« The Adam Carolla Show

Part 1: Steve Austin on The Rock and Retiring from Wrestling, plus Bald Bryan’s Origin Story (ACS Jan 12)

2021-01-12 | 🔗
At the top of the show, Adam shares some old school graffiti he saw just before the podcast started. The guys then discuss how Bald Bryan first got involved with the Carolla show, and they go on to chat about what makes for a good broadcaster. Later, Steve Austin joins the program to discuss the Broken Skull Challenge, as well as his latest TV series, ‘Straight Up Steve Austin’. They also talk about Steve’s relationship with The Rock, how he deals with pain management, and what life is like in northern Nevada. Please support today’s sponsors: Lifelock.com enter ADAM TommyJohn.com/ADAM TruNiagen.com enter ADAM Geico.com
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Thanks for listening to the atom, Corolla shall cast one where we talked a stone, cold Steve Austin, then in the first half, so I'm prepared for that just one dollars. Why stop on fraud? Everything my brain is on the way You're dig a new year of atoms monthly not have begun with your golf, twenty twenty one with a bag with products like a bottle
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from curl one studios and go and Dale California. This is the atom caroled shell patterns. Guess today, Steve Austin and Director Tiller Russell with Jean Grad on news and bald Brian on sound of works. But now on the bright side last week, proved him right about the best homes, security being a confederate or don't fret only fly Adam get it on, got to get it on a choice but to get on and mandate. You get it on your tune and in things for tone and we love that about. You write Gina, Grad, that's right Bob. I want kill me as a policy lotta you can't command is not the time for that one rubble. well. I have some Good NEWS Max pad. I I think I emailed mail deal photograph, but I'm not sure if you got that are not
I was walking around and that these days I've just now you don't have it does I gotta do different email. It's these days. You know. It's kind of I look at graffiti should, like I look at bumper Sticker Sheena. Bumper stickers used to be a lot of who you wanted to bang and what drug you wanted to do. What Do you like their aspiration of local yeah? You could take the in and out, we're sticker and make it the in and out urge because it in an hour, burger awry just let world know that you're ready to have sex you downtown you down on and all the gas grass and ass in all and all that kind of stuff. Then there were just the basic bumper sticker. That said, I don't know why. But when I was a kid I always liked the bumper sticker. That said back by popular demand,
It was somehow suggested that you in your Toyota were now back. popular demand. Like a high self esteem. Bumpersticker like that, I like that one I ll, the one I wasn't a fan of the series, but there was the being me up, Scotty Bumper Sticker, how you like that one as though there were four versing Alexander Space, just I liked any. I, like bumper sticker again someday do when you're behind somebody, especially for me, a slow reader in how it could take a whole light out for me to give out of some of those bumper sticker coexist must have given you an aneurysm. Well, that's kind of what I am saying now at all. Coming gave way to something political or some sort of virtue, signalling or something some version of that. On that now now, there's a lot of people wanting
to know where they stand politically or where they are, with the environment door, how they are with their kids in those kinds of things versus being horny or popular. The weirdest ones are the cardinal plastered with them all over the back, like just by virtue of the fact that you have thirty five popper stickers. I know where you come from politically outdated they say the in. Ironically, you want people to know where you stand in the respect that the more bumpersticker as you have, the less we respect you or listen to you. We Think here in Strasbourg on second, you pull behind someone with more than two and a half bumper sticker. You know this person saying the sort of like the person. That's been Disneyland twenty six thousand times you know and have all the buttons and tattoos and stuff like your entire and then greedy is now turned into gangsta political stop. Just did it get kind of. followed the way the bumper sticker graffiti used to just be
you now I Kilroy was here: are some la chips, phone number or something? You know now it's taken on a more political, but tat. I was walking around about a half hour ago and I I saw graffiti that I have not seen an years it was just a good old fashioned cock. But he had just drawn up what the hurly malls very vague and got veins. It's got a big hammerhead. You got that right. restless in there and it's just a good old fashioned DEC on the site the freeway barrier and I thought this is again. I think of it. like when you hear about people talking about pickpockets in, I got so quaint versus having someone just cold cock. You walk in The streets, a man Hannah bash over the head in the subway, or push you onto the tracks in out just a pickpocket, quaint, so important to explain this to
