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Tech News: Hackers and Vulnerabilities and APIs, Oh My!

2023-10-26 | 🔗

Pro-Russian hackers have found and exploited a vulnerability in a popular webmail app. Researchers found a very complicated way to compromise certain Apple devices. Slack has ended support for X/Twitter integration. Plus lots more.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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the welcome to tech stuff, a production from I heart, radio, the be there and welcome to tech. Stop I'm your host Jonathan Strickland, I'm an executive producer with I heart radio and how that tech party it's time for the news or thursday october twenty six, twenty twenty three and lets with some news about hackers and vulnerability. Shall we ours, the guy's, an article titled pro Russia, hackers target in boxes with zero day and web mail app used by millions. The web mail app in question is round cubes web mail apple Issuing many organizations like a lot of universities, rely upon round cube and they re skin it as a different email service, but the use that for theirs
often students its released under the gene? You or good new general public licence is available for anyone to download, deploy and distribute, but it turns out that very recently. It had a vulnerability in cross site scripting. That gives hackers the chance to actually compromise email servers and end user computers and then intercept communications sent across that machines email. So the attack is pretty insidious. The hackers hide the attack inside an email. The only thing that the victim has to do in order for the attack to lunch is to view the email they don't have to click on any links. This isn't like a fishing attack, or at least not your traditional kind, just opening the email. We'll do it because it initiates a pretty abolish all sequence of events, so the hackers grew
then attack encoded in javascript and that attack is triggered. If the target computer detects an error. So you might think well of there's no error detected. Then this attack goes on triggered. However, the tag itself in the email contains an error: so viewing the email creates. The error report, which then initiates the actual attack included within the coding of that email and the attack is invisible to the victim. results in the hackers gaining access, essentially to the victim's emails. The hacker group responsible for explained Small mobility is called winter verne. In the past they ve mostly focused on targeting government officials in the united states, particular
really government officials who showed support for ukraine, which again points to this being a russian backed hacker attack. Fortunately, the security firm s at detected the attacks a day after day, at first started to launch and then immediately reached out to the developers over at round cube. So three days after the attacks began round cube issued a patch now the patch does require server admins to install it or for it users who are using around Q based web mail to run, make sure that the softer running is a patched version of that software, or else you run the risk of becoming the targets over on the apple side. Ares technical! another article ars technica has just a great site. You again, I know action. Ars Technica. They just do great work anyway,
They have another article, titled hackers can force. I o s and macro s browsers to divulge passwords and much more so, unlike the fur story today. As far as we know, this particular exploit has not been used in the wild instead some security researchers discovered it I ios and mac ios devices that are running on new hardware, that has apples a or in series cp use in them, so it doesn't affect every apple product, just apple proxy, heavy, a or in m series cpu. They have called their exploit. I leakage in acute little nod to apples, naming conventions, now, according to our technical, this attack is not a simple one. It actually requires a fairly significant familiarity with an understanding of apple hardware in order to pull it off, but the attacked or
it's what is called a side channel and you can kind of think of that, aside channel, as sort of your looking, not at the data itself, instead you're looking at evidence that data was there sometime, stuff like electromagnetic emanations things like that, you know it's like the seeing, evidence that something has been there and then a reverse engineering. so it is really complicated stuff, but the real. Such showed that through a process, it's called speculative execution, which has been at the root of a lot of exploits the last few years, and by using a malicious website, the researchers can execute a javascript application that would then give them the ability to open a new window that was running on the target device and be able to access stuff as if they were the user, so For example. Let's say that I use this attack. I exploited your apple device and then
open up a window on my screen, where I could say, navigate to youtube and look at your you to view history or I can navigate to login page and if you had enabled auto, complete or auto phil passwords or whatever. I could get access to your account through that potentially could even do things like figure out what your password was and then maybe change it so that then I control whatever account. I was snooping on cnn pretty serious vulnerability here, but again it is a very sophisticated and difficult attack. So it's not something that is as far as we know, readily active out and wild apple has said that they are, aware of the vulnerability their working on addressing it and because there is no known actual live attacks using this met,
