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Simplicable's Fundamental Principles of Technology

2023-09-13 | 🔗

A blog site called Simplicable outlines several "fundamental principles" of technology. We take a look at a few of them, talk about what they mean, and how they relate not just to tech but how we incorporate tech into our lives.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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welcome to textile production from I heart, radio the t there and welcome to tech stuff? I'm your host Jonathan Strickland, I'm an executive producer with iheart radio and how the tech are you today. I thought we talk about a few fundamental principles that underlie technology, at least as identified by a blog called simplicity of the name the author on all the articles I was looking at was john spacey, so appears to be John beijing at the helm of this blog, which I think is based out of singapore, so these are concepts that apply to or drive technology and technological change innovation and it goes beyond things like circuits or electricity or mechanical says or anything like that. These are more like ideas and observing
since that underlie technology again, as identified by simplistic. Also, I don't we to suggest that these are universal fun, fundamental principles just rather than I came across this list on simply couple, and I thought it was interesting. So I thought I would talk about some of them today First up, we ve got a concept that ties in with me. Where's law to an extent you could you that Moore's law is another fundamental principle. In fact it's one, the ones that listed by simply kable, I think, that's going a little far too called a fundamental principle, is certainly an observation that people have attempted to push b.
and some pretty hard boundaries, but as a refresher. Just let you understand what I'm talking about here. Moors law stems from an observation that Gordon more paid back in the middle of the last century. Actually when he saw that economic and technological factors were contributing to a system where there as an economic demand for progressively more powerful microprocessors and later on computer chips, and that this demand in turn created an incentive for fabrication companies to come up with ways to meet that demand like it wasn't just magical, though the fabrication companies were able to make more powerful processors. They saw their man there and then they said okay. Well, how can we make something that meets? Let the man- it's not just magically happening
but soon so every so often, we would see companies find new ways to fit more discreet components onto a square inch of silicon. Wafer as they were able to a couple of years previously so, generally speaking, the law of moors law boiled down to every eighteen to twenty four months. Fabrication companies would find a way to double the number of transistors that they could fit onto a seller conway, or an inch of silk. However square inch now over time, this concept morphed into a similar but different one. We still cannot moors law, but now we don't necessarily say that the processors of today have twice as many transistors on it as the processors from two years ago.
example: now we say every two years or so the chips that fabrication companies are producing are twice as powerful as the ones from two years earlier. So in other words, if you bought a high and processor and twenty ten, and then you bought another high processor in twenty twelve, the twenty twelve one should be twice as powerful as the twenty ten one and then in two thousand and fourteen. If you bought one that chip should be twice as powerful as the one that you had back in twenty twelve. Now we also ten
they get a little lucy goosey with the whole concept of what powerful means. In this context, often this comes down to processing speed. How fast can the chip process information? How fast can it complete executions of operations, but powerful can also include some other concepts like bit width and you can think of bit with as how large a chunk of dad I can this processor handle so. If the bit with the greater the processor, can handle larger chunks of data to me, one interesting thing about moors long as how we choose to interpret it so that it will reach main relevant over the years, because pretty much everyone has acknowledged we're running up against some obstacles. There are just impossible to get around based on the technology we have developed so far. Let me explain that a little bit more so
you reduce the size of these components so that you can fit more of them onto a silicon wafer. You stop getting down to size where you're encountering issues with quantum mechanics and these quantum mechanics issues are but in what alignment, with the way that we want our electronics to work. Essentially, we get to a point where the pathways we, created for electrons are so small that the electrons have the potential to exist in a different part, the pathway than where we want them to be so, if you think of of transistor gates, as actually being physical, gates, as in your it was closed, you're not allowed to go through once you get certain size, there's a potential for an electron to be on the other side of the gate without having to actually physically pass through. The gate is just means that there is the possibility
