« The Adam Carolla Show

Part 2: Jay Leno (ACS Nov 15)

2021-11-15 | 🔗
Part 2 of today’s podcast is a 1-on-1 conversation between Adam and Jay Leno. The guys begin by talking about comedians who waste time doing crowd work, Jay’s incredible memory, and wrapping your mind around people’s feedback on your work. They also chat about being interested in both comedy and mechanics, a typical day in the life for Jay, and putting together his incredible car collection. Later, Adam asks Jay about his early days of standup comedy, and they go on to discuss comedians that Jay thinks are great. In the last part of the show, Adam asks Jay about his religious beliefs, and Jay tells a story about Rodney Dangerfield. Thanks for supporting today’s sponsors: Try.Scribd.com/ADAM Apartments.com TommyJohn.com/ADAM Lifelock.com enter ADAM Geico.com RockAuto.com MarshallHeadphones.com enter CAROLLA15
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Thanks for listening to the atom Corolla show on black one Thought could never happen in a punk a new regional calmly streaming only Antigua, confused mix of hash anthems, sour girl, sire, vocals, Asia, Drama Bismarck Basis, mom task manager and me a Mina led guitar, you really good repute to live in front. We lady parts of associating now only on peacock, then the game, this football season by adding funds to your favorite sports book, with play, plush gestures, play plus on the deposit page of your favorites words book, find your football fun and when you win transfer your balance back to spend their play again, you can even added to your favorite digital wallet for contact. Was payments play plus
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and back with the old, the well what's old as new again as they say to see him. I forgot to see you I was talking about you the other day, because I did a show with J out at Brea ever so impressed by who you were and just how you the ground ring. Why I shed when, when J got on the stage at the comedy club like a Marlon in the open well, founded idea, where he should be more like a while in the open sea is felt it just. You walked on stage in it? I could just feel it. Why over the audience, and migration all have a job to help you. I hate that when you gotta hasn't go and buy them very whatever Bosnia was yet tell a joke I'm with you in the sense that when you see guys and trying to get fifteen twenty minutes of stage time, and
doing crowd work, but it's sort of like I mean I'm, I'm not a can comedian star, but, unlike didn't you come out here to work out some material. I, u doing crowd, was exactly exactly so, but I did also Know- and I met this very clearly in a man's made me a little and secure of the years, but I said to J once a car. These these bucks lamps- because I say something I think, is something forget about it. A media gonna write it down all right, I'm and Chase said it's honey, you'll, remember it and I've got no. I won't look. I forgets, and then I realized talking you about cars and motorcycles and then hearing you pull all these jokes out one after the other. I think you have a photographic memory.
No other first full there's no such thing as you know there is no. I couldn't remember that there is no proof that such a thing as a photograph, what what we would call what people want size, a photograph we know today. I think, as a comic things it it makes a notch. In your mind, you know I I always tells us over the first shock of intolerance never been in the fourth grade and Missus Allen who s to see by the which was when I was like nine choose like twenty two. As a teacher right, I thought you'd like sixty minutes. So when I go back to my hometown, she's, like eighty eight coming right,
we're still friends. But if you talk about Robin Hood, you know and the Robin Hood- and she said the sheriff of Nottingham cruelly was, and he wouldn't when he captured a robins men. He would boy lemon oil and I put my hand up- and I said, do you know? Why did that to tuck she's, a new? Why? Because he was a friar right. What does not funny, but then I thought then I noticed she smiled. He writes Isaak hamburger so then, later in the class breaks in also go through coupled peer than one down the hall. Why? Don't you just go to the plenum who is he said somebody somewhere what Missus Allen Cities had suddenly afraid of innocent? Looking at all, she went back in repeated my job, now say always remember you know, eat, I think, is a comedy. Just instinctively remember the stuff that gets a lamp,
the sub yeah really fun, but that that is true, but is somebody who knows a lot about cars and then to hear what you know about cars? there's a lot of information out there on and again we know. Sometimes you meet car guys in their mo PAR guys, and they just know everything about those guys euros or if there is a delay, superfund those guys. They just know this thing they have their niche and they know nothing about other cause. Not a guy can well right. Who is it the guy oh yeah, I'm your eminence, both on a Thursday by a guy named George Johannsen ran. He had been sick on Friday. Came in the fire and they'll tell you all that these as me Zack over there. That's it doesn't work as a german and autumn, that somewhere, you never know you never ever. Doesn't it bob? That's all. He knew were heavy fuel, I completely agree, and I sort of look at it as I have I always kind alike in it to the guys who claim they they love way.
but just read heads and unlike what If you love women, there's a lot more than that, and I think God Jays a lover of all cars yeah they arose explodes makes. No, I think it's a fair. Why and again and again, how can a force you into claiming the mantle of photographic memory or whatever the version that is, but you do have at your fingertips. So much information about eight yo. Many Germans have knowledge, another five get it I got I give Zeb had afford guy. We testing the new Magua Mustang chief engineer from four that gun worrying about it and them he's talking about the horse logo, and I think you know that one of the front you know that's from while ease
as I said, nano- and there was a guy named it began with a k- cannot somewhere that he was designed from Fort and he who was in the nineteen thirty eight eliminates as in a question and then war war to start then, since he was the question he got drafted under the cavalry core, ok, you got the Calvary car. His commanding officer was killed and since he was a leading question, he was made commanding officer and he led the lash charge. On horseback in modern warfare against tanks, while got livery, I mean ever get Blaanor the territories that a sword and charging a tax write. These guys just get blown away and over the warranty comes to America. He becomes a designer Ford ended designs is horse witches homage for the horse. He rode in that last Calvary charge. Now the receipt never hurt.
