« The Adam Carolla Show

Part 1: Chad Foster on Blind Ambition (ACS Aug 6)

2021-08-06 | 🔗
At the top of the show, Adam talks about getting his car ready for his yearly vintage race in Monterey. They also chat about the latest with Andrew Cuomo, learning how to drive a new car, and his recent conversations with Mark Geragos. Adam then shares a clip from the Adam and Dr. Drew Show, and talks about what he’s grateful for. Chad Foster then enters the studio, and Adam chats with him about working with his seeing eye dog. They also talk in more details about how his life changed after he went blind, the journey of getting to and through an airport when you can’t see, and why you should shift your mindset instead of making excuses. Please support today’s sponsors: Check out the Morning Wire Podcast Lifelock.com enter ADAM Ziprecruiter.com/ADAM SimpliSafe.com/ADAM Geico.com
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Thanks for listening to the atom collage will, on paragraph one a greater I've been saying how crazy it is that it's already spreading, but you know what that means. That means next up his summer. I know so strange, but it's coming up quick personally love a wax any time of the year, but especially during the summer months, waxing really is just a must have for and I know a lot of my girlfriends. Do it too. So when it comes to waxing I'm a big fan of european wax enter because would you go there? You get the best by the best there certified wax specialists are trained in prepping, protecting and pampering. Your skin are very important things, and did you not know that, as the experts in Wax European Whack Centre is also the export of skin,
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Have you heard about innovation on the edge with Microsoft edge? It's a weekly podcast that explores the cutting edge of internet innovation and pop culture trans each week will dig into how people are currently using the web to innovate. Notable he's in wages evolving. What did future might look like and how we can create the future together. Welcome curious creators, disruptors and innovators to innovation on the edge, listen and download now tied, cast one apple pie cast spot if I or wherever you get your punk ass, from career, one studios, England, NAIL California. This is the
Adam Corollas, show Adams gas. Today, Chad, E Foster and Gregg Fitzsimons with Gina grad on news and Paul Brian on sound effects. Now lying is dad a brass from it is the closest corolla has ever got to winning a metal Adam Corolla yeah, get it on got to get onto the agenda, may make gave it to an end and down the friendly love that about you, write Gina, grads right run: A year on year, awry
lay Zaga, hey you hear my work and feverish Leon. The Porsche as we get ready do a head on out to a pebble beach. The pilgrimage shall begin Next week, how you feeling? Are you scared? you figured out, I just said, the car to try to measure try to get measured up for the harnesses, because they harnesses that the car had had a date on them. They put a date on your harness belts, and these were oh, for one, so they ve expire out Carmelita as they would still work, but they just put dates on every and I want you to value the sir. I know they do like airplane engines right give her. Why are so many hours they make sense to became remain the bucket think of out of the sky, but, like you said they do that with car seats like you're not allowed to live
you don't want to do in its entirety, as you have now that I know nothing about our way, you know a lot about mean technology resell. Don't give away, of course, Buzz you supposed to that learn them. They should put something together, because I've spent a pretty penny on car seats. My bonuses ass his grace down his turn one a couple of miles: a always got his hugging boot and as studies in one and then he's in the other, but when you're done with them. There are two and a half years old than good to go. I dont know why would couldn't give them to a poor family out, but somehow they decompose or something, although he threw a car seat and landfill it would allowing the irate is yes, it would be like king tight in his tomb I could for thousands of years from now would be fine, there's not a natural fiber in those entire c and because, where such litigious country, I wonder if this is the way it is in other countries, and I doubt it nobody to be sued because of this. What right but we're all-
constantly banging the drum of you. Gotta get a car seat Ryan their expensive there, and also thank the drums you gotta recycling and reuse, Gunnar. You know, put back in the system. This is the same thing and useless drew up this next time. You guys Avenue abs. plastic, water bottles. Another day, the reusable, of course areas will start single use, a water bottles of Romania. Vehement or whatever is a small print. Do not refill would you like us to buy another bottle? Actually some danger here, like the strongest of which it is Well, I was sitting around and I was thinking about Andrew Cuomo, analysing about Chris Goma, and I got Andrew right. I was going to say, Mario, but that sets a dad right is illogical Why, then, I you know, I started to look at their physicality because they're, both their heads or on tv every station, has one of their heads.
on tv and like the brothers and add to both the arguably attractive, although I think I think, you're gonna go with you give the nodded. Square Mile nod yeah by far not yet know what we're looking at a maybe unflattering picture of Andrew. But I know you know: there's no competition. You write, incisive thinking about it like will, what's what's different in others, from the same my egg and sperm, and- and I realize, while Andrews more defined at the lines are deeper than knows- is a little more pronounced that everything just a little more pronounced right. I started looking at a sort of thinking about it. That's a subtle difference, but it's a difference and then I thought about the suasion brothers. Patrick Swayze IE is Chris Cuomo and dance ways. Ie is Andrew Roma and I said
They'll find a final picture Make me right grass and there's a stallion stage on upon intended, Patrick Swayze, you like the younger one, that soft law arrive and Alignment Chris pick a younger out and out with laughter protectionist and I'm not one from the hospital room he likes daily. Younger softer, pictured, proudly grew the point home, but I dont think he was captured on film before forty seventh adoption is limited, rosetta snake do through MRS Eaters. Yeah by this is this is Patrick closer to the end, but but Patrick and wait a minute. Was the others sways dance ways? It's this. It's the same It's the same rules apply, which is looks like the caricature of the UN is a deeper cut version of the other in a caricature of the other eye. Max batter but the involved is after picture in both as this is the other brothers been baked an extra ten minutes in the F B. I that's. That's yes! Max. By
so there's that update on the car, I sent a couple of pictures overdue max bad. We ve been taken apart the exhaust system and trying to work out the electrical. On it and that's kind of an interesting thing to which is one should talk to people who have driven cars that are Now again, in the same category, close enough to to understand what the cars or do, sir and am yeah like I was talking about, to a guy named Mark Hotchkiss Mark Hotchkiss in his brother, do suspension workin and beyond but mark. I remember drove his Porsche at too great six, ass in one of the races I was in maybe a couple years talk to any drives and Sorry, seventy four hours are, which sensibly looks like the car that that I'm driving.
