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Selects: How Dog Shows Work

2023-05-20 | 🔗

You know those shows where people wearing sensible shoes jog dogs around in circles? They actually represent the pinnacle of a long and complex path to glory for dogs and their owners. Join Chuck and Josh as they peek inside the American dog show in this classic episode.

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for this week's select. I've chosen our two thousand and twelve episode on dog shows. You know. I've always wondered what the deal is with dog shows. How do you compare a poodle to a pekinese to par for Giffin? I made that last one up regardless it turns out. There is a whole fascinating world going on beneath the surface of dog shows and if you just sit back and enjoy the same, you'll learn all about it. Welcome to stop you shouldn't! the production of iheart radio
Welcome to the podcast I'm josh clark with me, as always, is charles w chuck bryant, and that makes this step you should have the podcast indeed about dogs. My favorite topic here is one of them. What else I dunno dogs, I'm one of those people that, like dogs, more than many humans sure? So, as you know, and so you know, although dogs, shows I'm not real big on. I love watching dog shows yeah. I just have never gotten into him. I know there's criticism, there's controversy, but I don't care about that. I just kind of part watching I never get bored. It's almost like watching a fractal in savers, something it sucks me into that level of like disowned attitude. Is it point? Is it appointment, television rio
I do you make a point. Every february somethin, I think I think last year was valentine's day yet hook s early february yeah last year, when a little a pekingese one, the maliki, I think I remember seeing the dog look at that dog. It's face is smushed beyond cute. Look at that hair. So, apparently, if you want to blow up the twitter verse with angry tweets, you can talk politics now you can talk religion or you can hold the westminster dog, show and selective essential people, get pretty upset man. People went crazy last year, so like come. What, like you commenting or just in the twitter universe, people on twitter get no, I'm just a fan
I really like we did during the show, none and again, but I live, treat very infrequently it's. It's tough on the thumbs sure, but so malagasy. This little queue for your pekinese one best in show and down people were really mad. They called it m m up cousin. It heralds a reverse, mustache, wookiee snoopy. First, reason, maybe just because it rhymes with wookiee and that's what they were going for? He had just been watching jersey shore, who knows that silly, but Maliki is no slouch and it had one one in the fourteen best in show awards wow only four years old. So this thing's been mopping up the competition, oh man, it just made myself shiver yeah, but people are crazy. They they they guy said he was a fan of the dalmatian. He said I'm done with these dog shows, and I think that happens every
we're be until the next talk show exactly yeah. There's a lot of people who feel very passionately about dog shows. There's plenty of people like me who love to just zone out and watch Hampshire, and then you know, there's people who just don't know anything about him and that's what we're here for today to explain everything there is to know about how dog shows work. That's right in this will either be really interesting to you or you may just zone out like Josh does watching the westminster show. You know, though I dont think we ve ever released in an interesting episode. Maybe they have uninteresting titles, but go on in you, listen to it. It will interest you I defy you right now. Study, should know listeners who haven't listen to every single episode, so we'll call you the twenty eight percent, yet
to go out and find an episode that sound boring in the title that you ve not heard and listen to, and I guarantee you, you ll, find it interesting. It's the it's just that thing there one comes to mind: college football rankings interesting to me, but why. Our listeners are not into college football. What was it for the most part boring? Was it really not interesting? There's nothing interesting in there. I think, if you're not into sports at all, then it was probably really boring gotcha. But I won't mortal avoid that won. The guaranteed is void, but hey you're in a sports, you'll love it I think, on the other hand, if you're in sports, it was like when you guys mess this upper. You forgot this owen, hey by the way congratulation we are now an award winning podcast. We got a sticky. Is that what they're called that's? What I made up mark marron had to collar our names. He hosted the stitcher awards last night, oh really yeah. He won
