« Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris

#102: Anderson Cooper, CNN Anchor

Anderson Cooper, a 23-year news veteran, is the anchor of CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360" and a contributor to CBS News' "60 Minutes." His reporting for a "60 Minutes" piece on mindfulness led him to start his own meditation practice, and he talks at length in our interview about how it has brought him some peace and perspective after dealing with the deaths of his father and brother, being "incredibly introverted" and being a good journalist in the age of Twitter. See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I'm not sure this. This guess needs much of an introduction. Everybody, I think everybody knows who anderson Good, whereas, but just in case you don't use two hours and night on on CNN here in a bunch books a memoir and also a book about his relationship with his mother Glory Vanderbilt. You may also have heard of more talk about their relationship. A lot in this in this interview could she said and he does incredible stories on sixty minutes at speaking of which several years ago he was assigned to do a story on sixty minutes about meditation. As great story, I was so excited to see that system is covering meditation and Anderson ended up embracing the practice for himself. And getting into it and He's gonna, be co hosting an event in New York,
The called mindfulness in America put on by the folks who do wisdom to point o, which is a fact that the guy organizes with wisdom to point out a sordid gourd hammer is previous guest. Others by catching go back a check him out. They. Basically, he basically does these events. All I'm in San Francisco, New York and elsewhere are talking about the overlap between meditation traditions and technology, slash business, so Anderson One way of saying got pretty meditation and he's a really really fascinating guy. Seventy live in my for a long time. I am fact right about him a little bit in ten percent happier, because when I was hired to as a twenty year old whipper snapper to come here to ABC News, I was hired to take his job. He was at that time, the anchor of of an overnight broadcast we do and that I arrived in New York to take his job and he decided even wanna leave and that's what ultimately allowed me to go on to be a correspondent for Peter Jennings, so Anders
as well as played a role in my story and and his story is really fascinating. Charging him being in the front line of the news, but also quite wrenching his personal story. So he would go here. Centres Gilbert four may be seen as the ten percent happier vodka unhurt, really cool to see a man think for doing the ads manufactured likely? So so how did you get expecting it to be rumours in here known? We shy, MR something well, thank you for pointing out that I'm a huge hypocrite. How did you get to meditate I did a and as I salmon for sixty minutes for to do a piece on mindfulness and it was hard to do a story about people, meditating coz, its people, meditating
yeah, so we ended up going to treat the junk habits in was giving in encounter northern California, and I we decided I would participate in. The treaty was like, three day retreat. So this wasn't your idea to do this or no data per producer, six minutes and approach me, but it was entering because I had started. I just started reading about mindfulness cause. I've always been interest and meditation. I just never I'd like yoga I'd like to try it. I don't really know how to start so my pleasure was the same thing. I don't really know how to start, and I remember buying it dvd once years ago, like of meditation dvd and never watching it and Yes, so I choice I was eager to do the peace and dumb, I actually only lasted a day and a half at this retreat, because I will all funds were and are they take where your phones and we didn't wanna know have the crews upset the actual retreat. We know it.
The real retreat for people, and it was a lot of people from Silicon Valley and John does a thing of every year for summer group and My producer gotta call that the guy he's too on the cliff oh yeah yeah yeah, that's right! That story had agreed to talk to me. Yes, I had to leave this mindfulness thing to go to the house of somebody who was not very mindful right, the guy where he said nasty things about magic. Johnson, yes, occurs to me off right. Yes, Yes, sir, but but it was interesting to I'm to go from this. You know very really interesting or tree, which I was really getting into and then suddenly be thrust into this very completely different thing so I decided to go back. Then I just started getting books by drunk habits in stuff for once. It has been explained very gently. I feel I can explain this every progress because his name is always being drop. It he's a.
We're mighty microbiologist, who were molecular biology, one of two who basically invented modern, secular, mindfulness, heat and light word secular, but that yeah and then you know he was doing it, I think initially for patients in the hospital who were suffering from pain or chronic pain he's been doing it, for you know what I think, at least since the seventies I really liked him when I was doing this thing and I m. So I went back to four retreat by myself. I mean it. It was only three or four days without whose just three days and it's hard for me to take tons of time off, and then I signed up for a week long retreat last June, and I had an eye to pull out some. I can remember what story was happening, so I have you captain daily practice. Yeah I tried to I mean I wouldn't say I'm a guy. You know I will content.