And so I just call them up and ass like so. Well, how do you drive the scar? and he said well, we can find a picture of the cars MAX Basil short handed but said: will it's got huge big slicks in the back big, wide slicks in the back and thinner tyres in the front? when you go into a corner, the cars gonna want a sort of plough forward. It's not gonna want to turn em, because this is much less robber on the front than there is on the back. So said he half the kind of slide the car over kick the rear, end out a little bed and certain steer it with the throttle, like it's almost fish tail yeah like give its throttle, get get the car to rotate a little you ve just turn. The wheels is gonna kind of plough forward, but but get it to get it to rotate a little sigh said our eye,
and then I shall die, you can see from the picture that were showing here. It's got a huge tyrant back to tyres next week right in a much thinner turn the front. So I said I what else and he said well low run lower tyre pressure in the front tyres, because our tyre pressure, it's like when the reason Humvee have the tire air pressure adjustment like flies like when they get in the sand and they need traction. They land, air and out at the time as a more contacts so run a little less pressure in the run that'll, give you a little more tire and a little more in the back that'll make you able to sort of move it around a little more easily. You talk. The humble side known how many people use cars like tat for what
for now when they are exactly cars like bad ass off road, I see you guys, don't sound like damaged icy got these driving around in the range rover. With the snorkel intake meanings, they can go almost seven foot deep river and still get air into the carburetor has got the snorkel Scott, the actual water pacts on the back the spare the safari roof, these guys you're fuckin for the four or five, sitting in traffic. They just allow So our names this is based we, the guy, who shows you, watch and tells you it's good for seven thousand leagues, you're, like you, barely going the kid equal dude YAP. But if I mean if I had to, if I ever drop this watch office, ship when I was drunk, I would have the piece of not knowing that it was still working in the marine right. Has that's right so
he says around to let some air out the front tire and put a little more in the back, and I said our eyed and then he goes stiffen up there. way bar in the back, which is the thing the kind of connects the left tired of the right tyrant, unwanted stiffer. I said our idle that and then I said there, shall we put a few here's an interesting one. I see said you, get that weight in the nose you want to go down all the weights in the back engine and back big tyres in back. You gotta get nose down otherwise you're just gonna can apply right through those corners. So there's a big fuel tank from now, normally the fuel tanks in the bow, If you drive and run injured car- and you would only put as much fuel in the fuel tank as you would need for the run, so otherwise you just adding a hundred pounds for for no good reason. So I said I shall I fill up the fuel tank and get the weight in the front down more waiting, said yeah run over the full fuel tank
and get the weight in the front, and then he shed he'll go look up his set up his suspension, sat up or whatever and send it to me and that's kind of whereat now concern. George Mother question. I dont, after all of the age from your various documentaries. We ve seen. I don't love the idea of an extra for fuel tank on an old car. If you dont need it well, everything just the day on. The harness is there's a date on the fuel system. It has a bladder in it. You could shoot it with a shotgun wouldn't it didn't catch on fire said that's the whole. That was the whole. thing. I actually made Have the Paul Walker case? I think Garriga was in an on that Paul. Her case Monday, the in the Walker case. He was driving her maid engine engine behind you Porsche G
tea or his partner was and random under a tree and that that atrocity of it is you got a full tank gas in the front of the car and it's in a tin and an you run it into a tree, and a bird in the fuel flies all over the occupants of the car and the things on fire. Now you don't get out out of the car, all all the cars on this track. All re scars ever fuel cell. This is a rubber bladder and it really can't blow it. Ok, ok, but She d mark. You know that's a super car that Porsche made its five hundred fifty grand it It is essentially array scar built for the street. Why was bladder in the front of the car wise you just have a tin can like Volkswagen Jeddah would have. Why didn't you guys, who or or touting this car, essentially array scar? Why didn't you ever feel system we have modified?