About is he was on the other side, here. You will share with side because that's kid apply, work could eggs They all men want to start goddammit derived about them, modular guy with a sword charging a tank, you guys are blown up and you're just still charge. You lead tag. Indeed they got oh he's on the other, so they wanted I'm them. So that's why you never heard. The story did just just popped in my head that producing Burke. I know you drove your Tesla plaid here with the yoke and then crazy zero to sixty zero to one had quarter mile time a bit Laguna sake. I mean the stats or are numbing on that that car I was thinking about. of life is kind of lock. You know like what you're a year, and you do you weren't
teen when World WAR two broke out and that's that's good, as you may have been on a horse charging a tank rhyme and there's plagues runaway poverty and the staff, but it's to me, like you with it, who's in Burg, on one side of the garage and the Tesla PLAID on the other seems like a good era to report do because of crazy technical ology and then this amazing, whatever they Tesla of the past, was from the twenty one. Irish lay the best time to be born is probably or nineteen hundred, but you grow up in an agricultural society. Then the Wright brothers come along. Then Limburg comes along and then we walk on the moon or then your lifetime right, I mean Lindbergh source, walk and the moon, and you know that he died and seventy one.
and the idea that, oh, you flew across the ocean of all my girls are going on. My guard. The whole world celebrates the month you're, the most popular figure in the for his flying, the France right would seem so you know, though yeah either. I think that's the most amazing error to live in, because now now you expect stuff, you know you ever watched breaking bad watch a whole series. I watch every my favorite line was when the iron Paul's character. This is stupid. You know the method, he and he in the year wider trapped, the cops are coming egos. Can't you just like maker but her someone get us out of here. You, the site that you could just make a right. But now we live. A narrower people expect stuffed. It would just a point when it doesn't do this. You know, as opposed to an arrow with what you mean winter. Moon. What that's not possible now
Leah, Mullins, ok, but about Mars. You worry on Mars. It I mean now you just expected that yeah one Irish grown up. If I got no a car with air conditioning it was morale, realise and now my kids get no car that doesn't have air conditioning their peers than that's what we're they did. I know when I was a kid it got so. Human around hinted beach in New Hampshire in Salzburg. Beach matches So what we got we got, my dad's college did have reconditioning we'd rollo the windows, we'd roll, our sleeves down. We put jackets on writing driver. A girl culture of girls of liquor heritage and then they give nowhere, those guards along odds into just broke build all women who would be equal to disappointed when we However, if we just look like we had airconditioning we'll go guys with air conditioning, did you
I mean we we'd know when your nine that, yes, that and that's a very real moment- or you know the teacher who may have not really cracked in front of you, but you know repeated your joke bride. Other member of the rack of de that that's one little kind of watershed sounds like nothing but means something: moments was it that point on- did you know comedy- was in the future now now really. But I knew what got a reaction from the piano in our universe. I never knew the power worth I'm once when I was a kid. You know we would have the adults table in the children stable and one day we're My uncle Lou we'd have Sunday there all relative- and I said
my uncle, who was the bachelor the family. In our view, and my mother said a house that level a weasel away, still Sienna these it. Now, unless you, my mom, said why not in lieu said she's frigid, I saw another look furious with her and I serve you buddy. My dad and laughing I saw by you saw tat demographic dictionaries, look it is frozen, frozen, the death of cells and the next week lose. It then, are you know, and I said the at it. I'm sorry to hear about the weeks. Well what you hear what I guess she froze to death right, you guys. I mean she froze to death. I didn't she freezing of members and what we want to proceed further,
Frida Kaluza Chief was Richard and my dad. Why all the guys that day, one of that that that was the day they invented the children's table. From that point on, I was now saving over any other in the other room, literally in the kitchen table where the adults had dinner. But I just hours. Remember that, because our reaction from Adele, so I Vas but remember things were said- the gutter reaction that would was different from what normally, when you know, working with people in this business can be a pain in the but sometimes not with their. Mr Leno he's always early and is ready to go, and I see the way you interact with your fans and I see the way you comport and conduct yourself. I should say, but
I do think it we shall have a police are yeah. I guess I am, I think so I would get. I wouldn't take a lot of heat for that as well. I mean that your job as a performer I mean that it may people laugh, I guess, or at least give it a shot. But I do I, you know I'm a huge believer in low self esteem. I think it's success you have. If you don't think you, the smartest person, the room, you listen and pay attention. I gonna go. The trade show I just hired, but I thought with the best lighting people best prejudice, her best Here I would just let them do the job. I never interfered. Everson we're home hang out. I think we need more this light over. He consists, my area, you guys do it you and it worked out. Fiery are the same people between two years and we were number one for twenty years and I will go and There was fine. I never felt I had to stick my nose in
you know something that I was took note of. When I would do your show back in the day, is you we'd be right? through rehearsal and then, when you had riders producer would say like a J, don't do this way do it the other way it's funny or that way, you'd go now, which sounds I it make sense because you the guy, I'm grand, given you some constructive criticism or note or whatever a lot of guys. I wouldn't sit right with. I feel like a lot of people. Well, I was land I also under the under the premise. Anybody can pull the Gordons dubbed the train which cause problems sometimes, but is it it keeps it real. Oh was wrongly tonight you sucked the guy sack it's easier than Peggy. We
can analyzing it now I just Saxon. I may have to be able to do that yeah. That's it it's easier way together, plus one people feel like they are a part of something we're contribute when Anne in turn can say on, I don't get it. I don't think it's funny oak. Why? If it's a sometimes is valid reason. Sometimes it's totally not, but just the fact that they get to contribute now they feel like their products to show you know my favorite seem the godfather movie, I think the godfather to Regos to Cuba. Then he sees a guy blow himself, absolutely to kill two policemen, and he says when your own troops are willing to die to take you down. Let's monitor and that's what I see happening. Tv often people show ends
