« The Adam Carolla Show

Part 1: Slippery Slope Guy—LIVE! (ACS Nov 6)

2020-11-06 | 🔗
Adam opens today’s show discussing the notion that Trump never changes the tone of his voice, regardless of who he’s in front of. Adam also plays a clip from one of his ‘Unprepared’ live shows, and the guys go on to discuss how India has been approaching the COVID-19 pandemic. Other topics of conversation include LA’s out of control homelessness problem, and Emily Ratajkowski’s stance on her baby’s gender. Later, the gang takes calls for a special live edition of Slippery Slope Guy, and Adam analyzes the amount of athletes who got sick with COVID. Before the break, Adam brings up the fact that there’s been no COVID coverage in the last 48 hours. Please support today’s sponsors: Stamps.com, promo code ADAM Geico.com Lifelock.com enter ADAM MadisonReedMr.com enter ADAM10 SimpliSafe.com/ADAM
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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while we do a bit. We ve never done before. We do slippery slope guide alive with the collar suggestions and that's when pretty swimmingly. So I look forward to that cause. It's gonna be a new bit on the show. Many their stories communist. Well, first idea about Madison Reed, Mr Madison Red makes at top shelf hair colouring for women. They ve always done it on that list. this stuff all the pretty girls use it, and now they decided more. What about the fellas went about Madison read, MR, so you can do a nap great blending good natural look color. You can do it with your hair. You can do your beard. I've tried this stuff. It works great, no, shoe. Polish luck. He just went a little more pepper and a little less salsa Madison read MR makes it easy to find the collar and you can match it on their website. Its quick and easy to put a dial up in your hand, rub it through your hair
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to call the boys for those who understand that the noblest pleasure in life is living at work ran man? U S aid outcome for yourself or the man in your life and get ready, because this Christmas, Adam curled, brings you Renaissance man from caroling one studios, England, they all California. This is the atom corrosion atoms. Yesterday, potter marshalled, terror with China, grad on news involve Brian on sound of acts, and now his vases read because a state is blue, Madame Pierrot yeah. I get it on to give in on a choice but again on a mandate to get it on four June and in thanks for town.
Good day, Gina, Grand and data you handball borne by ninety. seven degrees outside. Not I stay at least here it is hot not over here and were passed Halloween now. So enough is enough. Ya'll what would you like to know where those are Thus, the election, that's right You know the nosedive will be taking over the weekend. Oh, I am so pump about there being like rainy and failure The Ex Ante guardian rainy cannot wait all right bunch stuff. Do I get into today? First, just a side observation. I was doing Forbes podcast today and the guy who interviewed may extend machine anyway, he said: do you been around Trump? A few times spent some time a trump? What's what
like in real life, and, I said, he's just Trump: peace is maybe even Trump ear in real life and their certain people are just that way. There just them more of them, then I thought you know it's funny. I always laugh it. Politicians, like Hillary Clinton, used to do this when she got up in front of the black church, and she started with all the Yawls and everything and start in hot ass. An upper sounding leads in the added censored sounding black and lotta politicians do it. I thought obscene trump do a thousand right later. He never changes his voice and that kind at that? That would be him versus, like Hillary Clinton, for instance, like Hillary Clinton, it wants to be all things to all. People and Trump is just try and it loved her hated. He just trump, but I thought changing your voice is a very interesting yardstick
kind of measure that, because you get up in front of a crowd, and one mine says I want to be of this crowd. I want this crowd defeat like I'm one of them and the goes? Hey I'm doing the talk in here where's the microphone you now so it's it's it's an interesting dynamic. I don't know if it's good earth bad, but it's a pretty good example. Full of trump just being too I've. Never whenever they do. One of those rallies in Georgia, unease in Florida he's he's in its own vision. Tat just like you couldn't tell his voice or even the words each user, you you could now you could do ten rallies at ten places that were, as diverse as different as one another could be would never know the difference between how he sounded
area yet be kind to me, now fell issued for huge part of his appeal So I thought there was an ear. I I'd never thought the dynamic behind changing your voice. That dynamic is, I want to fit in with this group. I want this group, the love me, and I want them to think I'm I'm monks that when I'm damn them, I'm their people That, ironically, was Obama, Obama Abominable, we lenient and become a little more of but they were worry, was given the state of the union near each year sounds very different yeah. He I you know what he aren't least all I notice from him is: he was a black and is a black man that doesn't have any the characteristics audibly of a black man. Doesn't