that feels like a be irresponsible, not to include the nothing can be seen to have a modifiers, no street car than I'm aware of that. Just comes from the factory, no matter how insane, who, with a system with his eyes, cell in it. So I think you use that as an argument. Maybe that's why lets me fly around his jet for perhaps Jamie. That way, by the way. Now I still I still have not talked and for talk, took a party the rear exhaust system, a posted, a few pictures of that re routed it. So it comes out of the right and the left side patched up the apron or the face goes around it and put it all. All back together, you can do is show the Finnish, product there. I'm just show in love with the process of doing things. I just I think, I'd texted em to you at about about a half hour ago, MAX Bow
but either way we re routed everything and now we're onto electrical system and harnessed I have to go and that's that the finnish priority they used to come out of the middle, and now they come out the right. The left side so we're going to fire. And we're going to keep you guys posted but can a year off and it's been a year to long for last time right so speaking to mark. I was talking to him on reasonable doubt and also he has an associate in his office, whose an attorney buying up now now that's been. This is Karen, Agnes allow, I think I think, I'm pronouncing her last name correctly anyway, she's a fee my man number two to the Manhattan D. So she is all around the house. If you read all they all the Cuomo she's red, she read all of the briefings and all the
papers and all of his deposition and all that stuff and her and mark- and I said wade in on it? It's about seven minutes long, and I thought it's really insightful and really insides. I thought a plate for you right now have to admit, Knight, said this yesterday with Jerry, I am taken aback by the attorney general in New York State Latisha James and this report, in this sense. All indications I had was that he was out the woods and I have to believe that his warrior thought that otherwise, why would the lawyer, let him sit there and be interviewed in grilled by two a U s: aid from the southern district, especially one who was the acting head of the southern district. It recently and and
they release to report for those you aren't following it who basically found Andrew Cuomo was not credible that current read you unlike me, read the the rope fell backwards and forwards, and you read his rebuttal right. I did and I miss characterize it not at all. It was. It was in vain, wasn't just a fact finding they went far further and, as you said, you pointed out. They actually found the victims here credible and they also found that the governor was not credible and I found a stunning, but they went so far. To make those findings were here. Sir Layman's question. If he was the governor, because for me a lot of stuff, you know he drank his finger along her spine in the elevator and said, hey you, which I'm sure Marcus the strangers who, by the way,
though they find many times, they find that credible, because she's, a state trooper the same people who do at five Euro police credible on any other issue. I will go there I, but if this man isn't the governor of you know one of the biggest the most fourteen states in the union. If this is just a guy, works at a muffler shop. Is that a criminal year we starting that doesn't field those kinds of acts. Many things that were discussed don't feel criminal, but but that's not, but now it's the governor doing it there's a serious position power and all many other things that can be read into it. So the report stayed away from determining whether or not anything was actually criminal and really what they did was they talked about it from more of a civil perspective, and the civil perspective is the is what we commonly called
sexual harassment in New York, it's under the New York, human Rights law and a federally its title. Seven and it's it's a sort of a civil standard, it's different than a criminal standard which is beyond reasonable doubt, which is kind of what the standard proof is in a criminal case at civil. It's it's the preponderance of the evidence and and stop this. The report was very much a civil report and of spelling out what they found and what they saw, but read the facts, if your somebody who has experience reading the facts and making determinations about whether the facts make out a crime, that's where you start to
of people a pine whether or not some of this is criminal or could rise to the level of criminal and there's a few factors that that you have to think about, and I read the details and read the red. The facts here, I would say in eight of the eleven instances are- or I should say, complainants are victims in aid of that, the native their cases. There is arguably criminal conduct, an They are all misdemeanours. I don't see anything that rises to the level of a felony and a felony is a higher crime than a misdemeanor. Misdemeanours are typically punished for up to a year in jail. You know what your New York Times interview you, mention something that you and I were texting about yesterday. I called it. being hoisted on your own petard. The hour will out of those instances, There are at least a year Sunday, he's gonna make a decision on criminal. They say
drove limitations might have run except for animistic. A statute of limitations is typically either two years or one year, depending of its class. Amos demeanor be misdemeanor, but that, instead of limitations, is that I'm within which a charge has to be brought so normally, if today's, whatever today's August, fourth or fifth r? U go you look back two years to say August for twenty nineteen, however, during the pandemic, this governor, like many other governors, I'm exercised his emergency powers and he could prosthetic pause on this. Gradual limitations is, like the I've, been part about. Look. Wish ill on anyone except the abuse of emergency powers during this pandemic. How ironic, or is it for Those of us who say my God
Karen. Am I wrong that he could? of getting filed on criminally, even though, tat you would have run, but for whom acts recycling is emergency powers and pressing paws on the statue limited any press pause for more than a year. The first executive order went into effect in March of twenty twenty and it wasn't lifted a rescinded until May six of twenty twenty one, so that entire period has to be tracked it and what for the look back to see if there's criminal charges that roaming right, I don't know way. How works out by Lycophron dissent is in Florida. Did this, he would have escaped probably there the timeline riot, exactly it boy I wish Gary did you have the did you the video on Adams face when the light went off off the irony of the American louder. I love that the the the poetic
ass. This I call it the hoisting on your own petard, of the abuse of the imo Jesse powers, and why- and in this particular case- and you know the the thing about this is euro. When people are exercising their discretion and you know he's too can the position the governor has of I can't I'm in a weather the storm in now, revealed some of this stuff, Chris Cuomo from CNN his brother was involved in the emails. They have the acted emails in their quarrels on there and I saw quote today by the lawyers for one of the complainants where she said she now, based on this report. Gonna take a civil cause of action against the governor, not for the original assault which was probably barred because it was too Lango, but for the act he took to try to denigrate her after the fact
