« The Adam Carolla Show

Part 1: Dawson’s Flat Tire, plus Blah Blah Blog: Twitter Bio Edition (ACS June 10)

2021-06-10 | 🔗
At the top of the show, Adam talks about Dawson accidentally hitting the studio’s gate just before the pod started. Adam then asks the staff who is most qualified to change a tire, and everyone shares their flat tire stories. Adam also talks about the aggressive nature of the Mexican flag, and the guys go on to discuss the confusing way the head of the CDC has been delivering her messages. Before the break, the guys play a round of Blah Blah Blog: Twitter Bio Edition. Please support today’s sponsors: XchairADAM.com enter XWHEELS Hyundai.com JBweld.com - World's Strongest Bond Geico.com Lifelock.com enter ADAM PlutoTV
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Thanks for listening to the garage sale on podcast, one Dave's killer, bread now of a certain age and was born to a certain mom who was interested in getting the bread, but she didn't want to get the white stuff. She went to get the stuff. That was good for you, but the problem is stuff. That was good for your tastes like crap. While that day killer bread. Now we ve come a long way: baby killer, taste, killer, texture, killer nutrition, its bread amplified America's number one organic bread for reason. It tastes so darn good, no toppings, even necessary made with the highest quality, organic and non GMO ingredients, power packed with whole brain fibre. An protein and you can visit him. Go online, gotTA, Dave's, killer, bread dad
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Morning. Good have been known at work when the two brave navigable already know pack, animals born you'll ever listen to. Why you, quoting a close, now get this straight. Hammering black people, never quite ready. Now is supervised super crazy premium. In your main conversations ass, the good thing about us. We don't do interview. We do conversation on my guess calls which we drink. We play games where the song of the week we have to create a purse of the wing upon your phone. Have our gas speaking of gas, its we gotta go to Morrow Contact live and die, hampers whirl of moving gaming exotic car probably doctors.
The only problem is drivers that are only striven zadig and payments who isn't the common doctor. You never know when you play the lock on out what that's what it's all about all the earthy pangs memory for reading, your black sea. You know baby
from Corolla one studios in one day, I'll California. This is the atom carolled Michel Atoms gas. Today baby sees chief legal analysed Dan, Abraham, listen, but Gina grad on news and ball dry and on sound effects. The now your mileage may vary put his never dies Adam I get it. I gotta get it Joyce mandate should get it on procurement. In the framework of that about you, you're right you to grant the right off. I like your fucking day neighbour, Gonna join us. We'll talk, have a hypothetical FAO, cheek spirits ethereal to play for him and we can get his take. I also know that he's the mix it up with Nancy Grace
They are core tv so well, we can maybe have a little revisiting of that. Love to do that, and I go to sleep every, not thinking about that made and figure out the things I would have loved to have said to him so bring it on. Ladies, why why yeah. We're gonna, get your chance Nancy. Now, just a quick, audible, Dawson was pulling in this kind of funny cause size walk into the other warehouse, so we got we finally got that High speed internet guy here good stuff- and I don't work lot a lot of work I mean there is bending of re MAR there's pulling of wires, there's cutting incurring their scissor lifts to the roof.
This is it. This is a big old job, and so we got a guy here he's doing that now he drives a big rig being truck parked right in the middle, the driveway, so people been parking and alternate universes. So I I just parked at the other shop as over there. Anyway, I was walking. To the other shop Assad Dawson parking on this street Nominate Street Park. I was on the street and I said Dan Smart- that's not over here and now: set up. We got a guy, the big truck dos and striving to big truck through smart Still even half a block away on the street should adjust left hand. Turn around and I was walking back and saw Dawsons truck wedged in between the guy struck,
in the gate. Bird in the hand, yeah now and then one sided truck, seem to be a little lower than the other side, the truck. So that suggests to me that he there he had a flatteries back with the fat checks or I wish to make is that, for it gave him the flat so Dawson was trying kind of cut the coroner and get into the parking lot and had a bracket from the gate catch the sidewalk truck and just tore it up this clause multiple relied out yet so Dawson safely and legally part one hundred yards away. Many eighty yards away got here: where are you now Icarus Della Lenny in time before the show our man Workin was about to get out of here all night I got time scale move my truck in
fitted in items crime spot and our hundred finality to wipe out the fuckin stupid. I'm sailed out of myself as long as you're kidding yourself rides, though, then A couple of questions arose because Dawsons gotta come in here and start the show, but he's got a truck out. There were the flat tire. So then the question is: who here It is most qualified to change. Dawson's truck on your roof. Tell me who who is not occupied early dad. Do that lack heard a perfect answer from in turn, Ryan, who said he thinks he could do it because he saw Youtube Video, ok on that's a step in the right direction, towards the right step toward the light. What else, other options we have grass. Yet so Ryan said he keys done it once he saw Youtube video that help them when he did it. Emmy walked,
