« The Adam Carolla Show

Carolla Classics: Teresa's Final Episodes + Tracy Metro Fills In

2021-06-05 | 🔗
1. Teresa Strasser (2010) 2. More news w/ Teresa (2010) 3. Tracy Metro fills in for news (2010) Hosted by Chris Laxamana and Giovanni Giorgio Support the show: Visit Apartments.com Visit TommyJohn.com/Classics Visit Geico.com Visit Lifelock.com and use promo code Adam Request clips: [email protected] TWITTER: https://twitter.com/chrislaxamana INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/chrislaxamana1 https://instagram.com/giovannigiorgio Website: https://www.podcastone.com/carolla-classics Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/carolla-classics/id1454001697?mt=2
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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alone, welcome a girl classics. Four June fifth, twenty twenty one, the shell, where we highlight some of the greatest Adam Curls show moments dating back to February to the ninth. We got a lot of importance to go over and you got a great show, lined everyday mining. Chris locks and monitor exists, producer of the atom curl issue, and with as always Corolla Archive is superfluous. Giovanni, have Thousands of moments, tens of thousands maybe even more. Let's go, into one from a few thousand ten we ve gone over the different news. Girls record classics, praises Strasser out and rose in and out Gina grad three says the last day as regular newsgirl was in August twenty ten, and we have that she'll right here. last weekend: Moil they weaken episodes our talk
Teresa final episode a so I said it was useful Warburton but has mistaken came in right after that, for an episode of dying. Do one of the original cast bride and Teresa but TAT. Robin was read her last regular episode after that, historically when's, but she was still peppering in their budgets mine for actual that was over. Those with Simon Help, work, which is for right now, when the play a three ninety Ankara will show up so three. Ninety Patrick Urban Teresa, Strasser Brine Bishop August twenty ten. We played Patrick's interview in the past so we're leaving that off. We're just play it worse with Adam Tee and Brian They call news and funny stuff go on this her last regular episode of you guys enjoy all right, give it got to get it no choice, but to get it on man. They get good to see a ball brine. Everybody got them to see a Teresa Strasser good. To see you at a couple quick,
duties and then will again in the news in the show when reference Patrick Warburton and Teresa's got her blurb from doktor, through which he will officially read that we sort of teased couple days ago, I will be today in Chicago at the craftsmen store they're doing some big craftsmen store thing and I'll be doing some stand up there like a presentation. So if you're out shy town in Chicago, I think it's free come on out and check it out. Think I'll be there. Six o clock in the evening, will all be at the famous Mailros Improv doing they show the alive podcast this Saturday, eight o clock show ten o clock. Show we got some special gas will be upstage, get to see how the sources is made are. As we like to say, the fudge is passed right still ways. I, like no more living hand to mouth, is living asked the mouth and
I would not want to see other sausages made anywhere, but here the fudge spat. Do we live with I wasn't aware, as we are doing so fond of saying, shut with those islands and other religious or living ass, the mouth and come back give people the currency of the funds is fair. I player on that cannot be, right, spigot love tee bone. You said the doktor drew russian. Blurb off. I didn't know what a blurb was ten day the girl I've been hounded. I've had a kick out of me by blurbs over the last ten days. It's funny, because I didn't really think you'd need blurbs as your famous in your fans are very intensely in love with you. I looked at the back of scarce Overman's book and her blurbs. She did something really cute or blurbs are all from kids and they say like it's a book Billy age to write. You re right in real need, blurbs, but it doesn't hurt.
Yeah I mean we had built Simmonds in here. Yes, I said he didn't have any blurbs and he saw the couple he's: got them cardinals Barbara on account of his bob setting and have a blur I don't know, look back up peeps I could see, when I saw Malcolm Gladwell blurring him. Well, maybe there's some sort of retro, but they act without adding at sticker. The second print like that, and even when I went to paper back or something any off, maybe as a couple different bucks, so maybe the most recent wasn't blurb. Did you go to Kenny Burns, went to any burns I won't do Seti Macfarlane and Jim Kimmel. It's always COM, a different name than anyone else known have eyes to James Buckingham Arbiter, right. I wouldn't do barely Simmons, I went to the sea, mayor, O elected Baldwin We want a lucky lucky Baldwin, the air, while these proposed.
they all agreed to read the book. Well, burns and the candy bars? in a lucky Baldwin, Lucky Baldwin. The people got back within half an hour. Now they were doing whatever their doing civil war. Reenactment gascony burns is out there doing that are not not lucky, it seems like you capitalism's voices, ok, yeah and so actually the two guys, I probably I probably know Seth Jimmy for sure and the belly Simmons. Better than I know, Kenny and Lucky Baldwin by the two. new, the least got back me the fastest, but maybe that kind of situation words you're comfortable. They know Jimmy's things on a raft Mahars rang, but anyway, though figured out the problem is I have my editor up. My ass, like a man. What's up with those so blurbs
like what are we supposed to do like send Baldwin a shitty email like a dear dear we'd, about you get off your ass. When you know I don't What's more important new hosting s now for the for her a foreign fifty I'm a good meal blurbs, I let you down: attacks yeah where's, my black satin. yes, dear least, favoured ball, but oh by the way, we got a new story that involves a Baldwin coming up but tat. This blur. Okay, so nervous DAS doktor drew because it involves two things that terrified me one asking people for favours and too the way you're sort of asking someone to say something nice about you, comedy almost forcing their fourth, owing to the combination of those things. Right is very, very uncomfortable and I only know doc you drew tangentially through your forcing people to lies is never comfortable situation. Teresa well, Doktor drew. I don't think so
I so my agent called his agent and and the assistants had well send it. Doctor obviously cannot I you know just you know he needs to read the book Rock or he can agree to blurb it and are not that's fair, because socks and your doktor drew. Why do you want your name anywhere near it? So we sent in the manuscripts and my agent was so happy with the blurred that he called a great news, and I thought oh somebody option the book now, but he loved that blurb and It's really. He obviously read the book and it was I so I was really touched They say he obviously read it, because I understood my book in a new way. After having read his blurb Booker your witnesses, now. It's gonna Romeo and a key. Clearly, roadie aim you'll know because of european Tax ARCA and there's no mistaking it works. They don't want you to laugh at. It includes the word, nay, ok, ok, so trials. Take it seriously words.
the inward which play a gay rallies when you get to the word major saving, Edward say that I will not sounded like ruin the flat, irrespective of what I want this, why they want to have agri aggressively Edward, mostly for explaining her baby, perhaps but most certainly rewarding her readers, trees, Strasser trudges, nay robs with down the road from the exact anxiety of no baby to guilt of not deserving a precious child. All the while. She reminds us that the echoes of our families of origin, although carried away, with us like so much marking a river bed need not show our ability to flourish and fine joy, parents are beautiful, yeah nice everyone here, the inward version explaining her baby, perhaps but most certainly rewarding her readers Teresa Strasser trudges Edward robs
with us down there. I do, but I mean this this verbiage about me, echoes of our family of origin carried along with us like so much marking a river bed is beautifully written. Well, he hates his prayers, but may not show our ability to flourish and find joys present. That's really what my book I mean ostensibly it's about being pregnant and all that shit and nothing we'll take bike it in and getting morning sickness and worrying about stretch marks, but it's really the matter is like will I be to be a mother. When I didn't exactly have one right and drew first off drew it, he loves this stuff like it's so funny. I mean it's, it's it's really easy. If you tell J, Leno, hey how much you come out to Caesar's Tahoe and do stand up pieces gimme, two hundred grand, if you say to him how about you, come out to the queen Mary and go to the japanese car, what the japanese car show once it
he'll just come out for free and do whatever for free sounds like shit. People are interested in verse is the stuff for your fucking. You better pay me doctor, drew loves anything to do with a bow or word or paid, and there s a twelve step related. There's recovery related chapter right in its A million little racist pieces right has to do with the YAP eating disorder. We never I like that, because it is a weird thing to get pregnant and gain sixty pounds. when you are in a recovery probe. Well, I gangway email. This couple couple thoughts at it at a nice name, moment with my Sunday, where I said to him. He was playing doktor with my daughter. You know, cut the paddles out by the way they need a fuckin clash, ivorian everything yeah, they literally the panel's. I know what you put this on your her manner handed down to us. Yes, differ material and go go to tear so so plain diagnosis
I said I sunny when you're all there. Would you like to be there? When you grow up- and he said no. I said what do you want to do when you're, when your big boy he said, I want to help that in the garage Why it's gonna, be a nigerian flunkey couldn't cut at a dead junior college. Haven't you crack daddy? called what. You know, there's a runaway I've, seen eyeball and drove him up, have backed the fuck off I know your horny about you, Jack off upstairs come back down year after year, younger than you fucker? they'll be married. I think you're, a woman boilers. That's very soon so. You're gonna help daddy Nigger eyes like I was a gig. Donnie drew through. You know the thing it's crazy in This is why we should even try with our kids truce. Parents drove him. That's too
idea: do they really is dead past semi recently in lived a ripe old age is mom is still around and his dad was a doktor. His dad sent him through medical school me send through college and sent him through. call school and essentially it was. It was a foregone conclusion that doctor drew was gonna, be a doctor. I guess, if you're in the seventh grade or neighbours doktor drew, I guess maybe strategist drew back. That ban and actually that's his middle name. That's not even as regards first name is at some simple, like John David, David Andrews Daylight wanting you work at EU level as you do that, like all of a sudden, this guy goes by middle name. For no reason you never understand, right? I would accept for years what I would say like so you you gotta parties ago- I want you to meet my friend. You do thing.