all right and add, there's also a follow up a second, a second clip that I can play a guy. So it's a short one minute clip also interesting way and twenty nineteen with great fanfare. This governor also significantly expanded the sexual harassment laws and expanded, strengthen the rights for victims and and the protection for victims and what was required in uncertain sexual harassment. You require patterns of find act in here. You don't just have one incident and there's more against retaliation thought I just think you know he and amazement he did a lot of press with with with that when he signed that- and I just think it can be interesting, because, if marks prediction that there's gonna be a cavalcade of civil law suits, it's going to be under the thumb and rights laws. The sexual harassment
shit that he himself past and strengthened with bright chant. There was very rare that a man gets hoisted on our heads up, but it sounds like a visa to protect man. He's got a high rate of criminal and civil come in his way, all because of his axe. I'd so there is her, and that is her incites on that yesterday evening. Just you said you guys base it isn't everything, but this is this just the hallmark trademark. Of a narcissist united me, and I had a lot to me, yeah exactly ever gonna fuck me well there to tell this. Let you guys peak behind the curtain we just fast forward. played it and gene and binding chancellor still tonight we off the era. We heard it all. I have heard here of it here it off their brief, Dick crazy part of it is the executive orders partner, suspended executive orders, which means you ve pushed the statues. When I tell you- and I were in months and at all came back buying them in the ass
and the sea should we save the second clip fur after the break be oh, no sorry screw that let's do it here, walked down memory Lane Department, I will sit near a doctor, drew and add somebody call in earlier to our show and said: Tell the install the clause in the wrong house, and I should because I was a woman annually anonymous teen, I think she's, my favorites, tell us in order. My kids are one loves that story. I think it was you see here and I was like ok, and I'll tell it with doktor drove his doctor drew knows the story I haven't told it years and years on this show so within assist from doktor grow hears the famous installed the closet in the Wrong House story. I Tina you're right. I shall grant you your wish. I won't I
working for always better closets, ABC Clause, ways better educated charm. I was at a wedding for Foreman guy that work with them, yon microbes, getting wedding, disguise him yeah. He was swedish guy. and I was at his wedding and I guess I've seated at table or something with a guy named Tom Bill Man. I think this is the last name, nice guy, and he showed us. We were too, Can it be? I said I was a carpenter. He said he had a closet company ice die, wives, thinking about going back and taken some classes, and doing some stuff. I was trying to do something more than just being a full time carpenter, but I couldn't support myself. You know he's Why can't I need a carpenter. I have closet installers, which was
born again gangbanger guys but they're, not really skilled carpenters, and sometimes I these grew stuffy. I need someone to build something our build soften or something I could use that. So we struck a deal and our deal was ten in our under the table, and I would were do us back taxes, the air. I would work a full day Monday, full they Tuesday and like a half day, There are four Monday for Wednesday and like a half day Friday, and that give me two hundred dollars a week or two hundred twenty dollars a week or something, and would it be enough for me to pay my part of the rand? you know by top Rahman, and I could, without that you be on the street that's where I live on the sidewalk thrive. That's right, So I was able to do that and then I was gonna, take some broadcasting classes or something at the junior college, and I was so I'm a kind of work, the loss,
draw out for myself as a line of motorcycles, the time and so and so forth, Thou ABC Clause, this was certainly ass and a Burbank was cannot next to the airport and industrial kind of where we are right now no, how another but the area. look around their strive for liberty. I was like that back then this ersatz do stick this niece up the street, a guy say in this area, might have been like that, all back then Gabbett, nay, even even then, it was like anything. That's close to the airports. I was a little weird at work whenever sitting here. Is that it's just that jets flying over its prime real estate. But anyway So there we were, and I had a closet to go out and install. This could be a one manner. We weren't gonna do the queue Van with the four guys in the vague play sitting over there for a while that point, or with the air I've been there long enough. I knew the lay of the land load up. The van wasn't gonna. Take the Big box struck just a single van,
and I go there go to this address, and so all this in the master, bedroom, closet and also install bathrobe hawks in that in the bathroom, bathroom now we say master about these are all valley houses. I lived in this. This is my whole life. They all have the same kind of lay the land that you front door, the kitchen in the dining room or to the right the little living room till laughed and then you just walk down the hall right. The penitent man there's at the back, but the bathrooms not even a tie do the man now that's just a bathroom close as yet the master and the master bedroom is ten by twelve and the kids rooms are eight by Renate me to give you an actual couple, a square feet and there is no manatees and then there's a window and then there's the back. The honor of people around the country understand what happened in LOS Angeles. They threw up these box. all over the city in the nineteen fifties, with the alone frame windows- and this
doors at her veil of the Andes. Now now these probably predate that this is a little more world war to these has her from the forty and There are other all eighteen hundred square feet in their Vienna Residential comfortable night. Nobody has master swede or walk in shower in October, Vienna, goosey tolerance is that in our now later on, people start buying up and like putting a second story on that because of their million bucks now, but who, with a million bucks, wants to live in this shit, she ran out so We know he said dab. Here's where you goin. and I looked down at the address and then next to the adders, its envoy, she'd and the next to the address is the street net and I looked at. And I said, that's my street and that
What I said because I grew up on hard shook street freitas- has sorry, I spent my high school days, an early out a high school days on hearts shook street now right next to heart. Six three very close literally then feel it it's a small black, maybe a hundred feet over is at Sego at sea now I was then living in our apartment, with a couple guys on at Sego- so I've been living there for a few years and the streets run allow to one another and their right next to each other. So one one you grow, bon sort of high school and the other you lived at presently arrived so I look down. I said, that's my strength ah. Well, what I was looking out was my high school street yeah Heartsick right, but when I loaded up and got the van I drove to my street at Sea Gull, that's where they can
I wasn't just insane like I install that we are at a random. Have I the same address. Just one street. over announcing that's my street? Well, it History does currently living on, but it wasn't the lottery that was The reply- and I was in a great reader home, so I then drove to that house before I left another weird piece of Kismet enough: it was kismet or something but Tom. The guy run ran the play he's like you, gotta get paid, which you never said. He always dealt with them at half on whatever, and then they pay the price. The balance on whatever but the day then in hand, ass, Jack's right, he dealt with the Czech run, the ordinary near. Does I leave the invoice uninstall leave? I ll just leave just install