I am firmly your private driven in Cairo in twenty two years old ere. He says he is capable of doing it, but he's too busy good answer gun Are you busy lying? and I will say the guy doing, the internet, probably the most call a bad guys. The guy doing the internet right now is going through my truck looking for a jack he's got the impact gun, he's gonna, do it for me, I myself, I changed bilateral. Why don't you have the internet guy come to your job? That's a great idea. The gas in Dawsons got himself a nice scissor jack in their I'm guessing Kalen says he can't do it. No one, no surprise there. mad Portland China, sharing color remedy picture: Hammond, the Simpsons jamming, oh yeah. Basically I can Simpsons Museum. That's all! That's all you need to know so we're gonna
since running out there to grab the scissors jack and we'll do it during the body the show, but I thought to myself most everyone's got a good tired, all your they I've. I think I have the ultimate attire stored, because I've got a flat tire and ended up sleeping by the side of a freeway and had knows by probably why that's a tea or want to store. I live in advance, so As I said, there was a gene, a ball. We got a flat tire snoring and then I should buy up put it put it up to the people, give a Sera flat tire story to go for a time, and I got one and a half this actually made me later this year show it was on a Sunday to you. ago. I was driving down from big bear, trying to get here in time and hit
then, and that cross track went a flap and in a fly in hand, I was in the middle of nowhere and we had to do with. It was like an hour they to show, but that's not the one that really sticks in my mind I We let me say that Sophocles yeah, because a manger in the human condition. The spare tyre is Interesting peak into the psyche of the human through which is everybody knows you're gonna get a flat at some point. Driving a rare, multiple flats. B B average one every six years or something like that. We all know it We all know that we have a spare and jack. LA grand units on most vehicles must all vehicles. have a weird little pump thing, which I sports cars Hamath. I don't understand because Dawson just got a sidewalk porn off
Can you get a little pump? You plug in your cigarette, lighter effects that basque iron now without one about rare that one? So I do have one of those though, and it comes in hand, but way less than ten percent of Americans of ever investigated. What's the junk in that trunk, lying here stood, let here's here's a jack. Is it a scissor jack? Is it a bottle jack? Where would I place it inevitably gonna be? dark and raining, and you may be a little bit drunk when this ship goes down oftentimes. While we learned this and drivers Ed, I dont know no one ever it's, it's always a brand new day, but you gotta flatirons, like you, have a spare, I don't know as their errand. It gotta check entire jack. I guess that's what we're going to higher than to Jack. Yet what's a jack, it's oh no, it's gonna happen. It's a human should they no one takes five minutes ago, Well, let me let me catch myself up a little. You right, that's true, and by the way I found out that in a sleepy town, just outside of big, their when three like decent, looking
x or waving to for help people just pass, you buy you weren't as high as we thought we were, but when I move jobs having an echo park in a studio where there there were roosters and chickens. All the street and have to shew amount of the way to get my door gangbanger. Was put their big ops. Lobbies on my card have to ask them nicely to please move em I can get in my car. Multiple cats gave on my doorstep the cops would train got me home. I'd shoe them a wags ain't gonna get material out neighbourhood very rational yeah. This is this is hasidic yes, and And so I was driving home from our. Maybe the state really kill us Ex one night was late and I felt like a catch Unc and I old overnight was talking my boyfriend at the time, and I said oh good news theirs. Car pulling up behind me and they put their flashes on and he was like Gina. Don't you fucking open door. Don't you roll down? The windows like eyes seems nice enough. So this this big dude comes, our visa girl looks like gives entire trouble and
calls on the phone going. Don't talk to this fucking guy came out. We are not here and he is so against all my better judgment and my boyfriend's better judgment I get out of the car this dude I and me up and down he's I can. I look in the trunk of a guy open it, and I have real bad feeling about this. This dude staring me looking at me more than he's trying to like he's gonna like like with the kind of going in and out of the trunk like pretending, like he's looking for petty staring at me, I thought This is bad, and I said you know what I'm good. I got that is, I guess, you're. So follows me until about a block. my apartment, and I just sort of could chunk, could chunks all the way home hoping to lose this guy. So I should not achieved entirely. Flights must reach the slowest Chaise Brian New Europe, story. Some silver similar elements is Jean. I was on the way to work and
