« Stuff You Should Know

Rumors, Myths and Truths Behind Obama's Health Care Plan

2009-09-29 | 🔗

In this third episode of Stuff You Should Know's health care reform series, Josh and Chuck -- and special guest Molly Edmonds -- sort through the myths, rumors and truths behind President Obama's proposed health care plan.

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Hey folks, available now from Iheart a new series presented by T Mobile for business, the rest ones join host Jonathan Strickland as he explored coming technological revolution, with e restless business leaders who stand right on the cutting edge. They know there is a better way to get things done and they are ready, curious and excited for the next technological innovation to unlock their vision of the future in each episode will learn more from the restless ones themselves and I've deep into how five g revolution could enable their teams to thrive the restless is now available on the eye heart radio up or wherever you in the podcast gas brought you by the reinvented two thousand twelve Camry. It's ready! Are you welcome to stuff? You should know from house to what extent
looking to the bar cast on Josh part with me is always tries to be Brian and with Charles to be right- and I is our colleague, healthcare reform through Molly. I think I'd be and me she's getting so that government yet well she's, not the first person, Molly considered e mail to stop pocket asked it helps the first. I e mail Molly, I'm I'm here to keep the on track on all things. Grammatical healthcare find any ledger for anything else, get at it for now. That's that's enough for a perfect. So why, for those of you just joining us, you should probably go back and listen to the first two pod Cassa we released in the special stuff. You should know healthcare form sweet, and this is a more through.
Or yes, we talked about what's wrong with healthcare in the? U S and the first one I a lot. We talked about Obama's proposal to straight up facts, and then this this one we're gonna talk about myths, yes, both from the left right, so you know those of you who are bill, O Reilly fans. You can. Down and have a mug of beer with people who are fans of and pr say, if your libertarian, your disarming you're out discover, could do whatever it? Is you guessed it those check? So, let's get started you wanna! Yes, I think one of the things that are that people keep maybe weekly throwing out is that the? U S can't really afford to tackle health, the reform right now. Man, that's a method we doing that we have observed during these are actually monitors the method. I agree with her thing about, as is with you, you may not be able to afford like a new tv right
But if you had all tv- and it was a tremendously ban value and we fear it is paying way more that tv rights where Africa to get repaired, alot yeah I mean! Then you gotta do something about it, because you just you're not gonna nail your tv, sometimes a smart, about unity! and that is the position we are in right now: healthcare form, as we pay way too much money and get way to care for for what we have said. If you like, a good deal, I think you should be behind her form. So what's the three capital? Quick? The? U S, spending about two point: four trillion dollars a year on health care that makes up a sixth of the gross domestic product and that's more than we spend on defence at the same time- we're not getting is much value out of it, so they say right, but we are entrenched in two wars in the economies in the toilet, you're saying still, we should do something about it now. How are we going to pay for that's another? That's another common criticism we keep hearing is how we gonna pay, for this
I think the specifics asked owing to be worked out by. I think that it is important to remember that the president has blood there'll, be deficit neutral, it's not an add a painting, the deficit in the ten year, the first ten years that It is in action nor after that, so you know it's something that we could possibly say as a myth, just because we don't know exactly how pay for it, but one thing: I think I'm gonna stop yeah. I liked your point. You made here that the people are afraid that the uninsured are going with him. Sorry, the insured again be paying for the uninsured. That already happens. Oh yeah, I mean there's estimate that families are paying about a thousand more in their premiums. Just because people who are uninsured still shop and hospital you may get treated and individual pays about four hundred more and so doctors and hospitals likely ship. Those cost us be does that mean I gotta get paid for somehow answer and then no insurance companies will pay. So, let's goods, First set out a little more. In uninsured worker day labour gets hurt on the job. The boss comes
and dropped him off at the e r. The hour by fellow Mandate has the truth that man stabilizing fixes wound whatever rain, but he walks away here comes in and dropped him off at the hour. The are by federal mandate has to treat that man stabilizing fixes wound whatever rain, but he walks away. He doesn't pay, he doesn't have any insurance in impossible, easier illegally say so. What you're saying is the hospitals will end up charging more for patients that have insurance, they'll charge of insurance companies more and then the insurance companies turnaround in charge more, acts for the uninsured that covers the uninsured, that's in place right now. Right! That's that's thinking, I am the thinking that came up these numbers that we are already paying for people who show up without insurance and serve these people than heritage. If this plan work, so we can get everyone ensured, then that would kind of sea sat. There have been no control, the CASA
