« Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris

Can’t Stop Thinking? Try This | Bonus Meditation with Cara Lai


Not thinking is not the point of mindfulness. We know, shocking! Emotions and thoughts are inextricably linked: know them to know yourself.

About Cara Lai:

Cara Lai has worked as an artist, wilderness guide, social worker and psychotherapist, but at this point she’s given up on being an adult in exchange for an all-out mindfulness rampage. Her teaching is relatable, authentic, funny and sometimes crass, and is accessible for many people. She teaches teens and adults at Inward Bound Mindfulness Education, Spirit Rock, Insight Meditation Society, and UCLA. 

To find this meditation in the Ten Percent Happier app, you can search for “Can’t Stop Thinking.” 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
A few weeks ago, several families that we know got together we'll stayed in an air being b. on the side of a mountain, a beautiful fall weekend and it was really magical. I love a hotel now and again, but when you're with a bunch of families, we really want to spend time with. I think it's great to all under the same roof, to not have everybody retreating to their own personal lairs. At the end of the day, it really was a great bonding experience and I love when we By the way, that's not the only way to use you're being beat, as you know, that Racism is here, which means travelling to see family and friends there's something you may not have considered before, while you're out of town, maybe your place could be an araby, and we think about you could be sitting on an air being being not even know it. It's a smart civil way to make some extra money, especially over the holidays, when a lot of us are away from our home.
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my hearty in an episode about how to be your future self now, but he also cover- lots of other stuff, the professional art for germany, how made millions of dollars while being chased by the feds. the mafia and episode all about birth control and how it can alter the partners we take and how going on or off the pill can change elements of your personality. Like I said, he covers the whole fascinating range of subjects and he is a very good interviewer and a lawyer any brings those legal skills to bear. I really enjoy jordan and the show I think you will as well there's so much there check out jordan, harbinger dot com, slash start for some episode, recommendations for search for the jordan harboured. Your show that eighteen R b. As in boy, I am as an nancy g are on apple pie, tests, spotify or wherever you listen
this is the ten percent happier podcast dan harris the hello everyone. Happy sunday, time for a bonus Meditation today taken a run straight at one of the most pernicious, miss sections around meditation, that it requires you who clear your mind, magically which, as you probably heard me say: a million times is impossible unless you're enlightened or dead teacher du jour- is car alai, who I love and she's gonna, It is through a meditation that will really, I hope, disabuse you of this notion that you somehow need to stop all of your thoughts. Car has work as an hour wilderness guide, social worker and psychotherapist, but at this point you given up on
being in adults in exchange for an all out, mindfulness rampage, her teaching is really funny and reliable. She she teaches teens and adults at inward bound, mindfulness education, spear rock incitement. patients, society and you see allay- and here we go now with car, lie Its it's I, hero lot of people saying that they can't meditate, because they can't stop thinking. We think we're supposed to turn off our brains to meditate, but turning off your brain is actually impossible and not the point of mindfulness. So, for this meditation, we're gonna approached thinking and a new way. This time, Focusing on the thoughts and what to do with them, we're gonna turn towards what's underneath. So, let's begin start by finding a comfortable awake position.
Close your eyes or leave them open with a soft gaze, find something to focus that feels easy to be worth we'll call this your anchor. Maybe it's your breath! Maybe it's your body Maybe it's the sounds around you. Whatever you choose stay with that anchor for a few moments receiving it with, yes and coming back to it. Whenever you notice your attention has wandered and you'll, probably notice.
That there are some thoughts that are flooding through? Maybe there are a lot of thoughts. Maybe there are just a few. Or maybe there aren't too many at all,. now see if you can get curious about what might be underlying these thoughts. Is there a mood or an emotion present that feel connected to the thinking It feels ok, direct your attention into your body and touch into the space, for these thoughts might be coming from. You could check out your belly. Your choice
Her throat and see what sir, whatever you find, make some space, let it be they're both in your body. In your mind, bring a kind attention to whatever you find the way you might care for a small child whose hurt her upset.
So often thoughts are an expression of a part of us that has yet to be expressed or has yet to be paid enough attention when we can connect to that part. An open carrying and non judgmental way it can help address. What's going on on a deeper level. And bring attention and care where its most needed? If you'd like you, can drop in Question or two and see what arises Is this really about
do, I need right now to feel ok. Remember, as you go about your day that its never wrong or bad to be thinking. It would be a real bummer if it was because we spend so much of our lives. Thinking. gently open your eyes if there are closed and reconnect with the world around you thanks mikey mind enjoy the day.
Thank you car. You can find more meditations like this one over on the ten percent happier just download the app wherever you get your apps to get started? If you like, ten percent. If You'Re- and I hope you do- you- can listen early and ad free right now by joining one or a plus in the wondering app or on apple podcasts, prime members. Listen ad free on amazon music. Before you go, tell us about yourself by filling up a short survey at wondering dot com slash, serve.
Transcript generated on 2023-12-11.