this time it was actually a raid Ngos who was a rainy day, and I was coming up the four or five north down the hill, advancing on the one or one twelve studio, and it's raining right so visibility is lower than it would be, and I ran over something I don't even know what it was to this David. Who is something the Barber offend huge, but it was consumed last minute and instantly the good driving an Ex three at the time is daily all or like for tyres. Sensors. All terrorist acts are Tyrell, are critical tire and, unlike our shit, but because I was, as you know, three quarters of a mile from gal. Ford World where I got the Bmw might have. I pulled right in as I do the ideas of the I ve gotten all four tire alerts, e Health and they replaced tool them into their good war. They could fix. Could there are run flats, but I lived in the Gulf and Ford or just less than a mile got lucky launch a bad time
stories, but the most this one was definitely about this time. When I was nineteen- and I mean my body snake said We once in a while, we tell everyone. we're going to tee water, She wanted more and if one didn't join us with. This call impose it's like an so we're. Like we're going to Tirana told all the usual suspects and everyone just kind of bogged down so just mean snake sit down. we're gonna Tijuana how we getting their stepmom had an old Mazda Sudan, very old for ball. tyres for tyres like showing belt on them all ball in no spare and we're like the torpedoes we're going anyway smart and we took off for tee Wanna gotta late, start gonna blow out on the
We way about San Juan CAP strata of new, had no spare and knew we were gonna have to purchase. use? The tyre at that gas station The gas station was closed. Gas station cells use tyres CM station listeners used to do that. They want what they do. Is they probably bring you in for your right job. Then they tell you that your irish looking pretty batter and then they charge you and do that, do the tires and then they would keep the old tyres and then they just sell the right size were eleven box or something. But there was. no chance of getting attire that nine. There is no credit cards. There's no cell phones AAA there's no anything, but there was the blanket I had the back, not us sleeping bag. The blanket in a pillar someone I would just took off my bad chairmen have extra blankets had arrived,
get you end up together. Snake had his pillow lives right, while the pillow the blanket worse for sleeping on the beach in Tijuana always They can always thinking. So I left the car that side of the freeway and just walk down the freeway offer, I'm just in the middle of, He had no idea where we were pleased that San Juan CAP astronomers in about two thirds of the way through Georgia. The way there We walked down the freeway. We just started walking toward the Beach walk Gladstone. and found this patch of grass in this this as an essential neighbourhood, and it had a big wooden sign like welcome to LEO Korea, are welcome to whatever your home from the think we're not the upcoming Nixon's. he sat down and Melinda yeah, but what was his pre each a beach out their Nixon. Thank God. Damned the train used to go out. There will think
Dawson you'll think about where the train goes in, want of age now, God, dammit, gentlemen, same climate yeah, the sand, Clemente and found the sign and look like it offered, not shelter protection Visual protodyne frighten people walking down the street I'm the cars and stuff, but just spread blank it out on the third principle out. Thirty years later, you dont know how common that would be the one to sleep. My recollection was, I got a good night's Sleep Montague hamper I'm not sleeper, but I got a good night in and the next day we packed up or blankets will walk back up to the car and pulled the tire, often walk to the gas station. Body used iron continue on your on our way. Look at! Ah, yes, we slept. Do you wanna that national budgets are heavy, deter, not be deterred, and I was there to sleep on the beach
twenty one. That's that's all we did so kids of your lesson. So does not offer you there's how I got Wonderland Rousing college, those dating a girl who also lived in the Bay area it's a ride back home for thanksgiving with her and a rainy night, like nine o clock, one or one two lines in one direction, not much of a shoulder. She blow attire pull over. They get out of a car. You jack where's, your spare. I choose you're, tired and then I drove as to the way home and her father met us at the door, shook my and our railway and said: I'm glad you were there Why timey good enough she may be a keeper Dawson. I tried the letter girl, who's gonna, one. All right, I was studying. The men can flag. I think it's important could win the guano
and flag. I don't know it's a lot of stuff. Kemal has gone to the border and Bob Love and has taken a good look at the mexican flag. As like the aggressive flag pressure with Mexico began you got an eagle, eating a snake choking the life out of it like he is on the move. We got stars in the bar? That's a rattlesnake like the back yard. she's gotta Eagles kick in the shit out of a rattlesnake out There are, though, I don't know we should try to forget the lot arrangement in flags with this is on brain with Mexico. You mean, like France, is just like three stripes Joe had not much see Jonah singled out. What think about Japan's certain the way they do things with a low profile people keep. clean Rhiannon remain price. They got this eagle.
