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What's the Deal With Poop?

2016-02-11 | 🔗

We are going to get down and dirty with all things poop in this episode: What a healthy poop looks like, how to poop your best, the history of using poop to survive in the Canadian wild and lots more interesting stuff.

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They are not paying attention with me this time for step was enough for her job totally paid attention of kill you in my dream, children alive. What a song of insane you my head all day in researching this. What stool boom waiting for governor with you stu boom, nothing, but there's more or less secure, in the whole job member a nurse in our boy. I now I can't believe I haven't government- is that investiture to Mere tied for first yeah. I can watch those spending time, even though one of them with its anything like best, inshallah, I'm sure I can watch and I assume it virtually the same movie. Yet the joke and government is it's the anniversary of the town of this very small town, and they were so. They do a stage musical about the history of the town
and the town, a sort of founded on this one guy who invented the stool, so the town still boom, and they have this big number called stole them. That's great and Nina of courses the play on the on poop. Why dude stool is a word that sticks out to you in your researching poop yeah. It is a weird word to use in its get this definite. Cause, I'm medical man to it, but at the same time it also got droopy legally quality through the maze like super appropriate stool, legislate, sounds ed sounds like this. Now that about makes coming out of Iraq them stool, he felt and everyone who is just turned off by that better skip this episode because we're tired and if you can't let go hide and under your bed and app-
and you don't do it- you can handle the poop yeah like that and famous line movie record. Yeah I mean we're going the warning, surely, Not yet it sit down with your lunch and click on whatever you title this when it's gonna be poop is gonna, be in the title: what's the deal with poop there? So just you know we can talk about poop and what it looks like it smells like and what it should look in smell like and qualities in properties of its consistency. It's gonna be medically disgusting. We're gonna need drowning in poop, This episode get stool, but it's important because you can learn a lot from your poop yeah and you should not ignore your poop. You should dumb, maybe not every time, but you should check on your poop and look at it. There's a couple of things regarding that, because there definitely is recommended we use them in part, a murky cola, article yeah, I'm dumb
there is a lot of encouragement to stop and and look at your put before you flush now the roses stop and take with them is another. As is right. This is sort of like that, but a spook but hold your breath now you should smell it. I guess you should a little, but I think it's more. If you hold your breath and can still smell it, then there is the problem, but there's also such a thing, I think, is paying too much attention here, poop they get to researching? This is like a man and it might just letting go. Is this to heart? Is the straining like? What's the problem here like I feel like I'm freaking out of it? So I think there's a certain there's, a certain something to be said about just Chillun out about you per year, keeping an eye on it, went through our because if I learned one thing from researching this is that, if suddenly Europe start following out of its normal patterns. Whatever that may be, the USA starts like falling out of your ear. Hey! That's a big from earth like South Park. Remember they,
go their mouths yet there by the way there is such a thing as fecal vomiting, ok! Well, let's just get to that right now, what is it you're so impacted compacted it? which you would be impacted as well. Your purpose so backed up in your calling that you actually regurgitate back up, but it does not come up. Looking like a stool, it doesn't matter, it's not like your ear. I mean it's so girl, some so still, but it looks like you're at the other end ye I mean it's, it's it's digestive fluids that are behind the poop, mainly so it's not like. Can I say to her If you want, I find an unpleasant word, but I'm people that all is not like a store comes out of your heavily. You can see the key word if you like, so really or is it just not vomiting, then because it's directly related to the backup of theses, I gotcha
there's one. There were hanging. I just see they're gone now, assume Chuck Injurie yep. So anyway, if you, if you, if you're poop, suddenly takes it, turn it stays that way for a little while here then it's time to really start paying attention. You may recall a doctor. We look into the whole thing, but don't ever think you're proved too much to keep an eye on it. Yeah and endless, like you said there is a tremendous amount to be learned from your group has re effect into doesnt fourteen some archaeologists in Denmark in a dense Denmark, which were HANS Christian Andersen from discovered a latrine buried latrine of barrels in barrels, embarrassed of seven hundred year old, danish poop yeah from the town, and dried up- and you know, was still smelled while here and there is, as a matter of fact, because of that they were able to really start.