himself for a best episode. Yet we were nominated for that too, for we were one that I didn't think was. I had accidentally invented Emmy that was okay, but our depicted different best episode. I think you as the sacrifice bit that really the lead us into that guy s. He sure on the toast, okay, so anyway, dogs, yeah confirmation shows not formation c, o n, f, o r r. What we're gonna talk about. For most of the show, and that is pure bred dogs competing against other pure bred dogs almost exclusively based on physical attributes. Yeah. That's the westminster dog show that you see every year, madison square garden. Yes, it's just what the dog looks like an damn, basically its appearance, its body structure and then, to a lesser extent, its owed s. Attitude
character, because that also, whether try Did you hear if you ever watched a part of this, and I love that this who wrote this one J, Mcgrath jane? I remember she wrote that have you ever been channel surfing and come across one. I feel like a lot of you. That is their entrance into the dog. Show world is their flippin at around very oh yeah, that thing where the christopher guess movie yeah marked I watch a few minutes of that and I've done that and I've always been like. I don't get it. How are they judging these other dogs against each other? It's a very good question and we're here to tell you how yeah, because you know you this little pekinese went up against things like great danes
dalmatians in dobermans and all that they can still be them all in the way it did. That is how they judge any kind of confirmation show they judge the dog by the standards of its breed and then the dog that most closely fits as idealized standards. Yeah wins these very specific registered, I'm going to say registered standards yeah. So let me give you an example. I was looking this up. There's a that is in the a k c has developed these standards from information taken from breeders that's right and the, for example, the lakeland terrier and one of the standards as its attitude and it The legal interior has come aboard gay and friendly with a confident cock of the walk attitude. So this is the kind of thing that the eight casey- to drown the spear. Basically, I love that in england. They have different standards as the mayor
in kennel club and they have a different show called cruft, c c r. U F, t s and and there's a little bit different, but we'll get to that later. Yeah we'll talk about that in a little bit for the most part where we're focused on westminster in the a k c. So in addition to attitude, yeah character traits and there's all those physical traits that the a k c m has maintain on each breed, so, for example, balance and not how well the dog stands up, although the gate is important, if you talk like falls over, that's probably a bad sign, but yeah, it's a yeah. It's not gonna win at this year and balance is what we would call symmetry for humans. It's the overall proportions of it's shape and size yeah like that. Scottish terrier is really pretty except boy. Look at those ears and the size of its but yeah you're out. Sorry, scotty, wait! Sorry, his eyes and again eyes size and shape and color
forget that one wonky I forget about it unless you're not join shepherd yet are they supposed to have one? I think they're supposed to have a blue and a brown blue and a brown everyone. I've seen has yeah. But what is the a k c say I dunno they don't care which subs like you and I think the head shape. Of course, ears. Muzzle whiskers thickness of whiskers is an important one. I really yeah, I would think that'd be an indicator you're a poor health. What with a bad whiskers thin with growth and riddle? Whiskers, I think you are you. Want nice stout whiskers like a centimeter thick each get this problem. The standard for any breed is the jake. I see. Teeth, you always see. Were them checking out the teeth. Gonna want any kind of weird scissor bite or I guess certain breeds have
the under underbite yeah, a of them. Do the brake eel cardy yeah. On jerry's dog charlie. I recently learned as a bit of a little under by this, and sometimes a lip will get hung in the little bottom. Teeth are just going to jail. it's very cute. It's very cute! You want to go over and like adjust the lip say here. You yeah, I why dogs that have like teeth sticking when she zoos yeah boxers to write boxers and pugs pekinese out of that one yeah? They all have that it's it's like brachial cardi, it's like anything with a smooshed face usually has an underbite as well. Okay The teeth are alright. We just set detail, I mean shoulders and these these dudes are feeling these judges are feeling these dogs, as well like muscle and bone like they're trying to get under the for you to judge
