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The Ig Nobel Prize

2023-09-27 | 🔗

In 1991, the editor of a satirical science journal launched an award for the scientifically ridiculous (and ridiculed), the Ig Nobel Prize. Learn how it all got started and some of the early tech-related prize winners!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Again, that's del dot com. Slash deals, I'm thrilled to welcome d on sanders to the university of colorado. When I came in here, I felt the spirit of losing weight and try to deter ball. Man we're the flush. There may be a new day and you see a competent blackmail in events. All stop audio like that gives way caught the boy change in the face of college before they might be. Moving cried missus it now streaming only on prime video, the welcome to tech stuff, a production from I heart, radio the be there and welcome to text that I'm your host Jonathan Strickland, I'm an executive producer with iheart radio and how that tech aria so today. We are going
to talk about something goofy because I am still in LAS vegas and work. In another city, is hard ya'll for those of you who travel a lot for work, Are you do it when I travel for work, I find it incredibly disruptive so He sought out something kind of fun and funny to talk about in order to you know, maintain my sanity, while I'm on the road so back in the nineteenth cent, Three, a scientist polyglot and an arm manufacturer, who also happened to have invented dynamite, Decided fairly late in life that human devote his massive fortune that he had attained through blowing stuff up. funding the nobel prize awards
that man was alfred nobel prize, the sorry wife, my wife just tell me it's just alfred nobel. He ordered that a panel would award prizes in five categories of physical science, chemistry, medicine, literature, peace. The panel does not take nationality into account. It could be any one from anywhere in the world awards can go Multiple individuals per category per year, typically, they tend to be colleagues or they worked on the same problem more area of focus, but there can be multiple winners but we are not here to talk about the nobel prize in said we're here to talk about a price. That only dates back to nineteen ninety one and its stuff. That at least The surface level is our very silly or infuriate
So we are talking about the egg nobel prize now to set the stage its first two get to know a little bit about a couple of journals in these science world. They don't really fit your normal perception of science jerk The first is the journal of irreproducible results. Think of it, as like a like a national lampoon or me, the magazine for science nerds. I use the term science nerds affectionately, I also realise that national lampoon and mad magazine might be references that none of you get. That's fine. One could argue that the web comic ex kay. C d kind of embraces a bit of the spirit found in that journal. content include stuff like outright satirical pieces to who coverage of scientific research into seemingly trivial matters like the kind of stuff like if there was.
actually a study to determine if you drop a slice of buttered toast are the odds greater, that the toast will land on the floor butter side down or not now, someone has to research that the story goes that, after launching in the nineteen fifties, though, Oh humor magazine began to grow, and this was actually a problem because, as the two guys who had launched the magazine which were a virologist named alex cone and a physicist named Harry Lipkin, they started the whole thing is kind of a joke, but it gradually grew. Into becoming are a success. Which that went from being a joke to serious work to put this together. They already had serious work that they had to do with you not like viruses, and you know I dunno physics in the nineteen sixties. The pair passed the publication off to a different publisher and a medical researcher named george share.
became publisher for a while, but then in the late nineteenth eighties, a scientific journals, publisher, called blackwell scientific publications took over publishing this satirical magazine Now the journal has had several editors over its history, but one in particular stands out with regard to this episode that doing today. That would be mark abrahams. He became the or of the journal and ninety ninety one- and he remained the editor for three years He wrote an essay for the guardian in which he laid out how things unfolded so apparently,. He submitted a small sample of stuff. He had written in the vein of funny, science articles because he had written these things he wanted to get the published somewhere. He wasn't having much. so unsolicited he said them after this magazine, the publisher called him.