In this. Quite literally, yes and fine, you know lot out about their diet about the the evolution of human gut microbial yeah, which we're gonna get into the end. There is a lot you can tell from it too You'll have to go digging, run Denmark to learn about your own poop. You just have to look through the toil so to know where to look for it so I understand what this, what a healthy poop sooner yeah. Well, it's just kidding, stands out of the way the average and Jane produces about ten thousand pounds of poop in a lifetime. Five tundra yeah did you find the only place? I could find a super facts, and in this article, that this, the article that you said I thought was pretty reputable. Ok, I too, but I couldn't find it anywhere else, except reflex. Well, how about this will discover that with few people say that you pretty ten thousand pounds in lifetime five tonnes
five tonnes and group has made a false made of about seventy two. Seventy five percent water right fibre, undigested foods, water, said water, fats cholesterol, salt, phosphates, thoroughly, waste dead, and my bacteria about? Thirty percent? Is dead bacteria right so that you know it's nasty, it's a lot about you nasty step. Is the life stuff that you're shedding, because it's not supposed to be in their dinner, who comes in many sizes and shapes and colors, and we're gonna get into those in more detail. So there's is awesome or something called the Bristol stool scale, and it is an illustrated guide to what healthy poop looks like in its type one through seven type. One looks like little dear proofs other there
characterized as separate hard lumps like nuts and then inferences hard to pass, and they ve been appearances again, you know remained tattoo sausage shaped, but lumpy What sort of like a baby roof a baby Ruth, which is why I think that you set in the movie Caddy Shack. Type three and take three four and five as yet, no one in the sweet spot. Yet it the good range of where you want to be an apparently forest is the best proof of all documents. Cola caused the holy GRAIL or the type three is like a sausage as well, but with the cracks on the surface. So I guess the sausage is not very well made. You know it's a rustic sausage type forest, sir. It's a smooth, consistent surface, think a snake between one and two inches in diameter of the eighteen inches long. I hear that in my headphones health, a big
yeah, and I also read that literally the perfect stool is the perfect, two is a number for Anne S. Shaped number for you. The reason why its shape that ways, because its developed into their shape in your untested right, yeah and my brother, my amazing, I'm sure it makes a cash register said he to us in me pictures of his poops, because he was very famous for his long boobs happier. Yes, it was how some of those we can make a gallery while I'll have the ammunition before Digital Zachary. He would take a photo, get a developed in mail it to me, while in college and sky, in one of them was a beautiful perfectly shaped s and he was like look. I put my initial and dumb,
but now I know- and I can tell him if he doesn't less than this one- that dude you had the whole week. The unicorn approves the Holy GRAIL, the Long S eating it s two inch diameter perfectly consistent, see what was tapered about themselves gorgeous and the color also is very important. I just tittering like a child, I hear the light Color is really what you're looking for. I think most people understand proves possible like and the reason it has that light brown color is from Villa Rubens way. When Paul ruins from Paul Rubens, Paul Billy rooted in the winter. But it's a pigment that comes from the breakdown of red blood cells in the liver, so a break down some Billy ruins. That's a major programme will talk about color more than a minute, but I couldn't wait. Tat five you're still
pretty good zone. If you, if you have soft blobs with clear cut edges, tell em cause to be like. I can do better than this. If it breaks apart on impact you like I can do about, it
and I can tell you exactly really do better will get to fire me sorry type six. This is when you're heading toward them. Bad news, fluffy pieces approve with ragged edges and mushy major hung over quite possibly a number seven. Finally, watery entirely liquid no solid whatsoever, a check on antibiotics, which I call pupils which have said before in the show visa and by the way, the Bristol scale I we should give props to Doktor Stephen Louis in Doktor, King Heaton of the University Bristol go fighting stools yeah. Ninety ninety seven was when they first published that thing. I love that any can find those each seamen, doctors, offices, certain kinds of doctors- sure
