« The Adam Carolla Show

Carolla Classics: Jo Koy, Wheeler Walker Jr., and Yoko Ono Performance Breakdown

2021-01-09 | 🔗
Highlights from the history of The Adam Carolla Show: 1. Jo Koy and pilots (2017) 2. 2nd episode of the 'new' format (2010) 3. Summers in Kentucky' by Wheeler Walker Jr. (2017) 4. Yoko Ono, John Lennon, and Chuck Berry performance breakdown (2017) 5. Freedy Johnston (2012) Hosted by Chris Laxamana and Giovanni Giorgio Request clips: [email protected] TWITTER: https://twitter.com/chrislaxamana INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/chrislaxamana1 https://twitter.com/giovannigiorgio Website: https://www.podcastone.com/carolla-classics Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/carolla-classics/id1454001697?mt=2 Support the show: Visit TommyJohn.com/Classics Visit Geico.com Visit LifeLock.com/Adam
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Thanks for listening to the garage show on podcast one. Let me tell you about: dark track, lower Dax, the scrappy under dogs of the? U S, S, Surrey, those are back animated, comedy theory, STAR Trek lower decks Paramount plus join the who crew as they travel. The galaxy taken jobs. No one else wants, though plenty, a sigh fi stuff absorb strange energies in full mining colonies, outwit with gangsters and more new planets, these species new enemies, new season of the animated comedy Series STAR Trek Lower DEC now streaming exclusively on paramount plus head to paramount plus dot com, Slash added
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you know the show goes the place where the greatest mobile Vienna Corolla Show right here in clipboard, my name's Chris lots. Amanda negative producer? The item Corolla Show and with as always: curl archives super fast Giovanni. do you ever bodies are first reporting of twenty Twond. Yes, happy near Eugenio, even talk to you yet their employment. I know I'm sorry, but let's make it by playing an entirely new that arrogant to killer episodes proposed for today and tomorrow, the protoplasm three bullets day too, then you'll be here's bracelets. Yes, let's get with the first clip this one, we're gonna, take it back. Twenty seventeen we have a q and ace a collar zooms PETE. gin and Joe Coy was ensued here. This is the hilarious black pilot bit that I completely forgot about then, while doing my searching and in checking for clips or things were people, as I stumbled upon this little gem fall short P
it is just that the length of a pizza call its imbroglio twenty two for Joe Coy Judah, Grad Brian Bishop from March of Twitter? Seventeen with financial black Pemphigus above PETE. What's going on, PETE Man, you're an airline pilot. Yes, Sir and your young you're, twenty nine, sir, probably not like the senior guy overt american, mature flying smaller aircraft, I been out about now, almost nine years, I got a youngster, my long when equipment, you view piloting You bet she'd been on our airlines actually found the year seven hundred what about that I've term up, I don't get it haven't you got all the original jet gap. Last year alone should set high
I know you want my plane locked. I would. If I made it seem scene loop dilute than a lasting, yet now what we saw, what want to read your care that, like all budgetary again you're part about those. Those planes is the original IP the hand, oh yeah yeah that not only so pay. What is that huge brief case that only pilots and casual ambulance chasing attorneys, will ever felt ok for your ass about the how it's gonna be like the eminent replaced by replaced, because it is now is now if things really get more rare and rare what's happening if these were filled with company, We now know that there will be used in operating procedures in the flight operation manual and then after all a charge you, but now I have gone digital because they think the way it was acting burning, more fuel, the carrier,
around waiting. Thirty to forty pounds, and now it's been but at tablet What is there? One just turned to me for everything time and then following got your, why do people argue with me? I dare not apply. Let you go on air, I won't we hard copy wearing your pen. Thank you. It's out now you are you tabloid. Are you? Are you digitize now, our african? Whereas we are Have we not african value their digitize, how many blocked eyelids other your neck of the woods there paw boy he's lying like the Seattle to home around Jesus Christ. I want to say I think, that the entire airline- maybe we have your rapporteur, Europe. better, go somewhere, Randy jeez! I would guess fifty
basically, it employs imo. That's how forty two hearts are hearing one percent. I was picturing when you said forty, two thousand four hundred and one fifth enough to Peter. We overflowed like pilot before No one has the detail here: did you have? You may have very little slaughter programme slowly, A crimson Denzil saved a lot of laid back way about peace. Loan of life. Escap he's a good guy right, Peter hey Peter Use. You might that ball, your bag should put in their landscape. You know my speech without manuals, you know, pails muzzle little fool and we just need to put up ahead of the the world looks like what we say
dying back yea doorways for the plane. You know I mean old on that looks like herbs or so ago. Is a regional open up your bag, real, quick swarming. Only further manuals, listen p, yeah Let us be honest. We both had met bags right here. Put your bag now. Next to my back I'll pick up your bank, you pick up my back aye aye there, I think, is what I think I could pull out something in a manual. That said, we can't do that to honour. I have bad men will kill you. Yeah yeah, yeah yeah. Yes, I will put my back there. Next, your foot your bag, nay said my food. We describe each other's bags, ok,
to the play, a speaking to fly on her. What's up with those killer bees, what are they gonna get here? I'm gonna have organised mermaids, have I'll, kill or be killed. We drop ambiguity pie. You don T know I like that I say eternities lieutenant. There should be no one confuses M. Eighty three, I am dolphins, differentiate. Now again the area I am going to Starbucks. You want something. What with their Starbucks, with a very late. I gotta go to places like the seven dollar coffee.
I just want to write your name on the side of a cop cut. All that's why people do we spend like if you want your amendment, thirteen grant a year and competence to the air milksop no cause. Nobody is why people spend tons of money on coffee, hey badges, grandes base, at whatever you say you want to speak companies gave the Africa from other appears, but I gotta get out of my hope, my partner, they PETE, I gotta, go there his eyes, I dont think we'd, and these are pushbutton start pleading heavy fire up. Those does turbines, depends on a plane there, either pushbutton or their little nobly twisting and they act they hold in Germany at the start of cut out eclipse back the center. I see I see,
the clapper. I wish I'd say now. Everyone's gone, there's only handful old timers that are still on the old. So leather briefcase ride. There are very few someday. I think that the piece of shit, the larger area of how to fix it, like order, Botswana, think I know it's all account a half on their there's. A standard is a standard pilot one. It's the one word I've handled goes. The cut began, the flap, those are the bags. Were the papers always fly out yeah. I always he painted I'm DR a what the heater, how many asian pilots to have it less. I said this morning in Bosnia, nor more lady pilots, more blood, you haven't you, lady pilots are more or less in what way more lady friend way more Ladys and I say Asian are lacking any of black linear asian Ladys Black late. I saw what I think one black lady ever have Asian Lady pointed money Lenny, I haven't airy
how do you, like NOS one, more question, how many Latinos Finally, just mechanics Madame the added hastily we're a decisive Zammit back down with you, because you're not gonna believe is IRAN. around when I know your real name gb. Whenever we discuss it here, because we lack fly around no one ever since we don't were not allowed to bring the races grown ass, their paid surveys on lemon we're not allowed ring that on the plane. I guess what I had in my bank.
Brochures. I now is not the fact that you put buyers of Serbia is a good time to plan a super duper gallery where NATO is for us a drink and like a twenty four hour period, you know it's not even when we get back to the hotel tonight, it's not gonna, be ok for us to drink. We have to turn around early for like a seven, a m flight tomorrow that Iraqi, oh, yes, drink and on the plane is definitely, outcomes falls in the twenty four hour period and then we will we operate in applying a totally understand via near the who's gonna know, I am not going to tell you the elder pretty loud here by Germany at the outset, I will leave you alone. You thought for second, the STAR Box rightly established Starbucks setback.