grandchild or maybe grandparent. We have to say things have gotten so bad- that a cock is charming. When you see on the sidewalk there make you feel less good out and about the fact that the clearly the two tone pain he's been painted over, like us repeat, offenders like venereal cocking. Second, how to paint hawk is now on top of yeah. Somebody tried it clean up. They never get the right shade of pain when they go over the other thing- they painted over. That got the weird gray: that's over the white, not sure why they can't you, matched a wide up with a little swiss coffee exterior, but either way I saw cock graffiti and I thought there for one moment- I hide harking back to a different America, where you know if you ve been Amerika, was great disease may vary stuff people
cast roles. They played with long darts and apple applies other punter windowsill and they graffiti cock son. the sides of retaining walls going under under very wise, so was it was a better time. Somebody Waited made today wanted to know Brian's origins, story and I thought talked about Brien's origins stories. It pertains to this show for a long time, so I thought that's interesting. Netscape rang for origin. If ever so, I know that you and I are united, a two part or taken eight years five for five years ago, we had into a pretty deep attachment to pay wall in Europe everyone can access that surgery. We gotta do yeah, so Brian First, I met brine. He was working as a phone screener for love life. What year did you shall but love life? Oh you shut. hey Rock first year,
you and I met, probably do not to screening calls that lovely, there's the backdrop behind that. It is essential college in the spring of two thousand and four people do remember that era. That's right when the Dakar bubble was bursting the holy recession in the law and I actually had a child out of college. I was writing for website and that website now never actually launched they would have refunded. Dart up and down out of a job in six or eight months are startling and assembled a series of. I also I sent us assembled a series or a part time fell in jobs. That's why was this secret Hague Iver taste? I search our taste, I reject in the box. I might
oratory was like the diamond bar in the entire area, God she now all that stuff, which does not the nicest area many vs, all that stuff. I'm a zoo saw that so I eyes secret shopper, Jack in the talks and what'd. I do. I guess I was Europe's bunch of part time jobs and I came across one a listing. There's like ok, Iraq needs phones, readers of course, and who care had been an ally for five years. My goddess, the cool station ass, the one that plays Alma Mater Rock and has no legacy in everything. So I applied and job got killed.
an interview and as far as I can tell cause I went in there anything about people that day for us. I could tell you only one who wore a tie and account, so I am sure that, as a matter of legal lemonade, you that's a good point, but I do know, lady that got the job search. Our screening calls for the flash back lunch Uk Iraq and now you know why it is no. Whatever ninety stuff and after deferential year, again like out of sight- radios showing up on time. I just showed up on time every day and they get stayed where they deem to be a valuable employee at TAT point, because when a screening job opened up over bloodline there, like our brains, are good cause greener. Let's for him the job, and that was that was twelve
there's our as opposed to six. Seventy five. I remember ass thou. Well, that was big time going without money. I was always a care out. Four: nine eleven. Where week there was a thousand not when it happened. Like I'd work about day, we screamed a lot of calls people asking where they had done a blood and worthy news took they call the radio station get that's that's very in the moment in the rock you can hold new station and talk to people. The called the radio station so do doesn't do as when you and I met and probably spoon ring from guessing now. Remember our memory. There remember we had DAB Kara, don't call my car goddammit screening calls gents. Probably screening calls when you are screening calls you guys rather a lot for at least a year or more area. Tucked terrorism, a friend and Damien, is the guy that I took over, for he was on his way out. Calls greener, remember Damien you he was there for food aid,
you, called he yeah and wish him well. The transition between him and me it's his Duvall guys three calls but tat. He was there like for five days, just a kind of train, their chubby, Brian one studios, the two thousand to look at the computers there, yeah. I remember I dont member Damien. Remember I murmured Tara just cause. She settled my hash one night when we gotta a bunch of calls that were all on the same subject and kind of a bomber. Maybe they were like three motion, calls in a row or something like that and then during the coming, shall break. I left the studio went around two where the booth was hearing both and found strainers were, and there are always watching. The simpsons, I think was up on the down. That was that it was right that was being re run like on local tv, Deering Lovelock. in the tv was like up in the corner on one of those mounts like up in the wall,
and everyone was watching the Simpsons with no sound and then came in, and I said, hey we just three abortion calls in a row. I don't want any more bummer calls. I want little case occasion in Ottawa anymore stories about guys put their dogs down and everyone just kept stay. at the Simpsons and then some point: terrorism calmly, tar I started laughing at the tv set in the middle of my soliloquy about that not taking the same calls and, then I said that Hake, I need your tension and she said I can watch Phoebe and listen to you. Ok, I said. Well, you know why stop watching tv and listen to me and she said something some form. I don't have to I said you know I can fire your ass and she said you and fire me you're, not my boss, I should