writers and the help they hate him so much. They actually don't care if they lose their job as long as he or she loses our job. That's usually what happened you know. So I was always re cognizant of facts or us had a pretty good good crew, yellow yeah and a happy girl, and I became a member, but I asked well blonde my on or near, but when I was doing the tonight show has make of thirty million a year. Is ridiculous k and embassies out? Well we're going the cut in half the girl, you know so we had a big meaning. I said bullshit hands? How many feel I should take a fifty percent pay cuts certain people, I got outvoted flag at school, but really, I only have fifty million dollars, I'm doing pretty good. I never thought I get this far and you know something they were the best crew for the rest of the days. You know everything was always terrific. Was a? U
crew. Every moment. Good living in old guys have come up with, show me the car they bought the house, they got around the corner, whatever might be, and It didn't cause raining really I had plenty money ass, my company money. What year did you take their hair cut from fifteen it within the two? Thousands may be two thousand and five from that point on living. They, though, agent is that you always kept all those tonight show check so yeah. I made your money doing live perform Susie, I offered things for you, gotta be hungry. I I I live on islands. I like I used to live with the weak. Did you literally just put those checks the bank and I read their money matters stand at me. I wanted to be a comedian. I never thought tv was a that would last year how many years did you do that television, and I never touched it- they always worked.
damn you still want one in ten days guy we listen. I know what you can get paid. If you go out and sprinkle some corporate eggs in their there's money to be made. Only at you still have a pretty big, not guys, you work for you, you purchase of cars once in a while fly short of private and that day, refuel and Muncie Indiana everyone. I know I can get all the way across the country, but that that much just one joint account Stiller still there and so have you. What do you think of that? So it's not urban legend that dad It's what you did. That's what you did know, but I mean I'm not I don't have girlfriends and cocaine habits is something tat. We could save a tremendous amount of money, how do you reconcile the sort of comedic mine with them?
Kaliko Mine, because it's not a seems like it's not a coincidence to me that most, The comedians I now have zero sort of handle life skills in a way they see we fairly and apt but also mainly just not interested in cars in structure and mechanics, and I should I have you pegged- is ahead of us Hannah GO guy even more than a car guy. Well, you know that's not really true, I mean to mail and very much that way didn't find, examines. I'm saying like by and large arriving in her most of those guys are well had had genetic flaw. That makes you a comedian. This, not a plus, we just happen to live in an era when they pay dividends. I mean if this was the Crusades, It would be what what why the soldiers laughing, whose making LE kill a guy another topic as well. This is an still I just killed right now, because
the advance payments etc, but we live in a time now and now I happened to be very good dividends so that that's pretty lucky but come. I find most communities either just off the wall. Drunk coke heads crazy or complete abstained. I really find anybody in the middle. You know that to be true yeah, I mean comedians me, maybe there's something to the fact that there are trying to construct and connect all the time in their head. I I recently had a person say to me when I said I get home, I just want to watch tv. I just I what people say that what do you want to go to old episode of STAR Scheme Hutch and they go why I could I just want to sit there and the person said that's Your brain is trying to connect things all day and then you get home and you don't want to connect things, but I'm wondering if sometimes comedians, thank a little too
Jimmy the EU. While I think this is silly saying but the hard to sell this when the head and hands were together with a gradual and stuff all day. Ok, you know you take transmission out, you smell, ah, fallen and the easy washing hands with brill pads and then realize a guy made eighty dollars for doing that for the day. They must then, that saved you tell a Joker such an easy one. Think money about up your four minutes already made back the eighty yet well. He said I have the same feeling it's a kind of blue collar mentality, which is when people people accuse me working alive and I go when you mean working Align, the guy you gotta go any of you. Do bunch of pious ass? You go to your show that night. That's not work! climbed the same way. I know a thing is working yet roofing being a roof or is the worst you gotta be in the sun and there like now, but you weren't,
you go out of town Lenny, write a book and I always go. I've put it doesn't they're trying to convince me its work. It doesnt really feel like word, but maybe need a kind of blue collar base to have that to be caliber. Did well. I have a pool, but I've never been that have been. I have a house hills, I went the pool and eighty nine to fixed alike. That was the last time because every time I get near the poor get like ten feet to the pool, and I hear that boss and vice versa. Lady big Shaggy sit in a pool, Beverly Hills out. You do now. If you don't let them broken here, are you can? Then you gonna fix mealy weighing away a trust fund baby. the pool their eager to Florida. Now I'm not gonna go I mean I can't bring myself together the poor I get near it. I put my hand in it. That's ok then I rationalize ago, ok, I get the poor. Ok now wet now what you know, and so I can so I go back and
I find something to do and euros. I've Eliza have this discussion all time. You know we're both young comic. Soon to like two hundred data year, we used to say what everyone on vacation and we'd like then we're screwed them were really screwed. So, let's not ever Goin vacation because you might like it and then and then what what is a normal day for you when you're, not you know doing you bet your life or in some, some specialty corporate thing he again something one. I am recent every day, but I am I going to grant. I work on stuff where I have my wife of stuff. You get up and head into the warehouse every day every day this house here so some mean defied the one all change today that takes a year and a half. So ok for a change of oil on the mother, nineteen, twenty seven model excusable just outside for finnish authorities, camera
do I do you have something out their car wise, because a lot of guys go out and they pursue cars. You know the goat, actions. I know you don't buy cars at eyes, but there ago. I want this car and then they go out and pursue it. now now I realize harsh kind of come. Not that did they give tell me about it. I mean you know, feel you're chasing card. I I I I buy. The stories, which is a cause of great stories, arose fast to me, and I know I know like jail, tell the story, but if you go to jail shop, he'll walk past them the Deuce embarks on the ladder, the Lamborghini mirrors and a lot of that a sea Paquette shall be cobras and get this little three wheel, handmade boggy, oh yeah! I guess