Buck Back Glass Starbucks, that's it! We're white people spend seven dollars on coffee. You probably like three to raise us where that you can lead, might be like Jai, Latte or somethin A child. Try Lothar! It's not an alcoholic gets a doll. I have no idea what you're landowners are based on a we risk when eight dollars for no alcohol, that is What measures the I've ever heard makes your teeth. Brownsville, it's gonna make up one, the third is the answer to your brain. Where do I put this chicken? just wait here.
lettuces over there, and they re still remain Gunnar bags mixed up or something make sure and keep your separate from Mars. These values blue eye the ever wanted to arouse extra bit. That's how that is close to me. Peter goes generally when you're running off light everywhere. Sl Whitey then, Ladys, via what you could and then a lot of women pilots. Now then, then we go asian. Then we go spanish. Then we go black. What if we make a separation between the lesbian Ladys in the non lesbian Ladys, I mean you know you don't ask to see paperwork, but you know what I'm saying you gotta vibe after a good long lost, turn a parking filled, the Subaru factually avatar, it is for every. I guess I could be TAT Mike minority
Let there be like that. I don't want any deviation. Unlike Gay Lifestyle association, unfair, it happened that every year the supply of Oil Association in Africa. What are you talking to you? How can I tell you so keen I was going to be delivered by Denzil stand in for life he doesn't know everyone aviation, but that's about all. We can now also be able so do they have a lesbian pilots Club EVA gave. Are they do go back now? What are you really like? Having think here come on Bali, tell you think the gay pilot breaks down between ladies, fellas. May I say, like ninety percent guys, eighty percent guy some around there really he asked just in case they think ninety percent male violence,
general though I might I'm figurated gonna fall the same. Why are you not followed ass? I would not follow those same lines because just start loosely dis from observation of doing a lot of travelling, never thought about a button. seen a lot of what I would think. Traditionally is gay. In the pilot
worrying. Eleanor had em. What is an injection stereotypes at all. Has ten minutes after that one. But what is it? What is a gay pilot supposed to look like? I won't do that on his cap. I think we all see lethargy, glancing down walls guarded Victoria secret. If you do, you think we ve seen the gay imply that we were able to identify the gay flight attendant flight attendant. I'm just saying what are you doing that I I've seen it many pilots so now. You very few ended up in a candidate country. Like a girl boys cloud. What you tied up, I guess,
Maybe you really don't you like tat of the flight? He said that I would say to pay on airline any need to run seventy to eighty percent. My dad's blinded mandates for twenty years no one really retired from the air force gonna secret anyway, and he's a flight attendant relay and he's been there for a long time you there when it was a miracle west in eighteen, eighty four to be what it has done. That's why we're here that it has two years is that thirty to thirty two years, maybe one of the reasons. Why would be bloggers, America, West, he's now the barbarians, oh, where american? What emerged from American wasn't my eyes yeah and in their phoenix react quarters. Yet it's still there now, keeping and of terrifying. If he was ex military and now bringing you you're drinks, I would not asked for shit. I would stay out of his way. I'd say yes or no. Sir, was the angry? No, no! You goodnight. He loves big players ever since he was a kid. He was a big. What was Israel out? He was a thief,
a guy and in the in the military, Salute Lord. Suffice for war so war cargo, so you send food supplies and then, when he retired he used to say I got a fly. I gotta be on that plane again and then he America, West Morocco, West Human, tiny, long distance stuff. Today, now known, we just want to be on a big play than retired in Phoenix hey now. The last time I saw my father he departed upon. I know you don't like this a crash the party over there, but I bet you crash and exit gay pilot meeting of Theatre Day where anyone can go to the thing nicely. Yoga reset hate Peter reassuringly. We do those things as well. I think like people prohibited, I would here's what I was doing. If you don't want arouse any suspicions like if you show up, and so when you recognize knows PETE. What are you in here? You scope just taken a media,
everyone away along the lines of a boy, the isles of policy it out for you there now and then I got a headache of operator Zimbabweans eyes. I M telling you of this. Ninety ten ratio, gay and the dude that you ve, taken from the heterosexual or does not just slide laterally right across into a desert. With that meeting You'Re- going to see a fair bit of folks. Do they maybe a dude from behind with the short cut, there are over represented together just to see many other gone. What, if he's, got a crazy right, Josh Ruggieri therapy out your hotel, a whipping By the way you the man show bit the drunken private like equipping of legends amongst us up yeah. That was thank you. That was back when we had that bit hedged her long time, and I just kept saying how is it's gonna work and Jimmy kept saying we're just go.
pilots, outfits and we're gonna go the airport and we're gonna sit around with everybody will fell, met like at the baggage carousel will lay down in the bag carousel. Then we'll go the line where the buying tickets and like screw with people, fall over and stop. Here we are just before not like, Would the image will fire nine eleven, these away, acts which is relax airport and the like, gonna arrest us Jimmy and he's like. We advocate the pilot outfit speed. I could see that being a favor, I request you will wake the serious question Peter. How many near. Crashes or incidents that you go through when you fly and needle say anything to the people, are on board but like about to happen. Incidents is facing
nine years of airlines flying Europe than we already know, Peters Natural in these everyday. I think the things you wouldn't know about is near misses like how close they come to you hear about it, but you know it in applying the other part problem. feel and those Joe Coy there's also makes combined with yet with them. Somehow pilot talk jokers character, acts and work is so new wants than hilarious and beyond any criticism or anything else, but besides the fact of his own the racial ethnicity? It's so lovingly d like I was go back the brown sugar and how its also met a commentary on race issues and so get. This? Would wolden smart edge too? In addition to being funny sounding fun? Yeah I've told the story a few times about how
when Joe was at the live, Shut, Amalfi and thus pretty much. The first idea is really on the podcast and he did all this character. Working there, next day item is just went on and on about him to the staff and tat was improved. that was our yoyo some people to tell the difference of exotic always doing, and access of none of that is really nuanced. Ingenious purse, somebody Maybe it's like a hack. It isn't a smart funniest, yet only going be compared and psychological coy does. Is on another level and Joe the only guy that I could think of were Adam the next day, and this is, after all, one of his later appearances. He Adam comes in and goes on air and talks about how he blew it. He listened to and recording of Joe Joe in him yesterday and you like them. Joe with leading me down this way and I didn't realize it and he's gonna kicking himself and above for it clip is very, very good for his body
other than the court itself as imports. Forty the atom would even care about that. The ash shows how different easily bog astern out differences when it comes to the flow of comedy theres. Many. I guess we wouldn't go. I didn't there's one improv thread in the middle- the live, show and show the audience where I screwed up interesting it again tat yeah Governor soon do that before? But he respects Joe that much love why how much retail outlet get going with another hall of Fame Ac S. Guest. It is already on this year, but that's not stop their breakfast simmons. It fits dog with his annual as early as possible in the Europeans, which it does every single year smooth. But those are the radio show. I know it, you do Gregg. I know it's about he'd actually not going to be in this particular clap, but we feel that tomorrow's at par portion, Ruby playing the split over two years, because it's a large portion of the order show the home is a real issue. Free thirty, four be second episode of the issues format Adam comes in.