yeah. I am your boss and good fire. You remember wow man, she was twenty two, maybe twenty three hundred and hold she was, but lest anyone think this of his new. This stuff goes back I mean right the sense that you did cider paychecks, but I soon, if you had gone to anarchy unilaterally, that this part time that minimum wage worker I'm not happy or they would have meant a change, pretty quick I could have lobbied, and maybe I gotta get something done added a why she wanted the risk that, but you didn't seem to be sufficiently frightened of of me, come in there by that's what I remember and and ball You know sober and on time and- and I was impressed with him-
and so when it came time to go, do the morning radio show, I think I said brine should come with us. You know what memory just popped into my head that I have not thought about, since probably two thousand three you there was the address is funny. I literally just thought about this. There was a a period and never came to fruition, but I believe it was the generous of the atom Corolla Show, which was an came to me of all people and was approved for the show and gold and said Adam wants to like incorporate more news stories. Unlike and any news of the day like an he suggested, this meeting you and drew had with carbon whether lay suggested a you Brian. You bring in some news stories in you in a red the stories bub on this. This is kind of what morphed into neither shall we do today in ever. I never put the pieces together can never.
And but I was extremely fluttered, and obviously that was something you at least have the backing of mind. Deanna yeah have a vague recollection of that, then, is what happened circa or for three or four issues yeah. I dont think talking to me about doing morning. Radio. Then it was like incorporated into loves the I was. I get that bad I don't know the God. My I honour on a different show. I loved the love line. Schedule, as is weird, is it was the than the majesty of the lovely schedules. It was Sunday night through Thursday night, so I always have weakens the do whatever I wanted and- Sunday night is kind of it kind of a lost the night anyway, like we work ten midnight on Sunday night, you never doing anything Sunday night, you know after after preparing for work, then I got it
clock. So I always like the kind of weird short work week with that Sunday. I could do what you know. You could do it every wanted. You can watch all the ball games and drink all the beers. I had to do a kind of get together for Sunday night. So I like that and I was like TAT I was- I was like the night time schedule like then no traffic on the way, and I like that, no traffic on the way out. I, like the I, like the fact that we always kind of slide under the radar. There is no business in the building. We weren't able hayrack at the time and given my we're in downtown cover city which to be the only area. Now it's this busslin you down that pots fastest restaurants and everything at the time. It was then lose it didn't you could park anywhere was dead zone for the entire night. It was completely dead in Culver City at night there were no restaurants or anything there's. No
life. There's, like God, I've told you guys the one time I went out and Culver City after the show was with Chris PAN. She must have gotten a covert hotel, because there are no now it was so four hundred it was so on point four at Chris PAN he's like the show ended needs like we should get a drink and they yeah where- and he said I know a cop bar others. I do not doubt your dailies yeah, the cop far we can go, there, get some beers and as like, okay, so that that we did I'm glad we did when I, when I told that story to are shown package. I was like Tell me this sounds totally on point for your brother. Let's go to a cop bar after the show, an insect, that's exactly where that What a dot like? That's exactly who he was like you, you know, you're, not
taking that story up when the brother, the brother goes Sean goes that's exactly. The kind of Guy Chris was on a Tuesday night in our going out, after midnight, so we're looking at a picture of it rule and ball brine from back in the day prison Lauren producer, junior junior junior junior junior unit, junior junior junior producer, learn and don't know who she says standing next year. I can't say I do my favorite die my favorite producer, Lauren story of all time is after work on whether for like five years, I said so producer Lauren Have you learned from my? working with me and she said: well, you don't have to be prom. you don't have to be smart. You can. About what everyone and they can
fire you and it too. You know that You will surely just Boston your balls now. That's very only warn us Thus I did a fantastic job busting, my bottles. They can't fire you and it's who you know. I don't even know how that works, but can fire you, and I didn't know anybody when I got that when I got the gig, but we digress so