Yes, it's an eagle, also notice is standing on cacti yeah, bad ass, Eagle, one foot, the dozen bothered by cactus paint on her cat. This kind of cactus got the cactus areas now go and go and strong are incorrect. Eating their. These kicking the shit out of a rattlesnake any righted Scott, the rattle on the bottom of it and then there's something under that I dont know what is a belt buckle, yeah, we're something: it's like ya, think a gold bar of some What is its spilled? Bondwoman cow? What Does anyone could maybe a gardeners trotted from Europe but from a bird s eye view now? Rex ago, is wrapper by the eagle, but there that the snakes mexican to unless he got it from Canada. The United States was border where these kick in the shit out that is like a wreath of of of play
since that are underneath that garland and then there's S hotel kind of red Blue little piano you're, something what's on the bottom, a ribbon. What standing on. Other cactus is situated on a rock that rises above a lake Water is very early aim acts gods, pretty the gas why you got your video goin on here, but you gotta back that up. You know you. and be all bark and no bite with a flag like that, the eye I agree. and says you? You mean business yeah and see that flag tattooed on enough Mexicans. Oh that's intricate! That's not a drunken evening that idea to plan their shut out the actions they are but being drunk, Alps through already, but but I agree, right? And then I was talking astronomer today, Mama
that saying that guy's not fit to carry my jack, I think it should be modified. I do this with shit, rolling, downhill, lots of nine value, every buy and sell, and all that kind of stuff I I'd like a visa, is not fair, the carrier, Jack than the we know, Jack being carried he's only fit together? say fit to carry my job guys on work? act, anymore, riches which is interesting, but I would modified to he must carry my jack or he's fit to carry my child, who hey it carry a jack and by the way, is in a more demeaning when you enter the GM to be the guy who's toting that sell right jack. That's all he's good at full, jock toad our carrying the job. I think we screw that up a little bit like when we go. I could care less, doubtless very fuck that went up out of it all locked. I think we should. I couldn't care less great, that one out and the the keeper of the jock is well wait.
So we're jock straps anymore. Now, why not really. What is that? What they do they wear the kind of under shorts. A kind of the by your actions should allow pocket there for the for the cop. If, if you choose to work, I don't do anymore. Why out their cup I know what you're a workshop. Nobody in Vienna fell where's the cup anymore. When I remember when my brother's football team was playing and the boys for after Adele sweaty in discussing one kid what always take his cup. Unlike rub it really hard on his face it would make a noise here and it really. It was really at how the cup was moulded exactly after the oxygen mass? Yes right, so there's no way eleven year old boys, I'm going to miss that when you're breathing in two the agenda is a joke on. We that before every hop Warner Football game. I replied: you'd have way and an one
she waited on pop Warner because they suffered by what coming out of high grade level. The other have wait, divisions They would way U N and therewith I think Sir Sovereign debt JAG about trade. Standard athletes a few weeks ago, but she did this whole thing about. There's, no big, big and small. They play together whatever Netflix now there's one here, there's a thousand different wait. Innovations link is exclusively that yeah. That's how Schwartz word they want that parity. They don't want the two hundred pounders playing with a hundred and ten pound, or so they would. They would weigh you in and the way you in and then when done wing and you'd line up all the way along the wall was always in front of the house. Doyle GM they bring that they bring the scale outside out and they want is made worse.
Therefore away what you're hiding they would not like the stocks they wouldn't way you they ve just put the scale on a hundred and twenty three power, but the pee wee debate I mean so empty. The scammer just walk across it, but if you walked across it and it's not move into too much, then you didn't make way didn't make way. You had to turn your easy inside out, o dear to denote the They just they need to know. You didn't even make your mind. What do you do, allowing the shit on and with an inside out Jersey, that's that's how they go up there with the line you up and I remember, and then the wrath would just walk past everyone and you go. You know mouthpiece and I want to hold them out piece out and then, in the end they look at you. Typepad ardor, one five pads wonder just bang on their lie pads and they go He paths are when bang on their knees pads and then they go cops in ever
not with one not only here this weird sound of thirty. One little boys alarming that Europe is Doktor took the Athens. So I went over eighty eight with during the rights. They have no idea where I am that's right also we would do the very first. I remember the very first time that gave us our unity arms when I was seven where the studio city park over here and gave everyone there performs in their like years. All your stuff go in the bathroom and change, and no seven year old had any idea what to do with the girdle, sir. The thing called a girl. right, but about bad and it outside pads hop in their talents and when no one knew where anything whenever the mask hit powder, the pocket for the enterprise and then the liquor tailbone pad Israel tailbone, oh yeah, that anymore, I assume Ya'Ll figure this out can retire shoes. I guess It was assumed verse. Fifty one Europe
I go and there's a bunch. Seven euro ass ever the proper pants announced, are fiddling around with a girdle. I think they said you know. I got hadn't figure. This went out legality that doesn't work for you come walking out. There's a tampon in your. I will give you some toodles, try, but we're not getting her hands there and I think somethin. I was playing with bad drew, and I was curious about this because we are talking about the year ahead- the CDC were Shell will and she was talking about how much her sixty Maybe now seventeen year old son looked forward to going camp so much so that the day he got home from camp, he would start writing out the day to tally ITALY, one again and then went on to say she's, pull them out yeah this year. So here's the question and I dont know if we can find an answer. We have a couple clamps doing not looking at
