, she's awaiting trial, but no mention of drugs or alcohol in this story? Odours, clear, headed for sure where this was was. This is an act of God ass. She read. It appears that he was taking forward earls of her and he having tax in general, it's possible But that's not in this, nor about her story is a much better story, rising, let's bring it home
got it. I'm gonna grab and that's the news with Gina Grab. All right. We will say better due to people and gene and ball and a one on one with the attorney and Trump Fixer, Michael Cohen, right after this,
Why stop brought on fraud? Everything going mom you gave the brain is drink, spans, good news and bad news. Is this month's atoms monthly not is coming to an end? The good news you can still get the products featured in this point, not their websites, delay, sprayed on costs and stay too because a new month of atoms month we not start our Michael Cohen, former turning and personal fixer for Donald Trump is now with us. Gotta podcast called MEA Culpa with Michael Cohen,
whalebone ample podcast by defined podcast, one and stormy Daniels is gonna, be on the show next week good to meet you Michael yeah good to see you again, we actually met from tower when you're on the celebrity apprentice, I believe, are we did car. Yes, we do the thanks. Thanks for remembering majority appreciate that I guess I was never goes. I thought I'd. well. You aren't that Michael Colony are today, and maybe I will I was maybe I wasn't the atom curl I was having got those had to be closed a decade ago, a ride around a day, ago so Michael I here's what I feel about you. I feel like there's a lot of people that think a lot of things about you and I'd like to just no who you are and and I'd love to hear your story. So why don't we started start at the start. Eddie, you come from. What's your story, what's your background. You also actually started my book of the way
That you asked me that question I wrote a book which is called disloyal. They turned to be the number one New York Times best seller and any I started off by saying you. You probably have many thoughts about me, but you don't know the true me. You don't know the true story of what my relationship with Donald Trump was all about, and I grew up in the five towns. of Long Island originally born in Brooklyn at the Brooklyn Hospital. At the age of two. My parents moved on us all to one island and I grew up and I'd live there in the same hole. I have my father's a heading searching. My mom was Sir surgical nurse. That became a young ass mom until we ratify sky and John three siblings, all of whom are also lawyers. I happened to be the only disport boy in the family, everyone in my family's either a doctor or a lawyer really was no exception from causing
all the way down its uncles obeyed. So I your dad's, a very successful I mean to be headed neck. I mean that's pretty Hetty pardon upon shit. I mean that's. That's that's not chiropractor or you know what the dietary yeah. That's it that's a real serious job. So your dad's, a really educated guy, your mom, had to be in. There is well to be a nurse and that environment so you come from a lotta education and work? a goal oriented where they like you have to do this. Are you have to get your education or pass the bar, where your parents, that pressure that way, Well, it was either I was gonna, be a doctor or a lawyer. It was one of the two original wanted to be a doctor. Like my father, started. Our college is pre made, but I could not deal
organic chemistry ends. I realise that this is not really gonna work for me, and so I switched to pre lot. I the long government can university in Washington say you become tourney and what kind of law are universally practising. so when I first started out with every doktor were wanna be doktor, because when they can become one? Is you go into medical malpractice and started doing. Negligence, tor and medical malpractice and affirm downtown already person, city Hall very successful five years there and then had the opportunity to purchase a for the fleet of Yellow Kim's from one of my clients, always leaving the country and region to Israel, and so do even while running building at that time, one of the largest fleets of young kids and the city of New York. I still detained the more practice at the same time. Continue
to do negligence, when did you first wended Trump, sir, come on to your radar. In the year. Two thousand I purchased in he doesn't investment at trunk world. Tell I perch one, my parents, my it was my ex partner, a bunch of friends. We we had an opportunity to buy a block of apartment, in that building, which was just in the process. Going on. So we headed opportunity to buy in that building. Again as a large block that I helped to put together and we all are, He did very very well in that building the trunk branded. The time was obviously well known, and it works synonymous at the time with what was expected to be five star, though You hear you and your conglomeration of friends