now, it's time now. We move forward to two thousand and six while they are color and adopt the broad strokes. Of course our are correct, but what happened was I was working a full time. Job is done with the radio's working hours. I was writing for channel one news, which was the in school news network. It was like closed circuit did like into schools. Now it's my fault. I was a corporate gag. I did up or two years after a coach football after I screens in no calls in Lublin. I was like in the corporate world. I gotta get to call out of the blue one day for a guy named MIKE Maddox make Maddox was a producer on your onto light without Curlew children's rights, the just launched, comedy central talk, show the or husband course. If we were to someone else was hosting to me with a girl and MIKE's like hey, I'm at them meshing your name producing for the Stevie show. We need someone to produce this
segment were we to which it calls basically, Michael Jackson, doubtfully do that this is this is a Thursday afternoon that I get this call, and is that we need you to start Monday and corporate job like I can't just like leave like our liking. Ok, so long as Monday, but it was an opportunity- it was great money- was something more than I was making at the time, and I really wanted to do it, and luckily my boss was very cool about. I had to go under your office the next morning that ok, I'm really sorry to do this to you, but I'm I'm after you know. This is an opportunity. After takes like I understand you before, I take it so I produced I second producer and you're on your showed. The phone call segment with that Jimmy's cause an ivy with my co over her was very nice and that lasted for a few months went at the end of two thousand five wrote pretty much too to Thanksgiving break two thousand five, and that's when that ended, and I was right
when the news was breaking that you were taking of Howard, stern blah, blah unity on Caille, a second, a few other stations, and I approached you, you know nervously, I didn't know you. Thou wilt, thou point after work one day and was like and I know you're staffing up. I'd love to be a part of the radio show. If there's some opportunity- and it was the only job they had opened up- boy- was coarse, greener No, they call haven't areas where I went there. Guy had experience and it was a step back. Obviously, that's that's not essentially loves. It gets in the entertainment industry. Now the p a call screener, that's all very entry level, and I just really wanted to be a part of it. I loved our stern those big very yours. Obviously I knew you love line all that stuff like this, a cool. This is like a momentous occasion in radio his
I want to be a part of it. I want to be there, so I took this get minimum wage job. It was hourly, it wasn't even salaried and jumped on board from day one- a new screen calls for a number of weeks be months, and it was five months and Michael Sancho to my own, I, when I put I've stems, might Lynch was doing the sound, a fax? Well, no Michael inch, but from this show, but he was certain instead yo doing that sound effects staff but He was slated to get married and I think headed too weak honeymoon planned in Europe. I think Ireland and out when he stepped away for two weeks, Brian Slit in and Brian did such a great job with the sound of facts
memorizing, all the sound effects and everything that when might came back, there is no job for him and the sound of ex apart, because brine had dug stepped in improving himself MIKE being the kind of guy That MIKE is her. There's a picture via us. From back in the day We was on his way to burn the building down like do I mean item you can speak to this MIKE was due in double duty. Was the show, is a writer, shows loan writer and also do indian studio stuff around them in kind of a low key behind the scenes kind of guy anyway. So he didn't need to be in the studio, and I think it just freedom up the do more of his writing job which he did want to do. So why he took it. Very graceful. Aim was completely fine with it. I don't, I don't think, did he ever had an issue
I remember being a little nervous about it because it we're gonna, basically tell him that the wily Pip took his place. Other hereat, oh yeah, that's! What's this nuclear Lou Garrett took Wily Pip spliced buddy, either way he took it very well as he is. He always does, and I dissolute over there and then brine was doing the sound effects and brain had like some sort of gift. I think it's your game show memory, maybe you're too on your game. Show memory yeah people ass, you know we all the sound vex. You do like eyes have a good memory. I member what everything is called. I remember where everything is we are. Fortunately, at the time less you listeners want to go back and listen to some of those shows. I was very green. I mean I didn't really have any training. I wasn't send the polish broadcaster. This answer for you today and I have said it before, and I say it again Adam. You show me a lot of noise at sea in those days like I, I wasn't a great broadcaster, I was
my feet. I was you know I was gonna sound effects when I was it, you know loquacious and eloquent and are not that I am now, but I'm certainly better. I'm certainly a better version of what I was bent down. So thank you for a second, we all these years here. My pleasure that the broadcasting stuff is is Gina. Well, a test is just right: any kind of wonder because it's it's funny. When you hear really seasoned broadcasters, you go wow women are that man is a really good broadcast their but often times are not funny they're, not interesting they're, not even it doesnt, not even the kind of person when a sit next to a cocktail party or something, but yet there such good talkers and you re a lax. They have something to say well we really it's so invisible and it can only be done with repetition that you get really good. Its speaking into MIKE