based on a motorcycle, pheasant, motorcycle and united and then I'll walk over there, and that he'll tell you the story of that guy that that trick. I think it's a three will and and the story behind it, even though it's the least recognizable, maybe the least sexy, and maybe the least rallied all out of all the cars. But it's got the best store. It sounds like a good story. You know I have this Duisburg Lebaron barrel side and the first owner got it when he has seventeen years old. His grandfather died. What year within a proxy, That was in twenty eight, were they outer Indiana, Yad, Alderson, Roosevelt, ninety twin
all in all, we are near, I didn't say: we're gonna build five hundred a year than the depression came and took ten years to sell the first foreign, eighty four that they had finished, but anyway, this guy his grandfather left them seventeen thousand dollars in stock. So he and the grandfather pronounce. It doesn't work shown by this. There is a bird for seventy thousand IRA. They drive at home, they kids father. The son of the grandfather furious that the grandfather wasted stock on the stupid cut through them both at allows Europe than across a depression here and the stock was useless now, but he had the car. Ok, he had the car he sold the guy, who was one of the first G eyes and Berlin, and this guy before other guys, rated a much german banks, buster open, save the puzzle box, I didn't take cash for that was uses partook diamonds and gold. Then they bought an old motorcycle. They cut it open they buried.
The diamonds and the gold in the frame and motorcycle welded backup left the motorcycle. With the motorcycle deal when Germany Game somebody's gonna come back in a year pick this up and they said five back in the air, the import of the motorcycle cut it open, took out the diamonds bought the Jews, Hamburg from Ashton and a huge estate in Connecticut. Then the guy got despondent overall and within this and when the new year come bring it in drove the car into the barn left that running died in the car and the Gaza from nineteen. Forty eight nineteen. Eighty eight when I got an I got it from his brother, but his brother would never sell to anybody that new The story of his brother, your Duisburg, I urge rough died in the car we like them, I know, is not resolved now, so I was at home psycho meat and has taught us all guy. He was sir. You know those merger- and I said the annex gave some. You know useless Duisburg, facts, anything very pressing,
would you want to buy one of whom curiosity alleys camp? I am, there aren't any around. They got one. I got one seller, ok, so I bought it. Never knowing the story, it was the laughter I got it. I heard from all the Duisburg collector who didn't get it in ourselves. That was an interesting story, I have another dues and burg that was owned by Strauss, unknown Macy's and he bought it in nineteen, twenty nine and he parked in the garage and downtown Manhattan and nineteen thirty one and it sat there until two thousand five the same space- and there was always a rumour. There was Adducing Bergen a parking grudge somewhere near I'm, not the New York. I saw my rifle into going, you can you go shopping? I'm gonna hit every parking garage. Granville check, go EAST West EAST. What does it just hitting?
Ray Parking garage just looking to save you look a do, get any old cars oil carved out with Falcon, though it's ok, I get the west. Fifty seventh street your cause. It's all Duisburg, or some men of Rolls Royce up that rules there is there is a car he's been parking, all those years I mean the roof had collapsed because there is a whole in the river, the grudge they a ton of money on the rent like eighty thousand dollars in back storage market for the parking, and so I ask for sale. The guy says well late there they have paid out so we're gonna have an auction. If you will, let me know what his action I bet. I got an we'd be dragged out of the parking graduated bit sad since nineteen thirty one well yeah. I mean that's. Why me imagine a treasure like had buried in New York City,
like. I said most car guys have some sort of car that's kind of commensurate with whatever tax bracket there currently in and they kind of as they move up intact, rackets there Oh now I want this car, but I've never And, and also if you. also, most guys can declare major. We talked about the Mau Park eyes through guys that are american. so guide unless the japanese car guys and by like Paul Newman Race Car, so there's a fee or something, but you just like cars and story, and the story girl? And I like the stories I like, noble failure that like cars, that we're ahead of their time in their time, tourism bird was like that it was ridiculous, expensive,
Nobody I have a car call day of the Mai will think Clare Guy named see Harold. Wills was and reforms first employee and he inherited Henry Ford agree. Despite everything, fifty fifty four does not achieve skate, but he didn't like to give credit and wills was the guy who invented the Ford logo. You know these values today, the blue or planetary transmission, a bunch of stuff, and he was coming out with great ideas and, like I've, been out of work and reformed. They fought and he took his millions of dollars worth of stock that he had by nineteen twelve had started the wills. Claire cargo any built and overhead canvas aid. Bevil draw I'm a very sophisticated motor and Henry Ford said nobody wants ago. Seventy miles an hour play me: you're gonna sell us together
and it was gonna be arise or price car by Tommy, Finnish, very sensuous, pasta, four thousand dollars when a model t was torn and sixty two, and they saw this all twelve thousand, but is that rate again head and then went out of business, a fine one of those is pretty reticent about ATM left in the world, but I managed to find one storage container down in San Diego in our peoples. I just hear from people have old cars and when I heard both one Wilson Clarion Silent down a look at it and they are also people have a thing with cod cars that is sort of unlike real estate or other things. People Sahel would rise. They want the car to go to the right place. Many people do not all that is That is the reason there are plenty cause I've gotten, because people now
I'm gonna flip it. Nobody wants to sell a car and then to each layer thing. I bring a trail of her twice the money right. You know. I had a talk about real estate, my wife and I we still have a bundle, zero. We had a house and if so, when when it when I was sobbing, but not how it would help about. We want to sell the house were ask- and I came up with three hundred and this woman shows up with a kid single mom and myself at south hurdles, giver breaker. So my money, we're not a lot of money all right, so we knock like fifty grand and what it was before. Our president, crazy. Ok, the more I said: let's, let's get to drapes dry cleaned, and so I can only really dry cleaning the drapes when we lived here. What real by would give her she got a kid is gonna, be done, attacked and drank. Like illustrates our, so we saw how the house
And you feel prettier than about a month later, as let's go by and see other I get there just as the bulldozers guidelines, and I see my drapes being quite general. Anyone actually Walter the woman work for Realty Company and she was just weapon it yes sheet. She goes Kid and protest at with sobs story fell, for I feel, like the biggest rube however, if our own, oh but member just seen but might might drives. I just I just saw the bulls Iraq crunch em up. They just knocked down put some sort of uranium Palestine there. So, let's, let's talk history with their with you, a history. The ones you I don't know. I mean we talked about very early making your dad laugh making your teacher laugh rang. When did you.