speak in the vernacular in all kinds of when he then would get in front of a black group. He would ratchet up the black. Naturally, no wonder example the Trump thing you know another indicator and its. I think it's probably easier to tell on women his clothes and never changes MIA. did. I am not aware my younger ease in my you know how body sure there's none of that. That's a good point. He doesn't Was the sleeves don't do now. You turn the chair rapidly when yeah and by and in a lot of other guys like tour. The caterpillar plan off comes the tie, the sleeves lab and they look like I say I might. I may have worked here a few years ago. now that driving rather good point all right. I got some stuff, so we're gonna do a live version of slippery slope: guy
and you're gonna do that and the second our will see how that goes if it go well, I blame the collars, We do not internalize to fall back on them, because I don't. I I suspect, we're gonna get alot of joke. Questions are job answers, but maybe we'll get some just straightforward stuff or it'll just be a challenge to work later jellies and for your current figure. It out, all right, so we will do a slippery slope. Guy live in the area and the next hour I have a quick minute, thirty second unprepared, to play for you guys. I don't know the subject of this one as MAX Ripetta Harbour. Heartburn is things are the same as I never have any idea? What what I said during this thing so- and so is a surprise, and this is this- is when
Did it in Chicago? In January we saw the ping pong balls. Ok, here we got hurt Harper I've never had heartburn in my life and I fucking love seeing people who suffer from Harper I love watching commercials and its by the way. It's always white people who want to have the pizza, but they care by the way, then the middle of realizing. They want the pizza, but the hard part is too much at some point. They pull out the medication. That they had on them the entire time? So why did they fuckin know that when they left the car, why go that emotional rollercoaster re like hey where italian restaurant? I can eat pizza, wait a minute there's this thing in my pocket. Do you have that knowledge walking into Pinocchio? Does justice
Did you call my italian restaurant Pinocchio side, look for civic specific name, two guys, Romania, we haven't heartburn suffers. Do we have here What do you eat? you want to eat that I can eat with total impunity later on tonight. I'm gonna feel good about myself. What's that pizza and beer that give it they give you heartburn yeah Percy would be a good one I know honey. I don't have my Santa yeah speaking our partners all summer sausage down here that could use some attending tears on we're talkin. and there it is heartburn whereby everybody well done. Do you have any words of steel? It is a marvel
yeah. I know a lot of it is just the kind genetic your flora and fauna as drew would say bye, I gotta believe? No antibiotics. Rowan around in the dirt I literally dug in the dirt I made forts in the dirt. A lot like I made caves, Doug caves. When I was a kid, I finally got smart not make a tranche and throw piece of wood over the top of it and then throw the shirt on top of the wood. It's an easier way were handled by I rolled around in the dirt, and I never even as an adult. I never got medication for things from one time I had strip throat so bad that interest. I was an exquisite pain I couldn't see Allah whatever I. I literally did nothing further for days and then eventually,
went to an emergency room and I just sat in the emergency room for like two hours and I went off pocket and went home, but I never took any antibiotics or any medication, for I wouldn't take, is as much as an aspirin when I was a kid, so there was no remedies. My mom was the kind of health food. Not so she didn't like all that shit in all the Darfur region. Although Saint Jones Ward reiteration, she like all the shit that didn't work at all right, so that was a little I've, nude alone, whisker of the rat, so I went from Oh, do you know my mid thirty's with without physically doing anything in my body- and you know, sleeping on the floor, essentially INA, who I had in, I had a cat nor
men whose, like an indoor outdoor cat he'd, go hang around under the neighbor's house all day and then comes sleep on my bed. You now I would die. I I just tell it, and maybe playing for ball and pop Warner. Having all that contact like physical sweaty contact with kids mine, I my number one: sport, my form of entertainment? My number one pastime was wrestling. I would wrestle with everyone wrestle with a neighbour hence I would just anyone who wanted a rustle. We would wrestle so maybe all this speech now the sweat and, although whatever and all the football, now all that, maybe that's what just created this thing with which I dont again part. burn or diarrhoea or all all this stuff. First off, whenever food does the EU food does nothing to me any of the time. That's the thing that