expert at a hare footnote as only human being not depicted in Filmore Television ever extra days on a calendar. They always it never happened. It's only respect in film television. Anyone not do that. Not invalid television actually do that Now I mean maybe the prisoner eyes or play that, for clip again. They are you. Let your kid got a summer camp story. which is I, whenever any official start talking about ass, a mom or I had a bad feeling or any that kind of stuff. It always bumps the shit out of me, but I will pose a bigger she will hear the first clip with regard to camp I've a sixteen year old every day, every year he comes home from camp and he writes the number of days until he returns to camp the next year. This year it got two zero and I told him he wasn't going. I one, our kids back in camp. Thirdly, we now thirty, eight thousand new infections, on average per day last may eleventh how it will
the fourth time the sun, and we sent a lot of kids, home and camps where chlorinated pulls. The camp guidance is intended to get our kids to camp and allow them to stay there. Brothers camp Guide, Canada. there to give our kids the camp and stay that. So I like your kid, go you your money. Ahead of the CDC by knowing the fuckin chicken little shit. It's so fuckin annoying when it comes to policy. Save that shit for the crazy gypsy checks you drink, fuckin white wine with spare The fuck am I shut our eyes not letting your son girl and so so I said it, her son, get vaccinated or not because at the time had been going on for a number of months, and I think people people little bit on the fence about the teenagers getting vaccinated. Some most doctors are colonel, like maybe movement, rule heroines, kind of weapon, a coin on Iraq. Is it worth it
So our one kind of once the now now she sang get your kid vaccinated, but she's also saying MIKE. I pulled me out how I am path So then I shed did she get vaccinated, found this other clap and will try to figure it out. Was it's a The city cease teenage. son. Did he get vaccinated or not this? Is it a good message to send to the
the populace, would be. I have a son he's a teenager, he's vaccinated and he's going to care returning to life. Here we go, doktor will and ski in my last minute here. Let me just ask you the city, it see says it brought. While fewer children have been sick with covert nineteen compared to adults, children can be infected, gets sick and spread the virus. With the author Zation PETE of Pfizer yesterday for children twelve to fifteen, what would you say to parents who are considering getting their kids vaccine, and now I would encourage all parents to get their children vaccinated. I know many parents are enthusiastic and have been texting me can't wait to get their children vaccinated. I recognise that there are some parents want us or to see how it goes first, but I am encouraged by our parents to get their children vaccinated. Some parents won't want to be first, but am
so encouraging children to ask further vaccine idea. I have a sixteen year old myself and I can tell you he wants to get the vaccine he wants. Is life back. These kids want to go back to school. They want to go back to the things I love so wanting in, but he wants to get back to camp right, but easy, first off why wouldn't you go I've a six year old, his axe and that these are one hundred percent, not vaccinate? That's a very inarticulate, I'm hoping he wanted to get vaccinated and then got now no way good job of expressing that. I would bet everything I on relatively that he is on vaccinated child and river. She is ass, tent, like he wanted to get vaccinated, which is usually fall by, but I wouldn't let I want to see what happens to other kids would burst of you. Just got. telling everyone enthusiastically to get back guises, teenagers, young people. You then told
there about people asking and stuff, and then you wove, your son into the mentioned, has done that brought the sun up and said he wanted to get vaccinated he's on vaccinated. Well, I am. It opens up a lot of doubt. It certainly does because, while it's too things, it's either he's not vaccinated or sheikh, Lately, screwed the pooch on her example of my son is vaccinated. He's able to return to do all this stuff. He formerly did. I can tell you fine and is other and as a physician I stand by the hundred percent. She was here the last last fifteen six months, I'm so I don't think her son as vaccinate hundred percent he's not act well in the low nineties, but either way he's She would have you would have had he's vaccinated so wise and the head of the city getting our sun vaccinated or if he is back
why she, explaining that she pull them out a cam he's not going this year and he wanted In fact I why? Why is this the message? The only thing I can think of is he has some sort of private condition that she doesn't want to put on blast. Even though she's happy to talk common nerd and say he going thinks a camp three hundred sixty four days a year, but that's the only thing I can think of that he is he's. Absolutely not acts needed and may be the reason why as private, but then she religion and brought him up beyond balls you, if you and on and on, and on about how important for kids how she wants? Kids, all kids, could you ask and then about? make has not actually thou be in doubt beyond well she kind of said that by she certainly didn't say he was at its first someone who is the tip of the spear and the spokesperson Ganis thing whether was
four months ago about you having a bad feeling about which way the wind was blowing or your son go into camp and kids get back. Take it you're fucking point together little bit, would you bitch you're, the get head of the city. She wept we're listening to you on all these subjects. Please get on point with your message. It, Sir one Moral, Subic, unfair, and I recognise that there are some parents want us to see how it goes first, but I'm encouraging parents to get their children vaccinated. Some parents won't want to be first, but I am also encouraging children to ask further back scene. I do I have a sixteen year old myself and I can tell you he wanted to get the vaccine he wants. Is life back. These kids want to go back to school. They want to go back to the things So what it wants, saying like lousy You wanna get vaccinated and she did you just gotta I don't know. I don't know that out front and centre reserved was there was a problem She said he want to get a vaccinated which definitely leaves the door open, o Brien.