means blazing and its opening thirty minutes, Teresa Ball, Brian he's so happy the band the other talk about the pirate ship. We're gonna go from. There is a great bit of energy for what animals can earlier this week on the first episode, they came back hilarious ambrosial, three thirty four from June twenty, and we get it evil, but a news no great. Yet we went to the rest of it too into tomorrow. The classic sweet until then check mandate it hit the mark on. I'm excited to be here have really really, about what we're doing here and really excited about the new direction. Had slipped bold brine in his play back machine over there and to restructure electing Angie Bob and re are tight pan. I was so happy to see Angie just like coming home up the band is back together and were wrong. We built the pirate ship and we're,
sale for four parts, unknown Teresa. What's goin on Baby Girl NEWS welter of irrational news, everyone. Personally, I feel pretty good, although little concern Brian brides over fifty Kamer yeah burden and I am concerned because I can't really complain about any health problems of my own. I mean what he's on his last. There came a five day cycle in nothing failure worst. I gotta say, though years if it makes you feel better, I am capable of watching like an entire sixty minutes special cleansing in Somalia. And then got Jesus Christ, I should never complain again and then ten minutes there we go. This be strong enough. I think it's bad, I'm saying its drive the biggest after taking behind his game in between bite, so
pretty bad about the image we every by ninety other bite, but mostly between ten bites elder. So you get over that quickly than overcoat I find the combatants back when it comes to the complainant. Zillions will say that I had this. I alluded to this briefly yesterday, but I had an entire Skippy. If you ever had that but a camera downers, to look at her stomach became. Ever since I have my c section: I've had these like terrible stomach aches, can't figure out what it is, so they they give you told them all and value see it looks like a mechanic came a bruise yeah. Maybe your pamphlets just giving you a straw here today bring home enough cat like in a sort of grand that arm like one the cheek to know your home is guaranteed, The companion you so I bet you're awake but you're
you're so sedated in an instant, I understood all junkies there. I've never felt so good in my whole fuckin like they. I really could I sat there for hours with a camera in my throat He kept saying I retired tired, no now we know and he kept. asking a more volume, Morgan Raw and then I started to feel pretty good. Then I noticed world strange that I don't care that there's no cameras, gagging. I guess they give you the vine to relax that also that it was a cock, can vary put on the end of his joy and finally, that was just what they use now yeah. Well, look they don't shit. Let's be honest. Most women are used to jogging having a penis in her mouth versus bunch, a cable will. Let me say that it is my husband's birthday forty birthday tonight and I'm here so imagine what this morning was like anywhere my back I I I finished. Major Missis.
couple days ago, and they make you wait there like half an hour? The excellent drive you home and down I'm pretty high, but I don't realize how high I am and me, and they said you need a wheelchair out now, I'm fine sure and then my haven't looked over me and I'm like leaned over the desk there at the check out- and I say I think perhaps I do meet a wheelchair, It is a matter of procedure, at least when the Czech you out of the hospital they rolling out anyway. I don't know, then they just dump your once. They get on the other side of those automatic doors, but everyone, no, you may not have been in a hospital. You weren't. I was in a hospital for my life for my cecy. I wasn't a hospital, but it was our patient, so maybe we'll you out as well. the best day is being awakened not giving a shit the best way of life. They are really the best any last thou does just past. Now, that's no good! That is like being there being no. Mrs colonel, like your foot, fell asleep or saying Are your ass? Well sleep on along car right, but
being awake and not giving a shit. Now, don't you like about boy, you like an animal, The closest you ever come to being a dog you Molly, a gay edwin. Look at my ass. All who cares iron care my pussy in forever, and I don't care about anything. I guess who s a shit talking to neighbours drying. Don't you wish you a recording their livelihoods in front of everyone in your? Have that? Ok, it's worse than chemo location. I get home and I'm feeling good. I'm thinking this is gonna, be a great afternoon because I'm gonna be with the baby, but I have helped you know, so: don't drop him anything road and eighty viewed the baby, warlike leather and by the way I got the feel not to feel guilty that are not doing anything. Productive became I'm I'm a bit. Hyper starts to fade and I am about I'm still trying to get a call for my agent. Can you be in Santa Monica for thirty? Well? This is a big audition, an eye. Not I can't, may I think there can say but to be aside, kick
right, dude was going to have a tv show late finally given Jackie chain that talk shows a richly deserved and he needs assigned kept his eyes in any way. They could see me the next day right Is there any other day? They can see me now go over there for thirty, so I saw the breakdown they're looking for a Jew picked up on general. So to be fair to your aging, that's good! That's good temptation that, while I normally suffer from, as you know, a stage fright as well as many forms of chronic self doubt. However, when I'm damn wrong, probably shouldn't be driving cross towns in Amerika for an addition. I don't. I don't have any those things. I'm thinking this is my job. I'm gonna nail this. They send me the script I kind of rewrite it adds chosen.
Says: I'm gonna nail this. This is my job because I'm high. So I can't remember why hate myself more where I assume people are not like me, but you know you're you're, so self deprecating, you do well knows environments, not so well with you a gig last five years, but do Well cyber now this year for Europe, wildly competent your wildly company. You really are inside of it, I'm in a slump. This clause must again the onion. Ok, Nous new show rose nugget, your energies, your innerds, feel ass, our money, By the way should we re down a little better somethin I like or a little hard here each year your inner you got feels there's a bunch kittens that are in a spin cycle of whirlpool yeah washing machine but you're. demeanor calculated and confident, smart and awaiting its
dear colleagues, I remember doctor coming in one day and ironically, just before I show got cancelled many the good said this has stench of success. I know it. There are old radio, our old radio show, and then I said, really said yeah whatever it's just working, I smell it. I know it, I have the instinct. This thing is going to distance and I said, that's funny. I kind of I feel anxious every single day. The only said what now nowhere you can't hear that dear, but I felt it so I I just the story I go. Jack silver came in to urge rebel wing huge and freely. When I no one wing but, like I do when I we'd have they have a handheld MIKE in the region of the careless ex gaps, so I get the Santa Monica, and maybe I should have been driving, but maybe I five convince myself the drugs round my system, and yet I felt like I was gonna- do well so they weren't like
to the waiting room. There's an nothing but models in some former playboy bunnies, which is never never good, but I still am thinking of the Euro is appointed by the way, a right like you're, not an ex marie you're, always hired Marie rival Marie for five years. I get a little nervous. Whenever that happens flat, I feel good cause. I think. Now these girls are gonna, be remotely funny and probably they haven't rewritten any this coffee but are all hotter than me, but that's ok, sell feeling fine comprised a high but they're running about a half an hour behind in Asia. They start crashing my hands shaking a little vat rules come into the air and now, but I'm not really sure what to do. I do I leave I mean I can I my body, his rationing, So I am, but there videotaping you, if you're, not with the house, and what are they gonna announced his host in where'd. You come from
This is the guy. You know very famous guy who's. Gonna have a late night, show any Arden whether ports I'll tell you soon as it starts. I know you're not supposed to tell because he has it, but I've seen Promos Ford already asked Craig Kilburn occur. and thinking have already worked with a douche bag for sway, now that I know you have not kept douche bag re until you ve worked with great care. Please tell me because I kept thinking rejection God's protection, like maybe there's a reason that when I got in there, I really stand he's a he's. A massive douche bag is everything almost can avenue show now, but he's listen he's a wild nurse says, and I mean are you? Can what about me, but I'm have that kind of narcissism. He's he's fucking insanely nourish insane beyond so I've I would have been miserable. Had I
Air ever ever lesson I dont have a personal b for the guy. I've never had a real issue: then I'm gonna show a million times and luck, I'm just gonna Craig You're listening scientist going based on what every human being who's ever crossed your path set about you fucking douche bag. That's that's! All I've ever heard I haven't heard a general consensus that in my mind I thought that I could be the personal out of his douche bag Harry I seen you try with Russia and silver. No can do now. You re no came dish to Europe. Now, you're, so this point the great a lot of fun when you're a douche bag you're a douche bag, it's like being a shark or jet. You don T You know it all! Out of you. Ever ever nice hearted you jus ass. It was hot. The pandemic, Al Capone, you out of your douche bag, hurry you and be a douche bag.