That would be great. So this is a one trillion dollar proposal over ten years. So clearly, just dumb making sure everyone has insurance in and of itself is gonna, be very expensive right. It is a myth, then, that there won't be higher taxes. People who say make a quarter of a million dollars more year. I think I it's impossible but will actually have in place. But that is the president's current preferences that we tax people who make more than two and fifty thousand dollars a year, and then I noticed a point that the president, in people I Nancy Policy have made- is that those people had been getting a lot of breaks over the previous eight years. What, and so they think that this is going to sort of balance at out got out without going to political about it, but that's Wang said sure can help himself. Data started that lessons. Arians Nancy Policy said not me
so guises lightened the mood a little bit about death panel spring a little comedy under this one. This is by the most pervasiveness, I would say about healthcare form and arguably the most ass, an eye when you say I am, I think, if you We are told that you might be put to death gigantic a very seriously, yet you will take it seriously. Worm saying the I guess, the young, the thought process behind their interpretation of the house bill about end of life, counselling, that's what it's about right, so basically in the hospital. Says Medicaid our Medicare can be read burst for voluntary, end of life, counselling right, it didn't say anything about the patient, sigh, in signing a resuscitation order or do not have assisted order or any any anything like that? That has nothing to do with actually terminating a patient's life right,
it's the way they made. It sounds like they would stick the panting grandma's hand and like put it on the line, and if she just falls asleep in its scope his across shores and all of a sudden there that do not respect the eight order recommended one less old person. We have to worry about getting an organ transplant for because review ten minute and I don't want it is a myth, and not only is it a myth is career, ruin or two. If you speak out too much, you guys heard about Betsy Mccoy Johnston. Does the lady he hasn't adulterated. Oh yeah, I've ever seen them all. It's pretty good. I want it. Caught came up with the term right now to my wronger blurs you just the one he's sitting pointed she's, she gets credit for cleaning up. She was so vociferous about it. So you know I hears the thing without pointing fingers at who came up with a right. No one wants to die right too because I don't want to die and they also provide don't. I spend a lot of time thinking about how they're gonna die right, and so the fact there
even brain. This conversation up just makes an uncomfortable for some people write. The fact of the matter is that We all have in our head that we'd like to die, maybe peacefully at Rome, and the matter is now most people die in a hospital or a nursing facility. Is that eighty percent? Whereas eighty six percent would prefer not to die there, Gambia, eighty percent or diner- What we are trying to do is to respect on up my shouldn't say we like thought me trying to this, but why these girls are trying to do. Is extra that if you do, have a wish about how you die or who makes the decisions at that time when you may be can't speak for yourself that those wishes are respected. The r p has come out in support of this, because the fact of the matter is that no, even if you don't like to talk about it, it's gonna happen. Let's have the conversation, and if you have the conversation paid for by Medicate America, but but you don't have to have the conversation if you'd only has completely voluntary, and even if you have a you're, not gonna, leave that meeting with the living will necessarily or
again, our order, you're gonna leave just knowing what your options are, but there wasn't put my thing in him, but this is really good idea to me sure, and also on Stuart, pointed out on in the interview that you can just as easily come out of it with a resuscitated, any cost order written. So it's it's not just specifically about DE in another. Death penalty should call it life, no matter what, because the death penalty scares the tar I know elderly act, there were that's ever think that was the most when it was odious. Things come out of this health care for debate was the death penalty was just it was specifically geared to scare the elderly? They? You know, they already have enough things to worry about me. I think that some of the elderly spheres about this will are found him and you here, there's gonna, be cuts domestic care and that there might be incident incidences of euthanasia, which this is not true. The death penalty is not true,