phone and again you don't have to be. Engaging or fascinating or funny or anything it's just such a repetition, not the brine and all of those things and more, why and I know it sounds like us going down that road, but it was the wraps that were hard to come by I and that's why there's a minor league slowly out now in this it out here and so like when I got into radio I was like, while there are all these funny guys, I know from the groundlings from the Acme theatre. They these guys, do tongues of voices and their super funny and their great brought improvisational actors and so on and so forth, but they would please go with the guys from San Diego who'd, been there for thirteen years or whenever, because those guys, had the wraps and the repetition and it all
what comes of that and you could take the funniest stand up or the funniest groundlings, the funniest, whom ever and put him behind the MIKE, and they just can't keep up until they get those wraps, and nobody wants to wait around for them to get their wraps. No one's gonna give him a year talking into a MIKE, and I could remember that feed like I remember doing Kevin, in staff and like going out in Manhattan when we're in New York and like trying to do a man on the street thing just setting it up just go online. Here too, I am here's where I am. I decided to talk to people here. It is realised that, just speaking that way and being actual it's it's a natural you never do it you're not have a conversation you're smoothly doing this year. Attempt to be smooth and you don't again, all invisible and
you only know it when people are bad at when they're good added? It just feels natural feels like I that's the way everyone talks, but I could remember like watching Kevin and being especially being any was like such a good broadcaster or just just a simple, active interviewing someone like literally just asking them. Questions are going back and forth. Even in a man on the street kind of thing, it was nerve racking, it was difficult. And then at some point that just becomes what you do. You don't really think about it, any more by TAT, Do you remember when I was at Caleb Sex? I think I do oh if the nasty man would come on after us, but I do remember walking into the studio predated ass. I was going to say with he on when you are on now he predated. You were listening to Kailash Ex proudly, but he was he was
At the same time, maybe I went to check the studio out before our show one on the air and the nasty man had all these signs up. I mean literally like printed out and big black letters your window to the world on the nasty man, a man with the tan lilypads basic lifelike, get just spread out, so every ever ran out of stuffy just look up and sound the man with the tan from Guam. I think TAT was his. That was his thing and that's why, in in radio you have all those sort of catch raises and isms and in all that time, but I recalled crutches other called crime yeah. I get it on to us in good part, The other thing that three of us have in common, which this does not happen
or at least to anyone. I know- and he might my dad was in broadcasting for at fifty five years and had five moves to five different markets. We all started broadcasting in market. You got There- is nowhere to cut your tea. Then you know code Get the Anna, nothing. I mean we came on and it will show time from jump. I darted on K Rock. I start on the like the biggest radio station and the biggest market, which is pay rock on one biggest radio, shows love line at a member Jesus Christ. This I did not get my right anywhere before this started an when we started Ricky Ragman was the host. And so he was yet wraps. He was the host and one of the hosting things is coming out of. Mersham coming back chapping original setting up
the gas in a back doing that here's worries from or here's the name of the hour and here's where can be released and sown itself are- and I was a great talker, but I couldn't I had no experience in any of that sort of traffic. Copying That was the year that was, that was a weird time. and you know we all have in common speaking, which ever Gina said. Dawson too, is you know the advice that you give out lie, which I think we're doing before, even said, which we all worked for free or very, very cheap enough. Fifty hours review and whenever I was making screening calls at careless Ex was probably thirteen dollars an hour where whatever was but it was. It was the opportunity you and me like for an attractive, hiding and cool and new and and and in the spotlight find it was a cool opportunity. I wanted to be there. Well, yes, and
point you know you're in the right bill, you you know you're in the right business for you when they offer you that opportunity and you say, and I'm getting paid are you not have lines for free? You would have done for free. I would call screening for men for Nelson's, also in the middle of the night and a con pulled me into phone screen and produce for him and I was getting money, I was getting ten twelve bucks an hour. That was all I needed to know very tell everyone sort of on that sort of on that subject. When people woods when I was doing a lot of interviews coming into the morning show and taking over four Howard stern. People would inevitably ask like, aren't you nervous or Are you sure you wanna take over for Howard Stern? I mean that's gonna, that's a pretty big shoes to fail Are you sure you want to do this? Essentially, you know you have a career euro screw it up.