And offered him at the job of editor of the magazine, which was not what he was expecting. The trick was that he would have no real resources to put the journal together. He would have no staff field, have no money to speak of but he really wanted to do this kind of stuff. So he said okay and even called out the original co founders of the magazine, who had been retired for ages. They happily came, gal tap to help out, with sort of our a relaunch of this magazine now the journals Transformation caught the attention of blackwell leadership and It wasn't long before abrahams was told he was going to actually get the money and the support that he had been meeting but had not received, However, before that can happen, this is always the case There was a change in leadership at the publishing company and the new president didn't
any real value and the journal of Iraq producible results, so those offers of support third away. So then abrahams decided well. What, if I offered to buy the magazine from you, what would that cost will suddenly there property that had no value got the price I a million dollars. It's amazing how something doesn't have value until A person here is that someone else wants it. I guess that's the definition of value but to go from ours. worth anything to ourselves to you for a million dollars is quite the turnout, but abrahams was not ready to put down that kind of money, so he bailed as did most of the editorial staff when mark abrahams left the journal and ninety ninety four. He founded his own science. Humor magazine has
Britain is called the annals of improbable research or air. A I are for short now. The reason why this is important is that abrahams actually helped largely nobel prize back when he was editor of Iraq producible results, but he would continue when he shifted to create the annals of improbable. research on leaving out a lot of other stuff love trauma that happened behind the scenes, like george share, brought a lawsuit against improbable research. That kind of thing it will cause george share the guy, who had been the publisher for irreducible results until nineteen. Eighty nine actually The publisher, again after blackwell, essentially abandoned the journey well yeah. There's all this kind of crazy drop in the back row, but that's not really what we hear talk about where here to talk about the egg nobel prizes. Tippit, It goes to actual scientific researchers and reward its work that, on the surface, seems
trivial, maybe even the total waste of time, but it into a category that abrahams describes as something that first makes. You laugh, then makes you think and maybe it makes you think about something in a really interesting new way. Maybe it doesn't. We just makes you think what prompted this research about the sometimes something it's on the surface level there appears to be ridiculous, may actually lead you to savings things like yeah. Why does that happen? That way or something similar like does buttered toast fall butter side down more frequently the butter side up and what would happen if you tied a piece of buttered toast to the back of a cat and then robbed. It don't do that anyway. The ignoble prizes would also go to people as a way to satirically ras them. Sometimes it was not
meant as a as as canada. an cheeky award. Sometimes it was just meant to say this is messed up for exam a ninety. Ninety one, the first year, ever had the ignoble prizes they are. offered an award in education, and I went to former as vice president dan quail, for quote demonstrating better, anyone else, the need for science, education, end quote Other words would go out to scientists said others who perpetuated pseudoscience, ranging from homeopathy to crop circles to perpetual motion. In those cases. The award was perhaps a bit less good natured and more of an attempt to shame someone for coming up short when it comes to scientific rigour, we're going to focus primarily on some of the prizes awarded for stuff that relates to technology. You know.
Text of the first ig nobel prize for technology was ninety. Ninety three and it went to jail shipment who had been working on technology that would protect instrument gauges onto the cockpit when shield of an airplane so the treaty, we're talking about here- is augmented reality, but that's not what the prize was for wasn't because he had come up with this concept or that, was eight passing a technology to accomplish. This let me then application. It only makes sense. You would say well, why would you get ignoble prize for since the king a heads up display in an airplane, cockpit the prize was perhaps Shipman was trying to convince the airplane industry, the airlines and such that this technology was safe and reliable. So to do that, he, rigged up a nineteen. Seventy show relate panel truck so that he could project television images onto the windshield? Now
you might imagine that turning your windshield into a transparent television screen might not be the best notion, but shipment claimed it actually improved driver safety, because people were more likely to keep their eyes on the windshield in front of them, not to be clear. The image that the driver, would see, wouldn't take up the whole windshield and to the driver. It would look like the screen was sort of in front of their car back in ninety three shipment met a lot of resistance among auto manufacturers and legislators for this invention, but these days heads of despair, this can be found in several vehicle lines. Heck at the last see es. Bmw showed off a mixed reality. Slider technology that would display, our images across the entire width of the bottom of a windshield. So you get redoubts from the far left The way across to the far right, and then Bmw said it would be possible to even transformer windshield into a big screen tv. So you could argue
javelins concept wasn't wacky or bad. It was just way ahead of its time. Or maybe was wacky and bad, and will find out the hard way later on, ok, got some more ig nobel prizes to talk about, but before we get into any of those, let's take a quick break to thank our sponsor. I I I I I paper guess listeners returning for season, for is the restless ones and original podcast presented by t mobile for business, and I heart radio join me as I sit down for in depth discussions with the people at the intersection of technology and business, learn of their unique missions and challenges to enhance, optimization and drive their organizations forward. We reveal how today's forward. Thinking leaders continue to thrive and a world of ever changing technology.