these things. So one of the big things your dog has to learn very early on is to let strangers fill him up yeah in all sorts of uncomfortable places. Yeah, you don't want your dog snapping at this guy when he fondled know your dog and if your dog snaps of the judge and then falls over yes just go home, it's all reflected saith, invest in Joe when the dog broke his gate, the one guy, so he might as well just taken a dump right there on the floor. Yeah yeah, Michael Mckean, said that he's awesome and then, of course, there's coat length and texture and color and very much like thoroughbred horses, there's accepted colors for each breed. Yeah, you got a dog, that's a blue and it's supposed to be a golden. Retriever you've got problems yeah. If you got a blue retriever, you have many problems, although you could probably make some money taken around the country ushering in an old timey circus, where you can't make money is by winning the westminster dog, show
good point. You would think that these these things offer like big cash prizes, but they don't. It is really about prestige and being one of those dogs show people like you, and wherein that ribbon and getting that trophy sure wearing sensible shoes, and you know, learning to walk very fast cause your gate. Matters is a human right. You know so you put all this together right and these these judges know the standards for the breeds and when they're, looking at this, these dogs are saying they're matching it up to their mental catalogue. Cherry have an and then the ones that most closely match the idealized version of the breed. Like we said whence them, and that's how you get the the little you know, Lhasa, Apso or the pekinese. They can beat out like a great dane or a german shepherd, or something like that. That's how they compare him. He
That's only been going on since I say only since nineteen o seven previous to that, and this has been going on at madison square garden, enemy, York city, since eighteen, seventy seven yeah they didn't allow him a big time, didn't have best and show at all until nineteen o seven cause. I said you know how do we codified this right and they did they figured it out in Sweden, Jane says it sounds confusing, but once I spell it out, it's simple, but it still little confusing yet took me a couple of times to figure so there's just a lot of relapse. She does a great job of explaining and it's just there's a lot to it. So you want to you, want to explain this of the westminster dog. Show, we should say, is the pinnacle. The peak in the united states dog but there's a long road ahead of it. Like we said a reality, the winter of two thousand twelve show had a hundred and fourteen best in shows under its belt, yeah and jane colored, the superbowl. I would say it's more like an all star game, if the all sorry,
im counted for something very picky. You know because it's all these all stars from the different breeds from all these shows a making. This final or the year the little league world series for dog great. It's like the chess, that's like Bobby. What's this phase issue fisher, almost he rigs and guys didn't really like Dennis story who Bobby Riggs bobby Fischer. Oh yes, said: did you ever see searching for Bobby Fischer? I did this great moment years back and then you know, of course, some that song one night in Bangkok, yeah, it's from a broadway show- and I can't remember with the broadway show- is but it was based on Bobby Fischer and his life, and I we moved asian, devolved and manage that song is about Bobby fisher, and that was we're a broadway show. As far as I know yes, and then the pop version was just re recorded by whoever that was passed. By the original poseurs hot it for the radio,
I thought one night in Bangkok was about. You would think nevermind I was going to bring it all you have to do is just in there yay who's gary glitter. That's what I was thinking yeah. I don't think so. Trouble in Bangkok, if you norman, he did, and he recently got in trouble with the whole jimmy seville. He was part of that do apparently some grass man what I dreamt that was so ok to be a champion right, visible dogging for is to be achieved. because, if you're a champion you get to add ch as a prefix. Your name yeah, like I would b c h, then chuck. If I were a champion dog yeah it'd, be to chuck to I was walk everyone through this right to be a champion. You gotta get compile a certain number of points.