and I would only say well luck. Brad Pitt was Mary to Jennifer Anna and then they got divorced now. Would you be that way to be the next one to bang Jennifer Afghanistan after Brad Pitt, she's used to Brad Pitt now she's yeah, that's gotta, be intimidating and the answers it is who's gonna turn down Jennifer Amnesty and that's the way you that's the way. I look at our eye don't call the Steve Ostiense going to join us in a minute. the atom girlish, your presence,
divorced birthday cocktail party for December. Eighteen, let's see who's invited the greatest clown in history, Joseph Grimaldi, the physicist, who discovered the electron J J Thompson Franz Ferdinand this year, and he did not bring a guitar. He brought world war one. My knees followed and lie Joseph Stalin, whose parties about to get weird tie. Cobb just showed up Betty Grable this year, Keith Richard showed up and he's still alive. Steven Spielberg Brad Pitt is here: it was Tommy Davidson country, singer, Tracy Bird
Casper bandying. Well, here comes Katy HOMES, Christina Aguilera and fill the Irish Steve Austin Zombie Adam Girlish YO. While that is a hell of a birthday cocktail party Stevens than this by the way straight up to the vast and new episodes, Monday's, PM eastern time on USA network regulations on the show Steve thank you, my, where a lot of I'd make of it yeah, I watch dear last, show or want to your other, shows real brought down the contestants out to the broken skull ranch and cannot put him through their paces. That was really enjoyable whose out one called that was brokers, go challenge. yeah that was, there was a really fun, showed a watch. I you know what why a lot of these shows are so good now is, instead of taking people
celebrities or whoever, instead of putting them into a format there. Now, the celebrities guys like these and going what do you like to do, and it's like I like to fight air crossbows. I like to drive doom bog. I like to drive race cars. I like to do burn it's in Brody's and they go find. Do that fulfilment pretty much in April the idea a couple years ago. It and we shall ballot Brigida, took a while for the piglet and then we got seize him on end as though you know when you ve got a first are known, something you gotta trying to figure out what exactly it is and after we do as we did sees them on governance Do I know a bit more about what the show is? may obviously with a few more repetitions of medicines. I'll show. You know we're driver or not Randy were you know, now Roger size, scale, people out there. Those activities drive,
gars, your big car gas, some stuff on water. I can drive anything any kind of vehicle in the world and that we do and activity there's a dual challenge, and so are you I've got a job out, but I mean it's a job, a mental health to find out what it was was the submarine who is driving they the submarine yours truly, that was a say, breach. Nothing. Have speedboat have summary: go predate you'll, go about sixty miles an hour, A thing was incredible idle. Our is that we do so then I gotta go and day before we'll go through all the beach. I guess he's not there, but you know get learn Mars, but it wont get get get their move down, but it took me a couple hours to master that and that there was absolute where's of other you'd love. Writing one of our driving one of those. How deep will that thing go? A couple you get down there pretty good. Then you gotta come on back up and think about it. First learn
things are really really tight and when the first, when I learned bothered by the guy, was teaching man knew its run back duties. Type backer. When I go up a lot of a mirage of my lifetime, so normally when I get MRI! I need some help me relax when I showed that guy now back your behind that dude, I was like the only cause. Nation I had is that thing is one hundred percent unsinkable, so that was saving grace Ass, a dude you gonna Plaza, You gonna man up, so I made up in and learn how to accommodate the thing. A grab a hell out of it you start off as a football player you get in wrestling after football career. over. How did you get into wrestling
then I'll work not afraid not gravity forklift and loading every boxes in the back of drugs are afraid, doc and we'll go down to its moratorium. Sport dramas, a very famous building in Dallas and at worst of annex one of the most popular resting bandwidth We come out of taxes well Guerreros, but anyway would go down. Erin, throw stop the wrestlers any yell Adam and one of the guys had a rest from school that he opened up and I've been watch recipes and seventy eight years of age so wants us all that that that go to that school be a foot in the door. That's what I said. A year's, I'm gonna, do it what we are talking before. You came on about reputation and about being able to speak and off microphone and how unnatural it is. Obviously you got. The physicality part down was a tough to talk at the beginning,
yeah. I would want to dabble alike, as Algeria is a shaggy it anyway and then all of a sudden you get the budgets, I mean, you know what you're the youngest get the dressing room. Those guys are gristle veterans, most of intermit thirties, it's very intimidating so, math gift Gavin. Also man. When you run up narrowed, that's your Levin learn how to top draw people in that building. It becomes an art form. So you know over the course of a few years. I learn out a master the might, but it was not easy for me. Tell US the horrible gigs you played at them and how little you are paid and the very beginning. Madame member rustling want diameter Chevalier, dealership, Dallas, Texas, didn't you works in the parking lot wandering in the parking lot. and nobly August based jobs to prove it. When I a shipment of Tennessee or when I drove my nineteen eighty eight based model high and they excel to Tennessee without territory. I was making either fifty.
