« The Adam Carolla Show

Part 2: Jeff Cesario and Chet Waterhouse Sports + News (ACS Aug 21)

2021-08-23 | 🔗
Jeff Cesario joins the studio and Adam plays another lackluster Sportscenter Top 10 clip. The gang then comments over Bill Maher's piece about leaving Matt Damon alone. And of course, Chet Waterhouse brings the sports. Next, Gina reports the news on: OnlyFans banning sexual content, airlines banning alcohol sales, a fight at a Lions game, and Trump getting booed for recommending the vaccine. Please support today’s sponsors: Visit TommyJohn.com/adam Go to Try.Scribd.com/adam Visit Canva.me/adam Visit Candid.co/adam Download the Sleeper app on the App Store, Google Play, or on your desktop Geico.com go.slpr.link/Carolla
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Thanks for listening to the garage show on Podcast one Dave, killer, bread now of a certain age and was born to a certain mom who was interested in giving the bread? But she didn't want to get the white stuff. She went to get the stuff. That was good for you, but the problem is stuff. That was good for your tastes like crap, while that Dave's killer bread now we ve come a long way: baby killer, taste, killer, texture, killer nutrition, its bread provide America's number one: organic bread for reason. It tastes so darn, good, no toppings, even necessary, made with the high quality, organic and non GMO ingredients, power packed with whole grain? Five, an protein you can visit him, go online, gotTA, Dave's, killer, bread, dad
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Do you want to be a part of atoms next book with submit your questions for asking soul by email to ask our com? Please include your name, age and location. Asked about any topic. You need the ACE man's advice or answers on that's a s k, H, o l, E corolla dot com is very, has joined us in studio to stand about what was I thinking Velvet Andorra spot, a fine anywhere else. You get music and play with pain with jet Waterhouse. Who will be hearing from a couple of you as well Jeff good to be here, the new dusk, its various central, it's our curves, shiny and sweaty.
I like. Thank you always another time go. I'm always talking about you you're, my son automatic, listen, let's at least start with a couple of drinks portion American just raise our what's going on. You have you touring playing shows you have data. I pushed a couple of dates because, if everything is going on, and now and then I was gonna, hurt cuts to guide in his shoulder like I am going, no full Dan Fogel Burke. I just I don't know what to do now. I was telling MAX Apparatus lake caught between am I gonna do somethin cooler my chest and old douche bag with upon it? So I haven't ponytail did up yet, but we'll see you now that the women always say what I wouldn't give for those curls yeah well,
They got another thing becoming not my women put my household. There are wondering what I'm gonna do. So probably I'm trying to find like a good guy. Who knows how to try something that might leave a little longer on the top and shameful but in the back, but not yet too late in the game. For these kinds of the city, chestnuts assailed, you're, going out on a Saturday night pick it up some trash at the bar just get out the collection The town demise hang out. You hung. There is an interesting thing. If you have Herr that sort of grows and falls down like just gets longer, then you get a job between wearing your hair short or long and theirs you mean sometimes you she guys their hairs. Guy looks good years longer. When you have my hair, my hair just grows out yeah yeah, so you half do you have to trim it? You have to trim
Like I can't think of a: u the animal, whether enough there like a dog or where their nails is, keep growing anyhow to trim it background or he'd, never habit. He like I gotta go NA on release Amory Border, something that's the roads. Roans do that's why they na on everything. But I must do something and that's That's the thinks I'm compelled. I can never just go but my hair go for a year because it would be insane, but just keep growing out. I had learned same inside electing your health, yes and the health of other yeah. So I am compelled to get my erika, but does your chief says area? The hair just keeps going down it, it's a weird sort of cross between a wave and a curl, and it never quite You goin that had may we ask who this guy man. Oh man,
One of the few days they simply to be some sort of low rent romance novel. This, with some sort of blue collar lengthened dimes, don't rush. I felt Romeo novel I'd, be the cover up. She had Waterhouse reminded me that, though we ve been sitting on this lamp was another top ten from sports, and I don't know who founded Kalen, find it the address from Monday night. My you know the sports at our tap, and has suffered like the Oscars have suffered in that gone a little woke you now and it started with soccer highlights again sports, always guy.