because there is such a high learning curve as to how to use it. For the meantime, apple users- don't necessarily heaven thing to worry about, obviously you always have to pray about the types of websites you visit. That's just a given like you should not just be going willy nilly two websites, you dont know if you can manage that, but apart from that, it's it's not likely to be an act of attack and apple, as I said, is aware of it and the two to mitigate the problem. I mentioned in an earlier news episode that was gained access to user data on twenty three and me, though, the genetic testing service and the company maintains that the hackers did it get access on the corporate side like they didn't get access into twenty three and these systems through some sort of breach attack. In
ed. They say that the hackers- essentially they just used usernames and passwords from other data leaks and then tried them to access twenty three in me and sometimes at work, which again reminds us that we need to have unique passwords for every service. We use even though that's a pain in the took us any way. I mentioned in that news item that there were rumors. The hackers were targeting specific ethnic groups, particularly jewish people, now NBC reports that some hackers have published a database on dark web, from that lists. One person shy of one million people so now hundred ninety nine thousand nine hundred and eleven people who share I cannot see heritage so often assay Jews considering historical threats of anti semitism in general, and that there has been a rise in those kinds of sentiments across the world. Recently, the
does a pretty alarming incident, whether the hacker or hackers actually harbour anti semitic views themselves, or they just callously wished a profit of others who do have those feelings. I dont know the answer to that, but it is generally a very bad thing whenever anyone starts to make long lists of people who share a particular background, So I should add that I believe this to be true. No matter what the background I try to use. Critical thinking and compassion is by guiding principles in general and, as such, I objective violence acted out against innocent people, innocent civilians, no matter what their The city, nationality or religion happens to be. I also know I am vastly under educated in things like middle eastern culture and politics and that of israel and palestine. So I know I m not qualified to make any sort of judgment about what is good.
God beyond the need to end attacks against civilians, weather
in Israel or Gaza or beyond. That, I think, is just true as a blanket statement, but beyond that I admit I am too ignorant two way in on anything more substantive than that, but I think it's, our darn good start to stop attacks on innocent civilians are I I need to preface this next story with a content morning, I'm about to talk about how people are using generative a I to create images depicting sexual violence against children, which is obviously a deeply disturbing topic, and I wanted to give you listeners the opportunity to skip ahead or to stop listening. I think something we can't ignore, but I also think that your mental health is important. So if you feel the need to just know bout of this next story, no judgment here, I totally understand the guy.
Already in posted a story about how the internet watch foundation or I w F in the uk, found almost three thousand instances of a. I generated child abuse images, at least according to this group. So the organization says that such material is poised to quote overwhelm the internet. End quote: not true that is, but if, in fact, it is easy to produce such content, then it does stand to reason that were going to encounter more of it in the future. So according to the group, people who are using a I to make these terrible images are an indication that the eia models in question must have had real life images of abuse to use as training material because generative ay, I can't make stuff out of a vacuum. It has to be trained first and that's all. so really disturbing. The organization also said that people are you
this technology to take pictures of clothed children and that alter those pictures. To try and show what those children might look like without clothing, so it's truly abhorrent stuff and while the threat of a but of a I generated abuse material is already horrifying. The ita beware worries that this is going to make real world instances of abuse harder to detect and thus make it more difficult to rescue child victims from abuse of situation. The item you f specifically identified a generative ay, I tool. That's called stable diffusion from the company stability, I as the tool that these folks were using to create the images stability. I had a representative that told the guardian- the company quote, prohibits any misuse for illegal or immoral purposes across our platforms, and our policies are clear that this includes see. Sam
quote: seized him by the way stands for child sexual abuse material. It is unclear to me This means stability. I has actually built and guard rails and those guardrail of somehow failed, or if the company has just attempting to distance itself from the ways its customers are using its products we're going to now take a quick break to thank our sponsors, we'll be back with some more tech news in a moment They boost mobile, passionate determination, fuel what it means to get after it, That's why they build their offers. Keeping in mind those go, the extra mile whose mobile is partnered with champions from across the nation to empower the device, servants, they won't break the bank joint who smoke and get after it boosts mobile pardoning with people you already know and love like the Is jason revere wrapper songwriter to see and profession.