Most impressive goes back. In the day when we used to travel, we all used to travel together and we gotta these restaurants. We draw the staff and we have a show and then we'd be in for a long drive. I would have to do real math being like how long we gonna feel the car. When do we get the stage I didn't much system can handle a hungarian food and then pizza and then whatever doing I do, I don't know if this is a good idea, but you have no thoughts about it. I never did, and on also may be. This dovetails into my sort of. Low self esteem and vat. If somebody made something I that was the policy, never turned down criminals, ostiense yeah. I later I would go to everyone else's house in just eat at their house, and I had no dietary request or issues. My request was: can I sit in on your dinner? You request was seconds right, so that was that. Was it
maybe maybe that that sort of turning to a perfect storm that that created my my floor and my father, but now there is no no aiming and will always surprised at how many people I know who are on this medication. Medication ABBA you drew about this because I exe so naturally arrogant Harper. That often, however, when I was first put on medication eleven years ago, it causes a lot
opera and so, like your ladders, yeah Modocs proscribed private secretary never been on that. I took an everyday, it works. I never got to heartburn during my treatment. However, when I finished the private SEC about a year a year later I was I went off it. My body had stopped producing whatever it is that, like suppresses heartburn Ivan Heartburn, all the time like the drop that everyday I d, like my body, I do like- I guess three start producing whenever suppresses Harper now disaster about that that's a common, not com, but amongst people who were on medication if it kind of interferes with the bodies. Natural ability, as you kind of alluded, to make that anti whatever in flower, the no free lunches and nature is drew, always says and just make sense that a few suppress something then your body in a sort of from the outside. If you said artificials, the press, something then your bodies, gonna slow down. I mean that that's all.
We do I always marvel people can get Ninety vike agenda day habit and still work at a law firm in our second. Perhaps just trying to your body just once they want when that stasis wants to get right back to the middle. Our right, oh yeah, this article. Do we get into this article with the indian people having more muted, withdrew o withdrawal yeah nanometers? Well, this is a good time to get somebody to somebody
you did me an article about how I India seems to be doing better with the covert yet so the BBC person article in seeing that new research by Indians, scientists from the Council of scientific and industrial research suggests that low hygiene, lack of clean drinking water and sanitary conditions may have actually saved many lives from severe covert nineteen and acts as India. Six of the world's population is six them of the reported cases. However, it accounts for only ten percent of the world's deaths from virus and its case fatality rate, which measures deaths among covered nineteen patients is less than two percent which is among the lowest in the world, so they propose up. Believing in low and middle income. Countries may have been able to stave off severe forms of the infection because of exposure to various pathogens from childhood, which give them sturdier immunity to cove and nineteen, and they also talk about the micro biomass that we ve gone into as well, so as to ensure an ending,
It's interesting it. It doesn't stop you from being, in fact did, but it just doesn't run through your body like it through our bodies, and you know it is interesting. Some of the third world stuff I and maybe we're just now. but all I ever here is how a Germany and ITALY stolen and how floored is doing. I don't hear anything about Africa, night YO owner reliable statistics. There are now hear much about either it's like it. They don't exist and you would think that these places would be decimated these enough. These poor countries that don't have acts ass, the ventilators and all the other shit. We used to think work, but I'm starting tonight I'm starting to think prob Really it's. For the same reason. Probably these people army that's when our I'm sure of Africa was being decimated. Cnn for sure. Would let me know bout at every angle. Managerial Adobe haven't concert,
the very least. We know how good vitamin d is to fight this thing and if you're in a son, environment and your outside a lot. That's gotta help as well in many african countries. You aren't speaking of decimated popular genes and living in mass squalor. I told you guys I passed, the Lord of the Flies Fort off the one Wanna one freeway, the other day. You submission I shall I send young less. Do you think I b I exaggerate it all I sent, in turn, Rhine over there to fail met from his from his phone, and I want you to see what I think kind of a new high and possibly new low in homeless construction, so he's getting off the one hundred one. Freeway