going over the middle. Getting lit up by the free safety there were home runs that went out of the ball park. There was a casual knocker Van who drop this toddler but held onto his beer and then free handed the proud, like sounds all around treasure and yet line. But I wasn't like fair at a middling soccer goal and there was no room on the top ten for the Debbie NBA in a kind of break away. Underhanded lay up that day you they use the back bored with and or specially. Girl softball even literally give us unless something spectacular happened in that now: they're all inclusive and also you couldn't just show a top ten. With this too, dude lightning, each other up. Someone would go goggle, a soccer and their little girl. What women soccer there about the girl softball, whose being say what,
Oscars like we need everyone represented, but sometimes the stuff represented, isn't is good is the stuff we use do anyway, top ten a couple days ago on sport centre, another lack lustre, softball little League was it little? What was it that I now outside days, softball softball catch art and develop back with you, it's top. I am for your top plays from Monday number ten, the off our world series. Little example: Junior AIDS, boss, we're lines at the centre and have to hear a parade. Might save Bass show is mass, nobody really go down. She went down you're far. She gave letter. If I let her feet night. If I was in centre, feel for the game, I would have spilled my beer, then, for that
catch and lock up saying: that's it it's it's! It's an ok catch! You swear didn't have been slide because it hit you sort of in the ways but find it could just underhanded at whatever thought it is thigh high. If she can be ass, it is not top ten that that, should that is only there because of affirmative action, we polluted the top. Now that day, I'll. Take the devil's advocate point tat, number nine through five I mean. Are they just did that violent behaviour that snuck in number ten? Now? This is largely because they have slowly they. Actually, they have like windmill dunks from the summer League and guy. If ice, pops up and tosses somebody out at first on DP, then you got some guy Darwin we'll cats in the USA and knocking the guy out with the with a wheelchair like it that that's not org gave them, don't have a talk to you. I have a new answer right now. They should have a totally separate category called good for you,
your top ten go away and all thing I was like they have local. I am a daytime enemies, lightest off, don't call it goes without saying that no new guide, the secular focus here. Well, I, like the phrase, feared a middling soccer goal. Is that's the vets you sit there and watch ninety minutes soccer. leave its one nothing in a year ago. Wasn't even now it is one I alighted who is ok, once in a while. The guy leaves is feeding. Does the bicycle? Peck worries, like inverted ass? Often you go that's cool, that's a goal: we also had something that would share with that Jeff witches we ve been sit down for a while, which is Bill MAR God bless Bill. Mar he's like done with all the woke. Shit is done with all the cancelled culture he's he's a progressive guy, but this old school, like is not down with the cause Annie's. by the way
explain my relationship with their bill. Marvell Bill MAR in the last ten minutes started saying stuff that sort of one and his the party line, so to speak. So what's up will cancel culture whenever, wherever the political correctness or whatever it is and then everyone says. Did you hear what Bill MAR said about its like? Yes, because fucking, said the exact same thing six years earlier like when you say when you hear him complaining about the Matt Damon and cancel culture, I wouldn't talk, but this shit for a long time, specifically Matt Damon and he'll reference, one of the things complained about like five or six years ago, but that we do not share clip of bill and day with regret. Damon's he's for example, of the time or in which is Damon by all accounts, and- and I M here to tell you- is it- is the most decent guy in the world, family, oriented and charitable here,
the least of our problems. There's no party should have an issue with meant all the guy. Does this pay tonnes attacks and creates millions in jobs and takes care of his family and then on the side has some things about cleaning up water in Africa? What we're doing, what we need for Matt Damon, where I live, anybody. We didn't need to worry about its Matt Damon. What the you know, what the headline again and again is met. Demons stepped in it again writes a very step. In the last time you guys took the place of poop imploded. Anyways purse was you that now he woke up got out of bed. It was real feeling, first slippers and stepped in it, but it was you placing it there. Anyone think Bill summarised pretty nicely Finally know someone asked it tell me: why is this guy always the dog house, with the online whole monitors of righteousness,
It is a phenomenon that truly fascinates me that every couple years, Matt Damon, what are the most global guys in Hollywood with impeccable liberal credentials is again flailing around and cancel culture. Quicksand it happening, and this month, when Damon revealed that he used to use a gay slurp, I would say the word, but it's the one Teenage son breaches friends with when they made up at your politely it's not always meant is a slur, but it's wrong. Yes, of course, and Damon owned up saying that, while coming of age in Boston in the seventies and eighties, that word was thrown around without any thought. Put into it and now now he's put some thought into it. And he's gonna to stop using it. One I'd say he became woke. Ok, he was late to the point to which we could say welcome, glad you could make it.