There will be cuts to Medicare. You can't get around that you're sort about that reaches its that's. That's something that you raise in the some article that it won't effect. Medicare is it is. It is a myth, through its promises. The president, has made in terms of benefits that, if you are a Medicare recipient that you will still have the same benefits that you ve always had right. The matter is a large part of the funding, for these proposals will likely come from Medicare, because the way that Medicare operates now is probably unsustainable. So by making these cuts and incentive. As in doctors, to be me fishing in the way they treat patients moratorium, a bundling services, wrangling service. So actually we spoke checking. I spoke to Doktor Michael Rosen, who's, the chief wellness officer, the clean when it came in appropriately Enough Cleveland Ohio, and he's also the co author of the. U, the owners manual book Series and he talked about a bundling services
It's based around woods called accountable organizations like a group that in charge of the health of an individual patiently, youth, here's what he had to say about that. So I like accountable organizations, meaning that I, that someone pays, if you will, I, whether its myself or the cleaving clinic where work pays for my health care, and I don't have to worry about it and they gather set amount of money. Whether I need sixteen to six reactions and for if you will revisions, therefore total hips to darling, don't need or whether I need none in the goal of them of those organisations would be than to keep me healthy so that I don't need any major technology proceed.
Teach me how to brush my keys and fossil. I need no teeth extractions right, so that would that's what I mean by pay for accountable outcomes. So if you couldn't tell Doktor Rosen's very hip on prevention, rather than an can preventative to write in he's he's also on board with accountable organization and he's also, evidently a border to extract. He is a good example sixteen. That is why I mean anybody can approach to extraction right, but the point is there: there has to be a group that is in charge of the care of the individual right and in that way you can hold their group accountable, you're, paying that group and you say, keep this person well and if they do need treatment. This is your pool of money that you had to extract from it. I, like so many teeth and here's the problem. This is where I think alike.
The fear comes about. Is what happens when that money runs out? Can doctors be trusted to say or going still, keep treating you or are they going to try to skins on there? And I mean? Is there a real fee, I think it's valid. You know we would like to thank the doctors become much more efficient. There is evidence that there is a lot of waste in the medical system, and ideally how this will work, as doctors will say. Yes, we will become more efficient with this pool of money we have, but You just never know what cases gonna come up, that you can't treat a person that poor money with Somalia is brought up Another point is the rationing healthcare right? That's another huge fear among you know, just then the elderly, but anybody like it if, if this bundling of payments goes beyond just Medicare and it becomes a standard, I guess one of the ways it would become a centre would be to have some sort of panel that approves medical procedures right,
and there are some panels in these bills, but they do not approve medical procedures. Let's talk about those these cost effectiveness panels, arduous to come in and decide which treatments are effective. There's no evidence that they would come and say you can only it s, because it's cheap and might be helpful to compare. Quickly, how Britain Rations Healthcare withstood? Ok, so they ve got. This committee called ironically enough, nice that stands for National Institute of Health and clinical excellence and then there under the any, which is their big public system, Brook so, let's say There is a drug that thirteen thousand dollars- and it's gonna- be their standard, a life from a point, five to appoint seven, there everyone standards of life from zero to London, and it the same everyone's to quality of life is considered important, whether your seventy seven year old woman or a twelve year old boy, so
improve your centre of life. From point five, two point: seven point: two: it's gonna help live fifteen years longer at hey, that's been proven and study so point two times. Fifteen is three, so they get a multiple and then so, that's three, that's what they call three qualities: quality adjusted life here, so their Ssangyong Polly of Life has been adjusted for these three years. It's like a mould, I said, then, that divide the total cost of the drug by the multiplier, and cost per year amount in this case. If the druggist ten thousand dollars and your quality is three. The drug costs five thousand dollars a year and that's the number on which be nice would approve or not. Approve the drug and nice basically approves anything basically thing: about forty five thousand a year are below so it's gonna base or system on that. Now that that son