and you earn these points at different dogs competitions around the country that are not the westminster show em from different judges right. You gotta get at least fifteen points from three different judge, or at least two major winds from separate judges and a major when is one where you can earn three four five points and that's when you can get the church, as a champion just for that little show that right or no for the compilation of those shows yeah wreck The the the amazon wants to help. You share joy, this holiday season and, as we all know, the holidays are all about these joyful moments. That's right! You know, I remember when I was a kid. My family got my sister one of those very first cabbage patch kids, and I mean one of the first hundred ever made even before they became a nationwide phenomenon and back then you had to drive all the way up to north georgia just to get him these days. Of course you can
just order him with a few clicks, but of course she loved it, and she still has it to this day that doll's name was chuck and that's not a brag. I mean that was the name that came with the doll, and I remember the joy that it brought us to see her reaction to that doll. How she bonded to it was like no other holiday season. You know what I'm not sure if I'll ever happened to nail it like that and be there at the right place at the right time, but a big part of the holiday spirit for me is finding ways to bring joy and happiness to the very. people. That mean the most me yup in its these types of moments that amazon helps create during the holidays. However, you share joy, make it happen with amazon. Before I can help you. Business predict, demand, accelerate growth informed decisions. Automate tasks reveal insights, generate content. You have to trust it
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What's your, why that's t e l, a d o c health dot com, slash? What's your? Why the So when you get this, sir, when you get to become a chance, and when you have, I think it's fifteen points and two major wins from separate judges. Yes, you're right- and you you get to this point. Also, like you said it's not westminster, it's these little specialty shows sure, and I don't mean little to diminish them. I'm just saying compared to western further much smaller is not only a spear and their specialty showed was on the oda I'll bet. As it is these special shows are based on specific breeds right, so you'll go to like the two hour
or the the lake terrier show right end. The the dogs are separated. Between male and female, and we can say the be word in this one, because that's what it's called as my new band, by the way, what winners bitch ok and then the the males and females are then separated into six different classes. Yes, you get the puppy class, the twelve to eighteen month, old class, new novice, so those are dogs that are six months or they haven't one any point yet having one any first place prizes, yeah, so they can be a little older but they're still rookies. As far as the competition stage goes right in six months is the minimum age to compete in an a k c show yeah below that you're. Just there's no way they're too dumb to unpredictable and bred by exhibitor is a class of dogs where the person
showing the dog, is also the breeder near the breeder. By the way, is the owner of the dogs, mother right, there's american bread, which is any dog born in the? U s, sure I say, and then there's open. The open class is open to any dog, and this is the only class that any dog authority become a champion. Yeah can compete in the special teacher or they are, yeah, that's the only class open to the okay cause. They could just mop up all the other classes. They have to face any takers, okay in an open class or just good way, to put it so the divided up by male and female the males go first and aid, you know inspect all the males, as they do, but any other shows you know their means fondling. you give them the award ribbons. Firstly, fourth place and you don't get a points at this point, though, the first place winners of the male class have to compete for the winners dog. The females class compete for winners bitch, you wanna, say it. I've said it twice. Now I don't want to it. I find it difficult to say
it is the connotations are sure enough. Never use that word in like anger about someone, that's a it's a it's a very rough its honourable word yet another I don't think that makes me a good person or anything, but there's just a couple of things that, like I, wouldn't call my worst enemy and that's one of them gotcha I don't have any enemies, so you get the winners dog in the winners bitch. From, and this is this is the point where they start winning awards. Winning points points I mean sorry, and so this is all all these different dogs have been weeded out by the different classes and then they're. There you've got the out of all these six classes of the male cat, male version and the female version. You have winters right and then there's so. This is where the points start, being awarded than their chances for more points in the same show, any champion can come along and take the winners