professionally realise that's something you could do what's today, You know, I don't know, I guess I think he always have that doubt. Yours think it's gonna end tomorrow, which I think is good. You don't get a confident, I would say, probably in the eighties, I guess I bought a house in Beverly Hills. They want is pretty good. It was my mother's Scott Missouri Humdrum Press, my man I remember when I first came here, I were there. I would try to impress my mother with show business tales. I remember call right: Stallone had just gotten ten million dollars for two weeks work for some movie and common momentum.
Long past, but what's he gonna do the other fifty weeks and we would have no other job comes in what happens then? I said you're right, my IRAN's right let me make a hundred dollars every week. You know you got them hundred dollars common and rather just get ten million for two weeks where I met. Yes, that's I guess I'm a product of having depict depression era present parents rather by prince through depression I I never really thought I was. I won. was a kid I was had to jobs. I worked it warmly than Ford and I worked at Mcdonald and I would be the Banker Wilmington Ford money and spend the without my or what First, though, when I became a comedian, oh all came like a quick macdonell, so I kept the other job and then I spent the money had made his comedian. at the other one, but then always make a more monies, a chameleon, so an adventure. I dropped
the other job just lived on being a comedian. Then, when I got the tomato back to me all. Well, ok, but a bank that job say that one and live on. What I make on this, how much you know when we always talk about, but when I was working across the street from your house, Adele Zorro back in the day- and I was make an eight or nine bucks an hour I just wanted more money, and I was doing the math on construction and I knew I liked cars. And not only do you not make money in construction, but you have to drive a truck right and that wasn't you know, maybe there's a and full of sports cars out. There may be again an energy red dots in two thousand and roads. There are some like. Then we have a job at a bank. You could still kind of driving nifty car, even if you're, making eleven box in our, but if you're making bucks an hour swinging hammering need of truck right anyway.
A second Carney live in our apartment is no placed a park, it and apartments, not good neighbourhood, and it's gonna get broken into and Bob LAW. So a lot of my motivation was, I want cars. I I want tools. I, where I want to place a warehouse to put the cars and I was kind of motivated comedic only because I wanted these thank right. How much of that factored in four years I think some of some of that Ray Ford. I was all happy with the whenever I had at the time that was pretty good, I'm gettin,
aid being I'm living on. What I make me well, that's pretty good. I thought that was just on Bali. Why members here in town and I was dead broke and I went down the unemployment office, certain line and the woman said to joke for job this week. I said not hard enough now now, like I couldn't I couldn't take like take, I couldn't. I couldn't take the money, I just couldn't. Do it I just for now look I got two legs to have. What am I doing here now lie SAM could be well those kazaa I went out and you know try to live on what I made a comedian, and I was all they will live with my me- that border Vega, four hundred bucks, little piece crap in every vague overseer, was one of them
well, we got a chevy version of into Pinto with America, japanese kind of came envied, Ebby Bogs, Emmy. Before that mark of gas crunch and airlines. America said we gotta make a small car and they didn't know how to make a small. But I never, I was never credit card guy or is the earth I tried to live within my means by the way was a cause worth Vega. When all was ready cash you had a twin camp, he has to come in. You wanna get fifteen more horse era with all that, with vague, I'm just braggin. Let me now. I knew what a cause for I know comes with a but Tom, you dumb without cost almost as much as the Corbett. It was the most ridiculous car there aren't many cause with rigorous auto was is at San cast with alumina head with twin camps and gave maybe fifty more it was. He asked us and it wasn't anything, but but it made them
likes forty two hundred dollars when a corvette was like forty four hundred now so you had hundred dollar vega. What year we talk about her late, seventy early and was it the comedy store where you kind of major bonds out here you're, the comedy sir, when I started you know I was lucky, I I started in New York in Boston. so. When I got here, I had a bit of reputation least when the comedy community- and I guess you know I love the companies in the early days, but Missy sort of had this thing where she has See you doin there. I will tell the story of this great Camille named John Grey men. He was very funny you throw the comedy, store, Regulus emits he said, and I want you to be a junkie bananas. It were like a yellow. Why can't you be Jackie Banana and because she on the club we had, I didn't want it.