family in and business people buy up a block of of these units as an investment How do you get onto trumps radar? so as again as I talk about this alarming disloyal, which means Adam, you didn't read the books, I may say: I'm now, would you like me to find? If I were? I am I right at five times my audience has read it: that's. Why have to play the layman hair they? so what happened was he was? He was having a fight with the present with the boy at the time and they re very serious allegations against him that he had taking money from the Candle Association Bank account for his own is the net. He was using funds that belong to the building for his own personal use. because I had in informing their because at the time I had just purchased an apartment at trunk,
gave the EU, which was another building. Don Junior was actually building my apartment for me, and I was Thirdly, an assemblage of three apartments into one don't you. He was running that construction project. He advised Father that I was there I kind of guy in order to innocence, run it through against the present born and replace it with a new born one that was more understanding sympathetic and acknowledging that the trunk braid essay stop region that we wanted to keep the knee on the building, because one these they wanted to do is to remove any from the building so then get involved with this trump probably likes you and likes the results here, your gaining and when is the first time you meet Drum,
damage and you are a hundred percent directly nervously. You saw that on the celebrity apprentice. Donald Trump is one hundred percent a result, oriented individual, he doesn't exist. Failure. If you fail, you rat and It's just that just a fat dont junior destiny to meet with him in his father, and obviously I was you to do so in the end, but I had ever read twice in my life- was the deal I really first in nineteen, eighty seven when somebody got it for me as a gift and then again in nineteen nineteen. Eighty seven in the nineteen Aviate, I found but to be fascinating is there were many attributes in it in turn the entrepreneurial spirit that I saw myself and so asked me to come in to meet with them and during the very first meeting he put on it, He puts on an entire shop. So there I am sitting and I go to the front
downstairs in the lobby and theirs gentlemen waiting there he's wearing a whole from our faith. Oh yes, the call. Mr Trump is waiting for you, my Persia amazing, Who am I thought? I'd go upstairs and it's a gigantic. Sport is the jump organization and is a beautiful blonde girl waiting for me at the elevator. Mr Trump wants to see you immediately, you won't. You won't be waiting, which was right. There was nobody outside your waiting either suddenly take me to the second pair of smoke. Glass doors were on broad directly to Mr Trumps Office, and there are three additional lady sitting of secretaries, one of one. Studying than the other, and I go on sit down and I sit down in his middle red velvet. Style share and I sit down Don juniors to my right and then all of a sudden, an entire entourage of people coming.
Alan Weissenburg, C4 Maccallum, worried chief operating with adjacent republic George Soros Yahoo. I had met because of the board. I'm sorry. George was not there that were so mutilates Nick and in the hope of others put on an entire shop and heat me about the allegations that made against him by the boy, and I straight up that is in fact that you want that. You didn't do this, I will come to you first and I would exactly what I found, but guess in fact I foreign that their lie, and this is just a act against you. Then this real problems again, because I dont want them is on board and I'm gonna take over the board to which he he'd be wanted. Those typical trumps smiles Devils type of smile, and that was the first meeting. So let's find Ford, a little bed
feels very kind, at Charlie, Sheen, Gordon Deco, to me, and in that he's giving you these assignments, your proving yourself and he's liking. What seeing How long does it take for you to become? his personal attorney and in fixer relatively quickly because doing even that say meeting I had said I would like to take a look at all of the invoice is that they claim that you, properly absconded with the money, never about thirty five hundred of these type of invoices, so The first thing that one of the employees turns answers shoulder. Would you like to come back and I look straight in the face, and I wouldn't you My coming back, I mean like now right thinking invoiced. Let's sit down right I'm already here. What's the boy transport that wisdom,
This line of all time that here I am you basically ready to rock n roll ready to do his bidding for you- and I have to be honest with you, the allegations made by the board will completely unfounded thirteen hundred dollars that were arguably improperly used by him, but there are was into the hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars at which point in time when I came back with my member, a report that I had topped up, I express to him and I outlined thousands of these voices that there relations completely inaccurate. Their goal was to take over the building because it was very successful. The building I wasn't going to let that happen and that I intended to take over the board, get rid of them we put in our own bore one that is not looking to take the name of the building. And if something that was obviously very important to him.