Doing every day I went to me. The biggest affected had is not so much and there's the sitting part of it the practice of it ideally everyday, sometimes twice a day, but for the most part, that I get a lot out of. But what I get the most out of is the changes made in a day to day life in our to our life and I feel like he's always interested mindfulness in the first place is like I've been reporting for twenty something years. Twenty three years started and ninety two I dont know where the last twenty three years have gone. I mean I've had incredible experiences, but I off I'm, not appreciate them until I'm looking back at them in retrospect, like oh, that was that was like a trip and I'm always as these business always thinking about what is coming next and never being really
present it in the moment and that really started to get me and this something that the junk John actually said at the first retreat, which was I not quoting right, but you know that that everybody wants to live longer, but this is actually a way to feel like you have live longer if it doesn't extend your life, which had very well may you know, with with health, affects Europe your present for more moments of your life and thereby you are living longer. You are living richer. And you are living your experiencing your life in a way that you might not. Otherwise. I think I am. I fully agree with that So so, for me, the met at the meditative thing is I tried to make a lot of activities meditations. So if I, for instance, if I'm in a car driving, you know from or riding in a car. I will not
yeah, my phone. I will not be checking my emails. I will be I'm right. In the car, so I consider multitasking, I know mano task. I only do one thing at a time, so if I'm walking on the street? I'm walking down the street, I'm not walking history. Looking at my phone, if I'm you know, Being dinner, I'm eating dinner and I am that's what I'm doing and I'm not eating dinner. Well, stu literally in hotel room after a day of shooting I've been my hotel room do watch a movie or television overheating, rent room service and I be checking blackberry, and then you know maybe talk and phone and it just reading.
And so it doesn't led to any happiness it doesnt led to. You know the bombardment of information. It doesnt lead, at least for me, it's not leading to two betterment earn enrichment. I fully agree- and I say much stuff, leading to a question. I will have said this. One according to which I do afterwards that the unjust, a huge fan of view of your work and I watched, ditches the sheer volume of stuff you do that our show Nederlandse and always amazing pieces. You sixty minutes, you do stuff, it ain't going to a tour with Andy Cohen, yes, someone, you had. This incredible document if with your mom, which was called what was accounting and nothing left unsaid, nothing left unsaid, was yours, incredible veil, on each bio, and everyone should watch because it really moving at. How do you do all of that without just be in it
chicken window head. How do you do all that it can? Can you feel Occasion making all that volume of work doable it makes it it? S really helps it does make a dual but definitely definitely help because at least I, if I'm, your brother, spoken my mom, so I would three hours in that day, that I was writing. That's what I was doing. I mean obviously look sometimes no work intercede and you have to look at your phone. You have to re, read your messages and stuff, but but by trying to focus on what I'm actually doing, when I'm doing it, I I just and I am able to actually do more and do more effectively do a better job. What I'm doing time, but I also I just I enjoy it more
or or I remember it more. I mean it's like you know that fact that I cant remember the name of the guy, the clippers guy who interviewed you know, that's telling to me and made him. Yes, I've interviewed lots and lots of people, but you know I I want to be present in any conversation having in any interview on having, I think, that's especially important to be present as various it in that no, when you're doing tons of interviews- and you know it very easy to sometimes just in your sleep- walk through whatever your activity, absolute automatic pilot is always there for you right now. That's why they call one translation of the where my fulness, remembering like remembering it wake up and do it
actually doing right. Yemen, I think to John in a rude alluded to the no. We will your driving a car in its expenditure on tat and you're you're goin foreign place to another and in your you get to the place, and you have no memory of how you actually gonna like an overly remember the two hour drive. I just feel like that's right, have spindle done a lot in the last twenty years you ve had In this, in the end, the documentary that I mentioned, which was also a book, I fail to point out what some really heavy stuff that happen in your family rooting, the death of your older brother idea. It was two years older yet who who had two eight took his own life Yang Devices and then. Are you there? No, my mom was there Iowa I was actually in Dc. Was it was July 22nd, one thousand nine hundred and eighty eight, and he was two years older. He graduated from Princeton and he was working american heritage. History magazine
With due writing for commentary and um yeah, he he came to my mom's house and hid in the last month or two, had some. Some issues in these clearly was depressed. Its artemisia therapists and we thought things were fine and he'd sort of pretended that things were fine and he came to my mom's house and took an app and woke up and disoriented state and am my mom. He ran upstairs waited duplex apartment and he ran up through my rheumatic. The balcony mama ran after him, and they he sat on the balcony and while my mom try to talk him off and then he he just turned around it and John P. Actually among describe, as is like a gymnast. He should have flung himself round that he was holding onto the balcony with his hands and- and I know he was his legs were- were dangling. His whole body was over the balcony and then it just like has
as having a practice adieu you finding you confront some of this stuff when you're on the cushion- I don't, I don't think so. I mean. Obviously ideas come your head and when you ve experienced laws, particularly my dad died. When I was ten years old, all that stuff, it never leaves you I mean it. You know people and tv use a horrible word closure, which suggests, I think, should just be banned. That word it just for anyone whose experience loss particularly lost. There is no such thing as closure. Amene wounds, he'll with scars remain whether not people can see them, but I don't find with the practice. I know one if I'm sitting I actually try to when I find myself starting to think I tried to just returned to my breath and you know and searches gently come back to the breath and not get sucked it.