or twenty dollars a night and those are all miles round trips coming and going? So you start fifteen to twenty bucks, a only color gas. I hope you know what I've Y got three three guys in a gardener veterans and while her stamina, Mcdonald's others, I would just stand a car with, but about last, because I couldn't forty and I would not take no hand out so rough. pay. Your dues Maybe later you'll make somebody: when did it start? When did the plan come together? Syrup I'm in up the ranks like I never know. Do they pick you do you pick them like? How does it work where you get the nod to start becoming the world champion manages its based on love thing. You know like. Why do you look like what you talk like how you can Russell or
you just charismatic and just a giant different different keys will unlocked the lock Everybody has a different gave. Some some people have the same year, the same blueprint and of companies who sees a man, the sky, with. good luck would can draw money is used. To deal with. That is how to deal with, but is really good and ragged MIKE. So I've got like me, A glaring fail, you know, like you, can, really really good bishop somewhat of a headache and I'm gonna put up with you: give me the greatest world and also draw money- and I love you to me like the guys who really conquer the the globe, where a kind of guys, like the rock who sort of do everything like they have the right look, they can talk but also total per. national Business Man, you now never never cross people don't die You know we ve. All. We all know NFL version of this. Where, like out
a terrible owens, or something like that, where this incredible physical specimen in your mazes, but eventually your poison in the locker room in the team, is gonna part ways with you: the app do you remember early thoughts of the rock? Do you remember, did you? Yes? I broadly finishes, The question, because I there's a guy I want to ask about who is that kind of political replies in one here about the rock verse? I would again annex ii, there's a blue chipper live about out of my army. Our generation show when he came in sea rules about when you walk in Rome. Gilligan do target Big turns out could also work, took him I'll put it together in a mood among the bill a little bit, but when he kind of turned hill there for a little bit when he came up with the rock all the pieces came together, cuz the other loves the size ability, but it didn't, have the right gimmick.
Belong together and then he put his promo together. Well, you did all that turned to the rock that's restart a ring. The cash register, Brian gotta bring up, I'm a big resting fancy from back in the day and then the guy who was dining in the ring just a magnet, personality, but maybe headed, Annabelle MIKE skills, but were eventually worked here. Part of the business, is the ultimate warrior who were forced was abolished star for a short period of time. Even though document recalled the self destruction of the ultimate or you can just impair. Apparently maybe you knew him. Obviously I don't. He was just impossible to work with you made it very difficult to get along for even liking, a prolonged show where we do have an experience with them, not worry our members career way back when they started with, got now argue S w way and went through many south again too Alice taxes as being a warrior, allows our groundwater at him, and he
a great look, charisma, size and star power. Now I can't speak to his business dealings. It I've heard. Sometimes it can be difficult to work with. I can say that you know, I'm a rough manage well, the LOS Angeles California many many years ago allows grass right beside him, now, is always top notch to me, but never guys operate different ways, and I already could be difficult. A b what kind of knows that, but you know draw money for people in seeds. You know they people, and all you you'll always give us your answers, Russia, is. Maybe this is even four Brian and Steve? I don't know, did the iron Sheikh shorter go nuts Where is the today state all just then set you up there. They admitted documentary about and which, of course, is very compelling and really well done. His social media presence a lot more other people
mean putting not on that it is him, he's a great personality, Steve taken away a place from other intrigue there. I guess he's got baby still around darted gosh man. Shriek is one to talk. Shooters Tavis, guys on the business at the time and you're gonna get grouse where's with their abuse probably come out will lose then he was known to be a real, tough guy very varies. Jack, I never travel would have never worked with him, but a man there's more legendary. I shake stores, and probably there are anybody else at the best of what I understand be an interesting gotta hang around with it. There is, I know, Berger Little Bed and Goldberg still travelling in doing wrestling, shows and go into places like in the Middle EAST and in that kind of stuff and pick making some pretty good day pay days. Ah