I don't have even now. So the invoice and he stopped me and he said you'd you gotta get paid. They have a check pick up that check in answer now, come back without the check. ok, so I drove the van over there. And in our part, in pulling out front looked at the address. Obviously, the street. It didn't really matter of a second, the middle, the block and a right as my street. So I walked up knock on the door. Now probably Wednesday at noon ten, something than that Spanish made as Eastern Hall. I want a nanny now something she descent the door and I sit there hey here, to install a closet she gonna win in, unlike why link Amsterdam across it ok like a medium. It was scheduled. Maybe no one told her right right
so I just walked in Hammett tool bags and my staff they now I knew was a master bedroom sign. I knew the lay of all these houses walk to the back of the bedroom and the very back down the hall and of us my stuff down and and all the closet, so the same thereat about two foot, deep, maybe thirty, two inches deep. about eight or nine feet across, maybe about now about seven feet across the have that wooden shellfish Paul skulls like a pine playing on the top with them. For each plead the goes around it and then that would pull that sits in the middle than those that weird hangar in the middle, but it always sags. The Paul once seven foot, we are saying that weird yet lamp in the front yard. I caught a whole piece of work on AOL when are inevitably the wooden Paul always ends up Boeing and at all, it's just that weird clauses that you'll never see again So I go in there
open the closet and in its fall foul of everything, thicker couple lives there, there's no closet space and its half full clothing and boxes and evidence on the shelf and caution thing is like what we term the coin. The closet we always come clean out that cost there there unless it. So I is take everything out in a hurry. because who the fuck wants a clean out. The clause anymore, you damn other closet, Vienna side is Just go out there and I just grab a big bunches of others piling on the back of your horse, throng at all the bad get it out, your haphazard, lay throw everything under the bed and then I, You and I always do all that stuff with nailed. Nothing was screwed, you know just are bang and under the hammer pull that big piece of pine off the top than private cleats off the wall. You know that's nailed into the
two probably wasn't dry with private plaster crumbles alone, like leaves all you, this sort of polar running out and walk out the front throw in the back of the van in our now the clause cleaned out now. You know you show up with your closet in your plan and start hang in the staffing Clayton, whatever he's crazy, that fit into the exact lay out you had plant gives us off, because these houses are so much similar. While it's a good point so what what? What we would do is ass, the houses are so close. To one another they're all built nineteen, fifty one in our and the closet, so the same by We still leave a little accordion room, so we'll cut the Paul we'll run it a little wild and then, this cut it on site, because who knows how the measurements so we always leave a little little wiggle Roman, their sad that that's what I would do, no big what they just do stuff on on site
and thy install the closet, and then I remembered the bathroom hawks, which is just another piece of like finished, would with like three books hawks on it for like a bathroom and then saw popular in the seventies one. The one the others, the ninety I know, but a lady's. Whatever I went to the bathroom, I install that on the inside of the door where were usually goes and after all, the same everything's its aim and Cleaned up my tools got all my shall together. After about two hours or something like that, I wasn't a really involved clause in some of em add islands and pull out drawers and lights and shit this. This wasn't a big install. This is pretty straightforward and I you know I've by worked pretty fast. Like I'd, installed everything and aims head now and the normal I've just head back to the shop at that point, I remember I was instructed to pick up a check
and so I went and found the lady, the the This is basically the hispanic lay eggs of thirteen Ex lady who was with an infant at that time. So she was there just Mammy, almost a newborn. next year's like swaddling the key issues like in the kitchen and I like, came in I presented her the invoice and said. You know I need, I need the check and I need the Mount in Isaac pointing at the number. Her English was not good or bad, or laid off I had a little spanish as against the narrow, pointing at the numbers nah, nah, nah and eyes like money. I e that the cause of the closet money in action. nah nah, nah, USA and as like where's, the check You should be a checker and shit
and I remember colors day she just went over and grabbed a piece of mail and she grabbed the peace male. She like put it in front of me, the invoice. because the inverse are the other address. I she was like pointing in our animals against one one, seven five to hijack ah see on it as like. I was, however, to take the process it like a while only second, I shall think I well versus something has gone wrong. You realize what would happen, then there's a lock and at all came ravaging the Bank of America saying my street. I kept saying my strong, not only the address, the I'd only guide. I know where I live, so you know I got no one knows what that is right, and I looked up and
and she saw some kind of panic or fear is unfair. in my face in only discover how shit yeah and this kind of look at me and she's like had the kid all my start, our on the monitor the cannon started, walking with purpose like India than other like going for the phone Rick phone call your calling the owners, the boss deployed sooner. The police, I dont know, sounds like shit, so she kind of went that way and, as like, I ran back to the closet and I had item Ikeda Screw gun back then, and I just put it on reverse, backed out every act out every screw and just yoga then everything like under my arms and was like we're running out the front door with this pile of the closet just and install it, and I just throw in the towel
the Van meanwhile, the the Eighty, whose waiting for install the closet is calling the boss going. Where are you guys for us? We are ten, it's twelve forty five, where, where are you you now? Has a cow shit, they just hustled over to her ass one. When I knew where she was used one street over and so this couples gonna cut came home found their entire or draw upon their bed in there that emptied out players are empty box, with much halls the war and in no no repercussions from is no consequences. They didn't figure out who did it, they couldn't. There were no ring doorbells back there. Now you couldn't get away, I can figure it out. I they would have been a far cry to have them sluice out than was one house over the same address was seen it. She could see in Lahti the nanny, had seen it drive the other address
yeah. I yeah I've been in my head. They get hurt. Justice different streets is what she was pointing at night, soon, ass, soon ass. She did that. As I have already told you, pull over the like a real adrenaline dumb at that point, so I didn't like ten minutes. I was rather ali- was a little, not a big, remind you fear, on the phone, talk the hunters or anything you do she, She made a move with the kid like. I need to protect this child She went to produce I would imagine, make microphone. I didn't hear now. I didn't hear her on the phone I was in the back. I was in the back of the place where the drill you know just back and out every screw. That was in there. What what with their conversations we like remove couple gets home What line time ass myself that I really have great English, you describe it. You have together,