My house you haven't is: it is right in front of the toilet. It was said that Unita so Jackie, said fibre was a big deal. We're gonna talk about if I were a little low more later on. But if you do have stool, that is not sticking together in its really it's really. You can't get past it. All you do is a pure intake of fibre there's two kinds of fibre: there's soluble fibre It actually is absorbed in its true about slows down your poop yeah process, allows more nutrients to be absorbed from food. Good stuff, then, is in, viable fireworks is what most people think alike, fibre, greens and things like that that actually isn't digested by you. It actually become
food for the got back to your later on down the down a road which is great vigorously wanna keep them alive. It also has the added benefit of balking your pop up in acting like a sort of glue. Keep your poop together that one long perfectly smooth eighteen inch, two inch diameter as shaped snake, if it is softer but not complete, diarrhoea like software by scream it maybe like those in tolerance, which is something I suffer from a really yet little bit nine terribly, but you love ice cream yeah. I mean it only really hits me hard if I have like a lot of lactose in single meal like I have a lot of cheese fight like a cheese pizza and top it off with an ice cream Sunday. Ah the spanish yeah. So I just don't do that or I do, and I know what
but it is, can help myself or if you use artificial sweeteners that can cause your schools to be loser the normal or, if you have some sort of gloom, gluten, intolerance or silly act that can hurt. You make your publisher as well to an wreck. Kinds of things in your body, we need to do it on artificial sweeteners. Man, yet we should probably maybe revisit gluten enemy did down without a while ago. Gets done is a dancer I ve ever done my cousin towards something. So now, really, I'm surprised me than milk there's a lot of cool stuff with that like
the others different kinds of milk, depending on where you are in the world, and I think that that has to do with lactose intolerance is like Taipei or take be milk yeah, it's pretty interesting stuff here. Did you know the skin milk has an additional like chemical additive, has a lot to high Fritos corn serpent yeah, because when you take that's the whole secret to low fat is why low fats have made everybody Tubby gave her one diabetes. Is we take fat our stuff? There goes the taste to say yes to bring some face back with high frequency corn serve. That has nothing to do with the fact tat. It just gives us in favour, but it also is sugar added sugar, the others also some other. That you need Ives. I don't drink a tiny milk anymore, but it had started drinking whole milk again in it is so delicious. What is it doing to you if you like, doesnt tolerate? How did you reintroduce milk in your diet? Now that's a thing like I can drink a glass of milk or eatable a serial or something it doesn't wreck me or anything like it has to be
lots of people followed by a Sunday yeah just too much. You know, and a glass of milk is into much ok, I'm lactose, I think semi intolerant or, if you're an optimist in the glass milk is have for your lactose semi, tolerant. Yet there you will call you that, I will just take a break here. You read my mind was gather ourselves and now we're gonna come back and talk a little bit about the difference between healthy and unhealthy rules, New year's resolutions are very very difficult to keep get me.
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or go to the post office again, or a judge. You wanna talk. What a good healthy still looks like you're him by proxy and unhealthy stores were so we go back and forth now. I think we should go healthy, unhealthy. Ok, that's how I think would be best There you go with her, I'm great with so healthy store. What you already said, medium to light Brown is pretty good. Different colors can mean different things, sometimes not a big deal. I could eat beats the night before approving red, don't fret and think I have internal bleeding
just the beats they have you seen that port land here or there like the name on one dispatchers but ill fated. Did you have beaten the persons? I guess it like it's a bit like it's always the beats year. Everybody does. I just go boom, it's in a car wreck. It he's like. I need some help in he's, like I'm covered in red stuff than there, like its beat him as I did run into a beach there. That's for the event they hang up on amazing. I still need help as a great one. They would see that or you know like come. I know from experience too much red wine believe it or not can cause like black poop. We sure will distressing You have black tare poop from what I read. You wear it like literally sticky, you probably in it. This is something you ve thirty notice about your poop, probably