What you're saying is that do factory is not fluid its away. wife, ok, don't ever it's all accept, go man, your kind analyze, barely because you know the right. Woman should turn around and right producer, the right, whoever the right. Counselor or the right boss programme breaker. No, that's part of being a douche pay. It's it's fucking neck. it all a grave you take it with you leopard some their spots oh, but now drive these super narcissus are super talents like people say that about Letterman, oh yeah, and yet he is incredibly talented, their oftentimes, incredibly talented, I'm but Prince Letterman there, all the exquisite dude I am sure, and exquisite Narcissus and yes, there exquisitely talented, a part of it. Is there not up in their head? Second guessing themselves, all the time I now that's not helpful dear. I years. All I'm saying
Letterman it as it is a narcissist and people should just call it what it is. and an inlets night: let's go ahead and separate the work from the man. It's like Saint Bognor was a great guy knows a great compose. Right, but not a great, I'm sure, no great individual, yeah we been of a nazi re. Yes, that's all so go ahead. Go ok! Letterman great! You know Woody Allen, you're a great filmmaker right. That's that their organs. its greatest, depending on how you look at it yeah, so tee, You look like you got it well, how this magical thinking that, even when I, the which is weird you'd before We are, then, he is now which would be a problem with regret I, but I did leave their and think I don't know what happened either with they want somebody real, low energy right like it
against ruler, yeah and I guess it was I in others. Script is actually kind of funny, but the jokes I added were bit wordy. We do it scared, while they it's gonna, be sort of like scripted conversation about is. If, if we were talking about the news of the day, they were scripted made to sound like he was improvise, Strickland ears like we're doing a second and Brian. I know you're on your last leg, of a team of a mobile conversation we had earlier today. I said I like you, drops buddy. and I like how much you can even thrown a few more, not have meant eighty percent less I now give up yonder some news get into that from the International NEWS said: Mister Stallings men, this renewed Strasser. I love the New York
for many many reasons: you're as us, treat, I get the post, maybe a big ol in sheer sure. Oh just a complete the stereotype, I may have an ulcer we'll find out soon after they were in their looking for that effect. That would be perfect find out whether we know it's where these are thing also were caused by stress, but now they believe they're caused by a bug that you catch, and I believe that when I went in the hospital for my sees, there's no placing it sick like a hospital, kind of super bugs in there, and I don't think I might have caught the each by Lorry- that's the buggy gives you and also while I was in there so darkly. Worrying! Does nothing for the is nothing the worrying doesn't make any medical condition better, but it apparently does not cause ulcers.
a lot of motoring can cause an old, an ulcer. Smoking alive can cause no sir, and now this is the first one to get you you'll. Let me those borders, but about that's amazing amiss that view so you may have an ulcer gas. Sorry, I didn't. I went on a tangent there very, like you'll Hauser visiting the buttons in my mind. Okay, so little Policies reporting on a man this he's most litigious bomb, but one reason I love them is their headlines this one, the sweet stench of success in Bosnia as the dollar signs sure there's a bum he's word bomb, consider the posts are like the and it ought to be politically correct this guy Richard Kramer. He's infamous for winning a lawsuit for two hundred thirty grand Well years ago in a weird way homeless, doesn't really describe what you are when you're that economy first out, there's plenty p.
The don't own homes are have, homes are even live in homes, Brion doesn't eleventh Brian technically as Mr Evans plenty people that are homeless that are like crashing out of the bodies. Houses are sleeping on the so far to travelling around or doing whatever, but a bomb is above yet a friend, you know, what's the basic political incorrect May, the guy that looks for a half smoke cigarettes. the rail route rooms they do. It is a true from a God knows about two hours of pulling brooms right. So yeah, that's what abominable through bomb yeah Yes, there's an addiction issue. our problems are diagnosed with mental illness or both yeah yeah. Both road,
so this guy one, two hundred thirty grand twenty years ago after being kicked out of a Morristown New Jersey Library for his body. Odor he's now the file is eighty, the lawsuit since nineteen eighty eight. So this guy, essentially two hundred thirty grand yeah for being kicked, offers body odor, listen There are certain I mean care. We agree on certain things as a society like you know, an unwise everything this slippery slope, that's gonna lead us right into Nazi Germany. People goose, stepping up and down the street in a if you're The house is a running carcass of a sofa on the lawn and its rules. the view of all your neighbours. We should build a take, tell you to remove the fuckin sofa and, if you're funk is so great that its decision You know the the entry of alive.
then you should be removed from the library and then you should be shame and we should reward you by the way, with two hundred and thirty thousand dollars. Instance, when does a walk out to the sidewalk as a non taxpayer mean you are too. thirty thousand dollars. It's fucking ridiculous. he's sixty one. Now The post was on call him your favorite word Hobo sixty one Europe Hobo plans to go after Amtrak in Philadelphia because he claims police forcibly removed from the train station he's got another lawsuit penny against New Jersey, transit for the same thing. represents this guy he's I've got a great lawyer because he has won an estimated four hundred grand in pay out from at least four settlements overlap twenty years really it's it's almost like as as I look around what's going on in this country, it's like we're fucking with ourselves.