or we could say you came later than I did die. There are too many people in this country. You are motivated not by what they really believe, but by what will get twitter to react to them with likes and retreats. That's called bad faith It's why every couple years I reading headlines like USA today, I wish I could cancel Matt Damon Washington, Post mad there's more Damon explaining to do there these shut up, Matt Damon have Ox Damon, isn't a terrible person is just ignorant really that baronetcy, which of them up Ben Damon, I don't know, he's gotta clean water charity. It delivers the Haiti what have you done vocs headline writer?
and yet he is always getting pulled over by the Woke police for something he's. Gonna woke rapture, As long as your arm on the right what are the project green light series he was booked on obstruction of social justice for maintaining that a directive should be chosen on merit first but merit. Is not synonymous with racism. thinking that it is that's gotta raises Twenty seven, seventeen in the early days of the major Movement Damon, was locked up and woke address. on a charge of aggravated man splaining during a reckoning and was sentenced to not less than one year of having to shut the fuck up
see what happened was during an interview where Damon called the me to movement. Wonderful and a watershed moment he added sexual misconduct involved a spectrum of behaviour and that there was a differ. Between padding someone on the butt and rape- true, What I was thinking about all, even though the legal system has always differentiated degrees for crimes, even murder, Matt always getting trouble for saying perfectly reasonable thanks No President Santer, others more though my again, I now like an hour and a half minutes, so I'm enjoying I love the line, He came later. The party you could say welcome, but you say you came later than I did die great line
now. I know there's a little more and gets pretty good at the anti. But yes, the Matt Damon thing was the again heaps like he. He said down: let's not, let's not get wine steam. I've conflated with what I'll frank and dead, but so I have. I can't travel through life, and I have these little moments where I just sort of stop- and I go to million conversations all day every day with all kinds of different people in all kinds of different opinions, and and and I usually just should keep why king, but every once in a while. Just for some reason I just stop, and I was that thing happened. I don't know it's been. Two years now something else talk no woman about it I was saying I met there. It's perfectly obvious what he sang wisely in trouble, there's a difference between what why he was doing what I'll frank and was still, and I mean how much and she was like mandate
just shut up. What why He should shut up for stating obvious a just stop talking not his time. Just talking and I'd like why why he sang obvious wit now just remember stopping and when a we ve lost it, because this is, She was in an outline. This is what a large group of people think just shut up, and it's like a member haven't, I will jump the shark moments ago, this a bad. This is bad news. six years ago is, of course, it's gonna write worse, but I stopped than us like. We should yelling, he should shut like or forced off, Cape we'll get interviewed and they give their opinions on things. Don't we Good luck, getting Matt Damon to give his opinion on a thing. There's a hee hee way, two years in between giving its opinions at any crabs them. In this way, words like, offer the movement have young daughters. I taught them there's that being so
I feel like I ah fuck you now on grubbing up at I have young daughters there banana for that now. Why do you need to have your own daughters behavior? You think about why? How do you know that your daughter's? That's a good point? Two, we'll play a little more difficult, but you also a little bit upset, though, because because you got kind of you took below back and it will probably take less blow back. You were six years ahead of them went out or I'm gonna audiences all clap. Yes, I like the same fuckin audience, remembers that we're all down with this. She had five years ago now there and they always going oh yeah. I know that you are the Texas Tech, MIKE Leech, who came up with the whole West Coast offence, but beyond it now you shall I e g off of eighty six and now cliff kings very gets all lorry Yes, I told him. First of things that are,
patently obvious. We should not retreat from in our if you're saying why Stena now Frank and are not the same guy. Stick to your guns on that one week we could have done it. Anyway, the only a little more What pause for a second? It is true that that Matt Damon thing with their Al Frank, a thing that thing I don't know what it was Maxwell's it's gotta be five and a half six years ago I didn't hear anything out a bill MAR six years ago. With that he wrote of weak. We could have collectively kind of rose up and tried to nip this one in the bud, but everyone is kind of worried about there. Standing in society. So we just gotta, let Matt Damon dangle out there now to saturation point were stepping about it. So Alexander December, twenty seventeen Matt Damon said that African and Harvey Wincing quote: don't belong in the same category. Ok, so it's only been for years.