and we're part that keeps growing up this one ember endocrine ECHO Park any filming as you can see, a mound of leaves and utter like our guide and an palm France have been stuck on it to carry out a perimeter, usually as he is, he goes by the elaborate kids Fort they they made. A four has been made By also, I think about this hot, I don't know, doesn't sound dangerous to sleep next or freeway long course. There I mean for whatever whatever rules we have whatever rules, we don't enforce wet for good or bad cool. Least go hey man, you kids, three part and on the off ramp like we do have. We intervene here. Yet,
a hundred and fifty yards away from a freeway dockyard gets very dirty very fast, like it cannot be state to be, moreover, that guy's seventy yards away from the freeware last fifty right, There is another submission that came to us yesterday: listener sent this to me on instant This is where is it on the capacity of the four or five in Venice, yellow up with a view and because we can t let the new structures that they're using you know if it's too stories- or we know whatever check this out for a little more privacy when you're building your encampment Tell me how sweet and observe from their neighbours. Why de the green fencing from wherever it just to give a little more privacy. I normally is another agreement. Here you are with us literally, took that kind of garden path,
I will see green greed, material and and with strong on, like mobile, fencing and created a a shade that was seven foot I am mainly gated community fire length of put ok. I don't know what to say why these that these aren't homeless people anymore Adam. All these are actual homes. Now me that this is a community one neighbour. That right is due. Not have people who work for the city like can't dont people show then go hey. This is a fire hazard or hey so now you're a mom, and what was that off? What was overpass four or five in Venice sign venerable. So you gonna walk your kid somewhere. How do we do this? Now? You walk in the take the wrong way. You go round and just walk. You just walk in the street with the trap.
We're gonna, walk under there, of course, that fencing tagged you notice that, yes, I did. I did God. Regrettably, it is Let's see you turn off part time Jesus Christ. Right. Let's see, you need check what else. What else I have here? Oh max patter brought this up a few a few days back, but it Gunnar been sitting on it for a while, which is the model Emily Raw rhetoric. Radical ski, yes, I guess she's pregnant, but she's not going to
yeah. So, whenever anyone ass, if the bar girl, her husband, had been responding, we won't know the baby's gender until it a teen, pellets. Eighteen, the that's a twitter is expecting the app so what's her, now's her husband just going along with our cause, she's hot or I would z in our endeavours to I mean how many fuckin husbands have to go down this Now, like you married this super haughty model, she's crazy, she's, alter awoke, got some policies and you have to just sit there and kind of suck up lucky. You can put your foot down or how does warehouses? How does it work practically like what this guy does for a living, but I assume, is rich by his name Sebastian. Bear Mcclaren. Hyphenated is really not the area of animal yeah right there in the clouds of authorities to state the inaccurate producer.
sounds a mansion and a yacht, so this has the go longer and then how does he when they're talking about their kid, I have to say she or hammer her. They d have to say the kids name, all the time you can. You pick her up from school guy. What are you getting into? Can you keep an eye on him? A lot of examples tedious really just it also you know it's sort of getting back to it like I know a family and I think the daughters like deathly allergic to dairy, or so thanks as a real problem with some food or some spy surface, something it's kind of a fee time job like every time you go out to dinner, you have to go now. Listen, I have a request in like it. It keeps you busy it. It makes it it it. It makes its not a care free,
childhood, because there's a lot of work that has to go into it. I feel like this is that this is a lot of work off, imposed right, but also I have a boy and a girl there. Fine, my son, being a boy, my daughter likes being a girl and they have different interests in this kind of how nature works. I don't It's also an interesting thing witches, why this subject like. Why are we trying to break this down? I mean what what could be more natural than a boy and a girl. And male and female like what? What is you? If you want to just talk about nature and I'm sure Emily loves nature, isn't isn't it the ultimate nature. What what? What problem is this? Addressing
was societal deficit and if the kids gonna be transgender, let's just say, it'll- be pretty obvious, pretty quick Well, maybe not like in the imminent cradle but like within a few years. You're gonna know that gets got an interest that the berries I, the answers kind of in the announcement, which is The answer is I've announced this. So that's all I mean that's why they're doing it in Romania has. Let's say that was your plan. Lets us they, you and Christie, were, were doing that. Don't you feel, like that's kind of a private personal thing. not to broadcast that Ah right all we got some more. We got some slippery slope. Guy lined up our heads off or I will take a break. We got some decent ones. Lined up we'll come back was slippery slope guy right after this.