or it could mean that you're bleeding internally right and it's not good, that's good! Now I must go back to healthy stores. That is where we need him to light Brown softened, smooth and a lot of pieces likely mention that a shapers just amazing, if you can do this regularly easy people are counting your bathroom. Don't don't let out all the time you know said, a participant ribbon really want to save The right one and listen up too, because here something I didn't know how the pupils, the toilet, whether floats or not- and this is a thing so It says here the slightest little gentle whoosh, not a big cannonball splash. Like I know, limping diver going into a poor. Oh, are you alone over well executed dive right, not one where they learn a little too far noon? I go like this that yeah yeah, maybe socio stew,
And then I think the floating deal if it floats it may be that your eating too much fat, I, which means, could be cited absorption were yegg could mean that you're eating a normal amount of fat, but your bodies not absorbing it right that could be adopted, the issue of the early actings here, the pancreas pancreas Titus, you can be supplied. Again, if you'd like becoming evident yet there's a lot of stuff. A lot of information can glean from your group here and if voters are finding cute because you can pokemon play with them, but you really want a thinker yeah. They still have that better. Stick. I got you for Christmas. The poking stick, oh yeah yeah. I thought those back scratching poker year for floaters
I can use for both. We were eight right now. Oh boy, aright, unhealthy poop did within a chevy. Ribbon Liker Pencil, like that's, not good. That can be bad news. That can mean you have some sort of destruction. Maybe a tumor, better, matching things together, and again once in awhile something happens like this. You don't need colonized online by just keep an eye on. This is just the beats that they ve been telling you re right. You covered, a blackened tare bright red is also not a good sign. No could be medication. Apparently black licorice can cause blackened Tory Boop yeah. It's you. If you're eating bike licorice, though your gross person- and you should stop that allocating
stuff like liquors grass or any like a red vines into his lawyers, are, you know, like any licorice, ran Russia's great well, Emily loves, which is the superior one twister's. I think it's the translation, I love- may think red lines are there's. A lot of people are now. Finally twizel. I think it was Lord. It was her head, ok get for her, but I'm just I'd, never gotten it. I don't get it gummy bears and stuff. They just don't like those losers, like a totally different thing, didn't in the texture kind. The same! No, no, not really! Now like anyone Shui, I guess, but yet now really not, then you should try, I'm. You should also try licorice and gummy various next to each other, so you can sets out. The difference. Costs do not invade while point is that, unlike either one rather so white pale or grey stools,
oh good may mean you have a lack of bile or a variety of diseases from cirrhosis to Hepatitis, yet you wanna be producing bile, yes If you have white still could also mean that somebody slipped through a little barium sulphate and giving an x ray. Ah, ok. So if you ve drank barium self sulphate recently- and you have white book coming out cause for alarm, though, probably tell you that when they give, you heard her but just in case here, somebody guy, a lousy medical provider were here to help you a yellows, no good right, Zyobor Syndrome, which means that you're on your livers, not processing the Villa Rubens, so they're not breaking down and turning your poor ground, their passing through intact, right in dying or poop, yellow Jill bear her.
Gilbert. Now I love it, thank goodness so for the Mayo Planet Jill, their yellow still can also be Georgi. Error prompted your gallbladder and the mucous chuck. So if you look closely at year, poop, especially if you open it up with your poking stick, you're gonna find that there's some just associated with it. Yeah a small amount of mucus is totally normal. You're intestines actually produce mucus, coat, you're calling so it helps move the stool through yeah right so of course, you're gonna be coded another mucus. If you notice that all the sudden it looks like some not at all over your poop, and this is a development there is cause for concern,
because there are conditions where you can overproduce mucus near and can be a problem, the oder. Here's! What to look for all your purpose, gonna snake somewhat, because Boop bacteria chew on undigested food and produce gases is by product. Creates the Snickey groups now that's right, but apparently if it is really bad and they clarify quantify, this is over above and beyond the normal, slinky poop smell right. If you could make a billygoat, puke Green S, first blood reference point It could be some other issues it play. If it's really that bad mal absorption again Syriac grown the chronic bronchitis cystic fibrosis, and you know I guess it's objective. I think the key