I didn't want to take advice from somebody. I mean she's very nice. Another club I member sign, fell to assign fell, was a well established. Comic Tommy God here regarding the common challenges wanted was set Mitya given advice and tell them what to do, and I just I just want, then stay. So he never really was a comedy store. Guy but I knew I only use. Did you know my two worlds as when you get good somewhere get out and go to the place where you're bad anybody can be good weather. Good go to the place where you bad weather, like you and that's what I think, There's a lot of great comics, the commentators who just chose to live. It's his apartment or stay the course, the candle wherever they had and eat, eat your meals at the club. Get a free drank and do a sad and hit, and pretty soon they had comedy store act.
twenty minutes and the thing in the window and ten minutes on this era get big last for Social Africa, environment, the common external begin, what you're talkin about who all tee said Breton, who are somewhat comedians that you really young current older people. We heard of that. You really just said that guy's got the good so that Gauss got well Jim, carry unbelievable Jim CARE, Jim carrier, I mean as a stand up Corazza Blount. Well as a stand up Hoover do impressions. Who could do he did people
Nobody else did, and he did them an odd ways and different ways that he was still. If I mean just brilliant, really good, really really impressive. How can I gather so many I'll? Tease it I'll? Let you are what you think about it for ourselves, a sponsor script, that's right with so much content out there you might spend as much time. Looking for your next book is reading. It script, instant access, the millions of e books, audio books, magazines and more plus thoughtfully curated editors, picks and smart recommendations. Based on what you have read all four just nine? Ninety nine a month streaming change everything waste, a flip around tv channels and look for some interesting now we just pick from thousands of great options. Script does that for books, Wiring Forbes calls it the Netflix for books
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today on Apple pod, gas and podcast, one subscribed to reasonable doubt the best hour in the universe, with Mark Arrogance and Adam Corolla, every Saturday on podcast, one corroded, it all and apple broadcasts, I'd back with great dead J Leno, who am, I must say, is some old man. Famously doesn't have to be difficult. And is this one of the easiest guys and how I would most generous guys in Hollywood, but I think a little the low self esteem that bleeds through which which I like I feel like. I have of selfish there. Maybe everyone thinks they have low self esteem, but really done, I haven't been remains just think: they're, unbelievable people, just I guess there's a lot of that and I mean no community omnibus over there. I will tell you that the greatest comic in the world I mean there's. No.
failure than them. Neither I nor I am I mean they're, just I mean no one cares is really well. I think you also have to. Realize that Jane lie now in your in a certain position and I think people may I want you to a knowing him or may once your blessing somehow, because you you do- have a legendary status in the industry. So you're probably I know you have low self esteem it's hard to download, but people are going to come up to you and try to get you to validate. Ultimately, you're only is funny. Is your last job like enjoy workin flapper, as here in Burma. I work with a younger generation of comics.
probably never even they mean that might know you from the financial, but they were may be fourteen when I laughed united than its eight years now, in also that kind of like and their surprise, you're funny, they expect Do all guys. I don't know what it is, but they do that. There's that you know we was the same way when we started out all the commission at all. What could they be like convey? Oh well, we really are you well that this brings me to a point which is being So J was at least from the cheap seats. J the comedian's comedian. He was young guys to go on Letterman and destroy and J Leno J Leno jail. At some point you became the man and.
have a weird relationship with the man as it pertains to Carmody sort of. If you start- and it is a little different because we don't quite the same with guys like Dave Chapelle but at some point if you started playing big venues and he became a sell out or you ve, got under an I'd, show now you're selling our keeping it real with the art is, and it strikes me that you went from the comedians comedian to the man and the people were caught a shitty with it. Sometimes oh yeah of police. This look when you play football, who do you think the guy with the ball wrath, that's the way it is. I mean I was the same way when certainly appear before you a dead guy. You here you have. Let me back here my then you get any go. Oh, oh! This is how it is I get it
you know like I find now it's like when you you're an interview with the journalists. I don't answer the question. I break my son. Little breaks his silent. No, no. I I one when I have a silence had been talking for an hour. I don't do you know or London lashes out. I didn't like the guy s question I give personally reasonable answer in just always makes me laugh sue. You just learn. How do you know? I don't believe the good stuff? I do not believe the bad stuff. I just taken all s, for I will take you that's right what I also tonight show I walked on Thursday and Friday. I did four nights in Florida next night. I didn't take stuff off the wall and take pictures and think it was a job
I worked there for twenty two years. I love did. I enjoy the bill I work with, but I didn't you know his Hollywood dont Mary Hooker, ok cause its ultimate little break break your heart. So in all I got the same wife I get there car, my fifty five billion. I have the same friends I hadn't high school and- and I go through life with that, I don't shoot for happiness. I shoot for content, I'm Dr Tent, because happiness is like it's like him pain. If you drink it every day, now you're raging alcoholic. He and I join at all. So I shall for containment then did a week ago, not pretty happy on Wednesday. Everyone's say was a good day. I did this. I did my wife- and I would here whenever my you know, I mean the best area. Life is the day before that horrible thing happened right in every time. I think I, like this horrible thing, with Travis Garden, Alec Baldwin
you got the best way of life of the day before that happened right now. Your life has changed immeasurably which essentially every day for us? If that thing doesn't happen, while recognize it also reasons Ryan, I enjoy every day, nothing terrible this. This is fine. You know me, smiling because when I went and so ah you at the universal amphitheatre and in that was ninety. Eighty nine. I almost eighty six, eighty six that that early eighty six aside, the universal amphitheatre any had a whole bed, a batch of fifty five beauty and I'll bet, Why am I right? And I'm I'm gonna screw the joke got, but you'd have to go under the fenders and clean off