on four best show or best in breed. Yes- and you get any extra points depending on how many dogs they beat out. So if you paid out a bunch of more dogs, you can earn up to five point right finds the most. I remember, a major wine is three four or five points in a win. Yes, ok! So you can we some. By being the winners dog or the winners bitch you can. The champions can take. Those guys are in the best, a breed. And then between those two- the winners bitch in the winter winners, dog, there's another walk off. I get and they came when point to ever be too and then there's the best of opposite sex yeah. That was the best of winners right in the best of opposite sex, which it says the best dog of the opposite sex of the best breed, yes, so which every dog, whether it's the winners, dog, the winners, bitch or any champion that took em on in one year, the best a breed say: that's a male that wins
right and there's another category for the winners, that's females or vice versa, the opposite best of opposites. Basically, it was like we got to this point sitting around, let's get rid of some good point or or it's like a giver, go to camp and like run a race, but you ruined ran terribly, be still got a ribbon. That is a participant now yeah. Maybe it's like that! That's like every race! Ever in that same here. Basically, I had a a trophy once that just sad face. Really. It has a lot of bad this kind of sitting at the foot of the kid with his head hung down frowning the athlete church sport. So we didn't, they didn't do a lot of trophies, even in church leagues like the ultimate victor of the church, they got a trophy, but they weren't become like ribbons and trophies the ultimate victor of the church league. I would imagine his salvation
We all one okay. So then you ve got your best of breed winner and then that dog can then advanced to a group show where all these best a breed winners compete a or a casey press, westminster, so to make that point. When you are added a specialty, show and you're aiming for westminster, which I imagine every dog is oh sure you want to invest a breed. You can win points and become a champion through winning other stuff. Like best of opposite sex, best of winners, winners, dog wonders bit right. Yes, but to move on to the next level you have to win best breed of showing you have to win a bunch. I imagine that's right and at this point half of our listeners are delighted in half,
their eyes are rolling back in their head man, but we just explained the heck out of that. I agree so or at best and show the the movie as such. Give movie if you ve not seen best and show the christopher guest film, yeah just go out and see it right now, yeah just stop! I think it's streaming right now, I'm sure it is yeah. It's really good. It's hard to pick out a favorite part of that movie, but the scene that always pops up to me is when Parker posey is trying to get a replacement was it a b, the little east of animal? She cant find it here in the guise trying to help raise like all this is yellow and black, and it was like a parent or something I can remember at all, but she's just like my here, That is very good so a little bit on the
casey. There are several hundred dog reads in the world, but they casey only recognises little over one, fifty one, fifty that's it and they separate those into groups, and yet a case he loves categorizing, breaking the pudding dogs, categories and breaking them down and then putting them in a new categories. Yeah and that's what they do here and the poor dodgers like what could have a treat? Can I get a bacon strip or what squirrel Ok, sporting dogs is one. Obviously these are dogs that are good for hunting pointers, retrievers centres and spaniels yeah as a good dogs, great dogs, hounds beagles, but on stock. Since I like hounds except for the baying behalf, owing to the hell yeah, a beagle. Have you never heard like a beagle now never had a bigger. Our allows at much higher loud insistent really is its super cute puppies, possibly the cutest puppies of any breed.
think here those and dumb oh man. What's the one I'm thinking of the little puff balls, it's it's! It asian dog villa puff balls, mouth, maltese, but is it a little dog gear in the end yeah, but though the puppies her little puff balls and they stay loop We stay puffballs like oh, a pomeranian. Yes yeah. Those are pretty cute puppet yeah, they don't even look real. It looks like squeeze 'em. It should make a little noise right. They do they do yoga. You don't want to do ok, working dogs, we're talking great danes, rottweiler saint Bernard dogs who are hardy and they even you know, are used as working dogs like search and rescue stuff. Like that and then there's terriers in the chase? Rats did maybe even eight cobra, her too
those are little schnauzers scottish terriers, also known as scotties or bull terriers, which you would recognize the spuds mackenzie yeah man. Those things are weird. Looking my buddy clay just got a giant mouser big. While this thing is like six months old and he's already as big as my biggest dog yeah sight, just wait till you see his name is bro he's a quite easy bro. At the end of this he's going to be enormous. How how big is he did you get wait. Wife, I don't know, but really big, is awesome very, very fine dog dislike her dog to be that young. In that big they don't have, troll other limbs, yet so bro just go running downstairs and just like face plant and then get up, and you know the happiest expression behind his little eyes. You can see like that there and what else toy dogs yeah two hours, poodles pugs and how you pronounce it. I always it should do that. She's she's she's a non sporting dogs- I guess,