ants later? Probably I feel so bad for that nanny, because here I come home and that any had been there and that's what she might happen I have no choice but to be met. Her there's, no one else, she. Let me right in. and I should tell you guys that day, even though were we'll be on vacation. Next week I mean doctored, refresh episodes come in your way, so get ready to enjoy that let's see one of my grateful for we miss that part. I'm grateful for I shant at the other shop is world class fabricated. he's one of these guys. You understand over a dozen works the whole time every time I walk any doing something, I will tell you if you want to know who is working in your world and who is not working in your world now you just do
I do with the other shop you walk in and out of it eleven times a day, your average days ninety one seconds, and then you leave and then at some point two hours later, fourteen minutes later ordered a day later you'll come back again. You will quickly see a pattern emerging? You will see the guys who, coincidentally every time you walk in there on the spot, but how and it being annoyance it has ratified. There see, walk in every time, he's eating, there's walk in every time. I do in some honest phone that around his chair and then their Sean, whose constantly welding and brazing in fabricating and taken care. But why don't you find him? I can't figure out where we
found, shall wonder, and one day he has skill and, most importantly, pride, the people with pride. They just want to do it right. They want to do it right, the first time and they want their work to be clean. And if you look at this guy's headers, it's like they should be in the Guggenheim Italian. I let me tell you about simply save simply safes founders Channel and our Laurens Design, their first security. Them in their kitchen, because their friends home was broken into making people feel safe is what simply safe has been doing since at the moment they started fifteen years ago, passion to protect people drives. Every engineering detail and customer interaction simply save as highly trained security experts red whenever you need them during a fire
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the rent. Will you do one or the other right? You know it's hard work out their own and rent, and you want to save some money. How much a bundle bundle your policies at guy Geico makes it easy to bundle the homeownership renters insurance, along with your Otto policy. Good, thank you because you got so much Ado already got a guy. Could I can get a quote see just how much you could say at Geico that is Geico Dad come today: that's Geico, DOT, com and now a totally innocuous word. That sounds dirty. When might Dawson says it down: it back to the atom guerrilla shall foster whose join us Chad has a book called blind ambition have ago from victim to visionary in its available.
Amazon, Barnes and noble apple bucks. Google play as well good too, see Sir further upon Chad, for us there looking good you're looking at the last time. I think we probably spoke over zoom. I think this rise As I recall, he was taken in November, two thousand twenty. I was delighted by chance. I thought tat. He should come in and share his story with us all Pritchett I just I'm sorry, there's a beautiful. I believe german shepherds George minding his. business, not gonna, be distracted by any of us. He is on the clock. I didn't write a parent, my stop myself, it's a real service door. It's not the Bretton Woods! Well, look I have said this many times. If there's a eighteen, forty two,
as a leash that ain't a service stars in the airport all time real servers stock as I handle yeah yeah, and you can tell by the way they behave right. If they look like they're out of control and they're, not professionally trained they're, not what gives us the? What can your dog? What's your dogs, Sarge sergeant? What Kansas our do? Let's see, Sarge can help me get from my front door in the Atlantic suburbs, to the Atlanta Airport, to my gate, to an airport in Singapore
China and from that airport, only asian countries, which now he actually has a European Union passport maize, is definitely not by us but bad ass. He isa he's pretty special, so he can help me get to my hotel in to the German, wherever wherever I go, so he helps me. It's a combination right so he's only as good as my ability to give him directions in meeting these great point to point, I can tell him left inside door and he'll, look to the left and find a door that goes inside. But if I dont know the overall journey like we know inside to the door on the left and then after that, make a right good, unhomelike left he's not going to be able to help me. I just can't tell him: hey, let's go to gate beast team he origin and he's not a gps. Exactly a living breathing creature I would bet you I mean, have you quantify this, but I would bet you that Sarge, if you could measure there
is happier and or more fulfilled. Then your average dog who guarantee that children in a basket right now, looking for some level know of any God stands at a deal. I think you're here knows this way by the way, a completely I've I've actually seeing this with my last dog, I had a dog romeo and I had him work tomb for eleven years room you he was a big boy. He made swords look a little small Romeo was about a hundred and fifteen pounds, and I retired, and because even gettings eleven years old- and it was time to retire, use a little bit slower. You know he aims leading me through the air Portance, literally the blind leading the blind right, not a great look, you know, but I retired him, and after I retired in he, actually
you if you'd been diagnosed by dogs ecologists, they would have said he was clinically depressed for months heap. He was very melancholy. He wouldn't get up when walk around and then the replacement dog I've got to take his place. Didn't work out, so I had to bring sergeant off the excuse. Romeo went off the bench. You would never seen a dog so happy in your life to get back in harness. He was so excited to get back in the workforce. I think we were missing out. Certainly something really designed guys going on right now, we're talking about in a pang everyone's rent for another six months in handling this out. Given people that people need purpose, the dogs they all of God's creatures, they need purpose. I need something to do every day and they need to feel like they're doing some doing up for and their good at something and I've always back. Do I shant,
The other shop of I've never seen the guy depressed or moody cause he's always doing something. He has a skill and he's playing it on it. daily basis, and I worry about the digital kind Weird will send the check in the food to U World feel sick people are starting to circle the toilet a little emotionally sprang uses a idle hands or I don't run aground wherever she went on, mind these days engage herself and get your mind well were place where for one was engaged back in the day in hundreds of years, go because everyone had to eat never needed shelter and everyone needed water in the well was in on down the road. A few clicks now given the people, the option and What I'm noticing and Chad you can way and on this for sure I'm noticing a lot of people see this up and go oh, I'm gonna. Take this run with like I have. I can now do a thousand things.
and others are going further in the wrong direction. It sort of like some people get hold their hands and a computer and they go grey I can work from an airplane now and others go grade. I consider my futon and watch more youporn, so that option that, yes, I think I explained shower that is without success. We can't watchful eye could have beneficial sarge can look at TAT is partly, why not worth so you year. Let's see you here seeing your vision started to go, get a thoroughly age. I knew something was up, but it can be allowed completely until your early twentieth, this right growing. My parents took me to Duke University three years old, because I noticed a had proper and dimly lit rooms and at night, and so there they diagnosed me with our. he read not as pimentos inherited condition. So they told me at some point on global.