Adam guerrillas: I'm your emotional support, animal, navigating our all woke! No joke! Culture has over thousand five star reviews on Amazon, here's one Song of language is a little red for me. Stop wearing a white house. What's so funny funny dude thanks ass pick up on your emotional support, animal navigating our awoke no joke culture and leave your five star review on Amazon, get all the links that item corolla dot com hour. I will you guys are random slippery slope guy, just so you can you can you can get it
now will roll role and allied version of it, and now an editorial from slippery slope. Guy on medical marijuana is marijuana, have some medical value, maybe what it's a slippery slope? First, your doctors prescribing pot for your mother's glaucoma, then he's treating your kids headlights with her cheek. and the next thing you know a gang of government funded hippies has storm your house and force your invent a main lines Ball got a damn thing you can do about it. probably won't be Goin is that one could have been several takes their. But let's start with the clay in Portland Clay. Guys I dont high guy doing ok. Sir TAT, can I call you
so I guess my suggestion arm. It actually involves a slope, though would be wheelchair rats in other buildings, wheelchair rams, let's see if we can do this, man probably needed some music MAX apparel I just have one I'll go dry on this right and then maybe we'll do that the are wheelchair ramps. Joel our wheelchair rams. Now sorry and good. Perhaps it's a slippery slope first, wheelchair ramp to get onto the curve, then it's a Your chair ramp to get into the restaurant, then
sing. You know it's a wheelchair ramp. They get in your daughter's China. There's not a damn thing. You can do about it. Well, Rational could very well done marriage wrap it up now what say we got kids playing soccer. Let me talk to see right. Burt, thirty forgot Castro Valley. I gotta go in for your american kids playing Slogger, Ok Is american kids playing the European Sportive Soccer, a good thing, perhaps
It's a slippery slope. First, we adopted soccer from the European nations, then Action in our kids are eating crepes drinking champagne. sing. You know we adopted their religion, we adopted their parliament, we have become european and where we have no choice but to speak, French otherwise will be taken. Do I go log? There's not a damn thing. You can do about it. The music you well done. I got one for you. Ok, I don't know what kind of slippery slope this could possibly be, but something that I love people who do is fostering kittens rescue kit. Fostering kittens rescue kittens is fostering kittens in rescuing
kittens a good thing. Perhaps, but it's a slippery slope. First, you foster a kitten Then you foster a puppy, the new foster a right now and then the next thing you know, there's a t rats in your library who are awaiting their child. There's not a damn thing. You can do about it, a lot to rethink. Thank you want the direction. I don't know how the lifeline works, but I imagine that you could do and I think it means for a couple of weeks right. Let's see, this is a tricky one. Marco forty sex, Albani New York Albany. O Brien owner milk wildly?
a slippery slope, justices of the Supreme Court ripped from headlines, adding justices to the Supreme Court. Is adding justices through the Supreme Court, a good thing perhaps, but it the slippery slope. First, you pack, the court, then You start passing legislation. Then you find out. but this legislation- Africa, one area that Stephen I got another one or you know why, because packing court is already a slippery slope. It's all right! It's already there! It's it right. We got to the finish line that is added the finish line, a car defined the irony. Yeah sorry crackdown on that one
I want to thank starts in Scotland, doing every vote. Title is counting every vote, a good thing perhaps, but it's a slippery slope. First, we count. Every vote, then we count every vote from every dead person ever lived in Florida or whiskey. and then we, start counting votes in voting on politicians that our
you ve been alive and the next thing you know spare lag nowheres ravaging the current driven by there's. Not a damn thing. Are you gonna do about a very good of you has been dead for awhile room God willing to lease LISA from Cleveland yeah. What's in there, result. I'm thinking of is the hashtag hero. They were veterinarian heroes and health. here and now the grocery store heroes work here. Maybe you just did it worried, That is why you going in Rwanda hero a good thing. Perhaps, but it's a slippery slope first, the grocery store, People are heroes, then the nurses are heroes. Then the doktor