When people talk about rashly Healthcare, Britain says: yes, we have rationed healthcare and that's how they do it and there's nothing like that in any of these proposals with socks and more about actually for we do that. I want to bring up another point that worries me and that is that these these panels, that approve medical procedures could lead to a stifling of innovation right, that possibility, I don't think so, because if you look at me- and even if you talk about Britain, it's not like Britain's away behind a symmetrical innovation, it's in some countries they went Oh, do a lot more with a lot less right. So isn't that sort of the true definition of innovation? I think so. I think you basically have to prove it. Works I mean we may not allow people to say this pill take heed of Mars, if it long, but what, if we said this post dynamite, with its approval, how do they mean dynamite like explosive? Just time might like awesome, awesome? Ok, I mean they deftly whenever something us explain. In my opinion,
that's more like I'm. No dog Anthea happened after yeah, so I think it's just you know making people prove the quality. The problems so far is that we have a lot of care, not necessarily north, it works, but it's really expensive right, and this is just ensuring that people have to prove it works and instead of spending all this money on marketing their drugs. Companies might have to spend more money on research and development, which I think we can argue would benefit patients more than marketing, sure boy lesson After that, the pharmaceutical people came came through there, preventive, hutch. Whenever they walk in and go, we got some dynamite pills, no well, who knows what happened behind the doors, but there are literally like seven of them. They spaced out like every five or ten minutes, and it came walkin in with her the suit case that you know it is full of joy, ass. They went in the back and then they came out and in the next few weeks so then the doktor! Finally comes out after the last when leaves in his little were, is low reflectors,
you? Don't you feel good yeah so is that how it goes our Molly's at a method truth he I'm night, I wanna come in on doktor feel gets personal yeah warmer too much as a whole different. I'm the one thing that I think out almost entirely: isn't it big farmer hasn't been made a part of this almost at all that it's not a part of health care. This might be a way to make them more accountable NATO as these a pen. That will evaluate past effectiveness of treatments, but, let's Rio, again, that these panels or not designed to say to you? You can't have the struck right. It's just saying. We think this drug is the most cost effective. Why don't you try that before trying one? That is, more experimental may not work as well, so on and so forth. Its not designed to get between a doctor and a patient. Ok good. Just a last point: the acute concern about russian Healthcare,
very delicate, but there's a lot of people who say you know we can. I need a rat in health care. You pointed out that health care is already read by the health insurance companies right in a bi annual limit, Sir lifetime maximums of fur care, and by denying coverage to people exact with pre existing conditions. But I think this this whole idea that we may need rash and care is kind of based on an idea that the average patient abuses, this health care infrastructure right that there's so much available and we have so little conception of value to actually what we're taking advantage that will say none on what the MRI in that case, they think we touch them in the first one. Didn't it that's, that's very for both sides to say the patient pie once more care more care, because we have a lot of people who know what's out there for them to take advantage of, and then I'm sure you also talked touched on that doctors are paid.
Reservists. They were I to a patient who said: there's incentives on both sides for jocular dissipation and for the same thing, even if its not working exotic, landfill, better and so Medicare. This bundling, it's gonna, be sort of the testing ground for trying to do this within our system as a whole. That's the idea, I dont know how it will shake out in the end brought. So can you say that the deadly, whether rationing health care number one a myth or truth that is going to happen when we take Britain Stephanie the White rationed. Healthcare is in terms of a panel making its way
you can or cannot have the strap than no there's nothing in these bills? That would do that much, whether eventually there will be no fewer services and fewer of these people going in and getting every single service they asked for as possible that might that might decrease, but there could be a good thing. I could the criminals really can make the point that this is very similar to government prohibitions on drug use or something or you know you have to be a certain age to buy tobacco or two by alcohol on that's pretty much arbitrary, and this is actually a little more fully saying now. We have this huge infrastructure. You guys are causing us two point. Four trillion dollars a year, a lot of an unnecessary, so I dont you could argue the point that maybe somebody does need to step in and say you can't do this That's stupid that you, but then, on the other hand, you got some one who takes you? No nine tests in the ten point, what have been the one? The worked if they feel in any way that they didn't get that tenth tests. Because of you know they got nine Gran. That's where people start to get one.