Are you? Is there any wrestling in your future? Died you do. What will you go back on a on a car hard well loved the eyes, your boss, we. I mean you look to be a great shame, but I don't know how how have the pain? I don't owe the pain and the joint level. How is that for you. Many of you, I feel good, thoroughly surgeries. Now things up a body through, I feel pretty good. I got other complain about Mars, get back in a ring when I'm tired and oh three, whenever my last managed with the rock arrest mania night, many years ago was my last match you not certainly, I can do it appears there sat a what but I have no desire to no desire to get back and rang and arresting capacity. What people for me forever for just one self. I won't be able to remember the same style goes to you ass. They saw back then, and I want to go back and be eighty percent of native adversary them or seventy five percent
like every that guy honoured five percent. I don't want to do it It took me a long time to get the business out of massive gazetted one we're tired. It owes its among some nerve issues in my neck and our apple, the blog, oh my career. So I'm over under I'm retired and that line of work. I continue to do the things that I do so Bibbs? I argue, retired Nada built out of lakes. I saw the Roma, when, as watching the trailer for ran straight up steam, then the new upsets monies Lamb M Usa network our friend Joe Mikhail on? There was What was your drive and well well, it came out. It was a toilet cruiser. What was it was bad asked that the guy from elvers icon on the other I got the ad Joel's car, a guess right, so you just said that thing completed.
he showed up and out thank and I'm a car guy as well. So that thing was beautiful and we just got that new force than eleven as well turbine. I remain here because you can stand up, you can host it can act, can do it all now lightning work on his feet and that's what I like. So are you they are like damn you ask a question. He's got something for you, you don't know which words common overkill, super quick, the I completely pointless, grey, he loved athlete. He loves car, athletic pedigree and he's he's an athlete. I again straight up Steve asked in its new episodes Monday's lemon peel, eastern by the way on USA network house where you you out Nevada, yeah, I guess about right now how far out of Vegas area now, you think announcer Gama, Northern Nevada, down from Reno
far from Lake Tahoe Vegas Vegas is right. Now: but I like it. I hears a lot more quiet as you know, most of the latter's about land, so Yesterday I loaded up a buggy, my side by side. We got about sixty five miles, and so I ride just about every day are aired, work out and do the things of dollars. So don't boy Sobers, but Northern Nevadas, very spectacular, nymph beautiful com I still say all we we all aspire to have Stevenson's life now not shoots, just back and we learn that was staring doing. All this great shared haven't all the great cars that awesome. I think Goldberg moved out TAT, Listen got a ranch in. I think it seems to be the the new world order go out somewhere, get some land it'll of freedom get your future vehicles build a huge garage and enjoy the second half your life good, to talk to Steve
I'm anger down you out of your loving him. I Stevenson stalled stone, cold Stevenson website, I should say, broken skull, ranch that come with you, where you if you want the more informed that we're goin away, broken skull, ranch way more bad accidents on. I can indeed Virginia scary. Something sounds I'll kill her so is: has a document rather for part Doc series on the night Starker, which I live to throw out here and I remember that survive very, very clearly, yet Richard Ramirez so well, The him will do that in a moment. First- Let's see what else is still a rustle rather doktor, see daddy. I am
I'm a legit excited foretell arousal because he made are not exaggerate. One of my favorite documentaries of all time called operation, Odessa that is on Netflix right now are recommended to everyone. It is one hundred percent on rotten tomatoes which is incredible. Considering what it's about it's like about like the russian drug Trade, Russian NAM Colombian drug trade. In the eighties. Like this, it's not that kind of. Organ documentary another normally like he praise upon its spectacular. I love it and excited to talk about it. We'll talk, airmen will talk to him about the Knights darker Ramirez, see with sentence to the death penalty, died in two thousand and thirteen at age. Fifty three sir, here just a really scary time. In LOS Angeles, I will take a quick break. We'll talk the tiller Russell right after this aim.
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Transcript generated on 2021-08-18.