When you found out, he was running for as an end or when you found out, he was going to be the president, Were you thinking? This is good news, or were you thinking this gonna bring a lotta heat Alatas bought light, a lot of attention that, you may get caught the crosshairs of some of this stuff like what were we initially excited happy or is there some hand wringing going on so I didn't just to correct. You alluded. I created the presidential run, I started it. Twenty eleven reading a website. After reading an article in the newspaper that said Holmes, you vote for a twenty twelve. Six percent of the people Rolling Donald Trump, so I that article and I go to his office may not on the door. He said a boss, You wanna see something really go, sir.
you don't show him. The figures are well. He knows you're one, let's, let's, let's take a shot at the text, we do, as I said you sure say this year, at which point I heard a lawyer guiding. Peter Jensen who then produced for me. tired document of everything everyone. Will you need to see? You may remember so I started a website called, should shrub run dot com, I need. You immediately became the sensation with hundreds, thousands of people joining this, movement that I created out of thin air. Are you going to work in order to learn about the first in state, copies and so I take down trumps seven twenty seven by myself and I lived in high when it's a whole big, faint, fair, and there were people waiting outside on the tarmac reporters television cameras. It was like him. Well, this is unbelievable as some of you
the window when we first laid and we started to get up to the young to be the tarmac, I would point: did I stick the camera directly in my face and he says Mister Collins to cope. What are you doing here? I'm just here to learn about the first in state. You don't copies, for. Why did you take MR transcend twenty seven because even let me use the seven fifty seven getting rid of ethics and the seventh ones that we just sold it and I'll give it really care. So I the pilot nice flew out because I needed to get back for a meeting late at night, and so I had a bunch of meetings, they were fantastic. Everybody was really interested in hearing whether or not Donald Trump would run, and we all ITALY decided and it was sweeps. Then he was not going to run for the talks. Twelve election simply because-
we had just reach structure another deal for another season of the apprentice which paid him like sixty plus million, and on top of that you just a choir several different real estate projects. One in Scotland he had up ass the drought and there were several projects: news came Hazel and on the wrong. I cannot leave this up to them. The angel, his care, but I promise you Michael. He says I promise you. Give you my word: if you'll do it with me, I mean Twenty sixty I've already done everything you told me out beyond the best selling author with their own business spoken world the order the deal I build enough buildings out there I have enough money. I have all the toys, any bigamy I wanna be president, is it sure, if you really just, do it I'll go with you shoulda dishevelled, shoulder now it's fifteen fast forward, Yemen is it so are we doing and he goes here, we ve got it
so, like the you want, one that will he wanted to push the data as far as possible, because I knew what he was doing. He really did not want to do, and the things that he is. to be on both a multitude of occasions was that I don't care what really happens as long as you made this Michael and he was here. the money that is spent on this this to be the greatest infomercial in three in politics is that it was all about to be abrading deal. This was to increase brains, awareness for the trip, range, which we. Just had evolved value at four billion dollars. Us he wanted to increase the value of the brain and that's what the political campaign was all about. Now you may also remember between twenty twelve and twenty are sixteen to twenty four team will be present We will also thinking about running for the governess office, but Rob
We know this used to step away and trumpeted want to get involved in a see you just said. You know I'm not interested in doing that after we met with all of the state representatives. So what ended up happily with everybody every how the tissue star coming up to the trunk organization and I coyness to kiss a bit of the down right, you're that of course begin yeah some headline for a bunch of newspapers because they all did that they all came to kiss the ring and we thought it was spent ass. It was he So how sincere was he did he really think he could make a difference? Was he surprised at the backlash in the way I mean he was I remember Trump. Obviously pre president and you know he was always the toaster, the town in now he was, he was the biggest shot.