through the intellects. This is a catch all breed and when you don't have unifying characteristics, which is kind of sad, the one unifying characteristic is these dogs don't play? They don't play bulldogs dalmatians in the american eskimo dog, which had never heard of yeah. It's basically like weed, what to do with you. Guys are right for june the nuns burned down and then to more hurting dogs like australian shepherds. And miscellaneous so remember. We said that they case he likes to classify pete dogma and there's more breeds than it recognizes. This is a group there They you can't win points. You can't win any major awards, I believe, but if there is a breed the stern and get more attention, there's more people breeding it yeah. It's like a part of the process of becoming recognized you you start out in the miscellaneous
group said that's pre recognition ass, yet cheese amen, but these people are keeping track of like those jogs cock shrewdness sending their there. They pay attention to detail alright. So the best of breeds in each of the group are going to compete in the group oh and then, if you win that group show, then you compete in the ultimate. I think we skipped that part, which is the all breed show and that's the all star game, the superbowl. That's westminster, the chess match right, the Bobby ray versus jean king. That's it that's when a m judge goes through each of these groups and picks out the best yeah right, seven groups. because the eighth can't win right and dumb. They basically go through and say your number one you're, no material number three home before her
And all of a sudden that number one is the best and show in the controversy the reps twitter goes crazy. I don't have to pay attention this year. It's it's gonna watch I've never watched the robes like ten social, but are you not been like out to create or, oh really, that that's that's nothing, I'm sure you find yourself rooting for certain dogs, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, there's always a dog theirs, is at least one thing I am sure you are aware, is like it. I like a dog at it all right. Talk about the criticism of dog shows cause. There's, definitely plenty yeah. There is out there and one of the problems that certain groups have is that when you're talking purebred dogs you're talking about breeding- and I I myself and many others- are against dog breeding cause. There's plenty of dogs out there for the taking yeah, but they they're mutts.
That's a foot, this aid, so breeders, basically bree these dogs to acquire these or to ITALY's hold onto these attributes. And that means inbreeding sometimes- and that means shorter lifespans and disease and defects, birth defects, gaelic dalmatians, tend to suffer from blindness in brain german. Shepherd suffer from hip displeasure near, and these these traits have become associated with the breed these standards the breed that the eight casey maintains near and it's kinda like well yeah. But if you, if you want to have a dog that meets all these, other criteria, is also going to get this pleasure when it six s just art of inbreeding, its narrowing of the gene pool at deftly noticed in this? Isn't a hundred per cent, of course, but all the dogs people have known who had dogs throughout the years. I've noticed more pure bred dogs dying younger
Then the months well, supposedly they have a weaker immune system. Like remember, I don't remember what episode it was, but we are talking about that experiment that some people sent people you sense to detect yeah and immune system different from yours, because when you put together european system and somebody else's immune system, dairy production, the kid should have a double the great immune system has along the honourable member that it was an honour what episode it was fun smell. Maybe maybe so-
the the the amazon wants to help. You share joy, this holiday season and, as we all know, the holidays are all about these joyful moments. That's right! You know, I remember when I was a kid. My family got my sister one of those very first cabbage patch kids, and I mean one of the first hundred ever made even before they became a nationwide phenomenon and back then you had to drive all the way up to north georgia just to get him these days. Of course and just order him with a few clicks, but of course she loved it, and she still has it to this day that doll's name was chuck and that's not a brag. I mean that was the name that came with the doll, and I remember the joy that it brought us to see her reaction to that doll. How she bonded to it was like no other holiday season. You know, and I'm not sure if I'll ever happened to nail it like that and be there at the right place at the right time. But a big part of the holiday spirit for me is finding ways to bring joy and happiness to the very.