Almost like we are just fucking like we're cutters now like work, work work. work. Turning the razor on our own inner thigh and whereat heavyset tat girls with the prom dates and in inner sophomore year of high school, like what the fuck are. We going, I put to you We gain or fuck insanity. First second go a fuckin guy who's, out of his mind in any body. Anybody a frivolous or not by the way, if you're going on your twenty ninth law suit? I want you fuckin drawn and quartered in the centre of town like we need to put down. You should go through your whole life was zero lawsuits I'll, give you two and a half, but I want to see some scar tissue by that people that are on their fifteenth or twentieth fucking lawsuits in its actual. you say, and I that the court doesn't way that in that's fucking not like. I do that thing words like well,
his last life drown in a back up and then the other white before that went missing when they went on a fishing trip, Miss vulgar inadmissible. That's all I need to know. I need a fucking knows guys already been in court seventeen times. So do you really think that his civil rights were violated, or was he incredibly smelly by, like he's file claims against CBS Pharmacy a new jersey, doctor and cheese shop, what smell your than achieve shop and we have to think up a tv show, but if you can outdo limburger, which I grew up, every heart in every cartoon ever saw to settle Limburger Joe, whether way, worries Limburger. I thought I grove and I was nine years old. I thought I'd just be living often winning burger noto, yeah, yeah, snow, limburger, cheese, anymore, will he got money from Seattle, CAFE Hoboken Fork and have
I've already took over stole slander. They claimed accusing ceiling, so he sued them than a chinese restaurant, called the chopsticks house last, refused to serve him. He sued them one, and then the New Jersey, transit, subsidiary, pap CO, deny them access to the Basi One there. So the apple set up a meet with him and they said looks very nice he's got a cell phone and an atm card. How bout the showing that they put up in almost every at businesses, as we have to have the writer of service to anybody comes in here. Well, I guess they can't supersede by the way, are you putting that sign up? I mean because it's not, a black eye could walk into your side? We don't serve coloured people, you it soon orridly scrutiny by the government. Why? Why put that? Sign up there,
daddy's and don't do it. But this put a sign up, don't broadcast serpent at the stake. That's all thing was therefore foreigner tipping. Sad this guy said that he does not pay is not around four hundred grand and that the rumours that it carries out, Catherine in a duffel bag or not true, wanna get role shit rumour, pretty quick. Do five sleeping on my cache: Duffel Lightweight Duffel bag filled with cash, tracks every night. What does he it is money he says he uses it. To maintain a healthy diet of chicken in fruit to curb is diabetes is diabetes. And after use riding the rails. Oh good, like in the sun, rout. What do you do, though? Do you go like and then wanna come back. That's what the thing about hiding the rails. You just go round and round going anywhere except you're. Going this is: u help. Throw you out see can sue them his. Replaced by the way is the olive garden. Maybe
could be like their Jared yeah being a commercial where the couples of all different nationalities or haven't a fucking time in their lives? Eating shitty, italian I've never seen Peter so goddamn happy laughing I've never been at entertaining. He says garden, diversity, wives and it's always it's like adds the two white couples and the one black couple airlines good look again and images faintness Actually, I've never seen so and so like the way you know the bottomless salad ball. That just means a bunch. Shitty sounds you dont want to eat. also when a food when forgets to cheap, you shouldn't trust it There's a reason, wives that cheap. Like you know, when you go into subway, they have like the lobster best foot long for two, ninety nine such things because lobster is twenty bucks a pound. So you should be its lobster flavoured meat products
whatever it is. We will really, which you should be doing, is going the other direction, which is, if you only five bucks to spend on a sandwich. You get the turkey sandwich because of cheap, but don't get the caviar role for three dollars: something's wrong, yeah, yeah yeah. I perceive it good to be true. What's all think about a restaurant, like you know it expensive is awesome when it starts getting too cheap, get suspicious yeah, come passive pies, for example, We know the name for tv open twenty four hours. That's right, I mean now supply, though waited was one of the few places in early this open twenty four hours get the pie. Dont get the fish. Now don't or even the clamp, chowder right, order any cut of meat always wonder what people are doing. Always wonder when their ordering shit that this place couldn't possibly produce nay, say you ve, never been approved,
Firstly, happy and yet I footage anti and see the add that works I was high. There was artificial. Last night thinking in after my little demurral experience? I didn't get where those marijuana tabs year after Coma coming on to you. a lot worse than one of those little bright little brain cancer. You can't get some part listerine straps every damn night here just put him on your tongue troubles melt away, as you say, the out of it for a week, but on alert for fur is the best place to be set Maybe six months now, yeah right, the three hours gonna uncomfortably knows there, will you are extremely happy that night in you enjoy the hell out of some sex in the city. Where recalled by mid strips of income, look an animal traps, the real
little and the green any put him on your tongue and even aims. You would like the way they taste and high as a kite, but have hi about Anti. When I saw the reindeer cherries at the store yesterday worthy of the polish, about Jesus Christ, one human being does like Rainier cherries, he hates the most delicious food that God make it. It's like somebody took a cherry and said now. Good enough is taken It came out of a squirrels ass. Let's, let's hit it creating as you We can really get here. the rainy are chairing the gate a cherry with twice the me so Look at Whilst the sexually city writer, Michael Patrick King, was so desperate to keep plot lines with a secret sequel, a secret they didn't kill, the trash fake, seen citric the public during shooting.
Pavarotti Snap vote as it came, control with a pregnancy tests and a script that mentioned her character gets hedged, but it was all a fake, out. There came. No, then you know because he and the strips saying my acting is bad enough when I'm doing the real movie. If I know I'm just doing fake out like decoy scenes I would be at the allied alike. carry Miranda, pray militants, are you gonna make any wings sexual on time. something I rather twins some generic Acme Smee, jack and I guess gonna- have to go in for a while surpluses. Kitty, salad, You don't have that kind of sexy thing. It will remain
my very singular and put some my California roll on top of it that was not in the sequel. Their camp, blind. Why can't we have few cards? Can you use them? How can we use a lot if sidelines alive, it's when you're supposed to be talking to your fuckin head, where they have their stir my feet people kind of way I'm pregnant with people. like you, do that kin to tremulous Samantha thing that you do that you ve been doing for years again, she said quote one day I went to the set with my script in my hand, and pop Rossi blew up the script and gave way to storyline. So I said to Michael the king, they're gonna ruin and fans. He said I think we should play a little trick on them. I said Kay. What are we gonna do Ladys at fans right, yeah, those derogatory term
again now fast, but that's his watch and Odessa. So what are we gonna do? What about pregnancy? The freak out a Smith is pregnant. He said no now, let's marry her so desire. Patricia fields and went out and got three wedding dress for came to try on and instantly the wedding rumour spread no, it gives a shit and by the way I don't have they're gonna make a third. Do you think that make a third I was doing it came in. I think last weekend was number two at the box office, but dad disappointing. but what about overseas decent people overseas care about sex in the city can isolate and form. Gets number two sees itself railway spells out oversea, I see they already audience sees they'll go out on opening night yeah skins,
it's getting a whopping, seventy percent, a robust seventeen percent. I should say in the wrong tomatoes meter. Ah, speaking of I pull the Jew S. Don't the other day? Would you where's the money I went to a movie because it was a convenient time with reading a single review or checking ran tomato. Why what I was gonna get that was it good. What was? I can't remember the name you might know with Andy Garcia user, now. There was an essay city of angels or something like that Angel City, Visa you want to be an actor, was It was so good. I loved it. So I got lucky, but I mean any It could happen ages. What out during the day, Might yeah my husband. I we're gonna have little afternoon you no date mommy. He gave us a c p, wet weather
They sat Garcia Film, don't I've asked plant, you know we have a kid and yet we know we had our citys from two to six and we had to see at three o clock now the only thing playing very good small, independent movie, Julianne Margo, These were laid his wife. It was excellent. I loved city I that's a video! Thank you. Yeah, very good, very good ya think it does have a quite a high score, but I didn't know that could have been fought for good and there's your arc light prices and everywhere in Europe, and you can be sitting there watching that is your joy stand in the way tat story than hermetic focal. Here. ABC decided not to pick up the ghosts whisper, putting an end to the Jennifer Love Hewett Series of shows burden. That's that's been like seven seasons, Sixers and sees its right after five, wonderful c and over a matter that we are disappointed to announce, goes whisper
will not be returning for a sixth season. They fuckin slot, where they put you on Friday night about eight or nine o clock. Even this get lost in there really beyond our ever yeah. Even knows you're their interests, go to sleep spot here. Are three wanna, be inevitable are. You gonna be the prime time line up you and be Thursday night or when it come on after you know, bang farrier sunlight get better just go on Friday and I just wanna get lost and I think that that's what happened? I don't know I mean I guess, for the dunes. It was Walker. Texas, ranger, farce the show. No one knows ever seen ever was around four nine seasons and for the Czechs, maybe it's a ghost whisperer ideology. Did you ever see, Doktor Quinn, no, I now numbers and bones are the two shows up I've heard about a million times, never seen one ever.
