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Tech News: AI Getting Armed and More Dangerous

2023-08-29 | 🔗

As US Senator Chuck Schumer prepares to hold a forum on the risks and benefits of artificial intelligence, the US Army and Air Force are each seeking to incorporate AI and robotics in combat operations. Plus, Elon Musk livestreams himself showing off the latest build of Tesla's FSD mode to mixed results.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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where were you listened the pod guests may we get our news changes but for one honey in eight years the economist has remained the global trusted source and now there is another way to stay informed with the economist new economist podcast plus subscription i'm a personal fan of babbage their technology bud guest they ve got a lot become an economist pod casts plus subscriber with a one month free trial or the whole year for just forty nine dollars gain unlimited access to all the economists popular pod guests with engaging conversations and award winning series tune into the world with economist podcast plus and start listening today search economist podcast plus or head to the app store to download the economist and get your first month free the welcome to textile production from i heart radio
hey there and welcome to text i find your host jonathan strickland diamond executive producer with iheart radio and how the tec aria it's time or the tec news worth tuesday august twenty ninth twenty twenty we got a lotta heavy talk about a i to get through today first up u s centre chuck humor will host an insight forum focused on a high on september thirteenth his thus has confirmed there will be so roll important folks intact who are present at this event one of those is elon musk who cofounded open i before he left that innovation to go make his own a development team with black jack and we'll never might
another is mark zuckerberg which makes me wonder if humor is prepared to keep musket sucker burger part since you never know when thou revert back to being high school alpha mail types and start scrap and in the hallway between classes eric that is also supposed to be there he was the former ceo of google son darbyshire who is the current ceo of alphabet which is google's parent company he's gonna be there and of course sam haldeman ceo of open i itself will take part in this and the conversation is gonna be a lot around like the risks and benefits of a i and the development of u s policy on regulating artificial intelligence now these you're not gonna be the only ones there which is a good thing because if the only folks at the table happen to be the ones who are eager to avoid as much regulation is possible you probably what
make a whole lot of progress schumann i emphasize that there will be representatives from civil rights groups and worker advocacy groups and cream it is in that sort of thing as well proceedings themselves will actually be done behind closed doors so there won't be any reporters allowed inside while the going on but schumer says his office will release essentially a summary of what went on during the discussions i suspect the tech executives will do their best to reduce any impact of proposed regulations because otherwise that kind of affects their bottom line now i d think a serious discussion about artificial intelligence does need to happen as soon as possible and i don't just mean generative a i that gives a lot of headlines but it is not the one and only application of artificial intelligence by far for example according to jerk or who was writing for military dot com the you
army will essentially soon conduct tests in which they will mount the army's new sig sauer exam seven squad rifle before legged robot provided by ghost robotics the army already did a similar test with iran bought from gus robotics and they use and info a one carbine in those tests representatives or the army have said tests are to explore human machine interaction in army operations but they do not necessarily indicate that there is the plan for these robots to be called unquote deployed downrange that is the army might test the stuff out but that doesn't necessarily mean that in the not too distant future four legged robots armed with a machine guns will be blessed their way through combat zones so it's just test chill out
colleagues have repeatedly voiced concerns about arming semi autonomous and remotely controlled devices are when they can lead to conflict escalation and that the act of being a human life should be entirely up to another human which go i understand that on one hand birds really messed up to think about it a height like no this should be left to a person then be left to try and deal with that trauma bud they time you think well sure it should be up to a person and not just automated because that is really soup dark and grim but i am admittedly a hippie dippy type who isn't so big on the cards of ending human lives in the first place anyway it's not just human rights advocates who have voiced concerns several robotics companies including famously boston dynamics have protested move to weapon eyes the technologies that they work on last year the
companies released an open letter that in part reads quote we believe the adding weapons to robots that our remotely or autonomously operated widely available to the public and capable of navigating too previously inaccessible locations where people live and work raises new risks of harm and serious ethical issues weapon ized applicants of these newly capable robots will also harm public trust in the technology in ways that damage the tremendous benefits they will bring to society quote obviously this has not stopped the u s army and other nations are similarly experimenting with weapon eyes robotic platforms so i guess you could say that unless everyone around the world agrees to back off on do this and then actually follows through on that promise the only
that option you have is to develop the stuff yourself which again is is pretty grim but wait it gets even scarier so not to be outdone the u s air force is seeking a research budget to build he's a thousand unmanned aircraft that can operate autonomously and i'm talking weapon ized aircraft these vehicles would serve as wing men to human pilots and would provide support and cover d in combat operations they get all we'll be sent on suicide missions to achieve combat goals in scenarios where the possibility of survival is approaching zero as such the aircraft would need to be autonomous and armed one key that for the vehicle that the air force could potentially use in this programme comes from a company called credo stuff it's actually busy wonder if the company chose that name after the character from the god of war franchise that gain came