in all this it I've read, is look for big changes right, but the key yeah. If your purpose, nor it is pretty stinky and then all of a sudden you are revolting yourself. Then you can have something else corner or if your pet bill going to throw up every every time you go. That's it that's a big change to and again you yourself, you have your own pooping you have your improving thing in a lot of people, wonder how often are used for the poor and apparently it a very wide range anywhere from times a week to three times a day. That's me! So I think the watches out which one but three times a day looking Yeah, I don't. I don't have an oral amendment and if you said three times a week, maybe normal to yeah. I've never had issues with that getting backed up and had emerald, which, thank goodness terrible. You know at the well never mind
reveal too much about my family, all that wash out you about once a day on average, but that's kind of a young. The third is a terrible thing, the average out, because it makes people think why do three times a day I do through temporary, so really anywhere between there is normal. Yet, different things can cause you to get backed up if your travelling alot, sometimes It happened to me, but I've seen it before and vacations. When you know the beloved family members have trouble pooping, while they travelled, whether that's from being an indifferent in outline the poop and like a public restroom. That's fine. To just changes in your diet, but here travel, alien rhythm, because jet lasher absolutely higher hormonal fluctuations, yeah, I'm asleep you're getting what else classic obviously right arm
All those things can out of an apparently age has a lot to do that as well. If you are sixty five and over so they like forty percent of people over sixty five have some sort of constipation. It's part of growing all they think which sucks, because if you can go three times a day and you then, why are you do airline here, then, if you are over sixty five constipated sure there's a lot of problems with constipation, initially there's just the problem. Straining when you go, there is not find there, not feeling like you- have fully eliminated everything that needs to go fairly. You can feel sluggish after you go. I really weird there's their dedication syncope pathetic correctly, this time right and then there's larger, larger problems like after a while
Oh you're, you're digestive system is ok to hold about a week's worth of food at one time. If it needs to hear what you guys can hear what you go beyond that or fuck. You are eliminating but not eliminating everything. It serves to build up and you're constipated. You can have an impact in colon and then the real joy begins and by joy you mean paying yeah they arm. They will go in with a mineral oil. Animated start, doesn't work. They may go in and manually break up your poop, which is exactly what it sounds like. Thank you for demonstrating that, with your hand, your very welcome and then, if that is They may surgically remove the poop from your ear digestive says man. It's not good. Now hope that sad we're gonna talk about some ways to help yourself poop. If you're one of those people who poops less than you'd like to or you find yourself constipated alot we're gonna help you
right after this alright it take out between eighteen, Seventy two hours for your food to become hoop. I am free to pass it in general. And if that shortened, that's when you're gonna get the diarrhoea, because that means you're intestines hasn't didn't have no time to absorb the water to make that poop more
yeah. We talked a lot about that. In the end, the digestive system, observers was great year. We did want fecal transplants yet, but we haven't still, in my opinion, focused enough and just the poop, which is why we're doing us. Thank you. We need improved spotlight and then constipation is the opposite. That is when too much water has been observed, and that's that those hard hard stools and hard to pass tools that can lead to a two hemorrhoids it can so hemorrhoids is Result of swollen veins in your innocent wreck them not awesome at all. Now I had a bad once it's no fun, so any can be very painful here in it makes you not want to go because you have the strain. It's like a vicious circle right. You like you, have the strain, but it hurt the stranger, because it is a major hemorrhoids worse and then you don't
go at all, so you avoid going, which is a cardinal sin, is staying regular goes there. When you get the urge to go, you go yeah, don't hold it doesn't matter feared. Stop or at the queen of England House. You got at Berlin loved group. There is always the hemorrhage will eventually clear up with treatment, especially by its it's a bit of part of the problem with being constipated. Is you can very easily here. The key is really tried and not strain, even though you really want to get the poop out. You're just gonna make it worse. It is easier, said than done to run here. What do you do if you are constipated or you don't poop as often as you'd like to what some of the figures for the world don't advise you to run out and start using laxative immediately know that sort of a last resort home remedy, which is crazy.