here from those on the leading edge of business, share, industry, expertise and how a strong, inflexible network lays the foundation for positive changes in their fields for revolutions and customer experience and employee enable meant to it is with the power to change the game and even the world they are building a bridge to what's next and adopting transport technologies like five g to create a more connected and meaningful future today check out new episodes of the restless ones, avail, hold on. I hurt radioactive apple pod or wherever you listened abad guests paper boys peddling down the street chucking newspapers, male carrier stuffing mailboxes the internet. The way we get our news is always changing, but no matter how its delivered the economist has remained the global trusted source for one hundred eighty years and now
the economists new economist, podcast split subscription. You can get your news another way enjoy. Unlimited access, the economists complete noise, cancelling bud gas collection, weekday, editions of their current affairs pod, cast the intelligence plus a new weakened, show special limited series and all their popular weekly podcast on business, china, american politics, science and technology. Personally, I like the babbage bond, cast: that's their technology bud. Guess they have incredible deep dives into big important elements that are happening in the tec. Space become an economist. Pod casts plus subscriber with a one month, retrial or take the whole year for just forty nine dollars. The pod casts deliver the analysis, wit and integrity of the economists, journalism and audio, giving you the freedom to listen to sound reasoning. While you go about your day tune into the world with a car,
most pod casts plus and start listening today, search economist pod casts plus or head to the app store to download the economist and get your first month free in a world where modern technology is rapidly reshaping our day to day lives. The new podcast technically speaking and intel podcast uncovers the remarkable ways. Tec is improving our livelihood across the globe, brought to you by Ruby studios from my heart media in partnership with intel. Technically speaking, is your passport to the forefront of a eyes ma rolls and modern technology. Each episode will take you on a riveting journey. As you discover the awe inspiring innovations of our modern world from game change innovations revolutionizing early cancer detection to a I software that attacks pests on crops that can be detrimental to seasonal yields, tune in four converse since that are shaping tomorrow today, listen to technically speaking and intel pod passed on: Iheart, radio, up apple pie, guests, wherever you get your podcast,
the sheba presents what cats one cats once Sheba perfect portions cuts in gravy too convenient servings of roasted chicken covered in savory gravy. Nowhere us. Cats want the red. Out from your laser plainer on. Why, on the ceiling on the couch on the floor on a vase by Sheba perfect portions cuts in gravy, zero mess, zero leftovers snapped peel serve Sheba, what cats one. the okay we left off. I talked about nineteen ninety three award. Well, that was also the year that saw an ig nobel prize, go to RON popeil, the guy, who really kicked off the as seen on tv gadget, craze way back in the for inventions like the video matic and the pocket. Fishermen a device that would scramble and egg while it
still inside it shall those ok courtesy over mister peel and damn didn't episode about him ages ago. In fact, you can actually do a search and bind an episode dedicated to run. Pope he'll live underground. about the next ignoble prize relate to technology, came in ninety ninety seven, when the award for communications went to sanford wallace now in case you had not heard the name sandford wallace, or at least it doesn't sound familiar to you may you heard one of his dick names like spam, furred wallis or spam king. There also less family friendly names directed at him. Wallace was a pioneer in chronic spam mail. He created a company called cyber promotions. They became notorious for blasting out spam email to folks all around the world and remember
This is in the early days of the internet when some folks were just getting a handle on what email even was we had a history involving, let's say, questionable, marketings Lee and his incredibly effective methods for sending out spam mail, gotta some unwanted attention from various sources, including the u s, government, so it, was the subject of several cases: criminal cases, and a ninety ninety nine. They found him. temporarily banned from even having an internet connection. Thanks to his spam efforts, you would later go on to create a business that allegedly in did computers with spyware, then he would for to remove the spyware in return for a fee. Canada's smaller scale version of rain. somewhere in that regard by two sixteen. He was facing jail time at mass of fines for his various escapades that, broadly speaking, attempted to monetize first,
nation and misery. He served only two years in prison for all that, anyway, the ignoble, prize had his number way back and ninety ninety seven, another ninety ninety seven award. When do a guy named john boxes, This award was for physics, and it was another satirical job at someone failing to use scientific rigour, but chris was it chemistry, professor, he had employment, it texas, an m university- he was originally from south africa and he had made several claims that. if they had held up, would have been truly revolutionary, so One claim he had was that he had found a way to separate hydrogen from oxygen using sunlight, which, if we're, True would have led to a hydrogen based economy right away and would have been a huge job and are a meaning. Our energy needs, without now having to rely on fossil