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visit cvs, dot com, slash holiday for details, hey this is jason alexander for visible wireless that you may associate me with a few important phrases like yada, yada, yada, meaning the details, and I dunno some people might think to just go. I was over that, but not me when I saw a wireless company recently say they didn't have any of that yadda yadda stuff didn't have any details. I had a feeling something was off because there's always details any matter, and you deserve to know what your signing up for yadda yadda, that why I'm in a pot gas that for a different wireless company, visible on the way well planned, get one line of wireless on verizon's five g network for twenty five dollars a month every month. That's it there's! No activation fees, no need for a family plan. just unlimited data talk text and hot spot, but twenty five dollars a month, all taxes and fees included. There's no surprises like some of those other. As if you're more interested in knowing the details, then pretending they don't exist. Learn more about
visible wireless, invisible data management practices at visible that come national terms, apply, we're back so here in the united states, a collection of more than thirty attorneys general across the nation have filed a lawsuit against the company. Better, a gay, the former facebook The attorney general argue that the company has knowingly implemented harmful features, including ones meant to addict users to staying with the product for as long as possible, and that the company has targeted young people, including children, in these efforts. The attorney general argue that the companies practices have led to harm by promoting material by algorithm and that some of this material contributes
to mental health issues and other problems like eating disorders. The law suits argue that Malta has encouraged and profited off, of hurting young people and contributing to a decline. and mental health Andy stone, whom I think of as the mouth of mega said. We are disappointed that instead of working productively with companies across the industry to create clear age, appropriate standards for the many apps teens use, the attorney general have Isn't this path, and I I imagined meta is very disappointed. Now y'all, I have been extremely critical of meta as well as other platforms, and I do believe these companies profit off of misery in lots of different ways. I would suggest that the extent to which these companies actually cause misery,
greece is not fully known or understood. I'm not sure that we can draw firm conclusions between correlation and causation here. So I've said this for there is sometimes a tendency to say that people encounter problems with mental health after they spend incur. Singly long hours on social media? However, it could be People who already have mental health issues are more prone to being active on social media for longer out, rather than the other way around? I dont know why where the truth lies, I'm sure it's somewhere in the middle. I doubted as easy as one extreme or the other But my point as this is a really tricky issue clearly We do have an obligation to protect younger generations. That is important. We should be proud. Retiring, the health and wellness of people in general
but we also need to make sure whatever measures we take to do that actually addresses the issue and not just a symptom. And- and I am not sure that we have identified the issue right- I mean the symptom is clearly there? It is undeniable to say that met as algorithms have promoted things that are not healthy to various users. I've seen it myself for me. I have seen when logging into facebook promotion of stuff that is clearly not healthy, and so that's obvious, but whether that's actually contributing to harm that's harder to I I'm not saying that it doesn't exist, but that we kind of need more information about it before we can make definitive conclusions. If it does mean that we cut back on the harmful stuff or the stuff that scams or are promoting things that are bad,
I am all for it. I would like to see less of that anyway. I just don't know that you can justify it as someone needs to protect the children. It's it's a complicated issue. And I normally keep article recommendations for the end of episodes. But case. I actually have one that is relevant to this story. I think it's my caitlin vogel of the freedom of the press foundation. So clearly there is a particular perspective being brought here and the article is titled kids. Online safety act will censor the news. So this piece is all about how a particular piece of legislation could have a chilling effect on speech in general even in ways that go beyond the intended purpose of the law. And again, I think this is a really complicated issue is one that is highly charged emotionally, because child safety as a factor right and that's obviously important. But it's also important to consider all the factors
consequences of our response to problems, because we may just exacerbate problems or create all new ones and the process so yeah unimportant reed. I think I don't think it's the definitive answer either. I just think it something that has to be brought into consideration, and I can't pretend that I have the answer. I certainly don't. I just think it's really important to consider different. respect is before you make any conclusion. Now we move on to x the service. formerly known as twitter, It's a couple of little stories to talk about today, so I'm not going to do my normal twitter dump. So, first up x is rolling out new features on the platform that support audio and video calls, so before, I started recording a check to see if the roll out had reached me but no dice. However, I think this particular feature may only be applicable for people who are using the ex app on their phones. I