I have always done it again by breaking limbs law. Yes, that's the law that refers to the time, a few years back when actor Liam Neeson recounted the story of personal growth in bobbing races, thoughts he had as a young man then realizing the Arab, his ways expanding the race, the element from his anger, of course. In so doing, he committed the cardinal sin of admitting he was not born perfect and did not emerge from the womb completely and light like Buddha now done. Genetic with his a slur admission committed the crime of not always being the person you would become. You know I'm so tired of bad faith arguments and it's all we do now on both sides of our device. Two weeks ago, Nancy Pelosi called Republican House later: Kevin Mccarthy, a moron, that's not the bad faith parted
story? That's the tuna, but a few days later, Mccarthy was speaking to a group of Republicans instead jokingly, but he is governed Mccarthy. He said that Africa instead the house in twenty twenty. To quote, I want you to watch Nancy Pelosi hand me the gavel. It will be hard not to hinder with it. losses office called it. A threat of violence came Jeff. Said. Violence against women is no laughing matter. An era Small well said: Mccarthy was a would be assailant. Who must resign, shut, shut. The fuck up with that shut, the fuck up we could solve this years ago of people is, went out, get the fuck out of here. With that shit like this, a serious situation, no you're right now. I agree we could done some nipping in the bud
this may be the theme of this time were in homelessness, we could have done some nipping in the bud. Superbowl Hansel culture that we could have done, some nipping in the bud and kind of got got after that. early? Like you know, a failing before became a route canal now and for full rude canal mud, you dont have to define intent. If you can Agree. Majority agree on intent if most or go even I looked at that, and we want, I don't think Mccarthy was trying to do anything rural areas, I think he deserves Guph bag. Who can't speak in public their lives? I won't make it yo yo shy, aldermen ass, all he made a giant back at all, but if you are gonna, go full l cabal long on this Baker, the House,
say it in your microphone. The last thing you yeah, you think Genital Lula, we're sack wearied out about hobbling Kerrigan with our I'd, like it mildly, that the argument law this stuff is even fact, you're serious and its end and there's intent there. You don't say you only say it out loud as it is a joke. If you're planning on Hitler with a mallet, this towards say, right so the hour and a weird weren't, a weird time think that's a good defence! I think Garriga should use what you just said: the I and say it into a MIKE if he were serious, we'll nine out of ten things are accusing people, although that was a threat that he meant or that whatever it's like real people that commit crimes do on the amounts in front of large numbers of people in hot MIKE's. What their plan is one, but they do now I mean kids are taken it
to social media insane. You know all kinds of stuff about how I'm gonna shoot up a school or while you don't get that IRAN fucked up keen age about I'm talking about members of Congress and the like fucked up members of conjured up of a kind of Sure we do some chat Waterhouse
let's lighten the load allowed for God's sakes. People support with one allows rather how you gonna do about it. Tat the water ass up. They brought to you by chance Sheila the ice cold, shaving cream America's pastime, no, not applying to be Brittany, spears, conservator, baseball dodgers harder than ever cattle toasted Silverlake tapirs stand met stumbling so badly. They were mistaken for only fans. Execs rowers, like hurricane without panty, asked french name. They ve got somethin brew. Calves are so bad fans are actually saying, hey, let's try bears game, and, finally, that I want to say. J Laurent been act like they have levelled off, but he's been hired, is up baseball, analysed by Fox that rapid sponsored by six exit cream. Your sense will never see it coming and I fell pray season, Packers, Jordan, love taking all snaps, while Aaron Rodgers DM staying for Tantric Sixtieth Tom Brady stopped at a Tesla dealership to have as wiring repack and bears Ricky quarterback just in fields harder to catch them quite out of Afghanistan. That item sponsored by clapped Viva medication, curbs your appetite to steal boxing, your dns, you guess breed many patchy out by one continent patchy. I will now run from the president of that Philip Way check that that's run for the President of the Philippines scar prior to their southern five hundred dollar. Ten race re repay turn number to that guy holding the slowdown. Sign will be caught in here for that. Finally, this weakens sports history, the date nineteen fifty seven are placed Philadelphia Pennsylvania. This is true: fillies Richie Aspirant hits fan Alice Raw twice. Wits vow balls, the first one breaks or knows, and true the second one is there, while she's stretcher, fairly Vance booed allies for not dying fast enough. There's Waterhouse uptake sponsored by the escaped great skateboard part unclear where it is one more may this weekend, avi and burnt Lagoon Missouri, calling the over sixty five a lumberjack game for the deep febrile later network, as theirs chat Waterhouse, reminding you to play with sports the first ever Chet without a care believable as usual. You know so much joy.