Volkswagen's, that you ran o er the area where the damage they hold thereof and sell to somebody else now that that, right, that big daddy right right. There is also running over cars, or is it that the car was so big? Was no radio live acts we brought live out yourself, it's just stupid. Do look back and your stuff in wind, sometimes where I think but he does now lay girl airborne. Everybody does yeah, you know like I was getting beat up for, while for not apologise for Monica Lewinsky Joe go well, I told them in period as they were happening. The whole country is targeted by this and we d jokes about it. Ok thirty five years later. I, why am? I was apologize, arrived at an hour. I don't think I d raving terribly wrong aids
I saw the events of the day and I commented on the minutes, as everybody else did at the time, so the age religion do you feel like, and I guess it's something comedians have the calf wrestle with a little bed witches. do you feel like you're, better comedian. Now, then you were there. years ago. Do you feel, like you're learning something I'm not every day, but as we should, growing refining I mean I was up, stayed review your sharp and fast and in funny I think people think, since I feel vigour of comedy, professional sports like vows getting getting past prime now is not you, don't have any signs of that, but I'm just saying I got an internal that can happen, I you know it's funny when the real test
is one I watch old monologues, where'd you did forty six hundred and thirty one can teach us. So you don't you can't member and when you hear jokes that I'm coming in and for the first time yeah! I have no regular having a reckless the job that I and I live, loud cause. I don't laugh of my own stuff, but Remember it. I got all that was it. I could tell that joke today knows yeah, it's it's sort of like here's, one, those looking like that is looking back in our old picture yourselves. I was pretty good looking back, then it gets a real time pompous aspect guy right right now the joke was out of a job, like a kid in China, was born with the vestiges of a third. I didn't have a third I, but did the vestiges of the third I, and today Lens cracker said they can make an glasses about an hour and a half.
And I love that two thousand other another one was about how I done a gig in because I saw myself telling those on a re run on car Carson we show is real and genuine. I didn't remember the punchline was, and it was that I was doing a gig and, alas, guy to signal. Ask it in February in my hotel in the sun- comes up like eleven thirty in the morning and they goes down one thirty of the Tonia for two hours. It's fifty degrees below zero. I put on my country's twenty amend this hotel room and the How has it that thick glass eye urinal glass like in the subway light in, but you can't see anything so I'm just gonna go outside I go out. I gotta the thrifty drugstore in the eye We must still soft. I dont understand how that can happen, all. I can say that common and it's a pretty good too. I could do that job now, it's your job.
So yeah I mean. Obviously you see ones. We owe you can't do that anymore this because it sexes or whatever but yeah yourself a measured well. Well, I do you find You yourself, you know growing or feel like they. as one how Tom Brady is, is better. Arguably at forty four than he was twenty four are not even arguably he's is better fry foreign I've, black, but not faster, not faster, but but better. and get our common wisdom is you're out of the league by time. Your thirty three I hear so he's too dad right do you feel stronger now earlier median than he did when european or companies like Gulf? We can do a two year, seventy five or eighty. If you play it right, to me. The real growth for a comedian cause all commend. You start out with jokingly, joke Jug Josephine
and then we would go down canter, her theatre, is there anyone these pipeline spots when we were kids means rally, inconvenience and we'd sit me tell stories and then what? I said I'm gonna tell that story. It I told at the table on state did never Leah beginning or an end with just a story and all the people laugh. I said I really need, for this is the punchline and nobody can steal is cause it's my story of how to me as opposed to guys, go bar in this area in order right so to me, was always the real growth when some it happened in your life Chapelle. Does that very well, you know, and you just tell them- story of what happened in your life and because you know- mobility and believe me, a story, the ill. It works in own ego. That's that's! The real growth has a comedian when, when it becomes so you people all that's an atom crawl. A kind of story are
so you do feel yourself getting stronger in the year yeah. You know. I'm really enjoying it now, because at this point you meet people who used to watch you and when they were like seven eyes. What I saw you and you know what your magical figure on tv to them as a kid, and it always makes me laugh. You know when you gotta, do radiation they please, the legendary the legendary makes me makes me laugh. I mean I find it very humorous. Do have any religion or religious at all. Now is that the AIDS you're kind of an enigma to me because you come from this family and the family feels very traditional owed, its virtue, I don't drink on smoking gamble her sisters, dumb joke? goes right. What's audio books, if it's from when I was ten, wasn't my job
it was, I don't drink. I dont cause. I don't smoke. Goddammit if my cigarettes at the bar a funny when you're, not so very traditional that went but you're, not religious. You dont have kids, you your own, like there's part you that feel non traditional. Do you know you know what I'm so. I think that I think the real key to be community fit in anywhere as far as being classified now. Just just you know, you're, not you don't sit in uniting member C in the movie, the friends of Eddie COIL with Robert Mitya view. Here that moment it takes place in matter one you did with Pat Marina. None of those things is takes place in Massachusetts. And I thought all moving gateways messages. Why
furthermore, we are, as probably in the seventies but Rob mentions, sit narrowed with his old gang. The planet bank to make the citizens hold. The baron is God this is great and beer stakes, the grill, wives and talk and kids are planned. How do we get the hell out of me? You may just I just love tat. I said that was me. I was living Massachusetts, my when wonderful parents, nice house, so why, what's? Why am I fidgeting wisest? And I thought I just remember that line from the movie, the bridle you're gonna go rob a bank because he was exciting rail and I thought that it's kind of cool? When I left the Massachusetts, I was lazy, dyslexic, terrible student. I come here, certainly on the hard working person. People ever worked. from, but you grow up in New England with that work ethic.