Do that I installed twitter ages ago. her, but it on when it became acts so Don't have the app! I only check the service if I use the web browser version, so I suspect there I wouldn't have access to this one way or the other, because I think it only goes to people who have the app version, but other people report that upon opening their app They see a notification announcing the arrival of audio and video calls these work within the direct messages system. So if you open a dm with a user, you can select a little phone icon to try and initiate a call with that person, but you can't just call anyone which I think must be a huge relief to allow the folks who are still using acts. So the feature first requires that users turn it on with a toggle
and the settings for twitter so or acts in this case, so you would be prompted to go into your settings and toggle on the the support for audio and video calls, then you could also try is the types of users that you will engage in calls with. So that might just be people who are on your contact list. It might be people that you follow, or it might only be verified users or some combination of the three, and I am very relieved to hear that, because I'm sure there's no shortage of folks who still use that service. who otherwise would be flooded with call requests whenever they open the app and that would be miserable according to the verge. It is not yet clear if any exe
Is there will be able to access this feature once it is fully rolled out or if this will be kept. Just for those who subscribed to the premium service, if I had to guess I'd say it was the second category I think musk has been pushing really hard to create features for premium users to encourage more adoption of subscribers, don't know how well as going, but I suspect that the case also this is related to axe. Slack has sunset its integration with that platform, so once upon a time like users could incorporate twitter and then later acts into their work space and be able to access features of twitter through slack but due to changes in excess application, programming interface or a. I slack has chosen to end that support
the company, has also announced it is retiring. It's status account on x, so it's closing out it's own twitter profile, so it sounds like slack and x are kind of going. Their separate he's. In a previous news episode, I talked about how there is a growing concern. Among you, s lawmakers that algorithmic lee driven systems that set things like housing rental prices can lead to an anti competitive situation, one in which landlords are effectively engaging in collusion, even if their doing so unknowingly by relying on this up to help them set rental prices. Essentially, software that is intended to help and lords factor and how much they should set their rent based upon the competitive market. When is distributed across a knife. landlords and a region trends comes into a price fixing scheme again that might unintentional but effectively, that's what's become you get enough
will using this tool. The tool starts to end up manipulating prices across the entire region- and next thing you know, prices creep up and you ve got yourself in any competitive situation. So now the? U S, department of justice has issued a notice of potential participation, which is a sort of preamble into a possible prosecution against the company that makes the software it's. It's called real page by the way and the filing states quote. The government has a particularly substantial interest in addressing the proper apple They should have section one of the sherman act, fifteen. U s c section one to the use of algorithms by competitors to help set. facing companies use of algorithms and price setting, often in an effort to increase pricing, has become more pro in the modern economy. As a result,
The issues involved in this case are of increasing significance, the application of anti trust laws across the economy and equipped now the d o J play the first observe how an ongoing civil case related to this matter plays out before it decides on making a move. So there is no guarantee that the? U S, government will get more heavily involved in this matter, but it is a disaster possibility. Last year, general motors and honda announced a project to create an easy platform that would ultimately lead to cheaper electric vehicles in markets like the united states, north america, general south america. That kind of thing. But now that project is on the rocks, the companies have pulled out of it and stated quote after extensive studies and analysis. We have come to a mutual decision to discontinue the programme. Each company remains committed to affordability in the EU market.
End quote so it appears that one of the major hurdles that face the project has been in the field of battery production. He and developed a battery called opium and this battery costs less to produce then other older types of e batteries. However, gm ran into production bottlenecks all along the supply chain, and those bottlenecks bet that there were delays in manufacturing, which of course, me that critically there were delays in delivering vehicles to customers. That's a huge problem. Meanwhile, vehicles that were built using older, more expensive batteries didn't have the same production issues. They got a production line that is mature, so that wasn't interrupted. The cheaper one was the one that just could not get a stab blushed and for those of us waiting on ebay models that are say within our price range. This is up.