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They saw by June with junior grad. Why have I been treated this story? So we better get to it. Only fans is banning its most popular John Pornography. of catchy headline, but let me give you some details. Cnbc reports that the Uk Based Subscription Service said it will no longer allow sexually explicit content as of October first only vans The decision was taken to comply with requests from its banking. and payment providers so you'd out? They bid
we're funding and I don't think people are into the taboo subject of funding porn. Only and says it would allow certain posts containing nudity as long as it adheres to the acceptable use policy, not clear what that is yet or how it will work, but they said they'll share more info in the coming days, but you better get it done before October. First, we'll share more info as they write it exactly they have. is there some way that sort of denies this order. They physically just have people inspecting videos. because he wanted to cross the line, sir some sort. I mean it seems you ass. On the other hand, I dont know what computer algorithm there could be for this. All I mean we have the measure tool at sea. Human wiener. I mean if I wanted to know when you ve ethics have lasted you're fine as it gets erect get it out of here. Yeah it's over
in its leather stage what what I'm saying is there some guy sitting in an incurable fell down Bert come over here? That part, is that seem hard. You definitely jumped up bad, but would you call it to message yeah our Brenda forget, Brandon Miranda get Steve. In other words, do we maybe render oh yeah boy? If I never really, you probably know happy away and I've seen a cock or too, I know there's your first day, just both for receptionist grounds. I look like I already got here is a message for you. I m sorry, look I got Look at my computer screen of that's a whole compared to this cause.
It makes me again, but I did get a little would watch the video eyes. Man can only staring another mountain tax along here. Let me get my cock ass, no keep away from a coffee branding. You don't understand we're doing this strictly to clean up our just wandering to clean up the funding trying to get another round of investments. When I say you don't deserve, how we can see right now. I know our culture our, but not back out our Cox Adami back out. You know now, obviously right we're! Don't we're here to work if you want an extra use. Your first day, you want to move up those come on we're gonna cream vizier over their slap out of it. The admin snap out of it professionals, we're here to do a job screening, Is that hard cocktail?
Have you been here weird? How much part of you see? I don't like number of guys at me like end authorities. I don't know I've seen hi active you weren't eyes was. I was a girl. I bet with this same answers. I was fifteen. I gotta get out of here. You know you're the one can say: what do we put this one in the maybe category onto the next one? Ok, we're gonna, put why should mark my again? I'm ok, I'm just gonna. Take your lunch order. Yeah! Ok, pull some other videos? We're not pack experts like even Roma, unseen somebody physically looking the sale, and I would imagine, there's some sort of you know. Penis. algorithm because that's the thing you can still post some sort of content can't be pornography While anyone who remembers the soft
four days and pornography is gaining act like that. It was this anymore theirs, evidently some rules there yeah, I measure is pretty well there. Guidelines we s, but those guidelines were very misogynistic, vs women's body, I will give it a page thirteen measures body we gotta, get you ve, gotta Tomcat leader on Santa Monica Boulevard, sure because really Ashley, who wants to see a man spot and its nobody there. Maybe the time at the time. I should have left allies when they swim. Pussy can harm tat. I should have seen that as a result of larger, add things that go on you you're so that one out what else. Well, I know that this concerns three of you probably so wanna give you a heads up on American airlines. You going to have to wait for alcohol else to resume next year. There look,
at January eighteenth of next year to consider taking the suspension of the flight algal service. Nbc New says American made the decision in order to keep customers and crew safe when flying they looked at. What going on in South West and made a decision because passenger on South West blight, allegedly attacked a flight attendant knocked out her teeth? They said yeah we're going to keep this ban going home makes me on aeroplanes. Maybe we gotta go stadium rules now, but will invert the stadium rules, stadium rules or like well at half time of football. Ganda cut off that yeah. Maybe half way in Why we turn on the boughs Oh so you guys are Senate's a three hour flight two to Chicago for our flight sky, vermin, minds, therapies and cares for the first half of the fly, we're running out rang, we'll bring