Lee that the electron could be on the other side, and as long as there is a possibility of means that sometimes that's what happens and if you can't control where the electrons are, then the gates me nothing, and it means that you you're gonna, get computational errors There are fundamental physical limitations to how small we can make things if they're working the way that we have designed microprocessors, for you know the better part of a century. So that means that we have to come up with other means other ways to try and eke out more performance in these jobs if we want more law to remain relevant, and that's only if we say we want more slaughterer remain relevant, but not the original bores law. We're talking upheld our reinterpretation of that observation that was made you now in the middle of of the nineteen hundreds so
well that is kind of where we are with moore's law. It's still sort of relevant, but mostly because we're willing to bend on how we interpret it and how we define it. So no one wants to reach a point where they have to admit that the rate of improvement is slowing down. No one wants to get to that point So we'll just keep on moving things around like doing the balls and cups routine unto We can no longer fool ourselves into thinking that we are able take to keep this this rate of change up, and this is what brings us up to a different fundamental principle, as defined by simply cobble called accelerated change or accelerating change. I should and that's just what it sounds like, because we all realise that over time, stuff changes excel. Rating change means that the rate of change itself is changing its not just that things are changing day to day
It's the concept that they're changing more quickly than the rate of change was before and that this is driven by technology and how we use that technology. So with this kind of concept. We would be able to look at any ten year span. So let's say we looked at nineteen fourteen to nineteen twenty three and then what We compare that with a recent tenure spaniels, let's eight two thousand fourteen to two thousand twenty three, then we asked the question in which of those tenure spans and which of those decades, would we see more change and we want to get specific. Where did we see more technologically driven or oriented change? Since the nineteen fourteen to nineteen twenty three decade, pre dates: invention of the transistor. It's pretty easy for us to say well, the most recent decade has seen way more innovation driven by technology, the other it's not even comparable and that's true
but we should also remember once again these advancements in technology there not happening in a vacuum. It's not like technology if left to itself will evolve and improve over time stuff in the world shapes our wrote to technology, and then our technology shapes the stuff in the world and our interaction with it. So a nineteen fourteen, you would say, will what kind of factors were influencing technological development in nineteen fourteen. While there is a big one, it was the great war which was later called world where one they didn't call it that at the beginning, because there were still optimal, speck, then they weren't expecting there to be a second one. In fact, they call it the war to end all wars turns out that was wrong. Anyway, this war, spurred eight han of innovation,
various countries tried to find more efficient ways to kill the enemy while sustaining fewer losses of their own or, at the very least, just killing more of them than they manage to kill of us. So we lots of stuff like machine guns motorized, military vehicles, airplanes, were used warfare. Chemical warfare became a thing also got some other stuff. There wasn't expressly made to kill people like gas masks, which was meant to save people and field radios anyway. My point is that the concept of accelerating change isn't something that we can just isolate from the rest of the world. It's also something that can lead people to make predictions that I think, may at best be a long shot. It's one has fuelled a ton of discussion around cons. that's like the singularity. This is this Dear, that we reach a point where change is happening so quickly and it so constant
that there is no way that you can meaningfully talk about the way things are because, by the time you're done making a sentence. They that way, no more, they ve changed already. So this idea, which relates to other concepts like humans, becoming something more than human, the so called try hence a human approach. Trans human in this case- meaning something beyond humanity. It doesn't have anything to do with something like the transgender community. That's a different thing, very important thing, but different this cancer. The trans humanism is about no longer, being strictly human. The way we would define it today and that could include lots of things. usually include some form of augmented intelligence either. We think got away to boost our own biological intelligence or wave incorporated technology into us in some way that that then boosts intelligence,
Sometimes we also have an idea of digital immortality thrown in their mostly feels a lot like stuff. It's in the realm of science fiction rather than stuff it's in reality, but I would argue that its based on this perception that change is happening faster with every passing year- that's your basic argument will. Then it stands to reason that at some point, the rate of change will be such that there will be no meaningful way to quantify it, but like or law. I would say this belief is based off things that may not be universally or permanently. True. one of the mistakes that some futurists make is that they equate all change with what we see in things like moors long, because bores long describes exponential rates of improvement right with at least with cut processor complexity, which then we redefined