everybody thank you for listening, give it Croatia would work the middle way super lazy, ass, fuckin parents, but- and I swear to God. I know it sounds crazy that I'm pissed about that, but it it's one of those things, that's representative of my family and their laissez faire approach to their kids. They know The middle name just means not that not that Indonesia combo its first of all to take the time, because I know this the conversation over the middle name that took up many many months and ours. For my kid, it's a big. It was a huge deal and that the second part is that your parents- don't even think it's weird like when you ask them one of the human middle name. They go while in retrospect aside, even weird, not like you know I back, then we were really cut. We,
yeah we were overwhelm that no, no, the beauty of my pants It is not only are they sort of world class fuck ups that way they never think things, weird my my mama with a super straight face. As a famously said, a million times can look at entire table. That includes me of relatives in and say: can you give me one good reason? Why should sign up for basic able when our sun had attentions on basic aim on a good bye and she has no problem making that proclamation in front of everyone? That's the we're part. Like my like, I said yeah, we'll call me the the day after dancing the stars Aaron go, did you do the bit last night? Did you do your thing? Did they let you, where the facts to light there. That's weird, you don't know it's weird and there's no explaining it. There's no explained
No, I'm telling you the reason. I never least my dad a fourth luxury, automobiles, because I told her entire. Do you not pulling up in it and it was like what's up and I'd like dad? spend a lot of money for you to drive this jack and every time we come to my house, you drive on to see our Viennese like, what's up I feel like leasing you a new car. Why not? Could you don't cried the old car. I do just not your house, I should do you, don't understand that make me feel now. no do from a turn up? He desired we're gonna, get it I. Finally, so in a car I wouldn't have a rule that they needed to drive it to. My house it's not a rule! It just doesn't make me want to leave you a new car, and if I don't, I really don't understand what you're saying like every I can you please just idea fine with us. I could you please just go louder. I understand that it would not be so this fine I've spending, eight hundred,
hours a month with insurance in a lease or maybe a thousand on a car that's way under mileage by the way that needs to be turned in next month. It is your ten thousand miles you're, not that you would pull up my house and not, driving it now, absolutely if the latter by, I think that's why. Overall, until recently, I hadn't easier time with my dad became, I think, he's have really deeply understood his mistakes and he never stop talking about. When you gave me to my mom and seeing me drive away and tear my cheek and you. Never, he never stop agonising over the mistaken souls come easy to forgive. Where's, my mom I'd have conversations with her in my twenties where it stood Thirdly, we like ill wave me take the greyhound. When I was a rush, you would say them straight face like Chris Guerrilla WAR. What was I supposed to do right, provide transportation are dry as me, we are the greyhound. I know I know that's why it's not worth
Conversely yeah I was in a one, but it took me like ten years of doing it to realise that I was just it was just pervading everybody and that there was never going to be a moment like you know this, this James Joy seen epiphany where she went. Oh the other danger and made you feel unsafe, took to be fair to me, he so consistent with this shit that when I told a man, guess who's gonna be released himself a handy from now one hour everyday, never mentioned it sense, never said a word don't think your parents, your dad, we are genuinely clue or they sword digging their high in a way that people are like, while this is this, is it opinion, nor my my sort of belief, generally like everybody. Whenever me, everybody thinks my dad is trying to make a statement or mom is trying to make his name and because the stuff they do is, is it so brash in its own?
its outlawing alluded up sort of way like like? Why should I drive a car? You me like watching your child on dancing with stars is outlandish. I guess so. No there's no statement being made. I kind of wish there were I didn't statement. I mean like disorder, away like a dog will hold onto the Munich Parry to die, but the way Don onto a to toy we're pulling on it. Just assorted now go the option. ways now already bitten and dug. Now, that's that's! I would I really do wish, there were something like an emotional tug of war is the least we saw at the interaction it's. Why wish there was an excuse for no middle name? It's it's that the problem is its just zero like why I don't want to dance with the stars. painful because the opposite of love is not hate, its apathy, yes, and that's what you're feeling it's sort of a vacuum here and it's a difference between having a crush on someone in high school him. Go Billy Johnson
way for me. I never want to see you again and then crying Rohingya, lockers and then have or versus Billy The coming up hearing you going Korea, that's way more painful review, Johnson, there's nothing. You can parson you get the who That's the worst thing in life. It annihilating its annihilated. That's right, verse like why. Why are we doing this? Why are we here Why am I asked its eyes everywhere, I missed you guys. We must view as well. So, let's stop rang out but I do want to say that we can stop saying we I mean both of us, etc drew whose parents fuck and paid for college and took care vermin whatever. Still, I had plenty of beefs cameo beefs with moms and Papa. I think those pins keys master ban like the cleaver, because he's such a perfect mention human being now, if you wanted
nuclear? Do as my happy means that, like you know, my son could turn out our right, even if I fuck it up in a way, it's even its even worse. In a certain sense, then our brain because there emerged, which is we don't have that really like we do what we you I mean there's a certain amount of involvement, but you don't feel I got it. that is my late dinner and my mom's, if my dad doesn't get invited to do whatever like above a block, I mean it's kind of nice However, my dad comes in and does podcast worry like plays the place a trumpet stuff for four tourney about, but about three weeks ago. Is that, like fifteen, and he's like they ve ever less many of them, and I now I feel, like I don't feel like I've needed, come up, scarcer backpedal. Our aim as like math lesson so anyway,
I've got on various sabbaticals where I have not spoken, my mom for over a year, no pressure. What's the big deal easy? What you heard? What should I do ya know exactly where you do. Let me leave your car. Wait a second I'm not going to inherit your debt when you die, that's terrible after ink accrue. My own deftly ran up a visa there, the other! That's all thing like what you need it. It's really it's like a chick with a huge cold, sorted, threatening, not blow. You know like thanks, dummy, five or so, but unfortunately drew feel, fell and always felt a sense of debt, because these people to carry on and they end they put you through college and they sort of under wrote your lifestyle now because now you're successful, but is because many years ago they cut a few czechs. Do
you see and where the fuck ass I went. Lord have yeah. I've come our first when I am with the amorous stand and USC knowing you mean this woman. I was at a meeting actually somebody somebody was interested in opting the book and I am saying now so so a couple people a couple people I could see it through Barrymore store? Oh my god. It would be amazing and life changing, but I do know can't believe that I'm a book is being published, but Lou Wilson, gonna blow up and I was meeting with this woman. And yeah and she said not made under now, she's a bitch. What's her, I love her.
away, not Megan Megan Tom is a great writer for the last time. I love our big fan out. There's the other mega Chicken did Howard stern book. Oh, oh, oh! No, such even make it which you have Harper Colony yeah. Do they live on a wayside? Wasn't she bear some of the government listen to the policy on this issue and like every up yeah yeah that I love her stops drive. It only has a foot out about buying a new house in its great- I don't remember the name, but you should buy it and support books. I know you're thinking about. He published a lot of celebrity box. Yes, She had a shell for awhile on maybe like a mess and began because she's horrible, we had a meeting to write a book for her yeah mean true, did ass. She did Howard Stern spoken around she's, big bigwig, total bitch. We did a book ass. You want us time doing to buffer
What is most, we met her at her hotel right or we will have a drink in the bar hotel right. She was forty minutes late coming down. She had come down a fuckin elevator shaft where to drive across fucking town to meet her, and then she proceeded to centrally, do when I things where I was going to be like a love line, Bach, that's what was going on at any rate Julia total current fund could I do so. Never nice Judas are always cards. Jesus Christ, my gacha gimme, middling Judith. I won't have licences. Do. You share my view disguised There was nothing more high streak alive gases ways you fuckin forty light came down. Did the never heard a love line and then did this one since I've never heard of love line, no one else has ever heard of lions. Let's not write a love line, but we should write a book. You want to write a book on chivalry because it was her fucked up I'd, be a intrusive, like my shit, doesn't think
when she was riding high and Howard Stern? A new big can and should be that thing where she just went well idle who's, gonna a book on this which I fucking, because it's like listen badge just because we're in your demo and you're, not watching empty, beat eleven thirty nine fine, but do you work and understand that rather people are interested in this, like I know as much as I hate all this kid, she I wouldn't be like I'm not going to invest in a door. Dorothy explore backpack factory who's gonna, buy that none of my friends use a backpack with Dorothy, but I understand that there is a market out their hour. She was just ass. She was Oh, you know when Howard Stern, Burke and Howard Stern, Howard Bears and Howard than just and we're just certain areas can kiss there ass a knight finally went like fuckin, I'm done with this bitch
and by the way, you're horrible on tv you suck thank, you does come across as a bit of a shrill she's, a badge just you know I just because someone s money and as Power- and I was fuckin scared that you can't. We're gonna get in trouble vacuum vessel keeping you waiting forty minutes in your hotel hotel. We had to meet you yeah your hotel. You would not go and meet us somewhere where to go. Fuck me per hotel. Golf now? People may ask you this, as this woman asked me about the book, I am sure be blast you this all the time about your various broadcasting shows Pike, s etc. Like wow, how do you feel free to talk about your fair. Aren't you worried that they're gonna be upset like how how Do you How do you deal with telling about such private things, and I just thought right if you have-
sort a normal family run? You feel like the doktor drew like responsibility to have some sort of respect for the family of origin, the US, whereas I cannot think your eye its end fair game there and they recalled me on it in been upset about it. Well, like a second, very go watch, prime time network tell, that is certainly not going to seek out. I mean I was worried right in a certain sense, is very difficult to be an artist. If you have come from a very normal nuclear family, because you can't really talk about much happen anywhere happily have much. Well, that's why no pain, no good blue singers, but let me say this very quickly. I can't remember for mentioning for a while, but I was thinking about this and it is interesting you can tell- and somebody should you should do this experiment and you can find out do this on it
Do this on a date, because you want to find out whether year may has a good relationship with their dad or good relationship with their mom, because that will bench come into play in your relationship most assuredly. So here's what you should do is a lot of projection goes on. I've, you'll talk the sullen, and this has happened. Before I said like got so where you know. What's going on, I like ain't gonna, get together next week or wherever they go. Now, I'm gonna be gone for two weeks, I'm going on a cruise with actually actually me my my dad, my sister Raw bought their crews and work when you go around Alaska and what can we go on for ten days? That person's reaction will tell you how their relationship is. their parents, and when I do the thing right out of God, you forget what happened rad, how do you, Did that shit? Do they know it as a central Asia? Dinah cancer like what's like my god, that's
measurable, you're gonna be so miserable, and then I go. I like mine, any God pocket, but you and your mom on the fucking leader that for TAT days. Ten days trapped on a ship with your pocket, mom out to sea, and they go in Portland Oregon zeal that I've been waiting dinner. You understand you, ok, trapped I'll, give you better hope. Some somali Fuckin pilot that shit over you up. They fuckin push your ass over your wheelchair, like big deck they did when they took over. That's like an Achilles laurel by twenty years ago, mad that man horrible, and then you realise at a certain point you just projecting right bank in there I likewise that doesnt, so I'm looking for TAT was my suggest that you keep
The girl was my idea right. Young idea, I'll, let you put a cigarette out your eyeball. That's a better idea. We will tell us what you call it now. So all the people listening when I got a day just go I'm gonna attended crews of my parents and if the purse across, there then you're not married. I person of good advice diabolical a good right. You do finally do find it completely projecting ours that, like me, dead height, the John Mere trail, took us twenty days now I went to the buggy thirty or that that's bad right click from August twenty ten Teresa, we'll pepper, I'm just a little bit more throughout the shall. Obviously she still does it. You ve been doing it this year too, so we we love Teresa by that was her last regular.