the Smirnov Travellers O over Danver and by the way, good luck in two or three days by the time we start landing. You know, you'll, we'll get you get a little late, but not not so sauce that that you can take a swing it. Somebody that's really good. She has also whatever you pre gained in the airport will have worn off a little bit. Yes, wait, a minute spots by the bus, look it so bad now. Are we man? I got a first class flight to Minneapolis come up this weekend, often first class, to I mean the whole plain sailing always differentiate. You know in envision a you know, classical music playing at first class and nobody there
the thing about first, the first class and as these are salad, cart being pushed down vague, they came for the food is now we get the Homeless Box in first class, any you remove the booze and we're not even in first class mighty more. My guess is based on a wording that story, the stopping I'll call sales. I think the first class and the upgraded really aims the suspension of us all at Spirit Airlines they're. Just talking about the suspension of the plane. Actual suspended the Paragon invention, neck role.
Flash gray. Now I have the bar, not even the USA Games yeah by stand out like a sore farm on aeroplanes can be God you pop destroyed, where you invited straw to reopen inflating that thing for seven hours now that you're. What some of this is also a robust growth. I did, Airline Galilee kinda backs to keep from being one of them, That role is all their seven. Fifty of Tito's no problem I'll ride for sure, maybe to the net keg, Rinkitink might be that yeah they might get spacious when you're giving friends
it's off your neck, Belarus at a certain point, but the neck, pillow kegs totally and attacked undetectable, could not cannot tell what was in there he's camel more more lung capacity of asthma like you're, like you're fuel tank bladder as long as you keep it completely Oh, it was large and draw attention to us this, incidentally, still legal on only fit. You can see. All American will continue to serve the hall in first there's a real lucky, bring me home. Well, let's kick keeps up alcohol in fighting, because last week we honey of a clip that went viral of ethical rams. Game of around ram crime in the state in IRAN. Yes, so now we are on our heartily charger here, Mary, a week later, things got crazy again in the stands. The steelers play the lions in a priest and game over the weekend. That's not where action was I'll. In a second
he's, got a video of a man and a woman screaming at each other kind of over a chair, so they certainly weren't together. It doesn't look like he's saying: oh shut, the fuck up get the fuck out. The woman apparently made contact when she yelled at him, but because the man said don't touch me Is she swiped atom? Again, she does lap of the man fights back makes contact with her Knox, her guy out called you'll, see about culture like five seconds fans eventually step in currently unclear what started is whose, when arrested but here's the video
These latter them partly glance round punches still functioning she's beautifully. Trying to protect their I've run about his mercy. Saint driver can become a guy he's gonna glasses. I don't know why she was yelling at the husband it got not gets down. Maybe this is all a lamp, rules that is financed. Data by our own government to try to keep capacity. Town covert at is to help the thing, because I am obviously looking at
games. Going now I got a big screen at home like everyone had this diary. Few fist bites going in breaking a you know, breaking in the new ram stadium and stuff. But enough of this first of lion, Steelers, something happen in the stands. Dickie our interest, because I got things going on a field. Let's start there might have to be your your backward stadium rules because they seem like they came and loaded the our drinking plus. This is the group judging defence of the wife. This is, jeez honey. They have to start and then all now is now she's now he's coming after I have stand up, also and get knocked out how much we are providing should take place in a pre season game. You know what I'm saying I mean you got. The third string quarterback out there you got the running back, is not gonna make the raw stir
the wide out. That's gonna beyond the practice squad like aid, the game doesn't count who gives a fuck? What are you up there do? Can it out like what happened to pick your battles, unity, I get it there. college rivalries and the guys we're in the other jersey, Ears, Cleveland and the Steelers yea thirteen- and you know I was up late here, the quarterback big bands down on the ground arriving in Cleveland Fan, stands up. Look there's the stakes. Appreciate as nothin do here, but sit there and watch guys who aren't gonna, make the team play and by the way, the starters or on the bench or me that's their argument. There's nothing going on down on that feed their pretty sure they may have both parties movement Steelers Phantom, this problem and once again the rams had the same thing and it looked like just from that brief clip. We saw it completely contacts the woman a little low, crazy little shrill, the black. I very calm