To those thoughts. Next, I'm trying to avoid a time, but I mean I spent, and I think about my brother, I think about his death every single day and it's like you know the violence of it is so antithetical to who he was I'm going to pursue to this day so shocking. To me, it's still like a hundred days where it's just like a punch in the gut and still absolutely well, not great at math thirty years later in July, nineteen, eighty eight, so yeah This'Ll be almost thirty years. It's incredible me that has been that law that he's that I've live longer without him. Then I lived with her in my life. Is it so bizarre to me something with my dad? I'm in that my dad died in nineteen? Seventy eight is crazy. It sounds like both
both of those deaths are still refresh with you. I think they are absolutely not they. They radically changed my mind. My dad's death radically changed who I was and became. I think that the person I was before I was ten was much more extroverted now going funny and hum of was programme more interesting person than the person after he died. I became much more introverted. I became very concerned about survival. The converter concerned about finances like how I can make a living who is gonna support people, my family, everything like who was there weren't? You know my mom had didn't, have a real experience of being apparent, and so my dad had been very much dependent. So suddenly, I was now in a very different circumstances at home and was me my brother, my mom and my mom is talked about it now. You know she drank and
You know there was a. It was a huge issue. When I was a kid and I ve I became very self reliant, I became very s are working. You know when I was eleven as a child model, which is really easy, but I could bill seventy five dollars an hour and I save money and as if saddled well, why did you money I was obsessed with how people made a living- and I was united. Europe mother's day my mom has came from a very wealthy family and it made a lot of money on her own made more money than she had inherited. But she and my dad both made clear to me my dad camper very poor background, and they both as a kid made clear to me that I would be you know what through college, would be paid for in the ever after that I'll be on my own. There was no like you to like trust or anything like that, or you know
yeah, like no trust fund and all that and I'm glad I grew up knowing that and because it I think most of the people who sort of inherit money in that way. Dont really. I think it sucks the initiative out of a lot of people, and you know people over yet and I think it confuses people more than anything, and so I I like the I liked the clarity of knowing I need to take her myself from A very young age sit students in many ways you ve kind of dinner of as a journalist like a role model for me from a distance of wounded them. When very concrete way. I took your tyres repeated or job back in the year. Two thousand now, where do now, the overnight news broadcasts that still going maybe see, but also because you really one of the first anchors too, to really speak publicly about your stuff
Emma for while they were call you, the emo anchor the grey area after Katrina, you gotta gothic, gotten emotional, on the urgent adrenal, but it was also he wrote a book. Subsequently. Grain was called again schools dispatches from the edge dispatches where which you talked about Europe, life and you're, talking very candidly and frankly, in movingly now is head. Have you isn't it How have you got uncomfortable doing that and if you felt that in any way it's been a while yeah. You know, I eminence wasn't really conscious thing to start doing it. I They haven't done an improved them, I'm kind of the morning and incredibly inverted- and I rarely share things about myself with you know even people, I've known for a long period of time, but for me the experience of being. You know I started to realize. When I was in my maid twenties, I started to think after my brother diamond, I started to really think ok would
the strategy he and I have been using to get through to being adults. That strategy do not work for, and so I need to come up with a strategy that is different than the strategy we were using. The strategy we were using was not talking about anything with each other or anybody else, but what was going on, and so I made a conscious choice to know talking to a few people who I trusted in and could rely on and a real started in my twenty starting to look back at the path I had to thus far in realising that there was a certain continuity to it, that there was a reason after college. I took your often really know what to do and then got a job. I try to get a job ABC try to get jobs. Cbs is a desk, a can get it and a for a kid I went to high school with New Caledonia was a fact: checker the single channel, one which was a news programme scene about half the schools in America. He was leaving their job
pretty sure I took I got I've applied. I got the job, and after six months of that, I realized I want to be in the field. I want to go to combat zones. I want to go where real things are happening and that's why I did a colleague at Channel one made a fake press pass for me. I bought a camera and I snuck into Burma. Hooked up with some students find a burmese government shot, a story which going to be in town for a while, then ended up Molly in the early days, the famine their unlike august different things. Ninety two- and I realise this is what I want to do and then I saw became like there are five general ones: foreign correspondent, but, but I realise a lot of that was about not being sure I could