ass, processor, power or performance, so that same rate of change would then apply to every thing, with the way some futurists frame stuff out. But that's just not true. We don't see exponential change in everything. That's relate to technology, some things actually change it and even faster rate. They might start to approach a hyperbolic rate of change, but something's, except it's much slower change. They don't advance that quickly. Leg battery technology does not advance nearly as quickly as microprocessor technology. So it appears to me that Singularity is going to require a lot more than just superfast processors. Unless we decide to redefine what the singularity is, and then we could say we're already in it because we redefined at which we can have done with more law, I guess we could do that, but not very satisfying So accelerating change is one of those phenomena, ideas intact, that may or may not applied depending on the tec type we're talking about, I would say that for
some technologies like autonomous vehicles, for example. We have not seen accelerating change Instead, we saw an initial burst of innovation in annabelle innovation and for a few years that continued- and it did not like it was accelerating change, but now we're seeing engineers having to home in on specific limitations and problems and challenges within autonomous vehicle technology, and these require careful solution. and and some problems might be accounted for, but lots more have been discovered or not accounted for, and we aren't seeing accelerating change in that field. Anymore were seeing iterative changes, which is still good, like we're still seeing advancements? But it's not going at this. You know breakneck speed that accelerating change suggests. Ok, we've got a lot more principles to cover. I think it's time for us to take a quick break. I I I I
Eight shower should be hard and with paychecks it's not paychecks is a single integrated platform for pay will benefit and insurance. It helps you find in high the best people getting paid and provide them with the best possible. The time it plans paychecks, gives you powerful tools and a team of each other professionals and compliance experts to support you so whether you have to employees or two thousand weather. It help with its payroll benefits or insurance. Paychecks makes it simple visit, paychecks, dot, com, slashed, simple. I have diabetes, I'm at risk for new mcloughlin pneumonia. I have asthma, I'm at risk to if you nineteen or older, with chronic conditions like asthma, diabetes, seo. Pity or heart disease, or sixty five order, you are an increased risk for new, methodical pneumonia. Ask your doktor pharmacists about press, twenty new mechanical, twenty veiling, conjugal vaccine, pfizer rex
in the can help protect you against Numa conklin ammonia in just one dose. Even if you ve already been vaccinated with other pneumonia vaccines prisoner twenty may help provide added protection prevalent. Twenty is approved for adults to help prevent infections from twenty strains of bacteria that cause Numa cockle pneumonia. Continued approval may depend on a supportive study, dont get prisoner twenty. If you ve had a son, you're allergic reaction to the vaccine or it's ingredients. Adults with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. Side effects include pain and swelling at the injection site, fatigue, headache, muscle and joint pain for full price. Driving information. Please call one a five five to one three, two one: three aid org is a prisoner twenty dot com. They have is a series of alexander for visible wireless, though you may associate may with a few important phrases like yadda, yadda, yadda, meaning the details. I don't know some people might think that just gloss over that, but not me,
When I saw a wireless company recently say they didn't have any of that yadda yadda stuff didn't have any details of feeling. Something was because there's always details any matter, and you deserve to know what your signing up for yadda yadda. That's! Why I'm in a pot gas that for a different wireless company, visible on the isabel plan get one line of wireless on verizon's five g network for twenty five dollars a month every month. That's it! There's! No activation fees, no need for a family plan. Just unlimited data talk text and hot spot, but twenty five dollars a month, all taxes and fees included. There's no surprises like some of those other guys. So if you're more interested, no the details, then pretending they don't exist, learn more about visible wireless, invisible data management practices at visible level that come digital terms apply the one thing we can never get more of his time or can we? This is watson exe
Orchestrated day I designed to multiply productivity by automating tasks. When you watson Ex your business, you can build digital skills to help human resources, spend less time generating offer letters writing job rex and managing schedules and spend more time on humans. Let's create more time for your business with watson. Ex orchestrate learn or an ibm dot com. Slash orchestrate ibm, let's create. The alright we're gonna move on to a different fundamental principle that some lickable has identified as being fundamental to technology, and so, let's talk about complexity, you can think of complexity falling into one of two categories, simply kable calls it essential complexity and then accidental complexity or what we refer to as non essential complexity. Now, if something has essential complexity,