until she slap them. So I wonder if he doesn't looking anyone's anything spilled on anybody know she should have kept her hands to herself. I guess the Georgia Satellites to say love gave you have real vanquishing cover that might algorithm far. President Donald is usually great at rallying his base is known for it, but he did say one thing ITALY, at a rally in Alabama, they got him booed. I'm here I am sure, our all. Let him show what happened. Here's the clip from DMZ, three days less than nine months, grave, and you know what I believe, totally new freedoms. I pray you gotta do we have to do, but I recommend take the vaccines. I did it. It's good take the vaccines, but you Now, that's! Ok, you got your freedoms
what I have read the directive, if it does it work, you'll be the first to know, call a ballot. Barboza, hey. You know what I did. work is you do have you freedoms. You have to keep me after maintained that to maintain an you. Gotta get you kids back to school or he's like it's. It's like her It's like a middle act doing a corporate day. He just eventually closed come. What works is good as our try that now, let's get back to the freedom, diplomatic kind of work out your new stuff, you know exactly whilst reports that Alabama has run out of icy you bad there. Twenty nine beds above capacity as this was reported. I why talk to or factor about this and be careful with like hospital or overflowing and exploding cause they give their county and then their private and so on
We get a lot of doom and gloom with the county step, but we start a lot of hospitals. There have already agreed that hospital yeah their time at county ones. I don't have that the case with this from what I've heard. I listen do I Alex parents in whose guy we ve had on the show before who just is just one of those guys who takes these deep, dives studies, all the data studies, Israel, because Israel, head about yet with everything, and so they, organ vaccines before us and all that kind of stuff silly until then, the news- because I never can be shocked the Jerusalem per day we're getting all this information before we were getting it about how it was affecting people side effects they're are ahead of us so when we're trying to figure out. What's going on with our vaccines, they have a three month headstart, so we can start looking after their data to see. What's up, So here is basically what this nice talking to you about this yesterday. It basically looks like if you get.
The vaccination you still can get it and problem not as bad, but you shall gonna get it. You require these booster vaccinations and sort of perpetuity. Just sort of looks like everyone is gonna hafta, essentially get it and not get it severely, but let's get it and it's all just gonna go hard immunity. Otherwise the vat means by you some time, and then you have to react in a relaxed, Amory vaccinate selves. It looks like the dad suggest that get facts. Get real vaccinated like every they say. Eight months seems more like forty six months, but you're just gonna get it while he had immunity and get out of it, but its ordinary around everyone says it's. It's it's not going away. So the plan was you are going to eradicate in like we were gonna. Stop killer bees from coming in from Mexico. Now it looks like it's here it alone
be here and you'll to get it we'll get hurt, immunity and also the vaccine is run assuming drew's Anguille senior prove your outcome. You're, the one who's gonna do inevitably get yet it's not a force field like you know, we're gonna, think of as if it is a way to boost your immune system. So you have a little extra boulier and that's that, but all people eaten up the hospital beds were in trouble or on vaccinated. So we are keen to get you get vaccinated and go there's a long or a, but if Give the messaging their screwing up is in a doctor, drew had has high antibodies, never needed a vaccination should say vaccination for somebody else that the best is getting it and having the natural antibodies. Do it so we're gonna have to get in order to get through this by everyone, in others like everyone needs to get vaccinated now, people who had it turned out to be pretty good because
they have, what you always have with mom serb measles or smallpox chick a boxer where we have the natural whatever. So, Sir, the look like everyone's gonna have to get a mild case of this hopefully, and then we'll get or heard immunity, and that seems to me where this is going and vaccines or make sure it remains for the majority, a mild case might yeah, but if you're young you'll get a mild case, if its rates, really you gotta be old and fucked up, we don't talk about that part. Will that's terrible thank way because they have nothing to do with what you just said: prying, you gotta be our canary in the coal mine, because you're going to be eligible in like to eat I've seen my daughter on Wednesday to desert people here. This end emasculate the butcher shower temporial, say: yeah go get it now the air I'm gonna need it now. Well. We have an update on or not of young and health, but got nobody likes extra wanted to yeah. So what does in fact heads about, we decided kids