DR and wanting to be around other people who were a life and death was very much an issue where people were just having like happy talk at a dinner party about facial moisturising. They were dealing every second with with life and death and that the the molecules of the air were charged with were charged and that conversations were real and people should your hand. Here They looked in the eye, and you know when you know and as you know, when you're in a combat zone or even just any place where there's been a disaster or all the it is stripped away. I mean it's, everything is gutted its raw its. It is it's real
and I I like that. I want I needed that. I wanted that and that's that's what I was appeal of, then that's why I became reporter cuz. I just was. I just want to go to those places and I would come back home and for you know a week or two and then all I want to do is go back out somewhere far away a kind of other wasn't a big wasn't like the biggest story today I want to go to some place obscure where people was voices warping her and it was as much about shorter turnout survive myself, as anything else say more about that. You take the interested in survival and how you weren't you, you could survive would would he be met? A woman mean, I think, at any time you have a memory for family who has died by suicide. Some, no, it raises questions about. Your own stability in your own grasp on I mean you know In many ways I was like my brother and
smarter than I am more well read and you know clearly, I had made me very scared and I think it's you know you look at the statistics of people whose don't have a loved one who Zeus either there's a higher chance. They will also by suicide, and so do I. You know I became very conscious of that and in a much more thoughtful and and also just compelled to know, I think, we're I was grieving and compelled to be around others who were who were grieving from one thing other, and I- and I felt I didn't say I want to Sweden enjoy being and in no small.
Our or seen people suffering like this, but I've felt the ability to communicate and talk to people in the midst of their grief and found it powerful and- and you know, at its best, it helps them whether it's getting aid supplies and or getting world attention, but often people, even in the midst of grief. People want you to know about the love one who is past or who got, murdered or got killed in a disaster. They want you to know me know that, despite there's more than how their life ended. Seen me hear hear you say that that, before before we're talking about your meditation practice- and you said the real benefit for you- is that you feel like you're living your life more fully for, as opposed to being on out o pilot but that it it hasn't had much bearing on this grief with which you still live today. So there are other modalities that used to deal with that. I don't know deal with it. I mean you know it's,
three. It is very close to the surface still and its and another. That's necessarily a bad thing. I mean I'm able to function and tie a high five wrote guess he's done? Television at least the rest, the data, the problem when there's other twenty two hours the day, I'm recovering but you know it's a twenty actually be mentioned. The show I do within the Kohen and its weaponry for two years and its it's an occasional show, will it will book a theatre now we have like Wallingford Connecticut coming up in temper in Dallas. Used into a book like a three thousand seed, theater and we'll just kidding sage and really phoning people really like it and then does its actual well and it's incredibly angel, familiar and from this audience at three thousand people a year. Media reaction is just a lot fun night out for people, but it exhausting for me for Andy. It's like oxygen. I mean it's like how he thence every hour of the day. It is the most extroverted person I've ever met diseased
He walked into a room and he's the everybody you know he makes the and when he leaves around like our, I guess the parties over me. I, after being on stage for two hours and then shaking hands with like two hundred people after working photo I literally need to be quiet in a room for for quite some time, so it at a time when this debate could be. I don't think people who watch you television understand or even listen to this interview would understand that your actually seriously introverted yet tell ya That's that uncommon in the world to them, and I have been a lot of people. You know, look that that in a fertile you're in a television studio, which you know unfortunately, has been a Balkan. My time anchoring from studio you're looking to a dark room. It's cold. There is kind of a couple: people behind cameras, but you're really see them and that camera little tiny piece of glass and it's a very thin piece of glass and transmits truth in the audience, conceive through,
television through the camera lens, whether you're real or not, whether you're being authentic or not, whether you're full of it or not, and- and- and I love that- but it's me- it's very intimate and it's very much like you sitting just talking to you. That's what it as it has a reality that we know how many people are watching and regular I tweet about what I say it has no reality for me, but when you're on a stage in front of thousands people that suddenly you you know it's a different kind of reality and assure financially but yes, I'm yet so to me being introverted its, at odds with looking to a camera? the same thing in the field when you're in the middle of a place. You know it's so real me say: urine values.