theory which is he wanted to own we gotta of accident, but then so she went from pass I know that you want to you president. He wants to get back to its lie, which means he's not back. There was high, which means he's not vaccinate very clumsy, either way you anyway, I don't These facts- and I dont even our own, but you guys get kids vaccinate well, that's the message all right. Let's see we have the game to play. We have our blah blah blog and will do that right after this It's time for nicaraguan name that movie with Adams The Us Waldo. You can guess which movie this famous line is wrong.
you heard me unhallowed. If you said Jerry Maguire. You had me at hello, you're, the man shall be messed right. We have an intro for blah, blah blog that winter version by by arrogant,
it's time for blah blah blah the game where we match the celebrity with their retarded online. Let's play right, so I will be reading the exact twitter, Bio and then just like the game. I'll give you three choices. Actress activist troublemaker, fighting for fair pay and passage of the equal Rights amendment is a Patricia Marquette, Emily Ransom near any resin. Emmy, sorry or Jessica chastising. Did you say, mother? No, ok, I gotta get actress activist troublemaker fighting for fair pay and passage of the equal Rights amendment Jeanne. I want a brochure bubble, but its birthing person
don't? Not another mother? I have now moved on to thing we're issue and apology, please boy aright. I don't know open it to Eugene away, I think Jessica, Chest Ain gets a whipped up about a few things. I think it may mostly have to be. vague in his arm we raw some don't know. I'm going our cat feels archive yeah to me, but then what they were awesome. I'm restructure stayin from my letters I, like you too, said well she's way to mainstream success in one of the few sticks your neck out on this I got KEDO as well. those are carrying our cat, but I'm going Emmy ROS. The buyer belongs to Patricia raw dammit troublemaker? God is great.
I have a Grammy winning vagina. Is it cardy, be Magda stallion or little cam haven't seen little came in awhile, while nobody has, she didn't really look like herself and rail area soon. Also knows I am disappointed in Lille came, my that's. All a gay assistant for awhile, oh yeah started off pretty good, which was. It started off funny because you are doing the Adam girl, a project. You stole the gps system. Ganny do sheets when it was funny we got just like claimed, buoyantly, gay and since then, and then he knew nothing about construction and he'd have to show that the job and made into it with the guys, innovate awesome and then at some point the show When did I was actually about this, I didn't bring it up
think about it. As we are talking about Neil Diamond playing the Greek Theatre HA and one of the beds Was me My gay assistant for this now we're gonna go see Tory AMOS at the at the great, and I like Tory AIM is mostly profound rally what passed on it, but it was a bit we're gonna go down there and fill made us gonna, go talk to Tory AMOS and stuff after stuff, like that the bad there that morning it was like. I, the crew cancel, we're not gonna, do it, we don't have the budget for night is basically my system went well guess, that's the industry has to be just like looked at me of seen a man he modes I took his eyes, were not knowing the traveller AMOS. Well, there was a bit you now and we're not doing the bed. He was a bit I plan to him,
and he just like them and I'm gonna fuck. It will go to Sea Korea. nice of you went backstage hung out. Such seed eyes went off camera, oh yeah, I how do I love that? That was the honeymoon phrase and she, let me guess she on cord with Cornflakes girl, leather she'd got. It was a good shot, she's amazed, she's, amazing, and then there may be several months later after we stop filming. There was one point where he said to me. I need to talk to you and I said what about, and he said your attitude sit down. Ok, wine! You talk to you. I got fired you like what like dollar fire you for. What is because I don't need you to talk to me about my attitude and maybe you didn't have enough attitude, but he part of other he'd. Do it on the clock. But
he's to write letters, the little came in prison from me from it on out and rural letterhead. Were you aware this is Adam girl, remember tv. I support you strongly and I am a big fan and I'm thinking about you you oppression, it is ironic, Galina World relocated, as Dave loves Veronica's here is that why you're the best way to pick up a fan like ear when Thyssen? What's on the outside, every fuckin hang around, which we have put the guy's, therefore road and we have raised in those- are lifelong reigns in Uk- should know that if any celebrity goes in does stand for for much write, em feverishly about supporting them ring veal, gather ever being data like they hired by lab everyone? Might my age and cut me lose my manner but her all he D stood up. How did you find out
you don't want, has already liner feeling I'm pretty intuitive, why regional every time I hear anybody? That's cancer, reductive, wriggled, your three nice right, Worthington, maidens off down the roads, and so he rode little came on my behalf in prison cell awesome and your pen legitimate one told them, and am I love that you'd be dazzled geostationary? I think I just like what are you working on? Is our right and welcome Why were you right now for you, I'm rain every year and bitch slammer, never contact your word We should see crests of low camel got. Remember, Osman LULU. We talk a lot about it's funny, etc, etc. That's great, like initiative for the commission.