doesn't necessarily mean there's no way to simplify the technology. It might be possible to simplify it, but if it's essential complexity that means that if we were to try and simplify this technology, to streamline it or remove features or anything like that then in the process. We would also reduce the usability or value of that technology, so, in other words we could make it less complex, but we would also make it less good or less desirable or less useful. This can fall into subjective perceptions. Not just an objective truth. So, for example, let's say: you've got a team and they're developing a smartphone and
their initial line. Up of a features are all the typical ones he would find on a smartphone it'll be able to make calls will be able to send and receive emails and text messages. It'll be able to take photos all that kind of stuff. That complexity necessitates certain designed decisions right like in order to achieve the things you have listed as what the smartphone has to do. You ve gotta make certain design decisions to support it. This all has just logic or right, and that could range from everything from the site the battery you're gonna need, if you want to have a useful phone life, so at last at least a day. It may involve things like screen resolution. You want to make sure that people can see whenever it is, that's being displayed their processor power to support all these different functions, like all these things become necessary considerations in order to provide a good experience,
But let's say: there's someone on your team who just doesn't see the value and having a camera, a smartphone, maybe this person never uses the camera their smartphone at all. Maybe they just don't take pictures. They don't see it as being fundamentally important to a smartphones design. They could argue that you could drastically simplify the design of the smartphone. If you just ditch the camera right. That means you get rid of the lenses you get rid of all the sensors. You get rid of all the stuff that otherwise would have to be in the smartphone for the camera, the work, and then you can either make the smartphone smaller yo create a smaller form factor because in a longer has the howls, those components or dedicate that space for something else or even this could
precipitate into changes for things like the battery life and the processor, because it no longer would need to support the functions of a camera like the these are sort of a cascading list of decisions that this could affect. However, someone else might say, while the smartphone has no camera is good smartphone. It's how? I would argue: it's not even a smartphone at all, because there's no camera in it and to them. The reduction in complexity, has resulted in a reduction of usability or value again. There's no objective truth here: it's dependent upon how you feel about it. But there is a general understanding that technologies can only be simplified and made more efficient and less clunky up to a point, and once you get beyond that point, you, to lose whatever it was. That makes the technology useful in the first place. Now, if we go to accidental or non essential complexity. We ve got the opposite. This described. a technologies tenant.
They do have functions or features or Elements to it that make it more complex, but at no extra value to the technology itself, which means, if you, get rid of it. Not only do not eliminate something valuable. You might actually increase the value of the technology because you ve gotten rid of some clutter. This could be software, it could be hardware like it doesn't have to be a physical technology. It could be something like a bug in software that when you eliminate it, not only does it make it less complex, but now the software works more effectively, so you've increased the the value of the software, even if you were to just argue that eliminating the bug reduces the size like the data size of the software itself, you have increased it's value right, because size is not it's
an infinite resource that we have like your machines, that run software, have a limitation on how much they can handle and if you start to reduce the demands of software by eliminating bugs that increases that softwares valley, you maybe not monetarily, but certainly from of the process standpoint. So with central complexity, reducing complexity, reduces the text value with accidental complexity. Reducing complexity increases the technologies valley, Others are related tech issue. I would like to kind of dip my toe in and mention here. That's called feature creep now. when a team, is building outer technology and then they begin to add in features that were not included in the original plan. For the tec,
You know, oh what, if we were to add neon lights or or what about we put speakers on the outside of the car feature creep happens a lot in tech space. It can again happen in hardware and in software it can also get to a point where it will doom a project or the very least, delay it for ages and potentially mean that you end up with something there is less valuable but cause of all that feature. Crete, which ties into another fundamental principle that simplicity ble, identifies where they see worse is better by that they mean not that if a technology is worse, it's better than better technology, but sometimes a technology that has fewer functions but works, really well