Sample Smalley in ninety two, the first time I was there, I'm isn't the Temple by Dua, and I mean just it's: it's it's unbelievable. What's happening or Haiti after the earthquake, you know it's on. Its unfathomable, what you are seeing around you and to turn and just talk to a camera. It just feels like the most natural thing train and it doesn't feel as enough that being introverted, there's an intimacy to it. David Borman, who create a world is now as it for it to be produced Arthur. I think one thinks you won't say was you know you're not looking at the camera lands you're looking through the camera, you look into the back of the camera and I totally understand what he means by that, and I think that some that it's a connection without thereby in eating to shake hands with fifty people. It's a very intimate connection and that's appeals to, and so do you think you would be different in terms of your compartment and chatting this
if I was sitting across Europe at a dinner party, is opposed to sitting crush you now these moisten doing an interview, I would not go to dinner party. I dont know I mean I do at some point a museum sometimes I have to but like I drive home at night after work- and I see all these people sitting in like outdoor cafes and during the summer and the thought of doing that is such a drain on me I actually did go out with Andy to dinner with three friends recently and we had to sit in outdoor cafe cause for some reason he thinks sitting outside CAFE in New York is nice at night. I think it's awful, I dont get why people do it. I mean people honking in anyway. That's not a problem for the problem is the social. It's the social thing area, because what I dont know what to talk like a year. I can do it on me. I can. I can put my face on the it's, the weird thing about being on tv is walking down the street people. Hey how to me all day long and I say hi back and I'm I'm enjoy talking to people, but it is not. It does not come naturally to me
you know, I think that you get. The sense, would like President Clinton that He loves, you know, shaken hands, he'll spend hours with people who doesn't know for me. It's it. Work and so when, if I don't have to do it like, if I don't have to go to a dinner party, I will be at home. I watched be binge watching. You know Norka this or whenever it is season three and you know just existing, I just don't want it nor does the eyes I seem season epoch. Yes, one or two, but here I got three good- is not as good as the first two casino Escobar in the actor there was such a developed actor, but I, but it's definitely stuffing worthwhile Ozark, is good too. I die sought and my wife- and I mean I'm married so like That's so valuable mom because he's Abner Matter, which is amazing character in rice documentary. Did you? Could you ever imagine her meditating yeah.
Good idea, actually I mean I think she does in our own way. I know it's not right in any kind of formal thing, but she spends and I ve always known this about her. She lives in her head. I mean she is caught she for, though her entire life has been replaying. The events of her childhood and in her artwork in her painting, she has been repainting and re staging moments from her, but from her pass, mostly from her childhood. In order to try to make sense, though she had as screwed up a childhood is you could have em she at you know for a very well the family. They were the most screwed up. You can imagine issue is dad died when she was an infant. Her mother took, received, never saw her. She was raised by a governess at the age of ten. She was brought back in June, the high the depression. There was a mammoth court case of a custody battle between her aunt and her mother.