Before we get going with our next clip one remind everybody about Tommy, John at my father's days, come up. You wanna you wanna, give her dad is a big safety or the daily lives. apps, no matter the dad, yet them a gift that they can get comfortable in Tommy John right from ball, catching debts to the ball scratching debts. They all agree. when their wearing Tommy John Underwear there that much more comfortable and bacon do everything better. That's why Tommy John doesn't have customers they have. Call fanatics or will work. Gonna call super fanatics like Giovanni loves himself. Sometimes generative set up there with over. Eighteen million pairs sold dad's Cross America love
Tommy John Underwear and there's no risk because he's always covered with Tommy John's best pair you'll ever wear or it's free guarantee, and we got a great deal for you tell him. Dont agenda comes last classics for twenty percent of your first or right now, border by June, fifteenth for delivery by fathers day. Twenty percent of your first Tom agenda comes last classics damage comes life classics see. Sites for details are right. Gunnar their next clip. So we alluded to this earlier today, even though the landscape was Teresa trousers last regular. episode has a news grossly still peppered in, and this is almost a four month later. She she was news girl, but this is actually her. Last official Adam cruel shops or eleven. I was on three ninety four by MR by four episode when I came in and this
about twenty one episode later this Simon helper. We also played his interview in the past, were not good replay that we're just gonna play to opening the show without Simon. This is from September of Toy ten Simon. Restructure Strasser. Brian Bishop is really a new century and it's the final time T did it before they just got replacement villains until we arrived at Alison because enjoys from Big Bang theory, Simon Helper, plus the news racist, Roger Brian, on the sound of that an Eu China for around a rich man, poor man, now mass the unicycle unit, Brow Adam forward yeah get it on, got to get it on no choice but to get it on mandate, get it on lights.
sore unicycle workin on a bit fur dancing with the stars just over there today for the big premier beehive of activity, oh gosh, yeah, yeah I'll bet, answer pissed, not an end hell of activity that is there to ass. You know it's a nice legacy for you as it relates to dancing stars. They changed the rules because you, you know like in sport, They'll make another. Does this data Detroit pistons? You know the bad boys, United Change, the rules, the NBA granted a handshake thousand understand you changed. The rules can no more profit no more proud the eternal yeah, I'm like MEL blunt I've, too aggressive on the corner too, must stick em.
yeah, it's a Lester, hey sink, or maybe it's yeah orators Ba. I know not what they did. They they made a rule. I think was for male blunt, who was a d b for the Steelers, that the dubious couldn't be that physical, with the receivers to have become a clean release in but not the passing game causing has until he was a big and scary, and he just go there jam everyone on line, get about ahead, locked down on the ground re, taking advantage of the rules because he would just play safer, come off, the is Madame yeah and poorer Dante pay. Dorine, I'm going to throw to four hours I organised Wanta knocked I asked Not only was on his team of Zaire. Grumbling use those rules, yes, the everyone everywhere, with a red or knocked him. Well, ok! Well, we're doing. we're going to do. I do. I was like I've out we're talking damp Jack within three seconds at football, the event to Jack Tatum
and the stick em thing was, moreover, a bullet little or nothing, but TAT Lester Haze wore a lot of it on his hands himself yeah, although I would argue when you get kicked off after using the prop that then sort of Your team loses, it is going to get barn, for Much down and servant forces itself. Does it not god you're right, you think it would be the self forcing room like while allowed a sword, get toss the next. On the other hand, he did get the best dance when the judges asked you to do it again. I know I found it in. this and I also remember bringing that up in front of someone in them going yes, so what It is very rare that you get the dance of the night and I mean it's almost it and then get booted off. That's ever happened before I remember explaining it to somebody and that some What sort of an ass all ran at some?
was doing the thing that I always hate where they take your point and instead of going as funny yeah like not an ice skating routine and ten people competed and they pick the one at the judges pick the ones when they like to see again by and then that got the lowest scorn booted off. It doesn't make any sense at all right, and I was saying to somebody well fancy that you do you get that you get. The data and then they both your ass, the following night. How would I know this person? Sadia happens. All the time relate well, but I couldn't There are just a point: shit are right or always leads our through teller points. It are you don't know, I think it probably. means it has. It has happened before, but not all the time, but certainly not. There's a couples. Laugh it transports name as it happens, with
three couples right right right with somebody has to go, it's never happens. When you have a you know, we have a full both right to correct the record and Dorothy. Was that dance, the guy you kicked up and there was no more after that there was ever loved now and you re around for one more. We can think now there was it what the night. You performed the dance for the second time. wasn't that you were sent home. Yes, while our I guess stand corrected yeah will the unfortunate pointed out equation is then you have to go or the judges chose they'll, all the people of anyone who hated it, stand it neutralize, not because there is a role for the over, so overwhelming yeah. So yeah good point on pointing at you and I should be point, a mirror in that sucks. I mean, I know so close it. Oh it I'm sure it happens when their three or four couples lap, but it would never happen where there and there wasn't ten couples left them with that of seven couples. Left there, sometimes like the fourth person, booted
but it never happens. When there's a large group of people, someone gets the dance at night because it just means its Christiana Gucci kicking Ass, sir. In Assisi. Anyone people right interesting after figure that out anyway. had a bit for me and my unicycle, which I still claim they don't have a word for over there and Jolly Old England lot of an atom ETA. Like T Katyusha, petals, stick yours you by your pipe call it a bicycle like they called the called everything that little call the unicycle, though, when I questioned them on today they claim that's what they call it, but they don't know one uses that terminology you're watching me shut that off. Please really doing you a cyclist thing else. Well, here is a private lowers something shouted off, because we have to talk about it or ignored when one of the other and we're gonna do
So anyway, my legs, my Pfizer, tired and my taint Kurtz from sitting on that that'll pusher. It's tough on the tape. There are many other activities that the legs in the tank we'll take a beating, that's right, the taint once what the taint wants. Now I I know that at this stage a spot and then can you tell us tell us about the of the contestants. You saw a lot of wanted, no basis. I saw I saw some contestants over their places person, sir hail and sit down because, like yeah yeah yeah, she was there by the time we hear this year, and you saw me do my bit by bit here this. I also have the Alec Baldwin email that that's what I told you yet tone was lost and he thought your ring sarcastic tone lost. I said
female the Alec thanking him for the blood from my book emissary badly, snarking wine like a what's up buddy, I didn't do enough. Yeah! No, since I've had to repeal my no exclamation point, no emoticons stance, because sometimes you need one to communicate. That you're being light hearted document here we're going the motor car in Vegas this year we invented it takes up almost the whole floor. What happens at the moment? Our It happened, robots, important checks, the latest in their stereo equipment ass. I'm talking about infiltrating emotion. I should show up and his cry. I got this. I got this Baldwin thing. I got a by the way. Did you see Bristow rehearse? Oh I was a song Adam, heavier
What's I saw what I do know the thing: that's the thing: that's cool is everybody's part. Everyone's parking spaces laid out in order any have in their names or on everything. So you see what everyone drives and everyone over their very interesting crew, because they're all this sort of their old dancers and then celebrities, but there these, you know their eurocentric and everyone's driving a Mercedes are out III Porsche cayenne. You know asked for asked whatever and everything's like Super Euro, super slack and in the middle, the whole thing is one with alaskan plates on its says, like dear like the situation really. Is this really weird in just a sea of our cities and Bmw's. There's this big like dynamically, with a yellow lights on it. So yeah I saw a Curt Warner and the Hoff mustn't around out. There
I saw a fox, they are set down, gets a trip on it by the way the trip is the Bristol son. I think the answer song. You have it the song, the third cha cha that they're doing bristle pale in Denmark, balance or suppress alone. The nose out of you heard the thing whose at their eyes, she saw the mahars really. No, I didn't you gonna think I'm a raven dear coffin, what's your name from dirty dancing, Jennifer re Jennifer grew nourish. Ever should talk The life show any explicit sexual jokes, major, uncontrolled. I am telling you that I said this about four girls in my life.
She came on line and she wanted she when some of the ape man yeah and ahead that I haven't seen her since and everyone's got married and had kids, I guess since then, and she in his home because you weren't a wire and yellow on such an ass? Like I'm embarrassed, I dont want to see people. I feel weird it's out are you guys, like me, tell me you're like me and then, if you're, a supermarket and you're just walk, down one I'll, just walking on the front I'll and you look down the heirs of the other. My other problem is: I have this hyper vigilance, so I'm I'll be walking in a supermarket and I'll be in the front of the supermarkets. Now glance all the way down the aisle eighty feet and all see. So I went to high school with ants I was firmly with noble, blood know anything but I realize we're gonna, stop we're gonna have a conversation.
Have to try to summon up their name. I recognize them. A canvas is at Kurt or Kirk. I came from the dude name, exactly Bob MA. Am I impulses always just get your milk get the fuck out of their same almost your shoulder role in a hockey lot. I dive into the frozen food sex. Not eighty show it's not it's accusers, it's nothing to do with them. Now. I'd want to interact yeah I'd I'd Want them to see me back. I dont want exist them? I don't try to forget their name out. I don't want, I think, they're, not gonna, for my name. I don't have to put him under that thing, I'm thinking about it way to watch, but it's weird. When I go to day I was dancing with stars, in Conrad? The guy runs. The whole thing said Anne and again were pre shaping this show, so this will have erred or the shop dance with the stars will have erred, but he said you wanna come out come out Tuesday night,
you're when your bid airs- and I think I you're sitting in this ball room with a ticket. That's a thousand dollars on Ebay and you're, watching your bed for the twenty million people, and then they just yet they are amongst other luminaries who were in the audience now uncomfortable downtown, I don't. I don't want to run into the dancers There are the nicest people in the world I dont want to run into, like I gotta think of me we hugging. Do we shake it out? We do the fist, Bob dont know. Don't so I go over there to edit and hide in the trailer, and you know where I eat lunch- the stuff such a fucking weird after out of a tragic, not that in another. No, you can you can have your choice between eating in the You are like where the dancers eat and where I David Hassle, half were the air or you can go outside on the benches, with the crew in the guise energy, huge, Crow mediately went right to the crew line because I'm gonna say
they are my trade August there that trailer and hassle hoss gonna sit down a crow? for me. little wonder. Should I get up and like what my tray down next to him, or should we look at each other or do I just keep my head down or should I get a half off and does he know is he is he gonna sit down. Next to me, I tell me, somewhere No! It's a Korean rather sit with the true because you have to be caught on I'm gonna be on, and maybe he remembers when we did that big ecstasy fell. I am mainly as a high and right now, right now went right are in transit. What right with the Fuckin crew sat down with all the guys who had the you know, duct tape on their belts and yes just as Europe and thereby Active now, don't don't like them either! But media choose, though you might relate more because they are less likely to strike of conversation. I The last time I saw Jennifer Gray. She was sort of coming onto me, love line, and that was twelve years ago.