was he even said later that he came up with an alternative method that didn't even need sunlight and still was effective at separating hydrogen from oxygen You can do this by the way you can use electrolysis, which means you are passing an electric charge through water to break those molecular bonds. But that means you have to spend energy to get hydrogen two separate oxygen, and if the energy or spending is greater than what you can capture through, using that hydrogen as a fuel or whatever, then your was right. You're spending more energy to get the fuel than the fuel actually provides you in useful work. So if boxes methodology He had worked. It would have been transformational by the way was not. The only odd claim he had made through his career, another one involved claims about cold fusion, which is carrying out the process of. Should that as fusing to light Adam
like lighter adams, like helium were hydrogen. using those into a heavier adam. By doing so at low temperatures like close to room temperature. That's something that just doesn't seem to be possible. We usually have to do. These kind of of experiments are very, very, very high. Temperatures if we could do up at room temperatures. That also would be transformational, but while pull over the years have claimed to have success with cold fusion. It's never actually pan out. He also purse you'd transmutation. As the old and set from alchemy that involves transforming base materials into gold. So that's what got him his egg nobel prize, in ninety ninety eight troy her to bees, received an egg nobel prize for his ursus suit, a suit meant to protect the wearer from barrett. So essentially, this was a suit of armor. As made out of titanium.
And chain mail and hard plastic her to bees, build himself as a conservationist who wanted to hear save animals like grizzly bears, but the tricky thing is: those animals are super dangerous. Her to be said, he had been injured in a previous encounter with the grizzly bear, so the suit was meant to keep them safe in the future counters, he appeared in a national geographic special which he tested out the suit himself, though earning him, the egg nobel prize first safety engineering, you I even have seen video of him from one of These demonstrations, where apparently will are holding up a log attached to a pair of rope. Soda actually a swing right, so big log in at its swing loose and its things down and hits this armor do,
it's square in the chest, knocking in flanders back that was her two piece wearing his ursus suit. Tragically, He would much later pass away in a car accident and its interesting that he had several different inventions that he claimed brought him life, some of which, to put it lightly, I would say, are unsubstantiated claims of success, like essentially centrally of creating an invisible re kind of thing like a re that would turn you or getting else translucent at the very least. There never seem to be any actual proof of that, but he actually that build the to suit. In ninety ninety nine, an inventor named hook, o kwan, created the self perfuming business suit circle there. a business suit that smell real good.
Into the harvard crimson. The suit quote amidst a pleasant fragrance when rub end quote so a scratch and snow suit. One actually attended the ignoble ceremony in person that has quite a bit. A lot of people have in good humour attended the egg nobel prizes to claim their their prize in person so he went to the ceremony and he brought with him for custom made self perfuming suits forty four, nobel laureates who were actually in attendance at the prizes that is class also want category was called environmental protection, which I just think is brilliant. so in ninety ninety nine, the ignoble eyes. Awarded sharll flurry
and michel long in the category of peace. So what have they done to merit an egg nobel prize for peace? Well, they had patented a card, security system that included not just a burglar alarm but a flame. Roerer as well. I guess the torch, the person whose attempting to steal a car Which sounds a lot like they had watched, robocop to which came out ninety ninety that included a satirical commercial about anti theft device for cars that delivers a fatal amount of voltage to the would be thief, and maybe they other thought: hey one if we made that, but for real and with fire, unlike one, they did not attend the ceremony Then they had invented this in south africa, actually remember when this
but because I remember watching a news segment where they covered this particular invention, and I thought that is crazy that setting someone on fire could be. dean as an acceptable option yeah. That was a bunkers one. Now we get our first pillar as a warning for software back in two thousand. This went to Chris niece, wonder who create a program called paul sets. So what did Paul said do what paul sense would detect if a cat but to be walking across your keyboard? They would detective if there, these low patches of nonsense tax. There were coming in and then it would block inputs from your keyboard in order to try and preserve your important report for your boss or your teacher, so it didn't include absolute gibberish in the middle of it. You know, apart from the