sure heroes, then the crop in guards or hear than the truck drivers are heroes. Then the rancher heroes than pedophiles here of libraries are not a damn thing. You can do about it alone. or had temperature spans if it was the possible slippers, Joe Forty one, all the women in Seattle yeah right Gina. Oh, I write about gone on. I don't want this bears repeating whenever possible. As far as I can tell the women in Seattle, mostly not gotten the message, so it might be a covert thing. Now,
dude, I'm not getting caught up with some old episodes, but you remember your thing, big secret, about the obvious progress. I was absolutely surprise. I want to tell you. I thought you were going to say that Sarah Jessica Parker this is never true in real life. She turns out using research other while she was descended from a real which in Salem which I'm not a person. was tried in the railway eyes, did not an act which better rights Havel that actually, where law, I have this often think about the movie. I want to tell you well rehearsed dating right, I had Joe what he got forehead temperature scans forehead temperature stands. Are they a good idea, perhaps, but it's a slippery slope first, you have to get the forehead temperature scan to enter the building. Then you have
get fingerprinted before you get on the airplane, then you have to El Capitan beforehand, eggs apply in all of them. You They get a rag doll spam to tell your child love, there's not a vague yoga dough about it better than I will do that again. Well, hello, my voice. Thanks yachtsman been a while literally all we do is sit here and laugh and want you tap dance so that that goes with it. why do I put in keeping the happar there'll be once a week or something? Let me hit the stance that com and then we'll login and some other subjects. I want to begin in two
as we adjust to our new normal still need to be smart about how we do business. Luckily, hang up here. Luckily, stamps dot com is around with a better out. We ve been working with these guys for ten years over ten years now we send out March within them We send out paperwork where they are small business. Sending invoice is online seller shipping products, Sir just working from home, you need to male stuff stamps that calm lets you buy in print es postage for any letter any package, twenty four seven, do it at home. I do it from the convenience of your own home five cents off every first class stamp up to sixty two percent discount on: U S P, as an you saw, an U Ps, shipping rates as well special offer forward.
Trial. You can try it out pre postage and a digital scale. No long term commitment just go to stance that come click on the microphone top of the homepage and type in Adam that stance that calm enter Adam. all right. I was sitting around last night and I was kind of thinking about covered, and- and I realize the biggest this can act- I think we have is- we are looking at. It is a kind of equal opportunity killer and it was presented to us as an equal opportunity Killer- and it's something I was screaming about from day- one like what are the ages of the people that are dying. How old? Are they that's something? Well member. I was asking about that when we're talkin to your news Although I agree
we didn't know yet I shall here, but when I I'm a nursing home. That's eighty four dies. You can have that information. But we didn't know why the county wasn't releasing it. I don't think, body in any news room or any county representative was interested and giving us perspective. They weren't giving us perfect area. There is a massive. I mean, obviously I have a seven year old, mom who's, not well. I have fourteen year old daughter, who well, the difference between those two being claimed by this disease is the difference between a sad, a sad moment in time and total devastation, but a life destroyed. That's the difference between those two.
This just goes to getting the disease to two women in my life, that that is the difference and we didn't get perspective and I was thinking I keep seeing all these stories, like oh cam, newtons in quarantine, because cam newtons infected and then it's like he starting the next week or the week after you not I mean it's like you might not have the pettiness happy I covered. It can really start at the end of felt level as quarterback. If you're not a hundred percent spell especially cams in a running game and everything everything else so then I started thinking I keep hearing about these. You know college athletes getting football players, major league baseball and fell like every time I what sport centre like so and so for the forty, nine or the corner back he's got it. He there, the staircase infected some of the other teammates now got a quarantine or whatever I dont here.