Is there any mechanism to sue the pants off of the person who denied you that tenth test, while laboured currently with The whole medical malpractice thing right: there wasn't a physician if it was it the government panel. If something like that, can you see the government could get very kinky declared? You know some of them decisions that the nice panel makes are controversial. I mean they deny a lot of really expensive cancer treatments and, as a result, Britain has no work. Cancer survival rates in the? U S does You're. Whether someone is trying to see you, I don't think so bad you can pay in England right. Our colleague Ali Dempsey pointed out yesterday that you can actually pay for better, better care. That was awful, Everyone I just want to apologize to leave. The check is terrible, terrible impression of his British Aggies actually not forming when he's from a small island. That's not been yet named maneuver, they were very odd accent there so guys
I dont know a good way to put this. Let's talk about abortion is a myth. Great icebreaker by the Way Phoenix Dinner Party Josh having deja vu. We should keep that in your car Would you rather have a lot of episodes of stuff? I never told you start out if anyone's interested represent on a scale of talk about abortion, really, so we have to overcome any go. Listen up, I guess, but when issues thing. You know. Obviously, people who want women to have the right to an abortion would like to see abortion be a necessary benefit by the government, what that? But these bills provides the gunman to come in and say these are three the insurance plans have to cover to be considered bout insurance, man right the minimum coverage right. So there is a big deal about a lot of things would be covered like mental health. How much will that be covered? Abortion is the big one that is dicey, cause. No, you know no I'm antiabortion person must pay for someone else's abortion right. So how the house is compromised on this is that
I am helper. I can choose whether to provide it. It doesn't matter if you want these essential benefits, but it can be, and if you do worship. The thinking is that you would pay not with these. Subsidies that are available to people, but you'd have to pay out of pocket for that in It was on the abortions that's defined, as you know, in the grey zone, the the rape sort. Russian writer, Xyz Senate fight, the Senate, finds committee bill as it stands now prohibits funding except in cases of rape and says or endangerment to the woman's life? Right and that's I mean that's the bill. That's the planned that a lot of like Congress people, for example, have the government are currently pays for abortions under those qualifications?
and also the finance committee vote, which has just relief yesterday and but you said it's not the final version right. It's his mark said also get through this advance committing the chairman's mark on on abortion. They continue to say that the bill would prevent abortion coverage for being included in a minimum benefits package and in the health insurance exchanges were shot for the coverage, but the plans in exchange could include they could offer abortion coverage as long as no government subsidies pay for it. Instead, the cover to be funded through member payments, which are segregated from the federal money back. That's what the finest commitment is. Yes, that's! system of how the house had it as well. Is it, and basically the thinking is that any given area should be able to choose one plan that has
can cover them on plan that doesn't, but they would be as others new article two they would be. The same plan set one covers abortion in one, doesn't: ok, it's everything else is the same in they be the same price. I imagine, I think, Syria, what for the total plan, the total bill If you're in the market place those insurance marketplaces, you're talking about you should have a choice of a planet. Has abortion enjoys the planet got so you'd have like a premium abortion pro plus, and then this premium? No abortion plus plan. Right next to each other, and they should be the same. The same cost is to give people a choice rather too much total bill noticing defiance bills about a hundred and fifty billion dollars cheaper. Do you remember how, when we went into the market place and looking at all those insurance, yet there now I get an can be choice, choice. You can have the choice to have the plan that has the choice
submits his blue move off. My mind is melting over the table. I am guys, can we talk about something that President Obama loves? It usually the first thing he kicks off with. If you like your insurance plan, you can keep that plant yeah volley. Edmund says that is not necessarily true start, looking down the road and read between the lines drawn other thing, as is when a bomb went out the summer Dennis town halls, I think that if you had a nickel for every time, he told people that, if you like your plane, you can keep a he would have enough to find healthcare form. But I think, if you are paying attention to this, she made the famous speech to Congress. You'll knows that that phrase did not appear in the speech, because I think he's realise that he can't promise people that their plan will stay exactly the same under these reform. We sing you can keep it, though not necessarily there would be the exact same plan. Your keeping over TAT was how you sort of pitching you like your doctor. You can have your doctor and that the fact of the matter is that your plans gonna change.