It was announced that a seer when a liar and a complete landmine because of those four people that you said of head on you over the years. Two of them are the costs of dancing with Sars. This season Margaret show again for Grech back to be fair to Margaret YO. I don't even know if she knew she was sitting on me. She was just a sweaty pumped up massive of sexual, reality. While she didn't know what to begin. With the many times we discuss the various sir radio shows. You know when she had her intervention and it was time to come clean with staff, my step, nine yeah, that's a catholic reference House were explained to me. She had done all that's left us there's a Catholic were largely yet. She pulled me sign whenever talk about reciprocity and mark balance will be dancing to is this is this? Is there eel? We'll know is right, but
what is Mamma told me not to come his lap dog wildly inappropriate for somebody who is an unwed teenage. Die with their mom sitting in the audience right, but Mamma should have told her boyfriend, rise. Would say everybody sent the item something about colored debts? Are you saying that it is yes, these two right songs about getting high parties like twenty five or six before you? I think I got idlers, tells me that someone really New YAP. Yes, that is around anyone's rights. They can tell us, is kind of funny. So anyway, we'll get to that situation did not see the city we should get eight with the crew was high
Now I never went in the main building and I sure, coming back on Thursday rights, your bed with all the luminaries we'd home, What's wrong? I may is wrong, or is there something incredibly right right with me? I think right, I don't wanna sit it's that it is nothing to do with effort. I do ever shit for free. I don't care it's not about calories volume of be uncomfortable, because I know, though, cut away to me on the sitting in this sitting. the only reason I would go is for all the stories, because your problem, because ITALY with the luminaries, you can overhear thing. Sarah Palin said
just to be. It's gotta be the weirdest our own him because interested they have everybody in their mother. When I left the play of not less than I left the place this afternoon, there was a line of you. No seven hundred people I'll check strain it trying to get in and then I'm sure people have a right to seventy five I am sure the blowing everyone trying to get tickets and Bob LAW, and it's so funny when the guy runs a thing Conrad's. A nice guy in a world that comes up Adam, which you like tickets for tomorrow, show ya got out. Can I thought I could have pondered the pot gas from Ex two months ago, the bottom, and so do you think, then that would have wanted to now she's she's that she went to go to prove Springsteen while I was dancing, serenity, you're done that was the night you gotTA limiting yeah she's. What good luck to the economy?
nice guy. I know I know because he would know that and when he saw a cup of guy sitting in my seat, smoking with muttered ashes wearing hockey, sweaters even know upon them anyway, where the hell worry, we're. Gonna bring. My buddy Ryan, I think, was the plan to talk about my dance podcast. What he got rather slim is another girl who is doing what an interim now Natasha answer, she's one of the four c dig in the Big Margret Gray, lot arranged and Natalie Ferdy. Very good at Natalie do pretty good. That's awful hackers makes yeah yeah, no gulags collective mix, yeah it's just Policies had not meant not to be seen with a yellow me get image problems enough
Where was I yeah? What's going on with this new pod gas razor? Well, I'm did it with your dad therapy session with you. I want to use school dad you. So this is an actual therapy session recorded absolute in turn, Joe Podcast yeah and in you are the pay. And my dad is a therapist liked to say customer like that I got it John? the job in its fifty minutes part. I believe it's a little less than that public. Thirty look at itself. for any of you who want to know what's: gonna interesting, they vary a little bit, but not that much which is there's a of people. I want to know what their b is or how it works and what it would be like this problematic people will but freaked out by they thought about it, but
This is a way if you like a little peak behind the curtain and by the way you're, not re. So you don't have to worry about that part, but what it would be like what what the exchanges would be like what they feel would be like what the text would be like if you actually thought about doing therapy. Anyone whose listening to that who's never had an experience with it. They probably just think it's like sopranos or whatever other show they ve senior Newhart and by the way your dad is it. This isn't just a radio bit. He is raised Airbus and has been for many years. Senior seventeen years, I'm still at school. I know, is just going what's U school going to school? For me, what what are they? graduated? What are she's? U fine, coming up as we were elderly yeah. All of them. I mean it's a spill over sure.
name want relationship issues, relationship, family, mom, dad especially had a pretty domineering we re. Your mom was, I don't know, My mom is allowed mouth but she's like a firecracker, but do you know how to cook in clean and taken care There's a lot of parts there. He had cash or have cash. When I took her changed or so the bar yeah see rays raise more work their place in the Far EAST terrorists. Can I help you five stars, desert german accents and they should get like a cocktail. Waitress right, she sure Dont lunches thus got a bunch of dollars and fives and corridors, and she had brought him home every day. This is way before the atm, so no one, having
floating around back in the day, but your MA am always had a handful again. I was Doin out there. You go out mom any ten bucks years ago. Why led to me that was insanity? it was great rare you in a relationship these days cool your lungs out then come up onto you, love God. You had left it nicely solved. So fast girl has been helpful. Our actual saved my life. I call my guru, What's the main lesson to be learned to study, you know, I'm uses of a school girl, Jeff, it's pretty involved and habits, for me now and then a handkerchief. I got it. Oh really more! It's like more indian! You know as far as India, India, there and it stuff goods brighter,
Allow me to add that I would like to add my dad. In one of those things with my dad, we did it. We did alive show at the airport now and I feel like spent my whole life like listening to doktor, drew say to his wife on the phone you know. Well, there are eighty will, dare I say then we'll do well, though, now ok! Well, then we'll talk when I They're. Ok! Well, though, and I want to scream and phone he's trying to, he does we would like you to get off the phone, but he doesn't want to like hang up or go hey current hang up you don't! Even like all these old things. My dad my dad's, I went comedy. Out of it, my dads and never into it, but he just on a different level, but I We had to do this live, we did alive, show last weekend and might first my mom said totally fucked up my mom. Said I wanna go to this life show, and I got I just got a message and, as I go,
Lastly, I will first got its lose, lose and then lose the more because my mom she's missing two things that you won and alive audience. The part where you buy a ticket and apart realise those would be the like what you want is one or the other or hopefully, by now that audibly, nothing and actually nothin, so that other six tickets, I'm gonna, have to give way to her in a Frenchman, meets mates, Stonehenge and outline the I sound like meets. I can't Tell me: funky stories are as I guess you beat off today, what Erica's unfair and my mom re ring that unites us like I didn't it. It's kind of weird, like you, don't know what to say like it's another, really specific, there's a couple of beers couple of stories. Couple things I wouldn't Gideon too, with mom there, but just general, overall jeez, there's MA am you know, so I lay at ten a m
my dad's, I said I said dad you playing the trumpet talk down on Friday. I said TAT. I call him up. I said it did you play the trumpet on Friday for the show before the show starts anyone yeah, I said so You know when the Show- and you know when you done with the trumpet evil tat out like it's. It's the same show you you ve seen it before so you know you won't hurt my feelings, you you don't have to hang out, because I know you like to get in bad me. You know my dad's, not a hang out, watches, show dude They are needed we want to go hey old man, you know hit the bricks This is clearly spit bath. I watch your ass and see that fuck it out Gay may you now, feel free to other more about my feeling same shall not gonna miss anything me no need no to hang out the audience wound.
They want to have an elevated furnishes. A sad ever just sits there followed share all this entire team wave around accompanying. Are our entire shall decide on stage like I've? Eight, it's like I felt so feel the so many times my life rafts that like, if someone said to me, hey you, made to bring any potato salad. My party, I wouldn't go like that's it by your metric tons of potato salad, brilliant with me in a frigid background drug. That means all right. I don't want my potatoes allies, like I'm fine, no, like some and nursing set em like he sat down on the chair and then it was. It was like everybody, Jim Girl, the girl was always really great, but every time we speak again or your dad and see what is react lit Like registry he's, a big laugh amid a thirty second bit out of it seems. Rather, we have thirty six out of ninety minutes.
Nobody wants evoking dad sitting right. They stared at night out its data, bad. Here's a media next time, not alleyway, say mom. You can have all the tickets you want, but you gotta take five minutes of warm. stand up all arrive, did you the man guys you now here's ears, what loved it MA am said. I want to go Oh, let them ass thing. I want to go then said to Danny hey man. We just played the airport, tell theatre like two months earlier in my fucking. Here's your ears. What happen? Here's? What have we play? The airport healthier like three four. Times the first time my mama said so I did all the ok, I'm not gonna. Do my this material for my mom, the second time my dad was sound. so I did all the other, I'm not gonna do any the material I cant do in front of my dad and for my mom third time.
Material unless I can do dad in raw material yeah. So my whole plan is I'm doing dad in raw material and then my Fuckin mob says I wanna go to the show and I go now will make a door half pod task, half stand out because I don't have enough material to do or third showed the stuff. That's why our ears only and then my after I do that my moment. It is on Friday morning, she's, not going I guess it's about stage following chair with his arms folded from China. He did. I did the nice go up thing. It is there a certain point. You set me enjoying the show misguided. One thousand more enthusiasm. Ethics was what he does yeah yeah yeah. I go oh yeah, yeah, say now: it didn't throw anything right, not storming after them. In my seat, where my gun
and those bodies, arrest and remedy laugh now now that that's the other part to clear out clear out Jesus Christ, what the it's so fuckin. What's wrong with everybody agreed I habitats as everyone in this direction. I've got to get to the point where drew says. I don't want to talk to you any more. I now hanging up the phone and, as my dad went to get the point right, I'll pay leave get off this stage. Like move go, go somewhere other than here, nobody, still fuckin. Maybe, but it said, would you standing there or sitting there and especially if you just sit there are the sort of posts are like that this house will know things you you had maybe trouble with early in the radio show run with telling guess. Thank you for your time. You may leave now, because maybe our second third show Zack out as it was then unknown rat in four about we have hours of work. I will show you right now that the actual jack silver chemicals may be the lesser evil
as yet we had trouble excusing people that I fear that, as you do it well. I was literally because you think that thanks a lot for carbon out good luck to you on your project and will see an exciting and thank you figure. That would be enough for all see later. Oh god, then, if it was the last of the end of the show and then we'd have our meeting after the show sometimes is under the Meda. Yet in the Meda developments, vomited Schuman legacy for our meetings, the meeting with his carrots sticks banks Rosa you ve already, I haven't, got the flies. What the hell's going on! I got this Baldwin email. Oh yeah, would you like me to real? How long do we have
it's the same way. We got all thing I'd so so, first, let's see, if I can work this out, we sent an overdue the weeds and then it was will centre, not because you are asking Baldwin replied. Ah blurb for your book. The I was, you know it lets tease such tease, such through the news and and then I'll I'll, read the Sargasso Sea years, whilst the tea, when we get into bed, from the international New Centre: that's the fannys many flights. This is the news with Mr Strasser. Ok, one of the best stories about bullying, tab childhood bullies in a while and am very, very curious to get your take on it. James Jones is the father of an eleven year old girl, his daughter, been bullied on a school bus. Now his this road block, barter, yes spring,
laid on a school bus. Yes, while so so evil and twisted, and yet so awesome. I can't I've decided that I would like to pay this man's legal fees, because that's how much I love you, even though he did the wrong thing. He clearly did the wrong thing, but I can't help. I love him so much its irrational, though his daughter is eleven years old she'd been bullied. He did not know that when he went on the school bus to confront the boys that he was going he taped rights are now he's. He views from obscenity and he's been charged with disorderly conduct in disturbing school function, their here's. The thing- ok well while they school buses have now become common ground yeah, which is little twist unkind air, but I mean, if you think about it, with all the White fly in all
fuck and folks, the dog, you know Doktor, Bruce kids? Aren't they will buy our access to punch your fuckin kids from fucked up families and fucked up school systems being dragged around and it can with no headdress or seat belt and somebody's cataracts driver thing? You can control of and they're all just a worse worth going out. Ryan. I this is I'm a Katy road. The greyhound and I'd be terrified to get. I want these school buses because I abbe terrified, but my child, because we're out so vulnerable Euro eleven year old, ok, there's those a driver was a boss fully kids who, in this case the art of God in the back of his bosses. Row laramie have the camera raw add because there have been so many fights amongst kids. Now this eleven year old, his daughter, had been physically abused by the other kids she'd had condoms thrown at her. She then may one of the premium prison. It's like Ireland made a bracelet islands of exactly now
places, the lotion and ass already. If my eleven year old daughter is being harassed this in by the way eleven is old enough to know better for what these kids are doing, I had already won a wholly whether its raw I understand the urge lad. Now. Imagine your eleven year old daughter has cerebral palsy for the love of Christ. Okay, so here is what he he couldn't take. It now you'll hear him asking the daughter to point out like ok, you show me and we'll have attire. If my black man on a bus, but my boy,
one download one as a regular there, my door.