His laxative are marketed in a way that makes it seem like your job. You take an accident fine, I did actually there for their supposed to be a last resort. Option like a nuclear option, basically because, while they they train you're the most in your intestines. They rely on them and basically get week and you need to keep those things. Strong is more chips. You eat whole food, we're talkin, fresh vetches, fresh fruits, fiber is, I mean you should have, I think, an adult. I think they recommend now between twenty five and thirty five grams of fibre per day yeah, but we're getting like ten year and mere cola suggest fifty grams of fibre per thousand calories. We consume day out, while the law that guy's gonna call and blow fever. There's like commercial yeah, that's a classic!
So the fibre you want should come from not greens but from vegetables likely in those artificial sweeteners too much sugar? It s g too much caffeine in too much processed food beckoned all wreak havoc on your sis, and this is all just good for just health in digestive health in General Zack. What did you say exercise not yet that's a big one. Beer exercise get things moving. It also. Usually, when you exercise one, I think you're doing is working on your core, whether you mean to you're under the centre of all of the rest of the muscles you're moving when you're working on your core you're inadvertently strengthening those intestinal muscles that hope that choreograph dance Moving your food in the year poop and along and out of your picture, is what it's called staying hydrated if you're not drinkin enough water that you do
favours in every department, if you are addicted to painkillers, one of the awful side effects aside from being addicted to a drug. Is you have a real hard time, pooping yeah, because it relaxes those muscles too near they need help, they should do their they're out there. Weren't sunglasses laying on a ship sounds like during the afternoon, like the rest of your body when you're on those things and then look at the hour suck a little bit about the toilet. This the shape of the modern toilet by the weight Stricklin, and I did a tech, stuff and toilet that was really fast and are really here yeah. It's it's counter intuitive too. How your body should be position,
The pope, you should not. We did not evolve to poop sitting at a nanny degree angle. Now, as if on a chair now, I've said it before on the show. When I go camping, you got in the woods, you know you walk a little bit away from we're. Friends are those three four feet: they see forfeit. He's got down and that's the most natural way. The poop near its effortless, it comes right out there you don't even think about pushing restraining, adjust. It lit a believe what it does. Then it straighten out the pathway. Third relaxes your pupil wreck, talus muscle which yet which straightens out you're you're calling which basically says stool, release right there on the leaves its wonderful it well. Do you remember when we are talking about India is the dedication problem like outdoor desiccation, Puglia
an internet round of years back and they were saying one of the big things they running up against the people live in rural areas say this is one of the benefits of wholesome rural living. Skin poop outside man get off my back. I can understand that. From yes, there are things you can add to your toilets now little to raise your feet: stools yeah, ironically, footstool, not to buzz market, much, but another squatty body is something that in its neatly in running her toilet and they it just gets you more and that swatted position, then you are normally on your toilet cease to be the domain of strictly the whole earth catalogue. They like every year, find those things that Tibet in Vienna yeah. I think people are catch on its better, a better way to boot. Yes, you can
use your toilet young squire, adjust it. Does these squatting for you by lifting up your legs year cycle given birth? Basically, I'd still no substitution for actually squatting right right on the ground, which you I mean in Japan. They have toilets debtor made for squatting exclusively. Oh, it's it's like a hole in the four it's kind of like. If it's a lot like a urinal, ok on the ground, interesting air? So it's not it's not vertically oriented its horizontally oriented, but it looks just like a year. So when you gotta like of old city park in the year and all his fallen off under the ground, and he squatting proven that eager to paint it's the same thing, it's a kind of like that. Imagine that, but the cleanest experience you could ever imagined. Even in their squatting, toilets are clean in Japan. I believe it snuff
and here's a little chap if you want to avoid hemorrhoids or if you just want to live a cleaner, more sanitary life get a day. I know I'd, about it. When I installed my little unit licking either everyday well, you can attach into your Regular toilet now, yes dislike, it was like a tv, something off your words. Yeah! It's it's under your toilet, see it in its spring loaded. So he turned the water on this little nozzle pops out the she's right up your back right up your bike and uh, I've long campaigned against toilet paper and now the baby, it's even more apparent it's just. It makes no sense to me that you have a baby and you're like well. Yeah use, wet wipes cause, that's how you should clean poop and then you get to certain major like I was discovered dry paper now like forget the superior wet method.