That's the actual matchless. The mantle is literally the more problems well promos. I see the list. I want to see it again, the site it like a restaurant, new restaurant poles in the town, and you go by check that out somewhere around ten time. You pass it. You start getting angry at it and then a very like two years in your fuckin place. for some reason, the mortar you pass without going in the least less likely you are to go and that's easy about the ghost whisper. I think two more used to be on it. You re he's come on. That's my boy now I can't wait Do the shell there used to be is beyond man and then well. She was without Jimmy Kennedy in the broke up with Jimmy can live. He was on so and then I think I should tell her was on because I remember all right. She summaries- and I remember her saying that love, I guess she's called love, got really clear
She wants to be called love. It must become laughing all made up before she got clinging with Asia, Tyler real. How I had. I cannot really yeah very clinging, so I like to watch them coin the Agora, beautiful and I was these sex. episode of when we change formats from these strictly one on wine or the just the one on to whatever Adam did any theirs is for weak one on one, typically, with one Tuesday can throw back to the old format that wasn't fully old format was like them at the time something similar and by the reform that we mean when Brian aunt Theresa would sit in and they would do news and they sound affecting those a lot more, the morning radio show which we actually still do to that all right. Let's get going without clip of first got her mind every it starts one. Twenty one off right with Tommy. John,
our trade out, whatever cheap underwear, was sliding down in writing up last year. It gets an Tommy John, and once you ve tried, you never going back, Tommy Tommy John? Doesn't it customers. They have fanatics, and I know one of its GEO to make sure to get. My lounge bands before recorded, which was recorded ten, does not set a what Clearly this answer you it's good any time of the day it so comfortable. They have that no wedge guarantee and the best part you'll ever where or free guarantee that the double guarantee tell about GEO John D councillors, classics unsafe. Fifty percent on your first or renounced say fifty percent right now it Tommy John D comes less pleasant. It's Tom agenda, counselor classics to say fifteen percent on your first or see safer details all right now that we offer Tommy Johnson in lounging comfortably some music One of my favorite performances ever on the crucial within by Wheeler Locker Junior, what we term about Wheeler Walker, Gene,
what is a guy who's? A country artist is little there. conventional and it may be another guy as well as also guess I'll, show or not is now for us to say pearl issue: twenty thirty nine Wheeler Walker Junior Joe poisoning. by Bishop no join. This portion is just a wheeler performing live and studio. We play these before their hilarious and again I think I like that. live in studio versions. Better than is out and cuts he's just come in a cold for every time it affords an Alban's. Do their one take and release at our yeah that'll Grosso, twenty thirty nine from March of point, seventeen summers in Kentucky live and to be so what's going on it. This is a summer song. It's my first summer. Song kind of serious remains once called summers in Kentucky were from Kentucky so now being on the road and missing home and others
sneaking was just met. You knock down three message: telling got summers, dna or hard won it later on the road in command. The greek state measures is used as a means of Mount scratched done. We must be vigilant and accuse the rule with the current room for some start all over again, if you say it's saying age lash losing man ass about shame, bring your family ass. Now you both summers in Kentucky man this and we are water, Junior Junior, junior baby. They wear them thanks man, I was there. I was the first time of play that since we record in the studio, that's that's a world premier, there's one more serious illnesses that was to sit out. Your best to Sierra Leone is at stake. Is the serious and those Wheeler Walker Junior performing summers in Kentucky live one of my favorite songs
actually get appointed envision being hilarious? It's kind of beautiful saw area, isn't this is vulgar pretty. He has that is a similar style to Josh Gardener work, eke, there's a little bit of MR action. It just sounds like there's something so beautiful. It's gonna happen and then Something even more beautiful appears As the saying goes on so and we'd later we put a judge gardener. Some pretty recent do so we we love that seven think. That's that's why Adam Real enjoys on all these musical performance, especially the comedic ones. However, we were lie, but other shows its fine, but these esias versions are exceptional. I think it was the energy in the room, the other energy settling down proxy Dawson for making a sound. Oh so good, all right let's get gone with another clip this one, the musical performance isn't gonna, hit the same way curse gonna, be all the guys reacting at time when Yoko performed of John Lennon in check very yet sources Adam Crucial, twenty thirty three, the guests was Dave
very non. This portion ROD, tomatoes game he is in the opening chunk for a few minutes will Adam talks about seeing or missing screening of calm Skull island, and then it later in the show Georgina's news with a dogma, the death Chuck hurry and Adam to reform. This clip others infamous performance that a few other people briefed on, but the answer the funniest I get us also try thirty three march of choice. Seventy check it out He wasn't a fan of John Berries. Work is a musician love. This work as a pervert get it on, got to get it on a mandate for France, which we share and all the Good NEWS we give you every day here in the show good day, Jimmy Rapid Data you there about the case. I have made it clear you suck.
man actually body. Second man actually just checking them rotten tomatoes. Today, always working and seen what's out there were sir man just blindsided with com, I never go and see. Movie is mighty com. Now, because I said Asano cited as it sunny did you see Kong and he said the YAP. I, and I said my seat again with the old man said he up and he really dug it. Kong and then I said good Saturday night we shall see com and then the biggest problem, How do we go three d, Kong, a name GM or regular Kong at five? Thirty by ANA Kong, alot of calm and a big decision to make then found out three kids birthday party.
My house, we don't keep schedules and tell the thing happens: it's happening it's upon. It is itself upon us. Then we always find out things our partner. So no Kong you'll be dry. Re sport in the kitchen, sunlight, Improv House, TAT, Improv House fast and loose or like good, we're like guy like like, like a jazz quartet, except for nobody, can really play, but we improvise, but no one can play their institutes modern, jazz, its modern, its modern, Jesuit hammers. Nobody really open, usually troll their instruments, but we still fears. We refuse to learn to read music or study a thousand. We are worried that day where they will just do it. Do you find that your announced that was the plan was about right,
Finally, our great suggested really audience gets to the body, but your Kong is good, so arms Kong action. I have not seen its good yeah. That's doing. You're gonna give your now turn our unfailing. That's sweet where's that Turkey, you made out a craft paper, your hand to seven of these acts in a half its clearly a hand, but no we're going for a good start over every evening. Disorder, the first down solid for a first Ansell boots. So we did not see, but I heard he like that, and I heard from others it was fun to so we're looking for it, and that is why I have the version. I told these guys take my twenty three minute live home improvement show from the Eagle Rock Public access station now defunct, Eighteen, ninety three, my original
I saw the house, my home improvement questions saw cliffs a brief clubs. I guess you Adam Crawler, Brownsville Supply right. Look how young and fresh eyes the ass, just there but I said he I say finally, buckshot no more beeps anymore, just weaken this here, oh what it sounds like alive people act and they cut it together, obviously, but down at the table public essential before this is at concurrently with new started. Can Iraq or no or that this is, I showed this to Jimmy, you know, storm I haven't enough, he was giving on. I didn't you're still do now now. I know I was gonna. Do it on up this? Was this was free, so I this performance Jimmy this more than a year before I met Jimmy and this the tape. I showed him to try to get in the door. Pussy civil, real, my sizzle real. But let's hear this is all rail, you're on the air on the house. Gimme your home improvement question, your home fix a question. I ll answer for it