if you put in their yourself and then it would also make a quote sound that a noise, the cat is clothes. I guess it was meant to scare the gatt from standing on top of your keyboard. I burst I think that was a truly brilliant invention that deserves a real nobel prize, not an egg nobel prize. There was also an award for research into a really crappy situation, which was, namely the quote, collapse of toilets and glasgow, and quote This went to researchers who reported that, due to aging commode, essentially there were a few cases of toilets breaking from underneath the the sitter upon the throne, which also meant these poor folks suffered some pretty nasty cuts in abrasions. process, it wasn't just you know of plumbing issue and will humiliating, but also legit
the dangerous. So they did us buddy and then I'll issued a report of alerting people to this epidemic of breaking toy. What's to learn more about toilets, you should search the text of archives. Gun episode are accorded with Josh clark of stuff. You should know we talk all about the toilets. One, including some of the world's oldest toilets flush toilets. If you sort of flesh toilets, if you think the tides, as being your flushing mechanism, which I, actually visited several years ago, there were in scotland, ok, we're gonna, take another quick break. We come back and then I wrap up about these early, the nobel prizes awarded in the fields of technology and related subjects. But first we need to thank our sponsors
hey podcast listeners returning for season, for is the restless months, an original podcast presented by t mobile for business, and I heart radio Join me, as I sit down for in depth discussions with the people at the intersection of technology and business, learn of their unique missions and challenges to enhance, optimization and drive their organizations forward. We reveal how Today's forward thinking leaders continue to thrive and a world of ever changing technology. here from those on the leading edge of business, share industry, expertise and how a strong, inflexible network lays the foundation for positive changes in their fields. revolutions and customer experience and employee enable meant to ideas with the power to change the game and even the world. They are building a bridge to what's next and adopting transfer. But the technologies like five g to create a more connected and meaningful future today check out new The soul of the restless ones. Away
the will, and I hurt radioactive apple podcast or wherever you listened abad guests paper boys peddling down the street chucking newspapers, male carrier stuffing mailboxes the internet. The way we get our news is always changing, but no matter how its delivered the economist has remained the global trusted source for one hundred eighty years and now
With the economists new economist, pod casts plus subscription, you can get your news. Another way enjoy. Unlimited access, the economists complete noise, cancelling pod gas collection, weekday additions of their current affairs pod cast the intelligence plus a new weaken, show special limited series and all their popular weekly podcast on business, china, american politics, science and technology. Personally, I like the babbage bond, cast that's their technology pod guess they have incredible deep dives into big important elements that are happening in the tec. Space become an economist, podcast, spliced subscriber with a one month, retrial or take the whole year for just forty nine dollars. The pod casts deliver the analysis, wit and integrity of the economists, journalism and audio, giving you the freedom to listen to sound reasoning. While you go about your day tune into the world with a car
I must pod, casts plus and start listening today. Search economist pod casts plus or head to the app store to download the economist and get your first month free in a world where modern technology is rapidly reshaping our day to day lives. The new podcast technically speaking and intel podcast uncovers the remarkable ways. Tat is improving our livelihood across the globe, brought to you by Ruby studios from my heart media in partnership with intel. Technically speaking, is your passport, the forefront of a eyes our goals and modern technology. Each episode will take you on a riveting journey, as you discover the awe inspiring innovations of our modern world from game chain, innovations, revolutionizing early cancer detection to a software, the detects pests on crops that can be detrimental to seasonal yields, tune in for commerce. Issues that are shaping tomorrow today, listen to technically speaking and intel pod, cast on iheart radio, up apple pie, guests wherever you get your podcast,
the sheba presents what cats want cats once she perfect portions cuts in gravy, too convenient servings of roasted chicken covered in savory gravy, noah else, cats want the red from your laser plainer on why on the ceiling on the couch and therefore on a vase by shiva perfect portions cuts in gravy. Zero mess, zero leftovers snapped peel serve. Sheba what cats one. All right we're back so we're up to two thousand one. We get another satirical barb