tend to take? Your writing letters to celebrity of letters ass. Our Martha ring you're, lucidly and tie said everyone down to pack was in me nervous around now, but ones that stand in I'll write em, but it didn't work out for you now work for somebody else. Now I'll ride, so very nine or any winning vagina. Okay now feels because she had the watch video right now. That kind mechanism, but little Kim. What's she doing I'm gonna go with the same strategy. The failed last time ago. Unwelcome, ok, it's gone the either card to be your mega because they had the song, etc, etc, which once more religious causative, lot of, like God, is great or something similar go quite level Megan these stallion.
It's definitely not little can. I would think that since MEG in the sky, in a slightly less famous than cardy, be she would have to do more like bombastic Iver, Grammy running vagina, but just to just to do just to play fair. Let's, although different I go, Cardy B The buyer belongs to cards the all round. Did make get shot the foot out in and not a metaphor, tell you would know Mr Dmz Iron, something in the housing neuron yeah, but I don't have she got shot, was one of the stallion jerk I'd be shown. The foot. actress, producer director activists, philanthropists designer mom, wife, daughter, sister, aunt, friend, stepmom human. Yeoman subordinate note
Is it even longer area, Gabrielle, Union or Catherine? Data Jones doesn't feel Katharine's ETA Jonesy to me, but now were our two time, I'm going even longer him, yet you're, the only one. I know for a fact that as a director and and fled to press for that matter, so Google inglorious well I'd like to have it not interesting. Now I I am going to say Katharine's ADA Jones, the blog belongs to the longer. ok, I see just did what I did the last stare. Why why then we would all Geier evenly area well now that could have been real union now getting, then I can't say why human. I can't say why I probably could say why is she wouldn't
She would mention more about herself array. She was a black one. I think shroud back one, oh yeah, that's for assessing and all the howl stuff yeah Strip could catch. Thank you raised antiracist actor, Iowa, Guy till I die one day. the time. Is it Aaron Paul Tom Arnold or Laura Flynn boy. Look at the range. I think I know this on I know a guy handout. I mean from his chair, as much as I would love to be Jesse from breaking bad. This, Tom or an old all over it he's from the MID west. He loves to tell you what he thinks. Whether you have asked or not. He'd have to put that in his bio. The oil hocker
indefinitely, but first thing I thought I was tall on all those who have the thesis that hearing I know anti racist actor correct, so he just plays an anti racist on tv dinners that really auntie races. That's what I'm hearing of course everything. I realized tat. Your faces characters like when a gay guy places guys are really just right. You know, and in these act the beat cop and on one side me, that's how you know the anti racist you going to this guy, trying to think I bring you guys. It reminded me of a time on other randomness, Laura flamboyant Goin, lifeline boy yeah burn by the randomness many times and in this short Games Ongoing Tom Arnold, the blue, belongs to, or the buyer belongs to Tom Arnold yeah. There you go. Obviously I want to be on an adventure.
Is it channel, Tatum, Matthew, Perry or Matthew. Mokanna well, I'm goin, Tatum for no good reason, I'm gone Mokanna, hey, because that screams the economy. To me. You gotta get back in this. I'll go with you bury the boy belongs, do Channing Data, but what's the score now we must be Gina atam or nodded up at three Brian one. Behind the two were hidden The championship rounds, an experiment, Progress is Lena, Dunham, Miley, Cyrus or Edward Norton. How an experiment progress, sleeve Adullam. Heaven knows him yeah, symptom, hope such a blue is not political the ass. They do herbs and cows.