To. I have her removed from the care of her mother, even if her mother never even saw her, so she wasn't like caring, for it was called the trial of the century the time, and you know me: she's had one you know she had an epic love affairs and huge losses and deaths, and you know she works through the the death of my brother in front of her, which you know so hard thing for anybody to to live through and be able to move. With, and so she she's very much in her head again but she yet when she's emissions extraordinary. So I could see her I in a way she meditates but are not in a formal sit down sort of sense. I think she, I think she is concerned I don't know how present she is always in conversations and things, but she is certainly you can see the dialogue going on in her hand, just a simple
two new idea o completely, yet I'm she's the moat she's, the most beautiful person, I've ever actually. Ninety three now and I feel over in her and she His friends were way younger than you would go. No an outdoor cafe. Be fine with it. If you would go anywhere really, I mean she's up for pretty much anything and she was friends like from all walks of life who are really fascinating people and And you know she she's just have a really compelling I'd. She just drawing Instagram, which cause a ninety three you get isolate a lot of the holder. Friends have died, she's got a bunch of younger friends but You know, I think she was feeling Iceland, so I thought, oh, you know it or get on Instagram and she'll Took a long time to figure explained it to her earn of shower, but once she got into it she now obsessed. So she actually has an instagram account. Adler, Vanderbilt, shelters, you can count forever studio, which she posts like two paintings a week that she said
and she just loves, seeing you know the fact. You know I gotta join and within two weeks for three weeks get a hundred thirty thousand followers. She cannot believe that that many people would be at all interested in anything she does and the fact that new, She puts a work up for sale on this globe. Venerable studio account and it sells right way. She cannot believe it like it. Just it's like magic to her great cut, more cautious, and I let you go wisdom to point out that the there one of the reasons. Why have you because you're gonna, be, I guess, co hosting? What's it would? I guess I mean I just agreed to do whatever they want to do and and cause at the guy's behind it were involved in the retreats that I've gone to, and so they Give me about it, and I was like after I mean I'm not like you know, I'm not money offering them just there and I'm going
doosan doing it I'm going to do an energy which, on Kabat Zinn, I think an interview with the think of entering the guy created ahead space, the app another before TAT guy, who, I have some thoughts. I also really interesting how technology is destroying us and therapy some sixty minutes about how you know some people in the Tec World are. Turned about how technology has is, manipulating us and manipulating. You know our brains, basically citizens two point. I a over those kind of this annual you you went I've never been to my lonely once the one or your crews went to the one. Yes, yes, effort, Cisco ride. There was for the sixty minutes right. It was part of the six areas, because I do I couldn't make it at the emerald watching that peace. I was in the hospital. My son had been born and it was on tv, and I was so excited heard his meditations on on sixty minutes.
Listen to what I was. His have annual actually soaring Gordon Hammer who's. The founder of it has been on his pike S before its annual meditation, Sir technology confirm the big one is in some cases, go in, I think February or March, and but they do and you version now and it's coming up soon, yeah, I think toper, ninth, yank and yet it. So it's it's over the course of today's. I think Jonathan I, and why you and the army Sweden's really organized it and there's a lot of Europe or your I've up. Yet you're done some right and it's you know. I think it's just for anyone who is interested in my fulness interested in meditation or whether they have parents with IRAN and it's just a little, some really fast people magenta him talk, I I I just I learned so much his book wearing a very, very are which is hugely popular. I don't have the title, but but the book itself.
I've like I read it all the time. It's one of those dogs and adjust its easy introduction to meditation. I've got his upon the you know his meditation app. I listen to some very happy to be here and I would be remiss by DNS about this. How much more stressful is your job in the age of trump and does meditation help with that at all, it does its big. Yes, because. Again over the last two years have felt like just a whirlwind and- and it's a whirlwind where you know the things that guy interesting news or big frankly being overseas and being in the field, and then, as one gets older- and you know you more and surely now we know the politics takes up the bulk of the two hour newscasts. I do every single night and its
some it fascinating. I'm glad people are engaged, and I think it's a fascinating in and compelling and difficult time for this country and there's a lot of things that that that all of us as a society are wrestling with in its have a front row seated, that is, is it ordinary thing demand a heat you guys take, especially here we all take the media. I think actually some of that is healthy gifts. Tells you CNN and really taken, and so you now have the president leading chance with you know entire stadiums full of people, and you know it seems I am going to get his strategy on it. I mean, I think you know, I don't think he actually believes that I think I mean I think it's part of a you know, part of his strategy and I get it and I dont worry too much about it and I think all of us have seen under which keep our heads down keep do not, it's me the answer that is journalism just and then