on two thousand five and the company that is now known as creators defence actually chose that name in two thousand seven two years after the game came out if that's the case yikes anyway the platform itself is called valkyrie which has really another yikes thou cree were odin swore maidens who will escort fallen warriors to valhalla therefore has been using the valkyrie aircraft as a support platform for connectivity purposes essentially acting like a network bridge between other aircraft and their autonomous vehicles that are on air force control but current plan it's involve using a valkyrie in a simulation to identify chase down and then take down a target over the gulf of mexico in you know in a in a test of it's capability which is a triple yanks really you can imagine critics have protested this initiative as well with the same sort of arguments they make for the
four legged robots being armed by the army but the air force will be here casting a nearly six billion dollar budget to pursue this plan over the course of the next five years today is the first day of google's cloud next confer an event where i will be one of many topics under discussion we will launch it interesting tool at this conference called since i d this tool applies a watermark too i generated images the watermark is met to be unnoticed by human eyes so when you look at the picture you don't see that there's watermark there but meant to be easily detectable with any a i detection tool which is pretty clear the watermark one effect how he perceived the image but will also reveal itself to be the product of a generation and google search the watermarks design is such that you could edit the image you could crop it you could to form it stretched in various ways and the watermark should be unaffected
google engineers haven't gone into a lot of detail about how this works because they don't want to tipp their hand too much less folks a meal find ways to gain the system and get around the tool but they have also said that this is really the beginning of sent idea this tool is going to it's real world tests people will find ways around it invests just a fact and engineers a google are saying this and that's gonna promptly in just improvements on google side and that's just how work is essentially the exact same pattern we saw with captures there lots of reasons that you would want to employ a tool like this ranging from everything from preventing the spread of misinformation with deep fakes to avoiding from of just mixing up images of actual real world things ai generated images of stuff that may or may not exist so there are a lot of different practical applications for this technology i am sure will hear a lot more about it as the cloud next conference continues general motors will be talking more about how it is
using conversational ai as the cloud next conference continues specifically with the on star service so on star is connected feature built into some vehicles that lets the driver get support for all sorts of things ranging from the court by trivial to the very serious gm is using conversational ai to handle the more mundane low urgency requests you know like if you want to use on star to help guide you and navigating to your final destination in your car that doesn't have to a human being to actually manage that that could be an agent helping you with that task for stuff is more important like reporting a crash were asking that someone like i and ii and he be sent to your location those calls get routed to human operators which is totally understandable i offloading the low urgency stuff too i
gm says it has decreased the white time to get in touch with human operators and obviously that's it the thing if you really need to speak to someone in the event of an emergency according to gm the research as to the ai assistance has been mostly positive among drivers this is the kind of implementation i can really get behind using a lie to offload lesson orton tasks so that people with specialised knowledge and training can handle the more important once particularly ones the benefit from a human touch okay we've got a lot more new stories to go but let's take a quick break and i i i i i i i i hey podcast listeners returning for season for is the restless months and original podcast presented by t mobile for business and i heart radio
join me as i sit down for in depth discussions with the people at the intersection of technology and business learn of their unique missions and challenges to enhance optimization and drive their organizations forward we reveal how today's forward thinking leaders continue to thrive and a world of ever changing technology here from those on the leading edge of business share industry expertise and how a strong inflexible network lays the foundation for positive changes in their fields revolutions and customer experience and employee enable meant to it is with the power to change the game and even the world they are building a bridge to what's next and adopting transport technologies like five g to create a more connected and meaningful future today check out new results of the restless ones avail
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her back and next up we ve got another story with artificial intelligence along with some arguably dumb real behaviour at least in my opinion it's pretty dumb so elon musk owner of ex formerly known as twitter and these ceo of tesla lives breathed a demonstration of teslas upcoming full self driving version twelve software with him sitting in the driver's seat of a tesla does a full self driving has yet to be released to tesla owners and during the demo musk broke a california which says you're not supposed to have a own in your hand while your operating a vehicle ilan must definitely did do that follow on that police are not going to pursue musk for this because no police officer directly witnessed it happening that's a prerequisite for charging someone if it's just a video or whatever cops did not see at the time they will not
laughter mosque plus even if they did the penalty for you first offence can be as low as a twenty dollar fine so it's not like it wouldn't mean anything also must was technically violating tesla's own policies because company says that falsified having is a hands on feature and the drivers are supposed to keep their hands on the steering wheel at all times any law must be definitively did not do that so was defying his own companies policies but anyway let's put all that a site for now during this demonstration at one point must actually had to take control the tesla to prevent it from running a red light that's not a great moment when you're demonstrating the supposed full self driving capability of your vehicle must all though used google to look up mark zuckerberg address and then showed it on camera but he said that doesn't amount to dock sing anyone because you could just google the way he did