yeah yeah, I guess ass now I've got to watch the falcon right, whereas those who do not always those others, videotape weight or black people, gonna, stop, say: pulleys. I've seen record didn't with their go out the Keystone gobs like call the police. Like it's a weird, I feel like there. Ask and in police other last who hurdles? linguistically I've got a good person. I already got me black president. We got to These are not a little sign of my eyes and cross the police ass and then we're done everything's better. Yes,
worried down just stand is far you now have in a dream. completed when they stopped go and pulleys right, like fighting, now that they reach that need they reach the promised land like Martin, that Young spoke that's Rina. He stumbled upon the right strategy at the end of a clip when it should have done, was taken. The bus driver side, who could not hear talk me for since that would have been the right. My daughter comes home complains about us, damn lucky because they should go good, Fellows RADA rise but the male member of this, if about another truancy, now comes out of this boy's home bright colors, coming to work on your right, good fellow style. but again these fucking bus drivers, I mean who would a funk it in I mean they're, seven year old, Floridians retirees that just trying to make it a sure park and also that carry pepper, sprained zipped eyes. You know he's gotta get you wanted the driver. If anything happens, my daughter fuck you up and everybody,
on this expletive was it and then, when I got back she's my daughter and I will kill the bitch, you fought her. I love this. I love your aunt Jane. Did you anybody who had at listen listen. I know you're always about well, you know my dad was an alcoholic. Are my dad was abusive or my dad played the ponies or, unlike the Ladys and above all I did was Storefront Preachin Stern SAM, like Papas Rolling stone, The point is this: all of it better than flat line. Better than her. What he was hurried add nothing tat again: blue on a school bus, not just get a throne com, examine cerebral palsy, that's really bad! and being bullied like every day, all the guy who, like money, the response, is totally helpless. The teachers refused to intervene
My worry about a thing about courage. If the damages inside dad just lining tuning out ever the gas. So we win win apparent of eye of when the son of a flat liner or the daughter of a flat liner hears kind of like our kick. Your ass, like, I believe me, I'm sure, he's getting drunk and beat the shit out of his girl, his girlfriend or in front of a cerebral palsy daughter whenever something like. I believe me when the guy's got energies got energy, sure there's a inside of it somewhere, but God bless it. Here's the thing! Now! What, if he's a good man can be? His switch, can be flipped by somebody fucking with his eleven year old, handicapped daughter, yeah. You know I mean I would go on that plus a rip the head off M fuckers. They did not know how to behave themselves and by the way the parents of these girls who are abusing this eleven year old have upon
the face coming to them. Well, listen! I know, I know if you ve heard the story before, but there we're just talking about me ride in the unicycle over there and dance with the stars and made my my mother's got that same Jean when I make it fast broke my shoes there when I was eleven road around my USA or the big cast on. Finally, I got sidelined my mom said no more Rhine, unicycle your cast on my body. I Chris wanted to borrow it. Not the Chris. You guys know another crest and leave us last name because he's dead now by borrowing in a cycle and two months later the cask came off and I said the worse the unicycle. He said to put it in your yard. Jeez. I looked in my yards, not in there. They said what you gonna do and then I said to crisis mom or set unicycle. Eight. We put it in the army. He put in
that's what he said he did that I said in my mom mom. I was writing the unicycle with a cast. I had no problems with it. You're the one who took me off the unicycle said no writing it until the cask comes often and Chris borrowed it. Now it's gone forever and you ask Christmas mom, if you now, suddenly you guys can reach some kind of agreement or something you I'll call a week later. Did you talk to Chris Asthma yeah? She said he put it the art, moving on twenty may have another year cycle for twenty years now. it's horrible flogging bear the vat is in a way that was my son and that's bullshit. You know I wasn't a fuckin borne by the way was unicycle. I never owned another one. That was that was it a fifth grade, never know about bought one second hand like when I start ears. They like that. So I think that would be what you would call the opposite, that, like those rodya, there was asked
I was actually for the courageous step up just kind of be your advocate, because you were a kid. Couldn't very year cycle, as it should have been my last unicycle right. How about replacing it know where they stand, without these on bail, which I wish I had paid the image. You he's the feathers act and saying my daughter is not going to be haze and beat up and touched on like what they ve done. The lawyer, his attorney city Alexander, said this young lady has been bullied since the first day of school. This is a new school for her. It was an overwhelming experience. She's, currently, suicide watch because
this matter. We would just ask everyone to reserve judgment, can issue this. What's goin on. You know the dad's need to provide the discipline, as we can see here in this community, in our society and with all the dad splitting the kids are grown up, fuckin wild in the streets and their taken. It out on the other kids and were not really addressing. This were not really touching upon the fact that the dad and I know, because we hate roles in a family and sorry Dick weeds, but there's roles and the mother provide something in the dad provide something else that with the dead provides, is discipline and they have plenty of studies which show when you remove the dad from the equation. The kid doesn't get the discipline, and thus the kid takes the shit out on other people and school buses and in yards and eventually around eighty aims and then eventually goes to fuck and prison. What do we do?
we as a society about that and how come it doesn't get brought up and when are we going to bring it up? Politicians aren't gonna bring about the baby this. This study came out this week and I don't have the exact figures in front of me, but girls are going through puberty sooner when their fathers on around I mean this. This is a really as a really intense effect until girls and boys, but obviously has an intense effect, and you gotta love this guy. In my view of things, he hasn't, although from a huge for the interesting thing, is the bystander effect right. So if there's a few bullies and one target, but there's fifty fifty kids on the bus, what are the kids doing or sitting there watching? This girl was cerebral palsy, getting condoms. Or had rushed over I mean who would restaurant? That's growth? Not me, I guess my dream for my shot. Like I feel like rarely might have been a bully, but he also probably would have stuck up for
Girl re was signed as muscle to protect kids at my junior high and grade school. There's a kid named, Dane Boys, and yet a circular tory problem, his is extremities, were purple. Of course she became boys and bury. The very, very, very good in that way, and creative and re re was assigned to protect him and now re would always beat the shit out of the boys and light. That's that's what he did on the just, even stand up to them like hey, want you knock it off. It's not fair. What you're doing you're hurting a person? Will it be nice, except for I think everybody, and this is another societal problems, first off You don't have a bus filled with a bunch of upstanding citizens and a bunch of rain, berries and then eight bad people, they're all kinds, from the same block in autumn saying so, a whole lot of angels in that bus number one number two
There is a sort of weird perverse kind of schadenfreude. Fried ain't me kind of thing, I go look at that. I may we all know that when someone says hey, look at us, this footage of evil can evil eating. She announced motorcycle. No one go that. I want to see that when we see it as a matter of fact, you're a guy, a guy eating shit at the x games will get a lot more eyeballs on it. Then a guy completing I have seven eighty or whenever on on the verge ramp. You don't owe me room. Work were drawn to that. So kids that are sitting there, a I'm sure, the saying around I'm sure they're not from the greatest neighbourhoods, and also there is some kind of perverse pleasure.
Out of it not being them and then there's just sphere yeah. It's terrifying. I remember thinking what, when I get, bulletins was, which was a lot. If I just keep like, don't make eye contact and just disappear. This is gonna, become really uninteresting for the bullies and then they're gonna leave me alone. Only the complete opposite is true of bullies, because there are not doing it to get a reaction from you as much as from the bystanders, its performance, you become not that find a bully. I e you stick up for yourself or you make the joke first, they move on, but I I know and explain that to me right that this really is really a performance to get the attention of the other. By also want these fuckin parents pull down on the carpet of so many times your kid
no different than a pat. If you have a path that fuckin biting everyone in the neighborhood and harassing the male man, you get call thou for your own thing. If you haven't eleven year old, that thinks it's a great idea to attack someone who has cerebral palsy, then you is apparent, need fuckin, be gone, gone through really fuckin, good shakedown and basically and set it a million times we're gonna Breyer gas into orbit preachy for a second and and then go back to on preachy, but here's the thing said a million times, not enough councillors. Look there's one school bus driver. There's fifty kids there's one teacher. There's forty kids, There's eight councillors and a school that has four thousand kids there's three security guards at school. That has four thousand kids. Do the fuck in math same thing, I started about with Virginia attack. These people have too much on their fuckin plight. How come they couldn't seeing that this young student was dark and
says because they have a million other fucking things on their dark it. It's the parents, John there's. No one did we stop fucking, blaming the parents. When did we start when we decide, like all the schools this well, like kids, that being educate well, whether the teachers gonna step up and start doing their job. What is the board of MAGIC You need out the union's now. It's a fucking! Kids! than their parents. You really think things fundamentally that much in the last twenty twenty five years. that, the l, a unified school district has gone from fuckin fifty fifty five member states. Let us say over sixty stars- are that fuckin flag? The point is up the Porter Regos five, that's right! Yeah! I give a large front
I think I like roses. All the guys I haven't the national base, while it fuck yeah point. Is this: it's a fucking parents that teachers cant do anything. It's the parents, the parent of the kid who thinks it's a good idea to fuck around it was cerebral palsy needs, have the ship kicked out of them and they ears what needs to happen pay for what kid gets it. Anyone else's grill! Guess who getting arrested, guess who's Fine! Look when your dog shit park and you walk away what the dog, without its punished, who gets a fuckin fine by the way, is a very good chance it. If your dog bit me that you got your dog guard dog the product chain, it up outside how do I not a great dog honour that your dog is probably I'll? Wait another people before our post you're doing a horrible job as an owner and as the owner of a child you fuck this kid up. Nature nurture,
created a little demons are thought to be a good idea to fuck with so many uses those kind of pains at attached, your form so sad, Ratsey, Jerry's, kids with the point is this: have you with us, or so I believe, oh yeah, believe you adjustable absolutely fellow jockey Believe me, I mean when there's never really sort of adjustable kind of adjustable to bully boy while I hear you and international deals leave or just a regional work. The bird around one dollar international, Russia's dealer, how J Master of disguised master discards to scatter, not novice, are moderate. Disguise. Can't get enthusiasts. I say by the way: don't you think this would work taken whose raising this monster and and dad, although I suspect, dad stand around if your little fuckin Damien gets out a line on a bus? Again, it's can be two hundred fifty box every time your kid gets in someone else's grill yeah.