the award for technology went to two different recipients, John kill and the australian patent office. So why? Well just let me quote you the abstract. On the patent application, the kyo had sent end quote in accordance with a first aspect of the present invention. There is Provided a transportation facilitation device, including a circular rim, a bearing J hollow cylindrical member is road table around a rod situated within the EU hello, cylindrical member and in a series of connecting members connecting the circular room when the hollow cylindrical member to maintain the circular ram and the hollow cylindrical member in substantially fixed relation wherein the rod is positioned on an access perpendicular to the plain of the circular rim and substantially central other circular rem input. Now in case, you didn't pick up on that
He's essentially describing a wheel like a bicycle, we'll mean that's that's what the description of the invention amounts to, so he applied for a patent for the invention of the wheel in two thousand one hears the kicker, the australian path office awarded him that patent none, he's your thinking. He was trying to pull a fast one, well, sort of the wanted to put australia's innovation. Patents to the test. He suspected that the panel was giving very little attention to these patents, which have him lower threshold than other types of patents and it saves. Demonstration proved his point. He also a patent lawyers, so he was showing how backward the system was, how broken at was and that this could cause real headaches and me the
systems. Further on and later on, the australian patent office would quietly revoke the patent for the wheel. I think this really ties into the recent episodes. I did about the history of the: u s: patent office, if you remember in those early early years. There was this to where the patent office was told it wasn't their job to review. Patsy was just their job to approve them and that the courts would sore without further down, which means that you can have two or three or countless people. Pat, the exact same thing pan office would have to award a pan as long as they got the patent fee. The application fee then the courts will have to decide which pattern was the legitimate one which cannot seems like it's a really backwards way and wasteful way to do things. That's kind of what joe was was pointing out here, sir I think the ignoble prize was really kind of calling out.
Yes, this was an absurd situation and it did need to be called out like this, and they were I would say this is more of a sincere award now, there's something else interesting. That happened in two thousand one, as I understand it, which is that someone who won an ignoble prize would later go on to win an actual nobel prize which it it's not the The time that's happened, but it is the first time a bull talk about then a future episode and for our final entry, for this episode am actually gonna talk about something that happened in two thousand five and that's when the ignoble prize for peace with to clare, rind and peter simmons, who had published a paper that was titled or thought Trinh DC. Indeed, neuron a re evaluation of responses to moving objects, one selective responses to approaching objects so or
after all, is an order of insects that includes critters like locusts and grasshoppers the deal the m d neuron stands for it descending contralateral movement, detector, so essentially, they were studying how insects like locusts, perceive potential threats like Do they perceive movement and then choose to respond calves that actually work now so far, nothing about. That necessarily sounds like its worthy of an egg nobel prize right. I mean it's studying insects and figuring out. Well, what is the actual? process by which their able to respond to threats. Well, the way they determined it is what well worded them the prize so one the stimuli they tested on these insects was that they showed them. star wars as in the movie star wars. They they use that stimulated to determine the
such rapidly, more likely to respond to on coming objects were artless of their size and previously, the hypothesis was that the size of the object was the main criteria that the insects responded to that. If it was big, they were going to go into flight mode rather than if it was smaller, but now it turns out if it was something coming toward them. That's what would prompt the response? now what I could not tell as well are not the locusts had to sit through one of the principles or, if you know it was one of the good star wars movies. There is no word on that. Our right, that's enough, for two days episode I will have to come back and do another episode and follow up and do some more of these ignoble prizes before too long their fun to talk about, and once in awhile like I said, the stuff we learn actually ends up being useful, maybe in ways we didn't anticipate
and sometimes learn valuable things from something that's foolish I told you I'm living proof of that. Ok, that So this episode of tat stuff, I hope We are all well, I will be back in atlanta next week, so things should return to what passes for normal then, and I talk to you again- release the tech stuff is I heart radio production for more pod tasks. From my heart radio visit the iheart radio, an apple pie. Where were you listen to your favorite jobs? the sheba presents. What cats one cats once you A perfect portions cutting gravy too convenient servings of roasted chicken covered in savory gravy, no else, cats want the red?
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-14.