going to be viewed as more valuable than a device that has way more functions, but is harder to use which makes sense right if you make something that is easy to use, and it does what it's supposed to do then people going to gravitate towards that more than they will technologies that might have liked a lot more bells and whistles, but they don't do anything particularly well that doesn't typically stand. The test of time will feature creep plays into both of these things. Here, both the complexity issue and the worse is better issue. Now to me the definitive example of feature creep, the one I would use if I were doing my ted talk on what feature creep is and why it's bad would be the game duke Newcomb forever has an infamous game. While I was in development, I once it published, it no longer became in four messages, kind of big a bit of a punching bag, or sometimes just completely dismissed. So if you're not familiar with the duke newcomb franchise at fault
oh, this overly macho male hero, whose based a lot on characters that arnold schwarzenegger has played or bruce campbell. In fact, it lives I have lines straight from the evil dead movies, other bruce campbell, evil dead movies when they were really campi and stuff and its first person she regained that a company called three realms originally announced in nineteen. Ninety seven I'll keep in mind when studios announce a game. It typically means that they ve already been working but for a while. So they announced it and ninety ninety seven, but the game wooden actually come out until two thousand and eleven now video games can take a long time and development, but fourteen years is atypical, although star citizen might catch up in a couple of years, if they don't have a full game released before them.
and one of the many problems that was causing allow. These delays was feature creep sea, while the tea At three d, realms was working on the game. Other companies were releasing updated game engines that supported more features, so you could build on the game engine. You are depending upon already an continue building at your game, but the fear was that when duke newcomb would release it would look dated against games were created on the more recent game insurance. So You get the head of the project to suddenly demands that the team swaps to a different game engine at a more recent one and that necessitates starting from scratch for most aspects of the game, like almost all the assets need to be re done in order to work with this new game engine, it sets the entire develop
process backed beginning, then you would have ties where the leader of the project would want capabilities that restoring to show up and other games to then be incorporated into duke newcomb, forever win them. Had not been a consideration earlier in development. So, as a result, the game was constantly going through development, then revisions and sometimes comply it restarts and by the end of it all, I think it was pretty safe to argue that the game was filled with non essential complexity and, of course, by the time it finally published under a different company at that point, because it had changed hands, it was no longer really a relevant game to the sensibilities of most gamers. You know the even if the gameplay had been stellar and free of things like bugs and other issues,
the tone of the game, no hunger fit. What people want it and he more because more than ten years have gone by since the game had been announced and people's tastes it game play an end. Game tone had changed in that time, so feature creep really was a huge problem for that game. Well, here's another concept that symbolical includes as a fundamental principle of technology. The creativity of constraints, this one really speaks to me. Basically, this idea says it is much easier to be creative and innovative when you're working within some form of constraint, because constraints dr decision, and if you are without constraint, you have no limiting factors that make it necessary to decide to go one way versus another.
Any decision you make appears to be as valid and viable as any other decision you could make, because there's nothing pushing back against you, and that can mean you just end up spending your wheels alot and you dont really make any progress constraints it can be pretty much. Anything up. Budget is probably the big one right, usually you're, working within some sort of budget. That means, at least in theory, you can't make decisions that would require more money than the budget allows. Obviously, lots of projects go over budget, but the budget is meant to serve as that constraint. A deadline is another constraint you might face.
You have to finish your task by some appointed time, but there can be lots of other types of constraints, even in tech, that some of them could be technological constraints like it's just physically, not possible. For you to go beyond a certain level of performance because of the limitations of technology, there can be material constraints may be yo. You can't go further in any particular direction, because the materials that you can use have their own physical limitations and if you were to try and beyond that, you would break the device or whatever it might be. You can have social constraints, maybe the things that are not socially acceptable that you back away from where the decisions as you're making this technology that can be legal concerns.