I then that mother says to the little demons see before he gets on the bus or she gets on a bus. Listen you fuckin! Keep. You shut sit on your goddamn hands until you get to school. You understand me. I can't afford the fuckin fine, that's how it works like it somehow, somehow by the way, if we, if we implemented that the wheels would come off. they sell. You would be all up everyone's as there. We are kinds of discussions about what really your It is essentially a pat until eighteen that's way works I mean if you, you have to get your kid car insurance. When you kid sixteen years get the fuck and keys the Volvo wagon go sick. If it kills. because I know the kids ensure because of the kid kill someone in a fuckin station wagon you're gonna lose your house when you get sued so you'd show the kid. What's the kid is over eighteen, then the kid does with the kid does under eighteen he's. Yours he's a fucking pet weather is on the road or whether it
the boss he's yours right and if you want to eat, I care, if you don't, walk em, if you time up outside the house, if you treat them like less than you know up, but he's gonna become yes why a violence yeah aggressive! Yes, as exactly as a dog, when do we get this message across the parent sideways Only what I find the mom to an fifty dollars, but, let's just say the dad did leave wherever he is the only five hundred right for leaving let's go step up yeah. Well, pussy politicians ever touch this one. Never maybe a bumper sticker that can hypocrite fuckin, posies, yeah, there's so busy fucking talk about now We don't really talk about anything. This is the number one thing we should be talking about. We're too fuckin busy talk about. God knows what nothing nothing! our apartments dot com We ve been doing everything from home working from home, exercising from home schooling from home wishing,
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room apartment start COM, the most popular place, to find a place that clip from September of twenty, to ten sake by the three Strasser, as the official girl the atom, crucial and say hello to a few different, lose girls hang out feeling year, what whatever it is until ass rose and finally Joanne Natasha Leisure. She was quite nice yeah. That's right, you are we're here where we had a lot of committee. come in back and in this this case for next clip Tracy Metro one of the only have infamous dropped from last weekend. The one is still probably HANS. Larry Miller, uncle show. Four hundred and eighteen, we played a portions before, like a supercut like like twenty minutes worth with no play. The full show part one day, part tomorrow, part two with billboard. This is Bird Tracy, Metro, Brian Bishop. Once again We have twenty ten enjoy part one Tracy's
yeah I get it on, got to get it on the choice, but to get it on mandate, get it on and welcome to the all right get! No doubt it is God damn hot out here in Tracy Metro, it's been wait too long not wearing anything, that's or in any. Now I didn't on purpose and then I walked in here. And what do I see? I see an orange couch aren't floor and I thought you were trying to copy. May we did. We did pull that page. Your orange play ball. Guess you did you? Are you installed it last night for me, since you know I was failing, infer Teresa Trace We met several years ago when we were doing this sort of ongoing campaign to see who would replace the irreplaceable. I can't remember: fucking name you so fucking bad on our radio show what the hell is her name right. Now I shall bear
a re very like I, like God, Jews, probably block out Himmler something she was God Damn awful and the reason I say that is because she was a bitch like she wasn't just bad. On the air. She was still bad person ball, Brian and my exaggerating when I say that she was very pleasant to me that she was awful on the air and unpleasant on the air unpleasant bad on the air and sort of bad everyone around her eyes. They nodded delight. Somebody said something to me. One time I was looking for. I was interviewing audition whatever for a job said. Half the battle in getting a job is not whether you're good at its are. We can enjoy hanging out with you for eighteen hours, onset right after we ask why do should have been a nice upgrade actual Perry had now what I love just ahead of heavy empty douche, bottle sitting in front of a micro to my right for those six months. It felt like nine fuck
years of my life, God she was bad, but I agree and probably handsome issues with dad or something like that, and you know how that stuff worked with the Ladys. I believe that debt Tracy Metro was probably the first runner up hope. This isn't revisionist history agree Hall high. I think I think Teresa Strasser inevitably got the gig retracing Metro. I remember in quite a bit, and I don't know why I thought she was all but knotty she wore orange all the time. But again, smart pick a color pick a team, pick an animal, that's what I tell people all the time and then, when I'm picking out your birthday present, I dont have to pee my brain Yahoo, I'm you now you're droughts, words were she's, no clotted falco sooner right. chosen. I want to run it one of the checks it was in the running. Here's what happened! I guess I remember it with me. Ok, you guys
apparently- and I only found this out when it was nearing- the end were like- I guess- MID contract with Teresa and I had come in not knowing that there was actually we even a search. I just heard the things had been changing. I didn't know there was like an official search, so I just that myself over and evidently I came in the day that contracts have been signed, but Teresa was off doing another job and that's how the whole thing kind of went south in far hating me yeah, but she hates herself to be fair about you leave the looking to Adam here's Here's the thing is, like all comedians hate, each other, all women hate each other, not all doctors hate each other doktor drew hated. You know it kicked the shit out of doktor eyes. Secondly, he hates all there's a AIDS, every AIDS, doktor J. He hated
your Browns again makes that debt repayment out a great so that the Dalai Lama to say anything with a doctor in front of it. So that's how you guys are now women get Alot territorial tutorial, but I I thought you did a great job and I'm looking forward to another stellar performance by by trace I've taken it Adam Unlikely, and here I met right bill burs waiting in the wings ball brine is waiting on his three sixty sound machine, and I say we get to the numerous. Why not Tracy Metro, Teresa Strasser, is on assignment and get it so now with the news easy matter. I love how that sounds near here. My name on your show. Ok, let's artisan tv news, because I know you and I both on the television. Sure, during the finale of Australia's next top model, which of course we don't get here in the states- Sarah Marduk announced the wrong name. Is the winner of the reality? Show em
hello Catchy off Tracy, but I think we talked about that yesterday and then five minutes ago, two did we not just possibly boy, I don't you wanna, be a dick. I don't wanna be remembered. Y y. You would have no. Haiti came in and told me that it wasn't Austria's next tat model, but it was. It was dancing with Sars that you guys talked about last night or did I just have a total blonde moment? I think you may have an opaque We may have platinum blonde moment, yeah. That's all right! That's ok! That's I am so good, a roman roads. We do you know Jerry the joke into Adam, I think we can about yesterday, ok will then, who cares honestly about a sigh having about those people. Ok, but I want to know, is long as we're here for his neck. It stand a reality. like reality shows? How was it a stand that show a stun or
as a rather than that now we're talking about. For the second time as many days Australians neck next top model, no idea I mean, and nowadays, like I used to say, will who would embarrassed themselves with a stunt like this, but now I realize people make porn and release it just to get notice. So if you're gonna do that and in a fight years ago, when people were saying or ten years ago you now pay em, Anderson and timely. They knew what they were doing or came cardiovascular Paris Hill, like that know what they were doing I was like: are you not zone at a porno movies view and got out? Of course you wouldn't do it on purpose, it's humiliating! Now Gonna, like I, don't know what percentage of celebrity sex tapes would you estimate her intentionally released with the goal of EU money or publicity or whatever I would say well, first off, I have ass. This
question without ever receiving a satisfactory answer in my entire while two of em another blow job. That's the one and then the other is how is it that I've asked turn ease and guys run these. You know these these, these groups that put these tapes out these websites. I've have upset, listen. How is it possible that some work men whose working on my upstairs bathroom breaks into my vault here's my honeymoon table and then decides to sell it to vivid pictures and nothing I can do about it legally and I come here perfectly. Let two! Yes, I write down your ass looks amazing. Why? How can I have? My aim is bleach today before exactly no one has ever given me a satisfactory answer like it's a sort of thing where there was go well, anyone can sue anyone have anyway and others. Another kid stop it. You can't statements like
thing seems amidst the: U N a any in such a litigious society that you know I couldn't take up sure of ball brine and say I am going to use you to advertise. My cereals have to be horrible cereal. these are all don't like that, but either way I bribed would happen. His right leg of the answer is that so I couldn't I couldn't take a picture of your life or unnatural colonial go. You know, you're, the new phase of Adam Corolla showed. I need money compensation, so I dont know how this works and no one has ever given me a satisfactory answer. And now I'm starting to wonder I well I'll, give mighty sense place if you look at the video of the host her face is not really shocked. It's like really bad. Acting like oh really, and she like does the whole. Let me put my hand up to my
as everybody knows, I'm listening in my eyes B, which the thing that the Puma NEWS had it just shows vague, but let's go to the real issues that I worry about, ready, yeah, ok, so we can start the whole thing over much, ourselves like an anxious, sketch, baby and start a new, ok, so with the stars year now we're talking you're on how I was an might. I add I loved you when you came out on the unicycle. Thank you I didn't know you knew how to I mean I don't know, I don't know anybody who knows two are ready. Yet you took me by ten minutes when its aid to learn radios, Ike, omens loud nor ok, forget What will carry on you Michael Button and Chelsea, Tower were eliminated this week very sad and while of course that's not exciting news that they were eliminated. It is news the way brutal
the newly essentially hammered Michael Button to the cross, the performance just totally rail Dunham, arrogant here that the author check it out. It's gonna, be that guided I arrived. I leave you push the envelope I gotta do. I have to say in all honesty, even I thought you were a little harder Michael bought me. I'm the nicest person ever I didn't mean to do what I've done. A better jive we need is a fantastic saying is a wonderful person is nothing personal, but I'm here you know that's my job, so you did we. I only have you dancing, we add some, not so good dancing, reaction, tenable dancing he's a week to and my job is to point out what I see I don't write and the public as you vote. You can get him back in is no problem to meet these fine recent going well dear dear friend, number to say this. It must be.