He was the biggest celebrity in the room. You know, even if Kevin Costner, why then he was still the biggest library in the room and obviously turn out that way with him, but was He naive and not even I really did he think, I'm gonna get in here. I'm going to make some changes around this country like a business someone's going to fall in love with me or or or did he have other thoughts was at all, but just about building the brand name recognition, and it was all you know, nefarious stuff, such a combination of all of that and you right. That's it the reasons why I stayed with him because as you see what would we on the street to go down the street, for whatever it was thousands of people which is all the sudden start floppy. You feel like you're with
you're with a real celebrity at the towers and lighted the signatures in the hole. The whole rigmarole that goes on it becomes intoxicated any dont want to. Let it go, and I that they want their taking my picture I was so enjoy being in that you know that a key section right now. listen bright by his left. Shoulder always pray. I was There I was in the inner circle. I was part of the action and That's one of the reasons why people say well, why didn't you just leave? You knew that he's. You know. See that racist sexes, massages, guess that's true, but the truth is it didn't really bad because what's the Trump Organization, it's a mom and pop real estate, development company and we'll just a small microcosm of the real estate industry- and it is here, but you were such a bully- you you
beat upon people you. You know you want them to tears. That's for example, duration of the truth that what happened? What am I a year, I was still a kidney body with a shovel. No, I the black sea, a billion dollar five hundred billion, whatever the amount was yesterday, it didn't did we still have a lot of contractors. Yes, I did on whose behalf and for whose better my boss, Finally, the real estate I've been having that hasn't done. That and the truth is everybody wanted of Michael, in this. I just happen to have done it better than anybody else which why Donald Trump and I had become as close as we did. What was the at all just answer? The second part of your question is forest. did he really want to be president? You d think he was gonna. That's just a line of bullshit that he gives right there
I'm a businessman among our ten billion dollars. You don't really rich folks are really really rich red. Well, everything without that is a lie. Well, he's not return Billy. He was never were ten Billy second war. He didn't want to run the country like business. He just knew it was a popular wrists statement and so He ran on appeal with statements. Yes, we all know there is an issue with immigration. We all acknowledge that, whether you Republican will you Democrat, we all acknowledge that, but that doesn't mean that should behave. The way that you don't mean that you close the borders, it doesn't mean that you do not obtain most he's from coming into the United States. The problem is Donald Trump doesnt prepare for anything that. The big bang he doesn't need it. Naturally, the truth he doesn't mean you want somebody to read it for him, like you do.
and we urge you to read it to him, but not even lady diatribe. He wants the bullet points to say what he ran. The celebrity Frances, it's a bullet points, and that was that was how he thought he was gonna, be able to run the government. It said, because Donald Trump couldn't have done great things. We talk for hours and hours. about things that feed couldn't do in order to improve the United States of America starting to do some of these things at the very guinea, but then he stepped away from. Let me give you the number one thing tat. He promised me that we were going to do and that was it infrastructure bill. He every time. We believe that what do you get for? He would complain. That is like a third world country there.
than when he went to do by the grounds it's like glass and that the plane just comes right to a beautiful leave. Women in New York, you feel, like you just you all ten vd, his tyres the shots on the airplane. You complain he should have done it infrastructure built because that would have employed every single American, but not just with small dollars and talking serious, serious money, because this so much. That needs to be done here, whether it's the roadway, the bridge is the tunnels. We really are yelled with falling apart as a country, we need amidst a facelift But when you remember what the trunk did I don't remember you did he stopped Those are not always We know that, but with that ten seconds he went to the United Arab Emirates went on television and he stated I just meant.
all of the members of the Gulf Coast countries and they have pledged two hundred. Fifty billion dollars to U S infrastructure, then he went China and did the same thing and you did the same thing which appear geez. Tat is my best friend he's not less than they can invest ones. So we have seven hundred and fifty billion that the guy went and personally raised on so now you put them, wash treating you? Let them do assume you say your ie bonds or whatever that seventeen have trillion dollars that would have been pumped into the only then will it have fixed all of the game or roads. Bridges are tunnels, but he didn't do that because see valley the S S. Dignity is saying Steed Miller. They convinced him to do a Muslim bear I too poorly a immigration there or a rough, but it wasn't. It was a Muslim Bay and when I saw him in the White House in the oval office, I said to him he was seriously what what's up
and he looked at me. He does one one by one and I said well what did the Muslim be frank? You don't friends that we have the muslim right. What do you do? changes are instead that instead Miller we'll get it right next time. Ok he didn't get all that money from those countries after doing the muslim ban. Oh, you know No, I've never felt it never came to fruition, and not only did it accounted for which we have still desperately for infrastructure are gonna hear now. Thankfully, I hear Joe Biden talking about infrastructure bill had Donald Trump done. What we talked about only infrastructure that he would have sailed. The EU was sail to the presidency for a second term, no doubt in my mind, land. The questioner Michael, be remiss red and bring up stormy Daniels cause she's gonna be a guest on your podcast. Mea culpa,
What is that story? What don't we know about that story? Or do we know everything about that story? Well, Are we talking about the story between Donald Trump and slowly Daniels with their relationship from her Gulf Imagine you talk sure they made it off, demanded a gulf tormenting you talk, Donald was playing golf contiguous with big, then rafters burger, and a stormy, was their interesting me enough that the on the torment headed hence stars worthy the pole raise the money for shared somewhere along the line at me. Besides things that you and I can talk about you off line on something like that, may that's like for your Saturday night life, but at the end of the day, I'm here meeting her and she ended up coming to. His room and there was a relationship that follow.