It's may be. There are regulations or laws that mean that you can't do certain things, and that means you have to come up with creative solutions to get your technology to work properly, while still being within that legal framework. So, with constraints you end up saying, I need to who acts? That's my goal, but meanwhile a b and c are all in my way. So how a achieve my goal and you, start problem solving and I'm solving shapes, not just how you get around those challenges, though, that problems They actually shapes the in product itself. The thing you make in part is a reflection of the constraints that you encountered while you were making it, but if you dont have constraints, then You don't have those guidelines right, you don't have anything to push again no hard edges that you're gonna bump up against and have to work around and honestly that can stifle creativity.
that particular concept really rings out to me, because I've encountered it myself when I've played certain types of video games. Right like there are big open world video games, that are exploration based and there is very little direction and that can feel too vast, like I feel like I'm not really doing anything, then there smaller, more modest games that might be much more directed or have very defined. all that you need to achieve, and those really resonate with me, because I feel like I'm making progress as I play it, others to say the big open world games with very little direction or bad there, not bad and the people who love them are not bad people they're, not wrong for loving them. It's just some that fundamentally doesn't work with the way my brain works, and so for me, though, strange really are important because they provide structure and with that structure I can then,
if I'm doing well or not well without structure, I don't know that and I start tumbling into an existential crisis and you all, heard enough episodes they show. You know nobody wants that. Ok, we're gonna, come back in at the moment, and talk about one other principle that symbolical identifies keeping him and they have others than the ones I have just mentioned, and wolf will finish off this episode from there. But first, let's take another quick break to thank our sponsors. Eight shower should be hard and with paychecks it's not paychecks is a single integrated platform for pay will benefit and insurance. It helps you find in high the best people getting paid and provide them with the best possible the time it plans. Paychecks, gives you powerful tools and a team of each other professionals an comprise experts to support you so whether you have to employees or two thousand women.
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we're allergic reaction to the vaccine or it's ingredients. Adults with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. Side effects include pain and swelling at the injection site, fatigue, headache, muscle and joint pain for folders driving information. Please call one a five five to one three, two one three eight or visit prisoner twenty dot com is. This is jason alexander for visible wireless, though you may associated with a few important phrases like yadda, yadda, yadda, meaning the details. I don't know some people might think too just gloss over that. But not me. When I saw a wireless company recently say they didn't have any of that yada yada stuff didn't have any details. I had a feeling something was off because there's only details any matter, and you deserve to know what your signing up for yadda yadda. That's. Why I'm in a pot gas that for a different wireless company, visible on the
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let's create dies. I mentioned at the top this episode, huh just kind of serving around the web, which dates me rights using terminology like that. That's fine, I'm an old man. I get it and found this simplistic blog, which had never seen before and I started reading this article about the different fundamental principles of technology, and this one also really stood out to me because I think it's one we can easily contextual eyes right now, based upon things that are playing out at this very moment, and that is the principle of cultural lag and again. This is these: are things that surround technology and technological development right we're not talking about the actual things that make the technology work. So what is cultural lack? Let's bring much what sounds like its essentially when technology out paces society in some way now text
energy or the things that the technology introduces like the possibilities. The technology creates, once that society lacks the facility to handle, so but argue right now we're really seeing this would generative ay. I and then artificial belgium in general can keep a mind generative ay. I is one application of artificial intelligence generative ai is a type of ai, but not all ai is generative. Ai right all cats are mammals. Banal mammals are cats, so generative aim has something applications that society is just not prepared to handle everything from copyright infringement to plagiarism, to the capacity to generate and disseminate misinformation, all of these are issues with generative ay I that we just don't have the ability to handle or even being able,
to differentiate between something that was created by generative ay I versus something that was created by a person were not really able to handle that either again. Artificial intelligence in general also falls into the category of a technology that we have in our cultural lag associated with it. So often I talk about this within the context of law. desolation, as various politicians and leaders around the world struggle with the challenges created by technological innovation, and how can they take advantage of that innovation. How can they try not to stifle innovation but at the same time, how can they protect the people and institutions of a country from harm based upon what this technology, innovation can do and were even still sing it here in the united states. With regard to like basic principles of what the