there's more criticism and the answer to that is just more journalism and just you know doing the best you can being as honest as fair as possible and moving forward and just keep at it and and I've never had more people come up to me and is not just me it's. I know I'm sure it happens to you, but I know to everybody had seen enough. If somebody on the shore recognize them and say, like you know it keep adding. Just thank you for your doing. Do you know just keep moving, keep doing it and it's not like they're saying that two to me or anything, but I think it's just the I think, there's a increasing understanding of the role of journalism, men and I think we sought on the wake katrina- and I think you know it's- I think, there's a there is an increasing appreciation for the importance of reporting and accurate. Having places were there is accurate,
permission coming from. I liked it at the end of a pike S give people a chance to promote anything. I don't know yet your promoting eighty specifically morning if you want to learn more about you work and they do that, I'm on tv for two hours in its you do have a twitter I'm in a manner. I'm to stay away from twitter. I'm a lawyer. I have like a million people falling into it and I feel because I'm really not that engage with it. I've I've consciously step back from it because you were against nephew of Sir. I just find it it doesn't. Led to relieve. If you're in mindfulness be it's it's their stream coming out, you yeah that you get so wrapped. If you start your like, I know I obviously have look at twitter for the people I follow. Because I can allow news and information there and its great get different viewpoints. But if you're reading the comments you for every you get forty commerce of our great. You get one person who you know says you are the anti Christ or Communist
or whatever it is. You know or a lot of worse status round. You know it in you started you harp on that that one thing and you sort of get caught up in this feeling like, oh, I have to it's like you know, drunk as in one of the things she talks about, is when your meditating that there's a waterfall and there's the stream of ideas in this case its information act of you view this twitter stream and that with reputation, you're kind of stepping through through the waterfall into like a cave pine, didn't turning round and you're. Looking back our add through it and you're. Looking at the stream interview reserving a calm and you're letting go. Like? I don't need to add another stream. I already got enough go in I don't hear another like a second waterfall behind the first one. So I'm
happier Amitabha being ten percent happier, unlike forty percent happier, just from of cut back on twitter alone adjustment cutting back on track, turn back on all social media. I mean I really. I cut back on Facebook hugely and have a public facebook page, which I put a new post to, but I don't use facebook friends? I dont need more social media. If anything, it's it's about whittling whittling things away, and once you start to realize the manipulation behind these things. I mean there's a reason. You know that everything scrolls you know like in Serbia scrolls email scrolls, because they know that if you, if it was only like And Instagram pictures were paid to click to go to the next page of ten. You were much more likely to be like unwanted click again, but if you're scrolling you're just like a zombie and you're just you can lose an hour of your life just scrolling. The scroll never stops and also there's nothing worse than like thing the morning you reach your phone and they have,
seriously, you know figure out what things are going to pop up. I mean you can control it, but what's going to pop up in your screen first and what of the skechers on Harrison is the one dont me that sort of sets the tone for your whole day and if you can avoid first thing in the morning and actually had the first thing you do be. Yes, meditation or just go to the shower and sort of. Meditating shower? Why showering that's a much better start to your day than allowing some company which is trying to sell you some products to define your day by what information are going to use it, your move, when you wake up in the morning, you don't you're, not checking your email of the new in in when I'm on weekends, absolutely down under arson days were like. I knew I gotta my schedule or I do not look at twitter, I'll, look some websites news aggregate sites, just kind of get a sense, but but for the most part I mean I'm off the your ten. I you know I am conscious until twelve or percent or one, so
things happened. I probably already know about it by the time he wakes up, so I don't really have to check and that early in the morning, I think I should have asked you written I mean I'm not here to promote anything yourself, but you know I just loved your book in and leverage or doing so. Thank you carrying a torture thanks for shit. Ok, that does it for another edition of the ten percent happier pod gas. If you liked it, please take a minute to subscribe rate us also. If you wanna suggests topics, you think we should cover or guests that we should bring in hit me up on twitter at Danby. Harris importantly, I want to thank the people who produce this paragraph. Lauren Efron just go ahead and the rest of the folks here, any BC who helped make this thing possible. We have tons of other Pike S, you can check them out at ease,
I cast dot com I'll talk to you next Wednesday, there's not a person in Amerika who hasn't been impact it in some way by the corona, I was pandemic, but it every community there are pockets of people who were sitting up. Every day. This is my my day last day of the cylinder stretch of proteins for one of our time in these or America's essential workers, the people who are keeping moving. I turn into a home school mom and now in a new plants from Ebay, see news you going. From damaged and even worse. I she went back to my office inside crying because it's not fair hearing here, making sorry that our community smiled faintly moraine. This is essentially inside the from the, urgency by the police cruiser to the czech outline. You hear what this pandemic sounds like the people putting themselves.
No one's way, there's always a risk that I could breathe is home to my kids. Are my husband or my parents, listen to the essentials inside the curve on Apple podcast revision, podcast him.
Transcript generated on 2020-05-28.