There's a lot of talk about trying to get her onto the celebrity apprentice. You'll be all of this on the show she goes through, but he said people are completely unaware of, as it relates to me and stormy day, and we talk about this at length on and on my maple guest with her on Tuesday I never met many days until my podcast I've. Never talking to Stormy Davis until my bike. Yes, I've never take Her emails are communicated with her in any way shape or form. Until I podcast I also had nothing to do with it all allegations of somebody in the support she's, my love, a naughty whose very much like Donald Trump narcissistic Sociopath Yahoo turn around and make up is many lies about somebody with now thinking about the repercussions that they're going to go through. I never had anything to do with anybody going
because I didn't even know who she was. I didn't know where she was. I was even working for him at the time that is allegation occurred and, unlike instead, it didn't happen. I don't know, what's the deal with tee, I just know heard about it. I've never been involved with it. I dont know anybody that was involved with it, I'm completely out of the loop and be no difference if they ran said his you'll be a similar look fright. He told her the whole paper here. Sure slight building Ramsay looks like microphone set out in full, but by the way drawing looked like me, Stormy deals tells often already. Then it's not him. It wasn't him. it doesn't. Look like you pow, who met with it. I looked met her and threatened her. Allegedly that's right here, right, but she asked me whether or not I knew did it and I told her emphatically night and I swear on my children's ice.
no idea. I had never heard about the story. I don't know anybody that was involved in it and I dont know how to say to the most extreme possible lake. I had nothing to do that and I never would someone that never send somebody Tiggle threaten of mom and a child is just not why I'm the one I find a lawsuit against her. Yes, yes, but I will go to send a thought to going to add to threaten her. That's why I didn't the news report that you'd written or a check, or that through Trump through you, had written or check We talk about this is what you re thinking at the whole story. Most these before I get to anyone, but what happened was I never spoke to her as I stated a few minutes ago, Every single thing that I did, I did her return key David said: Beverly Hills attorney the money go to some offshore Rusheed Iraqi Dorani Bank account
went to it. I all account in Beverly Hills, California, from one a chance to another. So what what's the source, which is the only the m D suspicious activity reports that banks put out a hundred. these thousand dollars from one eye, all accountable lawyer to another. I all the cap, we talking New York to Beverly Hills, California, what they did so suspicious, nothing, that's the whole point and then We supported what my next point is without which is the Department of Justice and how this whole case gets forensically. Dissected. All right, we are going to continue our com. don't be. I was before we before we go swimming if you have the olden days listen you had to leave the steps like for my four minutes, but I had to lick. Although stands, there were like two budget and fifty envelopes by the end, end of the night. You tongues started,
now listen. Do you want a lot from it? Unfortunately, have to do any more. Do you not with stamps that com? I Michael continue this conversation on his podcast may culpa and again. You can find that on ample podcast, Spotify and Podcast one as well. I'm going to be ok, I'm a city breakdown, comedy club, don't stand up February, twenty six, twenty seven, so why you can come on out and say high and I gotta call that comparable live dates and you cannot check out michaelsburg. This loyal a memoir which is avail as we speak, and until next items, Adam Curl, avert our house and my con and Ball Ryan, saying Mahala. follow the Adam Carolla show on twitter girlish. Your followers on twitter
Transcript generated on 2021-08-17.