live on their rights The monkey you're on their lives you're on the air became our viewpoint. The linoleum, on top of that you like to put that on your plate, is why you have met on your eye. You fucking, What are your home and roman projects? law from follow. You go right. California, women, private nervous for ten years You're a lot of children Morrison for using the pod there was brutal, so brutal you'd never get into it. With these guys, you just pay their hang up. Are you move on no virtue care. I, the weirdest thing I just had a conversation with somebody were somebody said a guy somebody working with there's something called him stupid and the guy like said
I really pissed me off, and you really whatever me than I thought to myself. I dont think that would piss me off. I mean less. I thought I was stooping or what critique of ever gotten I've. Unless its most. I thought that's what was going on earth, but then it was something other than anger. You got back where they were sunk that washed over me by now, I figured you alive. Public access show a nine year old or fourteen year old boys call in India fuck you. I fear that What how it works, parliament, parliament, description, that whoever was sitting there could be a rabbi sitting there with religion on the line and its failure. Fuck you I gotta tell you you listen to that and it's a lot like when it would sound like. If all of the comments on a you two were on audio. All these people went home. You two are on the rise in their day, the ex ante dire phones. Actually,
oh, you know that you're going to sit at the other end of a keyboard. Call someone be shitty. Your indefatigable under you, you're relentlessly up be like you could not be brought down the collar without alive. I have always found it to be amusing. I don't know why, but I find I find it amusing that not not a condescending tyrannising way. Just I was founded amusing was part of the unanimity rule the eye. I don't know I mean I guess grown up? I grew up in and being like. Physically assaulted by my friends are so early and often having horrible thing said all the time to set you up for success, and I have always wanted stuff amusing, I mean, maybe being an atheist, has something to do with it. I know Also, obviously, you play into their hands off course when you very upset about it, but that was never strategy with just never never found it to be any. I was. There were doing it for humor and preceded them, trying humour on my show that
the way it always felt that would they? Ask a real question and really set you up for like a long Bubba Buoy waited so long. I did because for many years I don't. What do you do with only a few hours ago? Do an answer that there was some of that stuff. It may been pre Barbara Buoy, but not an Abu, not after you that was still there was always involve. I don't remember how, turn was on out here, lots Angeles back then now Gary can figure it out and must have been ninety two or ninety. Three, somewhere in their ninety form, turnip trying to think but if it was, I may not have been listening to it immediately anyway. in grad. What do we got a lot
break all those crazy dropped. We do the news with Jean grad. As you know, by now Chuck Bury died Saturday in his home town, Saint Louis. He was ninety years old, the Father of Rock and Roll created, an enduring legacy of teenage music, which became a song but for countless musicians to name a few. The Beatles Beach boys rolling stones, Bruce Springsteen. In fact, John Lennon, summed it up by saying quote: if you are going to give rock and roll another name, you might call it Chuck bury, but well bury, may have done much to lay the groundwork, still love Herman Yoko, that for John singing with Chuck Eisele his idle
british guys idolize the black blues guy S, room parlor on huge all the british guys loved all the black blue skies from the fifties and Sixtys and said I also for John Lennon. To get up on stage and sing with Chuck Perry was a even of John Lennon was John Lennon. There was a much bigger deal for John Lennon, seen effort it, and then you can order, because he or she was honest in farming. Gabriel. I dig that arrive at its awesome because its Yoko contributing, as only Yoko can, which is by doing anything because she doesn't possess any talent at all, this is from I don't make Douglas or something or one of those shows from back in that package.
yeah my Douglas show make sense of it. Yeah guess playing benign instrument to realise the marching order for yoga sweetie pull up an ample gray. We're going to take this hollowed out gourd with some lamps gain pulled over it. We're not going to like it when you just sit there and in time, because denying me from waste higher long lightly, ignoring there's this guy strong people, S pocket, move your badge exhibit change your voice. Like crescendo move at the entries, wow they'll be missed. I saw your tweets brag about David. Well, maybe come in then I think that's apt, because a lot
People know that there is a sort of it in infamous centric side of bare sure to check very couple. things he had been incarcerated near the height of his fame for transporting a minor overstate lines. He later serve time in jail for tax evasion. He was also hit with a class action lawsuit from multiple women, accusing very of making video tapes while they were undressing and using the bathroom on his property and at a restaurant you We know about these videotapes, yes, I don't know. I know people who claim to have seen them, but I have not seen them personal qualities, love ass, part of the job liver, pose. We I turn on my tweet today and I saw one from President Obama sound like we're gonna miss your pal that's a little weird for the guy who had that sixty something women come forward like in this day and age like it, you can say a legend now they'll be met. spent. It's weird, like you said that Gaddafi and it was because I
I don't know like I'd, be. I feel like in this this with cause. We stuff floating around out there whenever is going on their chuck kind, miss that the UK dad the bullet they're here yet up his run was good time, but also I feel it's weird too. Personal with it, because I think he had a couple couples. Tens in that cause at the sixty. He showed questionably tastefully. He had one. It is. I think he s the promises. He had a camera and restaurant any It was there because if One and a minor people like getting ripped off Scottish get ripped off, but then I think at one at home to which didn't help, and then I think you have the tape and then he settled witches. alien point, whenever Dodd point three to that one: three million dollars just like that, which usually means this suggest a surveillance camera because you're getting ripped off but
I don't. I was just for them disrobing, or was it a going to the bathroom where I I've? I've heard that it there is ITALY, one videotape- and this is just from somebody who told me about it, who Cnet that there's a p I of him holding the camera. Urinating on a young woman or really having a good time with that. So I think he I think that might have been a thing of his room. So May I say personally my I love Johnny, be good when I'm scared at the greatest rock, when the great rock songs, our favorite song, it was one of my first favorite songs to, but my much of berries, had a song, sound, almost exactly alike, and I was sort of like I love you, may be good and then there's other songs, when they hear the first. ten seconds is all you didn't know what song was it felt like creatively like Dunton? Maybe you should move past us a little bit
served him. I served him while also it's one of those things to everyone talks about what to do. Pictures I saw the guy's holding a cigarette, another time, soul, mistake and the other families holding a drink like. I don't feel like that. Guy ever a piece of tofu or did a push up in his life. I just feel like he was who he was and is that ninety nine looking that Europe is going to nine? Yes, I just feel like shit areas clock was preordained for ninety and then therefore, have all the removal and she saw the cigarettes you want. It's gonna die when your nine o not of of of dangerous living. Anyone is in its third ease. The twenties is going to change right, and I was the gang talking about Yoko Ono. Ruining performance with John Legend dairy.
hatch, sprinkled in our towns. You know you're right. I don't think that that clip would have been nearly as famous in revered as it is now because of what Yoko contributed. So you could be alright, let's keep the music go, and now we have one more cleverness Features freely. Johnston lay this one before banana well over a year has gone back through. I want to play with me: performances and there's only so many we have you and this man this was really beautiful and Adam really wants to get a story out of free Johnson. This episode, its Adam Polio, nine forty five thousand, Brian bishop, also there October of Twelve and every place these tears liven studio, Atavism This thing there must be an easy and freed his eyes at the end of the song.
Looks jerk atoms, voicemail brought to you by a voice. bad. Why have I met a man I know a guy named destructible bad, one is the more: if any picture existential Jimmy tell the story on the air Now I, like again? The shock the boys banner on item corolla dot com or go to W W W Don T voice, Dotcom, Slash Adam to get an exclusive six month. Free trial offer a voice your mobile phone at work.
