« Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris

How to Counteract Your Negativity Bias | Bonus Meditation with Oren Jay Sofer


Counteract negativity bias by appreciating the goodness in life: simple acts of kindness, moments of beauty, and even your own good efforts.

About Oren Jay Sofer:

Oren Jay Sofer teaches mindfulness, meditation and Nonviolent Communication. He has practiced meditation since 1997, beginning his studies in Bodh Gaya, India and is a long-time student of Joseph Goldstein, Michele McDonald, and Ajahn Sucitto, and is a graduate of the IMS/Spirit Rock Teacher Training program. Oren teaches retreats across the country and works as Senior Program Developer at Mindful Schools, teaching and developing curricula for one of the international leaders of mindfulness in education.

To find this meditation in the Ten Percent Happier app, you can search for “What’s Good?” 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Don't miss out on the enjoy everyday walking meditation pack over on the ten percent happier up its available for free until august twentieth. If you haven't tried, walking meditation before I highly recommend you check it out here, is one user had to say I'm quoting here, I'm in my six the year with ten percent. I start and end my day with it, I like their walking meditations to use when I'm out exercising or walking the dog. The longer I Is it the more I learn the nuances and subtleties and refinements of the process? Is life changing that's awesome to hear download the ten percent happier app today, wherever you get your apps and get started for free, it's the ten percent happier podcast, I'm your host dan Harris, the hello everybody happy friday time for a bonus meditation on the show. This week we've been.
Talking a lot about the beauty and art and aesthetics and we're gonna pick up on that theme in today's meditation. One of the more pernicious aspects. The design of the human mind is that we have this negativity, bias. We evolved to spot threats like sabre tooth tigers and its served us well in some ways, however, can lead to some pretty serious degradation of your daily life if your constantly focusing on the negative. So this is a meditation that will help you do the opposite, to focus on the good stuff and our teacher du jour is the marvelous
or and J so sofer, he teaches michaelmas meditation and also something called nonviolent communication, which is essentially communication, skills and eat written a whole book about that he's been practicing since nineteen. Ninety seven and not for nothing, is also one of if not the most popular teachers on the ten percent happier app. So, let's get started out with oranges over hey. This is orange. It's easy to notice! What's wrong or defiance in distress about meditation, and help us to balance that negativity bias by. Preceding the goodness, that's already here and available in life, when we up lift the heart, even a little have more energy and strength to devote to the things we care about. So go ahead and find a comfortable posture where you feel at ease and alert.
You can let your eyes close and turn your attention inwards. You might take a few slow deep ass to shift gears and settling. Breathing in to your nose. And breathing out through your mouth long and slow each breath is a gift freely. Given I don't have to do anything to earn or deserve it. Just wait and the body breed sin is filled with new life. See what it's like to appreciate your breathing in this way,
Leaving each in breath as a gift. Uplifting the heart isn't about avoiding, what's difficult or pretending that everything's, ok, if it isn't. It's about noticing the things we ordinarily take for granted. and allowing them to nourish us to start. You might think of some. Kind that someone said or did recently. Let that moment work Her son come to mind and left attention linger there for a bit.
Notice any feelings or sensations of ease or pleasure. However, small. and really let that in takes some time here too. Just save her that moment. The another way to uplift, the heart is to notice, her own goodness.
It so easy to focus on our faults instead see what it's like to bring to mind one thing: You appreciate about yourself. or simply recognising and focusing on one good quality that we value and want to strengthen in our lives.
Taking even a few moments each day to uplift, the heart can have a profound impact on your over all sense of well being and on your ability to think clearly and positively about the future Ready you can let your eyes open. go ahead and look around the room, a bet if you like and notice how you feel thanks for practising together, take care Like you aren't, you can find more meditations like this one over on the ten percent happier app just download the app wherever you get your apps to get started with, right back here on Monday for a brand new episode, the final instalment of our series, In calling mundane glory kind of had a tune into the good stuff.
All around you and squeeze more happiness, You sat of life and on Monday, we're gonna talk to you guys who came up with a way to micro dose, ah in a thirty second practice. So it's perfect for people Feel like we do have time to meditate, although you may not fall into that category, given that just completed that meditation I'm rambling now I'll a prime members. You can listen to ten percent happy, early and ad free on amazon music downloading. amazon music cap today or you can listen early, an ad free with wondering, plus in apple pie, cas before you go to a solid and It's all about yourself by completing a short survey at wondering dot com, slash servant.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-13.