These stories about these guys even getting sick, I just hear them testing positive. I don't hear any buddies right. to the hospital I dont here, you know it's touching, go with it with CARE Newton, like all I hear, is these guys get it and then their back? I'm a mole The moment seems like? Don't want even take the week off, that's the upcoming game, but their force, the quarantine. I think the Clemson quarterback just ahead. This happened to him and then they d come back. So this is, and now we have protocols there. Work work better and we have you know we have medicine and things when we figured some stuff out, but this doesn't seem to be anything to young, healthy, strong, uncompromising. It really doesn't I mean otherwise. You know when, when
Things started when they were talking about starting the college football season and and- and I fell MIKE August was like people are, gonna die people going to die, and I said I don't think you're gonna die cause they're nineteen and they really philosophy and the right cries, athletes like they're, not gonna, somebody's gonna in its true some of the world's climate athletes. Are you no three hundred and seventy five pound interior line men who are carrying a little extra weight, but where All the stories about the college guys dying or the pro guys dying or the guy for the Dodgers who got it in the past, in the world. Jerry Turner turn just internal just internal where, where she what's goin on like where all the stories well in its plenary, you should that Brien, I'm sure this is a movie you seen before, not not the recently couple weeks ago I saw contagion for the first time, which is David Fincher. I think no, Stevens. Oliver. Thank you. I mixed Mick,
but I have no idea why but Adam You seem contagion, regretted Pedro, Matt, Damon As I told you, I don't think I have it in a well. I wanted. I haven't seen it. I know, obviously, what it's about an end. The big story when this all the cove it started with contagion, was the number one streaming movies Netflix, because people can't get enough. You know craziness and others I gotta see this and my first thought is that movie is: if your infected, you die, there's no theirs! if the answer, but that it doesn't matter how strong you are, how healthy, how young, how old and you watching, moving. It does seem so opposed to politic and like a like, a horror movie, and my first thought after the movers will, thank God, what we're dealing with his in that. now. This is not. This is not that this would be the I've said it. The worst movie ever not this college, Keyser dying knowledge pro guys or die. If this is a movie level and I felt have to be taken out so
Also, it's a little early because of all the election hubbub, but I have been saying I do kind. I hope that this election I'm sooner than later, so we can stop all the fuckin covert, talk and opened the schools and all that shit. And now it's tough. as all the election stuff is still in all the plates or still spinning, but this has been the first to day We have not seen covered all over all over CNN and Sis back now that well is longest trump lose is, and I cant use it as a cudgel to beat Trump with. I think CNN may be done with the with covered. They may it's gonna, be ninety percent less covered talk now that that that that much that We know and they're all the dumb scared
Paul, can now get back to their lives, which would be nice. Will you Just to clarify what you're saying about ninety percent, less covert talk, you think it'll be ninety percent less in general or ninety percent less doom and gloom, start? The clouds are parting. Now things are starting to work now more version oriented dark here. Did you see that the air they I could? I could definitely say? Yes, it will be much less doom and gloom, and now that the elections over and grim milestones. Somebody should dig barber air on and say I ll actions over, she said done, but the health commissioner, whatever for L a county, can we get the schools back up and running I I you know, I'm obsessed with the side of the freeway. And once or twice you guys, have heard the gas the whole soliloquy about how are the sprinkler can't the others?
we do want is grown weeds right at the bottom of of the embankment when it supposed to be sprang. The top of the embankment sprinklers are down at the bottom of the embankment in their aimed at these pepper. raised which, having grown and age. So yesterday, when I went over to explore, I I found you can you can show. There's now puddles water off now it's not run off. It never gets up the Fucking hill prick does drip down there, we'd is blocking the sprinkler. That's just offensive. It's worth not far removed from the draw. My colleagues could make us a priority, will first off: why not just put a fuckin drip line where the true He is why shoot it from twenty feet away and didn't One kind know this was gotta bring this three way. The now
huddles of water, which you're just gonna, grow more weeds or get them mosquito larva an ashtray there's no chance that that we'd is so robust and so thick and so stout there's no way. out of water can get past the weed to the tree. So every day, just gonna go off. I don't know how the tree gonna grow because a trees knock get a water lotteries essentially suffocating six months ago. They cleared the whole side to redo it. It is now go back to exactly where was like when I engines I now here's This is an impossibility MAX Ipad, but can fine who's in charge of this stretch of fucking highway and go what the fuck like. What really there should be a clear