To answer that question quickly. No, although one time we're in the parking lot about roller skating place and where, like nineteen or eighteen- and he did when it was usual fuck with a stranger thing and the guy turned around and ears like John, but to sack size like it was one of those get out in a movie where the guy gets out of the car and keeps going out any six eight niece, you know three hundred Ten pounds and re had to kind of leave a guy alone, but he did fuck with the guy first. Yes, that was about the only time Brady Johnston is here, go to see if it's great to be here. I am, I love me some pretty Jones and you get a good lab. I love that about you and right. Ok, we had a nice pow outside because I gave the well Friday we're on our third musician in a row on the show which is unlikely. But do you want They need a plane. He said musician. I always like to play- and I said but lesson a comedian, and I hate talent, jugs
and always work out that way. And I we weren't around a little bed and then I threw out a deep cut from this perfect world Sancho cut the avis tears here your play. I love that. I really I love the whole outlasted. As I've said, I don't. I don't know who that is about or wherever brings you? Well, it's really not about anyone. It's just a son, railways made it up. You have to say that no, it's terrible or should I say I should may I should make something up shouldn't. I should make it better story. What, if the knack did that with my shoe Rona haven't you ever David Radio, be eighty brought. My fucking That's when a lot, I will say that on re dry and now it's pay back I'll pay back time, Viagra song about her tears. Yet exactly Adam. You take me to direction. Where have you re a song about avian tears? If there's no easy. Well. I don't know I mean you know it. How do you you know you just yet?
gotta make stuff up in life. You know how it is. You have to stay on the beach ball, but I would come up with share. Else tears hours back, EAST Warner. I will tell you how heavy artillery out happens going you're right. I saw you you're going alone, you're goin lot. the data in whatever sounds right even just happen to you, know fanatically sound right. That's all was well its again everyone ass, young ass. Another does not their catch eating refer tap in Athens on. I know I know Listen I like, I said this perfect world is really just a perfect out. And Friday, like I said, turn on to you when I was how sitting just listening was also at a time when people weren't snobs, either like I would be like you'd, be someone's house in there'd, be a city there and you go check it out now, like you know, you hildy
I have to go, find you, but I'm not gonna. If I'm hanging out at your house, I wouldn't be just checking out your cities. In autumn saying as it is it's different now that it was somehow. I don't know why. I dont know why there, but somehow I had an open heart. Oh I know I had an open heart and an empty wallet and I would listen other people shit We're just stand in back there and I said well, if we're gonna go for some, let's go for some cool that Michael there's probably never possibly heard I don't know it's such a beautiful song and as it turns out, it's very very point, its but no one But it's called the exactly that here. I suggest I could do and you do it when you play or my catching you pretty fire, I followed every night. You play everyday. Would you go out? Yeah? Ok, are those ok and people should know by the way live dates for Friday Johnson. You got a website Friday. Johnston that come in
November. Second, is gonna, beat the high noon saloon and Madison Wisconsin, and on the ninth Dakota, jazz Club and November tent tycoons in that Duluth Minnesota Dakota Jakob also meant Minneapolis Minneapolis. Happen in town right for ages and certainly in the Dakota Minnow desperation, town, much much hyper much rulers in much more whatever than you would think Minneapolis, oh yeah yeah. Surprise absolutely come on. You know that replacements in Princeton Juris, all asylum sure, it goes on and on no more no they're out there, many of those three the out of it and then that the time for action, Albania Myrtle everyday work today at the time, the area. Actually there are there I've just. I was very surprised by when each around you get a little like you. You could we become at you snobby, I there's ally, and then there
New York and then you go I'll, give you San Francisco and Chicago, and then people make you say: Austin yeah, they make me say: Austin harasses really guy that then then they try to shoehorn shoehorn in Sierra Leone, less it. If I start, including shadow that I'm gonna put Portland in our idea, annul poorly, that's it and then Minnesota's gotta thing going on Overland Minneapolis any place, and then he got there and its really happening. Oh, I, like your wife, I don't know where my ass, MIKE, where we played over there but sold out two shows a really cool cool music theatre. Frida say wonder some tears yeah. I will apply software
So your inspiration for the sun was gonna. Make me some money. Well now it just came out and out of afghan errand. He needed some words. That's that's saga than it did. It appeared. I sometimes right songs about roughened worry at it in the Middle EAST. Ass he comes up he's been here. Maybe he's gonna guilty is bad, seek to it. We mad survivors, see touched, but now she wakes me every time. I see great faith faces wide with this in mind and he's not a simple winds blow in seas, beans to guilty this bed. She comes to light. The girl you ve, been dream in your face, sees what we feel this is a nice out. Thank you so much for your indulgence. Beautiful saw about no one
nothing there, but did you have experiences that sort of inspired it say no police It's gonna, be, I should say, no yeah. The song was written about somebody else and I change the name. I'm, sorry, rail, are you just you just worried down prosecutor? Rarely you did what it I'm not gonna free can say. Who is very specific, I just me died rather another culpably, ok. I know it Dave cool yea, but that's gonna, say I know I know, and I know the eyebrows keep riding songs about Eve, cool yea, all They ve got if I'm their theatre, sometimes that's all visa freedom then in Sudan. I again if you want to see him alive and I recommended highly freebie Johnston, dot com, I feel I should I just playing the caves last night. If all my gave another place with my my buddy Susan Council and done and John D. Graham, I heard nervous saw John
I do an acoustic show at my caves many many years ago and it's a great guitar shop that has a performing space and and and its outcome in Santa Monica on Santa Monica somewhere, there are pico your Santa Monica right in there and just a great cool old place as well. places where you glad it's it's it's there and it's been, therefore long time and, like I said, John hides acoustic set. There was eighty six or something so it's been around for a million years and ask Reedy Johnston playing ease. Tears of this urban World Adam has a very collective pays them albums and gave a funnel discuss. About Adam, seeing a John high. It live at a specific club. The free was play
an atom song doing acoustic set like the mid eighties, really cool here. Adam talk about seeing, shows in doing stuff like that. You often get here Adam talk about that stuff. Yet, and is really really nice moment? instead of John Adams. Memory is insane to me. I just how we can paint these pictures of of experience that he had so many years ago and to the point where you don't even remember him or he like? How can you possibly remember that other LA times, and I I tell him something and years later help bring it up to me, but I'll, never reference it before that. you're like a white belt and studying ends memory, and I'm like a lot from the three fighter series I end up. My love is about his memory is either talks a lot about this. I've had to do this to you if you like, pushing stuff out new stuff comes in and like I thought there was never going to be a limit on my memory examine the so much stuff. It goes way he does Andrew as it would extend bananas good reality, makes little zip files are like little like energy,
who is head of things and if you hit the right course you get a whole tire story. He hasn't told in ten or twenty years. I completely forgot about food is actively out about this. Then so the thing with the teacher dogma in care the girl, the gas and obviously a jerk. He had no memory of it and then, through this process of oh yeah, I did this here's. What you do is more details, yeah, it's insane and I'll, never I'll, never understand it and quite jealousy but once I finished writing my thesis on, I will share with you. Please do and that and then we'll meet at the DOW Jones. You can kick my ass and usually do before I get out, you got her mind you guys once again about Geico. If you own or rent course, it's hard work, let's make it easy for you bundle those policies with Geico disguise going is Geico makes it it a bundle, your homeowners or renders insurance along with that our policy. So, as GEO said, it's Geico, easy, gotta guy Kodak come get a quote, see how much you could save visit Geico Dotcom today, that's Geico dot com
all right. Growth classics returns tomorrow. What we got for two Margie what's in TAT way, continuation of the episode to of Esias format with Great Fitzsimons rags. actually in studio we able to hear the news and ends hilarious, closing riff about Adam talking about his parents and their mutual discussed Rachel and some ports, I can't share here, but they are fabulous. If you're not subscribe, qualifies speed, you must Furthermore, we are Walker Junior and we also get another surprise musical performance, but you have to identify them. Wonder see there tomorrow manage Chris locks Amanda that super fast Giovanni, get up a movie love who needs a theatre. When you have PLUTO Tv grab, your popcorn you're streaming device because free movies are here. Hullo tv is home for movies. Great movies are playing any
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Transcript generated on 2021-08-18.