Ah man boy is tat. This is tough, because now we get back there. What's Ed Norton doing on their yeah, I'm gonna Norton I'll get my going first, I ok, I gotta guess I'm going. Really. This is way too short for Lena Dunham and I'm not buying this Ed Norton. I'm gone. Miley ignore could be the Red Herring out there Norton to Goddammit the buyer- longs to nor has it whom actor producer. Inmate we would prison as it sleigh Moon fry Suleiman fry. He packaging gene or Corey Feldman? I just saw her doctor
I did die on it's great, I'm, so each soccer prominently feeling the stout accurately? Ok, how dare you right, so we hands lay like seen others before them. Tsar hours, how video org by far ok Holly in in Hollywood prison. It's definitely one of the guys. I've got on ok having disco its Feldman, fervor but it doesn't feel in saying it off. It feels Charlie, Shiny, Charlie Sheen actually has working and has been a quorum quote inmate in a hollow wares and famine is but would do anything to get back in that prison, say sheen of gaunt changeover out she,
I'm sorry. We are discussing the game over here when you say your guess is one more time please sheen gene and fell men Feldman from the Bible on the sheen man I got out of the oh for two I think I've got a feed on. I think I hid my stride now. Want to love like Jesus. Is it Russell Wilson? The worst or just Bieber good luck, These are all vaguely religion, it is Russia Wells in a religious for sure that probably the water actually religious? How three does not loud about it? a lot about a cheese, colonel feels on the nose for Kenya. I gotta get here Whatever reason be, has really been like kind of stuffing his Christianity, like down people's throat
lately, and there was even I saw headline it said like Hayley, wouldn't have made. if he wasn't religious, I think that's like his campaign, I'm gonna be were yet Yea Russell, no Russell closer to the vast. I feel might be I'm ongoing, babes their Russell very odd, spoken about knowledge and others have but I'll just a wild gas and say Russell wasn. The buyer belongs to Russell dammit shut the fuck up about your daddy Heaven. Durrant, Marcia, heads or tails Scott, I really don't know what is happening in the sun. Travis God has them he's a trap It's got the happy males named after right; ok, it which is basically a second. Donald Meal with like covers.
of figurine of him, oh Andy's, is made a suicide. He took like What is unclear, lemon and exit with Papua or something I knew, someone who used to drink diet, coke, mixed with lemon aid at the fountain drank, and I got stuck canst thou art you might have. I not gusting. So I'm sorry who are these people? indirect basketball player over again from the nets. early ass was the warriors previous Marcia life of all former for ballplayer ways either? The guy? You will never answer questions one of many fuses skittles go these mode he was the one that would like actively like tell, the guidelines that kind of life to fuck off you go away to season of West world that what he wants, He would be ass, he was told the editor Prescott around. He sat there empowered and all that written answer didn't answer. I'm sorry. What was the bio? Three words? What was the buyer
and I'm your daddy and he has spelled d a dvd. I know that the help sexual and yet is spelled YO Ah boy cheese, an hour ago, martian dammit I've been told by many people the Martian Lynch Smart knives. see evidence. I hope this is different. How come on the ground as my home and design Jackson, the earlier lots and get into cow only go on Dr Scott I'll go what's his name come Inter Alia, the buyer belongs to Sean were in the habit of your own.
Is the last one. In this round we may guy Bragger, I feel like we ve celebrated. Marcia Lunch. Electrically. Maybe we of overdone in a little bit with the celebration of like he so funny. Airy show ain't. You like your now, whatever it's like that really are we not at all just certain sits there grants a lot and wait grand they're getting ongoing words like he's funny and he's charismatic and he's got his own thing go. It was a mile zone that skittles thing right. My love! That's like a hot girl snickers that you're jokes, you must have a great sense of right. The second and third place are mathematically eliminated from winning this game, but let's do the last one former shoe salesman. Now making a go at film and theatre, Al Bundy, poor is his adjacent Alexander, Kevin, spacey or Morgan then,
this is so droll. It has to be Jays now. Examples like Amazon feels that way feels that that was my impulse giving a forest name came up. Morgan Freeman the oven, a little bit of a joke it himself, but but they emphasise theatre unlike Jason Alexander Malaga boy, I whoever guessed at first only is only one that can log in and this one for all the marbles Jason, Alexander Retail media. you're all wrong. The blog things to Kevin space it now he sold, she is so far as war? So Two five to five, the winner.
Adam Corolla. Next time keep your fingers on your keyboard and your heads up your asses. So we can play another round law, blah blah blah like the Bio edition. to Bio addition, to Pat and here's interesting journey to go on. I had this thought. Maybe I wrote it down a twenty seven pieces scrap in front of me, but I was listening to some old right wing, Zawoiski Guy go on about nonsense and I thought he sounds like term Arnold. but tomorrow, on the other side of that I'll bet he's just animated has just my seventh and they their voices kind of sounded the same, and I'm trying to think who it was. Just write it down a little country, but we will do a little tape of of harm. Arnold waxing on about politics and
sky, waxing about politics, and I can't remember who it was, but I spotted it. I had the thought and I'll bring it home in figure it out and will will circle well circle back! Don't let me take about the handy, Tucson handy question: everything to create the best to sun ever every inch, and they all knew too son has been completely re man, and resulting in an suv loaded with innovation, side and out from designed to tackle, apology to safety. Every aspect of the new Tucson has been improved and completely redesign. This is a ton of suv. Why but probably a little more than a ton of Suv Digital key easy to use your phone as a spare cates gotta ten and a quarter inch full touch. Infotainment screen, he D daytime running lights, Stiva hidden in the front grill, it's beautiful, there's tons of technology in this truck and the
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Transcript generated on 2021-08-08.