action lawsuit against to ever design. This are executed. Is this, of course, first things: first, it could never work. they literally had a weed fields, a freeway and it's gone right. your we'd filled cider freeway, because how else could it go? They did the exact same thing. I never knew and irrigation system could be passiveaggressive about it, wheels very like happy now how expensive could the beautiful room like an irrigation slush drip system- and You save money over the long running through not indiscriminately sprang gallons of water on the side of the road. I do not know I have one more question I have queried many times when I see the sprinklers going off during a rainstorm on the side of a railway like this weekend, You can go to home depot and get a rain sensor you now they sell em
all the homeowners. I know heavy rain sensor in their irrigation system, because who won the waste water, when God is raining all over your shrubbery tat, who doesn't care about it? The people who can only inform you that we are living in a desert. We have drought like conditions and you need to conserve water. Yet, though, so the same people that are creating puddles underneath their we'd embankments at the bottom of the freeway and the ones who just fire off the rain bird during a rainstorm. So I ask you do You want more of these people. Do we want more than your now look and real it in, and why is there? Nobody just in charge anything, the
their side of the freeway, where you get on the freeway, just as a perpetual dirt line and a truck parked in the middle of it. A bunch of open boxes like that, just perpetually they're, just dirt, a truck that we probably paid. fifty one thousand dollars war and just a bunch open boxes in, like some guy How is this just sitting there? That's just been an error, but everything had been there for four years yeah. You know, I'm sorry, that nobody's brought this up in general on local news twitter. I anything You know how there is big fanfare when they die. Just came back from winning the World Series and, of course we can a parade or anything so the deal was as the play it was the taxi again to allay access. a giant like water salutes with high water drugs, and I can't believe, there's been no like. Are you shouldn't carrying me where a drought and that that was there Welcome back in, and I am shocked that it hasn't come up.
will also review now. This is California. This is like the epicenter, the green new deal in our constantly talking about resources and not wasting resources. Knowledge can't even look up first things. First, we don't We don't need to be the first people to the party. Just fuckin do what Arizona Vegas does they deserve the reason they don't have. We discuss it on water because they put in the right plans the right climate and they put the ground cover in and then that's that you get the fuck on with your life succulents. That Iraq's would look great my brain, that ice plants are pretty everybody likes them put a man, I'm gonna keep watching that we'd in a manner that reads about me right about when Johnny throughout nine foot high now, and pretty soon it's gonna die and then we're gonna have all that burn
can bring at all over that isn't a fire hazard? I dont know what it is all that kindling when it turns brown we gotta figure out who's in charge of this strategy. I would look the interview their human being? I owe you even ask for what are you, Google? What is that a way. Is that landscaping? Why does your bill, if I talk, do the purse, I'm gonna ask them initially for pet scan I want to know, and if our farming brain is functioning drink this barium last last year in August, Gar Seti appointed Rachel Molars as Ellis first ever city. For a star officer who would open the growth of LOS Angeles, is urban forest and help the city reaches gotta plant, ninety thousand trees by twenty twenty one. While they planted on. But if the goal be that they grow because those
ain't gonna grow. It's it's. Ninety eight degrees outside right now and then they ain't gettin any. It also shows like we always talk about genetic diversity in March. In all at the power, or of the weed man, then, unless nobody play did that we'd that fuckin we'd found a way and that we'd has gone from invisible literally in the soil, on unrecognizable to robust and those fuckin rising those pepper trees of pure bred trees have not fuck and grown and aunt. Now it's true there are. The Bogart the water but think about how fuckin powerful nature is when you kind of leave it alone. You mean that
nobody's cultivating that no one's helping at along no one's fertilizing it, no one even wanted it there and no one even put it there and that fuckin we'd is gone ballistic in the last four months. That's basically nature our right in their router are things neither the second up every ounce of warlike Walter. It's when you pull out a gets, a gets all the water now because it is by AIDS, is if it's an evil. We'd I'm going to block this water source, none of the water shall make it up the hill to the evil pepper tree, and I will
all the water for my route ball so says: evil we'd all right. Let's take ourselves a quick break Marshall too Ral, whose written many many many many boxing's do in one on Steve Mcqueen, which I'm very interested in. As a subject he's done, books on CAN Norton the Box or Johnny Cash, PETE Mare, Rich Elvis Presley I mean it just keeps going and gone we'll take a quick break, will talk to marshal. Terrell ran after this aim of lovers, who needs a theatre when you have PLUTO Tv grab, your popcorn and your streaming device, because free movies are here who do tv is your home for movies? Great movies are play.
Transcript generated on 2021-09-07.