to be fair to tesla there were several segments of the drive in which the vehicle navigated through construction zones and roundabouts and didn't have any performance issues ask also pointed out that teslas now rely solely on optical cameras rather than sensors like lighter another interesting note is that musk did this demonstration while his company is preparing to defend itself in the first of a couple of an oncoming court cases that are arguing that the companies driver assist features led to fatal accidents so the first court case should beginning california in mid september and it a civil law suit it stems from two thousand nineteen accident in which a tesla owner named mica lee died when his tesla which was in autopilot mode veer offer highway it collide with a tree and then burst into flames to pass
yours and least car suffered serious injuries but survive the crash the second court case is scheduled for october florida and centres on a different crash that happen to those nineteen at once then banners model three failed to detect a big rig truck that was crossing the food ahead of him and his a slow collided with the trailer which killed stephen banner can't imagine the lawyers at tesla are super thrilled about elon musk showing off full i'll driving on alive stream especially in a demonstration that required him to take over to avoid running a red light while simon initially preparing for these court gazes micro i will soon release version one seventeen of the edge web browser and will actually be removing some features in the process microsoft the decision to remove the tools was to quote improve end user experience at simplify the more tools menu end quote as reported by the verge
truth be told i have even heard of these features and also its quite possible that very few people were making use of them then again occur to at least some statistical analysis firms microsoft s commands just five percent of the web browser market in total so you could argue very few for making use of edge full stop anyway the features affected our picture dictionary citations math solver kids mode and grammar tools if you are one of the few elite that this actually will affect you have my condolences microsoft will push this update out of the beta phase in mid september carl boat of tact dirt road apiece explaining how e bike companies through a trade organization called people for bikes has lobbied law makers in the united states to make exceptions for e bikes in various right to repair laws essentially these companies are trying to make sure that they can maintain control of the entire ecosystem for their products rather than oh
up so that customers can either perform their own maintenance and repairs or to seek those from an independent repair shop the argument the group has been making is one we have heard before that this is really for the customers safety the group org is that allowing people to do their own maintenance and repair could lead to an increased risk of stuff like fires and while e bikes have been one of those electronic products that have had problems with batteries catching on fire that has had more to do with poor manufacturing processes than anything else in fact when pressed to say figures about how many fires were the result of an e bike owner trying to do their own repairs a rough for the groups said that stories were acquitted quote anecdotal which has the way of saying i don't have any evidence that this is actually a thing and apparently these lobby efforts have been pretty effective with e bikes getting exceptions and several right to repair laws around the united states though not as tactic reports in minnesota tom
the minnesota law did make exceptions for gain consuls medical equipment and cars back in two thousand eight california voters approved initial funding for a high speed rail system within the state this is this the system that would later prompt ilan must to say the whole thing was a huge waste of money and that a hyper loop system would be faster and more effective course thou hyper loop failed to materialise and despite several companies trying to make it a thing it has never met tested at least not in the way that musk initially promoted it anyway in in time over those years the project for high speed rail has moved forward though very slowly with the stated aged in construction across hundreds of miles a california while still king to receive environmental approval for some key stretches and now that project fifthly putting out an hour if q or request for qualifications to look for vendors who had the actual trains that will travel on those rails once they are finished interested companies will need respond to the arrest q by november the caliph
the high speed rail authority will consider the candidates in the narrow the search and early twenty twenty four to qualify the companies will have to be able to build trains that can operate at speeds of two hundred twenty miles per hour with tests as high as two hundred forty two miles per hour at least according los angeles news outlets katy ella five the company selected will have to build all the trains or the system and provide access to some parts for thirty years which is important here in atlanta we train system where the company that it made the trains does exist any more so getting replacement parts whereas a lot more work the author are these goal is to have the high speed rail service inaction by twenty thirty personally i have my doubts that it will be ready by then simply because these projects are so huge complicated and made even more complex through local and state politics which changed with every election but here
open california is able to see this project come to completion and perhaps serve as a model that other states could follow the lack of high speed rail lines across the united states is pretty embarrassing our final story is about how some hackers say they have infiltrated the company called web detective which makes spyware and they have subsequently deleted all device information that the company had which will make it impossible for web detective to collect additional data from those for devices according to engage at that means around seventy six thousand devices will know there be spying on their owners not all heroes where capes some of them where hoodies all right that's it for the tec news for tuesday august twenty nine for twenty twenty three i hope are all well and i'll talk to you again really sick text
is an eye heart radio production for more i gather from my heart radio this the irish radio apple pod wherever you listen to your favorite jobs the way we get our news changes but for one at eight years the economist has remained the global trusted source and now there is another way to stay informed with the economist new economist podcast plus subscription i'm a personal fan of babbage their technology bud guest they ve got a lot become an economist podcast plus subscriber with a one month free trial or the whole year for just forty nine dollars gain unlimited access to all the economists popular pod guests with engaging conversations and award winning series tune into the world with economist podcast plus and start listening today search columnist podcast plus or head to the app store to download the economist and get your first month free sheba presents what cats one cats once she
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-18.