Scary and old people aren't so we focused, I guess there had. The cases are going on about or north we have. It doesn't have a photocopy small, but that doesn't help, but the herd immunity like let him let him get it wait. So when, when drew says just have to get it. What remember we're talking talk about like I? and I dont even know I had it and those people we found out like weren't as protected as the ones who had a really big case for their immune system to really build up against, because we all want to have it not know we had at the be nice and like many It's ok. I wonder I wonder where we are with that. Will this a bit of an Your story, but I really did want to get to it, especially with the new some hot talk we had earlier at yes, we'll see if there's any all all find out tomorrow. If there's any update on this Katy, allay news, reported that a woman Sue, the city of outlay saying she was struck,
car after being in on a Hollywood street or homeless encampment was blocking the city sidewalk walking had and walk around. I'm shocked is more on their their eclipse of kids walking to school in the street in Hollywood every day. As there is nowhere else to walk she's sixty four years old ever Todd. Sustained interest were head him back arm leg. Shoes neither you're here by car without our re at that when I won freeway overpass, which we know is just a real condo situation down there. The incident occurred last year in October, as she was crossing Gower Todd said she, to the overpass to give sandwiches and ships and water, to the people living there to do, but because the encampment you said she couldn't walk on the sidewalk, she had to walk industry and she got hit by a car yeah, I'm with Brian. I can't believe this hasn't had not
stop and buy them all over social media like this habit of my mom's at eighty or whatever we do. I love about LOS Angeles. We give give everyone in their mother a ticket for rolling through a right hand, turn on a red light ride, and then you go what's the danger? There's no cars is no pedestrians pad asked and she gonna walk for pedestrians. It's a big is your bathroom. We have no problem in clogging up every sidewalk on every major thoroughfare and having people walk in the streets of four that we can the other directive our, but if you want to roll thorough for weighing turn right, that's a nation! How many weeks are we now in this new ordinance? The girl said he signed about keeping the sidewalk players decidedly? I was in the language of the ordinance, I think, woman did the story that day, like buckles, if we enforce them up is now in force, but not now, by one on the way home. Picking up take out with my daughter, she's, twelve underpass, we go past.
there's still it there's some ten there there attempting the clear it out. It's like a showman, whatever riverside and now I look in one of the tent there's one by the freeway like ongoing under the for I was there yesterday and I was like this is elaborate. There's like shell. There there was some say it in one of the ten a fire, and I went that's not good. So I did a? U turn. In my view. No, my daughter's like what what are we doing. I decided I make sure nobody in the tent, you know and then there's nobody around in the tent around it even stop and go. I think, you're tense on fire. You know and it's impossible. Yet would you call I mean? There's I mean it wasn't a flaming fire was a little fire in literature, the tent, wherever they save the dream, catcher right
they had a son visor, remember those on the free windshield. Those are very popular in order to be sure, I'm not sure why I said the fire department now Malthus. As you know, percent of those fires brush Russia started homeless, vandal up they're coming Gaddi fire out of verse, much like brine and wire. More people hit by I've actually surprised without more fires in your citizens over the stern. Oh, can your highs kind on fennel, your passing out, like these are the most responsible people in the world, and you know we have how people have tried to help can put courts, run with putting the porter parties under the underpasses in those have been destroyed Yesterday I was going under. I think it was a cold water. There was a big like research goal care like a big plastic, blue recycling and a big black one like a trash one and both of them?
in like laminated signage, not trash? I don't know why they were put their. What they were supposed to be facilitating. what's going on. Well, let's give new governor and see were frequent, cracked, the code on homeless. Let's bring it home, China Grand you got it I'm gonna grab and that's the news happy to way and I've seen a copper too was the news with Gina grad. Limiting about pan with pro making content is essential today. Show video social posts are website, but there's no is a seamless prof process can a proud design platform that empowers you to create and share stunning content in just a few clicks whether you design prowler just getting started camera pro. mainly fast and it's fine. You can choose from thousands of professionally made easily custom templates or start from scratch came a pro comes with endless,
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Transcript generated on 2021-09-05.