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So remember a few minutes go we're talking about the miscellaneous category can eventually earn you status as an officially recognised breed american border, collie association. The ab ca really didn't want their dog to become recognized by the ak se because they thought that meant will once it's an official breed, then that means breeding will become more intense and these dogs, you know, will suffer from all these. that we just told you about yellow, specifically petition with eight cases into downright don't recognize us. In any case he said, workin, reckoned and other maliciously, but they're like this is what we do and we're gonna recognised it jittery. Now they were like had you now. ass. We wouldn't notify. You did so sorry, is also filed. An official objection against tail docking, which is when they amputate detailed sea, had the little nub. Yet
just tales, the ears tat, your robbing yeah, there's a lot of breeds that have these unnatural attributes that you have to perform surgery on to get near, which is counter into because you're talking about the idealized version of a breed. Why would you have to take some sort of technological step to year to reach the ideal version like? If it doesn't happen natural? It seems really it's awful yeah. It does me too, but I mean I don't even declawed my cats, so no the way to go. That's the way I but I forgot crap, all over my house. Get scratched for them Do you know holly frye of pop stuff? She was talking about how she lets her cats play on their ipad really, and I was like you must have a serious scratch guard cause. There's like cat playing apps on ipad, oh wow and and she's
I don't think we have a scratch guard well when cats play around like that, though, usually don't have the claws out there, usually just pawn around. You would hope, but yeah I wouldn't put one on my bed no way. Do I put on the little sticky things they have like clear tape, pets that you put on like your couch arm yeah and those are unsightly and collect, hair and dustin. Just one of the things if you're an animal owner, five animals. Moorhouse, it's hard did not live with them here. Do you have a rumour? Now you should probably get Aruba, it might change your life yeah, I'm in love with my vacuum cleaner. So I feel like that would be cheating on Luxy, nice, yeah, okay, that's it! So what else was there? Oh Jonah Goldberg had some words about breeding, especially with the a k c. He compares it to eugenics.
Yeah. In fact, he thought it spurred you. The gen x movement yeah, we're like oh wow. We we have this really great dog, and we should do this with humans. I'm tired of people with epilepsy. Let's just get rid of them and of course you can go back and read or listen to she is it legal to sterilize addicts yeah? That episode basically was all about eugenics. That's true, and he also contends and not really contends, is pretty obvious it. It's a beauty, pageant they're, focusing on these physical attributes and and only the aesthetic matters in his opinion, and that's not something. He says you know what you want to judge a hunting dog. Take it out, hunting right and see how it does there, because he jogs that these jogs, his dogs have jobs. You know most dogs do have a job I'm sort right, I must see how they doing their job like that's how you would truly appreciate a breed and not just its looks and
You mentioned ukase crafts- I am the english england's kennel club runs. and they do have lots of agility and stuff like that, patently their criticized going too far, the other way right that they need to bring back more confirmation. Confirmation right. But yes you, if you go to england in your into dogs, you going be very surprised because their their big show doesn't look. Anything like ours? Yet so the well we'll get into agility trials, but Is that what they have in their where you're running between the m you'd bobby we ve been going through the tunnels and obedient stuff too near an egg Is he has these things? That's just not part of the big one. The westminster show right but chuck. You would also probably oppression,
england's kennel club may be more than the a k c because they have something called scruff yeah. I want to see this televised, it's it's. Basically, the crufts for crossbreed dogs, non purebred dogs and it's just adorable that they have this and they welcome anything pretty much yeah I mean. Obviously you have to have your trained, he kept his walk about the street, but as far as breeds go you can enter your dog. The criteria are prey. Wide open and they just look for good temperament, good health and good character, which I like. So we talked about agility, try These are sometimes separate competitions altogether and then, like you, said anne incorporated into the best in show and that's where they're basically doing like a little obstacle course which is adorable off leash. I mean: did you see this picture? That is the cutest picture ever in this article? How dog shows
yeah. It says just a little terrier jumping over like a little post and he's got this look in his face. Like I'm going to do it he is going to do it he's get his tail up. Man that acute and then obedience trials are basically taking command. from the handler. Like you know, you got it, listening, summon the commands or just vocal some of em. You can't speak at all and you're just using hand gesture. It's in there to see how well trained your dog is right and yeah and that the dog can become the champion, which is the national obedience champion. Which has got to be kind of a dubious honour. Among dogs like you're, the most obedient dog in all the land, is kind of like gum, Kurt Russell when he was like the star of disney movies. It's like your movie star, but you're. Also like this, you know clean cut.