And they told my parents, and they advised my parents say- should sign me up for a special school for the blind, but instead they They put me in soccer, is ass of your parents because had Brad Williams in here yesterday in Brad Scott, the same story. It's like his dad said Dan Oh, no, free lunches, we're not gonna build yeah special driver. Sit at a sorry grant a you wanna get the cereal box. You gotta figure out how to get up on the counter and go get it yourself. I is it. He tells a story all the time about his dad. Just kind of tough told them. You know. Boy named shoe kind of stuff, like the world's not fair, I'm gonna, Emily area too, and it recklessly worked pretty well on bread and worked pretty well on chat. It did it did my dad was definitely old school. You know raised on a farm expected as to do more work.
Then finally figured if we were working? We were out of trouble, which was mostly true right, but you know my friends, wouldn't they would always have less to do. I think my dad expected more of me because he knew at some point. I was gonna have a more difficult life, and so he would have me do things we would always have work days and things and art. I tell the story in the book when time he told me to trim the aren't trim. The backyard whirlpool was very little above ground pool nothing major right, but it was was a pretty grassy area and he's like and what you do go trips I gotta get the wheat trimmer needs. No, don't use a weaker museum in hand me a pair of scissors, ok, but I am so he was. He was a little old school, but guess what? When I went blind and deaf, how to write code, an engineer software without being able to see my computer screen. I had the willingness and determination to do that. I'm not sure I would have had then. If I didn't have their upbringing were, might my dad was preparing me for the road ahead that he knew is going to be more difficult, no way
I'm wondering trying to think so. If you are blind, I dunno hundred years ago, your proudly Scrooge here is a return to go blind, run Nada, but I do not really that Hungary has me there were the laws were in place, a technology may not have been theirs so on and so forth wanted surface of a thing. I remember from the city with a first seeing eye dog seeing eyes the oldest school in the world, Standish nineteen, twenty nine that we are seeing eye documents were soldiers from his seeing is a collegiate heavy leaguer, so briefly, is the one I was kind of trying to ruminate on was, as I talked a lot of people so bad to be blind in a hundred years ago, and before now, Do you sites you rely on it, but in a sense you don't have to. You can have a job in a back. We if you're blind, destroying beads fertile,
Bing or something to do something like that. Those are the answers are coffee cup. well now you know technologies solve that problem, but philosophically I talked a lot of people that are staring at screen and trying to have a conversation with me, and I feel, like I'm herds between twenty nine and thirty three percent of what I'm saying to the person that things they can read the screen or just look at the tv set, that's on on the wall with the sound down or cannot check their text just while I'm giving information to them their out that they're not or Doktor drew it drew we're doing a pack ass, their death. You Samuel, checked outdoor.
right right and I've. It says it sounds like you're watching something look into the computer screen. They drew come on we're doing a pot gas. Your people listening that pay money crazy, that's what that's a doctor drew sounds like when you staring at a scream now, I'm glad you're here because he was in New York. I haven't I was here that no chance of that happening with Chad, dynamic. hands. All barons focused I'm listening. I closed my eyes all the time when I'm trying to concentrate when I'm trying to form a thought or hear something more clearly more really let something wash over me. I frequently close my eyes, so it sounds like a joke an extreme, but there was sometimes I do it was those doktor drew on podcast completely out of it because he was staring at US green. I wouldn't have let him do we was sitting in here, but he was in New York City doing it,
in a way you sure to get the powers of Concentration Bestowed on you, even if it seems like a hopefully in a horrible fashion, yeah for sure I think every disadvantage in our lives offers us some advantages if we think about it in the right context right, and this is certainly one of them in I'd. Listen more deeply than then, I used to a more contemplated that I used to be because I'm not distracted by what's being thrown at my eyes and make a lot of people just have so much information being hurled at their eyes that it's hard for them to really thought things out right and focus on really matters while in were doing something simultaneously, which we are helping. The technology for communication, so our one's got a near by airlines on the phone are ones texting everyone's communicate where world, where were listening to a podcast whenever wherever all everything is all the chance, Rules are t vote in everything that we have tons of. Communication.
Then we ve simultaneously entered all distraction, a world of distraction and a world of communication. So now you're talking on the phone with people and you can hear their half their check. That basically? I would. I would like it to talking to someone. who you knows buzz I really think there's little bed, I'm getting a little like they think they're pulling at all, but I'm gonna, your show barriers are like something something's up. I can remember this tomorrow right how Libra it's the same with the people you talk, do who are watching something are engaging in something and you have the powers of concentration and your corner. I think people have a little too much. Confidence in Arabic The two multitask, oh yeah, man, that's what I think it! Oh, yes and that's one thing that that Unfortunately, sometimes I do say it was not a lot of multitasking going.