He disappointing setback, alright, we're gonna, take another quick break when we come back. I've got a few more news items I want to cover whose mobile passion and determination fuel what it means to get after it. that's why they build their offers. Keeping in mind those go. The extra mile whose mobile is pardoned with champions from across the nation to empower the device This is a service that won't break the bank joint to smoke and get after it boost mobile, This pardoning with people you already know and love like the but his jesse revere wrappers there songwriter to see and professor no state border and olympic athletes of maria beauvoir to highlight their You need tablets, aspiring journeys and how boost mobile help them continue to get after it loose mobile knows the importance shining spotlight neighbour is in showing for the communities they ariane, astonished.
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except you can you, man is prescribed for adults with moderate severe blocks arises. Three hundred milligram does dont use of your legit gus antics before starting a cheque for tv series, allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema and an increased risk of infections. Some fatal have occurred because antics may lower ability to fight infections. So tell your doctor: if you have an infection or symptoms like fevers, sweats, chills, muscle lakes or cough had a vaccine or plan to or if I've edi symptoms, developer, worse and learn more consent, ex dot com or one eight for forecasts index cards antics works for me. Ask you, Doktor about consent, exe last minute holiday shopping. Take the stress out the season with CBS from pre wrapped gives our presence and premium box chocolates to over fifty same day photo gets or something for everyone left on your list and with free CBS pick up. In order on and pick up in store in this little as one hour for quality convenience. at the last minute holiday, magic, Phoebe s eyes, you covered
visit cvs, dot com, slash holiday for details, hey this is jason alexander for visible wireless, though you may associated with a few important phrases like yadda, yadda, yadda, meaning the details. I don't know some people might think to just What was over that, but not me when I saw a wireless company recently say they didn't have any of that yadda yadda stuff didn't have any details. I had a feeling something was off because there's only details and they matter, and you deserve to know what your signing up for yadda yadda Why I'm in a pot gas that for a different wireless company, visible on the Isabel plan get one line of wireless on verizon's five g network for twenty five dollars a month every month. That's it there's! No activation fees, no need for a family plan. just unlimited data talk text and hot spot, but twenty five dollars a month all taxes and fees included. There's no surprises like some of those So have you more interested in knowing the details, then pretending they don't exist, learn more about
visible wireless, invisible data management practices at visible that come additional terms, apply the we're back so surrogate bread is one of the co founders of Google has a big ol airship. That now has the green light to go. Flying brin founded a company a few years back named l t a research lt a stands for lighter than air So the goal was to build lighter than air airships that could transport stuff like cargo supplies specifically for humanitarian aid missions. The first of the company's airships is called the. Pathfinder one and now it can start to have test flights it as receive clearance from the: u s: federal aviation administration or f a and the poor find her. One is, according to the eye triple e. I e the or I e, as I used to say it is the.
largest aircraft to fly since the hindenburg. However, unlike that tragic dirigible, which famously caught fire it exploded, it does not rely upon hydrogen as a lifting gas. Instead, it relies on the non combustion. Oh gas helium to provide lift so again the hindenburg relied on hydrogen, which is highly combustible and explosive. You get hydrogen and oxygen in an environment, you add a flame and you get a big flash dough do it by the way. It's very dangerous. Helium, however, doesn't do this and
the reason why hide hydrogen was used was not because people just thought it would be. Ok, it's because hydrogen is a better lifting gas. It's it's about eight percent more efficient to lift a weight using hydrogen than helium, at least. According to one estimate I saw its capable of lifting more mass than helium is so in order to lift the sea structure with helium, yet have much more helium right now to get around this deficit in lifting copies. The l d, a research, relied heavily on using very lightweight materials like polymer tubes, reinforced with carbon fiber and titanium in an effort to build out frames and an airship that was lifted,
all through helium, a single pilot is all that is needed to control this airship. The company does plan to use to pilots for their tests. Are the control systems have redundancy which is good? You always want redundant systems for safety. The gondola attached to the airship was created by these applin company. That's a throw back to the old dirigible days right Zepplin the gondola can hold up to fourteen people, but lp research stresses that no bass injures will actually be allowed on the test flights. Only the pilots in order to maintain safety and to truly test the vehicle without putting people at risk unnecessarily the airship measures one hundred twenty four metres in length. That is a monster. It will initially conduct test.