That's when you sit by the pools everything I don't really get around and you come here and then suddenly old works your advantage they are well how this is interesting, and maybe you feel this way my friend Dennis Prager always says he's it, very hardworking guy and he says cause there's a lazy person essentially living inside of rice fighting it he's overcome Setting and I used to feel very lazy is well I'd. I was late, it was more like. I didn't know what to do so. They just made for latter as psychotic I don't know what direction ago, so you can't hide the trail right. You don't start down than people say we got a bad name. You go night. I could probably hyper ten miles. If, if I could find direction too high I just kind of knew what I didn't want to do from work in it, Mcdonald's and taken ditches and stuff like that. But do feel like there's a lazy old
version of me me that I'm not I'm overcome with, I am actually the same way ago. I should be doing more well whenever I have free time ago really. So when we yonah nothing of this scenario, I just I should becoming of material. If I did I'd say should be done something I think may be part of that mindset is not becoming too enamored or reflect reflective about your past six No I'm not I'm not at all. I mean you're gonna, your last job. That's what I I gotta flowers, comedy club. I don't go on as a former hosted tonight's yours you know. I follow a half a dozen other people in us. Brand new. I don't need it line. I just want to get up, try my jokes if they work and people all candidates to see a real sense of where you are. It's not like you wanted to now. When I go to nature,
Some will fail and I always go on with a set. I don't go on as you my j, when we get to right to a nobody, cares they don't care So I loved about ruddy gauge of ruddy right love. You never his pipe did. Northern he always had jokes, rightly never came, sat down. One things. You gotta, take it easy now tell you he always had funny chunks. tell my Rodney saying it was funeral. Everything is now or Maybe we'll tell me where's my everything rather than the tonight show two thousand and five. I guess it was and he seemed off You know when you comic, you know their movements, italian or anything at all and the hand didn't go all the way up like it. Normally the Thai ended in Haiti. He did fine, pretty simple half, so I said to them. I said: well he's doing this
I think our determined beverage your long time producer here over the heavy vicars right. I think Roddy, someone stroll column paramedics, because when we go, I think he's having a stroke. He swore more. Like I said I know, is act and he just seems not off but different, so we call the permanent. Rennie sits down he's funny and the show ends these dressing room now and the paramedics show up and they go, he had a sharp and we could have a stroke it. So I take runway, and then he came back network. Then he had a massive job and he was in a coma and I went to the hospital and don't call me several Randy's comment as wife yeah so was younger, who had the big flower? You know something. This great lady now. He loves a guy. Like This is the woman you want to love, I mean
think everybody's thing with his ride me with his beautiful morning. All now I mean she worshipped him. You know, side of the road. If I have to die the ruddy foundation- and I mean really just a nice, nice woman and someone you'd want you know, I can't imagine not wanting some, unlike her anyway, so Randy's liner, common and jobs as regions in a coma, but I think you can understand what were saying, but he can't respond size and also she said J put your finger and ride this hand so put my finger on it and she goes Rodney Roddy. If you know what's, J, just Tryin squeezes finger any movement, and so I feel just a little squeeze. and I was very Randy's Erika Rodney. That's not my finger and robbing a need any did a jump. Euralia, like let you know like if we get somebody with taser, they go like this and anywhere else
Germany have people, I think he's living about, and you know- and I mean it own selfish word Ride me laugh. Unless I mean I just I just you know I. he enjoyed it and he died right after that Why was really sad, but it was it was. He was a comic to the end. You know, and it was just it was so touching any ere he use. Ie was great. He was a great comic always had jokes. Never he never relied on. I've discovered be me, you know you're only as good as immature you have. So it's a good lesson for mix all as we prepare general logjams, I've got a flap regional, see young comics enough to a different set than they did the night before, but not get many laughs and they go. You know this is Hollywood, you don't know who's in the army. it could be casting director if you're domain breaking Terry Wynn, there! Ok, you don't know who is in the crowd here, do them
you can do and tight knit entitlement and tighten it any down to four minutes, it'll be a really funny form. I think for you and of course, the same have the same feeling which is sometimes people, I notice in radio, so not so much with tv, because you have a big, in studio, live on right, radio no live Oddy so sometimes comedians again put him in front of it. Everyone kind of straightens up right entails their jokes go to a radio. Well, you know club held three hundred people, but you may have seven hundred thousand people listening gripe, but nobody in the club, but the microphone gross all the cars which are all small clubs. People on the ground and people would come in and kind of mail it. In the end they were half cocked. They were tired. You could tell they didn't really want to be there and I would always kind of go. Did these MIKE's are hooked up?
people out there and if you, if you would burn the cat Are you for the two hundred fifty people in the club than do the math, because fifty one fifty thousand, people were listening and I always felt the same way, which is: if I'm going to go on somebody show, I think, a lot of people Whilst the tonight you I'm gonna show up it out, but this cables I've never heard of like who cares or local radio show em phoning into fighting it. Have one mode, just and I noticed year that way which, like you, have one mode, if you agree to it, show up man burn. Some calories very funny give Ilusha, although isn't funny today, but yes, but you are interesting and enjoy aging and always funny jail. I now let me hit. My last sponsor here, just Marshall, Headphones Marshall rocked the stages worldwide for over half a century and now
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Transcript generated on 2021-11-15.