yeah. Then I'm gone further with it half the people. I know just travel by goober anyway, these days. So that's you ran nuclear Really. I don't know what I'd do without it. Frankly, it's it's been a fantastic service and now that they are getting some of the king's out with you not being able to get rides occasionally with the guide dogs. I ve been working on this for the last couple years, which is good I used to get denied like one out of every Autonoe for five right I would get denied because of the dog, but there they seemed like their earnings kings. Feel like that's illegal. You feel that way, because it is those are good instead got it so Guinness from your front door to the Atlanta airport. What does that process? So, in an ideal forget about the airport, get us through the gate, through security through the gate on the plan. Will it
I know that my door that I go into, I just tell the Hoopdriver so getting to that. We were no no problem getting in the car we get to the airport and tell him that Lana. So it's the world's busiest airport always lie delta, so woman, south terminal I'd like to go in what s to this as to my door and I'll go in there and its really close to the clear check out where you can scan your finger, bring go through and then beyond that another. There we go through that collect my my carry on. That's all. I usually travel with security on because I dont like collecting bag. You can imagine that the disaster is trying to check bags. I do have a system for that. A bit system which funny story that had the bomb squad called only one time when I was in temper, but by our save that for a minute I know what I had to run your business but put a doll you treat inside how you
sergeant, financial or other, why I had a beeping system and literally I was trying to get my baggage off the carousel, an asteroid there for about thirty minutes of surrender diverged, but I'll come back. So do I I couldn't get my bag couldn't find it. I was pressing this little. It was like a blue tooth beeping system, a radio frequency beeping system and after a while, I finally go up to, and I ask that the guy working the baggage claim have you. in a bag. It looks like this in its should be making a beeping noise like oh, my God is that Europe has again That's mine? Wine is like the bombs. I don't know where had literally carbon he'd, probably called his wife and called as long as it is doing so in the end they get this right. He won't, let me get the bag. Secondly, to see I do education, that this is your bag, unlike How were you endeavours a bag? Their beeping I'd be giving it to the first person who has yeah
so I hear, drop me off at a to utter as too has two years ago has to go through the clear line, and so I give Sarge direction. So it's right and I turned to look for the gate and will give me the clear line and through their there s quarters through our tree, my bag. On the other side we get through the metal, detector Sarge always gets padded down cause. I don't take the harness of em, so they'll, pat him down and in swipe my hands for the smoke and everything. So then I'll get my My luggage, mercury onto my backpack and then I'll, tell sorts to look for the escalator cause. There's an escalator there that goes down to the train, so he'll find the escalator and then I'll tell him to go forward and after the right where the train is and then up on the train and forgetting all You know gates a. I know. The lay out gates a and b c have that have a similar lay on all the gates are split in the middle we ve got gates won through sixteen eighteen, twenty two on the left. When you get up to the top and then the other side of the concourse has the,
the gates, and you know which side the even our own and which are the otter on, and so I ll just get up there and, if I'm going to, for example, gate see, for I know that I wait until I get to the sea terminal, go up, the escalator get to the top, make a left, and then it's gonna be probably about three football field down on the left, and are you are you seeing this picturing there, sir, you serve seeing it in your minds. I hear your navigating this, because this is a labyrinth. I mean there's dance rail, there's escalators, yes, three hundred yards in your you're, just seeing it in your minds. yeah completely. I have to visualize all of it and I think that maybe one of the benefits cause might think about my world now is virtual. Like everything around these virtual, it's all a concept, oh
Some I got out of my less I've just starting to Michael Inch about stuff. I wanted to add to my list of things to do in our before a guy I'm hands registered, jump, adore body water with a knife in my mouth importance. Like that, get I've down Forgot Africa Advert Chap can answer is, does I wanna be a blind woman or run her hands down, might enjoy alone and announced some beautiful? I was thinking about a chair, If your die each year here unimportant storm, you I'll, take a pass on so many movies just do things that blind people do they checked, take their hands, they drag them on the face and announce their beautiful ran. All the blinds gonna guys are excellent sort. I should then movie so many times and eighty, so you must really be able to handle a Sabre cow. You tell for girls good, look at the idea of a spider,
Ray Charles have somebody rings almost worked out so I'll say this storage is probably not the most discerning round, not going man here. I would say that I've seen that in another dogs back in the days when I was single, but you know is certainly I could feel my wife's face and in my friends are there to my friends they would. They would give me there millions of bourbon Mary. Now for almost nineteen years, so yeah You ve never done them. Move re dragged a hand on the face and announce your watch beautiful. you have done, then that's what they do. Why I chose and probably pull off the fake, follow its like a stewardesses face. I'm sorry about that. My grandma, I was gonna. Well. Let me give a lot grab video to see issues here. Trouble on planes ran on ferries, you must leave. Oh my god
where it is worded, Sarge sit on the plane. He usually just lays at my feet. You know like sit on the ball. Catherine. I usually ask for bulkhead. If, if it, if it warrants it but yeah, it's either bulkheads, it just depends on how the layout of the plane is, depending on which, when you're. but we need a little bit more removes a hundred pound german shepherd big boy at question about science, because even though the time even talking right now, you ve been saying directions like olive growers so any totally ignoring you he's passed out. So when he's working and when he saw a hail lux yeah right you its context. I would say
that he knows the context of this. He can just kind of Czech album when we're at the airport. I can even be talking to somebody, and it's not just the words it's the body language too, and so it's like if I wanted to go left he'll know that I'll say his name to get his attention and is the way that I sound it that I say it in the way that it sounds to him and then I'll, pull back on the harness, just tick and he'll kind of feel me kind of knowledge in my body, language will open to my left right. Then he'll filled out through the harness. If I want to go right I'll do something similar except I opened my body to the right and I also throw a hand gesture into with the other hand, if it free. I well so he'll he'll get that all that, based on the current, he is coached up this daughter, so goddamn repress, that's was seeing eye, invest seventy thousand dollars and each one of these dogs really it's. It's not your ever given. Ninety four road who's, gonna, garbage man, who's, gonna, going to I say, allow arm dragon
giving I'll make it a hundred. You do the face neck, please only! I want that dog over here. Why potentially sensitive questions, suggestion of answer, if you don't want to, but who are they there's, no one cell can who pays from the dog is a good sure and superior to pocket. Isn't, as there are some sort of foundation rough answer, five eleven three c have a nice day
Transcript generated on 2021-08-06.