Liberating to be gay, like I wish I could just suck because first off there's couple things when you're gay, You can just say whatever you want get backdrop it's like you can do for you eggs, you can feel any tidies. You want to feel you turn it over the farming world in her own thank very firm right right, but choice in that way tat. I could see that's. The vagina cannot sprang I can try thy mind. As my grandfather always said. You can always sucking cock, but you can't grow vagina. Your granddad was ones man. We took another draft corn car pipe talked about fish yeah, so here's the thing when you're Hey you get to say whatever you want, because you're gay and you're sort of flamboyant IRAN's was like a here's. The deal,
Elton John. Can call anyone a badge or save at every ones are talks MAC and it's always kind alike, so funny I'd like to check with the deck like a kind of say what he wants in Bruno tween the accident and the gates, and he can break We say whatever he wants when everyone I also I love and people do this listen, Tracy's, a great guy. I love her dearly she's a dear friend she's, like a family member. To me she just she's horrible. It knows she's horrible! please don't get rough, I dare not ride. Ironically, I love her dear. She she's, like a second sister to me, but she just king fuckin, do that you couldn't couldn't fuckin punch your way out of a fuckin plastic news bag. She said at the end, but by yourself Garee wholeheartedly. Road here is simple.
does not like Michael Bolton as a human being versus the guy. I guarantee him this a first time he's ever met. Michael Bolton number two. I bet No, if I search if I took a a a Michael Bolton, sniffing C b, dog to brood, was pad and to us we are and said: look. Can you find it asked of Michael Bald now, not even a cent nowhere, nothing all Elton, John and Opera, I'm sure so he does not like Cabal, Lambert and Little Lambert do Bolton from that. little of the show that I watched and I watched first I was I did the show that second show that at this season, so is always good to kind of watch. Defer, shows if you're gonna work. Any jokes in that kind of thing Michael Bolton came across is wildly, unlike able yeah just sitting there sort of waiting for the judge. You know how personality:
zero, and it's weird I mean I love the guy right. Such great light fell to the earth society than they already has a rather he's a brother yard. This like we're with there's no Adam Curl, without like a bull that Michael, but without any girl, but he has no personality. There zero votes and not only that was almost stern like sort of member. That's me school teacher you had like in the fifth x ray that just kind of scared. You always scowl on the phase in every Saturday night out and I'm so not standing up for that Alexander alone, but sometimes people that are really shy come off as aloof and a bit do she. Some of it has to do with short of the shape of your face. When you look like the gay guy from modern family now he thinks you have an attitude when you're just standing there, could you look so soft and colleagues when a hug you and Pincher Chee Michael boldness? Angela and so
just sort of sits there. He looks like he looks like an evil cartoon character, just sort of sitting, still kind of like Patrick Swayze Brother, like sting yeah, well, like even heard of me, a harder for a horn with me. Now, if sting from the brass, That goes off, because these is english. Just luck but well. Nobody else has a more of a becum. Handsome nurse were where's. This boy's is gay. I will start second cock. Any minute said he wanted oh yes, I mean he's, he looks he Michael Bolton, the entire time, they showed the rolling package within practising the entire time, he would stay in their further judges. Look angry, look uncomfortable the zone skin also. He's the kind of guy and here's the thing to? Let me, let me just add this:
there are certain guys, male and female, who have not taken criticism in twenty five years like it is literally been twenty now look, I feel like we all get humbled on almost daily basis, somebody causes a douche bag or says: whenever show you did last wasn't your best. I don't feel like Michael Michael, both stood there like he hadn't heard an ounce of criticism in twenty five year. Wrong born was like the butt of every musical joke in the nineties. there's a boy between hearing it face to face and being having people talk about you behind your back, as you laugh your way to the bank. Thank you. See you can redeem Newsgirl through now. Dare you know you're a you're right. It was the butt of every one of those jobs, but it is amazing how those guys, who everyone sort of whether its hassle half or
a breaking hard guy around the EU, even Kenny Chaz Knee however, like people making reminder of people, but somehow in their little cook, It doesn't get to them or they don't know about Bolton's if his, if your face could just just sites gee. I could show you a thousand words. He just looked angry put off and just every second, I saw my dance with his Darcy just looked miserable and put upon, but anyway, you know he and other in this assault and love and love it. Now here Let sharing Easter, oh you're right, they were engaged, may be twice visas. The tiger lily thirty years made a white that smile off my face. Oh yeah, he got you got the older Nicolet Sheridan, the younger, he data, the younger and then again, but the thing
I'd have to get a thousand gowns appear out to get the late Garrod offer you really think of her. This is late when Leaf Garrett was like fifteen or sixteen there are living further. I miss that gave the thing here or to use the mob everywhere. You bet my whilst our young, Adam until now, young anyway, he was Be- was poor boy, and four perform for a guy who's on state, not dancing, but just for whose onstage nightly basis he probably could of portable foot forward, he could have acted four guys onstage, mates came to his defence? Speaking of gay, you ve got a lovely venom style. The law is, one of these guys were a pack is changing the shape of his face, like like they do at all times? How did the grain
How is the Grand Canyon created, wealth, millions of years of Colorado River slowly going to align, thresher corrosion pressure erosion wind, eventually like how Monument Valley, graded, well actually long enough, but a long enough with and it's like a cock, hits you're soft palette hard enough for of overcoat. Of thirty years. Eventually, your face will start to change shape and your actual Look at that and that's my earlier answer. I don't know: If there's something about thinking gay thoughts, it's sort of like people that think evil thoughts, array, Sis thoughts about people, it think stupid dots. You gotta go guy looks dumb. You see, he looks you think like. If not you, if you think dumb thoughts, are evil thoughts or even thoughts like ban. Do I hate Hats? Are you just a thought even had a red and on a person Louis been think gay thoughts for
long? I love live in himself. I like him to choose what Angel bone structure is changed his cheek bones, the mire none wider, so then insertion well, you know, penis can Think about how just you know about how nature works flouted outer giraffe neck gets along suckin calf he's as long as the ultimate gay ex man what is that it was really go in nature. Everything changes to four alligators this sound this to me is like the perfecting the king came out of Louise Mouth, of course, not well windows ended. What I love is that my stood up for himself and said how disrespectful it was you Charlie. You can hear him saying that can't you yes and then marked palace. Nice I do. He said that he was glad that Michael said his peace like that, because no one should have to take that kind of
meeting or what was you Michael's peace? I didn't hear me that I just heard I discerned gettin Doug into by Bruno family only YAP, and I guess that was at the end. I have so much as a nice guy, no yeah he's a real nice guy out here. he's my brother. I meet a horrible human being, but I look at em is about now he's a great guy. Dare Cuff is really cool. Guy is malefactor. Everyone there's really cool. It's a nice big guy greet you have to be I mean to sort of do what they do. They mean it's like ass, hard, ass, far cry we're not for me, I said well go as far as we can go on two hours a day by you start. Herceg with someone eight hours a day and it gets really frustrating and you can't get the steps ride and then start getting tired. In your mind, gets a little mushy and then start fuck up stuff. You learn four and a half hours earlier and then the person is talking to you
it's kind of cross and they in a perfect timing for me, because my part, Julian half what sort of emotionally out of their achieves like genius wasn't gonna country tour so in her mind, she was gonna shoot a commercial fur cleanse axis, you know whatever, whatever skin care problem from right. She's like I'm gonna get some proactive cash in hit. The road with Garth Brooks, I was like I'm gonna write, breathlessly brown paper. dance for two hours and I got a morning radio show to do in a movie to promote and blah blah blah. So with this weird, if sort of like one of those. It was like a first date where there was no no chemistry and at a certain point we Other people looked at the watchword: wow its eight forty five eleven were the time go in and I went. I gotta go Apparently no one may
TAT, a negative other, each other. What ok? For a couple weeks I hung out, I got booted often weak, for that as far as I could go on two hours a day, but that I hope that I wasn't gonna go eight hours ago and eight hours I had a fuckin do this morning. Shall goddammit gossip for me. Let us make the hairs leave. Oh, did she leave always see boot? come on you need to know the insides group on that barrage. Iran is into something called rough trade. And your target people may have felt version she nicer nice? Yet he nice guy in the world to I've, heard that really friendly really easy. Also, in other thing I like about I like about margarine and in her too, I walked down the hall. Many time she had a dressing room, the size of a broom closet, she would pull me in and
load me up with swag in of t shirts and get baskets and shit and people gave her and here's some stuff, and here take that all the makeup people, the hair people, are cool. Everett large IRAN is one of these guys like during dressed Hersel are one of the things. I really appreciate it about barrage IRAN first off, he be like in a what. What do you want to plug or whatever? But I'll tell you what I liked. You don't find it much in this business, he's really good at what he does he's been doing. The chauffeur went the time, six, seven seasons. When I was there, he was doing it arise, throw just read the queue, tell teleprompter airs and he was going to now back to do. The encore dance is Adam Kerala, honest unicycle, and I said I would have to be standing around getting ready to go. Do it do in a dry, run, kind of thing and I said Tom. You know, I'd maybe shouldn't say I'm gonna be on my way. I don't blow the job, I'm not gonna, be Emma Unicycle
I know people saw the dance the night before, but for the people I didn't see it. Why step on it for the Vienna? I don't know in that case million or two million people may missed it, and he said. Ok, yeah, you're right, you didn't give me a lesson I urged away ideal at or you know, people get we're in defensive or they'll go like though they were low revisionist. I wasn't gonna do it. I was gonna, take it out. Teleprompter I've just raise some one else wrote it wasn't anything or is this like the way everyone should be, I stated there is new balance, use go. I can arcades our right good. I you know good idea. Thank you. And that was it and then, when he did the show it was gone, fuckin friendly. Just right,
normal guy axing have used to be used to work for somebody that used to work with him said just autonomy truly salted here, a super nice guy and every time I've met Samantha, look on my carpeted, whatever really nice girl to be, but I want to know why she laughed. I dont well a couple of things tv to use really like kind of about turn over things, change, the homestead. Well, timed and I dont know if there was a contract problem. I dont know if there's an ego power Why am I doing how it is funny that there is person whose job it is to hold up the numbers It's like the literally go. Well adamant. Julianne, you got. You got
I gave you for letting gave you for and carry gave you four and then there's literally somebody's kneeling down in front of the camera. Just add arranged is holding up a dry raised more. This has twelve somebody screwed up one time. Said the wrong number. You could write a hundred and sixty seven on that market. Big and that's what would come out of her mouth now I swear to God. My Pa they would be by the way. Look. If someone gives zone a five six and a four and a half by all means hold up a Vulcan nineteen, a half or whatever fourteen I ever whenever it is. But if Everyone gives them a seven. We don't need twenty one, I dont right at math. I want you to hear you squeak, unaware and drive. by the way. Why does just that just goes to show? This is gonna, that's hill. The ass, if she said I haven't
I met a news here. What's goin on Delawares Republican Senate candidate, Christine O Donnell Tuning, who she is pretty girl right sure, the wicked one today one's going out on she's well. She went on bill and said she was in high school. She was into the Maybe that's somethin about a date occurring unbeknownst to her like a wicked yeah. What do they call? They voted en us, but that she was all tat. She was tossed out of a cover for not being heavy said enough. Well that I announced
evidently c, is denying some her linked in profile, saying that other are false. There's false information about our educational background on linked in and she has said it is categorically untrue and now, according to our linked in profile, it says she attended. Claremont graduate University in California and Oxford University in England. States fancy right sure, but on a two thousand six Reza may O Donnell stated that she attended Claremont Institute, not Claremont University and specify that the art and school must be specified that the ox for programme was under the auspices of the Phoenix Institute. You know that is like a ghetto university. U S assure Felix another other people that do they like you, Sheila Extension and watches up like universal City walk or something of that like I would use your lie. That's try to they.
they did a little summer school, whatever bs at Harvard. That's not really, and this could have tail and anti. I went to Harvard yes, He never actually got on her broom and went over to England now now He is saying that it was an unauthorized profile and is asking linked tend to take it down. You know like now, though, one went one thing that happens we going, maybe maybe Hillary Clinton got it started. Sarah Palin really bring it home to read. There was a time when we had a little bit of civility in this country, where we have laid off the checks a little bit. Not my on a pile of patients are not we didn't. We didn't Stick at the Lady bar judgments handed stuff like that, and I realise that I can't Hillary Clinton shocks and then is like this. This a pale and starving just fucking endless now, and it's sort of like at a certain point in call me old fashioned, but them another they decide to do.