The thing is it just doesn't make any sense. Why would you move to dry wipe theses from your but with a dry piece of paper? I understand what you say is nonsense. But our sewerage systems in the United States are not set up to accept wet wife's. What that's? Why have the day? Ok, no wipes dab, dab, dry yeah with a couple of squares, but I'm telling you it'll change your life. It's amazing, I'm feeling the people with the days are gonna, be the first with their backs up against the wall when, like resource conflict, break out of reward throughout the world will be like doing what, with that water use, toilet paper, wilder they're, gonna say: if that happens, our and it's not it's gonna worry it'll turn it off, but you'll be crying setting a two year by which they see you in a hundred and fifty years, What else we got Merv pretty far off the microbes I am. We should talk about that and we did a great progress
Microbe, if we do say ourselves so was again and what they have found is that, the modern diet. Where not eating nearly as much fibres you should and earning more processed foods is not only does impacting your short term, a digestive degrading, your short term, digestive health, Its affecting your microbe, I'm, which you know if you listen, will could also affect your children and your children and yet there was another good one. I can your grandfather's diet short in your life, so fibre is great. It's hard to suggest it, so it doesn't breakdown fully in this. What you want when it's going through your colon, because, like you said earlier, that the bacteria feeds on that- and you want to keep that bacteria alive,
This is great for you. This is a mental floss article that we're working off a right, and so they are talking about a study from Stanford that found that they can. They created my sweater, our microbe free which is beyond bizarre and understand how they stay alive for even a second near. But then they fed these. These two populations of mice, both Microbe Free hi fibre diet and the same diet with low fibre. Fiber, I think- and they found that the with the microbes in the mice that had a high fibre diet there, like three times more diversity in their micro biome than what the Mice developed yeah, I think you dimension, they were microbe free and then they put human. Oh, I grow.
And there are other ways of human. So then, the Human Micro Biome was reduced by seventy five percent in the mice, with the low fibre diet that with and if aid, if they choose that diet after a number of weeks, it could partially recover, but only partially can never fully recover yeah. So the answer they did they put, transplants, are a viable way of taking microbial colony, easier and, unlike diverse microbial com, from a healthy person and putting them in an unhealthy per year and fully recovering right, and then you can give it all back. But the point of this was: is there like? Our diet is largely based on a almost a fiber free model, like we very little of fruits and vegetables, and apparently were supposed to be eating, something like ten to twenty cups of of fruits and vegetables of high fibre foods a day ten to twenty cops one's life,
you're twenty cups of fruit, vegetables and a day, never so right in exactly and then the even than the others of the bad type of fires, every give from grains, the greens, were eating, have most the fibre remove visa leeched flower like virtually no fiber in it, so well getting out of fibre and is becoming increasingly apparent that now We need it. So we can put better. Are micro biomes needed, so they can make us better serotonin higher quality. Serotonin is what you're looking for here. There's a big push for against white foods. White flour. Just you know that apparently most white things. Why rice sugar, not great for you, you wanted to cover some these weapons. I really mainly responded to talk about the guy in Northern Canada O the annual yeah alright well too quickly. This is from vice, and there was
a list of history, brown death, calling a history of poop as a weapon, and they list out some times throughout history. Where people of like put by the end of their arrows or litter. We launched troops in like a poop exploding, put bomb here to make people sick, yeah an infected Boop, the soviet era method of getting rid of poop in it Basically, you know when you were thinking you're going along. You gotta poop, so they said well, it is turning into a weapon. Put in the arts of regional here and watch it out, but this that in any man who lived in the nineteen fifties. Apparently he appeared in a TED talk by weight, Davis and use the guy who did the serpent
in both ok, I need the name in Gaza, the maize, and yet he said that this guy was basically left by some Canadians to starve to death in the Arctic pay right handed. Apparently, the nineteen fifties Canada Force in Europe people and to somewhat camps way in the high arctic zone, and it was basically like couple of dogs. Good luck die right now that the EU and other was like I'm gonna survivors. Why not my first rodya, because I'm going to do you know how it super called outside? I'm gonna go time poop and, as my poop freezes, I'm in a fashion it into a knife in your face, is gonna, be read, chasm and he's a neck to kill one of these dogs and use it. For me,