internet in general, and the web in particular allow right I mean that's why we get arguments about stuff like section two thirty here It states there's a cultural lag that is significant because keep in mind action to thirty section. Two, thirty is what protects online platforms being held liable for the content that users post to those platforms right like if you were solely responsible for the content. The goes up on a website all the content, because on the website comes from you and you start posting stuff. That's illegal! Well, logic dictates you should be able to be held accountable for hosting illegal material. You you posted it. You created it. You posted it you're the one responsible But if, instead, you create a website that allows anyone to posts there and some other person you ve, never heard of you dont know them, you ve never met them. they come to your website. They post something illegal wilson,
into thirty would protect you from being held accountable for the thing that this other person did. You provided the space, but you didn't create the content, an section two thirty itself is got some limitations, you're supposed to at least put forth reasonable effort to remove illegal material, or else you can lose the protection of section two thirty. Anyway. All of this was worked out as part of the communications decency act of nineteen. Ninety six that the year by for three realms announced the development of duke newcomb forever so It was ninety ninety, six and second to thirty was was first written into law and we're still stood going with it today. You still have people on their side of the political ideologies who want to
either eliminate section two thirty or to amend it significantly for very different ideological reasons, but there's this agreement that on both sides that it's not what they want and that shows a cultural lag. That's really significant. I we tried to to acknowledge it back and ninety six, an l, more than a decade later more than a decade and a half later were still trying to grapple with it. That's a significant cultural lag Now there are several other topics that simplicity lists as foundational principles of technology sure that I agree with that classification in every case, I think they are are things that relate to technology and are to varying degrees important? I dont know if I would call them fundamental principles. How however, I think all of the ideas are well worth discussing and.
likely do another episode on this in the future, because I find it really interesting to to think about these concepts and observations and how do they interact with our approach to technology and their tonnes more that they less so well we'll get to those in another episode, if you'd like to read up on them by the way and just to see what simplicity ball, lists as fundamental principles of technology as well as all the other stuff. That's on some clickable, the! U r l is just simply kable dot com. That's s! I m p l, I c a b l e dot com. Now full disclosure. I do not have any connection to that site. I didn't know it existed before today. I dont know anyone who writes for it. I just stumbled across it by chance and thought that the pages about these fell
National principles of technology were really interesting and there's tonnes more on the site as well. So if you're so inclined, you should check it out. I am very thankful that I came across because it gave me a lot to think about and, as I said, I don't agree with all the conclusions made by simplicity, but I think it ends up being kind of. Find details that are arguably you know subjective, so it could just be because my point of view is slightly different, but it ultimately may mean that we're both arguing the same thing, we're just doing it in slightly different terms. So again, no slight on simply cabal. I think the goal is is really an ideal one. They want to produce informative, straightforward and objective information to help educate people, which I think is a great thing to do. Certainly
a strive to do some other things, but not all of them at least not all the time or I will that set for this episode, like I said I'll, do another one coming up. Oh I've got a lot of travel coming up in the near future, where I'll be recording, remotely gonna really exciting opportunity to record a wrote, an interview in s studio, that's in LAS vegas, which I will be doing pretty soon. So beyond the look out or listen out for those we ve got some more that's a smart talks with ibm that are going to publish in the near future in this feed, and also an episode of the restless ones, they show that I host the. Where I talk with various sir chief, officers usually see ios or c t o's of companies to kind of get insight into air leadership process and their approach to technology. I have one of those episodes publish in this feed in the not too distant future as well.
Since you can hear my other work besides the stuff I do here for protect stuff, I'm still the same do face no matter what, where you put me so no fear there. I want to give you the heads up on that and agenda. this month turned into at least the the back half of this month has turned into something that's far busier than I had originally anticipated when when the month started, so I wanted to just kind of give a shout out and make you all aware of what was going on. Alright, that's it I'm getting out of here. I hope you are all well and I'll talk to you again really soon. Tat stuff? I heart radio production or more. I gather from my heart radio, this, the iheartradio, app apple podcast, Where were you listen to your favorite jobs
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-16.