To build in these consumer protection. So that's a great change. You know you want people to be dropped by insurance company. I, the countess that discriminate for pre existing conditions. And then your plan will have about five years, probably to come up to speed with all these other plans will be grandfathered in two that minimum set of benefits we were talking about, but you, in that market place when they start competing for alleys, uninsured customers. We don't know why current plans will have to do to stay financially viable wherever they may have to slash services. They have to slash services. That kind of stuff happens. Way, though your insurance plan, ways in the same. Today's was five years ago without other said, government competition s tramp and If you dont know higher planned change over the five years, you may not notice how your plan changes when the drop in steel right yeah. No, I want first of all it and have insurance five years ago, but I couldn't tell you what it looked like last year, right, you're living in the mountains of you like
I mean the only way you're going to know is, if you go to the doctor and all the Sunday don't accept your insurance or if something that used to be covered, if it covered a more, but that's just to right now that it's impossible to say one way or the other, whether things will be the same or not, but the Out of this from one I'm reading is like the outlines of but who knows how this is going to shake out? Sometimes you have to wonder if we have to believe the best about people are the worst about. He found there. I think like what it comes down to keep running across. You mentioned that this whole thing is a roar, shack. Tester. The public option is worse. I test really what it comes it is. Can you trust doctors to not skimp on health care, whether being mob paid him bundle right had sketched sketchy If it's not, it is not about reset it twice. I love it became you. Can you trust that the government panels won't, you know, stifle innovation,
If it does come under threat, the insurance company so much where they can't stay in business or can you trust, Obama that this isn't really planned? It ultimately create a single payer system. And can you trust individuals to take it upon themselves to like Doktor Rosen, as Iraq Advocate of two to take on preventive care, you leave room for health, is on the patient as much as the doktor. An array of the good mindset is clearly budget no, but I think that that's what they're, using as an excuse, I mean some one who would be against a big public option. Herb really subsidize talk. I would say this person got themselves into this mess because they smoked there ever way, right or so on, and so looking I just what the mistake a one person made, is like not seeing the forest for the trees, all these pieces working together in a way that we can isolate blame at any one, but that's why this discussion is turned into saying that the worst is gonna happen about these people agreed and actually when which both the rose and if I can bring him back again, he said that
apparently. Basically us not caring at all about our health is causing this
we more than any other sector of of the health care of healthcare spending. He put it like this. Seventy five percent of all health care costs are caused by chronic disease that is caused by four factors: tobacco, food choices and portion size, physical inactivity and stress so weak and reinvigorate primary care by paying physicians to teach these things, because what gets paid for gets done and what gets done gets taught well. So, in fact, we have a tremendous opportunity of paying physician to do this and saving a huge amount of money. In fact, if all we do is a programme and I'll go to the exact bill, it's called S. Sixteen forty take back your health that does this for five diseases corner disease type. Today,.