Swell remaining anchored to a point on the ground on a mast, essentially so they're not going to be freely flying the tests, at least not initially lt. A research already has an even larger airship in production, which is called the pathfinder three. When complete, it will measure an incredible one hundred eighty meters long. So the plan is to use these airships to deliver aid to remote locations that are difficult or impossible to access via land or sea salt I really like that. It's not like meant to be some sort of billion air pleasure craft where you can just casually fly across the region the country below you and enjoy no expensive luxuries. That's not what this is intended to do its intended to give
relief to places that otherwise would be very hard to reach. I dont know if this is the most efficient way to do that. I don't know if it's a better alternative than other plans, which would include things like you know, drones or whatever, but I like that. That is the application for this technology will have to wait and see if it turns out to be a practical one, it may not be by down. I think it's cool, at least have the potential for dirigible to take flight once again for more than just promotional purposes. At sporting events, tech rate, our reports that microsoft is very hurt when new windows users launch microsoft edge only to download the installer for google chrome, which of course is around
if a web browser to edge and microsoft is so hurt, they want to know why you did it apparently using edge to download the installer for Google. Chrome now prompts a pop up that contains a pole can you why are you doing this? So the reasons you can pick include, I can't search google easily. I can't access my google documents. I dont have my favorites or passwords here too many ads and pop ups. I dont like the new speed. It's too slow, my some sites, don't work on microsoft edge and my reason is not listed. Firstly, a little disappointed that they dont. Have it's not you. It's me. or I'm washing my hair. I think, though, she made the cut christina terek at tat rate. Our points out that using it
Does it mean that the user often has to deal with a lot of like pop ups and suggestions that it primarily direct people to other microsoft products? Safety? drove windows. Heck this morning, when I was Launching my computer, I at a whole bunch of suggestions for windows related stuff. They just popped up, unprompted fun times. She also and saw that edges news, feed doesnt have a really good reputation. Alot of people complain that the articles and elements included in the news it are lower quality there not properly the factual or useful. But, like a subject, you come across a little bit clean gee. If you ask me Joe resignedly, over at mac rumours dot com wrote a piece yesterday about upcoming apple online event, which is scheduled for this coming monday, and the rumor is that this event will.
Least in some part focus on high end gaming on apple devices, including on mac, computers. So, Apple, of course, has had a very long history with gaming, some I was in a positive way, other times in a negative way. Some of the earliest bitter games I ever played were on an apple to eat computer. Although technically I think my very first computer game was hunt the one purpose on the tea. I ninety nine for a home computer and then there was a time where game developers largely ignored apple platforms, because couple: had a fairly small percentage of the overall market share for desktop computers and adjust, it makes sense to pour the resources into creating games for a platform that had very few people using so, there was a reputation for a while. The apple computers just were not good for gaming, not because they weren't powerful enough, but because game developers weren't making stuff for them
If russia now is right, it seems as though apple is now poised to really push mac computers as a serious gaming platform, and that the mac computer is is perfect machine to run aaa titles on high settings while incorporating features like re tracing, for example, which deals with how a computer handles lighting. graphics. I'm sure I will report next week, which will actually be on thursday next week. We will not have a news episode on tuesday because we have another smart talks with ibm besides scheduled for that day. But on thursday, I will try and follow up with this. and see whether or not apple really did emphasise gaming in that presentation on not this upcoming money, now. I previously mentioned one article recommendation earlier in this episode. Before I conclude, I do have one other recommendation. This is a peace that is on bbc dot com by Victoria williston, and it
titled, the surprisingly subtle ways. Microsoft word has changed the way we use language. Now, I'm always fascinated at how we shape tack and how tech in turn shapes us, And sometimes these changes are not really happening. Consciously like it's not an intentional thing, it's just something that kind of happens through you. You send adoption and it can lead to really unanticipated consequences, not necessarily bad one, sometimes just interesting ones. So I think this article is a great example of detailing how that happened with microsoft. Word so check it out, and that's it news for today, thursday october. Twenty six, twenty twenty three. I hope you are all well and I will talk to you again: release
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-10.