Throw throw their the girl. when the ring why I've smash thanks into the ring. That's all I want to thank, but they are it is, after all, can we stop calling I'm stupid and done in an evil? What have you not at me like, I only whose is good for the gander if you call a guy stupid com, down on I've. I've had enough of that. Like I know you know you, you know you can disagree with Hillary Clinton. You can disagree with Sarah pale and you can disagree with Christine, O Donnell or or who ever I don't think there dumb. I just think you disagree with their politics. You know what one did it become: ok to just start calling everyone in Brussels and in these you now, I it's sort of started kind of with Ray again in a kind of went through. She, then all these sort of jokes sort of welfare, Sir jokes came about, but I wondered if become ok,
to call. I've wondered imbeciles, and then you are tackling the person rather than the issue, and I think it's much stronger for one's case attack their issues. How blue? holes and there in dumb compared to the lucky guy fix your transmission, like yeah they're, not the brow. This guy's on the planet, but since more politician ever these smartest guys on the planet. I I I don't know Oh, I mean I'm sure, some guys there were some statesmen that were smart. than others and a lot of amino founding fathers and stuff, like that. I dont know that Winch Winston Churchill there was a genius? I knew we had a lotta resolve and a lot of character that that's what I know, but I I just feel like work we have one still bed were digging into the chicks all the time, and now it's kind of like between calling people races. And calling people stupid, it's sort of lost its meaning a little bit to me. It doesn't down it's just dumb.
speaking of women in politics, republican candidate for governor of California, MEG Webmaster, current he's so down. God. Save yourself, hooking began second eggs explode honey. Having rights have already tried, you know, like the Fuckin Poland free hand over the fungus, baby I'll get one and then round the whole. Well, yeah, I see, may not be far off. Maybe If a glory already has her way been highs, Mag Whitman is being accused of hiring in undocumented housekeeper by them. I've Nicky was sent to all the commercials where they have the ugly picture of the paragraph on its back. Take the worst fracture other. They, Poland, real tides, exhort the pores in their nose and stop. It's always the one whether serve laughing. They have a double chain or they look kind of evil. Irregular knows it is like the other, giving a cheque for
ten million dollars to some needed. Kids orphan Whitman claims to be behind education, but you wouldn't know it by your voting rigour that we take the evil picture of right like. that Vulcans they'll ready. I guess we are. We like that. Lady scares me I'm not going to vote for her. Yes, she doesn't whose of eggs ointment up against. Well I'll tell you so so. This woman Nicky this housekeeper former housekeeper re, worked for the Maghreb men, who is a former Ebay exact for nine years and according to the housekeepers attorney Gloria, our azure she's, exploited, disrespected humiliated and emotionally and financially is by Whitman yeah. Well, I will, let me explain something. First of all, housekeepers are disrespected because if I fuckin just pulled my socks off right now thrown on the ground and went pick em up, here's nine dollars pick them
and walked them over to the hamper. Well, that's disrespected like these job of being a house cleaner, like you know, I'm gonna clean up Haiti box. Then I'm gonna pick up some jack rag. Your teenage son left on the fuckin bathroom floor, then I'm gonna scrub, your toilet yeah. That's the gig that as a gay, and here's, the other bad part of anyone's, think about being a house gleaner for living or housekeeper. You know get paid a fucking kings, ransom. Let me tell you: the jack rag. Twenty three bucks an hour lose not kings ransom, but that's it that's that solidarity right, you feel bad for, like I was a yelling but like admonishing. Perhaps if someone does, if you ask your, does something wrong over and over like AL, I tear you broke this like you with the upside down over and over again like regular guilty I share with the weird thing they employ their should they should be doing things as this must be done right, yeah,
there. There is the heartbreaking things there is the one like I had my housekeeper become once a week. They tag tee. My house there's two of em and I have this him when they gaslight means work. When I go insane, I have a. I have a room at the time we had the little kids room, the nursery and it had started this changing Paypal, sort of thing right by the back door and then my work out room, it's sort of off that back door and adjust it just a room filled with boxing equipment, padded floor and jump robes and adjust also to work out bullshit, and what I'll do on occasion is, if I'm bringing something into the work room in the work at Rome has a sort of GM locker. That's filled with a baseball bat and softball suggest anything sports cleats. Anything at all. and so what I do sometimes is instead of going
outside bringing in their if I'm going to bring it in The work out room, I just short of set by the door. So the next time. I go out there up I'll bring it with me. I had my softball met. I set it on top of evidently set it on top of the kids changing table, which is right up against the door now, essentially just right on the door there so thus the next, I or someone else headed into the work out room. They throw my baseball met in there with all the rest of the sporting goods. Couple months later, it's like hey Softball game. I where's that met open the cabinet not in their search to work out room, not in their search, debasement, search to call clause it just tearing the player where's, my baseball meant, like I know, what's in I didn't leave at the park lie. I search my car trunk in a few months down the road to search ever the maid had taken it from the top of the changing table and put it
for me the changing all behind a bunch of diapers and shit. It was our had said it was sort of like well. If it's all the changing gave all I guess it's gonna go into the bomb literate buried it by a wall of hug ease why What's your point, my baseball bat under their like? Why? Wouldn't you put it the fucking around that's filled with soft balls and bats and bay and other breaking away. Colleagues at all kinds of again there not thinking just kind of auto pilot. I like it sitting on top of this. Thus it's going underneath it so once a while, I get absolute. That way, and I and I sit there and I realize I tore my car part- I tore I yell my wife, what do you mean? Don't lie to me, Where are you I didn't? I met a whole. I agree J of hiding it makes the enough you stole the mob law. When did that move? Where I went into the cursory check of the
cabinet in the work out room and then went back subsequently three more times. It's gotta be in here where's, my baseball, bat and his bride knows a baseball, but you can't just go to big five disco. Cravats been oil lamp and worked up and put your hand car parked on it overnight, and on top of that, you left handed rational, there's only limited. I do not get my pick of a letter, so yes, that kind of stuff drives me nuts, but a twenty three by twenty three born our air and all red claims that men had all the clues that she was an undocumented work. Of course, sorry, I've lost Now there are all, of course, or on document who gives a fuck and that, but that MEG Whitman close rise to it. Well, so you to whom I was writing again. Jerry Brown and yeah tell us. I really feel that such a fine job for the still he's gotta get to state right back god. It's me, I know that he was a guest on our show. Much carries horrible well on Tuesday wit.
In an Jerry Brown were in a debate and Jerry Brown said that employ employers should be held accountable for hiring undocumented workers. Will now, according to him, see the housekeeper says that working for MEG was a nightmare to which MEG says this is just sleazy part was I want people to be nightmares? her boys. That's what I like. I don't. I don't know anything about make white man. I know something about Jerry Brown, because I've lived theory. Bank Linda, runs that ninety seventy four that's what I now. Here's I want, I want sums, angry postmen apostle bet. You ran a company to take over California. Just fuckin run it like a cop out like a business. Just vis run it like a goddamn business.
That's all I want I'm so tired of the agreement and we got take care everyone and all this bullshit, this area there's this plucked, wherein the gutter were bankrupt. I dont, statistically, if you take a look at California, I think we may be first or second in the country in terms of a deficit and we're just gonna fuckin toilet. I just what so come in with some fiscal response. Building just get this place back running again, thank Billina. What happened at endow the city of bout? Yes, I'm sure that's good by the way everywhere, all the time. Well, information people are giving themselves very handsome salaries like way beyond what any civil servants- and this is why this is why the raising of taxes is fucking insane like I wish to raise taxes. So what the school systems or get better. How about the lottery hasn't then out. The schools is, unlike in flux of money, doesn't change anything really buck and does it make sense to have people more correct,
oh there's, more money that I can of course, of course, back and get to work ever wanted, stop asking for money, douche bags, listen, I don't wanna, hear another fuckin bleeding heart, seeing how the kids going to feed themselves. Don't have school supplies go fuck and down to the ninety nine cent store by some fuckin back and cheese and a number for fuckin pencil and get the fuck the work at number two number, two, whatever bye, bye to reduce by two number two's. Take them together, make a fuckin number four and get a factor work. It's up to play, They have access to. They don't have it. The factor work. Everyone it shut the fuck up. Would you are right? Forbear? Guess it yeah! will do the rest of the news later, with Tracy Matra coming up, now's, villain, Newsgirl, Tracy, Metro back in two thousand and ten
While while we were on the search for who would eventually canals and rose and as our efficient you are there for that will Tracy. I was joy, Tracy really did I live there, wasn't any real, hardly resolute pay. It should the rather my that I Any news girl that we have filling in that. I particularly party literally didn't like a very nice I'm sure because they might have had to have been if they're trying to be the efficiency is girl but but to be interesting like almost to go to like an altered dimension or each one of them got the job, and then they recorded two thousand episodes, and we go back and listen to me. Ass, if it was at one time it always kept everything exciting and yes, as they range from comedians two models to radio personality, so we can arrange again it and have to be very funny.
All right. Well, that'll! Do it for roller classics today. I want to thank you all for listening in a couple of things. First off. If you want to submit a clip request for suggesting that we play email, US classics at Adam, Corolla, dot com. or you could find, is on Instagram at Giovanni Giorgio at Chris Locks, Amano one. There are ways to get let's go, let's find us. Let us know what you want to hear. Also reminder: pediatric Geico all right. If you own Orient, then of course it hard work. Let's make it easy for you, bundling those policies with Geico Geico makes it easy to bundle your homeowners or renters insurance, along with your auto policy, and it's a good thing. Cuz you've already got so much going on. So here's what you do. You visit Geico dot com- Well, it's you much! You could save it so We see how easy is it Teresa Beckett's graduating chicken is music, echoed account. Today, that's Geico.
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Transcript generated on 2021-08-20.