Babies, metabolic syndrome, breast cancer and prostate cancer. We save after paying Ford, we save one point nine trillion over ten years. So clearly, as was pointed out, Molly you are right. I mean it comes in very large part comes down to us changing our perception about our own health and taking responsibility for him right. Let's do one last one you have minds into another in listener mill Let's just are we moving towards socialized country this one Well, do you know the definition of socialized country chuck, I do not just go state owned and operated in ST yeah. So not only is the government paying your bills, their hiring your doctors and running your husband at all right. So that's what Britain does and then there's our fear of a single pair system, which
Obama has. A few choice quotes the people like to pull up saying that he would like a single pair system right. That's what Canada has were all abolishes, go straight to the government. No questions asked by one right does in Taiwan. Actually would civic is willing to talk about healthcare systems from around the world beyond in the next one? Most countries have some form of single payer, but whether we ve been promising meekly american system because we are a uniquely amount. Too late at this point that anything new, If we wanted to switch to socialize medicine, we can do it now. I think you could, over the course of a hundred years made, but I you know were certainly not there. With these proposals, there's no need to fear these specific bills as any sort of move towards a single parent or suchlike. Medicine One of the men servants, though, is that the says this public option is willow. We run the other insurance companies out of business and then we'll have a de facto single payer system, because
The only man left standing will be the public option I is there is that one of the fears that concerns that is a concern on the public option is so in the air right now there would be hard for us too, to making sort of conclusion or whether that's a myth or not. You know that's the thing that just came out this week. The Senate financed take it all marked up that went for collapse. So. You know how I come up work in the system, verses. Would a public lamby so that rain ours is such a shadowy thing that I think we should avoid avoid speculating on it agreed reed. No, we don't want to stir up anymore fears that the whole point of this podcast was to lay them pretty much writer, at least No you're right. You should be scared. Out of your mind, here's my guess. I don't think they could do anything to put every insurance company out of business now, that's what I think they felt the one, or at least the mutineers? If there are no more private insurance companies in American I'll, buy you a beer
any one, of course I'll be didn't in your speech. You will be because the deliberation, your healthcare exactly face the death penalty. No, I want to live so you so sorry guys about it right. Guy anymore, miss you wanna, come oh, I know one illegal immigrants yeah oh you got your get away without talking about this. I know this is a big one, as, as I saw actually in the House bill, it's it's basically says actually does say. If you're born in the United States and you're not covered your automatically cover, does that amount to covering illegal immigrants and are not necessarily the people who are you know that same day, labour who went into the e r right at we're not talking about him necessarily, but the children of illegal immigrants will be covered under that land, So I mean that is technically correct, that immigrants must now
children will be covered right, but they they themselves, the children would be cool illegal. No, they now you're goin on american soil you're. An american there is no legislative. I mean that's nice, there's no be no law. That says that bridge generally thought if you're born on american soil, your american citizen, so technically they wouldn't. We encourage illegal immigrants does in any other way, while the way it was explained to me is that illegal this will not be able to receive any sort of subsidies, because there be too much need for proof about where they were born and where they all our paper would have to be in order to get these subsidy run, but as possible would be able to enter the exchange and buy insurance because they would be no support I mean there's nothing that we keep them out of the market rise in pay than welcome to the to the game you around that some people are right to say welcomed, came right, Molly. I am looking forward to your second career as a diplomat seriously. Thank you again
coming in and will see you next time. We cover another one of your articles, which is healthcare systems around the world and how they compare the? U S. Deck arises: gummy back he s, soul, chucks, goatee, we'll talk about different countries, people already emailing say, and what about us and Canada in England, in your yeah, Norway and Iceland, responding with pipe downward we're gonna get to your right, your pants on. If you are looking for a place to me, and I think that that pakistan- in the meantime, you can basically take advantage of Molly admins giant sponge like brain and learn everything you need to know about healthcare form by typing, healthy reform in the handy search bar how stuff works, dot com, by the way, if you want to send us an email praising is condemning us telling us that were in favour of illegal immigration, whatever descended to stuff podcast at how stuff works, dot com, For more on this and thousands of other topics, how works out com
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Transcript generated on 2020-01-28.