yeah that that part may be said, of course, but it was for survival, and I think we didn't mention that they took all of his tools away from him. So he didn't have the knife, but he just has himself is put in the two dark guest until he fastened his and put knife frozen Putin. I fear and he butchered one of the guys used for food for him and the other dog and basically turn their dog into a sled use the other day to pull said sled. Hi tail, they down the scene in town waiting for the end when he like then stabbed members of Canada's government with the regular fruit. Now that didn't happen, no, he didn't have any sour grapes. He said it is when it is on this that I got out and frozen poop knife is not a good man named note, and I feel bad for saying this, because I love these guys, but there is a ban called die
your planet, that that are great. What are they following? Oh, is this a wall of guitar that got like four guitar players and it's really good, but it's the worst name ever and I dont know why someone hasn't said guys. Do yourself, a favor like you're, not helping ourselves here in your career right by killing yourself diarrhoea planet that this, if you're listening, guys change the frozen Putin High, and, thank me later, I want to say before we sign off anything else, nope I want to say I want to hear your euphemisms for poop for pumping alike drop in. It is yes. Like that very clever ones, that I am her before love to hear him yeah of I sought take a dump was weird: it's terrible are leaving a dump. You haven't even so this growth through what he said,
As you say, I'm going to evacuate my boss, you ve heard me say that before I think I have actually here I'm very medical well, you're, sending us those go ahead and go on over too has to force that common type in poop in the search bar and it'll bring up some close, their eyes insisted book it's time, this movement, call. This sum will reveal the judge picked up hey, guys, very listen you a couple years ago, since in a blow through almost every episode reasons they almost because it and keep track of which episode they listen to beginning so constantly have to go through all the old upsets you figure out, which ones are already heard, I hadn't the reason I mention this because I noticed something away. The hearings, keeping track. Basically- and he said I something curious start listening to only new episodes, almost exactly the next day
After an issue. I notice that whatever topic you covered has made its way to me in some other form. I usually this comes in the form of a read it or a Mashable in gadget. Org is MOTO article. The latest such occurrences in Europe set on fire therapy. Gadget you'll, find that today there was a post talking about the subject. Article covers exactly what you two had already covered. I call this the check and Josh Effect, yeah, and I usually berate my wife about how I just listen you to talk about the subject churchmen having for quite a while, but it's always one senior articles pop up subjects. He discovered value the big influence in the inner webs. What information gets passed around up its did answered coincidence. I think a lot of his coincidence. Concern of it.
We were inspired, I took it, see you in New York City, less than your here unfortunate people about Henry best way. That day, sorry, I'm sorry to hear that dead, hope you two are plain to make. Another trip out: EAST out ease up north, what's up north out West back EAST down South Maria Back EAST backing wagons east. But if you live down so you're going easy going, you say: you're, gonna, more eager urethra end up in the ocean, and just because we don't you Jerry doesn't mean shouldn't get recognition for the work she does. Their jerry gets an application of the sea on the next year, that is TED Wheeler and read this and the food particle sought to know how this blind? You set your like personally, but you can't wait to hear tat. He disapprove article and such like. Personally, they all your boots be brown. S is Jerry waiting.
Man you wanna get says it is you can t too is that as well as key partners, you can join us on Facebook that complex that we should know you can send a city melting pot care. How support second as always doing it at home on the web server. You know that for more on this and thousands of other topics does. It has therefore accept com. I dont think America has ever gone back to the way that it was before the decent sniper. The gunman most likely is killed. Marksman fired six times ports and sixteen hours. The police say they have never had a crime quite like this. It is quite a mystery and then, as the DC sniper case, unfolded that terror boldly group, this was the most intense.
Hunt in american law enforcement, history listen to monster DC sniper, on the eye hard radioactive apple podcast. Or wherever you get your packets.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-11.