Teen rate a number of those, but even he distanced himself later. It's like nah, I'm I'm better than this. I'm snake priskin exactly here after I forgot about those early movies. Those were awesome as big fairness. What was it that the kid with two white shoes, or something like that. There are really like the noise the other pretty vanilla. So over the years we have a few little stats, the breed that is, when the most the fox terrier thirteen times, not bad. The dog that has one most, was champion. Warren remedy is this exterior who won three times in a row in the early nineteen hundreds says pretty good. My favorites reads the oldest dog to win. The eight year old pepe and oh yeah, who won in nineteen ninety nine, a champion low, tiki supernatural being
and the youngest ever was a a a rough collie named lawned loyalty of belhaven in one on it's nine, nine month birthday and nine months old, it's pretty young mcs bro. Look like an idiot bro is an idiot he's. Lovable, though I guess that's about it right, yeah, I'm gonna watch this year, I'm going to it's a. It meant tv for it for me now good. That is good. I think you'll like it and then go on to twitter and register your anger or your happiness at the winter. That'll do so maybe I'll live tweet your thumbs are going to hurt. I gotta get her twitter log in. I don't even know it well you're the twitter master artists. Leave that to you I will. I will I'll email it to you, okay and, by the way our twitter handle is as why escape pod kit. I need that part, okay, so
chuck. If anybody wants to learn more about best in show in dog, shows and to see this adorable picture of this terrier jumping in mid air means to keep picture you can type in dog shows in the search bar. It has to work, and, since I said, search bar in there, I imagine it's time for listener mail, but first chuck I feel like we should wish but he happened to you here. I hope yet a greatly thousands wealth and if it wasn't great, here's to better days and I want to wish a very, very happy birthday to my sweet and wonderful, like human happy birthday been happy birthday is received. Ok, listen! Yes, The alright I should to call this crying during music mrs frahm, Angela Columbus, ohio state buckeyes,
They, the blue, is blue michigan. Oh boo, hoo, hoo, hoo, tough, guys listen to chuck talk about his experience. Carnegie hall. Maybe one share the story. I heard a story one day about a new musical based on a book wicked, and we all know this musical now about the was revised. Skinny. I had a soundtrack for about a year before I saw it and I that there was a broadway across america tour coming to columbus, ohio, my husband and I bought tickets with a group of friends. I've been listening to the soundtrack for about a year, as I said, so I was really excited so much in the show really enjoying it getting swept up in the stage production and the acting the music was better than even thought it could be and when they hit the main sound defined gravity son by idina menzel on soundtrack. That's when it happened, I had a chuck moment broke down sobbing, like a little baby. Fuck
I mean I'm sensitive, but that's pretty hellish. Maybe this self is incredibly moving overall there point, the middle, where there's a break from the action before she hits. A third version says if you like, during the last line into this incredibly cathartic note and takes off in flight sitting here. Remember it. Actually, and that's where I can no longer control myself, all the third person, sobbing, I'm good, probably loud gasping sobs, but my My brother in law offered me comfort, but it could not control myself. I cried to the end of the song and the house. Lights were coming up with intermission
my husband gave me a hug, not really knowing why I was so moved and I still can't say why I was a massive incredibly embarrassed, but it was a beautiful moment, for this touching character speaks to me ps and this from Angela and Columbus ps. I feel a sense of strength and catharsis also currently, while listening to shake it out by florence and the machine, those the email yeah there, though thanks for sharing your sorry. What was the first named Angela thanks a lot angel, we that it's pretty cold. So what do you want to say? A dog the stories. What what do you think nah yeah sure dog, show stories? It is if you want to get in touch with us about your dog show story. You can tweet to us remembered as Y S, K, podcast and, of course, we're on facebook, facebook, dot, com, slash stuff. You should now
you can send us a good old fashioned email to stuff podcast it. I hurt radio dot com, stuff you should know, is a production of. I hurt radio for more powers that's my heart. Radio visit that I hurt radioactive apple had passed. Wherever you listen to your favorite shows Amazon wants to help you share joy. This holiday season and, as we all know, the holidays are all about these joyful moments. That's right. I remembered when my family drove up to Helen georgia when I was a kid and bought one of those very first cabbage patch kids for my sister. This was way ahead of the nation wide craze. This may have been one of the first hundred or so these dolls it. Wherever made? Actually, and of course it was a huge head. She still has it all these many years later to this day, and you know what I hope one day the gods will smile on me and I can find something like that for a love one before it breaks out its these types a moment.
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-26.